€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure...

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Group Assignment: Written Component Prezie Link: David Mueller Kataryna Hermans Juliana Strassacappa

Transcript of€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure...

Page 1:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

Environmental Health Management

Group Assignment: Written Component

Prezie Link:

• David Mueller

• Kataryna Hermans

• Juliana Strassacappa

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

ContentsEnvironmental Nuisance:..........................................................................................................................2



Waste Management:..............................................................................................................................5

Hazardous Waste:................................................................................................................................5

Solid Waste:.........................................................................................................................................7

Liquid Waste:.......................................................................................................................................8

Water Management:............................................................................................................................10

Hazardous Water:..............................................................................................................................10

Recycled Water:.................................................................................................................................11

Drinking Water:.................................................................................................................................12

Recreational Water:...........................................................................................................................13


Food Safety:..........................................................................................................................................17

Food Handling & Hygiene:................................................................................................................17

Import/Export Food Products:...........................................................................................................18

Hazardous Food:................................................................................................................................20

Ingredients, Packaging & Labelling:.................................................................................................21

Disaster Management:.........................................................................................................................23

Natural Disasters:...............................................................................................................................23

Technical Disasters:...........................................................................................................................24

Communicable Diseases:.....................................................................................................................26

Vector Born Diseases:.......................................................................................................................26

Pest Management:..............................................................................................................................28

Foodborne/Water borne Illness Outbreaks:.......................................................................................30

Viral Diseases:...................................................................................................................................32

Air Quality:..........................................................................................................................................33

Hazardous Air/Toxic Air Pollutants:.................................................................................................33

Indoor Air:.........................................................................................................................................35

Outdoor (Ambient) Air:.................................................................................................................36



Unpredictable Natural Events:...........................................................................................................39

Climate Change:..................................................................................................................................40



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Environmental Nuisance:

Environmental nuisance is emissions with no specific reason. These can include noise and vibration emissions and odour emissions. Moreover, it may negatively affect society and impact on society through home quality. Issues arising from environmental nuisance can, predominantly cause neighbourhood complaints and interfere with individual's rights or private property right. These disturbances, if in excess, can result in health and mental complications which have the ability to affect the quality of life and wellbeing of the local community.

Management of these issues is a multi-level approach and requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders. Ultimately, it is the duty and responsibility of the local council to manage these issues.


Residential: Parties Music Cars House alarms Pool pumps Air conditioners Lawn mowers Trail bikes on private land

Industry: licensed premises such as hotels or nightclubs, aircraft, vehicle, power tools, building

Vehicular: noise from vehicles

Management Strategies:

Strategic planning Information & education - brochures/fact sheets Noise level restrictions Acoustic barrier - natural/artificial Designated areas Regulatory frameworks/standards to encourage new technologies Travel management Integrated transport plans & land use Signage - limit compression breaking Industry/community consultation/education Park & ride facilities


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Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992 Inter-Governmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational Reform in Occupational

Health and Safety 2008



Safe Work Australia National Environmental Protection Council Department of Environment Australian Local Government Association

State Government:

Department of Transport & Main Roads


International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Guidelines for Community Noise

National Environmental Protection Act 1994

State Planning Policy 5/10 Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials

Gold Coast City Council Subordinate Laws - Local Law No. 19 (Control of Party House Noise) 2013

Road Traffic Noise Management Code of Practice

South-East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Local Government Act 2009

Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work - Code of Practice 2011

Workplace Health & Safety Act 2012

Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008

Environmental Protection Act 1994

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City of Gold Coast Council: Environmental Health & Law Services Traffic Management Animal Management


Queensland Police Services Site Environmental and Remediation Services – vibration and noise monitoring


Cigarette smoke, bushfire smoke, waste stations, animals, littering

Management Strategies:

Construction of agricultural sheds & appropriate drainage Demonstrate use of best practice for environmental management strategies Appropriate urban planning schemes Waste reduction Cleaner production methods Education brochures to minimize residential odours Monitoring programs

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines 2005

National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994

Queensland Government Guideline Odour Impact Assessment from Developments

South-East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

State Planning Policy 5/10 Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials -

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Environmental Emissions Profiles

Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008


Majority is City of Gold Coast Council


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Waste Management:

Waste management is important due to the potential threat to human health and the environment. Waste can cause direct physical harm to humans and animals, contaminate the surrounding environment and effect human health through harmful substances. Toxic substances can also enter the water cycle and can affect the food chain and human health indirectly. Waste can cause direct physical harm to humans and animals, contaminate the surrounding environment and effect human health through exposure to harmful substances.

Therefore, proper waste management with clear disposal and storage solutions is needed and control and penalty mechanism must to be in place.

The principal of waste management is to ‘reduce, reuse, and recycle.’ Waste management today tries to reduce the total waste from the initial stage through strategies aimed at reducing packaging and encourage the industry to create reusable materials/products. If this strategy is too costly, the use of recyclable materials should be the choice above one way materials that will end up on landfills.

Hazardous Waste:Examples:

Inflammable and reactive (Explosives, gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids) – e.g. extinguishers, old propane tanks

Toxic substances - pesticides, mercury-containing equipment (e.g, thermostats) and lamps (e.g. fluorescent bulbs)

Corrosive substances ex: Batteries Medical waste

Management Strategies:

Education to change consumption and purchasing habits of the community Implement practice to reduce the source:

effective purchasing chemical substitution for less hazardous products efficient inventory systems

Treatment (turn hazardous waste into non-hazardous waste) Trade-waste control programs ChemClear Program

International Commonwealth State Local


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Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal 1992

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989

Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011

Waste Management, Contamination and Hazards - Erosion and Sediment Control Program

National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development 1992

Environment Protection Act 1994

National Environment Protection Council Act 1994

Industrial Chemical Act 1989 & Regulations 1990

Australian and New Zealand Industry CodesNational Environmental Protection Measures (Implementation) Act 1998



Department of Environment Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

State Government:


Industry Households Local Government Authorities

In the case of a natural disasters such as floods, bushfires or cyclones, waste facilities are confronted with a high amount of waste in a short period of time. Many waste substances such residues from bushfire and debris after a flood can contain hazardous materials such as components of combustion and asbestos. Legislation has to address this issue on a national and state level. At this point in time local agencies and waste service providers are utilise their own rules, guidelines and procedures and this results in a confusing and less effective approach to deal with the issue as a whole.

Solid Waste:Examples:


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Medical waste Solid organic waste (from plants or animals) Solid recyclable waste Tires, scrap metal, latex paints, furniture and toys Appliances and vehicles, compressed gas cylinders, construction and demolition debris Asbestos

Management Strategies:

Separation of various materials (metals, green waste, tyres) Collaboration with industries for improved packaging management Sewage treatment - drying beds for solid sewage waste Education to minimise waste Recycling of solid waste materials

International Commonwealth State LocalUnited Nations Environment Program

Environmental Protection Regulation 2008

Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011

Solid Waste Collections Program

National Waste Policy

The Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000

Application of State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999

National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development 1992

Litter Regulations 1999

City of Gold Coast - Solid Waste Management Policy for New Development 2011

National Environment Protection Council Act 1994

Litter Act 1971 Solid Waste Disposal Program

Environmental Protection Act 1994

City of Gold Coast - Solid Waste Management Strategy 2024

Public Health Act 2005



Department of Environment

State Government:

Queensland Department of Environment & Resource Management (DERM) Queensland Local Governments Grants Commission (LGGC)

City of Gold Coast Council


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Local Authority Waste Management Advisory Committee (LAWMAC)

Currently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in the legislation is important as the waste products are produced in high volume and present as a potential environmental liability and legacy from the mining industry to the land where it is discarded. These types of wastes are responsible for high amounts of greenhouses gases, in other words they have a high negative "ecological footprint". New legislation has to address this gap and find an ecological and economical way to regulate this kind of waste. This has to be done on a national waste strategy level and also in a newly developed "Climate Change Legislation".

Liquid Waste:Examples:

Water from homes, liquids used for cleaning in industries and waste detergents Contaminated storm water Remediation project waters & industrial process water (including textile mills and plants) Pharmaceutical wastewater Vehicle maintenance fluids & petroleum impacted water Agricultural process water Electronics manufacturing waters

Management Strategies:

Waste water treatment methods - primary, secondary & tertiary Education to reduce amount of liquid waste Reuse of waste water (following treatment) for irrigation

International Commonwealth State LocalUnited Nations Secretary General Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) and UN-Water

Australian Guidelines for sewerage systems 1997

Sewerage and Water Supply Act 1948

City of Gold Coast Recycled Water Safety Plan

Sewerage Design Standard 2003

City of Gold Coast Trade Waste Guidelines 2015

Waste Reduction & Recycling Act 2011

South East Queensland Design Guidelines, Standard Specifications and Drawings for Water Reticulation and Sewerage Reticulation Act




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Australian Water & Waste Water Association Agriculture & Resource Management Council of Australia & New Zealand Australia & New Zealand Environment & Conservation Council

State Government:

Department of Primary Industry

City of Gold Coast Council


Industry Households

A national approach is needed to harmonise state based systems for liquid waste management. Many state and local legislations do not adequately address and define the re-use of liquid waste water, the classification of mixed loads and especially waste that derived from natural disaster.

Legislation on an international and national level is currently over 20 years old and numerous changes and discoveries have been made. New chemicals have been approved and utilised in industry and as such, new up to date legislation is needed.

Also the legislation deals with guidelines and maximum levels for a pure chemical substances, like with Glyphosate. However, new research is pointing clearly in the direction of combinations of chemicals which can be much more harmful to both human health and the environment. Gaps in the legislation need to be updated to include these new combinations.

Water Management:

The paradigm of water management is to produce safe water for Australia. This is achieved through the use of a "multiple barriers" approach. There is an integrated procedure and process system in


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place and a variety of systems and tools are used to clean water on a mechanical, chemical and biological level to make it suitable for human consumption or skin contact. These tools and controls and are used in conjunction with legislation and are applied throughout the water chain from the catchment to the consumer to reduce the risk to the public to an acceptable level. In achieving this, a five tiered approach is used that covers:

1. Source water protection2. Water treatment3. Water supply network4. Monitoring programs5. Prepared response

Poor water quality can result in bad health outcomes for humans due to the resulting pathogen and chemical pollution that the implementation of various treatment methods manages. Failure to maintain and implement the management strategies can cause a variety of health issues.

Hazardous Water:Examples:

Foreign objects, chemically contaminated water (chlorine disinfection residuals)

Management Strategies:

Warning notices Education Safety ratings for recreational water areas Health-based performance targets for risk reduction strategies

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organization Water Safety in Distribution Systems

Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality 2000

Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009

City of Gold Coast Council Local Law No. 10(Bathing Reserves) 2004

Environmental Protection Act 1994

Local Government Act 2009

Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008


Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992



Water Services Association of AustraliaState Government:


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Department of Environment & Heritage Protection SEQ Water Queensland Government

City of Gold Coast Council:


Healthy Waterways World Health Organization

Recycled Water:Examples:

Agriculture irrigation, watering public parks and gardens, toilet flushing, car washing, garden watering and other household uses

Management Strategies:

Use in green waste operations, dust and fire suppression Use as alternative for horticulture Decentralized sewage treatment to allow local reuse Capacity building through education for sustainable water supplies Controlling public access during application or use of recycled water Recycled water management plan

International Commonwealth State LocalGuidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Grey Water 2006

National Water Quality Management Strategy (Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling) 2008

Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008

Local Government Act 2009

Sanitation Safety Planning Manual

Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling

Public Health Act 2005

South East Queensland Water Strategy 2010

Public Health Regulation 2005

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009Integrated Planning Act 1997Queensland Water Recycling Guidelines



Department of Natural Resources & MinesState Government:


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Department of Environment & Heritage Protection SEQ Water Department of Energy & Water Supply Queensland Water Commission Department of State, Infrastructure & Planning

City of Gold Coast Council

Much is known about hazards and risks, however communication between stakeholders is in regards to managing this issue is ineffective. Current legislation does not address recycled water at a multi-level approach and does not take into account new findings. Existing legislation needs to be updated accordingly and a national strategy for information transfer between the different stakeholders has to be established.

Drinking Water:Management Strategies:

Fluoridation & disinfection Community awareness and education Water supply system analysis, hazard identification and risk assessment Drinking water quality monitoring, consumer satisfaction

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality 2011

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011

Queensland Water Quality Guidelines 2009

South-East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan 2009-2031

World Health Organisation Water Safety Plans 2005

Water Act 2007 Water Fluoridation Act 2008

Water Fluoridation Code of Practice 2013

World Health Organization Water Quality & Health Strategy 2013-2020

National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994

Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009

South-East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan 2009-2031

Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality 2000

Water Act 2000 Local Government Act 2009

National Water Quality Management Strategy

Public Health Act 2005

South East Queensland Water Strategy 2010


Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992



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Water Services Association of Australia Department of Environment & Natural Resources

State Government:

Department of Environment & Heritage Protection SEQ Water Department of Energy & Water Supply Queensland Water Commission Queensland Government

City of Gold Coast Council


World Health Organisation World Health Organization – International Network of Drinking Water Regulators Healthy Waterways

Recreational Water:Examples:

Public and private swimming pools, rivers, lakes and coastal waters

Management Strategies:

Setting microbiological limits and conducting routine tests Public education on recreational water environments Monitoring and assessment programs for hazards and water quality

International Commonwealth State LocalWHO Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments (2003)

Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality 2000

Queensland Health Swimming and Spa Pool Water Quality and Operational Guidelines 2004

Guidelines for Managing Risks in Recreational Water 2008

Australian Guidelines for

Queensland Health Swimming and Spa

South-East Queensland Natural Resource


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Recreational Use of water 1990

Pool Water Quality and Operational Guidelines 2004

Management Plan 2009-2031

Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009

Council of the City of Gold Coast Subordinate Local Law No. 16.2 (Swimming Pools) 2008 City of Gold Coast Council Local Law No. 10(Bathing Reserves) 2004Council of the City of Gold Coast Subordinate Local Law No. 16 (Licensing) 2008 Local Government Act 2009


Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992



Water Services Association of AustraliaState Government:

Department of Environment & Heritage Protection SEQ Water Queensland Health Queensland Government

City of Gold Coast Council:


Healthy Waterways World Health Organization

There are no specific state regulations in Queensland regulating the water quality of pools or spas however under the Public Act 2005 a swimming pool or spa must not pose a public health risk. Local government is responsible for the regulation of swimming pools and spas and can apply local laws to swimming pools and spas within their local government area.



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Sediment or organic material, heavy metals (pesticides, bacteria, viruses and chemicals, microbiological contaminants

Management Strategies:

Regulate transport, disposal and storage for safe environmental use in the future Reduce

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (2011)

Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality 2000

Environmental Protection Act 1994

Local Government Act 2009

1992 National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Waste Management, Contamination and Hazards. Erosion and Sediment Control Program

Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008Industrial Chemical Act 1989Industrial Chemical Regulations 1990


Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992



Water Services Association of Australia


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Queensland Government:

Department of Environment & Heritage Protection SEQ Water Maritime Safety Queensland

City of Gold Coast Council:


World Health Organisation International Erosion Control Association Australasia Healthy Waterways

Food Safety:

The main principal of food safety is that of ‘paddock to plate.’ This concept aims to provide suitable and safe food to be consumed by the Australian population. Failure to adhere to the various management strategies that are in place to manage all aspects of this process can lead to food becoming unsuitable and unsafe for human consumption and cause negative health effects.


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Food and safety policies and strategies have been developed and implemented to protect and improve public health through the minimisation of food related risks. Food safety policies, standards and guidelines have been developed by authorities to assist food companies, business and industries to deal with and manage food related issues. One of the prominent methods employed in the food industry is that of HACCP. This stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point and it is a food and safety management tool which helps prevent and manage possible issues related with food.

Food Handling & Hygiene:Management Strategies:

Education & training about sanitation and handling food Development and implementation of guidelines Monitoring Food Safety Supervisor


Intergovernmental Agreement – Food Regulation Agreement Intergovernmental Agreement – Joint Food Standards System




International Commonwealth State LocalCodex standards Food Act 2006 Food Act 2006 Food Act 2006

Australia New Zealand Food Standards CodeStandards 3.2.2 & 3.2.3

Food Regulation 2006

Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

Food and Safety Standards: 3.1.1 Interpretation and Application

Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment

3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements

3.2.1 Food Safety Programs

3.3.1 Food Safety Programs for Food Service to Vulnerable Persons

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Department of Health Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC). Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Codex Australia

State Government:

Queensland Health - Queensland Health's Food Safety Policy and Regulation Section Safe Food Queensland Department of Agricultural and Fisheries Public Health Units

City of Gold Coast Council:

Environmental Health Officers


Codex Alimentarius (International) Environmental Health Australia World Health Organization Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Import/Export Food Products:Examples:

Labelling, import and export procedures

Management Strategies:

Imported Food Inspection Scheme Bio-security restrictions (meat, fruit, eggs, vegetables and dairy products from certain

countries) Packaging import requirements Public Awareness and Education


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Food Import Compliance Agreements (FICA): Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement (TTMRA)



Department of Health and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - is responsible for the inspection and

sampling of imported food. Department of Immigration and Border Protection's Integrated Cargo System (ICS)


International Commonwealth State LocalCodex Alimentarius Imported Food

Control Act 1992 

Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Imported Food Control Regulations 1993

Food Act 2006

Imported Food Control Order 2001Australia New Zealand Food Standards CodeQuarantine Act 1908Export Control Act 1982 Meat Inspection Arrangements Act 1964Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997 Export Inspection and Meat Charges Collection Act 1985Meat Inspection Act 1983 Export Inspection (Establishment Registration Charges) Act 1985Export Inspection (Quantity Charge) Act 1985Export Inspection (Service Charge) Act 1985

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Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC)

State Government:

Queensland Government Queensland Health

City of Gold Coast Council


Codex Alimentarius Commission

Hazardous Food:Examples:

raw and uncooked meat or foods, contaminated food

Management Strategies:

Temperature Control to receive, storage, transport and display hazardous food Monitoring Food Safety Programs & Education & Training Food Safety Supervisor



Department of Health Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC). Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Codex Australia

State Government:

Queensland Government Queensland Health - Food Safety Policy and Regulation Section Safe Food Queensland Department of Agricultural and Fisheries City of Gold Coast Council



International Commonwealth State LocalCodex Alimentarius Food Act 2006 Food Act 2006 Food Act 2006

Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

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Environmental Health Australia Codex Alimentarius Commission

Ingredients, Packaging & Labelling:


Allergen products (eggs, fish, etc.) Additives (colours, MSG in food, nitrates, nitrites, sulphites) Chemicals (arsenic, benzene in flavoured beverages, Biphenyl A (BPA, etc.) Labelling (country of origin, GM labelling, health claims (nutrition, health and related claims, ingredient lists, religious, environmental, animal

welfare and other consumer value issues)

Management Strategies:

Development, application and response of food standards and guidelines Monitoring & Surveillance Development and implementation of guidelines



International Commonwealth State LocalCodex standards Food Act 2006 Food Act 2006 Food Act 2006

Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard 1.2 Labelling and other information requirementsAustralia New Zealand Food Standards Code – 1.3 Substances added to or present in foodAustralia New Zealand Food Standards Code - 1.6 Microbiological limits and processing requirements

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World Trade Agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade



Department of Health Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation Codex Australia Department of Agriculture & Water Department of Industry & Science Australia and New Zealand Food Standards National Food Industry Strategy

State Government:

Queensland Government Queensland Health

City of Gold Coast Council


Codex Alimentarius Commission

Disaster Management:

Disaster management as a whole is a risk based approach. Ultimately prevention of natural disasters is not possible, however efforts to estimate the risk to certain regions within a given population and


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economy are possible. Based on the estimated risk, management strategies can be created to have a fast and effective response to a disaster. These responses commence as soon as a disaster (storm, bushfire a draught) is approaching or makes impact. This "warning time" is not given for an event like an earthquake or a technical disaster however it can be applied to a majority of natural disasters. Current strategies will assist in responding as fast as possible and the coordination and responsibilities of different stakeholders are set out clearly.

Natural Disasters:Examples:

floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, droughts, tornados, clyclones, avalanches, landslides

Management Strategies:

Risk based response National Strategy for Disaster Resilience Public education for prevention and reaction Community engagement

International Commonwealth State LocalInternational Disaster Response Laws, Rules & Principals

National Construction Codes

Disaster Management Act 2003

Local Disaster Management Plan – City of Gold Coast Council

Australia Disaster Management Program

QLD State Disaster Management Plan 2015

Queensland Local Disaster Management Guidelines

Disaster Management Strategic Policy FrameworkEvacuation GuidelinesStandard for Disaster Management in QueenslandPublic Safety Regulation Act 1986Ambulance Service Act 1991Public Safety Preservation Act 1986State Transport Act 1938



Emergency Management Australia Department of Health


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Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development Attorney Generals Department (COAG) Australian Building Codes Board

State Government:

Queensland Disaster Management Committee (QDMQ) Department of Environment & Heritage Protection Queensland Health Department of Energy & Water Supply Queensland Health

City of Gold Coast Council


SES World Health Organization QLD Emergency Services Australia & New Zealand Emergency Management Committee (ANZEMC)

Technical Disasters:


Chemical, nuclear (Fukushima), radiological disasters

Management Strategies:

Risk based response National Strategy for Disaster Resilience Industry Codes and Collaboration

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organization Guidance on the Public Health

Australia Disaster Management Program

Standard for Disaster Management in


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Response to Biological & Chemical Weapons


World Health Organization International Program on Chemical Safety

Extradition (Physical Protection of Nuclear Material) Regulations 1988

Multi-Agency Response Plan to Chemical, Biological, Radiological Incidents

International Directory of Emergency Response Centre of Chemical Accidents

Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 1994

Disaster Management Act 2003

Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Regulations 2000Extradition (Convention for Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism) Regulations 2012



Emergency Management Australia Attorney Generals Department (COAG)

State Government:

Queensland Government


Australia & New Zealand Emergency Management Committee (ANZEMC) World Health Organization Australian Defence Force Australian Emergency Management Institute

There are no guidelines or plans under local legislations or by local agencies to deal with technical disasters. All management and therefore relevant legislation is done at the state and commonwealth levels. Risks differ from region to region and tailored local approaches should be in place to deal with technical disasters.

Communicable Diseases:

Communicable diseases (CD) are a public health concern worldwide and may negatively affect human health. Environmental health and public health professionals, in order to detect, prevent,


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control and manage communicable diseases outbreaks in Australia, have several roles and responsibilities which are applied properly according to Australian legislation at international, federal, state and local levels.

Communicable diseases have decreased significantly in Australia due to an improvement in sanitation, introduce of antibiotics and immunization, properly training to health and environmental health professionals and also make community aware about the issue and how to protect themselves. However, these diseases are still an issue due to the introduction of new diseases which are frequently introduced around the world and their ability to be spread easily and rapidly.

The main principle of CD is prevention and control. Once the disease gains momentum in the community it is not easily control. By implementing correct management procedures it is possible to arrest or limit the spread and therefore reduce the effects on society.

Vector Born Diseases:


Malaria ,Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Japanese encephalitis, Ross River Virus

Management Strategies:

Disease surveillance Immunization (Yellow Fever & Japanese encephalitis) Application of prevention policies Pest management and control Community education and awareness


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Australian Department of Health Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) The Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) National Immunisation Committee (NIC) Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA)


International Commonwealth State LocalGlobal Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control 2012- 2020

National Health Security (National Notifiable Disease List) Instrument 2008

Public Health Act 2005 

Public Health Act 2005

International Health Regulations 2005

The National Health Security Act 2007

Public Health Regulation 2005

Public Health Regulation 2005

Pest Management Act 2001 

Mosquito Management Code of Practice

Pest Management Regulation 2003 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 Fisheries Act 1994Agricultural Chemicals Distributions Control Act 1966Agriculture and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011

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State Government:

Queensland Health Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Biosecurity Queensland Communicable Disease Unit Forensic and Scientific Services HHS Public Health Units

City of the Gold Coast Council


National Arbovirus and Malaria Advisory Committee (NAMAC)

Pest Management:Examples:

Rats, mosquitos, fleas, cockroaches, ticks

Management Strategies:

Control and prevent population incidence of pest Chemical control - Pest control technologies using pesticides Biological Control – using animals, insects, plants, bacteria and other naturals resources Create non-favourable environment for pests Surveillance to control growth population Environment modifications Community education to remove conditions that attracts pest


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International Commonwealth State LocalGlobal Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control 2012- 2020

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health Policy

Pest Management Act 2001

SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Pest Management Regulation 2003

City of Gold Coast Pest Management Plan 2013-2017

Quarantine Act 1908 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 

Mosquito Management Code of Practice

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994

Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 

Biological Control Act 1984

Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988

Biosecurity Act 2015

Environmental Protection Act 1994Work Health and Safety Act 2011Public Health Act 2005Fisheries Act 1994Agricultural Chemicals Distributions Control Act 1966Agriculture and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002Nature Conservation Act 1992Animal Care and Protection Act 2001

Page 31:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in


Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB)



Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association Australian Biosecurity System for Primary Production and the Environment (AusBIOSEC) Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

State Government:

Department of Health Queensland Health SEQ Water Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Department of National Parks, Sports and Racing Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services Department of Environment and Resource Management Department of Employment,

Economic Development and Innovation Biosecurity Queensland

City of Gold Coast Council

Foodborne/Water borne Illness Outbreaks:


Botulism, Campylobacteriosis ,Cryptosporidiosis, Leptospirosis ,Listeriosis

Management Strategies:

Disease surveillance Medical treatment Outbreak investigations Application of prevention policies Public Health communication Critical Control Points Food safety/water safety procedures


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National Health Security Agreement



Department of Health and Ageing National Health and Medical Research Council OzFoodNet

State Government:

Safe Food Queensland Department of Primary Industries officers

City of Gold Coast Council


World Health Organization (WHO) Environmental Health Officer Environmental Health Australia


International Commonwealth State LocalInternational Health Regulations 2005

The Health Protection Policy Branch 

Public Health Act 2005

Food Act 2006

The National Health Security Act 2007

Foodborne Illness Outbreak Management Guidelines 2006

Public Health Act 2005

Quarantine Act 1908 Food Production (Safety) Act2000

Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code

National Health Security (National Notifiable Disease List ) Instrument 2008

Food Act 2006

Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code

Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code

Page 33:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

Viral Diseases:Examples:

Hepatitis A ,Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C

Management Strategies:

Quarantine Medical Treatment Education



Department of Health National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) National Immunisation Committee (NIC) Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) The National Immunisation Committee (NIC) National Centre for Immunisation Research & Surveillance (NCIRS)

State Government:

Queensland Health

City of Gold Coast Council


International Commonwealth State LocalInternational Health Regulations 2005

Public Health Act 2005

Public Health Act 2005

Public Health Act 2005

Australian Immunisation Handbook (10th edition 2013).

Australian Immunisation Handbook (10th edition 2013).

National Vaccine Storage Guidelines: Strive for 5 - 2nd edition

National Vaccine Storage Guidelines: Strive for 5 - 2nd edition

Quarantine Act 1908National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule

Page 34:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

Air Quality:

The air on Earth has an impact in personal health and on the environment. The air is a composition of different gases, small particles and liquid droplets. These components can come from natural resources or human activity like industry activity, cars and agriculture.

Air pollution can cause a variety of health issues to occur such as cancer. Young children, the elderly and individuals with a pre-existing condition are at higher risk. This means that the principal of clean, safe and breathable air is a very important field for environmental protection measures and it is of great importance to the whole population.

Air pollution can reduce individual health in multiple ways. The consequences of exposure to low air quality can range from lung irritation triggered by particle pollution or chemical substances to allergens or even cancer from long term exposure. This effects will put pressure on the public health sector, increase health care costs and result in a loss of work time for the economy.

Hazardous Air/Toxic Air Pollutants:


Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Ozone (O3) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Carbon monoxide (CO) Sulphur dioxide(SO2) Benzene Formaldehyde

Management Strategies:

Peak limitation exposure standards - maximum acceptable concentrations Training & education Pollution prevention plans Air Quality Index Proper fuel-firing practices and combustion zone configuration Industry adopting cleaner technology Using tall chimneys to assist dispersion


Page 35:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines 2005

National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994

State Planning Policy 5/10 Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Safe Work Australia - Workplace Exposure Standards For Airborne Contaminants 2013

Environmental Protection Act 1994

South-East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

National Environmental Protection (Air Toxics) Measure 2014

Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008

Local Government Act 2009

National Standards for Criteria Air Pollutants in Australia 2005

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

National Environmental Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure 1998

Environmental Emission Profiles

National Environmental Health Strategy 2012-2015


Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992 National Clean Air Agreement 2015



National Environmental Protection Council Safe Work Australia Australia Local Government Association Standards Australia Department of Environment & Water Resources

Queensland Government:

Department of Environmental and Heritage Protection Queensland Health


World Health Organisation The United Nations Environment Program Bureau of Meteorology Environmental Health Australia


Page 36:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

Indoor Air:The general population spends more time indoors for recreational and professional purposes that outdoors. The safety of indoor air plays a vital role in the protection of public health. The principal of indoor air quality management starts inside the home. Management of this issue is the responsibility of the home owner and as such many management strategies are aimed at home owners to use and implement.

However, an argument for indoor air quality can also be made for the construction of the buildings. Materials should be chosen with regards to their effect on the indoor air quality, both short and long term. Chemicals that leach out of building materials can pollute the air and when humans are exposed it can lead to a variety of negative health effects. The results can range from headaches, nausea, asthma and some cancers cancer.


Tobacco smoke, wood-burning heaters, unflued gas heaters

Management Strategies:

Monitoring Material selection Smoking restrictions Fact sheets PPE

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines 2005

Australian Standard 1668.2 – Mechanical Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

Environmental Protection Act 1994

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

World Health Organisation Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality – Selected Pollutants

Australian Standard 3666 – Air Handling and Water Systems of Buildings – Microbial Control

Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008

Local Government Act 2009

World Health Organisation Indoor Air Quality Guidelines: Household Fuel Combustion

Australian Standard 1324 – Air Filters for Use in General Ventilation & Air Conditioning

State Planning Policy 5/10 Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials

WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality – Dampness & Mould

Building Code of Australia 1996

Tobacco & Other Smoking Products Act 1998

Ambient & Interim National Indoor Air Quality Goals 1996

Tobacco & Other Smoking Products Regulation 2010

National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994


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Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992 National Clean Air Agreement 2015



Safe Work Australia National Health & Medical Research Council Australian Building Codes Board National Environmental Protection Council Department of Health

Queensland Government:

Queensland Health Department of the Environment

City of Gold Coast Council

Building/Planning/Infrastructure policy makers and businesses


Clean Air Society of Australia & New Zealand World Health Organisation Environmental Health Australia

Unfortunately, Australia has no specific controls for indoor air quality and as such it is left to the discretion of the home owner to manage.

Outdoor (Ambient) Air:


Dust, fine particles, acid raid, smoke, emissions, steam

Management Strategies:

Demonstrate use of best practice for environmental management strategies Limits to industrial pollutants/adherence to air quality objectives Monitoring programs - industry specific control mechanisms Consultation with industry and community Air Quality Index National Pollutant Inventory


Page 38:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines 2005

National Environmental Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure 1998

Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994

State Planning Policy 5/10 Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials

South-East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

National Standards for Criteria Air Pollutants in Australia 2005

Environmental Protection Regulation 2008

Local Government Act 2009

National Pollutant Inventory

Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009

Industry/building codes of practice

Environmental Emission Profiles


Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment 1992 National Clean Air Agreement 2015



National Environmental Science Program Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development Department of Environment

State Government:

Queensland Government – Environmental Protection Agency

City of Gold Coast Council


World Health Organization Environmental Health Australia


combustion processes from motor vehicles


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Management Strategies:

Park & ride facilities Lower emission vehicles/electric & hydro power cars Improved maintenance & driving techniques Public transport, cycling or walking Green Vehicle Guides Road Vehicle Certification System Transport planning Add-on Environmental Modelling System

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines 2005

National Environment Protection (Diesel Vehicle Emissions) Measure 2001

Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012

Code of practiceFor Motor Vehicle Workshop Operations

Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000

Transport Infrastructure Act 1994

Local Government Act 2009

Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989

Environmental Emission Profiles

Gold Coast City Transport Strategy 2031

Heavy Vehicle Regulations



Department of Environment Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) Australian Automobile Association Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

State Government:

Department Environmental and Heritage Protection QLD Transport

City of Gold Coast


Clean Air Society of Australia & New Zealand Motor vehicle industries and manufacturers United Nations


Page 40:€¦  · Web viewCurrently, legislation fails to address a disclosure of the total volume of mine wastes such as tailings and waste rocks. This gap in

Unpredictable Natural Events:Examples:

Smoke from bushfires, windblown dust, and biogenic emissions from vegetation (pollen and mould spores)

Management Strategies:

Air Quality Index Public notices and awareness

International Commonwealth State LocalWorld Health Organisation Air Quality Guidelines 2005

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Policy

Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008

Local Government Act 2009

National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994

State Planning Policy 5/10 Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials

South-East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

National Environmental Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure 1998

Environmental Protection Act 1994

Environmental Emission Profiles



Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) Department of Environment & Water Resources

State Government:

Queensland Government Queensland Health QLD Fire & Rescue Services – bushfire smoke Queensland Alert – public information service

City of Gold Coast Council


Environmental Health Australia


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Climate Change:

Climate change is an all-encompassing issue under which all of the aforementioned environmental health issues can be places.

It is a global issue that will manifest itself at a local scale. Changes to the climate can result in different seasonal and precipitation pattern, an increase in extreme weather events like storms, bush fires and droughts. Habitat shifts for animals is especially important when looking at the spreads of pests for plants and animals and the spread of vector borne diseases like Malaria. These shifts have an impact on public health systems around the world and have the potential to shake an economy due to the horrendous costs associated with attempting to fix or manage the damages of climate change.

As such, the reduction of green-house gases to prevent an anthropogenic climate change is the most cost effective method to reduce and partially avoid global warming.

Increases in disease prevalence in new regions can be triggered by a changes to climatic conditions. Also, the spread of plant pathogens and the loss of habitat/forced migration of animal species are also consequences resulting from climate change on an ecological level. The impact of climate change will result in more severe and more regular weather extremes and will reduce the quality of life and generate major costs to the society and to the industry should management strategies and stakeholders fail to address this issue.

Management Strategy - Implementing a global solution to managing a low emission economy, alternative energy sources


Ozone depletion, sea level rise, global warming, melting of Antarctic ice sheets, increased global temperatures

Due the vast International, Commonwealth and State legislation centring on climate change, this link below will provide a summary of the legislation that targets climate change -


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol International Climate Action



Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Climate Change Authority

State Government:

Queensland Government



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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Households Industry

There is no local government agency legislation that provides planning and general services to the community in relation to climate change. A local legislation should consider the processes of climate change in order to make decisions to reduce their impact on the climate and to face future climate change threads to their community and their local economy at a local level. This would supplement the wide ranging guidelines, standards and codes that are in place at the international, commonwealth and state levels.

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