Water Pollution Chapter 19

Water Pollution Chapter 19 “Today everybody is downwind or downstream from somebody else.” William Ruckelshaus


Water Pollution Chapter 19. “Today everybody is downwind or downstream from somebody else.” William Ruckelshaus. Key Concepts. Types, sources and effects of water pollution Major pollution problems of surface water Major pollution problems of groundwater - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Water Pollution Chapter 19

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Water Pollution

Chapter 19

“Today everybody is downwind or downstream from somebody else.”

William Ruckelshaus

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Key ConceptsTypes, sources and effects of water pollution

Major pollution problems of surface water

Major pollution problems of groundwater

Reduction and prevention of water pollution

Drinking water quality

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Types and Sources of Water Pollution

Fig. 19-3 p. 485

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Point and Nonpoint SourcesNONPOINT SOURCES

Urban streets

Suburban development

Wastewater treatment plant

Rural homes



Animal feedlot


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Pollution of StreamsOxygen sag curve Factors influencing recovery

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Pollution of Lakes

Fig. 19-7 p. 491


Slow turnover

Thermal stratification

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Case Study: The Great Lakes

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Low flow ratesFew bacteria

Groundwater Pollution: SourcesCold temperatures

Fig. 19-10 p. 494

Coal strip mine runoff

Pumping well

Waste lagoon

Accidental spills

Groundwater flow

Confined aquifer


Leakage from faulty casing

Hazardous waste injection wellPesticides

Gasoline station

Buried gasoline and solvent tank


Cesspool septic tank

De-icing road salt

Unconfined freshwater aquifer

Confined freshwater aquifer

Water pumping well Landfill

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Groundwater Pollution Prevention

Monitoring aquifersLeak detection systemsStrictly regulating hazardous waste disposalStoring hazardous materials above ground

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Ocean Pollution

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Case Study: Chesapeake Bay

Fig. 19-14 p. 500

Largest US estuaryRelatively shallowSlow “flushing” action to AtlanticMajor problems with dissolved O2

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Oil SpillsSources: offshore wells, tankers, pipelines and storage tanksEffects: death of organisms, loss of animal insulation and buoyancy, smotheringSignificant economic impactsMechanical cleanup methods: skimmers and blottersChemical cleanup methods: coagulants and dispersing agents

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Solutions: Preventing and Reducing Surface Water Pollution

Reduce runoffBuffer zone vegetationReduce soil erosion

Clean Water ActWater Quality Act

Nonpoint sources Point sources

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Technological Approach: Septic Systems

Require suitable soils and maintenance

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Technological Approach: Sewage Treatment

Mechanical and biological treatment

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Technological Approach: Advanced Sewage Treatment

Removes specific pollutants

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Technological Approach: Using Wetlands to Treat Sewage

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Drinking Water Quality

Fig. 19-11 p. 495

Bottled water

Safe Drinking Water Act

Maximum contaminant levels