· Web viewThere are a number of members battling health issues – keep them...

Adare Update: June 2 nd 2020 PEOPLE: Congratulations Faye Buckley – 80 not-out on 30 th May. We hope it was a great day. Congratulations to John Murchland who turned 90 last week. The family were able to have two ISO window visits - morning & afternoon - to celebrate with him. He was pleased to receive messages from Adare people as a reminder of the people & events in his life. Here are a few photos taken through the window glass. Above: John’s family: Right: John (through the glass). Below: The whole family

Transcript of  · Web viewThere are a number of members battling health issues – keep them...

Page 1:  · Web viewThere are a number of members battling health issues – keep them in your prayers and your thoughts. There are also people with immediate family issues

Adare Update: June 2 nd 2020 PEOPLE:Congratulations Faye Buckley – 80 not-out on 30th May. We hope it was a great day.

Congratulations to John Murchland who turned 90 last week. The family were able to have two ISO window visits - morning & afternoon - to celebrate with him. He was pleased to receive messages from Adare people as a reminder of the people & events in his life. Here are a few photos taken through the window glass.

Above: John’s family:Right: John (through the glass).Below: The whole family

Page 2:  · Web viewThere are a number of members battling health issues – keep them in your prayers and your thoughts. There are also people with immediate family issues

There are a number of members battling health issues – keep them in your prayers and your thoughts. There are also people with immediate family issues – too many to list here, but keep those you know in your prayers.Barrie Carbins is now home after shoulder replacement surgery. The operation appears to have been successful and he is receiving physio treatment.Dean Wickham is in Griffith Rehab for sciatica – he has had an MRI to determine the source of his pain and hopefully will receive cortisone and some relief.Jenny Fletcher has been in hospital with blood pressure issues but is now home again and feeling well. John Mathieson is in the Victor Harbor hospital recovering from pneumonia and is expecting to go into respite for a couple of weeks. Marg Mathieson is experiencing very significant back problems, but can’t get an appointment with a neuro-surgeon until December 8th!John Mardell had surgery on Monday 1st June – a 5-hour operation – but at this stage very successful. He will be home today or tomorrow.Sandy Mardell will have her gall bladder surgery on 9th June. Garnet Kuchel has further surgery in front of him - dates unknown.Leanne Sorensen has tonsillitis.Anne Craig has an operation on her right hand coming up – lets hope she can still take Council Meeting minutes!

THANKS:Thanks to all those who contributed to the Adare Uniting Church profile. Nearly all suggestions have been taken on board, and the Church Council now has a ‘final’ document ready to go to Presbytery. Once approved by Presbytery this document will be made available to Ministers and others so that they can consider a placement as Minister of the Word at Adare.

As a result of your input the pastoral care requirements have been strengthened, the structure of worship made clearer and the importance of the acceptance of differing theological views emphasized. Most other changes were grammatical or cosmetic.

I can send an electronic copy to anyone who wishes to have the final

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document. Just ask.

SUPPLY MINISTER:Presbytery and Church Council have been busy trying to find a supply minister to fill in while we advertise and seek a permanent settlement. We have entered into discussions with one potential Minister and things look promising. Further discussions will occur on Friday 5th June. We will need to establish the role we expect our minister to play and develop a contract that is acceptable to the supply person, the Presbytery, and us. If all goes well the appointment could start in July.

ERNEST’S RELEASE FROM ADARE:We have put Tuesday 16th July in our diaries to hold a service that releases Rev Ernest Sorensen from his work with the Adare Uniting Church. Presbytery will conduct a liturgy via We will advise you further on this once details are clearer.

WORSHIP FOR THE WHOLE CHURCH:Church Council is required to submit a Covid-19 safe plan before we can use our church buildings. These plans require detail in relation to social distancing, physical hygiene, building preparations, signage, responsible people and the use of all spaces. It is a very large form with many restrictions. The design of our buildings, and the COVID requirements make it nigh on impossible for us to reopen our facilities during the next month.

COVID SAFE PLANS:All congregations and potential hirers of church facilities MUST complete a COVID SAFE PLAN and submit it to government before they can resume their operations. The plan has to be printed and on site. Any church not complying with these government directions can be fined up to $5000, and any individuals who are found on the premises can also be fined similar amounts.

Council believes that the requirements of the COVID Plan are too demanding at present and cannot be achieved at this stage of the “easing of restrictions”.

Council would like to form a committee of church members to develop a COVID SAFE PLAN for the consideration of Council, Presbytery and government. It seeks volunteers, with the aim of meeting requirements by July.

In the mean-time we will continue to update each week the ‘do it yourself’ worship/devotions page on the website and encourage you to worship with other online churches.

CHURCH HIRE AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES:Table-tennis, quilting, footloose and similar activities can not recommence until a COVID SAFE PLAN is submitted to Government and Presbytery.

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Peter ManuelAdare Church Council Chairperson.

John takes the cake!