Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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Transcript of Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    I , ~ o s 0 I FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT in Government Act ofl978R e ~ . . ~ / 2 0 1 o [ FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009I . P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g ( l a s t n a m e . f i r s t , m i d ~ c i n i t i a l ) 2 . C o u r o r O r g a n i z a t i u n 3 . D a t ~ o f R e p o r t


    4, Title {Article HI judges indicate octivc or senior s:atus; 5a. Rt.i)ort Type (d~eck ~pproF:~alc Ivpc 6. Rrl)orlil~ P~riodmag~str~te judges indicate fidl-H_S.I)ISIRICTCOURTJUDGE ~ Init,d ~ .~,:,~..I ~ I:i,~al ~ o12/31/2009

    i 5~. ~ Amended I{eporl

    Suite 1486Chicago. l~linois 60604 Reviewing Officer D a l e

    IMPORTANT NOTES: Tire instructions uccompan "inx this fi~rm must be folh~wed. Complete oll l,artx ,checking the NON E b~x f!tr euth part where )~n hav e tto reportable information. Sign on la.stpag.

    NOblE (No reportable po.sitions.)POSITION N A M E O F ORGANIZATION/ENTITY

    Director Rehab ilitatior~ Inslituw of Ch icago

    C- ~r - " " ~;.~ F ~ " I:-- :

    11. AGREEMENTS. ~ . . ~ , , . . i, , ~ ~ . d . . ~ , , o ~ , , .~ , : . ,, , ,, . p . . - ~ , , : : . i. , ~ ~ . . . .. . . , ,i, , . , . , .:~ NONE (No r~ortable ~grcements.)

    P AR T I E S AN D T E R M S

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINA~:CIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT NPage 2 of 9 A . ~ D E a S E . S , W n V , ~ E a . 0 4 3 0 / 2 0 ~ 0

    I l L N O N - IN V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . tR~o.in.i~.i,.id.o~r . . . . . . : ~ . ~ , . . ~ . ~ : - 2 ~ o / / i . ,, g i . . . . .. . . , i , , . , . ;A. Filers N on-Investment IncomeNO~ (No reportah/e n~m-imestment income.)

    DATE S O l ) R C E AN D T YP E INCOM E( )ours, nut ~pouScS)I.




    1~. S po II s~" s N lili- | lives tmen t 1 n co 111 t~ -/]you were married during any portion ~qthe reporting )ear. coral,/et this se~tiott

    [~] N O N E (No reportable nt~n-investment income.)DATE S O U R C E A N D T Y P E

    1. Year 2009 ISala%"



    N O N E (No r~7~ortab/e reimb;;rsentents.)~OURCli DATt~S. LOCATION PU R PO S E ITE !VlS PAID OR PR O VID ED


  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L D I S C LO S U R E R EP O R TPage 3 of 9 ANDERSEN, SVAYNE R. 04/30/2010

    ~ N O N E :No reportable g~[L~.)SOURCE DESCRIPTION VAI.UE



    [ N O N E (No reportable liabilities.)C R E D I T O R DESCRIPTION \,A I.~IE ~OI)E

    1.2 .3



  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L D I S C LO S U R E R EP O R T N ~ . , ~ o f P c .... Reporting DzteofReporPage 4 o f 9 .ANDERSEN, WAYNE R. 04t3012010

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R USTS - i . . . . . . . . . ~ , ~ . , . . . . . . a o . ~ tl,,tu~e., ,h ..... sr ....... ~ dW ,,den, ,mtUren ;N O N E (]Vo rt7~ortable income, assets, or transactions.)

    Place "~ X )" aRc~ each ~sct Amount Type ~c,~. Value Value Type {e.g. Dale Value

    I Checkiug accuumGlen~ew State Bank A Interest J T

    9 .. Checkin~ accoum Chase I-Lank,,formeHy A Intcrcsl J TBank O ae3. Wcsl Point Bank Ch ecking Account A Interest J T

    4. IL. Judges RetirememSystemPension E Distribution K "I-Vested5. IL. Judges Retircmenl System Pension N o n e J TVested6 II. State Employees RetirememVested C D ut~ib ufion J7. U.S. Savings Bond None L T8 . US Sav ings B,md None J T9. N orthw eslem Mutual Life Policies None K "1"

    1 0 . I)eYerrcd compensation.--] None M TI 1 . Abb,.,It Labs B Dividend K T Buy 0 8 , 2 8 . 0 9 K1 2 . Adobe Systems l.c None J T1 3 . Ad.,be S ystems Inc. None Sold 02/2409 J1 4 . Acrcap l-!aid!rigs NV S IIS None J T .I

    15 Aercap l loldings I IV SI IS None J T J [1 6 . Annaly Cupital Management Inc REIT B Dividend K T K1 7 . Apple Inc D Dividend K T K

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Name o f Person Reporting I Date o f ReportF IN AN C IAL D ISC L OSU R E R E POR TANDERSEN, W A Y N E R .age 5 of 9 I 0 4 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 0

    V I I. I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i ......... i.~. , ...... io~ u~a.~. . . . . . , ~ . . . . . . . . ~ ~w ~., ~u,~: ~. ~. ~oN O N E (No reportable income, assets, or tran.vactions.)

    A. B. - ..... C: ] DDescription o f Assets Income during Gross value at end~ T~itrlsacUons du~illg reporting(including trust .... k s) rc~ing ~ri~ of rcpom~?.~ ~fi~(I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4)Place "(X)" after each ~set ~ Amotmt T~ (e.g., Value Value T~c (c.g, Date Value Gain Identity ofexempt from pdo r disclosure Code I div.. rein, Code 2 Mc&t~ buy, sell, mmddtyy (?ode 2 CtMe I ~ buycr,~ller(A-f0 O t i~t ) (J-P) Cudc 3 ~cdcmp~ion) (J-I) (AdO If (il~fivat~(Q-WI tra~action)

    18 . Archer Daniels Midland C~nv C Dividend K T Buy 04/07/09 K

    19, Ar~io Glob al l ligh Income A Dividend K T Buy 09/17/09 K2 0 . A T & T Inc. N one K T K2 I . Avo n Products Inc. N o n c Sold 05/05/092 2 . BP PLC Spon Ad r D Dividend K T K2 3 . Bristol Myers Squibb Co. C Dividend K T K24. Bristol Myers Squibb Co. A Dividend J l~uy 04/21/09 J

    (addl)25. Cinemark Holdings Inc. C Dividend J T Bu y 05/07/09 J

    2 6 . Cinemark IIoldings Inc. A Dividend J T Buy(addl)2 7 . CME Group loc. A Dividend J T28 . (ME Group Inc. N o n e J T29. EMC Corp Mass * C D iv idend J T J30 Family Dollar ,Stores N o n e J T Buy 06,04/09 J3 1 . Family Dollar Stores None J T Buy 06/05/09 J(addl)

    3 2 . Family Dollar Stores None J T Buy 0 9 1 0 3 1 0 9 l(addl)3 3 . Gilead Sciences Inc. B Dividend K " 1 K3,:1. lllieois College Plan Nnoe M T [ l t ~ y 05/22/09 M

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L D I S C LO S U R E R EP O R T N .... f P .....Reporting Date o[ ReportPage 6 of 9 ANDERSEN, W A Y N E R . 0 4 i 3 0 / 2 0 1 0

    VII. IN VESTMEN TS and TRUSTS - i ......... ~ ......... a o , ~ (Includ~ thos~ of sp .....d depemdinl e h i l d r e n , , , p p . J ~ of filing ~sttuctionx.)~ N O N E (N o r~ortable income, assels, or transactions.)~ A. ] ~ . C . D -De~ription of Assets 1, Income during Gross valuo at ~d TransacBons(including ~st ~sets) : rc~rting ~ri~ of reporting p~od

    (t) (~) (t) (2) (t) (2) (3) (,q ~ (5)Place ~(X)" aflcr each asset Amount Type (e.g, Vahle Vah)c "1~ (e g, Date Value Gain[ Identity ofexempt from prior d~sclosurc Ct;dc I dN ., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, nxmql&~ . Code 2 Code [ buyedscllcr


    35. Ish~tres Barclays Tips Bond Fund "* N o n e So ld 02,20/09 K

    36 . Ishares Barclays Tips Bond Fund "* A Dividend So ld 02/20/09 J

    3 7 . LaSafle Hotel Properties SBI N one J T Buy 02105/09 J38 . McD0nakla Corp. D Dividend K T

    39 . Cal l Moasanto C o (OPTION) N o n e J T Bu y 06124/09 J

    40. Call Moasanto Co. (OPTION) N o ne So ld 06/16/09 J

    4 1 . Call gtonsanto C o (OPTION ). None J " 1 Buy 10/05/09 J 1 2 . Call Monsanto Co. (O! TION). No t re Sold 09111/09 J

    43. Natl Bank Greece SA Spon ADR N o n e Sold 07/20/09 J

    4 4 . Procter & Gamble Co . N onc Sold 06/22109 Ka5. Queslar Corp N o a e Sold 01/26/09 K

    4 6 . R o g c t ta S m m : None J T Buy 06:26/09 K47 SPDR G old Toast (muma! fund) A Dividend Sold 02/20/09 J A4 8 . SPDR Gnld Trust (mutual fund) B Dividend Buy 03/06/09 J4 9 . SPDP, G old Trust (mutual fund) B D i v i d e t ~ . d Sold 1 0 / 0 , g / 0 9 K C5 0 . Symantec N one Sold 01/26/09 JS I. Syngema AG Sporl AI)R C Dividend Sold 05/12/09 J C

    I tncomeGa,,l(7ode~ A~$1.000orlts~ B=$i.00t-i2,500 C:$2,501 $5,0~1 D =$5 ,001-$15.000 E =115.001-15 00O O

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F]NAINCIAL DISCLOSURE REPO RT N.me of P erson Report ingPage 7 of 9 ANDERSEN, W A Y N E R . ~ / 3 0 , ~ 0 1 0VII. IN VESTMENTS and TRUSTS - i ........ ~,

    N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)A. ~ B. I C. D.De~ip~on of Asse~ ~ Income during [ G:oss value at end T~an~ctions during ~epo~mg period(including t~st asse~) ~ re.fling ~ri~ ofreporling F~rlo~

    O) ~1 0) t~) .... 0) ..... ~ " (2) " (~ (4) ..... (~) --Place "(X)" after each assl Amount Ty~ (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g, . Date,.: Vahte Gain I~enti~ of

    flora pfor disclo~re Code 1 div., rent, C~c 2 Mc~t~ buy. sell, ~nu~d~yy [ Ct~c 2 Code I buycr;~llcr(A-H) or int) (~ P) Code 3 redemption) [i ~:(J-P) (A-I[) (if private(Q-W) lra~saction)

    52 . TC ~~ Total Ream Bond Fund A Dividend K T DtD 06/22/09 K

    53 . Teva Pharmaceutlcals IND LTD B Dividend J T Bu y 09/04/09 J

    5 4 . United Teclm,Jlogies Corp. None Sold 07/16/09 K5 5 . Vcri~k Analytics Inc. EL A A Dividend J "I" Buy 1 0 / 2 6 / 0 9 J56 . Verisk Aaalytics Inc. CL A A Dividend 3 f Bu y 1 I116/09 J(addl)57 . Viac~Jtt Inc. MW A Dividend J T Bu y ! 05i13/09 3

    58 , Wal blart Stores Inc. N o ne S o ld 01/08/09 J

    59 . Walt Disney Co . (Holding Co .) Disney corn D Dividend So ld 04/23/09 J Dt ~ 0 . American Century 20th Mutual Funds [The A Dividend L T

    Ultra Fund]6 1 . Janus ~lutual Funds [The Overseas Fund] A Dividend I. "r

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L D I S C LO S U R E R EP O R T N .... fPcrson Reporting [ Date of ReporlPage 8 of 9 ANDERSEN, WAYNE R.[

    0 4 1 30 / 2 0 1 0


    UStlS Financial Services, Inc. is fl~c custodia~ of my IRA account. UBS Finas~cial Services, Inc. and Smlh Mt~ore & Cumpany inves~ cash on hand in accourl[sheld in ~heir narnc in money market fian&s, which we believe, they choose and manage.

    * EMC was listcd as sold in my 2008 Financial Disclosure, when in fact, it was a partial sale I still own "~ shares of this slocklshares Barclays Tips Bond Fund had been purchased in 2008, but 1 erroneously l:ailed to ~epo~t the purchase. The sh~res have been sold, as indic:~ted onmy 2t)09 Final~cial Disclosure

  • 8/3/2019 Wayne R Andersen Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINAN CIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N .....fP . . . . . R e p o r t i n g [ Da,,olR,porlPage 9 of 9 ANDERSEN, W A Y N E R . I 0 4 1 3 0 / 2 0 1 0

    IX. CERTIFICATION .I certify that all information given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or depcndeut ~hildrcn, if any) isaccurate, true, and complete to the b est of my k nowledge and belief, and th at any Information not reported was w ithheld because it met applicable statutoryprovisions permitting non-dlsclosure.I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have hecn reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 et. seq., .; U.S.C. 7353, and J ud icial Conference regulations.

    S i l z n a t u r e _ ~


    F IL I N G I N S T R U C T IO N SMail signcd original and 3 additic~nal ciqfies m:

    Committee on Financial DisclosureAdministrative Oflicc of th e United States CourlsSuile 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E_Washington, D.C. 20544