… · Web view“Good...

“Good Business” Project A WebQuest for 6-12 Social Studies/Economics Weebly Link: Designed by Dominique A.B. Cesar [email protected] Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Introduction How many of you wish you could change something in your community? How many of you wish you could make good money? What if I said you can change your community? What if I told you that you could change your community while making good money? Well, welcome to the world of Social Enterprise! Social enterprise is a billion dollar industry where people with a desire to change their communities and the world use business ideas to make a living while funding projects that make a difference. For this project, you guys will be Community Teams competing against each other for a grant to fund your social business or legislative bill.

Transcript of… · Web view“Good...

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“Good Business” ProjectA WebQuest for 6-12 Social Studies/Economics

Weebly Link:

Designed by

Dominique A.B. [email protected]

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits |

IntroductionHow many of you wish you could change something in your community? How many of you wish you could make good money? What if I said you can change your community? What if I told you that you could change your community while making good money? Well, welcome to the world of Social Enterprise!

Social enterprise is a billion dollar industry where people with a desire to change their communities and the world use business ideas to make a living while funding projects that make a difference.

For this project, you guys will be Community Teams competing against each other for a grant to fund your social business or legislative bill. At the end, we as a class will vote to determine which pitch was best and deserves the grant.

In doing this Social Studies and Economics assignment, you will learn more about social issues and problems that affect your community and the world; you will learn about legislation related to your cause, how the world deals with these problems, and you explore creative ways you can help solve or end these issues or problems in your community.

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The Task

Your task for this assignment is to research specific aspects of an assigned social issue then design a business idea or invention that will help fight this social issue. To complete this assignment, you will first have to show you competency in research by exploring various questions related to a social issue and citing the reputable sources you found information on. These questions relate the issue in the World, in the US, and in Law. 

Next you will show competency in writing. To complete this project, you will need to do an Individual Report and Business Proposal (Group Report) detailing the answers to the questions you explored relating to your assigned social issue. You will display competency in working with a team by showing that you can work together with your Community Team members to create an idea and convey that idea in a persuasive manner.

Finally, you will need to show competency in technology through using Gmail to maintain community with your teammates, Google Drive (formerly Google Docs) to complete and submit your Individual Report & Business Proposal, and Prezi (or PowerPoint) to design and submit an Oral Business Presentation to your classmates. At the end, you will complete a survey and decide as a class which Community Team gave the best presentation and deserves the Grant. .

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The Process

The Most important thing to remember as you begin to work on this assignment is your assigned Social Issue, its related law, and your Role on the Community Team. Workload is broken up by specific questions for specific Role players to answer. On the first day, you will be assigned a Social Issue and decide who will play what role on your Community Team.

The Social Issues  and Laws to be researched are: Domestic Violence: Violence Against Women

Act Drug Abuse: Drug Court Effectiveness Hunger: Global Food Security Act Homelessness: Homeless Meters Gun Violence: Stand Your Ground Law and Poverty: Criminalizing Poverty

The World Activists: This person is responsible for gathering the fact sheet for the issue and how it relates to the following countries: England, China, and India 

How many people are affected by this issue in each given country? Is it more or less than the number of people affected in the US?

Do these countries have laws in place to combat the issue? (If so, given one example for each country)

From your research, do you think these countries are better or worse than the US about fighting these issues?

 The Lawyer: This person is responsible for gathering information related to legislation and social programs related to this issue

State the law. What does it mean in everyday

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language? What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of

the law? Do you as a group agree or disagree with the

law? Why? If you could change this law, would you? What

would you add or take out?

The Treehugger: This person is responsible for gathering the fact sheet for how this issue relates to St. Lucie County, Florida, & the US 

How many people are affected by this issue in the US: locally (in the county), statewide (in Florida), and in the Country (in the US)

What are some social programs (government run) OR nonprofit organizations that work to fight this issue?

The Entrepreneur: This person is responsible for designing and detailing the business idea/invention that will fight your assigned issue

What is the idea? How does this relate to the issue? (have some sort of design to display)

Who is your target market? (teens, adults, athletes, leaders, etc-who are you trying to sell it to?)

 How would you advertise it? How will the money made/invention help the

issue?Day 1-Setup Day1.      First, you will be assigned a Social Issue. Then you will be places into teams of 4 where will choose what role you wish to play. The role options are as follows:

The World Activist: This person is responsible for gathering the fact sheet for the issue and how it relates to the following countries: England, China, and India

The Treehugger: This person is responsible for gathering the fact sheet for how this issue relates to St. Lucie County, Florida, & the US 

The Lawyer: This person is responsible for

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gathering information related to legislation and social programs related to this issue

The Entrepreneur: This person is responsible for designing and detailing the business idea/invention that will fight your assigned issue

2.      Once your group roles have been chosen, you will need to create a Google Drive accounts 

Go to and click “Drive” in the options from that top black strip

If you already have a Gmail or Google Calendar account, simply sign in using your login. 

If you do not already have an account with Google, click the red “Sign Up” button in the top right corner

Fill out the required information to make an account. When choosing a username, I recommend creating a professional account like [email protected] so you can use it in the future. Make your password something you will remember. You do not have to provide a real phone number for privacy reasons. For privacy reasons also, uncheck the Google + option at the bottom of the signup form. And that’s it! You're in!

3.      Once you are logged in and your account is set up, you will need to send me an email.

Click on the “Gmail” link in that top black bar and it should open in a New Tab

Once in, send me an email with your name, email account, Social Issue, and Role. Pay attention to all these tabs (Gmail, Drive, Calendar) as this is where you will find your due dates, reminders, and documents related to this project. This is also where you go to turn in assignments. I will instruct you on how to do this later. 

4.      Now go back to Google Drive tab. You will need to create a document so you can save all the work you do in class in one place.

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You should see a red button that says “Create." Hit this button and press “Document.” It should

open a new tab with a blank Microsoft Word Document. 

Click on the words “Untitled Document” and rename the document your initials, cause, and role (eg:dac_hunger_treehugger)

Press Okay to save and that’s it online for today! Close the Document tab and go back to the Google Drive tab. In your groups, you guys will spend the rest of your class period coming up with your “game plan” for the project. Remember that now you can all connect through Google, so feel free to set up reminders in the calendar, send each other emails when not at school, and upload pics or files that might help our group mate. 

Day 2-Research Day1.      The World Activists and Lawyers for all Groups will start on the computers. Log into their Gmail accounts. You will always check your emails daily before you start working on the projects as this is where your teacher will email you any important information.

2.      Once you have checked your email, go to your Google Drive. You should see a new document called “Good Business: Written Report Requirement” (also linked here).This is a copy of the requirements for  your Individual Reports and Business Proposal. You can either copy and paste these requirements to your document that you made yesterday or you can simply reference the requirements as you go. Remember that each person should:

1.      Answer all questions specific to their role 2.      The answers should total to 250-300 words

with no grammatical errors (word count for ALL questions, not for each question)

3.      Answers should reflect research found in at least three sources: one (1) book and two (2) websites

4.      Wiki will not count as a website  5.      You need to cite all sources appropriately

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in APA format

3. As you begin to research, use the links on the Resource tab that relate to your issue and role to get you started. You will have the 45-minutes, or half the period block, to work on this.

Remember to write all your information on your initials_cause_role document and save all your references also g soo you can cite them later. This is the document that you will email to turn in when you are completely finished.

4.  While the World Activists/Lawyers are on the computers, The Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs should be researching using books and textbooks. (Remember that at least one book source is required and must be cited on the Individual Report.) 5. After 45-minutes, your time is up! The World Activists/Lawyers will trade off with The Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs on the computers, and they will begin to research using books and textbook. 6. Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs will now follow the steps 1-4 until the end of the block.

Day 3-Research Day1.      Today is another Research Day in the Media Center or Library; only Treehuggers /Entrepreneurs will start out on the computers and World Activists/Lawyers will begin this block using book and textbook resources. Remember to check your email before you begin. 2.      As you begin to research, use the links on the Resource tab that relate to your issue and role to get you started. You will have the 45-minutes, or half the period block, to work on this.*  Remember to write all your information on your name_cause_role document and save all your references also so you can cite them later.  This is the document that you will email to turn in when you are completely finished.3.      While the Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs are on the

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computers, The World Activists/Lawyers should be researching using books and textbooks. (Remember that at least one book source is required and must be cited on the Individual Report.) 4.      After 45-minutes, your time is up! The Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs will trade off with The World Activists/Lawyers on the computers, and they will begin to research using books and textbook. 5.      World Activists/Lawyers will now follow the steps 1-4 until the end of the block.**Use your time wisely; you will only have one more Research Day in School to work on your Role Report. Because we are using Google Drive, you may also work freely from home.**

Day 4-CollaborateThis day will be spent collaborating in groups without computers. On this day, groups should inventory what all has been completed, what all still needs to be done, and how they can help each other accomplish these goals. They should also begin discussing a plan for the presentation. Remember that you are all connected through Google, so feel free to set up events in the calendar, send each other emails when not at school, and upload pics or files that might help our teammates.

Day 5-Last Research Day1.      Today is the last day to research for specific roles, so use your time wisely. We will repeat Day 2. The World Activists/Lawyers for all Community Teams log into their Google accounts. Don’t forget to check your Gmail before starting.2.      As you begin to research, use the links on the Resource tab that relate to your issue and role to get you started. You will have the 45-minutes, or half the period block, to work on this.

 Remember to write all your information on your name_cause_role document and save all your references also so you can cite them later. This is the document that you will email to turn in when you are completely finished.

3.      While the World Activists/Lawyers are on the computers, The Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs should be

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researching using books and textbooks. (Remember that at least one book source is required and must be cited.) 4.      After 45-minutes, your time is up! The World Activists/Lawyers will trade off with The Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs on the computers, and they will begin to research using books and textbook. 5.      Treehuggers/Entrepreneurs will now follow the steps 1-4 until the end of the block.

**Remember that Day 5 is your last research day in school, but you can continue to work from Home. Individual Reports must be emailed to me and your Community Team by the 5:00 of Day 6**

Day 6-Report Day

1. Today, the entire class will be in the computer lab and should be putting the final touches on their Individual Reports. Remember these reports are only 250-300 words long, so content should stick to the main information that answers your Role questions as laid out in your Instructions page. 

2. Upon completion of this document, you need to send your report to your teacher and your Community Team

To do this, click the blue "SHARE" button in the right hand corner. A dialog box will come up

When that box comes up, look to the bottom of the dialog box where it says "INVITE PEOPLE" and enter the email addresses of each of your Community Team members and your teacher.

Once you enter their emails, click the box that says "Can Edit" and change to "Can View"

Next to "Notify people.." click "add a message" and enter your Name, Social Issue, and Role

Then check the boxes for "Send a copy to myself" and "paste the item itself in the email" 

Just hit "Share & Save" and you are finished. Check you email to verify you received a copy (***this is important in case a group member or your teacher claims they did not receive the email; you can forward it to them again before the due date)

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3.      Once groups members start sending completed reports, it is now up to the Treehugger to organize these individual assignments into one final report. (Remember: The Treehugger is responsible for this as they completely slightly less research work than their teammates. Still, as other team members complete their Individual Reports, they should help the Treehugger as the Business Proposal will reflect on all team members grades)

The Treehugger can do this by copy/pasting all the Individual Reports into one single Microsoft Word document in Google Drive.Once they have all the documents in one, they should change the document name to socialissue_business/inventionname

Now, they can edit and proofread all sections to make sure that the report will flow smoothly 

 Before submitting this document, the Treehugger should ensure that all names are listed at the top of the document and all sources are cited correctly.

After they have finished all this, they should email the final Business Proposal to the Teacher and their fellow Community Team

**It will be The Lawyers responsibility to make sure that the teacher receives a paper copy of the Business Report on your Presentation Day**

Day 7-Prezintaion Work Day1.      Now, in the last leg of the Project, all students need go to the computer to create a Prezi. Go to watch the “Ideas Matter” video on that home page.2.        After watching this, you can decide whether you want to create Prezi Presentation or PowerPoint Presentation. If You PowerPoint-If you decided to make a PowerPoint

At this point, you  may break apart and meet at you  Entrepreneur's computer  

Entrepreneurs will create a PowerPoint in Google Drive by going to the Drive home page and selecting "Create"

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They should see the word"Presentation" next to a yellow box as an option. Click it

That is it! If you want, you can start with adding information. You don't have to use their pre-made backgrounds, if you find images or templates somewhere else, feel free to use those as your backgrounds

If You Prezi- If your group decides to make a Prezi, go on the the next steps 

Click “Sign Up Now” Once there, sign up for the public view account

as it is free.  Now that you are in, DO NOT immediately start

creating a Prezi. Go to “Learn and Support” and watch the video “Get started with Prezi.” After you watch this video, all Team members should meet at one computer.

4.      At this point, Community Teams should be working on either the PowerPoint/Prezi Presentations. If you chose to make a Prezi, meet at the Entrepreneur’s computer and decide as group what Prezi background you want to work with 5.      After this has been decided, The Entrepreneur should begin working on their portion of the Prezi presentation while other group members begin collaborating on strategy for the oral presentation. (Unlike PowerPoint, only one person can edit the Prezi at a time)6.      The Entrepreneur will have thirty-minutes (30) to work on their portionIf You PowerPoint Before logging off, you need to share the Presentation with your Community Teammates

Select the blue "Share" button  "Invite People" the same way you did for the

Individual Report Don't forget to allow them to edit the

Presentation as well as view it

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If You Prezi- before logging off, they need to share the Prezi with their Community Teammates.

 They can do this by going back to the homepage of their Prezi Account and hovering over the group’s Prezi until the words “Edit” and“Share” appear. Click “Share”

 A dialog box should pop up and you should see where it says “Add People”

 Start entering your Community Teammates’ email addresses

You will notice the options are automatically set on “Editor” do not change this. All members need to be able to go in and edit the Prezi?PowerPoint.

7.      Entrepreneurs, you are done! Switch off with the World Activists so they can begin adding their portion to the Prezi/PowerPoint. They too will have thirty minutes8.      After their time is up, the remaining thirty minutes (30 mins), should be spent in Community Team time with you discussing your strategy for the Oral Presentation

Day 8-Prezintation Work Day1.       We will continue Prezintation Day. Community Groups will meet while Treehuggers go  to the computers and begin working on their portion of the Prezi/PowerPoint presentation while other group members begin collaborating on strategy for the oral presentation.2.      They will have thirty-minutes (30) to work on their portion. 3.      After thirty minutes, they will Switch off with the Lawyers so they can begin adding their portion to the Prezi/PowerPoint. They too will have thirty minutes4.      After their time is up, the remaining thirty minutes (30 mins), should be spent in Community Team time with you guys discussing you strategy for the Oral Presentation

Days 9-last Prezintation Work Days

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Prezintation Day will be the same as Day 7 with Entrepreneurs & World Activists on Prezi/Presentation. By now, strategy should be established and Community Teams should spend this time preparing any note cards or props for their Oral Presentations *Don’t forget to make sure that you have completed all the Presentation Requirements:

There must be 15-20 "steps" or slides ( depending on which Presentation style you choose)

You must include at least one graph and 5 pictures in your presentation

There should be at least one voice over or background music (that is not intrusive to the presentation)

Day 10-Last Prezintation Work DayThe Last Prezi Day!!! This will be the same as Day 8 with Treehuggers & Lawyers working on Prezi/PowerPoint except the last thirty minutes of this day will be spent by all Community Team members on a computer. Again, by now, strategy should be established and Community Teams should spend this time preparing any note cards or props for their Oral Presentations. *Don’t forget to make sure that you have completed all the Presentation Requirements:

There must be 15-20 "steps" or slides( depending on which Presentation style you chose)

You must include at least one graph and 5 pictures in your presentation

There should be at least one voice over or background music (that is not intrusive to the presentation)

***Once the presentation is completed, The World Activists needs to send your teacher a working link of the Prezi Presentation. Do this by simply clicking "Share" and emailing a copy of the link provided***

Day 11-Presentations will begin! Don’t forget to make sure that you prepared for every requirement:

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Everyone must speak an even amount of time The Presentation must last 5-7 minutes No one can simply read straight from the Prezi

Presentation Remember this is for a grant for your issue, so

this should be convincing!***Watch this short video to learn a few tips that will help you prepare for your oral presentation***

Evaluation“Good Business” Project-Business Proposal








World Activists Information in the Final Report


Did not answer all required questions or all countries. Did not meet word requirement. No sources cited.

Provided bare minimum information for all required questions and did not address all countries. Word Req. Met. Not enough sources cited

Answered all questions entirely and addressed all needed countries. Met Word Requirement and Resources Req


The Lawyer’s Information in the Final Report



Did not answer all questions. Did not meet Word Req. No Sources cited.

Answered most questions but not all. Met Word Req but not Works Cited Req.

Addressed all questions entirely. Met all word and Works Cited Req.

  Did not answer Answered most Addressed all

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The Entrepreneur’sInformation in the Final Report


all questions. Did not meet Word Req. No Sources cited.

questions but not all. Met Word Req but no design or did not meet Works Cited Req.

questions, met Word Count & Works Cited Req. Design included


The Treehugger’s Information in the Final Report


Did not answer all questions. Did not meet Word Req. No Sources cited.

Answered most questions but not all. Met Word Req but not Works Cited Req.

Addressed all questions entirely. Met all word and Works Cited Req.


Final Presentation Receipt & Formatting Requirements

Any combination of the following: Did not receive on time, was incomplete, not formatted in APA format, more than 5 grammar mistakes

Completed on time and formatted correctly by some missing information and more than 5 grammar mistakes

Received promptly and formatted correctly in APA Format. Not more than 3 grammar mistakes

“Good Business” Project Prezi/PowerPoint Presentation Rubric







Overall Appeal of presentation


Incomplete. One or more Team members did not speak, all members read from Presentation, time requirement not met

Displayed little creativity. All members spoke, Two or more members read information from Presentation

Presentation displayed creativity in design, no members read from Presentation

  Information was very vague, missing

Information provided was vague but addressed all of

All information thoroughly provided for all

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Quality of information given about Social Issue



information from one or more of the following: World impact, US impact, The Law

the following: World impact, US impact, The Law


Relevance of business idea/invention to social issue


Did not connect business idea/invention to social issue at all. No description of idea provided

Description of business idea/invention was vague but did address social issue

Addressed how Business idea/invention would fight social issue and idea description was detailed


Persuasion appeal of presentation


Did not address why they should receive the grant or what money would be used for

Addressed why their Team should receive the grant but not what money would be used for

Addressed why they should receive the grant and what any money would be used for


Instructions Followed in creating Visual Presentation

Did not meet more than one of the following requirements, less than 12 slides/paths, no sound or graph included, missing information

Did not meet at least one of the following: less than 12 slides presented, no sound or graph, missing information

All requirements were met


The Outcome

Now that this project is over, you should have a better understanding of social issue and how they affect our Country and our World. Through this project, you were able to practice researching; and through your research, you were introduced to various laws and social programs as well as how the United States measures to various other countries on social issues that we all face.

From here, you were able to take that knowledge to develop

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creative ideas that would help solve those issues. Those creative ideas were turned into Social Enterprise. As we talked about in the Introduction to this project, Social Entrepreneurship is but one way you can change the world. And while none of you truly won a grant here, you now have the fundamental basics of what it will take for you if you decided you want to start your own Socially Responsible Business.  If you are interested, learn more from free classes with: 

Unite for Sight



Even beyond social enterprise, there are countless ways to help change the world from volunteering to choosing careers that give back to the communities. Click through some of the links below to see various lists of careers complied:

Careers that Give by By Oprah

Careers that give by by Glassdoor

Give to Get Jobs  is a job bank website that posts only jobs that give back

No matter what you decide to do in life, the most important thing to take away from this project is there are many people out there suffering, you and your family might be one of them. So always do the best that you can in life; and you approach the time to choose a career, get creative and think outside the box! 

The Surveys:

1. Which Cause do you believe gave the best presentation and deserves the grant?

2. What do you believe this group deserves to win? (n mor than 50 words,

3. What did you like about this project? ( no more than 50 word response)

4. What did you like least about the project? (…and how would you suggest improving it?)

5. Talk about at least one thing you learned while doing

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this (50-100 words)6. Finally, what is a social issue that you feel is important

and why? (Must be 50-100 words and does not have to be an issue researched in class?)

Credits & References

Thank You to:

Prezi Is a great presentation tool to differentiate yourself from others. If you keep it simple and go with the simpler platforms, you will surely not regret using this great tool. 

The Piano Guys"The Cello Song" by Piano Guys is the song that you

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hear on the demo Prezi you reviewed when going over Tasks for this Project. 

GoogleGoogle Drive, GMail the general Google Search Engine were instrumental in completing research for the creation of this Project

IRSC EPI ProgramThe IRSC EPI Program provided the opportunity to great this WebQuest, I hope enjoy! 

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Fact Resources:

Homelessness:US: National Homelessness: Florida: OR


Hunger: US: OR Florida:

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releases/fa-florida-hunger-facts.aspx India:

Domestic Violence:Florida: OR

Drug Abuse:Florida: OR

Gun Violence:US: OR

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Florida: OR

Legal Resources:

Homelessness: homelessness Meters- OR

Hunger: Federal Act- Global Food Security Act AND

Gun Violence: Stand Your Ground LawFlorida-Stand Your Ground LegislationStates with SYG: Wiki-INFORMATION NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED: OR WIKI-VERIFY INFORMATION: gun Laws:

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Domestic Violence: Violence Against Women Act Us: OR

Drug Abuse: Drug Court-is it Effective?US: Report on Effectiveness in FL:

Poverty-Criminalizing Poverty,%20FINAL1.pdf

Social Programs/Non-Profit Resources:

Homelessness-St. Lucie County:

Drug Abuse:Florida Services and programs:


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SNAPS- Florida Programs: Poverty: Florida Welfare Info:

Domestic Violence: Florida:

Gun Violence:Map to Gun Buyback Porgrams: Against Guns: