Wca Protein

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Transcript of Wca Protein

  • 1. The Importance of Protein

2. Lesson Objectives
1.Identify primary functions of protein in the body
2.Distinguish difference between complete & incomplete protein
3.Know which foods are high quality sources of protein
4.Differentiate between marasmus & kwashiorkor
3. Fast Facts About Protein
Nutrient that supplies energy for the body
1 gram of protein=4 calories
Necessary for growth & repair of body tissue
Tissue building is its primary production
Production of energy is a secondary function
Used for the regulation of body processes
Quality doesnt solely on amino acid content
Also includes how well the body makes use of it
Protein Efficiency Rating (PER)
4. Composition of Protein
Protein is a long chain of amino acids
Body has the ability to produce most amino acids
20 amino acids are important to human nutrition
Nine of which are essential
Protein sources containing all nine are complete proteins
Others known as incomplete proteins
5. Differentiating Between Complete and Incomplete Proteins
Most animal proteins are complete
Many plant proteins are incomplete
Important for vegetarians to note
By combining vegetables and grains, all essential amino acids can be received
6. Complete Proteins
7. Incomplete Proteins
8. Understanding Protein &Discerning Misnomers
Assumption that eating more protein adds muscle
Exercise, not increased protein muscle
Has proven to be harmful
This craze brought in part by coaches
This has shifted to an emphasis to on high-carb diet
Average American gets far more protein than can be used for growth & protein
Excess protein stored as fat
9. Protein Related Illnesses
Not common in the United States
Much more prevalent in 3rd world countries
Especially where deprivation and malnutrition is an issue
Marasmus and Kwashiorkor
Related to protein deficiency
Excess in protein also produces problems
10. Kwashiokor
(KWA shee OR KOR)
The Sickness the older child gets when the next baby is born.
Often due to a switch in diets
Caused by a deficiency of protein
Can be qualitative or quantitative
Symptoms include: swelling (of the face, feet, and belly) thinning hair, discolored, flaking, and cracked skin
11. 12. Marasmus
(muh RAZ mus)
Marasmus is starvation from a lack of food
Stems from a lack of calories or food in a diet
Primary symptom is extreme emaciation
The sufferer is often weak, listless, and an easy target for infection and disease
Body weight can be reduced up to 80 % of the normal weight for that height
13. Protein Excess
High prevalence in the states
Relates to athletics
Contributing factor to obesity
Excess protein stored as fat
May also contribute to dehydration
Breaking down of proteins requires large amounts of water
Intake of abundance of protein has been linked to calcium loss
14. Other Musings
Amount of needed protein varies on an individual basis
Factors include: age, body size, quality of proteins,physical state of the person, growth rate, absence or presence of illness
2-3 servings per day normally adequate
Important to obtain quality proteins such as:
Lean meat, fish, poultry, milk and eggs
For vegetarians fruits or veggies in tandem with grains is a wise choice
15. http://www.edietstar.com/shapeworks/protein.html
16. Links of Interest