Web design elements— makes all the difference!


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While designing a website, what the element is, how the element relates to the page goals, and where the element fits with the other elements on the page— these are all the basics you keep in mind. Do you have a perfect method or an ideology say about web designing, or you just throw them onto the page like anything?

Transcript of Web design elements— makes all the difference!

Page 1: Web design elements— makes all the difference!

While designing a website, what the element is, how the element relates to the page goals, and where the element fits with the other elements on the page— these are all the basics you keep in mind. Do you have a perfect method or an ideology say about web designing, or you just throw them onto the page like anything?

Actually, it would be just like randomly just moving or just throwing stuff into a room— no sync, no placement, nothing. This would surely not be the way you want your room to be. Same is the case with the placements and positioning of elements in your designs, which can prove to be a positive kickstart to your web designing career if you follw these simple steps while placing—

•Fixed Placements— Navigation is usually found on the left or at the top, and there are fixed places assigned to each and every element— headlines, navigation, images, textual content, and administration.

Page 2: Web design elements— makes all the difference!

•Set Your Page Goals— Be well aware of the fact that every single page contains a specific idea and leads to a goal. Be specific and co-ordinate with the readers. They have set certain specifications about the positioning of these elements.

•Location Can Make A Difference— An effective placement provides a visual hierarchy and structure to your Web page. If you can with hold your customers with an interesting and compelling design,

you've done half of the work.

Page 3: Web design elements— makes all the difference!

•Variety Rule them All— Centring is the most easiest technique, which appeals to many web designers. Nevertheless, according to me, its full on boring, and makes everything look flat. Try and

bring in varieties. Don't stick to the most common style.

•Points Of Interest— The main focal point of your design is to find out the point of interest. An image might be the focus of your page. Centring the image can be quite boring and flat, instead try and look at the other elements on the page and change the margins around your image to create a design that creates an everlasting effect on the picture.

Page 4: Web design elements— makes all the difference!

The elements of design are the building blocks of a web design. These elements are what make up every page you build. And understanding them help you create a powerful design.

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