VOLTJMTS XVni. Calendar. - WASHINGTON, "WARREN COUNTY, N- J., THURSDAY, APRIL 2, lSSu. NUMBER 15.. •'•-.': fAHiriiLD CODIK,•So.«. A.F.-&A, Jf. staffer month. Uiionlc llnll, WMiilngluu. Mercury, J. K. Ful|>cr, WniMajton. N. J. TcurLC CnAfTBi, tin, 13, It. A. M.-Muted con- Vocitliinn, 3ml Tuui-Jij In oach month. 31a- tuDlo Hall, WiMblnglon. bc.Tetoty, J. E. Koi- iier,W»i:ilnmini,.N.J. WAIIIIJHITOSCOCMCII., No. 7, It oral nnd Heicct M**tu(#.-Sirtu-<1 m-tumtiilct.:>rd Friday In«»ch month.' Mmuiilc tun, \Va»lniii>iun. •[reorder, J.B.Yu'p«,VVnib'»E'on, ri.J. D»Mot*r COHMAKDIKT, No,IT, tCT.-SlntcJcnn* cUvua,','inl and llh Wutlnujdayn in each mnuth. Slapiouic IHll, WaMili.clon. Recorder, U.K. Kanb, Wai'iUjiloii, N.J. . .. WIRBKS CoCanu.No.lC, Jr.O. U. A.Sli—Mi-el- .- im;*,; every .UumMyaruDltii.'. l-'lroiiuii** lint), Wathlt^ton. Scctelaty, Wilbur Lalloe, WH>!>. fnslon, N*J. WAiutxuTOX LowiB. So. a, K. A I,.of the 0.8,— Statedi.i-ctl.u*.l-t «ni :trd Frldajr in e«h month, ' Mauza-ili'tin 1. YVA*1IIHI:IOU, 1', A. TT COCSCIL/XO.IS, 0. U! A.M. Mcclfrc ruiary, \V. K. Jennings, Wasnlit«tuii, S. 4, IBHO BKCAMPXKST, No4*,;i. OV.O. F., meet* M Dud 4th Tiiiin " " •---.-...• —•- II. Odd Pullow*' _ _... onTdjt.iirn, Wn-Lluyiua. N.J. lAXtTitLbLoMt, SuU,.I, 0 . 0 , F , mee every italuriiity i-vimim; til 0 J 1 FCKIIMB' Hull Waihinvimi. fktrei.uy, T. II. Uulick, WutU Inntoii, X. J.. .-> CSCOXSTCOJU CoWeit; 1 So. 1(1%, Anicr'fMii I.e Clon ol lloiiur, metif ovvry 'Jo.I :mil-l'.li Monda uvuuln^i tii viioii miiiitli. in H.o'ciocU. Si-cr Wry, Miner F. My, Wutltlnittun, N. J. OHN V. tlKTs.uuj I'UIT, No.iyi, U. A. K. meet 1st Ailtd .Mi>ui!»y «v'i^n <>[ well tnoi.tit. (fro mu'ntli" 'HHSVRIC? ililf. "".wfiituui," J. 1 ' 1 ! Lni^nlJll, Wwlilnstun, N.J. ,. .. •. : . •• . LIB TO^'l. A. STRYKEU, . Civil and Criminal;Law Practitioner, WASHINGTON, N.J. JOHN M.YAKDYKH, AVaHliliiictoii'.W.J'.*, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor and MutfCi' in Chancery, PRA-OTITIONEU 1N T TnK UNITKD /STATKdUOUIU'rf, And in all ihe Courts of j\Vio Jertey Jfouieopiithie I'/ii/aiciiin (tnd Surgeon, .'/Wiislilnisioii, >*..T. Offices at ri'siiluiifu «n AViulilii^tim avoiiiic, ointoMtt! St.Cluml Uutul. . . —jM.-uhono lo Miller**. : .'. Oillcclioiiric 7tov \. M., I to .i i-. M.$ \J Cherry Pectoral. Sootlierctitiii«l»liit»ft rtl olii*W!oralnlliclr,. Mlncl(fltlioonB none IO trifled wllli l-y t i nir ajorliy i>l MIIKT- cn". Tlio onlltmry cough or cot.l, rtnttltliit; l*rlmi« from ft trininu or HHOOIISCIMW«'X- i*»iue, ii often but Uio lofilimlng <i( a tultil ilckncii.- AVKK'H CticRUV Pt:t-r»i!.u. liiu. well |iro«» Hi citic-.'jy ti forij year** iiytit wllli throat HIHIlunsiH«as«,will»!wuldbg taken lu all CMC! wltliouttlctay. jcstingisowrwlilinwinroviT M l t t n i t m ; l i t y : Kolonger I witwlilji tliu witty nmt clover; Thlti(*itli:it nniiito mu 1 Uulliu ami Hum. , tt l fl l now tc^tic oMiiktolliiViiliiuniliulIcrll; : An>l myfdlow traveller!*, left r;id tlulit, l-'ull awty fniin tin: Irarka* we tlooiiwnnl lilo, Tutlu'irsuvcKil1»rliu>Ji tln-yarouotlnslRlil! Hut 1 hear tint K-nVas ttu-y bl.l "gooiMiy I" I Rat more nli;li' A Tcrrllil " I n 1K71 tookA y Iimcji. 11..1.I n i l t l Coiipli Cure 1 *!, wro eoH, tdilrfi n -rrlUo cmigh.nisd lliaiiliiicrit 'iliP ffw iiAt,«Alrti nltow ecii. nnil nirr.nlc.1 r tiio rwm-tjf rf • nHIIIIPII iico (if ttm Clli:itUV I KCTUI I ml iiwewiir .BU.. lijr t iiAi. njt««rmn tatlillSl you IIItBOTllCII." 'CriJini.-A'Srollirr'* 1 Tribute. ' " Vliilo in Uio country |a»t 'winter my Uttlo 1; lH.y 11.rf.i yrnr*ol. 1, wus tai;i-n ithiUTi iTi.ii['i It ^.-incil ns If liu iv.niM dlu Irotn i>irm>an- li O f tlfUyKiigCfsU'l Hie u*u lilllu iKitii'til w:w liri-nililii?«i»lty. Tfi* iloc- tor wil.t lli:it tlio (.'riW.UV I'niwu.w. Imil *;ive.l iiivibrllnc'r. \i!c. fnn you weiulcr nt IW Vest I251U SI., Sew York, Way 10, 1M'.\ III iiiy^Hiilijfor JJuralViiir!", itmi <1<> iwt hesilulu in woii.miico It tlu» most t'li'cctn.il . rt'uu-ily for coiiijUs nntl ct'klmvo linvt* cv«r "iJiko CrjFt.il, Minn., Mnreii Vijliti ' " 1snlfcreil forrlslit ycnr» from r.rondiKis, nu,l :iiu<r try in— niiiiiv ri'iiu'illo ivitli \w KU^ c-fi*. I was enrol byll"-' ««u t'f Avris'f CHER- nv rci'LiutM- .lo!*t:i'ii W.iu*i:s." lijlialiii, JILu., Arril &, lio".\ "lcammtMyciionpiiln M i s o f Avrrs's but li'r 111 uw I ritouM lone "»ce liam illud Ii.ua luii^ twuWw. i:. lluAtiCOS. 11 . J'H:«itUii',Ti;*:is,A]irilC2, US'.'. So case of mi nffecllmi of tlio tliroat or hiii-i exists whtcli cannot lwgreatty rdlovcJ by tli<) u.«ii nf Avnu's CHKBKV I'rCToiiAii, nail it will fl/irav* "iw wiica llmdiscaso iJ not already leyoiid Uio coutrol of msdldue, rnr.i'Ancu «v Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Ma68. ' llDlU ' TIME AND ITS TEACHMS. F ASK JOHNSTON, riiysiciaii & Surgcoii, ' WASHINGTON. N. J. J O. OSMUN*. '-•• SL'BCIKOS D K S T I S T , . • ' • WnHHiiiKton, X. .T. With ftll the latest improvements, I nm prepared.'to do livat-cluss work. Fine tiuld'iuul Oxti'd Silver: Fillings at - reduced pr'tcc3. A. Vargo as;ortiut!iit of tlio best -odSfeiS"Tu*oLli-tIiaf«io"iua t lj;-"' •'••"•• "'•'-•• FUESU (/'.l.V KYtlltY DA Y. All brunches of the profession cnrcfully performed, AH work warranted, and cheap for CJSII. . BelvUere,-AVarren Oouniy, Xew Jersey ]. SHARP, Profossor of Drawing^, Painting Fonnerlv ii Icaclicr of freo liand hi.ihe E»1JCO|IUI Ili^h Sellout ut toif.' N. j. ASI 'hilil Centennial Intern ff5nal Exhibition n-VI '.WilrRw' 1 " I. SHARP, Huiiinioii; Itimlcnluii Co., X. ortralli' i OU. L'ustcl or (Jniyo art at rcasouablu nit liigton, N. J., INSTRUCTICjBl in MUSIC on ifiCK at lil* lioino, or [urcsHiimojui iui|iti!>. Sj-ccial nltutitlou pulil lo rmliiiiuiiH, inul sht-uL musk furnished trim. Alruuilv liaMai^e dii^, und ", 'Acc»i [iiiKiiliiLiouiui'3'Mana go P e n n i m t T-Qucsis"iv.eil cutcrliiiiicd. A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached ••-••0. K-STAA TKR, 1'i-oprictw.' ATIONAl. HOTEL, JUNCTION, N.J Tliu'liiKlcrxigncd IIHA Lliu rJlluctlun fitted.tiji In llrfit-clllss IHVULM tl»i pcoi>le ( «if lliln vluluity to 1VULM tllti PCOIHCII HUH VtUllllty ID I'llll HUH ic liiiu. Tliu tnlilw will lio furnished wltli ut sill muiilti. Tliu Xiivery ThoniicBtimoliimlbmiii Traveling n 1 plUCI DOC. UODOKISS, l'romktor. JolinCnlrary, Work. ili Biilllvun, llostiur. i llic 1'oimlui Hold of tl -, ,-.ParntBli d with all inoilun ii Water UfiBLti HUli Tuba, I ml 1 Tclopliono free to H. B. NUNN Iklrld UNDKR'.BEATTV ]!UI!,DIXO, Firbt-Class Dining Saloon Evcrvibi(iE;Dcaionablc, nnd tlwbosl In Iho m MEALS'AJ;Al£HOuRS. nn nnd in iicrfccl onlc fill- •iV""'ii-.-v HIASEK & LKR. cftilc I)ru«jf!-'l!', ait'Vliu,'e|)!ftee,^iv Votk. Notice toAbsent Defendants. Is CHANCI:;:V or >'i:v Ji:iwny.. ToDmiid V, IScultv, Jnmi's II. liittcs, ,h*v\i\i S. Unrrir Kilwlii Alifeii. Daniel K. Kthic. .Jr., William Mimrne aiul Huniiid Vu Jln.vil. By vlrtiii!of an imlvrnf Ihc Conrlf^CLian- ttu hcrJoUu n aulfo'wiiJr^ii KaiFhl'IY UliY. * I.-L. (Juiiiil.y. i^ .•..iii[-liiiii;mt. innl I TJnvr? Uai Dr. 11. L. Sl slrnngora ; hut trim found Uioro was ono thing oven moro terriblo—not to tako it. Doornftor door was slnmnicdin licr fsict*. Oiico a dog was sot at her, or sho l In i o of Ilio gomlly sl;y voo" Wfntlly face. it n Master tlicru weary K u I;OIHII'l Yd wlnl l'wtl »t i»lty. to nvlooii: rim will Mini the- riwH' . or cvtry po*»r soul Hint souks His tusl. I trctnMc tos<» '<» Him. uiieonfcsHM!—. I lioitr lilmmi ILIIUM fnini |irl--st or iwpu- 1'ut I carry a i»as!*|Kirt wlililii my breast Of Ills own sure minl-iiiiil u ik'iitlili-s) liopD. '"•-:. The Dark Hour. ; "It'fliioiise, JJecfcy/'^aid tho Hltlo me collider, droppingbin head upon hi:* hands nud looking, ti.i ho felt,.tho peraniiiilealioii.uf. despair. "1'vo ot\ Uio Lord, somehow, nud ho won't. let mo have a eliaiico to keep a ll'»U" r your litvuK I know I'm uot till I ought to htv mid I'm punished." IJeeky vent across tlio loom mid putted iier husbnnu on tint buck. " Nnwdon't tako on,' Xiefc, don'ffiho paid, "That can't lie, for Ho us knows nil knows howgood you nro. Udtor times'11 come. They're sure lo; mid you'll Uo rewrtvdn 1 . for nil your paticuuo yet. 'The tliirkcst hour ia just' ' lirbviBlons., .; ; , " >nuwliil>>. Beclcy.hnd-Kouo r I t ii'oiiJd hohorrible,'no t thought, lo toko food from icarcit.of Kifl 1I.11 CVIT nml itmif hi- \* "jir.ittltli,t' ttii;il::n;ilm Tlio poWilor shook liialicml. "J'vc gi'n up 1K»;H\ itcosy," ho said, "wtmlwitii th? r-.'iit mill l.ilt for inudi- dm-. It mis lil;i*::i3.to«et»litkiii8t"Rt tliu woral, ct"t no work eoiuiu^ in ; nnd thts i;,jiv bluip willi ^ilt siffu tempti folks frilsn'ouv 1 tshalil'.v luwoiuont u\ Uir tho iiicmiini* of ilu'ir old fho I'm untxlicd down. AVliy, yon nro thin nnd white na a g\nr-t. . Youhuvon't titttiM inoiittliii weulj, IVcUy." "Xii ninr.' have you," sutd Berfsy, " Cut In,••why then! is folks thinks went illiVj:v.i'.__\\V^tii,n:»i 3 . Niok, they H'em; when- I'livutmt onoolsaw !•>'" ) / : "Di.l li.vsiiy l.li-A.1. w'.lunhulsomo. nil iwkeil. Ni-:r. ;:."Oli, "gaij iwial'i Vil leltjv Hv'uii; out lit wrvlw, (ff. fc. lit !iml"li:ippy! hut 1 meant to ilo lietter, J illiL If 1 vni* an iditc-liuilitHl man I'd work sor.i^Innv and ttomcwliero, it*H tli- 1 hwt *>r nnthiiiy with mo. T.fi;::y, why didn't you tiiku Tim Holt, tliu w!i.:i!lwri}i:it, ami HRIUV theltltla l^ufcsiitoiinl licggnrs had mrtdo llicin- liuiBnnocs to many pcoplo, mid how wti'O Ihoy to Juiow real povcrly ' when it naked ; dims ? 5Ion whom tlioy lind pitied us paupotH proved lo bo. owners of roal ostnto. Cripples nud blind mnii whom tlioy lind nidod •fiiiiad tolmvu Uouud up strong limbs oud Rluctl their oyos together—so Jlioy wero hni-d u p o n rail distress nud refused it broken braid. . At six that cvciiing Ucoky stood nt a street' comer vitli one crust. iu' lior b.i3kot—no moro. Syoiul lay a pawnbroker's shop, and Becky looked at ita fjoldoii balls and at her M-odditig riny. Slio had worn it fifteen yearn, nml it w«s thin and frail, but puro Hold. . TlirottKh all HIIO hud ptit until now. Mu3t.it'eo}*..Tlio. hoiiKht was worno tliuu biggiiiff. JJueky took n «tup furwtu-d, nnothor Illicit.. Thou HIIO bofjan to cry n littlo. Nick'ii riiif,' thnl ho put on hur linmlso loiiff Hfco—oh, do.ir,-oli, duarl ]Jnt she grow bravo itfjain, and walked into tlm Khop niid pawned tho ring. It wns not much tlioy yuvo her for it, but it would buy supper, unri perhaps Nick wouldn't nottci', and porhups sho could got it buck., That was u very fuiut "ptrliapf," howevor. A woman yraa in tho pawnshop tin s\h waitod, biirgniniug with tho proprietor over u suit of littlo girl's clothing— i "L -],!i!h.-itcl,.li:> jiSum. liefer Jiinifl !•". ]^:it(ylr).Ii».- ilik-n.•Duii'wl K.Kii.it.-. ml ^itmtiuKi. l!ovil,l: ii'iLiuMruiniuiU-lV. Ji< tbc^!lt!i ilny ol Jiiini *' "ift tVOf" N i:\V**.'l [Jl- f u>*. idroi~vYuiililiii!lmi.a iid binds nml ^no'lH liti. UiiLTiM.ii.Kili i., -Wllil.ii.i Mini •tWifWllHMTUllK : wlito rcd'liy il He In Hits fTi in .-.ml pa! V.tUf: i>l:i!ii ty arc iimdn it flirty (Kf.-m « tliu itn»rt!fii!r<»V s -iiml claiii . it in liw's-iiUl'-'amis ami I'IHIUUIB lan: 1 »r.ar.:l'irmi;. tlia .said-Jr.incs.vJl.-. i ji rtcfMirtar.t- ' ml diutlu i ibuVii'iil lii'mLs ml ml in )Uiiu<! K';imiicl .< il.l L^i'Xl''F'.ll"(iUy L t l .vim ,Uw.\A\ S. liiirrifimi l ]•:. Klini.',-.lr., Wiiliui !Wi; E. IVl-'iuiIcy VH. Diitild I-'- Hitatly. VI fn lie IKI. ut tur. On DiwkcliMl JmlgiiiciiL OHUALL JiifniBv, Attiinipy. By virtue'of tlio »bovo stiitul writ tiV nit AlnxtxA ami dullvcml," Issued out of.tliu nliovi jjtaU.tl.Gtmrt,^I-litU.*.'-lrt*1*'/lT«l>n».(>nrt jvlll .iiy-. lini,(j Tor Hilt! lit jmblii! vmulitu on ., •'• MONDAV, AIMIILSO, \m, but-wucii Urn hmint of 1- ««d r ' o'clock in tli iifmrniMHi,':it tlio St. Clmiil llnlcl in lliu low of \Vii>lilIILJion, tlniiiit-y of Wnrruit inul SUI niiil mil m m fi nth lifh B flft f 11 nf T)inloll~tJoitlTT| . u!-,i,ol 1 ullmiil H\L»W. ^il) iloi , t-id in i mil l tliiti «|ii Hit (k ILL MIUI )iui* o andi Kt f cast, fifty ftoUoiUHitliur -ttarmr m ty'H liuitl: tlicnco C-i) noiitl; Uilrlj- Imlf tk-L'rcus west, uno liutltlrwl mi.i ci*^ .««, to u cnhiLT in tliu edge of minlluv way; tboiiei GO liV tiiiid iilloy way'north llfty-swcii •nml tVrce-imartcp'ilosrenit vn»U H«y fciiL to inv iiUior romer of Hitil Hoiitly's lnn<]; ilit-nw f-i) liv n Him of nalil lot norih ttiltlylwo' and u Imlf ilcgrces cast, one liumlml mill Klsty. fwjl. to lltu i»lneo nf bcjjhnilns, u'mlubilng twdnl.y lunulKiUlifl »f nn WTOIH) UWBuiiiumoroop luas, it •bcliiKildt no 13 on n iniiii mntlc by Joseph A. Shroiio, nml Ibo wuuc lol, cmmiyud by Ailr.tn W. Cravuiliig Dimltil f. Hcnily l>y duuil dntuti Mny UJlh. 1SSI, nmbriiciwilui! 1" Wurrun County Clerk's ofli<s« in book of ilnutlx, , t!tC. '. Sulxctlml tnkcnintc) e . lirnwHobuMikl for.c :•••'-. -• •,W0.M.-\ ..j.Mareli.3p, lBS5.f^J< opcrly of Iliodofondantmid " (l tuli f iliuilnlnt .wstly tiling, slrRiifjoly out of pluce iu Iicr imniU JJoeky uotiofd tlutt, buying to herself that they, wownever fuirly craiu liy. Uut (she hud forgotten nil ivl.nut ft wlipn. t-t>iniiiK out, of . tli Imkt'i-'a it little voiat foil on her our, imd, looking down, slwi-nw n barefoot child of four, !u wretched rag-s sobbing nito- OUHly. . . . . lla-kyunssoft of henrt; but iu poor quarti'i's vryiny ehili i-nuujrh, imd hi'r nwu wcro uniting for thn loaves iu lu-r luske!.; She walked 'oit lustily, uti'l si. upset tho toddler. Then lleeky must ueeil stop nud piolt hemp. ••Why don't you go homo to your inulliur Lliiit night time," shn snid, •"nml 1 just l-.nuw how nic .iml b(>«!oarty.rd:ir!c used if) po to st-y .1 lio n <Hiarru1, Kiuk. . Ami '•D to llohuhkoii and Uio giinlun. mid uomu u aftornoiin. nml how L-h'.iR'h Sundny mom- ;.-..»diig iiity olio's." \Vt; iy, ii r:i:.-t I* ull np liHl,'" 1 MM " I Itivoii't tii;w k.tfoout «iil. n-.iVr.v. but, hi, I don't iniss it steady maiTicd folks now, you "O!i,.i{i 1 (.'Xy!" naiit tho cobbler, "you ry to !:fi>p np heartrljui-yoii' kiiciv it'3 c«*!iio t'l slarviiifj.'* lu'yUmkednti'aiili ollior, nn<l then Iii>c:!iy put IKT nrins abniit her hiislj.-ind, Shu-did hot wetJ!»...iijib:i.h!S " l d l aR£i»lii|jaiid nnd frsiil flint it ttors, iiud'lio eo.fiiinili nly sei'tned natiinil to Mho hv.j:gcd him up i d to her shouliior mid eovtrod hi^ hfiid over with her npron, nud jnit her cheek down outside, tho bnndio thus inside, and smoothed and patted hiin as if ho had "Iwen a"bftVy. J»ut sho cri'jil, too, ni:*d-Uieiinron v.'iw wet tlirougli iu lio timo._ . _ - v . .•-,-.•••;-;:•. -::•:.'—i::-.—. "It w:is n Ind stale of -thiiiRf*. No money, no food, no. tire, suid winter tit its opKlo:it.;,..tho.('liildren Gout, to school biwikfiuitlcsafor tlio Kiit6' of" tho lynniUh nnd coiut'ort of tliu nuhooliiousc; no work, to bo had;, tho littlo ualibler.ns helpluss.as mini eould .woil bo, except nl..iji« ILIUIU, .mid. 1 Jjceky's wishing "Btoppeiirfoi 11 ilo;iv0ir"oi)ly"kiu;vrh"6w,! huifj, by n giTitt Mon iu . tliu" "paiiri of. her right hiuid. But TVjchy-loved tho queer little nior- 1 tul. sho had nifii'ried so wolhthnt sho stopped cryina Jirat/aud -piekod yy* his lusfld and pfttled'.it, nud kissed him bo" twcr-n'th'j oyct—groat, Jfi-ightoned Unlit- Ah\io oyc!(,th!it seemed nmde for crying. 1 ' You stay homo nnd mind Iho.pluce," aho wiiil. "I'm going out u whilo. Por- Imps there'll bo ii ,bit of luok—who luimvs'y" • ' • •••--filio put--on hpiv'jnnnefcnnd sliawl !— Kucli a tlnu littlo sliuwl, which Inul buoii used for mi iroiiiny e'cith, nud 1 had nu iron-shaped su'oreh between tho Bhoul- ders—mid took up it bnsltet. ^TIiaiioWilor.ldokoa-ftt'-lKK:^?^^^ . •Mlcckyl" ho Buid, ' honi'aoly; "lloolty!" ' ' . ."v . '." i Kho Imow jii3t what ho meant."• . . : "Thelittlo children, Xiu!;," it won't' ; BGc-m-Iiko-boggiiis-'"!'cn-i"s'-lurflhoin;" . „;: Tl i OJ i. LI I'LT-a oor ; ; K 1 mt. \li ol i i i iU L': 1i ii iv r i«i il pooi';Kick limped after>• htnv'iia though to, stop her, then pimsnd and fnirly Hung himself down upon tho floor, .wishing ho were under tliu ground beneath it. "God forgive tlio in nu tlmt nnivrios a,-woman to. (itiirvo^-ljciv'-PhQ-sobboil. /'Why, if I'd kiioivn it would linvo opmo lo tli is I'll luiv'ijr. Imyo'eoiu'teif.'her." l't'n tiniol \V(W(le:»d." '.- •;- •••. ,.,,' ..' 4: - ' Pcrhnjis, bciiis u• stwuifro, iuumlsiv littlo 'fellow, thcro might'* 1 havo bnon a tragic end to. thi canto in froin.flohr _ , homo. iiiamina! until, nt last, clcsnnirinEf ol (in nnawor, they - "ivoro turning homeward, wlion a Maze of light Jrom nu ojwii iloor /oil ovor them, nud they saw on tho stops a weeping woman ami a tall, liandsomo wo will find horifalio Is alive," snld t h o m an. - '•".'"••.'-'•'•'• "My precious child 1" , cried tlio r o m n n . ; '..'... V. ..; . ..•.. •;'•:.:;:'.' : Tlien Niek and Becky gavo ft sort ol little cheer in unison. "It's them," snid Ecclcy; "them," cortnin auro. Oil, mum, if yonr nnmo is Smith, nud you've lost a littlo girl, wo'vo f o m i d h e r . " . : ''.''. -...'• ' • -Aud theu tho cobbler and his wifo wero poimcctl xipoa : aud tho Btory told. " ;..,,;••.:.•••• .".- "-"=-.;: Iiihnlf nn hour tho six poor littlo ogros without crowns wero aroused from their Hlurabera bynn rirrival, nnd tho odd baby in their mulst.vns taken out to;thoir: difltrcs3 nnd coiwcraatiou, for they countod on keeping lvir. ; : ' And Niek and Becky forgot thoir own troubles iu tho parouta' joy. And Nick said it was lika poetry, nudllucky snid it wiwliHen"uluy. : :: ." ;: ;- ; ""-' •"-"-}"•' "." And so it was, ono with n happy end- ing, for what Bhoiild tho ladydo but bog and pray -Becky to toll her what would lilto best, nnd;Bocky coufossod that tolinvo her wedding ring back vraa tho. hope of her life; aud this led to tlio cuttso of-its.pawning and nil tho Btory ot poverty nud sorrow. Thou Iho dark houra ended nud day broke ; nnd there wna food iu tho liouso and tiro; das it happened that baby Jliunio's father nni'dod just such work us poor ik could do, 1 ho giivo tho place to the cobbler; uiul from thnt day thcro was enough inul to spare iu the litllu home, bcnuiscol tho simplo kiiubicsa shown lo bidiy Miimio. "So il'H never time, thrown iuvny to do u kindliest tonuy one," BUJH Jleeky, often,' "for somohow you nro 'always rovninleil for it, If I'd luft tho littlo lost btignni-'a child, tul thought it, ii tho street, nnd never stopped to cafe for it,—as I might linvo done in such trouble —whero would Is'iok have boon, aud tlio children, and me, this night? Not that I did anything but what a Christ- ian ought, but sec how we were paid for it.'" ; •.'..'••': ;••• A vftlnablo product of tho whalo is tho rcmnrknblo suli-ttaiicouidlnd iiinbur- Scientilic. and molded into furnituro. AVlien ..: Lead Tcins.sro thickest in limestone, tuimier in ennilslouo aiuJ thiniiust in Blnte. Tho latter, howoyj-T, contains tho greatest porcontago of silver. •S- •' •• ' ' : ; ' - '' : ' : • • ' '. ''•• Ulnck wnlnulHtiwdiist; is now mixed with linsdcil Riuii ornniiientatton 'for rnrnished, it is imnd^omo mid moro durnblo than carved wood. Tiirpentino in nmnll quantitien nihy bo uwd with ndvaiitngu iu tho laundry, but rraiij, whitih in uf-unlly found iu soap, id injurioiw, diiicoloriiig twinn goudiiiind uhriukinjj woollciia. Ifn cliickeu botio bo left in dilute iMiriatiti lU-irt scveiul days, it may bo ;:e.l into a knot, uiiiuo tho. ncid hai li.^olvcd Ihn lime, Ifriving uotliiug but Mrtilugo nud conuectiiig tissue. ' Thero lnwrecently been discovered in" tho Yellowstonu Park tho mineral iiitiiwu n.H."eryolu61" which is nf great i-iihto iu tho ((otinhv iiiiinufii'JiUtc. It hid .previously been found iu Green- land.: 1 : : ' - •-. •'-. -. : .:•• •'• Dr. A. licismnn, having observed that crystals cf.'I'eriimi^iuato undorfjo a aapoillwd decuiuponitiuu when e\])iwod ID tin) action of light, rocommomls that lUolutions of this salt bo: kept in tlio dark. Tho jnieo of Iho cttriotw ink-plant of Now tiramnl'i rofpiira 1 ! no prepemtion foi-ln'ing usud for writing. Tito color iriru'lilLsli wlion first applietl to paper but anon becomes n deep black which ia very duruhlu. - A linlliniit bluck varnish, fw iron, stone, in' wood citu lio made by thoi 1 - onghly iuenrporating ivory blivk wifli conuiiou HIIUIIIU vnruish. Tlio niixt Hhoiild be luid on very thin. Itut ordi- iiary cu:il varnish will sovvo th pttrposo in incwt cases ijuito tia well, aud it ia not nearly so expensive. All rimiinaut hoofud beasts havo honi3 and down fuel.' If this hwfa nro own. tin; IIDI-IH aril nvi-n ; if mill, ivi in tin rhinoconw, tint lutnn aru odd, thnt i: iinglu.or.two plii-.Tit ono behind tli otlior.; with, fruthers ; 'itlwnys have beaks: Ti(ji?ous with shnrt boaks luiva small fwt • Tim Innwliinli of the hound am associated with a lonj i. I ea uinuii n't find my iu ? Oli. Oil tilt! s could only ho foi'iifu Iraircni UTIICU of lliu ht-n, tho COUHU of Africa, IJnizil, aud tho Bahamas being T l l XlTf-,.^,,.^.» the usual loi* lities foi\.it.,.,.Tlio.color of b!m.' vym sii'iu<niing in toiiw aim could just make out. Hut tho *:hild i-niild tdl nothing. It wnnplainly lost. ISwky t™k it UvWr arms anil nnide iiuniirios »t tho curner grocery, where «ho bough:' n Hliuc ot' hiim; but noono laiow thu uhil.1. It was growing late, too, andllouky could not lwivu it to its fnte. ' T i l tiiku it liuiiii'," fciid sho, "and.to- morrow lind its fulkff." , ' So, whc;i tho cobbler and his uhililraii' saw the'door upon :it lust, there entered by it "not'only thi'ir nntlter iiu'd u bas- t','t. . b u t n.;bitby. a l s o . • '• • - ,:•- •».• ••• A now baby oamo freqiioutly to thia cRtnMisliitiont, umi tho uhildrcii, in their juveuile view of suuh niattord, opined that they hnd "imotlu;r littlo «ister." '.-it's Ri>:or4'ibLi:UiUl.".."Limd:Bfli L ky.'. "I'm going to keep it to-night. ..Its paret.ts'nro poorer than wo aro ; you .can. Boe'lhiitby its bnro feet and only ono littlo frock, poor tiling! Now hold hoi- Nick, while-I cook supper. 1 didn't begil, Nick, soJo:i'Lfrot"- , • -And ihuiiitwpiny liur-riutf•finger out of sight, Becky fried tho ham, and nindo gravy, ami cut the broad, nud sent for two" eienta''worllf "of '"milk,' "whiohr ili- lutotl, niiulo ti quart of milk aud wtitcr, nnd tried to bo ehoerful. ." -' v - •••^i'lio.lost^childcricKV-bntOJaeky-faa it, mid coaxed il to ttdk ; theii-vcnmo n Btory o f n " bit desa " nnd n "nassy WOlllll'.l." Tho yotiup^st, who had ;chewed, Uio Jrca::kicl;,-..actsd'as;rinterpi^tor;»..Soon it .'disooyorod that some. lvoinan, do- liod as "inisly," had taken away tlio child*!* blno dnws and other gnruionta, and had also boateu her. Uccky listoiic'il i'.Hfiitly. . • .. . "That drcs3 was blue, Nick," nho yg g f j n hundred pounds, or?iVen more. As it is worth nliout a s^nv. per ounce, a largo piece is of very*'"great value; BO Hint n party of 'sailors who once found n lump of 50 pounds .weight aud knewthe value of their discovery, deserted their and went homo with tlieir prize. eiRi-id lias now boon robbed of its mysieries and is known tobo unprosa- ic:illy formed hy\n morbid condition of the intestine, aud theroforo each wlutlo is curefully searched before the body ia cut adrift after the blubber nnd sperma- ceti linvo been'removed. Not ouo whale in 50, howiivci 1 , produces a siuglo ounce of nnihersris. The black spots which g U but thatclnlilrcu ol and began to cry, it tho bight of then prostrate b J t ^ I il pv fathoi, pnlly U h t* 0 ^ Inmgc «jil When Raliy was HICK, wo- gnvo licr-.Captorln, Whim Bho «nu ii. ClilW? Blife cried for^Cu^lo: -n. Who:i elio was a MIRS, 1 BIIU> clnntf I*! 1 Ctielorlr.:: Whenfllie'liWCIilWro'itisic Ba'.o.lUein'CnPt'ft , py foigot hun-cif todo ihat ho foi thorn ( He 1 n ' iiO i! n ic, 'i l h rt 'nO a p^crt _of_hn o JtL. K»iiJhoin Jnut siwno p " " I ' l Oiilj~^ho 5"ouiigosfe ehowod Iho kid Aud tho SiuX thnt " mplhor.. and tho basket wero gono to- cried,.-ri'I it rn't hors—n tipsy,".] ragged woman; and folks that own them tiling. 1 ! don't como to pawn. I—" ' : Then'fllie paused; tho secret wa out. 1 Nicks'eyes had dunuud to hevj ing, und back again tolior fitco. . - ' . l *' ' . " • , "OJi, Ueckyl' 1 he cried, now. "Becky, •o d i d n ' t U i i i i k " '•• ••-•'. Uceky lluslie;! scarlet. ' -jj "I didn't •mean to.tell," sin "but'now it's out; I'm married iho.. said; dall tho eainvV-lba!ik.G,yd.:.rIt.wn: ..;pwn. filio'p I iwy Iho bliiii dress.": And sho told them of this woman .whom BIIO. had 'wutohed and of her suspicions. Ni "Tho .stole,you HOP, Nick. .IVk sLgei^aaLcli?^^ " " ' • • - - it3 : iianio™pttt,'..w.6 ttoublo wo'vo iiovcr-hiidi-'Thiukof ouoof oius being gono all.night, Nick.; Tho babv'a nnmo eooinod to bo jrinmoSmiLlii nlthowgh "M. B." might bo nii;;thiiig cdtib; and putling tho nlintlrPivftll-tOibftil.^alUnjyw.Anjto.thj^ •Hltlo ovgos in tho^'fairy fnlo's, "aiivo that" they lind no cro\yns on, Nick nnd his wifo 'starlet! off to Uto pnwn^rolcor's flhop. Tim man. looked iit the gnrmpnts. They wero innrkcd 31. B. : "I'm riRht then," a'aid Becky. "They nro iho ohililV,; mid they'wcro.stole. AJitl if wo cnu.bnfc find its poor mother, wo'll aavo lnoro llmii'iiiiy. but a . mother .•caniteH.,""'- ;t"ay-' : /.- ', v.'fOJul" think of "nil-Uio SniHha," said' ithoi'pjtwnbrolwi^l'Vl'hcra's"^ ~' i ^jid^r6ulj^iVsT 1 'Wid r ]i'o^^r^ ;i 'Iiul theso men—tlio police—tlioy mayJmov." ^Aud out^tinL 'Nick ' nntV J3ooky ,tb j clouded "with™ a ' rcdilish" hue, nud diversilic*! with irrugulur streala of •ollow aud bhiuk spots. On the ex- terior it .is black and shining, nnd looks its if it had hero and there hucn daubed irith pitch. It is ^^ mrying in weight froitif 'ja d ? inlumps liavo been incutiouc •tho haul siks of octopods which, tho whiile lins eaten, and which' rctuiir their »h»po (iftorjli.0 soft Jtosh , lias. been _di_sest«d._ Tho geolojjiciil 'reader may remember that the beaks of cuttles have bonu found, \vithin th''bndio«nf.!,'ivt:iiii. fossil, reptiles,, thus allowing conclusively wluit wiis tho •linturo of thoir food- Thero.. are., several _ vsiu'cimons in the Collego of 'SurgcipLisrono -being n viiliT- ubln object, as it, i.i eylindoriiial, anil remains tho shape, of ..the inlcstino in furmed. Ambergris ia littUi.used in.Europe, but iii tho East it ishWiuThiKh^v'putaU^^^ perfume, imd partly as n valunblo in-. gredtout iu cookery.— WluiQVffl' can dificevu truth has rceoiv- eil his commission •from a higher source than tho oliiufesl justicu in tho world wlkfiiim'discern only law. Hoit"is tbiit ilolivors sentence.- Uo fliuls himself constitntud judge'of the judgo.. THE Ntailil-'K SMVUS. Tho .powers of a •sove'nth ;son wero •garikd ii!)* inii'iWiilous !' f thrnnghoub Envopo down ton very recent tlnto, iiuij> itiauot quito certain that the belief is unlirely oxjiloilcd to this day. A per-. " " ' L known in.Tnuico as son-of \\m and was 1 . supposed to i ti HOW AU»I.SllN WAS 3n.STIlKATi:n. , Ono dny, sovcrnl years ntto, whilo Aildiion 'vf'tiA KilVms hi bin "gnrroty" room revising hii M CiiU>,'",ho received Iho following iiolo from Dick Stculo :— _• darling Addlson—I nm in that cuvity profanely: known ftS Ochounn'a oscivatiou. Jly niovuitig hours nro din* tin-bed by collectors nnd my evening moments nro Hindu unroll by tho foot- stei)S of tho mini I'owe. Addiaou, wo linvo nlwiiy.i boon good friends. I nm n whignnd you nro ii v.iiij; in thi-i King- ilom by the si'ii. a 1 *)Sdf(nr Voe will in tho future express it,*'but cnu't you help mo outofthisjix." -,;.•• Addison'liii'l but lilth) niouoy. In fact he owcd.tha grocer, the bail>cr nud and tho cnnilk-slick; ninnipuliitor, but he pawned his golti Kpiir.v hit richly ormuiioiitcd fiword, hin silver tea-pot —hii nil, nud raising .CIOO, scut tho sum* to Iiia distressed fricud. Suveml /Uya nftcnviird. WIK-II AiMi^ii fmiii-l hiin. in Htrclo's notghborhood, hodecided lo go up and ueo if them wero any olhci 1 .w»y in which ha could help his poor friend.' As liu approached tho dour Ic.nl in jj ia to Stoclti'ii room he hcnnl mimic.nnd dunumg and HOIIIUU only belUting tin) nbodo of tJioso who folt tho weight of ninny nicklos, but hnlting not ho nhoyed open tlio duur iiml entered. Bteck 1 , dri'ftM'tl. iu n unit of tawdry clothes, stood iu the nuddlu of tho room. On'the sofa sat n young woman with n discolored eye; .bivtido her rcctinod n y.'Oiiiiin with bail teeth ; whilo nt thoright Mood women who woronot grniidninthorly in npiwarance. Uiiudtc.H and hihtriotui bucks stood around, upon tho whole tho scene was ono of ftiHhimi and oxecsnivorefinement, AVben Addison entered, Steclo, who hnd been turning thu crank of a musical instrument arose nud said :— "Itab, hero i-'t JIivAddison, 'Wonro (ill jjlud tosce.liiin. Addison, howdo you fiii'1 yonrs.'K?" • • ; Addl'ioti was disgusti 1 !!. Ho looked at tho tul>li'. lomU'il with hamRand- v.ioln.^, and ftiid : ' ' " I thought, Hit. tltitir my doiintion wa3 iul^udtd tn keep you from prison?" "CuiTOft Jj'ott nro, <mlly," exchiimcd HivtXo; "but now that I nm out wo nl'»«il(l iitMrppM yon do not •• enjoy oiuvelvfi Henry/ i.7n boy,- "bring 3tf. AuMkoi '* bpcr. Ali.' my'dear . !ti> bo .enjoyiusyour- Tiiia is a ciiiiisoii ftttin which. frequently npiilktl t..» w..'0<la for musical iuslnHUWils.J&ii.:l-Tiike..ci.'bui!d.-31rsiaiI. 'woud/'oii'iVpo'iiiiil";' w:ifer7 "three qulifls, inU-oohiiiwd, Imlf iiuounuf. .Hoil the ii-.iailwood with thy water for hull" itn hour, strum tho decoction, nnd add the uhii-<?nl; thoii boil the mixture very gently for !mlt' im hour, when it will he ready for use. Aftur tho aatiu'is applied to tlui wood allow it.to'dry, well before using thu viivui-sh. An effort ha.s been nudo to cultivate the nettle, U'lkadhku, with the object of obtaining from it u material suitable lor weaving.. A lady in Germany ha;; raised nettles on piitcho_M of waste or, nwiriy profUlww land.' mill 1ms secureil it of •mich :!H!i nnd teujieity. tluit «ho Innin- duced some fawners in her neighbor- hood to trywluit* fi'u ; iuei ; " imjii'uvi'ineiil 'eanb'u«flV.-L'it;a-iti Uiu'iielllo byKruwiiig it,on soil formerly devoted Lu ivheat. self. Had to Hoak'yoiir houadiold (.'(io.1-; lo 'keep mtv out, eh?' tlhitl to hi-ir.' it. Fino to hiivn fricniin. Atldy— Hue tiling. IIiidu'tbi'eH'J'or'youI would liavt) bpon injiii!. As it is I nni giving a iiliniier. Kay. can't you lend me seventy-Jive cmta V . ' • , vet there f Kcotlruul:" A-few evoniug^-heforn tlio battle of Ciillodoiv thoro woro pulhered in the npptirtiueiita of tlio ' f f hi Pretender,' for ctirdii. In U g iiiuo oE dinmoiula b;'!iiii^iiig tothe pncU crop which has yielded l d iU A solution .isiid foi'remov ,>f oxalic "acid has hcov. »{,'ink sunns from cdltuii, r tho Humors, but itiu'nttwulod tho skin. A miuili Fiif tmilinent of ink os: rr.ssfc of. the, applk'iitioii.. i?f.. powdered civam,. of t:ivte pply I d williii jtaturj consistn Lw-.v-i>RTta rf •_.and one., part riijj to tin possess Iho faculty nf curing certain disensfis by toucli/ 1 'Wo reserved our ifodiilily in 1 England for tho,.seventh MI rlylpiiH^ t'i jia; tiimlnry [ ajlfimiiwliiriTf 1 nbori'i', nnswiiring toihis tlawi-ipfion,; ,VIIH regarded as onilowoi^with extra- ordinary h'ealiujr, power, aud was looked upon with lio littlo awo niid wonder by, tlio ignorant. Orliiin it w L that ho had n ;b«'•iivi.r^ll'' 1 'J 1 .it>'*^i-. ?ii9j5iJMlLVL?. 1 -!V ^?? IPil finid To itnvo been presented to him by dampened antin. "When thospot ha., disappoarod the pnjit should 1 b.u well washotL -i^Crt) Any ono, Kiiy.s\Mr."*linverton liodwiind who lind exiieriaiiea' in the oiUproihitj- iiiK distrlota of tlui Uiiitod Whites, uould not f.iil to bo strutik by tho limited area from which petroleum wns takon ltusBia. Tho JidiV at Bithu wtis not nioro .thrill..Jiiveo and one-half niilo-' sqiiarc'rAltlTniiyli ho r lind soeii •wells ii Ainoriuft whieh wore cosiiiidorodjivmark ablj- productive, ho WM ipiito unpro paved to KOO niioh nn outllmv ny Hit woilr, fit IJulcu ••'anvil. Cwinj; to tin imposition of duty on foreign korosom very littlo, of Americnu litauuiuoturo ij now imported hy ]inssin. v AN AXNl.Cllin't" Ol' LI NCOI.N, : ' Onn day' 'in-^VMhi •:S'^!I^EI«T 1 -OK BOcon'd inangurntion oi' Alu'iihnm. Lin- coln, hoWUH reclining innn arm''(sliair, fnstaslonp, whilo aciw-s. Iho Inblo from him- in.iaiiotbor nvnicjmir vomlinc,. pnt /yia^awoUaTfrciiuhvr^ipVaiitl;:]'^. oyes wondered .to'*A pier glasa on lho_ Qppoailo' sitio of iho room.' -lie gnvjii\ ntit IOIIR and anxiously in wlenuo, so long, indeed; 1 that JFra. Lincoln linally, naked him what it'wns Uiafc a-ttracted his Items ot" Interest. wsmm smm Of tho workn cnllnd for in •- tho great-^rj-^f- library ot tho Jiritiah Mtiaotiinless titan"' "--'*•• leirpercfti.t nro novels.';. :H,., / ^ : ;^:K' Thooiitliiiainstic miners of KngloICity, v ^ : , Arixoua, presented $5,000 in gold dust T to tlid inothor, of: tho llrst cliihi borni-: t h c r o . ' . - . ' '• • ' ' ; - , • '•'• ;.• 'M.-'i'r .Venezuela 'ECIIOOIS nro BUpportCil^bj% tlio. .Federal '"• Government•,:. from lit revenues of tho l'oat ofllco nt a traili liceiifiosysfoin.' >: • TIi«\Vliito Hoiiso hna been _ t'ofton' thnt th« wMrrT^ijHipon itiV;^ Ktid lo bo, by notual mcMHrenicht,"ncnriy-^ n quarter of nn inch think. ,*•"-. .There aro about 00,000 juoro fo than iimlits in tho city of Itorliu. fnct is nil the more remnrknblo na thcra *;,{J ^ n giivrison of soldiers in tho city tluit>.-; iiitnbers 10,000 men. •;••';-•' ..' -*-. : ,'^T^. Thoro nro still, uomo. half !;ilozoiiS wondeu liousos in London, -L Ono'is thoi^ J fiipiaro nonr tho*tower, "r nnotheriu tho back of il. Tlifiy;' \ cry old, hut in good repair, fiinil'warm; iiutl comfortable. Cork ia now.:: made into .bricks-for coating Htcnin boilers nnd ice coolers.| Tho cork is broken upinto very mmill I pnrtick's, n Hinnll ([iinntity of -cement'] ndded, mid tlieu pressed into tlioslmpog of bricks, vhich nro tu-st dried by. ftiri*:| nnd then by nrtllcinl heat. Son 'Augustino, Florida, was tho first* poimancnt settlement mado by Euro-4 peans, within tho limits of the prcsont j] United States. 'I'ho settlement was'** cHtidilwIicd in •ISO.'*, nnil Sau Augiistiiii is, therefore,' tho oldest city iu'ithoVv United Htntcs. ' / ' . : . ,,.v:-"V ;,': Xoar Tidlahitssn, FlnM thcro 5 niiui who hnn lived hy-."^, ontho 1 lltitlllUti _ twodiirercut Ktntes. His homo is not tho Clnorgin line, and the sovornl sur-: KV|)iaj vuyrt linvo ])luu<?il him- iii n diu'erunt J ; ^ r Stnto each time. . . . , .;-"'-*' ; «r! 11 nurture " Mi: Davitt tolls nsof'lilV,';^, " FaiMon .Dairy" says anEnglish paper,'; "j_~%%f^\ "HL'hloin receive, more'.than twenty per •: T, ci'iit, of the vnluo of thoir booty: 1 from :.!: the buyeW to whom they diaposo of. it,";" ^v if it happens to bo iii any othqr form--.' •$; than coin. If tho stories told by throoV-% 1 ^ criiiiiiial.4 can ba credited, many menb'f J*.%'| nppareully Hrninlusa Mnractcr.-m- thii--':j\ ; : 'comniRvemt" woriii" own7most"of their;* wealth to direct dealing with profes.'*" bio!^;il thiuvea." ,".A . ..."...' ' ,.;"".' The largest au'rt finest memorial stono"-"' in the Washington inpimmcut is the 01111 pn.'Sftntod bytho Cotijnmtin'n nf Phihi- •;-' : /i ..letphtn, Thu stone seiit.by Switzerland bears .this inscription: "This block is. 1 the original chapel built to "William.: pp crites!', a few of his of iho pp p o coin-so nf the evening tho h U with w On tho oh tlio nijjlit ere pluyinp wai lost-. iitti»r'lhe'lwttlo, whiU resulted soil'ipastronsly for the Proti " Urn Diiko of Ciuuba."laiiili cnliirod'lnvoniOfW.' smd, ii3- wa3 his hi-\ niHtuni, took up iiia rpmvtera iu tlio apartments which hadbno 11 rcueiitly jccupidil by; Cluivhsi EdwnWL . O11 tho Vjllnwinj'-'iuoruinji" ft ™>^'' I«onght .vurd that a BLiisill force, oi' the defeated, :irmy hr.d bdwn vefngo 1 . hi tho deap _ tho moiintfiins. "The duko •it once •directed 1111 . ullicor to take n, mmibor of nion, summmi Iho party, '-.Tnn.11. (o;.disilli. who -was_ i'omid in nrm*. . Tlio ofiiuoi*. rolnotaiit lo carry out tho infamous brdov, de- cliued to t' 1 !-:'" 1 llm romuiaud'without a v.Titten -qrdor. .Tha.duko looked around therooiuto lind (i : vi<vw nf papov on .M-lii'.-h t'v.wi-ito. thu. r.i ; .l^iv;,\v]vi-u.soiiiQ.. one piu't'od up the lost, card,'' nnd .piM- hisnleil it lo tlio duko, who wrote tlio ortlov 011 it, nnd hiinded tho ear.l totho MYM it, nd Tlio Ko'diors •Ijpju-lod ontheir errand of butchery,jmil.-sd.woH did I "e^ewi 1 io'*ho{iuI;«^r.iwiiM7ami;^lh«i 1 "nb& one of tlui ilovnted ilighlaudori escaped tloath. Iliineo it i'S that the nine of tlinmomiR is wiled "Tho Ciivuo cf A HO.VIIMKNT. littlgbo ; "*A" f , wliat isj'a cjital:il<iuo?" asked a j " , _ . . "' liiialquo.rUiy son, is a biox on l rost." p uhi.Mil who^o ml A lUiif initic Hiimlu j In d ed t' lom i vl *'hNa_hopao£^(ino hon tho Atinidians of^tho night, uhi.Mi P also Mil} gcucmlb pimiuled iu tho Most of Unwind m Wale-? nnd iu Iiolniil, MIUIL UIO Suotch fcmii'o foi- tuui tcllu oonstmiUj issun e i - tl u chmnctci of a so\onth danghlei m ouler to obtain uodit of the gift of second flight It is not eighty ionis smco a JJmtol UHIL ninu won this giound wuVh MioiMi na tho-dooor, nml m mcnbul "Mrn - daughtoi Pocti a ori ; >vho30 "tloorpliito was -, tlio third BOVCUUI > nnsmoiodlluV Tloolod mlolhc.rlnsi ditil Mrl il Biuiud to T l o o l o d m o . thiit 1 BUM mj own fico mlo it, it iippctiinow but -\\mto poal i d mid Blimo'o 1—iho fat i of Iho tli ml Lu^u wm niivlhiiif, but a &upei atttioiH Ymui, inn! jol oil ibout hii vision n h u h la fill mUimd to put down lo tho acme ot nidi^e^i n but it ii iiithu a uuiotii LOiiiLid^nio tint Infoiothojcm inn out ho nhould limo fallen bj tho hand ot an ivvwan lomiul cd f The babo H in tho i a spunstm, at tho sumo I inO^pomting to an infant sleeping 111 its wadlo. "What is a lner?" inquisitively .ob- served the bny, "Abiorisa stmcluro orectod for tho dcail," • •• H •'Well,,papa, 1 hoard 11 man say 'throo boei'3,' the othi'r tiny, ami I was wondor- "iug Wiiat-Iininorait.".—™.™-^^.i^;::-~i"..~: ; "Oh," well, my boy, r'ho mount- tiiroo .cli-inksoflmor." " I heard Hiomnn behind.Iho bar say lie could not li:t liim Imvo any moro r»o'eiiV~btfc^ 'No\if-TvliAb ;: (liil-ljo>.iicr.n ; .by." tliatr' 1 .:::- SZT. : L'Hii'iitH-iuitvrthrti-iin-.wiw.pn.'.lp'.'-Iua 'lilllo Riimo,' tlmt is, ho hnd Iho reputa- tion'of beiiijj a billc or ndend-beat." . "\yilHlinyputtlinb man on a, cato- ialque, if ]ioin n doatl-bont? 1 ' .,. ' . is^^Ta'j-diiadOjsftSi'at'a^alio.votl-iiito^fti wuiv "I'lu'y hnyo neither n, inoniimont \ that demoust rated that no such persons Toll nnd Dossier ever existed.' Ono of tho most remarkable peop"ii with who .uirisionaries have to do'ri tho F.ilushns ot' Ethiopia. They,; nroI 1 y,; about two huudrcd 1 ber, living' west"; of | hi hl l noi vl 01 Tim' s\on s'uu^n but I d blue!; Hebrews, tliousand . in' nu Jordan, who have as their holy writf icz Old Testaj^.-iit in nn Ethippi vei'Siun, nnd who still' rigidly ndhoro t the jlo^aic ceremonies and laws. iii'O tlio children of llobvow immigrantsj who, in the limeoi thcgroatUisj fsottlcd in Abyssinia nud niamed wivj of that nation. Efforts mado during inr.tiOO years to'coiiverf ihein't'o.Chr tirtiiity-hiive proved.unvsiiljiig. ; ;:; :""-:-""- : A writer in the St. Louis Jf«7fc«t Jo-^t!, ndvisos'. young liey^S^tb ni:iko./In'ii oi ij lih remedy. They will not only give olVoneo-' but.may miss n. valunblo aid in prnctic.o. '. .Thol.writet "" . ~ .'"".'. practising in JIndison'• c'ouiitj*. III., I '-.'• was induecd, byIho representations of Y. nn old woman, to make tho trial, in : .. ; i dysentery,nnd diarrhrcn, of tablespoons.'.^ iu! do3cs of puro.cidei''vinbgar, with tho."-'-.^ -iitlditimi of. sufHcieiib. salt .to .bo.notiea-:.w.l able, and it acted socharmingly tlmt l.V : have UGvor'iiscd anytliing'else. '."' '.. :;..:VC;7.'•' Tho question' whotluir-tiiouoy found'.. J \ in a shop belongs to- tho koopor of tho ".-'••• pl:;ue or tho.Jlnilor is o[teu\disputed.'r;.A.'.J.!i;. writer in ' tlio PhartnttQcidlettl , AVcoivi ;•: rplatca that acustomorin a dritg storb.• ••, once picked up n dollar note .from- tlio ; : '. 'floor between two parallel counters. Ho 1 .",', inquired if any 0110 in tlio'stqiviJiniVlosb', it-, and ilndiiifj they had. 'not,,lid appro-Jiv -, .printed it.—Hia.claiins..to.itlbeiiigmjlit'-M;(.;l puteil, tho case \vas submitted'"toTn"™"• lawyer, who said: "Tho open' pnssago^ between tho two counters was dot" : -'to tho. public, not in ''fee simple,-bilS a highway whiuh tlioy wcro iiivitcil occupy for purposes of traffic."' Bo ' fimkr kept the dollar,. "•"'-•• \. liiON m m : I X CUISA. Tho, Spanish'niastors'bf "Cuba main-': tniirnii'iroii.'viilLv- L -Evcryiii«ii',-it-^,Haia" who esin'osaos sentiment not strictly] loyal' to Iho Spanish, authority,- ia: niTosted nud impriscne'd. Conspiracy. 13I far to eiici* 1 : Uca." -Of frequent 7 notices in cafoa-.aiv othci' publio . plneos'in 'a'conspion,iii,3 : plnyeard bearing Iho sttfiiifleant legend.': ?, " PIcuso do not 1itllc polities Iniro;'' nnil' 'whurovev you; moot. him, ,.whollioc y ho values his' life nud .liboi'ty? man a fuw mini iflLiwiud g< lling uomo si do btni out of ilccg that ! Bt6 ul ontliosidfwalj, Miifln THIS 1 illui ho would limn a httlobici on \ihn.h ho could iL*it hunitlf 1 ? " (1 tho^ bfti- koi pa am t com hokft a hltlo bi-01 in the keg is he pnpi ^ »• It 3on 11rut "SUCCJ 1 do not cApcct ^ln uliT.»(.e.-lint7fli Apcctto l l g^ 7 Iho open dooi 1 * of Iho tilings thnt ho no\t 3011, and aock it us if "\om soul clopcudod upon 3cm nnchng it. possess kospa Ii Tho i' :d 'of': conliscativblo• proiwrty.'j ; poUtio.il r opinii/ns to himsolf. I idi^Bubjectoit;Uol pp j coi eoiship tho ttlt "paph oflicos niol unilti iiUMilliucp oE the pohct and it j _\ui *?nid that tht* minis aio often | r o i « ) b l o documei niid• 16ft with;an open.'hand, ,niid:r bb'tolifa o^vahnmOfj' 1 i^y ••'




Calendar. -


fAHiriiLD CODIK,•So.«. A.F.-&A, Jf. staffer

month. Uiionlc llnll, WMiilngluu. Mercury,J . K. Ful|>cr, WniMajton. N. J .

TcurLC CnAfTBi, tin, 13, It. A. M.-Muted con-Vocitliinn, 3ml Tuui-Jij In oach month. 31a-tuDlo Hall, WiMblnglon. bc.Tetoty, J . E. Koi-

• iier,W»i:ilnmini,.N.J.WAIIIIJHITOSCOCMCII., No. 7, It oral nnd Heicct• M**tu(#.-Sirtu-<1 m-tumtiilct.:>rd Friday In «»chmonth. ' Mmuiilc t u n , \Va»lniii>iun. •[reorder,J.B.Yu'p«,VVnib'»E'on, r i . J .

D»Mot*r COHMAKDIKT, No,IT, tCT.-SlntcJcnn*cUvua,','inl and llh Wutlnujdayn in each mnuth.Slapiouic IHll, WaMili.clon. Recorder, U.K.Kanb, Wai'iUjiloii, N.J . . ..

W I R B K S CoCanu.No.lC, J r . O . U. A.Sli—Mi-el-.- im;*,; every .UumMyaruDltii.'. l-'lroiiuii** lint),

Wathlt^ton. Scctelaty, Wilbur Lalloe, WH>!>.fnslon, N*J. •

WAiutxuTOX LowiB. So. a, K. A I,.of the 0.8,—Statedi . i -c t l .u* . l - t «ni :trd Frldajr in e«hmonth, ' Mauza-ili'tin 1. YVA*1IIHI:IOU, 1', A.

TT C O C S C I L / X O . I S , 0. U! A.M. Mcclfrc

ruiary, \V. K. Jennings, Wasnlit«tuii, S. 4 ,IBHO BKCAMPXKST, No 4*,;i. OV.O. F., meet* MDud 4th Tiiiin " " •---.-...• — • - II.Odd Pullow*' _ _. . .onTdjt.iirn, Wn-Lluyiua. N . J .

lAXtTitLbLoMt, S u U , . I , 0 . 0 , F , meeevery italuriiity i-vimim; til 0 J 1 FCKIIMB' HullWaihinvimi. fktrei.uy, T. II. Uulick, WutUInntoii, X. J.. . - >CSCOXSTCOJU CoWeit;1 So. 1(1%, Anicr'fMii I.eClon ol lloiiur, metif ovvry 'Jo.I :mil-l'.li Mondauvuuln^i tii viioii miiiitli. in H.o'ciocU. Si-crWry, Miner F. M y , Wutltlnittun, N. J .

OHN V. tlKTs.uuj I'UIT, No.iyi, U. A. K. meet1st A iltd .Mi>ui!»y «v'i^n <>[ well tnoi.tit. (fro

mu'ntli" 'HHSVRIC? ililf. "".wfiituui," J.1' 1!

Lni^nlJll, Wwlilnstun, N . J . ,. .. •. : . •• .


TO^'l. A. STRYKEU, .

Civil and Criminal;Law Practitioner,WASHINGTON, N.J.

JOHN M.YAKDYKH,AVaHliliiictoii'.W.J'.*,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor and MutfCi' in Chancery,



And in all ihe Courts of j\Vio Jertey

Jfouieopiithie I'/ii/aiciiin (tnd Surgeon,

. ' /Wi is l i ln is io i i , >*..T.Offices at ri'siiluiifu «n AViulilii tim avoiiiic,

ointoMtt! St.Cluml Uutul.. . — j M . - u h o n o l o Mi l l e r** .: .'. Oillcclioiiric 7to v \. M., I to .i i-. M.$ \J

Cherry Pectoral.Sootlierctitiii«l»liit»ft


M l n c l ( f l t l i o o n Bnone IO trifled wllli l-y t in ir ajorliy i>l MIIKT-cn". • Tlio onlltmry cough or cot.l, rtnttltliit;l*rlmi« from ft trininu or HHOOIISCIMW «'X-i*»iue, ii often but Uio lofilimlng <i( a tultililckncii.- AVKK'H CticRUV Pt:t-r»i!.u. liiu.well | iro«» Hi citic-.'jy l» ti forij year** iiytitwllli throat HIHIlunsiH«as«,will»!wuldbgtaken lu all CMC! wltliouttlctay.

jcst ingisowrwli l inwinroviTM l t t n i t m; l i t y :

Kolonger I witwlilji tliu witty nmt clover;Thlti(*itli:it nniiito mu 1 Uulliu ami Hum. ,

tt l fl l now tc^tico M i i k t o l l i i V i i l i i u n i l i u l I c r l l ; :

An>l my fdlow traveller!*, left r;id tlulit,l-'ull awty fniin tin: Irarka* we tlooiiwnnl lilo,

Tutlu'irsuvcKil1»rliu>Ji tln-yarouotlnslRlil!Hut 1 hear tint K-nVas ttu-y bl.l "gooiMiy I"

I Rat more nli;li'

A Tcrrllil" I n 1K71 took Ay Iimcji. 11..1.I ni l t l

Coiipli Cure1*!,wro eoH, tdilrfi n-rrlUo cmigh.nisd

lliaiiliiicrit 'iliP


iiAt,«Alrti nltowecii. nnil nirr.nlc.1r tiio rwm-tjf rf •nHIIIIPII iico (if ttm


m l iiwewiir.BU.. lijr tiiAi. njt««rmn

tatlillSl you


'CriJini.-A'Srollirr'*1 Tribute. '" Vliilo in Uio country |a»t 'winter my Uttlo

1;lH.y 11.rf.i yrnr*ol. 1, wus tai;i-n ithiUTi iTi.ii['iIt ^.-incil ns If liu iv.niM dlu Irotn i>irm>an-l i O f t l f U y K i i g C f s U ' l Hie u*u

lilllu iKitii'til w:w liri-nililii?«i»lty. Tfi* iloc-tor wil.t lli:it tlio (.'riW.UV I 'niwu.w. Imil*;ive.l iiivibrllnc'r. \i!c. fnn you weiulcr nt

IW Vest I251U SI., Sew York, Way 10, 1M'.\

III iiiy^Hiilijfor JJuralViiir!", itmi <1<> iwthesilulu in woii.miico It tlu» most t'li'cctn.il

. rt'uu-ily for coiiijUs nntl ct'klmvo linvt* cv«r

"iJ iko CrjFt.il, Minn., Mnreii Vijliti '

" 1 snlfcreil forrlslit ycnr» from r.rondiKis,nu,l :iiu<r try in— niiiiiv ri'iiu'illo ivitli \w KU^c-fi*. I was enrol by ll"-' ««u t'f Avris'f CHER-nv rci'LiutM- .lo!*t:i'ii W.iu*i:s."

lijlialiii, JILu., Arril &, lio".\

"lcammtMyciionpiiln M i s o f Avrrs's

but li'r 111 uw I ritouM lone "»ce liam illudIi.ua luii^ twuWw. i:. lluAtiCOS.11 .

• • J'H:«itUii',Ti;*:is,A]irilC2, US'.'.

So case of mi nffecllmi of tlio tliroat orhiii-i exists w htcli cannot lw greatty rdlovcJby tli<) u.«ii nf Avnu's CHKBKV I'rCToiiAii,nail it will fl/irav* " i w wiica llm discaso iJnot already leyoiid Uio coutrol of msdldue,

rnr.i'Ancu «v

Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Ma68.' l l D l U '



riiysiciaii & Surgcoii,' WASHINGTON. N. J .

J O. OSMUN*.• ' - • • SL'BCIKOS D K S T I S T , • . • ' •

WnHHiiiKton, X. .T.With ftll the latest improvements, I nm

prepared.'to do livat-cluss work. Finetiuld'iuul Oxti'd Silver: Fillings at - reducedpr'tcc3. A. Vargo as;ortiut!iit of tlio best

-odSfe iS"Tu*oLl i - t I ia f« io" iua t l j ; - " ' •'••"•• "'•'-••

FUESU (/'.l.V KYtlltY DA Y.All brunches of the profession cnrcfully

performed, AH work warranted, andcheap for CJSII. .

BelvUere,-AVarren Oouniy, Xew Jersey

]. SHARP,Profossor of Drawing^, Painting

Fonnerlv ii Icaclicr of freo liandhi.ihe E»1JCO|IUI Ili^h Sellout uttoif.' N. j . A SI ' h i l i l

Centennial Intern ff5nal Exhibition



" I. SHARP, •Huiiinioii; Itimlcnluii Co., X.

ortralli' iOU. L'ustcl or (Jniyoar t at rcasouablu nit

liigton, N. J . ,


at lil* lioino, or [urcsHiimojui iui|iti!>. • Sj-ccialnltutitlou pulil lo rmliiiiuiiH, inul sht-uL muskfurnished trim. Alruuilv liaMai^e d i i ^ , und

", 'Acc»i [iiiKiiliiLiouiui'3'Mana go

P e n n i m tT-Qucsis"iv.eil cutcrliiiiicd.

A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached••-••0. K-STAA TKR, 1'i-oprictw.'


Tliu'liiKlcrxigncd IIHA LliurJlluctlun fitted.tiji In llrfit-clllss

IHVULM tl»i pcoi>le(«if lliln vluluity to1VULM tllti PCOIHCII HUH VtUllllty ID I'llll HUHic liiiu. Tliu tnlilw will lio furnished wltli

ut sill muiilti. Tliu

XiiveryThoniicBtimoliimlbmiiiTraveling n

1 plUCI

DOC. UODOKISS, l ' romktor.

JolinCnlrary, Work.ili Biilllvun, llostiur.

i llic 1'oimlui Hold of tl-, ,-.ParntBli d with all inoilun ii

Water UfiBLti HUli Tuba, I ml 1

Tclopliono free toH. B. NUNN



Firbt-Class Dining SaloonEvcrvibi(iE;Dcaionablc, nnd tlw bosl In Iho m

MEALS'AJ;Al£HOuRS.nn nnd in iicrfccl onlc



HIASEK & LKR.cftilc I)ru«jf!-'l!', ait'Vliu,'e|)!ftee,^iv Votk.

Notice to Absent Defendants.Is CHANCI:;:V o r >'i:v Ji:iwny..

ToDmiid V, IScultv, Jnmi's II. liittcs, ,h*v\i\iS. Unrrir Kilwlii Alifeii. Daniel K. Kthic..Jr., William Mimrne aiul Huniiid Vu Jln.vil.

By vlrtiii!of an imlvrnf Ihc Conrlf^CLian-

ttu hcrJoUu n aulfo'wiiJr^ii KaiFhl'IY UliY.* I.-L. (Juiiiil.y. i^ .•..iii[-liiiii;mt. innl

I TJnvr? Uai

Dr. 11. L. Sl

slrnngora ; hut trim found Uioro was onothing oven moro terriblo—not to tako it.

Doornftor door was slnmnicdin licrfsict*. Oiico a dog was sot at her, or sho

l In io of Ilio gomlly sl;yvoo" Wfntlly face.

it n Master tlicru

weary Ku I;OIHII'l

Y d wlnll'wtl »t i»lty. to nvlooii:rim will Mini the- riwH' .or cvtry po*»r soul Hint souks His tusl.I trctnMc to s<» '<» Him. uiieonfcsHM!—.

I lioitr lilmmi ILIIUM fnini |irl--st or iwpu-1'ut I carry a i»as!*|Kirt wlililii my breast

Of Ills own sure minl-iiiiil u ik'iitlili-s) liopD.

'"•-:. The Dark Hour. ;

"It'fliioiise, JJecfcy/'^aid tho Hltlome collider, droppingbin head upon

hi:* hands nud looking, ti.i ho felt,.thoperaniiiilealioii.uf. despair. "1'vo ot\

Uio Lord, somehow, nud howon't. let mo have a eliaiico to keep a

l l '»U" r your litvuK I know I'm uottill I ought to htv mid I'm punished."

IJeeky vent across tlio loom midputted iier husbnnu on tint buck.

" Nnw don't tako on,' Xiefc, don'ffihopaid, "That can't lie, for Ho us knowsnil knows how good you nro. Udtortimes'11 come. They're sure lo; midyou'll Uo rewrtvdn1. for nil your paticuuoyet. 'The tliirkcst hour ia just' '

lirbviBlons., .; ; ," >nuwliil>>. Beclcy.hnd-Kouo r

It ii'oiiJd ho horrible,'no tthought, lo toko food from

icarcit.of Kifl 1I.11CVIT nml itmifhi- \* "jir.ittltli,t'


Tlio poWilor shook liialicml."J'vc gi'n up 1K»;H\ itcosy," ho said,

"wtmlwitii th? r-.'iit mill l.ilt for inudi-dm-. It mis lil;i*::i3.to«et»litkiii8t"Rttliu woral, ct"t no work eoiuiu^ in ; nndthts i;,jiv bluip willi ^ilt • siffu temptifolks frilsn'ouv1 tshalil'.v luwoiuont u\Uir tho iiicmiini* of ilu'ir old fhoI'm untxlicd down. AVliy, yon nrothin nnd white na a g\nr-t. . Youhuvon'ttitttiM inoiittliii weulj, IVcUy."

"Xii ninr.' have you," sutd Berfsy," Cut In,••why then! is folks thinks went

illiVj:v.i'.__\\V^tii,n:»i3. Niok, theyH'em; when- I'livutmt onoolsaw

! • > ' " ) / :

"Di.l li.vsiiy l.li-A.1. w'.lunhulsomo.nil iwkeil. Ni-:r. ;:."Oli, "gaij iwial'i

Vil leltjv Hv'uii; out lit wrvlw, (ff.fc.lit !iml"li:ippy! hut 1 meant to ilo

lietter, J illiL If 1 vni* an iditc-liuilitHlman I'd work sor.i^Innv and ttomcwliero,

it*H tli-1 hwt *>r nnthiiiy with mo.T.fi;::y, why didn't you tiiku Tim Holt,tliu w!i.:i!lwri}i:it, ami HRIUV theltltla

l^ufcsiitoiinl licggnrs had mrtdo llicin-liuiBnnocs to many pcoplo,

mid how wti'O Ihoy to Juiow realpovcrly ' when it naked ; dims ? 5Ionwhom tlioy lind pitied us paupotH provedlo bo. owners of roal ostnto. Cripplesnud blind mnii whom tlioy lind nidod

•fiiiiad tolmvu Uouud up stronglimbs oud Rluctl their oyos together—soJlioy wero hni-d u p o n rail distress nudrefused i t broken braid. .

At six that cvciiing Ucoky stood nta street ' comer vitli one crust . iu ' liorb.i3kot—no moro.S y o i u l lay a pawnbroker's shop, andBecky looked at ita fjoldoii balls and ather M-odditig riny. Slio had worn itfifteen yearn, nml it w«s thin and frail,but puro Hold. . TlirottKh all HIIO hud

p t i t until now. Mu3t.it'eo}*..Tlio.hoiiKht was worno tliuu biggiiiff.

JJueky took n «tup furwtu-d, nnothorIllicit.. Thou HIIO bofjan to cry n littlo.Nick'ii riiif,' thnl ho put on hur linmlsoloiiff Hfco—oh, do.ir,-oli, duarl

]Jnt she grow bravo itfjain, and walkedinto tlm Khop niid pawned tho ring. I twns not much tlioy yuvo her for it, butit would buy supper, unri perhaps Nickwouldn't nottci', and porhups sho couldgot it buck., That was u very fuiut"ptrliapf," howevor.

A woman yraa in tho pawnshop tin s\hwaitod, biirgniniug with tho proprietorover u suit of littlo girl's clothing—


"L -],!i!h.-itcl,.li:>


Jiinifl !•". ]^:it(ylr).Ii».-ilik-n.•Duii'wl K.Kii.it.-.ml ^itmtiuKi. l!ovil,l:ii'iLiuMruiniuiU-lV. Ji<

tbc^!lt!i ilny ol Jiiini

*' "ift tV Of" N i:\V * *.'l [Jl- f u>*.

idroi~vYuiililiii!lmi.aiid binds nml ^no'lH

l i t i . UiiLTiM.ii.Kilii . , -Wllil.ii.i Mini


:wlitorcd'liy ilHe In Hits fTi


.-.ml pa!V.tUf:i>l:i!ii

ty arc iimdn it flirty (Kf.-m« tliu itn»rt!fii!r<»Vs-iiml claiii .it in liw's-iiUl'-'amis ami I'IHIUUIB

lan:1»r.ar.:l'irmi;. tlia .said-Jr.incs.vJl.-.• i ji • rtcfMirtar.t- '

ml diutlui ibuVii'iil lii'mLs

mlml in

)Uiiu<! K';imiicl .<

il.l L^i'Xl' 'F'.ll" (iUyLt

l .vim ,Uw.\A\ S. liiirrifimil ]•:. Klini.',-.lr., Wiiliui


• E. IVl-'iuiIcy VH. Diitild I-'- Hitatly. VI fnlie IKI. ut tur. On DiwkcliMl JmlgiiiciiL

OHUALL JiifniBv, Attiinipy.By virtue'of tlio »bovo stiitul writ tiV nit

AlnxtxA ami dullvcml," Issued out of.tliu nliovijjtaU.tl.Gtmrt,^I-litU.*.'-lrt*1*'/lT«l>n».(>nrt jvlll .iiy-.lini,(j Tor Hilt! lit jmblii! vmulitu on .,

•'• MONDAV, AIMIILSO, \ m ,but-wucii Urn hmint of 1- ««d r ' o'clock in tliiifmrniMHi,':it tlio St . Clmiil llnlcl in lliu lowof \Vii>lilIILJion, tlniiiit-y of Wnrruit inul SUI

niiilmil mm fi

nth lifh Bflft f

11 nf T)inloll~tJoitlTT|. u!-,i,ol 1 ullmiil H\L»W.^ i l ) iloi , t-id in i mil

l tliiti «|ii Hit (k ILLMIUI )iui*

o and iKt f

cast, fifty ftoUoiUHitliur -ttarmr mty'H liuitl: tlicnco C-i) noiitl; Uilrlj-Imlf tk-L'rcus west, uno liutltlrwl mi.i c i*^ .««,to u cnhiLT in tliu edge of minlluv way; tboiieiGO liV tiiiid iilloy way 'nor th llfty-swcii •nmltVrce-imartcp'ilosrenit vn»U H«y fciiL to inviiUior romer of Hitil Hoiitly's lnn<]; ilit-nw f-i)liv n Him of nalil lot norih ttiltlylwo' and uImlf ilcgrces cast, one liumlml mill Klsty. fwjl.to lltu i»lneo nf bcjjhnilns, u'mlubilng twdnl.ylunulKiUlifl »f nn WTO IH) UWBuiiiumoroopluas, it •bcliiKildt no 13 on n iniiii mntlc byJoseph A. Shroiio, nml Ibo wuuc lol, cmmiyudby Ailr.tn W. Cravuiliig t« Dimltil f. Hcnily l>yduuil dntuti Mny UJlh. 1SSI, nmbriiciwilui! 1"Wurrun County Clerk's ofli<s« in book of ilnutlx,

, t!tC.

'. Sulxctlmltnkcnintc) e .lirnwHobuMikl for.c:•••'-. - • • , W 0 . M . - \..j.Mareli.3p, lBS5.f^J<

opcrly of Iliodofondantmid" (l tuli f iliuilnlnt

.wstly t i l ing , slrRiifjoly out of pluce iuIicr imniU JJoeky uotiofd tlutt, buyingto herself that they, wow never fuirlycraiu liy. Uut (she hud forgotten nilivl.nut ft wlipn. t-t>iniiiK o u t , of . tliImkt'i-'a it little voiat foil on her our, imd,looking down, slw i-nw n barefoot childof four, !u wretched rag-s sobbing nito-OUHly. . . . .

l l a -kyunssof t of henrt; but iu poorquarti'i's vryiny ehilii-nuujrh, imd hi'r nwu wcro uniting forthn loaves iu lu-r luske!.; She walked

'oit lustily, uti'l si. upset tho toddler.Then lleeky must ueeil stop nud piolthemp.

••Why don't you go homo to yourinulliur Lliiit night time," shn snid, •"nml

1 just l-.nuw how n i c .iml

b(>«!oarty.rd:ir!cused if) po to

st-y .1 lion <Hiarru1, Kiuk. . Ami'•D to llohuhkoii andUio giinlun. mid uomuu aftornoiin. nml howL-h'.iR'h Sundny mom-;.-..»diig iiity olio's."


iy, ii r:i:.-t I* ull np liHl,'"1 M M" I Itivoii't tii;w k. tfo out «iil.

n-.iVr.v. but, hi, I don't iniss i tsteady maiTicd folks now, you

"O!i,.i{i1(.'Xy!" naiit tho cobbler, "youry to !:fi>p np heartrljui-yoii' kiiciv it'3

c«*!iio t'l slarviiifj.'*

lu ' yUmkedn t i ' a i i l i ollior, nn<l then

Iii>c:!iy p u t I K T nrins abn i i t h e r hiislj.-ind,

Shu-did hot wetJ!»...iijib:i.h!S

" l dlaR£i»lii|jaiidnnd frsiil flint it


i iud ' l io eo.fiiinilinly sei'tned natiinil toMho hv.j:gcd him up

i dto her shouliior mid eovtrod hi^ hfiidover with her npron, nud jnit her cheekdown outside, tho bnndio thus inside,and smoothed and patted hiin as if hohad "Iwen a"bftVy. J»ut sho cri'jil, too,ni:*d-Uieiinron v.'iw wet tlirougli iu liotimo._ • . _ - v . .•-,-.•••;-;:•. -::•:.'—i::-.—.

"It w:is n Ind stale of -thiiiRf*. Nomoney, no food, no . tire, suid winter titits opKlo:it.;,..tho.('liildren Gout, to schoolbiwikfiuitlcsafor tlio Kiit6' of" tho lynniUhnnd coiut'ort of tliu nuhooliiousc; nowork, to bo had;, tho littlo ualibler.nshelpluss.as mini eould .woil bo, exceptnl..iji« ILIUIU, .mid.1 Jjceky's wishing

"Btoppeiirfoi11 ilo;iv0ir"oi)ly"kiu;vrh"6w,!huifj, by n giTitt Mon iu . tliu" "paiiri of.her right hiuid.

But TVjchy-loved tho queer little nior-1 tul. sho had nifii'ried so wolhthnt shostopped cryina Jirat/aud -piekod yy* hislusfld and pfttled'.it, nud kissed him bo"twcr-n'th'j oyct—groat, Jfi-ightoned Unlit-

Ah\io oyc!(,th!it seemed nmde for crying.1 ' You stay homo nnd mind Iho.pluce,"

aho wiiil. "I 'm going out u whilo. Por-Imps there'll bo ii ,bit of luok—wholuimvs'y" • • ' •

•••--filio put--on hpiv'jnnnefcnnd sliawl !—Kucli a tlnu littlo sliuwl, which Inul buoiiused for mi iroiiiny e'cith, nud1 had nuiron-shaped su'oreh between tho Bhoul-ders—mid took u p it bnsltet.

^ T I i a i i o W i l o r . l d o k o a - f t t ' - l K K : ^ ? ^ ^ ^. •Mlcckyl" ho Buid, ' honi'aoly;" l loo l ty !" ' ' . ."v . '." i

Kho Imow jii3t what ho meant."• . . :• " T h e l i t t l o children, Xiu!;," it won't'

; BGc-m -Iiko-boggiiis- '"! 'cn-i" s'-lurflhoin;" •. „;: Tl i OJ i. LI I'LT-a o or ;;K 1 m t. \ l i ol i i i iU L': 1 i ii iv ri«i ilpooi';Kick limped after>• htnv'iia thoughto, stop her, then pimsnd and fnirly Hunghimself down upon tho floor, .wishingho were under tliu ground beneath i t .

" G o d forgive tlio in nu t lmt nnivriosa,-woman t o . (itiirvo^-ljciv'-PhQ-sobboil.

/ ' W h y , if I 'd kiioivn i t would linvo opmolo tli is I'll luiv'ijr. Imyo'eoiu'teif.'her." l't'nt i n i o l \V(W(le:»d." '.- •;- •••. ,.,,' •..' 4: -' • Pcrhnjis, bcii is u• stwuifro, iuumlsivlittlo 'fellow, thcro might'*1 havo bnon atragic end to. thicanto in froin.flohr

_ ,

homo.i i iamina!

until, nt last, clcsnnirinEf ol (in nnawor,they - "ivoro turning homeward, wlion aMaze of light Jrom nu ojwii iloor /oilovor them, nud they saw on tho stops aweeping woman ami a tall, liandsomo

wo will find hor i fa l io Isa l i v e , " s n l d t h o m a n . - '•".'"••.'-'•'•'•

"My precious child 1" , cried tlior o m n n . • ; '..'... V . ..; . ..•.. • ; ' • : . : ; : ' . ' :

Tlien Niek and Becky gavo ft sort ollittle cheer in unison."It's them," snid Ecclcy; "them,"

cortnin auro. Oil, mum, if yonr nnmo isSmith, nud you've lost a littlo girl, wo'vof o m i d h e r . " . : ' ' . ' ' . - . . . ' • ' •

-Aud theu tho cobbler and his wifowero poimcctl xipoa : aud tho Btorytold. " ;..,,;••.:.•••• .".- • " - " = - . ; :

Iiihnlf nn hour tho six poor littloogros without crowns wero arousedfrom their Hlurabera by nn rirrival, nndtho odd baby in their mulst.vns takenout to;thoir: difltrcs3 nnd coiwcraatiou,for they countod on keeping lvir. ; : '

And Niek and Becky forgot thoir owntroubles iu tho parouta' joy. And Nicksaid it was lika poetry, nudllucky snidit wiwliHen"uluy.: : : .";:;-;""-' •"-"-}"•' "."

And so it was, ono with n happy end-ing, for what Bhoiild tho ladydo butbog and pray -Becky to toll her what

would lilto best, nnd;Bocky coufossodthat to linvo her wedding ring back vraatho. hope of her life; aud this led totlio cuttso of-its.pawning and nil thoBtory ot poverty nud sorrow. Thou Ihodark houra ended nud day broke ; nndthere wna food iu tho liouso and tiro;

das it happened that baby Jliunio'sfather nni'dod just such work us poor

ik could do,1 ho giivo tho place to thecobbler; uiul from thnt day thcro wasenough inul to spare iu the litllu home,bcnuiscol tho simplo kiiubicsa shownlo bidiy Miimio.

"So il'H never time, thrown iuvny todo u kindliest to nuy one," BUJH Jleeky,often,' "for somohow you nro 'alwaysrovninleil for it, If I'd luft tho littlolost btignni-'a child, t u l thought it, iitho street, nnd never stopped to cafe forit,—as I might linvo done in such trouble—whero would Is'iok have boon, audtlio children, and me, this night? Notthat I did anything but what a Christ-ian ought, but sec how we were paidfor it.'" ; • . ' . . ' • • ' : ;•••

A vftlnablo product of tho whalo istho rcmnrknblo suli-ttaiicouidlnd iiinbur-


and molded intofurnituro. AVlien

..: Lead Tcins.sro thickest in limestone,tuimier in ennilslouo aiuJ thiniiust inBlnte. Tho latter, howoyj-T, containstho greatest porcontago of silver.

• S - • ' •• ' ' : ; ' - — — ' ' : ' : • • ' ' . • ' ' • •

Ulnck wnlnulHtiwdiist; is now mixedwith linsdcil Riuiiornniiientatton 'forrnrnished, it is imnd^omo mid morodurnblo than carved wood.

Tiirpentino in nmnll quantitien nihybo uwd with ndvaiitngu iu tho laundry,but rraiij, whitih in uf-unlly found iusoap, id injurioiw, diiicoloriiig twinngoudiiiind uhriukinjj woollciia.

Ifn cliickeu botio bo left in diluteiMiriatiti lU-irt scveiul days, it may bo;:e.l into a knot, uiiiuo tho. ncid haili.^olvcd Ihn lime, Ifriving uotliiug butMrtilugo nud conuectiiig tissue. '

Thero lnw recently been discoveredin" tho Yellowstonu Park tho mineraliiitiiwu n.H."eryolu61" which is nf greati-iihto iu tho ((otinhv iiiiinufii'JiUtc. I thid .previously been found iu Green-land.:1 : : ' - •-. •'-. -. : .:•• •'•

Dr. A. licismnn, having observed thatcrystals cf.'I'eriimi^iuato • undorfjo • aaapoillwd decuiuponitiuu when e\])iwodID tin) action of light, rocommomls that

lUolutions of this salt bo: keptin tlio dark.

Tho jnieo of Iho cttriotw ink-plant ofNow tiramnl'i rofpiira1! no prepemtionfoi-ln'ing usud for writing. Tito coloririru'lilLsli wlion first applietl to paperbut anon becomes n deep black which iavery duruhlu. -

A linlliniit bluck varnish, fw iron,stone, in' wood citu lio made by thoi1-onghly iuenrporating ivory blivk wifliconuiiou HIIUIIIU vnruish. Tlio niixtHhoiild be luid on very thin. Itut ordi-iiary cu:il varnish will sovvo thpttrposo in incwt cases ijuito tia well, audit ia not nearly so expensive.

• All rimiinaut hoofud beasts havo honi3and down fuel.' If this hwfa nro own.tin; IIDI-IH aril nvi-n ; if mill, ivi in tinrhinoconw, tint lutnn aru odd, thnt i:iinglu.or.two plii-.Tit ono behind tli

otlior.; with, fruthers;

'itlwnys have beaks: Ti(ji?ous with shnrtboaks luiva small fwt • Tim Innwliinliof the hound am associated with a lonj

i. I eauinuii

n't find myiu ? Oli. Oil tilt!

s could only ho foi'iifu IraircniUTIICU of lliu ht-n, tho COUHU of

Africa, IJnizil, aud tho Bahamas beingT l l

X l T f - , . ^ , , . ^ . »the usual loi* lities foi\.it.,.,.Tlio.color of

b!m.' vym sii'iu<niing in toiiw aim couldjust make out.

Hut tho *:hild i-niild tdl nothing. I twnnplainly lost. ISwky t™k it UvWrarms anil nnide iiuniirios »t tho curnergrocery, where «ho bough:' n Hliuc ot'hiim; but no ono laiow thu uhil.1. Itwas growing late, too, and llouky couldnot lwivu it to its fnte.

' T i l tiiku it liuiiii'," fciid sho, "and.to-morrow lind its fulkff." , '

So, whc;i tho cobbler and his uhililraii'saw the'door upon :it lust, there enteredby it "not'only thi'ir nntlter iiu'd u bas-t ' , ' t . . b u t n . ; b i t b y . a l s o . • '• • - ,:•- • •» .• •••

A now baby oamo freqiioutly to thiacRtnMisliitiont, umi tho uhildrcii, in theirjuveuile view of suuh niattord, opinedthat they hnd "imotlu;r littlo «ister."• • '.-it's Ri>:or4'ibLi:UiUl.".."Limd:BfliLky.'." I 'm going to keep it to-night. ..Itsparet.ts'nro poorer than wo aro ; you .can.Boe'lhiitby its bnro feet and only onolittlo frock, poor tiling! Now hold hoi-Nick, while-I cook supper. 1 didn'tbegil, Nick, so Jo:i'Lfrot"- , •

-And ihuiiitwpiny liur-riutf•finger outof sight, Becky fried tho ham, and nindogravy, ami cut the broad, nud sent fortwo" eienta''worllf "of '"milk,' "whiohr ili-lutotl, niiulo ti quart of milk aud wtitcr,nnd tried to bo ehoerful. ." - ' v -•••^i'lio.lost^childcricKV-bntOJaeky-faait, mid coaxed il to ttdk ; theii-vcnmo nBtory o f n " bit desa " nnd n "nassyWOlllll'.l."

Tho yotiup^st, who had ;chewed, UioJrca::kicl;,-..actsd'as;rinterpi^tor;»..Soon it

.'disooyorod that some. lvoinan, do-liod as "inisly," had taken away tlio

child*!* blno dnws and other gnruionta,and had also boateu her.

Uccky listoiic'il i'.Hfiitly. . • .. ." T h a t drcs3 was blue, Nick," nho

y g g f jn hundred pounds, or?iVen more. As

it is worth nliout a s^nv. per ounce, alargo piece is of very*'"great value; BOHint n party of 'sailors who once found nlump of 50 pounds .weight aud knew thevalue of their discovery, deserted their

and went homo with tlieir prize.eiRi-id lias now boon robbed of its

mysieries and is known to bo unprosa-ic:illy formed hy\n morbid condition ofthe intestine, aud theroforo each wlutlois curefully searched before the body iacut adrift after the blubber nnd sperma-ceti linvo been'removed. Not ouo whalein 50, howiivci1, produces a siuglo ounceof nnihersris. The black spots which

gU but thatclnlilrcu

ol and began to cry,i t tho bight of then prostrate

b J t ^ I ilpvfathoi, pnllyU h

t*0^ Inmgc «jil

When Raliy was HICK, wo- gnvo licr-.Captorln,Whim Bho «nu ii. ClilW? Blife cried for^Cu^lo: -n.Who:i elio was a MIRS,1 BIIU> clnntf I*!1 Ctielorlr.::When fllie'liWCIilWro'iti sic Ba'.o.lUein'CnPt'ft

, pyfoigot hun-cif to do ihat ho

foi thorn (

— He 1 n ' iiO i! n i c , 'i l hrt 'nO a p^crt_of_hn o JtL. K»i iJhoin Jnu t siwno

p " " I ' l Oiilj~^ho 5"ouiigosfeehowod Iho kid Aud tho SiuX thnt" mplhor.. and tho basket wero gono to-

cried,.-ri'I it rn't hors—n tipsy,".]ragged woman; and folks that own themtiling.1! don't como to pawn. I—" ': Then'fllie paused; tho secret wa

out.1 Nicks'eyes had dunuud to hevjing, und back again tol ior

fitco. . - ' . l*' ' . " • ,

"OJi, Ueckyl '1he cried, now. "Becky,• o d i d n ' t U i i i i k — " • • '•• • • - • ' .

Uceky lluslie;! scarlet. '-jj " I didn't •mean to.tell," sin"but'now it's out ; I'm married

iho.. said;dall tho

eainvV-lba!ik.G,yd.:.rIt.wn :..;pwn.filio'p I iwy Iho bliiii dress.": And shotold them of this woman .whom BIIO. had'wutohed and of her suspicions.


.stole,you HOP, Nick. .IVksLgei^aaLcl i?^^ " " ' • • - -

it3:iianio™pttt,'..w.6ttoublo wo'vo iiovcr-hiidi-'Thiukof ouoofoius being gono all.night, Nick.;

Tho babv'a nnmo • eooinod to bojrinmoSmiLlii nlthowgh " M . B." mightbo nii;;thiiig cdtib; and putling thonlintlrPivftll-tOibftil.^alUnjyw.Anjto.thj^•Hltlo ovgos in tho^'fairy fnlo's, "aiivo that"they lind no cro\yns on, Nick nnd hiswifo 'starlet! off to Uto pnwn^rolcor'sflhop. Tim man. looked iit the gnrmpnts.They wero innrkcd 31. B. : •

"I 'm riRht then," a'aid Becky. "Theynro iho ohililV,; mid they 'wcro.s tole .AJitl if wo cnu.bnfc find its poor mother,wo'll aavo lnoro llmii'iiiiy. but a . mother

.•caniteH.,""'- ;t"ay-':/.- ',v.'fOJul" think of "nil-Uio SniHha," said'


~' i^jid^r6ulj^iVsT1 'Wid r] i 'o^^r^ ; i ' I iultheso men—tlio police—tlioy mayJmov."^Aud out^ t inL 'Nick ' nntV J3ooky ,tb

j clouded "with™ a ' rcdilish" hue,nud diversilic*! with irrugulur streala of•ollow aud bhiuk spots. On the ex-terior it .is black and shining, nnd looksits if it had hero and there hucn daubedirith pitch. It is ^ ^mrying in weight froitif 'ja

d ?


liavo been incutiouc •tho haulsiks of octopods which, tho whiile

lins eaten, and which' rctuiir their »h»po(iftorjli.0 soft Jtosh , lias. been _di_sest«d._Tho geolojjiciil 'reader may rememberthat the beaks of cuttles have bonufound, \vithin th''bndio«nf.!,'ivt:iiii. fossil,reptiles,, thus allowing conclusivelywluit wiis tho •linturo of thoir food-Thero.. are., several _v siu'cimons in theCollego of 'SurgcipLisrono -being n viiliT-ubln object, as it, i.i eylindoriiial, anilremains tho shape, of ..the inlcstino in

furmed. Ambergris ialittUi.used in.Europe, but iii tho East itishWiuThiKh^v'putaU^^^perfume, imd partly as n valunblo in-.gredtout iu cookery.—

WluiQVffl' can dificevu truth has rceoiv-eil his commission •from a higher sourcethan tho oliiufesl justicu in tho worldwlkfiiim'discern only law. Hoit"is tbiitilolivors sentence.- Uo fliuls himselfconstitntud judge'of the judgo..

THE Ntailil-'K SMVUS.

Tho .powers of a •sove'nth ;son wero•garikd ii!)* inii'iWiilous !'fthrnnghoub

Envopo down to n very recent tlnto, iiuij>i t i auo t quito certain that the belief isunlirely oxjiloilcd to this day. A per-.

" " ' — L known in.Tnuico asson-of \\mand was1 . supposed to

i ti


, Ono dny, sovcrnl years ntto, whiloAildiion 'vf'tiA KilVms hi bin "gnrroty"room revising h i i MCiiU>,'",ho receivedIho following iiolo from Dick Stculo :—

_• darling Addlson—I nm in thatcuvity profanely: known ftS Ochounn'aoscivatiou. J ly niovuitig hours nro din*tin-bed by collectors nnd my eveningmoments nro Hindu • unroll by tho foot-stei)S of tho mini I ' o w e . Addiaou, wolinvo nlwiiy.i boon good friends. I nm nwhignnd you nro ii v.iiij; in thi-i King-ilom by the si'ii. a1* )Sdf(nr Voe will in thofuture express it,*'but cnu't you help moou to f th i s j i x . " - , ; . • •

Addison'liii'l but lilth) niouoy. Infact he owcd.tha grocer, the bail>cr nudand tho cnnilk-slick; ninnipuliitor, buth e pawned his golti Kpiir.v hit richlyormuiioiitcd fiword, hin silver tea-pot—hii nil, nud raising .CIOO, scut tho sum*to Iiia distressed fricud. Suveml /Uyanftcnviird. WIK-II AiMi^ii fmiii-l hiin.

in Htrclo's notghborhood, hodecidedlo go up and ueo if them wero anyolhci1 .w»y in which ha could help hispoor friend.' As liu approached thodour Ic.nl in jj ia to Stoclti'ii room he hcnnlmimic.nnd dunumg and HOIIIUU onlybelUting tin) nbodo of tJioso who folttho weight of ninny nicklos, but hnltingnot ho nhoyed open tlio duur iimlentered. Bteck1, dri'ftM'tl. iu n unit oftawdry clothes, stood iu the nuddlu oftho room. O n ' t h e sofa sat n youngwoman with n discolored eye ; .bivtidoher rcctinod n y.'Oiiiiin with bail teeth ;whilo nt tho right Mood women whoworonot grniidninthorly in npiwarance.Uiiudtc.H and hihtriotui bucks stoodaround, upon tho whole tho scene wasono of ftiHhimi and oxecsnivorefinement,AVben Addison entered, Steclo, who hndbeen turning thu crank of a musicalinstrument arose nud said :—

" I t a b , hero i-'t JIivAddison, 'Wonro(ill jjlud tosce.liiin. Addison, howdoyou fiii'1 yonrs.'K?" • • ;

Addl'ioti was disgusti1!!. Ho lookedat tho tul>li'. lomU'il with ham Rand-v.ioln.^, and ftiid : ' '

" I thought, Hit. tltitir my doiintion wa3iul^udtd tn keep you from prison?"

"CuiTOft Jj'ott nro, <mlly," exchiimcdHivtXo; "bu t now that I nm out wonl'»«il(l


yon do not ••

enjoy oiuvelvfi Henry/i.7n boy,- "bring 3tf. AuMkoi'* bpcr. Ali.' my'dear

. !ti> bo .enjoyiusyour-

Tiiia is a ciiiiisoii ftttin which.frequently npiilktl t..» w..'0<la for musicaliuslnHUWils.J&ii.:l-Tiike..ci.'bui!d.-31rsiaiI.'woud/'oii'iVpo'iiiiil";' w:ifer7 "three qulifls,

inU-oohiiiwd, Imlf iiuounuf. .Hoil theii-.iailwood with thy water for hull" itn

hour, strum tho decoction, nnd add theuhii-<?nl; thoii boil the mixture very

gently for !mlt' im hour, when it will heready for use. Aftur tho aatiu'is appliedto tlui wood allow it.to'dry, well beforeusing thu viivui-sh.

An effort ha.s been nudo to cultivatethe nettle, U'lkadhku, with the objectof obtaining from it u material suitablelor weaving.. A lady in Germany ha;;raised nettles on piitcho_M of waste or,nwiriy profUlww land.' mill 1ms secureil it

of •mich:!H!i nnd teujieity. tluit «ho Inn in-

duced some fawners in her neighbor-hood to try wluit* fi'u;iuei;" imjii'uvi'ineiil'eanb'u«flV.-L'it;a-iti Uiu'iielllo byKruwiiigit,on soil formerly devoted Lu ivheat.

self. Had to Hoak'yoiir houadiold(.'(io.1-; lo 'keep mtv out, eh? ' tlhitl tohi-ir.' it. Fino to hiivn fricniin. Atldy—Hue tiling. IIiidu'tbi'eH'J'or'youI wouldliavt) bpon in jiii!. As it is I nni givinga iiliniier. Kay. can't you lend meseventy-Jive cmta V . ' •

, vet there

f Kcotlruul:" A-few evoniug^-heforntlio battle of Ciillodoiv thoro woropulhered in the npptirtiueiita of tlio

' f f hiPretender,'for

ctirdii. In U giiiuo oE dinmoiula b;'!iiii^iiig to the pncU

crop which has yielded ld i U

A solution.isiid foi'remov

,>f oxalic "acid has hcov.

»{,'ink sunns from cdltuii,r tho Humors, but itiu'nttwulod

tho skin. A miuili Fiiftmilinent of ink os: rr.ssfcof. the, applk'iitioii.. i?f..powdered civam,. of t:ivte

pply Id


jtaturj consistnLw-.v-i>RTta • rf•_.and one., part

• riijj to tin

possess Iho faculty nf curing certaindisensfis by toucli/1 'Wo reserved ourifodiilily in1 Eng land for tho,.seventh

MI r l y l p i i H ^ t'i jia; tiimlnry [ ajlfimiiwliiriTf 1nbori'i', nnswiiring t o i h i s tlawi-ipfion,;,VIIH regarded as onilowoi^with extra-ordinary h'ealiujr, power, aud was lookedupon with lio littlo awo niid wonder by,tlio ignorant. Or l i i i n it wL that ho hadn ;b«'•iivi.r^ll''1'J1 .it>'* i - . ?ii9j5i JMlLVL?.1-! V ?? IPilfinid To itnvo been presented to h im by

dampened antin. "When t h o spot ha.,disappoarod the pnjit should1 b.u wellwashotL -i^Crt)

Any ono, Kiiy.s\Mr."*linverton liodwiindwho lind exiieriaiiea' in the oiUproihitj-iiiK distrlota of tlui Uiiitod Whites, uouldnot f.iil to bo strutik by tho limited areafrom which petroleum wns takonltusBia. Tho JidiV at Bithu wtis notnioro .thrill..Jiiveo and one-half niilo-'sqiiarc'rAltlTniiyli ho r lind soeii •wells iiAinoriuft whieh wore cosiiiidorodjivmarkablj- productive, ho W M ipiito unpropaved to KOO niioh nn outllmv ny Hitwoilr, fit IJulcu ••'anvil. Cwinj; to tinimposition of duty on foreign korosomvery littlo, of Americnu litauuiuoturo ijnow imported hy ]inssin. v

AN AXNl.Cllin't" Ol' LI NCOI.N,

• : ' Onn • day' ' in-^VMhi • : S ' ^ ! I ^ E I « T 1 - O KBOcon'd inangurntion oi' Alu'iihnm. Lin-coln, ho WUH reclining in nn arm''(sliair,fnstaslonp, whilo aciw-s. Iho Inblo fromhim- in.iaiiotbor nvnicjmir vomlinc,. pnt

/yia^awoUaTfrciiuhvr^ipVaii t l ; : ] '^ .oyes wondered .to'*A p i e r glasa on lho_Qppoailo' sitio of iho room.' -lie gnvjii\n t i t IOIIR and anxiously in wlenuo, solong, indeed;1 tha t JFra. Lincoln linally,naked him what it 'wns Uiafc a-ttracted his

Items ot" Interest. wsmmsmmOf tho workn cnllnd for in •- tho great-^rj-^f-

library ot tho Jiritiah Mtiaotiinless titan"' "--'*••leirpercfti.t nro novels.';. :H ,., / :;^:K'

Thooiitliiiainstic miners of KngloICity,v^:,Arixoua, presented $5,000 in gold dust Tto tlid inothor, of: tho llrst cliihi borni-:t h c r o . • ' • • . - . ' • ' • • ' ' ; - , • ' • ' • ; . • ' M . - ' i ' r

.Venezuela 'ECIIOOIS nro BUpportCil^bj%tlio. .Federal '"• Government•,:. from litrevenues of tho l'oat ofllco nt a traililiceiifiosysfoin.' >: •

TIi«\Vliito Hoiiso hna been _t'ofton' thnt th« wMrrT^ijHipon i t i V ; ^

Ktid lo bo, by notual mcMHrenicht,"ncnriy-^n quarter of nn inch think. ,*•"-.

.There aro about 00,000 juoro fothan iimlits in tho city of Itorliu.fnct is nil the more remnrknblo na thcra *;,{J^ n giivrison of soldiers in tho city tluit>.-;iiitnbers 10,000 men. •;••';-•' ..' -*-.: ,'^T^.

Thoro nro sti l l , uomo. half !;ilozoiiSwondeu liousos in London, -L Ono'is thoi^

J fiipiaro nonr tho*tower, "rnnotheriu tho back of il. Tlifiy;'\ cry old, hut in good repair, fiinil'warm;iiutl comfortable.

Cork ia now.:: made into .bricks-forcoating Htcnin boilers nnd ice coolers.|Tho cork is broken up into very mmill Ipnrtick's, n Hinnll ([iinntity of -cement']ndded, mid tlieu pressed into tlioslmpogof bricks, vhich nro tu-st dried by. ftiri*:|nnd then by nrtllcinl heat.

Son 'Augustino, Florida, was tho first*poimancnt settlement mado by Euro-4peans, within tho limits of the prcsont j]United States. 'I'ho settlement was'**cHtidilwIicd in •ISO.'*, nnil Sau Augiistiiiiis, therefore,' tho oldest city iu'ithoVvUnited Htntcs. ' • / ' .:. ,,.v:-"V ;,':

Xoar Tidlahitssn, FlnM thcro 5niiui who hnn livedhy-."^, on tho 1l l t i t l l l U t i _

twodiirercut Ktntes. His homo is nottho Clnorgin line, and the sovornl sur-: KV|)iajvuyrt linvo ])luu<?il him- iii n diu'erunt J ; ^ r

Stnto each time. . . . , .;-"'-*';«r!11 nurture " Mi: Davitt tolls nsof ' l i lV , ' ; ^ ,

" FaiMon .Dairy" says an English paper,';"j_~%%f \"HL'hloin receive, more'.than twenty per •: T,ci'iit, of the vnluo of thoir booty:1 from :.! :

the buyeW to whom they diaposo of. it,";" vif it happens to bo iii any othqr form--.' •$;than coin. If tho stories told by throoV-%1^criiiiiiial.4 can ba credited, many menb'f J*.%'|nppareully Hrninlusa Mnractcr.-m- thii--':j\ ;:'comniRvemt" woriii" own7most"of their;*wealth to direct dealing with profes.'*"bio! ;il thiuvea." ,".A . . . . " . . . ' ' ,.;"".'

The largest au'rt finest memorial stono"-"'in the Washington inpimmcut is the 01111pn.'Sftntod by tho Cotijnmtin'n nf Phihi- •;-' :/i..letphtn, Thu stone seiit.by Switzerlandbears .this inscription: "This block is.

1 the original chapel built to "William.:

ppcrites!', a few of his

ofiho p p po coin-so nf the evening tho

h U

with wOn tho

oh tlionijjlit

ere pluyinp wai lost-.

iitti»r'lhe'lwttlo, whiUresulted so il'ipastronsly for the Proti

" Urn Diiko of Ciuuba."laiiilicnliirod'lnvoniOfW.' smd, ii3- wa3 his hi-\

niHtuni, took up iiia rpmvtera iutlio apartments which hadbno 11 rcueiitlyjccupidil by; Cluivhsi EdwnWL . O11 thoVjllnwinj'-'iuoruinji" ft ™>^'' I«onght.vurd that a BLiisill force, oi' the defeated,:irmy hr.d bdwn vefngo1. hi tho deap

_ tho moiintfiins. "The duko•it once •directed 1111 . ullicor to take n,mmibor of nion, summmi Iho party,

'-.Tnn.11. (o;.disilli. who -was_i'omid in nrm*. . Tlio ofiiuoi*. rolnotaiitlo carry out tho infamous brdov, de-cliued to t'1!-:'"1 llm romuiaud'without av.Titten -qrdor. .Tha.duko looked aroundtherooiuto lind (i:vi<vw nf papov on.M-lii'.-h t'v.wi-ito. thu. r.i;.l^iv;,\v]vi-u.soiiiQ..one piu't'od up the lost, card,'' nnd .piM-hisnleil it lo tlio duko, who wrote tlioortlov 011 it, nnd hiinded tho ear.l to thoMYM

it, n dTlio Ko'diors •Ijpju-lod on their

errand of butchery,jmil.-sd.woH did I"e^ewi1io'*ho{iuI;«^r.iwiiM7ami;^lh«i1"nb&one of tlui ilovnted ilighlaudori escapedtloath. Iliineo it i'S that the nine oftlinmomiR is wiled "Tho Ciivuo cf


littlgbo; "*A" f

, wliat isj'a cjital:il<iuo?" asked a

j " , _ . . "'

liiialquo.rUiy son, is a biox onl rost."


who^o mlA lUiif



jIn d

ed t'lomivl*'hNa_hopao£^(ino hon tho Atinidians of^tho night,

uhi.Mi Palso Mil} gcucmlb pimiuled iu thoMost of Unwind m Wale-? nnd iuIiolniil, MIUIL UIO Suotch fcmii'o foi-tuui tcllu oonstmiUj issun e i - tl uchmnctci of a so\onth danghlei m oulerto obtain uodit of the gift of secondflight I t is not eighty ionis smco aJJmtol UHIL ninu w o n this gioundwuVh MioiMi na tho-dooor, nml m

mcnbul "Mrn -daughtoi Pocti

a ori;>vho30 "tloorpliito was- , tlio third BOVCUUI

> nnsmoiodllu VTloolod mlolhc.rlnsi

ditil • Mrlil Biuiud toT l o o l o d m o .

thiit 1 BUM mj own fico mlo it ,it iippctiinow but -\\mto poal i d midBlimo'o 1—iho fat i of Iho tli ml

L u ^ u wm niivlhiiif, but a &upeiatttioiH Ymui, inn! jol oil ibout hiivision nhuh la fill mUimd to putdown lo tho acme ot nidi^e^i n but itii iiithu a uuiotii LOiiiLid^nio tintInfoiothojcm inn out ho nhould limofallen bj tho hand ot an ivvwan

lomiul cdf The babo H in tho ia spunstm, at tho sumo I inO^pomting toan infant sleeping 111 its wadlo.

"What is a lner?" inquisitively .ob-served the bny,

"Abiorisa stmcluro orectod for thodca i l , " • •• H

•'Well,,papa, 1 hoard 11 man say 'throoboei'3,' the othi'r tiny, ami I was wondor-

"iug Wiiat-Iininorait.".—™.™-^^.i^;::-~i"..~:

; "Oh," well, my boy, r'ho mount- tiiroo.cli-inksoflmor."

" I heard Hiomnn behind.Iho bar saylie could not li:t liim Imvo any moro

r»o'eiiV~btfc^'No\if-TvliAb;:(liil-ljo>.iicr.n;.by." tliatr'1.:::- SZT.

: L'Hii'iitH-iuitvrthrti-iin-.wiw.pn.'.lp'.'-Iua'lilllo Riimo,' tlmt is, ho hnd Iho reputa-tion'of beiiijj a billc or ndend-beat.". "\yilHlinyputtlinb man on a, cato-ialque, if ]ioin n doatl-bont?1' .,. ' .is^^Ta'j-diiadOjsftSi'at'a^alio.votl-iiito^fti

wuiv "I'lu'y hnyo neither n, inoniimont

\ that

demoust rated that no such personsToll nnd Dossier ever existed.'

Ono of tho most remarkable peop"iiwith who .uirisionaries have to do'ritho F.ilushns ot' Ethiopia. They,; nro I

1y,;about two huudrcd 1ber, living' west"; of |

h i h l l

noi vl 01Tim' s\on s'uu^n but I


blue!; Hebrews,tliousand . in' nuJordan, who have as their holy writf

icz Old Testaj^.-iit in nn Ethippivei'Siun, nnd who still' rigidly ndhoro tthe jlo^aic ceremonies and laws.iii'O tlio children of llobvow immigrantsjwho, in the limeoi thcgroatUisjfsottlcd in Abyssinia nud niamed wivjof that nation. Efforts mado duringinr.tiOO years to'coiiverf ihein't'o.Chrtirtiiity-hiive proved.unvsiiljiig.;'»;:;:""-:-""-:

A writer in the St. Louis Jf«7fc«t •Jo -^ t ! , ndvisos'. youngliey^S^tb ni:iko./In'ii oiijlihremedy. They will not only give olVoneo-'but.may miss n. valunblo aid in prnctic.o. '..Thol.writet "" . ~ . ' " " . ' .practising in JIndison'• c'ouiitj*. III., I '-.'•was induecd, by Iho representations of Y.nn old woman, to make tho trial, in :..;idysentery,nnd diarrhrcn, of tablespoons.'.^iu! do3cs of puro.cidei''vinbgar, with tho."-'-.-iitlditimi • of. sufHcieiib. salt .to .bo.notiea-:.w.lable, and it acted so charmingly tlmt l.V :have UGvor'iiscd anytliing'else. '."''.. :;..:VC;7.'•'

Tho question' whotluir-tiiouoy found'..J\in a shop belongs to- tho koopor of tho ".-'•••pl:;ue or tho.Jlnilor is o[teu\disputed.'r;.A.'.J.!i;.writer in ' tlio PhartnttQcidlettl , AVcoivi • ;•:rplatca that acustomorin a dritg storb.• ••,once picked up n dollar note .from- tlio ;:'.'floor between two parallel counters. Ho1.",',inquired if any 0110 in tlio'stqiviJiniVlosb',it-, and ilndiiifj they had. 'not,,lid appro-Jiv -,.printed it.—Hia.claiins..to.itlbeiiigmjlit'-M;(.;lputeil, tho case \vas submitted'"toTn"™"•lawyer, who said: "Tho open' pnssago^between tho two counters was dot"

:-'to tho. public, not in ''fee simple,-bilSa highway whiuh tlioy wcro iiivitciloccupy for purposes of traffic."' • Bo 'fimkr kept the dollar,. "•"'-•• \.

liiON m m : I X CUISA.

Tho, Spanish'niastors'bf "Cuba main-':tniirnii 'iroii. 'viilLv-L-Evcryiii«ii ' ,-it-^,Haia"

who esin'osaos sentiment not strictly]loyal' to Iho Spanish, authority,- ia:niTosted nud impriscne'd. Conspiracy. 13I

far to eiici*1:Uca." -Of frequent7 notices in cafoa-.aivothci' publio . plneos'in 'a'conspion,iii,3:

plnyeard bearing Iho sttfiiifleant legend.': ?," PIcuso do not 1 itllc • polities Iniro;'' • nnil'

'whurovev you; moot. him, ,.whollioc y

ho values h i s ' life nud .liboi'ty?

man a fuw mini k« iflLiwiud g< llinguomo si do btni out of ilccg that!Bt6 ulontliosidfwalj, Miifln THIS 1 illui howould limn a httlobici on \ihn.h hocould iL*it hunitlf 1 ? " ( 1 tho^ bfti-koi p a am t com ho kft a hltlo bi-01 inthe keg is he pnpi ^ »•

It 3 on 11 rut "SUCCJ 1 do not cApcct^ln uliT.»(.e.-lint7fli

Apccttol lg ^ 7

Iho open dooi1* of Iho tilings thnt hono\t 3011, and aock it us if "\om soulclopcudod upon 3cm nnchng it.

possesskospa IiTho i'

:d 'of': conliscativblo• proiwrty.'j; poUtio.il r opinii/ns • to himsolf. I

idi^Bubjectoit;Uolp p jcoi eoiship tho ttlt "paph oflicos niolunilti iiUMilliucp oE the pohct and it j

_\ui *?nid that tht* minis aio often |r o i « ) b l o documei

niid• 16ft with;an open.'hand, ,niid:rbb'tolifa o^vahnmOfj'1 i^y ••'


51.50 par Year, in^Advaaco.

..WASHINGTON, !i .J . , Al'UILS. 15S.1

lilllo town in Poiinsylvnmlarbomiiilo lias fifteen citizen

uctivo caiidiitatos for Hi^post-office.' ; . ,; /

^y;;='bu Tuesday President Cr.i;yi:i.vxi^•papnoiutcd ;PoHlmiibter. ,Hi:xitv .0.'*£p£uaoN of Nov.- York to fill that of-r Vfico four years inoro, • '.'. '-•• .

^P'PKESIDEST CixviiuNu is tho Clue:^Execntiyo in fact as well aft in namefeauiVisuot.ruu by his cabinet or a^fow, favored liciiclnneu. .:>

i <: civil:' service •'reform-''wasioucd by a Democrat Aid itLOii iowiiiothor inembiir of flic

lino'.party to1 first, put it in force.

fith is; rumored tlint•AUornoy-Gcn-•al Qai'luiiil intends to dispense .with1 tho Assistant District Attorney

ii'lho enipluy of (lie Government.

l l n flpiio of -rumors of GuusiwlownfiiU the staid olil statesman stilllands at.tho head, of .the.'ling

mmmity stovn as of old hurt yriflii 'of i ron; '^ : - : ' - -V: •"• ".

Efr^behyecn Grout Britain andJt •accnis imminent ami alreadySlerato Irishmen huston to notify•Uor power that they arc with it[and soul.

Jplftfninnnt has been niado thatJ boef canning establishmentsLcouutry havo been divested of

L* avrtihible stock by reason oflei's received from the British AVsirlartrnoni , : "\

...,o'6? ;2sixos,;: in the Supremou-t, lins filed an opinion that a

ust appear in answer tn aL aQ'ord it, even if

|!?o witness feo.-

piiiioii was given was held initempt for refusing to appear ono!ground that lie lmtl not recoiviul

f s . f e o . 1 ; "•• . .", / ' ; , . • ••'

[AS. A. DAN'A, editor .of thoVfYorlc »S'(«),' is tho liappy pos-ior of' pup1 of. the finest collectionsJhincso porccltiins in tho country.

fc'furnishos tho material for a paperJjliiiieso,, porcelain ,. In-,3Ir. lvogor

Bordflii/wlii'ch nppctff?*in tlio Aprilriminbbr1"bf "fine ex-'

pltja^re'prydu'fie'd-'jti tlio lineal ofxT-ongravhig. ;. ' • • • . ' . '• ;

It V713 lumorcd in lo;\n on 3fou-dm o\onuig that Ooudead, but tho lumoi p io \odtoboMill out foundntion Tho fionciit'thoidtli at tlio picscnt tnno is FOUIC-\\hit bcttoi thin it \\a* i th} ui lv.o

"We luno lecencd tl'o Much num-bci of JJcsuijittic Amcma,U1IK.1I 1ademoted to tho btulo ofAlthough ^\o l m o nol had lime loexiumno it closely, havinj; jiif-t re-ceived i(, yet it has tho npnuaranooof bcin^ as attractive, instructiveand deserving of praise as iU prcdo-

ior.v 'Tlio' next number will bedevoted to tho tttato of .Now Jersey.Kvcry Jersey limn slioulil havo n copywhich eitii bo procured for fii) eontafrom JDcscriplivo' Anicricn Publish inyCo., ".!) Beelimnn St., X. Y. City.


[Fruin our Hvirutiir Corrr?pwidcut.JAVACins.iTD.v, I>. 0 . , Mar. Ill, 1885.

If it is true, as irpoitoil in distant pa-poitt, tlint one'of our theatricalcalled upon iSvcidonl Ulavelutui

Ncighbontij; Counties.


I tivx A I wi n i nliml 1c liorno 11

' r Wllllnin I i i l i<r (f lt.mljift 111 n u l l from noti« utiktiN r. n IIL-I

Itioirc-lltnrHor Urn* \\ IUlnKcrum nun <t HvmlitJHii

I lit fun ml nf Mrn Vri nln 1

y iliit Vwtm

Mi i h

t*iiT* ilny tii-it w.vkM-i.f.1. It. .JolI'll lntrw.1 til HrinliiKloll nt nil

n.vll:,, k-lntf |u-M III ll.mul tlilrly-fount Iliiiilliltoiv

litvl uhli lltif I'liuri'lt.

|H«ll.Hl.T llllH Ililin l'Hml'll:>l«x|

van tunwrlytmlli'j H'jvfcoir'-i nttm>t in l i

-cll to-.vn.tlilii. 'Hi*' oniiv It IVIUL-<I "Amw

.Inlill IK.«lln^,n Ili.'iilluT of Illnlto

• r uitik ** ,Wil l liluv

II r"M .'Ii:lit-


l>. l'.,t,r l|lh'li Il nk-k n«vlvi


ii.biix.. ^ m m l , niuijliat.Si'bvt'liinil FMU\ tliat ho .'ilnniiil bo g!ml toisc ft box nt tboiiuiil iiniiiiiyor'.-j (liuatrnon occnaion,. but llmt.lio invfrrivt], t

obtain i t in Ihif Urtiiiil wn.vmul at ihusitiii \mcti, itirtvoiy grtitifyii'S imlocil,iiiul olVL-Miuiopikirliiiiity lo ndmiru th»i«itl ROtlPO IllHl giKlll tiWt'J t'f till) 11C1rliiL:fiiiti»Wi-!il6i'' '.JiT lWti:iiiiu''<]>irit'*iiiYi10 loss mlmirablo iii the nclion of thoseieiuls* bf.iloiKU'lmonta who Imve. lU'ciinottlio ]>lcusmv!* of ojUTin;;u rMtii;,' itl publur-xpciisn ntul "BOM tlio livcrj nntilt wliit-liiitstoin »1 InwrtVthem. 'I'hw Dopavlinent•arriege bnsiiiepu was onooE llio nmsf

aiul luast justifiable ot tho wholwito ramilr. Why tlio Ciovcniiiieal be'.iiiiulo toin'oviilo-n.r'.1')1''1' i««

!0i:c!itaaa Ifcj of 'csn.'UfiO1 to its \n\th oI'licau it) niic oi llio tiling* Hint iHifolIoian 1111(10111. Thft imintc KI'IIWJ UC jiLsticiitiu'ttlly miiilu lliu nituntioii ouein »\>MU\

• not • opju'cssivii to lltu bnmlilo, \VAU\ivorkinff clcrl:, walking homo ttiroitgh tliin nil ntior bi. tlay'rf werlr, nntl passeiy " the c o i I d

•y ttnufliuigc formsna ho kiiows, n woiglity ilt-mon

\c "'.*-..tiiiKciit fiiml" of llic burt'im. t•iiiuh bo beloiif,3 a:nl it occur.* iu lit*? (thlci-k"o) mind that llieio is no siifiicien•efis»ii3 v.-tiy tliio cuutiitgcitl fisuil *>l.i>!i

iijily tlia irciiimiisjiioiicr, wh'i drawstlary ui fum* or live Uniii^tUil,

m m g o , utiil U':ivi! him uti 11f 0110 thov.siiHil to go nfool. ••N'.'i-

the c!or!v\s l-caEoniiif* B'ji'iii !'••.!•litcioiis to oiiisitU'rH, Tlio whole i*t'.'a i>\v«)n;j. Tho Uovenimont hlitiiiiil \\iy it:.< fliuiab cuonj-h .tooiutblo them to !hy hi ulnanner suitable to l l idr titntioii, mu\ itshonM i'Si'l'ly llifir y.'i-.sits in. no WA)\ OX-

lililili £.]. '•-- - - - - '. " H O T on fiu'tli did Hit1 hi(«Fint C^nii':

d a w n'i", 'VUv v>'lu»!t!equip*


m lliu l(j,l(;i','(

> li'

vntly. M10 II.TI fi>r soiiu lim.i U-i'itlUitclisiil hcjiajwin.syHmi.

Mr. IAUU A. cjtiwn uf Mount I'li-nsntiilh« uoi'ltinli^ friHii Hi" -N'l-w.Vorl; Vt>\ill.-try till-i jY.'ir, n«i.| n!*i h;H tin* li'Hi'.Hil'tlt-iftriaii nt tin1 i:'itn»ti>:tfi'iiit>tit.' '

. U. K. rk-M, fi- icrty i.f Ilunli-Moii enmtly. Innsl.'iimv.vl fn.iii I.'Hilvlllc. Col., o n n ^ i i n t'>n[|4n-|f,>Viii.!i,.; t |[t,,;in.|lakcti!li,. IV.vhyi.Tlin1 in." I Hi-; ill- i:t rln-yimiic, WjMmliiir Territory.

Mr. K. II. I 'arimri, t-t ,Ma«.n. (in., r . innrrty «flliitnti, i lka wi ihf VJI till. ..f |.{irn»}-i.U Hi; li>i.U-'t-.i In r.-.ll!n^ lii-:i!i!i (nr .irnvral ivwlii, lint hi-ilr.-itli v.711 not «ii .'-.wn pxiirftj-rl. n i t m ; n l i t .

.Vt-ivi! U-l.i.U'tiiiA" .Ur. V.'illhm F. lil^<;in:<

nUftfwhk-liar.)llvliii,*'»iaVitrttiii: w..|l. Air. Wiir.11. Ai'anr.liiliisii ' .Mi'Jmfoj' . l .nUiliuMiicwit

liimtwlri-i wivtc. ;~

;oa.ti!i?, win f,r tlio ti i t^I1 . o .

In Afrt.M !!1 Hi;' int.: :!:)!i v;irS n* Ui< f r j I i y i i T t mL'lituvli. arr ival In riiil.i.lHjiM.i <,\\ tlu< .'• I/)r.l[Ifm,*li" nf tin* Am* rl••;ui Lliu* n t.-\r ilny* n«n.-

new lUvi'lllii/n, «

v.i sire !,t 1... !,;:!lt I i . Jmi . l l o i r i l .

'-a:.;.*-. \r t-.v.-."H^U-li..^'n.'*ni:i&iltjji-.-.t«MWiiiK«liUnrotrtl

.' Asn-tif ! i | , . •»t.f lln* limit

• 1\x>*-l iiy ImDili .1 Si-i.t.'mSVr n.-xi m ilu< ilin.-r.-»(m-iiinl l;ifr. Vftri.mt lni]>niwni-u.l:n.u»>h U-,T,- ik'liTiiil^-'l ii|ioii.uiii<>:i,M|li'.- hull.ll'i,- nf ii n.'WlIi-fci-l—m,i'»;,' 111.' I,-lii;(!t V;ill.-y !{. 1(, s>;i!|i.n.

Inrjti*"!, new WM-IIITJ* jiroluwii n:M Irxj:m;ptirrnUy li.wl nji

TIJII ! l i j - lrn. ,f r i t - ij }.ir» Siii.rror Itii* tln»u>\ ILillnitnl, win on hint Moe l f r iiiHniiiHDf. iiKi.Ufil j C r ^ , n .unniKl.-it.'I'nul llnllnuil

'l li-ftnt.lliK ciiurly m-:il lo

Jlut tlit-ii, It

I If tn ill fit tn ||l Wft iftl 1• i»> litt ii ri-nitii f>i-.r.V of .1. M. m-iil, ntiili

.fcwwill liliiil-mr i«i)i.t.>to

: 'nroM niiiKit'foiwi'i'iai'i' t'.'A. UVl.rly nf SniimlHorli.tlii'iii-pfinn;

III n.'nilNKlun lo ii!;nln litttt II, ftj'or.lC'mlU1-**WWilrj-t'liilmi in linv.' l^-fii in-alL-l imriihly

Tim Ibiiiul l!r.vi!( \i-(Vi|i.ui .HilU 1J-»JHI week'.«•-fur.; lit..,: Ift wirli live iI.-.J'Niif rsu-'.i «-.i;;!{, lintll fiir-t!u*r n;>:liv. Tin.' inElU ;;1 vi* ciniil'-yin^iil tuiilioii

i!iiiii)K.KiIyf,.iir.]iiy,tuw,vk. .

n: ot Uin t-:itl<v<O|nil Hiurt'ti J» Sv\i,.> lu l l in. (.-iirl't-u Ctiiiri-li, Nvi

Tits lit:.Wtt*:t! wriiKDr. (Inr.-1-oii, of Cn»

Tim tftitu itliWi |

jwill lj-.* i>r<Mv'lt:*i| lij* 1!'-'.Tcn.v» .l.'rvy" C\'.y on ili^ (/«-


i*-.le..ir."-yoil. t«i

• i i 'vwlt i imn^i i .

E /T\ O



JL 1 OU Thieo r n d n lit 'f i l iUr* w o u l I r c n l | slimll T \ I It^ OTIIMt l \TH(i* r% c n (v. i« j.nr (-IIIHC l| t' m «4 HH I n 11 m'if illy l!l»>. inl.il w*utni> iif 5 | u mrr\' 7 O u l « l UiirUnaL UuioIiic.riMi'Mcid M rot lilnlis **M tjll(ttn| hl« 11 il,V ' ^ , -.,_,"' il n run icon injnti l In r Itenltire Hdttt 1 Jill u ! roi j . \il etc c l ii 1 I,

•i C 7 l t JU J n i l 1 1 ( , 1 A J i m N | , r i l O i BUrmiKtil-klly wnly Iftl iHnltmtlK I l.pt'it c . tli ni <F tlcnvir Wi.nroallutoimkollioabove lihtr I n\r tliroiji *t«r]il wrm t i n utn \\Uh Itjijttilltatlmif, )>iii iin* cr

^ OV - * HlUliwddlhr *ifc will rtml I \i"lt\ OTilLll 9\TUI(1> \ \ , i M| iM,ov\. icir$ 1 , I'Oi: duo Juitiir we wilt>3iiil ffiVBKY OTIIGH SATURDAY lor <Ax nraiilti", i»jit(:a! .1. '.

EVERY OTHER SATURDAY is |)re-B!tiineiitly a Family Paper . :


uurvii vttr, ABOUT

Ii HI |>!nti, csci-lleiitly r-irtk-il na!.

(Nuitmci:.III ko lliu I>UM ; U Un* K

A vi-rjr itltrnctlvo ?II<1 litl[ifnt.

ItBV, ALKX. MI lit:«tti:y in lur^u nil Ut

: : IU c

iio.v. uoiiv. v. WI>'TIII:OI', 11.. i).y* rua-J It MI-JJ^II wtt«n I R.J: Im!-.' of It.

' ED'A'ARt) liVBKI-.TT IIAI.f.

Evr.iiY•17ncvciiMh|n*Ni.. IliMton,

SATURDAY Publishing-CO.,, S;ini| tet'nii'tx, rtlmSI 1 eonl'C

a s ©

CiroeoricH, l'rovision.1!, l'']onr, i'cod, Ten, Collce, Sficcs, Tobacco,

.: ; Cigm-H, Ktc, nt : '

NG=:&-iJRO,'S ••••GROCERYna clienn as can bo bought clscwlicro

Quality of Goods.AI.I. c o n n s (JirAitANTK[-:i>p.\s I:KI'I:IWESTKI».

y ficv. T."t\ i'ii^!wirr.i/>Vrrri.-riryIJ?v..i/.!t':fMJMir-tllir^, l l (.\!i-. r>.'il-r.n M...-IH.T, If ridEili.

l.!Ulirt'Al'-ltKV'rs.-.MalvIi Il'.!,.":il ILmvUl...• - lti-v.l!. A. Ili-ymil, V.'rn!ilii2t(.n Lr^f.tvij., .,f

. ' i J t iK-S'ni- 'Kl . l i -At .".I. i:. intr^rtmw, T M H -


tJs^ln •

;.-/ii-iru-.' ' .fiiivho-.l in i:.ui;,-.v>t!. Tlil-ilit- rtviT 'if Hi:- :«ji:i» ii'ifin'. :.i tin; itri

ift i-h!.'f t(»?-:i of I'.-su, ft |ir.ivliiliii Ii

tlisttiiitliiig the p"cs3i;vc andJluencc brought to bcni1 on (ho lio-

1:111:0 Sir the lli\ «;t;iM Usi loading Oiiin jioliiit'ia-i, who bail just

rly HM.OO. 11" vilt •—£i E1 f."un Xc«- Vorl: iiMiutJiM-iluiif M i i y W l.iv.-,-].(«i!. frcm wh.-n.-c ti,«

' j ; . 1 Al^Ati-lrln :i«-l *M.-i-1ri V'Ti*L-Hvljj'j"'iii Him-ii aljfrit !M- ml-l 1111 ••'( .lilly.—IVrniw'ii.-A'lvi-.-

t .J?Bodicimcs

Health, andjlappiness.' 9 •DOf.SOTIiERS


Arp^your Kidnoys disordored?

Aro your ncryos T/enk? [j|

Jrgaa Oo.3TVA.8I-IIN G-TOiST, N". .T.

Insti'iunents Sold oil Easy Instailinerits'L. &Office and W a r c r o o m s on Railroad Avenue, near the D. L. &

\V. Railrori-J Stotioh, W a s h i n g t o n , N . J. '...".'"'

The" ••' Oelebratecl. Princess OrgansParlor" aflilCtene!-: Styles. :'^::M

t him l tlic'sotnowhat u hV;',"J!,.r'' .^""i'.'.M'ii^^sS;-]«<•Stationery,

S u f i e r i n f f f r o i i i D i n b e t e s ? ? i I."11 V P V A- 'Vi\\\ V'V V l ' T l f T It'Q ^tvi-r mn.-;t.'ui(u»«.lf.i».t-l.ntiiBiiiJt'i—i-n-i-."---"-H '• '--'•• -.-—"—....-•™,..-^.~-. „-,,..-,......-..,..*.•.... ,-,L...;.^^:„.... -—.

THE PHlLiDELPHI/l TIBAims to cover l!m whnlo fiol*! of pro-/jross?ivo jouyiifilisu:1. Notoo groat for it to ilbt-r.So'i\y nntl wif.uoiit biftit, mul none no in-si»niiifatit its lo cscapa i(;i nolico. • It U/fl'JlJIfJifJTnfJliivK tho v;oi].l inbatiU'V-to;it» v.v.ii.-s --•iiiiil ovorvv.'liorp iin tigautu miiybcl is. Jifuniul, nlert to jjiv'.lici" llio particularsof all p.'is.iiD;; ovonlfi inn]..by tolrgrapli up lo .'o liwt inoincni.of *pin™ to press, ."in n brief nml;tltsiracL chronifi'-n; ..|l;n "fi:j.;.i -;tii.'contains aVii'sit i« wm-ili hiuiwin^-i'ii

_ / _ .'__ ^ . M'ftjstbry of llio wotlil fur ilio' vtwtiiity-four iioniv).

~T7Tr^r~Z ~ V " J IVint ov&lor doca i>E liruei: urt.'l'lic house- Tie <-!irl-il.i» A'irt»-«tt"»f i-mi w . t imM n v-ry 12 ' --! «»i IV.IM.UJ, M.AIUW-, VI.,e-Presidents W » i n l m 6 n l s

Ww&: Ccmmittco of tho WhoIe.la.^M ( ^ ' ^ - ! - - l - ! - ^ - ' - • ' • ' - ^ W,I,,M,--ig H avo yoVMal.-iria?» Hiicr-fcxcc^tiau or iiie|Ht;iai ^ . ^ i a g ^ ^ f t l i c a,..,-^^. ; x . iI"wh!wWn rI't"-1Jl*'1 lU9 s "" l i y "B!" l ^ - ^ i - i i ^ ^ r ; ^ ^ ; " . ' " " 5 ot"rr

ktl,.pscellbllt,biyj.l)0th . tl.oj jc^cakvcral claims j.-»ltlnS wriswi a.:- .'-"W-r ciirs !:; ::w Tr^^r,- l^^vr:^^;." •"iLt:;-! - .KM^?J££&^&x~i^ W7

;,and : • thooven the New York

jhat partisan of all partisan,jjiiscd tli'eiu «s: only the

f'S pen-sfc however is tho fact that tlio

ftix* - chosen have bcou tliofeiitioucd"ioi*'liiu.position.. ,- -• *

ti:i!>lo ii;.,iii:;.ltiual ar

_ 1 Cf, •a;Ji,'ird rlioiirtccl;; wretch: :v.;lio

I t havo.foolings of aversion foratcr, niuVwliile such tlas-

3epro:!>uiii8!iineiit, yet it-'|.^lijinll#y ;'6o* eiilloil itti ntiviuico inliizali.on'lo incasuro out tire"same

Lsbmont to the dficintler, tin is iu-by llio bill fimt has passed

[louse. to . ngd in ""establish . thet iii-liiis Sliti cvv""U.'n jiim-

Byitliis1 mothod scorns' more-1 like[jug than pnuishing, but. if thoL'bf.ljib'lash will put a;1-stop topvil, lot .113 liiwo tho •\v3iipping

ttlo-bminocl. AVnahinglon cor-Ijcnt is out in'a lellor of some

iio Democrats will do-r ycava of fclieir poiv-

f-.and then if ngain nuc-i*Will'bo given to

{public plunder.' This: ld.all right if. llio enrtliip; nt.itho end of. pight years

jlic.be dissolved, but thei* Hid "couLrtu'v ..and

Washington, N. J.

! • Si.00 A YEAR

| OJho Largest, tho ErightoU r.:id thsBest- A Kowspsper for c.very

Kcusehdd. •• • •

ryi\ti WEEKLY TtUES'/ is foro-lnost amonff ihn liU'gcvit and best of

j X'aimly arid Oencnil wuehly'iibws-•.•tV-'.vi'''1! '~j---—. ; r :

r:"""*";";|.' pr.pcrs published in the country, and

fitulofjiio amiri«,-rf upo ]

Pricesnd tcniiij !W rcu-

s- auyimmufuc-

.itrei*. '

| j^rfO«!l" 'Oil UlG. Jli'[iubh':'.:v73:il-J of lilu w Hino u;ill-,iis rif 'lii U'.i-.ivl tiv.:r.th.t ii w .

"OOil 111JU1V slierp,1 saitl t h e wiokoil SlV- Hi" Vv",-i:-iir!iJii: ,-tt lliu U;:i>"i. 'V- ' l - - ™-V-


. fill tho.,ofiiecsg•cuiocrats' are 7 anxious to

IG":. gpyiirrimftn f;7t I v irprriylie"ui]happy 'cbiTcspond-

itViliely to x 'ovo true.'" '


1 of Chosen Freeholders oft luloH idiL th

ho piosocniion ofI1 The'cost of tho tirnl foofn[ Slff.OOO llio puncipnl

i follows Slicufl, inchid'lees,f ^"JG'JI, blonoginph-

t and constables $ J 7 1 ,hstnet Altoine\, 7uO,

| , mcjaest, >1000 ,t .2000 llio coun-f to jmj tho e-^pe: &rtf

f of the Fieeholdeis,•fieicd to lend tho

..tlit*;-. nrc .MI, (lu".i,frcji.-ji.at.liitsuibrs,' 'viKy'' iloii't yuii iiiuve'lKrit liy-'ili'uiilitf wms Ins luWtd lo i i? Jt wtniKlticltli- the old fiirinui-H nwfiiHyni:'l mnknybir"iiiwlity"nulii'l .wilh"- lliviir'Iivru»ii<.>ivIt you i-luii'L RoHtliiirtl or Hen .1.0 1-Vvi-r

• "If Uwroiico hud lind miy lima tnililiik lie-woiiUznuvcr. hiive clone .it. fur

Iiytli'rtiili? rnuMvfls. Tlici'! linil Ijecn agfotnl cknl • of "cnltHcii" nluwn-lw-d Mintnifjlit, ami jujiybo llmt lilurrcil the Jlon.• V/:!ii:ii!i*H'iitii'cupiioiis si.ine^lini.. Auy-how ho offercil im (imondniont. IL wannljont ns fullows : ' 'I'hiit liydnmlics ramsuiiportcil f'ir (iio of improvinpf


'.IS o[ iihecp bo ndinitlcd frcu'of du-'Eli, wlinL Ihc dfvil is iliiitV'sdid

chairman to (ho llcndiiiy Ciur!?.'Head it again,' camo from all mvr theHOUHO, and in a lono that coultl hnvolioen heard live IJUJCIIS nwtiy llm Clei'kru^D'aled i!ic sentence. Well, il'« n won-der thi! roof didn'tfjjomo oil1, for Kiich 11siunit had never uefhro ln-ois lieiird witli-i i r"t V>TJ ^ i i i 1 d : <>f ^( s s ti ™ i'c nV't: L: i i a 11 iVr^""" 1 Vv;

rcneo wis elccJed to stuy atiiomol]n>niixl time, and this is tin* way lie comeslo 1)0 i>lawfi!iUy' denominated Hir Wil-

";'-.T!ioi'u lifisboon-n, Bucldon depniliiio ofUic groat throng of oIHco seckoiv, mid'llita'"rensoii'isJlint thMew mon who seemto have nuy uifhtoiico with tho new ml-ministration with, regiii'tl lo tlic pnti'ou-130 lia\o madt-it ono ot U10 conditions

l h th ld d i tmidu thij lender nssiat-uiLO (hill liio npphcftnls Ici.\o.llicir posts

m t h o h o t J lolilics mil coiruloi's of tinsUL]inituion^ ami ohomennilsiny tiii-rc.' n i l Uui l iun l it tm 1,1 his grip upon

ih" "sen ito til <1 hn i icqiic^leil that it re-imin in sc: urn mUil Ilio nuldlo ol.thiswcU, l)y Mlnrii tnnn is pvpccteil tm-olhubnli.il piobibH flSotniLlhiffiw,tliolist, of ituiunnhi) b ioi loiu^u misHiuus.


mg pools lin\o been I n the Itiat foiywcUs luiltlmg buck liicu eontribntioiif;\\iiiiliiig*1fui""a tlay Mitli tlio thormomciorto riBO to tiO 'I hoi o s_ somo . cowpousn.-,ttm foi tlio cold tli"} can't nclvanWivith

Tii.j K<.:.I.-H

,i|'l;t>TH 1

1. Tht'j-i

I".V|. 1


lt:i'21sl.(vii u,r




'ITtes-wni'li-lilMrtMKn-.'it.L'i-fiivli-lill.ln-iiiiiiiiiii-r lluvi'.

Tli" rji-tith nf Mr. I. Siuilli lly.itt,' wlio !i;i-hMH In Morriftown t,c i: yen- or tT.'» |i:i.*iiiiirn-il Mmvli i «h ; wi tin.1 Imllau lii*vr, l-'i-.i

v.-licrit In' lii;-t Kitii' with Hii' Iir,[M.' (if l i i i j 't"hl:i i.!i:i!ii'i'i'i| hiMlili. • Hi! mul II | J lir(>lln.>r, .1VV.,v.-i>ro thi! liiiviifyw (if irolliiloM1 iitiillmwiKtisicil In Dm iiuuHifiwturo or tlisit iiriii!lt» i

mil .Mnmlay 1

Tills .wiit.i<nv.'ii or clii (sniiixif II

<lf IltHt

10 !>•( ci.uwliiiifl of his rwili> liii-.-w liu KtM liiiilly off liy

j- ]niri!viiilli:iili"ir wliuft Inlun over n yivir nfio, nmllUmlliH lo i:>'iiii|iU'io, Tint

:t Itt. 111 iini'iC-wiiMli.:^ Ut

rV?4.;'.''..'. 'Xiw .•.••-•:-.'1'i';;-.-:V-'^^.(M^—-^- jounmh.sni , I'.iul to,ui:iko it RO clieai

V;:r'i-^''.^;vi^:^;;::i-;"H^'!^S^|%'^ j that'itlt can afford to enjoy \U week-

1 J )B Ji. CWr.iT'si KEKVK AKD Hn.\is 'J'iHEST, H Rimrniitwd cpiwilic for Ili-storin, J)h.;i-nofii. (!(jiivulsi<j]in, l^ilfl. Knrvtms Ni-urftl^ui,n«iilacli«.Korvi)iisProa:riilioiip(mECil!>illioti:aoliilooliol ortfiliaoco, \Vii]£pfntnes!i, Jlmilal Jl.;-l.rwsiun, KtifUWiij-o£ lliu Jli-iiiii 1-os.ulUiij,1 in in-Fiuiity mid U-M\na t« ininorj-, ilcnny mul Jciiili," - uliiro OltlAiio, IJiirrciitiosa/J-orn nf y —

ithe nvolim

!(• ilaj'M iigo KHiiH C'orlict of Dnvi*r Iiiiil a>an< lujiiro'l liy pittUn^' Fast, hi lliu siul

M!!E lxint.'; her lii-m! bt'liiK lwl'l tloivn to (til. In thl^ i^ti.lUloii hU<>

SU'phoii l>. I.nri'o, inKiijv- Sti-itliHii"luvrii

"i Imiira


i in

;,>il num. 1 V

i.i (if Win. It. 111-

o Hint •tl ilm o tur-


">»rililo Kii7utliiK.\ Tlio Miinjlnit lilHWU'imi'ly "• Himi|i or "t'i'll1"! worknl liyJLTI:W, iliat ilri!\>- tlii^ljont'.f .imcVlinvrinl liiclr.|.1m:« mul prasiiwl llio ai'sti iiiori> t!«lii!y tlin fitlmr tlioy wnro ilni\nt hiick. Tim poorfulnli'il hvl t«lcr liiu

rlik-ally, )mi n

i of tlio njirrulloii mullileii'ly tlio Iwnwi ivmillo.-k MTIH In cooil working

fruoly.iuiil1 i? la'r.s 'tt

ottiaaiii l)i*iilc of Swirlf**vooiI. ^ 1 to tooK It to

cwton ttiul liryi a'pliotpgrnjrlVbiiion of itr71^." ~

'Xt'.llio' Molliodlftl eliurt;Ii, StJiiilioi.o, 'l3l linvo

•(ir)y.'iO liiiyo iwii atlilPil lo^Uii' PrrBliylcrlim

• • " - ' - ' ^ ' 1 1 ' V . . i V . ™ • • • • • • ' • v .

-.Jiaincmth'a treatineiit. jl.niii IJOX.OI* BIX IIOSOJEM$ii.tJ0,BOntby)nitil prcimiil.tii TocciiitoEprieo,

W E CJUAKASTKB «IT£ B O S K S_ .. citro tiny enso. With eridi onlor rreoivpd Ijyiin[uriiis Ijuwfi. iiccoiniiatiii.tl with i.'.ui, wo willfund tlio numoy iE tlio trVjiiinoiitdoeuyiificCuci-,curo. aiuirntitfoa imtiiffll osilyby


. . : . ^.'EgloI'roii'sV.'csfsl.ivt.i-rJtlii.11 --1 •;-.;•

S>OPXJLAEBARBSK.l'arlo-H liftwion Po^nlVmc mul St.

U r i l '. ".

hnvo been o:in of tlioOistiisguwhiugfo«t«rea or -Ti l K V.'i-ll'.KLY T D I K S ; .and it ifi'niJW iiiiii:it!i(l'"<l ' i l l thiif fs:it-

j uro by many'of the loa.lius ]*oiu-imlafind iiorioiiicnls o? tho' country. Thebesf,\vvitci-ri ftom tlio tictive ]in.rtict-

will continue i!ifjivc(>iitri])ii(ionjitot]teunwritten history of llio Will" iii everynumber, Li\d iniilio tho. JKUJCV special-ly cnlci'taiiiiug nr.J iiistnictivo to thevfttei'fins of both tho J^IUO ftlicl thoGray. .• • • •' ' j'i

ik. ^u!«l uti Uiu l:i-

K1W«'S?SS^iS'*S5i-SiS1f:®<SsS0WSlCT Orto'nl oneo, uml llio Oripin


::\;i-.•? J' B=«




f^. !i



sc'iifi. hwivyllsjtil .

,!?• ES&. ffJSLS ER> S U^tSTIxSspi!?irt


•AVo Ciuryfti atocli.nf KIIKK hviro Iho si:-:o of any in K:islern Ponnsiyl- :ynuirt.' "\Vo JUWJJCBO Jliisseason to mal;o it inoro iittvactivo

Uir.n over. Just now we nrc .ottering n apccisil. . . : . . ; . . . . . . „. ' . , . . ...;•• _ . l l i r g p l o t . p f ' . . . , . ..;,.. . : . . • i •• .

Mkaek.'raiitks at I f iwaows frDon't pat's or.r dncrsj if in ncoiT of silky.

is niuiloil, postpaid) for Ono Dolhu* n,year. Every dub of 20. will be en-titled to an e'xti'fi copy.


. T H E TIMES.. •,

Wo avo now Hlicnviii;* 11)0 lincst ILIICK of hiiiulsoinD

Klcgnnt liftured JadicR'clqtlm, wilin liorljors, nll'liimls

At the New. York Emporium, 305,"307 a>3tl;--3p9


" ? : ! Head, AllaysInflammation.

]!iuslon, Piilj Willianiiiiwri, Pa.; Itoclieslci', K. T.; Wdtorfo«ii,'.N. \ r.

Restores theSenses of Taste,Smell, ..Hearing.A quick Relief,

A positive Curb.jjAY-F.EVER

l)r.!H,ly']Jnii;liiip:,' no:ct;iloor to tlm jinst (ilTito. ' It'.iomg \m%u t.utl coxJiioilions. : " liltlosm>w n'ml nnuitiriuJtiiivu liy llui OclflinUci! J." MV Biuiawick .t ]JtilUo":Oo.,' LN Y.. ami

"" •* ^ ,-tyi ii'6 [i^ijBfc'1inlio>Viin^.'OCiiiiu»i'iii^to>TOirir-yoVi^=


The Washington Star.

cover.) ' ; . ' i(*oMlni»ile:l rtlrecl [f«ni fclti'lu* (over (ereensj

to wniiontt. \VJ|.tiIHBM)!*,1.iN.Ai!t'iil.CicnrK0> Rrosl! Cuuiltcrland CVa!—J3.r.u per t en .

• JMir. 1.1SS1. , -1 •

r -

Star-Liglits.•' —l'jirJiicrs ore roui'li behind' •.with llioii1

', work. ' - ; . . •" •-••' . *—An oxchanso says I'liila-icInMa lin« n

sknLing rtuli fur liulicrt only.;__Don't complain of tr.ulc lieing dullwiien you don't ndver.tUe your business*.

.~Tkc latest crnxo in tliat of collecting-postmar.lt;"* •• Will W ton-holes cosnu next?, —The total Str-le and local tax^ "U--1 rived from corporations nre Sl(^7;t,O7O.t)S. :•—Ww J-Jj'iseojtul 'MctlwiM licudal tdonation jKii-ty item "KaWing. the •par-sonage." • .. ! . •

[.•'• —isDnio of onu nciglibannjj'towns wcri,vailing lost week for the street sprinklers

-to conic out.

I t is euTo to my .Hinti i

—Tlia radii nrc in n very miul.iy con-

dition.—Tho icnutitrB nni pupik of uur ptib-

io iiiiliool nrc Iming n vacation UiU wee!:.—A Mr. Hurt luul tlic end <>I one ol I11.1

.1 cut oil" by ii machine nt tho shoe_ y OUR tl.ty ln«i week,

—Mr. (ieo. H. Jltircliill, formerly ton-icclcil with tilts ur.ui, reina/cl from Iliis

ace to Morriilowii on Tfieitliiy.; ;—Mover (Joriiish wilt opu*i> ihe ('.1

l!c fair next Moiiiluy evening. Tl:c Wnsli-ij;tij;i lirtu't I1.1111I will also I>3 in ntti

—Jackson. Uorub.ilic.r,. wlioso lioiucm UrnCil tiVJt week, Ins new^led 010.V

'•!"> from Iho CVtniiiercinl Ut.ion in satis-faction Tor I115 lo*v ; .

--V.2V. C llvTriuvr. of .Snruee ..Clmrcli, will inliti'txi tin*tiiir.jf&nitcj meet-

• next Sunday afternoon In the nc.v

d in the mouth

l g eting ut ill

'•;-;• Crosby tori an church . reeleeieU. the ol'

.. board of trustees on Saturtlay.: — Mr.tiliiulcaKilgeiton haa had some

'sowed in Ibis; ot March lliis year.

--•-- —'I'lic con«rpgntipn:il

The New Uank Building Opened. Petit Jury List.:

>ii C. Vim llnni, V•The row Lank butWiujr, commenced hvit) " Jiiw.ii C Van Horn, Vrcllnfull, h now nljoiif cumplfilcil. OiiTucs-l1 ™ j , , E , i ; r f l y . ;:hy afternoon rurnltmo'nnil bpolu wcro I .Tt,h,\'v. i»'t-lirmtr. ik-lvUl.rIIOTCII in, and tm V/ediicsiHy numlng l>m< [.nwj w.w oiwnoii i'i ili>: new t|iurb!M. ThoImlliliiss i" B» tout widj, 8(1 Idol u^P,Ibroo aloritti !»i;»h, bailt of itawM hiick;with btuo Htonc ornamentations; i a 0:10 ofIho finest Imnk buil'linga in northern SitffJcrecy, n lflMhij; uniniuout toour borotigltund a nwitlt to thu tforltuwnsliip mid al.il-Ilynf Mr. K. W. Alli-jp-r wlw con t rac tftfrilM cor-BiruoiIon. T!w liauMiifj. nwmirt 011 thu lint iiaor witti llw «nlr«H>ce °"

iuliin jliiti -.nvi H i ) luilaliftl i»

'""' H» ivooil

jf ytcmj)Cntico lnill, iii tlic Shiclilrt

—Mr. .loim Henry lull iu-o-'iiliiil u pn-!.ilion a» cl«U In Ilio Pliilliiiiba-i; IloiiiP,1*hii!ipHljiir p ami .Mr. Kliiu-r Tlioiiip:-o'ili:ia riiturueil to tlic^St. Ulcul liotnl in (lib


liar, i n i l s ,In I I W , ' vjniMi.-il-will li-jlwhcil.. '1'IK

<5ii.il iiuiicro i.r lilini; t o w n H« 'P- iwiio iui.il t y l lu I'liii'ilc n t tlio wilransc omlin frtmt of liio ilosil's —tliU v.na p u t ilimnlit Mr. All-.gtT l.inisair. l..ir,;i! cilhl-.lr.il

Biiiss v.iii«l.>..v.i a'ro li'iii! in Ilia l..«'.itiiml I I I ' j

—-Mu£?r:.. Uoycr

iwc phicjily

jnvfty.::;.'.i in 1'iMiil of tliyir rcitui i IMr. .Incoli Mjra'i " 1 0 ' ' " i^ iornamonlcil llu; I'rnlit oi !ii» liuil.liiig v.itliiillraclivi.. lilli-tii.

--'I'liO (lLVtli>i:inci.t ofllisiiie.3 il cv l ik iwl l>? tills fatt tllilt tl*ybitvo iiuri-liiiEiil :i ii^iv I'l'i'^i1 l!.i'^' l ' l l l c

hrccr tliiui Ilio one noiv in i»',—n r.rcmcmno-jr.t o! stcr.il bci.:;; rcriimv.l t<> ruIhcir ijiiitliinLTy.

—Mr. i l iUun! jA'iitly itilovnl.v i:s li;;IK'.M V.Tcl( lit! iiilnnla in ipoll nTOIitic

...)iit kt'.eriiii; ilor.c nt tliu entrance to liii n j in tiic i1.1^" ri:.:uil.y vi-.i-.iicil t>y ...i1....clear.nml.confectionery store nml ireivs nVillianuon in tlio • himlli lrailillnijr.il

: : ' —Tho Uranil Division of tlie Sow of I keep1 ia XcirJcKoy will1 meet in — Wo v.cro |.iv»viii.il on Muu.iiy mill

^ mill II

nt Uio to]«i«E tin: outnilefor tliti laryo winduw \:uiu..- ]

. ' TiiiJ viuiU, \vh!i w.i

•William SUtirlj. l*r-lt»?:11:i.Mlas M. Me'JInlli'ii. HadictUtuwiJirint Q.'-.vnlil, ItnriH-iuy. . ••'

. IVU-r W. Writer," Wnfiiln^ttjit To'tiiiiMnlt.Mnnri, ilanlwk-k.V.'llHiitii l.iiitlirriiiiiii. Hiinhvldi.

Kiln-* C-imiaiii*. Tinlui»i:ii'teiii'i;.Awl* 1'. UwiHj*. Maiwdvltl. ., .Char lwi l . Itrotuvr. finrimwlcli.M;mi:i.!lli.I':irK-;H.>;n\Uvtiry ruroHl, l'»liatwin«.Viit.'N. Hawk.WUll:i«i I- Hou-Ui". rrnckutbtn

• v;n::r.Ht it.-iiy, II»»»':!1 .V*;J. : .--.

William 1!. llfcliitir,'ltclviik-ru.

S;tmnil llnnvi-1.!. I'h!Illj^!»Tiri;. ..1. V.n:.,ici»akw.All.»niio]ij.-

' SiiiiiUtlM'-VT.lT.WVlili^UiJiTnJ.Hlnull.Ciirlt.-'.litiHictlMiiwii•Jn».Ml).Tayl<»P.Wtt^ln«l«mltSto-I'lii-ii r*iw. riilHli-rMir^.

• jJ.itniivl ViHi»iiit:i. -Miiibllvlil.' .^r-r i:?iilif"llimwi:iy." " ' •

tCi,,ni!dl.n!-nih..ii..jrtflMf.i d w Ei«l ti,vnrf: JisBt: I.*!;. Ad^i-^ion to llu* |

wiui.'.' I.'r. KrAjiK ;Mm:;tn:i lm(iitul up mid will oociipy as

ll (), lIl.Wl'll. HtU'!»l.'ltfHH

»\ViUi:iui.-"ti. Kraiitiliu.

.1. y . Vmi'.;hl. l l i i i ' i lulcl; .

ii I1. I ' . -Wlu , L

itlio r o u i n s ( i n ' i l i w i l w r . 3U. . U m . M . ",i,,! ; l l l,- n . TiiT-ii^. I'lti

V ; I I I H T U O will iiirfo.li.ive 111;W ctVut! ' - a o , 1 \v:


•i"..i> l l i iu ! 11 x.v iil.w i< I1W1..1I ia ".-li

The MtwarSs Conference.

•ri;o X-.:w.u:: M. Iv. Confjrcnna oiionc

'Iticcd Uiirt Btrilclng cliaractcrhtic. All•long tho poHtic.il prophotu salil thatMooti would ba beaten,, but tlio remitproved them to bo fulao nropliota. NoI'liuiler Ihfin . t int" Jitilga U.in.fl»Id won.,Yo uiiilurstaiid Hint Kcver.it Warren countyitutcumen went toTroiiloiiiindconlribiitodomuthhi}; in tho w.ty of purtonal effort inlij'titili.ilf. Of coiiwo ttioJnJgo wan notIVCKO to tliu whole,001111 ty goi»(f toTroii-

on nml wotkiitf,' for liim. Wo mip a Iio

.ill grftclj the bench at 'tm April term otourt. Ti:Q tcmpa.ratica tnon of the cottti-

lymi«tit ' .io be•'well eatUlloil with him.Iio iii not only not a drinUiii# man, but ittuloialcr—a total alistninor, .It (!?rtainly•.ill not hint Iho Judiciary of the countyti) h.tve ,1 lempomnco man 0:1 1'ic bsncti.Y.'o do nut :.ii[>i>u3O H1.1t Mr, C.nifi^M V;.\H

itiluil boldf on ifisfiQ (,'foiiuiU. i'cr-tlw (Jovernor tliil'-tot >l ' ' [ ' <n i[tn»B-v.lnt his vimva mul hab it» WLTO. I t


...liiilMuti'wnH Kuliied lo tlio LcgUlatlrcIItill.4 by lioaril walks around to tlio ntitoof tbuSlate Ilnttite, th in avoiding tliu minis In tlic

uiit of Ilia cnirtlnl ilwtlroycd hy Uio fire.loveriior Aliljutt Bent a iucMnjju to tliu I/^?t«-

r.'.'llou of H lurj L-r building, mid thai a coiu-nl^liiii.liu niipoliitcil tn Eiijicrlntcnd thu con-ii-iiciliiu. CointiilUuouf tliruu wcru uppn*il liy IJOIII tho Iloiiso and Sciiiito to ton*

thu itilijiwt.. Tlio bill for Iho wUbllRliiiiont ulthu nlil : poxt fur wlfu

i Ioining ii[i

miy be Hint lie dM not caw.l t l

c it:

to say that Iho Judge l»w at hut reachedtliu totunnst round of tho la«ller, ^t^tiiiliilion i.; Ki-ilillcd and wo luislen IncuitgLMtutiilo him on his gntnl htcb. Welu-Ho'vu thai he wciydo 'uotlilng. in hisju-d'iisiiil capacity th:ii'i.-i not iii.bimiiQiiy withlaw. cooil niorr.ia mid tlie liesl iiib'iish offoeitiy in general.

—Th*j MCHIIBM of towii-crancil to bid

luiieit to ofllciul lit"'- Hi!'* H'riOo'oiu

wu* |t!M«ctl In lliu I lm i r e by n voto o l all to 13.

Tin-. Sutinlc li:i-<~-l>'iai(C(t over till) ( f^ ' c r i in r ' t

vu l i i lhu bill* l imi t ing thu iwwcr o l Uio I Iu i l -

win'. Coimly i ]>ir«clur o ( l-'reehtjtiltii«; plaeluj;

tht-vi-lcctloiinf Stn lo ilrtiinl of Kilucatinii lu

Joint muuLiii^; thu .M.irriri r iuhin Aoyhiin \A\U\

<\ f»r iiiijmliitniuiit of 1M1 wnrrtuii* by t i n

-h t;i.ninil-rti<nj(jr. Tliu 1'ufuriu a d i o o l Uilb

•ni jusfui l , ).ri»viilli!i; rnrVttttn^t<jftliu Joti

ijiiiiiltlw) uftur luijourmniiiit und I I K T W I P I I L

Blicr ; t i ipl l : i tiii[iroi>rlat|rin to J&ISO. T h e

iileii I.-Uniil b r l i l ^ bltl WHS vuiiorteil ailvi

t and . -H itwy be

Oatliolio Clitirdi,—Tlio appointment of U/.al Ciini'iolil as —Tlioonuiloyo- 11' Unrein!, Hay *v

1,iy JnilBOn-nsi-oiilirmcil lust TluiriJuj-. ICo's slim faclnry, r.t Union, m.- out mTlio vote slooil I ' , in favor of oml ^ a Elrillc. A nilu-lani i:l 10 p r Mitt ,,auagainst conilimatlun.' :. '"«i M«pt«l vrfth liiomAr.Unui-i;; Unitng;1

••— William Heck,.ft' ptiutcr, has uvut-u^lieir ton fortuno of about llijity thoussml'ilollarrf. •We knew what we wtvo aboutVi'lian we became ft jirinler.

. ; — Accoviliiig to an'exchange. l»snc F .liec.l, ilistillor nt J1ic!;ooir-'Utir^, U luakin!.'prepa rat ions . fov diiitiditiEi' thu esaeu'.ialoils of birch and wintert,'ri.'Cii.

—Counter fait ono-ccnt coins, substiiu :

. -\n Nuw York nud vicinity. 1'rctiy small• btt-iiiess for even ejiisiteriV'iteiy tu engi'^o

• I n . • • - "• •

• ; . —It woull Hcatn .thai, the wwrvoir_s»p.' •' iilyiiitr out town with v.T.tor need-* so'^ie, ntittulioii, if Iho cttnirtaliita "wde to 113' lire any criterion f..-i'.i't'12»'.'2 f ' ' &"* :"flt:

" . ' l e r , • . - • ; . . i • • - . . • . .•

—An nijfont huslja'cd • lele{,jnii»'ued t'ihis WHLS " I scud yoifn l: i^." He.re-ceived the reply, . "rfunico youns nuncalled and dcliwrod tlie k i ^ 111 IJOJII or*


•Vi-r.it t

-viki.w tb.il hU i.-s>'"(t!ili.':r:f.v'iTi\t tD.thij Ci

tun Imvo b:oti tTii.

will m"i ..city 1;J ni.uniniiii.--l, liii1. "•••;'; '5 t

! ! i

1 r.;v^r.-.-il t!ui ilocUoii ot tl.c

o:t fi-

; • % • • ' . • • ;

- t.:t tlic fti'|i:at ulti'-Uicl him.1 TIHI I'int llifl ond 11'wl.en Mr.U.n*^ will dealille'sH b

I to hold tl.«

l ia tui iucir ihor'e f.f ilicm ; inay Iio c:\Muilit pou ID j-ui'vo n Betoiid t t » n . WL* knowif imihiii^ iii tho town chitrlcr or liio n';l.)

of thi'ir uill.'iiil lives ll'mt WMUM iirohthttn from imcnutlUi; Unlr own m i a t c•I'li^y'unViili'iiwiV'iifi.W.^ity Hint v:2 be-ItcVf -Kmiil-'busiiitiw' iiitn, therefore thevt-inHiM nittlK! U-ft c u t . i n l lr tcoM ifllic-iiii-ipir.itiunt prompt thsiit to rcuU ti iviiam-iifilimi. Ual d j u b l l c ^ there UM oilier*j-Hi u- B-ioil ;u tlwy 1w!io uro willing t.i us-

\VIM1<HI«L b;li!lVJ tliitoiltjiUiii.irticii•(l,i:ifaU->' oiv) for ."u • Uu-sitiCiJ nanyol p!iopil-.l til.- p'apij 'cail tlii.s oi' lluitvMiiil to fill it, Iio flujuM not, cvcii:;h lia bi 0%'1^,'d in In-iitio^, s-iarkrispdiHiiuliiy. Vilesttt*:i' ojfur3 »:i

tho KH'.i iusi; Altlif-i'.ijjli wo ar jonlh t :throahold or tb-s iMjn'rtant IOMI eveut i»:itI IMM hut little (.-ill wii!i i>r-nvni\- Iherclo

s ti) [riHili'jlit'.-r Wo :.iv not nv.Mro lh:it lipri'sonl ineiiiiiteiit, Mr. H;mlr:!F will Ttnvsfrom; nji[n)*iii<i:i. uii-1 yd v.v il-j not' knowUmtlwwiUli)acJii'1iJV.o. lia b.w !

ivfr t ihevlwrta .

;i.ftj::co. Jlui:i sr^'ui^i

; i i inl V.r.

^ M,A! t , ! ; , ( l ( , .v

I ti.M.:.> uit 'b, .K-rVi-y City. ..


—Wl! MkOOKlcilaO tllO K

Hunt IIos^ C.'inp:i:iy, oil l~u

ii 'Tlio i:;-i.i.(S!:Hwii •i lWI i invOin i l !.. I.f 11

tiiioiii'ii l!iiji..|.rIi.iirirrr"A'.;tii;.i.'iiiIn. ii»,l til'; i.i:vm!-:imti..i <-.' i.-jl..-:o-

liiws CJII:ICC;;.1 MVIII linn. A i - i J o i j r ' , . , ;

UJV. .1. W. llall...v »«:•WIH-MIK t|ii!li«. Mr. P.il

iiii,.," iin.l 110! only iliil InI.f i.il |.l'kil!l!l. lllillialCli

li.'l'.K^v'1 tlnu Iio nii;;lil

» , . | \ I , . i . . r c . f . l l . r m i t U ' J lo r « t M u his ab nil1

w\v aiid Ihcl U l

s pt wa.4 iul»i>tui1. f r o m

i l I il t l l U l

i pi l liiiUtMllons t h e r e will In nil i.rott;il.lUly 1-u

lively ll^Ut for tin; reinrtvitl of the Capi tol t

Jcwitrlt. Mr . .Mnrj-hy h;w Intrmluceil a Mil

r lliu iiii|»oliiliin'iit of it coinmlrtrtlim for ti

iu of Urn Htiito Ciiitltol a t X u w u r k ,!t llllitl


«r;iry 11ii^ limit

u':l tn IIIt h nriw

wijorilylie Irfj;

tiuWcr to u• ! Ullllmuirl,iiiitvit $.'>00,00ihit Trunioiiu until Ihu 111.r was first, br

^lit to liuN»til>CuiiitiiUk-LMiu inntttr (ifvnMonii,Vnuihuolitiib.];,!,ivu will 11

ra-|>tthu don

clu., jirovld) Tor tliuto !>u repn-ouu Irimdiu.l itnjiihun1 K<:v')tnt


t.ltofnv,1 Hlsdy 1

mrpl i m

hillthuil \

ttOII tl! !X

ll KtKX

mo. Tli

for tern, Wlitr

House !




ik'rutiot« thiniucii"iir<.r n U1U1T

Items of Interest.

W'u l.i'jL yc(ir jmrclwscd of Mr. S. KCrall tho agency Tor lanilrolli's CiardciHJCIN'.'which Imvo tho reputation ofbeiilirsl cliisH. We huve lately rocoivtdIIUW lut iiml are jiroparcil to furnish thenin miy ([imiitity dvtiirod.2.V JoriKI'lI JOHSSTOS 3 S:

.\ full a^orlment of frosli tl-ih, oysleiami tliiins,1 hist quality, lowest jiriHlutl. ar.il .Krcsh Mucf^'ri'l n wpeoir;:ull ami see at J. K. IltslerV l*'iah (inOyster >liir!ict, Jiulviilcro iiTuauc, Wasin'itton, S*. .1. lw

A. 1>. i.irnlT hna just received a iine Iit wall iupur, all new 11 ml lutcdt inUtetiiix-1. K. tlooko'H ii the plrtco to buy wi

('iii lo Captain DiltK' mi llroail rfireet.;ut Uitle'd gooil chilled plows; they aiilmlicbt.

(in t'» J . IC. ;(Joo'»c'd for new stylo

(Jo to A. U . UrolV.tCo. for jour wft|t.ipiT ; all nuiv :iml latest fat tenis .

(Jo lo Si'« .Icilui Swonson if you want. , . , . n „ „ ! (JotoR'o.lohnSwonson if you mi

without .lutnme.il l'» ftujcutf. Ho «n , ^ v -^ j ^ ^ ^UI.Wl,y (u,l.V..y tn ika u .tmag team un\ ^ ^ , n w U a p o r ft;the ISiKinl would .bo l<»Jt witUotit tl.oai. K.Cuokt;'*. . ' "We Imvo 110 tljiibt thora will Itbinyijf a (MiiiCrL cr;cr Hie ofiVjo'uf As.'•es.syr. Itrf.n:*. itiUAs iiro o;ily lv.-y olli;ttlutt amount I" imscli, u^c-^oi- mul en

li'j'lor. 'I'iii.-i year llv; iisso.->:r.n will havty I.;!;*.' tli.:1 Htntv i;0!pin, which v,-i!l ir

l Hay ut A. It. (JrolV .t Co.'a.—Th-j Ktystouu IlMtu'.iriuit furiiishe

L il l d i th oaty


nd in the moat

ON THE ENGINE,Hitnntnt ; -a ' -Locomotive.-While ..Death};

Sick--Soiiisthiriji" the" Passengers D;Not Know—A Physician Saves an Ii

' ~ '" " " 'i'AL'STOK. M.IJiriir. titul-I Iiciini--ly,Uoii«iiii:t, N. V.:, , , „ . , . . , ; . . .> :s , . : i , . . t l , . ' IIII.IU!III.!".I i : . .« . . . ' ' » r s i : i - « ^ l . . •.'»;«.• will l U ^ v u l l u r . : ; !jc nl . n . I'lic I ' l r e - nr. i n . H Ki™»-l> . , l ;on.l i im.N. ». :

*V^'-;^^ {; '-.•' iv'u^i I)/"ih •'.A:;-;i-'i"1'- "f <*-™t •' aai'milViAnt tomel ,',r nvs ;^vs r^.-clivtly «ill !"»''» »'• | | : ' H l i ' ' l i B H H i i : H v S ? i l ' ' K

. . „ , , . . , . , . , • ] . . , : . . ,.., .;...•. | C . ; .:,. .j , . :ii.var.m:!.t ir.vr llw P.IIIVC nl liic lule | l , w | .[,. M . I aji ivllv i:\ tb: t m t w t . Si- j:vi.i'i.> -I.-'i.-U mi™ I t o i niuli uiii.lliis »

' , , . , ; ' ,),'..,.•.'„,...,.]...', ',;,., .;;„. .1 ! , n ! ? . ; l:i !i [. Wil- v; r.l--.. i .<.-.i.nn!;t« lo ilrcfl „,,,„„., „..,! Mni.-iry "ill i.Mlml,ly li • \ S ' ^ s S . l " \ ^ S ' S S ^ , " S , S

^iK;niiirf!aj-r«si'':!'i';^''iv"isi''""«r'i-r i,,v.p~!00.I.1V ( | i : c l , ; ! 1 < .!i! o f | ! . ; | | . J i I:-.-!I, in I'.m !: ;t.!

•-Iwan recently iin-ouloi! to tnk.? t\\c- pi i.~ th.i April lorm pi

'Star"! "World"

$2 Per Year.

Gheap Reading

The A'cW.York Worlil and

tlic WnKliingtnii Star

lrlUiin (liercai'li


I3y apecial aiTnngomonis with tin

Kew Yoi'k W'.i)'ld wo five ciialjl

:lub that paper with tho "WAsm

STAH, foi1 tho coining year, at tlio fol

towing very low rates :

'V.'oclily "World ami the STAR

oiic year for ' " ' " ' / $2.01

Setni-\Veel;ly AVorhl ami the :STAII one yenr for

IJnily Worhl ami tho S'r.vit olioyear for G.u;

The papers will bo mailed to an;

III glnss l.nll.1oml i-luy \*X«>'-'- K h : ' I 111.: i>!!i-r n v - a ' i c - •"> '••' v.w!; tl-.-.i! ..-.illl,,,, p i - . , „•„.,,„ hrVirilrir Vm'im n : - i c . i i , r ( ,.•,..,: ,lr,,\vc, hy tiio Srai i iV i . .V»- ; -s t n i o k w i l i i c v o U ! i M i i K l i « l " > l i ' r i » ; : s " i l i i ; „ . .p , , . , . ! , 3 B l l . l u j y " t-.-.!i vljiji:n--it I, « ;V; . . , ; C ;„, ••;,!, j l,v l!i-:.i.,i.l , : ; i , . i , ,„•... ,,f,;,. j - u ! -o; a . tl1(j C a u l uf (.'..:n-i h s t i i c a u l J o l w i t a f J r ' i i f t . v ' y . i t J * . ! : Unl IIMISV w ! , « i i \ ; r : . . ; ; . . - . K. i r -.viii I.r j . , . ( . , X " v :; [;•.. \s::,.i; \:-.~,C: ,;f tiii ' c n ' - i ' , . , , „ .i.|.. ;. 's> 0 ; , Tti^iLiv.

—Oa Siilnnloy an - I ' s l t i t n i i i i " ) t o o ( 11 , .o cr...... tv-.;:!:;-; !t-':iv 7 H !;!.-• ' | ! i t 1, , 1 - ; :. •,: . .ii;;^ liiui i;nyor. ; - . J V . l ia. ' i! . ' | i i i!mJi:l u.'Liivn l i s in-'lp w [ c i l tiirou^'i tiii-convi'yioi' luiuifk-:; !'ri»:;i the Tiomo:! Asy-liun iii Morris Plains. 1'lu-so » * " u

liniilonloii <:oniiiy [a!iv-ii;:i i1.;;!! l;.io.iruT" nil paticiils from ilnntor.lin iviil j o w

[Wd-uu-tii, u. w:u;, ..n'r/mrrrwR^i;;^-;;11;;;:;..;;:,::.;:;^;;;;1.,;!,;,;;!;,;•rU V4i. A! . -" !:•••.•. L f .

!r. . Kiiily JU-l.in .•!


•• ' sr . i V. : ; . ; !< ' ! 1 <-i ll.ir.i nml fa-l sr.iti 'lul

: ' —•.::..'<'rn'..!:iiJ'a nii:iKTiin< Wasliin:;-V c i - i i i i - . y v.-.|,:ft . i , , , , ;:,...:.!V rill J w ' pfeiMl lu Imra Him [ J ^ '

STAH, anil to all present 'subscribe!

who pay up'all arrears to date am

one veav in mlvanco nt the new clui


Use only a pureheap quality does not covevcr as.much suiface.as ^orat .ettcrf hence the cost is very ~ ^learly as much in painting alilding with poor as with good *f J

aint. The one is lasting, theither"endures but a season.":' "«^|

We sell pure White Lead.We sell 'pure. Color's; ; :"'K • :We sell pure Linseed .03'."^We se\l pure Ready Mixed ,^

'aints.We guarantee thepuritjj; | |

f each poundof Lead or ,Col(5Brs, of each gallon of Oil a

)f each can of;;Ready MixediPaints.; "

Our prices are as loyCas'Jldue regard to keeping. onlyTeijIliable goods will permit.:

-•Your orders for the. coica'son we respectfully. ask;'"~J[?j?'|

Yours truly, •: .Warren County Drug Store

Washington, N. J., Mch, 10/85



tuailu iirriin^ciiicntrt wilh a qir-L-rvtimii ntiil will ut uuy titnu - ttike onk-ia

fruit triiiw, vlntv, r t c , at r^iisotmblu rules,'l fjiiuruiitm

I IiLTi!hv.(iiiinniii'«i) tlmt I liavo npoucd-a-'itiwit iiiurka ou tliu STi:\\'AKT I.U1\ u m l Jii! luiirinin^u i>f the pcujflu.* i»f Washington 'uil-viflnitj-ls iiivllfil. Tiiure will IJUon luuiilciiiiMitut fiiniih' ut fash ttient ut tliu folli

1 - UAS1L iirk-i'ST

Surluin and Porterliousc Stonk, 1" jnil.Stenk;; - .:..,.-...;. - - r . - l

Voiil, - - - - - -"'10ft to Kic. .._.

Hani, Lnrd, Bologna, Sruisnjjo, 1'utlding,-Cliicngo Beef, kc • : •-• -r-^rB.

Jacob Myers,

li palil for

As mi null malarliil mciilclno



, iii" Uio n

cent Zscw Xorl; iiiaioli has diod of ex.

riiiuiBlion OH a result of hw "ufforts In win.I Io ge t no th ing for hia six iliyss1 hilio",(hauyii ontiiled uaikv Uiu ayn:e:;iont tuiil'ty tlollara. What inaltcs tlic wisa n

" iwnictiliirly liArd otio U Llmt.lhia imrticn.liur contustiHit otilowil Uiu nu tc l i only l'=-

• 'cause I t o w a s m i t of work niul waiitc;;! toearn something for his family.

— A great many of our citizens weresurprised on get t ing »1' ''ist Sum]ay niorn-

. ing and finding they had snow lo the tloplh

• and uiiisL have kept HJI nearly nll^higlit,.It w5s aomothinj,' some of us did not loo!;for, notwillwiiiuilniR tho predictions ol Uio

™LVinclBiiil.pvophct.,,JIo.sa3'a[ffe,wc ji)so>lo.

• •••••.•: —'flu! last State census in. New JorseyT' wns'tukwi in 1ST5, 'iitid aa it ia require)

• W t tliQ census Fluill bo token ovary ten, years, i t becomes necessary lo perform the

-r;"-- wovlf during tlio--prc5cnL-.ycai',- imbas UK:Legislature Rliould (leuin it unnrccsHary inview of tlic verv.tionipletii .ccnsti3 taken iii1880 by tlio Kalional Government. I t inprobable tlmt the census iv.ill lia takftn,liowovur. li ' 187*) Uio ns'sossora of tho v,i-

; rious lownHlilps dul tho work.. , . ,— I t you arc not already iv subscrib;r to

'"jV-":.\ •• S T A R , carefully.rcK^il our offer in miof

'-:'• ':.-•'.V.''"'-cpiuiiHi.. ' Our oitor'i« not .limited Jo;_ ii '

LI^LJI--^ rl-t r I m-j - j ' s1-1-- g sn i > Li '• ti i\ g .1 iiVs o iii bTlu'r go':.Tn^K••'presses to ..supply, ,'iho rapidly increasing

•Jeinaii(l%rV« paper and >vo will do • Uiojtiuno'a so&i'ta ncoeviry, so tlor't willi-Ifiolil 3 oui bnbuiiption^ with n fear or cm-

mir us l*y o\crtft\i"S O l i r lftc»l>''""

tory at lvision. ;

—Miis N'liiiiiio nalu of I'fiill-.iilmr^, X.

—Win. 11. Kullirn1,"A«KrfUinlTriiIii»ifl'

J . A . Vtm llorn'dlliuwuiil;;.'--Mr. Ccorge JJavis, of Whilo Uousu

fcw iluya with Irioiuls in town.—Mr. I). \ \ r . liiul'do, oi1 tho Wurroii

IOUIHV l»ru'a Store, UM IIJCII coiifumJ li*

who Iiua' been vie'tui-iicd Im

(Jertiu Mc-'Wudiiosday.

~,\lr.'.Tosupli K.Tlutul'ui* has iiseoptctl

I in wlbvj;-or«»u' Ji.ia uu .(|i(!uu^ .»U^»|a •]>}?}*_LUKL weoit we rcceivcil a call I'tot:

Mr. W. \Y. Sliftiiiiviiioi1L1l'"furoinaii i i r lli'J

ollioc.oi1 UioJionndlirool i Ultroiuclc. Ko. Boii'.ot our neighbor, Mr. A. .)uinauoro of. tho Jfccirit,,* «,

Kink Cnr LVfll.

Moiictny night Vithami over two i-huu.lrcil

'ho link was uttvertisod lo close onV Oivsa carnival,

IJOCtutors wurtpreswil lo suo the 1'tm. Tiie> Jlcor wntwell lilloir'viUi akaturs but only ti fuw weriin (jostmiie. ''Tlu bund [urnialitul c x a llent music, uml tl I oulli i \n i ihirciiucnt i;ii!:!:niis :: n^ tl L »1 itti I rl):lui.;ed.8unk-H':it cnluimnuil I" 1 op ticv i s i t r - r s ^ ^ 1

! 'in^^ y i l S T ^ l J I t " n f f • • u c i r i juuiutrviu

liiivo aimeil tb.mako Uicir place tlioroiighl;rcspceldbli?, tlicy lu\olm(3 t \ p a lmingof iho beht people ortowiiiiiul rititivt

OUMCW wlncb the> 1 mo aclitL\id

•['.Mr. I.Wrd. I t "will bo ivsndia-lu t Mr. Uir.l liutl ilm iiiisfoi-ti:no let

m'[. in lU-.-iiMiMl •••••>' Uii.:'f yi'iv.l {j't.-.i;-, i-*! ]Oj.... by r^Mioiy, ncurly $?M in inoncy,liu'imfli ;!iii MjtiH^vr-i.tvinl l!'^ I 'u- '^ ' i- j [ l i r L ,i: wliiivi boluti-od t-j Uis) chua-li IUi:in;.:. Ai:i.-r ilii1. i^ttTiLiiiiiii.-'iit ilif i:"i:i- J u j u w n w K'silKn. Of co«r.ia no o;ioy.\>'r,-' was c.iilod '-.» i':i2 ili;::;.1^ r.yo:>i '.I'IIVIV ; vm\,\ .:v,v tr iic.s'i.ivoly t ha t .Vllen entcrcilh" t;il)li' wii-i ;;i.r;'iil v.uli i:.i!.';, iV.iil"uu^ iill.-]i.itt--c nml tool: t!iu nioiiay. Tin- evi*ftill'jo. ]•: ;riit'.vi (!i:;'.:;\nV. Uri-I;- i f \uh;, i , j i i m , , , W S J iill circnjaitatitial. Wilnsssoa.

vi*]l 1'fA* : ;.,v,,,.o

? I i ^ U >• a l u n l tlio liiuo of I Iii! t'ob-

\U V.MS nlsn «wn M JI:<W: ivvtiivtii J.I-WJII^J i; u.i iK-mr ;.,.n i^.j.^, ] j ^ V.MH also .«ct>n \il .uaiiniin.i-iniviini'iUnl. 'Alt trjiiycil ll;o ('Vfiiiii;^ ar.d oi,, . . ,^ w i i jm !ui ]i;i3=cd liirsiugli t!m tun-

H h bb h lbcuii c'niiniitit,\l. Ti

Touches ilis Silver-tonn«cdHeart. '

nmUi lu i lo of f i i i i J i i l l^ l

X h i t w'liicli IOIICIK'II

:\rto.r tho robbery hail

1U-0 fill' ttlJ !iL!3l'i.f our Vitfe.'iu tialnil tho inlH j

twji'UiiiiiruiiiiyhliirrJtof !i,li. The ohlr-jt iuliuirttunts iio not jismbec ;i lilies ci^urronuii uvur to l;;\vj |

!iapt>i!iici! at llii.i iimo of year.~K:lw;'.rl ILill li;ia ularuil hi? hoii-wlioul

Sjoods ut liiss bro'.lu'r'.s, n'ml hai t;oiic lorfcranlon to olitain a fuUiutio;i. "Wlion l;cuatiso.hotiie tn' f.'.im, a vfiar »go, lie hintIXMII llrlng iw cngiiio on tliu I). Ii. -t W.H. U. h . . . • ^

j ~ J u k e ' s a im, .wiiicti Uio bays s \y liasiioan in imc-pai'liciliir ii:>ailion too inneliof luti1, lioertinu crooked nml uan'.il nut liuslrni^!i!t'i!oil out willionf, ruin' Hi; put

pe. K yon nrc exposed to trcniiont

u of clliuati-i fogilnnil WJIILT, I'lvyorliq Hcinwl?

!r. iVl'k!'iu'ic"j\ lloiiJoui', S. V."si Utlli-.t


', lly.blislei ilio ulbq.v uiul canio ucur

''...l0 ' i l l iK ^ " w . " " ^ ^ ile"wii["ui!o"rS more of tliom.lles.i

\va:-i tlio f;jl:o',^ yIn your viciiisilmltiS of life you !,t;iinl ay

i l i

\ s n pliiliK-i'Vilici', us ii fjdtiitiiuii^viiso muiiir-il I'.K ii {.JIuiKtiiui, yen i-i'i' nn iuin-claiiiioviiU-v v,lii«h tliii' iKsivicht pl.wts - f lil'.-V,

etifiu.v mill th(! lu'ikil.i oi" puicu antl j;t'i){livili, nntl no i» ihu oiiil Bilmico Ilia wlmliilini,cl t u (UMI uitill tv

I ' i rn 1 M i u

•ry roljuil lioclui. Litoly 1'c bli>d IVcmliisliuiijsspinswh'ilniid .at present looksjiiilii.iiiH^fiaroworn... JtnriiiK. Uie oxamin-.

eyes u:;c<l on.tiio floor, iio ii|»iKKirs lobevery Uion^hlfiil nnrl is not • m iJeapernle

| looking ii'-i-'if1 ha» besu' ntolnroil. It may' bu »\Tifii3ul!, ttiin™ at Uiy trinV to fasten,liu;. urimc iipyn Iiini. Doluctivos iiimdna,

licaiina in iiov.-iriiijiiViU wntclmJ tilings very

- O n inu •1 not liter

p. p o

L tho 11 incsi dil lot pi \

c " o i c i ti. r ' L ofo-Uoll ro in <.' b anl lu i, not b oniblo t flnl -iiiolliTr «u "iu L phc Lt Jt

is li ull piobabk that wo ntll l i m a

mil until uutuHin

—Contrary.to j^cao ! Ihol Jmlfjo Caii-

tiuhl.pn Ttiurstluy uf Inili week. Tlio Juilglisid yowl Jtiaiiy Vi'.trm friund-s. • J tnmyilio be uildoil ttisit thcrj1 wore iioL n fuwIjvomiuoiil poliiioiaiis oiiyosed to him.

Vi io in iho cj.\ Iio 6iO nl I) tl o ambitiousl i t lild md Kft no ' mo m'niiu'd.lo.'sd-'

n ' i i 1 nir t i nntir .Mooi).

i i n ji uiilftJuch spii-id ta rlo about hiiiiichlj H t of i nut iiiagn li^in tlmt

men t I JII is sttel is lu lnUul by

c.:-... H Q J/: KOR-THE. . 1-;A T3;,W R S T ; L ; - i

We.'ft-il tk-lxls t s all pnr.is of Ihu Wi-slimd Soutli, •Hfsl-cl.iBfl, limited lim-cliis?,PCtend-clrti's ami uiniLjrunL tickets. V»Tu,cheek yimr buggt^u tlirongh lu dcsfinalicmfa'C liny your liulipistil'iisi ve will saveyou money. Wo \vi':tc up your ronie \\nyou",'1 iiiioivin^-yuu'-v/lioiiV'tii ui'iin^'Ciri!,etc. Wo K|VC you lutiers of introduction..H'yoii (fosiui lo jji) tollio mining Oisti!(i!Hor. to the. trre:il iarminff hili'.lduf the Weal,conic to iis. • Inscriptive nrips iiml p;i|)erHs(iiil free to any atiiliosa. I 'd ' lull iiiiinni!i-tioi»V apply ID ti. IniiM,. We;ttorn lagenl nl tlie nhl ifllmblu wcateni ticliee, iJelilgh Vulli-y'ritilroad dppot.'' K^ton ,Pii, o ' • . .juiyl.T'tU-j1

j-'A lino vai-iuly cf Hum Tron, (> ft-ri^-aii;1. ii)>-n b l ^ b l M * f l l i r t ( ' l i n v i i ' ) ! f J < 1 t

wcateni ticket ol-

Hit itngncl Moon ^nlulcicy lunt fill

wl fur siilu liy I

scu ttietn:"

Sill not lie

wvt.5 of nil hlitila nl tin

>in uiul l'.irterliiiiise sluait -,"''

ml nlwik - - - f - "•

posted in all that .is worth knowing;

ol' current evouts/both at homo atu\

abroad. ' Thooiitci'pi'iseol'lliG World

undoi" ils now iiuiiiugeJiicnl, '

caused it l.o outstrip all eojnpotttoi-d,

and it fstmuls »to-iltiy in tlio lend cfa

the great jouninla of tho country. It

is DiiMOciuTio.To Tin; Coiti:. Sttbscvibo

cfti'ly, and lake iirlhe proceeilings of

tho present Congress*

•Abo l.:ml. Hum>'}i] ' i l ' i i i i siiiisuiie. 1'nrk sail-hiinv, &mw\\ lleut, r i u k d u l • 1'orlt, lu fuel.

i i i l t c - i t U l t l l t l r t s s u i t i a t iniir

3»r lliuiii!,

• ::, Notico to-Absent'Defohdant.v. ..-.-I s t;n.\si:i:i[V o r Xi :w .Ti:iwi:v.

1'ii V\vt\ !>. Von l.(tviHiBliJitM.

. Hy vlrUiu'or UU r n l f r of llKi'Conri "f Cliiui-

'into lii»S)V^Li'^'w"v^!i"»*|l« !*1IWL-" l ' - ' "l,ovifi;i.UJ»lil In I'liini'luliiiiiiV' und y o u i

[, • • .OSUAUJl iKKKIlY;

: ; ' •••• S l l \ v S l i i < ^ o n ^ \ ' u m " i 'l>a|c<'

llshury. Rolier Process ilojiri |uml ii inil liiio;i'if i-iidlciTiirMorUVnt ;~'"'

1,'JWIWT 1'ltlUlW. •. .... I


House Painting,.f!ri\iiiinL' Piumr HmiL-hiL'. Ka1*miilnhi!i.'an(t J(u ili>.ui> nil kinds <»f iuruUiirf, nuiv'iir "lil. 8Al! tink-i-!* IM ul. tlio • Wntts bulhliiig next dim

Waclv &fmts,•% WASHINc'rOS, NEW JEH

lliitwuiiii1 -Miu-y H.' StnntH, auniilulnutit. nml•liiiinu Iv.Umcliorut, uls, (lufcmliiuls. FierM.•'aclns.'1 • . ' • • • f

MAKTIN.WVCKOPIT, Solicitor..-JThe full!1 In Ijulinlf. of Ilic ubovc-iiarticJ

Guilds lulloiii'iiuil tu take t'laui: tiUtliu S «Cloud lU»U!l, in tliu town of Washington, o F'1'hm'Mliiy^April 2, 18S5, butween t l icl ioursj |

° (! KOV IV. 'VAXOXMPEN,' aM a r . (J, lSJ3-e2.50 . , ' "

Horses for Sale.Tlic stiliscribcr offers Ilirce'aood roail Ii

...— two liny inartw and onu.br'own liorso-.prlvnto Rulf. PtirthM liuylng, II not Kutl»l|with their largaiii. iimv Imvo tho• mouoyJfutuk'il mi return of thc'lioreca. . ' T

. . THOMAS KEMPSKY,Jli-3v • Oxford, N. J

Hairwork.:New TaslmmiiblQ poods jiiat rotciycili

All kiiuh or Imirwork..ninilo .lo ofilcrTComliiiigg made up. 'lltiirpins for aalii,

:i-l!Uv Mns. 0. MU,LF,\

l?liysipian <fe SivrgeorWASHINGTON 1 , W. J .

tol'ost OHlcc. Tulpplioiio Rt 3

P.O.RT1t u s n i i c . / lliirnl"omo"Oainifrcb:rGomfw!ii!ca-'•'•.'.1 ulv cmiiloymuit. Uoet turme, S tyck . •; .

IV'M ' V i ciiiltiil rcqnlroil 1 lmmoJUU :cnctse;'.V'''>,n tu wIlHiB m:\Bo wlUi llm rlfilit man. Adrtrkjnf, •-',-.

I M 1 S s»AW,Hiir*i!rymiin.Koo'joaliir,. •" '



111 nil; i

k - U d i o ?

lUUd"(lli.'l>llv: tn t 5 ii d

i l o t i ^ . 1

ny can TJ


affio iiulc


immediate«;ti<»»MKNtociiu\'itJsIortlim oilnlTroM,Shr«t)».Vlni

lona ' luqulred^Uoerff1

- "j* .-i-.-*••' j r . i - ^




f AMyrrh:maiil. "• Tho apothecary's* ' j r . ; '

1. . . : • ' - • ; .-.. . . • • . . • • • • • • . . • .

i:- for' (lio cremation -Dea th ialdttithisnnn>st. ;

o Rcoslioro is a iilnco witcro yon canillndSitlibaHibrcjiUoia.

..,. a': is; ii fallow lu'onnil Awjtpimig n!c of trouMo Tor 11 pint uf Imppituvjs.

m^A CuoMitrd ia ono ot Mio fowl kind.ttnMilnl is one oI wings hfvoljcon

olii, in mlmiringl i l ' H ' 'vv,;: her bstl>y lirotln-l*, oxcliiinic.l, *'llo's

7fi,inboileillioml, like]>;i]isi."

K A y j \ Y n t , linvo you nnv pinnies In*^-.Irrtniiil liko WH liavu in lllinoi.-*?" "Toyi£^ ha Hhiii'o we liuve. Pidu't yoa iyoi- heariV£vof TiypcniryV"

£$'££;••'Germriny liiw ono I>eer shop to every"^/•iliirtv-ono iiihiihituiiH Thin prcveitla

^.i.thotlimsicciiblij*sf'iii this country.

litant. TfiiH prcvculacrowding-so noticeable

^V?': ''IiimrrytlmtUttloft'llow'!''exclaimed

BliHsJtitiiiiof. "Xa! I would mllicri l J h i l l t i i f ! hlo.hiiii

y els'.*.*'

wouldis, if!

I'v'i; -Ailbliicnliirotl mhn wlm hutl imbibedLV/ too freely on XoWfT«iwviti)i>ltijrtcIf, uiiiil:• & " S o m e .j»oo|)Ie in tllli-d with - delight,

^but J'BC illlt'il wul do lij;htniiii,'."••iA'n.ordinary wumnn'M ••wjiist-is iliirtyliiclii'«iiiniiiiil. An ordinaryIII:UI'K nnu| nbonl Uiiily incitei Jong.•>How ltd-

is'jjtlfinri! thy. works, O.'.iwtui'ol :

:/An!ituni1ist tuxyii th:itlho Kpoiiga ofiiiiitl'co him :i JILTVIHIS s.vstoru find,rctci (pill Tho fiiKiiitl N]>ON»O )in?Tho ] > O N » O )in?

i l his llonsitti>i'iilj}ii norvi.', nud his gullt e n i i L V : , ' . ; - . , ' . . • . • . '

th. ' . l inlomnltn .-lorli at tlm sill;f counter 'who UHIW thu fowl iimliioi

" oppiiiK with hoi- ilaiiKlitor iftlio KWH.1*o for• hor or her sinter, whoaa salary

|ijtho.'(ilxpH»!'.riiiK'!i. . .• •. . ' . • . .

Mr. •llo!i^,'!i :h:'.". :l 'y Hi" trr»'i«'f V'cww tettlea the .li:-titm-.Mif Iho «im"WriCliieajjntil lH.;r»i!.SLi!i iniU's. 'l'Uhmist make the niarriu.l pcoplo in the

I ^ f i 1 ^ . 1 } " 1 " 1 ' 1 ^ . . ' - ;'-;„- -.-'• ' . :-Homo penjiliv: itnftffino "that twin?!1

mull ii it ti.tiiiilvr. ho in mvivss.trilv 11vhidluiv 'l'l'U U nil • vfriHijj titid it 10Ilit.1." A liluinV'i1 limy IM in'riVoilrjiu-st—beiuiv hu le.tniH thu bitaiiK-s-;."

'.'You have lived a "life of goort fbrl;:.'hy " should ' yon ft-ai- d;v;it!i':'ISi-causr," fluid ihu dying A!dunn:in.the nioriiiii;,' jinpers jliihlish i>u>'hllitinons .woyd-wtit iiortraita of pui>liis

n e u ; " . " ) • • . .•"• v . • ' .; • . • '

\ Clusa iii social ei.'flnomv. Profp-sor—

R_ . UeiiiiitfUH, what wonhl you mis;.

CXAM the .lli-ntstep ];.'t.-L-;'';u-y in tin:;- •ntgeuii'iit of tlivoivi-4';" i i r .

iv-suhool tojtulior. "W'lmt- h] i - i i< . t t l w

_ ... f"Statititii?£ show thai one Innulrcil tliou-••,.,8.111(1 pL'tnilu iiro killu-.l by wlii<km- wli.-rc

?"••'tiiift IHTKUII'1 "ii hillf.l 'I.;.- 11 jnV..i .I..,-.'.: Ami yot must L>\vrvl»mlv M'OIIM r;ii!u;i-

Ttiicklun'ifliiss-til' .lviiiwhi-y ihwi u mail] .h .g . -:^ ' . • • .

" I U ' V , Knr.ibo, wliii' tl'vo Jcuvo yn1

• lust, buurdm' \A\i^ \ i\\?Yr " Oil,' ik'.v•fluir-'o tixi .Hind f 'i\te Li'*:";."-\Vlm* i l i- / H1I;»


•., A yirl vi'iitoil

\te v.'i-

!•"• niilii-wuit.. ' t.ili;. T hn.t s-ity tha t it v.iLf n v.-n*,i;;rc-;)rostinii! i t w.n,

*>OK 1-111 <\T SUA,

Among thoplitfptcsivhiohiufcot Anglo-American tttiiimiera nra n rnco of monwho ]ilny tho noblo yamo of police fromtho' aicnuiy to Uio Handy Houlc - uiitlfrom S&nuly Hook to Jlorsoy. Of course,If they played it in strict' Huclualon thoyoit«hfc not to bo molcgtotl. 'Everyhutnrm beiiif; lmd 11 "Mured mid in do-fcnsiblo 'right, OVPII before tho Ameri-can Constitution win invented, lo IVIIHIOhis or lift*'own "timo in hiVnr hermvnway. To question this would bo totamper with tho foundation!! o r every,thing. Hut Ihu liberty which involvedcom j minion of your neighbor in, ad ah'teat philosoplioi-would havo fitiid, of nhpmiotis or mixed kind, which oven thoIn'fjh prii'sls of "individualism" nro notbound to rJicoiirn^'L'. l'obor juay bo tliomost (>xultcd ;l'orm of intellectual oxer-

I. in which, with liis limited faculties,':i in enjiitbln of indulging. Xonniko

life nni'iidnrublo for nil who do not pinyfi- i-s ii kind tif niisoionnvy enter-

prise not part of thn iiiidienablo birth-right of every five num whoso proud)oust tolhotymiituf the opprcHsor is

thiit his hoincwin thewtthiKsun. M'onro well nv.itre that thcustom •'J'lverynifiu nmy do its 'ho dniuii pk'iist\s" inilepondi'iit'on ihi! L'ondition tlmt "evtTyman does not iuuludu a uijrijer or »Mexican." J Jut it has never bt'eii holdto exclude quiet people who havo taken(and paid for) their pansuj-o from XmvYork to Liverpiwl.'' Sueh, however,seems to be . tho c<)ii<>tl.'tiut'mi tacitlypl;U!Cil upon it by eortitin devu'ec.s ofpol;ev, worehip who p.iln.mt;:o the

iiiitiis of :i "' vt-ry ft\shioiniblo T-Iiifj-Ih^". ue!'.ve«:i.lho<-;'' hv<\ /•"i!i'1i"r-

ciul eontivs. Thrs? i;t?ut1i-mcii, if.wo; einpli'y the 'word fi-r oiiit- in tlio

Kenso K""1'1 i l ll>" "' 'V l l 'T eliiivlatim."i-hi»WMt llu-in^-lvt". "iii "imTMtniMiirirotim us their own peculiar bvp . TheyIflirrisou it I.!;o » 'fni-lasn nud www-crate it to eok-nni , [K-rvii-.- of ilirirfnvorito Ritnic 'U'ov ..a tiny or two,"Efiys the eomplaiitimt previously t-itnl," tho outs-dci* wns id lowed hin eonicr.Imt nfter Unit thu tuyxtoi-ious nud ojesiltworship of jwlfi'r admitted of HMiiitr'iulfiy.", "Play or trait V.'wm (hemiiltn.iind tho only U'.IRT emirdo vwa

t),io of tlio most iwmM,!iiiriiios is tlio Kit.-hon Cliinlcn, wlioiocuiiK girU of tin! pninov clissos nroitj,'lit Mio priijii.i' iiu'thoils of eorvie;' in

ctinoil hrtiifoliolds. Hovonit l^nrvo-

::;;;:;;:. SIEN o r aniMT STATUKE.- :

. Itwflfl once a muah dubntod questionwhether tho nvcmgo huinnn staturo hsidItocn dimiiiiHliing* or incireiisiug. 'l'hapi'iifaersof prut men nud timcalnulnodillkulty in imagining-Unit in tlioc.illiorperiods uvery insii was nix foot upwardsnnd every woman iivo feet .ton*, and tillKuionco camowith its iiiniRuriiifj ii])pn-

loutyomi:; tflii-. imi'i'twl »it!i Knii-ionl in oiu- filsliioiKilili- e!llllvlk:=l

j.j.iiit i'frt:iiii liouvH of t l io

ratii!i tlioy lnul tlio b' h i i l di

pof (ho nr^iununt.

h bThere is little . di.spulo uow'on tho «ub-jeci, ehielly bccauso.Htfiti»tios,'COuti ofarmor and fe:»t« of Htreti^th Iiavii filiallyeultled" that, with grant exception, menof nil plnt!e3, opooln find broods havekept very nuiuli at the cinno lovely TlioHottentot and llm Inplmidor huve beenalways dwnrllHh. nud tlto C'lHtcafiau.through the whole ^anuit oT history,has been handsome niul fttntely. Tltatj;iiiii(3 are exceptional in a very jioouii'nr-BOiifio is fthown by Iho fiiut that thnyfe'row us often itniong pcni>lo not di^tin-{{iiialu'd for'inoru tiinti averaf:o htuluroluinmcnitr Hit? taller nulitiut. A Heoiohprofi?«soi' ciinw foil on tlui' plan ofmni!innu»all ly:t stndeiitu find iioMn;;liaUoiialifia:, a;> that 1m mi^ht f;etsmno iili»i u:-* to whiuh nf tiit» peopleswere tallent, l[o fmiud that Americinif*,o-peeirtlly lha«> froiii tho West, werotirat in this odtl eniupetitiou, lnshitionu.'si, (hoS.'o{(;liiii'si, mid llm Mn-linhuliortest of thorftj foiu* pefipk'H, Unt i lwould havn ln't>ii no wirpvitio lit him ifmorn men of iwilly ;:i/,'aiitiij siz.! i

finm.1 in Kiiiliiml llnili'il,1 of


to cxinl for nuch pro.liwH Tile Cliiavs.j

Itiimt Chull': IKUIH lur.ll.v lie raiil In

into liis lii'is'lii In liny sorl of inii!ii{;ii,n

of ,..v,mlp!o.i t,, 1«! ni'-'t witli ill l!ie litn.l

ol'lhn Col.sl,;ils. (iir-itn."y ii:i'i i-iul|,>r

ivtai.-il to nllmv lh.it tliem wen) times

f-'i-nii-.l tin: lnleftii.1 'jt. tin

furllKT li.'foro I!," llnotl Hum imhinill-ilJ

ran iiitulloctiislly fociw. tt i:i ijiii;.'

:n;'vitlii.r],nilit win'lliuL'jtliysit'.il iiKi'.iii'iiv

niv tit nil rti!<..,l liy t!ie. ]nvhi^Ui;if

,,»'<iinii,!i,,ii..|l«,iiir.i,vir,,iilvt.ii! .••.:::.«i

of Iho "limmui !i..i;ii-.v. "Tlieri-"U i p »

little ilouht ut nil llitttnitl>iiihihtori,'.i!

pi.ri,.'l-tli,M-ii'.vh.is!;ii;il iU iiiiiioi-niK.v

iniyrll. that tliu rule i ionly liio hetli-i

osl.itiliJio.l liv tlici iW.'Miniul n;il>su--

Mir,' of lliese ImiMoa of Hi j lioiTl. Ii i>

ill-i Hue Hut v.-illi llm r.11 of iiu.,l..;.|i

i.,!i.ll..ft iilul i.;ip';iim;!L>',";tili.:oi:* liol ,;!

liiiMieli. Tliat hu ii«il,il inteil,,'! t'.i lie

fciniihlilo «•:« n ;:iv:it ili.wvory for Ii,':

li(>rm:i;ht^. AVIu'it iiiiihW wer,1 siiirih'i'

mul li'.--s ivii.Iy of f..itv. thu mm ubuv.

feet, witli

[ur.d r.ii[iiviii;ii\v, nnd b!:< i m p

•rwwed. wi th t lw-lr>:isih of 1

,!. On th i s in-I.iin.-.M-.-y of ] .

•p.niderau.'.d t ' i .Mi;-: i^:i?i-af ] .

-itlL o.it nrliio:-, li-i.l n

, urnl hi:< iintvirinluv


•el: to f,'ivt; thii ojuinnitly usoful iii-'jhas Ion- niuoo k>;'!t ii.'.-^'-l, and. lih>i tlw minion ucholiiH in j Hansom nfier hN Imirw.!* cut uit. the

t!tvi!:2:-d lilV, even if re^Jiii:::thfir«!writ'. Thu.childr.»ii nre t»iiRhton the tiiMa pl;uv iin.lho-.v t

'lonv mviiy t!i n'.-i uvatiy mul ivithy yilispiiti-h, lUisv.vr II oiill lit tllfiloor, thSl-opm- -,v.,y to u-hor ill a i i

it In'^'rur or trump. - plain anlin the list

ymin^r ludi.--.-i th- :n-r!

piMiieieiit in !!

them ii imiv pro• • ln - .meh t > t!ui

i> to !>e

Slioull t|iil"!c, "but

Mrfiok • h-'iv. 3rr. Cunstunei-. ovrry! tv:,l,.. with »-utl')w.-l Peh'.kr.--!

lilt- wveiiteou rei-l

JTflich f^iaut uf .An;;i-r:, nro quito \i'.:-

' Tiic •At'fjemetnf •/.tltmuj gives so;no;:iLl.

tcivstinf*' pni'lu-iiliiw of rtiniiu-Uablo:

fii'-.vw-i in iii'luMlii!" V.v.- pi'tv.oncj of

iviit(?V springs on t!i""pait of ii i.-.riii

nanu'd Itt'i-iiz. wlitiiocnis to b« .t n;jo :i-

,U tif t l iblnn.ll »'•

.1 on sv hiruvi I so.ii , .os: «f

ftiithf.fite of his 'p

It i.ialt.-w. T h e

W M w . u - i u tlso

nt' n h-'-ijihi of

-'••: TUB riiFl'ECTS OV OI'IATC.'

Tho first iiululgonco in in comofionsolcgitiniato—is almost unforced, either byncuto pain or'clirntilo insomnia. Tholatter i«, pcihapa thu inowt ilaiiHorons.Tho pain, if'it'liibt'i fnr weulc», forceflrccoui-su to (he doctor buforu tho habithhn.i becaino Incnrablo. i inp n

ioro peraiatent nnd to moat pcoplo nmuch ICSH ' nlnnning. thitiff, Mind it iamoreovor ono with which Iho doctorscaiiKolrtom deal "HAVO Ihroujfh thn -vuryagentaof niiHchicf, ' Ncnraljjin, .rclidvctlfora timo by chloroform or moiiihia,inny bo cured by rpiinino j elcc]>lossiicsandmils of hardly any euro but eticlt com-plolo dmii(tu of life tat in rarely po^ibte,ntlonKtto ita worltiiiKvictims. And thoUtircottat habit onco formed neither painnor bk'O)i]o.H.4iu:SH is nil Unit UH l'L'tiiiuciii-tion would involve. Thu drunl:ard, iimust bo rcnicmbeivd, KCU ilnink, us nrule, but Dcuiisinimlly.' Havu in. tho lustBinges of dipsomania ho eun do, if notwithout drink, yot without intoxicatingquantities of drill!;, for diiyt* togolher.Thu nnivntist who nttnujits to {jofor a windy day without Jiw ai'iiinlomoddo.il) HiilVi'is in Iwt'iify-fniir bourn furwn'omn'ily than thi'dninlcird flcprivinlofiiK-tihol iti :is':n:mydtiv<«. Tin- ftl'vctupon tho stoniaoh and oiwite, npiin tlio

ll h t i ipncrvcHiis well

pthe tirnin, in

pa:iiiiiiii(in^ lo tortiuv; n disorili'i* cj (ho

di},'o»tii'i! svfiitnti niori! Irving than stu-

sujkiii-tw. adiMir^ani/.ition »(• the m-rvc:]

v.lii»-h, i:ft»rf*niii(i hi-iiw »r iiimiical»iljlo

inis;'i-\vi:nliniiiiit!'s in I'.tiivsil.iivn t«iS;h-

, in motittil imil i>li.wir.il .lhiiv-s

ply indiMfi'ilubit! In tii'^.> who tiavo

imt Mi ic- W I H - I - . - " 1 ' " " ! ; - ' ! !;«v:'t-:«t

« f'-n-Mily »n<l MI.K1.«»IV to witiiliMd

n»v;i.-.i,mif,l «4-d.i!i\v \h,-y l m v mi

•iulim has M'tifrht mid

habill.« rnmi In i- K-.lr.

i tin-to t\

writv. m» fnr miicta!ifi:iti>

•^•m.ihiifii'.f th i ' fcirfnl i-iV-vfrifsi

Liriviiti.»n. im:1 hiid I V .-.•«-.• n n d y

!•,'•• tt; ;;ivi) in icl-jimii). f|'.i!>.!ifi;v

litiiwin limi ha.l u-,w W*niu> th-.- !

lU'tV^-iirVOf life. Ill K \V.,.;il, :,,;!•,-:,:

.iti»K1ti.l»lt,iU-.'l«i t l i - - / v . ! i . . l i ^ . M ,

l';il!t'li iniili-i* tlt' 'ir']t(i' '.(T ivir.'iL-:' v\

Imld i-::ii ' l«irdlv i-v-.-r b> >:!.:!:.-u .

irliii-h p imi -h wlii*]!i'»:i w h h . i h . - i

•lid wi th »M l l : . . ^ - d e v - c ^ i.i U,v\

tvhi.-li.. l ,i i . .]ivv.ii ".ia-1 '^- ; . l . - i i ' . !

'I'lii'llv f.i:i'.:-l t-vrii iii'm.1 t - n i ! . ! - I

:h<>v:ic!; iN-!f. whtl.- i'i^ uvai .-tbvil

-ul.mw-r.il i.M-.".var.l.-d witfi Miii'Ti

.>I.1\ K m i f n d m - . i K c t h n tin.- p-m

Tho bay of Jliivaiii U tuiil. \>y thogcnjmiphi-i, In b;. thn V^ir-t.iii the

world, it is in tliu >dhiipj.uf u inan'ti

haml. thoojioiiiii;: into tli-i s.-:i c r ro*-

,l!3:itliiiff t ' t . thc wrH. iuitf tlw llti^-H

Ijeiiis111ft.'prt?!iti:it^l ]>.v Inys oi- iul.Tls

stri'ti-hiiiK in i'!l dtnvLicn-;. Uiit in thi'i

.i{ic.-ii( lir.v.--ii thcro

-:• : lhnOMNIA,

Ltlioilyspcpsin, insomuiii in coniinR toIJO vt'Kinded ivi 11 poouUai'ly Americannmlitdy. Tlw e.\'i;ita1ilo naliii-o of tlto,Anit'riaui peoplo rLUideni them niurosUKiiL'ptiblu to iien'»ii» diiordorft thanHUMO of u mum phlefiiiuitio Icinpeni-mnnt. Tn thu many |ieiH:ms who minorfrom (ileeplennHH tho following hints iut;to the. most ofiieient' tneinw of inducingnatural hlorp miiy notvoiuo UUUK«. . ,

Jf tlie "alee'pleneiw turowiiMOiied byundue uomitis oxuitcmetit tho iipplk-a-tion of mnstiiril plaster.! lo llio ubdoni'jnwill iill'ord relief. AVhcro this remedyfnils HID freshly i.i.vliMiohilioii of lautatoofsotU OI'MIIIHI milk or.whoy imiy liotiwd with KIKI.1 hisultP. Wlioti I'rmiexlifn!Kti"riI"n;^",.,.;.:i'!-f"rt!i.'inril»iliti

to y.U:-\>, (fiti iitTuiiuiritt-iitifii oi'u (uin'ifefull of hot ulurut and v.ulel- with



•iniiiuiuUtl. When

I Hit* alkalieii

nwfnl.' Thoiri'iliint pr<.;iWti:'it of tint air wluuii

hiii'.l<i!< lili-i-p ilurtit;; Imt ui-athcr. niii

iK-nauili-iiu!!.',! byK]iniihlh^-(l:» ll.iur

willi hot witiiT. WIn'ii. HII'IIJI in brolicn

by.i:t]Vi'iv .ivain iiolhiu;,'' is nuiro uwful

th.iii <>;<inni anil laiiri'liin. TIK^U latter

re:ii.-.ti<;i ;s!i.mld m-v.-r bo luk.-n, liow-

evor.1 without t lu itdvk'jofn jiliVHirinii.

A hyptiduiiik: iiijfttlmn of innrphiii,

1K.VA:\.J- U tu in prt'fiii'tT'l (o inhiiitf tho

lirn;' ind'niiilly y.'hcli tin; wsiki/fulitcsri J3

(llll! to i)iiUIMt.''ill. "' " •' " . . '

•••:i;i t.i;ijr<«i.u'iLt.'!nti(• i d l i , T . i ! l i . » t i : ; - j ! i i,f V . ! i

iiinl- Xnt> t in

l Hi

TliWi' pih :i -jiIimt'H

:I l e w ir-t tH-itfiii.d

»i.i ' : : t i- . .••.••.:-.!n-l Iv i»!un:;i»:; th >

l l - . ; ' . ! . l . ; : f l f U l : ; | l . iiif-.a m t x t u n i of

•:.-•) ji.v::..!-.:...!!'. l - . v . / p : ^w»f t ra in oil,"

•:.!».i:-Lo: i.-'.I.r.vit-i IJ- i . :iull i t iut: i t i tv

ii'i '.ou.it'nf.*!'.. ' ) ' : • • rr>>;ulinu tiluilihl

L-1 iwU'siir-.ii). I . - 1

n:id i'.riv.-

:i!l tint,' wuiiM I

i;i i-iltlut would

ir.M.f l.M'.iiw » : i ron lhn .

s i-wr ;;!(>r>' in s<iin"tlitiiff,

it-t-si't <mi- ii'Iuiirutiim lor

Ibuv »ro M: t vi-r »c-ii,^ In #A through-j:ririi,- ;ir.!> ji'iir.r.i'i-^ w.irl; 'i W'f itiv

ill r i i i n k n ; l imi nut ln.-ru:» it h?;-\v,?.:

f fH V;

^i;'.»)• Wary ii fu

r , . c*>

l.1.1 will i.,.yc


vt'i f.i:idly. Wihii^. ' i-t "mill \>:iy livi

h.tliv.]i--ii;.. V M - I M . - I

»nil S i t u s ' , wii I'm in

f.'ii s-i-fn'iit--:! i-A 1-Tf.L pcotiujt r o t lii-iili!)

.ii ; i ; friendly tn itm wuC, «.-j to tltebudv.

Tliiit hlij-ht(!(iM you t ! i i i ; ! ; S 0 tittle of

iiiy iirouo Hi,.- r(in.niii!.er el' a vompiiiitil

m n . j v l i > f . i u l . Av(.itl t l i u ' i v i t i l t liv

•iiiin; A-v iV c 'hci ry l\i.-tor:d,"tl« ;l.wt »!

iiniM-hiiis, ir,ci| .:eitt ' tvosumit t ion, . ttud

Tii'-v hiul a lt'^"'aT-.!r7v"rr"ij).<!s at


or <M!tl... U .l-.u-.' by n - n . t .-f :.in-itl j o f .v . i ;uv . ' ;> .u , : h i ' , v.i:'.-. - \V.-)l--w'fi'it

ton K U O W H it [•L'vu'i1 bi-i'f'im;1 ii i i k i t t t - r i-l' j i r i d i j j 11OsLr I l i r M j h h . - t r n , uu l iVr i ' . l J^ i -e ; i t ty f.

er.e.-lliii{riiipn.fi.'»-n<-y. Nurjiiif-I v; ;mt oi wlor, mid iuvitedlVm•li-i was li'i'adiialed I hiv:ihl mi vl-X niai»iKt.'i-L;r,-hw-"l....,t-iiiie-i

L ' .at tht!_.siinip[uoii

urdrobe, la- r-jpla-.l. • "Tliu clothes-a still, innde]iimst;lh»."-

h« asylum -tor' ilio jjoor'niidof sill nations." "No, not of

• : i y i s ^ . AVhat uaiimi is esuepted.R;u"tu know:" ' : Why Anwric:;."••eiitlenian,-npo]gi2inif lot- lan'^mitrufl^iiitl: " I did nut nieltn toFiifwhut"il, S>\\i thfi.fiict is tiuit, ILI you will «oolive hud tlu? inist'ortune to losis sjoino

J'. my -front tooth, and words wlip out ntiy month evoi-vnovr anil theji withoutJv-,laiowili{j.it.'!•'•;,:",-•...-...-:....--..-::.::,,:.v.:. L .

luivo liven to the

bt> giw

' :t pvutV jst-jn. :>nd tho in

<'0«l Miviiutr; IKII I^ nm;v c

iiiViy iitii iiiitiVi i'iii.-ti:ini;,'.ii

to Ui" liiti-hc:i -smU-iw

iiil'viiifj rujiiits tolio'.li cli

. A . : " S o v

lit worth k'piu

Tho sy?to!ti of marking prices ongoods in funeral use among retailers iafor c-aoh to adopt n word or' term wluahaliiill contain.ten ninviTcateil-letters''iocorrespond with tho lunnemls. Thus,for instiineo, the w>r.l; -•

A n c! h o r i i u s• : '••"• •'-{-£ 3 - i - i i " i ! " • ? ' • • - S i ~ y - o ' " - ™ ™ ^ ' " -

Tho cost of an article has boon usually

1 :" if;.""tho SiiltMinimd ; but this

Lat'improssi-'s yuii iu" buin-j tne moht»orfli\>ii'Lintiir"ot1 thu oxuibitiou?"

'Tho.Bmiill." •••• • • •

,,,{los : " You'vo boon an' madeliiftako.'-'-with 'my v.-itshin1, Jlrslglos, and cent 'oma rhrco oldlyehers as don't belong to. hie, nn"ink else". . Mr.s.• JMumjltis; Lor'!

^.rlJngglc^iliBt^Bhi^k-.iiJ.joi.ii.-i;-Latisyonr -shirt as'as coniu to niccusi tho.Witshin'.iit l:^t."

,com:syoudunt of tho Cologno6u the. fiimprooii!} ltivor R

"M'iiioroHtin;{ piivLii-uliivsof n visit tonir.of Ltlio.VAfrtu.in •'kiilp,S:i—Qnadjo,

buadjovi, Tolli; Ajoiula iuul Lawaon-in|io'Litt!ott?opo dwti'iut. Each of theso

cidlod kiiifjs uluima to be ruler of tho

Iti-icf-, and husiijjuinijL'ivof partisans6profunSallepiiinjcto"l;i:!'..:;but, nof-"istanding this vivulry, tltoy naually""'nt-peaoQ with oaeli other. Tho

fivieiit's ilrsfvisit was"to Qnmljo,man uoiivly . 00 yonrs of /tigo,fcfeiind lying on a bed with thoono skip of hiii body paralyzed,d tho curlier part of his life in

§ u l has _a great re.putalionon tho'integrity mid otioi-iry, but -wasitetl byrillno3s when'.tho CJOITOS-saw, him that ho could, only.Vi i nieliiuuholy look to liis

^Qr.atljbvi-iHonly~ii"fuW'.' UiairQundjo, mul t h ead to wait whilo ho was

ling lo' ivjeoivo liim. His costrimo* togii.a whito cap. liko tlioso worn

4 posijHO.1 drossy ho

Jory.y/digniiiod," and;addressedy polifo questions, to his visitorihejilth of 'Emperor Will tain,tornooti tho correspondent wentn, who received him in h gray^bltio toga, top boots and white

ITo wna ncconipiiniod by. anbout... .thirty.-1 nogroon, 'who

W i l when ho niado a

. . . *l 1 iyIhu hotter nietliiKl of imirking llw spell-ng |'rio;\ KinployinK tlio ki-y wf.r,-!'Auchoritos." nn nrliulo ninrlind sny'a. i. o.;" -would "'imiiesiio ••;•!.T-J.

Somo iiiensfHints havo both cost andcHing rates marked, in which ease tho

I by ,i line, the cost

.uituiMii to oihli^ivoi- to lin-1 '•'onio sosirue

ofwtyjily for t W .il^.iii'ip-wto.l the

Ioc:ili:y oiia'ttffL;i-iin>'nt" in jitVi.?!K->> n.r

the pitbliu aiitlioriiitM ,unt a report.-;• of

tho A'.'.jcmt'mc '/Al-Oi-j, and annoum-od

that writer .wa* to in: found in eertaiuspots nt depth* wlnVh [w stuloJ. . ThoiiVst spot vns in iho lower'viiiiijjf*. nndlie gave theliliol.v .lopttrrit lwlwei-n IKfu.it and 7-.1 f^et, ml.ling tjnt tho VDIIIHIOof wuior which fiho fiprini,' would t;i'.owuuldlM'ofabjnt tlimlirtm-)ttfr of imiiutir-sinu' a qti.iritM". . AiitV'iuco^uit"la'iur for fn:ir \\;yA^, tijusistir.™ matsily

j^ijiinin^siiri.Uff.nf.w.'ihtr .nt. tinv«l.->i.i.!|.f-d-ii- Wl i i i tho

ii.,. jfttid tl... .LilinJ.t.T ..f i

; ' - J v,:iv.:-.T. ii-i!;.:.! '. iv=i.|."i

Two Hi-!ilMid.r.i w.--r.>

ViUil^rinn• I:i ivh:i:

• iitirr'i h.'i.-z itfi.-i- Hit- l.'-sil •-"il. 'm »:iiib.l!i«-tioii l::un..-.'::.i:->:il:.!'m.-d.

- \ iuoi:- Hi.-Aiiti:.:iu::'.!!i-. in I\ii;:«.i:iiiithis i .Ki i.t kept U|J. A wif.j i.-t v.nllvjmuiTht. .If the s;ti:t)i- ii iu>! v\:--h cin-u -it j J^-pi-in ••his frleiiViit nia!{« •ji'p'tu.-riil'ermti-ibtth'.in " " fc...*... - _

iliLf:-;iherofilnifairoue.' Thoit tliub:-id.sj .\-li fnr''-i"."j7i\KiIr'rt"!li>!'H*!"ir Cuiizl*.

iiitirnd in t-iyir b,-.-^ riilo to the bri.h-'sj l<ll":"n U l 1 "" ' ~l.'j. '. . ..•'

"Cn*toTlnJiRoiro]lmlfir.t<;il tochtUtvnlhat I Cjwtorln cures Colic.' Cop.friliwi!.int

. Ill So. Oxford St., Lrogyyn, N, Y. | 'Without injurioua ucdlcotloti. •

• ' • ; • . ' ' ' • " . *T»ii3 C'BsrJint C'tjat-AKv, JW r»!lo:i

An Jiiisoltito euro for Rlioump.tl.s?n, Spralnf*, Puin in jfjtlio I5:ick, IiuniH, Gulls, Ac. An iiiatantnnooiia Pain-'-"xcUovJa? and IIoiillDc: .llcmcdy*


CI:G BV rxAr.urjifJu THIS r.v.p, THAT ran

SOAGO, ROCK SsLi^ra aU^iiifr ttio Oi-e.it Centfal 7Ati», (»fibres to travelers, by rM.inn if itn uurlvnletl rr(,-i;ij)lii;,llposition, the aliortesl atr.i i^.lt ro:i*.fi between tho i'.-.s!, KortU4MC aSaisthe^st, nml Ihi 1,v'o:it, tforUiwcat f\»'I Sou-Invest. • . t:

It 1 literally VAV-1 strictly tnia, thnt i u coniicttiona arc all of tho principal llioi'i-oail botwcdii tho Atlantic ami tho Pacific.

By its main lino iui<i branuliei it reaches Chtcniro, Pino JnlfniJ June., AuburnJ l i t S P i Ott L 2 H 0 B l l l t K e c k T l !June;., Joliot, Sincca. Pcorla, Ottawa. La 2-lIo. OCIIC:IOT, Blollao anil Keck Tsilnui!,

l.illlinolaj Davciitiort, lilnatatinc, Wai;iiin«to:i. Koohuk, Kuoxvillo, Oslcaloosn,1 l'nirtlolcl, Do:) UOIKOH, Wont Llberiv, lo-.v.i Citj*, Atiant.ic, Avoca, Autltibgn,Il'irlan, Guthi'io Ountor nnd COUHPII Mlutl's, in IJWii; Onllatin, Trontcn, Camorottantl Kcii&na U-.ti; In itleaaiifi, anil .Lctivonworth tim\ Atclilcoa in Ktmsas, liutl

"(SiATBooklsSib 'ROUTE,".-A.-, it ia fainlUsrly ci-.ISod, offers lo travelcr3p c.U tlio ru!vaiit,v<o<i anil comfortsi'L^U'cuL to i\ £niuotti tmck* EAI'C britl^c^! TJri'oti X*op?*y nt rvtt tonn^ctlnc!' poiuttiiFivst Exurtes TrcUis. cotnpo:,c.l or COMMODIOUS, WELT* VIUnTtLATEn,V/JCLL JIli&TKD. FIKEI.Y UPHOLSTKiltiDr.iiit KLEOAN11 DAY COACHES;it li:M of tho MOST HACH-fltttCEMT R.F.CI.I.V1KO OKAIR CATtS ever lmiltjPfLLr iAWS l.'.^.-.t d^U-r.o:! anil Iu-.n.1a.iins.iL TALAHrj ST.ERPIWO nnd BUV-l'i:i' CAUS.- n.n-,1 DINING CAHa that r.vo n.iU:mwir;ilvwl bvinx-fitf aii(t iwoplo to1:0 Use l ' lNEST MUW UT'OvrANV'KOAD IN Till-: C0UNTP.Y.1 nnd in wliidiuuprii-Jor ;;\o:i!u tivi< ficrvt'tl nt tho low nas cJ' HI'VilN'TV-FIVE CKN'TS EACH,

TKKIJR TRAINS etch wr.j'iw'.wec-ii CHICAGO nr.it Llio HISSOUKI EIVEU.TWO TRAIN;: each way bctv.'0f;n CinCJACO mid liIIWKEAPOLIS ea:d SX.

IViUIi, vin tlio tiunoun ' • • '

. ALBERT LEA KOUTE.• i h " : \ ' D V f.:id DirTCt r . i u j . vi.L 2..-ii.-,i, Kni i i^u . ; . . a n a Cinuuimui , ivcL-iilly

u j i u c s s liO-wf.o:i ll'.a "\V*ct.l :t:i;l Wuw^at t N e w s , Rlclimojid, Cinclii-;:!iUrf nnsi Ln F. iyet to, w:A Council Hl-.i!rj. 3 : . 1'itul, Mln«capo l i3 nntl

t I 1 l i r J t ;i* T ; l r '

op'iJie;! for'i I l i

/\«WNASCE'>'0."!M.'"11--"--- r" r ' •"••'••"••1-1- '

An OuUaweo to enforco Hen* on tind» for bull il. ,

Vecxum I . - l lu It orrhlnedhrtlwComniMConn.elt of Ilia liofiiitali or Wn-hl OK ton, tlmt any land*«r imt t-iii it to on iiiy »iruct where tlio irrflil* andnlJtti iliiii^riinvo l^i'ii tiftiMI'hod by onllunncoeliiill litfHilJecmnJ llililo fur tli« txiK'nco nnd

iMIhodfur tli«

l t


lk I

iliVliilliiV->"-)klii^''>rr'VViViiiVii'riy'wiikx|'i>ill henll.-ii t>ti tnu \m>tli .1- nal t^tntu whle!i Iho raid*.

tn'tiuf nils oraiuancjMLCUDII-J - I IO It onttlncd Ifnt tli«co«t nn.1 ex.

pcu^c u. til1. liiUrf. liUjl.lIri^ (tt rt'p^ii Ip f n^X PJUOwalk nntiiiy ul mtlil HweW •hall Lo muJu a lientm ibn linrh nud root nUle ni M'.uw*; Thu(-lfi.it C'.NHiil-'I'it.cr Mull tflvunijtlcu In trrlMmrto tliaoi*in.T'ir owners.Ifi t ionwiocin bo loundIn lliu ])oruit(jli, nmi il nut tonnil In tho boroughlliatt rucli uu'.Icu fiiull bt> ntui b j until lo tli« poll*miliH iitlitiuM of ructi DWiiir or uwnuri", tl iho 'pnini; run im n«rcruliii-(l, tu m.-tku, tjult.1 ur.tuiinirt^tlr Ma vra'.li lit front of llioir im.J'atid rint

tiili nut IJU fDimil or llm twt-illlcf ntSfl'te^ nf rnetiinriier *rowiur* nut i.oilio avcnrlittnud tlu'n mdtlict^co rtinll bo I'-lt with llm t.'innt In i)OtHdF#lon,.• In- ii.nict in ivil'liu id ill only ha tlrt-ii uii'm thu 'iink-ri>l iheCiiinmon ruui.c P. . ' . . . ':•:.- .::r ::'..

Scoiluii:!.—lUIU.r.hSn^il tlintlf niir o»nor or(mmTw f.l IHMIH ntnl t-mi Crtnta Oiiuuyori-ild 'flriuHxIiuttrurn-ii'iriiu'/ojl lo intke. build orr«iriIrtlM!'l'!j wiilli hi fr.mt «.f thvlr lamia anilmil u«lit!i) r.ir tunoitjii iillvr rccwlvliijt u.jlicu In.wrllln-* ur for nvcrilj iliijn udt'f nicti nuticj lm»

tkiiUo'lUu! l-nr.it::li, liiru llm »trt<i-t (MtntnU-•Uinur, \turfctn-l by ihu Otmimio Council, nhall


•u Ihu

nku it

i n k l<> b .• inr . .pl «

rlaliuru:iltIi.j;Hy t n M

io, bill


tiilsvlii.l.vuruil llllMor tnNur nml

_t,a<j<l H* nliitu^il I tu ihc Ucrlt i i l j hc bur

mskliii;,cvrtidedand lie

srlnlri byj h c b u r ;



f Mi

iliuri iliTtrriptlan i.filt-i hnd* nml'ri-iil CM*il-J (t lulliollcimiillldiititlu <luF<[i;nite tlio

finmuf 11'" l'»..JI'IKII tn wlilcblicHhnll u.t.-r..

115C i / b jl

a'.-1 i >f . f « 111

l lrliif SltL-iil Ci*rNHil»?l(Mnrr, u^.l rAnt lliu - tinmen of ^.li'i ii.rtlu» »liu |-i.>i:i>tiiii'tl ll:'i UliDriinJfitrui'lica

;liijiii:il«rliitMiiiiIitie nttimiM i>t tli.-ir hllt.i totwila"! l>y Xt.o Slrtut L'olniiib»[i-tiLT. : , • .

SecUmi K-llo Ii mrl'iltiiil ilia: lliu Glcrlt of |!IQ

it [iliHc'iiliVtit»li.i!l ulvu uulico Ia vrdtlnK tu tlio, lilt (if H

irirlilcli t liun is clam;ivcti ^lllilit ILU ill j * nr*1mll litvu |,rL-o.itt-a

ma. i

Kic:-i,iia— It.-it oidnlauil itiutirthti owner or.viicr* iiiiliohtt-Niiinl fu:tl I;Ktitle tvlm Imi re-:lvcl i.o'.ico tcuin lliu Cl-:rk uf llio Iwroii-li u^

it! nwl'i'LliMt'iy-i" iti-jTiomuwf of tlio tioroUKU •:

'iicu'«i :i'iiiu'inl''iilti]* lliu euiini,*»ii"biiiiJitll' or?t .pjorlty •>. tilt-in i-(mlI IIIXI.T tlivlr lirtuil-smask-nl*

IJIIIBU vnit.Min ludiiyL,'ii|.aljlj|u o! Ihu boruuyhul " ii-litiiuK'i. t'.L-nby (ii nthuudlNiJ him tn IIIIIKUll.e dm HIII, til ml i 1ml i..r iiinkiui;, liiil'Uiui; or

ilcliUibAil 111 lbji;i«fk'i» li««>1t iifjfu'alti'liy M'iltpi;


Gk-|(£ aiiilUuiiJtr

tvlllIDI t .u !-h«n«-t tlm.) fur wtilcli' ..iii'u111 i^rjdto t»\e tliu Mimunftiirtklii.', i)iil!illii);urri'jin!ili))> '

lilu. TlK-tljfksii.ll ituird llio

xti:i!l iidtorlhu tlm Ii•*noJ mirl i!n .nrilii!il tn iu it tiue.1 in tliu puuio II

.-.Thfoiinh Cnr».ror-all..,a']irttuKti.-rw." F o r inaro'fl^ti-.ile.Ii.ifonnntlon.'^^Os v.-f-ll tit TiLkeUi, n t all ;n-incij>al Ti.

Cto\ CABLE, •

i. , »tVJt , ; i i T;..vu..li r.u.suiaiK«J-oa..i:A3tJi=ni;i;33.Trains.if r. ttmi I*outci-i,-w»:iett may Dooboi Oiik'03 in tho United States ai



(,11i i i



II.-.'': I



' joo t tVC .r•i>.~', t u : t ly. n:.»:i.


it. lioirwuslv

''i-'o :i"h\\

ui • ilu




.iL'./ill., \V.ili,i sn.tl,;..- r,,,. [in, viiiii.,',. Mil:) j vi I ] : ! ^ fir' iv.;;ipr A ([•.rii:t'K!l];l!l ' iL.'Iail'i! :; . •.•••il,:i^ll if" I!! .!*/1 •

f r y Kingiilur. Ilu iioinloj to a B[iot 1.1.... .....rfci .„> ih- i-.ni(.,r au.l tin- riuii1 i,i,iu:'^.'rfa,!n,.; S I J ' ^ S ; " " ^ , , ! ! " ^ ' " £ 'ivlicv.., lio mill, throo • waior oourson l:iy ,|,,..vr,v Ii,. cm i,m-r hi rc.iiirn for n l«-iiii>.! :Vnr;ti t . ' ' " ' " -, '

':'li!Mi..lif'.il:u-l.v mulci- cn^ anctlicr, nr.il

niniiiiiR in lanillol canr.jc'.i. Tlit first

M-OIIUUI louml at r. iloptli! of 2-:l f.-ct

•i::il ^'j feet, t.:i' r.'jor.l tli

v.l]r:i(i,.|i fiti-AW, mill l'il'.mii..^ ill Iho

.Itrcutiou from mmiiini'it In um-!liv.v,t.

Tlio KC^Oii'.l l:iy ftboui -I] f.;ot di::'p.

- • " •: ; , •' ; , . . •— ; — • m u l n l i o u ! I h o s i ? . : ; o f n l l i i i - i q u i l l ,

[ u m n m n s i y i i i u l i i i i ' d n u l i v u u i a l . - j n o t , , . . . n , . . . . . . . , . , . . - . . . <•I[uini»roiisly .incliuw] 1imfivWtinU not I",ficqiicntly got i-'p n key word or termwliiuh won Ul uiiiko (j'.tslomors fiinilowell tlic.v nwu-o of tlio contrast, l^twooiiIho mysteriojis cost iii!irkij* '»iitl™t!iac"fi«m whicli they nro tk-rhuil;- Xo littluiiTKonnity w tlispijiAvd in t!m f 'l.-ffinn,"uiit'iuUT ihu essential of ton uiiro|je:itftlletters thow i3 milliiitg wuiiting Imt t:

*iC foot, riiiiiii:!,'; in tliu KI

.V.'nr,;!i[nu;l;. u t .a _tlc;i i LI i •.. of.,.. 2 7A., foi

iuR1 In' (ho dini

simplest orllkigvaphy Hint tho i'uul. ofthe aiifllurs in tho sidesmen cln.su may

wluileviir lo yocoat mark is tlio'ou.s not employ

.rrpuff.- Tlio til-ln

Jiily imo l:iio\vii"w'

tlio nlpiitiliot. I t mny hu titiderstootl by

ilritwins llm nnliimry tit-tnt-toe fjaino

diagram nnd marldiiff tlio liRiirca Ijofliu-

ninj* nt tliuiipjior.lurthaiid spucn, flimitio

totlio"i'ishtmi<rropfliit until thu iiino''

»ra iillud. Jn this deviuo x ia

itttil for Iho "nought." To ox-

pivss -s;iy *l..j!) b.v.tlio tit-tat-lob, Uio

tiii.'rti^ly[>lii'ij would liu.nii L with tho

lioriKontiil ptiil run diroeUy np]msito

from.iinntia!; ti. Kquari; ;\iuid..im L sot

n'rotis t'lid tip. it tcond donl itko tho

jinrtil .IIDV'M xkdtch in school liooka,

mitler ,ivlt;i!li ho \}]:\wn tho caiUton,

;al this biiol; mi onnost frcnil

l/K.^L*.1V!l{J'LLlll!i^lLl->oj^"-:A1iid..'.'_. It.

u:i thn SWJ:I :I

at n uoplh oi:.|'2ii fo.it: ii li.ul 'n tliiiiiof7 2-1tlw of mi iiusli. Tim' l lu^k wnafonml itt OVj feet Iw! .w tin; surfaM, midhaving n diiiiiH'forof :!-jt!is uf an iiuih —till l lnw nuniiiis'iii tlio .Hm:limi llurn:;ha:l iiiiliiMtn.l. Uiif'H-imiai.'l.y tioliiutis yivon of his lilutliod of projoduro.

Coiirlsliips in Kii^lnnd aw slioi-t and

ciiRafjcmDnlR nvu lui.-g., Nn souiior in it

iiiiilorstotid Ihat n ytiinift' man and n

young: woniitn nro in ioyu than it is given

out that fhoy nro engaged. Tlilo

Amoricin custom of Ic.ivinp-yomig HR-II

n.iid.>vomen...fi>C(j._.it),risJiiii-,iiHn .fntrntli.ii'-

niiil. lionp nompaiiy wiMi caoli o ther for

an inddinilc Icnglli of timo withoutdeclarintr tliwr intent ions is rtlmostunknown innny country of .Europe. Itis nut.lone nftiv

llm f:tt!ii-r iiisikcsliis ntjilv. >E.>:mwliilijl ' !TpiTw~r-"»"i

IK! liri<!e liM.-s hoi-wU. "ami'' "tho •sroonr'-r6i]>iiSiI»n. Urnjiwrai ^«

efn-:ii, liu HL-izc.-i lu-r add luajis to hi:s _

ntyM(\ I t is ftiiiiifth; that. HUO should' \~y'Ur V.\u""?ln"l\\r>'

esi«t mul cry fur afwistamiu. As ho1 niu^K-K-fim-.' Hnnl • *

'.ill'.-in (»lt; !IH fnv!»lMfrrmn cowring I " l l t l l ' l l - i > _ _ _.

i l l •event1 t!ie liursuit of tJio ' - K H I I S "

inrhea nfton come in real nil^iii. .Tlio ta, 1 .

iil'iws, :i:id severe ivminds art! not nn-| , •• Ttiir

rivilii.'iit : l.ut it i*! fji'iitu-iilly only n1 ("'V<-lN'ltWi!ili!;Ui

in.;.* Lnlil... un.1 wlKm duo t i m o ' h a r / ^ i ^ h i i H v ! ^ 1 ; : 1 ' '; i ir'. '.!: ivv»-for Uiu.hvid-j :md Hroom to! *V"i'iH:i^"i^7W-ti i-v

:MMV.>11 Hfi.rti-il, Ihu fricii.ls follow, tho j.niu! ilu; iimity 'i'hr<«irA"n.i!il<m>» "f (-hilih.-u,

'i"iMi;i;ornn I^ars lus brid-s invtiy to] °/."" " " " ' " .

or moiuitniu, whoro tlioy iiido fo:*' i

Thou tint 'friiMidsi/;-invifii ihu-nowman-i".! |i;iir, imd (lio pnimisc.J nrcsuiit

:tilloafil. Tho wholu wmiiiimflu's.) to the hut or l u n t y tlioj

bride's fatlioi', who u<wpt (limn not nn'ri(3tii)njii{a.-niKlihir,hiittrt n]«innra«-.vniHi (it tlio vi..loiit!.[ tl.mo 1iia|igfl. lint if HiIT. is rc(|Ukcd to inaintiLiii for n]

(imo a show of injuiv<l 'stliiiiiliitity, tillby dint of preai'iiis !i<-i- daunh(i;i- indticoshoi-to H1«»W the 'licwpilulity. 'ituu lict-,c\v frioiuls. Kvfsii lht>n tho nnger ofiro'inothor-iii-jilwi:) liirtiiilitiir^riirfuL-iii'

and fora wholo year JfUc iihvnv:i turnsher lw>k lo tho ni.«i who wivstaTliordaitglitor from h«r iinnu, . ,Sho ;icver

b.>"' >o in I t l ^ L ' — ^ l l i l " i'rtco.to^fiice. „_..

>s••••\\\\h: iK'iiiiii Il-.-i

lAt\- S'r.-M-iv)-!-.

ui NiViVu

Fur '•Jtmiglt

I t v l f y W o i i n i i .i wuiim ruiiilii [I-I>!IIICM mid vi-'il'l fsii! h> Ivy "Wtll,-,' llciiltli Itv-

Ciiiiii-rlt:t!!m.-l;l:iLr, In-lialiii:i-m-utli.yl'imnnUliiul U.H:.

J'iuo.U AtiVcUiiiiN.Utiittil^. C'ol.ls. Sun; tlu-riiil.a Ut.itirhs.'" Tnwiic.-, irw.

II tlt-li."

rliljiin'ii fro^iviV fts.jli

id hokl over Ms lioml tlur-

n'liii inliorilail from liis"t'athoi-, iiiid,l;ho .crysifil was pjnobil'on itforty yuur.s;w>.. • .' , " .

In Xbrthiini Silioriawlinmi'vouiigman.Uiinlia lio^wmts to marry nyming woniiinIm nri-iiiigps to ]niy n certnin SHIH (o harfutlicr.1 JXalf of this sittn ho pays tlovnnwl'livoiurHli 'tlib family .of his laA?-lovo for .^yefiv.j/ir, at-.th.o'. oml of:. (liiit,tiimt, lib.'still"waiit3 IILT^JIO pny^Jthqothfii- liali* 'of Uio snm'ngrccil npbh'liinigets hoi\v']f lio (loonn't want licr hosays so ami flosea tlio iust;ilmonfc,Av]iiuh

3lO i\nt ]>niil. •' . ,: I. ;•;-. • -:.?*.$''

OHgngemout tho couiMiig time rathoi*than sis n inoro: projiaration [or jrisige;. AVhononco oitgftgod tliii'youngpooplo nro thrawji together iii tlm'.frccst•fnsliion, nnd may ho loft to themsolvoaut ml limbs nntl hi''ill plaeos'tilmost usthough they wircrman,nml"wife. Intho general cociuty of America mnmngo

importnut, nud• really, ia a sort of iirstRljigo . in1, matviinonyii. dr tiin personal

Vy-XkOTl''XJLill- \V^,.;::p.-^r:^r •; ,VV:jJ ,s. • >v«:V-.>r.:*'- *Z.K-i.'~i ••••.•.-;;-'.•'•:',

^\# m iiB £^ F$ ®> ^^^••'•'^^\i-^^:^\& % "BI 'ETH t)S, L'% <&n I TiiKiiT1ir-r,i-n.i-1UiiiVliit'i.!MiHi«-«ir".'iiw>rTIIK iiiiil-ivl-n.,! hitviiiv' luiii ii Ii

; in tin- L'jiiii.'rtiiUisi^li

Citjj^ In-.pfilnr jjr.m (J ! In /f) I _lt.\Y. uml

Trowsers " •" 4io'IQ|,»rIi"i,!",'iIs : , : " , : : ,21 .•!« S O ' 5 ' : T '

.,k,- i.t,is i.Xitliud ur

lln- [tul'SiO Unit tliu.

mi m wiiaraKoOBu," :-.:. Wu u - c . ! . ( ' . 'l':i.vl,>r A- fjim'.

m l l .a Cafliet f.ir iiKWrvins llic

Thdrfcit line of ;;no(ls ura- nliVrcil 1 ^, . .^ j f i | ] i i |

io 'i'iiE AYAauisciTdx .•.ru];Lic!l.,i':l""'.i',i,V,''»',',iw.'"i":i.-k,'t c m ho funii-li-

:ill ili.tuiKT* wilhiii 1.1

CO P,K SCiiK WS, 11 L\ (i OXAIiS,


PLAIN.*. V.\\(lY.CAHSIlii'.iii'.S, ! "•--'!'

JIKLTOS'M rUii'll-BAVEliS, Ac.

(ilVJ: III.M A C.U.I, AT

54:' Washington *.yo.,UP STAIISS;,. '

i/il;iy. i'linv,.

A «::!:iT':t!i:)i;tpri(i\ sS ' t f ( I

I,)- TuUiiliuui: wlili lie

IH l 'MDII I 'U i

F, Thomson,, ViHhrhd-c

John W. Forkor, , ,

] rnvhiK liouftiit tlm inirnrKR it('l':trlm.liit

oLDilt! i ' Son nl- Hi., .nlil Blum!,-nlmni.-I

iuloinl iimiinri..i;liiriii;;iiml to lilii'li on lip iii.1

nil graded of , -''/

Iliirucss, Eiolit'S) _B!n«icc(?j

i ; n l i S S S i % l l l l W 5 3 ' # ^ ^'i!i l'!«l il,:io.«0":nn.l «i'rvi,«ll my''!\7i'.iiunCi™..'hs."nCi'l!.fl."tVliiifcim»S. ".'BojIl'l'iTTHSTluS. oli] cnslomns. .

' , ' " — :"J." . . . . ~ • , . . . jj,,jj.liiiilfr 1U1(] niliii.fr mmily mill jiromjit-

Kin .•Ii.Mll>


i.iiln;:, H"l- I'tIVI'.-l,

•f. l . i ht t i t il- !i

. . . . . . - f - - . di-iiivn mitler,:tho n'owi, ifliihi otlipiV ulihost go into iiJitifliclilciVin tliorih.4.' \_," "•

• -HIM .said that Iho inost oxqnisitclyhorrihlo ioriiu'o-pmctioed1 duntig theinriniiiitioii was that of jiolilinj{ 'tho footof miiiRitiyb• hijrdtici Kvoi-yviiorvo intho oiiliro hody -wtis Kfih on nn end midlimtlq to'clanijo . JitJaSVtidtloiiin^ puco.This must hnvo-liiioii ihnv rcfiiicmcnt of

jtpv|.m-nj i». 1 _ .wl l u ,orilei:.to.cr.t:sfy.-.yortivcuriosity on this soorc lmvo yoiu- liniiilsscciiroly tied nn'd yoiiv hoad.holtl flnnly,.whilo sonio ono ulowly, gontly .tickloa

» il : • . • r \ i•v.r-M-u-.iia»i:--irlM <ifl..ii- wiiUwltls fnf'Tiii: Wi;n;t,v Woui.n. 'I'lic

'•'.Aljcnta vaittcil hi ov.iry'.lnwa mul vUlasro. iClrciiliii-d sin) TPaiiiiilo coiiUsB fa-c. Sainl for,!lluini. ' ' ' ' •-'"• . '

Dally,.r=0; SoiwWuekly, h\ Sumlny, *l.ia..WciUty,^! iwC-'ycw. '

nt>B ri B^-ISJ^l^^Ji^i^'^i"iitfincy."issiiiuvii' ilmu niiiUiln^ v.ha hi tliu WJII.It'^rmiinm.wiili, llm wiirkwrt aiintfjitjilj'.utivu. (Al

\y viuue and tintisfaelion yu

. 13, 1S83.

rum i>ti

.-» mtH.wt'il. Mini sailfifu(!tit)ii LMliran-li'UMifiil] mul iixniiiliiii'my-«-'.iK'.t l>o-.'liHBiiiijul-ii'wlit'rii. Hciiiitiirt runitsni'il:y lu ail pursotifs on «i>pHi-a'jou.

- PVoprietor ~iii^T.,Nt:AHTiir. iniinniii ••

tn tin: I lu.i-mer Hi1 liie liuri>iiL;n (it \Vneliini>-altvt .k-.liit.iluy Ms CJ«;S »ii<l ux|>vu-«.-y wliicli •

:t t.*uiii:iii'f-lwter. Jauiiii U. Taylor, tian bmt't,

» iL-or iviivru iti'! ruili; ui:d wliltti l.'mu'Ol liiivuiiK-i.1 by IJHUIHI.C-)nud lt M utvtii D'ltlco in

In ' lu I'm itkvut-r tir owner* lu IIIHICU, build or

r ri tii*.'il MJ l imply UlllHtio r.'ti(l JJMILCI! tiu;L

\ uencli l':i*mii!!l),LtiitJ iLivn, built ur \-c;,:!"'-

iMiUc fids Witlk ill llio MljuiHc of tin: lijiuiuli,lliy ct^I iii,.l vxpcNrt.- »l m iklt.y, liulidtny, litylua;'jl" — jt i.r r'.iiiiir.liu TlluN s.jilir \vii\s Hliitll bu st h*-li

•I. IS. T H A T C H E R , Cicrk; ...

123 Fulton Street, New York.Coliars - - IOc.'Guffs — . - . : I 2 l - 2 c . ^

TIIWL- lire Hi.) vi't-j- IICJ.1 aiiiilliy inaitL..

.i.tln«t-Womnnftn -..WHtn ...CWnfn-V. '.~ uvDi- ii u m u i m u - -II lillu - u u i l l - - • r—•

l i i . ' llitivj Ilrltl ' li S.ieh». IScri-diicinl tniln •J.'i-.Ho.-: Scarli-t nil w w l socls*, 31«. . do .:<k,Xtr.t bv.ivj' mt«rlii() sfi'i» &<1. :i:i &-l*»3. tin SO &T3*.I'hiMi.'t wotil -lilrti A dr iwtru , 73c Ui) l.W .



RE . 6E0, H, Wlllf EY/D. D,

ulies' collt'1,'0, l^repares young men

for college,'.- Best facilities for .music, nit

mul commercial liranulica. Tlinronghnesa

n every do part men t..: Best building of its

:l:iss, with steam-hen tor, lias, hot and o l d

water, eft!. Ulosc iiitcntioii to nianiiers,

morals aiul honUli. ' IiQeatitm pToiissmL und

iciiithfnl, Ojtulopfiic sent free on nppli-

sation. - Year ojieua Seplomher 5.


G^ .idv.in.l ti.-M'i.-i.:o; iiii-chauiiH, •tiwhiVeriiitf. ilia-ci-.-i tiiiii. .JI.'!!!,!..!!:* :.-*•! inihjjiu t-i-tr iiiililiolittl. i-coryuuuil-i'? iii»:tr.;ti-.1 with .|-li-uditl nn;r.iviiii;B. This|.nVII«iii,;.i, fisfjii.heti .1 moit valiialiiu •nm-iiniodla ofnloii:i;itii.ii vliidi no iHT'i.ll tli'i:il<l Im without. Tlm|.i.!Wlpriiy i.f tlm Sni:STi;--ii! ii!i:iti.-iK IJ oucli that •I.' ci|-.'u!i;ti;iii lu-.ivly 1'iiiinla lll.il of all (itln-r tinprra oj

;i;- ehtJ i--.mlji::.'t!. 1'riiv 8120 n vi-nr. lJiwunnt tilDt.ilin Nnl.1 l.y nil unw^k'i 1-Vi. U'VSS & CO., I'ul).Mw-i. X». ;i;:| Kv.in.lmt)-, K. V. , ' - '


TO' CONSUMPTIVES.-•Tlic mlvurii«?r, having Iwtfit |iariiniifuliy«uro<l

il tliuUruul (Ileont.«. llmminiinliiii, l.y a ritniiiavtneilv, .li< ni'Slois in link.) known hi l :hfoUnvlilliin'r* llio tnCiitiN at euro. T» nil wlm ilocirt; 11.

'l\t'iUu^ Wilt Illy the l'iVN''lll>!Wl wl'i l ikl iuntl- -•10-^. Ui-v. Ij A. WII.ijyS,-'HH l'on'ir s*t.,- Wil.••ii!ii!.ill!»h, S. V. . Si-O-SGly.

VeNTOHS?il t 1

mleloHS?iiii(linmlel'ii 1 will mnkot'c rtilul i

of yolliiiinnriiiloii, wtiLii 1 will mnkoturtilul iiralliiiinnrv

oi'/clrciiHr?. etc' FUSE • H-* OlIAltftE. Alliio-a hviinv U. H. I'm.-iit onicit nil on tied tn foruniUt firu. lnrnniiutiiiu nihl rjCciimccn sen I,in'll«:illnii, NO UUMtRE USt.BSS 1'ATBNTl i L i U H K I } " v i ! ' '

.EUPT.URB.\i',. X. Y . A'uw Mttli.nl. lhil(l!> nnv Hugo with 'lui.iU-omrtirt' ]toll<:l nl onco. 1'nrtuVivitoiitimlimiromm lu-mi tha mmo .Uy. Al-o,vVittlcn-wli limit ,-iir^lcnloptriiiii.u. Atlvlcc rroiLOnou .

uii.l nvuiiluV- Siii<>iiiyriilU.2]i.in. KH'UL l-lictlniTH.jj:ouk.lf.r.2.cjnlBi |auni..JuiiB SG, 1 y,-.