Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-08-06 [p ]. · A PAPER OF QUALITY THE WASHINGTON NO 669...

A PAPER OF QUALITY THE WASHINGTON NO 669 WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY AUGUST 6 LARGEST MORNING D CIRCULATION Q TWO CENTS HERALD 1908TWELVE PAGES 1 AT IB Second Trial of Dirigible Proves a Revelation AERONAUTS INTERESTED Knafcenshue Declares New Ma- chine Is a Marvel lakes Two Flights Without Hitch or Accident and Obeys Every Movement of Both Rudder and Planer Make Estimated Speed of Twentyflve Miles an Hour Will Try for Higher Speed Rising as gracafally as a swaa 369 Teet into tbe air ctadtofr rising again Capt dirigible yesterday clustvely thaa it vous day that It is a nieceog iron every possible point of view Roy Knsbsnsbnr whose reputattea as aa accomnUabed and experienced aero- naut gives his expert and his enth Felt into tile Baldwin after tile ship had been safely enter a race Mr r of the ground untfl It came under the guiding hand of Ms directly at tile month of the beg la which it fe kept Speed Twentyfive Allies Twentynve miles aa hoW very bK lie said aa tike op aflaaMC the wind M feet above the parade ground at Fort X operates the ptls the the trip that at no was flying had be is capable of Mttav SS torn about the crank shaft la that length of time We not trying for speed Capt Baldwin a newspaper were merely ship and I think I rear say that wo ba- It down to tea potato To make a tat c the under ea y ae oae might say is any l a non I believe that our I Flight Again Evening Capt would machinery yerwecmg Its acUoa for the test and that no flight wovJd be made before this evening Three who de- sire to see tile airship try can be sure of axe if they roach the fort about i There The airship was taken oat of tins teat at oclock teat evening and after a P between Capt Baldwin 3r- i nss and tbdr aasistacta it was ri i TO make a abort flight to perfect balance of the snip Accordingly at ocr tile bin Byer was released by r desire to be off r making a circle of tile iT urd s fSt at no minute previously A jtment of the balfHioaen sand bags hich are used ac ballandng welgtiUi was made and at Engineer Cnrtlmr littte nacre air wa pumped envelope to AH out the K llmiin t oclock as Baldwin waved 3 or 3M specta and then bsgaa a series of evotatton brMtgkt spontaneous wtUm nf admiration from experts and movie alike Skip Dees Circus Stunts an that was roughly estimated at V feet ihe big canvas rudder ootrtd be seen stew hands of the skipper cad that direction circle turn pmt pack before tile wtod at spectator the speed of an express tnria Ever and anon her gray aose would dip slightly toward the earth as tbe planes oa the forward part of the framework looking for an the world DIce two bt box kites were manipulated by 3r Car BALDWIN HAS SHIP GON1MAND and p9sldatas Ieoa 111 crated done tile pre the c- an at lee to god words to probe the big par fnagy result It msde to CaIIL roused tm tile sisht Well BaIdwta I wonihst to that watered tile ue It Wt apIa nil ship Yet Glen Curtis wins 80IIDe wbIcIi ul upon after ue while the irgooa- l run tile hater than a minute although It were jOIDed tile eIrcIe of d sky woe pafettles our of tile shall of which is capable d tt draft e lie BaIdwtII added that this morn- ing be spt m ovtrtanieg the out her speed not the a wind bowing WIleD COlt- on tie f Corps men woo had restrained J paw hs eIemeat and c down again al whence she had siigbt read a JIlt Capt a f goodby to the tars the pm rose Into the air When the had reached turning to the Met under the instsatty r6 pond tile ship swsag readily ja perlormiag a a spanking clip lit what seemed to Ute tS a d Thomas o tta trosi lkighi even mere doa had O optnioes ant odty was a ade- quate fQer remaric wt a Oet aaehoe every assse hr hip from she to 1sveler test sage easstraeted se engine pro veseet aUgt g propmer toe revelations aided be a men sklppma cost wt speed She to dayra psdm ore Yyectatiow will Burped This and miuh perform v clock was stilt l Sgral parade wan beesslt spot atarkd w ro- ast the 44r ahng 11 airship which cool alt trade ii gldtg gray and ¬ reversed rise three rated up asa the ioore tIle parade ground sow and then by way of variety performing a smaller circle or semicircle inside bee gener- al course And each movement of tbe tig ship as the watching people below could ready see was preceded by the action of ladder or planes which bring about tbat air about nine minutes and had been brought to wIthin a hundred feet of ihe ground Capt Baldwin shouted down lr the waiting Signal Corps men that be would land near the and as they across the ground for the Ms can- vas house the balloon sailing aa straight a Taught rope mouth distanced tile caught by there of ci while the steenaaa and tile engin- eer clambered cut Capt Baldwin Delighted As Capt Baldwin was about to leap to rth be stopped his face his with tile part turning to This this part of tile M i fm for this evening And amid tile Uagbter and applause of s hearers he clambered out and directed Continued on rage 5 Comm C Edge Grain ortfla Flooring 0 Per fecc T Then the direction of tile 1 lid would beIIg re tile Skip t instant PWY time Fully doeea tImeS he veuel lIB KregWar circle would when tile ship had been In tile tent r the as it It had been sliding c wn anchored lit aDd rmg wtthln a 1IIw feet of the earth s a and pinup co pet tile cut a chuckle ladies and r 0 eo pianen would slip evalotMas teotantly and responding on a described movement Finally aced f opening the tens runners bands abow- g dei tint of- j and apecttirs ailed with told gmtlepea loo tDhe ¬ ¬ ¬ < = WEATHER FORECAST For the District of Columbia and warmer today Tomorrow fair Light southwesterly winds HERALD NEWS SUMMARY Pages TELEGRAPHIC 1 Three Killed ta Kentucky Fead 1 Bryan to Speak in Minnesota Aug C 1 Woman Migat Try Sheath Gown 1 Cowtoctor HeM for Hauling Man Free Zeppelins Airship Destroyed 4Senator Allison to Be Busied Saturday 4 VlntfBta Lawyers Xarae Capt W 4Cowberd Cttme Mteooarl Sforar Ilsiilmabiag Horse Show OB i- Drys Open Seesfem at PareeBvflta- 11McCre May Quit Pennsylvania LOCAL 1 Baldwin Agate Flies DiriglWe War Starts at River Fert side Against the Hasers 2 Kyto Answers Wifes Stateeaeats 4 lowans Are Fighting Ciimmla- sBonapartes Office SHyattaviHe Has Stabbing Affray KHeadersoa Funeral Pleas Made eOHte Inhabitants In Seeks FREIGHT RATES TO INCREASE Roads Outwit States In a Federal Court Atlanta Ga Aug i Higher freight are to go late well aa other States ia tbe Southeast at I Federal Judge Speer roads from patting tbe before United Stales Circuit Judge Don Pantee who Is spend leg the scanner at Asbevfife X C and asking for an appeal and la The appttcatioH which was attorneys representing Ute Southern Railway the LowtsrUJ- ertasfcvilk and Atlantic Coast UM of the railroads pe of Ute nattar TIle btgber rates will aow b- OB by tbe Iatoutat Commerce Oc Orient Rates to Rise I Portland Ores Ann 5 Freight rates w t port to the Orient wBJ be advanced I materially on September will Honghoag SU to Shanghai art 3a- W3 TIle present rate Is S to Japan and Hongkong It to- XarriU MAKES RECORD ALPINE GUMS American Ascends Jangfrna and Two Other Peaks Amr S Mr Burr of Bos- ton has a retard climb of the three Alps the ace eat yesteraaj morning lanterns bong to light tile way Tbe party reed tile summit afterward made Ute of Xoenca which feat sxcoauUsaed they 0ger and returned to Mr Burrs after fifteen hoes It was hand going over tee adds and rocks The three peaks are each more Ulan IMW feet high They form a chain connected by lofty TORNADO WIPES OUT TOWN DanniHg Nebr Reported to Been Destroyed Towns Fifty Miles Distant Forced to Close Telephones Because- of Electrical i Just after dark struck Donates Nero CM MnaMtaats OR the Bsr Valises reports of the damage have bee received but nothing authentic is All telephone and telegraph wires are down and communication be until tomorrow Town fifty mils from of UM terrific leg Reports have reached tae BacMagttti railroad ofaces here that Donates completely wrecked OPPOSES c B STEP J S Byers Nominated for Congress- in Math Virginia District MarylandFair to President J 9WIt Drowned iR Bar Bate fCooley Quits of Cemmce C Southern rates eked inn Georgia as dnpite the granted UabdDE the Increased rates lute ect la TIle roMs today Jingo Spe- ectID by s tie y and by Pardee Judge passed on wheat sad r L TIle Me- te ports be I a tea ta M and to d to ShaaghL t two Ie began of the Jgtraa lit usigti wed went ascended betel red rpdsen save Storm Omaha feb Aug toJIIPK a tornado ut te Ute send lips cannot reestablished were forced to close their teteehene afIIces 1Suffragettes fee 4an t EPowers seen once infuadfon by Gesegis traded sopr seder me made wee graatd Jade Parde- e7e4rrd bond a defers nntlsn sisa osr Pad Nerth new Japanese ana Assay n Iota akos made Aooompanled by guides poor a Iowa Ita ton has known Dunning be- cause was ¬ PutesM Va Aug R The Democratic Congrewional convention of the Ninth district today by acclamation J G Byers of Bristol for Congress to The convention cheered eatbusiastieaUy at the mention of J Bryan by F Lee Trtekte temporary ebainaaa F M Cortes of Scott Coun- ty was also placed In but evident enthusiasm for Byers be withdrew ta favor of the other men Resotntkms were adopted confirming the national Democratic platform and aiedg to Bryan and Kern declaring the Republican party sectional in principle and hostile to tbe people and Institutions of tile conventtoR to vote as a member of Congress in favor of a Federal statute prohibiting tbe shipment of Intoxicating Sqaors into communities to Mines Aug At Lewis burg mines last night a group of strficers large of dynamite The then ran to a ridge seer by and opaeA are with rile So far as known ao oM was n- Baltfmore and Ohio Excursion SLW to Harper Ferry JJJ5 to Berkeley Springs and Cumberland and return Special trait leaves Orion Station 815 a m Sunday August 9 6OoeO Feet Edge Grain Georgia Flooring now on taBd 8pdBI to 16e noduated oppose C Baeoorsb Slemp the RepaWt- caa iRcUlll Ute same of iog tile support of the Democrats of tile of tile South and pledging the nominee wry Strikers SIege Himighua Ala threw a heavy asatDK tile stockade JmeII am Martins ON- to Co W4 dot hush Wlhm nomination seeing e county Lay men L ¬ > = KILLED Bloody Battle Follows Elec tion of School Officials PERSONS WOUNDED- One Woman a Victim in Taylqr Fatalities Follow Clash at Layman on the Cumberland River Where Ballots ire Beings Sides Meet to Canvass Returns from Election In Harlan ConntyDls pate Arises Over Contested Ballot Frankfort Ky battte la Eastern Kentucky since the days of Ute a eaaelnotl a of tile Cockrffls and Marcamc n Broatbttt County and the flgbt between tile Pwaoiea and Preaefeea- m Perry County pte 6 today at Layman on tile Cassti ui In a River in Marina Ooaaty ks winch three persons kilted and sertoasty jiwtmded JAM KB SlAHfOKl- KAICI BLAXfOK- S KKLT osmoeta TIM wounded are L Result of Old Fend The troabte was caused by long stead the Taylors aad the which dates beck several goa Tbe school trnatc election in Hsrtenje- aswe for tile fend is break out abet TIle Mantoas for tile trustee and the Taylors a math date atao Ute election tb r several breaks hat ao maomlng The Wantons sad tile Taylor and of their relatives met at tile Ken oral of W F Howard today to coaat the bullet aad award tile eerttt- eates Dtfttag the lag of the bal- lots taecaasMatoof tile Taylors seemed Tbe Taylors accused tbe tt tafcxs to ton It asta- SOBIEWOMAIT cow Lord Daughter Surprises Party Ottawa Oat Aag S Lady Victoria EllIott daughter of of India nuked a co- here yesterday EarS Grey Lord and others vMted the dairy and wbea someone she aetoatebed MIGHT TRY SHEATH GOWN Woman Cant Wear Her Own Nor Mans Clothing Gets Arrested in New York 3 o Ma- tter Which Apparel She Dons and Snturally Is Indignant New York Aagi 5 Mrs Augusta Steb whose identity was only revealed through beat prostration On the Fourth of July has retained a wellknown lawyer to ob- tain an injunction against the police re- straining them from interfering with her travels about York City Mrs Slob who was commonly known as Gus When she wore mens attire finds her predicament more troublesome than was was a woman State her release from Roosevelt Hospital and her subsequent sentence of five days oa BiackweHs Isl- and for her escapade Mrs Slob has been intercepted by the police several times a i identity being known she can no I longer wear a mans without being THREE ARE j IN KENTUCKY FEUD SIX Blanton War CountedBoth LTile foals TIIeee kiDed Lee tales neck ftIPor a- Mar the K we- ba leg enmity tat oat but SeWrIIaT afternoon eaDllWlare During be getting tile boat of tile ytaea a dI1rpae baflot of cheat JII isms than the JuI4 their Unto Ba- G Lord viceroy at Clarks inky Roberts asked T Victoria CaD you mtlkT the party by down and milking tile oar exeeedtDgI welL J oho In clothing fo- re yeArs in New York u a wetter in lending Manhattan hotels and her- m bet task In lDg the fact that she day suit Ang bleedteet were six are saelt rat L 1b Ts hr hearer ast ddsath Om aedhsee- Jela thws th ae hsak aMt Laugh rte Ant nine lhe4 stales is Ls Biota shot Y the s s sad between eratfous futahbed ran a were same Mar to vote arose aver a contested l Yataw at- tempting te and time eat E rm 3IIIS Mint sitting meequeraded mens working New Her ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + > arrested and Inasmuch as spe more like a man then a women even when she wears womens clothing she has been de lathed on several occasions under sus- picion of being a man masquerading In ens clothing She lAds it difficult to about the city in any attire except and to avoid detention when she wears her own clothing she vU ask for an injunction to Keep tbe police away from her Three times during tbe past week Gas has been held up In the street in different parts of tile city and released only after considerable trouble Yesterday she was held up on a Brighton Beach train la Brooklyn while on her way to a seaside vaudeville show where She has been late for her performance every day on account of the police activ- ity and fearing tile result of further harassing by the police she has made up her mind to appeal to the courts for a restraining order bothered said Mrs Slob I wore mens clothing to find my husband and to get employment in a mans capacity and now that I wear clothes pike any other woman- I mat walk along the street without be- ing molested Because my face looks grabbed and held until I prove my story- I cant wear mens clothing without ar- rest until I get proper permission nor can I wear womeas clothing without be lag ta ea for man What am I going to do I want to live as a the rest of my life and I hope that the necessary proceedings to let me do so will soon be completed Celling Frank Uobey U Co 6th at and N Y ave looks move a mans suit she has been enraged for the pest week It s shame that I am continuallY like a mans than a womans I am a bed rd Per 200 Ft a mere man 150 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STUDYING CHANGING CONDITIONS 7 ootir r t I1 OJS oJ S t t t i s E i ThEOCOkl- IlPEtral CS on I B E N C- EL r y t- 9EFt 5P5 o S c 5 oc to i- ETj 4 > = + SUFFRAGETTES FAIL TO SEE PRESIDENT Votesfor Women Delegates Barred from Sagamore RAIN SPOILS TJjEEIB CnTELSl Mrs Bormann Wells nail Her Party Badly Routed by Blement Try to Drive Into President Place ia Auto nut Are by Secret Service Agent Promise to Return Oyster Bay X Y Aa- fMacctes otsceaaBd upon Oyster Bay vil- lage this afternoon to make tIN foaqimt of tile executive other and tt nrpBatary to march upon and President at Sagasaore HIU They came and saw but tile ooaoaeriag will have to be after aH suffragettes are only said wbea the rain began to drench pretty white uncurl the merry satCragettes pate tbe game was coiled oa oa account of wet Eves Mrs Ksh ecgragette who has faced brick- bats and bad eggs WIlDe pkiaJUij se la her own country bad to fees herself beaten by aa Oyster Bar shower She and her rtTmaaiaons took tile evening train back to New York willie the executive slice staff and secret sorv the villagers several of regret They had tbe literature exciting than moving picture shows in Fleets HaIL expressed The circus never come Oyster Bar this summer lid new this taraar rate ap and wooed a good stow Headed By Mrs Wells Heeded by Mrs Bomnaon WeBs Ute the 9 Oyster Bay If a trip taken a few days who came down to spy JMK land is not considered Besides Mrs Wells those present were Dr Maude Glasgow Miss Margaret Bunt of Colorado early aad as often been here before TIle quartet the newspaper the II1rrice guard other for ekkta and the grounds Bonmaaa Wen tile Ute tee guard breathed sigh to relief and ail primed for more As one It Suffragettes phahnx etbnbed down 3 clod tram for JIS ftnt of ago by Miss Mary a JaW1fJr member she where they Jet her vote as all site theses and tile who greeted by aM Joseph Stopped sPour sat secret Roosevelt done some day women plumes on Titg ass a and diettibstsd were samednsg di ruutJedWager near from view Coleman Miss Mary Coleman lawyer bad was men ¬ Murphy stood la command of the Secret Service guards who had dropped ia at the station to sine ap the situation and the Suffragettes Mrs Wells Scents Battle Irs Wells aU in white except for s crimson sash and a wide sailor bat trim med with red ribbon and set at rakish angle seemed to scent the battle from afar and be glad The fact that President Roosevelt de- clines to she said We have chosen to come here for very obvious reasons and It is sDAdeat for our purposes that we are to addrees the Oyster Bay people In front of the government Executive offices By the way bow many people do you think wit come to bear as We were told tbat sometimes as away as eighty people go together at one to bear a speech and if that is all we caa micas to bear us the awful ride here was banHy worth while Just about Jtben tile rate began to and Mrs Wells and Miss Hunt took refuge ta a store directly across from the executive office They looped but did not venture much to the delight of Acting Secretary Forster who al- though not clothed with the personal placitude of Secretary Loeb into sUU a- very attractive manner Mr Forster bad refused earlier in the day to say whether or not the suffragettes would be refused if they asked porous Continued on Page 4 Column 7 So 1 Cypress Shingles 55 Per 1000 Frank Ubbey Co 6th at and NY a see us doe at It Is enough that be has ref- used time here out at and longed for the of IIt 8 ave- r mutter all come- down seat ¬ ¬ MRS KACKAY EEEIEC5TED Woman Again Named as Member of Itonlyn School Board I ta ship oa tbe Rostra afteraoan number la tIe ab Mrs Maekay was oae of several STANDARD OIL COMPROMISE i Makes Overtures to at Indianapolis polls lad Aug After nearly a years fight against the Standard OB Company by laaaeeiOr of Weights sad W Standard OH Company has tares for a settlement agreeing to comply with tile taw He to have the caw flMed by drivers ia the presence of panhaters of on ON TRIAL FOR OLD GRIME North Carolina Physicist SeIn dieted After 25 Years Accused of Murder of Negro He Escaped Asylum and Oxford X trial for alleged years age Dr Jt- IParyear a physteiaa shot and killed a negro aaa who worked oa ids phmtatlOB after a dispute out lot of CUM trout lace of Dr Paryear as ordered Dr Puryear was shown to be commuted to aa aeyfejm Two years be escaped and west West ago be returned to Oxford and rseWed there unmolested until recently waD be bad a dtepotc with an the indictment of Dr Purwor Long Aug Char shoci UIIa flCa to but there sad Pets lip wbeu Man lIar was elected J I r feet 1 Men Manager ue JDIIde over I c LA here T lIve D growing or tile failure ot the JIesnt w a the the trial leek place ny d tile court onIeIeII IdIII inter Fear ys aid This man then became active and Roeipa Ieissd 1Mrs pct Matdkay was reelected mambo DMei Then ware il votes pet an uanaaily large rescs OsaiR woes what was r interest a there was thws bat awr cedes op Local Law es Buds of P proper Fled Aag must remark- able murder began may pcoInin remove When unbalanced acquaint lace se- cured anew The trial which Degas today is the result MEN VICTORS Indiana Judge Aids Blocking of Pare Food Indianapolis AUK SJudge Baker of the Federal Court has granted a restraining order six distillery owner against collectors of internal rovenae IB ladiaaa to prevent diem from labeling the distillery praaaets and tbe dlsUHers so the see of spirits would be impossible as people would net buy it LEFT THE SAFE UNOPENED Thieves haul It Down Road But Are Scared Avrny- I ReckrHle t Aug i Thieves entered i irshu T TTr four miles neigh of he v last night load end hauled it several hundred pare down the public road leaving it there aa opeaed The safe contained a considerable sum of money and It Is supposed the robbers were frightened away before they could get it open North Carolina SIClnR Sl XJ I er loo K Frank libbey Co st and N Y ave WHISKY lad In favor of asUnder Ute peso laws tile were labeled instead d said labeled the store of lft at Awry ed a eeopeIIBtI sea Law Frau- ds And products akohal eplrha ea a wheelbarrow m RIDES FREE CONDUCTOR HELD 3 0 Employe Arrested for Violating the Law i ON 1000 BAIL Charges Defendant with Permitting Charles Hinder to Ride Free of Charge from Baltimore to Martlaaburg Out by Audi tor of Passenger Receipts Baltimore Md Aug H a conductor on the BaHinore- oa a e NIl for SWOrn George 1 Ohio Railroad was arrested today by Dulled States Deputy Ztc- os the cbar ot violating an act of hp carrying a passenger tree tIC charge lth train Jk rose I S RELEASED Warrant tpd Mrabal merman Congress on was ¬ TIle warrant which charges the con doctor with carrytag Caaries Fthrter free f charge from Baitbaore to Martian berg was sworn oat by Caaries H- aay man by tile aaate of Fander aad says be is CABINET HAS RESIGNED Grand VWer and HI Their CuusUntinopli a The grand oilier fwd tbe members of tbe cabinet resigned The exmbdeter of toanee exaasnteter of ssaiaii and the exprafeet of Con jtaiiUuoah have been arrested It Is saM that they are charged with treason bet tile situation is obscure It is understood that tbe Sultan has made KtamH Pasha grand vMer and has directed Wm to cooperate with the Sheik TJlIslam m be obtained TIle notorious Feban Pasha formerly of Ute secret police has been lynched at Tentehir to the village of Brouosa Fables was of the most favorites H before or of the re eeIpts of the lid Ohio TIM teaks all knowledge Quit Places Ace foaming a but Ute facts cannot head bated t the bearing United States Commission Rogers Pamdrat auditor peseenger Baltimore conductor of iauooent Colleague have cabinet one palace was tile most unscrupulous persecutors and plunderers of tile public became involved IB a tow with Ger many about eighteen months ago and it resulted hi bra banishment He ted threatened by some of his many victims and was Seeing when he was captured and killed FLEET NEARING AUCKLAND Wireless MessaRe from War Ships Reports Speed of Ten Knots San Francisco Aug 5 Tbe following cable dispatch bas been received over the BritishAmerican cable tlae from the FIJI He late- ly heft among ¬ Istaade to British Columbia and the to San Francisco On board the U S S to the Glacier at Suva FIJI Isi Tvesday Tbe long cruise of tile Atlantic battle ship from to Auckland is fast drawing to a dose For 3M miles the big vessels have kept ap aa average speed of tea knots aa hoar slackening speed oaly two or tbe men are burnishing up their vat According to the schedule prepared when the fleet left San Francisco the next Sunday August 9 but the opinion aa board tbe Vermont tonight is that the New Zealand shores will be sighted at least a day earlier Lowest Lumber Prices In Year Co 6th Y Vermont at sea wtnies the Panther and the tea fleet three rises Zealand now than 98t miles s the text land the Beet will see and forma and accoutrements In preparation tot the greeting that Is expected IR battle are due tn Auckland harbor I at and N y through ands Hon- olulu New less ahead Auck- land sutpa Fro k Libber are Nebraskan Going to Minne apolis August 3L MAY AVOID NEW YORK Will Carry Campaign on in the Western States Accepts Invitation from Former Manager of Johnson Boom to At tend State Fair Will Probably Discuss the Tariff Znmlsts No Be A Get Into the Fray Lincoln Neb meat this afternoon by Mr Bryan that be has ceepted ac invitation to speck at the Minneapolis State fair on August X Indicates that be has made up his East and talk bet wM proceed to map out his own campaign alone his own lines It is no secret that beoyed ap by word that has wage from the East that oandHfoas are sack that be JIM much mere than a fighting Bryan has bees eager to meet the Easterners to face and present the issues He has bad no desire to piece lit If is aats to tho State leaders tar to eoeae Bast without I having am received an tevttaUon I Bryan expects to go to Indianapolis- to the Kern aotiScattoa oa August 36- I His next ensasezaeat prior to today was for Chicago OB Labor Day The In BRYAN TO SPEAK TO MINNESOTANS Char ed x1o to Aug The announce mind to walt no upon the In York for an invitation to como the ter Ute ray there to face Ad- mission lust hanger lenders New dance ism ¬ ¬ New Jersey Has come say Invitation Accepts Invitation Therefore today when Frederick B Lynch late manager of Gov Johnson Presidential campalea accompanied by President Nelson of the Minnesota Society came to ask speak the State fate at Minneapolis on August n ba accepted He will ably talk on Ute tares He would noti agree however to come unless that por- tion of tbe ciouuan m which be speaks thrown open ta tile public and not idinsulia sbaijLil la bear him Mr Lynch said that to bad come tot Panview to second Mr NetomTs invita also to bring asaatances front the soaporteis of Tohnnon ta Minnesota and tile Northwest that they were for Bryan abandonment of New Tork as a scene or endeavors wD mean that Bryan ail throw ktanaelf into the Xonaaa R Mack has notified Mr Bryan tbat bo wm be ta Ltecota ta attend the Asks for Contributions Another appeal for omaal a funds ap- pears ia large type oa lbs front page of this weeks Oiaiaisiiis slug with resoiu teria M could have spent Ja EYe but New York r him t- at pro fee and Ja tile Ohio d ubuoa week a copy of lion IIIaIdDg oampeiguing- lo the from neither Agri- cultural were tic s campaign con- tests ibds lppt valleys ceremonies next then fowl tutees oontrsbsttss ¬ It rends Wanted Caapasga contribottons Wanted ctttaeas C tbe repabUc who TartB rgvtalsa by representatives of Ute consumers of tile products and not by the agents of three who make profits by Manufacture and said of United States Senators by popular vote thus breoJRng up the Sena- torial oligarchy heeded by Standard Oil is strong enough to successfully all measures la behalf of Ute public welfare of aH ualtuual bank money pan- ics by giving all people absolute deace in all banks and the people who are by trusts To Publish Names PaaHcity of rissBUmi contributions before election day so that the people of candidates aad why they are paying Adoption of aa Jacenn tax because- it just and under It wealth may bear its proportionate of the burdens oC Federal govennaea- tTbepaijbinaat of men who raOroad stocks and ownership the of railroad construction j ke and railroad operation with fair returns In wagon std profits to workers and owners oa honest valuation and honest tabor but not oa watered stocks and false purely bY ezptottatloa- Ur Bryan today gave out to the press tile same time Issued a brief statement He the campaign In several Important topics to ba treated In Ida letter of acceptance and is other addresses which be is to give later From there of hJsIaly protected products which resist end del- IMIts thereby al cone Detrnetis of private monopoly tile teat d law against trusts by by the agents of the trusts may wtae the expenses M the gem upon baud cre- ated advance copies of J or w be delivered J and at for publication outlining contents says be will not discuss al the Issues of this speeds but wm fay ye Desewatic prepositions ex- orbitant Guarantee preventing oppraeed and mow are paying share manipu- late basis Issues speech accept- ance Aug u tts re- serve ¬ < ¬ ¬ GREAT STEEL CAR CONTRACT Thousands of Men to Work On Ten Million Dollar Job Pittsburg AtJg S Negotiations for biggest steel car contract in history have been opened with the Pressed Steel Car Company of Pittsbwrg by the newly al lied GouMHarriiaan interests The will mean aSoat SMvMseC4 and will call for the delivery of about MlOCO ears the next three years News of this great contract leaked out The car contrast wffi employ several thousand men for throe years working steadily Worth Toe and SI Blacklstooe 14th and H The Bottom Has Dropped Of lumber prices the to be delivered at stated periods within today Summer for Ferns Oat 1Jt1 lI co 2 con- tract SpecialSOc ¬

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-08-06 [p ]. · A PAPER OF QUALITY THE WASHINGTON NO 669...










Second Trial of DirigibleProves a Revelation


Knafcenshue Declares New Ma-

chine Is a Marvel

lakes Two Flights Without Hitchor Accident and Obeys EveryMovement of Both Rudder andPlaner Make EstimatedSpeed of Twentyflve Miles anHour Will Try for Higher Speed

Rising as gracafally as a swaa 369

Teet into tbe air ctadtofrrising again Captdirigibleyesterdayclustvely thaa itvous day that It is a nieceog iron everypossible point of view

Roy Knsbsnsbnr whose reputattea asaa accomnUabed and experienced aero-naut gives his


and his enthFelt into tileBaldwin after tile ship had been safely

enter a raceMr r

of theground untfl It cameunder the guiding hand of Msdirectly at tile month of the begla which it fe kept

Speed Twentyfive AlliesTwentynve miles aa hoW very bK

lie said aa tike op aflaaMCthe wind M feet above the paradeground at Fort X

operates theptls thethe trip that at nowas flying had be

is capable of Mttav SS torn about thecrank shaft la that length of time

We not trying for speedCapt Baldwin anewspaperwere merelyship and I think I rear say that wo ba-It down to tea potato To

make a tat c the

under ea y ae oae mightsay is any l a non I believe that our I

Flight Again EveningCapt

wouldmachinery yerwecmg Its acUoa forthe test and that no flight wovJd bemade before this evening Three who de-

sire to see tile airship trycan be sure ofaxe if they roach the fort about i

ThereThe airship was taken oat of tins teat at

oclock teat evening and after aP between Capt Baldwin 3r-i nss and tbdr aasistacta it wasri i TO make a abort flight to perfect

balance of the snip Accordingly atocr tile bin Byer was released by

r desire to be offr making a circle of tile

iT urd sfSt at

no minute previously Ajtment of the balfHioaen sand bagshich are used ac ballandng welgtiUi

was made and at Engineer Cnrtlmrlittte nacre air wa pumped

envelope to AH out the K llmiin toclock as Baldwin waved

3 or 3M specta

and then bsgaa a series of evotattonbrMtgkt spontaneous wtUm nfadmiration from experts and moviealikeSkip Dees Circus Stunts

anthat was roughly estimated at V feetihe big canvas rudder ootrtd be seen stew

hands of the skipper cad

that directioncircle turn pmt pack before tile wtod atspectator the speed of an express tnriaEver and anon her gray aose would dipslightly toward the earth as tbe planes oathe forward part of the frameworklooking for an the world DIce two btbox kites were manipulated by 3r Car




Ieoa111 crated

done tile pre

the c-an at lee to god

words to probe the big parfnagy result It

msde to CaIIL

roused tm tile sishtWell BaIdwta I wonihst to


tile ue It WtapIa nil


Yet Glen Curtis wins80IIDe wbIcIi

ul upon afterue while the irgooa-l run tile hater

than a minute although It

werejOIDed tile eIrcIe ofd sky woe

pafettles our of tile

shall of whichis capable d tt

drafte lie

BaIdwtII added that this morn-ing be spt m ovtrtanieg the

out her speednot the

a wind bowing WIleD



f Corps men woo had restrainedJ paw hs eIemeat andc

down again alwhence she had

siigbt read

a JIlt

Capt af goodby to thetars the pm rose Into the air

When the had reached

turning to the Met under theinstsatty r6pond tile ship swsag readily ja

perlormiag aa spanking clip lit what seemed to Ute




o tta trosi lkighieven mere doa

had O

optnioes ant odtywas a ade-

quate fQer


wta Oet aaehoeevery assse

hr hip from sheto1sveler



easstraeted seengine pro

veseet aUgt g

propmertoe revelations


a men sklppmacost


She to dayra psdmoreYyectatiow will Burped



miuh perform

v clockwas stilt



paradewan beessltspot atarkd




ahng 11airship


cool alt trade

ii gldtggray



reversedrise threerated

up asa the

ioore tIle parade ground sow and thenby way of variety performing a smallercircle or semicircle inside bee gener-al course And each movement of tbetig ship as the watching people belowcould ready see was preceded by theaction of ladder or planes whichbring about tbat

air about nine minutes and had beenbrought to wIthin a hundred feet ofihe ground Capt Baldwin shouted downlr the waiting Signal Corps men that bewould land near the and as they

across the ground for the Ms can-vas house the balloon sailing aa straight

a Taught ropemouth distanced tile

caught by there ofci while the steenaaa and tile engin-

eer clambered cutCapt Baldwin Delighted

As Capt Baldwin was about to leap torth be stopped his face

his with tile partturning to

This this part of tile M i fmfor this evening

And amid tile Uagbter and applause ofs hearers he clambered out and directed

Continued on rage 5 Comm C

Edge Grain ortfla Flooring 0Per fecc T

Then the direction of tile1 lid would

beIIg retile Skip t

instant PWY time Fully doeea tImeShe veuel lIB KregWar circle


when tile ship had been In tile


r the as it It had been slidingc wn anchored litaDdrmg wtthln a 1IIw feet of the earths a and


pet tilecut a chuckle

ladies and

r0 eo

pianen wouldslip

evalotMas teotantlyand responding on




f openingthetens runners


abow-g dei tint of-

j and apecttirsailed with


loo tDhe




< =


For the District of Columbiaand warmertoday Tomorrow fair Lightsouthwesterly winds


Pages TELEGRAPHIC1 Three Killed ta Kentucky Fead1 Bryan to Speak in Minnesota Aug C1 Woman Migat Try Sheath Gown1 Cowtoctor HeM for Hauling Man Free

Zeppelins Airship Destroyed4Senator Allison to Be Busied Saturday4 VlntfBta Lawyers Xarae Capt W4Cowberd Cttme Mteooarl SforarIlsiilmabiag Horse Show OB i-

Drys Open Seesfem at PareeBvflta-11McCre May Quit Pennsylvania

LOCAL1 Baldwin Agate Flies DiriglWe

War Starts at River Fertside Against the Hasers2 Kyto Answers Wifes Stateeaeats4 lowans Are Fighting Ciimmla-

sBonapartes OfficeSHyattaviHe Has Stabbing Affray

KHeadersoa Funeral Pleas MadeeOHte Inhabitants In Seeks


Roads Outwit States In aFederal Court

Atlanta Ga Aug i Higher freightare to go late

well aa other States ia tbe Southeast at I

Federal Judge Speerroads from patting tbe

before United StalesCircuit Judge Don Pantee who Is spendleg the scanner at Asbevfife X C andasking for an appeal and la

The appttcatioH which wasattorneys representing Ute

Southern Railway the LowtsrUJ-ertasfcvilk and Atlantic Coast UM

of the railroads peof Ute nattar

TIle btgber rates will aow b-

OB by tbe Iatoutat Commerce Oc

Orient Rates to Rise I

Portland Ores Ann 5 Freight rates

w t port to the Orient wBJ be advanced I

materially on Septemberwill

Honghoag SU to Shanghai art 3a-W3 TIle present

rate Is S to Japan and Hongkong It to-



American Ascends Jangfrna andTwo Other Peaks

Amr S Mr Burr of Bos-ton has a retard climb of the threeAlps

the ace eatyesteraaj morning lanterns bongto light tile way Tbe party reed tilesummit afterward made Ute ofXoenca which feat sxcoauUsaed they

0ger and returned to MrBurrs after fifteen hoes It washand going over tee adds and rocks Thethree peaks are each more Ulan IMWfeet high

They form a chain connected by lofty


DanniHg Nebr Reported toBeen Destroyed

Towns Fifty Miles Distant Forcedto Close Telephones Because-

of Electrical

i Just after darkstruck Donates Nero

CM MnaMtaats OR the Bsr

Valises reports of the damage havebee received but nothing authentic is

All telephone and telegraph wiresare down and communication be

until tomorrowTown fifty mils from

of UM terrific legReports have reached tae BacMagttti

railroad ofaces here that Donatescompletely wrecked

OPPOSES c B STEPJ S Byers Nominated for Congress-

in Math Virginia District


to President


9WIt Drowned iR Bar


fCooley Quits

of Cemmce CSouthern

rates eked inn Georgia as

dnpite the grantedUabdDE theIncreased rates

lute ect laTIle roMs today Jingo Spe-

ectID by stie y


by Pardee Judge


on wheat sad rL TIle Me-

te ports be I a tea ta

M and to

d to ShaaghL


two Ie beganof the Jgtraa lit usigti




red rpdsen



Omaha feb AugtoJIIPK a tornado

utte Ute send lips


wereforced to close their teteehene afIIces

1Suffragettes fee


tEPowers seen

once infuadfon by


sopr sederme


weegraatd Jade Parde-e7e4rrd bond a

defers nntlsn


osr Pad Nerth


ana Assay


Iota akosmade

Aooompanled by guides


a IowaIta ton has






PutesM Va Aug R The DemocraticCongrewional convention of the Ninthdistrict today by acclamationJ G Byers of Bristol for Congress to

The convention cheered eatbusiastieaUyat the mention ofJ Bryan by F Lee Trtekte temporaryebainaaa F M Cortes of Scott Coun-ty was also placed In but

evident enthusiasm for Byersbe withdrew ta favor of the other men

Resotntkms were adopted confirming thenational Democratic platform and aiedg

to Bryan and Kern declaring theRepublican party sectional in principleand hostile to tbe people and Institutions

of tile conventtoR to vote as a memberof Congress in favor of a Federal statuteprohibiting tbe shipment of IntoxicatingSqaors into communities

to MinesAug At Lewis

burg mines last night a group of strficerslarge of dynamite

The then ranto a ridge seer by and opaeA are withrile So far as known ao oM was n-

Baltfmore and Ohio ExcursionSLW to Harper Ferry

JJJ5 to Berkeley Springs andCumberland and return Special trait

leaves Orion Station 815 a m SundayAugust 9

6OoeO Feet Edge Grain GeorgiaFlooring now on taBd

8pdBI to 16e


oppose C Baeoorsb Slemp the RepaWt-

caa iRcUlllUte same of

iog tile support of the Democrats of tile

of tile South and pledging the nominee

wryStrikers SIege

Himighua Ala

threw a heavyasatDK tile stockade


am MartinsON-



W4 dot hush


nominationseeing e









Bloody Battle Follows Elec

tion of School Officials


One Woman a Victim in Taylqr

Fatalities Follow Clash at Laymanon the Cumberland River WhereBallots ire BeingsSides Meet to Canvass Returns fromElection In Harlan ConntyDlspate Arises Over Contested Ballot

Frankfort Kybattte la Eastern Kentucky since the daysof Ute a eaaelnotl a of tile Cockrffls andMarcamc n Broatbttt County and theflgbt between tile Pwaoiea and Preaefeea-m Perry County pte 6 today atLayman on tile Cassti ui In a River inMarina Ooaaty ks winch three persons

kilted and sertoasty jiwtmded

JAM KB SlAHfOKl-KAICI BLAXfOK-S KKLT osmoetaTIM wounded are


Result of Old FendThe troabte was caused by long stead

the Taylors aad thewhich dates beck several goa

Tbe school trnatc election in Hsrtenje-

aswe for tile fend is break outabet TIle Mantoasfor tile trustee and the Taylors a mathdate atao Ute election tb r

several breaks hat ao maomlngThe Wantons sad tile Taylor and

of their relatives met at tile Kenoral of W F Howard today tocoaat the bullet aad award tile eerttt-eates Dtfttag the lag of the bal-lots taecaasMatoof tile Taylors seemed

Tbe Taylors accused tbe

tt tafcxs to ton It asta-

SOBIEWOMAIT cowLord Daughter Surprises

PartyOttawa Oat Aag S Lady Victoria

EllIott daughter ofof India nuked a co-

here yesterdayEarS Grey Lord and others

vMted the dairy and wbea someone

she aetoatebed


Woman Cant Wear Her Own NorMans Clothing

Gets Arrested in New York 3 o Ma-tter Which Apparel She Dons

and Snturally Is Indignant

New York Aagi 5 Mrs Augusta Steb

whose identity was only revealed throughbeat prostration On the Fourth of Julyhas retained a wellknown lawyer to ob-tain an injunction against the police re-

straining them from interfering withher travels about York City Mrs

Slob who was commonly known as GusWhen she wore mens attire finds herpredicament more troublesome than was

was a woman State her release fromRoosevelt Hospital and her subsequentsentence of five days oa BiackweHs Isl-and for her escapade Mrs Slob has beenintercepted by the police several times a

i identity being known she can noI longer wear a mans without being




Blanton War




TIIeee kiDed

Lee tales neck

ftIPor a-Mar

the K we-ba

leg enmitytat

oat but SeWrIIaT afternoon



be getting tile boat of tile ytaeaa dI1rpae baflot

ofcheat JII isms than the


Unto Ba-G

Lord viceroyat Clarks inky


asked T Victoria CaD you mtlkTthe party by down

and milking tile oar exeeedtDgI welL


oho In clothing fo-re yeArs in New York u awetter in lending Manhattan hotels and


bet task In lDg the fact that she



Ang bleedteet

were sixare

saelt rat L 1bTs hr hearer ast ddsath Om aedhsee-Jela thws th ae hsak

aMt Laugh rte Antnine lhe4 stales is

Ls Biota shot Y the s s sad




ran a



to votearose aver a contested

l Yataw at-tempting te andtime eat

E rm




meequeraded mensworking












arrested and Inasmuch as spe morelike a man then a women even when shewears womens clothing she has been delathed on several occasions under sus-picion of being a man masquerading In

ens clothing She lAds it difficult toabout the city in any attire except

and to avoid detention whenshe wears her own clothing she vU askfor an injunction to Keep tbe police awayfrom her

Three times during tbe past week Gashas been held up In the street in differentparts of tile city and released only afterconsiderable trouble

Yesterday she was held up on a BrightonBeach train la Brooklyn while on herway to a seaside vaudeville show where

She has been late for her performanceevery day on account of the police activ-ity and fearing tile result of furtherharassing by the police she has madeup her mind to appeal to the courts fora restraining order

bothered said Mrs Slob I wore mensclothing to find my husband and to getemployment in a mans capacity and nowthat I wear clothes pike any other woman-I mat walk along the street without be-ing molested Because my face looks

grabbed and held until I prove my story-I cant wear mens clothing without ar-rest until I get proper permission norcan I wear womeas clothing without belag ta ea for man What am I goingto do I want to live as a the restof my life and I hope that the necessaryproceedings to let me do so will soon becompleted

CellingFrank Uobey U Co 6th at and N Y ave


movea mans suit

she has been enraged for the pest week

It s shame that I am continuallY

like a mans than a womans I am


bed rd Per 200 Ft














tt t







CS on IB




EL ry t-9EFt 5P5 o

S c 5 oc to i-







Votesfor Women DelegatesBarred from Sagamore


Mrs Bormann Wells nail Her PartyBadly Routed by Blement Try toDrive Into President Place iaAuto nut Are by SecretService Agent Promise to Return

Oyster Bay X Y Aa-fMacctes otsceaaBd upon Oyster Bay vil-lage this afternoon to make tIN foaqimtof tile executive other and tt nrpBataryto march uponand President at Sagasaore HIU

They came and saw but tile ooaoaeriagwill have to beafter aH suffragettes are onlysaid wbea the rain began to drench prettywhite uncurl themerry satCragettes pate tbe game wascoiled oa oa account of wet

Eves MrsKsh ecgragette who has faced brick-bats and bad eggs WIlDe pkiaJUij

se la her own country bad tofees herself beaten by aa Oyster Barshower She and her rtTmaaiaons took tileevening train back to New York williethe executive slice staff and secret sorv

the villagers several of regretThey had tbe literature

exciting than moving picture shows inFleets HaILexpressed The circus never comeOyster Bar this summer lid new thistaraar rate ap and wooed a good stow

Headed By Mrs WellsHeeded by Mrs Bomnaon WeBs Ute

the 9Oyster Bay If a trip taken a few days

who came down to spy JMKland is not considered

Besides Mrs Wells those present wereDr Maude Glasgow Miss Margaret Buntof Coloradoearly aad as often

been here before TIle quartetthe newspaper

the II1rrice guard

other for

ekkta and the

groundsBonmaaa Wen tile


tee guard breathed sigh to relief

and ail primed for more

As oneIt

Suffragettes phahnx etbnbed down3 clod tram for JIS ftnt of

ago by Miss Mary a JaW1fJrmember she

where they Jet her vote asall site theses andtile who

greeted by aM Joseph


sPour sat


done some daywomen

plumes on



a and

diettibstsdwere samednsg

di ruutJedWagernear



Miss Mary Coleman lawyer badwas



Murphy stood la command of the SecretService guards who had dropped ia at thestation to sine ap the situation and theSuffragettes

Mrs Wells Scents BattleIrs Wells aU in white except for s

crimson sash and a wide sailor bat trimmed with red ribbon and set at rakishangle seemed to scent the battle fromafar and be glad

The fact that President Roosevelt de-

clines toshe said

We have chosen to come here forvery obvious reasons and It is sDAdeatfor our purposes that we are to addreesthe Oyster Bay people In front of thegovernment Executive offices By theway bow many people do you think witcome to bear as We were told tbatsometimes as away as eighty people gotogether at one to bear a speechand if that is all we caa micas to bearus the awful ride here was banHyworth while

Just about Jtben tile rate began toand Mrs Wells and Miss Hunt

took refuge ta a store directly acrossfrom the executive office They looped

but did not venture much to the delightof Acting Secretary Forster who al-though not clothed with the personalplacitude of Secretary Loeb into sUU a-

very attractive mannerMr Forster bad refused earlier in the

day to say whether or not the suffragetteswould be refused if they asked porous

Continued on Page 4 Column 7

So 1 Cypress Shingles 55 Per 1000Frank Ubbey Co 6th at and N Y


see us doe atIt Is enough that be has ref-


time here


at and longed for the of IIt

8 ave-


mutter all






Woman Again Named as Member ofItonlyn School Board I

taship oa tbe Rostraafteraoan

number la tIe ab

Mrs Maekay was oae of several


Makes Overtures toat Indianapolis

polls lad Aug After nearlya years fight against the Standard OBCompany by laaaeeiOr of Weights sad

WStandard OH Company hastares for a settlement agreeing to complywith tile taw

He to have the caw flMed bydrivers ia the presence of panhaters ofon


North Carolina Physicist SeIndieted After 25 Years

Accused of Murder of Negro HeEscaped Asylum and

Oxford Xtrial for alleged

years age Dr Jt-IParyear a physteiaa shot andkilled a negro aaa who worked oa idsphmtatlOB after a dispute out

lot of CUM trout lace of Dr Paryearas orderedDr Puryear was shown to be

commuted to aa aeyfejm Two yearsbe escaped and west Westago be returned to Oxford and rseWedthere unmolested until recently waDbe bad a dtepotc with an

the indictment of Dr Purwor

Long Aug Char

shoci UIIa


to but there sadPets lip wbeu Man

lIar was electedJ I r


Men Manager ueJDIIde over


c LAhere

T lIve D

growingor tile failure ot the JIesnt w a

thethe trial leek placenyd tile court onIeIeII IdIII

interFear ys


This man then became active and

Roeipa Ieissd 1Mrspct Matdkay was reelected mambo

DMeiThen ware il votes pet

an uanaaily largerescs OsaiR

woeswhat was r interest

a there was thwsbat awr cedes op

Local Law

es Buds of




Aag must remark-able murder beganmay







curedanew The trial which Degas today isthe result


Indiana Judge Aids Blocking of PareFood

Indianapolis AUK SJudgeBaker of the Federal Court has

granted a restraining ordersix distillery owner against collectorsof internal rovenae IB ladiaaa to preventdiem from labeling the distillery praaaets

and tbe dlsUHers so thesee of spirits would be impossible aspeople would net buy it


Thieves haul It Down Road ButAre Scared Avrny-

I ReckrHle t Aug i Thieves enteredi irshu T TTr

four miles neigh of he v last night load

end hauled it several hundred pare downthe public road leaving it there aaopeaed

The safe contained a considerable sumof money and It Is supposed the robberswere frightened away before they couldget it open

North Carolina SIClnR Sl XJ I er loo KFrank libbey Co st and N Y ave



In favor of

asUnder Ute peso laws tilewere labeled instead d

said labeled

the store of lft at Awry

ed a eeopeIIBtI sea



And productsakohal eplrha

ea a wheelbarrow



3 0 Employe Arrestedfor Violating the Law i

ON 1000 BAIL

Charges Defendant withPermitting Charles Hinder to RideFree of Charge from Baltimore toMartlaaburg Out by Auditor of Passenger Receipts

Baltimore Md Aug Ha conductor on the BaHinore-

oa a e NIl for



Ohio Railroad was arrested todayby Dulled States Deputy Ztc-

os the cbar ot violating anact of hp carrying a passengertree tIC charge lth train

Jk rose I








TIle warrant which charges the condoctor with carrytag Caaries Fthrter free

f charge from Baitbaore to Martianberg was sworn oat by Caaries H-

aay man by tile aaate of Fander aadsays be is


Grand VWer and HITheir

CuusUntinopli a The grandoilier fwd tbe members of tbe cabinet

resignedThe exmbdeter of toanee exaasnteter

of ssaiaii and the exprafeet of ConjtaiiUuoah have been arrested It Is saMthat they are charged with treason bettile situation is obscure It is understoodthat tbe Sultan has made KtamH Pashagrand vMer and has directed Wm tocooperate with the Sheik TJlIslam m

be obtainedTIle notorious Feban Pasha formerly

of Ute secret police has beenlynched at Tentehir to the village ofBrouosa Fables was of the most

favorites H


of the reeeIpts of the lid Ohio

TIM teaks all knowledge



foaming a but Ute facts cannot


bated t the

bearing United States CommissionRogers

Pamdrat auditor peseengerBaltimore

conductor of





onepalace was

tile most unscrupulous persecutorsand plunderers of tile public

became involved IB a tow with Germany about eighteen months ago and itresulted hi bra banishment He ted

threatened by some of his manyvictims and was Seeing when he wascaptured and killed


Wireless MessaRe from War ShipsReports Speed of Ten Knots

San Francisco Aug 5 Tbe followingcable dispatch bas been received over theBritishAmerican cable tlae from the FIJI


late-ly heft



Istaade to British Columbia and theto San Francisco

On board the U S S

to the Glacier at Suva FIJI IsiTvesday Tbe long cruise

of tile Atlantic battle ship fromto Auckland is fast drawing to a

dose For 3M miles the big vessels havekept ap aa average speed of tea knots aahoar slackening speed oaly two or

tbe men are burnishing up their vat

According to the schedule preparedwhen the fleet left San Francisco the

next Sunday August 9 but the opinion aaboard tbe Vermont tonight is that theNew Zealand shores will be sighted atleast a day earlier

Lowest Lumber Prices In YearCo 6th Y

Vermont at seawtnies the Panther and the




Zealand now than 98t miless the text land the Beet will see

andforma and accoutrements In preparationtot the greeting that Is expected IR

battle are due tn Auckland harbor


at and N

y through



New lessahead



Fro k Libber are

Nebraskan Going to Minneapolis August 3L


Will Carry Campaign on in theWestern States

Accepts Invitation from FormerManager of Johnson Boom to Attend State Fair Will ProbablyDiscuss the Tariff Znmlsts No

Be A

Get Into the Fray

Lincoln Nebmeat this afternoon by Mr Bryan thatbe has ceepted ac invitation to speckat the Minneapolis State fair on AugustX Indicates that be has made up his

East and talk bet wM proceed to mapout his own campaign alone his ownlinesIt is no secret that beoyed ap by

word that has wage from the East thatoandHfoas are sack that be JIM muchmere than a fighting Bryan hasbees eager tomeet the Easterners to face andpresent the issues He has bad no desireto piece lit If is aats to thoState leaders tar to eoeae Bast without

I having am received an tevttaUonI Bryan expects to go to Indianapolis-to the Kern aotiScattoa oa August 36-

IHis next ensasezaeat prior to today

was for Chicago OB Labor Day The In



Char ed x1oto

Aug The announce

mind to walt no upon theIn York for an invitation to como


ter Ute ray there toface


mission lust

hanger lendersNew





New Jersey Has come say InvitationAccepts Invitation

Therefore today when Frederick BLynch late manager of Gov JohnsonPresidential campalea accompanied byPresident Nelson of the Minnesota

Society came to askspeak the State fate at Minneapolis onAugust n ba accepted He willably talk on Ute tares He would notiagree however to come unless that por-tion of tbe ciouuan m which be speaks

thrown open ta tile public and notidinsulia sbaijLil la bear him

Mr Lynch said that to bad come totPanview to second Mr NetomTs invita

also to bring asaatances frontthe soaporteis of Tohnnon ta Minnesotaand tile Northwest that they were forBryan

abandonment of New Tork as a scene orendeavors wD mean that

Bryan ail throw ktanaelf into the

Xonaaa R Mack has notified Mr Bryantbat bo wm be ta Ltecota ta attend the

Asks for ContributionsAnother appeal for omaal a funds ap-

pears ia large type oa lbs front page ofthis weeks Oiaiaisiiis slug with


teria M could have spent JaEYe but New Yorkr

him t-




Ja tile Ohio dubuoa week

acopy oflion IIIaIdDg

oampeiguing-lo the from neither



tic s


tests ibds lppt valleys

ceremonies next

then fowl tuteesoontrsbsttss


It rendsWanted Caapasga contribottons

Wantedctttaeas C tbe repabUc who

TartB rgvtalsa by representatives ofUte consumers of tile products and notby the agents of three who make

profits by Manufacture and said

of United States Senators bypopular vote thus breoJRng up the Sena-torial oligarchy heeded by Standard Oil

is strong enough to successfullyall measures la behalf of

Ute public welfareof aH ualtuual bank

money pan-ics by giving all people absolutedeace in all banks


the people who are by trusts

To Publish NamesPaaHcity of rissBUmi contributions

before election day so that the people

of candidates aad why they are payingAdoption of aa Jacenn tax because-

it just and under It wealth may bearits proportionate of the burdens oC

Federal govennaea-tTbepaijbinaat of men who

raOroad stocks and ownership theof railroad construction

j ke and railroadoperation with fair returns In wagon stdprofits to workers and owners oa honestvaluation and honest tabor but not oawatered stocks and false

purely bY ezptottatloa-Ur Bryan today gave out to the press

tile same time Issued a brief statementHe

the campaign Inseveral Important topics to ba

treated In Ida letter of acceptance andis other addresses which be is to givelater


of hJsIaly protected products

whichresist end

del-IMIts thereby al


Detrnetis of private monopolytile teat d law against trusts by

by the agents of the trusts

may wtae the expenses




baud cre-ated

advance copies of J orw be delivered J and at

for publication outlining contentssays be will not discuss al the Issues of

this speeds but wm

fayye Desewatic prepositions





mow are paying





speech accept-ance Aug u









Thousands of Men to Work On TenMillion Dollar Job

Pittsburg AtJg S Negotiations forbiggest steel car contract in history havebeen opened with the Pressed Steel CarCompany of Pittsbwrg by the newly allied GouMHarriiaan interests The

will mean aSoat SMvMseC4 and willcall for the delivery of about MlOCO ears

the next three years News of this greatcontract leaked out

The car contrast wffi employ severalthousand men for throe years workingsteadily

Worth Toe and SI Blacklstooe 14th and H

The Bottom Has DroppedOf lumber prices


to be delivered at stated periods within


Summer for Ferns

Oat1Jt1 lI co




