rkddmswl82.files.wordpress.com  · Web view2013. 3. 17. · The Diploma in Digital Campaign...

MMC Learning business proposal Yuri kang Introduction The aim of this report is to produce mmc learning business proposal that show how mmc learning product can be offfeed to korea education market As increasing competitve employment between marketing companies , lots of people want to gain marketing qualification in order to get jobs. However , in korea educatiion market , there are no place to learn digital marketing. So it is great oppoounties to mmc learing to penertrate to korea education market

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Page 1: rkddmswl82.files.wordpress.com  · Web view2013. 3. 17. · The Diploma in Digital Campaign Planning gives you essential knowledge, the jargon and the techniques to create campaigns

MMC Learning business proposal

Yuri kangIntroduction The aim of this report is to produce mmc learning business proposal that show how mmc learning product can be offfeed to korea education market

As increasing competitve employment between marketing companies , lots of people want to gain marketing qualification in order to get jobs. However , in korea educatiion market , there are no place to learn digital marketing. So it is great oppoounties to mmc learing to penertrate to korea education market

Market objectives

1. Access MMC Learning products to international market 2. Increasing international students

Compaign objectives Recruit 1000 new customers using direct reponse internet advertising in year one Recruit 6000 new customers via emaill in year one

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Markets Current newCurrent Market

penetration Product development

New Market development


Targeting customers

Customer segment – demogrphic AGE 2O~30

occupation Students, business men or women at age of 30 who are in middle upper class

Personality Friendly , outgoing and challenge

Socio-economic status Middle high class

Product knowledge or information

They gain marketing information from magazine and .they gain products knowledge though each product of catalog.

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2.Product analysis –segmetation Product Description Diploma in Digital Marketing The Diploma in Digital Marketing gives

you the core knowledge and skills on what digital marketing is about, the buzz words and main trends. It covers Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), types of online advertising, email marketing, viral marketing, online PR, affiliate marketing and social media. It also looks at digital metrics, legislation, regulation and codes of practice.

Diploma in mobile marketing

Find out more about how mobile phones are used in marketing, click to call, types of mobile advertising, SMS marketing, the importance of games, designing apps , mobile payment systems, proximity marketing and social media. Ensure you understand mobile analytics, legislation, regulation and codes of practice. This is a qualification for anyone working in marketing who wants to maximise opportunities in mobile marketing.

Diploma in digial campaign planning

The Diploma in Digital Campaign Planning gives you essential knowledge, the jargon and the techniques to create campaigns using online marketing. Find out more about how web sites, blogs and social networks are monitored by marketing managers. Decipher the buzz words and abbreviations: SEM, SEO, SMS, affiliates, email marketing and Web 2.0. Ensure you understand how to plan, execute and evaluate digital campaigns and how to organise for success.

Diploma in Digital Metrics and Analytics

This qualification gives you essential knowledge, the buzz words and the techniques to gain insight into digital metrics and analytics. Find out more about how web sites, blogs and social networks are monitored by marketing managers. Decipher the jargon: CAWI, netnography, tagging, logfiles, sentiment, bounce rates, MROCs and DORCs. Ensure you understand web analytics, how to design online questionnaires and how to choose commercial tools.

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Diploma in Digital Media and Branding

The buzz words and the techniques to build brands both offline and online. Find out more about offline and online branding. Get behind the vocabulary to crack the acronyms: ACORN, ROMI, PESTEL and POS. Go beyond the abbreviations: SMS, MMS, SEO and RFP. Ensure you understand conversation banners, consumer psychology and models of communication. Discover how official web sites, adverts and promotional activities can complement consumer generated media to build an organisation’s assets.

strategies Numerous students in korea who use scocial network everyday ,especailly facebook. Using social network(internet marketing campaign) is best choice to promote mmc learning ‘s product for potential students in south korea.This section outlines how mmc learing are going to achive the objectives.

1, Advertisiing on social newtworking sites such as facebook, linkined , youtube they offer lots of help in devising and optimising your ad.. mmc learning can choose a pay per-click or cost [er thousand model.

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FacebookMost korean people use facebook everyday , thus , if mmc learnig do avertising

on facebook , it would be great oppounties to retain potential students in korea or aborad.

Youtube Here is another oppounties. Mmc learning can uploade viedo ad on to youtuvbe .or have their ad embodded into existing video. A third possibility is to run a static or animated banner like those on any other webstie. Again , visit the site and follw the instrcution and

you will find lot of help offer. Mmc learing should provide korean subtitle because some of them in korea can not uderstand english clearly , so If they provide korean or any other language subtite , it is helpful for visitor from non-english countries

LinkedinThe differece with linedin is that therir worldide membership of more than 62 million is almost exclusively business people. So it has attacted advertising large and small

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Blog The term ‘blogis an abbreviation for weblog – website that is used by an individual or company to offer news and comment about any number of issue.. blog is also used as verb – to blog is to add news or comment to a blog. The number of blogs online is growing daily and is estimated in early 2010 to be around 2 billion worldwide. Blog often contain images and links to other sites . many offer a facility for commet from reader, there are many popilar blog by marketing and business consultancs and also lots of corporate blog , some more interesting than others. To succed a coroporat e blg needs to offer worthwhile news and comment. It is strongly suggested that MMC Learing creates blog for new students or previous students. they can upload comment about MMC Learning Whereas MMc learning can upload information , video regarding digatal marketing qualification. as a result , it might appeal to potentional students in south koreaOnline advertising Ideally a banner ad will cause the viewer to click through to the advertiser’s site and the buyer will wat to buy on a cost per click or cost per visit basis. Alternatively it may only be available on a CPM basis. However, the advertiser will generally want to measure it by click-thoughs (CTR=click- though rate – the percentage of impressions that actually resulted in click- though). CTR is usually quite low ,less than 1 per cent is quite normal. There is also likley to be an awareness effect but this is much hardr to mesure. There are numberous option in terms of shape and size. Most frequenrlty used are the horizontal banners and vertical banner but thare are various levels of ineractivity. The most simple bsnner contain sigle static image which can be clicked on to go direct to the advetiser’s site , although it is common to see an animated banner with two of more images that change giving the apperance of animation. Site owners may impose file size limits to limit page loading times

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It is strongly suggested that mmc learning should do banner ads on different website.This is because many korean students do internet surfing everydat . thus , if mmc learning provide horizontal ad on gooogle search or naver(korea ‘s main search websitej) .the ad can be likely to attact more attention and this hopefully more clicks

Page 8: rkddmswl82.files.wordpress.com  · Web view2013. 3. 17. · The Diploma in Digital Campaign Planning gives you essential knowledge, the jargon and the techniques to create campaigns