Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

Transcript of Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

Page 1: Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

Weapons Acquisition

Why do we buy the weapons we buy?

•Threat?•Politics?•Pork barrel spending?

Page 2: Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

What we hope would happen?


Strategy Weapons



Page 3: Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

What we think happens

THREAT Technology



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Threat Assessment

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Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)

(Since 2003)National Security Strategy of the US,Defense Strategic Guidance,, QDR

• CJCS: What capabilities are needed?

• Recommendation to SecDef

• SecDef: Recommendation to Pres.

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Buying and Building Weapons



2. Programming and

3. Budgeting

4. Execution

Pres. and Cong. decide what to buy

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For Big Ticket Items Milestone A — initiates technology

maturation and risk reduction. Milestone B — initiates engineering

and manufacturing development. Milestone C — initiates production and


Funding: reviewed yearly by Pres. and Congress

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F-35: Lockheed Martin Trident Ohio-Class Submarine:

General Dynamics, Electric Boat Division

MX ICBM:  Boeing; Martin Marietta and Denver Aerospace; Rockwell; Northrop; Thiokol; Aerojet; Hercules; and Rocketdyne

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber: Northrup Grumman

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Page 10: Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

The MX Missile

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MX Warheads

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The Threat

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The Future Threat

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The Players: Mid-1970s

President Ford/Carter SecDef

Schlesinger/Rumsfled/Brown OSD USAF JCS Members of Congress

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MX Multiple Protective Shelters

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Cluster Based MPS

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Another View of MPS

Page 18: Weapons Acquisition Why do we buy the weapons we buy? Threat? Politics? Pork barrel spending?

MX MPS Challenged Then Rejected1. States

1. Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska

2. Legislation1. National Environmental Protection Act


2. Federal Land Policy Management Act (1976)

1. Environmental Impact Statements

3. Reagan

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1981: Back to Drawing Board

Townes Commission (Executive) OTA, MX Missile Basing, 1981


IDEAS:• 35 Basing modes considered!!!!

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1. Rail Mobile

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The HO Version

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2. Underground Basing

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Launch of Underground-based MX

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3. Submarine-based MX

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4. Silo-Based5. Airborne6. Surface ship launch7. Closely-Spaced Basing (Dense Pack)8. Ballistic Missile Defense9. Launch on warning…

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New Commission 1983

Scowcroft Commission (President’s Commission on Strategic Forces)

Solution1. MX in Silos2. Small ICBM (Midgetman): Road Mobile

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Small ICBM (Midgetman)

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Rail-Mobile MX: 1985-1986