WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)

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Transcript of WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)

  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)


    S  A  V   E    R  M   2  0  0  

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    6,000 delegates 124 countries

    4 days 1 city 

    8 – 11 November 2010

    Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia

    accountants: sustaining value creation

    Officiated by :

     Y.A.B. Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul RazakHonourable Prime Minister of Malaysia

    Register Now at www.wcoa2010kualalumpur.com


    • H R D F  c l ai mab l e ,  und e r  t he  S BL S c he me 

    (  no t e:  p l e as e  r ef e r   i  ns  i d e f o  r   m o  r e d et  a i  l s  ) 

    • 2 0  MI A  C P E  C r e d i t  Ho ur s

    Gold Sponsors Supported by



  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)


     About the venue, KLCC

     The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, fondly

    referred to as KLCC, is located in the Kuala

    Lumpur City Centre. Designed as a “city within a

    city”, this 40 hectare (100acre) site includes the

    KLCC park and the worldfamous PETRONAS

     Twin Towers, to lend a prestigious address to

    the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Hosting

    conferences, exhibitions, seminars, meetings

    and entertainment, the Centre is placed

    alongside public transportation and hotels,

    making the conference venue easily accessible.

    Getting there

     There are several ways for you to get to theKuala Lumpur Convention Centre – by road,

    by train or on foot. We would encourage you to

    make use of public transportation to get to the

    Conference venue. For detailed instructions,

    please visit: www.klccconventioncentre.com








    I I

    I I

    I I












    Bukit Bintang

    Sungai WangPlazaSungai WangPlaza

    Bukit Bintang

    Times Square

    Kompleks KrafKuala Lumpur

    Kompleks KrafOld House

    Lot 10



    J  a l  a  n   R  a   j  a  C h u l a n  

    J alan Ra ja Ch u l a n  

      J a  l a  n

       B  u  k  i  t

       B  i  n  t

     a  n  g  

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      J a  l a n   Y

     a p   K  w

     a n  S e n


      J a  l a n  A

     m p a  n g


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       P.    R  a

       m        l    e


    J    a  l  a  n  P   e  r  a  k   

    J    a    l       a    n    P     

    i    n  a    n    g    

    P         e      r         s      i         a     r    a    n     K      L     C     C      

    Jalan  Stonor 

    Pers ia ran KLCC 

    Jalan Conla y 

       J   a     l   a   n

         I   m    b    i 

     J       a  l       a  n  B 

     i   n       j               



    J  a l a  n  B u k i t  B intang 

    Kompleks KrafOld House

    Tabung HajiTabung Haji

    Kuala Lumpur

    Convention Centre

    Kuala Lumpur

    Convention Centre

    MenaraKuala Lumpur(KL Tower)








    l l  il i

    l l  il i


    Malaysia TourismCentre (MTC)

    PETRONASTwin Tower

            J     a        l     a


      E  l e  v  a  t

     e d   H  i g

      h  w a  y 


    Prince HotelIstana Hotel

    RadiusInternational Westin

    DorsettRegency Hotel




    Federal Hotel


    Ritz Carlton

    Park Royal

    Crowne Plaza

    Equatorial HotelEquatorial Hotel

    AscottKuala Lumpur

    Corus Hotel



    Hotel Maya


    Novotel Hydro

    Royal Chulan

    Piccolo Hotel


    Berjaya Times Square Hotel

    Citin HotelPudu


    Royale Bintang

    JW Marriott



    AscottKuala Lumpur


    KL Monorail


    Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunity

    Interested to raise your international business profile before andduring the WCOA 2010? Act fast to secure the sponsorship andexhibition packages that best suit your objectives. There are onlyfew premium categories left!

     To view the sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available, visitthe sponsorship and exhibition section in our  World Congress website, www.wcoa2010kualalumpur.com.

    If your sponsorship and exhibition propositions are not in our list,please contact us at +603 2274 5055 or [email protected]. We are always open to new ideas andaspire to create the best possible sponsorship and exhibitionpackages for you to reach your goals.

     We look forward to welcoming you as our partner at the WCOA2010.

    Pre & Post Tours

     The center of our nation’s political commercial and social life,

    Kuala Lumpur is a city of delightful contrast-modern

    cosmopolitan, sophistication with a lingering old-world charm.

    Make the most of your time here by experiencing the city’s

     vibrant life, the splendours of Putrajaya and the legacies of

    historic Melaka – through specially arranged tours just for

     WCOA 2010 delegates.

    For reservations,please contact the tour operator directly:

     AOS Conventions & Events Sdn Bhd

    Ms Jennifer Chee

    e-mail: [email protected]

    The Organisers

    The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) is aglobal organisation for the accountancy profession dedicated toserving the public interest by strengthening the profession andcontributing to the development of strong international economies.

    It comprises 159 members and associates in 124 countries and jurisdictions, representing more than 2.5 million accountants inpublic practice, education, government service, industry andcommerce.

    IFAC shares in the development and promotes the adoption andimplementation of international standards and develops guidanceto foster high-quality practice by professional accountants workingin business, public practice, government, and education.

    The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) is a statutorybody established to regulate and develop the accountancyprofession in Malaysia. MIA currently has close to 26,000members. It is also a member body of regional and internationalprofessional bodies which play significant roles in the developmentand advancement of the accounting profession globally.

  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)


    HRDF/PSMB Claimable Status:• Programme fee-claimable up to RM1,875

    •  Air fare - economy class

    •  Ground travel/parking - maximum of RM100

    •  Accommodation - claimable up to RM250 per night  (Above claims need to be supported with receipt(s) and based on the merit of each applicant)


    7 November 2010





    Sempier Award

    Presentation and



    Opening Ceremony

    Officiated by: Y.A.B. Dato’ Sri

    Mohd. Najib Bin Tun

    Haji Abdul Razak,


    Prime Minister 

    of Malaysia


    Welcome Reception


    Plenary 1


    Concurrent 3


     Afternoon Tea


    Concurrent 2



    Concurrent 1


    Morning Tea


    Gala Dinner



    Concurrent 4

    Morning Tea

    Plenary 2



    Closing Ceremony

    Plenary 4

    Morning Tea

    Plenary 3










    Congress Lunch


    8 November 2010


    9 November 2010


    10 November 2010


    11 November 2010


    Concurrent 5

    9 November

    09.00 - 10.30

    10 November

    09.00 - 10.30

    11 November

    09.00 - 10.30

    11 November

    11.00 - 12.30


    *The organiser reserves the right to change the speakers and topics.

    Plenary Session 1 – Accountants: Sustaining Value Creation in the Borderless Economy Synopsis : Professional accountants are now challenged with ensuring organizations, large and small, are able

      to create value and to sustain their growth in the long term.

    Chair : Robert L. Bunting, IFAC President 

    Speakers : • Wang Jun, Vice Minister, Ministry of Finance, P.R. China

      • Olivia Faulkner Kirtley, Certified Public Accountants, AICPA

      • Dr Wim A. Van der Stede, CIMA Professor of Accounting and Financial Management, London School of Economics,

      Department of Accounting

    Plenary Session 2 – Islamic Finance: Strengthen the Global Financial MarketSynopsis : The introduction of Islamic Finance into the global financial market has raised unique issues and opportunities.

      This session will explore the growth of Islamic finance from the perspective of governments, borrowers, lenders

      and regulators.

    Chair : Fermin del Valle, IFAC immediate Past President 

    Keynote Speaker : • Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz , Gover nor, Bank Nega ra Malaysia

    Plenary Session 3 – Accounting for Sustainability: The Connected Reporting FrameworkSynopsis : Accountants must now go beyond the traditional way of thinking about economic success to enable integrated and

    connected reporting and to provide assurance services to enhance reporting credibility.

    Chair : Goran Tidstrom, IFAC Deputy President 

    Speakers : • Dr Nancy Kamp-Roelands RA, Global Climate Change and Sustainabili ty Reporting Coordinator,

      Director CSR Knowledge Center BeNe, Ernst & Young Accountants LLP 

      • Paul Druckman, Executive Board and Advisory Panel of The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project 

      • Prof Mervyn Eldred King, Chairman, Global Reporting Initiative

      • Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, Chairman, Securities Commission Malaysia

      • Charles A. McDonough, Vice President & Controller, The World Bank 

    Plenary Session 4 – Accountants in the Next Decade – Embracing Change & Seizing Opportunities

    Synopsis : A discussion on the possible evolution of the accountant’s role within organizations in the next 10 years – and what skillswill be needed to fulfill that role. Chief Executive Officers from some IFAC member bodies will share the vision of the

      accountants of the future.

    Chair : Dr Ian Ball, IFAC CEO

    Speakers : • Barry Melancon, President & CEO AICPA • Alex Malley, CEO CPA Australia

      • Michael Izza, CEO ICAEW • Helen Brand, CEO ACCA

      • Charles Tilley, CEO CIMA

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    9 November11.00 – 12.30Concurrent 1

    International FinancialReporting Standard (IFRS)for Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs):Becoming a World-ClassPlayer

    Chair: Vickson Ncube,  CEO, The Eastern Central

     and Southern African

    Federation of Accountants


    Speakers:• Paul Pacter,  International Accounting

      Standards Board (IASB) Member 

    • Paul Chan,  Chairman, PCP CPA Limited 

    • Ewald Muller,  Senior Executive Standards,

    The South African Institute of 

      Chartered Accountants (SAICA)

    • Petr Kriz,  VP, Financial Reporting,

      The Federation of European

      Accountants (FEE) and Partner,


    9 November14.00 – 15.30Concurrent 2

    Small and MediumEnterprise (SME)Financing in the GlobalMarket – Is there Room forImprovements?

    Chair: BernadetteMcGroryFarrell,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Dato’ Hafsah Hashim,  CEO of SME Corp Malaysia

    • Sylvie Voghel,  Chairperson of IFAC Small and 

      Medium Practices

    (SMPs) Committee

    • Federico Diomeda,  CEO of European Federation of 

      Accountants and Auditors (EFAA)

      for SMEs

    • Dr Lai Sun-Quae,  Director General, Small and Medium

    Enterprise Administration, Ministry of

    Economic Affairs, Chinese Taipei 

    9 November16.00 – 17.30Concurrent 3

    Capacity Building forSmall and MediumPractices (SMPs): TheIFAC’s Initiatives

    Chair:  Asad Al i Shah,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Paul Cooper,  Director of Board CPA Australia Ltd 

    • Giancarlo Attolini,  Member of the board of the CNDCEC

    • Alex Hillman,  Member of the IFAC Small and

    Medium Practices (SMPs) Committee

     and Past Pr esident of Institute o f

    Certified Public Accountants in Israel 

    • Philip Johnson,  Chairman of The Federation of

    European Accountants (FEE) Task

    Force on International Standards

    on Auditing (ISA) Implementation

    10 November11.00 – 12.30Concurrent 4

    Review and CompilationServices 2011

    Chair: TBA 

    Speakers:• Phil Cowperthwaite, 

    Cowperthwaite Mehta, Chartered

     Accountants , Member of

    International Auditing and Assurance

    Standards Board (IAASB)

    • Dianne AzoorHughes, • Josef Ferlings,  Ernst & Young GmbH

    • Bernard Agulhas,  CEO of Independent Regulatory

    Board for Auditors

    10 November14.00 – 15.30Concurrent 5

    Role of Small MediumPractices (SMP) inProviding BusinessSupport Services/ SMP asa Trusted Business Advisor

    Chair: Jelil Bouraoui,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Prof Robin Jarvis,  Head of Small and Medium

    Enterprise (SME) Affairs of ACCA

    • Stuart Black,  Member of the Accounting Position

     and Ethical Standards B oard

    (APESB) Australia

    • Anthony Ariganello,  President & CEO, Certified General

     Accountants -Canada (CGA-C anada)

    • Eduardo Ojeda,  Technical Advisor y, The Mexican

      Institute of Public Accountants (MIPA)

    2. Developing the ProfessionGlobally: The InternationalFederation of Accountants(IFAC)’s Driving Force

    Chair: Ved Jain,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• M. Zubaidur Rahman,  Program Manager, Financial 

      Management Unit Operations Policy

     and Countr y Service s,

      The World Bank 

    • Laurie Gillow,  Executive Director, Internation al 

      Corporate Development , ACCA

    • Vernon Soare,  Executive Director, Professio nal 

      Standards, ICAEW 

    • Ignatius Sehoole,  PwC South Africa, Chairman for IFAC

    Developing Nations Committee

    International Auditing and Assurance StandardsBoard (IAASB) Agenda

    Chair:  TBA 

    Speakers:• Prof Dr Arnold Schilder,  Chairman, IAASB, IFAC

    • Diana Hillier,  Partner, PwC and Deputy Chair of 


    • Tomokazu Sekiguchi,Technical, Accounting Standard 

      Board of Japan and Public Member

    of IAASB

    • James Gunn,  Technical Director, IAASB, IFAC

    Public Sector Accounting:Overcoming the Issuesand Challenges

    Chair: Stephenie Fox,IFAC Technical Director,

    International Public Sector 

      Accounting Standards

      Board (IPSASB)

    Speakers:• Prof Dr Andreas Bergmann,

     Zurich University of Applied Sciences,

    Institute of Public Management and

    Chairman of International Public

    Sector Accounting Standards Board


    • Caroline Mawhood,  Chair of the Federation of European

     Accountants (FEE) Pu blic Sector


    • Prof Dr Frans van Schaik,  Professor of Management Accounting

     at the University of Amsterdam and

    Public Sector Partner of Deloitte and

    Board Member of International Public

    Sector Accounting Standards Board


    • Erna Swart,  CEO, Accounting Standards Board,

    The South African Institute of

    Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and

    Deputy Chair of International Public

    Sector Accounting Standards Board


    International EducationStandards – Upholding theRelevance for the Future

    Chair: Warren Allen,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Prof C. Mark Allison,

    Executive Director, Institute of

    Chartered Accountants of Scotland 

      (ICAS) and Chairman of The

    International Accounting Education

    Standards Board (IAESB)

    • M. Marcelo Canetti, Partner with BDO Becher y

     Asociadoes and Member of The

    International Accounting Education

    Standards Board (IAESB)

    • Karen Pincus,Professor of Accounting at the

      University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton

    College of Business and Deputy Chair

    of The International Accounting

      Education Standards Board (IAESB)

    • Clare Minchington,  ED, Learning and Customer Service,


    International EthicsStandards Board – Adopting the New Code ofEthics

    Chair: Robert Mednick,  Certified Public

      Accountant, AICPA

    Speakers:• Kenneth Dakdduk,  Chairman of the Ethics Committee &

    Partner of PwC

    • Alice McCleary,  Member of IESBA and Deputy 

      Chancellor of the University of 

      South Australia

    • Michael Niehues,  Deputy Chair of IESBA & Partner,

      Deloitte & Touche GmbH

    • Aiko Sekine,  Member of IESBA and Partner,

    PwC Aarata, Executive Board Member

    of Ethics Standards at JICPA

    3. Human Governance: TheNucleus of CorporateGovernance

    Chair: Y. Bhg. Datuk Abdul  Samad Hj. Alias, Dr  Chairman, Malaysia

    Venture Capital

    Management Bhd 

    Speakers:• Prof Dato  Dr Aziuddin Ahmad,  Professor of Risk Management,


    Enterprise GovernanceFramework – Can weafford to Rock the Boat?

    Chair: Steve Vieweg,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:•  V. Balakrishnan,  CFO, Infosys Technologies Ltd 

    • Alfred Ramosedi,  Managing Executive, Nedbank 

      Private Bank, Member of IFAC

    Professional Accountants in Business

    Committee (PAIBC)

    • Philip Armstrong,  Head of Global Corporate

    Governance Forum, The World Bank


    • Anne Molyneux,  Director of C&S International 

    Risk Management &Internal Control – DoesCompliance cost outweighthe benefits?

    Chair:  Ingrid Doerga,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Ian Rushby,  Non Executive Director, Ministry of

    Defence UK; Former BP Head of

    Internal Audit 

    • Patricia Millers,  Past Chairman of the Board of

    Directors, The Institute of Internal

     Auditors (IIA) and Partner, Deloitte &

    Touche LLP 

    • Robert Hodgkinson,  Executive Director, ICAEW 

    • David L. Landsittel,  Chairman, Committee of Sponsoring

    Organizations of the Treadway

    Commission (COSO)

    The Effect of ShariahPrinciples on Accounting Methods forIslamic Banks

    Chair: TBA 

    Speakers:• Daud Vicary Abdullah,  Global Leader, Global Islamic Finance

    Group Deloitte Corporate Advisory


    • Mohammad Faiz Azmi,  Partner,PwC

     A Globally IntegratedEnterprise - Businesswithout Borders

    Chair: Steve Freer,  IFAC Board Technical 


    Speakers:• Crispin Read,

    General Manager, Microsoft

    Dynamics ERP 

    • Dr Ernest Kan,  President of Institute of Certified

    Public Accountants of Singapore

    (ICPAS) and Partner of Deloitte &

    Touche LLP 

    • Judith Downes,  CFO of Alumina Limited 

    *The organiser reserves the right to change the speakers and topics.

  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)


    i ll


    5. Corporate Reporting toBusiness Reporting –The Way Forward

    Chair: Christina Foo,  Malaysian Institute of   Accountants (MIA),

      Vice President

    Speakers:• Sue Coffey,  Senior Vice President, AICPA

    • Jenny Gu,  Commercial Director – Greater China

    North Territory, Nike Sports (China)

      Co Ltd 

    • Professor Richard Petty,  President of CPA Australia

    • F. Lalith Fonseka, Jt.  Managing Director, Mackwoods

      (Pvt) Limited 

    International FinancialReporting Standards(IFRS) Convergence:The Way Forward

    Chair: Jim Sylph,  IFAC Executive Director 

      Professional Standards

    Speakers:• Sir David Tweedie,  Chairman, International Accounting

    Standards Board (IASB)

    • Kenneth Sullivan,  Senior Financial Sector expert,

      International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    • Pierre Delsaux,  Director of free movement of capital,

    company law and corporate

     governance at the Euro pean

    Commission (EC)

    • Hans CM van Damme,President of The Federation of

    European Accountants (FEE) and

    Partner KPMG

    Quality BusinessReporting for DecisionMaking – The BestPractices

    Chair: Marta Rejman,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Ian Robertson,  Executive Vice President, Finance

    Operations, Royal Dutch Shell 

    • David Phillips,  Senior Corporate Reporting Partner,


    • Karyn Brooks,  VicePresident of Bell Canada &

    Member of Professional Accountants

     in Busin ess Commit tee (PAIBC) &

    International Accounting Standards

      Board (IASB) Standard Advisory

    Council (SAC)

    Fair Value Accounting - Valuation Specialists inCorporate ReportingChain

    Chair: Dato’ Gan Ah Tee,  Malaysian Institute of

     Accountants (MIA),

      Council Member 

    Speakers:• Michel Prada,  Chairman of International Valuation

      Standards Council (IVSC) Board of 


    • Chris Thorne,  Chairman of International Valuation

      Standards Board (IVSB)

    • Lihhsun Chang,  Partner, PwC – Financial Risk

    Management Advisory Practice

    • Greg Forsythe,  Deloitte Financial Advisory Services

      (FAS) and Member of Internation al

    Valuation Professional Board (IVPB)

    The Resilience of IslamicFinance in a GlobalFinancial Meltdown

    Chair: Prof Rifaat Ahmed  Abdel Karim,  Secretary-General,

      Islamic Financial Services



    6. Strengthening the Accounting Profession inEmerging Economies

    Chair:  Abdul Rahim Abdul  Hamid,  Malaysian Institute of 

      Accountants (MIA),


    Speakers:• Anthony Hegarty,  Chief Financial Management Officer &

    Head of Financial Management

    Sector Board, The World Bank 

    • Elizabeth Adegite,  President of Institute of Chartered 

      Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)

    • Dmitriy Shyutts,  Executive Director, Eurasian Council

    of Certified Accountants and Auditors


    • In Ki Joo,  Professor at School of Business,

      Yonsei Universi ty & President of 

      Confederation of Asian and Pacific

      Accountants (CAPA)

    Fighting Corruption andMoney Laundering – Theongoing Battle for Accountants

    Chair: TBA 

    Speakers:• Felicity Banks,  Head of Business Law, ICAEW 

    • Erry RiyanaHardjapamekas,

      Commissioners, Corruption

    Eradication Commission (KPK)

    • Amarjit Chopra,  President of Institute of Chartered 

      Accountants of India

    eXtensible BusinessReporting Language(XBRL) - An Update

    Chair: TBA 

    Speakers:• Mike Willis,  Partner, PwC US and Chairman of

    International Steering Committee


    • Olivier Servais,  Director of XBRL Activities at the

      International Accounting Standards

    Committee (IASC) Foundation

    • Jan Pasmooij,  Manager, ICT Knowledge Center

    of Royal NIVRA and Chairman of 

      XBRL Netherlands

    • Craig W. Crawford,Partner  inCharge of the Audit Group

     in KPMG’s Dep artment of

    Professional Practice in New York,

      KPMG LLP 

    Corporate Responsibility –Meeting the StakeholdersExpectations

    Chair:  Joycelyn Morton,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Roger Adams,  Executive Director, Technical, ACCA

    • Roger Tabor,  Chairman of IFAC Professional 

      Accountants in Business Committee


    • Christopher Leahy,  Managing Director, Great China &

    SEA, Kroll Singapore

    • Dr Jayanthi Naidu Desan,  Senior Consultant, CSR Asia

    Sovereign Debt Crisis

    Chair: TBA 




    9 November11.00 – 12.30Concurrent 1

    Convergence:The Regulators’Perspective

    Chair: Kee-Young Chung,  Vice President, Korean

      Institute of Certified Public Accountants (KICPA)

    Speakers:• David Damant,  Chairman, IAASB Consultative

      Advisory Group (CAG)

    • Alexsandro BroedelLopes,

      Commissio ner, Securities and 

      Exchange Commission of Brazil 

    • Svein Andresen,  Secretary General of the Financial

    Stability Board (FSB)

    • Pierre Delsaux,  Director of free movement of capital,

    company law and corporate

     governan ce at the Eur opean

    Commission (EC)

    9 November14.00 – 15.30Concurrent 2

    Oversight Boards: TheGlobal Experience andLearning

    Chair: Prof Kai-Uwe  Marten,

      Board Member of Public  Interest Oversight Board   (PIOB)

    Speakers:• Steven Maijoor,  Director, Netherlands Authority for 

      the Financial Markets, and Chair,

      International Forum of Independent

     Audit Regul ators

    • Dr Stavros Thomadakis,  Chairman of Public Interest Oversight

    Board (PIOB)

    • Nik Mohd Hasyudeen,  Executive Chairman, Audit Oversight

    Board, Securities Commission


    • Daniel L. Goelzer,  Acting Chairman, The Public

    Company Accounting Oversight 


    9 November16.00 – 17.30Concurrent 3

    The Essence of AuditQuality 

    Chair: David Brown,  Member of Public Interest 

      Oversight Board (PIOB)

    Speakers:• Patrick de Cambourg,

    Chairman & CEO, Mazars

    • Nick Fraser,  Chairman Transnational Auditing

      Committee of IFAC

    • Gerry Murphy,  Audit Partner, Deloitte

    • Cindy Fornelli,  Executive Director of the US Center

    for Audit Quality 

    10 November11.00 – 12.30Concurrent 4

    IFAC Member BodyCompliance Program –How is it Working?

    Chair:  Russell Guthrie,  IFAC Executive Director,

      Quality and Member   Relations

    Speakers:• Manuel Sanchez y Madrid,

    Chairman, IFAC Compliance Advisory

    Panel (CAP)

    • Aldona KamelSowinka,Member of the IFAC Developing

    Nations Committee

    • Samia Msadek,  Manager Financial Management,

    The World Bank 

    • Japheth Katto,  CEO of Capital Markets Authority 

      (Uganda) and IFAC Board Member 

    10 November14.00 – 15.30Concurrent 5

    Function of NationalStandard Setters inInternational Environment– Is Relevance Lost?

    Chair: TBA 

    Speakers:• Kevin Stevenson,  Chairman, The Australian Accounting

    Standards Board (AASB)

    • Ian Mackintosh,  Chairman Accounting Standards

    Board (ASB) UK 

    • Prof Dr J.P.J. (Hans)Verkruijsse RE. RA, Accountants Professi onal, Partn er,

    Ernst & Young

    • Ana Maria Elorietta,  Partner,PwC and President of the

    Institute of Independent Auditors of 

      Brazil (IBRACON)

    *The organiser reserves the right to change the speakers and topics.

  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)



    Meeting the most influential and innovative minds in business,finance, policy, standard setters and decision makers from all

    over the globe.

    Developing and exerting values to sustain long term growth as well as identifying business and investment opportunities.

    Exchanging ideas on the latest business trends and globaleconomic developments whilst updating knowledge ofstandards.

    Gaining insights and first hand information from renownedbusiness leaders as well as networking and socialising within adeluxe conference environment.

    Benefits of Attending

    What it means to be part of the world’s largest gathering of


    With the theme, Accountants: Sustaining Value Creation, I believe that the WCOA 2010will provide a comprehensive and engaging platform for discourse on sustainability.

    Such discourse is vital to propagate a world society that understands issues beingfaced to ensure continuity. I trust that you will be able to take home with you valuable

     insights gained f rom the World Congress.

    Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak 


    World Congress Theme

     Accountants: sustaining value creation

    Professional accountants operate in all facets of

    the global economy creating value and

    upholding business integrity in both the private

    and public sectors. In a world demanding shortterm solutions, professional accountants are

    challenged to sustain long term growth.

     Accountants lead strategic teams and are

    charged with creating value and safeguarding

    assets. They are an important part of

    organisational governance, and provide

    regulators and society with assurance that

    business has operated to the highest standards.

     This World Congress will explore issues related

    to key areas that directly and indirectly affect thecontinued relevance of the professional

    accountant in the coming years.

    Who Should AttendProfessional accountants in business and public sectors, practitioners,industry leaders, policy makers, standard setters, academicians and

    thought leaders.



    9 November11.00 – 12.30Concurrent 1

     Accounting Technicians –The Building Block of theFinancial Reporting Chain

    Chair: Suphot Singhasaneh,  Chairman KPMG

    Phoomchai Audit Practice

    Speakers:• Jane Scott Paul,  Chief Executive, Association of

     Accounting Technicians (AAT) U K 

    • Winnie C W Cheung,  Chief Executive, Hong Kong Institute

    of Certified Public Accountants


    • Edward OlowoOkere,  Regional Manager for Financial

    Management in the African Region,

    The World Bank 

    • Dr Afra Sajjad,  Head of Education and Policy

    Development, ACCA Pakistan

    9 November14.00 – 15.30Concurrent 2

    Shaping the NextGenerations of Accountants

    Chair: Roberto Resa,  IFAC Board Member 

    Speakers:• Mark Spofforth,  Partner, Spofforth s and Member of

    The International Accounting

    Education Standards Board (IAESB)

    • Saleem Kharwa,  Board Member of South African

      Institute of Professional Accountants

    (SAIPA) and Member of The

    International Accounting Education

    Standards Board (IAESB)

    • Dr Nataliya Vovchuk,  Head of ACCA Ukraine, Baltic and 

      Caucasus States

    • Dr Robert G. Jelly,  Executive Director, CIMA

    9 November16.00 – 17.30Concurrent 3

    Climate Change Reporting– Saving the Earth

    Chair: Brian Blood,  Chief Executive,

    Confederation of Asian &

      Pacific Accountants


    Speakers:• Prof Roger Simnett,  School of Accounting Australian

      School of Business, University of 

      New South Wales

    • Stirling Habbitts,  Vice President Natural Resources,

    ING Bank 

    • Roger Adams,  Executive Director, Technical, ACCA

    • Professor  Takeshi Mizuguchi ,  Professo r of Takasaki City,

    University of Economics

    10 November11.00 – 12.30Concurrent 4

    Forensic Accounting: Addressing the Challengesin Digital Environment

    Chair: TBA 

    Speakers:• Simon Padgett,

    Group Risk & Internal Audit Manager

    of Al Fahim Group, Abu Dhabi 

    • Chi Kong Cho,  Chairman CK Cho Ltd, President 

      Association of Certified Fraud 

      Examiners, Hong Kong

    • Juan Ivan Rogers,  President of the International 

      Institute of Anti-Fraud Forensic

      Auditors (IIAFA)

    • Leonardo J. Matignas Jr.Partner, SGV & Co.

      (A Member Practice

      of Ernst & Young Global)

    10 November14.00 – 15.30Concurrent 5

    The International Association for Accounting Education andResearch - promotingexcellence in accountingresearch

     Chair: Dr Rong-Rue Duh,  Professor of Accounting,

      National Taiwan University

    Speakers:• Prof Donna L. Street,  President, The International

     Associatio n for Acco unting Edu cation

     and Research (IAAER), US A

    • Prof Gary Lewis Sundem,Professor of Accounting Emeritus,

    University of Washington

    • Prof Barry J. Cooper,  Interim Dean, Faculty of Business

     and Law, Deakin Universit y Austral ia,

    Member of Research Advisory Board

    for the Joint ACCA/IAAER/IAESB


    *The organiser reserves the right to change the speakers and topics.

  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)


    Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof) First Name Family Name

      Position Organisation Dietary requirement

      Address Vegetarian


      City Postcode Country Other

      Phone (+ ) Fax (+ ) Nationality

      Mobile(+ ) E-mail (+ ) Passport Issuing Country

    Registration Form


    1st Choice Hotel :

    Check-in Date :

    Room Type Single Twin Double

    2nd Choice Hotel :

    Check-Out Date :

    Number of night(s)

    USD (rate per night)


    PART 2 : HOTEL BOOKING (Please refer to hotel list for your selection) 

    Other Requirement Smoking




    Others :Note: Special requirements are on a first-come basis, subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed 

    accountants: sustaining value creation

    Registration Fee * Early Bird Fee (1 Jan – 30 Jun 2010)  Tick ( ) Regular Fee (1 Jul - 7 Nov 2010)  Tick ( )

    Malaysian Participants * RM2,800 RM3,000

     Accompanying Person * RM1,625 RM1,625




    Concurrent 1

    11.00am - 12.30pm

    International Financial Reporting

    Standard (IFRS) for Small and

    Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

    Becoming a World-Class Player

    Developing the Profession Globally:

    The International Federation of

     Accoun tants (IFAC) ’s Driv ing Fo rce

    Human Governance: The Nucleus

    of Corporate Governance


    The Regulators’ Perspective

    Corporate Reporting to Business

    Reporting – The Way Forward

    Strengthening the Accounting

    Profession in Emerging Economies

     Accoun ting Techni cians

    – The Building Block of the

    Financial Reporting Chain

    9 Nov 2010 10 Nov 2010

    Concurrent 2

    2.00pm - 3.30pm

    Small and Medium Enterprise

    (SME) Financing in the Global

    Market – Is there Room for


    International Auditing and

     Assur ance S tandar ds Boa rd

    (IAASB) Agenda

    Enterprise Governance Framework 

    – Can we afford to Rock the Boat?

    Oversight Boards: The Global

    Experience and Learning

    International Financial Reporting

    Standards (IFRS) Convergence:

    The Way Forward

    Fighting Corruption and Money

    Laundering – The ongoing Battle

    for Accountants

    Shaping the Next Generations

    of Accountants

    Concurrent 3

    4.00pm - 5.30pm

    Capacity Building for Small and

    Medium Practices (SMPs):

    The IFAC’s Initiatives

    Public Sector Accounting:

    Overcoming the Issues and


    Risk Management & Internal Control

    – Does Compliance cost outweigh

    the benefits?Control

    The Essence of Audit Quality

    Quality Business Reporting for

    Decision Making

    – The Best Practices

    eXtensible Business Reporting

    Language (XBRL)

    Climate Change Reporting

    – Saving the Earth

    Concurrent 4

    11.00am - 12.30pm

    Review and Compilation

    Services 2011

    International Education Standards

    – Upholding the Relevance for

    the Future

    The Effect of Shariah Principles on

     Accoun ting M ethods for

    Islamic Banks

    IFAC Member Body Compliance

    Program – How is it Working?

    Fair Value Accounting – Valuation

    Specialists in Corporate

    Reporting Chain

    Corporate Responsibility – Meeting

    the Stakeholders Expectations

    Forensic Accounting: Addressing

    the Challenges in

    Digital Environment

    Concurrent 5

    2.00pm - 3.30pm

    Role of Small Medium Practices

    (SMP) in Providing Business

    Support Services/ SMP as a

    Trusted Business Advisor

    International Ethics Standards

    Board – Adopting the New Code

    of Ethics

     A Glo bally Integr ated Enterp rise

    – Business without Borders

    Function of National Standard

    Setters in International Environment

    – Is Relevance Lost?

    The Resilience of Islamic Finance

    in a Global Financial Meltdown

    Sovereign Debt Crisis

    The International Association for

     Accou nting Educat ion an d Res earch

    - promoting excellence in

    accounting research


    Please select sessions you will be attending.

    * please see reverse for detail.

    for Malaysian only

     Airpor t trans fers can be ar ranged f rom Kua la Lumpur International Airpor t (KLIA ) or Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) to any of the official WCOA 2010 Congress Ho tels. Kindly ema il us

    your date/time of arrival/departure and flight number to [email protected] 30 days prior to your arrival.

    Mode of Transfer Pick-up Point Drop-off Point Price Unit Total Cost (RM)

    KLIA Hotel RM90 RM

    Express Rail Link with Sit-in Coach (per person)Hotel KLIA RM90 RM

      LCCT Hotel RM71 RM

      Hotel LCCT RM71 RM

    Express Rail Link VIP Services (per car)  KLIA / LCCT Sentral / Hotel RM145 RM

      Sentral / Hotel KLIA / LCCT RM145 RM



  • 8/9/2019 WCOA Flyer May 2010 (Msia)


    Please make cheque/bank draft payable to “MIA-WCOA 2010”; state your name, phone number at the back of cheque; and send to:

    WCOA 2010 Congress Secretariat

    No. 39 & 40, Jalan Mamanda 9

    Ampang Point

    68000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Important• WCOA 2010 is not responsible for payment not received as stated above


    • Delegate unable to attend the 18th World Congress of Accountant after having paid their registration fees must provide a written request for their refund. Alternatively,

      delegate can substitute an alternative participant on or before 6th October 2010.

    •  All app roved re funds wi ll be pr ocessed and issued within 60 days a fter the Congress.• For cancellations received on or before 6 October 2010, participant will receive a 50% refund.

    • For cancellations received on or after 7 October 2010, no refunds will be made.

    LIABILITYPersonal travel insurance is strongly recommended, as AOSCE act as agents only in securing hotels, transport and travel services and shall not be liable for acts or defaults in case of injury, damage, loss,

    accident, delay or irregularity of any kind whatsoever during arrangement organized through contractors or the employees of such contractors in carrying out services. Hotel and transportation services are

    subject to the terms and conditions under which they are offered to the public in general. The Organising Committee reserves the right to make changes where deemed necessary, without prior notice to parties

    concerned. All disputes are subject to the Malaysian law. We kindly ask you to authorize us by your signature to use all registration data given in this form for computerized handling of the conference.

    Signature : Date :

     Address : Dewan Akauntan, 2 Jalan Tun Sambanthan 3, Brickfieds, 50470 kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Email : [email protected] 

    Phone : +603 2279 9200

    Website : www.wcoa2010kualalumpur.com


    For enquiries, please contact us at Malaysian Institute of Accountants:

     Address : 39 & 40, Jalan Mamanda 9, Ampang Point, 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.

    Email : [email protected]

    Phone : +603 4252 9100 Fax : +603 4257 1133

    Website : www.wcoa2010kualalumpur.com

    Please return this form to the WCOA 2010 Congress Secretariat:




    Remember to keep a copy of this form for your own record.

    Name of Cardholder : Bank Card Name :

    Card Type Visa Master Expiry Date : (MM/YY)

    Credit Card Number : Security Code (last 3 digits at the reverse of credit card) 

    I hereby authorize MIA to debit my credit card for the total amount of RM

    Signature (As per credit card)  : Date :

    Payment Details Total Cost

    Part 1 : Registration Fees RM

    Part 2 : Hotel Booking RM

    Part 3 : Airport Transfer RM

      Total Cost  RM

    * Registration Fees include:


    • Attendance to all sessions

    • World Congress Credentials• Opening Ceremony• Cultural Performance & Welcome Reception• 1 Lunch and 4 Coffee Breaks• Closing Ceremony• Gala Dinner

     Accompanying Persons

    • Opening Ceremony

    • Cultural Performance & Welcome Reception• City Tour• Closing Ceremony

    • Gala Dinner