· Web viewWe had another lady who had a problem with her hip, she was in lots of pain and it was...

Preaching I preached on Sunday night 20 th September at Bayside Christian Family Church on Righteousness and I’ve now been added to the monthly preaching roster which is awesome, I’ll be preaching next on the 18 th October at the 5pm service. If you’d like to watch the last sermon just click here . Awakening Europe In July I visited Germany for 3 weeks. We started out by helping to build the stage in the Nuremberg Stadium for the conference. Then they had 900 pastors come for training on the Thursday. On the Friday, Sat, Sun I helped to lead, with a friend, a Healing Equipping Tent, where we taught on Healing and then had the people pray for each other. We had around 500 people come to each of our 4 sessions and around 28,000 people turned up to the conference. As you can see in the pictures below, the tent was far too small to fit the number of people who wanted to sit through the Healing teaching. We ended up unzipping everything we could around the tent so it was wide open. We had people sitting around our feet so we couldn’t move while we taught and people were standing all the way around the tent on all sides in the sun for an hour. At the end our team and I stayed and prayed, sometimes for a couple of hours, for people who still needed prayer. We saw thousands of miracles in the couple of days. These are just a few of my favourites. Jason’s Adventures June – Sept 2015

Transcript of  · Web viewWe had another lady who had a problem with her hip, she was in lots of pain and it was...

Page 1:  · Web viewWe had another lady who had a problem with her hip, she was in lots of pain and it was out of place, someone touched her hip and heard it start popping as it moved back


I preached on Sunday night 20th September at Bayside Christian Family Church on Righteousness and I’ve now been added to the monthly preaching roster which is awesome, I’ll be preaching next on the 18th October at the 5pm service. If you’d like to watch the last sermon just click here.

Awakening Europe

In July I visited Germany for 3 weeks. We started out by helping to build the stage in the Nuremberg Stadium for the conference. Then they had 900 pastors come for training on the Thursday. On the Friday, Sat, Sun I helped to lead, with a friend, a Healing Equipping Tent, where we taught on Healing and then had the people pray for each other. We had around 500 people come to each of our 4 sessions and around 28,000 people turned up to the conference.

As you can see in the pictures below, the tent was far too small to fit the number of people who wanted to sit through the Healing teaching. We ended up unzipping everything we could around the tent so it was wide open. We had people sitting around our feet so we couldn’t move while we taught and people were standing all the way around the tent on all sides in the sun for an hour. At the end our team and I stayed and prayed, sometimes for a couple of hours, for people who still needed prayer. We saw thousands of miracles in the couple of days. These are just a few of my favourites.

There was a 9 year old boy who came to the tent with his family and a friend, he was blind in his right eye. When we had them pray for each other, his friend reached over and touched his eye. He prayed a quick prayer for him took his hand off and the boy could see perfectly, his eye had opened up, his friend and family were all crying at the goodness of God.

There was a lady there who was deaf in one ear from birth. She had some sort of disease that meant the bones hadn’t been created properly in her ear. She had been deaf for decades, she looked 40’s or later. During the meeting her ear opened up and she could hear perfectly.

Jason’s AdventuresJune – Sept 2015

Page 2:  · Web viewWe had another lady who had a problem with her hip, she was in lots of pain and it was out of place, someone touched her hip and heard it start popping as it moved back

There was a lady standing in front of me while I was teaching and she had been deaf in one ear from birth, 20 something years, her friend put her hand on her ear and didn’t even get to pray before the lady burst into tears and her ear opened up.

There was a lady again standing in front of me whom I barely even touched as I was teaching them how to minister, she hit the ground and got up saying she had been in a car accident 35 years ago and had chronic pain and injuries her whole life and instantly all the pain had gone and the mobility had returned.

We had another lady who had a problem with her hip, she was in lots of pain and it was out of place, someone touched her hip and heard it start popping as it moved back into place and all the pain disappeared. These are just a couple of the hundreds of miracles that took place in the tent. We couldn’t come close to recording all the miracles, we only know a fraction of them. People left crutches and a few people even left their wheel chairs. It was an incredible time.

Once the conference finished in Nurnberg, we went back to my friend’s house and from there went to preach and do a couple of mini day conferences at 3-4 other churches in the area. My favourite miracle from those trips was in a church. I called out that a person had an accident 5 years ago and they still had problems from the accident. A man stood up, he had an accident and a piece of metal pierced through his eye leaving him 70% blind in that eye. A lady next to him, I can’t remember if it was his wife or not, prayed for him. He said he saw a white light come and enter into his eye and then his vision popped and instantly became clear, he had perfect eyesight again.

In the same service the worship leader started the meeting on crutches with torn ligaments and meniscus in his knee. As we were praying I saw someone stitching up his knee, he left the meeting without his crutches walking perfectly. He is in the picture below with the yellow pants.

We also had some incredible schnitzels the size of a plate, sausages and burgers, shown below.

Left – placing mats down for stage. Right – Packed Healing Tent I was teaching in.

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Left – All the people who came forward to make decisions for Christ on the second night. Right – Healing Tent we were teaching in.

Rooms of Healing

We have run a few rooms of healing now and they have been going great, each and every month people come and encounter the Healer, every time people are getting breakthrough, receiving healing, deliverance and encounters from Jesus. Held at Bayside Christian Family church, 287 Preston road, Wynnum West, usually 4th Saturday of the month, the next one is 24 October from 9am-10:45am.

Roar and Soar Ministries

The other exciting news is that I have officially launched my new Itinerant Ministry in September. It is called “Roar and Soar Ministries” and was birthed out of a prophetic word from my friend Prophet Marie Bouris where she said “it is time for the body of Christ to Roar and Soar”. If you haven’t already seen the facebook page, hop on and “like” the page. Every couple of days I’m posting thoughts, testimonies and videos to encourage you during the week. The facebook page is Roar and Soar Ministries. I also have my website up and running and it has a bunch of testimonies, my itinerary and extras on there. The address is roarandsoarministries.com.au

I’m going to be looking at getting my calendar set up for next year, so if you know any pastors, churches or small groups that may be interested in having me speak, please send them a newsletter or send them to the website where there is a page to invite me to speak: either to preach or run a Healing Workshop. All the money raised is obviously for ministry.

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Other Testimonies/Event

I’ve gone twice with my friend James to the Royal Brisbane Women’s hospital, he is going every second week and I’m joining him when I can. We are going there to pray for people and bless them. The last two times people have given their lives to Christ and we’ve had many divine appointments. People are so open to receive prayer, they are perfectly positioned for encounters with the Lord and his love encourages them. It amazes me the amount of times people simply say, “thank you for stopping and spending time with me. Everyone else simply walks by but you have shown me the love of God by stopping. It’s really that simple.

A Thought

Love really is the foundation for absolutely everything in life, everything flows from love. God is love and we were created in his image, we were created in the image of love. Take a moment to consider that reality. The natural by-product of finding out our identity and the nature of our Father is us becoming love and then walking out what love actually looks like. Look at the fruit of the spirit all of them are founded in love, which is the first one mentioned. If you love someone you will operate in all of the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” You don’t need to try and walk in all the fruit of the Spirit because if you just focus on becoming love than you will automatically walk in them all.

Upcoming Events

A Pastor is putting on a week of night meetings called the Lowood Miracle Tent from November 1-7 and has asked me to be involved, I believe I’ll get the chance to speak at one of the night meetings and do ministry.

Also please pray for me as I get the opportunity to travel to Ghana from the 27th November to the 9th December. I'll be landing on the Saturday, driving 4 and a half hours to the village where I'll be staying and preaching in 2 different churches on the Sunday morning and night. Then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, during the day, I will be running a Healing School for all the pastors in the region and surrounding areas. At night time there will be healing crusades, there is another guest speaker doing the first 3 nights so I'll just be running the ministry team, which will be the pastors I trained. Then Thursday, Friday, Saturday we will do street evangelism during the day and I will get to run the healing crusades at night time. Then I'll preach in 2 more churches on the Sunday and fly out on the Monday afternoon. That's the itinerary as it stands.


I’m still doing a number of meetings and events with my work, getting to meet some very amazing people.

On the 8th of October after 120 candles being lit and bunches of flowers placed in vases, I proposed to the one and only Melissa Thom, she said YES and we’ll be getting married sometime next year. The other exciting news, which I’m sure everyone has already heard, is that I also became an uncle, with an awesome little red headed nephew. It’s been a great 3 months. Praise the Lord.

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Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me financially and to those who have continued to support me, any money I receive now is going into a separate account to fund future ministry. A special thank you to the anonymous person who has been putting cheques in my letterbox, I really appreciate it. The money will be used for travelling around Australia and any trips I do overseas such as Ghana. Feel free to send any of the newsletters to anyone you think may be encouraged by them.

Pray for Melissa and I as we plan our wedding, that we will stay in peace and grow more in love with each other throughout the process.Pray for Ghana, for protection around me, for me to hear what God wants to speak to the pastors and also for many hundreds and thousands to encounter the love and power of God. For them to be healed, saved and delivered. Currently I’m out of pocket for around half the cost of the trip, so pray for God to release more financial provision for ministry.Pray for doors to begin opening for me, and wisdom for which doors to walk through.Pray for the Rooms of Healing on the 24th of October, that many people will encounter the healer.Pray for my job and the businesses that I’m working on at the moment.Pray for God to give me business ideas to fund his ministry for the future.Pray for God to give me greater compassion for the lost that I would understand how much He loves people.Pray for protection as I battle in the spiritual realms and go deeper with God.Pray for me to gain a deeper revelation on how much God loves me.Pray that I may have a greater revelation of my Identity in Christ and the power and authority that I have.Pray for divine opportunities to share the gospel every day and for people’s hearts to be open.Pray for the upcoming events that many hundreds of people would come into the kingdom and will encounter his love and power.Pray for those who are still considering financially supporting me this year:

1. My bank account details are (Suncorp 484-799 A/C 083649601) or;2. Gifts by cash or cheques to my parents Linda and Graham Rawlings.3. Or visit my website roarandsoarministries.com.au and there is a Paypal donate button.

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A reminder : If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please send their email address to one of the email addresses below. Anyone who would like a posted copy, just call Mum and Dad on the phone number below and give them the postal address.

Contact Details:

Jason Rawlings [email protected]

0417 757 421

Graham & Linda Rawlings [email protected]

6 Helemon Street Belmont Q 4153 (07) 3390 7061