· Web view2019-08-30 · “But, he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he...

{1} These are the Messages for the people in these days! Carrium: 352 "No Certain Dwelling Place: 2 years-206 Days!" The 11th Month of The 39th Year After My Baptism! 12-04-2018 3rd Day of the week, which is called Tuesday Daniel-David's 320th Day!

Transcript of   · Web view2019-08-30 · “But, he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he...

Page 1:   · Web view2019-08-30 · “But, he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that hears the Word, and immediately with joy receives it; Yet because he does not


These are the Messages for the people in these days!

Carrium: 352"No Certain Dwelling Place: 2 years-206 Days!"

The 11th Month of The 39th Year After My Baptism!12-04-2018

3rd Day of the week, which is called TuesdayDaniel-David's 320th Day!

This Is:

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Carrium Means, “Message From God!”This Is Writing #2 of Carrium 352


The Lord Said, “He That Reads; Let Him Also Understand!”It is written in Revelation 19:9, saying, “And He saith unto

me, Write, Blessed are they, which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And He saith unto me, These

are the true sayings of God.” Amen!Xmeah ShaEla'ReEl: The Lord's Messenger!

John 21:6: “And He said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were

not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.” Amen!

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“The First Worship Service Was Held In A Barn (Stable)!”It is written in Luke 2:6-20, saying, “And so it was, that, while they

were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by

night. And, lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And

the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is

born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with

the Angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the Angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to

pass, which the Lord has made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the baby, lying in a manger.

And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things, which were told them by the shepherds. But, Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.”

Amen!If those who are wise could come to a stable, and worship the Lord,

why then won't people come to a man's house to do the same in these days? Yea, people still seek those eloquent places to go to!

They are not interested in the Truth! Whosoever build these places are not wise, saith the Lord! They go to those places where the Lord

is not found, and imagine Him being in that place, because it is a place that they like! Amen!


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(Sunday: The 1st Day Of The Week!)(From Beaumont, Texas)“The Walk Of Faith!”

It is impossible to increase in any righteousness without a good and honest heart! People have done something to you, and you became offended with the Lord by ignoring what He commanded you to do in

such a situation! By not doing what He commanded you to do is becoming offended with Him. That shows a bitterness against what He said! The Way He said to respond was not as satisfying as some other way. Because of this bitterness, you choose not to obey what He commanded. That means favor is shown towards the darkness over the Light. What kind of heart is this? It is written in Matthew 13:20-21, saying, “But, he that received the seed into stony

places, the same is he that hears the Word, and immediately with joy receives it; Yet because he does not have root in

himself, he endures according to what the Word has said, for a while: but, when tribulation or persecution arises because

of the Word, by and by he is offended.” That is a stony heart! Everything you hear, and have accepted; you will be tried on! You get excited when you hear what the Word has said! Now,

comes the trying to see if you will stand according to what you have heard. Your reaction shows whether the Word took root in you, or

not! There are many people who are too smart to be taught! Many are too proud to admit to not knowing something; and, these cannot

learn. The stiff tree was broken by the wind; but, the flexible tree bent, and yielded to the power of the wind. That tree stood

afterwards. Yielding to God is necessary, if you intend to remain standing in the end. Yielding to the voices of those whom God has

anointed and sent, is necessary, if you intend to learn anything about God in truth, and be saved in the end. Yielding to those

voices is what God commanded you to do; and, when you have done that, you have yielded to God. I hear things to do, and where to go.

I see things that I have never seen before. I don't pretend that I know all about this that I am encountering for the first time. “What

is this,” my Lord? People are speaking like they know all about Jesus and the Kingdom of God! You heard about Him: but, you don't know Him. The proof is their inability to recognize those things that are of

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the Lord when they are seeing them displayed before their faces. But, when they are challenged about not knowing the Lord in Truth, they become indignant and bitter. I see abbreviations for terms that

I don't know what they are; and, I see words that are used to describe something, and I don't have the slightest idea about what

they are talking about. I see it, and I don't understand it; and, I acknowledge that I don't understand it. People come before me

with problems! I don't pretend that I have all of the answers! The Lord always looks at how we are thinking. If we are trying to make ourselves to look big in the eyes of the people, we will not get the true answers. But, when we show before people and the Lord, the honest heart and truthful tongue that confesses to not knowing; we get answers. Then we speak acknowledging before the people that

the answer of the tongue came from the Lord. When you say, I don't know; you have answered out of an honest heart. But, if you pretend like you know the answer, when you don't; you have

strengthened deceitfulness in your heart. Do not give strength to deceitfulness; but, give strength to honesty. Amen!

What kind of people are we going to be dealing with? A people that wants to rule over other people is the kind that we will deal with. Being in the midst of a proud and stiff-necked people means we

have a need to be skillful in dealing with such people. How do we deal with such people correctly, if we pretend like we know how to handle this situation. How about writing something that you don't know where it is leading you? Can you learn to just trust what you are hearing, without knowing what this is leading to? What point is God going to make? You don't know! What words will be needed to

be said? You don't know. Will you trust God that He will give you the right words, and cause you to do the right things for your good, and for the good of others? He knows how to fix a thing; and, you

don't. This is what God is seeing, whether or not you are acknowledging before Him in your heart that you have no idea how

to fix this. He also knows if you are acknowledging that He does know how to fix the thing. And, if the thing is fixed, whom will you

glorify afterward; yourself or Him?When you are seeing a problem for the first time, how is it that you

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can explain to others about how to fix this thing? You are learning how to deal with it, because it is the first time you have encountered such a problem. Don't expect to find things you know: but, expect to encounter things that you don't know. The people that were in

the land that God promised Israel, were people unknown to Israel. If you walk as if you know, you will never learn: but, if you shall walk

not knowing, you will learn a lot.It is written in Isaiah 42:16, whereby the Lord said, “And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead

them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.”

That is the way a learning person will walk; and, that is the way a learning person will think about himself. He that

believes he already knows, will not find out anything. We are learning, and shall not be seen by God as someone who

thinks he already knows. That is a prideful walk; and, such a person is an abomination to God. We encounter many things

that we have never known before. Even in working with computers we are walking in a learning process. God does

not expect us to know about these things before we encounter them; and, He does not expect us to know what to

do about problems that we encounter, because it will be something new to us. We don't want to show people a lie,

because we put on a show as if we know something, when in our own hearts we know we don't know anything about this

thing. Who wants to make himself to look smart before others? When you hear a question being asked of you

coming out of the mouth of a preacher, whom do you think about when you are answering that question? You heard the

preacher's mouth say, “Why have you come here?” You answered, “To hear what thus saith the Lord!” Whom did you give that answer to? When you answered the voice,

were you acknowledging the Lord as the One who asked you that question? Remember how the Apostle Peter was used by the Holy Ghost to ask Ananias and his wife a question. Because those two were thinking about the man asking

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them this question, they overlooked the Truth about it being the Holy Ghost who asked them that question. Since they did not answer honestly; they lied to the Holy Ghost with

their answer. If you lie to God, thinking that you are telling a lie to a man, you could get killed at that moment. But, no person will be responsible for your death. The accounts of

this took place in the Book of Acts, chapter 5. If you practice being honest before men, you will not be in danger

of lying to the Holy Ghost. God has had mercy on many people who have answered the words out of my mouth in a

dishonest and deceitful way. Now you know; so, don't chance it anymore. Amen!

It is written in Isaiah 43:8, whereby the Lord said, “Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that

have ears.” These are people who truly want to learn. The blind that have eyes are those who have what is needed to

be able to do a thing: but, don't have the ability to do it. Those who have given their eyes, which means their

attention, to the Lord, will be caused to see things the way they really are. These cannot see: but, they desire to see! These cannot hear: but, desire to hear; so, these will hear!

So, since a man says, I see; he is blind! To say, I see, means a person is saying he already knows! But, he does not know

what he should know; therefore, the Lord said he is still blind. These are people who come before a preacher

thinking they already know more than the preacher. Who is it that can come before a preacher, and not know that he is

supposed to give ear at all times; and, can still say he knows the truth? He does not know; because if he did, he would know this Word from Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, which says, “Keep your foot when you go to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools, because they consider not that they do evil. Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your

heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore, let your words be few.” Because people don't realize the danger that they are in when they come

before a man of God, being out of order; they are blind to the truth

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about what could happen to them. The Word has said to all, that the Lord is in His Holy temple; and, that the earth should keep silence before Him! Did you not know that the man of God is the chosen temple of the Lord? The man is the house of the Lord, where the Spirit of God dwells! This is the opening of the eyes of those who are blind to this fact! Then, the Lord said, “Consider your ways!”

But, many will ignore this; and, will continue on in their ways. Then shall the Lord deal with them in their arrogant ways! Their mocking

and disrespect shall be turned into their shame quickly! Amen!There is a law of open door policy with the Lord! If you want access to the Lord at anytime, you must have a policy where

people can have access to you at all times. The Lord said that our gates shall not be shut, day nor night. This does not mean to leave your doors unlocked at night: but, that

the condition of your heart is set to receive people whenever the Lord causes them to come. When someone tells you that

a door is open, and you don't come in; whose fault is it? When I hear, I understand; and, I don't think I understand

before I have heard it.

“Make His Praise Glorious!”Are you waiting to see if I can hit that low note? Are you waiting to see if I can hit that high note? I can hit any note that the Lord gives me ability to hit, in my singing! Blessed is the Power that gives me

all ability to do all things! There is no set style for singing the praises of the Lord! The requirement for singing God's praises is

that you must sing in the Spirit, and by the Spirit! And, all that you sing about the Lord must be true! Tell the Lord what you want to say to Him in the presence of all! And, let all the people praise the

Lord as commanded! Amen!Glory be to You, O Holy Father, Who defeats all of our enemies! You have ordained Strength for us! Give unto us the Strength which You have ordained for us: and, cause the Strength to abide in us; and, we abide in the Strength; and, Your Strength abide with us! Amen!

Blessed is the Strength that comes from God! Our Father, Who art in

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Heaven! Hallowed be Your Name! Let Your Name be Hallowed with us; and, give us to give Glory to Your Holy Name, O Holy Father, Who

is worthy to be represented in Truth! Amen!A good heart is the heart which God has established in all

righteousness! Blessed is the good heart which comes from God! A good heart is an obedient heart which the righteous can testify to by the works that are performed! The righteous works according to the

Commandments of God; and, they seek to give Him the praise, because the praise gives Power to the work! The righteous desires that all of his work prosper; and, he will seek unto the Lord to give

him what to do to cause his work to prosper! Blessed are the righteous who seeks unto God for what to do to cause his work to be

effective! The righteous has heard that the Power of God inhabits the praises of the saints; therefore, the righteous seeks the praises

to God continually! The righteous will not expect his work to prosper without the proper foundation being laid! Blessed is the True Foundation, which comes down from God, and is established in the

hearts of the righteous! Amen!“Don't Think Giving Tithes and Offerings Is All You Have To

Do!”They give their money, and then they don't expect the preacher to point out their sins to them. They expect to be treated as one that is made exempt because of their money! Not so! If a man judged that it is right to give the Tithes as God has commanded; let him also judge that it is right to avoid all sins. Using judgment means making the right decisions by using God's Laws! Righteousness is seeking to do all that is required of us by God! Righteousness is desiring to become perfect in all of the Righteous Ways of God!

Using judgment means to choose between the Laws of Light, and the laws of darkness! Amen!

Give your tithes and offerings: but, focus on the weightier matters, which are Judgment, Mercy, and Faith! Don't just give tithes and

offerings, and think you have done all that satisfies God! People are giving their tithes and offerings: but, they are leaving the most

important things undone! Your obedience to do all that God requires

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of you is better than the sacrifice which you give as tithes and offerings! If you leave these other things undone; you are not

counted as having given the tithes and offerings; because those things which you leave undone, will be the cause of your

destruction! Amen!But, be exercised in Faith, and use correct judgments; and, show forth much mercy! These are the things that are pleasing to God! Consider what the Lord said in Matthew 23:23, concerning these

things! Amen!Hear what having Faith in God is! What you have heard that God

requires you to do: that you give your attention to doing! Do it with all your heart, asking God for the zeal to do all things, which He has commanded you to do, with all the Power which He has ordained for

doing all things! Amen!Isaiah 42:18-20: “Hear, you deaf; and, look, you blind, that you may see! Who is blind, but My servant? Who is deaf, as My messenger that I sent? Who is blind as he that is perfect; and, blind like the

Lord's servant?”“You Kick Off Your Covering Continually!”

Let the Word of the Lord be magnified! Let the Lord, The Word, come unto me line upon line; precept upon precept: here a little; and,

there a little, according to Your Word, O Holy Father! Amen!“You Wives Are Asking For Trouble!”

Thus saith the Lord, You wives want to get screwed by another man; but, you say that you don't! But, you continually kick your covering off you! You continually are found walking out of the way! You will not do those things that will prevent this from happening! You are showing what you desire to have done to you by continuing to walk out of the way of your protection! Tell Me that you don't want evil to

happen to you, seeing that you are always seen doing the things that will bring the evil upon you! What would prevent the evil from

happening to you? Would it not come upon you if you are found walking in the ways of disobedience? You won't wear those fancy

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clothes which I, The Lord, disapproves of; but, you will not keep the other commandments which I have commanded you! This sin will

also bring about the evil upon your heads! Amen!Those who have not given attention to priorities, have not given attention to their souls! They despise Me daily by walking in the

ways which I have not commanded them to walk; and, they continue to forsake the ways in which I have commanded them to walk!

Their pride shall be their shame! Amen!You hide your wickedness from the eyes of others: but, I, The Lord, see all things; and, I am the Judge! I know your ways; and, I know your thoughts! I know your evil desires; and, I have shown them

plainly to you! Amen!Cry unto the Lord at the hearing of this Word; and, confess your sins

with shamefulness, and sorrow of heart! I will forgive the truly repentant heart! I will look at the sorrow of heart for the sins; and, I

will have Mercy! But, if you will not repent: I will come upon you quickly; and, I will destroy you from the midst of My people! And,

another shall take your place: but, your place shall be in Hell, where there will be no mercy, nor comfort! Thus have I spoken, saith the

Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!"Teach Us Your Ways, O Lord: And, Lead Us In Your Paths!"Teach us the praises of the Lord; and, cause us to praise You in the Way that is pleasing to You: and, give us to understand the praises of the Lord: for we are commanded to sing with the understanding,

also! Teach us; and, give us the Reports from Psalm 71 in its entirety! Thank You for giving us to understand that this is speaking

about the thoughts which we were programmed with from our physical birth up to the time that we were born again! Thank You for giving us to know that when You speak about teaching us from our youth upward; You are speaking about the time from the time when we were born again! I think about Haggai, again; and, how You said

that from since a stone was laid upon a stone; and that this is talking about how we are being built up in the Lord! You add to us

daily; and, that which You have been adding to us shall soon start to show forth some results; and, it shall begin to show forth prospering

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in our work! Amen!Strengthen us with Your Strength against these things that were programmed in us from our birth; and, let all those things make

themselves manifest unto us, so that they can be destroyed! We will no longer be bound by those thoughts, and programs which the wicked set in us to trap us in our older age! And, let all of the

thoughts that were given to us about what happens in old age be removed, and utterly destroyed, so that these thoughts will not cause us any problems as time goes on! I do not say, as we get

older, because I am seeking to get away from thinking about growing old! I look to what the Word said in Psalm 103, about our

youth being renewed like the eagles! Amen!Thank You for teaching us about putting a stop to the wicked; and, then disposing of the evil! You teach us thoroughly, how to do all

things perfectly! You showed us about putting up the hands with the palms outward in front of us, to signify to a thing that we are saying, "Stop right there!" And, at the same time we put forth our hand, we

also speak with the Voice of Authority unto the thing, telling it to stop right there! When the thing is stopped; we then speak the

Words that orders the disposition of the thing! Disposition means the method of disposing of the thing! Amen!

Thus has the Lord Jesus Christ said, "If you shall say unto that mountain, Be thou removed; and, be thou cast into the sea: it

should obey you!" Amen! I focused on the Words, which the Lord said! He said that we must speak to the thing; and, we must

command it to be removed; and, we must order it where to be cast! Amen!

Pay attention to Psalm 29, about what type of Voice is the Voice of the Lord! The Lord's Voice is the Voice of the individual in which He dwells! The sound of the Voices may vary: but, the Authority is One!

It does not matter what the tone of the Voice is: but, what does matter is, if there is the Power of Jesus in the Voice! That is the

Voice that the evil spirits will obey! Amen!But, your hearts must be made clean, before the Lord will inhabit

the heart! And, when the Lord is inhabiting the heart: there is Power

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in the heart; and, the Power will come forth out of the Mouth in the Words! Amen!

This requirement for Power in the praises is the same as that which is for the speaking! The heart must be clean before the Power of

God will inhabit the praises! Let your thoughts be given continually to having a clean and pure heart: then you can be sure you have

Power to work with; and, the Power will work with you! Amen!Strengthen me with all ability to teach by demonstration of the

Proper Way to work, O Lord! Use me as that example to show forth Your Power and Your Might! In physical age, I am nearing 60 years

old: and, I want to be able to show forth the Glory, Power, and Might of God in a man at this age! This is the only reason I want to be

found telling people how old I am! I want to be used as an example to show unto all what You can do through a man of this age, as it is

said in Psalms 71. Amen! Use me, Lord! Amen!Blessed are You, O Lord Michael! Arise: and fight! Amen!

Blessed are You, O Gabriel, the Messenger Angel, Whom the Lord Jesus sends unto His servants with the Reports! Give us the

Reports! Give us skills; and, cause us to understand: in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

O Peace, be still; and, be Thou multiplied unto all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

O Holy Father, I thank You for the start this morning! You caused us to do the right things to clear up the problems that had set

themselves up, to be a hindrance to us as we arose: but, You are faithful to destroy the evil that set itself against all Your people! You have ordained Strength for us; and, the Strength of God is Mighty!

Amen!Lord God, O Holy One of Israel, let all contentions be removed; and, I ask that You would bring all of the devices and desires of the wicked

to nought, even as You have proclaimed You will do! Amen!Let the Righteous be glad; and, let all of us rejoice in Thee! You are Righteous; and, it is good for us to rejoice in Righteousness! Amen!

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Teach us to pray as we ought to pray; and, Strengthen the Spirit in us to pray more fervently, and effectively! Amen!

By You, we can do all things! This is the meditations of my heart! I ask that You would bring them out more perfectly; and, cause them to be written and spoken more precisely, with all clarity, and with

ease of understanding! Let everything that makes things to be complex, be removed; and, let it be utterly destroyed; so that I see it

no more forever! Amen!I am remembering Your Words of Instructions concerning our giving! You have said that we should let all our giving be with simplicity! So,

be it done unto me even as You have commanded, O Lord! Amen!Be You exalted, O Righteousness; and, be You magnified! Amen!

Blessed is the Carrium: be fruitful, and multiply! And, be You exalted; and, be You magnified! Blessed is the Word that comes

from God The Father by way of the Carrium! Amen!"Start Your Praying!"

Your faithfulness to do what God said for you to do, will insure your faith! You are established with God in obedience! If you be faithful in the little things, He will give you great things to do! But, who will entrust you with great things, if you have not been faithful with the small things? That is what the Lord Jesus Christ said! Faith is built

up, starting with the small assignments! Amen!Heavenly Father, I ask of You by the Authority of my Lord Jesus

Christ, that You would pour out unto us the financial blessings, so that we can distribute more of this Word in other areas! Blessed are

You, Who provides for us all that we need! You also give us the desires of our hearts! Amen!

"So, You Finally Got A Taste of The "Good Life?"What is it that You were showing me by way of the dream last night? I think about the meaning of the name Ruth: and, I see the woman Ruth in the Bible! I saw her faithfulness to go with Naomi where she went! I hear the words, "Where you dwell, I will also dwell!" Now will

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your marriage be put to the test! You will find out what you are really married to! I am not talking about what kind of person you are

married to: I am speaking about whether you are married to the Lord or to the material things! Amen!

Ruth is the name of a Spirit that is faithful to follow! I saw the woman who was shown as Ruth in a dream last night! She was

baking a chocolate cake: but, she was using a Duncan Hines cake mix to prepare the cake! I also saw a little chocolate colored girl with

her, who was known as the daughter of the man and the woman! The child also showed the color of mixed colors! Amen!

"What Was Started Was Not Able To Be Continued!"John 15:16, says, "You have not chosen Me; but, I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit; and, that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father

in My Name, He may give it you!" Amen!Things get started; and, it is a very good time: but, those things that

you needed, for this to remain, were not gathered; and, this joyful time that you witnessed was not able to stay: but, it passed away! Your enemy intends to rob you of all the joy and peace which you had been experiencing! You saw a time of great affections, and

desires for one another: but, those things passed away! What was needed for that this fruit of righteousness to remain? This is what

was not gathered! Amen!I saw in the dream that there appeared to be worries about not

having enough money to remain in the place where they were! So, the man had made a decision to return home, because there was

very little money! But, where was home? The man and his wife had moved to some luxury resort area: but, they no longer had enough

money to remain in this place: for it was very expensive! What is the cost of living? How much do you need to live on? They had very

little money left in their checking account! And, this is another thing that must be looked at! Who is able to check the amount of money you have? This is the new way of the Babylonian system to find out

what you have in your possession! In the days of Hezekiah: Hezekiah was the one that showed those people all that was in his

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house! In these days kids are also speaking things at school that they should not be speaking! These people have ways of finding out

what is going on in your houses, because the kids feel more comfortable with those at school than they do with the parents.

Those at school will allow them to do many things that they like; so, the children feel like they can confide in them. But, this is just

another way for them to find out what goes on in your homes. But, those who have checking accounts in these days, will expose to the Babylonians how much they have! There are other ways that people

can find out what you have! They watch to see how your life style changes! The Word tells you, that if your money should increase:

you should not set your heart upon it! You should remain in the life style that you were joyful with. And, if the wife was happy baking

her own bread and cakes; let her not forsake this, because the money started to come in! Remain with that which made you happy! Women are not baking bread anymore: and, this is a sign of being in

bondage! Sure there is an abundance of bread being baked by companies in these days: but, you should not let that take you away from that which you once enjoyed doing! Why should you become led into laziness, and idleness because someone else is producing

these things in abundance? This baking of bread by someone else is a fulfillment of a prophesy! The prophesy also said that you would

be buying the bread that someone else has baked! This is not to say that you cannot buy the bread that someone else bakes: this is to let

you know that this is the way of the whole land at this time! You have come to a time which the Lord has spoken about! Amen!

The amount was spoken of as being $36.00. Amen!"Does Your Desire To Please Remain?"

I speak of the desire to please; and, to give the husband what he desires! What is it that the husband desired? Does he like the

cakes that his wife bakes, or does he like the cakes that are already prepared by someone else? The woman was shown as baking a

cake: but, this was not her cake: this was the cake of the person that marketed the cake mix! That was Duncan Hines' cake! All she did was mix it; and, put it in the oven! And, she did not even have to

watch the oven: because the thermostat watched over the

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temperature! These are things that will lure you into sleepiness, and idleness! This is part of this fast pace society, which is called

"Running To and Fro!" I saw how the wife had gotten spoiled with all of these modern conveniences! Everything is very convenient for

you: and, this is the trap of this Babylonian society! Amen!"Does Your Name Fit Your Spirit?"

Now is the wife spoiled! And, if the husband would have to return to the old life style, would the wife return with him? Would she choose to remain in the house of another man, rather than go abide with her husband in whatsoever condition they found themselves in?

Now, will you know what kind of woman you have as a wife! Is she a "Ruth", or is she called Jezebel? She may appear to be more like a

"Vashti", who will not come when her husband calls for her! (See the account of Queen Vashti in the Book of Esther!) Amen!

Have you gotten tired of goodness? Amen!I also saw how the woman had gotten comfortable in the hospital:

and, this shows that the way of faith has been forsaken; and, women can no longer have babies outside of the hospitals! Oh, how weak

they have become! Fear has gripped them about complicated births! But, the man did not have enough money for them to remain in that city; and, surely he did not have enough money to pay the hospital

bill! Amen!"The White Horse Has The Power!"

Because iniquity was allowed to increase among those who were called Christians, Satan was allowed to move in, and set up his

power, using people whom he preferred. This race of people was called the “White horse!” The horse is the instrument, which the rider uses to do what he wants done. Through the White race of

people, Satan was allowed to spread his evil practices all over the world. He sent it forth as Christianity, using prejudice and partiality.

If you are not following in the ways in which the Lord has commanded, the evil has the power to take what you have. Be very

careful about how you allow your personal information to be displayed, whereby others can know what you have. Are you not

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able to keep track of your own personal finances? When you are dealing with the darkness, you are dealing with liars. They will tell you that they are not doing something, when they are. Don't trust in anything of the darkness! They are deceivers! The Lord said so!

Believe Him! Remember how the Lord said by Jeremiah that through deceit, these people are refusing to know Him: and, that they strain

hard to speak lies, and will not speak the truth. Because you are dealing with money, many will use lies to obtain what you have. There is a great love for money among the people in these days!

Let your awareness remain, according to what the Lord has pointed out about these people; and, do not put your trust in anyone, just

because he is of your kind. Every brother will utterly supplant, which means to take over, or to remove you. A brother is speaking

about those of your own kind, whether it be race, nationality, religion, or family. Many of you are going to be hurt very badly,

because you do not take heed to what the Lord said would be the case. You are going to put your confidence in someone that is going

to deceive you. For money, people will sell their souls! Amen!How does someone know what you have? How do they get

information about your private lives? I also saw how a certain white man had checked on their checking account to see if they had enough money in their account to pay him with! The man had

enough money to pay this man what he owed him. They have the power to look into your personal matters! You get into the system; and, the system will know everything about you! And, they can get

things directly out of your accounts; and, they can freeze your accounts! After he was paid, there was only $36.00 left! The

husband knew how much money they would need for gas to get back home! Amen!

I thought about the affections which people show for one another when there is a lot of modern comforts: but, what happens to these affections, when these comforts are taken away? No more thrill in

sex; and, you then will hear, “It is too hot!” There is much love shown as long as there is a lot of material things! Amen!

Is your sexual desires tied to money? Well, when money is gone; so goes the desires! Amen!

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I saw that he had an old Corvair! Lord, I looked in the dictionary for the word, but it was not found! What do You want to say about the

name Corvair? A Corvair is an old model Chevrolet, that was produced in the 60's. This is the model of vehicle that has the

engine in the rear! This means that the power is behind you! How have people turned from that which they once enjoyed? Amen!I saw that the car was maroon in color! The colors of things are being shown to be evident! Maroon is also a word that indicates

being stranded! People get enticed to get into this so-called, Good Life; and, then they get stranded! It means getting caught up in

something that you cannot get out of. It sure sounded good when they were preaching the prosperity to you: but, after a while the

thorns and thistles began to show themselves! All of the pressure of trying to maintain this lifestyle begins to wear on you. The peace is destroyed in the process. But, how do you persuade your wife that you must give up all of this; and, return to the simple life? Now, will you find out what this woman is really in love with! And, this is to

the so-called church, also! Amen!“What Is The Determining Factor For Your Decisions?”

I saw that the man's decision was influenced by money. The lack thereof, caused him not to want to remain in the place where they were! I wait upon You, O Lord, for every Word You want to say! The man's decision was not based on, “Because this is the wise thing to do!” But, you really have to get out of this mess! The Ways of Jesus

is not favorable when compared to the system of Satan! Amen!The lack of money should not influence our decisions! Let us know when we are listening to money making our decisions, and not You, O Lord! But, let Your Instructions, and decisions be magnified above all! I ask that You would search me to see if there be anything in me

that is influencing my decisions, besides You! Amen!“Invest Your Money In The Work of The Lord!”

You have heard Malachi 3, preached so much, that you are tired of hearing about it by now! Many have used this Scripture just as a

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money making scheme: but, the Lord never intended for the Scripture to be used in this manner! Amen!

But, I say unto you, Be as wise as a serpent: but, be as harmless as a dove! You are sheep going forth in the midst of many wolves! Gain

the Wisdom of God; and, learn to know those who labor in the Gospel; and, according to the Gospel, among you! By those who are

true laborers, you are increasing in Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding! You are benefiting Spiritually from their labor! These

are the ones whom you shall seek to support! Amen!You must be strengthened in the Holy Ghost; because one of His duties to you is to take of that which belongs to the Lord Jesus

Christ, and show it plainly unto you! Then you shall be able to fulfill the Prophesy, which was given to Malachi by the Lord Jesus Christ,

which said, “Then shall you return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked; and, between him that serves God, and

him that does not serve Him!” (Malachi 3:18) Amen!No investment in God will come to nought! All things that are

invested in God will give a return! Invest in good, and good will return to you! You shall seek that which is of God, to sow your good! That is how the Lord God will bless you! He that gives to the poor of the Kingdom of God, is lending it to the Lord! The Lord counts it as a loan to Him; and, all loans are repayable with interest! But, do not expect anything in return from those whom you have given to! The Lord will cause the repayment to come unto you in ways you have

not even thought of! Amen!I saw how the man was drawing money out of his checking account: and, the money was not being replenished! This is a degenerating

system! But, this is not what God said it should be! We that work the works of the Lord should never run out of that which we need to work with! But, if we do; we should be asking the Lord what is

wrong! Amen!I considered what the Lord told the widow who gave her first cake, which she baked to Elijah, the man that was approved of by God! Her meal never ran out! But, after you have given to the person

whom the Lord has told you to give to; don't work any evil in

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another manner! This will cancel out your blessing! The enemy will come in to try to tempt you in some manner: and, for this reason

you should be asking the Lord to give you strengthening in awareness and watchfulness! You should also be asking that He

examine your heart to see if you have any evil desires remaining in your heart! Amen!

I have considered what the Lord said by the Prophet Haggai, saying, “And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward: from

before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the Lord: since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures,

there were but ten: when one came to the press vat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty!” (Haggai 2:15-

16) Amen!“Recipe's From The Lord!”

The Lord has just given me a unique combination drink, which includes a cup of coffee, mixed with honey and apple cider vinegar! It does taste good! And, I know it is good for me, because the Lord

gave it to me! Amen!“Not Getting Out of A Thing All That You Should?”

What is the problem? Does not God desire for us to prosper? Do you desire to prosper? Then you must show that you desire to prosper by turning from those ways that the Lord has said will cause the curse! Remember what the Lord has been saying in 2nd Chronicles 7:14-16. Seek the ways that will bring about the blessings! The Lord will not

deny you to know the ways of blessings! Amen!But, the first thing you should be concerned about being blessed is your soul! Let your soul be blessed in the Lord; and, make your soul

to be a delight unto the Lord! Be prepared in the Ways that are pleasing to Him; and, He will not deny you any good thing! Ask the Lord to show you plainly the Ways that will prosper your soul! And,

when you are receiving instructions from the Lord, you shall do them! Amen!

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“Having No Certain Dwelling Place Is The True Work of Evangelism!”

“We Go About The Country Bringing The Word of Understanding To The People To Unify Such As Are In The Light In The True Faith!”

Psalm 121:1; “I am lifting up my eyes unto You, O Lord, from where my Help comes.”

This is what the Lord is saying to you, "If you bring all of the Tithes to those whom I have chosen and sent, that they might be provided for; and prove Me now in this Way, saith the LORD of hosts; and see

if I will not open for you the Windows of Heaven, and pour out a Blessing to you, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And, I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her

fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of Hosts."

And now, you rise up early in the morning, and go forth in the Spirit of the Lord: and, as you go forth, you stand, and say, "Hear me, O

you children of the Lord, and you who abide by His Laws, "Believe in the LORD your God, so shall you be established; believe His

anointed preachers, so shall you prosper." Amen!

Cell phone: 409-880-5060Cell phone: 409-998-0968Web Site: http://www.7th-xmeah.comWeb Site: http://www.1st-felicia.com Email: [email protected] Reports: http://www.el-fuego-de-dios.com/Spanish Reports are translations of these Reports by Ruben Cruz.

For Video Messages, go to:http://www.3rd-felicia.com/

We are Evangelists Xmeah & Felicia ShaEla'ReEl of the Children of Christ of America!

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