wellnessmunch.com · Web view1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)...

IMMUNITY BOOSTING YOGA ASANS Lack of Exercise and Improper diet are the two common reasons for reduced immunity in today’s generation. Other than these reasons Stress and Disturbed sleep patterns are causing many lifestyles disorders among the people. Diabetes, Auto immune diseases, Heart Diseases are not uncommon nowadays.It is a high time we leave the Sedentary Lifestyle and embrace the power of Yoga for the betterment of our health.Healthy People will build Healthy Community and it will ultimately build a Healthy Nation. Importance Of Yoga & Meditation When Yoga and Meditation is practiced together creates the connection mind, body and soul and improve your overall wellbeing. Both the practice of yoga and meditation are interrelated to each other. Yoga and meditation teaches us how our breathe hold our body and mind together and to be thankful for each breathe we take.In the past few decades, the popularity of yoga has been grown exponentially in India and the world. Recognising its universal appeal, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. The practice of yoga improves your flexibility, physical strength, keep you aware and grounded. The meditation helps in keeping your mind sharp, relieves you from stress and anxiety. How Yoga is Beneficial to combat COVID-19? In the current situation, we all are under the fear of Corona Virus. This strain COVID-19 is new to humans but, the symptoms are similar to common flu symptoms. Boosting immunity is the only preventive measure for any disease attack. When your body, mind and soul are weak the endocrine system imbalances and pituitary gland malfunctions, which leads to hormonal imbalance in our body. This is the major effect which destroys our digestive system leads to accumulation of toxins in our body. The natural tendency of healthy body is to discharge toxins periodically and cleanse the body which, gets blocked due to hormonal imbalance. During the period of Covid-19 lockdown many of us are stuck between the four walls which has created stress and anxiety. Few people are suffering with depression which is all due to inactive state of mind and body. Yoga is the union of mind and body. There are 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas which are often seen as “moral codes” or ways of”right living”.They really form the foundation of our whole

Transcript of wellnessmunch.com · Web view1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)...

Page 1: wellnessmunch.com · Web view1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed) 2.Satya (truthfulness) 3. Asteya (non-stealing) 4. Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right


Lack of Exercise and Improper diet are the two common reasons for reduced immunity in today’s genera-tion. Other than these reasons Stress and Disturbed sleep patterns are causing many lifestyles disorders among the people. Diabetes, Auto immune diseases, Heart Diseases are not uncommon nowadays.It is a high time we leave the Sedentary Lifestyle and embrace the power of Yoga for the betterment of our health.Healthy People will build Healthy Community and it will ultimately build a Healthy Nation.

Importance Of Yoga & Meditation

When Yoga and Meditation is practiced together creates the connection mind, body and soul and improve your overall wellbeing. Both the practice of yoga and meditation are interrelated to each other. Yoga and meditation teaches us how our breathe hold our body and mind together and to be thankful for each breathe we take.In the past few decades, the popularity of yoga has been grown exponentially in India and the world. Recognising its universal appeal, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practic-ing yoga.

The practice of yoga improves your flexibility, physical strength, keep you aware and grounded. The meditation helps in keeping your mind sharp, relieves you from stress and anxiety.

How Yoga is Beneficial to combat COVID-19?

In the current situation, we all are under the fear of Corona Virus. This strain COVID-19 is new to humans but, the symptoms are similar to common flu symptoms. Boosting immunity is the only preventive measure for any disease attack. When your body, mind and soul are weak the endocrine system imbalances and pi-tuitary gland malfunctions, which leads to hormonal imbalance in our body. This is the major effect which destroys our digestive system leads to accumulation of toxins in our body. The natural tendency of healthy body is to discharge toxins periodically and cleanse the body which, gets blocked due to hormonal imbal-ance.

During the period of Covid-19 lockdown many of us are stuck between the four walls which has created stress and anxiety. Few people are suffering with depression which is all due to inactive state of mind and body. Yoga is the union of mind and body.

There are 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas which are often seen as “moral codes” or ways of”right living”.They re-ally form the foundation of our whole practice, and honouring these ethics as we progress along ‘the path’ means we’re always being mindful of each action, and therefore cultivating a more present and aware state of being.

The Yamas

1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)

2.Satya (truthfulness)

3. Asteya (non-stealing)

4. Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right use of energy’)

5. Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding)

Page 2: wellnessmunch.com · Web view1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed) 2.Satya (truthfulness) 3. Asteya (non-stealing) 4. Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right

T he N iyamas

1. Saucha (Cleanliness)

2. Santosha (Contentment)

3. Tapas (discipline, austerity or ‘burning enthusiasm)

4. Svadhyaya (study of the self and of the texts)

5. Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher power)

These Yamas and Niyamas in yoga can prevent you from falling ill.

The best Niyama of yoga is Saucha (cleanliness) which is much required in the present situation. Maintain-ing self-hygiene by using hand washes and sanitizers and taking bath after coming back to home should be practiced to prevent the spread of corona virus (any virus).

Medical science has not advised a cure for common cold or flu or corona virus. Antibiotic which we take are just to prevent the spread of infection. Daily immunity boosting asanas, pranayama and meditation should be included in our daily routine.

Yoga will also teach you about mindful eating.Light natural diet with seasonal vegetable, fruits rich in vita-min C and A and taking more than 6 glasses of hot water with lemon juice during day time are useful.

Steam inhalation with added turmeric for 10 minutes and practicing jala neti kriya cleans head and eases breathing.

In case of cough, sore and inflamed throat, gargling with warm saline water, drinking hot soups and a cup of hot teas with heating spices (ginger, pepper and cinnamon)

Management of stress and boosting immunity with Yogasanas

Stress management in everyday life elevate constant activation of endocrine system, which boost immune system. Ancient Indian yogic methods have excellent healing effects on total body. All of them are de-scribed as, meditative exercises as they involve relaxation, concentration, focus on breath and gradual and purposeful movement which leads to self-awareness. Yogasanas poses twists and compression of organs, which help message and rejuvenate immune organs and channels. These key poses can create specific ben-efits to boost immunity by balancing vital energy in this pandemic.

• Matsyasana (fish pose) : This Asan regulates thyroid gland function and stimulates thymus gland boosting the immunity system.

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• Kurmasana (tortoise pose) : This Asan reinforce the thymus gland (Endocrine system) result-ing in improved immunity.

• Adho mukha Svanasana (Downwards facing dog) .This is a kind of forward bends and in-versions which improves the flow of sinuses and helps to flush mucus from lungs.

Page 4: wellnessmunch.com · Web view1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed) 2.Satya (truthfulness) 3. Asteya (non-stealing) 4. Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right

• Ustrasana (Camel pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra pose): These are Chest and lung openers.These Asans improve lung capacity and flush out mucous

• Restorative Yoga poses like Paschimothanna asana, sethubandha asana, supta matsyendrasana, viparita karani asana and balasana) can provide healing benefits during low energy levels.

• Regular practice of Surya namskara is always helpful in building immunity.

Page 5: wellnessmunch.com · Web view1.Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed) 2.Satya (truthfulness) 3. Asteya (non-stealing) 4. Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right

How meditation will help you to get rid of Anxiety and Fears?

Meditation is a natural mental activity where your mind achieves a state of peace of mind. Medita-tion is to bring contact with your divine consciousness. Meditation is not about thinking or concen-tration on something nor sitting at one corner doing nothing. Meditation is more than relaxing, ob-serving and realizing our thoughts and emotions. For personal and professional growth by overcom-ing stress and anxiety meditation is the only natural way. Mediation improves self-confidence, calmness, inner peace, concentration and clarity of mind.

In this busy world getting distracted, confused and forgetting things are most common for all age groups. Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Sleeplessness are major issues need to be addressed. A daily practice of 10-20 mins meditation has the power to improve your memory and can reduce stress and sleeplessness.

There are different meditation techniques which are easy to adopt but, still need will power.

1. Breathing techniques (Pranayama):

Focusing on breathe is always a best practice. Deep inhalation and slow exhalation using al-ternate nostril breathing for 1-2mins will slowly turn you to meditation state. Ujjayi breathe is best during meditation. Inhalation and exhalation breathe need to be directed through throat.

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2. Guided mediation:

Guided meditation helps you to practice and keep your focus only on meditation.

3. Mantra meditation:

Repeated chanting of any mantra for 5-10 minutes will help you to settle down comfortably.

4. Chakra Meditation:

All the 7 energy centers in our body associated with nervous system and brain were focused in a sitting posture

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5. Yoga Nidra:

The state of dynamic sleep with awareness performed in sleeping posture. One hour practice of yoga nidra is equal to four hours sleep. This is the best medicine for sleeplessness.

While focusing on meditation techniques MUDRAS also play important role in restoring concentration.

Gyana Mudra: Index finger joins with thumb and rest of the three finger are straight and hand facing upward direction. Palm and fingers have many nerve root endings which circu-lates energy in body. This helps in mental stability.

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Apan Mudra: Middle and ring finger towards thumb and rest of the two finger are straight. This mudra removes all negative energies form our body and beneficial to women during menstrual cramp and helps in digestion.

Vyana mudra: Index and middle finger joins with thumb. This mudra removes laziness and improves heart functioning.

Prana Mudra: Ring and little finger joins with thumb. This mudra stimulates immunity improves vision and health.

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Always remember this

Sit straight, close eyes, spine erect, stabilise breath and practice meditation regularly at fixed time period (preferably early hours), along with sattvic diet will fetch you many benefits.

Take Away Message

There are millions of people who are benefitted from practicing Yoga and Meditation in their daily life. People suffering with anxiety, over weight, hormonal imbalances, post surgery complications please consider Yoga for the betterment of health. Initially you should do yoga and meditation under the certified yoga instructor. It is definitely very diffi-cult to stay positive when everything around you is negative.But, Your mind is the master of your body.Always stay inspired, stay motivated and stay happy in your mind.It will defi-nitely drive your life in a positive way. Practice Yoga and Stay healthy!!

Dr. K. N. S Usha Kiranmayee, Ph.D. Genetics

Internationally certified Yoga Trainer

Visiting Scientist, ICRISAT.