· Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he...

Unit 11: Political Developments in the New Republic Section 1 - Introduction Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson (above) and Alexander Hamilton (below) led the first political parties of the new nation.

Transcript of · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he...

Page 1: · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a

Unit 11: Political Developments in the New Republic

Section 1 - Introduction

Library of CongressThomas Jefferson (above) and Alexander Hamilton (below) led the first political parties of the new nation.

Page 2: · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a

HultonArchive/iStockphotoGeorge Washington, at the far right, meets with his close advisers.

The illustration to the left shows four leaders in the first government formed under the Constitution. On the far right stands former Continental army general George Washington, who had been lured out of retirement to serve as the nation’s first president. Seldom has a leader seemed more reluctant [reluctant: to have hesitation or an unwillingness to do something] to take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit [criminal] who is going to the place of his execution.”

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Henry Knox sits opposite Washington. During the American Revolution, this Boston bookseller became a general and Washington’s close friend and adviser. When Washington became president in 1789, he made Knox his secretary of war.

Take a close look at the other two men portrayed here. Alexander Hamilton, who stands beside the president, served as Washington’s secretary of the treasury. Thomas Jefferson, who stands behind Knox, served as secretary of state. It was his job to manage relations between the United States and other countries.

Washington chose Hamilton and Jefferson for these positions because of all they had in common. Both were strong patriots. Both had served their country during the war—Hamilton in the Continental army and Jefferson in the Continental Congress. Both had brilliant minds.

But for all they had in common, the two men were opposites in many ways. Hamilton dressed with great care. Jefferson was sloppy with clothes. Hamilton moved with precision. Jefferson slouched. Hamilton was a doer who moved briskly from task to task. Jefferson was a thinker who took time to explore ideas.

As you will discover, Hamilton and Jefferson soon became political rivals. Their rivalry eventually gave rise to the nation’s first political parties, which had different visions for the new nation.

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Section 2: Launching the New GovernmentOn April 30, 1789, George Washington took the oath of office as the first president of the United States. After his inauguration, Washington addressed both houses of Congress. He asked Congress to work with him to put into place “the wise measures on which the success of this government must depend.” At times, his hands shook so much that he had trouble reading his speech.

The Debate over Washington’s Title

Washington had reason to be nervous. The first Congress was deeply divided. Some members were eager to build a strong national government. Others were just as eager to limit the power of the new government. These differences showed up immediately in a debate over what title to use when addressing the president.

Vice President John Adams pointed out that European heads of government had titles like “Your Excellency” that showed respect for their office. The president, he argued, should have a similar title. Supporters of a strong national government agreed.

Others argued that such titles smelled of royalty and had no place in a democracy. A few members of Congress joked that the rather plump Adams should be given the title “His Rotundity” (His Roundness). The debate finally ended when Washington let it be known that he preferred the simple title “Mr. President.”

Library of CongressMartha Washington, on the left, held tea parties on Friday evenings at the presidential mansion in New York City. At these parties, people could discuss important issues with President Washington, shown near the center.

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Setting Up the Executive Branch

Next, Congress turned to the task of creating executive departments. As Washington had feared, arguments broke out at once over what those departments should be and what powers they should have.

Congress eventually approved three departments. The Department of State was set up to handle relations with other countries. The Department of War was established to defend the nation. The Treasury Department was set up to oversee the nation’s finances [finances: the money that a person, company, or nation has, and how it is managed] . Congress also created an attorney general to serve as the president’s legal adviser and a postmaster general to head the postal system.

Washington chose men he trusted —such as Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Henry Knox—to fill these positions. He often met with them to ask for their ideas and advice. The heads of the executive departments came to be known as the president’s cabinet.

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Section 3: Washington as PresidentThe most critical problem facing the new government was a lack of funds. The national treasury was empty. Congress had the power to raise funds through taxes. But its members argued endlessly about what to tax and by how much. In 1791, Congress finally agreed to place an excise tax on whiskey and other luxury goods, such as carriages. An excise tax is a tax on the production or sale of a product.

The Granger Collection, NYCThe Whiskey Rebellion challenged the new nation’s ability to enforce its laws. When several hundred farmers refused to pay a federal whiskey tax, President Washington personally led 13,000 state militia troops to put down the rebellion.

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The Whiskey Rebellion

Settlers living west of the Appalachian Mountains reacted angrily to the tax. Western farmers found it too costly to transport their grain across the mountains to sell in eastern cities. Instead, they distilled their bulky wheat into whiskey, which could be shipped more cheaply. Many farmers complained that the tax made their whiskey too expensive, and they refused to pay it.

To end these protests, Congress lowered the excise tax in 1793. Most farmers began to pay up, but not the tax rebels of western Pennsylvania. In 1794, these “Whiskey Boys” tarred and feathered tax collectors who tried to enforce the law.

Alexander Hamilton and George Washington saw the Whiskey Rebellion [Whiskey Rebellion: a revolt by farmers in 1794 against an excise tax on whiskey] as a threat to the authority of the national government. At Hamilton’s urging, Washington led 13,000 state militia troops across the mountains to crush the rebels. Faced with overwhelming force, the rebellion ended.

Thomas Jefferson thought that the idea of sending an army to catch a few tax rebels was foolish. Even worse, he believed, was that Hamilton was prepared to violate people’s liberties by using armed force to put down opposition to government policies.

The French Revolution

Meanwhile, the nation was caught up in a debate over events in France. In 1789, the French people rebelled against their king. The leaders of the French Revolution dreamed of building a nation based on “liberty, equality, and fraternity [brotherhood].” Three years later, France became a republic and declared “a war of all peoples against all kings.”

Many Americans were thrilled by the French Revolution. This was especially true of Jefferson and his followers, who began calling themselves Democratic-Republicans, or simply Republicans. The Republicans saw the French Revolution as part of a great crusade for democracy.

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HultonArchive/iStockphotoWhen the French Revolution turned violent and thousands of nobles were beheaded on the guillotine, many Americans withdrew their support for the revolution.

In time, news from France caused supporters of the revolution to change their opinion. Cheered on by angry mobs, France’s revolutionary government began beheading wealthy nobles. Some 20,000 men, women, and children were killed.

Hamilton and his followers, who called themselves Federalists, were appalled by the bloodshed. Many Federalists were themselves wealthy. After hearing about the fate of wealthy families in France, they began to fear for their own safety, wondering whether such terrors could happen in the United States. “Behold France,” warned one Federalist, “an open hell . . . in which we see . . . perhaps our own future.”

Washington’s Farewell Address

The growing division between Republicans and Federalists so disturbed Washington that he agreed to run for a second term as president in 1792. He was the only person, Hamilton and Jefferson told him, who could keep the nation together.

Near the end of his second term, Washington announced that he would not run again. Before leaving office, the president prepared a message that became known as Washington’s Farewell

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Address [Washington’s Farewell Address: George Washington’s parting message to the nation, given in 1796, in which he warned of threats to the nation’s future] . In it, he reminded Americans of all that bound them together as a people. “With slight shades of difference,” he said, “you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together.”

Next, Washington warned of two threats to the nation’s future. One of those threats was problems the nation was having with other countries. The other threat was the “spirit of party.” It was natural for people to hold different opinions, Washington said. But he warned against the dangers of passionate loyalty to parties. If fighting between parties was not controlled, it could tear the young nation apart.

Despite his worries for the future, Washington had much to be proud of as he left office. The new government was up and running. The nation was growing so fast that it had added three new states: Kentucky, Tennessee, and Vermont. Most of all, Washington had steered his government safely through quarrelsome times. He left the nation united and at peace.

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Section 4: Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist Party

Library of CongressAmerican artist John Trumbull painted this portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton rose from poverty to lead the Federalist Party. His brilliant career was cut short when he was killed in a duel with Vice President Aaron Burr, whom he had accused of being a traitor.

George Washington’s warnings did not stop the rise of political parties in the young nation. The Federalist Party appeared first during the debates over the ratification of the Constitution. Its most influential leader was Washington’s energetic treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton.

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Personal Background

Hamilton was born in the West Indies and raised on the Caribbean island of St. Croix. When Hamilton was 13, a devastating hurricane struck the island. Hamilton wrote a vivid description of the storm that impressed all who read it. A few St. Croix leaders arranged to send the talented teenager to New York, where he could get the education he deserved. Once in America, Hamilton never looked back.

Hamilton’s blue eyes were said to turn black when he was angry. But most of the time they sparkled with intelligence and energy. With no money or family connections to help him rise in the world, he made his way on ability, ambition, and charm.

George Washington spotted Hamilton’s talents early in the American Revolution. Washington made the young man his aidede-camp, or personal assistant. Near the end of the war, Hamilton improved his fortunes by marrying Elizabeth Schuyler, who came from one of New York’s richest and most powerful families. With her family’s political backing, Hamilton was elected to represent New York in Congress after the war. Later, he served as a delegate from New York to the Constitutional Convention.

View of Human Nature

Hamilton’s view of human nature was shaped by his wartime experiences. All too often, he had seen people put their own interests and desire for personal profit above the cause of patriotism and the needs of the country. Citing essayist David Hume, he wrote, “Every man ought to be supposed a knave [scoundrel] and to have no other end [goal] in all his actions, but private interest.”

Most Federalists shared Hamilton’s view that people were basically selfish and out for themselves. For this reason, they distrusted any system of government that gave too much power to “the mob,” or the common people. Such a system, said Hamilton, could only lead to “error, confusion, and instability.”

Views on Government

Federalists believed that “the best people” —educated, wealthy, public-spirited men like themselves—should run the country. Such people, they believed, had the time, education, and background to run the country wisely. They could also be trusted to make decisions for the general good, not just for themselves. “Those who own the country,” said Federalist John Jay bluntly, “ought to govern it.”

Federalists favored a strong national government. They hoped to use the new government’s powers under the Constitution to unite the quarreling states and keep order among the people. In their view, the rights of states were not nearly as important as national power and unity.

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Hamilton agreed. Having grown up in the Caribbean, Hamilton had no deep loyalty to any state. His country was not New York, but the United States of America. He hoped to see his adopted country become a great and powerful nation.

Library of CongressAlexander Hamilton believed that to become strong, the United States needed to develop businesses such as this foundry in Connecticut. A foundry is a factory for melting and shaping metal.

Views on the Economy

Hamilton’s dream of national greatness depended on the United States developing a strong economy. In 1790, the nation’s economy was still based mainly on agriculture. Hamilton wanted to expand the economy and increase the nation’s wealth by using the power of the federal government to promote business, manufacturing, and trade.

Before this could happen, the new nation needed to begin paying off the huge debts that Congress and the states had accumulated [accumulated: to increase in quantity or size over time] during the American Revolution. In 1790, Hamilton presented Congress with a plan to pay off all war debts as quickly as possible. If the debts were not promptly paid, he warned, the government would lose respect both at home and abroad.

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Hamilton’s plan for repaying the debts was opposed by many Americans, especially in the South. Most southern states had already paid their war debts. They saw little reason to help states in the North pay off what they still owed.

To save his plan, Hamilton linked it to another issue: the location of the nation’s permanent capital. Both northerners and southerners wanted the capital to be located in their section of the country. Hamilton promised to support a location in the South if southerners would support his debt plan. The debt plan was passed, and the nation’s new capital—called the District of Columbia—was located in the South, on the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia.

Library of CongressHamilton asked Congress to establish the first national bank. The bank collected taxes, printed money, and made loans to businesses.

Next, Hamilton asked Congress to establish a national bank. Such a bank, Hamilton said, would help the government by collecting taxes and keeping those funds safe. It would print paper money backed by the government, giving the nation a stable currency. Most important, the bank would make loans to businesspeople to build new factories and ships. As business and trade expanded, Hamilton argued, all Americans would be better off.

Once again, Hamilton’s proposal ran into heavy opposition. Where in the Constitution, his opponents asked, was Congress given the power to establish a bank? In their view, Congress could exercise only those powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

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Hamilton, in contrast, supported a loose construction [loose construction: a broad interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that Congress has powers beyond those specifically given in the Constitution] , or broad interpretation, of the Constitution. He pointed out that the elastic clause allowed Congress to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” for carrying out its listed powers. Since collecting taxes was one of those powers, Congress could set up a bank to help the government with tax collection.

After much debate, Hamilton was able get his bank approved by Congress. Once established, in 1791, the Bank of the United States helped the nation’s economy grow and prosper.

Views on Great Britain and France

When the French Revolution began, Hamilton hoped that it would lead to the “establishment of free and good government.” But as he watched it lead instead to chaos and bloodshed, his enthusiasm for the revolution cooled.

When war broke out between France and England in 1793, most Federalists sided with Great Britain. Some were merchants and shippers whose business depended on trade with America’s former enemy. Others simply felt more comfortable supporting orderly Great Britain against revolutionary France.

Hamilton favored Great Britain for yet another reason. Great Britain was all that he hoped the United States would become one day: a powerful and respected nation that could defend itself against any enemy.

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Section 5: Thomas Jefferson and the Republican PartyAlexander Hamilton’s success in getting his plans through Congress alarmed Thomas Jefferson and his fellow Republicans. In Jefferson’s view, almost everything Hamilton did in the name of putting the United States on the path to greatness was instead a step down the road to ruin. The two men held very different views on almost everything.

Personal Background

Jefferson was born in Virginia to an old and respected family. One of ten children, he was gifted with many talents. As a boy, he learned to ride, hunt, sing, dance, and play the violin. Later, he carried a violin with him in all his travels.

Library of CongressThomas Jefferson was one of America’s greatest patriots. His strongest support came from the middle class: farmers, laborers, artisans, and shopkeepers.

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Jefferson was also a gifted student. When he entered college at age 16, he already knew Greek and Latin. He seemed to know something about almost everything. He once wrote that “not a sprig of grass [is] uninteresting to me.” This curiosity would remain with him all his life.

With land inherited from his father, Jefferson set himself up as a Virginia tobacco planter. Like other planters, he used slaves to work his land.

Once he was established as a planter, Jefferson entered Virginia politics. As a politician, he lacked the ability to make stirring speeches. Instead, Jefferson wrote eloquently [eloquently: to express ideas or feelings in a way that is moving and well-spoken] with a pen. His words in the Declaration of Independence and other writings are still read and admired today.

View of Human Nature Jefferson’s view of human nature was much more hopeful than Hamilton’s. He assumed that informed citizens could make good decisions for themselves and their country. “I have so much confidence in the good sense of man,” Jefferson wrote when revolution broke out in France, “that I am never afraid of the issue [outcome] where reason is left free to exert her force.”

Jefferson had great faith in the goodness and wisdom of people who worked the soil—farmers and planters like himself. “State a [problem] to a ploughman [farmer] and a professor,” he said, and “the former will decide it often better than the latter.”

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Library of CongressAgriculture, according to Thomas Jefferson, was the most important part of the economy. He believed farming was the best occupation because it kept people out of corrupt cities.

Views on Government

Republicans favored democracy over any other form of government. They had no patience with the Federalists’ view that only the “best people” should rule. To Republicans, this view came dangerously close to monarchy, or rule by a king.

Republicans believed that the best government was the one that governed the least. A small government with limited powers was most likely to leave the people alone to enjoy the blessings of liberty. To keep the national government small, they insisted on a strict construction [strict construction: a narrow interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that Congress has only those powers specifically given in the Constitution] , or interpretation, of the Constitution. The Constitution, they insisted, meant exactly what it said, no more and no less. Any addition to the powers listed in the document, such as the creation of a national bank, was unconstitutional and dangerous.

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Along with advocating for a weak national government, Republicans favored strong state governments. State governments, they argued, were closer to the people, and the people could control them more easily. Strong state governments could also keep the national government from growing too powerful.

Views on the Economy

Like most Americans in the 1790s, Jefferson was a country man. He believed that the nation’s future lay not with Federalist bankers and merchants in big cities, but with plain, Republican farmers. “Those who labor in the earth,” he wrote, “are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people.”

Republicans favored an economy based on agriculture. They opposed any measures, such as the national bank, designed to encourage the growth of business and manufacturing. In their view, the national bank was not only unconstitutional, but against farmers. While the bank was happy to loan money to businesspeople to build factories and ships, it did not make loans to farmers to buy land.

Library of CongressEdmond Genêt, the French representative to the United States, attempted to convince Americans to join the French in their war with Britain. After Genêt insulted President Washington, he was ordered to leave the country. Here, Secretary of State Jefferson presents Genêt to the president in 1793.

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Views on Great Britain and France

Another topic over which Republicans and Federalists had heated arguments was the French Revolution. Most Americans favored the revolution until it turned violent and led to war. As you have read, most Federalists then turned against the new French republic and sided with Great Britain. For this change of heart, a Republican newspaper called the Federalists “British bootlickers,” implying that they were weak and eager to please the British.

Despite the violence of the revolution, most Republicans continued to support France. While regretting the bloodshed, they argued that the loss of a few thousand aristocrats was a small price to pay for freedom. For their loyalty to France, Republicans were scorned in a Federalist newspaper as “man-eating, blood-drinking cannibals.”

In 1793, the French government sent Edmond Genêt (zhuh-NAY) to the United States as its new official representative. Genêt preferred to be called “Citizen Genêt.” French revolutionaries adopted this title to emphasize the equality of all people. His mission was to convince Americans that they should join France in its war against Great Britain.

Republicans welcomed Citizen Genêt as a conquering hero. Large crowds cheered him as he traveled about the country. In Philadelphia, the nation’s temporary capital, a great banquet was held in his honor.

When Genêt formally presented himself to President George Washington, he expected another warm and enthusiastic reception. Washington, however, did not want to be drawn into war with Great Britain. His response to Genêt was cool and dignified.

Genêt began making speeches against the president. These attacks on Washington brought thousands of Genêt’s supporters into Philadelphia’s streets. “Day after day,” recalled Vice President John Adams, the protesters “threatened to drag Washington out of his house, and . . . compel [the government] to declare war in favor of the French revolution.”

This was too much, even for Jefferson. Calling Genêt “hotheaded . . . disrespectful, and even indecent toward the President,” Secretary of State Jefferson asked the French government to recall its troublesome representative.

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Section 6:The Presidency of John AdamsWhen the framers of the Constitution created the Electoral College, they imagined that the electors would simply choose the two best leaders for president and vice president. That was how the nation’s first two presidential elections worked. By the third election in 1796, however, it was clear that political parties had become part of the election process.

The Republicans supported Thomas Jefferson for president that year. His support came mainly from farmers in the South and West. The Federalists supported John Adams, who appealed to lawyers, merchants, ship owners, and businesspeople in the North. When the electoral votes were counted, John Adams was elected president by just three votes. Jefferson came in second, making him vice president. The nation’s new top two leaders were political leaders from opposing parties.

The Alien and Sedition Acts

At first, President Adams tried to work closely with Jefferson. “Party violence,” Adams found, made such efforts “useless.” Meanwhile, Federalists in Congress passed four controversial laws known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. They argued that these laws were needed as protection against foreigners who might threaten the nation. In fact, the real purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to make life difficult for the Federalists’ rivals, the Republicans.

Library of CongressJohn Adams, a Federalist, was elected the second president of the United States by only 3 votes in the Electoral College. Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic- Republican who had 68 votes to Adams’s 71, became vice president.

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Three of the laws, the Alien Acts, were aimed at aliens, or noncitizens. The first law lengthened the time it took for an immigrant to become a citizen with the right to vote—from 5 to 14 years. Since most immigrants voted Republican, Jefferson saw this law as an attack on his party. The other two Alien Acts allowed the president to either jail or deport aliens who were suspected of activities that threatened the government. Although these laws were never enforced, they did frighten a number of French spies and troublemakers, who then left the country.

The fourth law, known as the Sedition Act, made sedition [sedition: the crime of encouraging rebellion against the government] —encouraging rebellion against the government—a crime. Its definition of sedition included “printing, uttering, or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious [hateful] writing” against the government, Congress, or the president. Alexander Hamilton approved of this law, believing that it would punish only those who published lies intended to destroy the government.

Instead, the Sedition Act was used to punish Republican newspaper editors who insulted President Adams in print. One, for example, called him “old, querulous [whiny], bald, blind, crippled, toothless Adams.” Twenty-five people were arrested under the new law. Ten of them were convicted of printing seditious opinions.

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Republicans viewed the Sedition Act as an attack on the rights of free speech and free press. Since the federal government was enforcing the act, Republicans looked to the states to protect these freedoms.

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drew up a set of resolutions [resolutions: statement of a formal decision agreed on by a group] , or statements, opposing the Alien and Sedition Acts and sent them to state legislatures for approval. They argued that Congress had gone beyond the Constitution in passing these acts. States, therefore, had a duty to nullify [nullify: to refuse to recognize a federal law. This action by a state is called nullification.] the laws—that is, to declare them to be without legal force.

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Library of CongressIn 1800, the federal government found a new home in Washington, D.C. Here, Pennsylvania Avenue stretches across the west end of the Capitol grounds.

Only two states, Virginia and Kentucky, adopted the resolutions. The arguments put forward in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were based on the states’ rights theory [states’ rights theory: the theory that rights not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution remain with the states] of the Constitution. This theory holds that rights not specifically given to the federal government remain with the states. Of these, one of the most important is the right to judge whether the federal government is using its powers properly.

When no other states approved the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, the protest died. The states’ rights theory, however, was not forgotten. It would be raised and tested again in the years ahead.

The New National Capital

In 1800, the federal government moved to the city of Washington in the District of Columbia. Most of the government’s buildings were still under construction. President Adams’s wife, Abigail, described the new “President’s House” as a “castle” in which “not one room or chamber is finished.” She used the large East Room for hanging laundry, as it was not fit for anything else.

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Section 7:The Election of 1800The move to Washington, D.C., came in the middle of the 1800 presidential election. Once again, Republican leaders supported Thomas Jefferson for president. Hoping to avoid the strange outcome of the last election, they chose a New York politician named Aaron Burr to run as his vice president.

The Granger Collection, NYCThis Republican presidential campaign banner is from 1800. The banner reads, “T. Jefferson President of the United States of America. John Adams no MORE.”

The Federalists chose John Adams to run for reelection as president. Charles Pinckney of South Carolina was selected to run for vice president. Some Federalists would have preferred Alexander Hamilton as their presidential candidate. Although he did not run, Hamilton’s influence would shape the results of the election.

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The Campaign

The candidates outlined their campaign issues early. Jefferson supported the Constitution and states’ rights. He promised to run a “frugal and simple” government. Adams ran on his record of peace and prosperity.

The campaign, however, centered more on insults than on issues. Republican newspapers attacked Adams as a tyrant. They even accused him of wanting to turn the nation into a monarchy so that his children could follow him on the presidential throne.

Some Federalist newspapers called Jefferson an atheist. An atheist is someone who denies the existence of God. Jefferson, these newspapers charged, would “destroy religion, introduce immorality, and loosen all the bonds of society.” Frightened by these charges, some elderly Federalists buried their Bibles to keep them safe from the “godless” Republicans.

The Divided Federalists

Hamilton and his followers refused to support Adams because of disagreements over the president’s foreign policy. “We shall never find ourselves in the straight road of Federalism while Mr. Adams is President,” stated Oliver Wolcott, one of Hamilton’s close allies.

As the campaign heated up, Hamilton worked feverishly behind the scenes to convince the men chosen for the Electoral College to cast their presidential ballots for Pinckney over Adams. Pinckney seemed more likely than Adams to value Hamilton’s advice and his firm Federalist principles. With Pinckney as president, Hamilton believed that he would be able to personally guide the United States into the new century.

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Section 8: A Deadlock and a New Amendment

The Granger Collection, NYCHere, Republican women help Thomas Jefferson win the election in New Jersey in 1800. Women were allowed to vote in New Jersey until 1808.

When the Electoral College voted early in 1801, it was clear that John Adams had lost the election. But to whom? Under the Constitution, each elector cast two votes, with the idea that the candidate finishing second would be vice president. All of the Republican electors voted for Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The result was a tie between them.

Breaking the Tie

In the case of a tie, the Constitution sends the election to the House of Representatives. There, each state has one vote. Burr could have told his supporters in the House to elect Jefferson president, as his party wanted. Instead, he remained silent, hoping the election might go his way. When the House voted, the result was another tie.

Page 26: · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a

In the presidential election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr received the same number of electoral votes. After almost a week of deadlock in the House of Representatives, Jefferson was elected president. The Twelfth Amendment was ratified in 1804 to prevent such ties in the future.

After 6 days and 35 ballots, it was Federalist Alexander Hamilton who broke the deadlock. He asked his supporters in the House to vote for Jefferson. Of the two Republicans, he said, “Jefferson is to be preferred. He is by far not so dangerous a man.” The tie was broken, and Jefferson was elected president.

In 1804, the Twelfth Amendment was added to the Constitution to prevent such ties. The amendment calls for the Electoral College to cast separate ballots for president and vice president. If no presidential candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives chooses a president from the top three candidates. If no candidate for vice president receives a majority, the Senate chooses the vice president.

A Peaceful Revolution

The election of 1800 was a victory for Jefferson and his Republican Party. But it was also a victory for the new system of government established by the Constitution. In other countries, power changed hands by means of war or revolution. In the United States, power had passed from one group to another without a single shot being fired.

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Reading Further - The President’s House

Library of CongressWhen John and Abigail Adams arrived, Washington was more an idea than a city. After the site was selected, the District of Columbia had to be built. This view is of the District of Columbia in 1801.

What kind of home should the president of a brand new country live in? The early leaders had to decide this question. Congress gave George Washington the freedom to make this decision, and his ideas led to the building we know today as the White House. But it would be the second president, John Adams, who first lived in the house.

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John Adams reached Washington on Saturday afternoon, November 1, 1800. Because travel at that time was difficult, no one had known ahead of time exactly when the president would arrive. As it turned out, he was earlier than expected. The only people there to greet him were a few workers and two commissioners who were overseeing work on the nation’s capital.

A welcoming committee was not the only thing missing when the president arrived. The building that the president would call home was little more than a shell on that November day. When Adams moved in, only 6 of the 36 rooms in the president’s house were fit to live in. Only 18 rooms had finished plaster walls. Fires burned in 13 fireplaces every day to keep the house warm and dry enough to live in. The fires also helped dry the plaster in the rooms that had it.

From the unfinished house, President Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, who was still at their home in Massachusetts. He told her that “the Building is in a State to be habitable. And now we wish for your Company.” Abigail arrived two weeks later.

The First Lady was not happy about the condition of her new home. “Shiver, shiver,” she wrote to her daughter. “Surrounded with forests, can you believe that wood [for fires] is not to be had because people cannot be found to cut and cart it.” Water, too, was hard to come by. Servants had to haul it nearly half a mile to the president’s house.

But Abigail made the best of it. She and John improvised. Abigail used what was to become the formal East Room for hanging laundry. The Adamses even managed to entertain guests in their unfinished home.

The Adamses knew that the building would be beautiful one day. They also hoped that it would last for a very long time—like the nation whose leaders it would house.

A Palace for the President

George Washington had turned down the chance to be king of the United States. But Washington, a Federalist, believed in a strong central government, with the president playing a central role. He wanted the leader of the new republic to live in a house that reflected the president’s importance.

Those who disagreed with the Federalist idea of a strong executive wanted a more modest home for the president. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, favored a small central government. He wanted the president’s house to reflect that belief. So he proposed a plain house built of brick. To him, a big house built of stone, like those of European leaders, suggested royalty, and he wanted no part of that.

In 1792, Jefferson announced that he would hold a contest to choose an architect to design the president’s house. His advertisement for the contest required applicants to include “an estimate of the Cubic feet of brickwork composing the whole mass of the wall.”

But George Washington had other ideas. He wanted a presidential palace that was large and made of stone. He saw pictures of buildings designed by James Hoban, an architect who had

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trained in Ireland. He liked the buildings, and he wanted Hoban to design the president’s house. Hoban entered the contest and, not surprisingly, won.

Hoban’s design was for a grand house. It was to have three stories and to be built of stone. But a lack of money limited his elaborate plans. The presidential home would still look like a palace, but it would be only two stories tall, with only the first story made of solid stone. The second story would be made of brick and covered with a layer of stone.

In the end, then, the president’s house was something of a compromise. The fact that the new nation had limited time and money meant that Jefferson’s republican ideals were present, though Washington’s influence is reflected even more.

Library of CongressIn 1792, James Hoban submitted a plan for the second floor of the White House. It looks very close to this today. In 1800, when John Adams moved in, the building was unfinished. He and his wife Abigail lived there for the last four months of his term before Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in March 1801.

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Building the President’s House

George Washington laid the cornerstone for the president’s house on October 13, 1792. The outside structure looked finished by 1800, but it took another two years to complete the basic structure inside. In part, that is because builders stopped working on the house in 1799. They reasoned that it would be easy for one man to find a place to sleep—even if that man was the president. Finding a place for the legislature to meet, on the other hand, would be difficult. So they shifted their energy to building the capitol.

National ArchivesRecords show that slaves worked as carpenters on the president’s house in May 1795. The men—Tom, Peter, Ben, Harry, and Daniel—“belonged” to architect James Hoban.

Many people were involved in building the president’s house. Some were immigrants. Scottish masons built the stone walls and covered the second-story brick with stone. The commissioners who oversaw the process had hoped to bring in other immigrant workers. But they had very little success, so they turned to local laborers.

Many of those laborers were African Americans. Some were free, but many were slaves. The government leased the slaves from their masters. Slaves dug the stone from the quarries in Virginia. They also made bricks, which they used to build the huts they lived in at the work site. In addition, much of the lumber for the building came from a slave-managed mill.

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Library of CongressNew features were added to the White House after completion. This 1807 drawing proposed adding porches to the building, features that are defining elements of the house today.

The regal-looking sandstone that George Washington wanted created a problem for the stone masons. Sandstone is porous (absorbent), so the masons made a whitewash to keep moisture out. They applied the whitewash like paint over the brick, but it sealed like glue. That is why the president’s house is white although it was not until 1901 that President Theodore Roosevelt officially called the building the White House.

Continuity and Change

The White House today looks enough like the White House of the past that a viewer can tell it is the same building. But it has gone through many changes over the years.

Wear and tear took their toll on the building, even in the early years. By 1803, so much water had leaked through the roof that the ceiling of the East Room collapsed. Many of the changes to the White House have simply kept the building up to date, outfitting it with modern conveniences. Pipes installed in 1833 brought running water into the house. Heated water piped to the second floor allowed the first family to take hot showers. Starting in 1837, a central furnace took off the chill. Gas lights were installed in 1848 and electric lights in 1891.

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Several major renovations have also ensured that the president’s house has remained the building for the ages that Abigail Adams envisioned. In 1814, British forces burned the president’s house, and only the external structure survived. The entire interior was rebuilt. During Theodore Roosevelt’s administration, a 1902 renovation added the West Wing for the president and his staff. In doing so, it doubled the size of the family’s living space.

But the 1902 renovation, plus the addition of the third story in the 1920s, put a huge strain on the structure. A 1948 engineer’s report concluded that the White House “was standing up purely from habit.” A 1952 renovation gutted the building, strengthened the structure, and rebuilt it. Since 1952, no major overhauls have been necessary. However, repairs are ongoing, and in recent years efforts have been made to make the White House more energy efficient.

Although it has changed over time, the White House remains the home of the president, just as it was when John Adams arrived. Carved in the mantle of the State Dining Room today is the blessing that Adams made for his new home in that long-ago November of 1800:

I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this House andall that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wisemen ever rule under this roof.

Page 33: · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a

Enrichment Essay - Daily Life in the New NationLife in the early United States was very different from today. There were no airplanes, cars, or telephones. People rode horses or in horse-drawn conveyances. They hunted or grew their own food and made their own clothing. They hauled water from streams or wells. They used firelight or, sometimes, oil lamps to light their homes.

But to many of the roughly 5 million people living in the United States in 1800, life felt new and exciting. No longer was the country a collection of separate colonies. It was now a single nation, with a president, a capital city, a constitution, and a flag.

While the country was now one nation, daily life could be very different depending on who one was and where one lived. Let’s take a look at what daily life was like for various groups of people in the United States around the year 1800.

Life on a Farm

Most people in the new nation were farmers. Some farms were small; some were large. A family farm in New England might include 10 acres or so of ploughed fields, a house, a barn, and outbuildings such as a henhouse and an outhouse. For a New England farmer, corn was the main crop. Other crops included beans, squash, turnips, and potatoes. Farm families usually had a few domestic animals. Cows, hens, and pigs provided milk, eggs, and meat.

Farm children worked as hard as their parents. Both boys and girls worked in the fields, tended the vegetable garden, and fed the animals. Boys hunted and trapped animals with their fathers. Girls cooked and sewed with their mothers.

Farms in the South were called plantations. Large plantations were almost like towns. In addition to the plantation house, there were storehouses, kitchens and laundries, and slave houses.

Plantation owners grew crops such as tobacco and cotton. Owners of large plantations did not do their own farming. The backbreaking work of planting and picking was done by slaves.

Life in the City

In 1800, the largest cities in the new nation were on the eastern seaboard. Many, such as Boston, New York, and Charleston, had deep harbors where ships coming from Europe and Africa could unload their cargo.

Cities were busy places. Businesspeople hired workers to make products like wooden barrels and ships. Shops sold goods such as fabric, medicine, and stationery. Many people offered their labor as tailors and hat makers, blacksmiths and silversmiths, and ironmongers (people who made iron tools).

Cities were places of great contrast in 1800. They had elegant houses made of wood and brick, and slums of hastily built shacks. There was often a central green, or “common,” where people

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grazed their cows. All cities had taverns. Some had grand public buildings, colleges, churches, and theaters. Most were noisy and smelled bad from rotting fish and garbage.

Life on the Frontier

In 1800, most of the territory west of the Appalachian Mountains was “frontier land.” The frontier included forests, plains, and mountains. There were few roads and settlements. Some white settlers were starting to travel west to claim land for farming, but most whites on the frontier were traders and trappers.

Trappers and traders tended to be rugged individuals. They had to be. Trappers usually traveled by horse, often alone, deep into the wilderness. They spent weeks and months setting animal traps. They waited out the worst of the winter, when travel was impossible, in hand-built cabins or in Native American villages. In the spring, they collected the animals they had caught in their traps and returned to towns and trading posts, their packhorses piled high with skins and furs.

Traders did not catch animals themselves. Instead, they traded such goods as knives, glass beads, and rum with Native Americans for skins and furs.

Trappers and traders sold their goods for paper money or gold. The animal pelts they brought from the frontier were much in demand for hats and blankets.

Women’s Lives

Women worked hard in 1800. Some women owned businesses, but most worked in their homes. They cooked, cleaned, and did other household chores. And they raised large families.

In 1800, some chores took days to finish. Bread had to be baked; butter had to be churned. Women made all of their families’ clothes. They cleaned and combed wool, spun it into yarn, dyed the yarn and wove it into fabric, and sewed everything by hand. Women made soap and washed clothes. They tended animals and milked cows. And they did all this while training and supervising their children.

Women had many responsibilities, but they did not have legal rights either inside or outside their homes. Legally, husbands were in charge of their families. They owned all property inherited by their wives. Almost everywhere, women could not vote.

The Lives of African American Slaves

In 1800, the majority of slaves lived in the South. Most lived on medium-size plantations where there were 20 to 50 slaves.

Legally, slaves were property. Although slaves could not leave the plantations to which they belonged, they could be traded, bought, or sold by their white owners. Husbands could be taken from wives, and children could be taken from parents. Punishments were severe. Runaway slaves were whipped if they were caught. Often they were killed.

Page 35: · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a

Slaves lived in separate communities on the plantation. They had only what their masters chose to give them in the way of food, shelter, and clothing. On some plantations, children might attend field school, but that was rare. Most slaves received little or no education.

Some slaves worked in the plantation house, cooking and cleaning. Some worked as skilled laborers, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, and seamstresses. Most worked in the fields. They worked from sunrise to sunset, with only enough time to eat a quick midday meal. In summer, the workday could be 16 hours long.

The Lives of Free African Americans

A few slaves managed to gain their freedom. Some bought their freedom. Others ran from southern plantations to northern cities, where they could find work. Some African Americans were born free because their parents were free.

In the North, attitudes toward African Americans were mixed. Some people, like the Quakers, took a fierce stand against slavery. Other northerners owned slaves. Even free African Americans could not eat or sleep in inns with whites, vote, join the army, or sit near whites in churches.

The Lives of Native Americans

In 1800, more than a dozen Native American nations lived in the new nation’s states and territories. There was no one way of life for Native Americans. Each nation was made up of tribes with different customs and languages. Some tribes stayed in one place and grew crops. Others followed the herds they hunted.

Let’s look more closely at one Native American nation, the Sioux. As white settlers began to travel west, some claimed the land that had historically been used by the Sioux. The Sioux were a nation of Plains Indians. In 1800, they lived on the great plains of the Midwest in small bands of 10 to 50 extended-family groups. They followed the buffalo herds. During the winter, they lived in one camp for several months. In the spring, summer, and fall, they moved camp every few days, using horses to carry their food and tools.

Buffalo supplied the Sioux with almost everything they needed, including food, shelter, and clothing. The Sioux also ate deer, rabbit, bear, and wild turkey, as well as wild fruits and nuts.

Each family lived in a teepee, or tent. Sioux teepees were made of animal hides, supported by long wooden poles. They had an opening at the top for smoke from the cooking fire to escape. There was no furniture inside a teepee. Family members slept on piles of buffalo hides.

Although each tribe had a chief, all adult members of a tribe helped to make decisions.


Enrichment Activity

Page 36: · Web viewto take power. “My movements to the chair of government,” he wrote on leaving home, “will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a

As you can see, different groups in the new nation led quite different lives. Do you think Americans today are more alike than they were in 1800?

Create a three-column matrix that includes the seven topics covered in this essay. In the first column, list the seven topics: Life on a Farm, Life in the City, Life on the Frontier, Women’s Lives, The Lives of African American Slaves, The Lives of Free African Americans, and The Lives of Native Americans. In the second column, record at least two facts that can be gathered from the essay for each topic. In the third column, for each topic, write down one way that life in the United States has changed since 1800.