envivo.education€¦  · Web viewJob Analysis/Manpower planning as a pre-requisite to...


Transcript of envivo.education€¦  · Web viewJob Analysis/Manpower planning as a pre-requisite to...

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Information in this HandbookThe information given in this Handbook is as far as possible accurate at the date of publication. The programme, courses and options available are subject to changes, withdrawal or substitution and admission is offered on that basis. Students who wish to confirm the availability of a programme, course or option, should contact the Institute directly.

Accuracy of InformationDecisions on admission are made in good faith on the basis of information provided by applicants and their referees. If the University later discovers that false statements have been made or material information withheld or omitted, it reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission or terminate such a student’s registration.

A Publication of Lagos State University,Open and Distance Learning & Research InstituteP.M.B. 0001, LASU, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria

Copyright © Open and Distance Learning & Research Institute 2018

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Institute (ODLRI).

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UNIVERSITY POSTAL ADDRESS, WEBSITE & TELEPHONE NUMBERS................................................................................................................- 4 -

OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY....................................................................................................................................................................- 5 -

VISION, MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE..................................................................- 6 -

Vision........................................................................................................................................................................................................- 6 -

Mission.....................................................................................................................................................................................................- 6 -

Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................- 6 -

VISITOR AND PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY.................................................................................................................................- 7 -

LIST OF ACADEMIC STAFF..............................................................................................................................................................................- 9 -

List of Associate Lecturers.........................................................................................................................................................- 9 -

VICE CHANCELLOR’S FOREWORD...............................................................................................................................................- 10 -

DIRECTORS’ REMARKS....................................................................................................................................................................- 11 -

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE LASU ODLRI.........................................................................................................................................- 12 -

ADMISSION REQUIREMENT.........................................................................................................................................................................- 16 -


ODLRI STUDENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES...........................................................................................................................................................- 22 -

CODE OF CONDUCT.....................................................................................................................................................................................- 23 -

LEARNER/SUPPORT SERVICES......................................................................................................................................................................- 29 -

Personnel in Learner/Support Services....................................................................................................................................................- 30 -

STRUCTURE OF COURSES AND DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................................................- 31 -

COURSE DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................................................................- 35 -

SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED MINIMUM COURSE PER LEVEL..................................................................................................................- 50 -


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Requests for information regarding the ODLRI should be sent to:

The Administrative Secretary:ODLRI Lagos State University,Lagos Badagry Expressway, Ojo, Lagos.

Postal Address: P.M.B. 0001, LASU Post Office, Ojo.Lagos Badagry Expressway, Ojo, Lagos.

Website: www.odlri.lasu.edu.ng

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]@lasu.edu.ng for resolution of student issues

Telephone: Director, ODLRI: 08022234736Deputy Director, ODLRI: 08054655692Administrative Secretary, ODLRI: 08028445482


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The Lagos State University (LASU) was established in 1984 as a multi-campus, and a non-residential University. The objectives of the University which are intended to meet the peculiar needs of Lagos State Manpower Development Plan, among others are to:

form the apex of the educational system of the State, provide facilities for learning, and give instruction and training in such branches of knowledge as the University may desire to foster, and in doing so, to enable students obtain the advantage of liberal education;

promote, by research and other means, the advancement of knowledge and its practical application in solving social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological problems;

encourage the advancement in general, and provide the opportunity for acquiring higher and liberal education;

act as a vehicle of development in general, and, in particular, to act as an instrument to effectively stimulate the development of the State through continuing education, applied research, technical assistance, direct consultation, informational services and internship programmes;

provide innovative educational programmes of high standards, regardless of the nature of the degree being pursued, as this has importance and relevance for State and National Development;

provide ready access for citizens of the State, in particular, to higher education, regardless of social origin or income;

meet the specific manpower needs of the State; serve as a creative custodian, promoter and propagator of the State’s Social and Cultural Heritage

and Resources; undertake Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Law, Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences,

Education, Engineering, Technology and Environmental Design, Management Sciences and Medical Science;

enhance educational opportunities of Lagos State indigenes and; undertake any other activities appropriate for a University of the highest standards.


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Vision To be a global leader among institutes in mixed-mode universities providing qualitative and

transformational learning opportunities through open and flexible education driven by research.Mission

To continuously provide the highest quality of learning and teaching in an open and distance learning environment with the ultimate aim of developing students’ intellectual, moral, civic, and creative capacities to the fullest so that they can lead a life full of dignity while contributing meaningfully to national socio-economic development.


1. To deliver quality and up to date curricula that place graduates of LASU-ODLRI in a better stead over their colleagues in face-to-face Universities.

2. To create a robust E-learning platform in addition to face-to-face mode of learning, for delivering quality university education.

3. To create an appropriate IT architecture that will support students’ needs vis-à-vis learning, research, and community services through cutting edge technologies.

4. To provide quality platform of literacy and opportunities for qualified applicants that cannot be admitted into conventional Universities as well as those that are gainfully employed but wish to acquire more knowledge.

5. To provide an environment that creates opportunities for individuals to realise their full potentials through virtual education with guaranteed quality assurance.


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6. To partner with relevant stakeholders both locally and internationally, with a view to exposing the graduates to World Class Standards.

7. To compete with other renowned Open Universities within 10years of take-off, thereby becoming the number one ODL Institute in Africa.


VISITORHis Excellency, Mr. Akinwunmi AMBODE

Governor of Lagos State & Visitor, Lagos State University

Hon. Justice Adesola OGUNTADE, JSC, CFR, FNIALSChancellor

Professor Adebayo M. A. NINALOWO Pro-Chancellor & Chairman, Governing Council

Professor Olanrewaju Adigun FABGOHUN, Ph.D, SANVice-Chancellor

Professor A. O.K NOAHDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

Professor Oyedamola OKEDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)

Mr. Mohammed Olayinka AMUNI, mnim Registrar & Secretary, Governing Council

Mr. Babatunde OLAYINKAUniversity Bursar


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Mrs. Ronke BELLOAg. University Librarian


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DIRECTORProfessor Senapon BAKRE





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1. Dr John Kolade OBAMIRO Associate Professor Operations Management & General Management

2. Dr Raheem Olasupo AKEWUSHOLA Associate Professor Strategic Management, International Business &

Entrepreneurial Studies3. Dr Olubayo Thomas OLAJIDE Senior Lecturer (Ag. HOD) Organisational Behaviour &

Management4. Dr (Mrs) Stella Toyosi DUROWOJU Senior Lecturer Organisational Behaviour &

Management5. Dr Abayomi Olarewaju ADEOYE Senior Lecturer Human Resource Management6. Dr Nureni Sanusi ALAKA Lecturer I Strategic Management,

Entrepreneurial Development & Management

7. Mr Olajide Clement JONGBO Lecturer I Business Mathematics and Statistics

8. Dr Rahmon Olawale SAKA Senior Lecturer Strategic Management, General Management and

Entrepreneurial Studies9. Dr Waidi Adeniyi AKINGBADE Senior Lecturer Strategic Management, General

Management & Operation Management

10. Dr Adekunle Abideen TIJANI Lecturer I Management of Small Scale Business & Strategic

Management11. Dr Ayobami Folarin ELEGUNDE Lecturer II Organisational Behaviour &

Research Methodology

12. Mr Oladipupo Daniel ADE-DANIEL Lecturer II13. Mr Kehinde Wasiu Assistant Lecturer

List of Associate LecturersRESEARCH INTEREST


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1. Prof S. O. Fajonyomi Professor Organisational Behaviour & Comparative Management

2. Dr A. R. Hassan Associate Professor Marketing Management 3. Dr O. J. Oyeniyi Associate Professor Marketing Management4. Dr I. O. Olateju Associate Professor Analysis for Business Decisions5. Dr. J. O. Fatile Associate Professor Public Administration6. Dr A. Olaleye Senior Lecturer Managerial Economics7. Dr T. A. Olumoko Senior Lecturer Marketing Management

VICE CHANCELLOR’S FOREWORDI welcome you to the Lagos State University, the Preferred University at the Centre of Excellence. I am delighted that you have decided to pursue your higher education here at the Lagos State University Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute. I am positive that it will be a worthwhile experience to us all. Here at LASU, ODLRI, our approach is to guide you to forge value-added relationships, share perspectives on critical issues and challenge you to discover your potentials.

This Handbook contains guidelines about what the student should expect from the University and also what the University expects of every student. The Handbook provides an overview of university policies and academic regulations as it pertains to undergraduate students in the University, and Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute. It gives an insight to the programme of study offered by the University and the information that a student will need to ensure that he/she adjusts to University life and environment.

It is the responsibility of the student to become thoroughly familiar with the content of this Handbook as it will be deemed that this responsibility has been met and that every student has been fully informed of the policies and regulations. For matters not directly covered by this Handbook, the Vice Chancellor will have responsibility regarding interpretation and application of the Handbook. The University reserves the right to change any rules, regulation and other information as necessary and without notice.

The Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute of the University is committed to excellent service delivery. In the event of any difficulty or challenge, do not hesitate to contact the Director, ODLRI, the


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Administrative Secretary or Course Advisers for assistance. If you are still not satisfied, please send a mail to: [email protected] or text: 08154113386; 07072959299; 08106395786.

I look forward to meeting many of you during your time at LASU-ODLRI

Professor Olanrewaju Adigun Fagbohun, Ph.D, SANVice Chancellor

DIRECTORS’ REMARKSYou are all welcome to the most preferred University, Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute. The student handbook is of significant relevance for the selection of courses for registration. It gives current information on the academic programme of the Department of Business Administration, under the ODLRI of the University.

This handbook further gives information on the conditions of award of Degree in Business Administration as approved by the university senate. Also, it educates students on the rules, and regulations guiding students’ behaviours and academic programmes.

The Open and Distance Learning & Research Institute of Lagos State University is also poised in producing 21st Century graduates that possess the skills and ability to impact the environment, nation and the world at large.

In case of any complains do not hesitate to please send a mail to: [email protected] or text: 08154113386; 07072959299; 08106395736.

Once more, I appreciate the University Governing Council, Senate and Management for the confidence in establishing LASU-ODLRI.



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Professor Senapon Bakre Director, ODLRI


Training on our ODLRI platform would be more intensive and richer than the face-to-face mode; this will lead to better quality graduates. This can be achieved by ensuring that our facilitators/lecturers as well as the staff at the Directorate are fully immersed in the ODL quality culture.

At the beginning of each week, each student should receive an email detailing the activities of the week. These activities will be divided into stages or steps. Each step could include an article, a video, quiz, discussion, presentations by the student and a paragraph length write up of progress/challenges to be written by the student at the end of each week. This is a weekly feedback report. We should ensure that every succeeding week is a build-up on the last. The curriculum is such that will impact didactic as well as practical knowledge and regularly updated to reflect the realities of the times. The development of the modules is multidisciplinary involving the academics, IT personnel as well as persons who have excelled in the field of study. Each lecture presentation is independently reviewed and vetted by a panel comprising the peers of the facilitator, our foreign partners as well as people who have knowledge of the subject. Periodically, via teleconferencing, we would have captains of industries in the respective field of study to address the class on practical issues concerning the course.

Assessment of these students shall be with both internal and external examiners to ensure that standards are maintained and would comprise facilitator-marked assignment, computer marked assignment, projects and so on. All materials (both the lecture notes and the students’ work) on our platform are filtered to eliminate plagiarism and ensure as well as encourage originality of all works. Each student would be assigned to a counsellor who interacts with him/her individually at least once in two weeks. The ratio of


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counsellor to student is 1 : 50. This is to ensure that our students get all the support they require to graduate as world class.

The content covered in each programme would at least be 10% more than what the NUC BMAS provides for in the face-to-face delivery system. This we can achieve by some of the ways enumerated above.

All our students on this platform (ODLRI) would be equipped with 21st century skills. At this programme, they would watch a video tutorial to familiarize themselves with the basics of the computer, the internet and any other information they may need to run their course of study. This will also be an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the structures at the Directorate as well as their institution – LASU

Because of the prevailing economic situation our platform – ODLRI shall not offer courses that would not be practicable post-graduation. Hence, only professional, vocational, productive academic programmes which are flexible and of social relevance will be offered, and their contents will be tailored to this end.

We will provide seamless, affordable and meaningful quality education and our products would be the pride of the world, as latest tools and techniques of Information, Communication Technologies and e-learning will be adapted by updating regularly.



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History of B.Sc. Business AdministrationBusiness Administration as a course was established in 1996 as a Unit in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences.In 1999, with the establishment of the Faculty of Management Sciences, the Department ceased to be a Unit of the Department of Economics and was upgraded to a full University Academic Department, known as the Department of Business Administration. In 2005 it was however, merged again with Marketing and Management Technology now known as Department of Business Administration and Management Technology. In 2016, the two departments were separated. At present, the Department of Business Administration offers the following programmes: 1. B.Sc. in Business Administration2. Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Business Administration3. Master of Business Administration (MBA) 4. M.Sc. in Business Administration5. Ph.D. in Business Administration

MOTTO: “Developing Global Business Managers”


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History, Philosophy and Objectives of B.Sc. Business Administration in Open and Distance Learning & Research Institute Under the Lagos State University Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute, the Philosophy of the Business Administration programme is to provide an adequate platform for our students to acquire and develop appropriate technical, human and conceptual skills and attitude and knowledge required for effective business leadership technologically and global competiveness in the 21st century; to inculcate high standard of ethical behaviour and resource management in our students and prepare them for a successful life as entrepreneurs and managers.

ObjectivesThe objectives of the programme are to: 1. provide training in the principles of Business Administration and their application appropriate to the

type of degree concerned: single, joint and combined studies;

2. stimulate students intellectually through the study of Business Administration virtually and to lead them to appreciate its application to a range of problems and its relevance in variety of contexts;

3. provide a firm foundation of knowledge about the workings of an economy and to develop the relevant skills for the constructive use of that knowledge in a range of settings;

4. develop in students the ability to apply the analytical tools, knowledge and skills acquired to the solution of societies’ Business Administration problems;

5. equip students with appropriate tools of analysis to tackle issues and problems of Business Administration policy;

6. develop in students, through the study of Business Administration, a range of transferable skills that will be of value in employment and self-employment;


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7. provide students with analytical skills and the ability to develop simplified frameworks for studying the world;

8. provide students with the knowledge and skill base, from which they can proceed to further studies in Business Administration, related areas or inter-disciplinary areas that involve Business Administration;

9. generate in students an appreciation of the Business Administration dimensions of wider social and political issues;

10. equip students with required skills for transformation of the Business System;

11. produce quality entrepreneurs; and

12. provide opportunity for the development of knowledge through empirical research.


BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Five ‘O’ level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and any 3 relevant subjects from Commerce, Economics, Accounting, Government, Geography at not more than two sittings


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A. Degree Structure1. A programme of study is provided leading to a Bachelor’s degree to be denoted by the letters B.Sc.,

which may be awarded with honours.

2. The basic structure of the degree programme in this Department shall be of 4-years duration. All the courses taken during the four years shall count towards the award of a degree.

3. All Units and Grade Points (or Grade Point Average, i.e., GPA) earned at every level of a 4-year programme shall be calculated on a cumulative basis and shall count equally towards the award of the degree.

B. Courses and Course units4. In the regular full-time programmes a Course Unit is defined as a series of 15 one-hour lectures or

tutorials, or equivalent amount of assigned study or any combination of the above. No course shall be assigned less than two Units and more than three Units, except for Research Project which is 6 units.

5. ODLRI Course House StylesLagos State University Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute (LASU-ODLRI) course material house style shall be Modular format with units. For 3-unit course. Course material is to have 4 modules and each module is to contain 5 units. Total number of units for a 3-unit course would be 20units. For 2-unit course, Course content is to be divided to 3 modules and each module is to contain 5 units. Total number of units for a 2-unit course would be 15 units.

6. There shall be four levels of courses for the 4-years degree programmes numbered as follows:100 – 199 (100 Level Courses)200 – 299 (200 Level Courses)300 – 399 (300 Level Courses)


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400 – 499 (400 Level Courses)Course Codes shall be prefixed by BUS. For instance, BUS 401 - Business Policy and Strategy, for 400 Level Students. Harmattan Semester course codes reflect ODD numbers (e.g. BUS 401, BUS 405, BUS 407) while Rain Semester courses are depicted by EVEN numbers as course codes (e.g. BUS 104, BUS 402, BUS 404 etc.)

7. Course StatusThe following standard terminologies shall be used to indicate the status of each course:(a)Compulsory: courses specified by the Department, Faculty or University which students must take

and pass (i.e. score minimum of 40% marks).(b)Electives: Courses specified by the Department, Faculty or University from which a student can

take in order to make up the required number of units for the award of the degree.C Programme Requirements8. Students Workload:

A student is normally expected to register for minimum and maximum courses of 18 units and 24 units respectively. However, a student may register for a mimimum of 16 units or a maximum of 25 units per semester with the written permission of the Director through the Deputy Director/Administrative Secretary. To remain in full-time studies, a total minimum workload of 36 units in both the Harmattan and Rain Semester is required of every student.

9. Graduation RequirementsTo satisfy the requirements for graduation, a student must take a minimum of 144 units (4–year programme) and a maximum of 200 units (4–year programme).

10. In conjunction with graduation requirements above, a student shall be required to pass a minimum of 144 units (4 – year programme) before he/she can qualify for the award of a degree of this University.

11. All students shall be required to pass University required courses before they can qualify for the award of a degree of this University.


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12. Academic Status of StudentsAcademic status of a student will be determined on the basis of his performances in the First and Second Semester examinations for each of 100, 200, 300 and 400 levels of the degree programme. The following categorization of a student’s status shall be used – “Good Standing” and “Probation”.(a)To be in “Good Standing”, a student must:

i. Pass a minimum of 18 units in each semester examination and;ii. Have a Grade Point Average of not less than 1.

(b)A student shall be placed on “Probation” if:i. He has not passed a minimum of 36 units in both the Harmattan and Rain Semester

examinations for a particular level and/or;ii. His G.P.A is less than 1.00

(c) The period of probation shall be a maximum of two consecutive semesters, after which such a student will be asked to withdraw

13. A student on probation is allowed to register for courses at the next higher level in addition to his/her probation level courses provided that:(a) The regulation in respect of student workload is complied with.

14. Students who are to be away from the Programme for one reason or the other must apply for permission and on their return, must ensure that they are reabsorbed before attending classes and or writing examinations. Students who have been absent for a long time, on their re-absorption, should not graduate with honours degree as stipulated in the University regulations.

D. Examinations, Grading Procedure and Results15. Course Assessment:

(a)All courses shall normally be evaluated by examinations and continuous assessment (C. A). Continuous Assessment shall be done through discussion forum, activities and weekly quiz.


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(b)Scores from continuous assessment shall constitute 45% of the final marks for each of the courses.

16. Examinations:(a)Scores for examinations shall contribute 55% of the final marks.(b)Each course shall normally be completed and examined at the end of the semester in which it is

offered.(c) A written examination shall last a minimum of two hours for a two-unit course and a minimum of

three hours for a three-unit course.

17. Pass Mark:The minimum pass mark in any course shall be 40%

18. Examination MalpracticeWhenever there is an alleged examination malpractice the candidate(s) involved shall be required to make a signed statement immediately. Failure to comply shall constitute a serious offence and lead to disqualification from the examination and any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate. A proven case of examination malpractice shall lead to dismissal from the University.

19. Grading SystemEach course unit shall be graded out of a maximum of 100 marks and assigned appropriate letter grade which is then assigned its appropriate grade point equivalent as in the following table;

MARKS % LETTER GRADE GRADE POINT70 – 100 A 5.060 – 69 B 4.050 – 59 C 3.045 – 49 D 2.0 40-44 E 1.000- 39 F 0.0

20. Degree Classification


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The determination of the class of degree shall be based on the cumulative grade point average earned at the 100, 200, 300 and 400 levels. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be determined at the end of each semester taken into consideration all the courses so far offered.The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be used in the determination of the classes of degree according to the following ranges:

C.G.P.A Class of Degree4.50 – 5.00 First Class Honours3.50 – 4.49 Second Class Honours (Upper

Division)2.40 – 3.49 Second Class Honours (Lower

Division)1.50 – 2.39 Third Class Honours1.00--1.49 PassLess than 1.00 Fail

(a) The maximum length of time required to obtain a degree in the Institute shall be twelve semesters for 4years degree programme.(b) For extension beyond the maximum period of a degree, special permission of Senate shall be required on the recommendation of the Institute Board.


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It is the responsibility of each student to ensure the following:(a)Prompt registration at the beginning of each semester;(b)Regular attendance at Online lectures and Discussion Forum;(c) Quick response to official calls;(d)Completion of all academic assignments and activities;(e)Effective use of the e- library and studying at his/her convenience;(f) Close relationship with his/her Course Administrative Assistant and E-tutor(g)Good preparations and success in all examinations;(h)Compliance with all rules and regulations of the University and ODLRI;(i) Eschews all acts that can lead to suspension or dismissal from the University. Some of such serious

acts are joining cult and examination malpractice.

To this end, students should know that their success or failure depends on how they are able to manage their resources and comport themselves in the University.


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All students either freshmen or returning are required to sign the ODLRI LASU code of conduct at the beginning of every session.Without prejudice to existing rules and regulations, this code of conduct shall guide the behaviour of students in the University.1. All secret cults, confraternities and similar organisations in the University are illegal. Any student of

the Institute found to be a member, sponsor, or patron of such an organisation shall be liable to summary dismissal from the University;

2. The possession, carrying or use of arms and dangerous weapons by the students on any visit to the campus is illegal and any student found to possess, carry or use such weapon shall be dismissed from the University;

3. Any student who threatens or in any way endangers the life of any students or members of staff or engages in physical fight on the campus shall be liable to strict disciplinary action, which may lead to dismissal. Students should in addition note and be reminded that causing bodily harm, rape and threat of life are criminal offences and will be reported to the police;

4. Consumption and use of all alcoholic beverages and liquor on the campus by students are prohibited and any student caught using and consuming such beverages and liquor shall face disciplinary action;

5. Students are also reminded that suspension from University is suspension from participation in academic activities on-line and on the campus. Any suspended student who continues to attend or attempts to attend academic lectures or course or participate in any other students’ activities while the suspension is still in force shall be summarily dismissed from the University;

6. No mosque, church or any house of prayer or worship on the campus shall be used as residence or for residential purposes by any student. Any such building known or used as a residence or for residential purposes shall be closed forthwith;

7. Any interference on matters of discipline from whatever quarters shall be resisted;23

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8. There must be strict adherence to a well-defined official line of communication between students and the ODLRI authorities. This should be as shown below:Course Adviser for your level Administrative Secretary Deputy Director Director

9. As much as the University respects freedom and appreciates the maturity of our students with regards to mode of dressing and comportment anytime on campus, indecent and sexually provocative dresses are not allowed. Students not properly dressed are normally disallowed access to lecture halls, the Library and other official places. Lecturers and the officials of the University have the right to deny attention at offices or admission into lecture or examination halls to students not properly or decently dressed;

10. All students are requested to report any infractions or contravention of any of these rules or any other University rules or regulations to either,

(i) Director, ODLRI(ii) Administrative Secretary, ODLRI(iii) University Security Agents

Examination MalpracticesThe Institute frowns seriously at any act of examination malpractice. The penalty for examination malpractice is dismissal.


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LASU ODLRI Technology PlatformThe ODLRI model of the Lagos State University is a co-ordinated online -blended mode of delivery of academic activities that is present in the regular full-time undergraduate programmes in the University. The mode of application for admission, screening, admission, curriculum development, review, facilitation and human delivery components are exactly as it is for the regular full time undergraduate programmes.

Facilitators are drawn from the lecturers on campus. In fact, the texts in use by the ODLRI were developed by these same teachers and they are using the same materiel that they use for the regular full-time students.

The single most important difference between the ODLRI model and the University’s full time undergraduate programme is the mode of delivery – ODLRI is an online blended mode driven delivery platform and the students who are in the programme need to be disciplined and matured enough to be able to manage their time judiciously in order to benefit maximally from the myriad support functions put in place to make their study enjoyable, fun, educative and life changing.

The components of the ODLRI platform are listed below:

1. The LASU website2. The ODLRI website/portal3. The University e-payment portal4. The LASU course registration platform5. The Learning Management System6. The Continuous Assessment Module of the Learning management system7. The ODLRI mobile app8. The LASU Library9. The LASU e-Library


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10. Learner Support Centre a. Phoneb. Emailc. Human-administrative assistant and e-tutors.

11. LASU Radio12. ODLRI Facebook page13. ODLRI Twitter feed14. ODLRI Instagram account

The LASU website

The LASU website is the first point of contact for all students and provides information to all students about the University in general. The website always has current information in respect of important dates where the University calendar is concerned. The website is always up to date with information that will guide all students in their conduct as important decisions of the Senate and the University Management are usually disseminated through this medium. The University website URL is www.lasu.edu.ng

The ODLRI website/portal

The ODLRI Directorate has a dedicated sub-domain on the University website meant to serve ODLRI only. It is from this sub-domain that the Directorate offers her online presence to potential applicants and students. From this sub-domain, applications can be made, forms filled, thence, the necessary background processes will proceed, after which successful applicants are informed of their status via email and SMS. Thereafter, they are invited to accept their offer of admission. The Institute website URL is www.odlri.lasu.edu.ng

The University e-payment portal

The University has a dedicated e-payment portal where school fees payments are made via debit cards supported by the Nigerian banking system. ALL school fees payments can be made from the comfort of the students’ bedrooms. LASU does not collect cash. ALL payments are made on–line.

The LASU Course registration platform


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ODLRI students will register their courses via the same course registration portal used by the full time undergraduate students. The course registration portal has facilities for ADD or DELETE of courses should a student decide that he / she has made a mistake and there is a need to modify the bouquet of courses initially registered.

The Learning Management System

A world class learning management system is in place to deliver course materials to students. The learning management system is a world tested one that is proven to be reliable and the technical know-how to manage the platform has been invested in heavily by the University Management. This learning management system will deliver all of the components needed by the students such as video, pdf files, audio recordings, jpeg images / illustrations.

The Continuous Assessment Module of the Learning management system

Assessments are critical to the success of the ODLRI model and the Directorate will make available world class IT facilities on campus for students to undergo their continuous assessments. The assessment profile, presently, is that of a series or number of tests taken in a semester. The final tally recorded will be the best of all tests taken.

The ODLRI mobile app

The University Management is investing in the development of a mobile application that will work on Android phones – in the first instance – to drive the ODLRI mission view. The mobile app will be fed with news, information, and other material that is germane to ODLRI. It is estimated up to 90% of potential students and students have android smart phones.

The LASU Library

The University Library is at the disposal of students when they are physically present on campus. The LASU Library is modern, up-to-date and is always refreshed with new volumes of academic publications.


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The LASU e-Library

The LASU Library has an e-Library unit that is accessible to all students, even from the comfort of their homes. This e-Library may be more attuned to the needs of the ODLRI student since they are to access their resources online, mostly.

Learner Support Centre

a. Phone: 08154113386; 07072959299; 08106395786b. Email: [email protected] c. Human: Support Desk, Administrative Assistant and E-tutor.

The Directorate maintains a dedicated support centre in which students can access the support of the personnel of the Directorate at any point in time. The phone number in use is listed above and is manned twenty-four hours a day. The number is a dedicated call centre and can take as many as 10 calls at any point in time. The support email is also manned and replies are sent back to enquiries immediately.The officers in charge of the support desk are readily available to attend to enquiries or / and issues that will make a student’s day better.

The LASU Radio

The University has a radio station that is used for educational purposes and the texts in use at the ODLRI have modified versions that are appropriate for radio broadcast; these are set to be aired at certain times. The Radio operates on the 95.7FM band.

ODLRI Facebook Page

An official Facebook page has been set up to propagate the knowledge flow of the ODLRI Directorate. The Facebook account can be added by all the students so that they can benefit from the tremendous impact of this social media page.

The address is www.facebook.com/odlri.lasu

ODLRI Twitter Feed


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The ODLRI Twitter account is www.twitter.com/odlri.lasu

ODLRI Instagram Account

The official Instagram account is www.Instagram.com/odlri.lasu


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LEARNER/SUPPORT SERVICES The LASU-ODLRI would have a strong Learner support services, which consists of the entire setting in which learning takes place, the disciplines that provide the knowledge, the learners and the arrangement made for them, the teaching and learning process and the assessment of learning, the institution and programme. The role of the Learner support services is to guarantee the validity of the educational process by providing structures for interpersonal communication and feedback in the ODL. Adequate resources should be invested in it. The amount of support services an institution can offer largely depends on the resources at its disposal in terms of academic (tutorials, advisory and counselling services) and administrative (enrolment, admissions, registration, record keeping up to date information provision as well as delivery of the study materials). It enlists the assistance provided by the institution in the actual process of learning.

Reasons for Learner Support ServiceAll learners need information on various aspects of the system as well as guidance on matters pertaining to registration while coming fresh into a programme or into an institution.

Personal Support throughout the programme: This enables them to deal with inevitable problems that will arise

Welfare Support: A number of sources of help students can turn to for assistance Communication and Interpersonal Relationship and Networking: Support staff needs to get learners

net-worked with their studies and study materials.

Communication activities that can assist learners get connected with the system:Correspondence with tutors via letter or emailTelephone/online discussion with tutorsTutorials, face to face, chat rooms, teleconferencesField tripsNewsletter and News bulletinManuals Radio tutorialsSelf-help groupsSocial eventsWeb files


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Support for peer tutoring: Where they can learn from each other

Examination and Records: Learners need support from Exams and Records Unit. Accurate and clear information on the conduct of examination.

Library Services: Information on how to linkup with the virtual library or electronic library

Student Advocacy Learner support will:a) Facilitate frequent communication between learnersb) Peer supportc) Feedback e.g. on performance

Other Reasons: Face-to-face interaction through the academic counsellors and co-learnerTo enjoy guidance on course choice, preparatory diagnosis and study skillsFeedback MechanismParticipate in regular orientation programme for new studentsMonitor academic progress

Important Elements in Learner Support Services in LASU-ODLRI Counselling/tutoring support services Technology mediated support services, the use of on-line and interaction through assignments Personnel in Learner support services Capacity building for support services providers Student information systems in ODL Providing study materials in ODL

Personnel in Learner/Support ServicesLearner support should be in charge of establishing and running of the study centres and should be responsible for recruitment and posting of staff to these centres. Every employee is involved in providing support that would assist learners in one way or another to facilitate learning. Personnel are to be assigned regularly to render support which would ease out difficulties that learners would likely come across in the course of study right from the stage of advertisement for admission to course registration, settling down for study, and writing of examinations to graduation.


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100 Level Harmattan Semester

Course Code

Course Title Course Units Course Status

BUS 101 Introduction to Business Environment 2 CBUS 103 Introduction to Business 3 CGNS 101 Use of Library 2 CACC 101 Introduction to Accounting I 2 CBFN 101 Introduction to Finance 3 CECO 101 Principles of Economics I 2 CMAT 103 Mathematics for Management and Social

Sciences I2 C

MAT 105 Statistics for Management and Social Sciences I

2 C

MKT 101 Elements of Marketing I 2 EIRP 101 Introduction to Human Resources

Management2 E

Total 22

100 Level Rain Semester

Course Code

Course Title Course Units

Course Status

BUS 102 Elements of Management 3 CBUS 104 Introduction to Business Enterprises 2 CGNS 102 Use of English 2 CACC 102 Introduction to Accounting II 2 CECO 102 Principles of Economics II 2 C


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MAT 104 Mathematics for Management and Social Sciences II

2 C

MAT 106 Statistics for Management and Social Sciences II 2 CPOL 106 The Citizen and the State 3 CMKT 102 Elements of Marketing II 2 E

Total 20

200 Level Harmattan Semester Course Code

Course Title Course Units

Course Status

BUS 201 Business Regulations and Control 2 CBUS 203 Business Communication 2 CGNS 201 Lagos, Nigeria and African History and

Cultutre2 C

ACC 201 Financial Accounting I 2 CACC 203 Introduction to Cost Accounting 3 CCSC 201 Computer Applications for Arts, Education,

Law, Management and Social Science I 2 C

ECO 201 Microeconomics I 2 CMAT 205 Statistics for Mangement and Social

Sciences III2 C

IRP 201 Recruitment, Selection and Placement 2 EMKT 201 Consumer Behaviour I 2 E

Total 19Choose any one of the electives above

200 Level Rain Semester Course Code Course Title Course

UnitsCourse Status


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BUS 202 Management Theory and Practice 3 CBUS 204 Nigerian Resources and Trade 2 CBUS 206 Business Information Management 2 CBUS 208 Introduction to Production Management 2 CENT 202 Basic Principles of Entrepreneurship 2 CACC 204 Introduction to Management Accounting 2 CMAT 206 Statistics for Mangement and Social Sciences


IRP 208 State and Industrial Relations 2 EMKT 206 Retail Management 2 EMKT 202 Consumer Behaviour II 2 E

Total 19Choose any two of the electives above

300 Level Harmattan Semester

Course Code

Course Title Course Units Course Status

B US 301 Business Industrial Visit I 1 CBUS 303 Production Management 2 CBUS 305 Management of Small Industries 2 CBUS 307 Comparative Management 2 CBUS 399 Research Methodology 3 CGNS 301 Science and Logic 2 CACC 303 Advanced Cost Accounting 2 CBUL 307 Business Law for non – Law students 2 CCSC 301 Computer Applications for Arts, Education,

Law, Management and Social Science III2 C


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BFN 301 Monetary and Fiscal Policy 2 EIRP 303 Comparative Industrial Relations 2 E

Total 20Choose any one of the electives above

300 Level Rain Semester Course Code

Course Title Course Units

Course Status

BUS 302 Business Industrial Visit II 1 CBUS 304 Organisation Behaviour 3 CENT 302 Practical Entrepreneurship 2 CACC 326 Management Accounting I 2 CBUL 308 Company Law for non – Law students 2 CBFN 320 Financial Management 2 CPOL 312 Elements of Government 3 CBUS 306 Management of Multinational

Corporations 2 E

Total 17Choose all Elective Courses

400 Level Harmattan Semester Course Code

Course Title Course Units

Course Status

BUS 401 Business Policy and Strategy I 3 CBUS 405 Advanced Management Theory 2 CBUS 407 Analysis of Business Decisions 2 CBUS 411 Managerial Economics 2 CBUS 499 Research Projects I 3 CFMS 401 Entrepreneurial Development Studies 3 CMTE 413 Project Evaluation and Feasibility Studies

I2 C


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MKT 405 International Marketing 2 CBUS 409 Budget and Budgetary Control 2 E

Total 21Choose any one of the elective above

400 Level Rain Semester Course Code

Course Title Course Units

Course Status

BUS 402 Business Policy and Strategy II 3 CBUS 404 International Business 2 CBUS 406 Nigeria Commercial Policy 2 CBUS 408 Business Portfolio Management 2 CBUS 498 Research Projects II 3 CBUS 410 Corporate Planning 2 CMTE 404 Project Evaluation and Feasibility Studies


BUS 400 World Resources and Trade 2 ETotal 18


100 Level Harmattan SemesterBUS 101: Introduction to Business EnvironmentAn overview of the concept of business organization, background of business environment; types of business environment: internal business environment, external business environments, policy issues in busines environment, anlaysis of key factors for industrial success and challanges of global dynamism, legal issues and solutions in business environemnt; sales of goods, social responsibility of businesses, and business ethics and business risks.


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BUS 103: Introduction to BusinessThe scope and nature of business, definition of business, classification of business, objectives of business, evolution of business, forms of business ownership, organic business functions – marketing, production, finance, accounting. and human resource, government and business, the social responsibility of business, internatioal business, E-business and problems of Nigeria business enterprises.

GNS 101: Use of LibraryLibraries; Types and Special Services; the University Library; Library and Research Services

ACC 101: Introduction to Accounting IHistory, Concepts and Theory of Accounting; Users of Financial Statements; the Accounting functions and its Relationship with the Information System of Organisation; Accounting Procedures and Systems; Double- Entry Book- Keeping system; the Trial balance; Suspense Accounts, Types of Errors and Corrections; Classification of Expenditure Between Capital and Revenue expenditure; methods of Recording Accounting data: Manual and Mechanical; Bank Reconciliation and Control Accounts; Preparation of Financial Statements.

BFN 101: Introduction to FinanceIntroduction: Definition of Finance, Risk & Finance; Organisation of the Firm, Scope of Finance Functions, Source of Finance; Financial Markets; Nature of Financial Markets, Types of Market, Capital Instruments, Regulators and Participant in the Capital Market; Financial Statements, Users of Financial Statements, Analysis of Financial Statement, Limitations of Ratio Analysis; Concepts of Time Value of Money; Simple Interest and Compound Interest.

ECO 101: Principles of Economics IThe Basic Problem of Scarcity and Choice, The Methodology of Economic Science, The General Principles of Resource Allocation, Introduction to Demand and Supply, Applications of Demand and Supply Analysis, Introduction to Consumer Behaviour and Utility Maximization, Introduction to Cost and Production Theory, Microeconomics versus Macroeconomics.

MAT 103: Mathematics for Management and Social Sciences IMathematical Concepts in Management; Set Theory; Factors and Exponents; Logarithms; Trigonometry; Equation, Function & Progressions; Co-ordinate Geometry; Inequalities; Permutations & Combinations.


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MAT 105: Statistics for Management and Social Sciences INature of Statistics; Statistical Inquiries; the Role of Statistics; Basic Concepts In Statistics; Forms, Design and Tabulation of Statistical Data; Discrete and Continuous Variables; Functional Relationships; Sources of Data; Methods of Collecting Primary Data; Presentation of Statistical data; Measures of Central Tendency; Measures of Dispersion; Moments, Skewness and kurtosis.

MKT 101: Elements of Marketing IIntroduction to markets and marketing; definitions; concepts; classifications of markets; marketing; value creation; origin of marketing; evolution of modern marketing; marketing relationships with other disciplines; marketing in Nigeria; marketing practice regulation; the marketing environment; critique of controllable and uncontrollable variables; the Nigerian marketing environment; characteristics and features; management functions of marketing; marketing research; target-market (customer and consumer behaviour); consumer behaviour theories; segmentation in marketing; reasons, bases, effects, contemporary global issues in marketing.

IRP 101: Introduction to Human Resources ManagementNature of human resource management, and general introduction to related concepts and acronyms; the role of strategy in human resources management; the role of strategy resources management; Similarities and differences between personnel management and human resources management; Elements of organisation and staffing; Fundamentals of performance or performance management.; Managing employee training and development; Principles of employee compensation and reward management; logic and techniques of employee appraisal; The importance of labour-management cooperation; Managing the dynamics and challenges of labour-management relations.

100 Level Rain SemesterBUS 102: Elements of ManagementBasic concepts in management: meaning and functions of a manager, basic management functions: planning, organising,leading, staffing and controling, management thought & development, Nigerian business environment: management problems and challenges, universerlity and transferibility of


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management concept, contemporary issues in management: globalisation, diversity management, performance management, virtual corporation.

BUS 104: Introduction to Business EntreprisesNature and evolution of business enterprises, evolution of multinational enterprises and emerging roles in regulating them, focus on the personnel, production, marketing and financial function of business enterpsises, developing enterpsises managment skills, vision 2020 and the philosophy of growing private sector enterprises, impact of policy implementation on enterprises development.

GNS 102: Use of EnglishThe Word, the Clause and the Sentence; Word Classes, Verb Norms and Adjectives; Determiners, Prepositions and Conjunctions; Reading and Comprehension;

ACC 102: Introduction to Accounting IIEnd of Year Adjustment; Accruals; Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts, Depreciation of Asset and Disposal of Assets; Objectives of Financial Statements; Review of Financial Statement; Manufacturing Account; Final Account of Sole Trader; Preparation of Final Account with Adjustments; Accounts of Non-Profits making Organisations; Sales and Purchases of Business.

ECO 102: Principles of Economics IIIntroduction to Public Sector Economics, the Public sector in Nigeria, Financing the public Sector, Sources, Principles and Features. Introduction to Macroeconomic Policy Objectives and Instruments. National Income Determination. The Public Sector in the National Economy. Current issues of Interest and Probable future Development in Nigeria

MAT 104: Mathematics for Management and Social Sciences IIMathematics and Symbolic Logic; Inductive and Deductive Systems; Mapping and Transformation; Introduction to Complex Numbers; Introduction to Vectors; Matrix and Determinants; Discrete and Continuous variables; the Straight Line in various Forms; the Circle; Maxima, Minima and Points of Inflexion; Integral; Calculus; Integration by Substitution and by- parts; Expansion of Algebraic Functions; - Simple Sequences and Series

MAT 106: Statistics for Management and Social Sciences II


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Elementary Probability Distribution; Normal; Binomial; Poisson and Hyper Geometric; Elementary Sampling Theory; Estimation Theory; Student’s Distribution; Statistical Decision Theory

POL 106: The Citizen and the StateThe course emphasizes the relationship of citizens of the state, in terms of duties and obligations of the citizens to the state. The responsibility of the state to the citizen would be investigated. The nature of strained relationship and the process of rectification, political obligation basis of freedom, Loyalty and Patriotism.

MKT 102: Elements of Marketing IIActivities in marketing; purchasing / buying function; selling / sales; selling theories and equations; purchasing cycle; legal aspects of marketing; introduction to marketing-mix concept; marketing strategies: Product; definitions; classification; characteristics and features; development of new product; processes; management of the product(s); objectives and planning; generic markets; adoption / innovation of product; product life cycle (PLC); product failure; product modification; branding; packaging & labelling; pricing; definitions; objectives; factors influencing / price setting operation; old school vs modern school of thought; place (distribution); definitions; scope / levels of independent firms; development of distribution channel in Nigeria; factors determining choice of marketing channels; channels conflicts and resolution; promotion; definitions; promotion mix; factors influencing promotion mix; need for promotion; benefits of promotion; marketing communication; background; role of marketing communication; developing effective communication; current developments in marketing; international marketing; world marketing institutions; industrial marketing; relationship marketing; events marketing; problems and prospects of local markets development in Nigeria.

200 Level Harmattan SemesterBUS 201: Business Regulations and ControlIntroduction: definition of business regulation & control, evolution of business, types of business, why studying business regulation and control; Business and its environment: business environment defined, types of business environment; History of business regulation & control; Forms of business ownership: sole proprietorship, partnership, company & incorporation of companies, cooperative societies; the General contracts; Sales of goods contract; Regulatory agencies in respective sectors: health, finance, telecommunication; Privatization & deregulation of Nigerian economy.

BUS 203: Business Communication40

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Rudiments of Communication: Communication Defined, Elements of Communication, Principles of Communication; Oral, Written and Non-verbal Communication: Language Defined, Non-Verbal Communication, Listening, Oral and Written Communication; Functions and Settings of Communication: Functions of Communication, Communication Setting; Communication Theories and Models: Linear Model, Interactional Model, Transactional Model etc., Meeting Defined, Conduct, Procedures, Aims and benefits/Disadvantages of Meetings; Written Rules affecting Meetings, Reports and Handover notes: Types of Reports, Components of Reports and Handover Notes; Organisation Communication: the Concept of Organisational Communication, factors Affecting Effectiveness of Organisational Communication. Types of Organisational Communication.

GNS 201: Lagos, Nigeria and African History and CultureGeographical Location Extent and Constituents of Lagos State; an Overview of her Political, Economic and Social Development; Stages in the Economics History of Lagos Cultural Manifestations of Lagos State; Crime in Lagos State; the Growth and Development of Education in Lagos state; Housing in Lagos State; Traditional Religion in Lagos; General Introduction to Islam in Lagos; Christianity in Lagos. People in Nigeria; African civilizations; a survey of early African history; African political system: an introduction; political arithmetic of literacy in Nigeria; watersheds of African education; introduction to African folklore; African religious beliefs; Christianity in Africa: a case study; aspects of cultural practices in Africa; physio-ethnicity, eco development, and development in Africa.

ACC 201: Financial Accounting IIncomplete Record and Single Entry; Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation; Introduction to Partnership Accounts; Joint Venture & Departmental Accounts; Joint-Stock Company Accounts- Issues of Share and Debentures, Contract Accounts.

ACC 203: Introduction to Cost AccountingNature and Purpose of Cost Accounting; Relationship between Cost and Financial Accounting; Cost Classification, Coding system in Cost Accounting including its Features, Advantages and Disadvantages; Theory of Cost Behaviour; Cost Accounting aspects of Materials, Labour and Overheads; Process Costing; Treatment of Joint and By-Product.

CSC 201: Computer Application for Arts, Education, Law, Management and Social Science IHistory and Development of Computer Technology; Structure of General-Purpose Computation; the why and how of Computers; Computer Types and Classification: Analog, Digital, and Hybrid. Central preparation equipment: Keypunch, Sorter, etc.; Data Presentation and Transmission, Nature, Speed and Error



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Detection; Data Capture and Validation including Error Detection; Systems Analysis and Design; the Programming Process: Problem Definition. Flow-Charting and Decision Table.ECO 201: Microeconomics IMicroeconomic Theory, Problems of Scarce Resources and Allocation of Resources in Product and Factor Markets with Application to Nigerian and other Economies. Comparative Economic Systems. Price and Application of Price Theory. Theory of Production. Cost of Production and Cost Curves. Theory of perfect and Imperfect Competition. Cobweb Theory.

MAT 205: Statistics for Management and Social Sciences IIIStatistical Systems in Nigeria, Agricultural Statistics; Industrial Statistics; Trade Statistics; Labour Statistics; Population Statistics; National Income Statistics; Finance Statistics & Control Appraisal of Nigerian Statistics. Business Forecasting, Growth Survey and advance. Vital Statistics

IRP 201: Recruitment, Selection and PlacementJob Analysis/Manpower planning as a pre-requisite to recruitment, selection and placement. Meaning and definition of recruitment. Sources of recruitment; Advantages and Disadvantages. Methods of recruitment; advantages and disadvantages. Concepts of selection ratio and selection errors. Meaning and definition of selection process. Meaning of placement. Contemporary issues in recruitment.

MKT 201: Consumer Behaviour IMeaning and approaches to consumer behaviour, role of consumer in marketing; consumer perspectives/viewpoints; overview of consumer decision-making behaviour; social stratification and consumer behaviour; reference group and sub-cultural influences; the nature and influence of individuals in consumer behaviour: predispositions, information processing, learning process, evaluative criteria, attitudes, personality, models of consumer behaviour, the marketing concept and consumer.

200 Level Rain SemesterBUS 202: Management Theory and PracticeConcepts of theory in the management sciences. The feature of theory in management. Links between management theories and management models. Practice of management conduct as a test of good management theory. Existing difficulties of developing useful management theories in Nigeria and other developing countries. Theories of management, e.g. the scientific management theory, Administrative theory, Human Relations theory, Behavioural theory, Management Sciences approach, Contemporary


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theories among others. Criteria for locating bad management practices and ideas of how better management theories may be introduced to particular Nigerian organisations.

BUS 204: Nigeria Resources and TradeMeaning and importance of resources; nature of Nigeria economic system; resources in Nigeria: land, forest, water, mineral, and energy resources, population, agriculture, capital resource in Nigeria; capital formation; marketing of agro product; structure of Nigeria industry; trading in Nigeria; trade fair and exhibition, Transportation.

BUS 206: Business Information ManagementNature and concept of business information purpose of business information, some basic facts of business information. System and system approach to business information and system designs. information system theory, knowledge requirement for developing business information system, classifications of business information, cost / benefit analysis of business information system, modern electronic means of managing business information through information technologies: INTERNET, INTRANET and EXTRANET. Networking Business Information, E- Business and Business Information.

BUS 208: Introduction to Production ManagementElements of Production; Production and Process Design and Management, Facility location and layout; Modern tools and machinery of production, Standards Concept, Line Balancing, Automation, Production Scheduling and Control, Work study, quality control inventory model, Aggregate planning control, Material Resource planning and Transportation/Assignment model.

ENT 202: Basic Principles of EntrepreneurshipDefinition of Entrepreneurship and Turning knowledge into Profit, Entrepreneurship in Personal Development, Entrepreneurship in National development, Capitalization and Market Forces, Entrepreneurial Qualities and Skills, Entrepreneurial Outfit, making a Business Plan, making a Feasibility Study, Logistics, Entrepreneurial Relationships, Entrepreneurial Ethics, Taking Risks and Facing Threats, Managing crises, Recycling Profit, Diversification and Ensuring Sustainability.

ACC 204: Introduction to Management AccountingNature, Objective and Scope of Management Accounting; Revision of Cost Behaviour; Concept of Relevant and Irrelevant cost, Concept of Cost Control and Cost Reduction including their Tools, Introduction to Cost


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Volume Profit Analysis; Introduction to Standard Costing and Elementary Variance Analysis; Budget Planning, Budget and Budgetary Control; Introduction to Decision Making: Discounting Techniques and Investment.

MAT 206: Statistics for Management and Social Science IVAn Introductory Approach to Test of Hypothesis for Small and Large Samples. Chi-Square Distribution and Goodness of Fit. Statistical Decision Theory, Analysis of Variance, Index Numbers, Time Series and Analysis of Time Series, Partial and Multiple Correlations, Statistical Decision Theory, Business Forecasting, Statistical Quality Control, Growth Surveys and Vital Statistics

IRP 208: State and Industrial RelationsThe course determines the role of the state in an Industrial Relations System. Conceptualization of state, with reference to the views of Hegel, Karl Marx and Robert Michaels. Context and Typical areas of state involvement in Industrial Relations e.g. Union Government and Administration, Collective Bargaining and Wage Bargaining, Wage bargaining institutions and Industrial Conflicts.

MKT 206: Retail ManagementMeaning of retaining; value of retailing; types of retail outlets; retail management decisions; non-store retailing; telemarketing; retail strategy; the changing nature of retailing; e-commerce; retailing and wholesaling; retailing and distribution channel decisions, retailing and logistics management; retail auditing; retailing and supply chain management; future changes in retailing.

MKT 202: Consumer Behaviour IIAttitude change and persuasive communication; attitude change and consumer behaviour; nature of communication in consumer behaviour; problem recognition processes; evaluation process; purchasing process; post purchase processes and behaviour; determinants of consumer behaviour; issues in consumerism; psychology in industrial marketing; consumer in economics theory; motivation and consumer behaviour; consumer satisfaction orientation in marketing thought; current status of consumer behaviour research.

300 Level Harmattan Semester44

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BUS 301: Business Industrial Visit IA visit to recognized organisation as directed by the Department; visit to recognized industrial estate as directed by the Department; industrial visit to recognized industrial estate and writing of industrial report and submission of industrial report in line with a feasibility study to appointed supervisors.

BUS 303: Production ManagementOrigin, role and methodology of Operation Research, Uses and Limitation of Operation Research, models and its application in Operations Research, Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming; Graphical approach and Simplest method, Project Management; Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Evaluation and Review techniques (PERT), Transportation Problem and Models, Forecasting and overview of Material Management. Supply Chain Management and Inventory Management.

BUS 305: Management of Small IndustriesIntroduction to small business enterprises: definition and characteristics of small business enterprises, advantages & disadvantages of small business enterprises to Nigerian economy; Roles of small business enterprises in Nigerian economy, establishing a small business enterprises, prospects and challenges; Environments for small business enterprises: micro, intermediate and macro; Financing small business enterprises: sources of finance – informal, formal (Banks, Nigeria & Government Parastatals); Problems confronting small business enterprises in Nigeria: causes of small business enterprises failures, consequences of small business enterprises failures, strategies for preventing small business enterprises failure requisites for successful small business enterprises; Planning in small business enterprises: writing a business plan and feasibility report; Globalization and small business enterprises in Nigeria; and Any other current issues

BUS 307: Comparative ManagementThe comparative approach to management and administration. Elements of management and administration. Management skills in private and public sectors. The military administrator, the civil servant, the manager as interchangeable experts. Constraints of organisational setting on the management of group activities, profiles of Nigerian executives that have moved from public to private sectors, and vice versa. Theories of Comparative Management and Administration.

BUS 399: Research Methodology


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Definition of research methodology. Linear description of research process; Choosing researchable topics & problems definition; Linking the relationship among research problems, research objectives, research questions, hypotheses theory, law & principles; Design of research methods; Measurement & scaling, measuring the accuracy of scales & research data; Questionnaire design; Study population, samples, samples size & sampling techniques; Design of response data preparation; Design of analyses & interpretation; Referencing – styles &types and Description of the design of research projects, Validity and reliability of research instrument, data analysis, citations and referencing, bibliography, project report and Research proposal.

GNS 301: Science and LogicScope, Definitions and Problems of Philosophy; Traditional, Sential and Predicate Logic; Ancient Greek Philosophers; Informal Fallacies, Definitions, Valid Inferences and Syllogisms; the Philosophy of Christian Evangelism; Introduction to Law; the Political Philosophy and Historical Theory of St. Augustine; Western Historiography from the Renaissance Period to Karl Marx; some Medieval Islamic Philosophers; Introduction to Existentialist Philosophy; Conquest of Violence: the Philosophy of Mohandas Karamched Gandhi and Martin Luther king (Jnr). Revisited; the Concept of Free-Will and Determination in history. Science before Henry Cavender; the basic sciences, atoms, molecules; man, health and diseases; human and environmental differences; biological environment; natural disaster; technological development; a conceptual clarification; technology, maintenance, electrification, and solar energy; agricultural development in Nigeria; the earth as the home of man; environmental pollution; the chemistry of life; cloning in the context of biotechnology.

ACC 303: Advanced Cost AccountingJob, Batch and Contract and Service Costing; Review of Standard Costing; Advanced Variance Analysis; Marginal Costing; Absorption Costing; Analysis of Changes in Profit; Uniform and Cost Booking; Behavioral Aspects of Cost Accounting; Presentation of Cost Information. Recent Development in Cost Accounting: Back flush, Life Cycle Costing, Target costing etc.

BUL 307: Business Law for Non-Law StudentsThe Nigerian Legal System; Sources of Nigerian Law; Hierarchy of Nigerian Courts; Commercial Arbitration; Law of Contract; commercial contracts; commercial relations between persons’ unfair competition; passing off and “trade libel”.CSC 301: Computer Applications for Arts, Education, Law, Management and Social Science IIIDatabase; Introduction to Database; Working with the Access Environment; Database Table Design; Relationships, Joints Simple Query; Structured Query Language; Maintaining the Data Operating System;


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Programming Process; Pascal and programming; Computer Application to Business; Marketing, Accounting; Banking; Insurance; Computer and Statistical Analysis. BFN: 301: Monetary and Fiscal PolicyObjectives of monetary policy and fiscal policy, Goals Targets and Indicators of monetary policy, Instrument And Types of monetary policy; Credit Planning: Monetary policy In Economic Growth: Time Lags of monetary policy; fiscal policy and monetary policy In Ldcs; Controllability Of Ms; Controversy In Monetary Policy: International Monetary Problem, Adjustment and Liquidity: Monetarists Versus Fiscalist; Monetary Transmission Mechanism, Fiscal Policy and Debt Management. Crowding Out Effect and Availability Doctrine.IRP 303: Comparative Industrial RelationsRe-introduction to the subject matter of industrial relations and the specific nature of comparative industrial relations: Trends in the global labour movements; Patterns of management strategic towards industrial relations; the state in comparative perspective; (IR) Systematic approaches to collective relations; industrial relations in the emerging markets; International experiences in industrial democracy.

300 Level Rain SemesterBUS 302: Business Industrial Visit IIA visit to recognized organisation as directed by the Department; visit to recognized industrial estate as directed by the Department; industrial visit to recognized industrial estate and writing of industrial report and submission of industrial report in line with a feasibility study to appointed supervisors.

BUS 304: Organisation BehaviourIntroduction: overview of organisation behaviour (definition), importance of organisation behaviour, reasons for studying organisation behaviour, contributing disciplines to organisation behaviour; Personality: definition of personality, types of personality, theories of personality; Learning and behaviour: definition of learning, learning mechanism, conditions for learning/learning process, theories of learning; Leadership: definition, leadership styles, theories and models of leadership; Motivation: definition, theories of motivation (at least four theories) – Abraham Maslow, Douglas Mcgregor, Fredrick Herzberg, David Maclehad; Group & team: types of groups & team, roles of groups & teams in organisation; Change management; Systems theory: definition, types (close & open system), characteristics of close & open system


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ENT 302: Practical EntrepreneurshipThis is a practical course where students in the various fields (Science, Engineering, Art, Humanities and Medicine) are exposed to certain trainings in entrepreneurship in order to acquire additional skills it includes Soap production, Water treatment and Packaging, Animal Husbandry, Fish farming, Crop Farming, Food Processing, Volcanizing and Vehicle Maintenance, Building Drawing, Welding, Tailoring and Fashion Design, Photography, Drama and Entertainment, Writing and Publishing, Selling up a Pharmacy, Setting up a medical practices.

ACC 326: Management Accounting IRevision of Budgeting ZBB, PPBS Flexible and Fixed; Key Factor; Budgeting Under constraint, Linear Programming; Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty and Risk (Sensitivity Analysis, Probability, Decision Tree, Simulation e.t.c.); Performance Evaluation Techniques (Responsibility Accounting), Decision Making Techniques, Transfer Pricing, Learning Curve Theory, Management Accounting and Computers.

BUL 308: Company Law for Non-Law studentsIntroduction to Company Law; Powers and Functions of Directors; Introduction to Taxation Laws; Formation of Companies; Dissolution of Companies.

BFN 320: Financial ManagementThe Nature, Scope and Purpose of Financial Management, Sources and Costs of Short, Medium and Long Term-Finance, Sources and Problems of New Financing, Capital Budgeting, Management of Working Capital; Analysis and Interpretation of Basic Financial Statements, Business Mergers and Take Over; Determinants and Implications of Dividend Policy Valuation of Shares, Assets and Enterprises, Risks of Finance and Methods of Avoiding Them; Banking Systems and Industrial Finance, Mortgage Finance, Capital Structure of Nigerian Firms.

POL 312: Elements of GovernmentThe course examines how government is carried out and under different systems. It examines parliamentary and presidential systems of government and the monarchical system. It also examines separation of powers and the use of veto. It examines legislative processes, oversight function of legislature, the role of Chief Whip and Majority Leader in the parliament and the role of the Judiciary in interpretation of the law. It discusses judicial and legal activism. It examines under what context coalitions


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are formed in government and how veto of no confidence forces governments to dissolve. It examines the relationship between various tiers of government and local government as tier of government.

BUS 306: Management of Multinational CorporationsConcept of Multinational Corporation, why firms become multinational, arguments against multinationals, sources of conflicts between MNC’s and their host countries; theories of international trade and its application to operations of MNC’s; impact of regional integration in development of MNC’s; Multinational structure and design; globalization and multinational enterprises; international institutions and globalization and foreign direct investment.

400 Level Harmattan SemesterBUS 401: Business Policy and Strategy INature and evolution of business policy and strategy as a field of study, the concept of corporate strategy. Relationship between business policy and business strategy; The Strategic Management Process, The Role of Strategy and Policy in Business Management; The Concept and Role of Vision, Mission and Corporate Philosophy in Relation to Business. Levels/Types of Strategy: Corporate, Business, Functional, Societal and Global. Linkage between Organisations and their Environments Introducing a Formal Strategic Planning System in a Business Firm; Concepts of Policies, Decision – Making, Business Objective, Performance Criteria, Structure, and Managerial Behaviours. Practice in Calculating Simple Financial and Economic Indices from Business Data and other Accounting Information; Environmental Scanning Analysis Opportunities and Threats and Strengths and Weaknesses of a Business Organisation.

BUS 405: Advanced Management TheoryOverview of management theory, evolution of management theory, overview of classical, neo-classical, systems socio-technical systems and contingency approaches. The management science school: operational research, the scientific method, decision trees, critical path analysis. The structure and design of organisations. Managing organisational conflict and change. Power and politics in organisations. Recent developments in management theory, re-engineering, organisational flexibility, organisational culture, the learning organisation, case study analysis of managerial problems

BUS 407: Analysis for Business Decisions Elements of decision analysis, types of decision situations, decision trees, operation research approach to decision analysis, systems and system analysis; modelling in operation research, linear programming, transportation model, game theory, project management, other operation research models: replacement


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analysis, sequencing model, queuing model, simulation, markov chain analysis, computer analysis of practical operations research cases.

BUS 411: Managerial EconomicsIntroduction to managerial economics; Economics optimization techniques; Risk analysis; Demand and Supply analysis; Cost analysis; Business and economic forecasting; Production analysis; market structure; pricing in practices.

BUS 499: Research Project ISubject, topic clarification and development; seminar/proposal; the objectives of research and conceptual framework of topic; scope and limitation; literature review, mechanism of project referencing and bibliography: this part represents 3 unit course and prerequisite to part II developing student skill in analysing and writing reports based on an empirical or library study of a specific matter or topic in relevant business areas of export, project development, administration management, strategies and business development studies.

FMS 401: Entrepreneurial Development StudiesEntrepreneurial theories, interpersonal or personal character and behavioural traits of entrepreneurs; financial aspects of entrepreneurship in which business success is most commonly reflected. External aspects of entrepreneurship, characterizes of good entrepreneur; comparative analysis of entrepreneur in newly industrialized countries and developing countries.

MTE 413: Project Evaluation & Feasibility Studies I Definition and classification of project, various project terminologies, aspect and categories of pre- investment studies; the project and the overall view of development programme: production process, flow chart, raw material requirements, sources of raw material; calculation of investment required or a project evaluation; market and marketing analysis; location, site and size of project viability; the project organisation and management, industrial and location of plant and firms in the context of state within federal and regional integration, the project sensitively analysis. Project network planning, Scheduling and Project Charter. The Nature of project management; Choice of technology; Technical feasibility assessment; Economic analysis. Financial feasibility assessment; Evaluation of infrastructural facilities; Social cost/benefit analysis; project finance; source and cost of capital.

MKT 405: International Marketing


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Meaning of National and International Marketing; International trade policies, theories and institutions; International marketing environment; Consumer behaviour and International marketing; International marketing research; Market entry, strategy and expansion; International marketing competitiveness; International marketing Strategies (product planning, pricing, communication and distribution), International logistics and material management; Export marketing opportunities and promotion in Nigeria.

BUS 409: Budget and Budgetary ControlDefinition and meaning of budget, differences between budget planning and business planning, types of budgets (Cash Budget, Production Budget, Sales Budget, Labour Budget, and Master Budget), Capital Budget, Budgeting procedures and problems of budgeting, budgeting analysis; students are expected to thoroughly analyse the budget of a particular year with a view of seeing whether it is in line with budgeting procedure (Federal and State), proposals for improving budgetary process.

400 Level Rain SemesterBUS 402: Business Policy and Strategy IIThe scope and purpose of corporate and business strategy in management. Approaches to corporate and business strategy formulation: generic types of corporate and business level strategy. Strategies for competing in generic industry environments and competitive situations. Strategies for competing in the international context. Strategic management in the small business sector. Strategic management in service and not-for-profit organisations. Strategic analysis and choice using corporate portfolio planning models. The concept of sustainable competitive advantage. Analysing capabilities, resources and core competence. Strategy implementation process. The role of organisational structure, finance, HRM and production in strategy implementation. Measuring organisational performance and strategy effectiveness. Cases in business policy and strategy.

BUS 404: International BusinessDefinition and general intorduction to international business, major factors to consider and reasons for international business. Merits & demerits of international business. Theories of international business. Reasons for and forms of international business restrictions. International business & foreign exchange policy. Types of exchange rate policies. Major world economies. Appraisal of activities of World Trade Organisation (WTO) & its objectives. International standard organisations. Changing circumstances of international business. Globalization. E-Commerce, Challenges of E-Commerce, etc.BUS 406: Nigeria Commercial Policy


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Meaning and importance of commercial policy, components of commercial policy, instrument of commercial policy, Nigerian Industrial Policy, Nigerian Trade Policies, Nigerian Economic Policies, Trade Agreement, World Trade Organisation, Globalisation and Nigeria’s Economic Development, Comparative commercial policies.

BUS 408: Business Portfolio ManagementStudy of Portfolio Selection and Management; Risk and Returns Management, Potential Profitability of Various Investments; Forecasting Returns on Individual Portfolio; Stock Exchange: Growth, Structure Procedure, and Performance in Nigeria; The Joint Stock Company, Forms of Financing and Capital Market, Economic and Other Factors Affecting Rate of Interest, Wage, and Profit; Description of the Following Investment Instruments: Guilt’s, Debentures and Loan Stocks, Preference Shares, Equity; Different Ways of Investment in Properties Performance; Pension Fund.BUS 498: Research Project II Management models for effective project presentation, students would present a research – based report of not less than 300 words and about 60 – 80 pages at the end of the session. This part represents 3 units course designed to supplement part I.

BUS 410: Corporate Planning The concept and theory of planning, strategic planning environmental study and analysis, technological forecasting, socio- political forecasting, industry analysis, planning tasks and techniques, operational planning and the resource allocation processes, organisation for planning, organisational and behavioural planner, managing and corporate planning process, top management team and corporate governance, social responsibility and business ethics in Nigeria and change difficulties in planning.MTE 404: Project Evaluation and Feasibility Studies II Project Engineering, Plant Organisation and Overhead Costs; Manpower Planning; Calculation of Investment Required for Project; Project Appraisal, Technical, Commercial, Legal Appraisal of Cash Flows Analysis; Financial and Economic Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis.

BUS 400: World Resources and TradeIntroduction to world resources and trade, Definition of resource, types of resources; Man, Resources & Technology, Nature & Resources, Man & Its environment, world population: composition, distribution and


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structure, agricultural resource: primary, secondary, exportable, fish, animal and forestry resource, energy resources, mineral resources, transportation, regions of the world.


Level Semester

Credit Unit



100 Harmattan 18 4 22Rain 18 2 20

200 Harmattan 17 2 19Rain 15 4 19

300 Harmattan 18 2 20Rain 15 2 17

400 Harmattan 19 2 21Rain 16 2 18

136 20 156

Notes on Total Maximum Units AllowedStudents are allowed to take up to 26 units with the permission of the Director or 28 units with the permission of the University Senate, otherwise the maximum unit shall be 24 units.


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For further information, please contact

Director, Lagos State University,Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.

Email: [email protected]. Website: odlri.lasu.edu.ng