we Sell Other things But Our I and I l New - Pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nsw7f/data/0044.pdfTHE...

THE BOTfRBGXN NEWS KENTUCKY JULY 17 1906 f PARIS n > Sell Other things Coo But Our Mountain Ash Jellico and l and New Diamond 7 Bally for Satisfied Customers all Ccunty C STUART OBRIEN Directly Opp L N Depot I I make Us Oyer I 11 f I we COALS Zee SEE LSALOSHIN i for All the Leading Brands of Whiskies Wines and I carry a large line of all kinds pf Whiskies bottled in bond VanHook Old Pepper Mellwood Sam Clay and Chicken Cock Fine old Cherry Wine old Port Wine Black berry Wine Duffys Perre Malt Whisky best 2 per gal VanHook Whisky in Paris Bavarian bottled Beer sc per bottle Sandwitches of all kinds sc each L SALOSHIN Both Phone Home 255 E Tenn 29 Corner Main and Seventh Paris Ky TiEiE P5 hones 31 as Having consolidated my two Livery Stables I g can be found in the future at the Middle Stable where we will be able to furnish the best of Livery fe- iI of all kinds at reasonable charges g Horses boarded by day week or month f Special attention given to furnishing of carriages m for Parties Balls Funerals Etc m Minion Jr EXECUTOR ADMINISTRATOR H Lexington Banking and Trust Co j v Cor VffarJcct and Short Streets Lexingf on Ki 1 IU Capital Stock QP000 00 Stock Holders Liabilities 600000 00 esri rVxili Protection 1200000 00 Our prospective customers are any fi in the State We invite you to call s 3 per cent interest on timeand V p4 savings deposits Largest combined Bank and Trust Company the State flf JS GUARDIAN TRUSTEE 1 i i Dr Indies t t I ex- port II L l l t LI Wm fr tttf Zf 2 f i i j I 2 rJl i pfn n9 I i l4iI If if r 5 a JII f A I t j 1 t i ftt I i I I j I r I I- ii m I 1f J 11 4 1 I l 3 I rf r ant l fft v f 7 Ir G In 1I G t Jf t tla sl iJI fji 6 i t ilt 1 rr lI T m A ll Jfil l t7 1T 7 c Ji 1 B txJ toi J j m 7i iI criJ tN i r 9 hl M av7 s v1 1Mti- a x c i a y 4iiErma ij 4 uJCir 1 i1 J ti t nCO 10t r mgth hey facilities sleet e of l- ess ant ant equal to K u s v- pq > < = = + + + = = Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Cataarh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY Toledo the undersigned have knowri F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry cut any obligations made by his firm WALDING RINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 Halls Cataarh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c pe bottle Sold by all DrugigstsT Take Halls Family Pills for constipa If Yon Try Father Williams Indian Herb Tea Constipation Liver Sick Kid neys Sour Stomach Sick Headache Neuralgia Dyspepsia Indigestion Dizziness and Bad Breath we will refund the moneyThey work day and and you get up in the morning feeling like new person Try them 20 cents Tea or Tablets For sale by W T Brooks BLOCK LIGHTS I have a large stock of the famous Block Gas Lamps Lamp and mantel complete only 50 cents tf JyT CONNELLY From tlia Amen Corner The Cold water Okla Star tells this story of a local incident You can always count on a Cold water man doing justice to a subject Last Sunday in one of the pews of a church here a man B suddenly awakened by a vicious bite of a fly on his bald head Not realizing where he was he struck at the offender and au dibly remarked the flies The remark aroused a Deacon in the next pew who fervently shouted Amen Advertisement For Building Si WASHINGTON D C Proposals will be received tobe opened at 2 oclock p m August 10 1906 for the sale to the United States of a suitable site centrally and conveniently located for the Federal to be erected in Paris Ky A corner lot 120x130 feet is required Each proposal must be by a diagram of the the foundations obtainable etc Any im provements on the land must be by the vendor within thirty days after written the vendor shall pay all expenses connected with furnishing evidence of title and deeds of conveyance The right to reject any j proposal is reserved Each proposal must be sealed marked Proposal for Federal building site at Paris Ky and mailed to the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY SUPERVISING ARCHITECT Washington D C I I CO O- We tion themthe was I Dn Wl a51try J I ap- proximating J landshowing I I alI re- moved noticeand i I SecretaryJuly dz 0 cal II1iPltY i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ London Ky as Seen By a Visitor Having read so many items from London TCy giving ac counts of sfueds and numerous assassi nations and killings we expected to find a people different in religious and moral sentiment but on the contrary we found a deep religious and moral feeling that afforded us a most agree able surprise l Indeed the people of London Ky and of Laurel county in general are among the best people whom we have ever met They are industrious enterprising sober not a saloon in the county moral and religious They are also many of them cultured and refined standing for all that is best in our civil and social life On reflecting on the situation and making some inquiry about the great number of dispatches in our newspapers from that point we found that London is the central news point from several of the mountain counties and that practically none of the records of crime sent from London or were committed there but have been gathered to this point from ten or a dozen counties The Sue Bennett Memorial School at London under the efficient manage ment of ProfJJLewis is doing a great work The people there are alive to the benefits to be derived from the right kind of education and are making rapid progress in this line In conclusion we were delighted with London and are anxious to visit that beautiful little mountain city again A VISITOR CORN WANTED We are in the market for Corn and will pay highest market price for same STUART OBRIEN Directly opp L Freight Depot Honesty Delayed Andrew Hurst a former resident of Esbon Okla recently sent 5 to a man whom he had robbed of some IS years ago I was led into the evil way by others and am sorry for it and hope you will forgive me I have been con verted and am goning to make every thing right with my fellow men I served the devil for 24 years but am going to serve the Lord the balance of my life Meat lor Millions The daily capacity of the Union Stock Yards in Chicago is 745000 300000 hogs and 50000 sheep per sons employed in and about the yards number 45000 upon whom are depen dent probably a quarter million Within the square mile occupied by the stock yards are 200 acres of pens 20 miles of street 20 miles of water ing troughs 55 miles of drainage and water pipes and 150 miles of railroad tracks The stock yards were founded in 1865 With accessories they repre sent invested capital of 67000000 Chicago literally supplies the world with meats The armies of England France Germany and Russia subsist upon fare prepared there as do a great part of the population of those coun tries The Union Stock yards received last year 2613630 head of cattle or 1929 923 more than St Louis 1803368 more than Omaha and 767397 more than Kansas City Nearly twice the number of sheep slaughtered in Kansas City Omaha and St Louis are killed annually in while the stock sold in other cities finds its destination in ChicagoSince of the Union Stock yards 352000000 live animals have been of which 12370 000 were shipped away alive leaving a total of 339630000 animals killed and packed in 40 years at this chief center of the meat industry Most Merciless Penalty The grdupof artists in the boot blacking establishment were the forms of capital punishment and had entered into a spirited debate as to what constituted the worst possible of punishment held that the electrocution of a man too merciful a way in which to punish him for taking human life The argument waxed warm when an junk dealer who was a box of rubbish into a lafge bag took a hand in the game and said Ranges vas too goot for dent lec tricity vas too goot dem also Why said one of the bystanders can you imagine greater punish than taking away a life the answer dey ought to put de mens in pizness und net let dem have any customers I Laurelcounty I I I N cat- tle Chicago muchof establishment discuss- ing method One of the num- ber wa interested empty- ing for mast mans Surewas 1 h newspaper water- melons rela- tives e the received airy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Old Time Acting The old time actor had peculiar and primitive views as to elocution and Its uses I remember a certain old friend of mine who when he recited the open ing speech in Richard ill and arrived at the line In the deep bosom of the ocean hurled suggested the deep bos om of the ocean by sending his voice Into his boots Yet these were fine actors to whom young who never saw them constantly j refer The methods of the stage have completely changed and with them the of the people The probability j is that of the old actors of only I a few years ago would excite much merriment In their delineation of trag edy A very great tragedian of a past was wont in tent scene in Richard III to hold a piece of soap in his mouth so that after the ap pearance of the ghosts the lather and froth might dribble down his chin and he employed moreover a trick sword which rattled hideously and what with his foam flecked face his rolling eyes his inarticulate groans and his rattling blade the small boy in the gallery was scared into a frenzy of vociferous delight Richard Mansfield in Atlantic Proficient When western Iowa was newly set tled the farmers in an isolated section banded themselves together as a school district and proceeded to choose one of number committeeman A log schoolhouse was erected and soon a young woman came that way seeking a chance to teach The committeeman was designated to ascertain her fitness When the time for the ordeal arrived the public otlicial was at his wits end j He had been examined himself often enough but that was when he was at tending district school fifty years The very thought of conducting an examination himself and for a teacher at that staggered him could not think of a question to ask j The young sat waiting and tile old man teetered nervously on his tiptoes Well now Miss Burden he said cautiously at last kin say the alphabet backards r Miss Burden could and did Fine cried the Ill just indorse your certificate it thus Fully profeeslmut A Great Stamp Forgery The most colossal stamp forgery on record entailed the successful of collectors throughout Europe in 1SS9 One day the French papers announced that King Marje I of Se thing an island in the vicinity of Chi na was coming to Paris As it hap pened this self created monarch was an exofficer of the French navy and his appearance in Paris created con siderable sensation As soon as his majesty had been duly advertised sets of seven different postage stamps marked Sedaug and bearing three half moons appeared and so great the demand for them that in less than a month they realized 1000 francs each Not until the king and his had reaped fat fortunes in this manner was it discovered that the whole thing was a hoax and the stamps consequently worthless Some Slips of the Tongue Never use the word liable when you mean Do not say for instance that he is liable to come in at any moment Liable implies mis fortune and means exposed to sub ject to in danger of Why do most of us speak of a mystery Any good dic tionary shows that ravel means to unweave You ravel a mystery therefore when you solve it In Ham let Shakespeare says Make you to ravel all this matter out If you and your friend Smith know man called Jones do not speak to Smith of our mutual friend mean lug Jones Jones is your common friend If you are friendly to Smith and Smith is friendly to you you and Smith are mutual but that is the only sense in which the term may be rightly used After an all night session with f the boys a husband wended his arriving there at about 5 a m He found his wife waiting for him in the dining room the confusion of furniture indicating that she had been an unhappy time This is a nice time for you to home snapped the wife Yes admitted the erring husband Its a lovely morning- I havent slept a wink this blessed night with a severe look Neither have I said the husband The Renl Simon Pare The simon pure is one of those plirdsesr which every understands and not one in alvundred could account for Simon Pure was a Pennsylvania Quaker in Mrs pentlivres A Bold Stroke For a Wife produced at Drury Lane theater London in February 1718 One Colonel Feignwell passes himself off as and wins the heart of a Bristol heiress Miss Lovely after rwlilch real Simon Pure turns up Injure with TV O Hinton Ke has the Tight kind of insurance I certain tastes generation the I He woman Re- wrote was min- ister un- raveling With JIcr home having be- coming one imon gentle- men some their be- fore you committeeman a swin- dling Ii ely r friends Agreed way teal the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A FAMILY SAFEGUARD y Dr Green arranges with the Niece of Dr schce to handle her famous Uncles Great Throat and Lung Cure family is a reliable household that will cure coughs colds chilly sensations running eyes nose sore throat and bronchial will the children proof against all contagious diseases a is Bpschees German Syrup which has a record of 35 years in the cure consumption catarrh all troubles qThe fame of German Syrup cure since its purchase by Dr Green from the niece of the famous Dr Boschee has extended to all parts of the earth It has big sales 10 QTwo sizes 250 and 750 All druggists G S Old Shoes for Sausage A writes thus toa For 5 years I have kept a hotel in the town in which I live and during that time have accumulated fully half a t9n of old overshoes left by guests Do you know whether or not there market for such things The answer is Dispose of them to some of the Chicago packing houses FOR RENT Five nicely furnished rooms for rent for gents Central location M L WOODS Eiionirii If you will try a case of the famous Lion Beer the best on earth and1are not pleased with it we wijl gladly your money All recom mend this beer for family use and for convalescents T F BRANNON y 3jy2mo Agent Lion Brewing Co Williams Kidney Pills J Have you your Kidneys Have you overworked your system and caused trouble with your Kidneys and Bladder Have pains in the loins side back groins and bladder Have you a flabby pearance of the face especially under the eyes Too frequent to urine If so Kidney Pills will cure you Sample free By mail 50 cents Sold by Oberdorfer yiLLTAijs MFG Co Props Cleveland O Huge Task It a hugh task to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidney as that of C F Collier of Cher okee Iowa but Electric Bitters did it He writes My kidneys were so far I could not sit on a chair without a cushion and suffered from dreadful backache headache and de pression In Electric Bitters I found a cure and by them was restored to perfect health recommend this great tonic medfeifc to all with weak s liver ot stomach Guaranteed by Oberdor fer the druggist Price 50c DIP riaUlUlltt uIHulUHdli THE LOCAL TIME Frankfort at 620 am and 200 jrau j Ar 712 am and 247 pm Ar at Paris at 750 am and 326 pm j pmAr I Ar Frankfort 1125 am and Close connection made at Paris witfc trains to and from Cincinnati ville Cvnthiana Winchester ana Richmond Connections made at Georgetown with the Southern GEO B HARPER Tres and Gen Supt C W HAY G P A CONTINUE Those who are gaining flesh and strength by regular treat Scotts Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather smaller dose and a little cool milk with it will do away with any objection season sampleSCOTT 409415 Pearl Street New York joc 100 all druggists t best d cr affectionsthat I asa cons- umptive VARDENr SON HotelKeeper rubbersand isa t I l air doctors I I dis- ease I how- ever I lIIDLAJ TABLE fLY t eo town 720pm I 7 I I I products a TX- RF S i u The safe newspaper re- fund i neglected nervous apt was o at tl l < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ <

Transcript of we Sell Other things But Our I and I l New - Pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nsw7f/data/0044.pdfTHE...

Page 1: we Sell Other things But Our I and I l New - Pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nsw7f/data/0044.pdfTHE BOTfRBGXN NEWS KENTUCKY JULY 17 1906 f PARIS n > Sell Other things Coo But Our Mountain





Sell Other things Coo But Our

Mountain Ash Jellico and

l and New Diamond


Bally for Satisfied Customers all

Ccunty C

STUART OBRIENDirectly Opp L N Depot



make Us Oyer I







for All the Leading Brands of

Whiskies Wines and

I carry a large line of all kinds pf Whiskiesbottled in bond

VanHook Old PepperMellwood Sam Clay

and Chicken Cock

Fine old Cherry Wine old Port Wine Blackberry Wine Duffys Perre Malt Whisky best 2

per gal VanHook Whisky in Paris Bavarianbottled Beer sc per bottleSandwitches of all kinds sc each

L SALOSHINBoth Phone Home 255 E Tenn 29

Corner Main and Seventh Paris Ky


P5hones 31as

Having consolidated my two Livery Stables I gcan be found in the future at the Middle Stablewhere we will be able to furnish the best of Livery fe-

iI of all kinds at reasonable charges gHorses boarded by day week or month f

Special attention given to furnishing of carriagesm for Parties Balls Funerals Etc m

Minion Jr


H Lexington Banking and Trust Co jv Cor VffarJcct and Short Streets

Lexingf on Ki 1IU Capital Stock QP000 00

Stock Holders Liabilities 600000 00esri rVxili

Protection 1200000 00

Ourprospective customers are any fi

in the State We invite you to calls 3 per cent interest on timeand V p4

savings deposits

Largest combined Bank and Trust Companythe State flfJS GUARDIAN TRUSTEE



Dr Indies



I ex-




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Hows This

We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Cataarh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure


the undersigned have knowri FJ Cheney for the last 15 years andbelieve him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financiallyable to carry cut any obligations madeby his firmWALDING RINNAN MARVIN

Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0Halls Cataarh Cure is taken inter

nally acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials sent free Price 75c pebottle Sold by all DrugigstsT

Take Halls Family Pills for constipa

If Yon TryFather Williams Indian Herb Tea

Constipation Liver Sick Kidneys Sour Stomach Sick HeadacheNeuralgia Dyspepsia Indigestion

Dizziness andBad Breath we will refund themoneyThey work day and and youget up in the morning feeling likenew person

Try them 20 cents Tea or TabletsFor sale by W T Brooks


I have a large stock of the famousBlock Gas Lamps Lamp and mantelcomplete only 50 cents


From tlia Amen Corner

The Cold water Okla Star tells thisstory of a local incident

You can always count on a Coldwater man doing justice to a subjectLast Sunday in one of the pews of achurch here a man B suddenlyawakened by a vicious bite of a fly onhis bald head Not realizing where hewas he struck at the offender and audibly remarked

the fliesThe remark aroused a Deacon in

the next pew who fervently shoutedAmen

Advertisement For

Building Si


Proposals will be received tobeopened at 2 oclock p m

August 10 1906for the sale to the United States of asuitable site centrally and convenientlylocated for the Federal to beerected in Paris Ky A corner lot

120x130 feet is requiredEach proposal must be bya diagram of the the

foundations obtainable etc Any improvements on the land must be

by the vendor within thirtydays after written the vendorshall pay all expenses connected withfurnishing evidence of title and deedsof conveyance The right to reject any

j proposal is reserved Each proposalmust be sealed marked Proposal forFederal building site at Paris Kyand mailed to theSECRETARY OF THE TREASURY









I Dn

Wl a51try




J landshowingI








cal II1iPltY











London Ky as Seen By a Visitor

Having read so manyitems from London TCy giving accounts of sfueds and numerous assassinations and killings we expected tofind a people different in religious andmoral sentiment but on the contrarywe found a deep religious and moralfeeling that afforded us a most agreeable surprise l Indeed the people ofLondon Ky and of Laurel county ingeneral are among the best peoplewhom we have ever met They areindustrious enterprising sober not asaloon in the county moral andreligious They are also many of themcultured and refined standing for allthat is best in our civil and social life

On reflecting on the situation andmaking some inquiry about the greatnumber of dispatches in our newspapersfrom that point we found that Londonis the central news point from severalof the mountain counties and thatpractically none of the records of crimesent from London orwere committed there but have beengathered to this point from ten or adozen counties

The Sue Bennett Memorial School atLondon under the efficient management of ProfJJLewis is doing a greatwork The people there are alive tothe benefits to be derived from the rightkind of education and are making rapidprogress in this line In conclusionwe were delighted with London and areanxious to visit that beautiful littlemountain city again


CORN WANTED We are in themarket for Corn and will pay highestmarket price for same

STUART OBRIENDirectly opp L Freight Depot

Honesty Delayed

Andrew Hurst a former resident ofEsbon Okla recently sent 5 to a manwhom he had robbed of some

IS years agoI was led into the evil way by

others and am sorry for it and hopeyou will forgive me I have been converted and am goning to make everything right with my fellow men Iserved the devil for 24 years but amgoing to serve the Lord the balance ofmy life

Meat lor Millions

The daily capacity of the UnionStock Yards in Chicago is 745000

300000 hogs and 50000 sheep persons employed in and about the yardsnumber 45000 upon whom are dependent probably a quarter million

Within the square mile occupied bythe stock yards are 200 acres of pens20 miles of street 20 miles of watering troughs 55 miles of drainage andwater pipes and 150 miles of railroadtracks The stock yards were foundedin 1865 With accessories they represent invested capital of 67000000

Chicago literally supplies the worldwith meats The armies of EnglandFrance Germany and Russia subsistupon fare prepared there as do a greatpart of the population of those countries

The Union Stock yards received lastyear 2613630 head of cattle or 1929923 more than St Louis 1803368 morethan Omaha and 767397 more thanKansas City

Nearly twice the number of sheepslaughtered in Kansas City Omaha andSt Louis are killed annually in

while the stock soldin other cities finds its destination inChicagoSince

of the UnionStock yards 352000000 live animalshave been of which 12370000 were shipped away alive leavinga total of 339630000 animals killedand packed in 40 years at this chiefcenter of the meat industry

Most Merciless Penalty

The grdupof artists in the bootblacking establishment were

the forms of capital punishmentand had entered into a spirited debate asto what constituted the worst possible

of punishmentheld that the electrocution of a

man too merciful a way in whichto punish him for taking human lifeThe argument waxed warm when an

junk dealer who wasa box of rubbish into a lafge bag

took a hand in the game and saidRanges vas too goot for dent lec

tricity vas too goot dem alsoWhy said one of the bystanders

can you imagine greater punishthan taking away a life

the answer dey oughtto put de mens in pizness und net letdem have any customers








Chicago muchof



method One of the num-ber


interested empty-ing


mast mansSurewas


























Old Time ActingThe old time actor had peculiar and

primitive views as to elocution and Itsuses I remember a certain old friendof mine who when he recited the opening speech in Richard ill and arrivedat the line In the deep bosom of theocean hurled suggested the deep bosom of the ocean by sending his voiceInto his boots Yet these were fineactors to whom young

who never saw them constantly j

refer The methods of the stage havecompletely changed and with them the

of the people The probability j

is that of the old actors of only I

a few years ago would excite muchmerriment In their delineation of tragedy A very great tragedian of a past

was wont in tent scenein Richard III to hold a piece ofsoap in his mouth so that after the appearance of the ghosts the lather andfroth might dribble down his chin andhe employed moreover a trick swordwhich rattled hideously and what withhis foam flecked face his rolling eyeshis inarticulate groans and his rattlingblade the small boy in the gallerywas scared into a frenzy of vociferousdelight Richard Mansfield in Atlantic

ProficientWhen western Iowa was newly set

tled the farmers in an isolated sectionbanded themselves together as a schooldistrict and proceeded to choose one of

number committeeman A logschoolhouse was erected and soon ayoung woman came that way seekinga chance to teach The committeemanwas designated to ascertain her fitness

When the time for the ordeal arrivedthe public otlicial was at his wits end j

He had been examined himself oftenenough but that was when he was attending district school fifty years

The very thought of conductingan examination himself and for ateacher at that staggered himcould not think of a question to ask j

The young sat waiting andtile old man teetered nervously on histiptoes

Well now Miss Burden he saidcautiously at last kin say thealphabet backards r

Miss Burden could and didFine cried the Ill

just indorse your certificateit thus

Fully profeeslmut

A Great Stamp ForgeryThe most colossal stamp forgery on

record entailed the successfulof collectors throughout Europe

in 1SS9 One day the French papersannounced that King Marje I of Sething an island in the vicinity of China was coming to Paris As it happened this self created monarch wasan exofficer of the French navy andhis appearance in Paris created considerable sensation As soon as hismajesty had been duly advertisedsets of seven different postage stampsmarked Sedaug and bearing threehalf moons appeared and so greatthe demand for them that in less thana month they realized 1000 francseach Not until the king and his

had reaped fat fortunes in thismanner was it discovered that thewhole thing was a hoax and the stampsconsequently worthless

Some Slips of the TongueNever use the word liable when

you mean Do not say forinstance that he is liable to come inat any moment Liable implies misfortune and means exposed to subject to in danger of

Why do most of us speak ofa mystery Any good dic

tionary shows that ravel means tounweave You ravel a mysterytherefore when you solve it In Hamlet Shakespeare says Make you toravel all this matter out

If you and your friend Smith knowman called Jones do not speak toSmith of our mutual friend meanlug Jones Jones is your commonfriend If you are friendly to Smithand Smith is friendly to you you andSmith are mutual but that isthe only sense in which the term maybe rightly used

After an all night session with f theboys a husband wended hisarriving there at about 5 a m Hefound his wife waiting for him in thedining room the confusion of furnitureindicating that she had been anunhappy time

This is a nice time for you tohome snapped the wife

Yes admitted the erring husbandIts a lovely morning-

I havent slept a wink this blessednight with a severe look

Neither have I said the husband

The Renl Simon PareThe simon pure is one of those

plirdsesr which every understandsand not one in alvundred could accountfor Simon Pure was a PennsylvaniaQuaker in Mrs pentlivres A BoldStroke For a Wife produced at DruryLane theater London in February1718 One Colonel Feignwell passeshimself off as and wins the heartof a Bristol heiress Miss Lovely afterrwlilch real Simon Pure turns up

Injure with TV O Hinton Kehas the Tight kind of insurance




generation the








With JIcr















Ii ely
























Dr Green arranges with the Niece of Drschce to handle her famous Uncles GreatThroat and Lung Cure

family is a reliablehousehold that will curecoughs colds chilly sensations runningeyes nose sore throat and bronchial

will the childrenproof against all contagious diseases

a is Bpschees GermanSyrup which has a record of 35 years inthe cure consumption catarrh all

troublesqThe fame of German Syrup

cure since its purchase by DrGreen from the niece of the famous DrBoschee has extended to all parts of theearth It has big sales 10QTwo sizes 250 and 750 All druggists


Old Shoes for Sausage

A writes thus toaFor 5 years I have kept

a hotel in the town in which I live andduring that time have accumulatedfully half a t9n of oldovershoes left by guests Do youknow whether or not there marketfor such things The answer is

Dispose of them to some of theChicago packing houses

FOR RENTFive nicely furnished rooms for rent

for gents Central locationM L WOODS


If you will try a case of the famousLion Beer the best on earth and1arenot pleased with it we wijl gladly

your money All recommend this beer for family use and forconvalescents


3jy2mo Agent Lion Brewing Co

Williams Kidney PillsJ Have you your KidneysHave you overworked yoursystem and caused trouble with yourKidneys and Bladder Havepains in the loins side back groinsand bladder Have you a flabbypearance of the face especially underthe eyes Too frequent tourine If so Kidney Pillswill cure you Sample free By mail50 cents Sold by Oberdorfer

yiLLTAijs MFG Co PropsCleveland O

Huge Task

It a hugh task to undertake thecure of such a bad case of kidney

as that of C F Collier of Cherokee Iowa but Electric Bitters didit He writes My kidneys were sofar I could not sit on a chairwithout a cushion and suffered fromdreadful backache headache and depression In Electric Bitters

I found a cure and by themwas restored to perfect healthrecommend this great tonic medfeifcto all with weak s liver otstomach Guaranteed by Oberdorfer the druggist Price 50c

DIPriaUlUlltt uIHulUHdli


Frankfort at 620 am and 200 jrauj Ar 712 am and 247 pmAr at Paris at 750 am and 326 pm

jpmArI Ar Frankfort 1125 am andClose connection made at Paris witfc

trains to and from Cincinnativille Cvnthiana Winchester anaRichmond

Connections made at Georgetownwith the Southern

GEO B HARPERTres and Gen Supt


CONTINUEThose who are gaining fleshand strength by regular treat

Scotts Emulsionshould continue the treatmentIn hot weather smaller doseand a little cool milk with it willdo away with any objection


409415 Pearl Street New Yorkjoc 100 all druggists


best dcr


asa cons-umptive






I l air










teo town










The safe


















