As a safety manager, you wear many hats. Your job is to be part salesman, part

policeman and part cheerleader for your company. You manage a variety of complex

programs, train your workers and ensure compliance with regulators, making you

the ultimate multi-tasker. You have to convince upper management and employees

every program and procedure is designed with their best interest in mind and nothing

is a waste of time. You are the eyes and ears of the entire organization.

No wonder you feel overwhelmed.

The workload for safety managers continues to grow every year as new federal

standards and programs are introduced. You know there are no shortcuts in safety,

but there are some ways to work smarter so you can save time and stress less.

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Look for digital solutions so you don’t have to update multiple binders around the site. How many copies of material safety data sheets do you have in your workplace? Depending on the size of your company, you could have dozens scattered throughout the site. If updating yours means printing multiple copies and distributing them each time there’s a minor change, you’re wasting time on paperwork that could be better spent on something that directly impacts your workers.

In a poll by Safety News Alert, safety managers cited keeping up with regulations among their top three concerns, following the challenges of getting senior management to buy into safety and getting cooperation from employees, their primary concern.

It’s time to start migrating to digital solutions if your company isn’t making that transition already.


Create a one-stop shop where employees can access all your company’s safety information.Look for a software system that integrates multiple safety modules — material safety data sheets, job safety analyses, lockout/tagout procedures and others — into one location that’s easy to search and update. Not only will this cut down on needless paperwork, it will make it much easier for employees to access the information.

A few questions you should ask any safety software provider:• How frequently is the software updated? Updates should be constant to reflect changes in OSHA regulations.

• How easily can employees access the information?

• Is there a limit on how many administrators & users we can have? Can we have multiple users logged in at the same time?

• Does the software remind you of deadlines for audits, training and program changes?

• What does it cost? Does that include monthly license fees and maintenance fees?

• What type of technical support does the company offer?


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Create a single area where you can recall any safety information in just minutes. This will help you pass OSHA audits quickly and successfully. Preparing for your next audit is much easier when your safety records are updated and easily searchable. An integrated safety software system allows you to manage not only procedures and training records, but also your incidents. Consider a system that automates the process of reporting them to OSHA. This will save you time and assure all your documents are in order when you or an inspector needs to reference them. You should be able to upload all information that’s relevant to an investigation, including photos, statements and initial findings.

With a process like this in place, you’ll be able to pull information up quickly and provide an immediate response when an OSHA inspector asks for it. If you choose to do so, you can even give the inspector remote access to your information, increasing your company’s transparency. This shows you’re in control and leading the charge in not only reacting to incidents, but proactively taking steps to prevent them.


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Engage your IT department early on and help it understand why you need a safety management solution everyone can access. People are more likely to resist change if they think it’s being forced onto them, and your information technology managers are no exception. All too often, department managers approach the IT staff as an afterthought when they’ve already made a decision. Start talking to your IT managers now so they won’t feel like you’re making unrealistic demands on them. Ask them what it would take for a new program to be successfully implemented long before you’ve made a decision. Find out what concerns they have. Think like an IT professional as you ask questions.

The more information you can present to your IT managers ahead of time, the more helpful they’re likely to be. Show them the transition will be seamless, ultimately saving them time and money in the long run, and the software will sell itself.


If you don’t speak networking, here are a few questions to help you get started:• ●What existing computer program do we need to run the software?

• ●Where is the software hosted? Are we able to host it on our own servers instead of the existing location?

• ●Can it be integrated with the programs we currently have?

• ●What is the storage capacity?

• ●How easily can we upload information?

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Make your employees accountable for their own safety. When seat belts first became standard in vehicles, they weren’t widely used. It took decades, new laws and a series of awareness campaigns to convince drivers to adopt the use of seat belts as part of their routine. The “Click It or Ticket” campaign has proven effective in increasing the use of seat belts across the country over the past decade, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Seat belt use increased each year from 2001, one year after the campaign launched, to 2007. These efforts have contributed to an overall increase in use over the past 20 years, from just 59 percent in 1991 to 82 percent in 2007, according to NHTSA data.

Similarly, safety in the workplace is a learned behavior that develops over time. As a safety manager, you play an important role in creating a culture that embraces it. Workers who feel your company makes their safety the top priority will take steps to stay safe for the right reasons. You can use your safety database to keep employees informed about recently observed trends and incidents that could have been prevented. Use these observations to educate, rather than blame. If you can point to a specific instance where a worker was injured carrying a toolbox while attempting to climb a ladder, they’ll be more likely to follow the correct climbing procedure next time. They’ll remind each other to maintain three points of contact on the ladder at all times because they know the risks are real—and not just because you’re watching.

To increase workers’ accountability, start by studying your incident reports and identifying trends. Wherever you find gaps between the correct procedure and your workers’ typical behavior, there is room for improvement.


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Create a plan for inspiring and encouraging employees to use your safety solution. Any new campaign should be personal, compelling and simple enough to recall in an instant. It begins at the ground level, with plenty of input and involvement from workers.

The construction industry has had success with the “buddy system” of pairing up employees who are responsible for fitting and checking each other’s personal protective equipment to be sure they are using it properly. When workers feel accountable for each other, they’re more likely to be alert and correct unsafe behaviors. Other industries have established a routine of 2-minute drills required before each job begins. Employees use a checklist, or drill card, to identify potential risks associated with each task and discuss a plan for mitigating them. They make observations about conditions that may have changed at the job site since the previous day so they can be prepared to respond accordingly.

The nuclear industry and others have used the “Target Zero” campaign or similar slogans aimed at reminding workers daily of the goal for everyone to go home in the same condition as they arrived.

Lockheed Martin is one workplace that credits“Target Zero” for directly reducing worker injuries and OSHA recordable incidents. The campaign appeals to workers’ emotions with messages from fellow colleagues who explain their reasons for staying safe. From 2003 to 2012, the aeronautics and defense company experienced a 75 percent decrease in the severity of worker injuries (measured by lost days), and a 55 percent decrease in recordables, according to its data.

The messages your workers see and hear each day should emphasize these goals. A few haphazardly hung safety posters won’t cut it either. Find ways to partner with your senior management team or corporate office, if applicable, and develop a targeted safety campaign. This could include asking workers to think about their reasons for staying safe each day and having them sign banners to affirm their commitment.


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Search out ways to lower incident reports and workers’ comp and insurance costs. Prevention begins with education. You’re probably already familiar with the common causes of workers’ compensation claims in your industry, but the data may change from one year to the next. Subscribe to safety-related publications, such as the National Safety Council and news releases from OSHA and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which maintain information about workplace fatalities and injuries.

Fatalities have declined in some areas but risen in others. After five years of decline, fatal work injuries increased 5 percent in the private construction industry from 738 to 775 in 2012, according to a 2013 news release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The report also points to other trends, including the most likely causes of death. Transportation incidents — including both roadway accidents and those involving farming vehicles or aircrafts — represent the most common causes of occupational fatalities at 41 percent, according to the statistics. Falls, slips and trips are second most common cause, accounting for 15 percent of all fatalities. This is followed by contact with objects and equipment (16 percent) and workplace violence (11 percent).

While it’s important to be aware of national trends, you also need to keep a close eye on your company’s own data. Once you have it in a format that’s easily searchable, focus on using it to prevent injuries and reduce workers’ compensation costs. Review recent claims to determine what’s driving them. Use these drivers to prioritize spending your limited funds. If you’ve had several slips in a particular area of the site, for instance, consider whether you need non-skid matting.

Once you’ve identified these fixes, make them resonate among your employees so they’ll stick. Establish a safety committee that includes representatives from all levels of the company. This group should meet periodically to review trends and areas in need of improvement. Don’t just look at incidents. Train representatives to make periodic field observations and coach employees when appropriate. Have them look for proper use of personal protective equipment, safe behaviors and potential job site hazards, such as unsecured electrical cords and slick surfaces. Examine these findings along with any near-misses. Remind your employees that reporting near-misses is a requirement just as important as reporting incidents.


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Find a solution that saves, rather than spends money. Look for a comprehensive approach that cuts costs without compromising quality. This should address every aspect of worker safety, from determining fitness for duty and ensuring employees are properly qualified for each task to continued training throughout their career.

Use your safety database to produce a monthly report for these programs that includes how many employees participated and the total cost. You should also maintain monthly incident reports so you can keep track of how specific programs have reduced incidents. It all translates into proof you’re saving the company money.


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Don’t allow yourself or your team to become “stuck” in a corporate infrastructure mindset. Changing a company culture requires a creative approach. Senior management officials may caution you against trying something that hasn’t been done before, but when it comes to safety, you’re the expert.

Don’t be afraid to challenge longstanding philosophies. It’s your job to educate managers about the most common safety violations, new regulations and technology that can help your company move beyond mere compliance. Emphasize your desire to improve the overall safety culture and how your proposals align with that goal. Use data to back up your assertions. Provide reassurance that you’ve explored all aspects of how your proposals will impact the company. Let them know you’ve addressed the IT department’s questions about security and have the support of your workers in implementing any changes.

As a safety manager, you need to be the voice lobbying for continuous improvement. The National Safety Council recommends framing this discussion with three simple questions:

• Where is your company now compared to where do you want it

to be? In addition to reviewing your company’s safety data, consider

surveying your employees on their perceptions of safety in the workplace

to identify shortfalls. This will give you a baseline of the safety culture as

workers see it now, rather than what your managers think it is.

• How do you move forward? Set specific

goals for your company and determine what

smaller steps you need to take to accomplish

them. Do you need additional training? Better

communication with workers? Equipment


• How do you manage your improvement and

measure your progress? With every step, use

analytical data to determine whether you’re

moving forward.


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An integrated safety software system can help you identify improvements your company needs, manage all your documents, training and programs and help you keep track of how effective they are over time. The next time an OSHA inspector or your vice president asks what you’re doing to prevent injuries — and ultimately boost your bottom line — you’ll be able to show them exactly what you’ve implemented and how well it’s working.

BasicSafe is one such system that is easy to use and affordable for any size business. It’s designed to handle the administrative side of safety so you can focus on your workers.


To learn more about its benefits, contact BasicSafe today.