· Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park ....

Neighbourhood Development Plan Welcome to Devonshire Park. As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire Park has a unique identity born of its heritage and character. The area is defined by the borders of North Road, Borough Road, Prenton Road East, and Greenway Road. The population is served by Devonshire Park primary school, just outside the boundary on Temple Road and local shops along the perimeter on Borough Road. Nearby Tranmere Rovers football club is a focal point for leisure and community activity. Page 1 of 9 "Preserving the balance” July 2010 – D.P.R.A.

Transcript of · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park ....

Page 1: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Welcome to Devonshire Park.

As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire Park has a unique identity born of its heritage and character.

The area is defined by the borders of North Road, Borough Road, Prenton Road East, and Greenway Road.

The population is served by Devonshire Park primary school, just outside the boundary on Temple Road and local shops along the perimeter on Borough Road. Nearby Tranmere Rovers football club is a focal point for leisure and community activity.

St Joseph’s Parish Church is at the centre of community life. Much use is made of the parish hall and social club for public meetings, interest groups and family ceremonies.

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July 2010 – D.P.R.A.

Page 2: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development PlanEnvironment

Devonshire Park is surprisingly peaceful given its proximity to Borough Road. The area is typified by broad streets with well spaced houses set back from the road, enhanced by attractive gardens and original features such as York stone, ornate Victorian drain covers and garden walls built with local sandstone from nearby Storeton Quarry.

Residents take great pride in the appearance of their homes and gardens. The area benefits from many mature trees. There is an assortment of flowering plants and a thriving bird population including sparrows, blackbirds, mistlethrush and a variety of finches. The heron is a frequent visitor to local garden ponds, and there are occasional sightings of the sparrow hawk. '

Housing Stock

Within the Devonshire Park boundary, the area is characterised by Victorian and early Edwardian housing, alongside more modern properties.

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July 2010 – D.P.R.A.

High School for Girls 1882 in the area. 1

Page 3: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development PlanThere are a number of buildings of particular interest, including Victorian cottages on Willowbank Road and the nearly former workhouse now St. Catherine’s Hospital.

The area has a proliferation of larger Victorian properties; which makes the area particularly vulnerable to developers.

Of 477 dwelling units, 334 are family homes. Flats and houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) make up approximately 30% of the housing stock; significantly above the national average of 17%. In addition there are approximately 16 supported housing facilities in Devonshire Park.

All members of the community are valued and respected and there is particular concern for the protection of those vulnerable members of the community, benefiting from supported living in the area.

However, the community is united in its belief that any further development or conversion from Family Home to Flats/Apartments/Bedsits or Residential Institutional Housing will undermine the character and residential family balance of the area

The HMO Lobby advises that the “tipping point” occurs where 10% of housing stock or 20% of the population is in HMO status housing.


Devonshire Park is home to a population of approximately 1000 residents (est.).

The community has formed a vibrant residents association tasked by its constitution to ‘represent and promote the interests of our community’.

The association was established in 2006, initially to co-ordinate local opposition to a commercial housing scheme. Since that time it has flourished into a strong and

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Page 4: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development Planprogressive vehicle for positive community engagement, extending its reach and influence into community safety, conservation and planning issues.

Members stay in touch through a community website, a regular newsletter delivered to every home and face to face contact at well attended community meetings and organised social events.

Devonshire Park is in many ways a definition of community that other areas would aspire to. By getting as many people as possible involved in building a growing community spirit, protecting what we have and building on it, and by valuing every member a strong sense of pride and local identity has been established.

Community Safety.

Through the powerful medium of the residents association, Devonshire Park residents have formed a strong partnership with the local police team.

Community support officers attend the regular community meetings and issue local information for communication through Devonshire Park’s website and newsletter. The residents association has a designated Community Safety Officer appointed by the local Inspector. Current projects include a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and road safety/traffic calming measures.

Most residents say that Devonshire Park is a safe place to live, due mainly to the residential family balance of the area and settled population.

However, in recent years there has been an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour (particularly burglary and car crime). Residents also report an increase in anxiety and fear of crime. Residents and police make a connection between levels of crime and flats/HMO’s; a link verified by Home Office statistics.

Key Issues for Devonshire Park

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Page 5: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development PlanBased on clear values and honest aspirations Devonshire Park is a community seeking to take a lead in designing its own future – preserving the many positive and highly valued aspects of the area’s character, encouraging appropriate development and nurturing a thriving and sustainable community for the future.

The following issues are considered to be imperative to the future of Devonshire Park:

1. Building a sustainable community of individuals and families with a long term commitment to the area, a place where people want to be.

2. Preserving the existing family balance and encouraging families into the area.

3. Providing a safe, secure, neighbourly environment for both residents and visitors.

4. Protecting the environment through conservation of the area’s trees, gardens and green spaces.

5. Preservation of the fabric and architectural features that give Devonshire Park its unique aesthetic.

6. Developing strong and effective links with Wirral Borough Council and other key partners.

7. Giving local people a direct influence in the issues and decisions that affect their lives.

This last point is considered to be of critical importance with an initial emphasis on planning issues.

The community holds that preservation of the current stock of family housing is essential to a sustainable future for Devonshire Park; in order to encourage families into the area and preserve the residential family balance.

The predominance of families and family housing is considered to be fundamental to the character of the area in terms of its peaceful and aesthetic environment,

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Page 6: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development Planstability, safety and policing, and the ability of the community to establish itself and flourish as a strong and sustainable unit with capacity to support its existing vulnerable residents.

The repeated targeting of Devonshire Park by commercial developers is a source of acute anxiety for local people who are continually forced into negative campaigning in opposition to such schemes via a planning process in which the community has no direct means of influence.

The priority objective of Devonshire Park residents association is to secure a means by which the neighbourhood will be given the power to engage in genuine local planning through collaborative democracy.

This neighbourhood plan, designed from the bottom up, is a statement of that vision and intent.

Values and Objectives.Devonshire Park Residents have identified four core values which underpin the objectives of community activity:

1.Character the unique nature of Devonshire


2.Sustainability A thriving and growing area for

the long term.

3.Safety minimising crime, keeping our roads

safe, and offering the security of a stable and

caring community. Page 6 of 7

"Preserving the balance”July 2010 – D.P.R.A.

Page 7: · Web viewJuly 2010 – D.P.R.A. Welcome to Devonshire Park . As one of the oldest residential areas in the historic town of Birkenhead, Devonshire

Neighbourhood Development Plan4.Partnership developing strong and mutually

beneficial relationships with key partners

including WBC and local police.

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July 2010 – D.P.R.A.