We Guarantee the Serviceill make wolgast llalley comet If it llogan offered to hoi captured ti e...

iiTnitniMin I tl Tiillliltll.ri.. t TOMOI.II.I'.M. I BBBBBBBBBBBHiiBBHHBHBHBBBIBBBBBBBHHBBBllBBBIHHBBBBlBBBBHBiiiB "We Guarantee the Service" What This Means to You Who Buy Automobiles. lor redo Roadster. l.too. Pltie Includes lloich Msgneto, Gas Lamps, Horn Tup and Pret.(M.I!e lank. 30" Poor lonneau. l.ooo. "30" louring. l.auo. "40- - Touring, with Fore-Poor- sa.ftOO. "40". Torpedo. 83.000. CURRENT SPORTING GOSSIP nooAX ronnia n.mn ion WOLGAST ttOVT. ft) Ink. lie Ilai Cnanoe to Heat Uie but the Latter ...i.. Pair- - r.,U...-.....-....- MU BODbtai Tills dedated 4m Round Uogan'a tralnlnc nuarters Jerom proved magnet for many porting men yesterday. The California!! ia tn top trim for his ten round glova eontaat with Champion Ad W'olgast at tho Madlaon A. C. next Wednesday night. He welcomed the chance prove this fuct jreaterday by going through bla training atunta with unuaual A long run ot.r the Wettchestar roada, bag punching, ehadow boxing and lively sparring with a.r.raJ paitnara showed that will hare plenty of stamina when he faces the lightweight tltleholder. also that will pack wallop In bis trusty hand that lands. Bogan ia glutton for work, lie has ban compelled take off nearly ten pounds in the laat Pwo weeks, but ho hnsn't weak-nt- d blmaelf bit, and will make ins pounds without inconvenience. He is positive that ha will be faster and stronger than when ha boxed K, Brown six weeks and Wolgast, Hoian earned his nickname on thn nogan inuiss pul iicniweigiu champion in condition one the It Is the that make nulrk preialoq he have hand full round ended, Wolgast Philadelphia yesterday that he felt confident ilogau of the champion numero'is supporters. H'olgast'a fights La California Improved bis ion- - Wolgast (Ins.. more, lat Just deliberation. A grc.it many people have asked us just what we mean by the phrase "We Guarantee the Service" a phrase identi- fied witli us and with the Chalmers Or. If you are going to buy an automobile it will be to your advantage to lead this advertisement. OUR POLICY "We Cttiarantce the Service." the policy of Carl il. Page and Company, means so much to vou who buy auto- mobiles, it is of such vital importance that we devote this space to telling you JUS I' it means, rather than to the reasons why you should buy Chalmers Cats which are self-evide- nt if you have made comparisons. THEY ALL LOOK GOOD Almost every automobile "looks good' in these days. Some cover inherent weak- nesses with a few extra coats of paint, in others structural defects are apparent only to the expert. As for specifications Practically all cars have the same engine bore and stroke, wheel base, etc., and specifications DO guarantee service please tcmembcr that. WHAT IS BACK OF THE CAR It isn't paint, price or specifications that should interest you so much as what is behind car? Back of every automobile arc men. fac- tories, resources and service. Behind Chalmers Cars are men of great business experience, youthful energy and ambition. The Chalmers organization is recognized, as one of, if not the best in the industry. Then there is the I3.000.000 factory a modern factory with modem machinery, constructed to' last a lone time because Chalmers Cars will be built and for many, many more years to come. And finally the service real service that makes you glad to own a Chalmers. BUY SERVICE The service you are going to get means vastly more to ou than the car- - itself. You are not buying an automobile simply because it looks good, or because the are such and such you are buying a car because you want to secure the real pleasures of motoring summed up in the word Service that is what you must get and that is what you DO get when you buy a Chalmers. record broaklnc crowd o( member. 'I'lio scene of nction In the Illver wliere llogan Ilrown crossed nrm. Packy Mct'arlnnd, ho will hegln weeU's at Miner's Howery and lironx to.ilay, will iiialio niinl nnwer to the olter of the National Sporting Club to .May aay from the. haa oulUn , r" 7.. .'... u.Mi lliat If William (iibsou. president of the ....... ... , A ,W11(1 gn ,lm , ,0,()(Il to London Uouts Week ho would accept, but filli-o- n that hn 1.... fl ...1.1 r..i In aTemia a tip to rigor. llogan ha a right a to a 0. : no can a early Ih of It w a n m ', ... iiu ...uiiiii uil iiiinn.'i 111111111 iiiit'iui Mcl'ailand realizes that he fan malie more than $lo,uoo by meeting Wells In liriglatid, but he N somewhat afraid of rcceivlm; the worst tho decision, n In the cce of his therewith Freddie Welsh As is a second rater McFailand thinks that a decision the former's favor would bo a marl which be never could er.ie. mo rar at a with Is run - . - .. i , . , pounds clock ioor nobody convince him that he Hailem derided If he C .Mhj- - doatn't '? lingside. (list iikii. opinion I lnld x what NOT noxing clubs Whiilwlud ...... pro- mor wiled the run r.. Monday... .vrl 24, AtTOMOIIII.K. "WHAT WILL MY CAR DO" What is car going to do after you bought it that is thecucstion. Is it going be in repair shop jt(t when want it going give vou trouble? Is it going give you the service that should expect? These are great factors that make 01 your investment. These things you must investigate when buy an automobile. WE TOO BUY CARS Remember that automobile buyers among largest in world btiv from Chalmers factory in enormous quantities. Our investment MUST be protected just as well as yours Our our reputation is worth money. must guard it as jealously as we can and we are in a better' position to find the relative merits of cars than who lead this advertisement, because it is our There are other things us to look besides just car it- self. decided to handle Chalmers Cars because they represent quality at a medium price. especially decided to handle Chalmers because of the splendid organization back of A CAR OF PROVEN WORTH The Chalmers and factory organi- zation inspires confidence. The Chal- mers Car is the car that PROVEN its worth. Chalmers Cars be- cause we believe in them, because believe better car at price cannot be produced If you buy a Chalmers drive you will b'elicve exactly as e WE'VE LOOKED INTO AUTOMOBILES looked into automobile industry as critically as you have. have made investigations'that thou- sands of dollars. The reputation which Chalmers Cars have made and are making convinces us are more than right and it should too. are mighty proud Chalmers and you can be proud own one and you will become as enthusiastic about this as IN THE LAST ANALYSIS After all is said analysis, all any automobile give you service. When you give us cheque for Chalmers transaction does end there. It is beginning, because sec that gives YOU service. want you be of great army of satisfied Chalmeis owners, and that why "We Guarantee the Serrice."- - Carl H. Page and Company Broadway at 50th Street, New York Brooklyn Bruns Auto Co., Bedford Ave. and Fulton Street UtntwelghtCItaraplon, rounds, organizations, specifications ensaeement theatres lo up .") each, ho that the tMCk man- agement a fund of nearly In cah opened. cvldeiu'o prove that raeing dependH largely gambling end of the game uiyd that the tport n of Hecondary Importance. recenllv warned of London box Wells then, on Jameatowii track made .Murnrlanil t nay yteril.iv emnuiu- - i"ti what Ids decision be. He said " i'on iiiniiutii I""""'.''; .....l.l of lecpnt bout black matcli i of Dick splitting club be far car. do. arc. can one guten aufllcient to on Kmlthson. wa .".1. in" 111111111U r.11111 nuii ..it fanned by a victory of High Private 1.1 vp Hire iien map wasa lliree- - M'TO VEIinr mil Satunla). Tho Island Cliff will on Saturday schedule will M. lo P. M He.tch even mm in to P. Thn i"1'' "'""TliVj'"?. operates tho has big car .in'Jt i5 .1. ;tinU wPrV'VtV (ieneral t'.ntr.l in com hiding that was something llato.itl. and Is no lb beat rebuilt wllh the race Smlthson sent ,'H,J'," A nK.1.'pySi!?i MiS0" cn. Private against tt.jfks the mini will be rate other dav I'nvatn won by cltv Tin. .lainestnnn stewaids entliely automobilej and other, to be loo siisnlrlotis." '. " the remo.1- - II. K Carman shipped three iarloaii of upper corned Paekey yesterday he hetiliifky y.'Meiday to be "H ! on pounds at :i 1xington opens this week i1,.'',1 receive so much as an f"",1" spnttbe winter at He .,' f.1;1.11,.1 also WeWr have to aie-al- ci lo be tit ...in ..i i.. ........ r.n.. are cnnlns ii to iilcii 111 iitilij-- Vi Morarland oilier of money ma K. ..iii.i..,,,..i,ia um f.r .Mim is in Ii eh favor lot .oil sv le 1. a and miuht also 'Derby, with .1 'I Williams's C.ov. .... ...... ...,. ...Ti.ii..;.. I. maicn v.nii winner llognn-W- o "niv m- - nm ill make wolgast llalley comet If it llogan offered to hoi captured ti e Deiby t.ov. Cray at 130 at :i a If he t a eeui in whereas rh.n.il.lou President 'Vrh Phila.lelphla National doesn't pennant. Quakers Vmerlran 'lommy Murphy outpoint Whirlwind on ii for tbo count Jhown's coat boxed have it? in P ASSOC THAI. V. u OX. Ittin across Sea tho boils leaving Sea hour' fiom 7 f A 8 Kleimhnnl. " the railroad i; ; from the wrong lliirh t and block over niuiear will sxreiv entry cars. tins been built, with four said that raced ,'"r'' V, insist LIS and that Hie , ' not ' "(. 'Hit de. t centre cabin has of mhi t.......i Ihere lour small wanted nox mm, a ",!" " has nhns. He inn I after some Ibe at on the e. wi pe I thpni ricii i, the I 1 null week u .1 k 11'a.i.i tun tbe num. i.o.iuu " aee a KaHt )uiit has him and ago his .,....! Wol- - smosim. i.ifc. dining loom and n'f'l iiiinu of be (hanged, ... ...,t at. a ,,,,, seaworthy, en freeboard, it that a east gast. McKuiland ready to .. ,.T IV dl. the lightweight H lloiace oeel. unable sup. wltT at 3 o'clock these clrrum-- 1 his has announced --f ' stances .MrParlnnd he will win tho v L imnossuue fastpr than what to lo saye know an . The are on other lie at II , heen ion and iloen't feel deciding "m the while the At am last in the l expected make trip of seven In a race it maybe well lo.nrmss less tian leniemlier season 'l'e t. it i i. w uitMiji mis a ni.iirji ... '. j .o can hasn't lo be at a royal chance to J ho A Hrooklyn drop htm i .', Ihis will be battle in severnl Coster y Leach liruwu, is OX I I ' . . . ii hp stir i t i i Procraninie Arrankeil lit Honnnl IliillnuRh I'atw! llu orajanlratlon. byknooUlngoiitmany wllh a few well I of th (Jlympio'A. C. und a declsHe Wins liainnlonslilp. The committee of the Seawanhaka dlraoted punches. He has a straight J Miiiphy receded iuh a I ii in tho American Football Corinthian nchl Sherman that pueIII-i- s t hi HBltwBliV.V'VdA-J",!.'?.- !' CI!1 Aooo. lnt in were by thn Howard and chairman Cumnock, Eliot Tucker-t- o turn green In flin . J.'tVio.l to "e0ur.. V'Vi VrVllnt" Hullnugh Mirier of Pawtiicket, H, I., man. I ranklln llemington and (leorge K nf the he Murphy declared h not In yesieiday afternoon, that team defeating noosevcll, secretary, has the K.O.'a knocked togel Indlrat- - on that occasion and ha been t tin Philadelphia llllieiniaiis :i t .gramme of lUtuios the' coming season', in to tho KtierSelmncraBHl? l""k "U' a. most Interesting of races has U "1!'.?."' "'" lr.rnh'1'1 ,,"",n Newark arranged, will with retchao in this and It Is believed that ran beat any man world at1 The weie contests .Sen .10 fooleis, class P the OBIT that from i l.Vi pounds. .Murphy says a niore angiessive O'Donnell, the boats rieawanhakii h footers on May VT and out wonderful st ''f 'J '."'"'"If!1. ",lAdi,I!0L. "' "i'.'i'.T Hlberniuiis keeper .madernanybrlllli.nt 'i lierfl will three of for the mown In i ;u i '.'''',"" :'TV!,,K. ".' hl"r? scran at Kational I..1. ,.V i':'." 'T,"?':r '. " " tne - iiuiui-ip- i l i it ? in in weiu - , " .. r . " , .. T , i ... ,,,.,",i, vwin(-,ii- i hi iji iinii: uih almllar In of rounda, hut If llogan falls to a in. will said in putting to and In this opinion has with Memsle and In greatly fnvoilte Harlem Casino, in at similar .nicsouviMn hko ball and i nere yaw on ni at the this week. at thn C I)ehler fighting N. eilhei the the you you the the you the the the name, We into the We But more the the Car has We sell the and the We cost vou We sell the just the last vour the but the the the lioono hefont would Wells uiiKiiinii.) private dnKpi h!!Ti e?,,,n,e!ngLbeVsc:,l,le'', irlnH.n.n.fh.illenge, wJ",'.r.y c.'J"cl;'l'ns id Westchester wolgln, Huiroiiehs le.eived fiom Phllailelphii llnwurd up gymnasiuiu iiiiIUkii-I- i thereby lead night itihnrinaiis shnntlmr roiimis Iwrntleth iturioiighs ripped wnsdisabled fliuisdav wlthacounter temporardv attrartinn ( betneen 1 .n. .1... V...1 III" on Cnilay night riitton, he i bv llaldulii of IIokIoihiiiiI than he ' looin of 1911. to Is to to we business. we we it have convince to to we is to Hie are N tho "C inn fast ltei .Urn ball will ,m,l Into and net. the and will (en and .loo nnd Pl.t I.'lln,. will and light cteighton. right rnwturliet eleven, ... we car we car put will who (die half SERVICE I'Yoni Mra Cliff He llrRlnnlns l.oug Sound I between and Ilye Ilearh I service next The be last summei, every odd and Rye every hour fl.ifclnti I f'nmnnnv ttttlrh f J'.p. ferry, w that Maine theie !.!e Wire in another ,"e . the lliith deck, whi.li given a eldr . mty would t liacl;. v.,lch 'r' l0n Welsh would ounce, would i ;01.. ijuicKiy ma. ....,.t.. i, .Inare . beats I A Tl ,.r ,.h. in In at on In nf nt i..,, of ,,,! to .it in as M to elle.l boil oeeu that verv in lie -- ecuiii si'cnrn a loum, Utiles The the boat will A....lll.. llin lijr nuu nur tn (irii.i with liizh expelled seiero wind stand- - meet :i3 to pounds I'nder entliuslasm. that Imc (uh team win l.ei Kbr the Wells matcli Ii League top a the route etics to miles tt''5 "r oilier hurry rague Sound m mln- - that the is still very i'".i, nsvcf Interest Ine wiMiks, I.n- -i Team otitrr rivals scored Hlfket tei-att- a light ietory hard, liouors I club, i, llovt, hand amash has caused .'.Vjl.V'Iff won Victor I with envy. the loutid his rtiFat learn Brown battle landed ihls smash that was Issued pro-an- d knees her, health de. goals tn for that had thaken heels. "mB M",ri, ''rk. ' series been which begin manner Packy in the visitors llhodn Island the for York thing saved htm going lirnwn Is lucky team, down was his rength. goal keries races necausa nau woiga"t groggy i" footers their the Sr.nitlmr i';..V.'U' .V.',K. I" general his before tenth ia sleep si (irnve mnonu the sold plenty lllvini Have and battle puuer We We forty FOO dining the and In .1 t . i h. l'oll ",, ."' tVt ihel'r fee ,y bis 'bid ant ''' n""nl Is sailed on June Ii and local i V"1""" will be raced 1" I II. a 1Vn a ten muiid bout anil liour the the the left mid iorris of s hooked it Ihe n Ilrown s l al .Moore lummy J .ilcmev ' il... tho mmi boi ten the i t himself tury A (' night, at the A the shape a I... ir... ... , . , oil HI .11 II III 111 seems riiuunl .Matty wnen nowery Moigast fall, i mar too cut you for a that not liavn I'imllco itself Malt for the sent the lauv to Its the samfe 0 A. M. Knox, having !" bade .A" Capt the of, i nse fine for I.S- 4 I ' i extta only I nve schedule the the wiin nf , many good he been lim' fiom he ' Ins dinner toe Lelaiid jgina furious one play Smllh. Harris hook giving inmiilo later t)lg maul, Itoats lleach ferry begin summer '"'n sudden """Id season, tegattu Centre for. (In v 1. ow ns the Harvard Vale lio.it rare, there will be n enisling rate riuni .ew i.onoon iiyster- nay, mis is nirmigeil especially for the boats of the Ilai vard and nle yacht clubs, Commodore lUstlng. as, usual, has ofiered for ladies' rate, which be silled on .Inly '.'. The 'fall regatta and the lure llie . Alffed Roosevelt meinoilal nip will nailed on September 7, 'I lie season will i lose on Heptember 1$, . . ., ,i ... . . . i il n i.i'111'ii nil, i ill il lu n.inhs , run hi .ei i inn men ,niie day. .,umUv, mj. n ,.penlng special rare liilslake wlurlicns Ills te.un the rliampliin- - v. v. Y. C. Ml funlers. Class P. and S. C. V C. hip,, in his I'liort lepei a mil Ii" is fnutrrs: ,sji. Memorial nay, special races .. ,ir,,,,,,n .K ,i,.,,n,i ,11,i,,.,, i """.""!" ";!"; !""" nn'i , n, v, i i- - i rooters. Class r, ana n, c, , 1.1 " mi, iisi- - nil's, sruii-i- i inn nisi series io inniors. sec I 'i ki'II .lune .,, rate, nrsi in. fhr ballese he outclasses Hngnn Ihe Palet ,ii ulsn, okln , on .Inly 4 .lfnnriPtt. in Klmitn IslulKler-- . in the IpiuJ ond race, first seiles is feolers; U, third race, latter la not left handed man lil;o lliown ,1 'I "'"'' V? eei,s v lih ihe flklahoin.i m ,efeaiimr Ihe slorm Indepenilents nrst series, is fomeis; 3S. special sarlng races rind consequently is not ho much of r. pule ? '.u",1;,,,)!, r,,,,,'lv" M"J ""! " expenses j side, game by n go,,, mo.it Kdison ' I". r" c U v e m cl n ir f ; 14. annual reiatta for the Ightwelght rhainpum I I urihe,. I J" in tffi "jl vn vpteni.y ine eieM-- ol 'i ' Lei.mi" 'or.mhUn cUenge use and and are are ami and , , , oup-f- or has eutltely lemveisii i,e IMiilic's sprlmt meeimtf ill i t Ins , flli UwVork .Stale N. Y.YC :;i foolers owneel cluh members. left Imn.l, whin, as ,, lre. "i'l1 'S?'";;, '7"'! "r'l" '!'' ' "! mI !"" ..ViulV.i a.iu.ial rup tie" nnd r' ?, Vtay0'"?. he does no, rn, - i,,l e . ftf, , ! ' ' ILZ.r i'i,".' " -- "'cs.,i"f!""eJ'.,; fAilTVi. 'Ml iiiii' Imi'l !!iiii liiiti' m I In T.,.! "" llionk- - s, rlrst rsce, semnd series. footer.; 16, second si si lit Ik i. i,i .' '..,... , we Thi over '"?v I.. ! foi h: a shut for uiai for I..:. ..'...'. . .. ,i ,.'.'.'. ::,7":"f: '. ':.. "".' nnl. , lyn. , r ir. e.Yind series. IS footers: !. third race I j rev rioairi . . ii.it i.i piuve ' , M ) oilkei s Ine I l.m Mcllonahls o llrook Second series. IS foolers; 50. ladles' race for IS ar ion' in-i- s in , it i ,'i i , in. i ,,i,,, I ,. iT.. ...... .. i "iiiiivii ii'.i.'.neii me iiiuu wnnii inn eii'ven foolers, nrn unu seinnii prue oneren ny com amr o: ll.ete is so muni in eresl in . i . i.ni., r.,,,. i ... 1...1 - cw hi tii"ir ibsi gnme 01 ins rn.llll- - , inouore ,i urn mi. this that Ilia Alo.l,wa A L fspectt a I l.o lll upe,to il.e.e l.uvc been cumpV meVoinpelilionV '""""C,J I U Cliff been a rg at e each to prles a will be io i; pinieil a " IS I,. . . .. . ......... . . ( - IK KilfUFi.,. ,,,',1111 c.,.i,.i ,.i . , v.., vip. firil race, lulrd aariM. U lootari; 1, Mcoad AtrroMoniMtt. 2' Ton 4'i Ton AITOMOIIII.KM. The Satire r is built on the principle of light weight and high grade, obtaining the strength, for which it is so well known, by correctness of design and materials of great strength. Every part down to the screws is figured for strain and margin of safety. Strength, obtained by mere weight, is both waste and weakness. Dead weight costs money for fuel and tires. Dead weight racks a truck to pieces. The Saurer has always taken First Prize in the ' severe contests which it has entered in Europe, and, in more than ten years' service, no Saurer engine has, except through collision, ever been replaced. Our engineering department It at yrur ditpotal, to enable 70a to determine whether yon can advantageously use Saurer Trucks, and tn what extent. Saurer Motor Company Local Sales and Service American Factory Flainfield New You are entitled to proof of reliability and you get it in the Reo's New York to San Francisco in 102 days. And you get the Reo any way you want : Open Front, top and windshield extra. Fixed or Detachable Fore Door including windshield. Fore Door parts ($25) to be attached totlie 19 1 1 Reo. Get the Reo. Be sure of that Get the car with real proof. R M 175') New j W '"T UHATT Jersey Owen Company Hrnadway yjjf Baker CleclciCsS The Pioneer Shaft Driven Electric Cilm, Irsetlis1 r luiplils Battsnr. aarilal iMttit Prigmatli tr Meti Cmnlia Tires Campletc Exhibit al Ota- - New Showrosm. BAKER VEHICLE CO.. 7 II- - IIIUXDITAV. Phone ars.'IO Columbus. race, third series, 15 fuoiers; J. third race, third series. IA foolers. I .September I. special autumn races for the more active raring riai-e:- ?, annual autumn open races i for all classes; Alfred Kooseiclt Memorial cup fur N. Y.Y-O- . .N) footers owned by iluh members. 4. special races, morning and afternoon, for l.'i footers; 9. fourth race, third series, IS foolers, IB. open date ror postponed or special races tor is footers Milliard Marathon. 'Ihe latest thing in billiards Is the three cushion Marathon iontost y between Thomas llucstnn, loimer world's cham- pion, and Sam UirnrtiH of Pittsburg. The distance is 4"J points and the course Is laid nut around the exhibition table al Doyle's mom In Korty-seron- d idieet, beginning at I i o'clock llueston and Irfianis 'will plug away until one or the other finishes the long siring or falls tn stand tho endtiramn test and drops nut. It Ia aatlmilail Hint Imlsunn I ,n nnrl Ivnh'A hours will be reriulred for the gnme and that ' the finish will be somuwhere around mid & night There will be no time taken out for meals mid the men can rest only between shots, I he four referees will be ,lohn Daly, three cushion champion; Harry ('line, former champion: Hal Chase, manager of the High- landers, nnd Albert Culler. Chase will stand the first night watch and Daly will offleinte at the finish, YachllnR Motra. The old plumb stem sloop Countess, recentlr purchased by H, II. Poole, left Marhlehead for New 1ondon last week, The yacht haa been laUl ,,n ml flrat-ft'- ra-- H rtr tu'n '.. M.nv rhsnares and repalis were made In Ihe jaiiil and Ihe aux York iliary engine was louiutrii, .lohn D. Crosby's auxiliary schooner Cara II. has airlied at Marblehead Irom New York. This sacht was originally the llondtna. and was built by Law ley In laws for David C. Perch al At one time ihn yacht was named Prlsrllla. She is as feet over all. 4.1 fret on the water line 15 feet beam and a feet draught. She has a :s horse power motiir The las! yacht built at Lawley's city Point sard was the :n foot auxiliary knockabout for L.,D. nuhl. This boat has been tried and shipped lo her owner al Detroit. She Is .11 feet over all. 50 feet on the water line, a feet beam and 4 feet of the brldgeport Yacht Club have purchased the enthe fleet of Cohasset one design 17 footers. 'Ihe purchase was made through die Mollis Hurgrss acht 1genr. L. .A, Hloenman. former rommodore of the CorlnlhUn Yacht Club of San Francisco, has been appointed a memher of ihe exhibits commit tee of Ihe Panama-Californi- I'.xiinslllnn to beheld In San Diego In tills. It Is planned In have a sarht race from all parts ol the soihl 10 San DIso Fredarlelt JC. Buratuun. vloa-e- o nun odors ol the Ton Genera Office 30 Church Street 41 1 West 55th Street New York ... vu r tt. 1 c'. r"u:n..... Orthc 273-27- 5 Haliey St. IMenark MOTOR CAR DIRECTORY , ... MOTOIl COMPANY, HDPOIPilCirOII isto U'way. cor. Ki St. Telenhone. ist 7tT Columbus. ALL MAKES AMERICAN & 6'. it flmiirhl. tSoU1 Mill KxrhaGsttd TlmcH Auto Co., 7lh Ave, Hoadsfr- - Traveler Tourist, American Automobile Co. Ilroajwav Oth a Auto Import Co. America. DCIVa ;u-f- t West a4lh .Street. PlTcu'cark. JormMoore Co.. 3ml llruadway Bnuon I'tvim- - .vxiu Columbus BUICK Motor in., H'wa, heln SMh sspi Phone 4141 Columbus. i CADILLAC - ' L III I Si 73I .1 at M. a3 r. sw uf S .N. 4 & sts Parts. Repairs Columbus rlrck'. el Carharlt Cars 5rbi HENRY (arage, SMI IViU Tel t'olunihus 7IM. 1BB8 (63d St.) Phone soii:i oluiiilius. Crawford 'Ihomaon Co. ma llwav. Tel. s::Col, P.M.F IStudebaker Bros Flanders KNOX LEXINGTON NATIONAL MAXWELL SIMPLEX UROADWAY. BROADWAY Co. of N. Y. Brodway & 69th St. Phon 7181 Columbui Knox Automobile Company. Uroadwav Phone S.S Col. 411 II. I1 C. S l.nr.o. Harder. Act. I'ol. I IVS3 Uroadway. Tel 4MCol. POKRTNKR Mlll'tlll CAR CO.riB:: Way '(Uih St). Phone Sg.7 Col, IA (Inc.) a West eist St. Phone ilv) i'ol. "Made In New York Clly." 1M0 ISA: n'wav Tel. 5ISS Col. SPLITDORF MAGNETO ttSAyiSriSKiS STEVENS-DURYE- A A.O.SP I.DIXH A Hmi ,ai W IM Tel 1.1.1 nryant. HflllTC WHITE CO., Ilioad'uay 'and A2d St. nnilE Phone jaw i'ol. " Motor Cluli of America, who Is haling the Dixie 111. built W. K. Harris of Newsrs. and Albert K. Smith have entered their fast motor boats In the lares of the Wealern Power Roal Association lo be held nt Peoila July 2.1 and II. P. He n's steam jniht Nlkeil Is being ovei hauled nt Manning's South Hrooklyn basin. The members nf Ihe Pleasant Valley Ynrht Cluli at a meeting In Wlnthiop approved plans for a new house to be built al oner. The new olllccrs of this club are: Commodoic. I'red .1, Karrer: x Ire commodore, Charles Fowler sec retan, Nathaniel T. Freeman; treasurer Hugh.l, Shaw: boa i r of rHreriors. .lohn E Thompson, lyiniam K. I hntan. Charles 3, Wnoe. VVUIlain F, CUuk ana William A. CUsby. ArroMonir.KS. ROSKAM-SCOT- T CO. BEST MAKES ONLY FINEST EXHIBITION of L'.hid ( .mis 1111 ma 1.1 IN THE UNITED STATES IBM Lnnrla. :s, (SiinboM, ." patenter lourltiK loll Chalmers, Limousine, fore door. XI Horse Itiirlnir I'lnt, sacrWcc. 1010 Siearns. 30 no, Gunboat. .1 passenger. 1910 Chalmers, Jo. A passenger touring, bargain Win Chalmers, ). Limousine. o crhauled 1010 Isotta, 14. Ililbv rntrr. tun passenerr IBin Slrnrns, .10 n. (lunhoat. .1 pasrngrr, IUI0 Palmer & Singer, r. w), toy tonneau. 1910 Inlrrstatr. nrrhsulcd, ft passenger. 1810 Chalmers. 4(1. Chnssls only, bargain. 1910 rial, . wllh Limousine unci Touring, lino ro. .simplex, with l.andaulct, Touring. 1910 tcnmobllc. .11, Roadster. 11am Renault, 14 .vi. top tonneau, 12.000. tlm Slcnrna, fc Under. 7 passenger touting, I (tin Mmulex, M. practically new, fully equipped. 1tn Pope llarllonl, Roadster. 4 passenger. Hu Pierre, a Ml, top lonneau. Iln Plat Lamlatilct, 15, town ear. inrrti Miiliati. Roadslcr. 4 pas. overhauled Chassis, inri Mi. Mmiilea, Roadslcr. guaranteed. lli!l Nnplrr, Imported, ft ryb. sarrlflcc. 1( I'k rcn Arrow. 4S. 7 passenger, lins 40, 7 passenger overhauled, inns National. 40. 7 passenger, overhauled, J'.W. ino Flat. ,V. lAfidaulct. complete. ?. inn; Peerless, 4. 7 passenger, unirlir IM'rrr Arrow, 4V 7 passenger. Inun.ig, KM. HenaiJI, .V). Limousine, perfect, $l,Ni. Ilenault, II 20. Town Car, suitable taxlcah. Mercedes I, toy Rondster. perfect. 4 pessenser. Mercedes (0. Roadster, overhead valve, fast. 150. 1907 I'nnl'RM. at. wllh deml Umouslne, 7 pas 1W, fl.illan Taxlrabs. overhauled, repainted. JAW. tl'iKhLlM -- hall drive. 14 11.. with limousine ROSKAM-SCOT- T CO. HHQ.ua nroad wt Unndrirh lllrtu AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE OWlfEM AMD BRIXEMS OF AO- - TouoDiLTd, catatzfaUkii tbhi- - CLE 9. OARAGES, TTJIE3. EQUIP MENTa AUO REPAIR COVU PANIEE mVL ALWAYS FIND souxthino op nnxnEST in THIS COLUMN. 1ST QUALITY AUTOJJOU1LK TIltM. It lib grade standard makes, mil Goals, Complete List mailed freo. rsx 110. .vi ."2ia$ lis.tt 1.10X3 ii.:..mx3;i. 17 .M Miau ia 11 .vii 20. u OOXJU 15. M 1.14X4 12. J) AU other Slws Proportlonatelr Cheap. NOTK. We have reirular second grad. stiaM for about half aboe prices. ComplcteCutKateHupplyCatalotue Uallsd Trs K. J. WILLIH CO, at Chambers St.. near Uroarlwar. -- MnXJUHLL'S." rtnnsbouts from S2.V1 up. Touring car' from S.vm up Limousines from J.HM up. Alt ih. rr are fiillv rnii nned. have been re built In nur own shops and hac been repalotel guaranteeil: demonstration, of murse,. Ml u ili.uu .uuiun r ... i. Tel. .".4SO -- Cot. 1S79 Uroadway. aT'tc fruit: mnoAiss. Thlswlnter I have faetorj econ1s, or nncuarartecd tires anil tubes of tbs better crudes and makes onlv. Consisting of Clinchers. Oulck Detachables. Duniora ana tinned on casings. inrwtom sn being snipped to mewceuij anu can oc kzu any lime. Write for nrlee list or calk It. V. POInin. 1610 ProaJway ft. i:. cor. nm. Telephone Prrant lis; iipen ereningv A I TO OV Alti: LOOKIXIi ron" Very ll'selv; and ou naturally want It at Tin: vrnv i.hwkst Phut tf so ropic here for "Seuare Peals IIODIKS IX PVKHV STYLE CHEAP-Head- to nut on vour chassis completa. NLWIHII TIRES-no- 0-i OFf. Onlv nlaee of lt kind In town. tlROATlWAY AtTO KCllAN(in. 1MB lo 17S7 Broadway (lvt. .vih Mthi Al TOTlltl'..S. HIRIIl'.srr UUAUrSO.N'LY. :sx?.... ja.r1 3;i4....t5.oi MlJ.... 17.40 JiX.1H....ttl.'l MX ..Jli-- other slr.ej tn proportion. UNITED nrnBT.lt CO.. :.v West Mth, aaar Preadw av. 1 el.. W" iiil ALL MKCS Illll'HIIT AND MILD. DKLIVKUY WACONS-Al-.L CAPACITtEi torn crxTt'nv AiTOMoiin.r co. :tl Wen 4Bih St.. near Uroadwav. AlO ljuidaulrt. to h. p : Is being rebuilt, re-- flnlsbed. repainted and will be sold wllb a new carauaranlee. AUi:RICA.V LOCOMOTIVKCOM- - I'Ai . lroo ji way, a. i ,, rnonc. u.w oi. I.O.1KH iis. ti h. n.. sc en passenger. In excel lent condition: will accept a reasonable Oder. AMF.tllCAN LOCOMOriVn COMPANY, IMA Ilroadnay, N. V. 'I'noiie. .vtoq Columbus. CIlAl.Mr.US toil Limousine. Dractlcallr new: has a comDlele roulnment; S3. 100. AMERI CAN LOCOMOf IVK COMPANY. 15SS Droadwaj-- . . 'Phone. ."i.Tno . oiumlius. SIX CYLINDEHiar for sale ata sacrifice: very fat: In cood condition. Pox 114 Sun omce. HOVAL ToritLST SKVr.N PASSENGER, like new: Sl.im (14 Wrt 4M St. IIOTCIIKISS touring car. In perfect condition. will sell very cheap. iitrq-iiKlss,- : ROYAL KU'RIST, S passenger: muit sell quick, bargain Moo. M est 4.td St. CHALMEItS-Diri'ilOriS- . llTJtl lJ models, tour- - Ing toy tonneau and roadster types. DUICK. 1910, toy lonneau. fully equipped aaf cannot b told from new. snap, snthst PEERLESS, seven passenger touring car. eaa- - nut be told from new; : uarpnin. TIMES syt'AP.i: Al'TOMOniLE CO, 1710 to 171h Uroadwav. ror. Mth St. ANCHOIt TIUi: CO.. A. II. Kasner. Ill Chambers St. Tel. 1119 Worth. AirrOMOlllLE TIRES! AtTOMOMLE TIRK RKLlAIII.i; TIRES at most rcasonablo price The First Tire House In N. Y. THOMAS so Ii. p. Touring, with extra llmouslna body: has been overhauled: willing to accept a reasonable orter. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVF. COMPANY. 189 Uroadway, N. Y. 'Phona. 5.VJO Columbus. AI.CO finished and guaranteed: mer tourlmr: 1.7S0. cii.ir, . iwo S.vsv 'olumbus. Ell 4 p., overhauled, Ideal car for sum- - AMERICA.V Uroadway, N. Y. 'Pbooa. A PHYSICIAN IraUnir city Indefinitely will sacrifice Maxwell doctor's runabout; mod; thor- oughly oxefhanled: warranted perfect; one quarter actual cah. 1KK.TOR I'EltUUSO.V, ;tV) Hioadwny. ncur 751h st. PALll'KR SIMiliU mi Toy 'lonneau. late model: has been oerhuled. repainted and fltteil with top. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY ISM U'wnv. X. V. 'Phone, ason Col. n'A.VI Tourlne car In h, re. an from a private owner. Hox 104 ;un office. lillCK. '10: REPAINTED, Ac. JI7.V 81 West 4.M St. Aatomobllrs Hire. M'TOS FOR HIRE, We will furnish any style foreign or Amerlcaa made car with a smart looking, competent an4 respectful chaullcur: will fit hint out wllh liter to be made to order, for any lady or gcntlemas who wishes to engage an automobile fur Us season or ) rar. HI 17. A I TO COMPANY, ill Wesl Mj St., ,ew York City 'l"ione .11(17 Piaa. PACKARD AND RENAULT CARS. Hour, day or month, r. T. SANFORD AIITOMOHILE CO. 44, 4S. 4 West 43d St. piiom: UIH ANT ISS1-- I'Al l.rt..lis ' llr.AAI.I.IMIt OPEN AND CLOSED CARS FOR HIP.E BY THE HOI'R. DAY OR WEEK. SPECIAL RATES ON MONTHLY CONTRACTS. E. fi. D. liXRAOF WEST 4.1D ST. Telephone sun llrjait I AtKARD AUTO Ri:.NTI.N(i (!AI(A(IE 15t v roth St. Phone ion Columbus PEST SERVICE. LOWEST RATF.S. Hour. DayTrlp, Month oseasoi; Unu. A '.( KARD, lulu. P.lerant seen oassencer I.andatilets by hour week, month: erv reasonable, hbrh class serv RACKHUS. S3 East 61 Ih tl. Tel.. Lenox, i aiTou i, cuuru KinCI RIO CO. 114 West 64111 St. Phone SWS COlumS'Ji GASOLINE AND ELECTRIC CARS TOR I1IK4 OPEN DAY AND NiaHT. Automobile siiiiilles. OLDEST TIRE HOl'.sn IN TUP CITY is: Church St., near Warren We have a large stork nf tires an.l autnme'il's sundries which wo will close out at ic. F'lOd LIS r PRICES. it 50 STL DEBAKER WIND SHIELDS ' J sir". SAVED 0J AI'TO stipPLli'l " WRITE FOR lit I CATALOG. NATIONAL A I "TO Sl'PPLV CO, 77 CHAMBERS SI',. DEPT. S. Tel. 117 Merta al I OC 1 Dl U fl C iii-.i- iiillull I CO sv ss is s. usniunuu 1974 H'wsy I17in ill AutuTitubTlo Hi'Pirni. Ac HIGH GRADE Automobile bodies; n.ns s'.s rot era: palming. trlmmlDg. retalrlnr, A.I J"r work guaranteed. Uroadwav AITO TOP A nonv m I. To West Mill St. Tel, SNl'i I'olurrhis AlHonioiille liislrilt'tlou- Aiitomohlllstsshoul I si null en ihnio'ieh know! edge of their machines, our fni llltles fni ten aiethebesi, Dav and I'venliiireliissc.; aUi p ( Instruction. Wilie for liookloi STF.WART It) Si HOOL West Mtii .New Nor "Founded mi lloiu-slv.- " "Piis-et- s oo MeMi FOR owners, prosiH-cII- e owners, rliau''- - thoroughly riraciii-- i rni rs.. nav or ooosici on request. IUWMUiU.IV, . LOCOMOT1VR wi:sr siui; v. m, c. a.

Transcript of We Guarantee the Serviceill make wolgast llalley comet If it llogan offered to hoi captured ti e...

Page 1: We Guarantee the Serviceill make wolgast llalley comet If it llogan offered to hoi captured ti e Deiby t.ov. Cray at 130 at:i a If he t a eeui in whereas rh.n.il.lou President 'Vrh

iiTnitniMin I tl Tiillliltll.ri.. t TOMOI.II.I'.M. I


"We Guarantee the Service"What This Means to You Who Buy Automobiles.

lor redo Roadster. l.too.Pltie Includes lloich Msgneto, Gas Lamps, Horn

Tup and Pret.(M.I!e lank.

30" Poor lonneau. l.ooo.

"30" louring. l.auo.

"40- - Touring, with Fore-Poor- sa.ftOO.

"40". Torpedo. 83.000.


nooAX ronnia n.mn ionWOLGAST ttOVT.

ft) Ink. lie Ilai Cnanoe to Heat Uiebut the Latter

...i.. Pair--r.,U...-.....-....- MU

BODbtai Tills dedated4m Round Uogan'a tralnlnc nuarters

Jerom proved magnet for manyporting men yesterday. The California!!

ia tn top trim for his ten round glovaeontaat with Champion Ad W'olgast at thoMadlaon A. C. next Wednesday night. Hewelcomed the chance prove this fuctjreaterday by going through bla trainingatunta with unuaual A long runot.r the Wettchestar roada, bag punching,ehadow boxing and lively sparring witha.r.raJ paitnara showed that willhare plenty of stamina when he faces thelightweight tltleholder. also that willpack wallop In bis trusty hand that

lands.Bogan ia glutton for work, lie has

ban compelled take off nearly ten poundsin the laat Pwo weeks, but ho hnsn't weak-nt- d

blmaelf bit, and will make ins poundswithout inconvenience. He is positive thatha will be faster and stronger than whenha boxed K, Brown six weeks and


Hoian earned his nickname on thn

nogan inuiss pul iicniweigiuchampion in condition one the

It Is thethat make nulrkpreialoq he have hand full

round ended,Wolgast Philadelphia yesterday

that he felt confident ilogauof

the champion numero'is supporters.H'olgast'a fights La

California Improved bis ion- -

Wolgast (Ins..





A grc.it many people have asked us

just what we mean by the phrase "WeGuarantee the Service" a phrase identi-

fied witli us and with the Chalmers Or.If you are going to buy an automobileit will be to your advantage to leadthis advertisement.

OUR POLICY"We Cttiarantce the Service." the

policy of Carl il. Page and Company,means so much to vou who buy auto-

mobiles, it is of such vital importancethat we devote this space to telling you

JUS I' it means, rather than to thereasons why you should buy ChalmersCats which are self-evide- nt if you havemade comparisons.

THEY ALL LOOK GOODAlmost every automobile "looks good'

in these days. Some cover inherent weak-

nesses with a few extra coats of paint,in others structural defects are apparentonly to the expert. As for specificationsPractically all cars have the same enginebore and stroke, wheel base, etc., andspecifications DO guarantee service

please tcmembcr that.

WHAT IS BACK OF THE CARIt isn't paint, price or specifications

that should interest you so much aswhat is behind car? Back of everyautomobile arc men. fac-

tories, resources and service. BehindChalmers Cars are men of great businessexperience, youthful energy and ambition.The Chalmers organization is recognized,as one of, if not the best in the industry.Then there is the I3.000.000 factory amodern factory with modem machinery,constructed to' last a lone time becauseChalmers Cars will be built and formany, many more years to come. Andfinally the service real service thatmakes you glad to own a Chalmers.

BUY SERVICEThe service you are going to get means

vastly more to ou than the car- - itself.You are not buying an automobile simplybecause it looks good, or because the

are such and such youare buying a car because you want tosecure the real pleasures of motoringsummed up in the word Service that iswhat you must get and that is what youDO get when you buy a Chalmers.

record broaklnc crowd o( member. 'I'lioscene of nction In the Illverwliere llogan Ilrown crossed nrm.

Packy Mct'arlnnd, ho will hegln weeU'sat Miner's Howery and lironx

to.ilay, will iiialio niinl nnwerto the olter of the National Sporting Club

to .May aay from the. haaoulUn ,

r"7.. .'... u.Mi lliat If William (iibsou. president of the....... ... ,

A ,W11(1 gn ,lm , ,0,()(Ilto London Uouts Week ho would accept, but filli-o- n that

hn 1.... fl ...1.1 r..iIn

aTemia a





haa right





no cana





w a


m ',


iiu ...uiiiii uil iiiinn.'i 111111111 iiiit'iuiMcl'ailand realizes that he fan malie more

than $lo,uoo by meeting Wells In liriglatid,but he N somewhat afraid of rcceivlm; theworst tho decision, n In the cce of his

therewith Freddie Welsh Asis a second rater McFailand thinks

that a decision the former's favor wouldbo a marl which be never could er.ie.

mo rar at a with Is run



- .. i ,.,

pounds clock ioor

nobody convince him that he Hailem deridedIf he C .Mhj- -

doatn't '? lingside.(list



lnld x





pro-mor wiled


run r.. Monday... .vrl 24,


"WHAT WILL MY CAR DO"What is car going to do after you

bought it that is thecucstion. Isit going be in repair shop jt(twhen want it going givevou trouble? Is it going give youthe service that should expect?These are great factors that make 01

your investment. Thesethings you must investigate whenbuy an automobile.

WE TOO BUY CARSRemember that automobile

buyers among largest in worldbtiv from Chalmers factory in

enormous quantities. Our investmentMUST be protected just as well as yoursOur our reputation is worth money.

must guard it as jealously as we canand we are in a better' position to

find the relative merits of cars thanwho lead this advertisement, because

it is our There are other thingsus to look besides just car it-

self. decided to handle ChalmersCars because they represent quality at amedium price. especiallydecided to handle Chalmers because ofthe splendid organization back of

A CAR OF PROVEN WORTHThe Chalmers and factory organi-

zation inspires confidence. The Chal-mers Car is the car that PROVENits worth. Chalmers Cars be-

cause we believe in them, becausebelieve better car at price cannotbe produced If you buy a Chalmersdrive you will b'elicve exactly as e


looked into automobileindustry as critically as you have.have made investigations'that thou-sands of dollars. The reputation whichChalmers Cars have made and are makingconvinces us are more than rightand it should too. aremighty proud Chalmers andyou can be proud own one and youwill become as enthusiastic aboutthis as

IN THE LAST ANALYSISAfter all is said analysis,

all any automobile give you service.When you give us cheque forChalmers transaction does endthere. It is beginning, because

sec that gives YOU service.want you be of great army

of satisfied Chalmeis owners, and thatwhy "We Guarantee the Serrice."- -

Carl H. Page and CompanyBroadway at 50th Street, New York

Brooklyn Bruns Auto Co., Bedford Ave. and Fulton Street






lo up .") each, ho that the tMCk man-agement a fund of nearlyIn cah opened.

cvldeiu'o prove that raeingdependH largely gambling

end of the game uiyd that the tportn of Hecondary Importance.

recenllv warnedof London box Wells then, on Jameatowii track made

.Murnrlanil t nay yteril.iv emnuiu- - i"tiwhat Ids decision be. He said " i'on iiiniiutii I""""'.'';


oflecpnt bout

blackmatcli i



splitting club be







gutenaufllcient to


Kmlthson. wa


in" 111111111U r.11111 nuii ..itfanned by a victory of High Private1.1 vp Hire iien map wasa lliree- -

M'TO VEIinrmil

Satunla).Tho Island

Cliff willon Saturday

schedule will

M. lo P. M He.tcheven mm in to P.

Thni"1'' "'""TliVj'"?. operates tho has big car

.in'Jt i5 .1. ;tinU wPrV'VtV (ieneral t'.ntr.lin com hiding that was something llato.itl. and Is no lb beat rebuilt

wllh the race Smlthson sent ,'H,J'," A nK.1.'pySi!?i MiS0" cn.Private against tt.jfks

the mini will berate other dav I'nvatn wonby cltv Tin. .lainestnnn stewaids entliely automobilej and other,

to be loo siisnlrlotis." '. " the remo.1- -

II. K Carman shipped three iarloaii of uppercorned Paekey yesterday he hetiliifky y.'Meiday to be "H !

on pounds at :i 1xington opens this week i1,.'',1

receive so much as an f"",1" spnttbe winter at He .,' f.1;1.11,.1also WeWr have to aie-al- ci lo be tit

...in ..i i.. ........ r.n.. are cnnlnsii to iilcii 111 iitilij-- ViMorarland oilier of money ma K.

..iii.i..,,,..i,ia um f.r .Mim is in Ii eh favor lot .oil sv le1. a and miuht also 'Derby, with .1 'I Williams's C.ov..... ...... ...,.

...Ti.ii..;.. I. maicn v.nii winner llognn-W- o "niv m- - nmill make wolgast llalley comet If it llogan offered to hoi captured ti e Deiby t.ov. Cray

at 130 at :i a If he t a eeui inwhereas

rh.n.il.lou President 'VrhPhila.lelphla Nationaldoesn't pennant. Quakers


'lommy Murphyoutpoint Whirlwind on ii

for tbo count Jhown'scoat












tho boils leaving Sea hour'fiom 7

f A 8

Kleimhnnl." the railroadi; ; from the

wrong lliirht

andblock over

niuiear will sxreiv entry cars.tins been built, with four

said that raced ,'"r'' V,insist LIS and that Hie , '

not ' "(. 'Hitde. t

centrecabin has

of mhit.......i Ihere lour smallwanted nox mm, a ",!" "

has nhns. He inn I after some Ibe at on the e. wi pe I

thpni ricii i, the I1 null week u .1 k 11'a.i.itun tbe num. i.o.iuu "aee a KaHt )uiit has him and



.,....!Wol- -

smosim. i.ifc. dining loom andn'f'liiiinu of be (hanged,... ...,t at. a,,,,,

seaworthy, en freeboard,it that a eastgast. McKuiland ready to .. ,.T IV dl.the lightweight H lloiace oeel. unable sup. wltT

at 3 o'clock these clrrum-- 1 his has announced --f 'stances .MrParlnnd he will win tho v L

imnossuuefastpr than

what to losaye know


The are on other lie at II , heen ion andiloen't feel deciding "m the while the At am last in the l expected make trip of seven

In a race it maybe well lo.nrmss less tianleniemlier season 'l'e

t. it ii. w uitMiji mis a ni.iirji ... '. j .ocan hasn't lo be ata royal chance to J ho A Hrooklyn

drop htm i .', Ihis will bebattle in severnl


y Leachliruwu,




I '

. .


i i hp stiri

t i


Procraninie Arrankeil litHonnnl IliillnuRh I'atw! llu orajanlratlon.

byknooUlngoiitmany wllh a few well I of th (Jlympio'A. C. und a declsHe Wins liainnlonslilp. The committee of the Seawanhakadlraoted punches. He has a straight J Miiiphy receded iuh a I ii in tho American Football Corinthian nchl Sherman

that pueIII-i- s t hi HBltwBliV.V'VdA-J",!.'?.-!'

CI!1 Aooo. lnt in were by thn Howard and chairman Cumnock, Eliot Tucker-t- o

turn green In flin . J.'tVio.l to "e0ur.. V'Vi VrVllnt" Hullnugh Mirier of Pawtiicket, H, I., man. I ranklln llemington and (leorge Knf the he Murphy declared h not In yesieiday afternoon, that team defeating noosevcll, secretary, has the

K.O.'a knocked togel Indlrat- - on that occasion and ha been t tin Philadelphia llllieiniaiis :i t .gramme of lUtuios the' coming season',in to tho KtierSelmncraBHl? l""k "U' a. most Interesting of races hasU "1!'.?."' "'" lr.rnh'1'1 ,,"",n Newark arranged, will withretchao in this and It Is believed that ran beat any man world at1 The weie contests .Sen .10 fooleis, class Pthe OBIT that from i l.Vi pounds. .Murphy says a niore angiessive O'Donnell, the boats rieawanhakii h footers on May VT

and out wonderful st ''f 'J '."'"'"If!1. ",lAdi,I!0L. "' "i'.'i'.T Hlberniuiis keeper .madernanybrlllli.nt 'i lierfl will three of for themown In i ;u i '.'''',"" :'TV!,,K. ".' hl"r?

scran at Kational I..1. ,.V i':'." 'T,"?':r '. " " tne - iiuiui-ip- i li it ? in in weiu -, ".. r . " , .. T , i ... ,,,.,",i, vwin(-,ii- i hi iji iinii:

uihalmllar In of

rounda, hutIf llogan falls to a in.


said inputting toand In this opinion

haswith Memsle and

In greatly


Harlem Casino,



similar .nicsouviMn




i nere yaw on ni at thethis week. at thnC I)ehler fighting N.






the thethe


into theWe

But morethe



hasWe sell




vou Wesell the


the last


but thethe







dnKpih!!Ti e?,,,n,e!ngLbeVsc:,l,le'', irlnH.n.n.fh.illenge,

wJ",'.r.y c.'J"cl;'l'ns idWestchester wolgln, Huiroiiehs le.eived fiomPhllailelphii llnwurdup gymnasiuiu iiiiIUkii-I- i thereby leadnight itihnrinaiis shnntlmr

roiimis Iwrntleth iturioiighs ripped wnsdisabledfliuisdav wlthacounter temporardvattrartinn (

betneen1 .n. .1... V...1III"

on Cnilay nightriitton, he i bv llaldulii of IIokIoihiiiiIthan he ' looin



toIs to













Hie areN




fast ltei.Urn ball

will ,m,l Into andnet. the

andwill (en and

.loo nndPl.t I.'lln,.will



cteighton. rightrnwturliet eleven,




we car



(die half


I'Yoni Mra Cliff HellrRlnnlns

l.oug Sound I

between and Ilye Ilearh I

service next Thebe last summei,

every oddand Rye every

hourfl.ifclnti I f'nmnnnv ttttlrh

f J'.p. ferry,w that Maine

theie!.!e Wire in another ,"e .

the lliith deck, whi.li givena

eldr .


would tliacl;. v.,lch 'r' l0n

Welsh wouldounce, would i ;01..


ma.....,.t.. i,



I A Tl

,.r ,.h.in













elle.l boiloeeu

that verv


lie-- ecuiii

si'cnrna loum,

UtilesThe the boat will

A....lll..llin lijr nuu nur tn (irii.iwith liizh

expelled seiero windstand- -meet :i3 topounds I'nder entliuslasm. that Imc

(uh teamwin l.ei

Kbr the Wells matcli Ii League top a the routeetics to milestt''5 "roilier hurry rague Sound m mln- -

that the is still veryi'".i, nsvcf

Interest InewiMiks, I.n- -i Team otitrr

rivals scored Hlfkettei-att- a

light ietory hard, liouors I club, i, llovt,hand amash has caused .'.Vjl.V'Iff won Victor I

with envy. the loutid his rtiFat learnBrown battle landed ihls smash that was Issued pro-an- d

knees her, health de. goals tn forthat had thaken heels. "mB M",ri, ''rk. ' series

been which beginmanner Packy in the visitors llhodn Island the for York

thing saved htm going lirnwn Is lucky team,down was his rength. goal keries races

necausa nau woiga"t groggy i" footerstheir the Sr.nitlmr i';..V.'U' .V.',K. I"


his beforetenth ia

sleep si






Have and







dining the and In.1 t . i h. l'oll ",, ."'

tVt ihel'r fee ,y bis 'bid ant ''' n""nl Is sailed on JuneIi andlocal iV"1""" will be raced1"

I II. a1Vn a ten muiid bout anil liour

the the the leftmid iorris of s hooked it Ihen Ilrown sl al .Moore lummy J .ilcmev ' il... tho mmi

boi ten the i t himselftury A (' night,at the A theshape a

I... ir... ... ,. , oil HI .11 II III 111

seems riiuunl .Mattywnen nowery













for the sent thelauv


Itsthe samfe

0 A.M.





the of,i nse


I.S- 4 I 'i










he beenlim'




Ins dinnertoe Lelaiidjgina

furious one playSmllh.Harris

hook giving

inmiilo latert)lg









for. (In v 1. ow ns the HarvardVale lio.it rare, there will be n enisling rateriuni .ew i.onoon iiyster- nay, misis nirmigeil especially for the boats of theIlai vard and nle yacht clubs,

Commodore lUstlng. as, usual, hasofiered for ladies' rate, which

be silled on .Inly '.'. The 'fall regattaand the lure llie . Alffed Rooseveltmeinoilal nip will nailed on September 7,'I lie season will i lose on Heptember 1$,

. . . , ,i ... . . . i il n i.i'111'ii nil, i ill il lun.inhs , run hi .ei i inn men ,niie day..,umUv, mj. n ,.penlng special rareliilslake wlurlicns Ills te.un the rliampliin- - v. v. Y. C. Ml funlers. Class P. and S. C. V C.hip,, in his I'liort lepei a mil Ii" is fnutrrs: ,sji. Memorial nay, special races

.. ,ir,,,,,,n .K ,i,.,,n,i ,11,i,,.,, i """.""!" ";!"; !""" nn'i , n, v, i i-- i rooters. Class r, ana n, c, , 1.1

" mi, iisi- - nil's, sruii-i- i inn nisi series io inniors. secI 'i ki'II .lune .,, rate, nrsi in.fhr ballese he outclasses Hngnn Ihe Palet ,ii ulsn, okln , on .Inly 4 .lfnnriPtt. in Klmitn IslulKler-- . in the IpiuJ ond race, first seiles is feolers; U, third race,latter la not left handed man lil;o lliown ,1 'I "'"'' V? eei,s v lih ihe flklahoin.i m ,efeaiimr Ihe slorm Indepenilents nrst series, is fomeis; 3S. special sarlng racesrind consequently is not ho much of r. pule ? '.u",1;,,,)!, r,,,,,'lv" M"J ""! " expenses j side, game by n go,,, mo.it Kdison ' I". r" c U v e m cl n ir f ; 14. annual reiattafor the Ightwelght rhainpum II urihe,. I J" in tffi "jl vn vpteni.y ine eieM-- ol 'i ' Lei.mi" 'or.mhUn cUenge







, , , oup-f-or

has eutltely lemveisii i,e IMiilic's sprlmt meeimtf ill i t Ins , flli UwVork .Stale N. Y.YC :;i foolers owneel cluh members.left Imn.l, whin, as ,, lre. "i'l1 'S?'";;, '7"'! "r'l" '!'' ' "! mI !"" ..ViulV.i a.iu.ial rup tie" nnd r' ?, Vtay0'"?.

he does no, rn, - i,,l e . ftf, , ! ' ' ILZ.r i'i,".' " --"'cs.,i"f!""eJ'.,; fAilTVi.'Ml iiiii' Imi'l !!iiii liiiti' mI In T.,.! "" llionk- - s, rlrst rsce, semnd series. footer.; 16, secondsi si lit Ik i. i,i .''..,... ,









shut for


I..:. ..'...'. ...

,i,.'.'.'. ::,7":"f: '. ':.. "".' nnl. , lyn. , r ir. e.Yind series. IS footers: !. third raceI j rev rioairi . . ii.it i.i piuve '

, M ) oilkei s Ine I l.m Mcllonahls o llrook Second series. IS foolers; 50. ladles' race for ISar ion' in-i- s in , it i ,'i i , in. i ,,i,,, I ,. iT.. ...... .. i "iiiiivii ii'.i.'.neii me iiiuu wnnii inn eii'ven foolers, nrn unu seinnii prue oneren ny com

amr o: ll.ete is so muni in eresl in . i . i.ni., r.,,,. i ... 1...1 - cw hi tii"ir ibsi gnme 01 ins rn.llll- - , inouore ,i urn mi.this that Ilia Alo.l,wa A L fspectt a I l.o lll upe,to il.e.e l.uvc been cumpV meVoinpelilionV '""""C,J









prles awill



pinieila "


I,.. . . . . ......... . . ( - IKKilfUFi.,. ,,,',1111 c.,.i,.i ,.i . , v.., vip.

firil race, lulrd aariM. U lootari; 1, Mcoad


2' Ton 4'i Ton


The Satire r is built on the principle of lightweight and high grade, obtaining the strength, forwhich it is so well known, by correctness of designand materials of great strength. Every partdown to the screws is figured for strain andmargin of safety.

Strength, obtained by mere weight, is bothwaste and weakness. Dead weight costs moneyfor fuel and tires. Dead weight racks a truck topieces.

The Saurer has always taken First Prize in the'severe contests which it has entered in Europe,and, in more than ten years' service, no Saurerengine has, except through collision, ever beenreplaced.

Our engineering department It at yrur ditpotal, to enable 70a todetermine whether yon can advantageously use Saurer Trucks, andtn what extent.

Saurer Motor Company

Local Sales and Service

American Factory Flainfield New

You are entitled to proof of reliabilityand you get it in the Reo's New Yorkto San Francisco in 102 days.

And you get the Reo any way youwant :

Open Front, top and windshield extra.Fixed or Detachable Fore Door including windshield.

Fore Door parts ($25) to be attached totlie 19 1 1 Reo.

Get the Reo. Be sure of that Getthe car with real proof.

R M175') New

j W'"T



Owen CompanyHrnadway



The Pioneer Shaft Driven ElectricCilm, Irsetlis1 r luiplils Battsnr.

aarilal iMttit Prigmatli tr Meti Cmnlia TiresCampletc Exhibit al Ota- - New Showrosm.

BAKER VEHICLE CO..7 II- - IIIUXDITAV. Phone ars.'IO Columbus.

race, third series, 15 fuoiers; J. third race, thirdseries. IA foolers. I

.September I. special autumn races for the moreactive raring riai-e:- ?, annual autumn open races i

for all classes; Alfred Kooseiclt Memorial cup furN. Y.Y-O- . .N) footers owned by iluh members.4. special races, morning and afternoon, for l.'ifooters; 9. fourth race, third series, IS foolers,IB. open date ror postponed or special races toris footers

Milliard Marathon.'Ihe latest thing in billiards Is the three

cushion Marathon iontost y betweenThomas llucstnn, loimer world's cham-pion, and Sam UirnrtiH of Pittsburg. Thedistance is 4"J points and the course Is laidnut around the exhibition table al Doyle'smom In Korty-seron- d idieet,

beginning at I i o'clock llueston andIrfianis 'will plug away until one or theother finishes the long siring or falls tnstand tho endtiramn test and drops nut.It Ia aatlmilail Hint Imlsunn I ,n nnrl Ivnh'Ahours will be reriulred for the gnme and that 'the finish will be somuwhere around mid


night There will be no time taken out formeals mid the men can rest only betweenshots,

I he four referees will be ,lohn Daly, threecushion champion; Harry ('line, formerchampion: Hal Chase, manager of the High-landers, nnd Albert Culler. Chase willstand the first night watch and Daly willoffleinte at the finish,

YachllnR Motra.The old plumb stem sloop Countess, recentlr

purchased by H, II. Poole, left Marhlehead forNew 1ondon last week, The yacht haa been laUl,,n ml flrat-ft'- ra-- H rtr tu'n '.. M.nv rhsnaresand repalis were made In Ihe jaiiil and Ihe aux


iliary engine was louiutrii,.lohn D. Crosby's auxiliary schooner Cara II.

has airlied at Marblehead Irom New York. Thissacht was originally the llondtna. and was builtby Law ley In laws for David C. Perch al At onetime ihn yacht was named Prlsrllla. She is asfeet over all. 4.1 fret on the water line 15 feet beamand a feet draught. She has a :s horse powermotiir

The las! yacht built at Lawley's city Pointsard was the :n foot auxiliary knockabout forL.,D. nuhl. This boat has been tried and shippedlo her owner al Detroit. She Is .11 feet over all.50 feet on the water line, a feet beam and 4 feet

of the brldgeport Yacht Club havepurchased the enthe fleet of Cohasset one design17 footers. 'Ihe purchase was made through dieMollis Hurgrss acht 1genr.

L. .A, Hloenman. former rommodore of theCorlnlhUn Yacht Club of San Francisco, hasbeen appointed a memher of ihe exhibits committee of Ihe Panama-Californi- I'.xiinslllnn to beheldIn San Diego In tills. It Is planned In have asarht race from all parts ol the soihl 10 SanDIso

Fredarlelt JC. Buratuun. vloa-e- o nun odors ol the


Genera Office 30 Church Street

41 1 West 55th Street New York... vu r tt. 1 c'. r"u:n.....


273-27- 5 Haliey St. IMenark


, ... MOTOIl COMPANY,HDPOIPilCirOII isto U'way. cor. Ki St.

Telenhone. ist 7tT Columbus.






flmiirhl. tSoU1 Mill KxrhaGsttdTlmcH Auto Co., 7lh Ave,

Hoadsfr- - Traveler Tourist,American Automobile Co.

Ilroajwav Oth

a Auto Import Co. America.DCIVa ;u-f- t West a4lh .Street.

PlTcu'cark. JormMoore Co.. 3ml llruadwayBnuon I'tvim- - .vxiu Columbus

BUICK Motor in., H'wa, heln SMhsspi Phone 4141 Columbus.



Si 73I .1

at M.

a3 r. sw ufS .N.



Parts. RepairsColumbus rlrck'. el

Carharlt Cars5rbi



IViUTel t'olunihus 7IM.

1BB8 (63d St.)Phone soii:i oluiiilius.

Crawford 'Ihomaon Co.ma llwav. Tel. s::Col,

P.M.F IStudebaker Bros









of N. Y.

Brodway & 69th St.

Phon 7181 ColumbuiKnox Automobile Company.

Uroadwav Phone S.S Col.

411 II. I1

C. Sl.nr.o.

Harder. Act.



IVS3 Uroadway. Tel 4MCol.POKRTNKR Mlll'tlll CAR CO.riB::Way '(Uih St). Phone Sg.7 Col,

IA (Inc.)a West eist St. Phone ilv) i'ol.

"Made In New York Clly."1M0 ISA: n'wav Tel. 5ISS Col.


A.O.SP I.DIXH A Hmi ,ai W IM Tel 1.1.1 nryant.HflllTC WHITE CO., Ilioad'uay 'and A2d St.nnilE Phone jaw i'ol. "

Motor Cluli of America, who Is haling the Dixie111. built W. K. Harris of Newsrs. and Albert K.Smith have entered their fast motor boats In thelares of the Wealern Power Roal Association lobe held nt Peoila July 2.1 and

II. P. He n's steam jniht Nlkeil Is beingovei hauled nt Manning's South Hrooklyn basin.

The members nf Ihe Pleasant Valley YnrhtCluli at a meeting In Wlnthiop approved plansfor a new house to be built al oner. The newolllccrs of this club are: Commodoic. I'red .1,Karrer: x Ire commodore, Charles Fowler secretan, Nathaniel T. Freeman; treasurer Hugh.l,Shaw: boa i r of rHreriors. .lohn E Thompson,lyiniam K. I hntan. Charles 3, Wnoe. VVUIlain F,CUuk ana William A. CUsby.



of L'.hid ( .mis 1111 ma 1.1

IN THE UNITED STATESIBM Lnnrla. :s, (SiinboM, ." patenter lourltiKloll Chalmers, Limousine, fore door.XI Horse Itiirlnir I'lnt, sacrWcc.

1010 Siearns. 30 no, Gunboat. .1 passenger.1910 Chalmers, Jo. A passenger touring, bargainWin Chalmers, ). Limousine. o crhauled1010 Isotta, 14. Ililbv rntrr. tun passenerrIBin Slrnrns, .10 n. (lunhoat. .1 pasrngrr,IUI0 Palmer & Singer, r. w), toy tonneau.1910 Inlrrstatr. nrrhsulcd, ft passenger.1810 Chalmers. 4(1. Chnssls only, bargain.1910 rial, . wllh Limousine unci Touring,lino ro. .simplex, with l.andaulct, Touring.1910 tcnmobllc. .11, Roadster.11am Renault, 14 .vi. top tonneau, 12.000.tlm Slcnrna, f c Under. 7 passenger touting,I (tin Mmulex, M. practically new, fully equipped.1tn Pope llarllonl, Roadster. 4 passenger.Hu Pierre, a Ml, top lonneau.Iln Plat Lamlatilct, 15, town ear.inrrti Miiliati. Roadslcr. 4 pas. overhauled Chassis,inri Mi. Mmiilea, Roadslcr. guaranteed.lli!l Nnplrr, Imported, ft ryb. sarrlflcc.1( I'k rcn Arrow. 4S. 7 passenger,lins 40, 7 passenger overhauled,inns National. 40. 7 passenger, overhauled, J'.W.ino Flat. ,V. lAfidaulct. complete. ?.inn; Peerless, 4. 7 passenger, unirlirIM'rrr Arrow, 4V 7 passenger. Inun.ig, KM.HenaiJI, .V). Limousine, perfect, $l,Ni.Ilenault, II 20. Town Car, suitable taxlcah.Mercedes I, toy Rondster. perfect. 4 pessenser.Mercedes (0. Roadster, overhead valve, fast. 150.1907 I'nnl'RM. at. wllh deml Umouslne, 7 pas1W, fl.illan Taxlrabs. overhauled, repainted. JAW.tl'iKhLlM -- hall drive. 14 11.. with limousine

ROSKAM-SCOT- T CO.HHQ.ua nroad wt Unndrirh lllrtu



TouoDiLTd, catatzfaUkii tbhi- -




souxthino op nnxnEST inTHIS COLUMN.

1ST QUALITY AUTOJJOU1LK TIltM.It lib grade standard makes, mil Goals,

Complete List mailed freo.rsx 110. .vi ."2ia$ lis.tt

1.10X3 ii.:..mx3;i. 17 .MMiau ia 11 .vii 20.uOOXJU 15. M 1.14X4 12. J)

AU other Slws Proportlonatelr Cheap.NOTK. We have reirular second grad. stiaM

for about half aboe prices.ComplcteCutKateHupplyCatalotue Uallsd Trs

K. J. WILLIH CO,at Chambers St.. near Uroarlwar.


rtnnsbouts from S2.V1 up.Touring car' from S.vm upLimousines from J.HM up.

Alt ih. rr are fiillv rnii nned. have been rebuilt In nur own shops and hac been repalotelguaranteeil: demonstration, of murse,.

Ml u ili.uu .uuiun r ... i.Tel. .".4SO -- Cot. 1S79 Uroadway.

aT'tc fruit: mnoAiss.Thlswlnter I have faetorj econ1s,

or nncuarartecd tires anil tubes of tbsbetter crudes and makes onlv.

Consisting of Clinchers. Oulck Detachables.Duniora ana tinned on casings. inrwtom sn

being snipped to mewceuij anu can oc kzuany lime.

Write for nrlee list or calkIt. V. POInin. 1610 ProaJway ft. i:. cor. nm.Telephone Prrant lis; iipen ereningv

A I TO OV Alti: LOOKIXIi ron"Very ll'selv; and ou naturally want It

at Tin: vrnv i.hwkst Phuttf so ropic here for "Seuare PealsIIODIKS IX PVKHV STYLE CHEAP-Head-

to nut on vour chassis completa.NLWIHII TIRES-no- 0-i OFf.Onlv nlaee of lt kind In town.

tlROATlWAY AtTO KCllAN(in.1MB lo 17S7 Broadway (lvt. .vih Mthi

Al TOTlltl'..S. HIRIIl'.srr UUAUrSO.N'LY.:sx?.... ja.r1 3;i4....t5.oiMlJ.... 17.40 JiX.1H....ttl.'l MX ..Jli--

other slr.ej tn proportion.UNITED nrnBT.lt CO.. :.v West Mth, aaar

Preadw av. 1 el.. W" iiilALL MKCS Illll'HIIT AND MILD.

DKLIVKUY WACONS-Al-.L CAPACITtEitorn crxTt'nv AiTOMoiin.r co.:tl Wen 4Bih St.. near Uroadwav.

AlO ljuidaulrt. to h. p : Is being rebuilt, re--flnlsbed. repainted and will be sold wllb a newcarauaranlee. AUi:RICA.V LOCOMOTIVKCOM- -

I'Ai . lroo ji way, a. i , , rnonc. u.w oi.I.O.1KH iis. ti h. n.. sc en passenger. In excel

lent condition: will accept a reasonable Oder.AMF.tllCAN LOCOMOriVn COMPANY, IMAIlroadnay, N. V. 'I'noiie. .vtoq Columbus.

CIlAl.Mr.US toil Limousine. Dractlcallrnew: has a comDlele roulnment; S3. 100. AMERICAN LOCOMOf IVK COMPANY. 15SS Droadwaj-- .

. 'Phone. ."i.Tno . oiumlius.SIX CYLINDEHiar for sale ata sacrifice: very

fat: In cood condition. Pox 114 Sun omce.HOVAL ToritLST SKVr.N PASSENGER,

like new: Sl.im (14 Wrt 4M St.IIOTCIIKISS touring car. In perfect condition.

will sell very cheap. iitrq-iiKlss,- :

ROYAL KU'RIST, S passenger: muit sellquick, bargain Moo. M est 4.td St.

CHALMEItS-Diri'ilOriS- . llTJtl lJ models, tour- -Ing toy tonneau and roadster types.

DUICK. 1910, toy lonneau. fully equipped aafcannot b told from new. snap,


PEERLESS, seven passenger touring car. eaa- -nut be told from new;: uarpnin.

TIMES syt'AP.i: Al'TOMOniLE CO,1710 to 171h Uroadwav. ror. Mth St.ANCHOIt TIUi: CO.. A. II. Kasner.

Ill Chambers St. Tel. 1119 Worth.AirrOMOlllLE TIRES! AtTOMOMLE TIRKRKLlAIII.i; TIRES at most rcasonablo price

The First Tire House In N. Y.THOMAS so Ii. p. Touring, with extra llmouslna

body: has been overhauled: willing to accept areasonable orter. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVF.COMPANY. 189 Uroadway, N. Y. 'Phona.5.VJO Columbus.

AI.COfinished and guaranteed:mer tourlmr: 1.7S0.

cii.ir, . iwoS.vsv 'olumbus.


4 p., overhauled,Ideal car for sum- -

AMERICA.VUroadway, N. Y. 'Pbooa.

A PHYSICIAN IraUnir city Indefinitely willsacrifice Maxwell doctor's runabout; mod; thor-oughly oxefhanled: warranted perfect; onequarter actual cah. 1KK.TOR I'EltUUSO.V, ;tV)Hioadwny. ncur 751h st.

PALll'KR SIMiliU mi Toy 'lonneau. latemodel: has been oerhuled. repainted and fltteilwith top. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COM-PANY ISM U'wnv. X. V. 'Phone, ason Col.

n'A.VI Tourlne car In

h, re.an

from a private owner. Hox 104 ;un office.lillCK. '10: REPAINTED, Ac.

JI7.V 81 West 4.M St.

Aatomobllrs Hire.

M'TOS FOR HIRE,We will furnish any style foreign or Amerlcaa

made car with a smart looking, competent an4respectful chaullcur: will fit hint out wllh literto be made to order, for any lady or gcntlemaswho wishes to engage an automobile fur Usseason or ) rar.

HI 17. A I TO COMPANY,ill Wesl Mj St., ,ew York City

'l"ione .11(17 Piaa.PACKARD AND RENAULT CARS.

Hour, day or month,r. T. SANFORD AIITOMOHILE CO.44, 4S. 4 West 43d St.piiom: UIH ANT ISS1--



E. fi. D. liXRAOFWEST 4.1D ST. Telephone sun llrjait

I AtKARD AUTO Ri:.NTI.N(i (!AI(A(IE15t v roth St. Phone ion Columbus

PEST SERVICE. LOWEST RATF.S.Hour. DayTrlp, Month oseasoi;

Unu. A '.( KARD, lulu.P.lerant seen oassencer I.andatilets by hour

week, month: erv reasonable, hbrh class servRACKHUS. S3 East 61 Ih tl. Tel..Lenox,

i aiTou i, cuuru KinCI RIO CO.114 West 64111 St. Phone SWS COlumS'JiGASOLINE AND ELECTRIC CARS TOR I1IK4


Automobile siiiiilles.OLDEST TIRE HOl'.sn IN TUP CITY

is: Church St., near WarrenWe have a large stork nf tires an.l autnme'il's

sundries which wo will close out at ic. F'lOdLIS r PRICES.it 50 STL DEBAKER WIND SHIELDS ' J

sir". SAVED 0J AI'TO stipPLli'l "


77 CHAMBERS SI',. DEPT. S. Tel. 117 Merta

al I O C 1 Dl U fl C iii-.i- iiillull I COsv ss is s. usniunuu 1974 H'wsy I17in ill

AutuTitubTlo Hi'Pirni. AcHIGH GRADE Automobile bodies; n.ns s'.s

rot era: palming. trlmmlDg. retalrlnr, A.I J"rwork guaranteed.

Uroadwav AITO TOP A nonv mI.To West Mill St. Tel, SNl'i I'olurrhis

AlHonioiille liislrilt'tlou-Aiitomohlllstsshoul I si null en ihnio'ieh know!

edge of their machines, our fni llltles fni tenaiethebesi, Dav and I'venliiireliissc.; aUi p (

Instruction. Wilie for liookloiSTF.WART It) Si HOOL

West Mtii .New Nor"Founded mi lloiu-slv.- " "Piis-et- s oo MeMi

FOR owners, prosiH-cII-e owners, rliau''- -

thoroughly riraciii-- i rni rs.. nav orooosici on request.IUWMUiU.IV, .


wi:sr siui; v. m, c. a.