Wealthsurance TM Foundation plan UIN:135L001V01. What is the Wealthsurance Foundation Plan?...

Wealthsurance TM Foundation plan UIN:135L001V01

Transcript of Wealthsurance TM Foundation plan UIN:135L001V01. What is the Wealthsurance Foundation Plan?...


Foundation plan UIN:135L001V01

What is the Wealthsurance Foundation Plan?

Wealthsurance Foundation plan is hereafter referred to as Wealthsurance Account

Rs. 1 crore

Rs. 42 lakhs

Rs. 16 lakhs

*Interest rate assumed at 10%, compounded annually

‘The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest’

- Albert Einstein

If you start investing Rs. 50,000 per year at age 25, you will have Rs. 1 crore by age 56. But if you delay the beginning till age 45, you will have only Rs. 16 lakhs.

WEALTHSURANCE ACCOUNT can be opened with an investment as low as

Rs. 10000/- There is no limit for maximum

amount as investment in this account.

We offer life cover which is 5 times of your investment, to make your investment eligible for tax rebates under section 80C & 80 D and the

returns that you get will also be tax free under section 10 (10) D.

The life cover offered for an investment of Rs. 10000/- is

Rs. 50000/- which is the minimum, but if you desire you can even insure yourself for an amount of 10 Lakhs

also or even more than that.

The life cover has an inbuilt Terminal illness benefit.

(Terminal illness is defined as rapidly progressing, incurable disease which is expected to lead to death within six months.

No recovery made even if Insured Person survives for longer than six months.Sum Insured reduced by the Terminal Illness Benefit paid and policy will continue.)

In case the investment account holder is DIAGNOSED as terminally ill and is not expected to live for more than 6

months,the investment account holder will be paid the difference

between the life cover and the fund value while the investment account holder is alive.

For example

The live cover chosen is 10 Lakhs and the investment per year is Rs. 25000/- for a period of 3 years then

the fund value is Rs. 75000/- + interest on this amount (Let’s assume Rs. 25000) i.e. the total fund value is Rs. 1 Lakh.

The account holder will be paid a sum of Rs. 9 Lakhs as Terminal illness benefit if he is diagnosed as terminally ill and not expected to live for more than 6 months.

If you desire you can also take the benefit of MAJOR DIESEASE BENEFIT by which you will be covered for the following 17 diseases: 1. Heart Attack, 2. Coronary Bypass Surgery, 3. Heart Valve Surgery, 4. Surgery of Aorta, 5. Cancer, 6. Stroke, 7. Kidney Failure, 8. Major Organ Transplant, 9. Paralysis, 10. Coma, 11. Multiple Sclerosis, 12. Alzheimer’s disease, 13 .Parkinson’s Disease, 14. Benign Brain Tumor, 15. Major Head Trauma, 16. Major Burns &

17. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

The charges for above coverage are not much.

Exemplary charges for a healthy male aged 35 years are:

Benefit of Rs. 1 lakh payable on death or terminal illness will cost Rs. 221 per year. (Rs. 2210/- only For 10 Lakhs )

Benefit of Rs. 1 lakh payable on diagnosis of any of the 17 specified Major Diseases will cost Rs. 373 per year (Rs. 746/- only For 2 Lakhs ).

The charges are deducted in a monthly mode from the investment done by you

i.e. you need not pay for this charges separately.

The Account can be opened by making only one time contribution or regular payment of at least three years.

The funds have a lock in period of three years and after that you can make partial withdrawals or even close the account.

You can invest amount in MINIMUM Guaranteed Return Fund where we promise you a return of Rs. 19.00 on Rs. 10.00 over a period of 10 Years.

The amount is under your control and you can do unlimited Fund switching from one fund to other funds of the company free of cost.

The Equity growth fund of the company was at -3. 81% in March 2009, in May 2009 it had reached 14.39% and currently it is giving a return of 28.01%. The fund performance is published in our monthly

magazine known as wealth trends

Now see the power of

. . . . . . .

Note: Age 30, Term 30 PPT 6

You also get28.50 Lakh of Life cover

Pay 1.9 Lac for 6 Years Pay 1.9 Lac for 6 Years and see the power of Wealthsuranceand see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it turn it intointo a a CRORE.CRORE.

Fund Options Used: 50% Nifty Index & 50% Income Fund

Note: Age 35, Term 25 PPT 8

You also Get 28.10 lakh of Life cover.

Pay 2.25 Lac for 8 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it into a CRORE.

Fund Options Used: 50% Nifty Index & 50% Income Fund

Note: Age 40, Term 20 PPT 4

You also get 60 Lakhs of life cover

Pay 6.03 Lac for 4 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it into a CRORE.

Fund Options Used: 50% Nifty Index & 50% Income Fund

Note: Age 45, Term 15 PPT 7

Pay 5.55 Lac for 7 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it into a CRORE.

You also Get 41.60 Lakh of Life cover.

Fund Options Used: 50% Nifty Index & 50% Income Fund

Note: Age 30, Term 30 PPT 12

Pay 9555 Per Month for 12 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it into a Crore.

You also get,17.20 Lakhs of Life Cover

Note: Age 30, Term 30 PPT 15

Pay 924 Per Month for 15 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

make it a Million.

You also get1.65 lakh of life cover.

Note: Age 30, Term 30 PPT 1

Pay 8.55 Lac Once and see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it into a Crore.

Also Get. 42.75 Lakh of life cover

Exclusive fund for loved ones

* Subject to conditions

Note: Age 1, Term 25 PPT 7

You also Get, Withdrawal Option From Age 18 – Age 23

10 Lac Per Annum OR a Crore at 25

Pay 2.5 Lac for 7 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

see your Child a Crorepati.

Note: Age 30, Term 30 PPT 15

Pay 15000 for 15 Years get protection of 20 Lakh for 30 Years

and get back 4.0 lakh at Maturity.

Fund Options Used: 50% Nifty Index & 50% Income Fund

Note: Age 30, Term 30 PPT 6Living Benefits : 20 Lac- ADDR, 10 Lac Major Disease, 2000 Hospital Care

Pay 2.10 Lac for 6 Years and see the power of Wealthsurance

turn it into a CRORE.

Also get. 31.5 lakh of life cover.

•20 Lakh ADDR.•10 Lakh major disease care.

• Rs. 2000 hospital care.


no one can go back and make a brand new start,

anyone can start from now and create history….

Thank you