Web Based School Management Software

School Management Software Webo School is a complete school management software. By using it you can manage all the functioning of your educational institution. You can also organize and manage the day-to-day activities of the institution. What makes it better school management software is that the parents can also access this software and check on their children’s performance and other activities they do in the school.

Transcript of Web Based School Management Software

Page 1: Web Based School Management Software

School Management SoftwareWebo School is a complete school management software. By using it

you can manage all the functioning of your educational institution. You

can also organize and manage the day-to-day activities of the institution.

What makes it better school management software is that the parents

can also access this software and check on their children’s performance

and other activities they do in the school.

Page 2: Web Based School Management Software

Admin Login (Main Login)

Teacher Login

Librarian Login

Student Login Parents Login Accountant Login

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Admin can create student class

create student section

create grading point

add Teacher, Student, Perents

create student subject create exam & exam schedule

create student class routine

give student mark

give student attendance

teacher daily attendance

add librarys book

issue a book for student

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Admin can see library fine history

create transport route

add transport member

add student as hostel member

create student fee type

change there password

see all users profile

add invoice for student

add expense share media create notice print student report

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Admin can give student exam attendance

create hostel & hostel category list

see student account balance amount

add student as hostel member

add student as library member

give promotion student one class to another class

share media - public and class group.

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Admin can send internal message with attachment

share media - public and class group.

create SMS/Mail Template for particular SMS /Mail purpose

send SMS/Mail for all user by group.

setup SMS/Mail settings for sms. Clicktell, BulkSMS, Twilio

sms gateways are available

edit / delete / change all user accounts

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Teacher can give student mark

give student attendance

give student exam attendance

student information list & view

view exam schedule information

mark add, list, view, print, pdf send pdf to mail

add student attendance, view own attendance, add &

view exam attendance.

view rutine list

view books list

view transport list hostel, hostel category list

add media

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accountant can View teacher counter, Fee Type counter, Invoice counter,

Expense counter, profile summery, notice widget & calendar

Teacher information list & view

view, delete, print, email transport list & member

edit & delete hostel list & member

add, edit & delete fee type

view balance list

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accountant can view, add, edit, delete invoice list payment, print, print pdf &

send pdf to mail.

teacher information list & view

add, edit, delete expense list

compose message inbox, sent, favorite, trash, reply & delete

view notice board

view notice alert

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librarian can view Library members, Books, Issue Books counter widget

vies teacher information

view subject information

view books, add, edit, delete

view issue book, add, delete

compose message, inbox, sent, reply

view library member, edit & delete

Fine add view notice Board

view notice alert view profile

Page 11: Web Based School Management Software

student can view Teacher , Subject, Issue book, Own invoice, profile, notice

view teacher information

view subject information

view Mark information of own

view routine list of own class

issue books & own library profile & history

view exam schedule information of own class

view Attendance of own

view notice Board

view Library Books list

view profile

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student can view transport list & own transport profile information & history

view teacher information

view shared files or folders

view Mark information of own

view message compose, reply

view own invoice/account history

view hostels & own hostel profile & history

view Attendance of own

view notice Board

view Library Books list

view profile

Page 13: Web Based School Management Software

parents can view Teacher , Subject, Issue book, invoice, profile, notice

view teacher information

view subject information

view Mark information of own

view routine list of own class

issue books & own library profile & history

view exam schedule information of own class

view Attendance of own

view notice Board

view Library Books list

view profile

Page 14: Web Based School Management Software

parents can view list & own transport profile information & history

view teacher information

view shared files or folders

view Mark information of own

view message compose, reply

view own invoice/account history

view hostels & own hostel profile & history

view Attendance of own

view notice Board

view Library Books list

view profile

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High security

• As Webo School Software has been developed the latest security protocol. All the data you store in this software will be safe with daily backup.

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User friendly interface• Web0 School software has been

developed while keeping in mind all kinds of users. Therefore, anyone with basic computer knowledge can use this software.

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Mobile friendly• Web School software has been

developed to work really well with smart phones. It is compatible with all browsers in smart phones and you can use this software from any location.

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Web based system• You can use this software with the

help of a web browser from any location. Even though you have internet access a browser is needed to operate this software.

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24/7 Live support• Our sales and technical support team

are available to answer all your questions resolve any problems you may have while using our webo school software. Our technical team is available for you 24/7.