we strive to take you there WEmeet4businessagra2016.talkb2b.net/upload/Member/... · we strive to...

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce we strive to take you there we strive to take you there we st we st e to take you there we strive to take you ther we striv strive to take y we strive to we s ake you ther we s we s ere ou there e you th we we strive to t we strive WE STRIVE TO TAKE YOU THERE

Transcript of we strive to take you there WEmeet4businessagra2016.talkb2b.net/upload/Member/... · we strive to...

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there we strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you there we strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there we strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you there we strive to take you there




Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce

The Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce was founded in the Re-public of Slovenia as a non-governmental, bi-lateral organization; created with the aim to build, promote and facilitate trade and investment activiti-es between Slovenia and Nigeria.

The establishment and activities of the Chamber are dedicated to develo-ping a mutually bene� cial and concrete economic relations between the two countries. SNCC also functions as a bridge between Slovenia and Ni-geria as well as countries in the Southeastern Europe and African countries.

Gradually, SNCC has developed strong partnerships with other Chambers and similar business organisations, enabling it to build a robust business network that translates to opportunities for its members and partners.


We strive to take you there.


To be the platform for genuine, positive, real trade and investment drive between Slovenia and Nigeria as well as other countries in the region.

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce

SNCC Objectives Acceleration of economic relations between the Federal Republic of

Nigeria and the Republic of Slovenia in the interest of Slovene and Nigerian legal and physical entities which independently conduct pro� table activities on the market;

Representation of the interests of its members in front of national and other authorities and in front of other private institutions;

Representation of economic interests of its members and participants of economic relations between countries in front of Slovene and Nigerian governmental and administrative authorities and other institutions;

Collection and dissemination of information regarding the economic situation between the two countries, and about the state and development of economic-political, trade-political and legal questions; for this purpose SNCC prepares printed publications and on-line releases;

Maintenance of good economic relations between the two countries in case economic crisis occurs;

Dissemination of information and counselling for members, issuance of expert opinions, studies, reports and research � ndings;

Business promotional activities and organisation of public events such as press conferences, business seminars, symposiums, business breakfast brie� ng, B2B, B2G and also attending other events connected with the goal of establishment of SNCC;

Monitoring and analysis of economic trends and promotion of investments and trade between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of Slovenia;

Promotion and implementation of educational programs in cooperation with economic subjects from both countries;

Intervention in disputes between participants of bilateral economic trade;

Expert assistance to members;

Entrepreneurship and competitiveness acceleration in the Federal Republic of Nigeria and in the Republic of Slovenia with an aim of mutual economic performance of both countries;

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce


When I joined SNCC as a member in 2013 after the chamber was establi-shed, I remember thinking and re� ecting on why one would join. Since then I never regretted the decision for a moment. SNCC membership has been a process of discovery for us. Entering Nigerian market, meeting new people, establishing partnership and doing projects has been a worthw-hile venture. I would like to believe that we made a contribution. But I do also acknowledge that the returns for us have been larger than what we have given. I must say that we would not have gained an insight into doing business in Nigeria and how things function there without SNCC. SNCC is a great organization and recommended.

Andrej LikarDirector, Geoportal d.o.o

In this year we became a member of SNCC and now I can con� rm that this decision to cooperate proved to be very successful. SNCC extremely and su-ccessfully connects two very di� erent cultures, a country of vast opportuniti-es and mass needs and knowledgeable economy seeking new markets.

Thank you for all the support, hopefully our cooperation will grow even closer in the next year.

Alenka BučerArea Sales Manager, Iskra Zaščite

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce

Our experience with the Slovenia - Nigerian chamber of commerce is very positive. We are a member since the very beginning and we can say it has been an interesting and fruitful cooperation. The almost in� nite possibiliti-es of the Nigerian market are very unfamiliar as sometimes even intimida-ting for a Slovenian businessmen, but through Slovenia - Nigerian Cham-ber, it becomes almost easy to navigate through Nigerian business habits."

Matevž Urož PavličDirector/Co-founder, Gecko d.o.o

Congrats! The Chamber newsletter is without exaggeration most intere-sting out of those I have received in the last times.

Borut PotočnikDirector, BPMC Consultant d.o.o

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce

SNCC Services

Services o� ered by the Chamber include comprehensive support to mem-bers, representing their interests, presentation and product placement and other services but not limited to:

Establishing a company in Nigeria or Slovenia; Establishment of contacts for Nigerian and Slovenian importers and

exporters; Business associates veri� cation; Business network; Representation in exhibitions /Notifying members of current Nigerian/

Slovenian trade fairs, tenter opportunities and specialized exhibitions; Advertising; Publishing, Networking; Assisting in arrangement of joint venture partnership; Providing reference to domestic and foreign supply sources; Organizing of regular business activities (with business operators

and government institutions) on bilateral trade, economic trade, thereby providing an ideal environment for real business contacts and information exchange;

Business facilitation, including business trips to Nigeria and Slovenia; Business visa information and assistance; Support for the development of educational cooperation and

knowledge transfer between Slovenia and Nigeria; Helping you to comply with Nigeria’s Import Export requirements.

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce

Why Become a SNCC Member?

Because SNCC:

Is a platform where companies and individuals seeking to do business in Nigeria or Slovenia can turn to for a genuine and real partners or distributors.

Supports its members to establish in the Nigerian market and assist them to understand and adapt to Nigeria’s business rules and culture, which are very di� erent from that of Slovenia.

Facilitates Import Export trade, facilitate Joint Venture partnerships, facilitate trade mission and leading trade or business delegation to Nigeria or Slovenia.

Organises networking events dedicated to information sharing on current business trends, opportunities and designed to bring closer trusted and veri� ed business partners located and connected to the market and sector.

Commits its resources and strives to make members transition to both markets a delightful experience, reducing the stress to a minimum and mainly secure your interest whenever and wherever possible.

Advises members about legislation, tax rules, custom tari� s, security, as well as to provide legal opinions through the chambers legal partners on problems arising from the pursuit of trade between Nigeria and Slovenia.

O� ers a wide portfolio of conferences, seminars, B2B and B2G meetings, publications, newsletter, and frequent business news updates targeting important and relevant trade information to its dynamic members.

Helping you to comply with the requirements of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria Conformity Assessment Programme (SONCAP) in order for your goods to clear customs,

Provides assistance and support its members to acquire business visas to both countries within the shortest time possible.

Is committed to excellence and paying attention to every member needs and requests because the success of our members is our trademark.

Is a nimble, dynamic, responsive Chamber that can deliver.

we strive to take you there

we strive to take you there

we strive to take you thereyou therewe strive to take you thereyou there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you

we strive to take you thereto take you we strive to take you therethere

we strive to take you there we strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you

we strive to take you therestrive to take you

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you theretherewe strive to take you therewe strive to take you there we strive to take you there

we strive to take you there

we strive to take you

we strive to take you thereyou therewe strive to take you thereyou there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you

we strive to take you theretherewe strive to take you theretherewe strive to take you therewe strive to take you there we strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there

we strive to take you therewe strive to take you there we strive to take you there


SNCC Address: Dunajska Cesta 104, 1000 Ljubljana, SloveniaPhone: +386 820 548 54

Fax: +386 820 548 55E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. Fred [email protected]

Dr. Ambrož Vuga Secretary [email protected]

Engr. Emeka Felix UnachukwuManagement Consultant and Director, West [email protected]

Mrs. Stephanie E. TrpkovDirector, South-Eastern [email protected]

Mr. Uche Udungwor (Esq) Country director, [email protected]

Slovenia-NigeriaChamber of Commerce