Watchers 2013

4, a simpler, more natural way Be Mindful of the Watchers! Be Mindful of the Watchers! But, Fear Not their Coming Agenda! But, Fear Not their Coming Agenda! By Ariel Bar Tzadok Copyright © 2013 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. Very Important Revelations & Instructions Imagine a combin ation of the most sinist er conspiracy theori es, coupled with the scariest of scienc e ficti on thril ler s. Thi s may closel y descri be the way things really are today. Things today are so totally not as they seem, that to begin to expose the truth will only be immedia tely dismiss ed, and denounced, as insan ity and parano ia. Things are indeed so bad today that to try to expose the truth, or even anything close to it, may prove to be a dangerous undertaking for anyone. Y es, thing s today are real ly that bad! And , worst of all, as out of contr ol things se ems to be, thing s ar e, in reali ty , under a ve ry tight and stri ct cont rol. Y es, ev ery thi ng is pr oce eding exac tly acco rdi ng to pl an. And there is nothi ng tha t anyone is able to do about it. Y es, ever yt hi ng is ve ry much un der ti gh t, secure co nt rol. In sp it e of any appearances to the opposite, the only amount of free choice left to us, is that which was plann ed from the outset. Things are the w ay they are, and maybe the sca riest revelation of them all is, that this is exactly the way God wants it to be!  Accord ing to ancient “ascent” literature, both Biblical and extra-Biblical, the earliest of which dat es from the day s of the Babylon ian exil e in the 5 th  century BCE, humanity is under the constant eye, and control of a group of extraterrestrial entities, referred to in the Bible as the “Watchers.” This is apparently ordained by God, and it is through this system, operated by these messengers from On High, that the real government of our planet, and our race is executed. Generic ally , in English we call these extraterres trial entities, ange ls. Howev er , by applying this term to them, we inevitably fall into mythological fantasy, and envelop these other-worldly entities in an aura of projected human-like goodness, kindness and lov e. We as cribe to them every thing goo d and p ure that w e can thin k of. We fail to comprehend, and often refuse to accept, that these beliefs, that we have been programmed to believe, are themselves deceptions and lies, most likely projected into collective human thought by THEM, to conceal their true identities, and their true agenda. 1 Copyright © 2013 by Ariel B ar Tzadok. All rights reserved.


fallen angels

Transcript of Watchers 2013

  •, a simpler, more natural way

    Be Mindful of the Watchers! Be Mindful of the Watchers! But, Fear Not their Coming Agenda!But, Fear Not their Coming Agenda!By Ariel Bar TzadokCopyright 2013 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

    Very Important Revelations & Instructions

    Imagine a combination of the most sinister conspiracy theories, coupled with the scariest of science fiction thrillers. This may closely describe the way things really are today.

    Things today are so totally not as they seem, that to begin to expose the truth will only be immediately dismissed, and denounced, as insanity and paranoia. Things are indeed so bad today that to try to expose the truth, or even anything close to it, may prove to be a dangerous undertaking for anyone.

    Yes, things today are really that bad! And, worst of all, as out of control things seems to be, things are, in reality, under a very tight and strict control. Yes, everything is proceeding exactly according to plan. And there is nothing that anyone is able to do about it.

    Yes, everything is very much under tight, secure control. In spite of any appearances to the opposite, the only amount of free choice left to us, is that which was planned from the outset. Things are the way they are, and maybe the scariest revelation of them all is, that this is exactly the way God wants it to be!

    According to ancient ascent literature, both Biblical and extra-Biblical, the earliest of which dates from the days of the Babylonian exile in the 5 th century BCE, humanity is under the constant eye, and control of a group of extraterrestrial entities, referred to in the Bible as the Watchers. This is apparently ordained by God, and it is through this system, operated by these messengers from On High, that the real government of our planet, and our race is executed.

    Generically, in English we call these extraterrestrial entities, angels. However, by applying this term to them, we inevitably fall into mythological fantasy, and envelop these other-worldly entities in an aura of projected human-like goodness, kindness and love. We ascribe to them everything good and pure that we can think of. We fail to comprehend, and often refuse to accept, that these beliefs, that we have been programmed to believe, are themselves deceptions and lies, most likely projected into collective human thought by THEM, to conceal their true identities, and their true agenda.

    1Copyright 2013 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

  •, a simpler, more natural way

    In truth, people love to be lied to, and they love to believe lies. Equally, most people do not want to awakened from the lies, and fantasies, that they embrace. I suppose that if the agenda of the Watchers was to keep humanity in a state of perpetual mental sleep then it would not matter much what we did, or did not, dream.

    But the Watcher's agenda is not to perpetuate humanity's permanent sleep. On the contrary, the agenda of the Watchers is to awaken us, and our awakening requires that we stop dreaming, stop believing fantasies and lies, and begin awakening to the frightening reality that we have been oblivious to for far too long.

    The sleepers must awaken, and this is not an enjoyable or rapturous experience. On the contrary, it is like awakening from a nightmare. The last thing in the world it will be is easy. On the contrary, the nightmare always gets the most frightening just before we awaken, and this is where world history, and collective human destiny, is now heading.

    So, what secret reality is humanity being prepared to awaken to? This, of course, is the big question! Whatever be the answer, in religion, the answer has always been referred to as the Messianic Age.

    Yet, even the usage of this term, Messianic Age, creates within our thoughts mythological images that have been imprinted within our minds by thousands of years of religious interpretations of ancient prophecies and texts, that may indeed contain secrets and mysteries that have not been discovered even to this day.

    Essentially, something big is coming in human history. This event, and the transition that it will introduce, have been planned from the very beginning of human history, and apparently, all of human history has been orchestrated to bring us towards this predestined end. So where we are today in history is simply on one of the ever turning pages in the great book of the never-ending story of man.

    One thing that we must always keep in mind is that no matter how bad, and out of control, things appear to be, everything is still, nevertheless, under the constant scrutiny of the Watchers, and ultimately under the guiding Hand of God, the Creator.

    Everything that is transpiring now behind closed doors, under the tightest security, on this planet, inside this planet, and everywhere else in this universe, or in others, is all transpiring following the Higher directives issued from the Source of All, in Heaven.

    Human history is God's game. Heaven has designed us, and has never ceased directing all of the action. Just because we do not see the production crew behind the scenes does not mean that they are not there. The Watchers are indeed there,

    2Copyright 2013 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

  •, a simpler, more natural way

    they are indeed very much in charge, and it is they who are pulling all the strings behind everything that is happening now on Earth. Just remember this, as they pull our strings, so too are their strings being pulled on High. Puppets controlled by puppets, controlled by puppets, controlled by puppets, controlled by God, this about sums it up.

    Remember this, this planet is not ours, it belongs to God. The human race is not ours, it too belongs to God. All the aliens races, out there, and in here, also, all belong to God. God will do with His whatever it is that He wishes. And the Divine plan, we must understand, deals with the fate and destiny of many more races of beings than our own.

    Life is indeed a long road. Human history is indeed a mystery. Our future, is not blessed or bleak, rather it will be what it will be, all based upon the Word and Will of God. Humanity, and this planet, have a schedule to keep, and Heaven will indeed make sure that the Watchers keep things proceeding according to the Divine plan.

    As for us, for the most part, we should sit back, drop out, and watch the play unravel about us. We too are each being watched. We are being observed to see whether or not we have learned the lesson to act humanly and humanely.

    Crises only comes to test us, to see if indeed we have learned the lesson(s) which we came initially to Earth to learn. If we learn our lessons, then we get to move on to bigger and better places and things (Heaven, Gan Eden).

    If we panic and fall back into fear, acting little frightened animals instead of like rational humans, then this too will decide where we end up next (Hell, Gehinom). Remember this, the choice is always ours.

    The Watchers are watching. God is judging. The world is heading towards its destiny. We will have to chose whether or not to let go of that which must pass, or to continue to embrace it, and go down with it, when it finally sinks.

    Attitude is everything! We either witness a world heading towards its very destruction and doom, or we witness a world in crises heading towards adjustment, rectification and rebirth.

    Attitude is everything! Do you see just the darkness of the tunnel, through which we walk, or do you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and thus pay no mind to the darkness presently surrounding us?

    Please, accept this warning. Do not let curiosity drive you to try to contact the Watchers. They are not what is expected. For good reasons they keep their identity, and true nature, concealed from but a very few souls. Although there is

    3Copyright 2013 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

  •, a simpler, more natural way

    literature out there that identifies both them and ways to contact them, nevertheless, such paths are extremely dangerous. The Watchers do not value human life the same way we do. Do not fear them, but be mindful of them, and keep your distance.

    The Watchers are not here to be benevolent or malevolent. They are here simply to do their jobs, and that is just what they do! So, fear them not, and fear not their program and plan for humanity's future.

    Stand by the side, be like the Watchers themselves, and keep your focus on Heaven, serve God, fear not, fear nothing! Live today, and let tomorrow be taken care of by God.

    What is happening behind the scenes hidden from our eyes would terrify and frightened even the most stone-cold heart. So, let it be! This is God's world, God's plan, and God's Watchers! God is even in control of those little gray guys, with the buggy night vision eyes, in their gravity-free ships. Big deal!

    In time, those proven to be true human beings, because of their humane behavior, will get to know, and not to fear all the other creatures out there that God has made. Like us human beings, not all of them are good guys, but nevertheless, they are still God's creations.

    Our job, now and forever, is to serve Heaven, and to act humanely, even to non-human entities, and so we shall! As for the rest, let it go, and let it be! God is with you, now it is time for you to be with Him.

    In conclusion, what the Watchers appreciate most is good and decent humane human beings. They are obligated by Heavenly law to respect them and to make sure safeguards are in place for their well being. All we have to do is to follow suit, and take care.

    4Copyright 2013 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.