Web Explained

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Transcript of Web Explained

  • 7/31/2019 Web Explained


    A simple model of how the web traffic works

    Because millions of people are using the internet at any given time, the information pages that a person requests must be broken down into smaller pieces called"data packets". This allows many people to use the net at the same time. The

    smaller pieces eventually get reassembled by the computer of the person to whomthey are sendinding the data to..

    The packets from your computer are sent to your service provider (ISP) for placement onto the web. The speed limit on the streets your packets travel between your location house and your internet provider or ISP will depend will depend upon your connection type (dial-up, cable, DSL). The actual number of cars=packetsthat leave your connection house depend on the size of the data packets you aresending..

    Weach one of the packets contains a piece of your orginal data, as well as the internet web adress for your computer and the website or distination and the computer server its stored on. It will also contain a sequence of numbers if the appused wants to guarantee its delivery. The single packets may contain other rel

    evant information need for controlling and checking its content.

    Because the web is a series of many interconnecting networks, an electronic version of a cop will direct your data to he computer server designated in the desti

    nation IP address in the packet. Each individual packet will be handled in thesame wayby this or other so called web traffic cops. The name for hese devicesis routers.

    The Internet routers are in regular communication with one another so they knowwhat paths to use to best direct the data packets to its destination based againon the IP addresses. All these pathway's and routes to and from the locations

    are stored inside the routers memory and are called "Router Tables".

    Just as traffic patterns for the cars in your town or city vary due to such factors as the amount of traffic and road conditions etc, the same can be affected with the internets traffic patterns. This means that your broken down packets wont always take the same route to get to their destinations. Soetimes this may c

    ause them to arrive at the location out of sequence because of delays or even insome cases not arrive at all!! This is most prevelant when you isten to eitheraudio or watch a video on your computer , online and it starts to jump in pllac

    es and drop the sound etc,,, this is typically a result of the webs traffic build up and conditions.

    Eventually your packets will arrive to there destination compter or ISP. All IPSs have traffic cops (ROUTERS) that will know exactly the final roue to the destination computer. While these do touch the internet, there sole purpose and jobis to know the IP rotes to the customers pages computers and to provide both an

    d on and off ramp to the info superhighway.

    So once your packets arrive at the destination computer, that computer will then

    start to reassemble the original data file for its own use. So if these paclets contain sequences of numbers the destination computer will verify that the packets are reassembled in the right order and request the transmission of any packets that may have been dropped along the way..

    Last thoughts to remeber:-

    All data is broken into smaller parts for transmission over theweb to share equally time among users..

  • 7/31/2019 Web Explained


    Not all the data packets sent take the same route beetween the two locations over the web.

    The app used will determine if the delivery of data packets is guaranteed.

    The speed at which a packet or packets trvel over the web is greatly effected by internet traffic.