· Web view[S side:] Also of / Susanna Mary Patch, / the elder...


Transcript of · Web view[S side:] Also of / Susanna Mary Patch, / the elder...











Index of names on memorials inside St George's Church & in Churchyard 3

Numerical list of memorials in St George's Churchyard


(Numbers relate to a plan of the stones kept at St George's Church and Tiverton Museum)

Memorials in interior of St George's Church (18 items plus War Memorial)10

Historical Background to the Churchyard


Monumental Masons' names (5)


Notes on the use of the Inventory


Inventory of memorials in St George's Churchyard, listed alphabetically (162 items);

also with cross references


Unidentified memorials


Re-located memorial


Plaque by Beck's Square entrance


Lost memorials



This Survey was carried out during late 2008 and 2009 by Jane Evans with invaluable help from Ken Gilderthorp and Barbara Keene. Peter Harris kindly provided additional genealogical information.

January 2010 [email protected]


The inventories are arranged alphabetically but the following index may help in quickly locating a name. Note: This list does not include maiden names of wives.

Inside the Church:

A Barrons

B Langdon

C Dickinson (3 memorials)

D Dunsford (3)

E Fisher

F Foulkes

G Hodges

H Langslow

I Moyle

J Peard

K Questal

L Walker

M Wood

N War Memorial for 1914-19 (52 names)

Gravestones in the Churchyard:

144 Abbott

131 Anning

134 & 135 Anstey

86 Aplin

61 Armitage

58 Baker

56 Bale

157 Barne

21 Bartholomew

116 Battiscombe

150 Beck

67 & 89 Beedell

147 Beedle

137 Berry

75 Bidgood

22 & 115 Bindon

146 Bird

3 Blagdon

32 Boyce

162 Brien

142 Broom

154 Browne

109 Bryant

96, 97 & 113 Capern

77 Carpendale

108 Carpenter

98 Chave

49 Clark

53 Cockram

39 Coleridge

19 Cook

7 Coward

60 Dart

68 Davey

6 Dicken

1 & 4 Dickinson

72 Downey

124 Drew

27 Drummond

47 Duntze


79 Dyott

91 & 128 Fare

62 Farrant

66 Fisher

41 Fogo

94 Ford

139 Fortescue

152 Foulkes

54 Fox

29 Franks

16 & 113 Gath

131 Glanvill

133 Gloyns

126 Grant

93 Grater

145 Gunn

117 Halse

69 & 70 Harwood

64 Haydon

61 & 63 Hayman

160 Hellings

31 & 87 Hewett

25 ?Hewlett

100 Hibberd

95 Hill

149 Hodges

158 How

153 James

129 & 130 Jesson

43 Jones

70 Knight

106 Lamotte

28 Land

80 & 101 Lee

107 Lloyd

46 & 48 Loosemore

123 Mackenzie

12 Manley

122 Marshall

50 Mason

111 Mathews

29 Matthews

9,11,85,88, & 104 Melhuish

22 Merson

35 Mildon

158 Nesbitt

44 Nixon

55 Noon

136 Norris

155 Northcote

11 Osborn

152 Osmond

103 Paine

113 Paresh

57 Parker

13 Partridge

34 Pasmore

120 Patch

68 Peake

1 & 2 Peard

6 Penleaze

33 Perkins

36 Perram

19 Phillips

65 Platts

23 Pouget

40 Pugsley

102 Quant

83 ?Radford

14 Reed

51 Rendell

30 Rendle

10 Rew

90 Roberton

74 Robertson

149 Rodgers

45 Rossiter

24 Rundell

118 Salter

3,34 & 122 Sharland

105 Silver

18 & 156 Skinner

5 & 38 Smith

76 Sparks

1 Speke

9 Spence

71 Spurway

92 Steele

59 & 112 Stevenson

12 Strong

161 Sweet

43 & 148 Turner

135 Upham

78 & 89 Venman

6 Venn

119 Venner

154 Walker

10 Ward

103 & 143 Warren

37 Wesley

140 White

81 Whitehead

26 Whitter

110 Wills

105 & 151 Wood

141 Woolway

138 Wright

NUMERICAL LIST of MEMORIALS in St George's Churchyard

A number has been allocated to each stone and a sketch plan is kept at St George's Church.

For those visitors unable to access the plan, the layout is as follows:

1-7 North Yard, in front of Church, starting with the large Peard Family Tomb, in lines across from here to the W. These are vaults.

8-17 North Yard, on E side from Church N-wards to Fore St

18-33 On or against N Wall of Church, from W (St Andrew St) to E

34-39 On E Wall of Church, from N to S

40-43 On E side of Church, including a stone just N of the gateway to Beck's Square

44-50 On or against S Wall of Church from W to E

51-54 South Yard, on or against E wall of the Yard, moving S-wards towards the Museum.

55 On S wall of South Yard

56-147 South Yard, starting in lines from S to N

148-162 are along the W side of South Yard, overlooking St Andrew St

Abbreviations: Ch - Chest tomb

Cr - Cross on a plinth

F - Flat slab

L - Low monument

H - Headstone

(H) - Fallen headstone

P - Pedestal monument

W - Vertical slab or tablet fixed to church wall

The date given is that of the death of the person most likely to be the first commemorated.

1.Peard FamilyPre-1750 Ch N.Yd

2.Peard, Oliver1767








5.Smith, Abraham1794









P Nr E.wall of Yd

9.Melhuish, Wm1858





11.Melhuish, John1839











15.[Name lost] Base of Cr Nr E wall of Yd






18.Skinner, Eliz.1848

H On N.wall of Church































30.Rendle (2 halves)1797













V On E.wall of Church










38.Smith,Drummond 1825







H By door to Hall



F Nr E wall of Yd

42.[Too worn]




H On E.wall of Yd



W On S.wall of Church




46.Loosemore, John1866

H By S.wall of Church




48.Loosemore, Mary1878


49.Clark, midwife1733

V On S.wall of Church



W “



H On E wall of South Yard

52.(?Elizabeth Ber-)










H On S.wall of Yard



H South Yard






59.Stevenson, Ellen1833
















H “





1808-33H “

67.Beedell, John1825

H South Yard




69.Harwood, Eliz1845


70.Harwood , Mary 1811








73.(Fallen face down)


74.Robertson, Alex1831

H frag“















80.Lee, Jane






82.(Fallen face down)


83.Mary Ann(?Radford)1840?(H)“

84.(?Tucker) 1835?


85.Melhuish, Thos1820s





87.Hewett, Julia1845


88.Melhuish, Mary1819


89.Beedell, Eliz1830





91.Fare, Mary Ann1857














96.Capern, Francis1818


97.Capern,Thomasine 1834





99.Matthews, Eliz1832





101.Lee, Mary1824





103.Warren, Thos1796


104.Melhuish, Jacob1805-13H“
























113.Paresh/Capern/Gath 1855Ch“


(Fallen H)“


(Fallen H)“

116.Battiscombe 1854(Fallen H) “






H “



H South Yard





















128.Fare, George1846


129.Jesson, Sarah1848


130.Jesson, Agnes1820



































143.Warren, John1825
















Ch“ Along Western boundary





151.Wood, John1837-43Ch“

152.Davy Foulkes1813








155.(?Northcote) 1810?










159.(Face down)

(Fallen H)“




161.Sweet (base only)1836




Cr “ Loose, by South door

Of the 162 memorial stones listed, 145 have identifiable surnames, 3 have fallen face down, 6 have retained a fragment of inscription and may yet be identified under suitable light conditions, and 8 are illegible or blank.


Interior memorials mentioned by Martin Dunsford in his History of Tiverton (1790) are: Henry Blagdon and Mary Peard.

Memorials mentioned in Lieut-Col Harding's Historical Memoirs of Tiverton (1845), Vol 2, Book 4, p 58 include these two, also: Benjamin Dickinson died 23rd October 1806, Rev William Walker died 23rd March 1811, Priscilla Dickinson, wife of Major B.Dickinson, died 13th Sept 1811, Henry Dunsford died 10th March 1812, John Davy Foulkes died 26th April 1813, John Wood died 3rd Feb 1843 and Henry Solly Hodges died 2nd April 1843.

A.On N wall of Nave, brass plaque:

To the glory of God and in loving / memory of William BARRONS, / for many years Lay Reader, Sidesman, / Churchwarden and Superintendent of / the Sunday School of this Parish. / Mayor of Tiverton 1919-1922. / Aged 74 years.

[Faculty granted 3rd March 1934]

B.On S wall of Chancel, marble tablet on granite backplate with scrolls, with marble fronds above and pedimented top, surmounted by an urn; below tablet, between pendants, is the Blagdon coat of arms:

Sacred to the memory of Mr HENRY BLAGDON / of this Town, Merchant, a great example of / piety, temperance, justice, and industry, / both in his private and publick affairs / as well in his life as at his death / a most generous benefactor / to all works of piety and charity / this table(t) / now recommends to posterity / the imitation of those virtues / which his own modesty desired to conceal / equally deserving and avoiding / the praise of men. / But he hath left a more noble monument / in his many benefactions / particularly to the Charity Schools / and to the erecting of this Church / to which he gave in his lifetime / five hundred pounds / and by his will one thousand pounds more. / After a short but well-spent life / he died with hopes full of immortality, / April 21st 1716 in the 36th year of his age./ Mrs Mary Peard, out of a pious regard / to the memory of her excellent uncle, / erected this marble.

C.i).On E wall of Chancel, marble tablet on tall triangular granite backplate with rosette at top; figure in relief of a grieving lady leaning on an urn; below tablet is Peard coat of arms with two sable wolves passant:

This monument is erected to the memory of BENJAMIN DICKINSON Esq / of this Town, who departed this life 23rd day of October 1806 aged 69 years. / His death deprived society of a truly upright, just and religious character. His / qualities, as an affectionate husband, an anxious parent, and a constant friend, can / only be estimated by those who best knew the possessor. The short but painfull / illness which terminated his existence he bore with manly and Christian fortitude. His surviving wife inscribes this marble an unfeigned testimony / of his worth, and of her affection. / Also to the memory of four of their children who died in the following order: / Maria died Feb 17th 1769 aged 9 months / Sarah died Aug 11th aged 5 years. / Elizabeth died Oct 11th 1779 aged 7 years. / Benjamin Peard died 18th Feb 1800 aged 30 years. / Sacred also is this monument to her who raised it, Mary, the widow of / the above-named Benjamin Dickinson whose well spent life terminated most / serenely 13th May 1810. Aetatis suae 80.

[See also grave slab No 4 in North Yard.]

C.ii).On West wall, in Gallery, a large monument with a fort, sea and ship in relief. The oval tablet has a straight upper edge, perhaps damaged and trimmed when the monument was moved in alterations. As a result, the name of the person commemorated, Major Dickinson's wife, is missing. Harding gives the name as Priscilla but the only name in the Burial Register at an appropriate date (14th Oct 1811) is that of Sarah Dickinson. Other evidence of damage is a crack across the top of the black triangular marble backplate (repaired, but with a segment missing, judging by its irregular shape) and a crack across the blank shield below. Alterations were made to the roof and gallery in 1842 which could have been when the stone was damaged, although Harding does not mention the fact.

The surviving inscription reads:

-----------[wife of]

Benjamin DICKINSON Esq, Major of the Royal Marines, / who departed this life at Fort St Julian near Lisbon in Portugal / on the 13th day of September 1811 aetatis suae 50. / She was an invaluable wife and fell a victim to an unbounded love for her / husband, whose long and repeated intervals of absence on his country's service / she deeply deplored; in the beginning of this year he was again ordered on service / to command a battalion of his corps, under Lord Viscount Wellington in Portugal. She / could no longer bear to be separated from the object of her affection, therefore regardless of / danger she determined to visit him, but her delicate frame already enfeebled by sickness and anxiety, was incapable of supporting the change of climate, and on the twenty-fourth day after her arrival on that fatal shore, she calmly yielded up her immortal soul in resignation and prayer / to Him who gave it./

Her afflicted husband inconsolable for the loss of all he held most dear in this world, / in compliance with her request, accompanied her remains to England, deposited them in a / vault near this place and caused this monument to be erected as a tribute of gratitude, / esteem, & tender regard, to her memory.

[This Benjamin Dickinson, baptised in Topsham on 19th Apr 1760, was son of James Dickinson (Supervisor of Excise) and Susannah Crook. James was the brother of Tiverton's well-known Benjamin Dickinson (1737-1806), see above. James' son Benjamin joined up as 2nd Lieut on 1st Dec 1780 and rose through the ranks, becoming Major by Brevet in 1810. He retired in July 1826.

Exeter Flying Post 10th Oct 1811, under Port News, Plymouth, 8th Oct, reports the Melpomene arrived from the Tagus, having 'brought over the body of Mrs Dickinson, wife of Major Dickinson of the royal marines. She died at Fort St Julian near Lisbon and is to be conveyed to Tiverton for interment.']

C.iii).On wall of North Aisle.

In memory of William DICKINSON of Howden / born 1801 died 1855 / and of his wife Sarah, daughter of William Speke / of Jordans who died 1867.

[See also inscription on North side of Peard Family Tomb, No 1 in North Yard.]

D.i).On wall of South Aisle, white marble tablet with inset border of coloured granite, with a sill along the top:

In memory of Henry DUNSFORD / of this town, who died 10th March 1812 aetat 72. / His strict integrity and great benevolence / will long endear his name to those who knew him. / Also of Elizabeth his wife / who died 11th October 1785 aetat 42, / and Sarah their infant daughter.

D.ii).On wall of North Aisle, bronze plaque on dark marble:

In loving memory of / William Henry DUNSFORD of Ashley Court, Tiverton, Devon, born 4th Oct 1813, died 11th Jan 1892, / of Ellen Anne Dunsford his wife, born 30th Dec 1829, died 17th Sept 1863 / and of Henry Halsey Dunsford / their eldest son born 1st June 1853, died 24th Dec 1869. / Also of Francis Dunsford of Tiverton, youngest brother / of the above mentioned Wm Hy Dunsford, / born 25th Sept 1818, died 9th Dec 1886.

D.iii).On wall of North Aisle, marble tablet in simple tomb shape:

In loving memory / of / William DUNSFORD Esq, Commander H.F.F.C.S. / who died July 27th 1849 / in the 79th year of his age. / Also of Amelia his wife, / youngest daughter of / John Halsey Esq of Surat F.E. who died Sept 14th 1829 / in the 47th year of his age / and of Charles Halsey their youngest child / who died May 30th 1827 / in the 7th year of his age.

E.On wall of South Aisle: Brass plaque

To the glory of God / and in loving memory of / Caroline Sarah FISHER / 1853-1925, who worshiped in / this church for 25 years & / gave of her love & service / to the town of Tiverton.

[Faculty granted 4th Nov 1926.]

F.On E wall of Chancel, marble tablet shaped like a tall tomb with triangular pediment and draperies gathered above; at top centre coat of arms with scroll below bearing motto NEC TIMMIDE NEC TEMERE:

John DAVY FOULKES of Medland / in this County, died / April XXVI, MDCCCXIII, aged LVI. / Elizabeth Fortescue Foulkes / his wife, died / March XXV, MDCCCXXVII, aged LXV. / “Be ye also ready, for in such / an hour as ye think not, / the son of man cometh.” / Matthew XXIV, ver.XLIV. / Erected to the memory of their beloved parents, by / eight surviving children.

[See also chest tomb No 152 in South Yard where inscription reads that John Davy Foulkes died 27th April 1813 aged 56 and Elizabeth died 25th March 1827 aged 65. The family had come from Dawlish and had lived at the Davey mansion in Tiverton, Gotham House, now Ashfords Solicitors, since about 1803.]

G.On wall of South Aisle, marble tablet in shape of a tomb:

Sacred to the memory of / Henry Solly HODGES Esquire, / late Captain in the 7th Dragoon Guards / who departed this life April 2nd 1843 / most sincerely beloved and deeply lamented /, aged 46 years. / Also of / Frances Hodges, widow of Captain H.S.Hodges, / who died April 22nd 1888 / aged 89 years.

[See also gravestone No 149 in South Yard. In 1841 the couple were living in Bampton St.

Frances was a descendant of the Ferrar and Mapletoft families; in 1856 she inherited the Story Books of Little Gidding and other treasures, some of which are now in the British Library.]

H.On wall of South Aisle, white marble tablet with inset border of coloured granite, with a sill along the top and a shell-shaped support underneath.

In this church yard / lie interred the remains of / Edward William LANGSLOW, / fourth son of Richard Langslow M.D., A.M. / and Sarah his wife / of Clifton in the County of Gloucester, / who expired at this place / on the 14th December 1807, aged 19. / His sufferings were only equalled by his patience.

I.On wall of South Aisle: Bronze diamond-shaped plaque, motto/emblem at top and bottom:

Sacred / to the memory of / Bombardier Charles Morcombe MOYLE / who died on the 28th July 1897 / aged 33 years / at Kerman while on active service / with the Prince Alfred's Own Cape Artillery / in Bechuanaland./ This tablet is erected to his / memory by the active / service detachment / of his Corps.

J.On N wall of Chancel, marble tablet on tall triangular granite backplate, with, below, a festoon over her coat of arms (includes two sable wolves as also seen on the Dickinson memorial alongside and other devices as on Blagdon's memorial opposite)

In memory of Mrs MARY PEARD / a worthy lady of this Town whose piety towd God, / her charity to the Church, by a / gift of a thousd pounds, fifteen hundred & fifty / pounds to the Charity School in this Town, / one hundred pounds to the Devon & Exeter Hospital while living, / one hundred pounds to the indigent poor at her death / testifie her Christian temper. / Her bountiful distributions to her acquaintance, / friends & relations & universal benevolence / pronounce her aimable character. / Having completed 82 yrs in the practice of / Christian duties, she was summoned to receive her reward Dec 31, 1780. /

As a most grateful testimony of respect / this monument was erected by her cousin / Benjamin Dickinson Esq.

[See chest tomb No 1 in North Yard].

K.On West wall, marble memorial in form of a casket in high relief with an angel in each top corner:

Sacred to the memory / of John Baptist QUESTAL Esq student of the Inner Temple / whose remains are deposited near this place. / He died universally regretted after a short illness / while on a visit in this town / on the 2nd of June 1825 / aged 24 years. / Adieu! Bless'd shade! Too early from us fled. / I lov'd thee living, and lament thee dead: / Thy Mother's trembling hand with grief sincere / Inscribes this stone and drops the tender tear.

[On small block below is a monumental mason's mark:] EMES stat: / EXON

[In BR, John Questal's father's name was John.]

L.i). East window: Figure of St Andrew, a copy of one at Wells Cathedral. Presented by Miss Frances Susan WALKER, daughter of Rev William Walker. On stained glass diamond beneath St Andrew's feet is a rampant winged lion. Above are initials F.S.W. Below, the date 1846.

[See Walker memorial below for her death in 1868]

L.ii).On West wall of Gallery; Elaborate wall tablet with rampant winged lion on shield below, seated greyhound on top of shield.

In memory of the Revd WILLIAM WALKER M.A. / Rector of Broughton Gifford Wilts, Swainswick / and North Stoke Somersetshire, and Prebendary of / the Cathedral Church of Wells; who died March / the XXIIIrd MDCCCXI, in the LXVIIth year of his age. / Also of Jane his relict, who died July the XXIIIrd / MDCCCXXV, in the LXXXth year of her age. / In grateful recollection of their worth and / parental affection, this monument is erected / by their surviving children. / Margaret Louisa their youngest daughter / died April Xth MDCCXCVIII in the XIth year of her age. / Frances Susan died July 20th 1868 aged 87 years.

[William Walker died 23rd March 1811 in his 67th year; Jane died 23rd July 1825 in her 80th year; Mary Louisa died 10th April 1798 in her 11th year. See also gravestone No 154 in South Yard. Biographical note on William Walker in J.Bourne Georgian Tiverton p.171: Curate of Pitt Portion 1775-90; Mayor 1794,1806; JP Devon 1795; Deputy Lieut Devon 1798.]

M.On West wall, marble tablet, the side pediments decorated with wreaths, scrolls along the top and a central coat of arms:

Sacred to the memory of / John WOOD Esquire / who died on the 3rd February 1843 / aged 84 years. / As Town Clerk, Mayor and Recorder of Tiverton, / he long and faithfully discharged his duty. / Eminent in unaffected piety, he was distinguished for / simplicity of character, / kindness of disposition, / and extensive, but unostentatious charity. / He died as he had lived, universally beloved and esteemed, / full of faith and good works, in humble hope of the resurrection. / Also of Susanna his wife / who departed this life on the 4th of November 1837 / aged 70 years. / I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord; he that believeth / in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth in me shall never die. St John XI, 25, 26.

[See also gravestone No 151 in South Yard. See biographical note in J.Bourne Georgian Tiverton p.172.

He was Town Clerk from 1806 to 1830, when he was appointed Recorder.]

N.On South wall of alcove in West wall, (formerly for the font, now the creche), large brass plaque. War Memorial with 52 names listed in three columns:

[In a scroll:] All men must die. It is only given to the few to die for their country.

To the glory of God and sacred to the memory of Officers and men who lived in this Parish or were worshipers in this Church, who died in the Great War 1914-19, that the inhabitants of our Empire may, in quietness and peace, serve thee our God.

Baillie,E.H. - Scottish Rifles / Baillie, T. - Scottish Rifles / Bidgood,A.- Coldstream Guards / Blackmore,S. - Royal Berks / Bowden,J. - Devons / Bragg,F.J. - King's Liverpool / Cank,E.H. - Devons / Carew,F.L. - Hussars / Carter,A. - H.M.S.Invincible / Chanin,F. - Gloucesters / Chilcott,J. - Devons / Clapp,W. - R.A.M.C. / Clark,W.G. - H.M.S.Isis / Clipson,E.F. - Devons / Collins,G.H. - R.E. / Criddle,S.U. - Somerset L.I. / Cude,T. – Devons / Edwards,B. - Devons / Ellis,W. - Ox & Bucks L.I. / Elson,J. - Monmouthshire / Ewen,G.C.- Nigeria Regt / Gregory,S.B. - Devons / Harris,C.W. - Devons / Hatt,H.E. - R.A.S.C. / Heames,S.L. - Somerset L.I. / Helps,O.W. - King's Own Rifles / Hughes,H.A. - Highlanders Canadian / Hughes,N.L. - Devons / Joynt,C.J. - Devons / Kingdom,G.- Devons / Kingdom,W.A. - Devons / Knowles,T.- Devons / Langworthy,C.H. - H.M.S. P16 Destroyer / Moore,F. - H.M.S. Queen Mary / Outlaw,A. - Coldstream Guards / Paddon,T.- Northumberland Fusiliers / Pleace,J. - R.F.A. / Pleace,F.C. - Devons / Pratt,H.R. - R.E. / Pratt,H.E. - Devons / Rees-Mogg,L.L. - R.E. / Richards,F.H. - R.A.M.C. / Rooks,P.- Hussars / Rowland,M. - Devons / Sanders,C.J. - Royal Sussex / Squire,E.C. - Devons / Stiling,A.W. - Yorks & Lancs Regt. / Thorne,H.L.- Lincolns / Townsend,F. - Devons / Venn,W.C. - Somerset L.I. / Willis,E.M. - Devons / Woolway,G.H. - M.G.C.

[Faculty obtained 9th Dec 1919.]


St George's Church was designed by the architect John James. It was built as a Chapel of Ease to Tiverton's mother church of St Peter's. The foundation stone was laid in 1714 but it was a long time in the building. A roof was on by 1717, after which the structure was used as a woolstore by the wealthy merchant Oliver Peard. Building work resumed in 1727 and it was licensed as a chapel in 1731 until consecrated as a church on 11th October 1733 by the Bishop of Exeter. The Churchwardens' Accounts start in 1733 and amongst items of expenditure are several to do with levelling the yard and carting away the earth. Tiverton's Cemetery opened in June 1855, from which time burials were meant to take place in the Cemetery unless a family plot in the churchyard still had room. A separate parish of St George's came into existence in 1889, when nearby Pitt Rectory, rebuilt in 1822 on the site of one of Tiverton's four medieval rectories, became St George's Vicarage, now converted into separate dwellings, with a new smaller vicarage built close by.


The early Burial Registers do not distinguish who was buried at St Peter's Church and who at St George's. From 1766 onwards some burials are designated 'NC' (for New Church) in the margin but the notation is not consistent, even in the late period. The earliest memorial may be the Peard Family Tomb whose top inscription is mainly illegible. The earliest legible stone is probably the most interesting, commemorating Ann Clark, who died 12th January 1733/4, midwife to more than five thousand babies. The next earliest are to Samuel Wesley and Mary Blagdon, both 1739. In all, sixteen stones survive from the eighteenth century.

In 1790, Martin Dunsford published his Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton in which he listed the following twelve memorials in the graveyard:-

North Yard: Tombs for Leonard Blagdon (twice mayor, wife Mary died 1739), Mary Peard and others before her, Oliver Peard (1767) and a plain stone for Rev Whitter (1776).

Against E wall of Church: Rev Samuel Wesley, Master of Blundell's School (1739).

S side of Church: Ann Clark midwife (Jan 1733/4).

Listed by Dunsford but now lost are the following:

In the N Yard, a 'costly tomb' to James Dickinson and several children of Benjamin Dickinson, the oldest date 1769; also a tomb to the memory of Joseph Kelland of this parish yeoman, who died 29th April 1748 aged 68 years.

On the E wall: In memory of Rev Samuel Dalley, AM, Usher at Blundell's School, died 27th Dec 1745 in the 45th year of his age.

In South Yard, the following can no longer be found: Tomb to the Heathfield family [William Heathfield was buried 24 Aug/Sep 1748, Richard Heathfield 25 June 1768]; also a tomb to the Marder family [Nicholas Marder was a goldsmith; children of his, both named Henry, were buried 29 Dec 1750 and 3th Sept 1755]. Also a tomb at S end of Yard inscribed: Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth Shapland, daughter of Mr Joseph Shapland of Bristol, who departed this life the 19th day of October 1778 aged 17 years.


The large yew dominating the front or North Yard was planted in 1796. By the 1820s, the graveyard was rapidly becoming filled, so an extension to the North Yard was made in late 1825 when an adjoining house was demolished. The South Yard was extended in May 1829 with the purchase of part of the garden formerly belonging to Benjamin Dickinson's handsome mansion in Fore Street, built 1783-6, demolished in 1823 and now the site of Boots the Chemist. The most striking monument from this period is a slender pedestal monument in the North Yard which, due to time and pollution, has entirely lost its inscription.

In 1845 Lt-Col W.Harding published his History of Tiverton. He listed fifteen memorials in the graveyard, including these six which were in Dunsford's list and which survive today: Leonard Blagdon, Mary Peard, Oliver Peard, Rev Samuel Wesley, Rev Whitter, and Ann Clark.

To these he added a few notables who had died since Dunsford's publication and whose stones can still be identified, namely: Richard Strong died 22nd Aug 1806, and others of the same family, earliest 27th March 1783; Rev Henry Land, Rector of Clare Portion, died 9th Dec 1793; Abraham Smith, surgeon, died 21 April 1794, and others of the same family; Major Alexander Nesbitt died 29th March 1806; Hannah Cowley, mother of Mary Elizabeth Cowley, a lady of great literary genius, who died 11th March 1809 (but see note below, under Re-location); Charlotte, youngest daughter of Rev Hugh Northcote, Rector of Upton Pyne, died 22nd Oct 1810 and others of the same family; Joseph James Esq of Ashley died 22nd Feb 1822, late surgeon in the East India Company (a chest tomb).

He also listed Joseph Kelland as in Dunsford (indicating the stone has been lost since 1845), but does not list Rev Dalley, Heathfield, Marder or Shapland, which presumably had all been lost before 1845. The same goes for the James Dickinson tomb, which should not be confused with Benjamin Dickinson's tomb (died Oct 1806), which survives today in the North Yard. One other mentioned in Harding cannot now be identified. It is to Robert Pell Esq, died 22nd Sept 1813, aged 46, and others of the same family. The family is believed to be from Norway. Robert Pell Senior held the Manor of Chevithorne and Chettiscombe. The elder brother Clause was disinherited in 1781. He moved to Exmouth, yet was buried here in 1840, age 74.

One could add other notable memorials from this period, namely seven other chest tombs: Thomas Warren, sergemaker (1796), John Davy Foulkes of Gotham House (1813) with coat of arms in high relief on East end, Nancy Turner (1832), Richard Carpenter (1834), John Wood, solicitor (1843), John Barne (1853), the Paresh/Capern chest tomb (1855). The pedestal monument of the Patch family (Anne Patch died 9th July 1852) is a fine example of its type. There are low monuments, a name used to describe what looks like a very low chest tomb, to Thomas Hellings, solicitor (1853), and to Rev John Daniel Lloyd, Rector of Clare (1855). The stone for the eight-year-old John Perram who fell from the battlements of the tower of St Peter's Church on 29th March 1824 is a poignant curiosity.


Some big changes took place in this period. The town cemetery opened in June 1855, following an Act of Parliament which ruled that, due to overcrowding, burials in St George's and St Peter's churchyards were to be discontinued except in the case of existing family vaults or plots which had space. The sexton at this time was John Fewings, also superintendent at the cemetery and head of a firm of monumental masons.

In 1862 plans were drawn up for the new Town Hall which necessitated the re-alignment of St Andrew Street. This entailed taking a slice about five feet wide from the western side of the North Yard, but still leaving a space of about six feet between the west wall of the church and the street. To do this, it was necessary to obtain a faculty to move five vaults and five wall tablets. Unfortunately, the Faculty (in Devon Record Office) does not list the names on the affected monuments. The five wall tablets were to be re-sited elsewhere and the vaults shifted further eastwards. There are no vaults today at the western edge of the North Yard, so presumably they were cleared in further alterations. White's Directory of 1878-9 refers to the re-building of the churchyard wall and the First Edition OS map of 1889 shows no space between the western wall of the church and the road. Once the new alignment was made, iron railings with leaf finials were erected, with the entrance into Fore Street moved a little further to the east.

Only seven new memorials were added in this period, notably a large stone cross to Rev Hill (1864), and headstones to Alfred Whitehead, a child (1856), Mary Ann Fare (1857), William Melhuish (1858), Ann Perkins (1860), John Loosemore 1866 and Mary Ann Loosemore 1878. Otherwise, names were added to existing memorials.


Once St George's became a parish in its own right in 1889, a separate Burial Register was commenced in 1890. Only twenty-two names are listed, of which fourteen have been added to existing stones, the last legible one being that of Catherine Loosemore in 1926. One more from this late list was commemorated by a plaque inside the church (Henry Dunsford, died 1892). One family only, that of James Easterbrook Rundell (1890), erected a new headstone, with Gothic pointed top and columns flanking the sides.

It was probably during the Second World War that the iron railings, visible on a Frith postcard of about 1908, were removed, both from the Fore Street boundary and from six of the chest tombs (Peard, Carpenter, Paresh, Davy Foulkes, James, Wood).

In the mid 1950s the Church itself was threatened with demolition. With support from the Georgian Society and John Betjeman it was reprieved and urgent restoration work began. The South Yard underwent major upheaval in 1969 when a swathe of ground on the east side was cleared for the building of St George's Church Extension. The foundation stone in the West wall records: This stone was laid / on 15th February 1969 / during a day of Prayer and Thanksgiving. / There can be no other foundation beyond that which is already laid: / Jesus Christ himself. / 1. Cor. 3.11. Gravestones were moved to the North Yard and placed along the North wall of the Church, but some may have been lost. It was at this time that a fragment bearing the name of Hannah Cowley, playwright, was rescued and can now be seen on display in Tiverton Museum. A small Meeting Room was added at the south end of the Extension in 1976.

After the buildings in Beck's Square were demolished in 1991, the East gate came into regular use. A ramp for wheelchair access was built in about 2001.

By 2003 the South Yard was extremely overgrown, with ivy obscuring most of the stones, making it impossible to read the inscriptions. Work on clearance began in May 2007 and the fifteen yew trees were chopped down to a height of six feet. Volunteers worked to create wildlife-friendly areas, with a nature strip left for wild flowers along the western boundary.

Reading the epitaphs, one is struck by the high number of young children commemorated. This is apt, as the South Yard is presided over by Ann Clark, midwife to thousands.


In chronological order. (More names may survive below soil level.)

H.Britton Landkey On memorial to: James Drummond Smith 1825

Howell Chulmleigh Robert Bryant 1833

Harris, South MoltonWilliam Halse 1837

FEWINGS TIVERTONJohn Daniel Lloyd 1855

WILLIAMS TIVERTON Base only, c1855


Due to the geology of the stone used, many inscriptions are now weather-worn and difficult to read. Relatively few employ a slate-like stone and are in good condition (for example, Aplin).

For convenience of reading, the transcripts on the stones are here written entirely in lower case except for the first mention of a surname which is put in upper case.

Most dates have been checked in the Burial Registers and, where illegible on the stone, these are added in square brackets. In some cases where the date on the stone is uncertain, they have been placed in square brackets and given a question mark. I am grateful to the Devon Family History Group who provided a typed transcript of all burials at St Peter's Church and St George's Church for the period 1st January 1813 to 31st December 1837. Otherwise, burial records were consulted on microfilm and microfiche at Devon Record Office and at Tiverton Museum.

The stones have been listed, as a general rule, alphabetically under the first surname on the stone, with cross referencing of surnames where appropriate, for example, where a wife's maiden name is given.

A number has been allocated to each stone and a sketch plan is kept at St George's Church.

For an explanation of the numbering, see the Numerical List at the end.

Abbreviations: BR = Burial Register.

BR:NF = Not found in Burial Register.

Memorials are described as Chest tomb, Low monument, Flat slab, Cross, Headstone, Pedestal monument, stone or tablet fixed to church wall.

Headstone shapes are described if flat topped, pointed, or a simple rounded shape. The majority are not described as they are the usual headstone shape, having rounded tops with 'shoulders' of varying degrees. Very few in this graveyard are 'bedstead' shape, where there are upstanding protuberances either side of the rounded top.


144.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Elizabeth Margaret ABBOTT / -- died – 18-- / aged -- / years.

[BR: Elizabeth Abbott buried 7th Sept 1851 age 28.]



134.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / the beloved children of / Thomas & Harriet ANSTEY / Thomas Adams born / --- died --- / Charles Henry born / -- / -died --- 1848-- / Julia born June 15th 18-- died M-- 18-- / Walter born May 4th 1848 / died March 17th 1849.

[BR: Thomas Adams Anstey could be one who was buried 17th Feb 1835 age 2.]


86.South Yard. Headstone, slate.

Sacred / to the memory of / Hugh APLIN / who died Feby 27th 1854 / aged 66 years. / His end was peace. / In loving memory of / John Back Aplin / who passed away to / his heavenly rest / 20th May 1891 aged 68 years.

[In 1841 census, Hugh Aplin, a skinner or currier, was living in Bampton St.]

61.South Yard. Headstone.

In memory / of / Joseph ARMITAGE / who died 21st March 1815 / aged 46 years. / Also of Mary his wife / who died 31st Oct 1835 / aged 66 years. / John Spurway HAYNE / died Dec 27th 1801 aged 25 years. / Elizabeth Hayne / died 25th May 1823 aged 91 years.

58.South Yard. Headstone with plain rounded top.

Sacred to the memory / of / Mary Ann, daughter of / James and Maria BRADFORD / and wife of / Richard BAKER / who died January 8th 1851 / aged 58 years. --- / Also of / Ellen Baker / ---

[BR: Ellen Baker buried 20 Sept 1854, age 16.]

56.South Yard. Headstone with Gothic pointed top.

Sacred / to / the memory of / Ann BALE / who died June 8th 1851 / aged 31 years.

157.South Yard. Low monument with hipped top, kerb originally with railings.

[S side:] Sacred to the memory of / [John] BARNE Esq [who died 9th Octo]ber AD 1853.

[N side:] Also of / James Watson Barne his son / who died at Oxford May 14th 1868 / aged 19 years.

[BR: John Barne was a Churchwarden, age 52. A stained glass window was placed to his memory in the Tower of St Peter's Church when restoration there was commenced in 1853 (F.J.Snell Chronicles of Twyford, 1892, 316). His son James Watson Barne was 'Accidentally killed by a pistol shot at Oxford.' James entered Blundell's School 1858, his home address given as Gotham House.]

21.On N Wall of Church, W of Doorway. Headstone.

Sacred / to / the memory of / Thomas BARTHOLOMEW Esq / who departed this life / the 22nd of March 1836 / aged 49. / 'He fell asleep in Jesus (and will awake in joyful Resurrection).'

116.South Yard. Flat stone, probably fallen headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Peter BATTISCOMBE / who died ---

[BR: 'Died suddenly'. Buried 18th Feb 1854 age 71.]

150.South yard. Flat slab.

Sacred / to the memory of / Thomas BECK / --- school - / of this town who died / [10th] April 1834 / aged [53] years. / Also of Ann his wife who died / 19th of – -- years / and of [their] children / who died in infancy.

[BR: Ann Beck buried 1st April 1855 aged 74].

89.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the / memory of / Elizabeth BEEDELL / of this town / who departed this life / November 10th 1830 / aged 77 years. / Also of / John VENMAN / who departed this life / Febry 2nd 1837 / aged 49 years. / Also of Elizabeth / widow of the above / died Dec 15th 1869 / aged 83 years.

67.South Yard. Headstone, wide with straight top.

To the memory of / Mr John BEEDELL / who died 26th July 1825 aged 82. / Also of Mary his wife who died / 26th May 1822 aged 77. / Also of John Beedell their son / who died 31st March 1868 aged 83. / Caroline wife of the above died / 23rd December 1871 aged 79. / Also of John Beedell Junr / who died Febry 16th 1899 aged 79.

147.South Yard. Headstone.

In memory / of / Elizabeth Salter / daughter of / Thomas and Elizabeth BEEDLE / who departed this life / March 15th 1853 / in the ninth year of her age. / Also of Catherine / another daughter / who died November 30th 1836 aged 20 months. [Verse illegible]

137.South Yard. Headstone.

In memory / of / John BERRY who departed this life / December 10th 1819, aged 70 years. /

Also of Susannah his wife /who departed this life July 20th 1822 / aged 70 years.

75.South Yard. Headstone with pointed top and cut away below shoulders.

In / memory of / Susan BIDGOOD / who [died] / --- uary aged 2 years. /Also of William Bidgood / who died J--- 18-- / aged - years. / [Verse illegible]

[BR gives a William Bidgood buried 18 Jan 1852 age 18.]

115.South Yard. Flat stone, probably fallen headstone.

Sacred / to / the memory of / Elizabeth BINDON (?) / of Totnes who died ---


146.South Yard. Headstone. Partly obscured by tree growth.

Sacred / to the memory of / Mary Ann BIRD / who departed this life Sept - / 1807 aged sixteen weeks. / Also of Catherine Bird / who departed this life / November the 3rd --- / aged 1 year and - months.


3. North Yard. Flat slab over vault

Underneath in a vault / lye the remains of Mary / wife of Leonard Blagdon / of this town. She dyed / 25 November 1739 / aged 49 / years. / Also the said LEONARD BLAGDON / twice Mayor of this town who / dyed May 7th 1763 aged 77 years. / Also James son of John Blagdon of / Puddington who died October 3rd [?1767] / aged 21 years. / Also Henry son of ye said John Blagdon / who died December [?2nd] 1750 aged / 26 years. / Also the remains of Mrs Mary / SHARLAND of this parish who / departed this life March 25nd / Anno Domini 1783 aged 69 years.

[BR: Mr Henry Blagdon buried 7th Dec 1750.]

BLAGDON, see also Mary PEARD

32. On N Wall of Church. Headstone.

Here / with the remains of / his parents are those / of / James BOYCE / who / died Feb 9th 1854 / aged 61


162. South Yard. Cross on stepped base, loose, near South Door..

[On upper step:] Nothing in my hand l--- / [?]Simely thy cross i--- .

[On lower step:] Michael BRIEN / died July – 1839 aged [35] / Catherine his daughter / died May 22nd 1839 aged 11 months.

142.South Yard. Head stone.

Sacred / to the memory of / James Sparks son of / John & Caroline BROOM / who died November 30th 1845 / aged 4 years & 7 months. / Also of the above / Caroline Broom / born at Bishop Stortford, Herts May 25th / 1805, died at Tiverton Jany 15th 1849.

[BR: Caroline Moses Broom, aged 46.]


109.South Yard. Headstone.

This stone is set up as a tribute of / affection / to the memory of / Robert BRYANT / late of this town, draper / who departed this life the 31st day of Octor / in the year of our Lord 1833 / in the 32nd / year of his age. / Oh, dear reader, behold and see / What cruel death has done for me. / Life is uncertain, death is sure / Oh! Think of this and sin no more. /

[Monumental mason's name bottom right:] Howell Chulmleigh

96.South Yard. Headstone with rounded top.

Sacred / to the / memory of / Francis CAPERN / who departed this life / [?9th] Feb 1818 / aged 47 years.

97.South Yard. Low monument with hipped top.

[S side:] Sacred to the memory of / -- Thomas---- CAPERN / --

[N side:] Sacred to --

[BR: Could be Thomasine Capren buried 20th July 1834 aged 70]


77.South Yard. Headstone, small.

[Sacred to the memory of] / Maxwell / youngest son of the late / Revd W. CARPENDALE / [?Vicar of Shepton Mallet] / died [?1s] May 1840 / aged 17 months.

[BR:Maxwell Carpendale buried 4th May 1840 aged 17 months.]

108. South yard. Chest tomb, originally with iron railings, granite chippings.

[Note neat repair to bottom left corner of top slab, with new piece of stone set in.] Inscription on top of slab. None on sides, which may have been mortared in the past to strengthen them:

Sacred to the memory of / Richard CARPENTER / who departed this life / March 17th 1834 /

aged 53 years. / Much beloved and respected / by all who knew him. /

William Carpenter / of Higher Withleigh / who died 16th March 1845 aged 73. /

John Carpenter / of Middle Bradleigh / who died 25th February 1848 aged 42. /

Sarah Carpenter / widow of the above John Carpenter / who died 31st January 1888 aged 85. /

John Carpenter / of Plainsfield / who died 3rd Sept 1841. /

James Carpenter / of Great Bradleigh / who died [1st May] 1828 [aged 51].

James Carpenter / of Lower Withleigh who died 23rd Dec 1865.

98.South Yard. Headstone.

In / memory of / Jane the beloved wife of / Samuel CHAVE / who died September 29th 1853 / aged 68 /. Also of the above / Samuel Chave / who died March 24th 1854 / aged 72. / This stone is [erected] by their sorrowing children

49.South Yard. On S Wall of Church. Fine stone, straight top, carved with winged cherubs (head and shoulders) in top corners and symbols of mortality now mostly lost (upper panel with hourglass, open book, skull & crossbones, and draped female figure reclining on a sarcophagus in lower panel). The decoration is badly eroded.

Near / this place ly- / eth the body of / Ann CLARK of this / town midwife who / departed this life / the 12th day of Janua- / ry 1733 aged 77 years./ On harmless babes I did attend / Whilst I on Earth my life did spend. / To help the helpless in their need / I ready was with care and speed. / Many from pain my hands did free / But none from death could rescue me. / My glass is run and hower is past / And yours is coming all so fast. /

John Brailey was the first / child she received in to / the World in 1698 and since / above five thousand. / William Davey p

[Ann Clark's life and times was researched for an article in Tiverton Civic Society's Newsletter No 63,

Oct 2005]

53.South Yard, on S wall of Yard. Headstone with straight top.

Near this place lieth the body / of John COCKRAM son of / John and Mary COCKRAM / who died 14th August 1806 / aged 2 years. / Also of the above / Mary Cockram who died / 8th Jan 1822 aged 82. / Also / the above named John Cockram / the Elder who died 26th June / 1825 aged (75).

39.On E Wall of Church. Small tablet for an infant, set low beside door to Vestry.

Be-- [COLE]RIDGE / died the [25th of] / October 1791 / Aged 4 weeks / P ---

[BR:Bernard Frederick son of Capt or Mr James Coleridge buried 30th Oct 1791. Capt Coleridge appears in Poor Rates 3rd from top of St Peter St W side from April 1790 through until Aug 1796. The baby's father was an elder brother of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834, thus making the infant a nephew. One of the infant's brothers became a prominent judge, Sir John Taylor Coleridge 1790-1876; he returned to Tiverton, aged 70, and gave a lecture on Public Schools, reported in the Exeter Flying Post Sept 5th 1860.]

19.Against N Wall of Church, W of Entrance Porch, loose headstone.

[Nathaniel] COOK / ----- / [son of] / [Nathaniel] Cook and Dorothy Cook / who departed this life Sept 5th 1809 / aged 3 months. / Also of Harriet daughter of the same parents / who died October 9th 1823 aged 12 years. / Also of Fanny their daughter who died / May 8th 1824 aged 2 months. / Also of Thomas PHILLIPS / who died March 17th 1833 aged 76 years. / Also of Dorothy / wife of the above named Nathaniel Cook / who died June 13th 1844 aged 60 years.

7. North Yard. Flat slab over vault. Very worn inscription.

Sacred / to the memory of / Ann [?beloved wife of] / Charles [ Toogood COWARD] / who died -- aged - / Also of the above / Charles Toogood Coward, surgeon / died Feby ---1868 / aged 77 years.

[BR: Ann Coward buried 6th March 1847 age 56. Charles Toogood Coward buried 8th Feb 1868 age 78. Register gives his residence as Exeter. In 1851 census he was living in St Peter St, Tiverton.

Born in Bristol, on 21st Oct 1823 Charles Toogood Coward of St Luke's, Middlesex, married Ann Adams at Great Barton, Suffolk. In 1841 he is described as a surgeon , living in Westbourne Place, London, with wife and a son aged 13.]

60.South Yard. Headstone. NOTE neat repair; square piece inset to replace AC of SACRED, presumably to correct a mistake in carving.

Sacred / to / the memory of / Mary wife of William DART / who died January 2nd 1821 / aged 28 years. / Also / Thomas Dart son of / William and Mary Ann Dart / who died March 28th 1828 / aged 3 years. / Also William Dart / who died December 19th 1828 / aged 11 months. Also / William Thomas Dart / who died [rest of inscription is hidden below soil level]

[BR: Last could be William Dart buried 13th April 1844, age 14.]

68.South Yard. Headstone, large

Sacred / to the memory of / Jane daughter of / Richd & Elizth DAVEY / who died Sept 23rd 1828 aged 15. / Also of Jane, another daughter / who died Nov 9th 1830 aged 19 months, / Sarah, daughter of the above / died May 5th 1842 aged 18. / Richard James PEAKE (their grandson) died April 22nd 1842 / aged 11 months. / Also of Richard Davey / father of the above, / who departed this life March 27th 1849 / aged 61 years. / In death lamented, / In life belov'd.

[BR: Richard Davey of the Canal Inn]

6. North Yard. N-most, low monument with hipped top

[N side:] In memory of Mary relict of the / Revd Perry DICKEN M.A. Vicar of Witheridge /

Rector of Poughill in this county / ob March 25th 1841 aet 70 / Mary PENLEAZE / eldest daughter of the above died Dec 31st 1845 aged 48 / Laura fourth daughter of the above / died at Balasore in the East Indies June 13th 1838.

[S side:] Also of / Lucy Dicken / second daughter of the Rev Perry and Mary Dicken / ob May 8th 1871 aet 71. / Also of Harriet VENN / third daughter of the above Revd Dicken / who died March 2nd 1879 aged 72.

4. North Yard. Flat slab. [See also Dickinson wall tablet in chancel of Church]

[Underneath in a vault] / are deposited the remains of / Benjamin DICKINSON Esq /of this town / who died 23rd October 1806 / aged 69 years / and of Mary his wife / who died 13th May 1810 / aged 80 years. / Also three of their daughters / Maria, Sarah and Elizabeth / who died in their infancy. / Benjamin Dickinson [?MA] / son of the above / who died 18th February 1800 / aged 30 years.


72.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred to the memory / of Elizabeth Carter DOWNEY / daughter of / James and Elizabeth DOWNEY / who died February 21st 1816 / aged 7 weeks. / Also of William Downey son of the / above, who died 27th February 1825 / aged 1 year and 10 months. / Happy infant early --- / Rest in peaceful slumber.

124.South Yard. Headstone.

--- William DREW ---

27. On N Wall of Church, headstone with flat top.

In memory of / Helenus DRUMMOND / son of / Colonel Drummond / who departed this / life 19th January 1817 / aged 22 years.

[In BR, name appears as Helena, age 21.]

47.South Yard. On S Wall of Church. Headstone

In / memory of / Jane Harriet / wife of / James N. DUNTZE Esq / of Hensley House / in this parish / who died January 24th 1837 / aged 71. / Also James N. Duntze Esq / who died Sept 22nd 1846 / aged 78.

121.South Yard. Headstone

In memory / of / Mary DYMOND / who departed this life / April -- 18-- / aged 72 years.

[BR: Buried 10th April 1853, age 72.]

79.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred to the / memory of / Jane, widow of the late / John DYOTT Esq / [?surviving] daughter of - / C-- of St-- / who departed this life / September 12th 1852 aged – years. /

(And -- -- died 12th Sept 1812 aged --)

[BR:Jane Dyott buried 16th Sept 1852 age 83]

128.South Yard. Headstone with cross top. Inset design with freemasonry symbols of compass and set square.

In / memory of / George FARE / who died July 1st 1846, / aged 48 years. / He held the office of Clerk of this / Church for 13 years and his zeal / --- faithful also -/ -- secured him-- / of all who knew him / His long and painful illness --- / -- fortitude -- / hope of resurrection.

91.South Yard. Headstone with Gothic pointed top.

Mary Ann / wife of George FARE / died 21 Jan 1857 aged 23. The Lord is my shepherd I / shall not want / though I walk through the valley / of the shadow of death, I will / fear no evil for thou art with / me, thy rod and thy staff they / comfort me. / Also Mary Fare / (wife of) / George Fare / who died Sept 28th 1877 / aged 83 years.

62.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Mary Elizabeth FARRANT / daughter of / John & Mary Farrant / who departed this life / Sept 29th 1842 / aged 6 months. / The early bird so you may also fall / Called hence by early doom. / [?Just come to] -- / In Paradise you ------ .



66.South Yard. Headstone, dark stone, with straight top.

Sacred to the memory / of the beloved children / of Stephen and Susan FISHER / of this town. / Willm Martin died Oct 12th 1808 aged 10 days. / Susan died February 3rd 1816 aged 16 months. / Stephen Henry died February 28th 1822 / aged 2 years and 2 months. /

Also of their affectionate mother / Susan Fisher / who died Feby 2nd 1833 aged 55 years. /

Also of their father / Stephen Fisher / who departed this life / (suddenly at Plymouth) / universally regretted and respected / Decr 26th 1838 aged 56 years. / Also of John Salter Fisher / son of the above, who died Jan 7th 1840 / aged 21 years. / Also of Jane Mary Fisher / daughter of the above / who died Dec 19th 1877 / aged 71 years. / Also of Anne Salter Fisher / daughter of the above who died March 3rd 1881.

[BR says Stephen Fisher was a schoolmaster in the town and a church warden. Mary Jane Fisher age 73. Anne Salter Fisher, age 78, lived in St Paul's Square, Tiverton.]

41.East side of Church. Large flat slab, badly worn. At least 7 lines of inscription in all:

-- / -- [Thomas Mac]millan FOGO / --- / --- / -- ember 1850 / -- year of his age.

[BR: Thomas Macmillan Fogo was buried 24th September 1850, age 59. Presumably the top part of the inscription records the death of his wife Anne in the 1840s.Thomas was born 25th Oct 1791 in Edinburgh. On 22nd Jan 1806 TMF was appointed Assistant Surgeon in the Ordnance Medical Service and on 26th Sept 1814 promoted to Surgeon. He was present at the Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). On 3rd June 1821 he married Anne Scott at Duddingstone, near Edinburgh. They had two children, Anne Reid on 19th Oct 1823 in East Midlothian and Alexander Scott on 10th Aug 1828 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. On 26th April 1825 he was appointed Surgeon in the Royal Artillery. In 1841 the family was living in Brompton Barracks, Gillingham, Kent. In April 1843 he was promoted Surgeon to the Senior Surgeon in the Office of Ordnance. His son Alexander also was a surgeon in the Royal Artillery.

94.South Yard. Headstone

Sacred / to the memory of / Ann / the wife of / Thomas FORD / who died May 6th 1854 / aged 38 years.

139.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Hannah Maria FORTESCUE / daughter of / Charles and Elizabeth FORTESCUE / of Tangley, Hants / who departed this life / June 12th 1854 / aged 15 years. / Be prepared for an early grave; / Death her smile was --- / -- her hope of -- / -- love.

[BR gives her address as Bolham.]

152.South Yard. Chest tomb, top slab with rounded edge, kerb originally with railings.

[E end:] Coat of arms in high relief, three lions passant. Motto in scroll beneath: NEC TIMIDE, NEC TEMERE.

[Top:] Buried in a vault beneath are / the remains of / John Davy FOULKES Esq / who died April 27th 1813 / aged 56 years. / Also of / Elizabeth Fortescue Foulkes / the wife (?of the above) / who died 25th / of March 1827 aged 65 years./ Also of / George Phillip / OSMOND -- / their grandson / who died August --- / aged [?19] years.

[According to marble memorial inside St George's, J.D.F. died 26th April 1813 aged 56. Elizabeth died 25th March 1827 aged 65. John Davy Foulkes lived at Gotham House since c1803.]

54.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / John FOX / ---- / who died in this town / June 21st 1835 / aged 43 years.

[BR: Of London]

29. On N Wall of Church. Headstone.

In memory / of / [Margaret] FRANKS / who departed this life / on the 13th June / 1822 / at the age of 61.

[In BR is Margaret]

16. North Yard, low monument with hipped top

[S side]: In memory of / John GATH / who died March 30th 1843 / aged 72 years. / Also of / Hannah, wife of the above / who died December 17th 1846 / aged 76 years. /

[N side]: In memory of / Mary Ann the beloved wife of / Samuel Gath / (who died) August 1875 aged 68 years.

GATH see also PARESH

131.South Yard. Headstone with fancy top.

Sacred / to the memory of / Samuel GLANVILL / died [ - Oct] 1851 / aged --- ./ Elizabeth Glanvill / the beloved wife of the above died Novr 11th 1854 / aged 82 years. / Elizabeth ANNING / wife of --- Anning / died – 1853 / aged 27 years.

[BR: Samuel Glanvill buried 29th Oct 1851, age 80. Elizabeth Anning buried 13th April 1853, age 23.]

133.South Yard. Cross with 2-stepped base.

[S side of base:] Poyntz GLOYNS / died September 14 1847 / --

[E side:] Grant thou O Lord / Eternal rest / --

126.South Yard. Headstone

Sacred / to the memory of / William GRANT / who died 22nd Oct 1843 / aged 39 years. / Also John Grant / father of the above / died July 24th 1847 / aged 76 years.

[BR:NF John Grant]

93.South Yard. Headstone. Slate.

In / memory of / Richard GRATER / who departed this life / September 6th 1839 / aged 46 years. / Also of Sarah, / relict of above / who died July 5th 1849, / aged 65 years.

145.South Yard. Upright stone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Grace / the wife of Robert GUNN / who departed this life / June 11th 1842 aged 59 years. / In death lamented / As in life belov'd.

[BR: Robert Gunn buried 13th March 1875, age 91. 'Destroyed himself'.]

117.South Yard. Headstone with straight top. Slate.

Sacred / to the memory / of / William HALSE / of this town / who departed this life Feb / 12th 1837 aged 61 years. / 'He fell asleep in Jesus and will / awake to a joyful resurrection.' /

Also of Charity his wife / who died February 20th 1844 / aged 66 years. / She was an affectionate wife and sister. / She lived and died in the fear of God / in the hopes of a joyful resurrection./

[Monumental mason's name on reverse at top centre:] Harris, South Molton

69.South Yard. Headstone with shallow pointed top.


Sacred / to the memory of / Elizabeth wife of / James HARWOOD, / who died June 5th 1845 / aged 75 years. / Also of / James Harwood / husband of the above Elizabeth Harwood / who died Nov 11th 1849 / aged 71 years.

70.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Mary HARWOOD / who died Sept 22nd 1811 / aged 24. / Also in memory of / Jane KNIGHT / who departed this life / October 24th 1829 / aged [45] years.

[BR: Joan Knight buried 1st Nov 1829 age 45.]

64.South Yard. Headstone with straight top, slate.

Sacred / to the memory of / Grace HAYDON, / a native of Morchard Bishop, / died April 17th 1854 aged 54 years. / Highly esteemed for many social and moral / virtues and deservedly respected for exemplary / conduct in every relation of life; affectionate / and benevolent to her kindred, zealous, conscientious / and faithful in the discharge of her varied duties / consistent in every christian principle and sincere / in her attachment to her master in whose service / she was for the long period of thirty one years / and who now deeply and sincerely feels the / irreparable loss he has sustained and incessantly / mourns his bereavement.

63.South Yard. Headstone with damaged top

In memory / of / Henry HAYMAN / who died April 30th 1834 / aged 63 years. / Dear wife & children as you pass by / As you are now so once was I. / As I am now, so you must be, / Prepare for death and follow me.


160.South Yard. Low monument

In memory of / Thomas HELLINGS Esq / solicitor who died February 16th 1853 / aged 77 /

and Elizabeth his wife / who died July 26th 1864 aged 85 / and of their beloved children / Elizabeth, died April 22nd 1828 aged 26, / Richard died April 11th 1830 aged 13 /

Emma died May 8th 1864 aged 61 / and five who died in their infancy. / Also Thomas died September 20th 1869 aged 61. / Also Margaretta Hellings / died September 4th 1894 aged 80.


87.South Yard. Headstone.

In memory / of / Julia Lash the lamented wife / of James HEWETT / who died July 4th 1845 / aged 43. / Also their beloved children / Julia died Dec 9th 1825 / aged 6 weeks. /

Elizabeth Nov 15th 1831 16 months / James April 30th 1833, 11 weeks / Sarah Jane March 10th 1834 / 5 years. /Eliza Octr 10th 1839, 9 months / Thomas Jany 9th 1845, 20 months.

31. On N Wall of Church. Headstone

Sacred / to / the memory of / Mrs Sarah HEWETT / of Whitehall / who departed this life / Sept 13th 1813 aged 67 years. / Also / Mr [?William] Hewett / husband of the above / ---

25.North Yard. Against N wall of church.

Sacred to the memory / of / John --- [?HEWLETT] / who departed this life / Mar -- /

[aged ?41] years.

100.South Yard. Headstone .

Sacred / to / the memory of / Emma HIBBERD / the beloved daughter of / Stephen & Ann Hibberd / who departed this life / Sept [25th] 1843 / aged 1 year & 7 months. / Also of the above Ann Hibberd / who died June 10th 1851 / aged 37 years. / Also of Stephen Hibberd / infant son of the above. / Also of Ann Hibberd the beloved daughter of the above / died Jany 1852 aged 6 years. / Also of the above / Stephen Hibberd / who died June 15th 1853 aged 38 years.

[BR: Stephen Hibberd buried 1st Jan 1852 age 1.]

95. South Yard. Large stone with entwined IHS set in a trefoil top.

This / stone marks / the spot where rest the / loved remains of / Alfred Bligh HILL MA / ---- / born Feb 11th 1817, died July 27th 1864. / [Epitaph illegible]

[BR: Rev Alfred Bligh Hill, age 47. He was incumbent of St Paul's Church, Westexe.]

149.South Yard. Flat stone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Maria RODGERS / who departed this life / November ----- / aged ?10 years /--- / Henry Solly HODGES / --- aged --- ./ Also / Francis Hodges / son of --- / Capt H.S. Hodges / who died A-- - --18-- / aged --

[See also tablet inside Church to Henry Solly Hodges died 2nd Apr 1843 age 46.]


153.South Yard. Chest tomb, originally with railings set in kerbstones.

[Top surface:] Sacred to the memory of / Joseph JAMES Esq / of King's County in Ireland / and Ashley Devonshire / late Surgeon General / in the service of the / Honble East India Company / died 22nd Feby 1822 / aged 64. / John James / the eldest dear son of / Joseph and Elizabeth James / died in Dublin on the 19th March 1840 / and is there interred / aged 55 years. / Also in memory of / Elizabeth Susanna / widow of the above Joseph James / who died Oct 22nd 18-- / aged 61 years.

[N side:] In memory of the beloved children / of Joseph and Elizabeth James / Elizabeth died 29th Augst 1804 aged 3 weeks. / Augusta 27th February 1812 aged 7 months. /

Joseph 7th April 1815 aged 9 months. / Laura 31st July 1815 aged 2 years.

[E end:] Blessed are the pure in heart. / Mary Ann James / daughter of Joseph and / Elizabeth Susan James / died 11th August 1832 / aged 22 years. / Isabel James / died 7th May 1838 / aged 18 years.

[S side:] Reginald James, late of Ashley, / died 6th July 1890 / aged 73 years.

130.South Yard. Headstone with plain rounded top.

In memory of / Agnes JESSON daughter of / Wm and Agnes JESSON who / died Dec the 4th 1820 / aged 20 years./ Farewell good mother & my aunt most dear; / Farewell my brothers, who to me were near; / Farewell good people all who were so kind; / Farewell dear consort whom be left behind.

129.South Yard. Headstone with decorative rounded top.

Sacred / to the memory of / Sarah JESSON / wife of James Jesson mason / who died July – 1848 / aged 66 years. Also / James Jesson / husband of the above / who died August 26th 1840 / aged 57 years.

[BR: Sarah Jesson buried 31st July 1848.]



106.South Yard. Low monument with hipped top

In memory of / Alexander LAMOTTE / who died in 1836 aged 69 / also Mary / an infant daughter who died in 1822 / and Alexander / a son who died [1864] aged 44.

[BR: Mary Lamotte buried 5th Dec 1822 age 1. Snell, in Chronicles of Twyford, 1892, says that in 1815, after the French wars, some officers of captured French vessels settled in Tiverton, for example, Monsieur Alexander Lamotte who became a French master at Blundell's School. See also Sampson History of Tiverton, 202, where it is explained the French name of De La Motte was shortened to Lamotte. His son Alexander G.Lamotte, buried in Jan 1864, was one of ten surgeons listed in the Stranger's Guide 1855.]

28. On N Wall of Church, headstone with high rounded top

Sacred / to / the memory / of / Revd Henry LAND, / late / Rector / of Clare Quarter / in this Parish / who died the 9th of Decr 1793 / aged 62 years./

This stone is [erected by his] son John Land, surgeon, / --- / ---- / died -- / -- [More illegible]

80.South Yard. Headstone.

In Memory / of / Jane LEE / who departed this life / 11th Dec 1830 / aged 70 years.

101.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to / the memory of / Mary the wife of James LEE / who departed this life / the 28th of June 1824 / aged 69 years. / Also of the above-named / James Lee / who died Sept 20th 1830 / aged 85 years. / Lord I have found it good for me / To feel thy chastning rod / Affection made me keep thy law / And brought me to my God.

107.South Yard. Low monument with hipped cross.

[S side] In loving memory of John Daniel LLOYD BA / Rector of Clare Portion, Tiverton / who died March 2nd 1855 aged 48 years / and Catherine his wife / who died Dec 17th 1895 aged 85 years. / Catherine Elizabeth Hellings Lloyd died Dec 26th 1855 aged 12 years.

[N side] Thomas Hellings Lloyd / died May 14th 1861 aged 14 years /

Nathaniel Hellings Lloyd / died at Truro Feb 19th 1869 aged 29 years /

John Hellings Lloyd B.C.S. died at Nynee-tal July 5th 1873 aged 32 years.

[E end:] Also of / William / Helling Lloyd / died at Worthing Dec 7th 1909 / aged 63 years.

[Mason's name on E end of base step:] FEWINGS TIVERTON

[BR: John Daniel Lloyd was inducted to Clare Portion12th August 1837]

[Nynee-tal, known today as Naini Tal, was a summer resort in the Himalayan foothills NE of Delhi.]

46.On S.Wall of Church. Headstone, Gothic style with floral design.

Sacred / to the memory of John LOOSEMORE / of this town solicitor / who died Jan 3rd 1866 / aged 71. / Also of Hannah Loosemore / the beloved wife of the above / who died Oct 2nd 1866 / aged 63. / For such m--- his beloved sleep. / Also of / their two infant children / Also of / Robert Francis Loosemore J.P., son of above / born 13th June 1840, / died 9th May 1916 / [aged 75.] / Also of [?Mary] Loosemore / died 23 -- 1935[?].

48.By S.Wall of Church. Cross on 3-stepped base.

[With IHS cross] Mary Ann / wife of / Robert Francis LOOSEMORE / of this town solicitor, / died 13 April 1878.

[E side of plinth] Catherine widow of Robert Francis Loosemore, died July 17th 1926.

[Catherine was the last person to be buried in St George's graveyard, according to the Burial Register.]

123.South Yard. Flat slab.

Elizabeth MACKENZIE / died October 30th 1851 / aged 78


122.South Yard. Headstone with straight top. Dashed line around borders.

In memory / of Agnes wife of Mattw MARSHALL / who died Decr 19th 1823 / aged 69 years. / Also of / Sophia SHARLAND her niece / died July 24th 1829 / aged 25 years.

50.On S Wall of Church. Headstone with straight top.

Here lieth [?Jane] wife of / Thomas MASON School / Master, who died the 25th / day of February 1758 / aged 56.

[BR: Mary Mason]

111.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / Julia / the beloved wife of / William MATHEWS / (Supervisor of Excise) / who died December 6th 1841 / aged 24 years. / Affection and kindness in acts / ---

[Rest of verse illegible]

99.South Yard. Headstone with straight top.

Sacred / to the memory of / Mrs Elizabeth MATTHEWS / daughter of John Thurstan Gent /of Colchester in the County of Essex / and wife of Mr Thomas Matthews / of this town, engineer, / who died Jan 9th 1832 aged 66 years. / Solely relying on the merits of her redemption, / She bore the trials of life with meekness and / Resignation & humbly submitted to the will of her / Maker (for to her to die was gain.) / She's past away but left a tale most dear / For mem'ry's voice to tell affections' ear, / For love to listen to and sorrow mourn / And weep those joys that never will return. / Also of the above / Thomas Matthews / died April 25th 1852 aged 74 years. / Also of / Rebecca wife of Roger Matthews / who died Aug 14th 1810 aged 62 years. / She well discharge [sic] her part thro life. / A tender mother, friend & wife. / Also of the above / Roger Matthews / who died November 30th 1820 / aged 77 years.

[In 1851 census, Thomas Matthews described as 'Engineer & millwright', living at 17 St Andrew St]

104.South Yard. Headstone with rounded top.

Sacred / to the memory of / Mr Jacob MELHUISH / surgeon, who died / Oct 11th 1805 / and of / Elizabeth his wife / who died 23rd May / 1813 / --- of a - hour--- ch -- / --- John Mary yy etc / --- all of whom / died [?within an hour of] life.

[BR gives Elizabeth's age as 48.]

11.North Yard. Headstone

Sacred / to the memory of / John MELHUISH / who departed this life / [?7 Oct 18-- / aged

?70 years]. Also / Mary Melhuish / who died – [?1841] / aged 73 years./ Also / Mary Ann / -- of John [?N—DM- ] / who died Oct 13th [?1841]. aged -- ./ Also / Ellen Jane / daughter of --- -- D- ANN D -- / --- 1835 / aged 9 years and 9 months. / William OSBORN [?MET] / who died Sept 2nd 1841 / aged -- years.

[BR: Maybe John Melhuish buried 10th June 1839 age 70. Mary Melhuish buried 8th Feb 1841 age 73.]

88.South Yard. Headstone .

Sacred / to the memory of Mary the wife / of William MELHUISH / who with her infant son died / May 24th 1819 aged 39 years. / Also of Elizabeth their beloved daughter / who died 214th Dec 1811 aged / 3 years and 10 months.

85.South Yard. Headstone.

In memory / of / the beloved children of / Thomas and Sarah MELHUISH. / John died Dec 7th 1799 aged 5 years. / Sally died Dec 17th 1804 aged 6 months. / Mary died Dec 18th 1804 aged 5 years. / Harriet died April 12th 1815 aged 2 years. / Ann died April 27th 1821 aged 23 years. / Thomas died Jan 2nd 1827 aged 27 years / George died Aug 18th 1829 aged 24 years / Also of the above-named Thomas Melhuish / who died Oct 12th 1831 / aged 61 years. / Also of Sarah his wife who died / July 7th 1834 aged 63 years.

9. North Yard. Headstone, pointed top with Gothic finial.

Sacred / to the memory of / William MELHUISH / who departed this life / May 3rd 1858 aged [49] years / Richard died 8th Feby 1816 / aged 3 years./ Edward died 23rd Jany 18-- / aged 2 months. / Frederick died --- / aged 9 months. / Arthur died --- / aged -- years. / Jane Morgan wife of the above / William Melhuish / who died -- 1880 aged [70] years. / Also of / Henry son of the above / who died Feby 2nd 1885 / aged 44 years. / Also of Mary Ward wife of R.D.SPENCE / [daughter] of the above / died [-- Dec] 1842 aged 88 years..

[BR: Jane Morgan Melhuish buried 10th April 1880 age 70].

22. On N Wall of Church, headstone, rounded top.

Sacred / to the memory of / Daniel MERSON / who died in June 30th 1811 aged 70. /

Also / Daniel BINDON / Also / William Jas Merson / -- [illegible]


35. On E Wall of Church. Tablet with rounded top.

Beneath / are deposited / the mortal remains of / Henry MILDON / who died 19th March 1818 / aged 66.

158. South Yard. Flat slab [cracked] over vault.

Underneath are deposited / the remains of / ALEXANDER NESBITT Esq / lately Major in His Majesty's / Lt Regt of Foot / who died March 29th 1806 / aged 70 years. / Richard Nesbitt, / brother to the above / formerly Major in the 6th Regt / of Foot died 4th August 1806 / aged 68 years / Ann, wife of the said Richard Nesbitt / died 16th August 1822 / aged 76 years. / John Shuckburgh eldest son / of John Shuckburgh HOW / and Ann his wife / youngest daughter of the above / Richard & Ann Nesbitt / died 16th November 1845 / aged 25 years / and of Richard Nesbitt / and James William How / who died in infancy.

[BR: Richard Nesbitt How buried 19th Dec 1821, John William How on 15th Sept 1825.]

[Harding: Major Alexander Nesbitt, 29 March 1806]

44.On S Wall of Church. Stone with rounded top.

Beneath / this stone / are deposited / the earthly remains of / James NIXON Gent / who departed this life / May 9th 1812 / [aged 31 years] / -- [Rest illegible]

55.South Yard. Headstone.

Died / on the 16th of July 1854 / Thomas NOON / aged 64 years.

136.South Yard. Headstone.

Sacred / to the memory of / William NORRIS / late of Loxbear Barton / who departed this life / -- May 1850 aged 83 years. / Also of / Ann the beloved wife of the above / who departed this life October 18th [1841] / aged 75 years. / Also of / Mary Ann / the beloved daughter of the above / who died [9th August] 1808.

[BR: Spelt William Norrish, buried 7th June 1850 age 83.]

155. South Yard. Flat slab, very worn.

Sacred to the memory of / Charlotte /--- [daughter of --- NORTHCOTE]

[The rest is illegible but it appears to be the stone described in Harding as belonging to Charlotte, youngest daughter of Rev Hugh Northcote, Rector of Upton Pyne, who died 22nd Oct 1810, and others]



113.South Yard. Small chest tomb with hipped rooftop & dentilled eaves, on flat slabs, originally with railings.

[N side - left:] Sacred to the memory of / Jane the beloved wife / of Thomas PARESH / who departed this life / April 29th 1855 aged 54 years. / In death lamented / As in life beloved.

[N side - right:] Sacred to the memory of / Thomas Paresh / of this town builder / who died April 11th 1872 / aged 75 years. / Also Mary Moore CAPERN / daughter of the above who died / June 10th 1869 aged 50 years.

[E end:] In loving memory of / Thomas Capern / who died at Weston-super-Mare / November 12th 1876 / in his 79th year. / After life's fitful fever he sleeps well. [Macbeth Act 3, sc 2]

[S side - left:] In loving memory of / Ann GATH / who died Decr 30th 1892 / aged 90 years.

[S side - right:] Sacred to the memory of / Thomas Hooper / only son of / Thomas and Jane Paresh / who departed this life Jan 17th 1866 aged 37 years. [line of verse illegible]

[W end] In loving memory of / Thomas Francis Mesmer Capern / who died December 15th 1914 / aged 61 years. / Percival Capern, only son of the above, / born Oct 20th 1881, / killed in action at Gallipoli Aug 28th 1915.

[Messrs Gath, Williams & Parish were builders of St Paul's Church, foundation stone laid April 1854. See Stranger's Guide 1855. Note name of Paresh is usually spelt Parish. BR: Mary Moore Capren (sic) died at Weston-super-Mare. For Thomas Capern, BR gives address as Banwell near Weston-super-Mare. Ann Gath was his sister. Thomas Capern (1799-1876) was a mesmeric and, in the 1851 census, secretary to the Mesmeric Society (founded by Friedrich Anton Mesmer whose theory of 'animal magnetism', or mesmerism, was introduced into Paris in 1778) and living in Finsbury. He wrote 4 books, the first being The Mighty Curative Powers Of Mesmerism. In 1852 he married Mary More Parish in Bath, and his son, baptised Thomas Francis Mesmer Capern, was born in Maryleborne in 1853. In the 1861 census this Thomas, aged 7, is staying in Oakhampton with a William Moore; also present is Elizabeth Parish, a niece.

Thomas F M Capern moved to Weston super-Mare and in 1879 married Mercy Morgan. He was a chemist. Their son Percival Capern was born 1881. They then moved to Bristol where Thomas developed Capern's birdseed and opened a factory which was eventually sold off to Spillers. He died in 1914 at Arnos House, Cotham Pk, Bristol, leaving an estate of over £190,000 and a desire to be buried in the family vault at St George's, Tiverton.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission confirms Trooper Percival Capern of 9th Unit Australian Light Horse was killed in action in the Gallipoli Campaign on 28th August 1915. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Lone Pine Memorial in Turkey, along with 4,900 Australian and New Zealand servicemen. His parents were living in Bristol when, in 1908, he emigrated to Australia. On joining up with the Australian Imperial Force on 5th Oct 1914 he described himself as a labourer.]

57.South Yard. Headstone

Sacred / to the/ memory of Mary PARKER, / wife of / William Parker / of this Parish who / departed this life / January 9th 1832 / aged 37 years. / Also Harriot Parker died April 26th 1849 aged / 15 months./ Beloved bird so young so fair / Called once by early doom / Just awhile -- / In Paradise would bloom./ Also William Parker / who died --- 1852 aged 66 years. / His end was peace. [BR: William Parker buried 19th Aug 1852.]

13. North Yard. Low monument with hipped cross.

[N side:] In memory of / James PARTRIDGE ob 24th March 1846 aet 63 / Sophia Partridge (his wife) ob 12 March 1859 aet 73 / James Partridge (their eldest son) ob 24th March 1839 aet 19. / Resurec---

[S side:] William Partridge / (son of James & Sophia Partridge) / born 22nd May 1822 died 5th Novr 1884.

[BR: James Partridge buried 1st April 1846, drowned in canal. William Partridge buried 8th Nov 1884, from Starcross]

34.On E Wall of Church. Tablet.

In memory of / William PASMORE / who died 29th Sept 1777 / aged 46. /

Also in memory of Grace / the wife of of Thos SHARLAND / who departed this life / April the 7th 1782 / aged 46 years.

120.South Yard. Pedestal monument, low pyramid top and pebble-patterned base.

[N side:] Anne Elizabeth / second daughter of Frederick Owen Patch / and Ann Scott his wife / who died 9th of July 1852 / aged 11 years.

[E end:] In memory of / Frederick Owen PATCH / of Broomfield in this parish JP / who died August the 2nd 1878 / aged 77 years / Even so them also which sleep in Jesus / will God bring with him. / Also Ann Scott / wife of the above / who died January the 10th 1892 / aged 82 years.

[S side:] Also of / Susanna Mary Patch, / the elder daughter of / Frederick Owen & Ann Scott Patch / who died on 24th Septr 1918 / aged 82 years.

[Patch, a prominent local solicitor, was living at 26/27 St Andrew St at the time of the 1841 census, before moving out to Broomfield, when his house in St Andrew St was used as his office.]


1.North Yard. Chest tomb, Portland Stone with marble lid, panelled sides, on 2-stepped base. Restoration has removed traces of iron railings which can be seen on Frith postcards and were presumably removed during the Second World War. (Listed Grade 2)

[E end:] The Family Tomb / of / MARY PEARD, died 31st Dec 1780, / was restored in 1968 / by the Mary Peard Trust.

[On top: Imprint of coat of arms in top part now lost. Fragments of inscription read:] Body -- / of --D-- / Elizabeth -- / Mr Henry BLAGDON -- / merchant of this town -- / Benefactor – the / --erect--g -- o / o – ever / s--- / aged 30 years / -- / Mrs Elizabeth PEARD – / wife of the above who departed / this life 23rd – 1750 aged 56 years / -- /-- / Mary PEARD / daughter of the above / who departed this life ---[178]0 / aged [82 years].

[N side:] William DICKINSON / of Howden, / born 1801, died 1855, / and of his wife Sarah, / daughter of William SPEKE / of Jordans, / who died 1867.

[The Blagdon and Peard families were related by marriage. Henry Blagdon (1651-1716),described as merchant and benefactor both here and on his memorial in the Chancel of the Church, had four sisters, one of whom was Elizabeth who married Oliver Peard Senior and they had Oliver Peard and Mary Peard. See also wall tablets to Henry Blagdon and Mary Peard in the Chancel. Henry Blagdon gave money for the building of St George's Church but died 21st April 1716 before it was completed and so he was buried at St Peter's Church.]

2.North Yard. Flat slab over vault:

In memory of / Mr Oliver PEARD Mercht, of this town / who departed this life April the [?26th]-- [1767] / aged – years. / Also of / Mrs Honour Peard wife of the above / who departed this life / Nov 14th 1761 / aged -1 years.

[BR: Oliver Peard buried 30th April 1767. Mrs Honour Peard buried 21st Nov 1761.]


33. On N Wall of Church. Headstone with flat top and cut away below shoulders.

As a tribute / of affection to / beloved parents / this stone is erected / in memory of / Ann PERKINS who died January 11th 1860 aged 79 years. / Also of William PERKINS / her husband, who died April [?18th] / 1860 aged 76 years./ --- [Rest illegible]

[BR: Ann buried 29th Jan 1859 age 79. William buried 23rd April 1860.]

36.On E Wall of Church. Stone with plain rounded top, with a large space left for additions.

In memory / of John PERRAM son of / John and Mary Perram, / whose death was occasion-/ ed by an accidental fall / from the battlements of / the Tower of St Peter's Church / in this town on the 29th day / of March 1824 in the 9th / year of his age.

[The family lived at Town End. F.J.Snell, in Chronicles of Twyford 1892, has a news cutting: 'A frightful accident occurred at Tiverton in the afternoon of Monday last. Several boys and lads had ascended the tower of St Peter's Church and in the midst of their holiday gambols one of them (a fine boy 9 years of age, son of Mr Perham, brickmaker), leaning over the battlements, overbalanced himself,