· We are accredited as a Google AdWords Certified Partner, Better Business Bureau member, and...

Karen Yu Phone: (+1) (866) 611-5535 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.poweredbysearch.com

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Karen Yu

Phone: (+1) (866) 611-5535

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.poweredbysearch.com

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Powered by Search has been recognized by PROFIT Magazine as Canada's

fastest growing digital marketing agency. We specialize in SEO, Local

Search, Paid Search, and Conversion Rate Optimization services that drive

the financial success of Fortune 1,000 and Small and Medium sized

businesses alike. Powered by Search has experience serving over 100

clients in 9 countries and 3 continents, such as FedEx USA, Whirlpool,

RE/MAX, Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts, Toyota, Sheridan College, Public

Storage, Sprouter, and more.

We are accredited as a Google AdWords Certified Partner, Better Business

Bureau member, and Google Engage for Agencies member, and have been

featu red in the Globe & Mail, Financial Post, Toronto Star and CTV. Learn

more about our award-winning Internet Marketing services at


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1:

What is PPC?...............................................................................4

Chapter 2:

Setting Goals For Your PPC Campaign.......................................8

Chapter 3:

Choosing the Right Keywords....................................................11

Chapter 4:

Creating Your PPC Campaign...................................................18

Chapter 5:

Developing The Perfect Ad Copy...............................................28

Chapter 6:

Creating a Landing Page To Convert.........................................30

Chapter 7 :

Platforms to Advertise On..........................................................33

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All trends seem to suggest that Paid Per Click

(PPC) advertising is becoming increasingly

ineffective, or even obsolete. Why is this


Customers are now becoming more tech-savvy

and aware of paid advertising campaigns. In complement with the changing consumer

mindset, there has been a rise in popularity for inbound marketing amongst marketers.

Many marketers have shifted away from paid advertising to more cost-effective means

of advertising by delivering valuable content to consumers.

With all this being said, why is PPC still a popular digital marketing method

amongst many B2C businesses?

PPC ads account for 64.6% of clicks for high commercial intent keyword searches

PPC may not cover all your marketing needs, but there are several scenarios that PPC

is necessary for your digital marketing strategy. PPC campaigns allow you to drive quick

results, address a niche audience, improve your local search presence and address

customers who are already well into the buying process.

This whitepaper will give you a comprehensive understanding of PPC and guide you

through setting up a PPC campaign that be well worth your time and money.

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What is PPC?

Everyone on the Internet seems to hate paid online advertising. You've probably

encountered your fair share of annoying pop-ups or YouTube advertisements that you

couldn't skip. These experiences make you feel as though all Internet advertising is

meant to annoy or disrupt you. Paid Per Click is still a form of paid online advertising but

instead of being perceived as annoying or disruptive, PPC campaigns generally have a

more positive connotation. PPC campaigns are able to target customers online by

providing solutions to their problems, rather than being the problem.

Throughout this whitepaper, you will be learning about PPC Campaigns developed

through Google AdWords. However, the basic understanding and practices of PPC

campaigns can be implemented to other paid search engines and platforms.

So what exactly are PPC advertisements? PPC ads are the search results you see on

the top and also to the right of organic search results on the search engine results page.

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Whereas organic search results are based on unpaid and natural rankings that are

developed through SEO practices, paid search results are results that marketers pay a

fee to have appear when specific keywords or phrases are searched. The fee that you

would have to pay for your PPC campaign is based on the number of clicks or views

(impressions) that your ad has attracted.

PPC campaigns are highly effective when properly planned and executed with a target

in mind. Although Hubspot studies have shown that only 30% of people click on paid

links versus the 70% that click on organic links, the conversation rate for the 30% of

people who do click the ad is much higher. These consumers are generally conducting a

commercial intent search and are already in the process of a purchasing decision.

When used in moderation with proper SEO practices, PPC can truly solidify your

presence online.

4 Reasons Why PPC Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

It's hard to get over the negative connotation of a paid

advertisement. However, once you do, you'll realize that PPC

campaigns bring many benefits that simply cannot be achieved

with solely SEO practices. Here are 4 reasons why you should be

including PPC into your online marketing strategy:

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1. Measure Your Online Marketing Efforts

What good is an online marketing campaign if we aren't able to track its effectiveness?

Google AdWords provides tools and detailed reports that provides you with valuable

insight into your campaign. With the ability to measure the effectiveness of your

campaign, you can make any necessary changes and improve your campaign.

2. Have Complete Ownership of Your Campaign

With PPC Campaigns, you are the god of your advertising efforts. Whereas with SEO

practices you only have some influence on your rankings, with PPC you have control of

your entire campaign. You have the ability to adjust your budget, control your copy and

anything else about your campaign all within Google AdWords.

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3. Reach A Hyper Targeted Audience

By designing your PPC campaign for certain buyer personas, you'll be able to target the

right audience based on their buying process status, geographic location, needs and

demographics. When done correctly, PPC ads are highly effective in converting your

targeted audience. Targeting niche markets may also mean that the bidding price of

your keywords is lower- meaning you can reach your desired audience for a low cost.

4. Achieve Quick Results

If you're caught in a time crunch to advertise your product or service and a long-term

SEO strategy just isn't an option, PPC campaigns are here to save you. By setting up a

Google AdWords campaign, you can get your ad displayed amongst other results,

without the long-term process of SEO. However, it's important to remember that

although PPC campaigns are a short-term resource, they cannot replace long-term

SEO strategies. PPC Campaigns should be designed to complement your current SEO


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Setting Goals For Your PPC Campaign

Like any marketing effort, you have to determine your target audience and end goals

before diving into it. This especially applies to PPC campaigns where you could end up

spending an unjustifiable amount of money attracting the wrong audience.

Defining Your Personas and Understanding Their Intent

This is the most important part of starting your campaign. Your business should

already have defined buyer personas in mind, but it's remember to further define their

intent specifically for the campaign that you're designing. By defining your buyer

personas you will have the exact framework to design your campaign around. This will

ensure that your money is rightly spent by attracting the right audience.

Despite these advantages, here are some things to keep in mind about PPC campaigns:

PPC Campaigns can be very competitive and expensive to bid on

It's easy to spend a lot of money on PPC if not managed properly

It's not a campaign you can create and set aside: it must be constantly

monitored and managed

Powered by Search specializes in paid advertising and can help you develop a

successful PPC campaign, without the hassle.

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Buyer Persona: According to Hubspot-

Buyer personas are essentially fictional representations of your ideal customers. They are based on real data about customer demographics and online behavior, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns.

Determining their background, demographics, goals, challenges, and how your product

and service can help them will allow you to design a specialized and effective PPC


Intent: What is the intent of the people searching the keywords you're bidding on? For

example, let's say you own a company selling organic baby food. Are your ideal buyer

personas just surfing the web to learn more about organic baby food or searching to

specifically purchase organic baby food on Google? By understanding their intent and

where they are in the buying process will allow you to design an ad specifically for your

buyer persona.



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Key Performance Indicators

Monthly Budget: Determine the amount of money you want to spend on your campaign

per month. There are many factors that will affect your monthly budget including:

Your overall marketing budget

The competitiveness of the keyword you're bidding for

The timeframe of your campaign

Set a monthly budget that fits your needs, but ensure it's reasonable and sustainable.

Conversion Target: This is the number of conversions you want to achieve with your

monthly budget. Although it will be rare to be right on target, it's good to set a

conversion target in order to measure the success of your campaign.

Cost Per Acquisition: This is your monthly budget divided by your conversion target.

The cost per acquisition is how much it costs to convert a visitor into a client through

your PPC campaign. Ensure that you're comparing this cost to how much you will gain

in revenue from each client. You don't want to be spending more than what you'll be

earning through your PPC campaign.

Once you understand your buyer persona and the objectives and restrictions of your

PPC campaign, it's time to start designing the campaign that will achieve your goals.

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Choosing the Right Keywords

Before you officially start your campaign, you have to come armed with a list of

awesome keywords. Determining the right keywords can help you target the right

audience and save you a substantial amount of money. To choose the right keywords,

you have to think like your ideal buyer persona. For example,

let's say you're selling organic baby food and your ideal buyer

persona is a health conscious young mother that is tight on

budget. Ask yourself- what would I search if I was that young

mother? Don't be stuck on specific terms that your employees

use to describe your product- think like your buyer persona.

General vs. Specific Keywords

Depending on the goal of your PPC campaign, you may want to go with either general

or specific keywords. If your company sells only organic baby puree, you will likely want

to use long-tail keywords that will make your campaign targeted to what you're selling.

For example, you don't want to bid for the term "baby food" if you can only sell organic

baby puree- you won't be able to serve the entire market of baby food and the clicks will

end up eating your budget.

Long-tail keywords:

Search queries that contain more than 3 keywords.

These keywords are more specific and have lower

search volumes and lower cost per clicks.

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On the other hand, if your company sells all types of baby food, you may want to bid for

a more general term that will allow customers to find you despite searching broadly.

Keywords Based on Geography

If you're a local business, it's important to include specific geographical terms in your

keywords. For example, if you're a local floral shop in Toronto, you don't want people in

Vancouver clicking on your ad and costing you money. You might want to use a

keyword such as "floral shop Toronto" rather than bidding on just the term "floral shop".

Baby Products



Organic Baby Snacks

Organic Baby Puree

Organic Baby Formula


Baby Snacks

Baby Puree

Baby Formula


Feeding Supplies



Toys for newborns

Toys for 1-2 Years

Toys for Toddlers

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Know vs. Do Searches

We've probably all had those days where we were just bored and wanted to search

about random topics on Google. These are know searches, which are informational

queries people make when seeking information.

On the other hand, we've also made searches to actually do something. These are do

searches that are transactional queries people make to perhaps buy a product or book a


With a PPC advertisement, you want to be targeting people who are conducting do

searches. While it may be great that someone doing a know search learned more about

organic baby food through visiting your website, they're not interested in purchasing

your product. It's best to use keywords that someone making a transactional inquiry

would use to target customers who are ready to buy your product.

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Type of Search

There are different types of searches your keyword could be included in: broad, phrase

and exact.

Broad: Contains all words searched, can be in any order and include other words.

Phrase: Contains all the words, in order, and may include other words before or after

the phrase.

Exact: Contains only the searched words in the specified order.

You likely don't want to target broad searches, but rather focus on specific searches that

drives the potential customers in that will be more likely to convert.

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Tools for Keyword Research

If you need some guidance when coming up with the perfect

keywords, there are several tools out there than can help. The

first tool that you should be using is the Keyword Tool on

Google AdWords.

Did You Know?

Powered by Search is a Google AdWords Certified

Partner. We have helped several clients such as

Volunteer Canada and Primus develop highly

successful PPC Campaigns.

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You can then type a list of keywords into the tool to generate more keyword ideas.

Google AdWords will then generate results for you.

In the top left column, you will see the different keywords that you first entered. In this

case it would be- "organic baby food", "natural baby products", and "healthy baby food".

The second column displays the level of competition for these keywords. This column

indicates how many advertisers have been bidding on these keywords. Higher

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competition implies that it'll be more difficult to rank on the first page for that specific


The third and fourth column show you the global and monthly searches from the past 12

months for each of the keywords you entered. If you're business is locally focused, it's

important to look at local monthly searches as they relate to searches within your

country and language.

Below that table are keyword suggestions that are related to the keywords you entered.

These keywords are additional ideas that may relevant and effective keywords for your

product or service.

Other Keyword Research Tools:

Google Trends:

Tracks the popularity of certain keywords over time.


Helps you find similar/popular keyword variants

SEOmoz Keyword Difficulty Tool:

Estimates how difficult it might be to rank for a particular

keyword on a percentage scale.

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Negative Keywords

Negative keywords will allow you to exclude certain keywords from your campaign. This

means that your ad will not appear in search results for these keywords. For example,

the advertising agency, TAXI will not want people searching "taxi driving services

Toronto" to be clicking their ad.

Creating Your PPC Campaign

Once you have a defined persona and a list of awesome

keywords, it's time to start building your PPC Campaign.

As a beginner's guide to PPC, we will just be going over the basic setup of your

campaign through Google AdWords. If you wish to develop an advanced PPC

Campaign, be sure to check out Powered by Search's Paid Search Marketing Services

and contact us at any time if you want further guidance in your PPC campaign!

Campaign Structure

On Google AdWords, you can create many campaigns that consists of different ad

groups. Each ad group then consists of keywords that are all related to a similar topic,

and they can contain ads that can rotate among the keywords you have. You have the

option to base the rotation of your ads on either clicks, conversion rates or have it

evenly distributed.

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Setting Up Your Campaign

Once you're in AdWords, click on "Create Your First Campaign."


AdGroup 1

(Ad A, Ad B, Ad C)

Keyword Keyword Keyword

AdGroup 2

(Ad A, Ad B, Ad C)

Keyword Keyword Keyword

AdGroup 3

(Ad A, Ad B, Ad C)

Keyword Keyword Keyword

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You can then decide what type of campaign you want.

Default: Your ads will appear on both the Google Search Network and Google Display

Network on all devices. This exposes your ad to the most number of potential customers

and should be considered if your goal is to increase CTR quickly. Traffic Building

Search Network Only: Your ads will only appear on Google's search results page and

other sites that are part of Search Network. These sites include Google Maps, Images,

Shopping and AOL.

Display Network Only: Your ads will only appear on sites within the Google Display

Network which includes websites such as YouTube and Gmail.

Display Network Only (Remarketing): Remarketing is the concept of showing ads to

users who have previously visited your website. By choosing this option, your ads will be

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displayed on the display network to people have already visited your website. This will

help you target those who are further along in the buying process.

Search and Display Networks (Mobile Devices): If you're trying to target people on

the go, this is a good option. Your ad will only appear to users on mobile devices and


Online Video: Your ad will be displayed on YouTube and other relevant sites in the

Google Display Network.

You can then choose a relevant name for your campaign.

Locations and Languages

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Determining the location that your ad will appear is very important if you're a business

serving a certain geographic location. If you intend on selling your product or service

anywhere, you can select a broad reach such as "All Countries and Territories" or even

"United States and Canada." However, if you're selling a product or service that is

location-specific, you have the option to choose exactly where your ad will appear and

how many people your ad will reach in the given location. This will allow you to target

specifically those within your geographic reach. You can also enter locations you would

like to exclude from your search. This means that people from the specified location will

not be able to see your ad.

You can then select the language your customers speak. For example, if you're trying to

target Chinese customers, Google will place your ads on search results for people who

have selected Chinese as their primary language. However, it will not help you translate

your ad from English to Chinese- it'll be in the language you wrote your ad copy in.

Networks and Devices

You can also further customize which networks and devices you would like your ad to

appear on.

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Bidding and Budget

Once you've selected your campaign settings, it's time to get to the hard part- bidding

and budgeting your campaign. Remember to stick to the goals that you've determined

before setting up your campaign. This will ensure your campaign is a profitable and

successful one.

When you're selecting a bidding option, you can decide if you want to set the bids for

each click, or if you want Google AdWords to help you set bids and maximize clicks

within your budget. The cost of a click on your ad can actually change throughout the

day depending on the volume of advertisers that are bidding on a specific term.

I'll manually set my bids for clicks: By choosing this option, you can choose what you

want the max CPC is for any given keyword. This gives you the freedom to monitor and

control keywords and bidding.

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AdWords will set my bids to help maximize clicks within my target budget: By

choosing this option, AdWords has the freedom to set the CPC for your keywords as

long as its within your budget. This will allow you to get the most clicks each day. This is

a good option if you want to maximize your PPC budget and don't have the time to track

and adjust your campaigns.

Metrics To Keep In Mind:

Cost Per Click (CPC):

You will be charged when someone clicks on your ad.

Traffic Building

Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM):

You will be charged for every thousand impressions

(views) your ad gets.

Brand Exposure

Cost per Acquisition (CPA):

You will be charged when the person who clicked on

your ad converts.


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Ad Extensions

You then have the options to add ad extensions to your PPC ad. Ad extensions allows

you to provide more relevant information to customers about your business. If you

choose to have ad extensions, ensure that you're choosing one that fits your company,

and you have the existing resources to facilitate the ad extension.

Advanced Settings

Now that you have the basics of your Google PPC campaign set up, it's time to start

customizing your campaign for maximum success.

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Schedule: Under schedule, you can choose a start and end date for your campaign.

For example, if you're advertising organic baby food as a great Christmas gift idea, you

may want to start your campaign early in November and end it a few days after

Christmas. You can also customize the timing of when your ad appears throughout the

day. If you're targeting young mothers who generally go on the computer from 8:00 pm -

10:00 pm, you can choose to only have your ad appear during that timeframe.

Ad Delivery: With this option, you can customize how Google displays your ads. You

will have the option to:

Optimize for Clicks: AdWords will display ads that have a higher possibility of

attracting more clicks to your offer. This will allow you to drive traffic to your

website. . Traffic Building

Optimize for Conversions: Google AdWords will display ads that have proven to

have the highest conversion rates. Conversion

Rotate Evenly: If you're still looking to test your different variations of ads, this is

a good option. Rotate Evenly will allow you to rotate all ads evenly for a set

amount of time.

Frequency Capping: Sometimes if users are exposed to an ad too many times

they may find it annoying or frustrating. By setting a frequency cap, you'll limit the

number of times a specific user will see your ad on the display network.

Demographic: To further customize and specialize your campaign, you can choose to

only show your ads to a certain demographic group. This option is only available to

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campaigns that are using display networks, as only websites in this category report on

the demographic of their users.

Social Settings: You can also integrate your Google+ following

with your Google AdWords campaign. Through Social Settings,

you can include a +1 button on your ads within display networks. This will encourage

social sharing of your products on their personal social profiles. If you don't already have

an established Google+ business profile, check out our Marketer's Guide to Google+.

Keyword Matching Options: This setting allows you to include misspellings, plural

variations and other close spellings of your keyword to your campaign.

Create an Ad Group

Once you have your campaign set up, you can then begin creating your ad groups. Be

sure to choose a relevant title to ensure your campaign is organized.

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Developing the Perfect Ad Copy

You now have your first campaign set up. But how do you go about creating the perfect

ad copy to attract potential customers to actually click on it and give your product or

service a chance?

Google gives you a limited framework to develop your ad copy, so ensure you optimize

it to get the results you want.

Title: You get 25 characters for the title of your ad. This is the anchor text to the landing

page you'll be linking to, so ensure it is relevant to the keyword you're bidding on. This is

an ad, so remember to make it interesting and eye-catching as well.

Display URL: You get 37 characters for the display URL. This is not the link the ad will

be linking to, but it's good to display your company's homepage URL.

Description Lines: You get 2 description lines and a character limit of 35 characters for

each line. Typically, the first line is used for informing your customers of what product or

service you're selling. The second line is then used to display a call-to-action to entice

viewers to click on your ad.

Display URL


Description Line 1

Description Line 2

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Remember these three elements when developing your ad copy:

Keyword Relevance: Ensure your ad copy is relevant to both your keywords and

landing pages. This will give your ad a higher quality score, and will help your ad rank

higher in the search engine results page.

Call-To-Action (CTA): This is an essential element to any PPC ad copy. It's not enough

to inform customers of what you do- you have to entice them to actually click on your ad

and convert.

Value: Above all, your ad copy needs to emphasize the value of your product and

service. We're sure that you're selling your product for a reason- you believe in the value

customers receive by using it. Indicate some form of discount, quality or unique benefit

that will encourage them to learn more about your product or service.

Ad extensions will also allow you to include other relevant contact information. One way

to optimize your ad is to include social settings that displays Google+ reviews of your

products. Good ratings and social approval of your product will make your ad stand out

amongst the crowd.


Good Bad

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Creating a Landing Page to Convert

Your potential customer has done a lot

already- they have clicked your ad and

has given you the chance to convince

them into purchasing your product or

service. You've already invested to get

that click- it's time to make your investment worth it! It all comes down to your landing

page now to do its job and convert them to satisfied and paying customers.

The most important factor of a successful landing page is the relevance to the keyword

and ad copy. You may have a great homepage that you want to link to, but what good is

it to someone who just clicked on "Discount Organic Baby Food" to see your homepage

overwhelming them with all types of baby supplies? You want to bring your potential

customer directly to the specific offer your ad copy discusses and give them all the

relevant information.

Besides giving them the relevant information, ensure that your landing page is

actionable. It's great that you're giving them information about organic baby food, but

what if they're ready to purchase it from you? Have the proper directions for potential

customers to be able to take action and purchase your product, or inquire about your

service after they've arrived on your landing page.

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Bad Landing Page:

Whereas the ad copy talked about organic baby food, the landing page took us to a

page about organic food in general.

Good Landing Page:

There's a clear image of the product that is relevant to the ad copy, and is very


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Quality Score:

Google will assign a quality score to your ad based on how useful and relevant it thinks

it is to viewers. Your ad's quality score is very important -having a high quality score will

improve your rankings on the search engine results page. Google takes in consideration

the follow factors when calculating your quality score:

• Relevance to keyword

• Quality and relevance of landing page

• Click through rate

These are factors that you must take into consideration to receive a high quality score.

Learn more about quality scores through Google AdWords.

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Platforms To Advertise On

Throughout this whitepaper, you've been learning about optimizing your PPC campaign

for Google AdWords. However, Google is not the only platform that you can create a

successful PPC campaign on. Below is a list of other platforms you can take your newly

learned PPC campaign skills to:


Facebook ads allow you to easily expose your ad to people who fit closely to your buyer

persona. Because Facebook provides an abundance of information about potential

customers, you can ensure that your ad is being seen by qualified buyers.

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On Twitter Ads, you can promote exclusive deals to your target demographic. Twitter

ads are perfect for businesses to promote a specific offer that Twitter users may be

interested in.


As the professional network, LinkedIn provides you with a community of qualified

decision makers. If you're a B2B business, LinkedIn Ads provides you with a great

medium to expose your ad to qualified buyers.

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Other Search Engines

It's often easy to forget about other search engines- but it doesn't mean they're not

there. Other search engines that you could advertise on include Microsoft's Bing and

Yahoo's search engine. Although they may not be as used as Google, they are still

platforms you can consider.


United States:

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Congratulations- you now understand the basics of designing your own successful PPC

Campaign! Although it may seem like a step-by-step process, designing a PPC

campaign is much more complicated than just that. This guide has given you a

comprehensive overview of all the components of a PPC campaign, but it also takes

intensive research and a creative outlook on your campaign for it to be successful.

As a smart marketer, you should understand that every type of marketing has its

advantages and disadvantages. Although PPC advertising have typically been viewed

negatively, there are also many benefits that can only be obtained through a PPC

campaign. When done right, it can drive traffic to your website and improve conversion


That being said, PPC advertising shouldn't be your only strategy. Organic link building

and SEO practices should always be the most significant part of your digital marketing

strategy. PPC acts as a complement to an already existing SEO strategy, and should

not be left as a standalone strategy.

Google is always developing and improving its PPC platform. Be sure to follow updates

of major social platforms to ensure your PPC campaign is optimized for any changes.




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Dev Basu

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