We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan

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  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan


    Igor Zhdarkin


    Memoirs of a ar!i"ian!

    of !he Ango#an $ar %&'()*&'((+

    Ora# his!or, of forgo!!en $ars

    Trans#a!ed from -.ssian/, Tamara -ei##,

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    In!rod."!ion 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 23'

    A/o.! a.!hor 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 24&No!e/ook5diar, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 243

    The a.!hor "ommen!aries6 made on O"!o/er 2(6 2777 111111111111111111 2()

    The a.!hor "ommen!aries6 made on O"!o/er )6 277& 11111111111111111111 2'7

    The a.!hor "ommen!aries6 made on O"!o/er 2(6 27776

    No8em/er 246 2777 and O"!o/er )6 277& 1111111111111111111111111111111111 974

    The a.!hor "ommen!aries6 made on Se!em/er6 2779 1111111111111111111 9(&Aendi: I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 9';

    Aendi: II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 37&

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    The, "on!ain informa!ion #i!!#e kno$n no! on#, !o !he/roader ./#i" /.! a#so e8en !o rofessiona# mi#i!ar, his!orians1

    And !he diffi".#! /a!!#es6 of $hi"h !he a.!hor $as adire"! ar!i"ian! in &'(;*&'(( %a! !ha! !ime as a

    ?ie.!enan! and in!erre!er+6 shar#, "hanged !he geoo#i!i5"a# si!.a!ion of a! #eas! !hree s!a!es * Ango#a6 Nami/ia andSo.!h Afri"a1

    The fo##o$ing his!ori"a# e8en!s * !he indeenden"e ofNami/ia in &'('6 !he !ransi!ion !o a non ra"ia# so"ie!, in So.!h

    Afri"a in &''36 and !he "on"#.sion of !he !$en!, se8en ,ear"i8i# $ar in Ango#a in 2772 are !o a signifi"an! degree #inked !o!he /a!!#es aro.nd 0.i!o50.ana8a#e6 $hi"h !ook #a"e d.ring

    &'(;*&'(( in !he so.!h of Ango#a1The Eng#ish edi!ion of !hese re"o##e"!ions "onsis!s of !$o

    ma@or ar!s * a diar,6 $hi"h !he a.!hor ke! from O"!o/er &7!o De"em/er 96 &'(;6 in his "aa"i!, as mi#i!ar, in!erre!er of!he !$en!, firs! FA?A /rigade %a diar, of !he "om/a! eriod+and a#so his o$n ora# narra!i8es1

    A#mos! in!en!iona##,6 in !hese re"o##e"!ions6 !he !ae5re"orded memories6 of !he -.ssian offi"er6 Igor A1 Zhdarkin6

    "r.e# and frigh!ening in !heir "ando.r6 $ere a#mos! no! a! a##edi!ed1 The, $ere rod."ed a! !he Afri"a Ins!i!.!e of !he-.ssian A"adem, of S"ien"es on 2( O"!o/er6 27776

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    24 No8em/er6 2777 and ) O"!o/er6 277&6 as $e## as d.ring fre5B.en! mee!ings a! his home d.ring !he eriod6 2777*277;1

    One sho.#d add !ha! man, na!i8e and e8en more foreign

    a"ademi" and @o.rna#is!i" s!.dies6 no! !o men!ion ar!i"#es dea#5ing $i!h !he Ango#an "i8i# $ar and !he e8en!s d.ring&'(;*&'(( are6 a! /es!6 f.## of =ina"".ra"ies>6 !o .! i! mi#d#,1erhas in !his $a, !hese re"o##e"!ions sho.#d fi## "er!ain gasin o.r kno$#edge dea#ing $i!h !he e8en!s $hi"h o"".rred $i!h5in !his "o.n!r,1

    As far as "on"erns !he a.!horCs !a#es a/o.! his s./seB.en!ser8i"e in Moam/iB.e d.ring &''7*&''&6 in !he

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    A/o.! a.!hor

    Zhdarkin Igor Anatolyevitch $as /orn on A.g.s! &46&')4 in ,e#or.ssia6 in !he 0i!, of Gome#1His fa!her "ame from #o"a# ,e#or.ssian %o#es,e+ O#d

    e#ie8er 0ossa"ks and mo!her from

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    or!.g.ese #ang.age and in &'() ho#ding Se"ond ?ie.!enan!Grade $as sen! !o !he ser8i"e assignmen! !o Ango#a1

    Ser8i"e assignmen! !o Angola!ook #a"e re"ise#, in !heeriod of fier"e /a!!#es agains! !he

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    !he 8isi!s of high ranking foreign mi#i!ar, "ommanders6 among!hem 0ommander5in50hief of

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    Gro. of #iaison offi"ers6 among $hi"h $as IgorZhdarkin6 had a $ide s"oe of d.!ies for ens.ring ser8i"e and

    #ife s.or! of -.ssian Air S.or!

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    ,ears $i!h

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    Igor Zhdarkin a""omanied !he de#ega!ions of !he a/o8e5men!ioned Asso"ia!ions !o man, mi#i!ar, dis!ri"!s6 garrisons6ro8ing gro.nds and !raining "en!ers of !he -F Armed For"es6

    name#,6 Nor!h50a."asian mi#i!ar, dis!ri"!6 ri8o#hsko5

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    Minis!er of Defense of -.ssia6 as $e## as organia!ion ofre"e!ion of foreign mi#i!ar, de#ega!ions a! !he Ins!i!.!e ofMi#i!ar, His!or,1 In addi!ion !o !ha!6 ro8ision of assor!s6

    8isas6 !i"ke!s6 mone, means for !he de#ega!ions of !he Ins!i!.!eof Mi#i!ar, His!or, of !he -F Minis!r, of Defense !ra8e##inga/road1 In man, "ases %d.ring re"e!ions of Eng#ish seakingde#ega!ions+ he a#so a"!ed as in!erre!er fa"i#i!a!ing !he $ork of!hose de#ega!ions1

    S!ar!ing from De"em/er 277) af!er #ea8ing !he Ins!i!.!eof Mi#i!ar, His!or, Igor Zhdarkin has /een $orking as

    in!erre!er for 8ario.s "omanies and organia!ions6ar!i"ia!ing in in!erna!iona# "onferen"es and s,mosia /einghe#d in !his "o.n!r, and a/road1

    In ar!i".#ar in Fe/r.ar, 277; he 8isi!ed Israe# $i!h a

    gro. of -.ssian mi#i!ar, his!orians6 $here he ar!i"ia!ed in-.ssian5Israe#i s"ien!ifi" "onferen"e de8o!ed !o Ara/5Israe#i$ars in !he 27!h"en!.r,1

    From Mar"h !i## .ne 277; he $orked $i!h a gro. ofse"ia#is!s of !he .aov He#i"o!er 0oman, in or!.ga#fa"i#i!a!ing !he !raining ro"ess for !e"hni"a# s!aff of or!.g.ese"i8i# a8ia!ion for oera!ion $i!h !he .a-'0-.ssian he#i"o!er1

    In .#, 277; Igor Zhdarkin $i!h a gro. of se"ia#is!s of-.ssian Air"raf! 0orora!ion Mi6 8isi!ed Eri!rea $i!h !he aimof !raining of !ha! "o.n!r,Cs Air For"e ersonne# for $ork $i!h!he -.ssian Mi6-0&+Mfigh!er)

    In O"!o/er and No8em/er 277; Igor Zhdarkin $orked inGerman, $i!h a gro. of se"ia#is!s of Mos"o$ A8ia!ion0en!er headed /, 0o#one# adik Asyl!ayev6 0hief ofEME-0OM A8ia!ion of !he 0i!, of Mos"o$6 fa"i#i!a!ing !he

    !raining ro"ess of f#,ing ersonne# for $ork on 9:-;;7

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    In De"em/er 277( he $orked $i!h a gro. of e:er!s of!he .aov He#i"o!er 0oman, in India for in8es!iga!ion of!he "a.ses of f#,ing a""iden!s $i!h :=-';he#i"o!ers of !he

    Indian Na8,1

    Igor Zhdarkin "on!in.es "ooera!ion $i!h !heuroco(ter 0oman,1 From O"!o/er 277; !o Ari# 27&7 hefa"i#i!a!ed !he ro"ess of !raining for 8ario.s gro.s of i#o!s in!he Training 0en!er of !he uroco(ter in German,6 in !he0i!, of Ingo#s!ad! %i#o!s gro.s from EME-0OM of -.ssia6Minis!r, of S!a!e Se".ri!, of T.rkmenis!an6 Jama# 0oman,6

    GaromA8ia air#ines+1

    A! resen! ie"es o.! of !he memoirs /ook /, IgorZhdarkin are ./#ished in !he /ook en!i!#ed -.ssia %

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    Imor!an! da!e of /iograh, of ?ie.!enan! 0o#one#I1A1 Zhdarkin

    &4A.g.s!6 &')4* /orn in !he !o$n of Gome#6 ,e#or.ssia1&')4*&'(2 * #i8ed in !he !o$n of V,/org6 ?eningrad

    region6in &'(&* finished se"ondar, se"ia# s"hoo# $i!h a n.m5/er of s./@e"!s !a.gh! in !he Eng#ish #ang.age6 a#so #o"a!ed in!he !o$n of V,/orgK

    &'(&*&'(2* $orked in a "and, fa"!or, as a $eigher5a"kerK&'(2*&'(9* s!.died a! !he Gome# S!a!e

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    "#e6 !hen radio5!e#ehone oera!or of an indeenden! engi5neer /a!!a#ion %Nor!h 0a."as.s and Si/erian mi#i!ar, dis5!ri"!s+K

    &'(4*&'() * !raining in a""e#era!ed &7 mon!h "o.rses in!he or!.g.ese #ang.age a! !he Mi#i!ar, Ins!i!.!e of foreign#ang.ages #eading6 .on !ermina!ion6 !o !he a"B.isi!ion of !hemi#i!ar, !i!#e of =se"ond #ie.!enan!>K

    &'()*&'(( * ser8i"e in Ango#a as a mi#i!ar, in!erre!er6in"#.ding ser8ing in /rigades dire"!#, ar!i"ia!ing in mi#i!ar,oera!ionsK

    &'(( * o/!ained mi#i!ar, rank of =#ie.!enan!> d.ring hisser8i"e in Ango#aK

    &'((*&''7* "on!in.ed !raining a! !he Mi#i!ar, Ins!i!.!e offoreign #ang.ages6 ma@oring as =in!erre!er5"ons.#!an! ofEng#ish and or!.g.ese #ang.ages>K

    &''7*&''& * ser8i"e mission !o !he -e./#i" ofMoam/iB.e6$i!h ser8i"e in !he '9rd Indeenden! He#i"o!erDe!a"hmen! $i!h se"ia# designa!ion as Senior air for"e in!er5

    re!erK&''&*&''2 * res.m!ion of !raining a! !he Mi#i!ar,Ins!i!.!e of foreign #ang.ages6 ma@oring as =in!erre!er5"on5s.#!an! of Eng#ish and or!.g.ese #ang.ages>6 and romo!ion!o !he rank of senior #ie.!enan!K

    &''2*&''9* ser8i"e a! !he Mos"o$ S.8oro8 mi#i!ar, "o#5#ege as senior ins!r."!or in Eng#ishK

    &''9*&''4* ser8i"e a! !he -ed anner Mi#i!ar, Ins!i!.!e

    of !he Minis!r, of Defen"eKAri# * O"!o/er6 &''4* ser8i"e mission !o !he -e./#i" of

    ang#adesh $i!h a gro. of "om/a! infan!r, 8ehi"#e %M52+se"ia#is!sK

    an.ar, * .ne6 &'')* ser8i"e mission !o !he -e./#i" ofAngo#a as #iaison and "oordina!ing offi"er $i!h !he -.ssianAirFor"e .ni! /e#onging !o !he

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    -.ssian Air For"e .ni! /e#onging !o !he o theeteran of Local Conflicts in Angola andMo$a!i%ue

    5 Meda# >o theeteran-Internationalist

    5 Meda# For Contri!ution in +trengthening of FriendlyCo!at >ies

    5 Meda# ; 3ears of @ithdra*al of +oviet >roo(s froAfghanistan

    5 Meda# For honora!le service6 Firs! 0#ass

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    5 Meda# For honora!le service6 Se"ond 0#ass

    5 Meda# For honora!le service6 Third 0#ass

    5 Meda# 74 3ears of the Ared Forces of the B++

    5 The hono.ra/#e /adge >o the @arrior-Internationalistand Honorar, Di#oma of !he residi.m of !he S.reme So8ie!of !he

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    To $arran! offi"er

    Valentine MatveichukMi#i!ar, dis!ri"! "omm.ni"a!ions "en!re

    Dear ValentineWhen ,o. re"ei8e !his no!e/ook6 #ease "on!a"! me and #e!

    me kno$ so !ha! I donC! ge! $orried1From /ehind !he #ines6 I $ro!e a #e!!er !o !he erson !o

    $hom ,o. sho.#d de#i8er e8er,!hing1 In !he same no!e/ook6 !hereis a #e!5 !er !o Gome#1 Send i!6 #ease6 in Mos"o$ I $ish ,o. a##!he /es! on ,o.r @o.rne, and hoe ,o. rea"h Mos"o$s.""essf.##,1

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    On O"!o/er (6 !he, $ere f#o$n off !o a hosi!a# in ?.anda1Then on O"!o/er '6 ha8ing re#a"ed !hem6 $e dear!ed ona

    mi#i!ar, oera!ion1There are si: eo#e in o.r gro. * o.r !eam #eader6

    Ana!o#ii Ana!o#, Mikhai#o8i"h Ar!iomenkoK !he ad8isor !o!he "hief of !he /rigade ar!i##er,6 J.ri a8#o8i"hS.sh"henkoK !he !e"hni"ian6 Sasha Fa!,ano8K !$o se"ia#is!sfrom =Osa5A> %!he an!i air"raf! missi#e s,s!em+6 S#a8a andos!,a6and m,se#f1

    The da, /efore6 $e "o8ered aro:ima!e#, && km and a!&797 $e rea"hed !he "ommand os! of !he 24!h /rigade1 Wesa! !here !he $ho#e da,6 and $ai!ed .n"er!ain#, forsome!hing !o !.rn .1 We $ere in fa"! for"ed !o send !henigh! !here1

    A! aro.nd se8en oC"#o"k in !he e8ening6 I !.rned on !heradio re"ei8er1 A "on"er! of So8ie! o.#ar songs $as /eing!ransmi!5 !ed1 The songs $ere6 on !he $ho#e6 /o!h o#d and

    #ong kno$n6 ,e! a## of .s a! on"e gre$ si#en! and ensi8e1.! !oda,6 on O"!o/er &76 a! fi8e !hir!, in !he morning6 $eh.rried#, .shed off from o.r #o"a!ion and mo8ed for$ard1

    A mi#i!ar, "o#.mn6 in genera#6 mo8es 8er, s#o$#,1 The oin!is !ha! i! is ad8isa/#e no! !o !ra8e# on o#d6 .sed roads6 /e"a.se!he, are "ons!an!#, mined /,

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    .! /efore !his6 a! &9976 $e had s!.m/#ed .on a mined

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    fie#d6 se! . /, 6 so !ha! no$here "an one!.rn aro.nd1 If !he enem, is a/#e s.""essf.##, ge! !his road$i!hin his g.n sigh!s6 and !hen i! "an /e"ome one of !he se8en"ir"#es of /i/#i"a# he##1

    In fa"!6 here on !he Se!em/er 24 of #as! ,ear6 !he #eader ofo.r gro.6 Ana!o#, Mikhai#o8i"h MAr!iomenkoN$as serio.s#,$o.nded1 The, had /een .n!i# !hen6 for a## of fi8e da,s6 no!a/#e !o ge! a"ross1A she## fragmen! had hi! him in !he head1.! $e6 !his one !ime6 $ere a/#e !o "ross $i!ho.! misha1

    O"!o/er &&6 &'(;The da, !oda, $as ri"h $i!h e8en!s1

    A! si: in !he morning6 !he "o#.mn ga!hered in mi#i!ar, for5ma!ion for !he da,Cs mar"h1 We s!ood for ha#f an ho.r6 $ai!ingfor ne$s from !he head of o.r "o#.mn as !o $here !he, $ere !oa8e !he $a,1 , si: !hir!,6

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    min.!es1 The men "o8ering !he f#anks of !he "o#.mnerformed $e## /, dis"o8ering !he /andi!s in !ime1 Thea!!a"k $as s."5 "essf.##, re.#sed1 Fi8e

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    O"!o/er &96 &'(;Toda, a! 4&76 fo.r So.!h Afri"an #anes aeared in !he

    area of !he 2&s! and 4'!h /rigades1 The /rigades oened . f.ri5

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    o.s fire from a## !,es of $eaonr,1 The en!ire sk, #ooked #ikea rain/o$ or a sa#.!e1 As a res.#!6 one #ane $as .! o.! ofa"!ion6 $hi#e a se"ond $as hi! on !he no#e /, a =S!re#a59>

    !,e ro"k5 e!6 and a#!ho.gh hi!6 managed !o es"ae1 The res!droed !heir /om/s in disorder and made off1

    O.r =Osa5AF> an!i air"raf! missi#e s,s!em had /eg.n $orka#read, a! 73971

    On !ha! da,6 !here $ere !hree more So.!h Afri"an air raids* a! noon6 a! &477 and a! &;G776 as if i! $as a""ording !os"hed5 .#e1 This da,6 $e s!a,ed a! !he nigh! #odging near!he o#d %&'3; mode#+& * &4337i!ems1

    & He mean!A53;1 I!Cs $or!h men!ioning !ha! A53;6 AM and !hene$es! -.ssian 8arian! of AM * A5&79 a## named =s./5ma"hine g.ns> in-.ssian6 no! =assa.#! rif#es> /e"a.se i!Cs /.##e! %;1)2:9' mm+ is made for shor!range or midd#e5range "om/a! %. !o 477*)77 m+1 Ango#an FA?Afor"es $ere firs!#, armed $i!h o/so#e!e So8ie!5made A53; %rod."!ionseiDed in !he

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    O"!o/er &36 &'(;Toda,6 a! 7;97AM6 $e fina##, rea"hed !he 0ommand os!

    of !he 2&s! /rigade and Oera!iona# Gro.1 We me! here ad8i5

    sors and se"ia#is!s of !he 3;!h /rigade and of !he =Osa5AF>an!i air"raf! missi#e s,s!em %nine eo#e in a##+1 So man, hor5rors !he, re"o.n!ed !o .s1

    M."h hoe had /een #a"ed6 d.ring !he offensi8e a"!ion6 on!he 2nd Ta"!i"a# Gro. %For"e+ !o $hi"h !he 3;!h air5assa.#!/rigade /e#onged1 The 3;!h /rigade $as reinfor"ed $i!h a !ank/a!!a#ion6 ar!i##er, and $i!h !he =Osa5AF> an!i air"raf! missi#es,s!em1 The Gro.Cs mission $as !o se".re !he righ! f#ank of !hegenera# offensi8e1 I! $as "ommanded /, Ma@or To/iash60hiefof S!aff of !he )!h Mi#i!ar, Dis!ri"!1

    .! !he Gro. $as no! . !o !ask1 A""ording !o $ha! $assaid6 !he "ommanding offi"ers drank !oo m."h d.ring !he oer5a!ion1 The offensi8e $as "ond."!ed s#.ggish#,6 $i!ho.! en!h.5siasm6 a#!ho.gh !here $as ra"!i"a##, no serio.s resis!an"e in i!sa!h1

    In !he end6 !o /e s.re6 =!here aeared !o /e a so5"a##ed "#aof !h.nder in a "#ear sk,>1 The offensi8e of o!her /rigades$as "ond."!ed more or #ess s.""essf.##,6 and

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    The /rigade s.ffered !hree a!!a"ks from !he So.!hAfri"anreg.#ar for"es1 The f#igh! $hi"h /egan af!er !he se"ond a!!a"k6!.rned in!o ani" $i!h !he #a.n"hing of !he !hird1

    There $ere man, reasons for !his !he r.nning o.! ofamm.5 ni!ion6 as $e## as !he "o$ard#iness of !he offi"ers6 !hea/sen"e of re"ise ins!r."!ions !o !he !roos engaged6 !heir!error of fa"ing !he So.!h Afri"ans6 and6 fina##,6 !he fa"!!ha! on !he /ank $here !he /rigade s!ood6 a"ross !he ri8er?om/a6 !here $as a assage %/ridge for "rossing+1 E8er,/od,B.i"k#, fo.nd o.! a/o.! i!6 and6 if i! had no! e:is!ed6 erhasno one $o.#d ha8e !ried !o f#ee1

    Man, So8ie! se"ia#is!s ser8ing here in !he dis!ri"! "om/a!/rigades ear#ier had /een in Afghanis!an1 A""ording !o !heiroinion6 =in Afghanis!an6 $e ne8er e:erien"ed s."h horrors ashere1 One said !ha! =$hen !he So.!h Afri"an ar!i##er, /egan !ofire6 I fe#! ar!i".#ar#, !errified1 Ho$e8er6 !hen "ame !he So.!h

    Afri"an air for"e and $e had 8er, #i!!#e room on !he gro.nd1.! !he mos! horri/#e $as $hen !heAngo#ans !.rned !o f#igh!

    and /egan !o !hro$ a$a, !heir eB.imen!>This [email protected]! $ha! haened $i!h !he 3;!h /rigade1As #ongas !he /rigade "ommander main!ained radio "on!a"! $i!h !he"ommander of !he !ank /a!!a#ion6 e8er,!hing !o /e s.reremained re#a!i8e#, norma#1 .! !hen !he !ank /a!!a#ion "om5mander $as hi! and /eing $o.nded6 he mo8ed !o ano!her !ank$hi"h !oo $as hi! and from $hi"h he !hen "o.#d no! "ra$# o.!1Mean$hi#e !he !ank #a!oon "ommander $ho $as ne:! !o him

    f#ed1 The !ank /a!!a#ion "ommander %his name is Si#8a+ !here5.on $as !aken risoner /, !he So.!h Afri"ans1

    A! !he !ime of i!s f#igh! d.ring !he "rossing of !he ri8er

    ?om/a6 !he 3;!h /rigade #os! &( !anks6 27 armored !roo "arri5ers6 3 D597 %&22 mm+ g.ns6 9 M52&s 8a##e, fire6 3 Osa5Aan!i5air"raf! mo/i#e ro"ke! #a.n"hers6 2 Osa5As !ransor!"ars6 one 5&' radar s!a!ion6 hea8, a.!omo/i#es6 /road"as!ings!a!ions6 mor!ars6 grenade !hro$ers6 aro:ima!e#, 277 ie"esof sma## arms6 e!"16 e!"1

    The #o.d#, ro"#aimed $ords a/o.! !he safe!, of So8ie!

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    ad8isors and se"ia#is!s $ere forgo!!en1 The armored !roo "ar5rier of !he So8ie! ad8isors e:i!ed6 #as! /.! one6 o8er !he/ridge6 and $i!ho.! "o8er6 /, order of !he /rigade

    "ommander6 and ro!e"!ed on#, /, && eo#e1 Wi!hin &4min.!es6 !he osi!ion $here i! had s!a,ed /efore $as /.rs!.on /, a So.!hAfri"anAM?5'7 %armo.red !roo "arrier+1

    There $as !erri/#e ani" and "onf.sion a## aro.nd1 TheSo.!h Afri"ans $ere shoo!ing a## o8er !he #a"e6 no! saringamm.ni!ion1 No one "#ear#, kne$ $hi!her !o r.n and $ha! !odo1 The one !hing $hi"h e8er,one $an!ed $as !o ge! a"ross!o !he o!her /ank as B.i"k#, as ossi/#e1 The so5"a##ed ="om5mission> for organiing !he "rossing $as one of !he firs! !oes"ae1

    Ho$e8er6 on#, !hree S!re#a5&7 an!i air"raf! s,s!em6 !$oarmored !roo "arriers6 !$o EE524 8ehi"#es and one ?and-o8er go! a"ross !o !he o!her side of !he ?om/a1 No!hing more!he, $ere a/#e !o sa8e1And if !he So.!h Afri"ans had sen! o8eron#, one "oman, !o !he o!her /ank and oened fire agains!

    !heAngo#ans on !he ri8er /ank6 !he en!ire 3;!h

    /rigade $o.#dha8e #anded a! !he /o!!om of !he ?om/a1The So8ie! =ad8isors> had !o se! on fire and a/andon !heir

    armored !roo "arrier and !hen "ra$#6 h.gging !he gro.nd for&14 km a#ong !he =shana> !o !he o!her /ank of !he ?om/a1 The,"ra$#ed .nder fire6 !hro$ing a$a, e8er,!hing e:"e! for !heir$eaons6 $hi#e !he So.!h Afri"ans s!r."k dire"! #a,ing fireagains! !hem1 Then !he s$ams /egan1 O.r men o8er"ame !his

    !oo and !here remained on#, a shor! dis!an"e !o !he /ank10om#e!e#, e:ha.s!ed6 !he, de"ided !o a.se for /rea!h1 TheSo.!h Afri"ans6 es!ima!ing6 /, !he #eng!h of !ime6 !ha! !he,had a#read, go!!en a"ross6 /egan !o shoo! a#ong !he shore1She##s $ere e:#oding &7 !o 27 m from !hem $hi#e !hree fe##in!o !he s$am 4 m from !hem1 Wha! sa8ed !hem $as !ha!!he she##s and mines fe## in!o !he s$am and on !he =shana>%$hi"h $as a#so s!i"k, and s$am,+6 sank and on#, !hen

    e:#oded1 On#, for !his reason6 no one $as $o.nded6 no!!aking sma## frag5 men!s in!o a""o.n!1

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    The "r.shing defea! of !he 3;!h /rigade serio.s#, affe"!ed!he &)!h62&s!6 and 4'!h /rigades as $e## as !he mi#i!ar, si!.a!ionas a $ho#e1 No$ !he /rigades $ere osi!ioned on !he #ine

    formed /, !he 0.n.m/ia ri8er1 S."h $as !he s!a!e ofaffairs $hen $e arri8ed1

    O"!o/er &46 &'(;Jes!erda, and !oda, $e se!!#ed do$n in o.r ne$

    osi!ions6 making !he a"B.ain!an"e $i!h !he 0ommanderof o.r 2&s! /rigade and Ma@or a!is!a6 !he Gro.

    0ommander6 and6 a! /rigade headB.ar!ers6 $e fami#iariedo.rse#8es $i!h !he si!.a5 !ion1 The da, assed B.ie!#,1 So.!hAfri"an #anes f#e$ /, and from !he dire"!ion of !he &)!h and4'!h /rigades6 !he r.m/#e of "annon fire $as heard1 There $asshe##ing !here and o.r /rigade ga8e !hem s.or! $i!h ar!i##er,fire1

    O"!o/er &)6 &'(;

    In !he morning6 Ma@or a!is!a dro8e off !o !he "ommandos! of !he Firs! Ta"!i"a# Gro.6 !ook #ea8e of .s6 !hanked .sfor e8er,!hing6 and asked .s !o ro8ide he# !o !he /rigade"om5 mander1

    The order "ame from !he Dis!ri"! 0ommand /rigades m.s!!ake defensi8e osi!ions in !hose #a"es $here !he, a#read, find!hemse#8es6 and ass.me resonsi/i#i!, for ea"h a##o!!ed one$here i! is ne"essar, "ons!an!#, !o ro8ide !horo.gh sear"hes

    in order no! !o ermi! enem, infi#!ra!ion and !o hinder an,enem, a"!i8i!ies1 This $as so !o seak a series of #o"a# oera5!ions $hi"h $ere "ond."!ed $i!h !he for"es of . !o !$o /a!5!a#ions #ed /, /rigade "ommanders1

    This af!ernoon6 $e mo8ed o.r mission !o a ne$ osi!ion6"#oser !o !he rigade 0ommand os!1

    O"!o/er &;6 &'(;This morning6 as $e $ere si!!ing a! !he !a/#e6 a## of a

    s.dden6 a! 7)G476 a So.!h Afri"an #ane s$ooed do$n !o$ards.s1 O.r !roos did no! e8iden!#, s.""eed in !aking no!e of i!

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    in !ime1

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    The fire $as oened $i!h m."h de#a, on#,1 The air"raf! hi! !hefor$ard osi!ions of o.r /rigadeCs firs! infan!r, /a!!a#ion1?."ki#,6 !here $ere no #osses1

    The se"ond s."h in"iden! $as a! (&41 In /o!h "ases6 o.ran!i5air"raf! g.nners $ere no! a/#e !o rea"! in !ime1 The ro/5#em $as !ha! !he So.!h Afri"ans6 for !heir ar!6 had /e"omereso.r"ef.#1 The, are $e## a$are !ha! an an!i5air"raf! missi#es,s!em is #o"a!ed here and !herefore6 !he, ro"eed a! a #o$ a#!i5!.de a#ong !he /ank of !he 0.n.m/ia6 so as no! !o /e seen /,!he missi#e s,s!em and !hen6 making a

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    O"!o/er &'6 &'(;Toda, a! 3 a1m16 !he /rigade "ommander6 NCGe#eka6

    re"ei8ed an order !o dear! and !o go !o !he so.r"e of !he

    ri8er 0.ii6 in !he area $here !he 4'!h /rigade $as si!.a!ed6and !o /e read, !o #a.n"h a "o.n!er a!!a"k1 Af!er .!!ing in!oeffe"! a re#iminar, ar!i##er, /om/ardmen!6 $e dear!ed fromo.r #a"e a! &&971 We "o8ered &) km !ha! da, dodging a #o!1We $ere no! fired .on1

    O"!o/er 276 &'(;We "on!in.ed !o mo8e1 D.ring !he da,6 $e "o8ered 2) km1

    The "o#.mn $as she##ed d.ring a da,1 For!.na!e#,6 man,she##s fe## shor! of !heir !arge!s so !ha! $e s.ffered no#osses1 The /rigade "ommander and !he ar!i##er, "a!ain dea#!a## da, $i!h !$o g#o/a# ro/#ems o.r e:a"! #o"a!ion and!he #o"a!ion from $here !he enem, ar!i##er, $as she##ing .s1The ro/#em $as 8er, "om#i"a!ed !he, had !o $ork o.! a##!he she## "a#5 i/ers6 !he range of !he she##s6 !he ossi/#e

    #o"a!ions $here !he enem, $as si!.a!ed6 /.! did no! s.""eed!o "ome !o "onsens.s of oinion1We se!!#ed do$n for !he nigh!1 There $as ar!i##er, fire in

    !he dire"!ion of o.r /rigade6 /.! on"e again6 e8er,!hing !.rnedo.! safe#,1

    O"!o/er 2&6 &'(;We sen! re"onnaissan"e gro.s !o find !he ri8er and

    de!ermine more re"ise#, $here $e are si!.a!ed1 We s!a,ed .!a## da,6 $ai!5 ing for !hem1 The $ho#e da,6 a &7;5mm g.non !he ?and -o8er /om/arded .s1 I! $as #o"a!ed some$here/e!$een .s and !he 4'!h /rigade and $as firing a#!erna!e#, .on.s and .on !he4'!h /rigade1 As a res.#!6 .n!i# no$6 $e ha8e no! fig.red o.!$here $e are1 S.rro.nding .s is fores! and no!hing e#se1

    O"!o/er 226 &'(;From morning6 $e formed a "o#.mn and ad8an"ed1 A!

    &4976 $e rea"hed o.r des!ina!ion a! !he 0.ii -i8er1

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    The enem,Cs ar!i##er, /om/ards a#mos! non s!o /.! so far$i!ho.! an, dire"! hi!s agains! .s1 I! $o.#d seem !ha! $eso "onf.sed !he enem, !ha! !he, are .na/#e !o #o"a!e .s

    and ins!ead are @.s! !r,ing !o find .s hahaard#,1 Theshe##s fa## B.i!e near o.r /rigade6 /.! o.r ar!i##er, doesnC!resond1

    O"!o/er 296 &'(;The enem, she##ed .s a## nigh!1 She##s $i!h a 8er, disg.s!ing

    ho$# and $his!#ing f#e$ /o!h as! .s and near .s1 A$ho#e ro$ of !hem fe## 8er, "#ose6 on !he o!her /ank of !he0.ii1

    In !he morning6 $e ha8e .rged !he /rigade "ommander !omake "#ear !o .s $here $e are1 He sho$ed .s !he $re"kage of!he air #ane hi! o8er !he 0.n.m/ia1 A""ording !o him6 !hei#o!Cs "orse had /een so /ad#, /.rned !ha! i! $as no!ossi/#e !o find an, do".men!s on i!1

    A! (97AM6 o.r /rigadeCs ar!i##er, dis"harged se8era# sa#8os

    a! re8io.s#, #anned !arge!s1 We fired M52&s and D597&22 mm ho$i!ers from !emorar, osi!ions6 and !here.onB.i"k#, #ef! o.r osi!ions1 Wi!hin #ess !han an ho.r !he So.!h

    Afri"ans /egan !o fire .on !hose osi!ions6 e8iden!#, in order!o #o"a!e o.r /rigade1 Whi#e !he, $ere firing6 genera##, a! ran5dom6 $e a!!en!i8e#, #is!ened !o $here !he she##s $ere f#,ingand fair#, of!en $ere for"ed !o fa## !o !he gro.nd or =gree!o.r Mo!her Ear!h6> as o.r ar!i##er, ad8isor #ikes !o "a## i!1

    Tha! e8ening6 $e re"ei8ed an order from !he Ta"!i"a# Gro.0ommander6 Ma@or a!is!a6 !o fire .on a So.!h Afri"an "o#5

    .mn in !he region of !he 4'!h /rigade1 O.r M52&%=a!,.sha>+ "o.#d fire 93 she##s1 In fa"!6 !his 8er, m."henraged !he So.!h Afri"ans /e"a.se !he,6 a#mos! immedia!e#,/egan shoo!ing /a"k a! .s from &7;5mm re"oi##ess g.ns $hi"h"o.#d no! /e si#en"ed .n!i# midnigh!1 The M52& "o.#d @.s!/are#, mo8e a$a,1 O.r $re!"hed armored !roo "arrier

    shook and $e fe#! 8er, .n"omfor!a/#e6 ar!i".#ar#, in 8ie$ of!he ho$#5 ing and $his!#ing of !he she##s6 f#,ing o8er o.rheads1 The, e:#oded 977 m a$a, from .s1 ?."ki#,6 !he

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    So.!h Afri"ans aaren!#, s!i## had no! $orked o.! o.r/rigadeCs e:a"! #o"a!ion1

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    O"!o/er 236 &'(;This morning6 $e re"ei8ed an order !o dear! and go !o !he

    4'!h /rigade6 #o"a!ed on !he ri8er Mianei1 A! && oC"#o"k6 $e

    formed a "o#.mn and se! off1 Af!er 9 km6 $e heard e:#osions/ehind .s1 I! $as !he So.!h Afri"ans she##ing $ho6 ass.ming!ha! $e $ere s!i## !here6 had /eg.n !o /om/ard o.r re8io.sosi!ions1

    D.ring !he da, $e ad8an"ed a#!oge!her ) km1 D.ring !hemar"h6 o.r $a!er "arrier "o##ided $i!h a #og and o8er!.rned1This ressed do$n on !he #eg of one of o.r g.ards1 Wi!h diffi5".#!,6 $e none!he#ess managed !o se! !he $a!er "arrier /a"k oni!s $hee#s1

    A! &3276 !he "o#.mn on o.r #ef! f#ank $as a!!a"ked /, !heenem, and ar!i##er, /om/ardmen! /egan1 The /a!!#e #as!ed!$en!, min.!es1

    A! &4376 !he enem, on"e again /om/arded o.r "o#.mn $i!hg.nfire and mor!ar fire1 One of !hese mor!ar she##s e:#oded 27m a$a, from o.r armored !roo "arrier6 /e!$een !$o "ars of

    !he =Engesa> mode#1 The $hee#s of /o!h "ars $ere ier"ed$i!h fragmen!s1 One Ango#an erished and se8era# eo#e$ere $o.nded1

    Aro.nd &;776 I $en! !o !he "omm.ni"a!ions #a!oon of o.r/rigade in order !o !ransmi! informa!ion !o 0.i!o 8ia radio s!a5!ion =-a"a#>1No sooner had I go!!en read, !o !ransmi! $hen!he firing of s./5ma"hine g.ns /egan6 and !hen mor!ar fire1Se8era# /.##e!s $hied as!6 and I on#, @.s! s.""eeded in

    @.m5 ing off !he armored !roo "arrier and !o "ree .nder i!6ne:! !o se8era# mem/ers of !he Ango#an signa# "ors $ho $erea#read, !here1 E8en !he dog of !he /rigade "ommander $ashiding !here and !imid#, $hined af!er e8er, she## /.rs!1

    When !he shoo!ing had s!oed6 I $en! /a"k !o o.r %ad8i5sorCs+ armored !roo "arrier6 de"iding !o !ransmi! informa!ion/, o.r -5&29 radio s!a!ion1 I had on#, @.s! "#im/ed a/oard$hen !he firing of she##s /egan again and "on!in.ed $i!ho.!

    in!err.!ion d.ring !he 27 min.!es I $as !ransmi!!ing1Nigh! assed B.ie!#,1 On#, aro.nd 2277 did !he, /egin

    shoo!ing a! .s se8era# !imes1

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    O"!o/er 246 &'(;In !he morning6 $e res.med o.r mar"h1 From ;37 !o

    &7276 $e mar"hed .nder "ons!an! /om/ardmen! from (&5mm

    mor!ars1 On a n.m/er of !imes6 $e had !o s!o /e"a.segro.s of !he enem, $ere a!!a"king o.r "o#.mn and figh!ing$as /reaking o.!1

    Aro.nd &4776 $e made "on!a"! $i!h s./di8isions of o.rFirs! Ta"!i"a# Gro.1 We ref.e#ed !hem and re#enished !hem$i!h oi#1

    Near/,6 se8era# ki#ome!ers a$a,6 !he 4'!h /rigade is#o"a!ed1 Aro.nd &;776 !he, $ere /eing /om/ed /, enem,#anes1 The So.!h Afri"ans had $orked o.! a ne$ !a"!i"1

    A! firs! !he, $o.#d #a.n"h an ar!i##er, /om/ardmen! and a##!he Ango#ans $o.#d r.n for "o8er6 in"#.ding !he an!i air"raf!g.nners1And !hen6 .ne:e"!ed#,6 !heir #anes $o.#d aear6/eginning !o s!rike and !hen f#ies off more B.i"k#, !han !hean!i air"raf! g.n5 ners "o.#d "ome o.! of !heir hiding #a"es1

    We had @.s! sa! do$n !o ea! $hen !he m.m/#ing of a

    =Fen!ron> s,s!em $as heard1 I! $as a So.!h Afri"an an!i er5sonne#@e! s,s!em6 of dire"!iona# effe"! and $i!h range of fire of&; km1 I!s ro@e"!i#es are fi##ed $i!h sma## /a##s ossessing /igdes!r."!i8e o$er1

    We had a#read, $orked o.! "#ear#, !he norms for /om/ard5men! in a fra"!ion of a se"ond no one remained a! !he !a/#e1The So.!h Afri"ans sho! a #i!!#e /i! from !heir =Fen!ron> and!hen from &275mm mor!ars and a! #as! B.ie!ed do$n1

    ro/a/#,6 !he, sim#, de"ided !o $ish .s good ae!i!e6 !heras"a#s1

    O"!o/er 2)6 &'(;This morning6 $e !ook #ea8e of o.r Ta"!i"a# Gro. and

    .shed for$ard1 The So.!h Afri"ans $ere again #a!e $i!h !heirshe##ing and /egan !o fire .on o.r osi!ions af!er $e hada#read, #ef!1 Af!er !$o da,s of !his she##ing6 o.r /rigade had#os! fo.r men ki##ed and !$en!,5!$o $o.nded1 Toda,6!o$ards e8ening $e fina##, rea"hed o.r des!ina!ion1 We se!. "am and d.g o.rse#8es in !he gro.nd1 No one kno$s ho$

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    m."h !ime sha## $e remain here1

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    O"!o/er 2;6 &'(;?as! nigh! and !he $ho#e of !oda,6 $e $ere en8e#oed /,

    an .n"easing din of "annon fire1 The So.!h Afri"ans she##ed

    !he4'!h /rigade6 !he "rossing o8er !he Sham/inga ri8er and o.rTa"!i"a# Gro.1 As ,e!6 !he, did no! dis!.r/ .s6 erhas/e"a.se !he, s!i## did no! rea#ie $here $e are1

    For dinner6 !he Ango#ans had "a.gh! a goa!1 As a gif!6!he, /ro.gh! .s a $ho#e #eg1 We #ef! i! !o s!e$ $i!ho!a!oes for s.er1 We fo.nd i! so !as!, !ha! $e #i"ked!he $ho#e o!1

    I /egan !o "omose songs a/o.! ho$ $e no$ #i8e inAngo#a1 O.r men #is!ened6 and !hen aro8ed and some of!hem a#so /egan !o "omose1 Of "o.rse6 as regards !he s!,#e ofo.r songs We "anno! do !hem ".#!.ra# and smoo!h6!he, are f.## of/ad #ang.age6 ese"ia##, $hen $e re"a## !he So.!h Afri"ansand

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    and good ae!i!e1 We $ere ha8ing /reakfas! $hens.dden5

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    #,6 no! far off as .s.a#6 !here $as a sho!1 Thro.gh ha/i!6 $e"o"ked o.r ears !o hear in $hi"h dire"!ion !he sho! $as f#,ing1

    And !hen o.r Air Defense se"ia#is! S#a8a sho.!ed6 ?ie

    do$n -igh! af!er6 a o$erf.# e:#osion re8er/era!ed and Ife## from m, "hair6 hi!!ing !he gro.nd1 I immedia!e#, fe#! ashar ain in m, #ef! sho.#der6 ma,/e I had ei!her /r.ised ordis#o"a!ed i!1 .! !hen6 in !he ne:! se"ond6 I #eaed . .ndero.r armored !roo "arrier1 E8er,/od, ran off in e8er, dire"5!ion !oo1

    As i! !hen !.rned o.!6 !he enem, had /om/arded .s from a&275mm1 mor!ar and one she## e:#oded 27 m from .s d.ring/reakfas!1 M, sho.#der no$ h.r!s 8er, m."h and I am.na/#e !o raise m, arm1

    .! a! &3776 $e re"ei8ed frigh!ening ne$s1 A! &9&76 !he

    enem, had /om/arded !he 4'!h /rigade6 si!.a!ed in o.r 8i"ini5!,6 $i!h "hemi"a# $eaons "on!aining oison gas1As a res.#!6man, eo#e had /een oisoned1 Fo.r had #os! "ons"io.snessand !he /rigade "ommander $as "o.ghing /#ood1 The So8ie!

    ad8isors in !he /rigade $ere a#so affe"!ed1 The $ind $as /#o$5ing near/, and e8er,one $as "om#aining of 8io#en! heada"hesand na.sea1 This ne$s grea!#, dis!.r/ed .s sin"e6 ,o. see6 $edidnC! ha8e an, gas masks $ha!soe8er1

    And so ended !oda,Cs e8en!s1

    O"!o/er 976 &'(;A! nigh!6 !he enem, "on!in.ed !o s!rike a! .s /, means of

    #arge "a#i/er hea8, ar!i##er,6 #a.n"hing she## af!er she## as! o.rheads1

    O.r /rigadeCs ar!i##er, re"onnaissan"e sim#, "anno! no!#o"a!e !his /a!!er,1 The s"o.!s ha8e ro/#ems "ons!an!#,1Ei!her !he, do no! re"ei8e an, radio signa#s or !he, #a"k !hea#ian"es6 !hemse#8es6 or !he, "anno! oera!e !hem1 And i! is#ike !ha! !he $ho#e !ime1 An e8iden! re#."!an"e !o do an,!hingis !o !he fore and6 of "o.rse fear of !he So.!hAfri"ans6 ar!i".5

    #ar#, af!er !he, had .sed oison gas1As of !his morning6 i! $as m."h B.ie!er6 $i!h !he e:"e!ion

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    of !$o air raids and !he enem,Cs in!ermi!!en! shoo!ing hereand !here1 0o.#d i! /e !ha! $e $ere a#read, ge!!ing .sed !o !hisa!5 !ernP And ,e! $ha! a dangero.s ha/i!

    We ha8e inB.ired !he Mi#i!ar, Dis!ri"! 0ommand !o send.s gas masks6 and a#so !o ro8ide a## o.r /rigade $i!h means ofse#f defense1 So far6 !here has /een no rea"!ion1

    O"!o/er 9&6 &'(;Jes!erda,6 /e!$een &(37 and 2&776 !he enem, #a.n"hed

    in!ensi8e ar!i##er,5mor!ar fire6 /.! !oda, i! $as B.ie! !he$ho#e da, Wha! migh! !his $e## signif,P erhas !his is !he#as! da, of !he mon!h for !he enem, and !herefore ei!herde8o!ed !o room "#eaning or !o s!o"k !akingP S."h B.ie! isno! a good sign1

    I re"a##ed a fi#m a/o.! !he Grea! a!rio!i" War %Wor#dWar II+21There o.r so#dier !osses and !.rns on a #ank /ed ina d.go.! and fina##, seaks o.! $i!h disaoin!men! If!he, $o.#d on#, shoo!6 o!her$ise $e "anC! s#ee a! a## S."h

    is !he si!.a!ion $i!h .s6 ro.gh#, seaking * $e !oo ha8ea#read, go!5 !en .sed !o fa##ing as#ee d.ring a "annonade1.! righ! no$ !here is s."h a si#en"e1

    No8em/er &6 &'(;D.ring !he nigh! !he si#en"e "on!in.ed1 And !oda, is !he

    /ir!hda, of o.r gro. #eader6 Ana!o#, Mikhai#o8i"hAr!iomenko1He is 37 ,ears o#d1 The da, $as fine and no! !oo

    ho!6 /.! !he So.!h Afri"ans managed !o soi# o.r f.n1 A! noon6#anes f#e$ o8er !he 4'!h /rigade6 #o"a!ed near/,6 and !he,droed o8er !hem more !han !en 4775ki#ogram /om/s1 So far$e s!i## donC! kno$ !he e:!en! of !he "as.a#!ies1

    Then o.r ar!i##er, de"ided !o .! o.! of a"!ion !he enem,Cs

    2 The So8ie!

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    &445mm ho$i!er96$hi"h had /een "ons!an!#, /om/arding .s1TheAngo#ans fired on"e from a M52& /.! !hen "on!a"! $i!h!he #a.n"her $as /roken off1 In resonse6 !he em/i!!ered

    So.!h Afri"ans oened fire from !heir o$n ho$i!ers1 The,fired 8er, a"".ra!e#, and a! sma## in!er8a#s1 D.ring one of!hese in!er8a#s6 $e mo8ed6 !oge!her $i!h o.r gro. #eader6!o !he rigade 0ommander !o find o.! $ha! ne$ !ask he hadre"ei8ed1

    We $ere si!!ing in his so "a##ed s!.d, $hen s.dden#, !heshoo!ing again /egan6 and !his !ime !he, $ere shoo!ing . !he0ommand os! $here $e $ere6 $i!h a &445mm ho$i!er1 Oneof !he she##s #anded in a !ree near !he d.g5o.! * !he rigade0ommanderCs s!.d, $here $e $ere si!.a!ed1 A! firs!6 I did5nC! .nders!and $ha! had haened1 The d.g5o.! had"r.m/#ed6 and /e"a.se of !he d.s!6 $e "o.#dnC! see an,!hing1

    M, ears rang as a! Eas!er1 .s! a! !ha! momen!6 a so#dier f#e$in and6 as he s!ood in !he di!"h near !he d.go.! a fragmen!of !he she## ".! his hand1 The /rigade "ommand ordered him

    !o h.rr, o8er !o !he "#ini"1 When I fina##, go! o.! of !he d.g5o.!6 m, "#o!hes and righ! hand $ere s!ained $i!h !he /#oodof !his so#dier1 Aaren!#,6 d.ring !he "onf.sion6 he hadsmeared me1

    As !he gro. #eader said #a!er6 a! !ha! momen!6 $e $erere/orn1 I had /een si!!ing s!raigh! in fron! of !he en!ran"eand i! $as remarka/#e !ha! no! a sing#e she## fragmen! had hi!me1 Then $e no!i"ed !ha!6 $i!hin a radi.s of 97 m from !he

    e:#o5 sion6 a## !he shr.//er, and sma## sa#ings had /een"om#e!e#, ".! do$n and /roken in!o ie"es /, !he she##fragmen!s1And a## of a s.dden6 I "o.#d hard#, hear $i!h m,righ! ear1 In o.r #eaderCs head6 is an a$f.# sma## noise1 This is!he $a, !he So.!h Afri"ans send .s /ir!hda, gree!ings1 M,sho.#der h.r!s * i! has /een hi!1

    No8em/er 26 &'(;

    This morning6 o.r gro.6 "onsis!ing of !he firs! and !hird

    9 This refers !o !he G54 "a#i/er &44 mm So.!h Afri"an ho$i!er $i!h a

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    range of . !o 3; km1

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    infan!r, /a!!a#ions of o.r /rigade6 a !ank /a!!a#ion6 air5assa.#!"omanies a!!a"hed !o i! from !he Ta"!i"a# Gro.6 and

    s./di8i5 sions of !he 4'!h /rigade6 #a.n"hed an oera!ion on

    "om/ing !hro.gh !he area1 The oera!ion $i## !ake 3 da,s1The /rigadeCs "hief of s!aff heads o.r !$o /a!!a#ions1 Sofar $e ha8e no! re"ei8ed an, ne$s a/o.! !hem1

    A! &4G976 as $e s./seB.en!#, fo.nd o.!6 !he 9rd /a!!a#ion ofo.r /rigade go! in!o "onf#i"! $i!h !he enem,6

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    0a!ain ?.is An!onio Mango6$ho had gone o8er !o !he sideof

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    re"oi##ess g.ns1 As a res.#!6 !$o men $ere ki##ed and one$o.nded1

    Toda, !he So8ie! Senior Ad8isor !o !he Mi#i!ar, Dis!ri"!

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    0ommand "ongra!.#a!ed .s $i!h !he "oming ho#ida,36and sen!a !e#egram from 0.i!o1 In resonse6 $e a#so "ongra!.#a!ed a## of!hem1

    And !oda,6 o.r rigadeAr!i##er, 0ommander !o#d .s !ha!!he "oordina!es of !ha! g.n /a!!er, $hi"h $as "ons!an!#, /om5/arding .s had fina##, /een de!ermined and sho.#d i! again/egin !o fire on .s6 !hen o.r o$n ar!i##er, $o.#d /e in aosi!ion !o re!a#ia!e1 ?e! .s $ai! and see1

    A! &; ho.rs6 !he enem,Cs re"onnaissan"e gro. s!.m/#ed.on o.r o$n for"es in !he dis!ri"! of o.r firs! infan!r, /a!!a#5ion1 There $as o$erf.# "rossfire /.! no serio.s res.#!s1

    No8em/er ;6 &'(;D.ring !he nigh!6 from 22177 !o 291976 !he enem, /om/ard5

    ed .s from &445mm "annons6 and a#so from en!rons6from!he so.r"e of !he ri8er ?om/a1 O.r o$n for"es re!a#ia!ed /, fir5ing agains! !he en!rons from M52&s and D597s1So far6 !heres.#!s are s!i## .nkno$n1 O.r ad8an"ed /a!!a#ion os!s send .s

    ne$s a/o.! "ars mo8ing from !he so.r"e of !he ri8er ?om/aa"ross !he ?.kaia and !he area /e!$een !he ri8ers Mianei and0o#.i1

    The enem, has !$i"e #a.n"hed a!!a"ks agains! !he &s! /a!5!a#ion1 The firs! !ime $as a! &2197 and !he se"ond !ime $as a!&31771

    The oin! is !ha! !he &s! /a!!a#ion is o"".,ing !he heigh!sfrom $hi"h !he enem, ear#ier on she##ed 0.i!o50.ana8a#e

    $i!h&445mm #ong5range g.ns1 Therefore !he enem, is righ! no$doing a## he "an !o re"a!.re !hese heigh!s1

    Aro.nd &4776 !he enem, /egan !o she## .s $i!h !ime f.ses1The air is f.## of e:#oding shi! $hi"h doesnC! #and on !hegro.nd /.! sho$ers fragmen!s .on e8er,one /e#o$1 This issome!hing B.i!e ne$

    3 This refers !o !he ho#ida, of No8em/er ; * !he anni8ersar, of !heO"!o/er re8o#.!ion %a""ording !o !he o#d "a#endar6 O"!o/er 246 and a""ord5ing !o !he ne$6 No8em/er ;+1 No$ada,s6 !his da!e s,m/o#ies harmon, andre"on"i#ia!ion1

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    The enem, on"e again a!!a"ked !he &s! /a!!a#ion1 To!a##oss5 es from a## a!!a"ks * 2 men ki##ed and ; men $o.nded1No!hing is kno$n a/o.! !he enem,Cs o$n #osses1

    A! &)976 a "o#.mn from !he 24!h /rigade rea"hed .s1 The,/ro.gh! food rod."!s !o o.r /rigade and #e!!ers for .s %So8ie!ad8isors+1 As !he, $ere aroa"hing .s6 !he enem, /egan !oshe## !hem /.! e8er,!hing finished $e##1

    No8em/er (6 &'(;A## nigh!6 !he enem, $as dis!.r/ed !ha! !he "o#.mn had

    rea"hed .s6 /.! he "o.#d no! hi! i!1 The sons5of5/i!"hes %enem,+#a.n"hed mor!ar mines and she##s a## !he !imeFo##o$ing a dire"!i8e re"ei8ed ,es!erda,6 $e se! off !his

    morning in !he dire"!ion of !he ri8er Vim.#o6 si!.a!ed in !hearea of !he &s! Ta"!i"a# Gro.1 The 24!h /rigade o"".ied o.r#a"e1 A#so !he firs! /a!!a#ion of o.r /rigade remained in i!sosi!ions1 The 4'!h /rigade $hi"h s!ood ne:! !o .s $as !omo8e o.! a #i!!#e #a!er af!er .s and go dire"!#, !o 0.i!o5

    0.ana8a#e1The $ho#e da,6 $e mo8ed for$ard !hro.gh a dense fores!6

    ad8an"ed &) km6 and fina##, rea"hed !he #imi!s of !ha! ri8erVim.#o1 S!range#,6 $e $ere no! e8er a!!a"ked nor fired .on1I! $as sim#, amaing

    Indeed6 #a!er on6 !he 4'!h /rigade reor!ed !ha! a! &777 o.rosi!ions had /een s./@e"!ed !o a o$erf.# /om/ardmen! /.!/, !hen $e $ere no #onger !here1 Veri#,6 s.""ess has .n!i# no$

    remained $i!h .sIn o.r ne$ #o"a!ion6 $e ha8e !aken osi!ions in !he hi##s1

    A! !his oin!6 !here is no!hing 8er, "#ear from $here are!he, shoo!ing and $ha! are !he, shoo!ing a!1 From a## sides6 $ehear e:#osions6 for !he momen! more or #ess far from .s1

    No8em/er '6 &'(;A## nigh!6 $e heard !he r.m/#e of engines and near/,

    e:#o5 sions1 I! $as !he 4'!h /rigade aroa"hing .s /.! !heSo.!h Afri"ans $ere es"or!ing !hem $i!h !heir ar!i##er,1

    In !he morning6 $e $en! do$n !o mee! !hem1 We sa$ o.r

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    So8ie! ad8isors1 The, fe#! !ha! e8er,!hing for !hem $as .nder"on!ro#1 Af!er !he So.!h Afri"ans had a!!a"ked !hem $i!h oi5son gas on !he 2' of O"!o/er6 !he, had more or #ess

    regained "ons"io.sness1 Their fa"es $ere ha, * af!er a##6!he, $ere re!.rning home6 !o 0.i!o1 The, had /een in!he fores! for a#mos! 3 mon!hs1 I! is diffi".#! !o imagine s."h a#ife * one m.s! ha8e ersona##, ha8e #i8ed !hro.gh i!1 We6for e:am#e6 ha8e /een in !he fores! e:a"!#, one mon!h6 !oda,6,e! I ha8e !he fee#5 ing !ha! a#read, ha#f m, #ife has s#ied /,6and !ha! a## !he da,s ha8e merged in!o one6 !ha! ea"h da, isone and !he same1 If i! is s.dden#, B.ie!6 !hen ,o. /egin !o go"ra,6 !he, sa,6 $ondering $h, !he, do no! shoo!6 and $ha!!he, s!i## ha8e in mind !o do !here1 When !he shoo!ing s!ar!s6,o. $ai! for $hen i! $i## fina#5 #, end1And so on and so for!he8er, da,1

    Aro.nd ( oC"#o"k6 $e go! informa!ion !ha! !he &)!h

    /rigade %$hi"h is #o"a!ed in !he area of !he Sham/inga -i8er627 km a$a, from .s+ had /een s./@e"! sin"e 9 oC"#o"k in !he

    morning !o hea8, fire and a!!a"ks from !he reg.#ar So.!hAfri"an /a!!a#ions1 The Sham/inga area #ies righ! ne:! !o0.i!o50.ana8a#e6 and a#read, !he So.!h Afri"ans hadarri8ed !here6 /.! af!er a##6 !he, $ere an,$a, on !he ri8er?om/a no! #ong ago1

    D.ring !he af!ernoon6 !he ad8isors a!!a"hed !o !he 24!h

    /rigade6 #o"a!ed on o.r o#d osi!ions6 informed .s !ha! a!aro.nd one in !he morning6 !he enem, had a!!em!ed !o

    ene5 !ra!e !heir defense #ine1 When !ha! fai#ed6 he /egan !o!hro$ e8er,!hing he had and !hen ano!her se8era# !imes!ried !o /reak !hro.gh and has /een "on!in.ing a## !his"ommo!ion . !i## no$1 The osi!ion of !he 24!h /rigade isre"ario.s1Af!er a##6 i! remains ra"!i"a##, a#one !here6 if $e dono! !ake o.r /a!!a#ion s!a,ing $i!h !hem in!o a""o.n!1

    No8em/er &76 &'(;

    Jes!erda, nigh! assed more or #ess ea"ef.##,1 Ho$e8er6!he ne:! morning6 !he rigade 0ommander "ame and he saidhe had re"ei8ed a !e#egram from Dis!ri"! HeadB.ar!ers $i!h

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    !he fo##o$ing order s!a, on "ons!an! a#er! inasm."h as !heenem, "an a#$a,s a!!a"k6 em#o,ing !he s!ra!eg, of s.ddens.rrise1

    And !ha! $as e:a"!#, $ha! haened1A! ; oC"#o"k6 ar!i##er,and mor!ar fire s.dden#, /roke o.!1 A! !ha! momen! I $ase:a"!#, in radio "on!a"! $i!h o.r Mi#i!ar, Dis!ri"!1 For more!han an ho.r and a ha#f6 So.!h Afri"ans kee on /om/arding.s from &7)5mm g.ns and &275mm mor!ars1

    She##s f#, as! o.r heads1 Wha! sa8es .s is !ha! $e ares!and5 ing on a hi## and !herefore !he, ei!her fe## shor! of ore#se f#, o8er .s1And ,e! a n.m/er of ie"es go! $i!hin 47 mof .s and immedia!e#, !he fragmen!s /egan !o s"ream in ahorri/#e $a,1

    The ad8isors of !he &)!h /rigade no$ ga8e .s !heir "oordi5na!es1 We g#an"ed a! !he ma and sighed sa8ing !hemse#8esfrom ,es!erda,Cs So.!h Afri"an a!!a"k6 !he, had "o8ered no!#ess !han 27 km and are no$ #o"a!ed 3*4 km from !he forda"ross !he ri8er Sham/inga %&4 km from 0.i!o50.ana8a#e+1

    The, #e! .s kno$ !ha! !he n.m/er of !heir !e"hniB.e andeB.i5 men! had droed !o #ess !han ha#f1D.ring !he af!ernoon6 I in!er"e!ed a !e#egram s!a!ing !ha!

    !$o !anks of !he &)!h /rigade had rea"hed /, !.g/oa! !he area$here !he ))!h /rigade $as #o"a!ed6 !oge!her $i!h &77 menfrom !$o /a!!a#ions of !he &)!h /rigade1 There.on6 !he, hadse! off for 0.i!o50.ana8a#e1 In s."h a $a,6 !he So.!h Afri"ansdid $ear o.! !he &)!h /rigade1

    Then on"e again6 I "omm.ni"a!ed $i!h !he &)!h /rigadeand as"er!ained !ha! !he, had assed no! 27 km /.! 97 km ormore6 f#eeing from !he So.!h Afri"ans1 Af!er$ards6 I on"eagain in!er5 "e!ed !heir !e#egram in $hi"h !he, men!ionedho$ m."h ma!erie# !he, s!i## had a8ai#a/#e1 The, had a! !heirdisosa# one M52&6 se8en Grad5s6 one (25mm mor!ar6one -G5; grenade #a.n"her and one AGS5&; a.!oma!i"grenade #a.n"her and some amm.ni!ion1

    The 4'!h /rigade sen! a message a/o.! "rossing !heSham/inga -i8er1 The So.!h Afri"ans $ere s./@e"!ing !hem !ohea8, fire from &445mm #ong5range ho$i!ers1

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    No8em/er &&6 &'(;Toda,6 d.ring !he morning6 !he air for"e aid .s a 8isi!1

    E8iden!#,6 !he, sim#, $ished !o gree! .s on !he o""asion of

    !he&2 ,ears of Ango#an indeenden"e and $e##6 of "o.rse !he,/ro.gh! some gif!s1

    .! ,es!erda,6 $e sen! !he $ho#e e8ening $a!"hing she##sfrom So.!h Afri"an &445mm ho$i!ers f#,ing !hro.gh !he air1The, are @e! roe##ed and shine d.ring !he @e! ar! of !hef#igh!1 The So.!h Afri"ans s./@e"!ed !o g.nfire !he area$here !he4'!h /rigade $as si!.a!ed on !he o!her /ank of !he Sham/inga-i8er1 We $ere e8en a/#e !o "a#".#a!e !he dis!an"e !o !he ho$5i!ers and !o meas.re !heir aro:ima!e "oordina!es1As of !hismorning $e $ere a/#e !o "omm.ni"a!e !hese !o o.r Mi#i!ar,Dis!ri"! 0ommand1 A! )1776 I en!ered "omm.ni"a!ion andfo.nd o.! !ha! !he Mi#i!ar, Dis!ri"! 0ommand had res!rained!he 4'!h /rigade6 ordered i! !o o""., !he defen"e on !he /ank

    on !he Sham/inga -i8er and gi8en i! a i#e of !asks !o "arr,o.!1 And !o !hink !ha! !he, had so $an!ed !o go homeSome!hing B.i!e in"omrehensi/#e is haening no$ !he

    Ango#an !roos are a#mos! "om#e!e#, demora#iedK !he/rigades are on a8erage a! 34R s!reng!h1 For e8er, &7*&4she##s #a.n"hed /, !he enem,6 Ango#ans are a/#e !o send on#,one6 if e8en !ha! m."hK o.r re"onnaissan"e oera!es oor#,Kand o.r enem, kno$s e8er,!hing a/o.! .s1 The Ango#ans

    fear !he So.!h Afri"ans #ike fire and if !he, hear !ha!=.ffa#o> is ar! of an a!!a"k6 !he, !hro$ a$a, a## !heireB.imen! in ani" and f#ee1

    =.ffa#o> * !his is a /a!!a#ion of mer"enaries and /andi!s6dis!ing.ished for i!s horri/#e /r.!a#i!ies !hro.gho.! m."h of!he !erri!or, ofAngo#a1 I! "onsis!s of &2 "omanies6 ea"h "om5rising &77 men1 Ea"h "oman, has i!s o$n name %=?ion>=Fo:>6 =Wo#f>6 e!"1+1 The, are a##o"a!ed in one or !$o indi8id5

    .a# "omanies /e!$een reg.#ar So.!h Afri"an .ni!s1 Some!imes!he, $o.#d oera!e indeenden!#,1

    S."h are !he "ondi!ions of !he $ar1

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    ar!isan a"!i8i!ies6 $anders a## o8er !he #a"e6 a!!a"ks and /om5

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    /ards from a## dire"!ions1 The So.!hAfri"ans6 for !heir ar!6 dono! hesi!a!e !o a!!a"k fron!a##,6 and s!rike a#ong o.r f#anks andrear1 The So.!h Afri"an ar!i##er, and a8ia!ion mo8e $i!h

    im.ni!, a! a## !imes6 $hi#e o.r o$n a8ia!ion is afraid !o sho$i!se#f and if i! does so a! a##6 does so on#, a! a high a#!i!.de41

    And desi!e a## of !his6 from !he Dis!ri"! Mi#i!ar,0ommand6 orders and ins!r."!ions "on!in.e !o "ome o.! !oo""., a defensi8e osi!ion6 !o "rea!e a s!rong reser8e %/.! o.!of $ha!P+ for "onfron!ing !he f#anks and rear of !he a!!a"kingenem,6 e!"16 e!"1

    This morning a risoner $as "a!.red in !he area of !he!hird /a!!a#ion1 He !.rned o.! !o /e an ar!i##er, re"onnaissan"e

    s"o.! from !he ar!i##er, /a!!er, a!!a"hed !o A""ording !o his

    informa!ion6 !he /a!!er, is si!.a!ed a! !he so.r"e of !he .ii-i8er $hi#e !he 3!h reg.#ar /a!!a#ion is /e!$een !he 0o#.i and!he M,anei ri8ers1 He had /een sen! in a gro. of 9 men %as"o.!6 a radio oera!or and a g.ard+ $i!h !he mission of so!5!ing o.r fire and making a re"onnaissan"e of o.r osi!ions1Their /a!!eries are "ons!an!#, "hanging firing osi!ions6 !he,are s.#ied $i!h amm.ni!ion a! nigh!6 and !he, mo8e aro.ndon = 8ehi"#es1A /a!!er, "onsis!s of 27 men1 Toge!her

    $i!h him6 $e "a!.red a /road"as!ing s!a!ion6 S- A5(36 ofEng#ish rod."!ion1

    A""ording !o him6 !he So.!h Afri"ans are "ons!an!#,mo8ing in !he se"ond e"he#on6 $hi#e !he

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    a#!i!.de agains! !he So.!h Afri"ans %no!e /, ed15"om1+1

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    o.! !he air for"e1 In imor!an! mi#i!ar, se"!ors6 !he So.!hAfri"ans !hemse#8es en!er !he /a!!#e6 as !his in fa"! o"".rred$i!h !he &)!h /rigade on !he '!h of No8em/er1

    A! !he so.r"e of !he ri8er ?om/a some /ases are si!.a!edfrom $here amm.ni!ion $o.#d /e /ro.gh! .1 Tha! #a"e isse!5 !#ed /, So.!h Afri"ans1

    The risoner "ons!an!#, ge!s "onf.sed and !ries !o ge! o.!of ans$ering6 #a,s !he foo#6 a#!ho.gh i! is "#ear !ha! hekno$s m."h1 He said !ha! he had #ong $ished !o deser!6/.! "o.#d no! find !he oor!.ni!,1 He re#a!ed !ha! he had/een for"i/#, !aken a$a, /,

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    A! 221776 ins!r."!ions $ere sen! !o .s and !o !he 24!h

    /rigade !ha! a! !his momen! $as s!anding a! !he Mianei -i8era! o.r o#d #o"a!ion1 The 24!h /rigade $as !o effe"! a raid in !he

    area on !he ri8er

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    ing a"ross !he ri8er Sham/inga and a! !he 4'!h /rigade1 The,reB.es!ed !he "oordina!es1

    No8em/er &46 &'(;This morning6 a mi#i!ar, dire"!i8e "ame ordering .s !o

    #a.n"h an offensi8e in!o !he area of !he so.r"e of !he

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    sen! o.! so!!ers6 and had managed !o make [email protected]!men!s ofo.r /rigade "o#.mn1 A#so he had reared an assa.#! osi5!ion %#ines of a!!a"k+1 In shor!6 he had done e8er,!hing

    ne"5 essar,1On !he &)!h of No8em/er6 a! ) AM6 $e had formed a

    "o#.mn and s!ood a$ai!ing !he /eginning of o.r mar"h1 A!!ha! momen!6 !he f.e# ser8i"ing !r."k arri8ed and $e se! o.! !oref.5 e# o.r armored !roo "arrier1 O.r Team ?eader%?ie.!enan!5 0o#one# Ana!o#, Mikhai#o8i"h Ar!iomenko+$as s!anding o.!side o.r armored !roo "arrier $hen a## !his/egan1

    The firs! she## e:#oded &7 m a$a, from o.r armored !roo"arrier1 Ho$ o.r Team ?eader s.r8i8ed6 in fa"! on#, Godkno$s1 We $ere si!!ing $i!h !he ar!i##er, ad8iser on !he /a"kof !he sea! $hen $e $ere s!r."k in !he fa"e /, a $a8e of airmi:ed $i!h sand1 The ar!i##er, ad8iser srang o.! and /egan!o "a## o.r Team ?eader /eing afraid !ha! he had /eenki##ed1 .!Ana!o#, Mikhai#o8i"h had a#read, fo.nd "o8er in

    !he armored !roo "arrier1And !here.on /egan s."h a /om/ardmen! $hi"h $e6 in!r.!h6 had as ,e! ne8er e:erien"ed1 She##s e:#oded =in a"k5e!s>1 E8er,one /e"ame "onf.sed6 ani" ens.ed and e8er,one!ried !o r.n an,$here !he, "o.#d1 .! !he So.!h Afri"ans /ea!!hem /#a"k and /#.e1 We /egan !o ge! o.! from .nder !he/om5 /ardmen!1 From !he ima"! of !he she##s6 o.r armored!roo "arrier ro"ked from side !o side1 In fa"! !he So.!h

    Afri"ans /om5 /arded a 8er, #arge area /e"a.se $e $erea/#e !o es"ae !he one of fire on#, af!er 37 min.!es1

    D.ring !he firs! fe$ min.!es6 a she## fragmen! ene!ra!edrigh! !hro.gh !he #eg of one of o.r g.ards1 We dragged himand ano!her so#dier inside !he armored !roo "arrier1 The,$ere gried /, fe8er6 $hi#e !heir e,es $ere f.## of !error1 Iga8e !hem /andages !o /ind !he #eg of !ha! so#dier /.! !he,"o.#d no! do i! !hemse#8es1 Then I /andaged his #eg m,se#f1

    When $e6 fina##,6 "ame o.! from .nder !he /om/ardmen!6$e "o.#d see on#, a ar! of !he /rigade "o#.mn $i!h .s #ef! #ed/, !he rigade ?ogis!i" Offi"er1 His fa"e $as 8er, !errified and

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    "onf.sed1 He "o.#d no! gi8e in!e##igi/#e ans$ers !o an, of o.rB.es!ions and soke $i!h a rono.n"ed s!.!!er1 The $hee#s6 !he/odies and !he inside "omar!men!s of !he 8ehi"#es $ere

    gaing $i!h ho#es from fragmen!s1A! #as!6 o.r rigade 0ommander6 himse#f6 aeared and

    /egan !o res!ore order he de!ermined !he assem/#, oin! andga8e o.! ins!r."!ions1 Wi!h grea! diffi".#!,6 $e assem/#ed !he"o#.mn and mar"hed !o !he ri8er * "ars"o.#d no! dri8e !hro.gh i! so !ha! i! $o.#d ha8e /eenne"essar, firs! !o #a, o.! o8er i! a road of /r.sh$ood1ani" /roke o.!6 !he enem, #a.n"hed an in!ensi8e/om/ardmen! and !he Ango#ans f#ed on foo! !hro.gh !he

    =shana> !o !he o!her shore1On#, !he aearan"e of !he rigade 0ommander made !hem!o s!o1 The 0ommander r.shed aro.nd a#ong !he $ho#e/rigade from fron! !o rear6 sho.!ed6 ".rsed6 made demands andga8e o.! orders1 The /a!!#e "on!in.ed in fron! a sma## gro. ofAngo#ans ressed /a"k an enraged ons#a.gh! of So.!h Afri"ans$hi#e !he en!ire /rigade s!ood ra"!i"a##, in !he s$am $i!he,es =sB.ared> /, fear and $i!h !rem/#ing hands1 The, "ro$d5

    ed on!o !he /ank6 read, a! an, momen! !o !hro$ a$a,e8er,5 !hing and r.n1

    The "ommander ordered !he men !o make a !emorar,/r.sh$ood road %#og5a!h road+1 This !ook . !heir a!!en!ion/e"a.se i! s!i## ro8ided !hem $i!h some!hing !o !hink a/o.!and do1 On !he o!her side6 a sma## de!a"hmen! $as sen! !o!he o!her /ank so as !o /e "o8ered from ossi/#e enem, a!!a"k1

    The /om/ardmen! and !he a!!a"ks ersis!ed $i!h on#, shor!

    in!err.!ions1 We $ere reared for !he 8er, $ors!1 We "o#5#e"!ed o.r knasa"ks and /.rned a n.m/er of se"re!do".men!s and aers1 I! $as reso#8ed6 in "ase of !he So.!h

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    Afri"ans /reak5

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    ing !hro.gh6 !o /.rn o.r armored !roo "arrier and o.rarmored a!ro# "ar6 o.r !$o "ars6 and !o go /, foo! !hro.gh!he =shana> on !o 0.i!o50.ana8a#e1

    Of "o.rse6 $e s!i## had a fain! hoe in !he 24!h /rigade $hi"h$as "oming !o .s $i!h he#1 Ho$e8er6 !his hoe !oo"o##ased $hen6 on !he radio s!a!ion6 $e heard !he 8oi"e of!he senior ad8isor !o !he 24!h /rigade1 He s$ore $i!h a/.seand "ried o.!6 a#mos! $eeing =-.nning a$a,6 s".ms The,a/andon e8er,5 !hing ma!erie#6 $eaons111 /#ood, 8ermins>E8iden!#,6 !he So.!h Afri"ans6 $i!ho.! hesi!a!ion6 had !.rnedro.nd and ".! in!o !he 24!h /rigade and i! $as s.ffi"ien! forAngo#ans !o hear !ha! !he, $ere /eing a!!a"ked /, =.ffa#o>for !hem !o f#ee1

    When o.r #og5a!h road $as a#read, a#mos! read,6 !heenem, /egan !o fire a! i!6 $hi#e !hen !he so#diers from o.r "o85ering for"e "r.shed /, !he enem, aeared on !he o!her /ank1The !ra6 in !his $a,6 snaed sh.!1

    The 8ehi"#es of o.r /rigade /egan =!o go in "ir"#es>6 e8ading

    !he she##s1 We sa! in o.r armored !roo "arrier6 $e! #ike sma##.ies from !he !erri/#e hea! and s!ressFor .s !oo6 no!hing $as #ef! !han !o re"o8er from !he

    she##ing1 We on#, kne$ !ha! $here8er a she## or a mine e:#od5ed6 $e $o.#d r.sh !here /e"a.se $e kne$ !ha! for !he ne:!fe$ min.!es6 no she## $o.#d again fa## !here1

    Those Ango#ans $ho did no! s.""eed in ge!!ing in!o !hearmored !roo "arrier6 !he armored a!ro# "ar or s!i## some

    o!her s."h #a"e6 r.shed a/o.!6 hiding /ehind an,!hing !ha!$as ossi/#e !o find1 The "ries of !he $o.nded and !he s"ream5ing of horror $ere heard e8er,$here6 and i! $as a## "o8ered /,!he e:#osion of she##s and !he $his!#ing of s#in!ers1

    A! #as!6 indeed6 $e dis"o8ered a $eak so! in !he ranks of !heenem, and e8er,one s"ram/#ed in !ha! dire"!ion1 .! !he rea5son for !his erhas $as sim#, !ha! !he So.!h Afri"ans hadgo!!en fina##, !ired of #a,ing aro.nd $i!h .s1 Tha! [email protected]!

    $ha! $e asked o.rse#8es1 .! !his $as hard#, #ike#, !o /e !he"ase sin"e d.ring !his eriod $e had a#read, /een s!.d,ing!heir !a"!i"s1 The, refer !o hi! FA?A in ar!s %one /, one+

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    and des!ro, !hem "om#e!e#, so as no #onger !o /e /.rdened/, !hem1 And !he, had ar!i".#ar s"ores !o se!!#e $i!h o.r/rigade1

    e i! as i! ma,6 aro.nd &4776 $e $ere fina##, a/#e !o/reak o.! of !his he##1 O.r 8ehi"#es ga!hered !oge!her in a hea$hi#e o.r e:ha.s!ed so#diers "o##ased on !he grass1

    Near/,6 27 m a$a,6 a kno"ked o.! !ank from o.r /rigade$as /.rning1 She##s and "ar!ridges s!i## inside i!6 e:#oded fora#mos! an ho.r1

    A! &)776 $e made radio "on!a"! $i!h !he ad8isors of !he24!h /rigade and heard from !hem !ha! #ike .s !he, had a#sos.""eeded !o /reak a$a, from !he So.!h Afri"an "hase and!he, $ere on ro.!e !o @oining .s1

    .s! a! !his !ime6 !he so#diers of !he re"onnaissan"e"oman, of o.r /rigade /ro.gh! o8er a risoner from and a reg.5 #ar /a!!a#ion of

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    o.! of o.r armored !roo "arrier6 $e $ere fier"e and dir!,5fa"ed

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    af!er !he /a!!#e and he $as !he one $i!h !he /eard and $i!hhis s./ma"hine g.n1 He @.med o.! and said !o me * Igor6!e## !hem !ha! IC## a##o$ no one !o aroa"h here6 !o !he

    risoner1 So6 $e "#im/ed o.! of !he armored ersonne# "arrier* and !here $as e8er,one $ho had es"aed from !heen"ir"#emen!6 $i!h arms and ,e##ing1 I /egan sho.!ing !hem inor!.g.ese and !he, s!oed* /.! $hen J.ri a8#o8i"h /egan!o /a$# %$i!h his s./5 ma"hine g.n read, !o fire+ * Ge! o.!IC## ki## e8er,/od, * The Ango#ans shrank /a"k from him inhorror1

    .!6 a#!ho.gh !his $as !en ,ears ago6 I "an s!i## reea! !o,o. @.s! ho$ i! $as1 He rea##, $as read, !o ki## an,/od,1 Irese"! him as a man1 In an, "ase6 !ha!Cs ho$ i! $as1

    I said !o him * a#,"h) 0a#m do$n O * e8er,!hing/a"k !o norma#6 e8er,!hing is fine6 e8er,!hing is norma#1


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    migh! /e mined fie#ds1 In ans$er !o !his6 o.r Team ?eader%Mikha#,"h+; s.gges!ed organiing !he en!ire /rigade in!o onesing#e "o#.mn and in fron! !o a##o$ one sing#e !ank and an

    infan!r, #a!oon !o a8e !he $a,1 I! $as agreed !o do @.s! !ha!1We mar"hed !he $ho#e nigh! $i!ho.! "#osing o.r e,es1 O.r

    "o#.mn mo8ed 8er, s#o$#, inasm."h as !here $ere no s!ars ormoon 8isi/#e in !he sk,6 /.! none!he#ess $e did mo8e and !ha!$as !he mos! imor!an!1 O.r ner8es $ere on edge1

    The armored !roo "arrier $i!h !he ad8isers of !he Ta"!i"a#Gro.6 mo8ing /ehind .s6 #anded in!o adi!"h1 We had!o .## i!o.!1 No sooner had $e .##ed !hem o.! !hen o.r armored !roo"arrier f#e$ in!o ano!her di!"h1 A! !his oin!6 a /om/ardmen!/egan1 The Ango#ans .shed "ar ne:! !o "ar6 @.med o.! of!hem and !ook ref.ge1 We "o8ered $i!h s$ea!6 in o.r m.ds!ained "#o!hes ".rsed and ,anked o.! !he Ango#ans $ho $erehiding in order !o ge! !hem !o mo8e !heir "ars and no! s!and ino.r $a, $hi#e $e .##ed o.! o.r armored !roo "arrier1 TheAngo#ansC hands and fee! !rem/#ed from !error and from !he

    $hiing of s#in!ers6 so !ha! !heir "ars "o.#d no! s!ar! and $ehad !o @os!#e !hem /a"k1Fina##,6 $e $ere a/#e !o .## o.! o.r armored !roo "arrier

    and mo8ed on1 To$ards morning6 $e rea"hed !he assage o8er!he ri8er1 This $as a! fo.r oC"#o"k1 .! $e "o.#d no! "ross/e"a.se a !r."k had o8er!.rned on !he /ridge and $e "o.#din no $a, drag i! off1

    No8em/er &;6 &'(;And so .n!i# e#e8en oC"#o"k6 $e #ang.ished .nder !he /om5

    /ardmen!6 $ai!ing !o "ross6 $i!ho.! s#ee6 h.ngr,6 and angr,#ike !he de8i#1 We s.ffered from !he fo.#es! sensa!ions ho$m."h did $e ha8e !o .! . $i!h so as fina##, a s!ra, she##"o.#d"o8er .s and !h.s finish o.r #i8es1

    ; Mikha#,"h %"o##oB.ia#+ * Mikhai#o8i"h %a!ron,mi"+1

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    Ar!iomenko %Ar!,omenko+ is named Mikhai#o8i"h %Mikha#,"h+ %no!e /,ed15"om1+1

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    Fina##,6 aro.nd e#e8en oC"#o"k $e $ere a/#e !o .sh !he!r."k off !he /ridge6 and !he en!ire /rigade "o#.mn r.shed !o!he "rossing1 We s.""eeded in /eing among !he firs! !o ge! !o i!1

    The enem, a! firs! fired a! !he aroa"hes !o !he "rossing6!hen a! !he !ai# end of !he "o#.mn6 !hen shif!ed his fire !o i!shead1 He $as s!rafing from =Va#kiria> rea"!i8e fire ins!a##a!ionin order !o smash !he $hee#s6 kno"k o.! !he #ead "ar6 !h.s s!o!he "o#.mn6 and !hen6 $i!ho.! an, ar!i".#ar diffi".#!,6 shoo! i!!o ie"es1

    In fron! of .s a !ank $as dragging !he o.!5of5order armored!roo "arrier1 I! $as "ons!an!#, "oming !o a ha#! and /e"a.seof !his6 !he "o#.mn $as s!a##ed1 The she##s $ere e:#oding froma## dire"!ions1 The enem, fired $i!h e8er,!hing he "o.#d$i!h mor!ars6 re"oi##ess g.ns6 &445mm ho$i!ers6 andfrom his =Va#kiria>1 E8en $hen !he "o#.mn /egan !o$i!hdra$ from !he "rossing6 !he enem, .rs.ed i! $i!h i!s/arrage of fire1

    A! #as! $e $ere a/#e !o es"ae from !he danger one and

    immedia!e#, se! off !o$ards !he ad8isors of !he 4'!h

    and &)!h

    /rigades $ho $ere si!.a!ed 9 km from !he "rossing1 There $eem/ra"ed for a #ong !ime6 no! /e#ie8ing !ha! i! $as a## o8erand sharing imressions $i!h ea"h o!her1

    A! &2776 $e $en! o.! !o !he assem/#, oin!6 se8era# ki#ome5!ers from !he "rossing6 in order !o "o##e"! ersonne# andma!erie#1 M."h of !his ma!erie# is damaged6 and some of !he"ars $ere #os! on !he o!her /ank6 !he 8ehi"#es !ha! remained

    $i!h .s ha8e !heir $hee#s and radia!ors ier"ed /, !he=Va#kiria>1A## !hree =O0A5AF> an!i air"raf! missi#e s,s!emshad had !heir eB.imen! disa/#ed from /eing hi! /, !he=Va#kiria>1

    Toda,6 i1e1 No8em/er &(6 $e "on!in.ed !o "o##e"! o.r er5sonne# and ma!erie# and "o.n! . o.r #osses1 On No8em/er&)6 from gro.nd figh!ing and from /om/ardmen!6 $e #os! &;men ki##ed and () $o.nded1 .! a#so & !ank6 2 E524 mo!or

    8ehi5 "#es6 2 5&7 an!i!ank g.ns6 & Z< 2952 an!i air"raf!a.!oma!i" "oa:ia# g.n1 On No8em/er &;6 $e #os! 4 menki##ed and 9& $o.nded1

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    Toda, a! &3776 $e on"e again hi! !he road1 This !ime6 $ego! !he !ask !o o""., defensi8e osi!ions in !he area of !he0.a!ir -i8er1

    This is @.s! a a#e6 dr, des"ri!ion6 so !o seak6 of $ha! ha5ened1 Is !here some!hing s!i## !o "ome or !o haenP

    The a.!hor "ommen!aris madeon O"!o/er )6 277&(

    T.rning /a"k !o !he /a!!#e of &)*&; No8em/er6 &'(;6 $heno.r 2&s! /rigade6 /e"ame en"ir"#ed6 !here are sim#, a n.m/er ofaddi!iona# ie"es of informa!ion $hi"h sho.#d /e inser!ed*!ha! is !o sa,6 as I a#read, men!ioned in m, diar,6 in more or#ess de!ai#1 As far as m, firs! imressions are "on"erned1

    Na!.ra##,6 I m.s! righ! a$a, make m, o$n kind of res.meI !hink e8er,!hing haened in !he $a, as haened /e"a.seof "onf.sion6 /e"a.se of some!hing mis.nders!ood6 /e"a.se of!he good6 "ome!en! and re"ise a"!ions of !he So.!h Afri"an

    arm, and !he

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    fa## in!o !he hands of his mo!her6 #i8ing in Gome#6 $hi"h #a!er on is @.s! $ha!ha5 ened+ and as a res.#! des"ri/ed in his diar, !he /a!!#e of No8em/er&)*&;

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    f.##, "#ear5".! $a, as is indi"a!ed /, e8er,!hing he did1 And i!is on#, !hanks !o him in m, 8ie$ !ha! $e go! o.! of !he en"ir5"#emen! and o.! of !his dangero.s si!.a!ion1

    e"a.se of his in!er8en!ion6 !heAngo#ans .! si: Z

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    * We##6 he ersona##, "o.n!ed !$e#8e %ki##ed+6 /.! !his $ason#, in !ha! se"!or in $hi"h he a"!.a##, sa$ !hem h,si"a##,1

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    0#ear#,6 as I a#read, s!a!ed6 !he =.ffa#o> /a!!a#ion s#i! i!se#f. in!o "omanies6 in!o e8er, "oman, fo.gh! !hereagains! .s1And of "o.rse !he, $ere /ea!en off !hanks !o !hose

    Ango#ans from !he re"onnaissan"e "oman, and !he ".rfe$a!ro# %"ommandan! #a!oon+1 Thanks !o !hem on#,1

    No8em/er &'6 &'(;This morning6 o.r Osa5A an!i air"raf! se"ia#is!s

    dear!ed6 !oge!her $i!h a /a!!er,6 for 0.i!o50.ana8a#e1 Weare on#, fo.r no$1

    We are si!!ing in e:e"!a!ion of !he /eginning of !hemar"h1 Jes!erda, e8ening a! 27776 one "ar from o.r /rigade/#e$ . .on "on!a"! $i!h an an!i !ank mine6 and !$oeo#e $ere $o.nded1

    A! &9776 $e se! off1 A! &3776 $e $ere sho! a! from )75mm mor!ars6 as $e## as sma## arms6 /, a gro. of

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    HeadB.ar!ers $e go! !he ne$s !ha! !he So.!h Afri"ans $ereregro.ing and e8iden!#, had some!hing in mind1 We $ere !o#d!o /e on a#er!1

    No8em/er 2&6 &'(;Jes!erda,6 $e "omm.ni"a!ed o.r "oordina!es !o !he

    Dis!ri"! %in fa"! !he Ango#ans "omm.ni"a!ed !hem $i!h o.rhe#+ and a#read, !oda, $e re"ei8ed !he res.#! !he So.!h

    Afri"ans /egan !o s!rike $i!h re"ision a! o.r /rigade head5B.ar!ers "ommand os!1 We ha8e d.g an e:osed ho#e .ndero.r armored !roo "arrier $here one "o.#d ro!e"! onese#f from/om/ardmen!6 so !ha! !he $ho#e da, $e $ere /.s, $i!h"ross5 "o.n!r, ra"e6 i1e1 ran /a"k and for!h hiding fromshe##s1 We didnC! e8en ge! eno.gh !ime !o ea!1 On#, !o$ardse8ening did !hings B.ie! do$n1 Ho$e8er s!range !his ma,so.nd6 /.! $hen $e donC! inform o.r #o"a!ion !o !he Mi#i!ar,Dis!ri"!6 no/od, she##s .s1 .! as soon as $e !ransmi! o.r#o"a!ion6 !he enem, !here and !hen /egins !o s!rike o8er and

    o8er again and $i!h grea! re"ision1

    No8em/er 226 &'(;The nigh! assed ea"ef.##, %for .s a! #eas!+ /.! !he enem,

    "ons!an!#, /om/arded !he /rigades a##ied $i!h .s1From da,/reak6 he a!!a"ked firs! one and !hen !he o!her

    /rigade1 So far he hasnC! !o."hed .s1 E8iden!#,6 he is going!o

    make ro/es of o.r defenses6 #ooking for $eak #a"es1D.ring !his eriod6 !he enem, is "ons!an!#, /om/arding

    0.i!o50.ana8a#e from &445mm ho$i!ers1 For !hem i! is a#so.n#easan! as !he, !oo are o"".ied $i!h "ross5"o.n!r, ra"eas $e @oke sad#,1

    The s.rro.nding "ondi!ions are 8er, dis!.r/ed o.r re"on5naissan"e and so#diers $ai!ing in am/.sh are "ons!an!#, reor!5ing !he mo8emen! of enem, "o#.mns6 sma##

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    We ha8e !he dis!in"! imression !ha! o.r #ife#ess and ha#ess

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    /rigades on"e again are fa##ing in!o a mo.se !ra and i! $i##/e "onsidera/#, more serio.s !han /efore1

    No8em/er 296 &'(;Jes!erda, e8ening6 $e #is!ened !o !he radio and "om#e!e#, /,

    a""iden! heard !he ne$s in or!.g.ese1 I! $asnC! "#ear $hi"hradio s!a!ion /.! i! resem/#ed !he 01 The, $ere reor!inga/o.! !he aggression of !he So.!h Afri"ans in Ango#a6 i1 e1 a/o.!.s1

    I! $as men!ioned @.s! !he fo##o$ing =So.!h Afri"a $as "on5!in.ing !o #a.n"h aggressi8e a"!ions agains! Ango#a1 In !henor!h of Nami/ia6 on !he /order of !he Ango#an ro8in"e of0.ando50./ango %!his is @.s! !he #a"e $here $e are #o"a!ed+697 777 mi#i!ar, ersonne#6 377 g.ns of 8ario.s "a#i/er6 andmore !han (7 air#anes are "on"en!ra!ed1 The (!h Armored

    A!!a"k a!!a#ion had en!ered !he !erri!or, of !he ro8in"e of0.ando5 0./ango1 Se8era# So.!h Afri"an /rigades6 !oge!her$i!h !he =.ffa#o> /a!!a#ion $ere oera!ing on !he Ango#an

    !erri!or,1 The remaining !roos fo.nd !hemse#8es on "om/a!a#er!6 read, !o "ross !he /order a! !he firs! order>1We reor!ed a## !his !o o.r Dis!ri"! 0ommand1 In resonse6

    $e go! a !e#egram /a"k ordering .s !o mine !he se"!ors 8.#ner5a/#e !o enem, !anks and !o "rea!e an!i5!ank defense in de!h offi8e ie"es er ki#ome!er1 Ho$ "heerf.# !his made .s We ra"5!i"a##, ha8e no mines a! o.r disosa#6 o.r an!i5!ank defensesare no!hing !o seak of & 5&7 an!i5!ank g.n6 & M52& 375

    /arre# g.n fired from a !r."k6 2 Grad &5 &225mm or!a/#eg.ns6 2 !anks6 no! !o men!ion "oman, an!i !ank grenade#a.n"hers1 And $i!h !his $e ha8e !o /ea! off !anks

    D.ring !he e8ening6 !he, fired a! .s6 as if .nin!en!iona##,6#ai#, * aaren!#, !he, $ished !o frigh!en .s1 .! !he, "on5s!an!#, ".! . 0.i!o and a## !he !ime a!!em! !o damage !he#anding s!ri area %r.n$a, of 0.i!o50.ana8a#e+1

    No8em/er 236 &'(;Jes!erda,6 a! 2777 $e heard a he#i"o!er1 As !he

    Ango#ans !o#d .s6 "#ear#, !he enem, $as fa"i#i!a!ing !he

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    #anding of s"o.!s

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    or di8ersionar, gro.s1 D.ring !he $ho#e da,6 e:"e! for !he=o/#iga!or,> /om/ardmen!6 no!hing haened1 .! !hen a!&;776 !he So.!h Afri"an air for"e s$ooed do$n and fired

    $i!h non5g.ided ro"ke!s agains! !he rigadeCs 0ommand os!1The, aroa"hed from !he dire"!ion of !he so.r"e of !he 0.a!ir-i8er so !ha! o.r S!re#a5&7 an!i air"raf! missi#e s,s!em"o.#d no! "a!"h sigh! of !hem1

    In !he af!ernoon ne$s6 !he Ango#an radio anno.n"ed !ha!!he Ango#an foreign minis!er6 aearing a! !he

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    !he 24!h

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    /rigade enem, armored ersonne# "arriers and i!s infan!r,1The, had /eg.n !o fire a! !his "o#.mn from an,!hing a! !heirdisosa#1

    On !he radio $e heard !ha! !he

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    "en! /rigades1 On So8ie! radio6 !here is a dea!h#, si#en"e

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    a/o.!Ango#a1 We !r, !o "a!"h !his ne$s e8er, da, and $ege! no!hing1

    The enem, "on!in.es !o /om/ard 0.i!o1 A! &(776 he fired

    sa#8os from his =en!rons>1D.ring !his !ime6 I $as in "on!a"!$i!h 0.i!o6 and for a #ong !ime6 I "o.#dnC! rea"h an,/od,1Fina##, !he, !o#d me !ha! !he she##s had e:#oded dire"!#, on!he !erri!or, of !he So8ie! mission1 So far6 !he, ha8e no! "om5m.ni"a!ed an, "onseB.en"es1

    No8em/er 2(6 &'(;A## nigh! and !o !he morning6 !here $as an e:ha.s!ing6 ro5

    !ra"!ed si#en"e no! a sho! $as !o /e heard6 nor !he so.nds ofan engine* no!hing1 And $e "o.#dnC! fa## s#ee /e"a.se of i!1

    Moreo8er6 $e $ere 8er, agi!a!ed6 no! kno$ing $ha! $ashaening !here in 0.i!o1

    A! )776 $e #earned !ha! as a res.#! of !he /om/ardmen!60o#one# Andre$ Gor/'6mo/i#ia!ion offi"er6 a#read, ad8an"edin ,ears6 a 8er, "a#m6 good and a""ommoda!ing erson6 had er5

    ished1 He had sen! on#, a ,ear in Ango#a1 Ho$ a## !hishaened !here6 $e donC! kno$1 We kno$ on#, one !hing a8er, good man #ef! o.r #ines1As in !he 8erses of V,so!sk,&7G=Dea!h se#e"!s !he /es! and .##s !hem o.! one /, one>1

    No8em/er 2'6 &'(;Toda, a! (77 in !he morning6 a""ording !o o.r rigade

    0ommander6 a gro. of !he enem,6 si!.a!ed in !he area no! farfrom !he defense osi!ions of o.r &s! /a!!a#ion6 ran in!o o.ram/.sh or6 erhas6 FA?A ran in!o !he enem,Cs am/.sh1 In

    'A/o.! !he /om/ardmen! and !he dea!h of 0o#one# Gor/ see =The ora#his!or, of forgo!!en $ars1 Memories of !he $ar in Ango#a>1 M1 Memories6

    277;1 1 9'537 %no!e /, ed15"om1+1&7 V#adimir Semeno8i"h V,so!ski, %V,so!sk,+ %&'9(*&'(7+ * a"!or6oe!6 $ri!er6 /ard1 One of !he grea!es! -.ssian oe!s and /ards of !he "en!.r,1

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    an, "ase6 i! $as a serio.s /a!!#e1 As a res.#! one of o.rs $as$o.nded6 !$o $ere de"#ared missing6 and one s./5ma"hine g.n$as #os!1

    I! is no! kno$n $ha! $as !he fa!e of !he !$o * !ha! is$he!her !he, deser!ed or erished

    No8em/er 976 &'(;Nigh! assed B.ie!#,1 O.r !e"hni"ian offi"er Sasha

    Fa!,ano8 and I #ef! o.r .s.a# #a"e of s#eeing .nder armoredersonne# "arrier and $en! !o s#ee in o.r ne$5/.i#! d.go.!6a"B.iring6 so !o seak6 a ne$ home1 I! is s.ffi"ien!#, #arge andsa"io.s6 $e made !he roof in !hree #a,ers6 $e "o8ered !he$a##s $i!h s!i"ks6 $e /.i#! /.nks .on $hi"h $e #a"edma!!resses6 and $e h.ng . mosB.i!o ne!s1 Terrifi"

    A! )776 o.r rigade 0ommander disa!"hed )7 men .nder!he "ommander of !he &s! /a!!a#ion !o sear"h for !hose !$omissing men and a#so !o "he"k !he area on"e more6 and !ose! !he am/.sh !here1

    In !he e8ening6 !he, re!.rned6 ha8ing fo.nd no!hing6 /.!!he, had se! !he am/.sh1 O.r re"onnaissan"e "ons!an!#,reor!s a/o.! !he mo8emen! of !he "o#.mns of mo!or 8ehi"#esof !he enem, from !he so.r"es of !he

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    /ring an, "hange $ha!e8er Here $e ha8e #os! "o.n! of !heda,s1 We ha8e /een r.shing a/o.! !he fores!s for a#mos! !$omon!hs and i! no #onger makes an, differen"e !o .s $he!her

    i! is Wednesda, or Th.rsda,1 On S.nda,6 in !r.!h6 $e $asho.r5 se#8es and do o.r #a.ndr,6 /.! in fa"! i! is an ordinar,da,1

    Jes!erda, $e re"ei8ed a !e#egram !o reare a he#i"o!er#anding s!ri %he#iad+1 A! firs! $e s.osed !ha! !he high"om5 mand $as f#,ing !o .s1 .! !oda, I s.""eeded infinding o.! !ha! !his $as ra!her for s.#,ing .s $i!h foodrod."!s1

    In !he e8ening6 o.r 24!h /rigade reor!ed !ha! from &)77 !o&;976 !he enem, had /om/arded !heir "ommand os! $i!h&445mm g.ns6 and !ha! a! &'77 !he, had heard !he noise of ahe#i"o!er in !he area a! !he so.r"e of !he

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    A! &3776 $e had !he mee!ing de8o!ed !o !he s.mmar, of !he

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    The song $ri!!en /, Igor Zhdarkin in De"em/er &'(;6in 0.i!o50.ana8a#e %!rans#a!ion from -.ssian+

    0.i!o6 ?om/a* !ha!Cs $here $e fo.gh!6Of!en risking o.r #i8es1The she##s $ere f#,ing6 !he mines e:#odingFor .s i! $as dangero.s /.! $e $erenC!afraid1

    We kne$ on#, one !hing * $e had !o s.r8i8e6For a## of .s !o re!.rn home6 !o em/ra"e o.r #o8ed ones1

    We /e#ie8ed !ha! !here $e $ere a$ai!ed and #o8ed6And !ha! if some!hing $ere !o haen6 $e $o.#d no!

    /e forgo!!en1

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    21 ?ie.!enan! 0o#one# J.ri a8#o8i"h S.sh"henko * ad8i5sor !o !he 0hief of ar!i##er,

    91 Se"ond ?ie.!enan! Igor Ana!o#,e8i"h Zhdarkin * in!er5

    re!er31 Sergean!5Ma@or A#e:ander Mikhai#o8i"h Fa!,ano8 *

    !e"hni"a# se"ia#is!

    Addi!ions from O"!o/er '

    &1 Ma@or 0ons!an!in -ashido8i"h Di8,e,e821 0a!ain V,a"hes#a8 Vis#o/oko8 %se"ia#is!s a!!a"hed !o

    !he Osa5A an!i5air"raf! missi#e "om#e:6 $ho dear!ed onNo8em/er &(6 &'(; !o 0.i!o50.ana8a#e+

    ?osses of !he 2& infan!r, /rigade d.ring !he oera!ion %da!aas of De"1 &(6 &'(;+

    Offi"ers Sergean!s So#diers To!a#

    i##ed &4 &9 &7; &94

    Wo.nded 44 47 9)4 3)'

    Missing 2 3 &' 24

    Deser!ed 2 &4 '4 &&2

    Ma!erie# and $eaonr,1

    no"ked o.! and des!ro,ed /, !he enem,

    3 T543 !anks6 4 EE524 8ehi"#es %!r."ks+6 & hea8, me"ha5nied /ridge s.or!6 & Osa5A !ransor! and #oadingma"hine6 & S!re#a5&7 an!i air"raf! "om#e: oera!ing from a !oa #igh!5armored m.#!i5.rose !ra"!or6 & Z

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    ma"hine g.ns6 93 AM modernied a#ashniko8s6477 kg ofamm.ni!ion6 & mor!ar %(&5mm+1

    Seied /, !he enem, or #os!

    3&AMs6&& -s6& AGS5&; a.!oma!i" grenade #a.n"h5er6 ( -G5;s69 mor!ars %(25mm+1

    ?osses of 6 "ars6 &

    =Sami#> %a !ra"!or %!r."k+ for !he e8a".a!ion of ma!erie#+1

    The "omosi!ion of !he a"!i8e enem,Cs for"es %So.!hAfri"anand

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    On !he !erri!or, of !he ro8in"e of 0.ando50./ango6 in

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    !he area of !he !o$n of 0.i!o50.ana8a#e6 !he fo##o$ing area"!i8e

    a mo!oried So.!h Afri"an /rigade6 !he )&s! and )2nd

    So.!h Afri"an /a!!a#ions6 !he 92nd /a!!a#ion of !he =.ffa#o>/andi!5 mer"enaries %in a /a!!a#ion6 !here are &2 "omanies6ea"h $i!h&77 so#diers+6 3!h reg.#ar

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    /rigade6 O#eg Sni!ko erished1 Wo.nded $ere !he ad8isor !o!he /rigade "ommander6 hramo8K !he ad8isor !o !he /rigade0hief o#i!i"a# offi"er6Arage#,an6and ad8isor !o !he /a!!a#ion

    "ommander6 De,kin191 & of No8em/er * !he ad8isor !o !he /rigade

    "ommander of !he 2&s! infan!r, /rigade6 Ar!iomenko and!he in!erre!er6 Zhdarkin $ere she##5sho"ked1

    31 2) of No8em/er * "o#one# A1I1 Gor/ $as mor!a##,$o.nded from !he /om/ardmen! of !he Va#kir,a6 in !he!o$n of 0.i!o 0.ana8a#e1

    41 2' of O"!o/er * Ad8isors and se"ia#is!s of !he 4'!h

    infan!r, /rigade %) eo#e+ s.ffered from oison gas a! !heMianei -i8er1

    )1 3 of De"em/er * A1T1 Gor/a"h6 ad8isor !o !he 4'!h

    infan!r, /rigade "ommander6 $as $o.nded from she##ing1 T$oo!hers s.ffered from "on".ssions %$ere she##5sho"ked+1

    ;1 &' of De"em/er * ?ie.!enan! "o#one# .!so86ad8isor!o !he 0ommander of !he Dis!ri"! o#i!i"a# Adminis!ra!ion

    $as serio.s#, $o.nded from a /om/ardmen! a! 0.i!o50.ana8a#e %his foo! $as /#o$n !o ie"es+1

    The a.!hor "ommen!aries made on O"!o/er 2(6 27776No8em/er 246 2777 and O"!o/er )6 277&

    * Ho$ !he !raining and reara!ion for !he ser8i"e in

    Ango#a $as organiedP* I sho.#d #ike no$ !o s!o a! a 8er, imor!an! and

    some5 !imes no! 8er, eas, momen! * ho$ !he reara!ion ofo.r eo5 #e for ser8i"e in Ango#a origina##, "ame in!o /eing1Men "ame6 i! $o.#d seem6 from a## ar!s of !he former So8ie!

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    ser8ed Sim#,6 $ha! $as needed $ere a gi8en n.m/er ofse5 "ia#is!s* ar!i##er,men6 s!aff offi"ers6 infan!r,6 in!erre!erse!"1* !heir kno$#edge $as imor!an! in !hose "o.n!ries1

    So !o sa,6 !he se#e"!ion $as 8er, "aref.# and ains!ak5ing1 I! $as organied in se8era# hases* /eginning from !hemi#i!ar, dis!ri"!s %$here !hose "andida!es for !he ser8i"e mis5sion ser8ed+ and !he #as! s!e $as in !he Genera# S!aff inMos"o$1

    And of "o.rse one m.s! gi8e o.r Genera# S!aff i!s d.e/e"a.se !he, made serio.s a!!em!s !o reare eo#e in somefashion or o!her for ser8i"e in !roi"a# "o.n!ries1 Na!.ra##, !he,!ried !o se#e"! eo#e $ho $ere in sa!isfa"!or, h,si"a# "ondi5!ion /e"a.se as is $e## kno$n6 ser8i"e in s."h "o.n!ries is no!a ie"e of "ake * !here are a## sor!s of diseases resen!6 no!!o men!ion $ar1

    The diseases in B.es!ion are !he mos! 8aried * ma#aria6 ,e#5#o$ fe8er6 hea!i!is and amoe/i" d,sen!er,6 !oo man, !o en.5mera!e6 ese"ia##, if one had !o go !hro.gh !he en!ire #is!1 And

    eo#e had !o .! . $i!h a## !his1And $ha! had !o /e !aken mos! in!o "onsidera!ion $as!he ho! and h.mid "#ima!e1 There $ere seasons $hi"h $ere"om5 #e!e#, #a"king e#se$here6 s."h as6 for e:am#e6 in !heSo8ie!

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    !o sa,6 !o kno$ on#, !ha! Ango#a is si!.a!ed in s."h a $a, andin s."h a hemishere and is $ashed /, s."h and s."h ano"ean * !hese are /.! !he mos! ordinar,6 $ide#, kno$n

    "on"e!s1I! is sim#, !ha! ,o. need !o kno$ a#so !he !radi!ions and

    !he ".s!oms of !he eo#e and ho$ !he, genera##, 8ie$ !hem5se#8es1 For e:am#e6 $ha! !,e of erson is an Ango#anP Ho$does he fee# in his "o.n!r, and ho$ does he "on"e!.a#ie rea#5i!,P The, do no! a! a## !hink !he $a, $e do * !ha! is !o sa,6no! in !he manner $e ha8e /e"ome a"".s!omed1

    And mis!akes here $ere "ommi!!ed1 Ho$e8er6 of "o.rse no!on#, from o.r So8ie! side* !hese mis!akes $ere a##o$ed a#so /,!he Eng#ish and /, !he Ameri"ans and Fren"h and e#giansand /, $hosoe8er1

    This $as /e"a.se e8er,/od, !ried !o "ons!r."! e8er,!hing in!heir o$n image and manner1Af!er a##6 for e:am#e $e #i8e inFran"e6 donC! $e So6 ,o. eo#e $i## #ike$ise #i8e as inFran"e1

    And !he So8ie!s did aro:ima!e#, !he same in Ango#a*af!er a##6 $e reasoned6 $e ha8e !he So8ie! s,s!em6 and !heSo8ie! eo#e and "omm.ni!,1 We so.gh! !o re"rea!e in

    Ango#a e:a"!#, !he same as $e had a! home in order for !hings!o !.rn o.! $e## here1 O.r a!!i!.de $as =.s! as ,o. ha8e/e"ome a s!a!e of so"ia#is! orien!a!ion6 /e"ome $ha!e8er e#se$e ad8ise ,o. !o /e>1

    And !he $a, !hings $orked o.! $as !ha! $hen high #e8e#

    se"ia#is!s in !he fie#d6 $ho had #ong s!.died !he "o.n!r,6 $hohad in8es!iga!ed i!s !radi!ions and ".s!oms in de!ai#6 $erea/#e !o ad8ise o.r Genera# Se"re!ar, or !he Minis!r, ofForeign Affairs ho$ !o ro"eed6 e8er,!hing $as "#ear#,.nders!ood1 .! @.s! imagine a sim#e offi"er6 armo.r56infan!r,* or ar!i##er,5 man6 a ara!rooer6 $ho is doing hismi#i!ar, ser8i"e some5 $here in Si/eria1And s.dden#, he is!ransferred !o Ango#a

    Wha! does he kno$ a/o.! !hese eo#eP I! is af!er a##no! his fa.#! !ha! in fa"! he kno$s ra"!i"a##, no!hinga/o.! !hem1 Wha! is i! !o him af!er a## if some!hing is

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    men!ioned a/o.! !hemP I! is high#, ossi/#e !ha! .n!i#!his momen!6 he "o.#dnC! e8en ha8e fo.nd !his "o.n!r,

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    .! on"e again6 #e! me oin! o.! !ha! !he Ango#ans !rea!edo.r se"ia#is!s and ad8isors $i!h rese"!6 and !hese6 moreo8er6.nders!ood !his * !heAngo#ans6 af!er a##6 $ere no! /#ind and in

    fa"! !he, sa$ !ha! o.r ad8isors and se"ia#is!s .nders!ood $ha!i! $as a## a/o.! and a#so "o.#d e:#ain !hemse#8es inor!.g.ese1 In fa"!6 !his e#e8a!ed6 so !o seak6 !heir rofi#e andimage1

    I $as a"B.ain!ed $i!h more !han !en of o.r se"ia#is!s $hosoke or!.g.ese 8er, f#.en!#,1 Indeed6 i! $o.#d seem !ha!6ho$e8er m."h !he, migh! mi: . !heir de"#ensions and "[email protected]!ions6 !he, $ere /asi"a##, f#.en!1

    Wh, ha8e I s!oed so #ong on !his !oi"P * /e"a.se $hen$e had @.s! "ome !o Ango#a * $e had !here in!erre!ers $hohad a#read, /een !here for one or !$o ,ears* $e $ere gi8ense8era# e8enings de8o!ed !o ="#arif,ing !he in!erna!iona# si!.a5!ion for .s>6 as !he, .! i!@oking#,1 We ga!hered6 drank /eer or#emonade* in o!her $ords6 $e had a !,i"a# e8ening ar!,1And$e $ere a"B.ain!ed $i!h ho$ and $ha! $e $o.#d ha8e !o do1

    The mos! imor!an! !hing $as !he "on!a"! /e!$een anin!er5 re!er and !he #o"a# o.#a!ion1 e"a.se if !here $o.#dno! /e an, "on!a"! /e!$een !he in!erre!er and !he #o"a#eo#e and $i!h !he Ango#an mi#i!ar,6 no!hing "o.#d /e done1I! $as essen5 !ia# for !he in!erre!er !o o/!ain !heir rese"!1 Forif6 indeed6 he gained !heir rese"!6 !hen he "o.#d iron o.! an,!igh! si!.a!ions or .n#easan! momen!s6 e!"16 e!"1 Af!er a##6s."h momen!s srang . a## !he !ime1

    Firs! of a##6 !hese si!.a!ions arose /e"a.se of o.r $e## kno$n-.ssian s$ear5$ords %fo.# #ang.age+1 Af!er a##6 no! a fe$

    Ango#ans $ere a"B.ain!ed $i!h -.ssian e@ora!i8es1 The,kne$ !hem ei!her /e"a.se !he, had #earned !hem some$hereor o!her in !he So8ie!

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    ,e## a! him !ha! he had no! made an, mas1 We##6 of "o.rse6 I!rans#a!ed !his6 !o !he /es! of m, a/i#i!,6 a#!ho.gh o/8io.s#,!he /#a"k sensed some!hing an,ho$6 @.s! from !he ad8isorCs

    sho.!5 ing a! him1 .! I made i! a oin! !o emhasie !ha!he6 !heAngo#an6 $as no! in !he righ!6 !ha! he $as a s"o.ndre#6a good5 for5no!hing6 e!"1 I did m, /es! !o make a## !hiso#i!e#,6 a#!ho.gh i! $as an,ho$ erfe"!#, .nders!anda/#e$ha! !he ad8isor !ho.gh! of him6 if on#, !hro.gh !heemo!ions he had "on8e,ed1

    0onseB.en!#,6 !he fo##o$ing $as #i!era##, "on8e,ed * !head8isor6 a#!erna!ing $i!h =".r# ,o.rse#f . $i!h of ,o.r o$nri"k> !o#d =f."k ,o.r mo!her> af!er $hi"h !he /#a"k #eaed .6and "om#e!e#, f#e$ in!o a rage6 sho.!ing6 =Jo. donC! ha8e !odis!.r/ m, mo!her * sheCs a#read, dead6> and ran off1

    .! in fa"! i! @.s! so haened !ha! a /#a"k ie"e of "#o!h$as fas!ened $i!h a in !o his .niform !o indi"a!e !ha! he$as in mo.rning1 For his mo!her had indeed re"en!#, died6and he kne$ !he meaning6 $ord for $ord of =f."k ,o.r

    mo!her>1We##6 he go! . and ran a$a,6 sho.!ing e8er,!hing hesaid1 The ad8isor asked me $ha! he $as sa,ing1 I ans$ered*=,o. offended him6 so !o seak1 His mo!her on#, re"en!#,died1> Of "o.rse6 !he s.rrised ad8isor ans$ered6 =Wha!mo!her6 is !here a#so a mo!herP> We##6 of "o.rse6 he did no!e8en no!i"e $ha! he had saidK i! $as [email protected]! for "o.#a of !he$ords1And as a res.#!6 of "o.rse6 !he in!erre!er $as /#amed6

    as .s.a##, haened1 I! $as s./seB.en!#, a##eged !ha! Igorhad no! !rans#a!ed some5 !hing "orre"!#,1

    A#!ho.gh in man, "ases -.ssian s$ear $ords he#ed $henone $as shor! of or!.g.ese $ords6 !here $ere on#, fi8e-.ssian s$ear $ords a8ai#a/#e6 a#!ho.gh !hese "o.#d /e "om5/ined in differen! $a,s1 TheAngo#ans .nders!ood !hem a## ando.r ad8isors and se"ia#is!s so"ia#ied $e## $i!h !hem1 Tha! is!o sa,6 s."h a !,e of s$ear $ords "om/ina!ion !oge!her $i!h

    some or!.g.ese $ords none!he#ess #a,ed a he#f.# ro#e1And !hen in!erre!ers $ho had a#read, ser8ed for a #ong

    !ime $o.#d !e## .s* "hi#dren6 firs! of a##6 if ,o. no!i"e a "onf#i"!

  • 8/13/2019 We Did Not See It Even in Afghanistan



    "oming !o a head6 /asi"a##, i! amo.n!s !o !he fa"! !ha! o.rad8i5 sors and se"ia#is!s are /ea!ing .Ango#ans* a@a/ here6a ki"k !here and so for!h and so on6 so .! !ha! in ,o.r ie and

    smoke i! * .! ,o. "an do !his on#, af!er ,o. firs! ha8emora##, a/.sed !he Ango#an1

    * Wha! does a## !his signif,P* I! is ne"essar, !o sho$ !he Ango#an from !he o.!se! !ha!

    he is $rong1 As $e kne$ !he #ang.age6 $e as in!erre!ers$ere a/#e !o a"hie8e !his1 Jo. are $rong6 !he, !o#d ,o. *,o. did no! do i!1 The, !o#d ,o. again * ,o. did no! do i!1The, asked ,o. * and ,o. didnC! do i! * ,o. are a good5for5no!hing6 a son of a /i!"h6 a ie"e of shi!6 e!"1 6 and on#, af!er!his $hen he fina#5 #, rea#ies !ha! he is rea##, in !he $rong6!ha! he is a son of a /i!"h and a shi! * on#, af!er !his6 sho.#dhe /e /ea!en .6 /.! on#, in "ase if i! $as rea##, ne"essar,

    .! o.r ad8isor some!imes B.i"k#, mo8ed on !o !hese"ond hase * no! e:#aining an,!hing !o !he Ango#an6,e##ing a! him in -.ssian6 of "o.rse some!hing he "o.#d no!

    .nders!and * he .nders!ood on#, !he !erms of a/.se1 Andaf!er !his * !he @a/s6 !he so"ks on !he @a$6 e!"16 e!"1 /egan1Of "o.rse6 immedia!e#, af!er !his6 !he "om#ain!s /egan6

    !ha! !his or !ha! ad8isor ermi!!ed himse#f !his or !ha!6 andso on6 and so for!h1 One m.s! no! do !his .nder an,"ir".ms!an"es1

    And $ha! $as of ar!i".#ar in!eres! !o me $as !ha! anAngo#an himse#f "onfirmed a## !his !o m