€¦  · Web viewI reira, ka tuku ia i āna tama tokorua a Tara rāua ko Tautoki kimi kāinga ai...

Rauemi Pānui NCEA Taumata 2 Tēnā koe e te kaiako. This resource is designed to give students practice with activities that have a similar feel and look to the level 2 external pānui exam for te reo Māori. The objective is for this resource to contribute the building of the skills and techniques required to succeed in this exam. NOTE: This is intended to be a part of a reading programme, NOT the entire reading programme. This resource alone will not be enough to make a student a proficient reader in te reo Māori. Please read through the following documents to give you an understanding of what is required for success in the pānui exam: Pānui Standard 91286 Assessment Specifications Pānui 2019 Assessment Schedule Pānui Exam 2018 Examiners report pānui exam 2018 Ngā Tohutohu: 1. Give the students one reading activity at a time. Spread them out throughout the year to ensure incremental improvement. 2. Ask students to read the whole passage through twice. 3. Encourage students to highlight or underline unfamiliar words. It is important that you encourage the students not to panic when they see an unfamiliar word. Read the whole sentence. Based on what they have read, they Produced as part of a Ministry of Education project. © New Zealand Ministry of Education 2019 – copying restricted to use by New Zealand education sector.

Transcript of €¦  · Web viewI reira, ka tuku ia i āna tama tokorua a Tara rāua ko Tautoki kimi kāinga ai...

Rauemi Pānui NCEA Taumata 2

Tēnā koe e te kaiako. This resource is designed to give students practice with activities that have a similar feel and

look to the level 2 external pānui exam for te reo Māori. The objective is for this resource to contribute the building of

the skills and techniques required to succeed in this exam.

NOTE: This is intended to be a part of a reading programme, NOT the entire reading programme. This resource

alone will not be enough to make a student a proficient reader in te reo Māori.

Please read through the following documents to give you an understanding of what is required for success in

the pānui exam:

Pānui Standard 91286

Assessment Specifications Pānui 2019

Assessment Schedule Pānui Exam 2018

Examiners report pānui exam 2018

Ngā Tohutohu:

1. Give the students one reading activity at a time. Spread them out throughout the year to ensure

incremental improvement.

2. Ask students to read the whole passage through twice.

3. Encourage students to highlight or underline unfamiliar words.

It is important that you encourage the students not to panic when they see an unfamiliar word. Read the whole

sentence. Based on what they have read, they should try to figure out what the word could be. For example: “I haere a

Pāpā ki te kato pūhā.” The student may see the word ‘kato’ and not recognise it. So, “Dad went to _________ pūhā.”

What could the blank be? Some possibilities may be eat, fetch, pluck, collect, or even gather. By this process, and by

looking at the whole context of the text, they may get closer to the meaning.

Produced as part of a Ministry of Education project.© New Zealand Ministry of Education 2019 – copying restricted to use by New Zealand education sector.

NOTE:A glossary has been purposely left out of this resource to allow plenty of practice with this technique.

4. Encourage the students to make notes before writing their final answer.

5. Encourage students to answer the question in as much detail as possible. Encourage them to

look for opportunities to use higher level thinking to enhance their answers.

In 2017 Excellence candidates:

showed a competent understanding of the text;

provided a convincing answer;

showed techniques of persuasion and justification;

embellished their answer with well linked examples and experiences;

provided detailed answers for both questions.

6. Encourage students to make sure that their answers are well ordered and concise.

7. Once each exercise is completed, discuss answers with the class. Encourage the students to think

about what they could have done better to improve their answers.

8. You may want to use the passages for other activities, such as cloze or adding punctuation. Click

this link to access a resource with instructions for other reading strategies: Ako Panuku Teaching

Strategies. Additional strategies can be found at ESOL Online .

9. You will need to have a comprehensive vocabulary learning programme as part of your te reo

Māori course. This increases the students’ ability to comprehend the texts. Click for the MOE

high frequency vocabulary list.

10. Once each activity is completed, get the students to create a wordcloud with the new kupu and

phrases that they have come across. Encourage them to use these in their writing and speaking.

Kia manawanui, e hoa mā.

Produced as part of a Ministry of Education project.© New Zealand Ministry of Education 2019 – copying restricted to use by New Zealand education sector.

TE MARAE O AWAROA – WĀHANGA 1Tēnā koutou e te manuhiri, nau mai haere mai ki te marae o Awaroa. Koinei tētahi o ngā marae o te iwi o Ngāti Hauroa. Ko te hapū o te marae nei ko Ngāti Hāmama. Ko Tūkaha te whare tupuna, ko Tautau te wharekai. Tīhei mauri ora!

Anei ētahi kōrero whakamārama e pā ana ki te pōwhiri i mua i tō ekenga ki runga i te marae.Tuatahi, whakatūria ō koutou motokā ki te tūnga waka kei mua i te taiapa o te marae. Kia tūpato, kei te taha o te huarahi matua te taiapa, nā reira me tiaki koutou i ā koutou tamariki.

Ka rūpeke koutou ki te waharoa o te marae. I te nuinga o ngā marae ka tū ngā wāhine ki mua, kāore e pēnei ana ki tō mātou marae. Ki te marae o Awaroa, ka tū ngā tāne ki mua. Ka pēnei, nā te mea ko te mahi a ngā tāne i mua, he tiaki i ngā wāhine. He tikanga tūturu tēnei kei waenganui i a mātou. Heoi anō, ka tū te kaikaranga, ngā kaikaranga rānei ki mua. Kei muri i ngā kaikaranga ko ngā kaikōrero.

Kāore te wero e mahia ana i runga i tō mātou marae. Kua mate katoa ngā koroua e mōhio ana ki ngā āhuatanga o tērā tikanga ki tō mātou iwi. Ka mahia te wero whakamutunga i runga i tō mātou marae i te tau kotahi mano, iwa rau waru tekau mā whā. He wā pōuri tērā mō tō mātou iwi.

Pātai: Discuss the tikanga mentioned in this passage. Why does this hapū do things in specific ways?

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TE MARAE O AWAROA – WĀHANGA 2Ka tatari koutou ki te waharoa o te marae kia tīmata te karanga o ō mātou kuia. Tokotoru ō mātou kaikaranga. Ko te mahi a te tuatahi, he karanga atu ki te manuhiri kia tīmata te eke ki runga i te marae. Ko te mahi a te kaikaranga tuarua, he karanga ki ngā aituā, arā, ngā mate. Ko te mahi a te tuatoru, he kōrero mō te kaupapa o te rā, he whakatau hoki i te iwi kua eke mai. Ko ngā kuia anake ngā kaikaranga i runga i tō mātou marae. Me pērā hoki mō te manuhiri. E ai ki ō mātou kaumātua, mehemea e hiahia ana koe ki te karanga, tuatahi me whai tamariki, ā, nāu anō ō tamariki i whakawhānau. Tuarua, kia neke atu tō pakeke i te ono tekau tau. Tuatoru, me mōhio ki te kōrero i te reo ā-iwi o Ngāti Hauroa. Tuawhā, me tae koe ki ngā pōwhiri katoa whakarongo ai ki ngā kuia e karanga ana mō te rua tau.

I ngā tau e rua kua pahure ake nei, kua kōrero ō mātou kaumātua e pā ana ki ngā tikanga karanga. Kei te pīrangi ētahi o ngā wāhine rua tekau ki te whā tekau tau te pakeke ki te ako ki te karanga. Ka kī tētahi o ngā koroua, “Ko te ao hou tēnei. Kāore te nuinga o ngā whānau e noho ana ki te kāinga. Kei te tāone kē rātou e noho ana. Me whakarerekē tātou i ā tātou tikanga kia kore ai tēnei tikanga e mate.” Heoi anō, kāore tonu ngā kuia e whakaae.

Pātai: There is a difference in opinion between some of the hapū over a certain issue. What are the opinions on both sides? Who do you agree with and why?

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TE MARAE O AWAROA – WĀHANGA 3I ētahi marae, ka hongi te manuhiri ki te tangata whenua i muri i te whaikōrero, kāore e pērā ana ki tēnei marae. Ka eke ana te manuhiri, ka hongi ngā rōpū e rua i te tuatahi. Ka pēnei, nā te mea, i te tau 1890, ka whakatau te rangatira o tō mātou iwi, a Te Pārahi, kia mutu te whawhai, kia huri kē ki te rangimārie. I taua wā i kī ia, “Me hongi tātou i mua i ngā whaikōrero. Mā tērā, ka mōhio te manuhiri he iwi rangimārie tātou.” E rua ngā hongi.

Mutu ana te hongi, ka tīmata ngā whaikōrero. Ko tauutuutu tā mātou kawa kōrero, arā ka tū atu, ka tū mai. I te nuinga o ngā pōwhiri, tokotoru ō mātou kaikōrero. Ko tō mātou kaikōrero tuatahi ko tō mātou rangatira, a Koro Takapae. Ko te kaikōrero tuarua, ko Koro Tipi. Ehara te kaikōrero tuatoru i te koroua, he tāne kē. E rua tekau mā whā ōna tau. Ko ia tētahi o ō mātou kaikōrero, nā te mea, e hiahia ana ngā koroua kia ako ia ki te whaikōrero. Kia pakeke haere ia, ka kaha ia ki te kōrero. Ko Rāwiri tōna ingoa.

Hei mahi: Some of the rangatira are forward thinkers. Use information from the text to argue for or against this statement.

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HE RETA KI A KUI (1)Tēnā koe e Kui.

E pēhea ana koe? Ka nui taku ora. I roto i tō reta, i ui mai koe mō aku wawata me aku whāinga mō tēnei tau. Ko t ētahi o aku whāinga i tēnei tau, ko te whiwhi i taku raihana taraiwa. Me whai au i te tukanga kia tutuki ai au i tēnei whāinga. Tuatahi, me penapena au i aku moni. E iwa tekau mā toru tāra, iwa tekau hēneti te utu. Nōku te maringanui, he tūranga mahi tōku ki te māra kūmara. Ko taku matapae, ka riro i a au te moni ā tērā marama. Ko te mahi tuarua, he tāpui i taku whakamātautau taraiwa. He tawhiti taku kāinga i te AA, arā, te wāhi o te whakamātautau. Kei Waimamaku tōku whare, ā, kei Kaikohe te AA. Tata ki te kotahi hāora te roa o te haerenga. Nā reira, he ngāwari ake mōku te haere i te wā o te hararei. Ko te mahi matua, he ako i ngā ture me ngā tikanga i roto i Te Pukapuka Tikanga Huarahi o Aotearoa. Kei ahau te pukapuka, engari hei tā taku hoa a Wīremu, ka taea te ako i ngā tikanga mā te waea pūkoro, arā, he pūmanawa tautono kore utu. Nāna hoki te kī, he ngāwari ake te ako mā te waea pūkoro. Ka whakamahi pea au i ngā mea e rua. E whakapono ana au ka pāhi au i te whakamātautau nei, nā te mea he kaha au ki te ako. Ina tutuki i a au taua whāinga mā taku māmā au e ako ki te taraiwa motokā.

Pātai: Is the writer of the letter an organised or disorganised person? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

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HE RETA KI A KUI (2)He nui ngā hua o te whiwhi raihana. Mehemea ka taea e au te taraiwa i a au anō, kāore he take kia taraiwa ōku mātua i a au ki ngā wāhi kē pērā i te kura, i te mahi, i aku parakatihi whutupōro me aku kēmu. Ka taea e au te āwhina i taku whānau mā te taraiwa i aku tēina me taku tungāne. Ka taea hoki e au te tiki kai mō te whānau.

Ki ahau nei, koinei tētahi o ngā āhuatanga whakahirahira o te taiohitanga. Mā te whiwhi i te raihana taraiwa, ka whakahaere i ō ake mahi. He tika te kōrero, he nui te moni hei hoko motokā, hei whakahaere motokā hoki, engari he tini rawa atu ngā hua o te whiwhi raihana. Waihoki, e ai ki a Pāpā, he pai te whai motokā ina haere au ki te whare wānanga i Tāmaki Mākaurau.

Heoi anō e kui, ko te wā mahi ināianei. Ka tuhi anō au ki a koe ā tērā marama.

Ka nui taku aroha mōu.

Nā tō TINO mokopuna ,

Nā, Pare

Pātai: Pare’s whānau are very proud of her. Why do you think this is? Refer to the text to support your answer.

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HE KŌRERO HĪTORIHe tāngata mōhio ngā tūpuna Māori ki te kimi oranga mō te whānau, te hapū me te iwi. Ko Whātonga rāua ko Toi ētahi o ngā tūpuna ariki e pērā ana. He kōrero tēnei mō rāua.

E ai ki ngā kōrero, i whānau mai a Whātonga i Hawaiki i te takiwā o te rautau kotahi mano, kotahi rau i Hawaiki. Ko ia te tama tuarua o Ruarangi rāua ko Rongoueroa. He mokopuna a ia nā Toikairākau.

I tētahi wā, i whakatūria he whakataetae waka i Pikopikoiwhiti, i Hawaiki. Ko Whātonga tētahi o ngā kaitere waka i taua rēhi.

I a rātou e rēhi ana, ka rokohanga rātou i te āwhā, arā, te hau tino kaha, ā, ka pūhia tana waka ki te aumoana, kātahi, ka ngaro atu a ia. Nā te roa o tana ngarohanga atu, ka tino āwangawanga a Toi, ā, ka haere atu a ia ki te kimi i a Whātonga.

I taua wā, kua tae atu a Whātonga ki Rangiātea. He wā tōna i reira, kātahi ia ka hoki ki Hawaiki. I a ia i Hawaiki, ka hangaia e ia tētahi waka rahi, ā, ka tapaina ki te ingoa Kurahaupō. I muri i tērā ka haere ia ki te kimi i tōna koroua, a Toi. Tuatahi, ka haere ia ki Rarotonga. I tana taenga ki reira, ka kīia e ngā tāngata i reira, kua haere kē a Toi ki Aotearoa. Nā reira, ka tere a Whātonga ki Aotearoa. I tana taenga ki Tongaporutu, i te raki o Taranaki, ka kīia e ngā tāngata i reira, i te noho a Toi ki Te Tairāwhiti. Ka haere a Whātonga ki Te Tairāwhiti, ā, ka tūtaki rāua ko tōna koroua, a Toi, i tētahi wāhi e tata ana ki Whakatāne. Ko Kaputerangi te ingoa o taua wāhi.

Nā te tokomaha o ngā tāngata e noho ana i te rohe o te Waiariki, ka haere a Whātonga mā whakatetonga ki Nukutaurua i Māhia. I reira, ka tuku ia i āna tama tokorua a Tara rāua ko Tautoki kimi kāinga ai mō te iwi. I whiriwhiri rāua i Te Whanganui-a-Tara hei kāinga mō rātou. Nō reira, ka haere a Whātonga mā ki reira noho ai. Nāwai rā, ka tau atu rātou ki Kāpiti. Ka noho, ka mate hoki a Whātonga rāua ko Tara i reira. E ai ki ngā kōrero, ka nehua rāua ki tētahi ana i runga i te motu.

Ka taea e ngā iwi katoa o te motu te whakapapa ki ngā tūpuna nei. He tauira rāua ki a tātou kia whakapau kaha kia pai ai tō tātou noho, otirā te noho o ā tātou mokopuna ki tēnei whenua o Aotearoa.

Hei mahi: A bond between a grandparent and a grandchild is typically very strong. Explain in detail how this is portrayed in this story.

Pātai: Describe the journey both Toi and Whātonga took, before they finally reconnected.

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HE ĪMĒRA KI TE KAUNIHERATēnā koe e te Koromatua.

Ko Hūrae Mei tōku ingoa. He ākonga au ki te Kāreti o Taewanui. Ko ahau hoki tētahi o ngā mema o te kaunihera ākonga o tō mātou kura. I tēnei wiki, ka kōrero mātou mō te hauora o ngā taiohi ki tēnei rohe, ā, kua whakaarohia e mātou tētahi rautaki. Ki tō mātou whakaaro me hanga te kaunihera i ētahi kōti pahiketepōro iti huri noa i tō mātou rohe. E pēnei ana ō mātou whakaaro, nā te mea he tokomaha ngā taiohi e rata ana ki te pahiketepōro, engari he torutoru rawa ngā kōti. E ai ki ngā tatauranga hauora, he mōmona rawa te taiohi kotahi mai i te rima i te tāone o Taewanui. Nā reira, ko te matapae, mā te hanga i ētahi kōti ki ngā wāhi kē, ā, e tata ana ngā kōti ki ō rātou whare, ka hiahia ngā taiohi ki te puta ki waho ki te kori tīnana.

Ka pēnei rātou i te tāone o Rīwaiiti, ā, kua tino tupu te tokomaha o ngā taiohi e tākaro pahiketepōro ana. Nā tērā, ka heke te tokomaha o ngā taiohi mōmona rawa mai i te 60 paiheneti ki te 40. Me te mea anō, kua eke ngā tīma o Rīwaiiti ki ngā whakataetae ā-motu. Nā reira, he oranga tinana, he oranga wairua hoki tēnei mō ngā tāngata o taua rohe. E ai ki te koromatua o reira, a Tīpene Ātama, ka kitea ngā taiohi me ngā tamariki i ngā kōti i te ao i te pō. Ina rā te pai o taua rautaki!

Kua kōrero mātou ki ngā ākonga o tō mātou kāreti mō te rautaki nei, ā, kei te whakaae mārika rātou ki tēnei rautaki. Anei ētahi o ngā kōrero o ngā taiohi:

“He pai ki ahau te pahiketepōro, engari kotahi anake te kōti, arā, te kōti o te kura, ā, ko te raru, he tawhiti rawa te kura i tōku whare.” – Mikaere Tiotana, 16 tau te pakeke.“I ngā mutunga wiki ka tākaro whōtanaita au i ngā wā katoa, nā te mea kāore he kōti e tata ana ki tōku whare. Mehemea ka hanga kōti rātou, ka puta au i te whare, ā, ka harikoa ōku mātua. Ka tino hōhā rāua ki ahau me te whōtanaita.” – Tīpene Kari, 13 tau te pakeke. “Ka hui māua ko ōku hoa ki te pāka, engari kāore he mahi mā mātou i reira. He taputapu tākaro i reira mō ngā tamariki, engari kāore he mea pārekareka mō ngā taiohi.”- Hineroa Waenui, 14 tau te pakeke.

Nō reira, e te Koromatua, nā runga i ngā rangahau, e whakapono ana mātou he ara tino pai tēnei mō ngā taiohi me ngā tamariki i tō tātou rohe. E kīia ana, “Mā te huruhuru te manu ka rere”, arā, mā te tautoko o te kaunihera ka tutuki i a tātou te wawata nei.

Nāku noa,

Nā Paora HenareTe Kāreti o Taewanui.

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Pātai: Do you think this strategy will be successful? What evidence supports your answer?

Pātai: If you were the mayor of Taewanui, what would your response to Paora be? You may want to consider some relevant things that weren’t mentioned in the letter.

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I tērā wiki, ka haere māua ko taku tuakana ki te mātakitaki i te pikitia Avatar. I roto i te pikitia, ka haere ngā tāngata o tēnei ao ki te ao e kīia nei ko Pandora. I haere rātou ki reira, nā te mea i te mate haere tō tātou ao, ā, he tino ora te ao o Pandora. I pīrangi hoki ngā tāngata i ngā rawa me ngā rauemi o Pandora, pērā i te ‘unobtanium’. Ko te tangata whenua o Pandora ko te iwi Na’vi. He kahurangi ō rātou kiri, he tino tāroaroa, ka whai whiore hoki. He tino tata te hononga o te iwi nei ki tō rātou taiao, arā, te ngahere, ngā kararehe, ngā awa me te moana. Ko tō rātou atua ko Eywa .

Ko tētahi o ngā tāngata i haere ki reira he toa Marine, arā, he toa pakanga. Ko Jake Scully tōna ingoa. Ko ia te tino tangata o te pikitia. He hauā a Jake, arā, kāore e taea e ia te whakamahi i ōna waewae. Ko ia tētahi o ngā Avatar. He aha te Avatar? Ka honoa te roro o te tangata ki tētahi rorohiko, ā, mā tērā ka taea e ia te whakahaere i te tīnana karetao.

Ko te mahi a Jake, he ako i te reo me ngā tikanga o te iwi Na’vi me te tuku i tana mōhiotanga ki tōna rangatira. He tangata kino tōna rangatira. Ko Kānara Miles Quaritch tōna ingoa. Ko tōna pīrangi, arā te pīrangi o tōna ope taua, kia pana i te iwi Na’vi mai i tō rātou kāinga, arā, ko Rākau Kāinga. I pīrangi rātou kia turaki i te rākau kia taea e rātou te tango i te unobtanium mai i te whenua i raro i te rākau. I kī a Jake ki te iwi Na’vi, me hūnuku rātou mai i te rākau nei, kei mate rātou i ngā pohū me ngā kariri. I te tino pukuriri rātou, ā, kāore rātou i pīrangi haere. Kāore i roa i muri mai, ka haere mai ngā tāngata kino i ō rātou wakarererangi, ā, ka pohū rātou i Rākau Kāinga. He tokomaha ngā Na’vi i mate. I muri i tērā ka tīmata te pakanga. I huri a Jake ki te āwhina i te iwi Na’vi. Ka whakakotahi a Jake i ngā iwi kē o Pandora mō te pakanga, ā, i te mutunga, ka toa te iwi Na’vi. Kātahi ka hoki te iwi kino i hoki ki tō rātou ake ao.

Ka aroha au ki te iwi Na’vi, ā, ki tōku nei whakaaro he āhua ōrite rātou ki te iwi Māori, arā, i whakapono rātou ki tō rātou atua a Eywa, ā, ka whakapono mātou ki a Papatūānuku. Hei tā rātou he mauri tō ngā mea katoa, e pērā ana mātou. He kaha rātou ki te tiaki i te taiao, e pērā ana mātou. I tūkinotia rātou e ngā tāngata nō wāhi kē, i pērātia hoki mātou.

Pātai: What was the main message that came across in this movie? Reference the text to support your answer.

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Pātai: What advice would you give to someone going to Pandora, where there are already people living there. Can you make comparisons between two cultures?

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Hinewai: “E hoa, e rua wiki e toe ana ki te hararei tuarua o te kura. He nui aku mahi i tēnei wāhanga. Kei te tino ngenge ahau. Kei te pīrangi whakatā au, engari kei te pīrangi kē taku kuia kia haere au ki te wānanga whakapapa i Parewai.”

Tāmati: “Kua kōrero koe ki tō kuia mō tō ngengetanga? Tēnā pea ka mārama ia.”

Hinewai: “Kāore anō, ka pāpōuri pea a ia ki a au. Hei tāna, ko au anake i tōku whānau e hiahia ana ki te ako i te whakapapa o tōku whānau.”

Tāmati: “Auē! Ka aroha, e hoa. Kotahi anake te hui pērā i ia tau?”

Hinewai: “Kāo, i ia rua tau kē, ā, kei te haere mai tētahi o ngā tohunga whakapapa o tō mātou iwi ki te hui. He angitu pai tēnei mōku, nā te mea kei a ia ngā kōrero kāore i te mōhiotia e tōku whānau.”

Tāmati: “Te āhua nei, kua whakatau koe ki te haere ki te hui.”

Hinewai: “Kāore anō, me te mea anō, kei te tino pīrangi ahau ki te haere ki te pāti huritau o Raima. Hei taua wiki anō tana pāti huritau.”

Tāmati: “E hoa, ka whakatū pāti huritau a Raima mōna anō i ia tau! Hei aha tana pāti!” Hinewai: “Engari, ko ia tōku tino hoa. Ka riri mai ia mehemea kāore au e haere ki tana pāti.” Tāmati: “Hinewai, kia tika tō mahi! Ehara te pāti i te mea nui. He pāti te pāti. Engari anō te hui whakapapa.

He whakahirahira rawa atu tērā kaupapa. Hei aha hoki tō ngengetanga. Ka taea e koe te whakatā i te wiki tuarua.”

Hinewai: “Engari, he rangatahi tonu au. He pai ki ahau te pāti!”

Tāmati: “Nōu te maringanui, he hui pērā ki tō kāinga. Karekau tētahi hui pērā i tōku kāinga. Kua ngaro ērā mōhiotanga ki a mātou. E hoa, kaua e kaiapo. Me whai koe i ngā tohutohu o tō kuia.”

Hinewai: “Auē! He tika tāu. Mō taku hē! Āe, ka haere au. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe i ō kōrero āwhina e hoa.”

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Pātai: Sometimes it’s difficult when two important occasions are on at the same time. Why was Hinewai in two minds about going to the gathering at her home marae? Explain in detail.

Pātai: What advice would you give Hinewai in this situation? Explain why you think like this.

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TUHINGA RĀTAKARā: Rāmere, te rima o Paengawhāwhā, 2019

Tēnā koe e taku rātaka,

Koinei te rā whakamutunga o tēnei wāhanga kura. Kei te tino harikoa au, nā te mea i tēnei rā i kī mai te tumuaki, a Whaea Hinemihi, kua whakaae te poari o te kura ki tō mātou tono kia hangaia ētahi wharepaku hou. Ehara ēnei wharepaku mō te tāne, mō te wahine rānei, engari he wharepaku noa, arā, ka taea e ngā tāne, e ngā wāhine hoki te whakamahi.

He kaupapa nui tēnei mō te kura, nā te mea he tokomaha ngā ākonga takatāpui i te kura. Tokotoru ngā tama e huri ana hei kōtiro, kotahi te kōtiro e huri ana hei tama. I tēnei wā, ka tino whakamā aua ākonga, nā te mea kāore rātou e mōhio ko tēhea te wharepaku tika mā rātou. Kāore ētahi o aua ākonga i te inu wai i te kura, nā te mea kāore rātou e pīrangi ana ki te whakamahi i te wharepaku i te kura. Ehara tēnei i te mea pai. Nā reira, i tuhi mātou ki te tumuaki me te poari, ā, ka tonoa mātou e rātou kia haere ki te hui poari ki te kōrero e pā ana ki tēnei kaupapa. Rua tekau mātou i haere ki te hui. Ka haere mai ngā ākonga takatāpui hoki. I te mutunga o te hui, i mihi ngā mema o te poari ki a mātou, ā, ka kī mai rātou, kāore e roa, ka whakamōhio mai te tumuaki mehemea ka whakaaetia tō mātou tono, kāore rānei.

E rua wiki mātou e tatari ana mō te urupare, arā, te whakautu o te poari, ā, i tēnei rā, ka tū te hui ā-kura, ka kī te tumuaki ki te kura katoa hei te marama e tū mai nei ka tīmata te hanganga o ngā wharepaku hou. I tangi tētahi o ōku hoa i te harikoa. E kīia ana, “Mā pango, mā whero ka oti te mahi!”

Pātai: Some of the students at this school are very conscious about issues within the school. How do these particular students help to solve an issue in the school? Explain in detail.

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Pātai: If the school’s board didn’t agree to their request, what other strategies could the students have used to achieve their goal?

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Te Ao Hou, Paraparaumu

Kei te kimi mātou i tētahi tangata pukumahi ki te mahi ki tō mātou hokomaha. Me pono, me tika te kaitono, arā, me tae mai i te wā tika, me mau i ngā kākahu tika, me āta whakarongo ki ngā tohutohu a te rangatira.

E rua ngā momo mahi mō te kaitono. Ko te mahi tuatahi he hoko i ngā kai ki ngā kaihoko. Ko te mahi tuarua he whakakī i ngā whata.

E rua tekau hāora i ia wiki te roa. E rima hāora i ia ahiahi mai i te Rāhina ki te Rātū. Nā reira, he pai tēnei tūranga mō te ākonga kura, mō te ākonga whare wānanga rānei.

Ka piki ake ngā hāora i te wā o te Kirihimete me te Aranga mai i te rua tekau hāora ki te whā tekau hāora. Ko te tūmamako, e pai ana tēnei ki tēnei kaitono.

Tekau mā whitu tāra, whitu tekau heneti te utu ā-hāora. Ka piki ake te utu ki te tekau mā iwa tāra, kotahi tau ā muri atu i tō tīmatanga.

Mehemea ko koe te tangata tika mō tēnei tūranga mahi, tukuna mai tō tono i mua i te rua tekau mā whitu o Haratua.

Pātai: Would you apply for this job? List the positives and negatives

Ngā mea pai – Positives Ngā mea kino – Negatives

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Pātai: Are you the right type of person for this job? If your answer is yes, then why? If your answer is no, then why not?

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He nui ngā mea e pā kino ana i te hauora o ngā taiohi o tēnei whakatupuranga. E ai ki ngā tatauranga, he tokomaha ake ngā taiohi i ēnei rā e raru ana i te mate hinengaro. He aha i pēnei ai? Ko tētahi o ngā mea e whakararu ana i ngā taiohi ko ngā taputapu hangarau o te wā, arā te pouaka whakaata me te rorohiko, engari ko te mea kino rawa ko ngā waea pūkoro. Ko te raru nui ko te rahi o te wā e titiro ana, e whakamahi ana ngā taiohi i ā rātou waea pūkoro. Hei tā ētahi o ngā tākuta hinengaro, kua warawara te nuinga o ngā taiohi ki ā rātou waea pūkoro, arā, e kore e taea e rātou te waiho i ā rātou waea mō te wā poto. Ko te mea nui ki ngā taiohi ko te pae pāpāho pāpori, pērā i te pukamata me te paeāhua. Nā reira, he aha te mate o ēnei mea? Ko te raru nui, ko te iti o te wā e kori ana ngā taiohi i ō rātou tīnana. E whakapau wā ana rātou i ā rātou waea, ā, kāore rātou e puta ana ki waho korikori tinana ai. N ā te iti o te wā mō te koringa tinana, kei te mōmona haere ētahi o ngā taiohi. He nui ngā pānga o te mōmonatanga pēnei i te mate huka me te mate manawa. Mā te kori tīnana ka pai ake te hauora hinengaro me te hauora tīnana. Ko tētahi atu o ngā raru, e whakamahi ana ngā taiohi i ā rātou waea i te pō. Nā tērā ka iti te moe, ā, kāore i te pai tā rātou ako i te kura. Nā reira, he aha te rongoā mō tēnei āhuatanga? E whakapono ana au me rāhui ngā mātua me ngā kaiako i te whakamahinga o ngā waea pūkoro me ngā taputapu hangarau. Me rāhui i te whakamahinga o te waea pūkoro i te kura, me rāhui i te waea pūkoro atu i te waru karaka i te pō ki te waru karaka i te ata hoki. Tēnā pea ka pukuriri ētahi o ngā taiohi ki tēnei rāhuitanga, engari, ko te matapae, mā te wā ka ora ake rātou, ā, ka mārama.

Pātai: What does the author of this blog consider to be the problem and what are the solutions they give?

Pātai: The blog entry is the opinion of the writer. As a teenager, how would you respond to the opinion and suggestions of the author? If you agree, why? If you don’t agree, why not?

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Ko Tūmāia tōku ingoa. He tau tekau mā rua au ki te kāreti o Kūtainui. I tērā tau i riro i a au kotahi rau rua tekau ngā waitohu mō te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu Kua Taea, arā, te NCEA. I tēnei wā, e tīmata ana ahau ki te whakaaro mō taku ūmanga mō ngā tau kei te heke mai. Kei te pīrangi ōku mātua kia haere au ki te whare wānanga ki te whai i te tohu kaikaute, engari ki ahau nei, he maroke tērā momo mahi. Kāore au i te hiahia noho ki tētahi tari i ia rā, i ia rā. Te mutunga kē mai o te hōhā! Kei te pīrangi kē au kia tū hei kaiwhakatika motokā i roto i a Ngāti Tūmatauenga, arā, te ope taua o Aotearoa.

Ka kōrero au ki aku mātua mō taku hiahia kia tū hei kaiwhakatika motokā, ā, ka kī mai taku pāpā, “E hine, ehara tērā i te mahi tika mō te kōtiro, me haere kē koe ki te whare wānanga.” Ka kī au ki taku pāpā, “E kī, e kī! Kei tēhea tau koe e noho ana, Pāpā? Ka taea e te wahine te mahi i ngā mahi katoa, ahakoa te aha!” Kātahi ka kī taku māmā, “Engari, ka tukuna pea koe ki tāwāhi pakanga ai.” Ko tāku ki a ia, “Māmā, he tokoiti ngā hōia e haere ki tāwāhi pakanga ai. Me te mea anō, kāore he utu mō te ako i roto i a Ngāti Tūmatauenga. Ki te haere au ki te whare wānanga, ka riro i a au tētahi pūtea taurewa nui, ā, ka roa taku utu i tērā. Kei te mōhio hoki kōrua, kua roa au e rata ana ki te whakatika motokā. Māmā, nā tō tungāne au i ako! Waihoki, ina hiahia au ki te puta i a Ngāti Tūmatauenga, kua riro kē i a au he tohu whakatika waka, ā, ka tere kimi mahi. Pāpā, ka taea pea e au te whakatika i tōu!”

Ka pōhēhē ōku mātua ko te whare wānanga te ara tika mō ngā tāngata katoa. Kua kōrero au ki te kaiako ūmanga o tōku kura, ā, ka kī mai ia kei runga au i te ara tika kia tutuki i tōku wawata. Ko te tūmanako, ā tōna wā, ka mārama a Māmā rāua ko Pāpā, ehara tēnei i te ara kino mōku, he ara pai kē. Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata. Ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tīna!

Pātai: Sometimes parents and children have differing opinions about the chosen career of the child. In the text, who had the stronger argument? Explain your answer using information from the text.

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Pātai: Who do you agree with in this discussion about careers? Give reasons for your answer.

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