· Web view2021. 1. 10. · task sheet. Maths. 1.) Revision of...

Welcome back P.6! I hope that you are all rested and ready for some online learning. It would be a good idea to print off the task sheets and keep all of you work in a folder. Doing some work each day will also ease you back into your learning. To begin with the maths tasks will be based on revision. If you have any questions, please ask me on glow and I will try my best to help you. Spelling Monday – Look up the meaning of five of your spelling words using a dictionary and write them down. Tuesday- Write two synonyms for five of your spelling words. You can use a thesaurus, the internet or think of words yourself with similar meanings. Wednesday – Write a basic sentence and then an uplevelled sentence for three of your spelling words. Thursday – Learn how to spell the words with someone from your family. Spelling Week 1 Reading Just like muscles in your body, the brain needs its version of exercise to keep it strong and healthy. Consider curling up with a book, for thirty minutes per day, the perfect workout. I would like you to choose a book from your bookshelf and set a target for the number of pages that you are going to read this week. This may be a book that you have read before or a completely new one. At the end of the week evaluate how well you did. Did you reach your target, or nearly reach it? Did you read for half an hour each day or read for one long session? Reading task sheet Maths 1.) Revision of multiples and factors. Mix Factors worksheet 2.) If you are ‘rusty’ with your times tables then this is a good time to revise them. We will have a times table test when we return to school. This will include multiplying as well as dividing. 3.) Learning about 3 ‘D’ shapes. I am learning about 3D shapes worksheet. Writing Options 1.) Write a thank you letter to someone who you received a gift from. Informal letter criteria worksheet 2.) Write your own set of instructions for a game that you have played. This could either be for a board game, a card game or an active game. or Write a set of instructions for something that you have cooked, baked or made. or Write the instructions on how you made clouds as part of your topic on Global Warming.

Transcript of  · Web view2021. 1. 10. · task sheet. Maths. 1.) Revision of...

Welcome back P.6!

I hope that you are all rested and ready for some online learning. It would be a good idea to print off the task sheets and keep all of you work in a folder. Doing some work each day will also ease you back into your learning. To begin with the maths tasks will be based on revision. If you have any questions, please ask me on glow and I will try my best to help you.


Monday – Look up the meaning of five of your spelling words using a dictionary and write them down.

Tuesday- Write two synonyms for five of your spelling words. You can use a thesaurus, the internet or think of words yourself with similar meanings.

Wednesday – Write a basic sentence and then an uplevelled sentence for three of your spelling words.

Thursday – Learn how to spell the words with someone from your family.

· Spelling Week 1


Just like muscles in your body, the brain needs its version of exercise to keep it strong and healthy. Consider curling up with a book, for thirty minutes per day, the perfect workout.

I would like you to choose a book from your bookshelf and set a target for the number of pages that you are going to read this week. This may be a book that you have read before or a completely new one.

At the end of the week evaluate how well you did. Did you reach your target, or nearly reach it? Did you read for half an hour each day or read for one long session?

· Reading task sheet


1.) Revision of multiples and factors.

· Mix Factors worksheet

2.) If you are ‘rusty’ with your times tables then this is a good time to revise them. We will have a times table test when we return to school. This will include multiplying as well as dividing.

3.) Learning about 3 ‘D’ shapes.

I am learning about 3D shapes worksheet.



1.) Write a thank you letter to someone who you received a gift from.

· Informal letter criteria worksheet

2.) Write your own set of instructions for a game that you have played. This could either be for a board game, a card game or an active game.


Write a set of instructions for something that you have cooked, baked or made.


Write the instructions on how you made clouds as part of your topic on Global Warming.

· Instructions criteria worksheet


Verbs and Adverbs

Watch these two videos

· I am learning about adverbs worksheet

P.E. Ideas

· Joe wicks

· Yoga

· Enjoy a walk in the fresh air.

· Cycle

· Develop your own fitness routine


· Dance to some of your favourite music.


· Atmosphere Task

Health and Wellbeing

· Emotions

Spelling Week 1



















































Reading Target

Week beginning -

Title of book-


Author -

Target pages (from _______ to _______)

Parent/ Carer’s Signature -

Week beginning -

Title of book-


Author -

Target pages (from _______ to _______)

Parent/ Carer’s Signature -

Week beginning -

Title of book-


Author -

Target pages (from _______ to _______)

Parent/ Carer’s Signature -

Week beginning -

Title of book-


Author -

Target pages (from _______ to _______)

Parent/ Carer’s Signature -

Watch video 218 from

I am learning about multiples

1.) Using all the numbers from 1 to 20,

a) List the multiples of 2

b) List the multiples of 5

c) Which numbers appear in both lists?

2) List all the factors of 18.

3) List all the factors of 30.

4) List all the factors of 13

a) List 5 multiples of 5.

b) List all the factors of 30 (there are 6).

c) List 6 multiples of 8.

d) List all the factors of 12 (there are 6).

e) Find numbers that are common multiples of 3 and 5.

f) Find numbers that are common multiples of 2 and 7.

g) Is 82 a multiple of 9? Why?

h) Is 7 a factor of 63? Why?

i) Find the lowest common multiple 2 and 8.

j) All multiples of 10 end in 5 or 0. TRUE or FALSE? Why?

k) All multiples of 5 end in 5. TRUE or FALSE? Why?

l) Multiples of 2 only end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. TRUE or FALSE? Why?

m) All multiples of 3 are odd. TRUE or FALSE? Why?


What number am I thinking?

6.) It is between 20 and 25

It is a multiple of 3

It is a multiple of 7

The answer is ---

7.) It is between 11 and 18

It is a multiple of 3

It is a multiple of 5

The answer is ---

8.) A red light flashes every 6 seconds.

A yellow light flashes every 4 seconds.

They both flash at the same time

After how many seconds will they next both flash at the same time?

9.) Tilly the dog barks every 9 seconds.

Billy the dog barks every 12 seconds.

They both bark at the same time.

After how many seconds will they next bark at the same time?

10.) A blue light flashes every 8 minutes while a pink light flashes every 54 minutes. Both lights flash together at 2pm.

When is the next time that both lights will flash together again?

11.) Issy is organising a charity hot dog sale.

There are 18 bread rolls in each packet.

There are 15 hot dogs in each packet.

Issy buys exactly the same number of bread rolls as hot dogs.

What is the smallest number of each packet that Mary can buy?

12.) Alana thinks of two numbers.

The highest factor of her two numbers is 5.

The lowest common multiple of her two numbers is a multiple of 12.

Write down two possible numbers that Alana could be thinking of.

13.) A red light flashes every 3 seconds.

A yellow light flashes every 8 seconds.

A green light flashes every 11 seconds.

They all flash at the same time.After how many seconds will they next all flash at the same time.

14.) A full revolution of a circle is 360 degrees. That means that a circle is divided into 360 parts. Each part is one degree.

The choice of 360 is no accident.

The reason is that 360 has many factors, 24 in fact, and this means that a circle can be divided equally in lots of ways. Find all 24 factors of 360.

I am learning about 2 and 3 dimensional shapes

We live in a 3-dimensional (3D) world.

Solid 3D objects have -

depth (width) as well as length and height.

The faces of 3D solid shapes are made up of

2-dimensional (2D) shapes and you should be able to name lots of them.

3 dimensional shapes are made up of polygons which are 2 dimensional.

Polygon means ‘many sides’.

Watch the song about polygons.

As you have learned before, 3D shapes are labelled using the terms face, vertex and edges.

Faces – The flat surface of a 3D shape is a polygon.

Edges – A line where two faces meet.

Vertex or vertices (more than one) – the point where 3 or more faces meet.

Task 1 - Now watch video 4 from on nets.

Task 2

I have sent you the nets of four 3D shapes. I would like you to make these up.

While you are doing this task think about how many vertices, faces, edges and polygons make up each 3D shape. Show each shape to other members of your family and describe what you know.

I can’t wait to see them. Have fun everyone

I am learning to write an informal letter.

Task – To write a thank you letter for a gift that you received at Christmas.

I have written my address at the top righthand corner of the page.

Tick when completed

I have written the date under the address.

I have left a line space under the date and started my letter with ‘Dear …” on the left hand side of the page.

I have written three paragraphs.

The first one will say what I am thankful for.

The second one will describe what I did with the gift.

The third paragraph will have a closing comment.

Below the last paragraph and in the middle I have written yours sincerely if I know the person well and ‘yours faithfully’ if not.

I have checked my spelling, punctuation and grammar.

11 Mid Terrace,


IV32 7 XX

6th January 2021

Dear Aunty Bella,

Thank you so much for the lego that you gave me as a gift. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I unwrapped your present to see a wonderful spaceship. It is now one of the best lego kits that I own. As you know I love building spaceships and imagining what planets they will fly to and what aliens the crew might encounter. I have even been watching Space X online and they are in the process of building and testing a starship that will fly to Mars. Wouldn’t that be amazing!

The spaceship was quite complicated to build but I followed the instructions and John helped me. Some of the parts were small and fiddly but I took my time and was careful when placing them so that they didn’t break. The wings are 20cm wide so it is quite big and I thought it would look impressive hanging from my bedroom ceiling but it looks great on my shelf at the moment. I am very proud of it. I have included a photograph with the letter.

I hope that you had a lovely Christmas too and I look forward to seeing you when we are out of lockdown. Thank you once again for the wonderfully thoughtful gift.

Yours sincerely,

Mary x

L.I. I am learning how to write instructions.


I must have a title.

I must sort information under appropriate headings.

I must start each instruction with a verb or a time connective then a verb.

I must put the instructions in the correct order.

How to Make a Strawberry Smoothie.



500g of ripe strawberries

1 banana

a small carton of natural yoghurt

One dessert spoon of honey

250ml of fresh orange juice

a blender

a sharp knife

a chopping board

a dessert spoon

two glasses


1.) First wash, drain and hull the strawberries.

2.) After that chop the strawberries and bananas roughly and add to the blender.

3.) Then add the yoghurt and blend for thirty seconds.

4.) Add honey and orange juice to the mixture in the blender.

5,) Finally pour the smoothie mixture from the blender into two chilled glasses and enjoy.

You could try making one and take photographs of the process. Yum!

Challenge: Adverbs

A verb is an action or a doing word like run, play or build. An adverb is a word that describes a verb. Try to remember it being the adjective of the verb = ad+verb.

He ate his breakfast quickly.

The word quickly is an adverb. It tells us how he ate (the verb) his breakfast.

Task One: Circle all the adverbs in each sentence.

1. Excitedly, Molly opened the present. She stopped briefly and looked inside.

2. Sadly, the cat got knocked down. Happily, it wasn’t badly hurt.

3. Slowly, the girl walked home from school. Hungrily, she ate her tea.

4. Quietly, the mouse scuttled into her hole and nibbled hungrily on the crumb of bread.

5. Angrily, the old man shouted at the boys as they rudely called him names.

6. Cleverly, the children revised for their test. Happily, they all did well.

Task Two: Add in the adverbs in each sentence to describe the verb (action).

1. Helen ran _____________ to the castle and crept _____________ up the stairs.

2. While I milked the cow _____________, Tom _____________ brushed the horse.

3. The child _____________ shouted at the man who was running _____________ .

4. Miss Thurston _____________ listens to One Direction.

5. The kitten purred _____________ as she sat on the rug.

6. Ms Shearer rode her bike _____________ .

Task Three: Which is the adverb? What action is it describing? Finish the sentence.

The prince bravely

The exhausted man wearily

The snake smoothly

The baby eagerly

The old lady nervously

The tiger fiercely___________________________________________________

I can analyse how lifestyles can impact on the environment and Earth’s resources and can make suggestions about how to live in a more sustainable way. TCH 2-06a

The title of our mini topic is ‘How can young people help to lead the way on climate change?’

You will be learning about

· The Earth’s atmosphere.

· Global Warming.

· Climate change.

· The effects of climate change on the environment, animals and people.

· How to live more sustainably.

· The future.

The Atmosphere

The Earth's atmosphere is a jacket of gases that surrounds our planet. It keeps us warm, gives us oxygen to breathe, and it is where our weather happens.


To know that the Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere.

To understand that the atmosphere is crucial for life on Earth.

To be able to explain what makes the atmosphere so important.

Task 1

Watch each of these videos about the Earth’s atmosphere.

While you are watching the videos take notes on how the atmosphere benefits the Earth.

a,) Draw a diagram showing the five parts of the atmosphere and label each with information that you learned.

b.) In your own words explain how the atmosphere benefits the Earth.

Science Experiment - Make a cloud in a bottle experiment.

My Emotions

Draw pictures or events which represent each of your emotions. For example, curling up with your pet while reading a book could be drawn in the ‘content’ box as this is how you feel when you do this.

If you find the boxes too restrictive then you can show how you are feeling in another creative way.





