Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land...

Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro

Transcript of Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land...

Page 1: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Water PollutionCatherine Maccaro

Page 2: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

NeedApproximately 80 percent of ocean pollution

causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution is caused by ocean based activities.

40% of America's rivers and lakes are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.

Two-thirds of US estuaries and bays are either moderately or severely degraded from eutrophication

The US EPA has warned that sewage levels in rivers could be back to the super-polluted levels of the 1970s by the year 2016.

Page 3: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Types Of PollutionsRun-Off

Ground WaterMicrobiological



Suspended Solids

Solid WasteThermal


Oil Spill

Page 4: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.


Page 5: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Major bodies of

water with pollution problems

Page 6: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Water Pollutions Worldwide

Page 7: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Pollution At Local Level

Page 8: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Model OrganismsBrine Shrimp

Planaria Daphnia

Page 9: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.


Pollutant: OilUnable to swim or fly properly, maintain their

body temperature, feed or even reproduce.Interrupts food chainSensitivity of animals increases

Page 10: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.


Page 11: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.


Pollutant: DetergentDestroy the mucus layers that protect

organisms from bacteria and parasites.  Severe damage to the gills.All organisms will die when concentrations get

near 15 parts per million (ppm). Concentrations as low as 5 ppm will kill eggs.  Americans use about 8.3 billion pounds of dry

detergent and a billion gallons of liquid detergent each year.

Kill life in rivers, streams and oceans by causing “Algae Blooms/Red Tides”.


Page 12: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.


Pollutant: ThermalDecrease the level of dissolved

oxygenIncrease metabolic rate in organismsIncrease Plant growth rate-shorter

lifespanAlgae Blooms AKA Eurtophication.


Page 13: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Measuring PollutionPh Paper Thermometer

Page 14: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Literature Review 1• Brix, Hans, and Hans Schirup. "The Use of Aquatic Macrophytes in Water-Pollution Control." The Use of Aquatic Macrophytes

in Water-Pollution Control 18.2 (1989): 100-07. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://mit.biology.au.dk/~biohbn/hansbrix/pdf_files/Ambio_1989_100-107.pdf>.

Ecosystems dominated by aquatic macrophytes are among the most productive in the world

Aquatic plants possessing an outstanding ability for assimilating nutrients and creating favorable conditions for decomposition.

Creates huge success in restoration in streams, lakes, and wetlands.

Page 15: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Literature Review 2 MacRae, Thomas H., and Amritanshu S. Pandey. "Effects of Metals on Early Life Stages of the Brine Shrimp,Artemia: A

Developmental Toxicity Assay." Effects of Metals on Early Life Stages of the Brine Shrimp,Artemia: A Developmental Toxicity Assay 20.2 (1991): 247-52. Springer Link. Springer New York. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://www.springerlink.com/content/r767582126335462/>.

Need for simple, fast and inexpensive tests to study metal pollution in the marine environment.

Study used four metals: cupric sulfate, lead nitrate, zinc sulfate and nickel sulfate, on emergence and hatching of the brine shrimp (Artemia).

Provide a convenient method to assay metal effects on development.

Result show it’s apparent that use of early stages of Artemia is an alternative to the examination of slower growing animals for the study of metal pollution in coastal marine waters.

Page 16: Water Pollution Catherine Maccaro. Need Approximately 80 percent of ocean pollution causes are land based, or human induced. Twenty percent of ocean pollution.

Bibliography Brix, Hans, and Hans Schirup. "The Use of Aquatic Macrophytes in Water-Pollution Control." The Use of Aquatic Macrophytes

in Water-Pollution Control 18.2 (1989): 100-07. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://mit.biology.au.dk/~biohbn/hansbrix/pdf_files/Ambio_1989_100-107.pdf>.

Daoji, Li, and Dag Daler. "Ocean Pollution from Land-based Sources: East China Sea, China." Ocean Pollution from Land-based Sources: East China Sea, China 33.1 (2004): 107-13. Ambio. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://ambio.allenpress.com/perlserv/?SESSID=b00ff8997af6ba7573ee546f41afd51c&request=get-document&doi=10.1639%2F0044-7447%282004%29033%5B0107%3AOPFLSE%5D2.0.CO%3B2>.

"Dust in the Wind Could Be Toxic in the Sea." Dust in the Wind Could Be Toxic in the Sea. Social Issues. NASA, NATO. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://socialissues.wiseto.com/Articles/210440307/>.

MacRae, Thomas H., and Amritanshu S. Pandey. "Effects of Metals on Early Life Stages of the Brine Shrimp,Artemia: A Developmental Toxicity Assay." Effects of Metals on Early Life Stages of the Brine Shrimp,Artemia: A Developmental Toxicity Assay 20.2 (1991): 247-52. Springer Link. Springer New York. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://www.springerlink.com/content/r767582126335462/>.

Naik, Abhijit. "Ocean Pollution Facts." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ocean-pollution-facts.html>.

Water Control Programs." 13-25. State Of New Jersey. Web. 5 May 2010. <http://www.state.nj.us/drbc/04IntegratedList/background2.2.pdf>.

"Pollution and The Husdon River." Changing Husdon Project. Cary Institute Of Ecosystem Studies. Web. 5 May 2010. <http://www.ecostudies.org/images/education/chp/pollution.pdf>.

 Hoffman, Denise. "Health Effects Of Sewage Water Pollution." (2007). University Of Kentucky. Web. 7 May 2010. <https://www.ca.uky.edu/enri/KWAM2007/enri404revised.pdf>.

<http://envstudies.brown.edu/oldsite/env/theses/master0304/Mansell_Catherine/catherinemansell_slides.pdf>. Water Pollution. Photograph. Web. 18 May 2010. <http://www.mydivetravel.com/Dive-Sites/images/WaterPollution.gif>. EPA. Manhasset Pollution. Photograph. EPA. Web. 18 May 2010. <http://pics2.city-data.com/city/emap/em17527.png>. http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/oceanography-book/oilspills.htm