Web Accessibility Before and After, PSEWeb 2014

#a11y #PSEWEB #siteimprove Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration


Slides for the 2014 PSE Web Conference demonstration of a website and screen reader, before and after accessible coding practices implemented

Transcript of Web Accessibility Before and After, PSEWeb 2014

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Before and After: An Assistive Technology


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Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

Keith Bundy • Assistant Dean for Student Development • Dakota State University ADA Coordinator • Barrier Free Learning Committee Chair • Classroom Instructor • JAWS Certified • Director of Teaching for SD, for Fedora Outlier • YourTechVision, K-12 visually disabled students

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Kevin Rydberg • Senior eAccessibility Consultant, Siteimprove, Inc. • Web Strategist, E-Communications, Dakota State • Web Communications Coordinator, Mayo Clinic • Over 12 years in Web design, development, and consulting

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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1. Homepage

• Academics

2. Academics Page

• Find the School of Engineering

3. School of Engineering Page

• Find available programs

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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1. Homepage

• Find the Store

2. Store Page

• Find the 4-arm Hoodie

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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• Alternative text on images

• Title attributes on links

• Skip Navigation link

• Changed non-semantic tags to H2

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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1. Homepage

• Academics

2. Academics Page

• Find the School of Engineering

3. School of Engineering Page

• Find available programs

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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1. Homepage

• Find the Store

2. Store Page

• Find the 4-arm Hoodie

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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Web accessibility refers to “the practice of making websites usable

by people of all abilities and disabilities.”

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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• Coding for accessibility sucks.

• There’s no such thing as a fully accessible website.

• Just because you have an (mostly) accessible site, doesn’t mean you have a usable site.

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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• Know the Rules • WCAG 2.0, AODA

• Semantic Markup

• Organization’s Style guide

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration

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Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration


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Keith Bundy Assistant Dean Student Development ADA Coordinator Dakota State University Madison, SD [email protected] @keithbundy

Kevin Rydberg Senior eAccessibility Consultant Siteimprove, Inc. Minneapolis, MN [email protected] @rydbergk

Before and After: An Assistive Technology Demonstration