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|================ David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book: Preface ==================| David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book Version 8.0 (c) Copyright 2002 David Dayton. All rights reserved. E-mail: DavidDayton AT potchgult DOT com (convert that to a real address) http://codebook.potchgult.com http://codebook.daviddayton.com

Greetings, gamer. This is David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book, containing over 16,000 codes, tips, tricks, glitches, cheats, bugs, and "undocumented features" for tens of hundreds of Nintendo games. Take a look at this chart if you want a better idea of the game coverage.


NES 8-bit 391 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Super NES 470 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Game Boy 287 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||GB Color 128 ||||||||||||GB Advance 68 ||||||Game&Watch 2 |Virtual Boy 11 |Nintendo 64 232 |||||||||||||||||||||||GameCube 30 |||Arcade 4 |

| = 10 titles. All systems with at least 1 title have 1 bar

Total: 1623 (Checked: 139, Partial 82, Unchecked: 1400)

Before you begin searching through these codes, make sure that you view this code book in a fixed width font, such as Courier. Charts, tables, and even bits of ASCII art can be found throughout this work, and they really won't make any sense if your word processor is displaying everything in proportional text. The file is also formatted for an 80 column display. If you have an ancient computer, or one of those new-fangled Palm top things, some of the entries might be a bit messy.

Oh, please make sure that you read and understand the following legal notice:

This entire archive, consisting of all the text data found within, is (C) Copyright 2002 by David Dayton. No reproduction of ANY kind is permitted without express permission of the author. David Dayton is in no way responsible for any damage or injury to the reader, their equipment, or their sanity as a result of reading and using the procedures and information found within these text files. The author hereby grants permission for the free distribution of this work until such a time as the author should revoke this permission. The author retains full ownership of this work at all times. This work must be distributed as a whole. The author may revoke your privilege of reading, using, copying, or distributing this work at any time, with or without any prior notice. Full ownership, copyright, and all other legal rights concerning this work remain in the possession and under the authority of the author.

With that legal disclaimer out of the way, I hereby grant you permission to: 1) Read all files found within this archive. 2) Duplicate and distribute this original archive, untouched and unedited in any way. However, you may transfer of ALL the files found within this archive into a new archive of a different type (ARC, LZH, ARJ, SIT, etc.) You may NOT, however, cut & paste my codes into your website.

Oh, one more thing! This code book is "cartware". If you really like it, kindly take one of your extra video game cartridges (Game Boy ones work well for this sort of thing; quite inexpensive to mail) and mail it to me at:

David F. Dayton 5207 Esmeralda St. Sacramento, CA 95820

I've received a grand total of one cartridge so far... Pac-Man for the Atari 2600, from Aaron Kuhn -- one of my assitant editors! Thanks! Keep those carts coming... I'm pondering the idea of giving away free gifts to randomly chosen donators.

----- File and Game List Information -----

Anyway, getting back to the important stuff... this archive should contain the following files:

NESCODES.TXT The main file containing the preface and codes. REVISION.TXT A list of revisions. INDEX .TXT A list of all games covered in this archive FILE_ID .DIZ The description of the archive.

The game entries in NESCODES.TXT are listed in alphabetical order. The articles "A" and "The" are ignored. If a game title begins with the word "Super" merely because it is a sequel to a previous game on a Nintendo platform, the game will be found under the series name (example: Super Castlevania IV is listed after Castlevania III. Super Bomberman is listed after Bomberman). There is one exception to this rule - all Super Mario games will be found in the S listings.

Next to each game title is an abbreviation used to designate the system the game is for.

nes Nintendo Entertainment System snes Super Nintendo Entertainment System gb Game Boy (grey cartridges) gbc Game Boy Color (black and transparent cartridges) gba Game Boy Advance vb Virtual Boy n64 Nintendo 64 gc GameCube gw Game & Watch

Please note that the GBC code will refer to both dual-compatible games (the black cartridges that will run on both a Game Boy Color and an ordinary Game Boy) and those that will only run on a Game Boy Color (the transparent cartridges). The GB code is only used to refer to games that have no built-in support for the Game Boy Color. This is important, as there are many games being released for the Game Boy Color that have the same title as older Game Boy games, even though the game program may be different (for example, the standard Game Boy Defender/Joust is an entirely different game than the Game Boy Color Defender/Joust).

----- Symbols Used in Code Descriptions -----

To understand the codes given in this code book, you'll need to understand the abbreviations I use to refer to the controllers.

CNTRL I/II/III/IV Game controller number 1, 2, 3, or 4. If none are listed, use controller number 1. [On the N64 and Game Cube, this will be used when the code can be entered using either the joypad or the joystick.]

PAD I Crosskey Joypad (+) on Controller #1. [On the Virtual Boy, PAD I is the joypad on the left side of of the controller, and PAD II is the joypad on the right]

STICK I Joystick on Controller #1.

cU cD cL cR Up, Down, Right, and Left on the C buttons OR C Stick

U D L R Up, Down, Left, or Right on the joypad or joystick.

U+R U+L D+R D+L The four diagonal directions possible on the pad/stick. U+R is the upper right diagonal, D+L the lower left, etc. These rarely appear in the code book.

A B X Y Z The A, B, X, Y, or Z (trigger) buttons.

[R] [L] The R and L shoulder buttons on the top of the controller. [On the Virtual Boy, these are the two triggers on the underside of the controller]

SELECT The Select button

START The Start button

RESET The Reset button on the system itself

Symbols used for special code moves:

+ Press two buttons at the same time. For example, "Press A+B" means you must press A and B at the same time. It might also mean that you should hold the buttons down in the order given; that is, hold A and then also hold B.

x Number of times a button must be pressed. Ax4 means you must press A four times, or "A A A A".

() Repeat a set of buttons a certain number of times. For example, "Press (A B)x2" means you must press A B A B. "Press U (A+B)x2 B" means you must press U A+B A+B B.

A little piece of advice: often, you can make a one player cheat code into a two player one by pressing SELECT before you press the final START in the code on the title page, as this highlights the 2 Player option usually available.

----- Checked Codes & Assistant Editors -----

You'll probably notice that every game title has a small line under it which reads CHECKED-something. This is my system for determining which codes are fully confirmed, and which codes ... aren't.

CHECKED-YES These codes work. I guarantee it. CHECKED-NO These codes probably work. Please tell me if they do or don't CHECKED-PART Some of these codes are confirmed, some aren't.

Every code in the book is preceded by a small ASCII arrow. In CHECKED-PART entries, these arrows tell you if a code has been confirmed (=>) or if it hasn't been confirmed (->). CHECKED-YES and CHECKED-NO entries only use the => arrow, as I think it looks nicer. So remember, a -> arrow means that the code hasn't been tested by me yet; if it doesn't work, let me know.

Some codes are split into multiple sections using * asterisks. When a code is marked as -> to indicate that it is partially confirmed, I may use . periods instead of * asterisks to indicate that a piece of the code has not yet been confirmed.

Hey, would you like to be an assistant editor? Please say yes. All you need to do is volunteer to test the codes. If you are interested, send just send me an e-mail and I'll sign you up to the special Assistant Editor mailing list!

----- Mailing List & Updates ----- Do you want to always know when the new edition of the code book has arrived? If so, subscribe to the Code Book Update Mailing List. Go to Yahoo Groups (Http://groups.yahoo.com) and search for NinCodeUpdate . Or, send a blank e-mail to: [email protected] (to subscribe) [email protected] (to unsubscribe)

----- Mirrors of the Code Book ----- While you can always browse the Code Book on the Internet at http://codebook.potchgult.com, there are some people that have permission to use my codes on their own pages. Here are some of them. Please remember that the complete code book, in its most recent edition, can always be found at http://codebook.potchgult.com .

* David Dayton's Home Page (As Stals.com has gone down) http://www.DavidDayton.com

* Dirty Little Helper Cheat Database Program http://www.dlh.net

* Patent Pending http://www.kontek.net/pp

----- Special Thanks, etc. -----

* All my assistant editors! * Tune into http://www.classicgaming.com/tmk to visit The Mushroom Kingdom. While there, listen to WTMK, the Official Internet Radio Station of my Nintendo Code Book. * Bits Studios: Dylan Beale (R-Type DX producer) and David Levy (artist) for revealing the R-Type DX Life game access information. * Douglas Crockford, NES Maniac Mansion programmer, for explaining the security keypad in Maniac Mansion. * Robert Baffy and Mike Mika, for producing great Game Boy games and giving me interesting info on them...bwa ha ha. These guys made a freeware Yar's Revenge clone several years ago as "Genetic Fantasia", and are currently working at Digital Eclipse. Visit them at http://www.digitaleclipse.com * Dan the Man, Professor of Mariology... http://www.classicgaming.com/TMK * David Wonn, game glitch artist extraordinaire! Originator of the really odd method to take Rambi to other levels in Donkey Kong Country, the nifty rabbit glitch in Super Mario 64, and more... visit his web page at http://davidwonn.tcgn.net/ * Everyone in the Fido Net Video Game Echo * All those at Nintendo - for producing such great products! * All at all of Nintendo's licensee companies, for the same reason! * And, most importantly, God - He made it all happen!

Comments? Queries? Problems? E-mail me at [email protected]

- David Dayton Video Game Enthusiast 5/05/02

|==============================================================================| David Dayton's Nintendo Code Book Version 8.0 (C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton. All rights reserved.

The author hereby grants permission for the free distribution of this work until the author should revoke this permission. Full ownership of the work remains in the author's possession at all times. This work must be distributed as a whole. The author may remove your right to read, use, copy, or distribute this work at any time, without any prior notice. Full ownership and all legal rights concerning this work remain under the authority of the author.

|========== Chapter A ==========|(C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton.

A*MAZING TATER (gb)checked-no |YBTF5ZZFT2| Floor 3

AAAHH!!! REAL MONSTERS (snes)checked-part ->Sound Test: Press A B X or Y on the Nickelodeon screen for sounds. =>Blinking Gromble: Press [L] or [R] on the pre-level screen. Press [R]+D or [L]+D to make his eyes open wide. ->Stage Select: In stage one, reach part 2, make your way to the garbage pile and press [L] [L]+[R] [R]x2 U D [L]+[R] SELECT START. A scream will sound.

ABADOX (nes)checked-yes =>Stage Select: On the Press Start screen, press L U R D U R L D and then press one of the following: U - Stage 2 D - Stage 4 SELECT - Stage 6 L - Stage 3 R - Stage 5 B - Stage 7 =>Invincibility: On the title screen, press A A U B B D A B START. During the game, press STARTx2 to pause and unpause and receive full weapons. =>End Of Game: On the Press Start screen, press A A U B B D A B B START.

ACTION FIGHTER (nes)checked-no |SPECIAL| Begin the game fully powered up

ACTION MAN (gbc)checked-no |7!B!| All stages open

ACTRAISER (snes)checked-no =>Professional Level: After finishing the game, you will be given a menu with 2 options - CONTINUE and NEW GAME. Press Up or Down to find the PROFESSIONAL level; it has all the action sequences with NO simulation sequences. =>Extra Lives: There are at least 3 extra 1-Ups to be had while directing the building of towns. If you cause it to rain over the lake east of Bloodpool, the people will find and present you with the first one. In Kasandora, once you have uncovered the pyramid cause an earthquake and another source of life will be uncovered. The third one is collected by striking the Northwood temple with lightning.

ACTRAISER 2 (snes)checked-no |XZKC XBZM WTHC| Benefic |MFLH MFDS MXPS| Almetha |JCLD XYTX TMCT| Tortoise Island |MFMJ PLBW LPCX| Palace 1 |MLWK BPZW YJCW| Altheria |MFMJ TTLK FPTP| Palace 2 |MMFH MBKC FFTL| Modero |MFMJ TWSY HMTF| Gratis |MSCY HKHD ZFHC| Demon's Cave |MFXT SHJT CYTP| Stormrook |MFLT CMSP XWFZ| Deathfield |MFCY BPXF DWKL| Tower of Souls |MFCL SYMC MSXF| End of Game - Death Heim |MFMJ TVSY FVPX| End of game, 38 lives |MTkM SkTk HNSH| View Credits |Xxxx Yyyy Zzzz| Fight Boss from Actraiser 1 |BJQX YRKC DLSZ| Play Demo - Set difficulty to HARD and enter this password

THE ADDAMS FAMILY (snes)checked-no |11111| 100 lives |99966| Start with 3 hearts |KKN| Start |V1913| After Pugsley |B&J15| After Grandma |BD#K4| After Wednesday |BL91B| After Fester |BZXYC| 5 Hearts, Pugsley rescued |BDSXY| 72 Lives, Granny rescued |BLKX8| 72 Lives, 5 Hearts, only Morticia missing |B&1&B| 80 Lives, 5 Hearts, Granny & Pugsley rescued |71117| 100 Lives, 3 Hearts, Sword |W111W| 100 Lives, 4 Hearts, Sword |21112| 100 Lives, 5 Hearts, Sword |BLKX8| Final Door Open in the Music Room |BLS&P| Final Stage after entering Music Room =>Secret Door: Begin the game, enter the stairwell area and walk left. When you pass the last door on the left, press U to enter the hidden door leading to Pugsley's Den, filler with Power-Ups. =>Extra Lives: In the Lower Gallery, walk into the bear's mouth that does NOT produce small bears. =>Snappy Tune: During the opening screen, use [L] or [R] to make Thing snap his fingers. =>More 1-Ups: Once you lose all your lives and the "Continue Quit" screen appears, just walk off the screen to the left and grab four extra lives in the hidden room. If you wish to reach this room quickly while playing, just pause the game and press SELECT, and choose to quit. =>Open Basement: If you enter the music room and wait for the music to stop, the passage to the basement will be unblocked. =>Power-Up: Watch the demo and press START when Gomez grabs an item to begin the game with that item. =>Pit Items: Jump into every "bottomless" pit you find... they all contain items.

THE ADDAMS FAMILY (gb)checked-no =>Full Energy: Immediately after losing a life, hold D+A+B+SELECT and press START to restore all your energy.


ADVANCE WARS (gba)checked-no =>Advance Campaign: Once you complete the Campaign mode, you can buy the Advance Campaign option in the Battle Maps store. When you own it, you can begin a special Advance Campaign by holding SELECT when starting a new campaign; this makes the words Advance Campaign appear in the top left corner of the screen. Please note that the Advance Campaign is tougher than the standard one, but you will rewarded with more coins after each mission. =>Extra Rivals Mission: Use Sami as your commander and complete the missions "Captain Drake", "Naval Clash", "Wings of Victory", and "Battle Mystery". After you complete the "Final Battle" mission, you will be faced with the bonus mission, "Rivals". =>Sonja's Missions: Complete the Kanbei missions within a certain time frame and Sonja's missions will be enabled. Complete "Kanbei Arrives" in 8 or fewer days, "Mighty Kanbei" in 10 days, and "Kanbei's Error" in 12 days. If you do this, a special branch in the story appears and Sonja's missions are available. More details are listed below in the Extra Commanders code. =>Extra Commanders: Once you complete the Campaign Mode, you can earn additional commanders. Olaf is awarded to you free when you complete the Campaign Mode, but each of the remaining commanders must be purchased for 50 coins in the Battle Maps store. However, these commanders are only available in the Battle Maps room once certain conditions have been met. * Olaf: Just finish the Campaign Mode. * Kanbei: Complete Campaign mode and purchase. * Grit: Use Max to beat Mission 4. * Eagle: Use Sami in missions 15-18, then use Sami to complete special mission 22. * Drake: Use Andy in missions 15-18. * Sonja: Beat mission 9 using 8 days or fewer, mission 10 in 10 days, mission 11 in 12 days, then complete secret missions 12-14. * Sturm: Once you've earned all of the previous commanders, Sturm is available for purchase.

ADVENTURE ISLAND (nes)checked-no =>See Boss: To see the leader of the next stage, simply kill the first boss and pause the game as he flies off the screen. =>Continue: At the end of the first stage, just before the G sign, will be some platforms and a cliff. Jump up at the edge of the cliff to reveal an egg containing the Hudson Bee. Grab it, and you can continue your game on the Game Over screen by holding R and pressing START. Or, hold U+A+SELECT and press START. =>Controller: In world 1-4, play until you see a red flower, which indicates that a coyote will attack you from behind. Shoot the coyote two times while jumping, and a Nintendo controller will appear. Grab it for 1000 points. =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press D U L R B A B A.

ADVENTURE ISLAND (gb)checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, after Higgins gets bonked by the coconut, press R L R L A B A B. =>Continue: Find the Hudson Bee in Fern Isle, the first stage. Enter the left cave (3rd level), progress to the 4th skull and begin to jump up and down to locate the bonus room, where you will be rewarded with the Hudson Bee. Now, should your game ever end, hold L and press START to continue from your last stage and with all your items.

SUPER ADVENTURE ISLAND (snes)checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press START. Wait for the title screen to reappear, then press and hold [L]+R+X and press START.

ADVENTURE ISLAND II (nes)checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, after Higgins gets bonked by the coconut, press R L R L A B A B. =>Continue: In the first cave on the first island, walk just past the fifth skull and jump up and down to find the elevator to the secret room holding the Hudson Bee. When you die and return to the title screen, hold L and press START to continue with all of your collected items.

ADVENTURE ISLAND II (gb)checked-no |01|7516| |03|5903| |05|7262| |07|2026| |0894| Get 99 of each item |02|9529| |04|9461| |06|4842| |08|7587|

ADVENTURE ISLAND III (nes)checked-part =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press D U L R B A B A. ->Continue With Items: Inside the 5th cave on the first island, work your way to the 5th skull. After passing the skull, jump up and down to find a secret room with the Hudson Bee. When you continue, hold L and press START.


ADVENTURES IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM (nes)checked-yes =>Item Shop: During any level of the game, press SELECT to bring up a special menu where you can use your stars to buy health or special powers.

THE ADVENTURES OF BATMAN & ROBIN (snes)checked-no =>Batcave: You can always pause the game and opt to return to the Batcave. If you do, you can restart the level with full energy AND additional lives and continues. ^=Triangle, O=Circle, #=Square, _=blank Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 _^O# #O## O__# ##_^ O### O__# _OO_ OO^^ ^_O# #_^_ OO__ #_^O OO_# OO^# ^O#^ ##__ #__# ^O_^ O### #^^^ #^_O _^O_ _O#^ _#_# __O_ ^^_# OOO_ _^O_

THE ADVENTURES OF DINO-RIKI (nes)checked-no =>Continue: On the title screen, hold R and press START. Or, press U+START.

THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO (nes)checked-no |1-1| | |3-1|BQBG| |5-1|CHZP| |7-1|CYYZ| | 9-1|DMYJ| |1-2| | |3-2|BRBD| |5-2|CHZM| |7-2| | | 9-2|DPYH| |1-3| | |3-3| | |5-3| | |7-3| | | 9-3|QYDL| |1-4| | |3-4| | |5-4|CLZK| |7-4|DCYT| | 9-4| | |1-5|BHBP| |3-5|BYZZ| |5-5|CMZJ| |7-5|DDYR| | 9-5|DTYC| |2-1|BJBM| |4-1|BZZY| |6-1|CPZH| |8-1|DGYQ| |10-1|DVYB| |2-2|BKBL| |4-2|BZZY| |6-2| | | | |10-2|DYVZ| |2-3| | |4-3| | |6-3|CRZD| | | |10-3|DZVY| |2-4| | |4-4|CDZR| |6-4|HJKR| | | |10-4|VPDP| |2-5|BPBH| |4-5|CGZO| |6-5|CVZB| |8-5|DLYK| |10-5|GCVT| =>Special Password Trick: If the second letter in your password is earlier in the alphabet that the fourth letter, switch the two to skip forward to a higher floor; this trick should work with all passwords beginning with A, B, C, or D.

THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO II (nes)checked-no |Floor1|Flr 2|Flr 3|Flr 4|Flr 5|Flr 6|Flr 7|Flr 8|Flr 9|Flr 10| Room 1 | PPHP |PBPM |PYPL |PKPH |HRKJ |HZKC |HDKQ |QVDT |QGDG |QTDV | Room 2 | PHPK |PLPY |PMPB |HPPP |HBKM |HYKL |HKKH |QRDJ |QZDC |QDDQ | Room 3 | PQPD |PCPZ |PJPR |HHKK |HLKY |HMKB |QPKP |QBDM |QYDL |QKDH | Room 4 | PVPT |PGPG |PTPV |HQKD |HCKZ |HJKR |QHDK |QLDY |QMBD |VPDP | Room 5 | PRPJ |PZPC |PDPQ |HVKT |HGHG |HTKV |QQDD |QCDZ |QJDR |VHTK | =>Pro Levels: Use the passwords PROA, PROB, PROC, or PROD.

THE ADVENTURES OF LOLO III (nes)checked-no ^ = triangle * = heart $ = diamond Lolo |6B5R TQ*6 C236 *VWH| 4-7 = Lolo|V4Y$ 23G^ 5J$+ JNDN| 9-12 Lala |MMDY WQH4 B2C9 *B^H| 4-7 = Lala|JWB+ L^FF PB^V 326B| 9-12 Lolo |ZGNY PTR5 +QTZ 3Q5V| 14 = Lolo|QKKH SQ53 6DP$ NJ+6| 16 Lala |Y2+V WGDN J+GG NSZ6| 14 = Lala|W8S* 4M4* GVRZ WM42| 16 Lolo |96HW 56R8 *B^B 93G5| 17 = Lala |D49^ DKQ* Q^QP T56V| 17 = Bosses of levels 4 through 7 |JY8H JPLG 893Q C*2L| Bosses of levels 9 through 12 |TTHR MR7H $V3^ L493| King of Eggerland |4R4N SPDD F*L4 5BTJ| =>Rainbow Bridge: Enter |2222 2222 2222 2222| and start. Enter the first two levels, grab both the Egg and Key, then go to Level 3 and build a Rainbow Bridge. Unfortunately, you won't be able to continue past level 8.

ADVENTURES OF RAD GRAVITY (nes)checked-no |1$2N0K!C5530FWMX7$NS| Planet Telos

THE ADVENTURES OF ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE (nes)checked-no =>Limited Warp: Begin a new game and press CNTRL II: B A A START A B B A. Now you can warp to another level by pressing CNTRL II: B. You will be invincible after doing so, but will be unable to jump.

THE ADVENTURES OF YOGI BEAR (snes)checked-no =>Stage Select: Press U R D L Y B U R D L B Y U R D L START on the title screen.

AERO FIGHTER (snes)checked-no =>Hidden Characters: Go to the Character Select screen and hold [R]. While holding [R], press L D R X Y A B L D R D X Y A B. Extra fighters will appear when the game begins. You may have to hold CNTRL I: [R] and enter the rest of the code on CNTRL II. =>Boss Endurance Mode: On the Character Select screen, hold [R] and press CNTRL II: A L Y R X D B U. =>New Colors: Press [R] on the plane select screen, or hold [R] while choosing your plane.

AERO GAUGE (n64)checked-no =>All Vehicles/Tracks: Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+Z as you turn on the system and keep them held down. Press PAD II: U+cD when PUSH START flashes on the screen, then press CNTRL I: START before the title screen vanishes. =>Bonus Vehicles: * N64 Controller Car: Finish the time attack mode with a time ending with .064 seconds. * Prowler: Use the Hornet to get 1st place in Expert mode. * Vengeance: Beat the game in 1st on expert with the Avenger. * Reaper: Beat the game in 1st on expert with the Shredder. * Dominator: Beat the game using the Black Lightning on expert. =>Turbo Start: Hold A+B until the announcer says "Go," then release B. =>Neo Speedway: Beat Grand Prix at intermediate, earning 1st on each course to get the Neo Speedway available. =>China Town: Earn 1st place on all expert Grand Prix tracks for the China Town Jam Track. =>Turbo Boost: During the race, hold A, then drift hard left or right while holding Z. Release both buttons for a burst. =>Color Change: On the selection screen, press [R]. =>Bikini Beach Secret: At the end of Bikini Beach, fly into the waterfall to get an energy recharge in the recovery tube. =>Starting Boost: Hold A+B and release A when the announcer says "Go!" =>Credits Tip: Hold START to zoom through the credits.

AERO THE ACRO-BAT (snes)checked-no =>Stage Select: Complete any level and press [R] while the bonus points are being counted up. =>Cheat Mode: On the stage select screen (accessed by pressing [R] while the bonus points are being counted up at the end of the level) press [L] [R] X B L U R D Y A. The screen will now have new options. * Infinite Stars: On the new cheat menu, press A Y [L] U D [R] A Y R L. * No Collision: On the new cheat menu, press D A Y [R] Y B U [L] Y A. =>5 Extra Continues: When you first turn on the game, wait for the title screen to appear, then quickly press X Y B A X A B Y U [L]. =>9 Continues: On the Title Picture with Aero flying (NOT the title screen), press X Y B A X A B Y U [R]. A tone will sound. =>Level Skip: When the start screen appears, press D A D Y D A D Y. Begin a new game, pause it, and press U X D B L Y R A [L] [R]. From now on, you can skip past any level by pressing START SELECT.

AEROBIZ (snes)checked-no =>Sound Test: On the title screen, hold SELECT and press START.

AEROBIZ SUPERSONIC (snes)checked-no =>Flag Game: Press SELECT on the save screen to play a game in which you match flags to their countries. =>Control Tips: To quickly move around the map, press [L] or [R] and use Y to choose a region on the map. To speed up scrolling text, hold D. =>Commie Tip: If you are based in Berlin or Moscow during the cold war, be sure to give money to U.S. foreign reps that come begging. Once "relations with the United States have improved," you will be able to purchase American planes.

AEROFIGHTERS ASSAULT (n64)checked-no =>Stage Select: Press PAD: U cD L cR D cU R cL [L] [R] Z during the intro. =>Mao Mao as Pilot: On the title screen, with the logo and PRESS START, press cL cD cR cU cL cR cD. Go to a plane select screen and you will see an F-15 with Mao Mao on the far left. =>Bonus Missions & Spanky: To play as Spanky, you must complete all four bonus missions... * To reach "Air Docking" you need a very high score. * To reach "Shuttle Defense" complete all the levels before "Desert" very quickly. * To reach "Goliath Defense" beat the first two bonus levels. * To reach the elusive "Space" bonus level, you must beat all the previous levels (both the regular and the hidden ones previously mentioned) prior to the Ice Cave; beat the Ice Cave and reach Space. =>Color Select: While selecting your plane, press [R] to change the color. =>F-14 Firepower Trick: While flying in an F-14, use your special weapon, then a missile, and finally a chaff... five Tomahawks and four heat-seekers will be launched. =>Bonus Jets: Every time you beat one of the six stages, you earn a new jet. Beat them all for all six. =>Ice Cave Shortcut: Fly down the cave until it widens, then turn around, and fly back... pass through the grey bars and keep going until you reach the boss. =>Unlimited Continues: As long as you have at least one continue left, you can continue an unlimited number of times. Just press RESET before you use the continue and then continue your game on the main menu. Your continues will never decrease this way.

AFTER BURNER (nes)checked-no-- Tengen unlicensed game -- =>Sound Test: On the GAME OVER screen, press A+B+SELECT. Or, try holding B until the screen fades away. =>Reverse Mode: Hold CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL I: START.

AFTER BURNER 2 (nes)checked-no =>Continue: On the title screen, press Lx3 Bx3 Ax3 START. =>Reverse Flight Mode: On the title screen, hold CNTRL II: A+B and press CNTRL I: START.

AFTERBURST (gb)checked-no |05|31520347| |10|11145378| |15|13020060| |20|36985214| |25|93493887|


AIR FORTRESS (nes)checked-no |Fort #|Quest 1|Quest 2| |Fort #|Quest 1|Quest 2| |Fort #|Quest 1|Quest 2| | 2 | I8TA | 11NA | | 5 | 8NYU | NDA4 | | 8 | SUGA | 7NDA | | 3 | KA91 | 8AJI | | 6 | 2APP | MA1K | | 7NDE | | 4 | 6KAI | TOBI | | 7 | OS85 | DOMO | =>Recover Energy: You regain energy as you rest in elevators.

AIR STRIKE PATROL {*} please see A.S.P.

ALADDIN (snes)checked-no G = Genie A = Aladdin P = Princess S = Sultan M = Abu J = JaFar |GMAS| 1 The Cave of Wonders |PJSP| 5 "A Whole New World" |JMPG| 2 Escape from the Cave of Wonders |JPAJ| 6 Jafar's Palace |GJAM| 3 Inside the Genie's Lamp |APMS| 7 Final Battle |MAGP| 4 The Pyramid =>Stage Select: Before you begin the game, go to the options screen and then quickly press CNTRL II: [L] [R] START SELECT X Y A B. A chime will sound. Return to the Main Menu, where a stage number will appear over the START option. Hold CNTRL I: [L]+[R] and press U and D to choose the stage, L and R to choose the section. =>Bonus Trick: Tap B when the Genie blinks and you will usually nab some extra lives on the roulette table at the end of each level. Also, during the magic carpet and Princess Jasmine bonus sequence, tap B when the Genie blinks. =>Special Ending: Get at least 70 red gems for the special ending.

ALADDIN (gb)checked-no =>Stage Skip: Pause and press A Bx2 Ax2 Bx2 A to skip to the next level.

SUPER ALFRED CHICKEN (snes)checked-no |08|Balloon 2up Star Moon 1up| |15|2up Star Moon 1up Balloon| =>Warp-Matic: Work your way through Stage 1 until you find the giant Sunflower Balloon. Without releasing the balloon, work your way to the right side of the screen and jump straight up to reveal a hidden block. Use the block to jump up and left off of the screen, then walk left to the Warp-O-Matic, where you can warp to levels 2, 3, 4, or 5.

ALIEN SYNDROME (nes)checked-no-- Tengen unlicensed game -- =>Transfer Men: If you lose all of your men in a 2-player game, press A+B to steal one from your partner. =>Double Weapons: During a 2-player game, have both players touch a weapon simultaneously and both will receive it.

ALIEN VS. PREDATOR (snes)checked-no =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press SELECT START to enter the configuration screen. Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+A+X and press CNTRL I: START.

ALIEN 3 (snes)checked-no |02|QUESTION| |04|MOTORWAY| | 06|SQUIRREL| |03|MASTERED| |05|CABINETS| |End|OVERGAME| =>Special Options: Begin playing the game, then press CNTRL II: A+B+Y+X CNTRL I: A and a number will appear in the top left corner of the screen. Reenter the code on CNTRL II, then press A, B, or X to increase the number by 1, 2, or 4. If you try to increase the number past 7, you will end up subtracting from it. Add the same number and you will exit the cheat mode. Repeat this process to activate the desired cheat option. 1 - Invincibility 4 - Unlimited Weapons 2 - No Damage 5 - Unlimited Weapons + Invincibility 3 - Invincibility 6 - Unlimited Weapons + No Damage


ALL PRO BASKETBALL (nes)checked-no |BEOLEHPPHRMR| LA Breakers, Championship series, 34-0 record |NFJNKMMJMJFQ| Seattle Sonics, undefeated, 1/2 through Championship

ALL-STAR BASEBALL '99 (n64)checked-part |GOTHELIUM | Big heads, feet, and bats |PRPPAPLYR| Paper players |GRTBLSFDST| Ball smoke trails on |BBNSTRDS | Giant Ball |ATEMYBUIK | Choose Alienopolis stadium, and the second team will be Aliens ->|ABBTNCSTLO| Thin and Fat Players ->|BRKNBAT | Increased number of broken bats ->|BEST | AL and NL All-Stars ->Stats Bug: In the season mode, the game may occasionally destroy your player stats. If this happens, just load the season saved data twice, and your stats should be normal -- just don't save with bad stats! =>Dancing Homer: When the enemy team scores a run, walk your player up to home plate and you'll see the victorious player dancing... Macarena or YMCA. =>Easy First: Hold cD and aim for third base to do a low bunt that will almost always make you safely to first... or the other guy to second. ->Camera Freeze: Turn on the manual camera and you can freeze the game by pressing PAD: U. ->View Credits: On the title screen, press [R] A Z [R] cR A B to put a credits option on the menu. ->Hidden Messages: On the title screen, press cU [R] B B. ->Faster Running: When running between bases, try pressing Z rapidly to advance quicker or [R] to return more quickly. ->Computer Bunt: If the computer attempts to bunt but misses, he will almost always attempt to bunt on the next pitch. For that pitch, use B to toss the pass far outside his hit area... he'll earn a strike. ->Backwards Batter: Pause and replace the batter with a different one that bats with the same hand. Return to the game for a moment, just long enough to see the new batter, then return to the line-up screen and replace this batter with one that bats with the opposite hand. ->Weird Catcher: Begin a game and change it to a Computer vs. Computer game. When the game begins, press PAD: D and the game will freeze. Press START and restart the game. Move the camera and you will see that the catcher is long, with a glove on each hand. Press PAD: L to restart the game. ->Quick Recovery: Put the injured player back into the minors, then bring him back to your team. He will no longer be injured. ->Lizard Team: In Kaufmann Stadium, if the ball hits one of the "Win a Lizard" signs, the team will become lizards. ->More Pitches: Start an arcade mode game and hold Z while pitching. ->Tiny Home Run Derby: Keep a roster slot open on your team; that slot will say "Empty" instead of a player's name. Enter the Home Run Derby and choose Empty. A tiny, invisible player will slowly walk to the plate.

ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2000 (n64)checked-no |BCHBLKTPTY| Beach Ball Mode |WTOTL| Blackout Mode - No stadium/turf |MYEYES| Fog Mode |WLDWLDWST| Ball Trails |FLYAWAY| Fly Back to Dugout |TOMTHUMB| Tiny Players |LTMTBTTR| Lots of Homeruns =>Green Monster: When playing at Fenway Park, hit five home runs over the big green wall and you will become a gigantic green man. =>Lizards: In an exhibition game at Coors Field, hit the Lizards sign in the outfield to turn your team into lizards. =>Warehouse: At Camden Yards, when you step up to bat and the music begins to play, press [R]x2 [L]x2 U D U D. Move the ball to the bottom of the aid and press A. =>Easy Strike: Select a pitcher with a quick dropping pitch, such as a curve or spitball. Move the aiming cursor to the top of the screen, and pitch so that the ball drops to the bottom corner of the strike zone. The batter should ignore or miss it. * Super Fastball: In an Exhibition Arcade mode game, choose the fastball, pitch, and while it is flight hold A+cD and the CPU player should usually miss it. =>Run: Use Z to run faster.

ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2000 (gbc)checked-no =>Invisible Runners: With a man on base, hold A for about 30 seconds, then hold U for about 13 seconds, then press A B U D START.

ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2001 (n64)checked-no |WLDWLDWST| Baseball trails |MYEYES| Blurry mode |WTOTL| Dark Mode |BCHBLKTPTY| Big baseball |FLYAWAY| Flying mode |TOMTHUMB| Tiny players |HOLLOWBATS| Aluminum Bats =>Lizard Team: In the Kaufmann Stadium, hit the "Win a Lizard" sign with a ball to make the entire team lizards. =>Player Boost: If you are in the field and the batter hits a fly ball, hold Z for a power boost which will aid you in catching the ball.

ALL-STAR BASEBALL 2003 (gc)checked-no =>Cheat Menu: On the Controller Selection screen, press [L] to activate cheats. =>Credit Commentary: While the credits roll, press A to hear commentary on the developers and staff.

ALLEYWAY (gb)checked-yes =>Paddle Speed: Hold the A button to move your paddle quickly, or B to move it slowly.

ALTERED SPACE (gb)checked-no UL = Upper Left Wall, LL = Lower Left wall, etc. =>Warp from 1 to 3: From the beginning of Stage 1, go UR UL LL LL UL UR UL LL UL and use the Warp Device. =>Warp from 3 to 5: Starting at the Stage 3 elevator, go UL UR LL LL LR LL LL UL LL UL and use the Warp Device. NOTE: In both cases, the last move is THROUGH a wall.

AMAGON (nes)checked-no =>Easy Elephant: In stage 2-1, when Elephant Man attacks, jump upon the branch on the far left side of the screen, then move as far left as you can go on the branch. Elephant Man should walk off of the screen. =>Stage Select/Continue: When you reach stage 4, you will have the continue and stage select feature, but this will be lost if you opt to replay stages 1 through 3 and die before reaching stage 4 again.


AMAZING PENGUIN (gb)checked-no |1|678163| |3|152876| |13|678163| |21|153876| |29|054217| |37|916328| |2|302945| |9|235403| |17|302945| |26|840492| |33|689721|

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (gb)checked-no =>Level Five Trick: To more easily survive the first section of level five, where you must climb walls, just repeatedly press A to jump and U to grab onto the wall. This will let you jump up most of the wall, avoiding enemies.


AMERICAN GLADIATORS (nes)checked-no =>Stage Select: On the Password option screen, press the following buttons. Stage 2 |A B Ax4 Bx2 | Stage 4 |A B Ax2 Bx4| Stage 3 |A Bx2 A B Ax3| Final level, 10 lives |A B A Bx5 |

AMERICAN GLADIATORS (snes)checked-no =>Joust Trick: At the beginning of a jousting match, step forward twice, hold B and press back. You will do an overhead smash that the CPU player will not block - and as long as you keep holding B you can repeat this move until he loses.

AMIDA (gb)checked-no Passwords: |TLKSS| |LEIQX| |VOTAJ|

ANIMANIACS (snes)checked-no Y = Yakko W = Wakko D = Dot R = Ralph (guard) P = Pinky B = Brain N = Nurse C = The CEO |RRBC WPDY DNBD| Studio |NNBR DBYD YCCW| ... and Aquatic |BDBD RNWD YCPW| S & Sci-Fi |PDNP CWRB NBBY| ... & Adventure |RWPN YPDW DNYD| " & Fantasy |CYWD RPBN CYYR| All levels & all of script =>Endings: There are three endings, depending on whether you get less than 10 pages of the script, more than 10, or all 24 pages. =>Small Secret: Start the game and break the plant behind the CEO to open up a secret coin room. =>Custom Password: To create a custom password, begin a game and die without doing anything. Write down your password (there are 8 of these passwords, one of them is |YWDR PBNC YWDR|) You will use this "empty" password as a base to create your custom one. To edit a password, follow the chart below, "adding" the specified value to each character in the chart. If you are told to "add" 3 to a Dot character, you would change Dot to Brain. Adding 4 to the Nurse would give you Dot (the cycle starts over; that is, go from the CEO back to Yakko). Whatever you add to a character in the code must also be added to C3. D3 will never change. Columns are numbered from A-D, rows from 1-3. Thus, the top left corner of the code grid is A1, the bottom right is D3. In the "empty" password given above, A1 would be Yakko, and D3 would be Ralph.

Stage Completion: Intro: B1+1 Aquatic: A1+1 Fantasy: B1+4 Sci-Fi: B1+2 Adventure: A1+2 Pinky/Brain: A1+4

Script Pages: Aquatic: C2+2, C2+4, B2+2, B2+4, B2+1, C2+1 Fantasy: A2+4, A2+2, D1+1, A2+1 Sci-Fi : D1+2, C1+1, D1+4, C1+2, C1+4 Adventure: A3+1, A3+2, A3+4, D2+4, D2+1, D2+2 Pinky/Brain: B3+2, B3+4, B3+1

For a perfect ending, take an empty code, subtract 1 from all characters except C3 and D3, add 2 to C3, and play the game.

ANIMANIACS (gb)checked-no |Dot Yakko Yakko space Yakko Dot Dot Dot Wakko| Stages 1 and 3 complete

ANTICIPATION (nes)checked-yes =>Grey Puzzle: In the third board or the later ones, press A repeatedly to keep your piece on the grey square. Eventually you will get a puzzle in the catagory "Thing" with no music nor background. =>Computer Hints: When playing against the CPU, it will sometimes "buzz" in an answer. If it answers incorrectly, the letters used will be part of the actual answer.

ARCANA (snes)checked-no =>Sound Room: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R]+B and push START. =>Energy Refill Tip: In a dungeon, find a location that previously held a treasure chest, stand there and spin in circles until the spirit energy is refilled. Enter a battle and have the Fire Spirit cast HP Restore, healing the humans. Repeat as necessary. =>Spirit Energy: Keep moving left and right to rebuild your spirit's power. =>Chapter Select: On the title screen, press D SELECTx2 X Y SELECTx2 [L] [R] SELECTx2 L R U, then press the appropriate button from the list. However, using this code will only advance the chapter and your status levels; it will not give you the items you may need to beat those areas! A - Stage 2 B - Stage 3 X - Stage 4 Y - Stage 5

ARKANOID (nes)checked-yes =>Skip Stage: Right before a stage starts, hold START and press A to skip to the next level. This works between rounds 1 through 16. =>Continue: Hold A+B and press SELECTx5 START. This must be done before the GAME OVER screen appears. =>Stage Select: Hold START+A+B until your chosen stage appears, then release.

ARKANOID: DOH IT AGAIN (snes)checked-no |12|?Z?5671H?RF3| |13|12X2W13HWMFQ| |14|!2!7VV?B!313| |99|1V91327W?RCT| |02|X2612V?B!LK2| |28|X74673?VC7!L| |54|8VV0??CB?6HQ| |80|86V7!6!??2FS| |03|W45X736H?QJM| |29|8!64V!7?C2B7| |55|7WX1?2RVHL?2| |81|43VZ2WMBHQ14| |04|W38?66?C?6Z2| |30|2157!VVVG6HR| |56|7V10V2?C?2C2| |82|35XV7!CBBL1S| |05|V321WV2CV2ZR| |31|7?43V33?WRW2| |57|31357?MWBMDP| |83|55??27MGBAF4| |06|V241V??G?2F3| |32|6!34V6V??RWR| |58|20373VG!H614| |84|33W!76GCCRJN| |07|V261?32BVLDL| |33|713Z6!6?!LC2| |59|3!4927QVB21T| |85|4SZ?!?MHB209| |08|X34!?7!WHL13| |34|3?706!WB!QB6| |60|3?3672H!G3D8| |86|84?XW!HBG2XN| |09|0X?52!6!HQXM| |35|6!2W732W?MCR| |61|6625VWMVB2JS| |87|54X0!2RGH3KS| |10|VWZ66V!!HMJ6| |36|6!3027!!?3!6| |62|8953V!C??Q05| |88|93XXV6BGC2FS| |11|0Z04776?HQDL| |37|7?4?!?7??2H3| |63|9934!6R?!R1N| |89|45563?2WG2X8| |12|0V!262?G?LD7| |38|5Z7XVW??!6BM| |64|6754!3B??LF8| |90|72543?WWC3D9| |13|13X3V?2WH307| |39|4Z8XV6MHCM?2| |65|675!3?L?WRJN| |91|9S77766WB6FS| |14|04W2?V?VC7ZR| |40|603?!2CHGR?R| |66|99307?CW?6X8| |92|639833!WWMX8| |15|1207W22!G6F3| |41|X4W53WMBCRH3| |67|266Z627?CQ1S| |93|?V96?!3?VLZT| |16|?5W5?3?!G3FQ| |42|W2X52!BGGQCR| |68|374W76W!GLD9| |94|!V27V??!WRJ8| |17|?4ZW7?6??LX6| |43|Z5W366MGG3!6| |69|377!WV3!BMF5| |95|X!63?72V?6V8| |18|05X07!?VWM0L| |44|XSZ263HHB3VL| |70|589?V?WG209P| |96|Z?43?6?V!6!P| |19|15W0373V!QF3| |45|61Z7WV3BVLBM| |71|5780?52WG70P| |97|V0312!2VV3H4| |20|?30177WVWRKR| |46|9Z?3VWGGG2GL| |72|876WV7VWC3FS| |98|0!2W3WCGGL!8| |21|X8?WWW2W?2?3| |47|5XX8?2MB!QV7| |73|80W22W7W!LZ5| |99|105V333WC7CT| |22|?4X1!VW?!61Q| |48|7XZ3V3BCWQWQ| |74|7?X32!VV!RXN| |23|Z6XVW27CV7B7| |49|6XVX3!LGVRB6| |75|91?9323W?RJ8| |24|V8WZ?6?GW2CQ| |50|9X0X7VGC?MCR| |76|7?X363?V!RDP| |25|W6873V6?GM?3| |51|6X?127MHV7V7| |77|69Z8VV3V!214| |26|Z9793?V!CR?Q| |52|6XW132CH!3?R| |78|9704!VVVCMF4| |27|W942773WBRC3| |53|9V11?WMBW3H3| |79|3413V63?W3D9| =>Alternate Two Player Mode: If you start a one player game, lose, let the CONTINUE timer run out, then start a Two Player Mode C game, you will find yourself playing through the normal single player levels and bosses using two players. =>Alternate Single Player Mode: Play a Two Player Mode C game and let one player lose, but make sure not to continue. After the CONTINUE timer runs out, enter a password and you will find yourself playing the one player game with two scout ships on the screen, representing players one and two. Also, when fighting the Super Doh boss, repeatedly press START to make the screen scramble and the game will switch to the two player battle mode music.

ARKISTA'S RING (nes)checked-yes =>End Game: While the first quest has 32 stages, the entire game consists of 125 stages. You have to beat stage 125 to end the game. =>Power Ring: The ring only heals you while you are walking around with it. =>Status Screen: Press SELECT between the stages to view the status screen.

ARMORINES: PROJECT S.W.A.R.M. (n64)checked-no |02|PNTNNP| |05|DQRFKW| |08|VKPDMX| |11|NWVCHJ| |Hive2|NGQDCZ| |03|NGMLQP| |06|PSQQLW| |09|SDKNSX| |Hive3|VRGBNZ| |04|SPLGZW| |07|NBGJVX| |10|PVBWGJ| |Hive1|PNRVBPZ| |Hive4|SVPQQZ| =>Cheat Codes: Pause the game and enter these codes on the Cheats menu. Please note that only one multiplayer character code may be used at a time. |SONIC| Turbo run mode |SKETCHY| Wire frame mode |SKIPPY| Stage select |LOADED| All weapons |GOLDENPIE| All cheats |GODLY| God mode |SORTED| Unlimited ammo |SONIC| Turbo running |UGLY| Hive Fodder in multiplayer |LEGGY| Hive Guard in multiplayer |CLAW| Egypt Fodder character in multi |GODDESS| Female trooper in multi |RUBBER| Volcano Guard in multi

ARMORINES: PROJECT S.W.A.R.M. (gbc)checked-no |BBBBBBBB| Cheat mode


ARMY MEN: OPERATION GREEN (gba)checked-no |02|5VKPR6*B| |05|62BVXHXY| |08|44BQQCWH| |11|*HBNVVV4| |03|5PK5LL*4| |06|MQ5310VP| |09|F4J1ZRWG| |12|85M3QCF*| |04|Y8DTF4HK| |07|SZQR6W1J| |10|FFOOWP36|

ARMY MEN: SARGE'S HEROES (n64)checked-no |1 Attack |LNLGRMM| |7 Thick |STPDMN| |13 Sandbox |HTKTTN| |2 Spy Blue|TRGHTR | |8 Snow |BLZZRD| |14 Kitchen |PTSPNS| |3 Bathroom|TDBWL | |9 Shrap |SRFPNK| |15 LivingRoom |HXMSTR| |4 Riff |MSTRMN | |10 Ft Plastro|GNRLMN| |16|The Way Home|VRCLN | |5 Forest |TLLTRS | |11 Scorch |HTTTRT| |6 Hoover |SCRDCT | |12 Showdown |ZBTSRL| |DRVLLVSMM| Small players |NSRLS| All weapons |THDTST| Debug Mode |MMLVSRM| Max ammo |VRCLN| All characters in multiplayer |PLSTRLVSVG| Play as Gen. Plastro |GRNGRLRX| Play as Vikki |TNSLDRS| Play as Tin Soldier |PLYHVR| Play as Hoover =>Cycle Through Guns Backwards: Hold Z and press B. =>Light Candles: In the living room, climb on top of the couch and approach the ruler. You can use your flame thrower or mortar to light the candles. =>Restart Level: Hold [L]+[R]+cD. =>Kill the Commander: You can kill your commander on the obstacle course or live fire ranger.

ARMY MEN: SARGE'S HEROES 2 (n64)checked-no |02 Bridge |FLLNGDWN| |10 Desk |DSKJB | |03 Fridge |GTMLK | |11 Bed |GTSLP | |04 Freezer |CHLLBB | |12 Blue Town |SMLLVLL| |05 Inside Wall|CLSNGN | |13 Cashier |CHRGT | |06 Graveyard |DGTHS | |14 Train |NTBRT | |07 Castle |RNKNSTN | |15 Rockets |RDGLR | |08 Tan Base |BDBZ | |16 Pool Table|FSTNLS | |09 Revenge |LBBCK | |17 Pinball |WHSWZRD| |DRVLLVSMM | Play as Tiny Soldier |GRNGRLRX| Play as Vikki |PLSTRLVSVG| Play as Plastro |TNMN | Play as Tin Soldier |SLGFST | Full ammo |GBZRK | All weapons |CLLPINGBB | No clipping mode |THDTST | Debug Mode info =>Violent Vikki: Enter the boot camp and kill all the green soldiers. This will make an alarm sound. Once you finish the combat course, a grey-clad Vikki will shoot at you with a bazooka. Kill or attack her and you fail boot camp.

ART OF FIGHTING (snes)checked-no =>View Credits: Begin a new game and select the Story Mode. When the game begins, press SELECT to pause the game and then press CNTRL I: U X L Y D B R A [L] Y. Continue the game and skip directly to the credits. =>Secret Moves: For Mr. Karate, press X while dashing and he will stop and bend his upper body, then make a strong punch. While bent, no punch or kick can hurt his upper body. Press Y while dashing and he will stop, bend forward and then make a high kick. No punch or kick to his upper body will affect him (though a low kick will). =>Ryo Sakazaki's Super Attack: When his strength gauge is low, press DOWN, DOWNRIGHT, RIGHT + [R]+X to do his 2.8 second power attack.


A.S.P. (snes)checked-no =>Refuel: Pause the game and press CNTRL II: A B A B SELECT A B. Your fuel and armor will be refilled, and your supply of missiles will double. =>Super A-10: Begin a new mission, choose the A-10, and begin. As soon as GOOD LUCK disappears, shoot your 30mm cannon once, then hold X. Keep holding X until SUPER A-10 appears in the bottom left corner of the screen; it can destroy buildings.

ASTERIX & OBELIX (gba)checked-no |Obelix Asterix Dog OldMan| Condor Level |Asterix Obelix OldMan Blonde| Helvetia Level =>Asterix and Cleopatra Minigame Passwords... Barrel Crisis |3121| Mummy Ball |3113| Bonus Level |1232| Stone Em All! |1213| Slip Em All |1322| Sculptoris |2331| Shoot Romans |2123|

ASTEROIDS (gbc)checked-no |02|SPACEVAC| |03|STARSBRN| |04|WORMSIGN| |05|INCOMING| |QRTREATR| Classic Asteroids |PROJECTX| Excaliber Ship =>Classic Asteroids: If you see a old, vector line asteroid in a level, shoot it and 1979 will appear. After your current game ends, you will be able to play the classic Asteroids game. =>Cheat Menu: Enter the password |CHEATONX|. During the game, press SELECT to activate the cheat menu. There, use U and D for stage select, L and R for Zone selection, and use A to turn to 001 for invincibility.

ASTEROIDS HYPER 64 (n64)checked-no =>Extra Modes: On the main menu, hold [L] and then press cL cR cU cD A cU cD cL cR START. Classic and Credits will appear on the main menu. Relentless mode will appear when you choose a normal mode game. =>Cheat Menu: Pause the game, hold [L] and press cLx2 cRx2 B A cUx2 cDx2 START.

ASTYANAX (nes)checked-yes =>Stage Select: On the title screen, press U D L R Bx4 START =>Invincibility: On the title screen, press Ux4 D L R U START =>Game Continue: When GAME OVER appears, press A B SELECT START. =>Stage 5 Maze: Only enter doors guarded by skeletons.

ATHENA (nes)checked-yes =>Power Up: In Area 1, find a small red and white mushroom and crouch down on top of it. You'll get the Fire Sword, Dragon Helmet, and Lion's Shield. The mushroom should be about the second one you find.

ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE (gbc)checked-no |DCNC| Submarine |CFCS| Fire |TJJT| Volcano |QNFS| Palace |XDKV| Cove |DHCV| Ice |JMFJ| Internal

ATOMIC PUNK (gb)checked-no =>Note: This was released in Europe as Dynablaster. |35NPSDJD| Faria |B0MNDPBL3NCB3L2H2DJJ| Stage 50 |44PP4P4P| Game A Ending =>Walk Through Walls: Play the game, die, and get your password. Reenter the password, but change the second to last character to any other one. Play the game and you will be able to walk through breakable blocks during your first life. This only works in game B.

AUSTIN POWERS: OH BEHAVE! (gbc)checked-no =>FAB-DOS Codes: Enter these at the FAB-DOS prompt to enable things. * Desktop Wallpaper |CCTV| Ivana |CHRISTMAS| Flowers & Evil |DOG| Swallow's Eye |HANDS| Driving |LOOK| Foxy Felicity |SPACE| Bust an O-ring |TEARS| Hands Up |TEETHING| Austin Steam |TWO OF US| Sausages |SPRINGER| Elvis lives |STEIN| Fembot Vanessa * Sound Effects |GET YOU| Evacuation 1 |IDIOT| Who is he |NO MOJO| Goo |JUMBO| Evacuation 2 |MAGPIE| Urination * Screen Saver |GRACE| Moving logo screen saver * Secret Messages |SHAG| |SHAGADELIC| |HORNY| |RANDY| |BABY| =>Faster Austin: For a faster Austin in the Maze mini game, enter the code |SPEEDY| at the FAB-DOS prompt. =>Invincibility: To be invincible in the Platform game, enter |RAT POISON| at the FAB-DOS prompt.

AUSTIN POWERS: WELCOME TO MY UNDERGROUND LAIR (gbc)checked-no =>EVIL-DOS Codes: Enter these at the EVIL-DOS prompt to enable things. * Desktop Wallpaper |BANGERS| Evil & Mini-Me |DRIVING| Mini-Me Hands |ELVIS| Springer Evil |FOXY| Evil Look |IVANA YUM| Evil CCTV |STEAM| Teething |STICKUP| Evil Tears |SWALLOW| Alpha-Dog |TASTY FEMBOT| Evil-Stein |OIL RING| Mini-Me in space * Sound Effects |ANOTHER PLAN| Plan 2 |DOCTOR| Evil Dr |HUG| Hug |MINI LAUGH| Mini-Me Hehe |SUPERVISOR| The Boss |TABLE| Table Problem * Screen Saver |CHRISTMAS| Flowers & Evil screen saver |GRACE| Moving Logos * Hidden Messages |EVIL| |LASER| |BIGGLESWORTH| |MOJO| =>Faster Evil: Enter the code |125CC| on the EVIL-DOS prompt to make Dr. Evil faster in the Mojo Maze game. =>Infinite Lives: Enter the code |INVINCIBLE| in EVIL-DOS to enable infinite lives in the Mojo Maze game.

AUTOMOBILI LAMBORGHINI (n64)checked-no =>Bonus Cars: Beat all the series modes in both Easy and Expert difficulties to earn new cars. Each series reveals one new car. =>Reverse Tracks: Beat Championship mode on Novice and Expert. =>Turbo Start: Press the gas right after the announcer says one and the words fade.

AVENGING SPIRIT (gb)checked-no =>Expert Mode: On the title screen, press U+A+B simultaneously. You will hear a tone. Press START to play. =>Bug: On level 3, at the beginning of the level, ride the elevator up but don't reach the top floor. Rather, jump off the elevator just before the top floor, towards the left wall. Hold D and you should go through the wall.

AXELAY (snes)checked-no =>Cheat Mode: Pause the game and press X. "Muteki!!" should appear. You can also press L or R on the title screen for a stage select. It seems that this code has been disabled in some versions, such as the European one.

AZURE DREAMS (gbc)checked-no =>Rare Monsters: To capture the rare monsters, throw an Ovaseed at them.

|========== Chapter B ==========|(C) Copyright 2002 by David F. Dayton.

BABE AND FRIENDS (gbc)checked-no |02|B0B| |03|RN6| |04|G5M| |05|RM1| |06|N6W| |07|TYQ|

BABY BOOMER (nes)checked-no-- Another unlicensed game -- =>Extra Lives: Certain objects yield extra lives if you shoot them repeatedly. In level one, the fire hydrant. Level 2, the tall & skinny tombstone. For level 4, the stalactite hanging over the bridge. For level 6, the torch.

BACK TO THE FUTURE (nes)checked-yes =>Bonus: At the end of a level, jump and freeze. The higher you are, the more bonus points you receive.

BACK TO THE FUTURE 2/3 (nes)checked-no =>Warp To Part 3: Hold B+SELECT, then enter |FLUXCAPACITORISTHEPOWER|

BACKTRACK (gba)checked-no =>Cheat Code Entry: Cheat codes are entered on the "Build Secret Base on the Dark Side of the Moon" menu. To enable this menu, simply press SELECT and then [L] R B [L] [R] L. Now, tap A to enter the password screen and enter one of the following cheat codes... |weap| All Weapons |ammo| Refill Ammo |god| Invincibility

BAD DUDES (nes)checked-no =>64 Men: When the title screen appears, press CNTRL II: B A D U D U. Now, press CNTRL I: START. =>Power Punch: Hold A until you flash, then release. =>Play as Super Man: On the title screen, press U D L R A B A B B A B A R L D U. =>Spin Kick: Press A+B+L or A+B+R. It only works if you make contact.

BAD NEWS BASEBALL (nes)checked-no |4yt49?ahwSGUh(heart)@Y:| or |4yt49?ahwSGUh(heart)Y:| The Final Game =>Girl Team: Hold CNTRL I: D+L, hold CNTRL II: U, and press RESET. A small heart will appear on the screen if the code worked.

BALLOON FIGHT (gw)checked-yes =>Warp: Hold TIME as you press GAME to start on level 17.

BALLZ 3-D (snes)checked-no =>Hyper Mode: Press Ax9 on the title screen. =>Character Select: Want to change into another character? Enter one of these codes during the game. * Divine - U L X+Y * Boomer - R L X+Y * Kronk - L L X+Y * Yoko - U R X+Y * Crusher - D R X+Y * Turbo - R R X+Y * Tsunami - L R X+Y * Bruiser - D L X+Y =>Finishing Move: Press Dx3 when your opponent's lifeline is of 2.5 life balls or less.

BANDIT KINGS OF ANCIENT CHINA (nes)checked-no =>Popularity Trick: In Scenario 4, Welcome Rain, give rice to the people of Prefecture 10 and 20 until the support level is 95 or more. You popularity rating will dramatically increase as well.

BANJO-KAZOOIE (n64)checked-part =>Extra Animations: When choosing a game on the load screen, you can get new animation sequences. Watch carefully; each of the three slots has a bonus animation that appears randomly. =>Code Entry Notes: Cheat codes of all sorts can be entered in the sand castle in Treasure Trove Cove. Find a bucket on a ledge near the submerged castle, and drop eggs into the bucket. The bucket will drain the water around the castle. Enter the castle, kill the crab, and you will notice lettered tiles on the ground. Ground Pound the letters to spell out the codes and enable cheats. =>Cheato Codes: Cheato book pages are hidden throughout the game. Every time you find one, you will be given a code. Once you find a page, you keep it, and can enter the code at any time in the sandcastle without having to go after the page again. * 200 Blue Eggs: The first page is in Bubblegloop Swamp. As an alligator, leave the level and hop into the swamp water. Turn around and enter the tunnel behind the entrance hut. Progress up the left ice hill, enter the tunnel marked with a gold feather (previously blocked by an block of ice that you should have crushed while a normal bear) and grab the Cheato page for the |BLUEEGGS| code that gives you the maximum 200 blue eggs. * 100 Red Feathers: The second Cheato page is in Mad Monster Mansion. As a pumpkin, exit the level and return to the lava in the overworld. Follow the path past Brentilda until you reach a Cheato named |REDFEATHERS|. * 20 Gold Feathers: The third Cheato page is in Rusty Bucket Bay. Above and to the right of the entrance is a tunnel. Go through the underwater tunnel to the right, and you should reach Shrapnel in the next room. Swim to the three pipes, break the middle one, and enter the pipe to find a switch. Hit the switch and quickly swim back to the cave near the entrance for the Cheato page |GOLDFEATHERS|. * Total Refill: Once you have all three pages, you can simply enter the code |BLUEREDGOLDFEATHERS| for a refill of all three items. =>Bottles Cheats: Enter Banjo's house, stand on the green rug, and stare at Bottles's picture using cU to zoom in. Bottles will give you some puzzles to solve. Every time you beat a puzzle, you get a code. These codes are not saved to the cartridge - you must solve each puzzle and enter the corresponding code every time you play the game. |BOTTLESBONUSONE | Big head Banjo |BOTTLESBONUSTWO | Big hands Banjo |BOTTLESBONUSTHREE| Big head Kazooie |BOTTLESBONUSFOUR | Tubular Banjo |BOTTLESBONUSFIVE | Big Banjo, small head |BIGBOTTLESBONUS | Big Banjo & Kazooie |WISHYWASHYBANJO | Washing Machine Banjo |NOBONUS | Enter this at any time to turn off the Bottles codes =>Super Cheat Codes: These codes require no skill, but they still can't be saved to the cartridge. First punch the word |CHEAT| in the sand castle and you will hear a cow moo. Then, enter these codes... |A GOLDEN GLOW TO PROTECT BANJO | Infinite Golden Feathers |LOTS OF GOES WITH MANY BANJOS | Infinite Lives |DONT BE A DUMBO GO SEE MUMBO | 99 Mumbo Tokens |BANJO BEGS FOR PLENTY OF EGGS | Infinite Eggs |AN ENERGY BAR TO GET YOU FAR | Maximum Energy |GIVE THE BEAR LOTS OF AIR | Infinite Air |NOW YOU CAN FLY HIGH IN THE SKY| Infinite Feathers =>Stop & Swap Item Cheat Codes: Do you want to nab the hidden items that Banjo-Tooie is supposed to somehow enable? Enter |CHEAT| in the castle and then enter these codes after you hear the moooo. These codes only work if you have already visited the levels they deal with. * This opens the locked gate in Gobi's Valley, and allows you to snag the Blue Egg - |A DESERT DOOR OPENS WIDE ANCIENT SECRETS WAIT INSIDE| * Raise Sharkfood Island in Treasure Trove Cove and find the Purple Egg inside - |OUT OF THE SEA IT RISES TO REVEAL MORE SECRET PRIZES| * Get rid of the ice wall in the ice cave of Freezeezy Peak and grab the Ice Key - |NOW YOU CAN SEE A NICE ICE KEY WHICH YOU CAN HAVE FOR FREE| * Open the X cask in Mad Monster Mansion's cellar and get the Light Blue Egg - |DONT YOU GO AND TELL HER ABOUT THE SECRET IN HER CELLAR| * In the Mad Monster Mansion bathroom, find the Green Egg by entering - |AMIDST THE HAUNTED GLOOM A SECRET IN THE BATHROOM| * In Click Clock Wood, enter Nabnut's house and grab the Yellow Egg - |NOW BANJO WILL BE ABLE TO SEE IT ON NABNUTS TABLE| * Enter the Captain's Cabin in Rusty Bucket Bay to collect the Red Egg - |THIS SECRET YOULL BE GRABBIN IN THE CAPTAINS CABIN| =>Level Unlock Codes: Enter |CHEAT| in the castle and then one of these codes to open up a level or Note door without having to collect the all the Jiggies or Notes first. * Treasure Trove Cove |THIS COMES IN HANDY TO OPEN SOMEWHERE SANDY| * Clanker's Cavern |THERES NOWHERE DANKER THAN IN WITH CLANKER| * M. M. Mansion |THE JIGGYS NOW MADE WHOLE INTO THE MANSION YOU CAN STROLL| * Gobi's Valley |GOBIS JIGGY IS NOW DONE TREK ON IN AND GET SOME SUN| * Rusty Bucket Bay |WHY NOT TAKE A TRIP INSIDE GRUNTYS RUSTY SHIP| * Click Clock Wood |THIS ONES GOOD AS YOU CAN ENTER THE WOOD| * F. Peak |THE JIGGYS DONE SO OFF YOU GO INTO FREEZEEZY PEAK AND ITS SNOW| * Bubblegloop Swamp |NOW INTO THE SWAMP YOU CAN STOMP| * Note Door 2 |THESE GO RIGHT ON THROUGH NOTE DOOR TWO| * Note Door 3 |NOTE DOOR THREE GET IN FOR FREE| * Note Door 4 |TAKE A TOUR THROUGH NOTE DOOR FOUR| * Note Door 5 |USE THIS CHEAT NOTE DOOR FIVE IS BEAT| * Note Door 6 |THIS TRICKS USED TO OPEN NOTE DOOR SIX| * Note Door 7 |THE SEVENTH NOTE DOOR IS NOW NO MORE| =>Gruntilda's Lair Codes: Enter |CHEAT| and one of these codes to change some aspect of Grunty's Lair. These would normally be activated as you progress through the game and hit switches, etc.. * |BOTH PIPES ARE THERE TO CLANKERS LAIR| Raises the two pipes near Clanker's Cavern. * |YOULL CEASE TO GRIPE WHEN UP GOES A PIPE| Raise big pipe by C. Cavern. * |ONCE IT SHONE BUT THE LONG TUNNEL GRILLE IS GONE| Open the passage by Clanker's Cavern that leads to the Click Clock Wood picture. * |DONT DESPAIR THE TREE JIGGY PODIUM IS NOW THERE| Makes the C.C. Wood Jiggy podium appear. * |THE GRILLE GOES BOOM TO THE SHIP PICTURE ROOM| Removes the grill blocking the path to the Rusty Bucket Bay picture. * |SHES AN UGLY BAT SO LETS REMOVE HER GRILLE AND HAT| Opens the grill inside of the giant Grunty statue. * |ITS YOUR LUCKY DAY AS THE ICE BALL MELTS AWAY| Removes the ice that blocks the Freezeezy Peak picture. * |WEBS STOP YOUR PLAY SO TAKE THEM AWAY| Removes the cobwebs * |GRUNTY WILL CRY NOW YOUVE SMASHED HER EYE| Break open the giant statue's eye, thus letting you fly up and snag the Jiggy. * |UP YOU GO WITHOUT A HITCH UP TO THE WATER LEVEL SWITCH| Raises the water level outside Rusty Bucket Bay. * |YOU WONT HAVE TO WAIT NOW THERES NO CRYPT GATE| Opens the gate to the crypt near Mad Monster Mansion. * |THIS SHOULD GET RID OF THE CRYPT COFFIN LID| Opens the lid of the coffin inside the aforementioned crypt. * |THEY CAUSE TROUBLE BUT NOW THEYRE RUBBLE| Remove all breakable walls. =>Pad Activation: Enter |CHEAT| in the castle and then these codes to enable the Fly and Shock Jump pads without having to learn the moves from Bottles first. * Flight Pad |YOU WONT BE SAD NOW YOU CAN USE THE FLY PAD| * Shock Jump Pad |YOULL BE GLAD TO SEE THE SHOCK JUMP PAD| =>Rusty Bay Puzzle Answer: Enter the code |312 111| on the keys. =>Mad Monster Mansion Secret: Jump through the chapel's stained glass window of Banjo-Kazooie. =>Warp Cauldron Locations: Purple cauldron 1 is in a passage near Treasure Trove Cove's puzzle. It connects to the cauldron behind the spider web in the large cavern that leads to Freezy Peak. * Blue cauldron 1 is in the large cavern that leads to Freezy Peak, on top of the spiral walkway. It connects to the cauldron in the room with the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay, on top of the crates. * The first red cauldron is in the pipe under the passage that leads to Clanker's Cavern, which is also the room leading to Treasure Trove Cove. The second red cauldron is in the room with Click Clock Wood, inside one the passageway connecting the bottom of the two trees. It's hidden in the grass. * The first cauldron is at the beginning of the game show room. It connects to the cauldron is at the top of the spiral staircase after the game show. =>Transparent Banjo: In Bubblegloop swamp, grab the boots and wait until they are just about to wear off. Stand on the entrance/exit portal; when the boots wear off, they will interrupt the exit sequence, leaving Banjo in a state of molecular chaos. =>Gnawty's House in Spring: In Click Clock wood, in the Spring section, climb the tree until you are directly above the boulder blocking the entrance to Gwawty's house. Drop eggs down onto the boulder and you should be able to break it, thus gaining access into Gnawty's home during the Spring. ->Free Mumbo Transformation: Play Bottle's puzzles to earn the washing machine code, turn yourself into a washing machine and enter a Mumbo hut. If you have enough Mumbo tokens to pay for the transformation inside, stand on the tile and press B. You will transform without losing any of your Mumbo tokens! ->Kill Bees: Use the Wonderwing (gold feather invincibility) to smash open a bee hive. Keep the wonderwing move turned on, and the bees will die when they attack you.

BANJO-TOOIE (n64)checked-no =>Cheat Codes: Enter these like you would Cheato codes. You don't need to have the Cheato pages to enable these, however. Note that these codes are made up of the word CHEATO and the normal code name, but entered backwards. |CHEATOSREHTAEF | Doubles the maximum feather total |CHEATOSGGE | Doubles the maximum egg total |CHEATOFOORPLLAF| Lose no energy when you fall |CHEATOKCABYENOH| Energy regenerates |CHEATOXOBEKUJ | Enables the jukebox in Jolly Roger Bay |CHEATOYGGIJTEG | Signs in Master Jiggywiggy's House give Jiggy hints =>Cheato Codes: As you find missing Cheato pages and return them, Cheato will reveal various secret codes. A new code is revealed for every 5 pages you return. Enter these codes in the Code Chamber in Mayahem Temple's Jade Snake Grove. Some codes require special activation; notes are given after such codes |FEATHERS | Doubles the maximum feather total |EGGS | Doubles the maximum egg total |FALLPROOF| Lose no energy when you fall |HONEYBACK| Energy regenerates |JUKEBOX | Enables the jukebox in Jolly Roger Bay |CHEATOSUPERBANJO| Superspeed Banjo |CHEATOSUPERBADDY| Superspeed bad guys |CHEATOHONEYKING | Infinite energy/air |CHEATONESTKING | Infinite eggs |CHEATOJIGGYWIGGYSPECIAL| Open all levels |CHEATOJIGGYSCASTLIST | Unlock the 90 jiggy character parade movie |CHEATOPLAYITAGAINSON | Enable movies/bosses/minigames options at menu |GETJIGGY | Signs in Master Jiggywiggy's house give jiggy hints; To earn this code, visit Gruntilda's fortune telling booth in Witchyworld repeatedly until she gives you the code. |HOMING | Eggs home in on nearest enemy; See the Blue Egg Game Pak code to enable this. =>Game Paks: Three secret items can be found, hidden inside some Banjo-Kazooie game paks. * Ice Key: In Jinjo Village, head behind the green Jinjo's house. Go up the steps, hang from the ledge, and ease your way right until you can climb up. Enter the cave and smash open the Game Pak to get the Ice Key. * Pink Egg: In Spiral Mountain, head towards the area where speed shoes and rubber boots are found. Look for a fenced off section in the wall, and break it open with a grenade egg. Enter, smash the Pak, grab the egg, then go to Heggy in Wooded Hollow to have the egg hatched and learn the Breegull Bash. * Blue Egg: In Spiral Mountain, fly over to the waterfall and enter the cave that the water comes from. Proceed up through the small river, then hop onto the ridge on the left. To get behind the fence, do a backflip and grab the ledge (Grip Grab move). Smash the Pak to get the Blue Egg, then get Heggy to hatch it and you will get the Homing Egg cheat... which only works after you enable it in the Code Chamber. =>Mega Glowbo: Enter Gutter Gulch Mine, grab the sneakers, then run to the beginning of the river. Hit the switch, then enter the gate and follow the stream to the cave. Jump down to the bottom, and swim underwater to find a boulder that Kazooie can smash with her Torpedo move. Enter the door and unlock the chest with the Ice Key. =>Dragon Kazooie: Once you have the Ice Key, Mega Glowbo, and Kazooie's Talon Torpedo move, visit Humba Wumba in Pine Grove and she will turn Kazooie into a dragon. Press B to spit fire. Return to Humba Wumba to get Kazooie back to normal. =>Jino in Multiplayer: Enter Heggy's House, split up and have Kazooie climb up the ramp. Hatch the egg to get the cheat.

BART AND THE BEANSTALK (gb)checked-no =>Energy: Find a place with three coin in a column. If you grab all three in a single jump, you will get an energy increase.

BART SIMPSON'S ESCAPE FROM CAMP DEADLY (gb)checked-part =>Music Toggle: Pause the game and press A to turn the music on or off. ->Cow Walk: Another pointless trick... in the stable, keep moving the cows to the front door and push them out of it. You will now find yourself walking slowly with the cows.

BART VERSUS THE JUGGERNAUTS (gb)checked-no =>Hop, Skip, & Fry: Press A+B with your direction to jump further. =>Secret Board: During Captain Murdock's skateboard jump, roll at maximum speed and hop over the juggernaut to find the hidden board.

BART'S NIGHTMARE (snes)checked-no =>Safe Passages: These are the safe routes through the Temple of Maggie. 1 - R Dx2 Rx2 * Rx5 * R [R] * U R U Rx2 * Rx3 U L * L L D R D * Rx3 [R] * R Ux2 Rx2 [R] * Dx3 R U * U Rx2 D R * Rx3 U R * U Rx2 [R] * R D R D R * Rx4 2 - Rx3 Dx2 * Ux2 Rx2 U * Rx3 D [R] * Rx3 U R * Rx4 [R] * R D R Dx2 * R U L Ux2 * R [R] * R D Rx3 * Rx3 U R * Rx2 [R] * R D R Dx2 * L R U Rx2 * Rx2

BASE WARS (nes)checked-no =>Super Weapons: Select Team Edit, choose Team A or B, then name your team |Terminator 2|. Team A will now have Laser Guns or Team B will have Laser Swords. =>Destroy Enemy Team: Have your pitcher throw only bean balls; every hit damages the batter. When they run out of energy, they explode! If you kill enough players this way, the other team has to forfeit.

BASEBALL SIMULATOR 1.000 (nes)checked-no =>Unskilled CPU: When playing against the computer, you can deactivate his super skills. When the computer chooses a super skill, use a time out and enter the pitch hitter/relief pitcher screen, and choose Cancel. When you return to the main screen the super skills will have vanished.

BASEBALL STARS (nes)checked-part =>Super Team: When selecting your team, the cursor will be in the upper left corner of the screen. Press D R L D D R U to move it to "Balanced Team" and press A. Your team name is now |WHEN ISNT IT|; change it to |WHEN IT IS.| and you will have a super team. ->Female Team: From the main menu, enter Make Team, and on the new screen press D R L D D R U U (D U)x2. The Veterans should be highlighted now. Press A and the team name will be "WHAT IS A WREN?" - change it to "A BIRD." and press START. The new name will be "WHEN ISNT IT?" - change it to "WHEN IT IS." Your team will now consist of only female players. Note: If you type "WHEN" on the first line and "IT IS." on the second, you will be able to give your team a new name. If you put "WHEN IT" on the first and "IS." on the second line, the team name will be "WHEN IT IS."

BASEBALL STARS 2 (nes)checked-no =>Ultimate Pitcher: If you have a custom team that earns at least $60,000 per game in the League mode, this code will work. Enter Make Team from the main menu and select Strong Pitchers. The last pitcher on the new team will either have a pitch skill maximum of just a single digit or an arrow and a digit; this means that they can be brought up to 15 points for every skill attribute. Have fun!

SUPER BASEBALL 2020 (snes)checked-no |American Dreams| Aussie Battlers |Battle Angels |Battle Heroes| | 2|D833556885A |29235668DA9A |A8244578288A |19344577988A | | 3|C8436569881A |49236769D39A |C8254679278A |394455789889 | | 4|B953756A88DA |3924776AD35A |E825568A268A |295456799489 | | 5|D964766A88D9 |2A24886BDF5A |0926578B258A |496557799488 | | 6|F974776B88C9 |1A34987BDF1A |2936588C257A |6975587B94F8 | | 7|E984877B88C5 |0A44A88BDB1A |1946688D253A |5985687B9438 | | 8|D994978B88C1 |FA54B89BDBDA |3956788E2539 |4A96688B94F8 | | 9|F9A4988C88B1 |EA55C8ABDBD6 |2966798F2139 |3AA6788C94B8 | |10|E9B4998D84B1 |DA65D9ABDBD2 |487689802138 |2AB6788C94B8 | |11|DAC59A8D84BD |FA66E9ACDBD1 |39868A812D38 |4AC6898E90B8 | |12|FAD69B8D84BC |EB67F9BCDBDD |29968B822938 |3AD6999E90B3 | |13|EAE69C8E8OBC |0B6809CCDADD |49A69B832937 |2BE6A9AE90BF | |14|0BF6AC8F80BB |2B6919CDDADC |69A79B942927 |1BF6B9BE90BB | |15|F906AD808CBB |4B6A29DDD9DC |5AA98BA529E7 |3A06BABF90AB | |Korea Dragoon |Mechanical Brains|Metal Slashers| |02|58335577085A |79244668F899 |68334677149A | |03|48435687045A |99345768F898 |583447871496 | |04|68436698035A |B9355869F897 |783547981486 | |05|884466A9034A |D935696AF797 |684548A81086 | |06|795467B90F4A |F9366A6BF787 |894649B81F86 | |07|995567B90F4A |1A376B6CF777 |A94749C91F76 | |08|896568DA0B3A |3A476C7CF763 |994759DA1B76 | |09|7A6668EB0BFA |2a577d7cf763 |895769EA1B72 | |10|9A6678FCOAFA |1B678E7cf76f |7A586AFA1B7E | |11|8967780D0ABA |3b688f8cf66f |99587A0B1A7E | |12|A967881E09BA |2A69809CF66B |B9597B1B197E | |13|C977892E09AA |1A7981ACF26B |A95A7B2C193E | |14|B987993EO9AA |0B8982BCFE6B |9A6A8B3C19FE | |15|A997A94E09A2 |FA9983CCFA6B |BA6B8BAD19EE | |6A87BBC439E7| Last password, Tropical Girls =>Computer Vs. Computer: Select 1 Player Game, press and hold SELECT, then press START. Enter a password if desired or continue to team select screen. Select League and the computer will select two teams and begin playing.

BASES LOADED (nes)checked-no |GEEDFBH| New Jersey 34-7, 1/3 through season Codes for 1 game away from the 80 game world series: |LFBDJHE| Boston |PNCBNHD| Kansas |PFDAJHH| New York |LNBCJPD| Utah |LFDBJHE| Philly |LNADJPD| Hawaii |PFACNHK| D.C. |LNDAJPD| Omaha |LFADNHH| New Jersey |LNCBJPD| Texas |PFCANHK| Miami |PFBCNPD| L.A. |JAELECO| Pennant between New Jersey and New York |CHXAACC| Pennant between New York and Boston, game 162 |EBDBAAJ| 0 Game Season, Philadelphia vs. New Jersey pennant =>BaseBrawl: If you have the bases loaded in the third inning, just bean the fourth batter. The batter will attack, but be ejected. If you want to keep the batter from being ejected, press B when asked for a pinch runner. * Try beaning the third or fourth batter in the innings after the third. Fights are still rather hard to pull off. * Your best odds of getting fights occur when you hit: Agua, Bacon, Caras, Debro, Fendy, Frieda, Lynn, Marcus, Oko, Paste, Starr, or Warner. =>Save Face: If your player storms the mound and is about to get thrown out of the game, repeatedly press B until the next guy gets up to bat and you will save your player.

BASES LOADED II (nes)checked-no Passwords for 50 wins, 0 losses: |CMDUIID| New York |SCTLRYQ| L.A. |CNDUIIE| Boston |IANOXXG| Kansas |XSQQUVO| New Jersey |ASFWGGH| Omaha |FICCJDE| Philly |GRYYMEM| Texas |BNGXFHF| Miami |XBQQUVW| Hawaii |CRDUIII| D.C. |WDPPVUV| Utah |MLOSSOM| L.A. vs. New York in the World Series |JTTPTWD| New Jersey vs. L.A. in the World Series

SUPER BASES LOADED (snes)checked-no =>Demo Baseball: On title screen, hold down either [R] or [L] and press RESET. When the credits begin, you can change the direction of the baseball by pressing any direction on the controller. =>Endings: Score 100% for a special game ending. =>Pitch Tricks: For a better curveball, hold L until you release, then hold R. For a great lob, use a tired pitcher and hold D throughout the entire pitch and ball flight.

BASS FISHING (gbc)checked-no =>Level 2: Enter a password consisting only of K's to start at level 2.


BASS MASTERS CLASSIC: PRO EDITION (snes)checked-no |MW0CVBLBB BLNBBBCHV BK*QBBB0N| Eagle Lake, S. Ramires, $1500 |MVDTX8* 4 D4TBBBBWB BTPJBCWNR| Eagle Lake, S. Ramires, $680, best equipment |RVDTX8**7 N4TBBBDSL BZVNBCWN*| Ronkonkoma, S. Ramires, $3130, best equip |WVDTX8**7 N4TBBBFZB BVNVBCINV| Sydney Lake, S. Ramires, $4600, best equip |0LFBBBLLB BBLKF4TFW N8PGBBBBG| 3rd Day, Lake Calabasas, Amateur |1M0CVBLBB BNLHSB043 LVSQBCOBH| 3rd Day, Last Calabasas, Pro

BASSIN'S BLACK BASS WITH HANK PARKER (snes)checked-no =>Debug Mode: Hold down CNTRL I: X+Y and CNTRL II: A+B while turning on your SNES, and DEBUG MODE should appear on the top of the screen. Begin a game and you may do the following... * Adjust Conditions: Hold CNTRL II: A on the Boating screen and go to the Casting screen. * Catch Random Bass: Press CNTRL II: B while on the Casting screen. * Speed Up Time: Press CNTRL II: X while on the Boating screen. * Random Non-Bass: Press CNTRL II: Y while on the Casting screen.

BATMAN (nes)checked-yes =>Wall Jump: Jump against a wall, then press B again as soon as you touch it. You will cling to the wall, and you can press B again to continue jumping. =>Boss Tips: The level 2 boss, when you get to the ball that turns inside out and shoots 3 bullets, can be destroyed if you get as close as possible to the ball and duck. The bullets will fly over your head. Jump and punch. In level 3, get to the boss with full power and 99 batarangs. Stand in the middle of the screen and shoot batarangs to the left and right. For the level 4 boss, enter the room, jump onto the left, then face right. Duck and punch until one of the blocks is destroyed. Fall to the bottom ledge, then duck and punch rapidly. If you punch quickly enough, the boxes will pass through you.

BATMAN (gb)checked-no =>Sound Test: Hold U+R and press START. =>Fake Wall: In stage 2-3, you can get some hard to reach items by hopping to the area before it and going through the wall.

BATMAN BEYOND: RETURN OF THE JOKER (gbc)checked-no |02|C76564J| |03|L88R8TC| |04|Y539WZG| |05|NTTJ9KY|

BATMAN: CHAOS IN GOTHAM (gbc)checked-no BM=Batman BG=Batgirl MB=Batmobile CY=Batcycle |02|BM MB BM CY| |05|MB CY BG BG| |08|BG CY BM MB| |03|BM CY BG CY| |06|CY CY BM BG| |09|BG BG MB CY| |04|MB MB BM MB| |07|CY BG BG BM|

BATMAN FOREVER (snes)checked-no =>Stage Select: On the game start screen, press L U L L A B Y. Change the game type to NORMAL and press START. Choose your character and press START to access the stage select screen. This also gives you access to all of the weapons. What's more, you can play as the Riddler in the Practice Mode. Also, you can activate a smart bomb during the levels by pressing START+[L]+[R]. =>Riddle Solutions: * "Unlucky ... baker's dozen" - Blast off elevator's roof and use grappling hook to reach the 13th floor. * "Steel ... fall through the floor" - In Two-Face's hideout, use the grappling hook to yank down the hanging safe and thus open up a room. * "A musical ... rewards" - Knock an enemy into the electric cords on Claw Isle. * "Looking ... found" - Raise yourself with grappling hook to save hostages.

BATMAN FOREVER (gb)checked-no =>Debug Mode: On the difficulty selection screen, press U R D L U D R.

BATMAN: RETURN OF THE JOKER (nes)checked-no |MDRR| 1-2 |NWKL| 2-2 |GPTW| 3-2 |KHCN| 4-2 |WBZT| 5-2 |CKQG| 6-2 |NMLL| 2-1 |LGZQ| 3-1 |GNXF| 4-1 |QGVN| 5-1 |FFHG| 6-1 |GPZT| 7-1

BATMAN RETURNS (nes)checked-no |1996 14 BBBB 61| Lvl 1.2 |199B 14 BBBB 17| Lvl 3.2 |1991 14 BBBB 66| Lvl 5.2 |1998 14 BBBB 81| Lvl 2.2 |199Y 14 BBBB 14| Lvl 4.2 |1993 14 BBBB 64| Lvl 6.2 =>Level Passwords with Invincibility: Lvl 1-1 |1995 14 BBBB 51| Lvl 3-1 |199! 14 BBBB 18| Lvl 5-1 |199* 14 BBBB 89| Lvl 6-1 |1992 14 BBBB 21| Lvl 6-2 |1993 14 BBBB 64| =>Stage Select: Enter the password |31 21 3191 11|. You should now be able to use CNTRL II: L and R to switch between levels.

BATMAN RETURNS (snes)checked-no =>Extra Men: Go to the Option Mode and highlight REST. Press CNTRL II: U U D D L R L R B A B A and you will hear a tone. You can now select up to 10 men. =>9 Continues: Go to the Option screen and highlight the REST option. Press CNTRL II, press U X L Y D B R A U X and a tone will sound. Begin the game.

BATMAN: VENGEANCE (gc)checked-no =>All Weapons & Unlim. Ammo: If you find a secret item, you can enable these cheats after beating the game once. At the very beginning of Plant Electrocution 2, fall into the second hole on the slide. There will be a small lit area near the bottom of the hole; land on it and you will find a key. This key will later unlock a special door, right next to some vines behind a large glass window. Inside that room is a special envelope marked "C". Beat the game and you will be able to start a new game with all the weapons and unlimited ammunition. =>Unlim. Handcuffs: On the menu, press X Y X Y [L] [R]x2. A tone will sound. =>All Powers & 120 Achievement Pts.: On the main menu, press [L]x2 [R]x2 [L] [R] [L] [R]. A tone will sound. =>All Movies: On the menu, press [L] [L] X X Y X [L] [R]. A tone will sound. =>Infinite Baterangs/Elec.Baterangs: On the menu, press [L] [R] Y X. =>Infinite Weapons (Not Baterangs): On the menu, press Y X Y X [L] [R] [L] [R] =>Play as Bruce: On the menu, press [L] [R]x2 [L] [R]x2 [L] [R] [L] [R]x2 [L]. Hold [L] when selecting your stage. =>Unlock the Joker: Enter the password |JOKER4LIFE|

BATMAN: VENGEANCE (gba)checked-no |02|GOTHAM| |07|TIM| |12|CATWOMAN| |17|BATARANG| |03|BATMAN| |08|BATGIRL| |13|JAMES| |18|BRUCE| |04|BARBARA| |09|FRIES| |14|DRAKE| |19|QUINZEL| |05|GRAYSON| |10|VICTOR| |15|HARVEY| |20|JACK| |06|ROBIN| |11|ALFRED| |16|SELINA| |21|EDWARD| |NORA| Cinema Mode =>Advanced Mode: Choose Advance Mode and enter the password |ARKHAM| when prompted. You must find all three discs in the level to proceed. Please note that you normally receive this password after completing the game.

BATTLE ARENA TOSHINDEN (gb)checked-no =>Scorcher Mode: On the Takara screen, press SELECTx3 Ux2 SELECT A Dx2 SELECT B to enter Scorcher mode, where special attacks may now be enabled. =>Jet Mode: On the Takara screen, press SELECTx3. Or, press Ux2 SELECT A Ux2 B. =>Gaia & Sho: On the Takara screen after Ellis's demo, press R L A B. Also, you can now play the hard game to fight Gaia II and Sho. =>All Fighters: On Elis's demo screen, press U D A B L R A B when Elis begins to dance. =>View Dialogue: When the Takara logo appears, press B A L R B A D U B A.

BATTLE BLAZE (snes)checked-no =>Extra Mode: On the options screen, hold [R], then press U+X, [R]+A, D+B, [L]+Y. If done correctly, you will enter the Extra Play Mode. =>Extra Continues: On the options screen, hold [L] and press U+X, [L]+Y, D+B, [R]+A simultaneously. A Credits Option will appear on the screen.

BATTLE BULL (gb)checked-no |01|LK**| |08|WF**| |15|W***| |22|67**| |29|F3**| |36|QZ**| |43|1T**| |02|LP**| |09|WK**| |16|6F**| |23|6***| |30|F7**| |37|Q3**| |44|1Z**| |03|LT**| |10|WP**| |17|6K**| |24|FF**| |31|F***| |38|Q7**| |45|13**| |04|LZ**| |11|WT**| |18|6P**| |25|FK**| |32|QF**| |39|Q***| |46|17**| |05|L3**| |12|WZ**| |19|6T**| |26|FP**| |33|QK**| |40|1F**| |47|1***| |06|L7**| |13|W3**| |20|6Z**| |27|FT**| |34|QP**| |41|1K**| |48|$F**| |07|L***| |14|W7**| |21|63**| |28|FZ**| |35|QT**| |42|1P**| |01|LGBC| |04|LVVM| |07|L4QM| |10|CGQ7| |32|8FC*| |02|LLBM| |05|LQV5| |08|L8Q5| |11|CLQ7| |39|8*C*| |03|LQVM| |06|LOQM| |09|WBQ5| |24|FCC*|

BATTLE CARS (snes)checked-no =>Mystery Mode: On the title screen, press U D [L] [R] SELECT. Go to the options screen and turn on Mystery Mode to play with an overhead view. =>Play as Opponent: On the title screen, press [L] [R] U. Begin a one player game and you will control your opponent's car.

BATTLE CITY (gb)checked-no =>Stage Select: Start and game and when you see the screen that says you are on level one, use U to choose your desired stage and then press START.

BATTLE CLASH (snes)checked-no =>Set Difficulty Level: On the title screen, press CNTRL I: [L]+SELECT. After you adjust the aim and options with the Super Sco