Web Design: Are You Building for the Future?

Web Design: Are You Building for the Future?

Transcript of Web Design: Are You Building for the Future?

Page 1: Web Design: Are You Building for the Future?

Web Design: Are You Building for the Future?

Page 2: Web Design: Are You Building for the Future?

The digital world is changing rapidly and we are on the precipice of a digital revolution: augmented reality is almost here. We’re seeing a massive increase in technologies, from Oculus Rift to special suits that trigger electrical impulses to mimic movement, these changes are coming fast.

What is augmented reality (AR)? It’s the use of specialist technologies that enhance the real-world with virtual digital layering. A very simple example would be a pair of AR glasses that show you the nutritional information of food. E.g. if you look at an orange, it tells you how many calories it has, how much potassium and vitamin C it has, and whether you can fit it in to your daily calorie allowance.

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However, there are plenty of challenges ahead too. This is normal. It happens with all types of evolution, technological or organic. So, let’s take a closer look at some of the AR benefits and pitfalls that we’re likely to see in the coming years.

Benefit: as the internet speeds up and becomes more efficient, our environments will become increasingly digitalised. Some people tout the use of wearable AR technologies, such as Google Glass, as the thing that will catapult this into the future. This is unlikely. People don’t like to be encumbered. Instead, we predict that it will be the roads, buildings, and objects that become digitalised. It will be the outside world that changes the most.

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Cyborg nation: this is surely a huge benefit. We are already witnessing a mesh between the organic and digital world. We’ve had things like pacemakers for a long time now, but we’re going to witness an increase in this type of technology. For example, scientists have recently been able to install technology into the brains of rats, creating a brain-computer interface. For humans, the technology is still far off, but in the future, we will be able to supplement our brains with computers and fill in some of those gaps that we lack naturally. Here are some ways that we’ll turn ourselves into cyborgs if technology continues to expand at these rates:

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• Do you have a bad memory? Well why not invest in the new memory chip?

• Are you bad at maths? It doesn’t matter; all you need is the calculator chip.

• You want to speak every language in the world. Then invest in the Multilingo chip.

• Your arms aren’t as strong as they used to be. Don’t worry; we have muscle enhancing robotics for that.

The clear line between human and machine is blurring. One day, there might be no difference at all.

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Why it’s good for business: the larger businesses around the world, especially the tech companies, such as IBM, are investing in AR interfaces. By creating AR compatible web design now, you can set yourself apart from the competition. A web design company London already offers AR web design. Others are likely to offer this too, and in the very near future, they all will. For example, it’s quite common now to use AR apps for certain products. You point your tablet/mobile at the product, and it loads useful information and content.

There is an incredible amount of potential in AR web design and we all need to start building for the future.