· Web viewThe indicator lights of some cars are controlled with a lever...

MultiChoice Questions: No . Questions Answers Exam M&Y 1 Consider the following statement about user interfaces in the early computer machines Punched cards were used and became perhaps the first solution to a user interface problem. Colossus (1943) was perhaps the first truly interactive computer. Before the 1980s, personal computers were used by enthusiasts. Oct/Nov 2017 201/1/2 014 Consider the following statements regarding user interfaces in early computing machines. The user population of early personal computers consisted mostly of enthusiasts and experts who built their own systems, so there was little incentive to design for the casual end-user. The term „computer‟ was originally used in the early twentieth century to describe the people who manually performed calculations. ENIAC, the first truly electronic digital computer (1946), was programmed by physically manipulating plugs and relays. 201/1/2 012 An access service that uses radio waves to broadcast an internet signal from a wireless router to the immediate surrounding area is known as: WiFi 201/1/2 012 201/2/2 012 1 The internet was originally a: Local area network (LAN) at MIT May/ June 2014 1 | Page

Transcript of · Web viewThe indicator lights of some cars are controlled with a lever...

MultiChoice Questions:

No. Questions Answers Exam M&Y

1 Consider the following statement about user interfaces in the early computer machines

Punched cards were used and became perhaps the first solution to a user interface problem.

Colossus (1943) was perhaps the first truly interactive computer.

Before the 1980s, personal computers were used by enthusiasts.

Oct/Nov 2017201/1/2014

Consider the following statements regarding user interfaces in early computing machines.

The user population of early personal computers consisted mostly of enthusiasts and experts who built their own systems, so there was little incentive to design for the casual end-user.

The term „computer‟ was originally used in the early twentieth century to describe the people who manually performed calculations.

ENIAC, the first truly electronic digital computer (1946), was programmed by physically manipulating plugs and relays.


An access service that uses radio waves to broadcast an internet signal from a wireless router to the immediate surrounding area is known as:

WiFi 201/1/2012201/2/2012

1 The internet was originally a: Local area network (LAN) at MIT May/June 2014201/2/2012

1 The indicator lights of some cars are controlled with a lever situated to the left of the steering wheel, while in other cars the lever is placed on the right-hand side of the steering wheel. The fact that the lever that is positioned on the left is pushed upwards to indicate a right turn, while the lever placed on the right-hand side is pushed down to indicates a right turn, is an example of

Oct/Nov 2012

1 Which of the following are advantages of using questionnaires for evaluation?

It is less labour intensive than interviews

Results can be analysed rigorously

May/June 2011201/2/2014

1 Consider the following statement about user interfaces in the early history of computer machines

The user population consisted mainly of experts

The Colossus was regarded as the first truly interactive computer

Herman Hollerith developed a punched card tabulating machine that could sort more than 200 cards

Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015Oct/Nov 2013

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a minute.Consider the following definitions / descriptions on principles:

Generalizability relates to support for the user to extend specific knowledge within and across other similar applications.

Consistency involves likeness in input-output behaviour arising from similar situations or task objectives.

Design rules can be classified according to their authority and generality.

The best user interface guidelines are high-level, widely applicable directing principles, rather than explicit instructions.


Applying means that user interface design experts evaluate the user interface according to usability principles.

Heuristic evaluation 201/2/2014

Maps use a set of generally accepted markings and notations. This demonstrates the principle of:

Consistency 203/1/2018

Dix et al suggest principles to support usability. These principles are:

Learnability Flexibility Robustness


System-initiated modification to customize a user interface is termed:



1 “The effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users achieve specified goals in particular environments.” This the definition of _____ given by International Standards Organisation (ISO)

UsabilityOct/Nov 2011May/June 2011

1 ________ has traditionally involved the design of the ‘total working environment’.

Ergonomics Oct/Nov 2011

According to the ISO standard 9241, usability involves effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Which of these can be described as the accuracy and completeness with which users can achieve specified goals in particular environments?

Effectiveness 201/1/2012

1 ___________ and acquired colour deficits make it difficult to discriminate between colours on the basis of hue, lightness or saturation.

Congenital Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2014Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

Which of the following makes it Congenital and acquired colour 201/1/2014

2 | P a g e

difficult to discriminate between colours on the basis of hue, lightness and saturation?


1 Human information processing consists of the following three interacting systems:

Physiology Perception Cognition

Oct/Nov 2011

Which factors affect perception? Field of perception Background noise Fatigue and circadian Change in output


Factors which affect perception are: Change in output The field of perception Background noise Fatigue and circadian rhythms.


1 The ‘human’ in human-computer interaction is defined as including

Whoever is trying to accomplish something using the technology

An individual user A group of users working together A sequence of users in an

organization, each dealing with some part of the task or process

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2016201/1/2012

1 Major transformations in computing in computing that will affect the field of HCI in the next decade are

Increasing dependency on technology.

The changing notion of ‘the interface’.

Increased creativity through technology.

Oct/Nov 2011May/June 2011201/1/2012201/2/2012

Which of the following are major transformations in computing that will affect the field of HCI?

Increasing dependency on technology

Increased creativity through technology

Changes in the means of and recording of information

The changing notion of the interface


1 Laptop and notebook computers can use the following types of wireless access services when away from home or office?

Cellular broadband technology Oct/Nov 2011

1 Which of the following statements about the Email, the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) are altogether TRUE?

Email and WWW were the two major developments built on the internet

Until the late 1980s the growth in electronic mail was largely restricted to academic communities, i.e. universities and colleges.

Oct/Nov 2011May/June 2011201/1/2012201/2/2012

1 ____________ developed a computational device, using punched cards, to calculate census statistics

Herman Hollerith Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

Choose the correct statements about the internet and the World Wide Web:

Since the inception of the internet, there has been rapid growth in world-wide computer networks.

There are less than 1,73 billion


3 | P a g e

internet users worldwide Two major developments on the

internet are the use of electronic mail systems and World Wide Web.

1 Charles Babbage invented the Analytical Engine which was a general computer. What interaction style did he use for providing the users interface?

Punched cards May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2013201/1/2014

1 Which computer was conceived or developed by Charles Babbage?

Analytical Engine May/June 2012May/June 2011201/1/2012201/2/2012

Computers and computer software are created for people to use. They should therefore be designed in a way that allows the intended user to use them successfully for the intended purpose. To design a successful system the designers must understand:

1How to support the tasks that the user will perform with it.

Why the users need the system and what tasks they will want to perform with the system.

How the system fits into the user‟s existing context.

What knowledge users might have (or lack) that may influence their interaction with the system.


The WWW grew from: NCSA National Centre for Super Computer Applications



Professionals in HCI are typically User experience designers Interactive designers User interface designers Application designers


1 Which of the following aspects work against evolutionary design?

New versions of a product are already under design before the old ones are in use.

Adequate mechanisms for collecting and feeding back experiences of customers do not exist.

New ‘improved’ versions of a product come out that do not evolve gradually from the good properties of previous one.

Designers have to make something different and individual – even if another company has already produced the perfect version of the product.

Oct/Nov 2016May/June 2011203/1/2018201/2/2014

1 When an action is constrained so that failure at one stage prevents the next step from occurring, we call it a/an

Constraint May/June 2011201/2/2014

4 | P a g e

Constraints should 201/2/2014What is the most appropriate stage in which to do summative evaluation?

At the end of the design cycle to make judgements on the finished system.


During later design stages, evaluation focuses on:

Identifying user difficulties Improving an upgrade of the



During early design stages, evaluations are done to

Predict usability of a product. Check the design teams’

understanding of user requirements. Test ideas quickly and informally as

part of envisioning a possible design.


1 Which of the following statements about the early history of computing are true?

The early history of computing can be traced back to the narrow aims of mathematicians, logicians, and astronomers who had particular calculations that needed to be performed.

Punched cards were used and became perhaps the first solution to a user interface problem.

Colossus (1943) that was perhaps the first truly interactive

The term ‘computer’ was originally used to describe the people who manually performed these calculations

May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2012

1 Which of the following statements about design standards is/are TRUE?

Standards for interactive system design are usually set by national or international bodies

Provides a common terminology, so that designers know that they are discussing the same concept.

They make it possible to design rule without taking the target user’s skills and characteristics into account

May/June 2014

The term_________ is used to refer to the information a user receives about what action has been taken and what results has been accomplished.

Feedback 203/1/2018

1 Which statement about the early computing are true?

Personal computers were only used by enthusiasts.

Computers were sold in kits and were distributed through magazines and electronic shops.

Oct/Nov 2012

Interfaces that combine ways of interacting, such touch, sight, sound and speech, are referred to as

Multimodal Interfaces May/June 2014

2 Which statement are true about the Since the inception of the Internet, Oct/Nov

5 | P a g e

internet and the World Wide Web? there has been a rapid growth in world-wide computer systems.

Until the late 1980s, the growth in electronic mail was largely restricted to academic communities,

2017May/June 2017201/1/2014

2 One of the most important principles of design is visibility, the property by which the visible structure of well-designed objects gives clues to their operation. These clues are given by:

Affordances, Constraints, and Mappings

Oct/Nov 2016203/1/2018

2 Which of the following is a driver of mobile computing?

No need of wireless access services Widespread availability of satellite

telephone links

May/June 2016May/June 2015May/June 2012201/1/2017

How many machines were connected to the Internet in 1990?

100 000 201/1/2017

2 When a driver stops at a red traffic light, he is adhering to a _____ constraint

May/June 2011

2 Which of the following statements are TRUE about mobile computing?

It can take place over large distances using cellular and satellite telephone links.

It makes internet connection through notebook computers and standard cell phones.

Through mobile technology, people who would never have had access to computers in their non-mobile now have mobile phones which they can use to access resources such as the worldwide web.

Oct/Nov 2013201/2/2017201/1/2014

2 Ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) refers to:

Computer systems that are embedded in everyday objects

Computer systems become part of the environment.

Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2013201/1/2014201/1/2012

2 Which of the following definitions of HCI are acceptable?

HCI is a ‘set of processes, dialogues, and actions through which a human user employs and interacts with a computer’

HCI is a ‘discipline concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them.

HCI is ‘the study of people, computer technology, and the ways

May/June 2014May/June 2011201/1/2018201/2/2012

6 | P a g e

these influence each other’ HCI is concerned with studying and

improving the many factors that influence the effectiveness and efficiency of computer use.

Human-Computer interaction is about designing for people (users). HCI is only about the display. True or false?

False 201/1/2018

3 Who got the idea of the GUI? Xerox Oct/Nov 2017

3 In the 1980s electronic mail was mostly used by:

Academic communities May/June 2017201/1/2017

3 Which of the following statements about the history of interactive systems are true?

Oct/Nov 2016

3 Which of the following statement(s) involving HCI is NOT true? Definitions of HCI

HCI emerged in the early 1970s as a specialty area in Computer Science

May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2012

3 Which of the following statements about attentions and memory are TRUE?

Attention is influenced by the way information is presented as well as by people’s goals

Memory consists of a number of systems that can be distinguished in terms of their cognitive structure as well as on their respective roles in the cognitive process

Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2014May/June 2013

Choose the correct statements about attention.

Some people’s attention can be distracted easily while others can concentrate on a task irrespective of external disturbances.

Attention is the process of concentrating on something at a specific point in time.


3 The ‘computer’ in human-computer interaction is defined as including

A general desktop computer A spacecraft cockpit An embedded computer device A process control system

May/June 2014201/2/2016201/2/2012

Computer systems that are embedded in everyday objects and are part of the environment are known as

Ubiquitous computing 201/1/2018201/2/2017201/2/2016

Mobile and ubiquitous computing will remain a focus area for many years to come. Indicate which off the following major transformations in computing will affect the field of HCI increasingly in the next decade:

The changing notion of ‘the interface’

Hyper-connectivity Changes in the means of and

reasons for recording information.


3 User experience refers to How people feel about a product May/June

7 | P a g e

One cannot design a user experience but can design for user experience

Designing products to support the way people communicate forms part of interaction follow communication on discussion forum


Designing products so that people with disabilities can use them is referred to as:

Accessibility 201/1/2017201/1/2016201/1/2014

Which of the following categories are characteristics of human (user) resources?

Perception Cognition Physiology


3 Physiological interaction with PC in your open-plan office can be facilitated

Low cost wrist support. Well-designed chairs. Screens around the desk to reduce

distraction. Attending to the angle at which a

user looks at the visual display

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

201/1/20174 Physically impaired users who can move

their heads only require ____ to translate control onscreen cursor movement

eye tracking devices Page.32 Oct/Nov 2017May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2016

4 When equipment is designed with more possible actions than it has controls, it is likely to lead to ____ errors

Capture errors May/June 2011

4 Uses have different degrees of information about interactive systems. Expertise develops through the following levels

Skill-based level Rule-based level Knowledge-based level

May/June 2011

A typical computer user population usually does not exist because of differences inPreece et al. (2007:483) define ___________ as “the degree to which an interactive product is usable by people with disabilities.”

Accesibility 201/1/2018

4 A usability principle that refers to the resources expanded in relation to the accuracy and completeness of goals achieved is called___

Efficiency May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2012201/1/2017

A relationship exists between what a user wants to do and what results from the action. When this is a close

Natural mapping May/June 2011

8 | P a g e

relationship, indicated by the use of physical analogise or cultural standards, it is called

4 Usability goals ensure that interaction with technology is effective. Which of the following is NOT a usability goal?

Aesthetics Oct/Nov 2013201/2/2014

4 Choose the correct statements about the major transformation in computing that will affect the field of HCI

Graphical user interfaces and the mouse will be replaced by tangible interfaces

It is easy to record information in digital format

E-mails means that it is much easier to build archives of everyday communications

Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015Oct/Nov 2013

4 An advantage of making usability the major design criterion, is that the item will be _____

May/June 2012

4 The concept of ________ relates to the way human sense information, using hearing, sight and touch

Perception May/June 2011201/2/2012

4 A wireless access services that involves a modem to connect telecommunication towers for internet access is referred to as:

Cellular broadband Oct/Nov 2014Oct/Nov 2012201/1/2016

4 The following are advantages of web-based interaction

It provides users with access to large volumes of information at the click of a button.

Sophisticated search engines such as Google makes it easy to search for information on specific topics.

It is easy to avoid accessing irrelevant information

May/June 2012

5 Web application that makes interactive information sharing and collaboration on the World Wide We possible are called

Web 2.0 Oct/Nov 2017201/1/2014

Web 2.0 applications are characterized by the following:

They make interactive information sharing and collaboration on the World Wide Web

possible. They allow users to contribute to

the content of the website. They let content to be generated by

web applications.


5 A factor which does NOT form part of the major transformations is computing that will affect the field of HCI is ___

Decreasing dependency on technology

May/June 2017201/1/2014

5 The advantage and disadvantage of the knowledge in the head are as follows EXCEPT

Learning is not required whenever visible and audible

Oct/Nov 2016May/June 2016

9 | P a g e

May/June 2012

5 Which statements are TRUE about Attention?

It involves concentrating on something at a specific point in time.

Some people’s attention can be distracted easily while others can concentrate on a task irrespective of external disturbances.

May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015May/June 2012201/1/2017201/1/2016

5 Consequences of the vast increase in information processing power of computers are

Climate modelling The human genome project Google earth


5 An insidious piece of code hidden inside a computer program that offers different functionality is called a/an

Trojan horses Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

5 Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about e-learning?

Some students may not have access to the technological resources required for e-learning

Oct/Nov 2011201/2/2014201/1/2012

5 The following statement(s) about groupware are true EXCET?

It enables large numbers of users to be contacted at the same address.

Oct/Nov 2012

5 Which of the following statement(s) does or do NOT apply to groupware?

It enables large numbers of users to be contacted at the same address.

Oct/Nov 2011201/2/2014201/2/2014201/1/2012

6 The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context is called:

Usability Oct/Nov 2017201/1/2018201/2/2017201/2/2016201/1/2014

6 One of the following is usability principles that refers to the comfort and acceptability of the work system for its users and other people affected by its use.

Satisfaction May/June 2017

6 A usability principle that refers to the comfort and acceptability of the work system to its users and other people affected its use is called_____

Satisfaction Oct/Nov 2016Oct/Nov 2012

6 Physiological /Physical interaction with the computer in a working environment can be enhanced by:

The visual display should always be positioned with the correct visual angle to the user

Using low-cost wrist support Using well designed chairs that

provide proper lower back support

Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015Oct/Nov 2013

10 | P a g e

201/1/20146 The term ________ refers to the

perceived and actual properties of an object, primarily those fundamental properties that determine just how the object could possibly be used

Affordance May/June 2011

______ has traditionally involved the design of the ‘total working environment’ which included the height of the chair, table, etc.

Ergonomics 201/1/2018201/1/2012

6 The difference between long-term (LTM) and short-term memory (STM) is:

STM store information from the immediate past and retrieval is measured in seconds or minutes, whilst LTM holds information about events that happened hours, days, months or years ago

May/June 2015May/June 2013

The four activities of interaction design are:

Identifying needs and establishing user requirements

Developing alternative designs according to the requirements

Building prototypes of the designs so that they can be assessed

Evaluating the designs and the user experience.


Which of the following is NOT one of the four activities of interaction design as described by Preece, et al. (2007)?

Evaluating the designs and the user experience.


6 An important aim for user’s interface design is to increase the load on STM and reduce the load on LTM

May/June 2013

6 The characteristics of Short-Term Memory (STM) are:

STM store information or events from the immediate past

The retrieval is measured in seconds or sometimes minutes

It is limited to the amount of information

Oct/Nov 2012201/1/2017201/1/2016

Choose the correct statements about short-term memory.

Short-term memory store information or events from the immediate past

Retrieval in short-term memory is measured in seconds.


The characteristics of long-term memory are:

It holds information about events that happened days, months or years ago.

It has high capacity.


6 What is the maximum number of items that a person can generally keep in short-term memory?

Seven items May/June 2014May/June 2011

7 Which of the following aspects produce changes in perception that lead to reduced visual effectiveness of certain

Partial sight, Ageing, and Congenital colour deficits

Oct/Nov 2017

11 | P a g e

colour combinations:Perception is influenced by: Maximum and minimum detectable

levels of, for example, sound Background noise. Fatigue and circadian (biological)


May/June 2011201/1/2016

7 Which statements are TRUE about perception?

Oct/Nov 2013

The aspects of colour that influence how colour is perceived are:

Colour hue Colour lightness Colour saturation.


7 Which statement is true? People with colour deficits generally see less contrast between colours than someone with normal vision.

May/June 2017

7 Which of the following factors influences a user’s experience when interacting with a system?

The user’s personality type Cultural background Gender Memory capacity Previous experience

Oct/Nov 2016Oct/Nov 2012

The advantages for society of being able to model complex systems include

Improved the understanding of pandemics, contagion and global health trends.

Better prediction of the impact of climate change on the environment, the economy and on humans in general.

Better prediction of natural disasters and their impact so that effective response plans can be set up.

May/June 2011

Preece’s model of HCI has four components, namely

May/June 2011

What are the four different classes of constraints?

Physical Semantic Cultural and logical


Short term memory can store information or events from the _________________ past.

Immediate 201/1/2018

Human information processing consists of three interaction systems: _______.

Perceptual Cognition Physiology


An aspect of colour that describes the perceptual attributes associated with elementary colour names is called

Colour hue 201/1/2018201/2/2017201/2/2016

Identifying needs and establishing user requirements is one of the activities of ______________.

Interaction design 201/1/2017

7 The Reasons for designing systems that are accessible to people with disabilities are:

Compliance with regulatory and legal requirements

Exposure to more people Better design and implementation:

May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2015

12 | P a g e

Cost savings May/June 2012May/June 2011201/1/2016

7 Reasons given by Henry (2002) for designing systems that are accessible to people with disabilities are:

Cost savings Compliance with regulatory and

legal requirements Better design and implementation

Oct/Nov 2014201/1/2012

____________ refers to the level of support the user is given in determining successful achievement and assessment of goals

Robustness May/June 2011

7 A developer was successful in designing a computer software game written in Zulu, the target users were Zulu speaking people in KZN. What type of approach did he follow?

Localisation Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015Oct/Nov 2013

7 Software that is developed for the purpose of doing harm or gaining unlawful access to information is referred to as

Malware Oct/Nov 2012203/1/2018201/1/2014

‘Cracker’ is a name proposed for someone who:

Attacks a computer system. 203/1/2018

7 Which of the following are differences between knowledge in the head and the world?

Knowledge in the world is easily retrievable whenever visible or audible whilst knowledge in the head is difficult to retrieve

Knowledge in the head is associated with high ease of us at first encounter and knowledge in the world with low ease of use at first encounter

Learning is not required for the knowledge in the world, but information in the head requires learning

May/June 2014May/June 2011201/2/2016

Which of the following is NOT a difference between knowledge in the head and the world?

There is high ease of use at first encounter for knowledge in the head and low ease of use at first encounter for knowledge in the world.

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

8 Choose the correct statement about attention

Some people’s attention can be distracted easily while others can concentrate on a task irrespective of external disturbances.

Attention is the process of concentrating on something at a specific point in time.

Oct/Nov 2017

8 The contributing factors to the digital divide are:

Financial constraints Lack of skills

Oct/Nov 2012

13 | P a g e

203/1/20188 Which of the following are urban

myths about the impact of computer system on the human physiology?

Peoples eyesight deteriorates because of computer systems

Visual display units of computers do not seem to have the same effect.

VDU’s do not ‘significantly’ increase the risk of radiation-related illnesses.

May/June 2017

The following are common types of menu-based interaction styles

May/June 2011

Which of the following statements regarding computer system designs and users are TRUE?

May/June 2011

8 HCI is a multidisciplinary subject. Which of the following topics are used in an idea design of an interactive system.

Psychology and cognitive science, giving insight into the user’s capability

Environmental factors and ergonomics to be able to address the user’s working environment, physical capabilities and comfort factors.

Philosophy, sociology, and anthropology to help understand the wider context of interaction.

Computer science and engineering to be able to build the necessary technology.

Graphics design to produce effective interface presentation.

Oct/Nov 2016

8 Slips show up most frequently______. in skilled behaviour May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2012

8 Nisbett (2003) compared the thought patterns of East Asians and Westerners classifying them as holistic and analytic respectively. What is the difference between holistically-minded people and analytically-minded people?

Holistically-minded people tend to perceive a situation globally while analytically-minded people ten to perceive an object separately from the context

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

8 In which level of expertise does slips and lapses occur?

Oct/Nov 2013

8 A student went to shop to buy computer equipment. When he got to the shop, he had forgotten what he wanted to buy. What is this type of slips?

Description error Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2013

Choose the expertise which the designer of interactive systems should have:

Linguistics Computer science and engineering

to be able to build the necessary


14 | P a g e

technology.9 Which of the following statements

regarding human issues in HCI are absolutely TRUE?

Computer use does not damage your eyes or eyesight. It may, however, make you aware of existing defects.

Oct/Nov 2017May/June 2011201/2/2016

9 Is the following statement true or false? Reading and navigating text or objects on a computer screen is a completely different experienced for a user who cannot see properly.

True May/June 2017

The most frequently used technique of requirements elicitation for user interfaces involves:

Interviews 203/1/2018

9 Which statements(s) is true about memory:

Memory structured, but most distinguish between long term and short-term memory.

Short term memory store information or events from the immediate past

Long term memory holds information about events that happened hours, days, months or years ago

Oct/Nov 2016

9 Programming your televisions channels so that you get SABC1 by pressing 1 on the remote control, SABC2 by pressing 2, SABC3 by pressing 3 and e-TV by pressing 4 is an example of

a natural mapping May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2012

9 Application or client programs that translate user request for information into the communications primitives that are necessary to transfer relevant data from remote servers are called:

Browsers May/June 2015May/June 2013201/1/2012201/2/2012

9 The way in which a system is designed, build and sold differs if the intended users are ‘experts’ or ‘novices’. He three levels of expertise from the lowest to the highest level are

Knowledge-based level Rule-based level Skill-based level

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

9 A kind of slips that occurs when an activity that you perform frequently is done instead of the intended activity is know as:

Capture errors Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2013201/1/2014

9 Forces that work against evolutionary design are

The demands of time Pressure to be distinctive The pressure of individuality and

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

15 | P a g e

market differentiation.

Digital watches constitute an example of9 Which of the following is/are the

reason(s) why designers go astray? They are not typical users. They try to fit too much onto a

screen. They have to please their clients,

who may not be end-users.

Oct/Nov 2011203/1/2018201/2/2014201/1/2012

9 The fact that we can use the world ‘clockwise’ to indicate a specific direction of direction of circular movement, is an example of:

Standardization Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

The main tools used for _____ are observation, interviews and documentationWhen you make a hotel reservation or conference registration online, you are entering your personal details as input using a

9 A kind of slip that occurs when instead of the intended activity, you do something that has a lot in common with what you wanted to do

Description errors Oct/Nov 2012

9 According to Norman (1999) a function that requires one action before a next can take place is called_______

A forcing function Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

With regard to the activities during interface design, requirements elicitation involves

May/June 2011

9 ____________ refers to the ease with which users can enter a new system and reach a maximum level of performance.

Learnability Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

The paradox of technology, according to Norman, relates to the facts that

9 Which of the following statement about ‘culture’ is FALSE?

Culture is fully determined by national boundaries

May/June 2014201/1/2012

10 Is the following statement true or false? The introduction of GUI was advancement for vision-impaired users.

False “(GUIs) was a setback for vision-impaired users”

Oct/Nov 2017

10 Before a system can be internationalised or localised many factors need to be addressed. Which of the following cover factors are true?

Symbols Sound Mental models Functionality

May/June 2017

10 Before a system can be internationalised or localised many factors need to be addressed. Which of the following overt factors re true: overt factors are

Tangible Straightforward Publicly observable elements Translation

Oct/Nov 2016

10 Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about colour perception?

May/June 2011

16 | P a g e

10 You designed the user interface of a student record system. You choose a green colour for the button to close a record. In choosing green to close down, you are violating a______

Semantic constrain May/June 2016May/June 2012

10 A property of an object or interface to its perceived and actual properties that tells an observer or user how the object or interface can be used refers to:

Affordance Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2013201/2/2014201/1/2012

10 Some people have a tendency to perceive an object separately from the context and assign objects to categories. The same group of people generally uses a sequential reading pattern. These people are regarded as:

Analytically minded May/June 2014May/June 2011201/1/2016201/1/2012

11 Effectiveness can be defined as? How well a system is doing what it was designed to do

Oct/Nov 2017

11 An interface needs to be an artwork that is aesthetically pleasing. Which of the following are examples of common design mistakes?

Putting Aesthetics above Usability Thinking for the User Cluttering the Interface

May/June 2017

11 An interface needs to be an artwork that is aesthetically pleasing. In order for a designer to create such an aesthetically pleasing interface, which of the flowing statement are true?

One that is free of clutter The interface elements should be

organised in a logical and well-balanced way,

The colour are used tastefully and provide a lot of visual pleasure to users have to find their way through the interface.

Oct/Nov 2016

Culture can be defined as the behaviour typical of a group or class of people. Is this definition true or false?

True 201/2/2017

11 Which of the following human factors is LEAST likely to play a role in HCI?

Marriage May/June 2014Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

12 Which of the following are principles that relates to learnability?

Predictability Synthesisability Generalisability

Oct/Nov 2017

12 Which of the following are principles that affect learnability?

Predictability Synthesisability Familiarity Consistency

May/June 2017

Which of the following are principles that affect learnability?

Consistency Predictability

May/June 2016May/June 2013

12 Which of the following are principles of Predictability Oct/Nov

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learnability? Synthesisability Familiarity Consistency


13 According to Preece al (2007) how the users feel about a product will determine how well the user accepts the product. Which of the following features did Preece et al. (2007) identify as usability goals

Safety Effectiveness Efficiency Utility Learnability

Oct/Nov 2017

Techniques that can help in reducing errors by ensuring complete and correct action are:

Complete sequences Correct matching pairs

May/June 2016May/June 2015May/June 2013May/June 2012201/1/2012

Which of the following is NOT one of the activities of interaction design as described by Preece, et al (2007)?

May/June 2011

Which activities are involved in interaction design?

Identifying needs and establishing user requirements.

Developing alternative designs according to the requirements.

Building prototypes of the designs so that they can be assessed.

Evaluating the designs and the user experience.


13 According to Preece al (2007) how users feel about a product will determine how well the accepts the product. Which of the following features should designers avoid when designing for user’s experience?

Boring, Frustrating, Annoying or Overly cute

May/June 2017

13 According to Preece al (2007) how users feel about a product will determine how well the accepts the product. Which of the following features should designers consider with user experience to make a product visually appealing:

Enjoyable Pleasurable Cognitively stimulating Provocative

Oct/Nov 2016

14 Which techniques does Shneiderman recommend that can be used to reduce/prevent errors

Correct matching pairs Complete sequences Correct commands

Oct/Nov 2017

14 Which of the following are, according to Shneiderman, aspects which must be characterised in order to recognise the diversity of users?

Usage profiles Task profile Interaction styles

May/June 2011203/1/2018

Shneiderman suggests ‘complete sequences’ as a technique which can reduce errors by ensuring complete and

Logging onto a network requires that the user perform a sequence of actions. When the user does this for


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correct actions. An example of a complete sequence is:

the first time, the system can store the information and henceforth allow the user to trigger the sequence with a single action. The user is then not required to memorise the complete sequence.

14 Which of the following can be categorised as benefit when Standardization the interface design?

Provides a common terminology, Gives similar systems the same look Facilitates program maintenance

and allows for additional facilities to be added.

Promotes health and safety of users who will be less likely to experience stress

May/June 2017

14 Which of the following can be categorised as weaknesses of Graphical User Interface?

Clutter Ambiguity Imprecision Slow speed

Oct/Nov 2016201/1/2012

14 Which of the following are considered to be weaknesses of graphical interfaces?

Clutter Ambiguity Imprecision Slow speed

Oct/Nov 2011

The two type of consistency are: Internal consistency External consistency.


A form of consistency that refers to similar operations being performed in a similar manner within an application is called:

Internal consistency External consistency.


Preece, et al. (2007) define a prototype as ‘a limited representation of a design that allows users to interact with it and to explore its usability’. Some of the prototypes’ several functions include:

They provide a way to test out different design ideas.

Acting as a communication medium within the design team

Helping designers choose between alternative designs.


Which of the following sequences gives the steps of stage 1 (initial design) of the HCI life cycle in the correct order:

Design objectives Task analysis Focus on user Design guidelines Structural walkthrough


Some of the weaknesses of graphical user interface (GUI) are:

There is a tendency to clutter graphical displays with a vast array of symbols and colours.

Graphical presentation techniques may not be suitable if there are relatively low-bandwidth communications facilities or low quality presentation devices.


Choose the two forms of consistency. Internal consistency External consistency.


15 Which principles are associated with the strengths of GUI?

Visibility Cross-cultural communication Impact and animation

Oct/Nov 2017201/1/2012

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Which one is NOT an example of a slip?

More errors 201/2/2016

15 The following are advantages of graphical interaction

Visibility Cross-cultural communication Impact and animation

May/June 2011203/1/2018

15 Which principles should be followed when doing conceptual design?

Keep an open mind but always think of the users and their context.

Discuss the design ideas with all stakeholders as often as possible.

Use low-fidelity prototyping to get quick feedback.

Continue doing the above over and over until you are sure you have the correct conceptual

May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2016

In which level of expertise do slips and lapses often occur?

Skilled-based level 201/1/2016

16 During HCI life cycle in the formative evaluation which of the following steps will take place?

Rapid Prototyping User-Defined Interfaces User-Acceptance Testing

Oct/Nov 2017

16 During HCI life cycle in the summative evaluation which of the following steps will take place?

Operational Software Interface Benchmarking Formal Experimentation

May/June 2017

What are the aspects of computer use currently affecting the field of human computer interaction?

Distributed systems Multimedia interface Advanced operating systems Mobile technology.


16 Which statement is NOT true about summative evaluation?

It is done early in the design process and continues through the design cycle to support design decisions

Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2012

Design principles: Help designers to explain or improve their design.

Inspires careful design. Tell the designer what will work

and what will not.


16 Summative evaluation May/June 2011

16 During usability testing the evaluators will typically perform which of the following tasks?

Analyses the data collected to judge performance

Identify errors Explain user behaviour

Oct/Nov 2016

16 The principle that refers to the many ways in which interaction between the user and the system can take place is calledThe gulf of execution refers to the difference between ______ and ______ when performing an action

17 Which one of the following are NOT an example of evaluation approaches

Unit testing Oct/Nov 2017

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Two ways to treat creeping featurism areWhich of the following statements about the early history of computing are NOT TRUE?

HCI was adopted in the mid-1930s to donate a new field of study concerned with studying and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of computer use.

Charles Babbage (1791–1871) was a USA mathematician who designed a Difference Engine.


The first computers developed for the “man on the street” occurred in the early 1910s. True or false?

False 201/1/2018

The early history of computing can be traced back to the narrow aims of the following people who had calculations that needed to be performed:

Mathematicians Astronomers


Choose the correct statements about social networks.

Connections on social media are based on concepts such as friendship and common interest

Facebook has been banned in several countries due to its use to spread political propaganda

Twitter is a social networking and micro blogging service that enables its users to communicate through tweets.


Which of the following are true about Facebook?

Is a social networking website that was started in February 2004

Allows users to create personal profiles, photo albums and information ‘walls’ to share happenings in their own lives with other people

Anyone older than 12 can become a Facebook user.


Who said the following: “No, Steve, I think it’s more like we both have a rich neighbour named Xerox, and you broke in to steal the TV set.”

Bill Gates 201/1/2018

Evaluation aspect of human action as defined by Norman starts with

17 People view digital data as different from physical information. The real difference between digital and physical sources of information is that

It is easier to copy and forge digital data

It is also easy to search for any information that the user might leave unprotected

May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2016

18 Which of the following cannot be classified as problem associated with the “information age”

No Information Oct/Nov 2017

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Preece et al distinguish between user experience goals and usability goals. Which the following characteristics do they associate with user experience goals?

Engaging Supportive of creativity Challenging

May/June 2011

Preece et al. (2007) discusses the following as some of the design principles except:

Browsability 201/2/2014

18 Which of the following are problems associated with the information age?

Privacy and Security Issues Information Overload Dependence on Technology

Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015Oct/Nov 2013May/June 2012201/2/2014

Which rows in the table below correctly indicate overt and covert factors of internationalisation?

Overt Factor – Covert Factor Tangible – Intangible Dates, calendars, time format –

Depends on culture or ‘special knowledge’

Address formats and character sets – Metaphors and metal models

Oct/Nov 2014201/1/2012

Which of the following are examples of covert factors?

Colour Symbols Functionality Sound


Which of the following design factors can be seen as overt?

Tangible Straightforward Publicly observable elements


18 “Digital divide” refers to: The unequal access to technology that separates people into those who have it and those who do not

May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2016

19 The ‘digital divide’ can best be described as

Unequal access to technology that separates people into those who have it and those who do not

May/June 2014May/June 2011

19 A process whereby a product is gradually improved over time is referred to as:

Evolutionary design Oct/Nov 2017May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2016Oct/Nov 2014Oct/Nov 2012203/1/2018

20 A chair is for sitting on, a button is for pushing, a lever is for pulling or

Mapping Oct/Nov 2017

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pushing. These are examples of: May/June 2017Oct/Nov 2016203/1/2018

20 Standards for interactive design are usually set by national or international bodies to ensure compliance with a set of design rules by a large community. Which of the following are the benefits of standardisation in interface design?

Provides a common terminology Facilitates program maintenance

and allows for additional facilities to be added

Reduces training needs because knowledge can be transferred between standardized systems

It promotes health and safety of users who will be less likely to experience stress.

May/June 2016May/June 2015May/June 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 Which of the following is NOT a type of interface?

Modal interface May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2017

20 Functions of prototypes are: They provide a way to test out different design ideas

They act as a communication medium within the design team / users

They act as communication medium within design team

May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 Descriptions that are TRUE abouthigh-fidelity prototypes are:

The resemble the final system and usually use the same materials that would be used in the final product. #1

They take long to build

May/June 2016May/June 2015May/June 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 Which of the following is NOT an example of low-fidelity prototypes?

Touch screen May/June 2015Oct/Nov 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/2/2014201/1/2012

Dix et al. (2004), mention the three main goals of evaluation of interactive

Assessing the extent of the system’s functionality


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systems as: Assessing the effect of the interface on the user

Identifying specific problems with the system

Which of the following statement(s) about high-fidelity prototypes are TRUE?

This method is time-consuming and can be expensive.

The developers of these prototypes are also more reluctant to change them because of the effort put into them.


20 Which of the following is NOT a function of prototypes?

They provide to structure that is similar to some aspects of a familiar entity, but that also has its own behaviour and properties

May/June 2014May/June 2011

20 Which of the statements are TRUE of interface metaphors?

Metaphors can turn something that is potentially boring into an engaging experience.

The purpose of a metaphor is to provide a familiar structure for interaction.

May/June 2016May/June 2013

20 Which statement about interface metaphors is TRUE?

Metaphors can turn something that is potentially boring into an engaging experience

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 The steps in the process of heuristic evaluation are:

Briefing Evaluation Debriefing

May/June 2016May/June 2015May/June 2013

20 Steps in the process of heuristic evaluation are as follows

Briefing Evaluation Debriefing

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

Interfaces that are mobile and less restrictive than desk – based technologies are:

Wearable interface 201/1/2012

20 A program that sends a copy of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book and replicates and sends itself out to everyone listed in each of the received address book.

Worm May/June 2016May/June 2015May/June 2013May/June 2012

20 A computer program that replicates itself in order to damage the resources on a computer is a

Time bomb May/June 2011

20 Which of the following statements about social networking technologies is TRUE?

It provides an easy and free way to create an Internet presence

May/June 2016Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015

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Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 Which of the following are the usability goals?

Effectiveness Efficiency Learnability

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 Principles that affect flexibility are______

Substitutivity Dialogue initiative

Oct/Nov 2015May/June 2015May/June 2012

20 Designers should Design for the average user Think of themselves as typical


May/June 2011

20 The principles used by designers to improve the usability of interactive systems are:

Learnability Flexibility Robustness

Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2013

The following principle related to robustness, refers to the coverage of all the tasks of interest and whether or not they are supported in a way the user prefers:

Stability 201/2/2014

20 The following principle, related to flexibility, refers to user-initiated modification to adjust the form of input and output

Adaptability Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 The following principle can be used by designers to improve the usability of interactive systems

Learnability Flexibility Robustness

Oct/Nov 2011201/2/2014201/1/2012

20 Techniques that reduce/prevent errors by ensuring complete and correct actions____

Complete sequences Correct matching pairs Correct commands

Oct/Nov 2015

20 Which of the following techniques can help to reduce errors by ensuring complete and correct action?

Correct matching pairs Complete sequences Correct commands

Oct/Nov 2011

20 Choose the correct statement about the golden rules for interface design

Enable frequent users to use shortcuts

Offer informative feedback Permit easy reversal of actions

Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2013201/2/2014

20 The disadvantages of multimodal interface are____.

Input needs to be calibrated for accurate interpretation

They are complex and difficult to

Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov

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implement They are very expensive

2014May/June 2012

20 The disadvantages of cluttering the computer interface are:

The more objects you present on the screen at once, the more meanings users will have to unravel.

It is difficult for users to take in and understand the many different objects that are presented on the screen.

Oct/Nov 2014Oct/Nov 2012203/1/2018

20 The disadvantage(s) of heuristic evaluation is/are

The experts often identify problems that are not real problems.

Oct/Nov 2011201/1/2012

20 The following are advantages of graphical user interfaces

Visibility Cross-cultural communication Impact and animation

Oct/Nov 2012

20 Which of the following are TRUE about the evaluation of interactive systems?

Formative evaluation is done early in the design process and continues through the design cycle

Formative evaluation is used to prevent problems when users start to operate new systems

Summative evaluation is done at the end of the design cycle

Summative evaluation should be able to demonstrate that the completed system fulfils its requirements

Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/2/2014201/1/2012

20 Which of the following statements apply to long-term memory?

It has s short retention period It is slow to access

May/June 2011

20 Which statements are correct about cooperative evaluation techniques?

They are useful during the formative stages of design.

They are good means of eliciting user feedback on partial implementations.

Oct/Nov 2015Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2012

20 Which of the following are problems of computer support cooperative work (CSCW)?

It may be difficult for users to know exactly who else is using the system.

Contention – that is when two or more users want to gain access to a resource that cannot be shared

Interference – that is when one user frustrates another by getting in his or her way.

Oct/Nov 2014May/June 2014May/June 2011

Which of the following are problems of CSCW which distinguish it from single user applications?

It may be difficult for users to know who else is also using the system.

Two or more users wanting to use the same resource simultaneously.

A user frustrating another by


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preventing him/her from performing an action.

Having different views of a system.20 When there is a natural mapping

between the spatial layout of components and the things they affect, (such as positioning the left-justification icon left of the right-justification icon on the tool bar) it is a

Logical constraint May/June 2014May/June 2011

20 Which of the following statements are TRUE about feedback?

Feedback is information that is sent back to the user about what action has actually been performed

When the letter ‘A’ appears on the screen after you press the ‘A’ key on the keyboard, it is a form of feedback

May/June 2014May/June 2011

20 Which of the following statements are design standards is/are TRUE?

Standards for interactive system design are usually set by national or international bodies

Provides a common terminology, so that designers know that they are discussing the same concept.

They make it possible to design without taking the target user’s skills and characteristics into account

May/June 2011

20 Which of the following statements(s) about evaluation of interactive system is/are altogether true?

Attention is influenced by the way information is presented as well as by people’s goals

Memory consists of a number of systems that can be distinguished in terms of their cognitive structure as well as on their respective roles in the cognitive process

Oct/Nov 2012May/June 2011201/1/2012

Which of the following statement(s) about evaluation of interactive systems is/are altogether true?

Field studies are conducted in a natural setting as opposed to laboratory studies. They are used to investigate real-life working practices and customs.


20 Interface that combine different ways interacting, such touch, sign, sound and speech, are referred to as

Multimodal Interfaces May/June 2011

20 The disadvantages of speech interfaces are:

They may misinterpret what the user is saying.

Voice response may appear unnatural.

Oct/Nov 2012203/1/2018

20 The shopping cart used in many e-commerce web sites is an example of:

An interface metaphor Oct/Nov 2012203/1/2018

20 Which of the following does NOT apply to scenario-based evaluation?

It derives measurable observations that can be analysed

May/June 2014

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203/1/201820 Which of the following questions does

NOT address any of Nielsen’s heuristics?

Does the interface cater for people from different cultures?

May/June 2014May/June 2011

20 What should designers do to help users with motor impairments?

Make use of trackballs that allow users to move the cursor using only the thumb.

Make use of head-operated or eye-tracking devices to translate and control onscreen cursor movement.

Make use of speech input.

Oct/Nov 2013201/2/2017201/1/2014

Which of the following are NOT advantages of questionnaires?

It is time-consuming. It is labour-intensive.


20 Designers can make mistakes when designing interactive systems, which of the following according to Norman (1999) are potential problems?

The forces that work against evolutionary design

Designers putting aesthetics first Designers regarding themselves as

typical users.

Oct/Nov 2013Oct/Nov 2011201/2/2014201/1/2012

Which of the following statements about the early history of computing are NOT TRUE?

In 1999 IBM launched FORTRAN. F


Which of the following will assist users with visual impairments when interacting with computer technology?

Text-to-speech conversion Speech-recognition devices Enlarging portions of a display Suitably marked function and

control keys Enlarging portions of a display


Which of the following can be categorised as slips?

Capture errors Description errors Data driven errors Associative activation errors


The table below lists some differences between cooperative evaluation techniques and scenario-based evaluations techniques. Which row is incorrect?

Cooperative evaluation techniques It is extremely ineffective if

designers are unaware of political pressures.

Scenario-based evaluations techniques It is difficult to derive measurable

data from the use of this technique.


20 Norman distinguishes between slips and mistakes. Which of the following statements are TRUE?

Slips result from automatic behaviour.

Mistakes result from conscious deliberations

Slips show up most frequently in skilled behaviour

May/June 2011201/2/2016201/1/2012

20 Which principles affecting learning refers to the likeness in input-output behaviour ansing from similar situations or similar task objectives?

Consistency Oct/Nov 2013

“Telling someone your home phone Capture error 201/1/2012

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number when you intended to give your work number or typing your name when you intended to type another word that begins with the same few letters”. What type of slip (error) is described above?The following principle related to learnability, refers to the likeness in input-output behaviour arising from similar situations or similar task objectives:

Consistency. 201/1/2012

Which of the following statements are TRUE?

A good way to determine the usability of a product is to test the design on typical users

May/June 2011

20 The advantages of having an online business over a physical business are

Oct/Nov 2013

20 An online business reduces costs compared to a physical business because of

24 hour customer support. May/June 2012

20 Which of the following are principles of good interface design?

May/June 2013

20 Some urban myths about the impact of computer systems on human physiology are as follows

The National Radiological Protection Board in the UK states that VDU’s do not ‘significantly’ increase the risk of radiation-related illnesses.

Computer use does not damage your eyes or eyesight. But might make you aware of existing defects.

Computer use does not appear to induce epileptic attacks.

Oct/Nov 2012201/1/2016

20 Which devices that can help users with vision impairments are

Text-to-speech conversion Speech-recognition devices Graphical user interfaces Converting displays to Braille or


Oct/Nov 2012201/1/2016201/2/2016

20 Two kinds of design rules are standards and guidelines. Which of the following statements are correct in respect of these?

Standards are high in authority and limited in application, while guidelines are lower in authority and more in application.

Oct/Nov 2012203/1/2018

Which of the following can be used as guidelines by employers to influence the work environment of employees?

Visual display Keyboard and mouse use Chairs and office furniture


Which one of the following statements are good examples to resolve employee’s absenteeism because of time spend at chiropractor?

Provide proper chairs and office furniture that support back and promotes posture at the computer


Which of the following statements are true for users with vision impairments:

Visually impaired people mostly experience difficulties with output

Visually impaired people also experience difficulty with the mouse and other input devices


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Enlarging portions of a display or converting display to Braille or voice output can be done with hardware and software that is easily obtainable

People tend to make errors routinely. There are several forms of human errors or mistakes. Which of the following can be classified as mistakes typical made by humans?

Incorrect plans such as forming wrong goals

Adopting unsafe working practices Mistakes due to lack of training


Choose the INCORRECT statement about: when designing interfaces, the trade-off between knowledge in the world and that in the head the following should be kept in mind.

The interfaces should rely on the user’s memory


Factors addressed before a software package can be internationalised or localised are:

Over Factors Covert Factors


Which factors needs to be addressed before a software package can be internationalised or localised are:

Over Factors Covert Factors


Choose the correct statements about human-computer interaction.

Computers and computer software should be designed in a way that allow the intended user to use them successfully for the intended purpose with the least amount of effort

Designers must know how to support the tasks that the user will perform with the computer and computer software

When HCI became one of the domains of cognitive science research in the 1970s, the idea was to apply cognitive science methods to software development.


Is the following TRUE about description errors? Description errors occur when instead of the intended activity, you do something that has a lot in common with what you wanted to do.

True 201/1/2018

How can human errors be prevented? Never think that you will be able to engineer out human error

It is possible to engineer decision support systems that provide users with guidance and help during performance of critical operations

Control and limit the scope of human intervention


Which of the following statements are Steve Job’s and Steven Wozniak 201/2/2017

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true about role-players in computer systems?

found Apple in 1976 Apple hit upon the idea of pushing

the code to represent the desktop into hardware

Which of the following statements are true? Apple MacIntosh (MAC) 1984 was

based was based on the work done at PARC.

Xetox Palo Research Center (PARC) developed the Alto a GUI-based computer

Much of the MacOS (operating system)was written before Job’s visit to PARC


Which statement(s) about the history of e-mail is/are true?

E-mail started late 1980 Email was restricted to academic

communities Email was restricted to militaries Email was first internal to

companies before emails started with transfer of information through systems such as Microsoft Internet Explorer


What is social networks used for? Friendships Kinship Banking Financial exchange Common interest


Prolonged use of a keyboard and mouse can cause stress on the user’s

Wrist and upper arm 201/2/2017

Which one of the following statements are good examples to resolve stress caused by keyboard and mouse movements?

Use of a wrist support 201/1/2017

Choose the correct descriptions with regard to cognition

A vital foundation for designers of interactive systems is an understanding of the cognitive and perceptual abilities of the user.

Designers must make sure that people can see or hear displays if they are to use them.

People with colour deficits generally see less contrast between colours than someone with normal vision.

Lightening light colours and darkening dark colours will increase the visual accessibility of a design.


Knowledge in the head and world can be categorised under the following properties:

Retrievability Learning Efficiency of use


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Ease of use at first encounter Aesthetics

When designing interfaces, the trade-off between knowledge in the world and that in the head must be kept in mind. Which one of the following guidelines is NOT a good principle?

Use icons that has no meaning at all.


Which of the following are disadvantages of knowledge in the head?

More difficult to retrieve To get information, learning is

required Nothing needs to be visible, which

gives the designer more freedom.


The two approaches that designers follow when they create designs that span language orculture are:

Localisation Internationalisation


The three levels of expertise are: Rule-based level Knowledge-based level Skill-based level.


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