Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-02-18 [p 2].€¦ · THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY FEBRUARY...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY FEBRUARY 18 1910 j U tTli- z p TRIAL FOR NAVY OF MEYER PLAN Secretary Wins Point Before House Committee TEST OF YEAR TO BE MADE Rear Admiral Rodgcra Handled Without Gloves at Hearlnj Cabi- net Officer Denies that Paymaster General Invented Costkeeping System at Yards Shot at Cone At the executive session of the House Committee on Naval Affairs yesterday Secretary of the Navy Meyer appeared- to make his last appeal for the adoption of his plan of naval reorganization It was as lively a session as any that body has held since the controversy along this line warmed up with the convening of Congress Secretary Meyer went after Rear Ad miral Rodgers the naval paymaster gen eral and handled him without gloves He flatly contradicted Admiral Rodgers statement before the Naval Affairs Com- mittee that he was the inventor of the cost keeping system at navy yards and also took exception to his assertion that the system was in operation In eight yards According to the Secretary the system is in operation in only one yard and not completely at that Discussing Admiral Rodgers testimony- to the effect that the system cost noth- ing Secretary Meyer insisted that as a matter of fact It had already cost 520000 for its partial installation In the one yard referred would cost more before In complete working order Cnpps Indorsed Plan Another Interesting feature of th ses- sion was the presentation to the commit tee by Secretary Meyer of an official in dorsement of the substance of the Meyer plan from Chief Constructor Capps who Is now so bitterly opposed to it This was a recommendation from the chief constructor that authority over hulls and machinery be divided in the navy yards and was made to the then Secretary of tho Navy some years ago before the Newberry plan went into ef- fect and before the chief constructor enjoyed the complete power which ha did under toBostonand 12000 It ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ According to those members of the com- mittee who look with favor on plan and who have been standing the Secretary he took the testimony given by Chief Constructor Capps with reference to the naval organization meth- ods in British and German navy yards and was able to demonstrate that not only did Mr Capps figures and facts bear out his conclusions but that as a matter of fact the matter lie presented amounted substantially to proof that tho plan proposed by the Secretary Is right in line with the very latest schemes in use In the naY yards of the two gov ernments mentioned Proves Something IH Wrong Taking the controversy which grew out of the varying facts and figures presented by Chief Constructor Capps and Rear Admiral Hutch Cone chief of the Bureau cf Steam Engineering as a basis Mr Meyer insisted that this very proposition proved that something was wrong under the present system and that a change was Imperative He pointed out that In asmuch as tho Bureau of Steam Engineer ing whose money was being spent for a certain purpose with responsibility rest ing In the bureau had one set of figures and the Bureau of Construction which was spending the money but was not re- sponsible had another sets pass- Ing through the managing constructor in charge of a yardthat It was high tfme some change was made to correct the possibility of such conditions continuing to exist At the conclusion of the session a publican member of the committtee w usually knows what he is talking about said that the committee stood approxi mately 2 to 1 In favor of the plan pro posed by the Secretary and that he would be authorized to put It Into complete op- eration for one year SUCCESSOR TO WOTHERSPOOK- 3Iaj Gen Carter Detailed Member of General Stat Corps Maj Gen William H Carter U S A now in command of the Department of Luzon of the Philippines division has been detailed by the War Department a member of the General Staff Corps suc- ceeding Brig Gen William W Wother spoon recently relieved Gen Carter has been directed to report in Washington for duty He was one of the candidates for detail as Chief of Staff of the army before the selection of Maj Gen Leonard Wood I1 S A Gen Wood now undergoing treatment- at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Balti- more Is improving and he will be able to leave the hospital probably within a week or so ChnrRCK Against Official Charges were filed at the Department of Justice yesterday against United States District Attorney George GrIgsby of Nome Alaska The complainant Japhet Lindberg who has been litigant- in tho United States District Court at Nome Officials of the department re- fused to make public the charges i largest Morning Circulation setboth R Is a the- M ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STORAGEAbs- olutely Fireproof- Our modern warehouse of- fers every safeguard for the storage of valuable furniture pianos luggage and works of art Private Rooms 2 Up Estimates on Request Merchants Transfer and Storage Co 920922 E St Phone M 6900 N W Order Today Thin chair in exactly like cat la Holla oak with shaped wood good finish and con fttrnctlon AH attractive nil It looks and a real bargain nt 185 When in Doubt Buy of HOUSE 6 HERRMANN Seventh and I Eye Sts N W THE HARVESTL- ife is pretty cheap and yellow and it often bores a fellow if he thinks about his troubles through the long and weary day if he talks about his sorrows laying bets that all tomorrows will be just as stale and somber just as grewsome and as gray Ah the world is what we make it if we fuss around and rake it hustling for a crop of trouble well have windrows high and wide but it will not pay for reaping and the thrashers will be weeping when they see the scurvy harvest that has been your boast and pride If you fire all thoughts of sadness and go raking round for gladness- if you just insist that worry take its grip and trunk and roam you are sure to find the mowing pays for all the work and sowing and the thrashers will be whooping on the day of Harvest Home All my metaphors are tangled and this rhyme is badly jangled but youll doubtless catch its meaning if you use a hook and line do not mind the ills that bore you nor the clouds that threaten oer you every day provides its solace and tomorrow will be fine Copyright 1910 by George Matthew Adams WALT MASON A This Sql d Oak Dining Chair ff18 5 r H cat t DICKINSON PRAISES YMC A Speaks at Annual Dinner of Army and Navy Branch Officers of District National Guard Attend Banquet Mr Mucfar land the ToastmaRtcr It is a great thing for the officers and men in the service to meet under tho conditions afforded by the Young Mens Christian Association and because of the peculiar effectiveness of the work the results cannot be other than beneficial from a moral educational and spiritual standpoint With these words Secretary of War Dickinson closed his address at the an nual dinner of the Army and Navy Branch of the Y M C A last evening 4lore than 150 members of the District National Guard attended the banquet which was served in the assembly room of the Y M C A Building Former Commissioner Macfarland acted as toast- master Gen Miles felicitated the members and officers of the association on the work being done saying among other things that no company is more desirable than the company of brave men and that the welcome of the Y M C A is the welcome of good men Other speakers were Admiral Barker Gen Harries W B Millar army secre ary of the International commission of the Y M C A George Otis Smith presi of the Y M C A and H Bradley pavldson A delightful menu was served and music was furnished during the evening by the Fifteenth Cavalry Orchestra un- der the direction of Chief Musician George Tyrell jne guests of honor were Joseph M Dickinson Secretary of War H B F Macfarland Gen Nelson A Miles Ad- miral A S Barker Gen H Har ries District of Columbia National Guard W B Millar army secretary international commission Y M C A Col Joseph Garrard Col W E Harvey Lieut col William C Langfitt Lieut Col Henry C Davis Lieut Commander Guy H Burrage Chaplain George H Robinson Capt George C Barnhardt Capt Warren W Whiteside Capt Henry- C Smither Capt T N Horn Capt How ard H Bailey Capt George W Moses George Otis Smith president Y M C A William Knowles Cooper Stacey H Briant H Bradley Davidson Fred H Fishback Percy H Foster A E L Leckle Charles K Ober William Jessop Myron J Jones Charles E Barker M D Dr John Wesley Hill and Arthur- L Smith secretary Army and Navy Y M C A TIME CLOCK INSTALLED Employes of AMHCKMorM Office Reg- ister Arrival In Morning Employes of the assessors office with the exception of the assessor himself and the assistant assessors are now regis tering the time of their arrival in the morning A time clock has been installed by Assessor Richards It bears the Those who are five minutes late do more to upset the order or tho world than all the anarchists i mot- to tent George ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Not a single emploY yesterday placed himself in a class with the bombthrowers- It is said however that they are not enthusiastic over the innovation CITIZENS WILL BE HEARD Commissioners to Hold an Evening Session nt District Building To obtain an insight of the needs of the District the Commissioners will hear representatives of citizen associations in the Municipal Building on the evening of February 21 Citizens associations have become so the attendance of members of the board at their meetings means a large draft on the Commissioners time and they have taken another means to become acquainted with conditions Each body Is expected to have a spokesman at the LOCAL BRIEFS Recent portraits comprising tome of the best seen this winter in Waahinstcm will exhibited by Wlhelm Punk in the Hemlcyds Hall of the Corcoran Gallery of Art February 23 until March 5 Chin Constructor Can who h HI for tereral reeks resumed his official duties at the Naiy Department yesterday Largest Morning Circulation numerous be N TAI meeting- been GUTTERS AND TAILORS DINE Presidents Owen Owens and P J Foley Guests of Honor O E Ryder of Merchant Tailor Exchange Makes an Addroa Oilier Members Speak Community of interest between the Mer chant Tailors Exchange and the Custom Cutters Club was the slogan at a ban quet given last night at the Hotel Gor don Owen Owens president of the Na tional Association of Morchant Tailors of America and P J Foley president of the International Custom Cutters Asso ciation of America were the guests of honor 0 E Ryder president of the Merchant Tailors Exchange of this city acted as toastmaster After announcing that the next convention of the merchant tailors will be held In this city in February 1S11 Mr Ryder introduced Mr Owens spoke in favor of the organization effected in New York- J Fred Gatohell Harry J Lee P J Foley J C Wineman 0 G Medlier L A Downey and Mr Greisbauor also spoke fc Members of the Merchant Tailors Ex- change aro George C Bergllng J D Burns Co John J Costinett Camp bell Rydar Carlson Brothers Joseph R Costinett L A Downey B J Foley J A Grelsbauer J Fred Gatchell I Geracl A Ghiselll Co FJ Heiber ger George Herold John G Haas George E Hebbard George T Keen Harry J Lee J D McConville Norris Johanson Owen Owens Edwin Potbury- E H Snyder J M Stein G Warfield Simpson John Waldman J C Wine man Co H L Kauffman and F S Finkelstein Members of the Custom Cutters are F J Foley J W Campbell J D McConville L A Downey Charlos T Neil Hugh Zea E B Theil 0 E Johanson Joseph Costinett R Ben Boe mar I Geraci C Simon s Goldstein L E Reed B J Foley M Pipitone George- E Hebbard O E Ryder and J C Wine man The Merchant Tailors Exchange will hold a meeting next Wednesday night in the Bond Building for the election of Tomorrow night the Custom Cut- ters Association will hold their regular meeting TASK FOR PENSION PROBERS Committee May Have to Make Clone Examination Auditor Tweedale sees a big task ahead for the fireman and police pension fund investigating committee of which he Fire Chief Wagner and Maj Sylvester are members He said yesterday that if the committee had to examine closely into the fund it would be necessary to make a statement showing the average lives and ages of pensioners and other similar matters that would take a long- time to complete There is not enough to pay the pen sioners In full this month Mrs William Caton wife of the late fire department driver has not yet applied for a pension- It is probable that when she does a Q allowance will be recommended t who 8 V 8 Asso- ciation of- ficers ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ largest Morning Circulation Capital and Surplus 2 ooooo A Strong Interest Paying Banki- s the best place for your surplus money Banking dept of this company pays interest on all ac counts Deposits subject to check Govt supervision Safe Deposit Boxes rented 5 yr up Union Trust Co EDWARD J 8TELLWAGEN President 15tk and H N W St ¬ JrtadrizTroopsEiigageBebels Under Gen Alena BATTLE STILL IN PROGRESS Results Not Learned Though It IB Reported the lleideKers Were 30O Strong nUll Slept on Their Anus During M ht Ilct niuln the Tire When Daybreak Arrived Managua Fob 17 According to an of- ficial report issued late this afternoon Gen Vasquoz the government com- mander with 300 troops attacked Gen Mona yesterday afternoon at San Vicente some twenty miles east of Acoyapa The fighting continued until darkness The troops on both sldos slept on their arms At daylight this morning the hos- tilities were renewed The result Is not stated Gen Mona is stated to be at the head of at least 1200 and it is this that causes some doubt as to the truthfulness of the report that Gen Vasquez with only onequarter that number of soldiers attacked him It is stated however that Vasquez was seeking to prevent a junc- tion between Gens Mena and Chamorro- at Chantales which was the apparent ob- jective of Gen Mona Reanforcements hurriedly dispatched to Gen Vas quos today Zclaya Debt Held Valid After a hot discussion today the na tional assembly passed a bill making valid the debt Incurred in 1686 by the revolutionists when Zolaya seized the Presidency The opponents of tho bill claimed that if It were adopted it would break up the Liberal party The bill now awaits the signature of President Madrlz The political situation is greasy strained and matters threaten to reach the break ing point It is reported that tho rela- tions between Madrlz and Minister Gen oral Baca are such that the latter is likely to retire from office shortly Lieut Commander Symington who is the bearer a letter from Rear Admiral Kimball to Gen Chamorro has failed to find the general at Matagalpa which londs color to the roport that ha has moved to form a Junction with Gen Mena t Chan tales CLASH NEAR ACOYAP A r I were of I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WEATHER CONDITIONS U S Dept of ApieolJore Wntber Washington Tfaonxfey Febratry 17 lMft8 p m- Tbf Rolf term central r W t ra Xorth- Caroitm TTiomUy night and aortas in north eoMerir tired km This dirtarbMCe caused ipeejal precipitation during the tot twtntrfeur hours hi the Mtaaferfn Valkgr and all rtstoo at thereof Lad in the West null Stats were heavy BBOWS hi Middle MfeaMpi sad Ohio Valleys awl rain snow in the Middle Atlantis sad New Bodied hints sad In the West hilt States Rates and thmdetrtacTM coromd to South Atlantic and Halt Gulf States High wind were reported from Gttir and Atlantk emits Ttnmdajr coo oerntejf wind tbipptag ted prertowMy sdrfeed A marked fall in tMniwnture ha taken place in the MWdte Atlantic and EMIt GnU Ton iwwee and the lm MiMidpyi Valley teneralr fair weathrr with slowly rising toopera ia reported tree the PMns States and the rjiow west timed except ta Idahe Western Mon- tana WMhtotfea and Orefm where there were rates and SBOW The Southern storm will moTe npidly northeast waidlr attended br general twnre Friday in the North Atlantic States the Lowr Lake region and the Upper Valley and rate or snow foilovpd- bjr eiearing match colder weather throusfaoat- th Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic and Gulf States Colder weather is ako indicated for Southern New England The will be fair Saturday throughout the Eastern States and Friday sad ftitwnky in null States the Lower Valley the Upper Lake region the MiMifflrpni Val- ley the Lower Plains States and the citrus SwthwMt The weather will hocus wwsUkd in the Northern Pklna States ti Xertbern- Reeky Mountain sad Middle PteJean nxfefuu Trhera there will IB local BBOWS Friday sight or S tsr liar The tonrerUnro will rim somewhat fat the West Gulf States the Mlssfcrfppi Valley the Hates States and Rocky Mountain region during Fri day and Saturday Cold wave miulusi hare been bowed fer the Middle and South Atlantic States except Southern Florida Haatera Tcnn soe a tcm West Virginia sad the RAn Gulf States Storm warnings are dfafJayed on the xwt from Orleans to Key WiN and thence on the Atlantic oowt to EsMport The winds the New Hngtand meet will be high easterly shiftlnR to uorthwesterly on the Mid- dle Atlantic cDont high on the South Atlantic coast high west and northwest on the EAt Gulf malt hich northwestorly on the West Gulf mast light nriabk on Mkblgaa light to moderate rariabte- Stcaaers departing Friday for European ports will have blab northwest ned west winds and rain K anow fdkwed by fair weather to the Graad Banks a There U the tat fast the Oil otc t ew alee northwesterly Lake flare was the ieee tare OWe nut weather Fri- day the ¬ ¬ ¬ LoCal Temperature Midnight 41 2 a ra 43 4 a m 41 6 a ra 30 8 a m 31 M a m 41 IS noon p 47 4 p m 41 6 p m 40 8 p in 37 10 PL m 37- MaitaMtm 18 mlniattci 35 Relative hratditj S a m S3 2 p HL 69 S p ra 74 Rainfall 3 p m to 8 p m 0 Hours of sunshine 32 per cent of possible Hiashlna 41- Tejneeratnre sane date lag year Maximum 43 mteiaoffi 31 Temperatures in Other ClUes Temperatures in other cities tcgcthcr with the amount of rainfall for the twelve hours ended at 8 p m jesterday are as follows AWIftnc Tex AsheviHe X C Atlanta Ga Atlantic City N J RlHBarek N Dak Boston Mow nuffak X T Nashville Tcnn Charleston S O Chicago III Cincinnati Ohio Cheyenne Wyo- ClcrcUnd Ohio DaTonport Iowa Denver Cole Des Moines Iowa Detroit Mich Duluth Minn Eastport Me Galveston Tex Hatttras N C Helena Mont Huron S Dak Indianapolis led JackonTiHe Fla Jupiter FJa Rain 8 p ra fall 46 m SUn M ro 54 966 I i 4 1U 46 36 2 II 10 30 006 1S 14 11 03 31 13 Ii 033 4s i 16 10 10 T 16 16 ID It 16 4 11 041 8 0 6 22 11 14 13 11 16 OGI 16 6 16 10 16 JI 28 T 50 006 10 10 S 0 33 16 16 013 is i2 I H as Max 12 45 fl 5 w T22 056 6 25 a 2 4 020 31 04 51 6 50 03 ro > 46 M 6- y is 19 6 rl 26 36 31 23 18 IS 16 SO 31- Q 11 U 10 Kansas City Mo Key West Fit Little Rock Ark Los Angeles Cal Marquette Midi Memphis Turn New Orleans LA New York X Y Xorfolk Vi North Platte Nebr Omaha Xebr Palestine Tax Philadelphia Pa PitUbnrg Pa Portland Me Portland Oreg Salt Lake City Utah St Mo- St Paul Mimi San Frandsen Gal Springfield Ill Tacoma Wash Tampa Fla Toledo Ohio Vicksburs Miss Wichita Ivans Tide Table tide 213 a in and 319 p m low tide 9U3 a m and 1016 p m Tomorrow High tide 335 c m and 423 p m low tide 1021 a m and 1123 p m Condition of the Water Special to The Vashbicton Herald Harpers Ferry W Va Feb 17 Both rivers muddy 50 16 2 40 52 6 10 41 See the list of branch offices of the want ad department of The Washington Herald top of first column want page and get your branch firmly fixed In your memory 2l 6 i8 72 IS 2 54 2 18 010 3t 31 LOt 52 3Z or2 ei 0 2 II JG Z 001 M 25 033 16 023 001 Loots 1 aIt 3 6 12 012 46 001 j6 t ca 18 11 16 55 21 24 002 21 6 22 TodayHiGh 1 j TO Z3 3 024 20 P 26 6 oz Largcst Womens Outcrgarment Store South of New York 1106 GSt Next to Cor llth- We Court Comparison Store Hours 830 to 530 Final clearance sale reductionsY- our last opportunity today and tomorrow to secure- a winter garment at an enormous saving You must get in today or tomorrow if you would secure the ad vantage of the extraordinary reductions in prices of the remaining winter garments Such prices as are now offered will make work Tailormade suits less than cost of making 23 Suits womens misses and juniors Were 22 25 and 30 Cut to 795 40 Suits womens and misses Sold up to 50 Cut to 15 37 Suits handsome models Sold for 50 to 85 Cut to 25 Womens and misses coats greatly reduced 20 Womens and Misses Coats full lengths Sold for 15 and 18 Cut to 398 23 Womens and Misses Coats full lengths Sold up to 40 Cut to 950 II Evening Capes all lined Sold for 25 to 45 Cut to 15 12 Girls Coats sizes 6 8 and 10 years Were 800 Cut to 300 15 Girls Coats sizes 8 10 and 12 Sold up to 18 Cut to 695 2 Seal Coats 36inch length Sold for 9500 Choice 6 Ponyskin Coats 5oinch length Sold for 1000 4 3 U Silk dresses underskirts waists 6c 35 Cloth and Silk Dresses Sold for 22 ana 25 Cut to 750 30 Dresses for street and evening wear Sold up to 40 Cut to 15 Embracing messalines rajahs taffetas broadcloths and serges c all shades one or two of a 55 Taffeta Silk Underskirts all colors and black Were 5 Cut to 298 4 dozen New Lingerie Waists styles which cannot be duplicated Were 350 Cut to 198 5 dozen Taffeta Waists in all colors and ecru and white nets We 6 7 and 8 Cut to 298 I I S J 9 ¬ D A R BATTLE BEGUN Conservative Party Seeks Support for Proposed Amendments- The faction in the national society Daughters of Evol- ution yesterday arad its flrrt shot in the battle supremacy at coming elee- tkm in April In a circular litter sent to the various chapters IA this city the iuitidnrtntetr- atio party urges rapport for proposed amendments which preside that Ute ap potntment of committee members be made from among members of the national board only It Is understood the Insurgents resent UM activity of certain administra- tion leaders hindquarters who were defeated at the last election but who were designated committee members by Mrs Matthew T Scott f con enaUvo the American or the allied at ¬ ¬ The letter concludes a follows When members of the Cemtabtttal Coogroea at great expense and ia many cases at treat personal sacrifice meet nail declare their will and adjourn leaving their af fairs in the hands of the officers duly elected they are entitled to the aamrance that those officers and no others will carry out their instructions Those who have issued the petition are Mary Deaha Mary L Lockwood Mary H Willis Mary R Willcox Ida G Matttagly M E S Davis Katharine T Gerald Min- nie F Ballinger Lilian Pike Roome Drury Conway Ludlow Ellen C Wana maker Dorinda E Rogers Zillah Solo TWO SOLONS ILL Senators Tlllnmn and William Smith on Sick Lint Two members of the Senate are on sick list Senator Tlllman of South Car- olina who was taken from the Senate to M mona the Al- den ¬ ¬ ¬ his home Wednesday is suffering from a bilious attack At his last night It was said he Is rapidly recovering Senator Smith of Michigan was taken 111 on Tuesday and it was thought he would have to be operated upon for ap- pendicitis His physician Dr Louis Barth of Grand Rapids arrived last evening and will determine whether an operation is necessary FACES GRAVE CHARGE William I Fisher Held for Abduct Margaret Clare William I Fisher formerly in the gov- ernment service in Washington will be brought here in a few days from Atlantic City to face the charge of abducting Mar- garet Clare seventeen years old who has been missing from her home for several weoks Fisher was arrested yesterday at Able con about five miles from Atlantic City by Detective Burlingame who went in search of him at tho request of the par- ents of the missing girl Mrs Clare left for Atlantic City yes- terday afternoon to take charge of her daughter Burllngame arrived in Wash- ington last night after having seen Fisher in the custody of the police of Atlantic City Fisher will probably be arraigned before a United States com- missioner at the seaside resort today home here lug ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Toboidts AUCTION ROOMS 1332 G St TODAY Tomorrow and Monday 11 A M and 3 P M Fine Stock of New Furniture Lace Curtains Oriental Rugs c AUCTIONEER Phone Main 3180 W TOBOLDT bi f9 Cl Ranking of every description INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATIONCa- pital and Surplus 6500000 Interest Paid on Deposits 1414 F St Conn Ave Center Market 1136 l i J AUTO PLANT TO BE ENLARGED Carter Corporation Will Erect An other Building nt Hyattnvllle The plant of the Carter Motor Car Corporation at Hyattaville is being in creased by an additional building of the same plan as the present main building making a total floor space of 25000 square feet Orders for the material structural steel lumber and mill work have been placed for this work and the contract for the iron work has been awarded to Dietrich Brothers Of Baltimore Md Good headway will be made in the next three weeks and It Is expected that the structure will be completed by spring The enlarged plant will give the factory- a production capacity of ten cars per day This daily output will mean a total of ZOCQ cars per year at total valuation of more than 5000000 This production is necessary to supply the agents through out the country with Washington cars The Carter Motor Car Corporation manu- facturers of this car have been unable heretofore to meet the demand owing to the size of the present plant and this has caused them to lose a number of orders for cars one order alone being for 7 cars valued at JleSOOO In addition the Southern market Is be coming an exceptionally good one and it Is with this end in view that the plant Is being enlarged It Is a greet credit to this city to see a plant of this kind flour ishing so near here as it adds materially- to the progress of this city and shows that manufacturing is profitable SENATE TALKS RECLAMATION Carter Hopes Administration Bill Will Pass l r Tuesday The Senate devoted an hour yesterday- to the consideration of the bill authorizing the issuance by the government of certifi cates of indebtedness to run ten years and draw 3 por cent Interest payable quarterly Interest and principal to be guaranteed by the government the pro ceeds to be used to complete existing reclamation projects Senator Carter who reported the bill expressed the hope that It would pass not later than next Monday The money is to be in the nature of a loan by the government to be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of public lands reclaimed The measure Is an administration bill In his Western trip last year President Taft camo out in one of his speeches in favor of government aid to facilitate the completion of the existing reclamation projects Later Senator Borah of Idaho introduced a bill authorizing the Issuance of certificates of Indebtedness to the amount of 530000000 and after a talk with the President secured a promise from Mr Taft that he would recommend the loan In his annual message which he did Senator Carter reported the bill from his committee last week In the debate yes- terday the passage of tho measure was advocated by nearly all the Senators from the semiarid States speeches being made by Senators Borah and Heyburn of Idaho Warren of Wyoming Sutherland of Utah Flint of California Jones Of Washington and Newlands of Nevada a I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Overcome by Gas Mrs George W Hunton of Warrenton Va widow of George W Hunton was found unconscious In her room at 1337 L street northwest last evening from the effects of gas flowing from a small stove She was revived by Leigh G Baker If tho OB flavoring has been fosottcn when m k- ing the bitter try sprinkling the required amount over the cake aa it stands in the before baiing tan 41 CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES OI unrinled quality in tin stock of Christian Xanders TiLE FAMILY QUALITT ROUSE QOQ7fhQf TbowM si- v houses SPECIAL NOTICES I NEVER DISAPPOINT Prompt Printing Needs you mum to do win the results of tomarrow Dont kt yru- busiww wait for slow printer to is ct what you want when TW want BYRON H ADAMS 1RIXTER- Sogsesler of G d Things 512 11th street AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE- Get Our Rates RALPH W LEE Commercial Think Building 700716 14th STREET H W Phone Main 2O40 Where Briefs and Motions Are Printed Best The Print Shop otters printing srrtee that is in merit is featured done promptly neatly and oarrecUf Judd C Detweiler Inc THE BIG PRINT SHOP 42022 11TH ST DIED MILLER On February 17 1910 at 1 oclock a m S MILLER husband of Nellie Miller nee Santry Funeral will take place from his latt residence 121 Seaton street northeast at 830 oclock Saturday February 19 thence to St Martins Church where requiem mass will be said at 9 oclock for the repose of his soul WISEXER Suddenly on Wednesday February 16 1910 at m L AUGUSTUS beloved husband of Ella Wisener nee Sullivan Funeral from his late residence 255 N street northwest on Saturday Febru- ary 19 at 9 oclock a m mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 930 Relatives and friends Invited Interment private- at Mount Ollvet Cemetery the memory of JAMES A K MOORE son of J A K and B Moore who departed this life three years ago today 18 1910 FUNERAL DESIGNS FUNERAL FLOWERS- Of Description Moderately Priced GUDE Fcteral Designs Baneral Designs GEO C SHAFFER Beautlfnl floral designs rcry rasoeaMe in prior Phone 2I1C Slain Mth Eye nw m n1tU P II m 11111111 111111 Ua t H ii n ti if if braD mm1nU1m t Cane and it Legal Jd Uag Work J IN MEMORIAM MOORETo beloved Every rob II II- if 4 a Big Feb- ruary > ¬ > FUNERAL DIRECTORS J WILLIAM LEE Funeral Director and Embalmer Uteri in connection Comiaodion Chapel and Modern Crematorium Modest 332 Pennsjltanla are nw Telephone Main 135 GEORGE P ZURHORST 201 Beset Capitol Street Largest Morning Circulation prices

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-02-18 [p 2].€¦ · THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY FEBRUARY...

Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-02-18 [p 2].€¦ · THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY FEBRUARY 18 1910 j U tTli- z p TRIAL FOR NAVY OF MEYER PLAN Secretary Wins Point Before


U tTli-z p



Secretary Wins Point BeforeHouse Committee


Rear Admiral Rodgcra HandledWithout Gloves at Hearlnj Cabi-

net Officer Denies that PaymasterGeneral Invented CostkeepingSystem at Yards Shot at Cone

At the executive session of the HouseCommittee on Naval Affairs yesterdaySecretary of the Navy Meyer appeared-to make his last appeal for the adoptionof his plan of naval reorganization Itwas as lively a session as any that bodyhas held since the controversy along thisline warmed up with the convening ofCongress

Secretary Meyer went after Rear Admiral Rodgers the naval paymaster general and handled him without glovesHe flatly contradicted Admiral Rodgersstatement before the Naval Affairs Com-

mittee that he was the inventor of thecost keeping system at navy yards andalso took exception to his assertion thatthe system was in operation In eightyards According to the Secretary thesystem is in operation in only one yardand not completely at that

Discussing Admiral Rodgers testimony-to the effect that the system cost noth-ing Secretary Meyer insisted that as amatter of fact It had already cost 520000

for its partial installation In the one yardreferred would costmore before In complete working order

Cnpps Indorsed PlanAnother Interesting feature of th ses-

sion was the presentation to the committee by Secretary Meyer of an official indorsement of the substance of the Meyerplan from Chief Constructor Capps whoIs now so bitterly opposed to it

This was a recommendation from thechief constructor that authority overhulls and machinery be divided in thenavy yards and was made to the thenSecretary of tho Navy some years agobefore the Newberry plan went into ef-

fect and before the chief constructorenjoyed the complete power which ha didunder

toBostonand 12000











According to those members of the com-mittee who look with favor on

plan and who have been standingthe Secretary he took the testimony

given by Chief Constructor Capps withreference to the naval organization meth-ods in British and German navy yardsand was able to demonstrate that notonly did Mr Capps figures and factsbear out his conclusions but that as amatter of fact the matter lie presentedamounted substantially to proof that thoplan proposed by the Secretary Is rightin line with the very latest schemes inuse In the naY yards of the two governments mentioned

Proves Something IH WrongTaking the controversy which grew out

of the varying facts and figures presentedby Chief Constructor Capps and RearAdmiral Hutch Cone chief of the Bureaucf Steam Engineering as a basis MrMeyer insisted that this very propositionproved that something was wrong underthe present system and that a changewas Imperative He pointed out that Inasmuch as tho Bureau of Steam Engineering whose money was being spent for acertain purpose with responsibility resting In the bureau had one set of figuresand the Bureau of Construction whichwas spending the money but was not re-sponsible had another sets pass-Ing through the managing constructor incharge of a yardthat It was high tfmesome change was made to correct thepossibility of such conditions continuingto exist

At the conclusion of the session apublican member of the committtee wusually knows what he is talking aboutsaid that the committee stood approximately 2 to 1 In favor of the plan proposed by the Secretary and that he wouldbe authorized to put It Into complete op-eration for one year


3Iaj Gen Carter Detailed Memberof General Stat Corps

Maj Gen William H Carter U S Anow in command of the Department ofLuzon of the Philippines division hasbeen detailed by the War Department amember of the General Staff Corps suc-ceeding Brig Gen William W Wotherspoon recently relieved Gen Carter hasbeen directed to report in Washington forduty He was one of the candidates fordetail as Chief of Staff of the army beforethe selection of Maj Gen Leonard WoodI1 S A

Gen Wood now undergoing treatment-at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Balti-more Is improving and he will be able toleave the hospital probably within a weekor so

ChnrRCK Against OfficialCharges were filed at the Department

of Justice yesterday against UnitedStates District Attorney George GrIgsbyof Nome Alaska The complainantJaphet Lindberg who has been litigant-in tho United States District Court atNome Officials of the department re-fused to make public the charges i

largest Morning Circulation




















olutely Fireproof-

Our modern warehouse of-

fers every safeguard for thestorage of valuable furniturepianos luggage and works ofart

Private Rooms 2 UpEstimates on Request

Merchants Transferand Storage Co

920922 E St

Phone M 6900



Thin chair in exactly

like cat la Holla oak

with shaped wood

good finish and con

fttrnctlon AH attractive

nil It looks and a realbargain nt 185

When in Doubt Buy of

HOUSE 6 HERRMANNSeventh and I Eye Sts N W


ife is pretty cheap and yellow and it often bores a fellow if

he thinks about his troubles through the long and weary day if

he talks about his sorrows laying bets that all tomorrows will be

just as stale and somber just as grewsome and as gray Ah the

world is what we make it if we fuss around and rake it hustling

for a crop of trouble well have windrows high and wide but itwill not pay for reaping and the thrashers will be weeping when

they see the scurvy harvest that has been your boast and pride Ifyou fire all thoughts of sadness and go raking round for gladness-

if you just insist that worry take its grip and trunk and roam youare sure to find the mowing pays for all the work and sowing andthe thrashers will be whooping on the day of Harvest Home All

my metaphors are tangled and this rhyme is badly jangled but

youll doubtless catch its meaning if you use a hook and line do

not mind the ills that bore you nor the clouds that threaten oeryou every day provides its solace and tomorrow will be fine

Copyright 1910 by George Matthew Adams WALT MASON


ThisSql d Oak







Speaks at Annual Dinner of Armyand Navy Branch

Officers of District National GuardAttend Banquet Mr Mucfar

land the ToastmaRtcr

It is a great thing for the officers andmen in the service to meet under thoconditions afforded by the Young MensChristian Association and because of thepeculiar effectiveness of the work theresults cannot be other than beneficialfrom a moral educational and spiritualstandpoint

With these words Secretary of WarDickinson closed his address at the annual dinner of the Army and Navy

Branch of the Y M C A last evening4lore than 150 members of the District

National Guard attended the banquetwhich was served in the assembly roomof the Y M C A Building FormerCommissioner Macfarland acted as toast-master

Gen Miles felicitated the members andofficers of the association on the workbeing done saying among other thingsthat no company is more desirable thanthe company of brave men and that

the welcome of the Y M C A is thewelcome of good men

Other speakers were Admiral BarkerGen Harries W B Millar army secreary of the International commission of theY M C A George Otis Smith presi

of the Y M C A and H Bradleypavldson

A delightful menu was served andmusic was furnished during the eveningby the Fifteenth Cavalry Orchestra un-

der the direction of Chief MusicianGeorge Tyrell

jne guests of honor were Joseph MDickinson Secretary of War H B FMacfarland Gen Nelson A Miles Ad-

miral A S Barker Gen H Harries District of Columbia NationalGuard W B Millar army secretaryinternational commission Y M C ACol Joseph Garrard Col W E HarveyLieut col William C Langfitt LieutCol Henry C Davis Lieut CommanderGuy H Burrage Chaplain George HRobinson Capt George C BarnhardtCapt Warren W Whiteside Capt Henry-C Smither Capt T N Horn Capt Howard H Bailey Capt George W MosesGeorge Otis Smith president Y M C AWilliam Knowles Cooper Stacey HBriant H Bradley Davidson Fred HFishback Percy H Foster A E LLeckle Charles K Ober William JessopMyron J Jones Charles E Barker MD Dr John Wesley Hill and Arthur-L Smith secretary Army and Navy YM C A


Employes of AMHCKMorM Office Reg-ister Arrival In Morning

Employes of the assessors office withthe exception of the assessor himself andthe assistant assessors are now registering the time of their arrival in themorning A time clock has been installedby Assessor Richards It bears the

Those who are five minutes late domore to upset the order or tho worldthan all the anarchists













Not a single emploY yesterday placedhimself in a class with the bombthrowers-It is said however that they are notenthusiastic over the innovation


Commissioners to Hold an EveningSession nt District Building

To obtain an insight of the needs ofthe District the Commissioners will hearrepresentatives of citizen associations inthe Municipal Building on the evening ofFebruary 21

Citizens associations have become sothe attendance of members of

the board at their meetings means alarge draft on the Commissioners timeand they have taken another means tobecome acquainted with conditions Eachbody Is expected to have a spokesman atthe


Recent portraits comprising tome of the bestseen this winter in Waahinstcm will exhibitedby Wlhelm Punk in the Hemlcyds Hall of theCorcoran Gallery of Art February 23 until March 5

Chin Constructor Can who h HIfor tereral reeks resumed his official duties at theNaiy Department yesterday

Largest Morning Circulation







Presidents Owen Owens and P JFoley Guests of Honor

O E Ryder of Merchant TailorExchange Makes an Addroa

Oilier Members Speak

Community of interest between the Merchant Tailors Exchange and the CustomCutters Club was the slogan at a banquet given last night at the Hotel Gordon Owen Owens president of the National Association of Morchant Tailors ofAmerica and P J Foley president ofthe International Custom Cutters Association of America were the guests ofhonor

0 E Ryder president of the MerchantTailors Exchange of this city acted astoastmaster After announcing that thenext convention of the merchant tailorswill be held In this city in February1S11 Mr Ryder introduced Mr Owens

spoke in favor of the organizationeffected in New York-

J Fred Gatohell Harry J Lee P JFoley J C Wineman 0 G Medlier LA Downey and Mr Greisbauor alsospoke fc

Members of the Merchant Tailors Ex-change aro George C Bergllng J DBurns Co John J Costinett Campbell Rydar Carlson Brothers Joseph RCostinett L A Downey B J Foley JA Grelsbauer J Fred Gatchell IGeracl A Ghiselll Co F J Heiberger George Herold John G HaasGeorge E Hebbard George T KeenHarry J Lee J D McConville NorrisJohanson Owen Owens Edwin Potbury-E H Snyder J M Stein G WarfieldSimpson John Waldman J C Wineman Co H L Kauffman and F SFinkelstein

Members of the Custom Cuttersare F J Foley J W Campbell

J D McConville L A Downey CharlosT Neil Hugh Zea E B Theil 0 EJohanson Joseph Costinett R Ben Boemar I Geraci C Simon s Goldstein LE Reed B J Foley M Pipitone George-E Hebbard O E Ryder and J C Wineman

The Merchant Tailors Exchange willhold a meeting next Wednesday night inthe Bond Building for the election of

Tomorrow night the Custom Cut-

ters Association will hold their regularmeeting


Committee May Have to Make CloneExamination

Auditor Tweedale sees a big task aheadfor the fireman and police pension fundinvestigating committee of which heFire Chief Wagner and Maj Sylvesterare members He said yesterday that ifthe committee had to examine closelyinto the fund it would be necessary tomake a statement showing the averagelives and ages of pensioners and othersimilar matters that would take a long-time to complete

There is not enough to pay the pensioners In full this month Mrs WilliamCaton wife of the late fire departmentdriver has not yet applied for a pension-It is probable that when she does a Q

allowance will be recommended

t who

















largest Morning Circulation

Capital and Surplus 2 ooooo

A Strong InterestPaying Banki-s the best place for your surplusmoney Banking dept of thiscompany pays interest on all accounts Deposits subject to checkGovt supervisionSafe Deposit Boxes rented 5 yr up

Union Trust CoEDWARD J 8TELLWAGEN President

15tk and H N WSt


JrtadrizTroopsEiigageBebelsUnder Gen Alena


Results Not Learned Though It IB

Reported the lleideKers Were 30O

Strong nUll Slept on Their AnusDuring M ht Ilct niuln the TireWhen Daybreak Arrived

Managua Fob 17 According to an of-

ficial report issued late this afternoonGen Vasquoz the government com-

mander with 300 troops attacked GenMona yesterday afternoon at San Vicentesome twenty miles east of Acoyapa Thefighting continued until darkness Thetroops on both sldos slept on their armsAt daylight this morning the hos-

tilities were renewed The result Is notstated Gen Mona is stated to be at thehead of at least 1200 and it is this thatcauses some doubt as to the truthfulnessof the report that Gen Vasquez withonly onequarter that number of soldiersattacked him It is stated however thatVasquez was seeking to prevent a junc-tion between Gens Mena and Chamorro-at Chantales which was the apparent ob-

jective of Gen Mona Reanforcementshurriedly dispatched to Gen Vas

quos todayZclaya Debt Held Valid

After a hot discussion today the national assembly passed a bill makingvalid the debt Incurred in 1686 by therevolutionists when Zolaya seized thePresidency The opponents of tho billclaimed that if It were adopted it wouldbreak up the Liberal party The bill nowawaits the signature of President Madrlz

The political situation is greasy strainedand matters threaten to reach the breaking point It is reported that tho rela-tions between Madrlz and Minister Genoral Baca are such that the latter islikely to retire from office shortly

Lieut Commander Symington who isthe bearer a letter from Rear AdmiralKimball to Gen Chamorro has failed tofind the general at Matagalpa whichlonds color to the roport that ha hasmoved to form a Junction with GenMena t Chan tales
















U S Dept of ApieolJore WntberWashington Tfaonxfey Febratry 17 lMft8 p m-

Tbf Rolf term central r W t ra Xorth-Caroitm TTiomUy night and aortas in northeoMerir tired km This dirtarbMCe caused ipeejalprecipitation during the tot twtntrfeur hours hithe Mtaaferfn Valkgr and all rtstoo at thereofLad in the West null Stats were heavyBBOWS hi Middle MfeaMpi sad Ohio Valleysawl rain snow in the Middle Atlantis sad NewBodied hints sad In the West hilt States Ratesand thmdetrtacTM coromd to South Atlanticand Halt Gulf States High wind were reportedfrom Gttir and Atlantk emits Ttnmdajr coooerntejf wind tbipptag ted prertowMy sdrfeed

A marked fall in tMniwnture ha taken place inthe MWdte Atlantic and EMIt GnU Toniwwee and the lm MiMidpyi Valley

teneralr fair weathrr with slowly rising tooperaia reported tree the PMns States and the

rjiow west timed except ta Idahe Western Mon-tana WMhtotfea and Orefm where there wererates and SBOW

The Southern storm will moTe npidly northeastwaidlr attended br general twnre Friday in theNorth Atlantic States the Lowr Lake region andthe Upper Valley and rate or snow foilovpd-bjr eiearing match colder weather throusfaoat-th Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic andGulf States Colder weather is ako indicated forSouthern New England The will be fairSaturday throughout the Eastern States and Fridaysad ftitwnky in null States the LowerValley the Upper Lake region the MiMifflrpni Val-ley the Lower Plains States and the citrusSwthwMt The weather will hocus wwsUkd

in the Northern Pklna States ti Xertbern-Reeky Mountain sad Middle PteJean nxfefuu Trherathere will IB local BBOWS Friday sight or S tsrliar

The tonrerUnro will rim somewhat fat the WestGulf States the Mlssfcrfppi Valley the HatesStates and Rocky Mountain region during Friday and Saturday

Cold wave miulusi hare been bowed fer theMiddle and South Atlantic States except SouthernFlorida Haatera Tcnn soe a tcm West Virginiasad the RAn Gulf States

Storm warnings are dfafJayed on the xwtfrom Orleans to Key WiN and thence onthe Atlantic oowt to EsMport

The winds the New Hngtand meet will behigh easterly shiftlnR to uorthwesterly on the Mid-dle Atlantic cDont high on the SouthAtlantic coast high west and northwest on theEAt Gulf malt hich northwestorly on the WestGulf mast light nriabk on Mkblgaa lightto moderate rariabte-

Stcaaers departing Friday for European portswill have blab northwest ned west winds and rainK anow fdkwed by fair weather to the GraadBanks






the Oil

otc tew
















LoCal TemperatureMidnight 41 2 a ra 43 4 a m 41 6 a ra 30

8 a m 31 M a m 41 IS noon p 47 4p m 41 6 p m 40 8 p in 37 10 PL m 37-

MaitaMtm 18 mlniattci 35

Relative hratditj S a m S3 2 p HL 69 Sp ra 74 Rainfall 3 p m to 8 p m 0 Hoursof sunshine 32 per cent of possible Hiashlna 41-

Tejneeratnre sane date lag year Maximum 43mteiaoffi 31

Temperatures in Other ClUesTemperatures in other cities tcgcthcr with the

amount of rainfall for the twelve hours ended at 8p m jesterday are as follows

AWIftnc TexAsheviHe X CAtlanta GaAtlantic City N JRlHBarek N DakBoston Mownuffak X TNashville TcnnCharleston S OChicago IIICincinnati OhioCheyenne Wyo-ClcrcUnd OhioDaTonport IowaDenver ColeDes Moines IowaDetroit MichDuluth MinnEastport MeGalveston TexHatttras N CHelena MontHuron S DakIndianapolis ledJackonTiHe FlaJupiter FJa

Rain8 p ra fall

46 m


M ro 54 966I i 4 1U46 362 II 10

30 0061S 14 11 0331 13 Ii 033

4s i16 10 10 T

16 16ID It16 4 11 0418 0 6

2211 14

13 11 16 OGI16 6

16 10 16JI 28 T

50 00610 10

S 033 16 16 013is i2 IH as



fl 5


T22 0566

25 a2



04 51




46M 6-y is196


36 3123 18IS 16SO 31-

Q 11

U 10

Kansas City MoKey West FitLittle Rock ArkLos Angeles CalMarquette MidiMemphis TurnNew Orleans LANew York X YXorfolk ViNorth Platte NebrOmaha XebrPalestine TaxPhiladelphia PaPitUbnrg PaPortland MePortland OregSalt Lake City UtahSt Mo-

St Paul MimiSan Frandsen GalSpringfield IllTacoma WashTampa FlaToledo OhioVicksburs MissWichita Ivans

Tide Tabletide 213 a in and 319 p m low

tide 9U3 a m and 1016 p mTomorrow High tide 335 c m and 423 p m

low tide 1021 a m and 1123 p m

Condition of the WaterSpecial to The Vashbicton Herald

Harpers Ferry W Va Feb 17 Both riversmuddy


16 240 52

6 1041

See the list of branch offices of thewant ad department of The WashingtonHerald top of first column want pageand get your branch firmly fixed Inyour memory

2l 6i8 72

IS2 54

218 010

3t 31 LOt52 3Z or2

ei0 2II

JG Z 001M25 03316 023


Loots 1 aIt36

12 01246 001j6 t ca18 11 1655 21 24 00221 6 22




Z3 3 024






Largcst Womens Outcrgarment Store South of New York



to Corllth-

We Court ComparisonStore Hours 830 to 530

Final clearance sale reductionsY-our last opportunity today and tomorrow to secure-

a winter garment at an enormous savingYou must get in today or tomorrow if you would secure the ad

vantage of the extraordinary reductions in prices of the remaining wintergarments Such prices as are now offered will make work

Tailormade suits less than cost of making23 Suits womens misses and juniors Were 22 25 and 30 Cut to 79540 Suits womens and misses Sold up to 50 Cut to 15

37 Suits handsome models Sold for 50 to 85 Cut to 25

Womens and misses coats greatly reduced20 Womens and Misses Coats full lengths Sold for 15 and 18 Cut to 39823 Womens and Misses Coats full lengths Sold up to 40 Cut to 950II Evening Capes all lined Sold for 25 to 45 Cut to 1512 Girls Coats sizes 6 8 and 10 years Were 800 Cut to 30015 Girls Coats sizes 8 10 and 12 Sold up to 18 Cut to 695

2 Seal Coats 36inch length Sold for 9500 Choice

6 Ponyskin Coats 5oinch length Sold for 1000 4 3 U

Silk dresses underskirts waists 6c35 Cloth and Silk Dresses Sold for 22 ana 25 Cut to 75030 Dresses for street and evening wear Sold up to 40 Cut to 15 Embracing messalines

rajahs taffetas broadcloths and serges c all shades one or two of a55 Taffeta Silk Underskirts all colors and black Were 5 Cut to 2984 dozen New Lingerie Waists styles which cannot be duplicated Were 350 Cut to 1985 dozen Taffeta Waists in all colors and ecru and white nets We 6 7 and 8 Cut

to 298



SJ 9



Conservative Party Seeks Support

for Proposed Amendments-

The faction in the nationalsociety Daughters of Evol-

ution yesterday arad its flrrt shot in thebattle supremacy at coming elee-

tkm in AprilIn a circular litter sent to the various

chapters IA this city the iuitidnrtntetr-atio party urges rapport for proposed

amendments which preside that Ute appotntment of committee members be madefrom among members of the nationalboard only

It Is understood the Insurgentsresent UM activity of certain administra-tion leaders hindquarters who weredefeated at the last election but whowere designated committee members byMrs Matthew T Scott


con enaUvothe American

or the





The letter concludes a follows Whenmembers of the Cemtabtttal Coogroea atgreat expense and ia many cases attreat personal sacrifice meet nail declaretheir will and adjourn leaving their affairs in the hands of the officers dulyelected they are entitled to the aamrancethat those officers and no others willcarry out their instructions

Those who have issued the petition areMary Deaha Mary L Lockwood Mary HWillis Mary R Willcox Ida G MatttaglyM E S Davis Katharine T Gerald Min-

nie F Ballinger Lilian Pike RoomeDrury Conway Ludlow Ellen C Wanamaker Dorinda E Rogers Zillah Solo


Senators Tlllnmn and WilliamSmith on Sick Lint

Two members of the Senate are onsick list Senator Tlllman of South Car-

olina who was taken from the Senate to









his home Wednesday is suffering froma bilious attack At his last nightIt was said he Is rapidly recovering

Senator Smith of Michigan was taken111 on Tuesday and it was thought hewould have to be operated upon for ap-

pendicitis His physician Dr LouisBarth of Grand Rapids arrived lastevening and will determine whether anoperation is necessary


William I Fisher Held for AbductMargaret Clare

William I Fisher formerly in the gov-

ernment service in Washington will bebrought here in a few days from AtlanticCity to face the charge of abducting Mar-garet Clare seventeen years old who hasbeen missing from her home for severalweoks

Fisher was arrested yesterday at Ablecon about five miles from Atlantic Cityby Detective Burlingame who went insearch of him at tho request of the par-ents of the missing girl

Mrs Clare left for Atlantic City yes-terday afternoon to take charge of herdaughter Burllngame arrived in Wash-ington last night after having seenFisher in the custody of the police ofAtlantic City Fisher will probably bearraigned before a United States com-

missioner at the seaside resort today












1332 G St

TODAYTomorrow and Monday

11 A M and 3 P M

Fine Stock ofNew FurnitureLace CurtainsOriental Rugs c


Phone Main 3180




Ranking of every description



pital and Surplus 6500000

Interest Paid on Deposits

1414 F St Conn Ave Center Market1136

l i



Carter Corporation Will Erect Another Building nt Hyattnvllle

The plant of the Carter Motor CarCorporation at Hyattaville is being increased by an additional building of thesame plan as the present main buildingmaking a total floor space of 25000 squarefeet Orders for the material structuralsteel lumber and mill work have beenplaced for this work and the contractfor the iron work has been awarded toDietrich Brothers Of Baltimore MdGood headway will be made in the nextthree weeks and It Is expected that thestructure will be completed by spring

The enlarged plant will give the factory-a production capacity of ten cars per dayThis daily output will mean a total ofZOCQ cars per year at total valuation ofmore than 5000000 This production isnecessary to supply the agents throughout the country with Washington carsThe Carter Motor Car Corporation manu-facturers of this car have been unableheretofore to meet the demand owing tothe size of the present plant and thishas caused them to lose a number oforders for cars one order alone being for7 cars valued at JleSOOO

In addition the Southern market Is becoming an exceptionally good one and itIs with this end in view that the plant Isbeing enlarged It Is a greet credit tothis city to see a plant of this kind flourishing so near here as it adds materially-to the progress of this city and showsthat manufacturing is profitable


Carter Hopes Administration BillWill Pass l r Tuesday

The Senate devoted an hour yesterday-to the consideration of the bill authorizingthe issuance by the government of certificates of indebtedness to run ten yearsand draw 3 por cent Interest payablequarterly Interest and principal to beguaranteed by the government the proceeds to be used to complete existingreclamation projects Senator Carter whoreported the bill expressed the hope thatIt would pass not later than next MondayThe money is to be in the nature of aloan by the government to be repaidfrom the proceeds of the sale of publiclands reclaimed

The measure Is an administration billIn his Western trip last year PresidentTaft camo out in one of his speeches infavor of government aid to facilitate thecompletion of the existing reclamationprojects Later Senator Borah of Idahointroduced a bill authorizing the Issuanceof certificates of Indebtedness to theamount of 530000000 and after a talk withthe President secured a promise fromMr Taft that he would recommend theloan In his annual message which he didSenator Carter reported the bill from hiscommittee last week In the debate yes-

terday the passage of tho measure wasadvocated by nearly all the Senators fromthe semiarid States speeches being madeby Senators Borah and Heyburn ofIdaho Warren of Wyoming Sutherlandof Utah Flint of California Jones Of

Washington and Newlands of Nevada












Overcome by GasMrs George W Hunton of Warrenton

Va widow of George W Hunton wasfound unconscious In her room at 1337

L street northwest last evening from theeffects of gas flowing from a small stoveShe was revived by Leigh G Baker

If tho OB flavoring has been fosottcn when m k-

ing the bitter try sprinkling the required amountover the cake aa it stands in the before baiingtan


BRANDIESOI unrinled qualityin tin stock of


QOQ7fhQf TbowM si-v houses


Prompt Printing Needsyou mum to do win

the results of tomarrow Dont kt yru-busiww wait for slow printer to isct what you want when TW want

BYRON H ADAMS 1RIXTER-Sogsesler of G d Things 512 11th street


Get Our Rates

RALPH W LEECommercial Think Building

700716 14th STREET H W

Phone Main 2O40

Where Briefs and MotionsAre Printed Best

The Print Shop otters printing srrtee thatis in merit is featured

done promptly neatly and oarrecUf

Judd C Detweiler IncTHE BIG PRINT SHOP 42022 11TH ST

DIEDMILLER On February 17 1910 at 1

oclock a m S MILLERhusband of Nellie Miller nee Santry

Funeral will take place from his lattresidence 121 Seaton street northeastat 830 oclock Saturday February 19thence to St Martins Church whererequiem mass will be said at 9 oclockfor the repose of his soul

WISEXER Suddenly on WednesdayFebruary 16 1910 at m LAUGUSTUS beloved husband of EllaWisener nee Sullivan

Funeral from his late residence 255 Nstreet northwest on Saturday Febru-ary 19 at 9 oclock a mmass at the Church of the ImmaculateConception at 930 Relatives andfriends Invited Interment private-at Mount Ollvet Cemetery

the memory of JAMES AK MOORE son of JA K and B Moore who departedthis life three years ago today

18 1910


FUNERAL FLOWERS-Of Description Moderately Priced


Fcteral Designs Baneral Designs

GEO C SHAFFERBeautlfnl floral designs rcry rasoeaMe in priorPhone 2I1C Slain Mth Eye nw

m n1tU P II m 11111111 111111 Ua


ii nti

ifif braD



Caneand it

Legal Jd UagWork















J WILLIAM LEE Funeral Directorand Embalmer Uteri in connection Comiaodion

Chapel and Modern Crematorium Modest332 Pennsjltanla are nw Telephone Main 135

GEORGE P ZURHORST201 Beset Capitol Street

Largest Morning Circulation
