water supply and waste discharge

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    The problem of estimating the quantity of water may be tackled by studying inthe following two factors:

    Rate of demand


    Rate of demandIn order to arrive at a reasonable value of rate of demand for any particular

    town, the demand of water for

    various purposes is divided under the following five categories:

    Domestic purposes

    Civic or public purposes

    Industrial purposes

    Business or trade purposes

    Loss and waste

    1) Domestic purposes

    The quantity of water required for domestic purposes can be sub-divided asfollows:

    i. Drinking: The quantity of water which a man would require for drinkingdepends on various factors. But on the average and under normalconditions, it is about 2 liters per day.

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    ii. Cooking: The amount of water required for cooking may be assumed as

    about 5 liters per head per day.

    iii. Bathing: For an Indian bath, this quantity may be assumed as about 30 to

    40 liters head per day and for tub-bath, it may be taken as about 50 to 80

    liters per head per day.iv. Washing hands, face etc.: The quantity of water required for this purpose

    will depend on the habits of people and may roughly be taken as 5 to 10

    liters per head per day.

    v. household sanitary purposes: The water required for washing clothes ,

    floors, utensils, etc. may be assumed to be about 50 to 60 liters per head

    per day.

    vi. Private gardening and irrigation: In case of developed cities, there will be

    practcally no demand of water for this purpose. In case of underdeveloped

    cities, the private wells are generally used to provide water for private

    gardening and irrigation. It is therefore not essential to include he quantity

    of water required for this purpose in case of public water supply project.vii. Domestic animals and private vehicles:

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    2) Civic and public purposes: the quantity of water required for civic or

    public purposes can be sub-divided as follows:

    i. Road washing: On an average, the quantity of water required for this

    purpose may be taken as about 5 liters/head/day.

    ii. Sanitation purposes: The quantity of water required for this purpose will

    depend on the growth of civilization and may be assumed to be about 2 to

    3 litres per head per day.

    iii. Ornamental purposes: In order to adorn the town with decorative features,

    the fountains or lakes or ponds are sometimes are provided. As far asindian towns are concerned, the quantity of water required for this purpose

    may be treated as quite negligible since in most of the towns, the quantity

    of water available is enough even to meet with the most urgent needs of

    the society.

    iv. Fire demand: the fire hydrants are located in the mains at distances of not

    more than 150 metres or so. When a fire occurs, the pumps installed ontrucks are immediately rushed to the site of fire occurrence and these

    pumps, when connected to the fire hydrants, are capable of throwing

    water with high pressure. The fire is thus brought under control.

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    3) Business or trade purposes: some trades such as dairies, hotels,

    laundries, motor garages, restaurants, stables, schools, hospitals, cinema

    halls, theatres, etc. require a large quantity of water. The number of such

    business centres will depend upon the population and for a moderate city, an

    average value of about 15 to 25 litres of water per head per day may betaken as water requirement for this purpose.

    4) Loss and waste: The quantity of water required under this catergory is

    sometimes termed as the unaccounted requirement. It includes careless use

    of water, leakage in mains, valves, other fittings, etc. for the purpose of

    calculating the average rate of demand, it may be estimated to be about 30

    to 40 per cent of per capita consumption.Factors affecting rate of demand:

    1) Climatic conditions: the requirement of water in summer is ore than in

    winter. In extreme cold, people may keep water taps open to freezing of

    pipes. This may result in increased rate of consumption

    2) Cost of water: the rate at which water is supplied to consumers may alsoaffect the rate of demand. The higher the cost, the lower will be the rate of

    demand and vice versa.

    3) Distribution pressure: the consumption of water increases with increase in

    the distribution pressure. This is due to loss and waste of water at high


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    4) Habits of population: for high- value premises, the consumption rate ofwater will be more due to better standard of living of persons. For middle class premises, the consumption rate will be average while in case of slumareas, it will be much lower.

    5) Industries: the presence or absence of industries in a city may also affect

    its rate of demand. As there is no direct relation between the waterrequirement for industries and population, it is necessary to calculatecarefully present and future requirements of industries.

    6) Policy of metering: the quantity of water supplied to a building isrecorded by a water meter and the consumer is then charged accordingly.The installation of meters reduces the rate of consumption. But the fact ofadopting policy of metering is disputable one as seen from the following

    arguments which are advanced for and against it.7) Quantity of water: the improvement in quality of water may result in the

    increase of rate of consumption.

    8) Sewerage: the existence of sewerage system in a locality will lead to anincrease in use of water for civic or public purposes.

    9) Size of city: generally, smaller the city , the lower is rate of demand. Butthe presence of a waterconsuming industry in a small town may resultin a higher rate of demand, even if the town is small.

    10) System of supply: the supply of water may be continuous or intermittent.It is claimed that the intermittent supply of water will reduce the rate ofdemand.

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    Measurement of water:1) Reasons to measure the quantity of water:

    i. To ascertain the quantity of water to supplied free of charge.

    ii. To determine the costs of treated water at different stages of operations.

    iii. To give an idea of operation efficiencies of various units of the water supply


    iv. To maintain records for administrative purposes.

    v. To measure the quantity of water to be sold either on retail basis to the

    individuals or on wholesale basis to another supply.vi. To provide a control on operations of various units such as pumps, elevated

    reservoirs, chemical feeding devices, etc.

    2) Categories of meters to measure water:

    i. Displacement type: such meters contain a vessel of known volume and the

    number of times it is filled and emptied is automatically recorded. This type ofmeter is useful for small installations to measure relatively small quantity of

    flow as in case of hotels, residential buildings, etc.

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    ii. Velocity type: such meters are turbine or venturi type and they contain adevice by which a vane or propeller turns in direct ratio to the quantity of

    flow passing through the propeller. This type of meter is

    useful for big installations such as on pumps, water main lines, etc.

    3) Points to select for any water meter: In any case, the following points

    should be considered while making selection for any water meter:

    i. accuracy of measurement

    ii. Availability of spare parts

    iii. Capacity with minimum head loss

    iv. Cost

    v. Durability

    vi. Ease of repair

    vii. Noise during working

    viii. Quality of workmanship

    ix. Registration with varying discharges

    x. Self cleansing property etc

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    Effects of variation on designThe water supply units are designed in accordance with the fluctuations or

    variations in rate of demand .

    i. the pumps and filters are generally designed for 1.50 times the averagerate of daily demand.

    ii. If pumps are working in shifts, the abpve rate is still to be multiplied by the

    ratio of 24 hours to pumping hours.

    iii. The distribution mains are to be designed for the maximum hourly demand

    on maximum day.iv. The other units of water supply scheme such as sedimentation tanks and

    overhead tanks are designed for the average daily rate of demand only.

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    water requirements for buildings other

    than residences:

    No. Type of buildings Waterrequirement

    in litres per


    1. Cinema and concert halls 15 per seat

    2. Factories 50 Per worker3. Hospitals with less than

    100 beds

    340 per bed

    4 Hospitals with more than

    100 beds

    450 per bed

    5 Hostels 135 per head

    6 hotels 180 per bed

    7 Medical quarters 135 per head

    8 offices 45 per head

    9 restaurants 70 per head10 schools 45 per head

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    Estimating populationThe term population is used to indiate the total number of human beings

    residing in a certain area at any

    particular time.

    The future period for which various service units of water supply or sanitary

    engineering are designed is known as the period of design.

    Period of design for important components of water supply project

    no. Component Period ofdesign in


    1. Clear water service reservoirs 15

    2. Conveying pipes for raw and clear



    3. Distribution system 30

    4 Electric motors and pumps 15

    5. Infiltration works 30

    6. storage reservoirs 50

    7. Water treatment units 15

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    The termpopulation densityis used to indicate the number of persons per unit

    area and the distribution of population is well studied by finding out the

    population densities of various parts of the city.

    Methods of populationFollowing are the various methods of population forecasts or population

    projections and the selection of method will naturally depend on the

    available data:

    i. Arithmetical increase methodii. Geometrical increase method

    iii. Incremental increase method

    iv. Graphical method

    v. Comparative method

    vi. Zoning methodvii. Ratio and correlation method

    viii. Growth composition analysis method

    ix. Logistic curve method

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    Sources of water supply

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    Surface runoff

    The net quantity of water which remains on the surface after losses from

    evaporation, percolation and transpiration is termed as surface runoff.

    Seen in the form of various streams which ultimately join and form river

    Harmful effects of surface runoff

    Economic use requires costly reservoirs or land improvement schemes


    Loss of water

    Occurrence of flood

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    Factors affecting runoff coefficient Catchment area

    Characteristics of catchment

    Condition of ground at the time of rainfall

    Intensity of rainfall

    Interval between successive hours

    Season of rainfall Yearly rainfall

    NoteRunoff coefficient : ratio of surface runoff from an area to the total rainfall on that area

    in a fixed interval of time.

    Catchment area : upstream area contributing to the water of a river

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    Water which returns to the surface of earth in forms like rain, snow etc.

    Types of precipitation

    Convective precipitation

    Cyclonic precipitation

    Orographic precipitation

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    Measurement of rainfall

    Measured by standard instruments known as rain gauges

    Non recording type gauge

    Recording or automatic gauge

    Following points should be kept in mind while selecting site of rain gauge:


    Protection of side


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    Types of sources for water supply

    schemes Surface sources

    Underground sources

    Factors affecting choice of source of water supply for a particular town or





    Quality of water

    Quantity of water

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    Surface sources of water supply

    Lakes and streams



    Storage reservoirs

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    Lakes and streams Lake- large body of water with impervious bed and may be used as a

    source of water supply for nearby localities Streams-formed by surface runoff

    Catchment area of lakes and streams is very small, hence low quantity of

    water available.

    Not considered as principal sources of water supply schemes for large

    cities. Adopted for hilly areas and small towns


    Man made body of standing water smaller than lake Formed due to excessive digging of ground for the construction of roads,

    houses etc.

    Cant be adopted as a source of water supply and its water can only be

    used for washing of clothes or for animal washing

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    Principal source of water supply schemes for many cities

    Perennial rivers- snow fed , water flows in all seasons

    Non-perennialdry in summers, heavily flooded in monsoon

    Chief points to be considered in investigating a river supply of water are:

    Adequacy of storage of purified water

    Efficiency of subsequent stages of purification system adopted

    General nature of river, rate of flow and the distance between the sources of

    pollution and the intake of water

    Relative proportions of the polluting matter and the flow of river when at its


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    Storage reservoirs

    An artificial lake formed of dam by the construction of dam across a valley

    A storage reservoir essentially consists of the following 3 parts:

    A dam to hold water

    A spillway to allow the excess water to flow

    A gate chamber containing necessary valves for regulating the flow of water

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    Forms of Underground sources of

    water supply

    Infiltration galleries

    Infiltration wells



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    Infiltration gallery

    Horizontal or nearly horizontal tunnel which is constructed through water

    bearing strata.

    Useful source of water supply when ground water is available in sufficient

    quantity just below ground level or so.

    Usually constructed at depth of about 5-10m form the ground level.

    Infiltration wells In order to obtain large quantities of water, infiltration wells are sunk in

    series in the banks of river.

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    When underground water appears at the surface for any reason, springs are


    Serve as a source of water supply for small towns, especially near hills or

    bases of hills.

    Hot springs (discharge hot water) cant be used to supply water for domestic


    Factors to be noted when a spring needs to be developed as a source of

    water: should be easier, cheaper, and surer enough to develop the spring than to adopt

    any other source of water supply for the locality

    The flow of water should be adequate even in dry weather

    should be adequately protected from the pollution sources

    Should be located so as to have natural gravity flow

    The water should be of good quality

    Types of springs:

    Artesian spring

    Gravity spring

    Surface spring

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    Artificial hole or pit made in the ground for the purpose of tapping water

    3 factors which form the basis of theory of wells are:

    Geological conditions of the earths surface

    Porosity of various layers

    Quantity of water which is absorbed and stored in different layers

    Types of wells

    Shallow wells

    Deep wells

    Tube wells

    Artesian wells

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    No. Item Surface sources Underground sources

    1. Forms in which


    Lakes, streams, ponds, rivers,

    storage reservoirs

    Infiltration galleries,

    infiltration wells, springs,

    wells2. Quality of water Sometimes highly polluted

    and unsafe to consume,

    contain inorganic impurities,

    organic impurities and

    industrial wastes

    Generally free from

    impurities because of natural

    filtration but may contain

    large amounts of dissolved

    salts, minerals and gases

    3. Quantity of water Huge quantity of water is

    available during monsoon,

    but is considerably reduced

    during summer

    Quantity of water available is

    generally limited

    4. Treatment Suitably tested and a line of

    treatment is to be decidedbefore they are adopted for

    public use

    Can be supplied to public

    with no or minor treatmentonly

    5. Use Useful for big towns and

    cities, can be adopted for

    irrigation facilities as well

    Useful for small towns and

    villages only

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    The impurities of water are to be removed so that it does not prove harmful

    for public health.

    Uses of water: domestic, civic(washing of roads, sewers),trade or business use

    (laundry) , commercial or industrial use

    Impurities in water: Physical impurities

    Chemical impurities

    Bacteriological impurities

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    Physical tests

    Chemical tests

    Bacteriological tests

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    1. colour:

    sources contributing colour to the water. Algae metabolism End products of degraded organic matter Discharge of untreated and partially treated waste water from various

    industries Divalent species containing iron and manganese

    Tintometer: instrument used to measure colour in water

    Disadvantages of water possessing colour: Many colour bodies in nature are colloidal and behave as absorbents. Thus,

    they exert toxicity to aquatic life. Coloured water in unsuitable for various industries like dairy production,laundry etc.

    Coloured water retard photosynthetic reactions.

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    2.taste and odour:

    Odour is expressed as disagreeable, earthy, fishy, grassy, mouldy, peaty, sweetishetc.

    Taste is expressed as blackish, saline, salty, etc.


    Multiplication of bacteria in water is more rapid at higher temperature than inwaters at lower temp.

    4. turbidity:

    The colloidal matter present in water interferes with passage of light and thusimpart turbidity to water.

    Caused due to clay and silt particles, discharges of sewage, microorganisms, etc.

    Instruments used to measure turbidity: turbidity rod, Jackson turbidimeter,

    naphelometric turbidimeter.

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    Tests are carried out to examine water for:


    Dissolved gasses


    Hydrogen-ion concentration(pH value) Alkalinity


    Metals and other chemical substances

    Nitrogen and its compounds

    Total solids

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    Total count or agar plate count test

    B-coli test:the combined group of pathogenic(harmful) and non-pathogenic(harmless) bacteria is designated by bacillus coil(bacterium &intestine) or b-coli test

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    Diseases carried out by water : cholera,dysentery, typhoid, etc.

    Caused by pathogenic bacteria.

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    The first stage of treatment is PREFILTRATIONof water and it includes provision

    of sedimentation tanks or settlement tanks or clarifiers.

    They are designed to give complete rest to the flowing water or water is allowed to

    flow at a very slow pace.

    To make the process of sedimentation tans effective, the coagulants are added to

    the water before it is brought to the sedimentation tanks.

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    In water there are mainly two types of impurities :

    1. Inorganic suspended solids ( heavier)

    2. Organic suspended solids (lighter )

    The phenomenon of settling down of particles at the bottom of the sedimentation

    tanksis known as the HYDRAULIC SUBSIDENCE.

    The process of settlement of particles is obstructed by three forces:

    1. Velocity of flow

    2. Size and shape of particle3. Viscosity of water

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    The water is filled and then allowed to rest for some time.

    The particles settle down at the bottom.

    The clear water is then drawn off and the tank is cleaned and filled again.

    Period of rest to cause settlement = 24 hours or so

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    1. Labor and supervision - These tanks are to be filled ,emptied , washed,

    cleaned everyday. These operations require manual labor and expert


    2. Loss of headIn this type of tank , the loss of head is equal to the heightof the silt zone takes place as outlet valve is situated above that zone.

    3. Units of tanksThe minimum units of tanks required is three, which

    makes it less economical.

    4. Wastage of timeThere is considerable wastage of time in filling ,

    emptying and cleaning the tank. In addition a clear water storage tank is

    to be provided.

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    Principleif velocity of water is reduced , a large amount of suspended impurities

    form water can be easily removed.

    The water enters from one end, exits from the other. The velocity is broken or

    reduced by means of baffle walls. These walls contain openings at different levels.

    The velocity of flow from one end to other is more than the time for settlement of


    The silt is deposited at the bottom of the tank and when it accumulates in sufficient

    quantity , the flush valve is opened and the tank is cleaned.


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    1. Less labor and supervision - No manual labor is required except at the time of

    cleaning . Only general supervision is required.

    2. Little loss of headThe outlet is situated at the top of the tank and hence

    there is practically very little loss of head.

    3. Tanks in seriesThese are arranged in series and hence any one of them

    maybe isolated for cleaning or washing purpose. The provision area for

    standby units works out comparatively less.

    4. Time of operationas the flow of water is continuos , there is no wastage oftome . No clean water storage tanks are required .


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    COAGULATION OF WATER The water, even after sedimentation, is turbid and contains suspended impurities

    like fine particles of clay and silt.

    It also possesses color which is due to colloidal matter and dissolved organic


    All these impurities are in a finely divided state and it not possible to detain them

    in plain sedimentation tanks.

    So to remove these impurities, the size of the particles is increasedby adding

    certain chemicals, known as the coagulants.

    The coagulants react with the impurities and convert them into a settle able size.

    The most common coagulants used for the process are:

    Aluminium Sulphate, Chlorinated Copperus, Ferrous sulphate & lime,

    Magnesium Carbonate, Polyelectrolytes, Sodium Aluminate

    The process of coagulation assists the process of sedimentation and is followed by

    the process of filtration.

    The coagulants may be fed or allowed to enter water either in powder form (dryfeeding) or in solution form (wet feeding).

    Devices used for this purpose are:

    Centrifugal pumps, Compressed Air, Hydraulic Pump, Mixing Channel, Mixing

    basins with baffle walls, Mixing basins with mechanical means

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    When water leaves the filter plant it is still found to contain some of the

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    When water leaves the filter plant, it is still found to contain some of the

    impurities, such as


    Dissolved inorganic salts

    Color , odor and taste

    Iron and manganese

    The water should be disinfected before it enters the distribution system.

    The main purpose of disinfection is to prevent contamination of water during its

    transit from the treatment plant to the place of its consumption.

    The materials or substances which are used for disinfection are called the


    Requirements of a good disinfectant are:

    Its dose should be such that some residual concentration is obtained to

    grant protection against contamination in the water during its conveyance

    and retention.

    It should be effective in killing all the harmful pathogenic organisms from thewater and make it perfectly safe for consumption.

    It should be harmless, unobjectionable, economical and easily available.

    It should be of such nature that its strength or concentration in the treated

    water can be quickly determined.

    It should not require skilled labour and costly equipment for its application.

    It should take only reasonable time in killing the harmful pathogenicorganisms at normal temperature.


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    In this treatment for disinfection, the chlorine and its compounds are used

    as the disinfecting material.

    However chlorine is a poisonous gas which requires careful handling and it

    may also give rise to the problem of taste and odor in water.

    The action of chlorine is directly proportionate to the pH value of water.

    At high pH value for e.g. above 8.50, the chlorine cannot be relied

    upon and when pH value is below 7.00, disinfection by chlorine israpid.

    As the action of chlorine is not instantaneous, an adequate contact time

    must be allowed.

    The contact time varies from one to four hours or more, and it mainly

    depends on the impurities present in the water.

    The temperature also has a noticeable effect on chlorination. The delay

    occurs in cold in both germicidal and absorption of chlorine.

    The water should be so prepared that chlorine can be properly, reliably and

    efficiently applied


    It li h t b t i l ifi ti i i t th t

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    It accomplishes greater bacterial purification in minutes than storage

    achieves in an equal number of days, thus eliminating the need of costly

    storage reservoirs.

    It works better against water- borne diseases.

    It serves as a convenient accessory to the process of filtration


    Depending upon the stage of treatment at which chlorine is added and also the

    expected results of chlorination, the various forms of chlorination comes into

    existence. Plain chlorination

    Pre- chlorination


    Double- chlorination

    Break point chlorination

    Super- chlorination Dechlorination

    PLAIN CHLORINATION : when chlorine treatment is given to raw water to

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    control the growth of algae , remove bacteria and color from the water, it is

    called Plain Chlorination.

    PRE- CHLORINATION : when chlorine is added to the raw water before

    any treatment, it is known as Pre- Chlorination. A small dosage of chlorineis added to raw water before it enters to sedimentation tanks.

    POST- CHLORINATION : the application of chlorine after all the treatments

    of purification of water are completed is known as Post- Chlorination.

    This is the standard treatment and chlorine is added to the water after it

    leaves rapid sand filters and before it enters the distribution system.

    DOUBLE CHLORINATION : when water is added to the raw water at more

    than one point, it is known as the Double chlorination. When raw water is

    highly contaminated and contains large amount of bacterial life, it becomes

    important to adopt both pre- chlorination and post- chlorination.

    BREAK POINT CHLORINATION: this refers to the amount of chlorine required to treat

    the water.

    SUPER- CHLORINATION : the application of chlorine beyond the stage of break point

    is known as super- chlorination. The excess chlorine can be added at any stage or

    stages of the treatment , but usually it is added at the end of filtration.

    DECHLORINATION th l f hl i f t i k

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    DECHLORINATION : the removal of excess chlorine from water is known as


    The dechlorination should be done in such a way that at the end of the

    process, some residual chlorine remains in water. This residual chlorine

    will disinfect water when it is flowing through the distribution system.

    some dechlorinating agents are: sodium thiosulphate, sodium bisulphate,

    activated carbon etc.


    Boiling method

    Excess lime treatment : the treatment of lime is given to the water for the

    removal of dissolved salts. Lime also acts a disinfecting material when added

    in excess in water.

    Iodine and bromine treatment : the use of iodine and bromine is limited to

    small water supplies such as private plants, swimming pools, etc.

    Ozone treatment : the advantage of ozone treatment is that ozone is unstable

    and it does not remain in the water when it reaches the consumer.

    Ozonisation is however costly and complicated compared to chlorination

    and it requires skilled labors.

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    Potassium permanganate treatment : this disinfectant works as a powerful

    oxidizing agent and is found to be effective in killing cholera bacteria.

    Silver treatment

    Ultra violet ray treatment : invisible light rays beyond the violet spectrum are

    very effective in killing all types of bacteria.

    The treatment doesnt develop any taste or color in the water because

    no chemicals are used in the process and there is no danger of

    overdose. But as the treatment is costly it is unsuitable for large scale treatment

    plants .

    It can however be adopted for water supply installations of private

    institutions like pharmaceutical, food and beverage, chemical, drugs,

    dairy and paint industry for processed water and waste water

    USES OF UV- SYSTEM : For microbial reduction

    For ozone destruction

    In tertiary treatment

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    Water softening

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    The water to be supplied to the public should not be very hard though there isfear of no health hazard, but is undesirable as it leads to several economic


    1. It affects the working of dyeing system and leads to the modification if some


    2. It causes corrosion and incrustation of pipes and plumbing fixtures.

    3. It causes more consumption of soap in laundry work and hence, proves to

    be uneconomical for washing processes of textile industries.

    4. It increases the fuel costs.

    5. It makes the food tasteless, tough or rubbery.

    6. It provides scale on the boilers and hot water heating system.

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    Types of hardness

    Temporary hardness Permanent hardness

    Temporary hardness

    Also known as carbonate hardness and it is mainly due to the presence ofbicarbonates of calcium and magnesium.

    Removal of temporary hardness: temporary hardness can be easily removed by usingthe following method:

    1. Boiling the water

    2. Adding lime to the water

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    Permanent Hardness

    Also known as non-carbonate hardnessand it is mainly due to the presence ofsulphates, chlorides and nitrates of calcium and magnesium.

    Removal of permanent hardness: the permanent hardness cannot be easily removedwith water. The special treatment, known as the water softening treatment, is to begiven to the water.

    Methods adopted for water softening treatment:-

    1. Lime soda process

    2. Zeolite process

    3. Demineralization

    4. Reverse osmosis

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    Lime-Soda process

    Advantages of lime-soda process:

    pH value of water is increased which results in decrease in the corrosion of the

    distribution system

    Less amount of coagulant is required

    There is a likelihood of killing pathogenic bacteria. This process is economical

    The process is easy and simple and can be accommodated in the existed filter

    plant of any water suplly scheme.

    In this process, the lime and sodium carbonate or soda ash are

    used to remove permanent hardness from water.

    Disadvantages of lime- soda process

    The large quantity of sludge formed during the process is to be disposed off bysome suitable method.

    The process requires skilled supervision for its successful working

    This process can only remove water hardness up to about 50mg/l. thus thewater of zero hardness cannot be produced by this process. But as water of zerohardness is not required for the public water supply, this disadvantage does notprove to be serious.

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    Zeolite processThis process is also known as base exchange or ion exchange process. The

    zeolites are the compound of aluminium, silica and soda.

    Advantages of Zeolite process

    No sludge is formed in this process. Hence the problem of sludge disposaldoesnt arise.

    The zeolite unit is compact in design. And can be easily operated so it does notrequires any skilled supervision.

    This process removes hardness of water to about zero. So it has got particularimportance for the water to be used in the boilers and certain textile industries.

    Disadvantages of Zeo lite process

    This process can not to be adopted for highly turbid water

    This process is unsuitable for water containg iron and manganese. The zeolite unit should be carefully operated to avoid injury or damage to the

    equipment or the quality of water.

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    Demineralization process This process in also known as deionisationprocess. It is similar to zeolite process

    but in this process, the hydrogen is exchanged for metallic ions. This process is mainly used for preparing water to be used for the industrial


    Reverse Osmosis process

    Reverse osmosis, which is also known as hyperfiltration, is the finest filtrationknown. It works on the principle of diffusion.

    Diffusion means movement of molecules from a region of higher concentrationto a region of lower concentration. And osmosis is a special case of diffusion inwhich movement of molecules occurs through a semi permeable membrane.

    The most common use of reverse osmosis is in purifying water. It is used incommercial and residential water filtration to desaline water.

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    OF WATER TREATMENT1. Color, odor and taste removal

    2. Iron and manganese removal3. Fluoridation

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    Some Special Methods To Remove

    Color, Odor And Taste

    1. Aeration: The process aims at bringing water in intimate contact with air.

    Methods of aeration:

    Air diffusion: The perforated pipes are installed at the bottom of tanks and air isblown through them.

    Cascades: a cascade is a waterfall and a simple cascade consists of a series of

    three four steps.

    Spray nozzles: water is sprinkled in fine jets through nozzles at a height of

    about 2.5m.

    Trickling beds: beds of coke and slag are prepared and water is allowed to

    trickle down from the top to the bottom of the bed.

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    2. Treatment by activated carbon: activated carbon is applied either as a filter

    media or in a powder form.

    3. Use of copper sulphate:

    In distribution pipes, a solution of copper sulphate is prepared and is just

    added at the entry of water distribution system.

    In open reservoirs, powdered cuso4 may be sprinkled, or placed in open

    bags which are attached behind moving boats, or a solution maybe simply


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    Iron and manganese removal

    When iron and manganese occur in water without combination with organicmatter, they can be removed by aeration followed by coagulation,

    sedimentation and filtration.

    When they occur in combination with organic matter, the bond between

    them maybe broken by adding lime or adding chlorine or potassium


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    The fluoridation is aimed to improve the physical comfort with respect to thedental caries of the people drinking such water.

    Usual fluoride compounds which are added to water are sodium fluoride, sodium

    hexafluorosilicate and hexafluorosilic acid.

    Defluoridation: To remove excess of fluoride. Can be done by adding activated

    carbons, calcium phosphate, bone charcoal etc.

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    Conveyance Of Water

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    Conveyance of water is

    Drawing of the water

    from the sources knownas intake

    Leading the water from

    intakes to purification

    and then to consumers

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    It is a structure constructed around the water surface. It is watertight andmay be of stone, brick, RCC or concrete.

    Considerations of location of intake are:

    Controlling device


    Navigation channels

    Permanency of supply

    Quality of water


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    Design of intakes

    Consideration factors in the design of intakes are:

    Factor of safety-so that it resists the external force caused by waves

    and currents

    Foundations- depth of foundation should be sufficient so that no

    damage is done by currents.

    Protection of sides Screens or strainers-it is provided at entry of intake which avoids the

    entry of floating matter and fish

    Self-weight-it should be of adequate self weight so that it doesnt wash

    away. Broken stones should be added at the bottom.

    Size and number of inlets

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    Types of intakes

    Canal intakes-it isconstructed in the canal

    section River intakes

    P t bl i t k i f

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    Reservoirs or lake intakes- itconsists of intake well which is

    placed near the dam.

    Portable intakes-in case of

    emergencies it becomes

    necessary to draw water with

    the help of movable intake. It

    is a truck with a pumpingplant. The pump is placed on

    site and the suction pipe is

    immersed just above the bed

    level of water.

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    Intake tower

    They are used for large projects where there are chances of

    considerable fluctuations of water level. They are made of concrete.

    They are of two types:

    1. Dry intake tower-there isno water inside the tower

    when gates are closed.

    The water is drawn directly

    into the outlet pipe through

    gate controlled entry ports.

    2. Wet intake tower- the

    water enters from the

    open entry port and then

    enters the outlet pipe

    through separate gate

    controlled entry ports.

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    The pipe material is selected while keeping in view of the forces resisted byit- the stress due to water pressure, stress due to temperature, stress due to

    change of direction etc.

    Materials used for pipe are

    Asbestos cement pipe

    Cast iron pipes Cement concrete pipe

    Copper pipe

    Galvanised iron pipe

    Lead pipe

    Plastic pipe Steel pipe

    Wood pipe

    Wrought iron pipe

    Pipe Advantage Disadvantage

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    Asbestos cement pipe- it is

    mixture of asbestos fibres

    and cement

    i. Inside surface is smooth

    ii. Joining of pipes is good

    and easy.

    iii. Anti-corrosive and cheap

    iv. Light weight

    v. Suitable for distribution


    i. Brittle and cant stand

    impact forces

    ii. Not durable

    iii. Cant be laid in exposed


    iv. Can be used for low


    Cast iron pipe- it is made

    from pig iron with surfaces

    given corrosion treatment

    i. Cost is moderate

    ii. Easy to join

    iii. Not subjected tocorrosion

    iv. Strong and durable

    v. Life span is 100 years or


    i. Large breakages

    ii. Carrying capacity

    decreases with increasein life of pipe

    iii. Not for


    iv. They become heavier

    and uneconomical when


    Cement concrete pipes-

    maybe plain,reinforced or

    prestressed with dia varying

    500mm to 2500mm or more.

    i. Low maintenance cost

    ii. Durable with 75 years

    life span

    iii. Can be casted at the site

    iv. Heavy in weight and

    hence can withstand

    i. If no reinforcement then

    no tensile strength and

    thus cant withstand


    ii. Heavy and difficult to


    Pi Ad t Di d t

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    Pipe Advantages Disadvantages

    Copper pipes i. Dont sag orbend due to

    hot water

    ii. Dont corrode

    iii. Can be bent easily

    i. Use is restricted for hot

    water in buildings

    ii. Costly

    Galvanised iron pipe- dia

    vary from 6mm to 75mm

    i. Cheap, light in weight,

    easy to handle and


    ii. Easy to join

    i. Can be affected by acidic

    or alkaline water

    ii. Short life of pipe of 7 to

    10 years

    Lead pipes i. Can be easily bent andhence less number of

    specials are required in


    ii. Adopted for apparatus

    required for alum and

    chlorine dosages.

    i. Not used for watertransport

    ii. If proper care is not

    taken, can cause lead


    iii. Reacts with acidic water

    iv. Sag or bend due to hot


    Steel pipes i. Available in long lengths

    hence less joints

    ii. Cheap in first cost.

    iii. Durable and can resisthi h internal water

    i. Maintenance cost is high

    ii. Likely to be rusted by

    slightly acidic or alkaline

    wateriii. Re uire more time for

    Pipes Advantages Disadvantages

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    Pipes Advantages Disadvantages

    Plastic pipe- they are black in

    colour and resistant to most

    of the chemicals.

    i. Freedom from damage

    due to thawing and

    freezing of waterii. Cheap

    iii. Durable and enough

    strength to resist impact,

    sunlight etc

    iv. Flexible and low

    hydraulic resistancev. Free from corrosion

    vi. Good electric insulators

    vii. Light in weight and easy

    to bend, join and install.

    viii. Available in coils and

    thus easy to transport.

    i. Coefficient of expansion

    is large

    ii. Difficult to obtain theplastic pipe of uniform


    iii. Less resistant to heat

    iv. Some types of plastic

    may impart taste to


    Wood pipes- they are planks

    of wood held together by

    steel bands

    i. Light weight i. Alternate conditions of

    dryness and wetness can

    cause wet rot

    ii. Cant bear high pressures

    Wrought iron pipes i. Light weightii. Can be easil cut

    i. Costlyii. Less durable

    Pi i

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    Pipe corrosion

    Factors of pipe corrosion are:



    Biological action


    Electrical currents Mineral and organic constituents


    Effects of pipe corrosion are:

    Disintegration of pipe

    May impart colour, taste or odourto water

    May make water unfit for drinking

    Prevention of pipe corrosion:

    Cathodic protection

    Proper pipe material

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  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    This is a zoned system.

    Water is pumped to the distribution reservoirs.From the reservoirs it flows by gravity to the tree system of pipes

    The pressure calculations are easy in this system.

    Layout of roads need to be radial to eliminate loss of head in bends.

    This is most economical system also if combined pumping and gravity flow is adopted.

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    This system is not adopted in India, because for this system the roads should belaid out radial from the centre.

    This system is the reverse of ring system.

    The entire district is divided into various zones and one reservoir is provided for

    each zone, which is placed in the centre of zone.

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    The distribution pipes are provided with various pipe appurtenances oraccessories so as to make the distribution of water easy and effective

    Air valves

    Bib cocks

    Fire hydrants

    Reflux valves

    Relief valves

    Scour valves

    Sluice valves

    Stop cocks

    Water metres

    1 Air Val es

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    1. Air Valves

    Also called air relief valves.

    Some quantity of air is contained in the flowing water and this air tries to

    accumulate at high points along the water pipes. In order to provide an

    exit for such accumulated air, the air valves are provided at summits along

    the water pipe.

    The air valves should be located at points which are close to or above thehydraulic gradient. If air valves are not provided, there are chances for

    pipes to be air-locked.

    The effective area of flow and consequently the discharge through water

    pipe are greatly reduced due to air-locking.

    The provision of air valves along water pipe also helps in admitting airquickly when vacuum occurs in water pipe due to sudden breakdown of

    water pipe at low points.

    l f h b

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    An air valve consists of a cast-iron chamber,

    float, lever and poppet valve. The chamber

    may be circular or rectangular in shape. TA

    poppet valve is a valve that is lifted bodily. The

    working of the air valve is as follows:o In the normal condition, the chamber is

    full of water drawn from water pipe. The

    float therefore touches the roof of

    chamber and poppet valve is in a closed



    When air from water pipe enters thechamber, it starts accumulating just below

    the roof of chamber. This accumulation of

    air makes the lever to work and to bring

    down the float.

    o When air escapes, the water rises again in

    the chamber and the lever works to raise

    the float. It ultimately results in theclosing of poppet valve before escape of

    water takes place through it.

    o The action of air valve is then repeated.

    2. Bib Cocks

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    2. Bib Cocks

    These are the water taps which are attached at the end of water pipes and

    from which the consumers obtain water.

    It is operated from a handle and when handle is turned, the opening from

    which water comes out , gets increased or decreased in size.

    The bib cocks may also be of push type and they operate automatically.

    They open out when a slight push is given and close down as soon as the

    push is removed or withdrawn.

    3. Fire Hydrants

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    A hydrant is an outlet provided in water pipe for tapping water mainly in case of



    The number of fire hydrants in distribution system and their location depend on variousfactors such as utility of buildings, requirement of water for fire fighting, chances of fire

    occurrence, population of area, etc.

    the fire hydrants are placed at all street junctions and they are so located that if a circle

    of about 60 to 90 metres is drawn from any hydrant, it will partly overlap that of the

    adjoining hydrant

    Requirement of a Fire Hydrant: Following are the requirements of a good firehydrant:

    o It should be cheap.

    o It should be easily detectable in case of a fire.

    o It should be of such nature that it can be easily connected with the hose or motor


    o It should function properly and should not go out of order during operation.

    o It should permit undisturbed flow of water when being fully opened.

    Types of Fire Hydrants

    1.Flush Hydrant:

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    A flush hydrant is provided below the footpath or street leveland it is protected or

    covered by cast-iron box or brick masonry chamber.

    The flush hydrant is more safely attached to the water pipe and cannot therefore be easily

    dislocated. However it is not prominently seen and hence, some arrangement has to bemade to detect easily when a fire occurs. Usually a plate with letters F.H. (Fire Hydrant)

    is attached on some nearby permanent structures, such as building, compound wall,

    light-post, telephone-post, big tree, etc.

    Working: When the nut is operated by a key, the valve goes up and it allows the water from

    water pipe to rise and to fill the barrel. The water is then delivered from the outlet. The

    diameter of outlet should correspond to the diameter of hose to be attached to it. The usual

    diameter is about 60 mm or so.

    2.Post Hydrant:

    a post hydrant is provided projecting

    above the road level and its heightabove road level is about 1 m to 2 m.

    this type of hydrant is more prominent

    and can be easily detected when a fire


    However it is liable to be damaged by

    mischief or misuse.

    4.Reflux Valves

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    Also known as the check valves or non-return valves.

    A reflux valve is an automatic device allows water to go in one direction only. The

    swing type of reflux valve is widely used in practice.

    When water moves in the direction of arrow, the valve swings or rotates aroundthe pivot and it is kept in an open position due to the pressure of water. When

    flow of water in this direction ceases, the water tries to flow in a backward

    direction. But in this case, the valve occupies its seat and it thus prevents the

    passage of water in the reverse direction.

    The reflux valve is invariably placed in water pipe which obtains water directly

    from pump. When pump fails or stops , the water will not run back to the pump

    and thus the pumping equipment will be saved from the damage. Similarly at

    inter-connections between a polluted water system and a potable water system,

    the provision of reflux valve will prevent the entry of polluted water into the pure


    5.Relief Valves

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    These are also known as the automatic cut-off valves or safety valves.

    The load on the spring is adjusted to the maximum pressure.

    The relief valves are located at every point along the water pipe wherepressures is likely to be maximum.

    When pressure of water exceeds a predetermined limit, the valve

    operates automatically and it will save a particular section of water pipe

    before bursting of pipe takes place.

    6.Scour Valves

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    These are also known as the blow-off valves or drain valves or washout


    These are ordinary sluice points in mains.

    They are operated to remove sand or silt deposited in the water pipe.

    They are operated with hand and closed down as soon as clear water is

    seen passing through them.

    7 Sluice Valve

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    7.Sluice Valve

    These are also known as the gate valves or shut-off valves or stop valves.

    These valves control the flow of water and are helpful is dividing the

    water mains into suitable sections.

    They are generally placed at a distance of about 150 m to 200 m and at

    all junctions.

    For long straight mains, the sluice valves can be installed at a distance of

    about 1 km also to divide the pipe in different sections.

    The raising or lowering of valve is carried out by rotating the handle from


    8 Stop Cocks

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    8.Stop Cocks

    These are small sized sluice valves and they are installed in service pipes

    serving the bib cocks.

    They operate on the same principle of sluice valve and they are usually

    used upto sizes of about 50 mm.

    They are placed on water pipe leading to flushing tanks, wash basins,

    water tanks, etc.

    9.Water Meters

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    These are the devices which are installed on the pipes to measure the

    quantity of water flowing at a particular point along the pipe.

    The readings obtained from the metres help in working out the quantity ofwater supplied and thus the consumers can be charged accordingly.

    The water meters are usually installed to supply water to industries,

    hotels, big institutions, etc.

    The water meters can be classified into the following two categories:

    (1)Positive displacement type meters:

    The positive displacement type meters record the number of times a container of

    known volume is filled and emptied with water.

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    (2)Velocity Meters:

    The velocity meters work on the principle of velocity of entering water and

    higher the velocity of water, more will be the discharge through meter. The

    turbine meters and venturi meters come under this category.

    Following are the requirements of a good water meter:

    o It should accurately measure the discharge of water to the permissible

    tolerance of about 2% and capable of registering even a small quantity of

    flow of water.

    o It should be easy to repair and to maintain in good working conditions.

    o It should contain an arrangement in the from of a screen at the inlet do

    that the entry of grit is prohibited.

    o It should not offer any resistance or obstructions to the natural flow of

    water and should be non-corrosive.

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    Water Pollution And Water


    So rces of Water Poll tion

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    Sources of Water Pollution

    Domestic Sewage Industrial Waste

    Catchment Area

    Distribution System

    Oily Wastes

    Radioactive Wastes

    Source of Water Supply

    Storage Reservoir

    Travel of Water

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    Types of Water Pollution

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    Types of Water Pollution

    (1) Physical PollutionOccurs due to following factors :-


    Taste and Odour



    Suspended Matter



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    (2) Chemical PollutionPollution due to inorganic chemicals :-



    Toxic Inorganic Compounds

    Dissolved Inorganic Substances

    Suspended Inorganic Substances

    Types of organic pollution in water :-

    Suspended organic substences

    Dissolved organic substances

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    (3) Bacteriological Pollution Occurs due to presence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasitic worms,


    Sources are :-

    Domestic Sewage

    Industrial Waste

    Preventive Measures

  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    Preventive Measures

    Administration Catchment Areas

    Closed cycle operations for industrial plants

    Conservation of forests


    Discharge into water sources

    Economic use of water Funds

    Joint responsibily

    Legal provisions


    Planning of towns

    Propaganda Regulations


    Re - use

    Water Management

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    Water Management

    Some salient aspects are :- Hydrosphere

    Hydrological Cycle

    Water Exchange

    Transport of water

    Measures For ReShaping Local Water

  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    p g


    Adequate and proper treatment of industrial waste. Adopting suitable measures for water pollution.

    Construction of storage reservoirs.

    Cultivation and preservation of productive forests.

    Developing large scale underground water reservoir.

    Improving characterstics of catchment area for rivers and strems.

    Soil improvement techniques.

    Conservation of Water Resources

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    Conservation of Water Resources

    New techniques should be found out for reducing water requirements ofindustries having high water demand.

    Water per unit farm should be reduced.

    Economical use of water should be encouraged.

    Dumping of sewage into natural water resources should be avoided.

    Industries must reduce their requirements for the water consumption. The water conservation should form a part of the water use.

    The water use and conservation should be achieved through the multi

    purpose projects.

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    Radioactivity and Water


    Radioactive Sources

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    Radioactive Sources

    Atomic Reactors Nuclear Explosions

    Soils and Rocks

    Use of Radioactive Substances

    Waste of Radioactive Substances

    Disposal of Radioactive Waste

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    Disposal of Radioactive Waste

    Dilution (diluted with inert materials) Storage (waste are stored till they decayed and become harmless)

    Reclamation (converted to usefull products)

    Effect of Treatments of Water

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    Effect of Treatments of Water

    The coagulation is not effective in removing radioactive substances. The sand filters only remove colloidal matter held in suspension.

    The limesoda softening process is fairly effective.

    The zeolite or ion exchanging method is proving to be effective.

    Recommended Methods

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    Recommended Methods

    Phosphate coagulation Electrodialysis

    Adding clay materials

    Adding metallic dusts

    Distillation of water

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    The solid and liquid waste are to be properly collected and conveyed at

    suitable spot. The refuse formed should be rapidly , conveniently and safely carried to

    disposal site to maintain clean environment.



    - Different types of refuse are collected separately andthen disposed off.

    -The garbage of refuse is collected from roads andstreets and then carried to suitable places.

    CONSERVANCY SYSTEM-In this system, water is used to convey the sewageto the point of treatment of water disposal.

    -Garbage is collected similarly like conservancysystem . The storm water may be carried separatelyor may be allowed to flow with sewage



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    There are three methods of sewerage

    1. Separate system

    2. Combined system

    3. Partially separate system

    -Separate system - In this system , two sets of sewerage is laid. One for carrying

    sewerage to treatment plan and in the other ,water is directly discharged into

    natural outlet ( river or stream )

    -Combines system - In this system , only one set of sewerage is laid which carries

    both , sewerage and water waste

    -Partially separate system - This system permit early washings by rain into sewers

    by sewage. But , when the quantity of storm water exceeds a particular limit , it iscollected and conveyed in open drains to the natural river or streams.


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    Dry weather flow

    -Domestic orsanitary sewage - Industrial waste

    Storm water

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  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    Factors to be considered while selecting materials for the sewers;

    Cost : it should be moderate and reasonable

    Durability : material should be durable to prevent frequentreplacements

    Imperviousness : the material should be impervious in nature

    Abrasion resistant

    Corrosion resistant

    Strength : sewers are generally laid underground hence subjected to

    heavy external loads thus requires a strong construction material Weight : the material should possess moderate weight so as to make

    handling and carrying of sewers easy


    1. Asbestos cement sewers 6. Plastic sewers

    2. Brick sewers 7. Steel sewers

    3. Cast iron sewers 8. Stoneware sewers

    4. Cement concrete sewers 9. Wood sewers

    5. Corrugated iron sewers


    these sewers are made from mixture of asbestos fibers and cement

    il bl i i t 900 di t

  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    are available in sizes up to 900 mm diameter

    Advantages :

    Its easy to cut and join these sewers are durable against soil corrosion and offer good resistance to salts, acids

    and other corrosive materials

    inside surface is exceptionally smooth thus offering least resistance to


    light in weight thus easy to handle

    Disadvantages :

    These sewers are brittle and cannot stand impact forces during handling


    Structural strength of the material is poor thus cannot be laid to resist

    heavy external loads


    Earliest forms of sewers were made of brick

    At present not favored mainly because of more labor involved their



    Available in sizes varying from 150 mm diameter to 750 mm diameter

    Th hi h t th

  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    They possess high strength

    They are durable

    Their surfaces should be coated with paint or cement concrete to resist the

    action of acids in sewage They are watertight

    They are adopted for special purposes, such as :

    Danger of contamination : they are used where sewers are laid under or

    over the water pipelines so as to prevent contamination of underground

    water due to leakage in sewers

    Expensive road surface : as they do not require frequent repairs they areused under costly road surfaces

    Heavy external load : used in sewers under railway lines, foundation wall

    as it could withstand heavy external loads

    Pressure : for conveying sewage through pumping stations and treatment

    works, cast iron sewers are adopted

    Temperature : these are suitable for places which are subject to

    considerable change in temperatures

    Vibrations : these are proven to be advantageous where ground is likely

    to be subjected to heavy monuments and vibrations

    Wet ground : these sewers in wet ground results in considerable

    reduction of the rate of infiltration


  • 7/25/2019 water supply and waste discharge


    mainly used for carrying storm water only

    corrugations reduce the velocity of flow and hence for given diameter and slope

    the carrying capacity of the sewer is also reduced

    made in varying metal thicknesses and in diameters up to 4500 mm

    these sewers should be protected from effects of corrosion by galvanization or by

    bituminous coatings


    use of plastic sewers still in elementary stage

    More commonly used for carrying water than sewage

    In cases of industrial wastes with corrosion problems, they are proven to be useful

    They possess excellent flow characteristics which permit flatter ruling gradients,

    economic excavation, faster laying, greater shock resistance, etc.

    They are available in long lengths and permit cold negotiation of bends Strength of these sewers is reduced with increase in temperature

    They are liable for stress cracking and ductile failure in vacuum


    used mainly at places where imperviousness, lightness and resistance to high pressure

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    y p p , g g p

    is needed

    these sewers are flexible and can absorb vibrations and shocks in a better way

    generally used for main, outfall and trunk sewers having diameters exceeding 750 mm

    These sewers are either riveted or welded

    May be protected from corrosion by galvanization or by provision of bituminous coating

    or by using special corrosion resistant steel in the manufacturing process


    they may be plain or reinforced

    plain cement concrete sewers used up to 600 mm diameter

    Reinforcing bars necessary beyond the limit of 600 mm diameter

    Ways of placing reinforcements :

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    Cement concrete sewers withsingle circular cage


    Main circumferentialreinforcement is placed at a

    distance of about 25 mmfrom inner surface

    Such arrangement adoptedwhen sewer diameter is lessthan 800 mm and is subjectedto internal pressure only

    Cement concrete sewer withdouble circular cage


    Main circumferentialreinforcement placed in 2 sets

    : first at distance 25 mm frominner surface and other 25from outer surface

    Such arrangement is adoptedwhen sewer diameterexceeds 800 mm and itssubjected to internal as wellas external pressures

    Cement concrete sewer withelliptical cage reinforcement

    Main circumferentialreinforcements placed to form

    elliptical rings Such arrangement adopted

    for large diameters of sewersand its subjected to externalpressures only


    also known as vitrified clay sewers or salt-glazed sewers as they are prepared

    form ario s cla s and shale

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    form various clays and shale

    Manufactured in short lengths and diameters

    Generally favored for house drainage connections

    Advantages : If properly laid, these sewers are strong enough to take load of backfilling

    and traffic

    Interior surface is impervious and smooth

    overall performance in carrying sewage is appreciable

    These sewers are cheap and easily available

    These sewers are durable and offer better resistance to corrosion fromacids and erosion due to grit and high velocity of flow

    Disadvantages :

    these sewers are brittle in nature and likely to be damaged during transport

    of handling processes

    Not strong enough to allow sewage to flow through them under pressure

    These are bulky and heavy in weight thus making it difficult to handle,

    transport and lay them


    Life of wood sewers is short and are rarely adopted for conveyance of sewage

    SHAPES OF SEWERS Circular shape

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    Circular shape

    Advantages :

    It affords the least perimeter hence construction material required is

    minimum, thus being the cheapest and most economical There are no corners hence chances of deposition of organic matter is

    reduced to minimum

    They are easy to manufacture or construct and handle

    They possess excellent hydraulic properties

    They prove to be advantageous when sewers are running at least half

    full and discharge does not vary too much

    Non-circular shape Advantages :

    They bring down cost of construction

    They improve velocity of flow when depth of sewage is low

    They secure more structural strength

    They simplify process of construction

    They are made large enough for a man to enter for cleaning, repairing,


    Types of non-circular shape sewers:

    1. basket-handle section 6. rectangular or box-type section

    2. Catenary shaped section 7. semi-circular section

    3. Egg-shaped or ovoid section 8. semi-elliptical section

    4. Horse-shoe section 9. U-shaped section

    5. Parabolic section


    It carries the small discharges through the bottom narrow portion and during

    monsoon the combined sewage is carried through the full section

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    monsoon, the combined sewage is carried through the full section

    This shape of sewer not generally used at present


    This shape of sewer is suitable for tunneling work


    This type of sewer is suitable for carrying combined flow. It gives a slightly higher velocity during low flow than a circular sewer of same


    But its difficult to construct and less stable than circular section


    This type of sewer is used for construction of large sewers with heavy discharges

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    y g y g

    such as trunk and outfall sewers

    It is mostly used for constructing sewers in tunnels


    It is suitable for carrying comparatively small quantities of sewage

    Economic in construction


    It is sometimes used to work as a storage tank

    It is easy to construct and stable


    It gives a wider base at the bottom hence becomes suitable for constructing large

    sewers with less available headroom

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    sewers with less available headroom

    Rectangular section is preferred over them as it possesses better hydraulic



    It is adopted for soft soil areas as it is more stable

    This section is not suitable for carrying small quantity of sewage

    Generally adopted for sewers having diameters greater than 1.80 m

    This section possess good hydraulic properties except at low depths


    Such an arrangement is adopted for combined sewers having predominant flow of

    storm water


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    Requirements of a good sewer-joint :

    construction should be such that tree roots cannot penetrate through it

    It should be capable of resisting the effects acidic, alkaline or gaseous

    actions of sewage

    It should be cheap and economical

    It should be easy to construct

    It should be non-absorbent and durable

    Types of joints :

    Cement mortar joints : cement mortar of proportions 1:1 or 1:2 is used for fillingthe joint space

    Collar joints : theses joints are used for sewers of large diameters

    Flexible or bituminous joints : these joints are flexible are adopted at places

    where there are chances of sewer settlement

    Mechanical joints : mechanical devices such as flanged rings, bolts, etc. are used

    to keep two ends of sewer together, and used for metallic sewers

    Open joints : these are adopted when there is no objection to the infiltration and

    when the sewer is passing through dry ground

    LAYING AND TESTING OF SEWERS The borings or trial holes are dug along the proposed sewer line to ascertain the natur

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    The borings or trial holes are dug along the proposed sewer line to ascertain the natur

    of ground

    From longitudinal section of sewer line, manhole positions are marked

    The center line pegs of sewer line are driven at distance of every 7.5015 m Center line of the sewer should be properly maintained by:

    Vertical post method :

    It is adopted in all cases for taking the levels of invert of all proposed sewer


    Offset line method :

    a parallel offset line is marked usually at a distance D which is about one-halfthe trench plus 600mm

    Other side is used to dump the excavated material

    This method is adopted for short duration of time, mainly to avoid

    inconvenience to traffic

    The modified levels of invert at each sight rail are given and these are marked on

    the sight rail

    The excavation of trench for laying the sewer line is started

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    y g

    The sewers are now laid in the trench or if they are to be constructed at site, the

    process of construction of sewer is started.

    Test for water tightness of joints is then carried out The refilling of trenches is started after the sewer line is properly laid in position.

    Each layer should be well watered and rammed.


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    Sewers should be properly and satisfactory ventilated for following reasons:

    Continuous flow : the surface of sewage should remain in contact with free

    air otherwise air-locks will be formed Disposal of sewer gases


    Manholes with chemicals :

    Chemicals are placed in manhole covers, these chemicals react with sewer gasesand make them harmless

    This method is costly hence rarely adopted

    Manholes with gratings :

    Here manhole covers are provided with gratings or openings through which

    sewer gases escape

    This method causes pollution hence adopted in isolated places Proper construction of sewers

    Proper design of sewers

    Proper house drainage system

    Providing Ventilating columns or shafts



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    Cleaning of sewers is necessary

    To check breakage of sewers

    Check for clogging

    Check and prevent odors

    Methods for cleaning and maintenance of sewers

    Cleaning and flushing Cleaning of large sewers is done manually

    Cleaning of small manholes is effected by flushing

    When flushing is inadequate, following methods are employed:

    Flexible rod

    Mechanical tools

    Use of pills Cleaning of catch pits, etc.

    Regular Inspection

    Periodical repairs should be done

    Proper connections : connections of lateral sewers with branch sewers

    should be carried out by properly and made watertight


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    These are sometimes constructed to provide a cheap arrangement for collecting

    sullage and storm water

    But they are less hygienic as they are open and exposed to atmosphere


    Rectangular surface drains

    These drains are suitable for carrying heavy discharge. They do not develop the required velocity when depth of flow is small and

    hence they get easily deposited.

    Semi-circular surface drains These drains can be easily constructed

    These drains are found to be suitable for small streets where the discharge to be

    accommodated is of small quantity.

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    accommodated is of small quantity.

    U-shaped surface drains

    These are easy to construct They combine the advantages of semi-circular drains and rectangular surface


    V-shaped surface drains

    These drains possess better hydraulic properties but are difficult to construct

    These drains are capable of producing a good velocity

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    The general approach to design a sewer is same as that of water mains. Themain differences between the two are:

    Size of particles




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    SELF CLEANSING VELOCITY The silting or deposition of particles of solid matter is undesirable in sewers

    and hence, the sewers should be laid at such a gradient that a minimum

    velocity which will prevent the silting of particles in sewers is developed over

    a wide variation in discharge of sewerage. Such a minimum velocity is

    known as the self cleansing velocity.

    It should be developed at least once in a day; preferably twice. It dependson the nature of suspended matter in sewage and the size of sewer.

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    NON-SCOURING VELOCITY If the velocity of the flow exceeds a certain limit the particles of solid matter

    start to damage the inside smooth surface of sewers or a scouring action

    takes place. The maximum permissible velocity at which no such scouring

    action takes place is known as non-scouring velocity and it will mainly

    depend on the material used in the construction of sewers.

    The sewage flows in the sewers under gravitational force, which is obtainedby laying the sewers on slope. The velocity of flow depends directly on the

    gradient of sewer and hydraulic mean depth of condition of the sewer with

    respect to roughness. The optimum slope or grade is required to be

    calculated to achieve the self-cleansing velocity.

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    Following points should be noted in connection with the self cleansing andnon-scouring velocities:

    1. Gradient of sewers are to be properly correlated to achieve desired


    2. In a flat country, the design of sewers should be such that the self-

    cleansing velocity is developed at the time of maximum discharge.

    3. In a rough country , the sewers are designed to achieve non scouring

    velocity at the time of maximum discharge and self cleansing velocity at

    the time of minimum discharge.

    4. For combined sewers, it becomes difficult to achieve self-cleansing

    velocity at the time of minimum discharge. For this purpose special forms

    of sewers should be adopted.



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    The main factors which influence the flow of sewage in sewers are: Characteristics of sewage

    Conditions of flow

    Cross sectional area of sewer

    Presence or absence of bends , obstructions etc.

    Roughness of interior surface Slope of sewer etc.

    Following are the common empirical formulas used in design of sewers:

    chezy,s formula

    Bazin,s formula

    Mannings formula Kutters formula

    Crimp and bruges formula

    Hazen and williams formula


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    This term is used in connection with the design of storm water drains. Asthe rain falls on the ground, all the area to be served by the sewer doesnot start to contribute immediately to the flow of sewer but the flow isbuilt up gradually as follows:

    The area just near the sewer line will start contributing first and it will goon increasing as more and more area starts to contribute.

    When the whole area is contributing to the flow of sewer maximum limitof flow will be reached and it will be equal to the rate of precipitation ofrain water.

    The maximum flow continues until the storm stops. The flow thengradually falls down as the area near the ground line stops contributingfirstly, while flow continues to come for considerable time from the distantareas.

    The importance of time of concentration in the design of storm watersewers lies in the fact that out of all the storms of equal frequency ofoccurrence, that storms which has duration equal to the time ofconcentration, produces the maximum flow in sewer.


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    1. FORMATION OF ZONES: the area to be served by drainage system is

    divided into zones.

    2. ARRANGEMENT OF SEWERS : the proposed arrangement for sewers

    for different zones is worked out. Low lying areas are isolated and

    pumping systems are installed for them. Various sewers like main sewers,

    branch sewers, trunk sewers etc. are marked on map.

    3. QUANTITY OF SEWAGE: after proper study of variations in rate ofsewage, a suitable multiplying factor is applied to the quantity of sewage

    for which sewer is designed.

    4. Velocity of flow: a suitable value for velocities of flow is then determined.

    Thus value should fall between the minimum and maximum limits.

    5. Section of sewer:Section of sewer=sectional area of sewer x velocity of flow

    6. GRADIENT : slope of sewer line is worked out and longitudinal sections

    of each are drawn to a suitable scale.

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    Water appurtenances

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    To make the process of construction easy and to have efficient working andmaintenance, the sewer system requires various other additional structures

    known as sewer appurtenances

    Important sewer appurtenances:-

    Catch basins or catch pits


    Drop manholes

    Flushing tanks

    Grease and oil traps


    Inverted siphons

    Lampholes Manholes
