Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-08-06 [p 6]. · a good citizen bolero he had a tight to...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD THURSDAY AUGUST 8 1908 B 1 THE WASHINGTON HERALD Pnl U Hl E fy MorBJ in Year by THE WASHINGTON HERALD COMPANY 7S4 nFTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST EoURd eoedeHM sMttcr OcMfecr 5 M96 at SCOTT C BONE Tdrpboea Name S3- Sclaczlptieo Bate tj Gals r Malt BaOj and cc a per Dear w teat Sunday UaUf TrtCsset Sgndaj ccnta per month yo attention 4K ke to anonymous contrifturioM and no eommwifcetieiu to tile editor be printed except the some of the terM r- JTaiiMcHpts offered for u ts K Ir rttvrxed tf unavailable bent stamps ckOkU k sent with the motHtecrift for that purpose An cowMtmfeattoK intended for this wk h r for tho cteMy or the Sundar fftve stovld oc OjMroattd to THE WASHINGTON Turk RrprMestatlTC SilrTHWlLBEBDIXQ SPECIAL AGENCT Trftut Hiltftliui- CttOLfo aefmcataitrc CHATlTrS A DABNASD THURSDAY AUGUST S 8 TO SUBSCRIBERS Tint vacation of yours will ton IlrrrJd you It trill be like a duly letter from home Wherever you are It vrlll reach ron regularly and the addreu rill be changed am often n Plram be partlenlnr to In each case the length of time yon Dully 40 cents a dally aDd Sunday GO cents Foatac prepaid Telephone Main 33OX the Paatioa OScr u the at c ut d Mats S lira Editor Band EubacceJ Dear and SedaT Jeer per Seer per paid ftMCap per HERALD- S BWJdIoIc t The YIIh1 follows 1 paper to new area months pate wdtrarn il nit d- Cve irhat fiend St rust N 41b3 ytsr will seer cat n air lsl- e ho- Iocoraplrte uueo de- sired state desire Bent > < > > = Away with the AVeapeas Sometimes there k laugh- able if it were net pathette toe ta jau- cicipal efforts at regstettoa ef ertaae criminals There te scarce a muateteat ity of any size that does pot allow its police deparunoat once nr twice a year to advertise of tost sad stoton un- claimed and at such safes there are disposed of the snicks that are fiscated from arrested criminals vlcted or not note that Chicago of all places te tile wurMhas at last awak- ened to the fatly of thus anewteg tile criminal classes to rsatm tbomsiaVeB at police auctions Always the guns and knives were sola at rMncutourif low prices becanw they bad cost iisOihiL tc- thcye irJ burglars were able to rent term Sf tee for their i zesty at compaiatlvety small Curiously enough the money eetateedf- 7x m this soures oftea went tete tile po punishment ntthag the crime lor with tile very pistols thus sold K te not rtmcult- M imagine that oC Ute ponce tbem des might be noundtal sad thus be rime eligible for a tension taken Iran fund which the sate of the pets tad increased Chicago has we say taken the tettto- tv In stopping this practice rd last week the pOllee of that city sang accumulated a huge supply of revolvers dertagers featveg btockjaeks- knd other murderous weapons every one them tak dumped overheard We glad to who sold and u the thugs fadoIIs Me zgsst pension fund If tnIdaIg K the e 3 enJaaIe ended tile whole matIII on sooty aM tosk it Mat Lake the MIl er to soaet lag and aisle amid co co are them eapee uer see sue fool llua a Ihlc618ua where was be rues red ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > This 1s a step te the right direction Bt we are strong te the belt that po ice precaution might go a good deal far- ther without any grave dasger of tefHag 1g seriously the rtght of time rndtvidmL- Tt re should be ta every etty for it is in the etttos that the ertat- irials equip tj for their exped- itors TIM times wIleD a good citizen needs to porchase a revolver regulation which hwlsted that It be plots and unmistakable that the purchaser was a good citizen bolero he had a tight to purchase Above the pawnshops and the second sould be regulated ae that these thteg- etrght be kept out of ertmteal fcre- eponelble Is baldness SB aid to speHmg7 ta- Qulrea the Buffalo Express We dont know However baUaees ta outtc aa aid In Satan dnrtog fly ties A War Lesson Spurned It does not take muck to change the expert opiatoa OB military and and detente It was DOt toag alter we heard of the performance of Ute Japa- nese in thek war with Russia that the military sad aaval experts of tide country were toeiOogwieUabie to copy aeatiy everythtog which the Japanese bad bees using Those people speedily came to be our teachers where before they were considered by as as our Ail sorts of new Hess were obtained the army and navy std for a time there was nothing which was considered only worth while unless tt had the taacttiB of the Jap reguIntlo over the e of knIves and a bowie are few and citizen eouJa seriously object to IoU desks SA sack to odeey and Jaw or Warsl strategy or 1IpO the tecIIIdK of soloed with de- sire be- neath from large beg the reyokvera or k tie incised as good a won n menaces ia and ojdv laads Cease an anti Japanese ¬ ¬ Among other things witch t e were eager to copy was the idea of emptoytag ships of the tarry toe tbe purpeaj of laying mtees Thte te a work whisk or irarily fans to the coast artillery of toe army which branch of tile mtMtary es- tablishment te nil at tajulpveid with togs Imailini special devices for entrance of or ap- proaches to the harbors But k was dis- covered that the Jvpsaeee were using naval vessels for laying mines te the path the floating foe We had no such vessels and apparently one had- r r been thought of although the serv- ice hact acquired such curious and useless type ac the dypamltetnrowlns Vesuvius mines at tile f mine g ocean- going yiating ¬ ¬ ¬ wild sever threw a pound ef dynamite and the ancient ram which sever enjoyed a destructive oatttetea It was teeny decided to have two ape which had sorted their purposes as cruisers converted tote minelaying vessels and the Saa aad Baltimore were chosen for tills special modern function Imported from tile Japanese A survey was of beta amps It now trans ptres that only ebe ef these vessels tile Ffeaeteeo ulH tee converted to tMs purpose The Baltimore wm fee retained IB service as a cruiser It would seem advisable to obtain two mtee4ayteg ships willie the government Is about have two Owns which mast be defended to say netMng ot far Eastern waters and the West Indian and Central American sections If there is virtue fa a mine taring ship and If we are to accept the Japanese as dotes something beside coaduetteg experiments with heir own mteelaying veueeh there would appear be every reason why we should have at least two of this type of vessel or else have none at aH The Gannon Bmperor seys he caR talk aH day ea the subject ef President Bones yell according the Atlanta CeBEtl tuck Ok well so can Mr ReeseveK Nonsense Run Riot In Boston the edict has Sane forth the pollee that all courting sparking baadholmBg and lovemaking must cease te the public parks at the stroke of M ouch eveatog After that Mar transgressors win be noted by vigi- lant poHeemea and hayed into court day to answer a charge of or something of tbe kind We presume Boston JIM the authority through the proper official cbaaaete to promulgate such rales as tilts hat for the life of us we cant see what it hopes to accomplish It may drive sighing melds and attendant awakes indoors It may compel them to whisper their sweet in the full glare of the gaslight the incandescent or whatever It is Boston affects ta that connection Bat what wilt that do ShaH one remain hallo stuffy room bathed ta penetration Ammen Francisco made sea it We to to frost Felon next lay disorderly con- duct noth- ings ¬ an atntfst for the cool of the evening ontatdc and that with mayhap a loch of chastening moonognt by way of added goodness and stet say hhneeK nay be caaee of a soncelBsn and uncharitable ukase from a tot of bmMhoadod and an dent police oommtBrtonera either too old te appreciate what they an about Urety forgetful of their own youthful days We think tack a very unjust at tills ef th year of aK No couple possessed of tender mutual regard eon poutlbry get half started along the rob to SweetvUle by those alghts The twOtebt hoar ire hardly pad t soon The chatter the roar and It Is sell full sixty TTrtnr before the luhlsi hoarond it Isnt right to heed thugs off before that pet M sighted on Ute Mental horizon at We rejoice with the youths ad maids that the JartedfettoB- uoiandjulcia cannot be ex- tended hi tills regard to control the front gate There one nay stand with best beloved on private ground and say goodby over and over agate and swap those dettetoas bits of talk that folks have bees swapping for these thousands of tbrttos To these thneboaored spots tberofore let liudalo Bnnlentein retire at and finish their evenings in peaee happiness and content Let Ute perks be hsullng wilderness asleep on Its job after tills curfew arrangement has gone Into effect it will not matter in tM tone run There win b marrying and every roW 11 dock tile roesk of the streets t entirely quieted at NIt of of tile and the gasesif M so lit big city as is have frost years which grow not stale 11 or on is o met season aeneas are down 1 Bosco however phi oe steps front one forte ate a a asps bet nver a a glvng I marriage dacpc ¬ pfasnuKmmenta and trade seas onVtelf or any ethers the- m Love laughs at locksmiths and h Is- ot afiaM of fm Him pales comnrtB- sloners Dot even of the Boston persua A Boston man frost eating baked for a Milwaukee drtakiag her to drown Mct HC Theatrical Diverces We are eetttag rather forceful and somewhat dtotastefat dcmoastraOoa t the growmc loofencss of thought hi the matter of divorce from tile playerfolk woo Save always bees among the Aest and meet frequent patrons of tile divorce court Nor is It the looser those who might be expected w have not quite so high staadaoas of conduct that f tbe examples Te more recent uses are hi the higher make among those whom have been taught to regard as more or less scholarly and about whom ia some of the eases much hoe li ea written of the sanctity of their Bvee The meat notable reeeat astaace is of course tbe dlvoiee of Mr Kt H Sothera frost Virginia Haiaed They were mar rind ta MK whoa Like Harmed was lie woman her they have been jxae- tJcfttr separated for some time and new by divorce are separated for good and alt Thin another notable recent exam- ple h the divorce of James K Haekett and Mary the suit for which Is peodmg Thta was thought to be one of the weal marriages cf tho stage They were married ta WK and have one daugh- ter but now fcr cruses wMch have heR published they are determined to be divorced and go their separate that may De 11tF these XMMdIa mender died thing m order k to we wan resulalle kesed aNs beans yseen ly ext man players play- ers led og Mann dng ¬ = la Washisgtoa the sews of the Haebett divorce use en an as rather a surprise and excited the more Interest that Mr Haekett so recently played saeeessCa- lengageawat and was se well lied At the same time Charlotte who had been at time Us Isadtag womaa was beading a stack company at another here Nw tbe aews comes that she has get a divorce from her IVeag husband and to overjoyed at the news Among the Jees r lights there ia Frttzt- Scheff who has recently secured a from the Baron Fritz von Bardele ben and who was of It In York recently Jack 2 orworUi lOot a a Walter ester New 1 di here eon ti di- vorce glad veice fram Ms pretty wife Louise Dresser and the day after the decree promptly married equally as pretty Sera Bayes who had net lung before secured a divorce from her husband while to make the quartet complete Louise Dresser also get married agate It may be argued frost these Instances- a few out of many takes from theatrical life that the state of gettteg married and getting divorced te the normal condition of the people of the stage It Is we think a striking commentary on the loose way te whir tile sacred tie ef marriage Is coming to be regarded For the player k may be said se muck in extenuation that he is by Ms profession barred from the domesticity and boateMfe that Is so large a factor In the happy married state that separated from his wife he Is throws constantly late the company of ether women and that by virtue of ifs profession he has not the time to acquire the moral stamina that is necessary to avert the temptations ef propinquity society divorce Is far too prevalent The marriage tie is easitag tSreugh taxaess of thought and a dulling of the keen edge of fine moral feeIng te be regarded less as a sacrament tbas a convenience and the whole tendency is deeply to be de The example of the players Is tb more hurtful peHmps hscauee they are play- ers because through their Mstrienism a degree the regard aot to say the admtratlOB ef the public their are knows their reaching than that of people In mere humdrum walk of We So prevalent has divorce became among the actors there is s muck marrying and tetermarrymg silk the consequent scandals and reproach that one wonders that they ever dare M essay matrimony But they were ever an adventuress race It is not pleasant to contemplate their matrimonial mtxuss So far as their prmctofes of matrimony are concerned the social body outside the stage Is net likely to desire te emulate theta They alit rather we tbmk beak outsiders what to avoid and may atiy be regarded as hor In every walk ot W In every grade of have to exam- ple tr that muck mere far they won names and k reason > ¬ ¬ rible examples Why music Is not paramount In Amer a te a hondltao ta Tuesdays New York American aiusfc has bees oa Ute Antirtram Moos Mr Jobs Temple Graves a Job thereon hasnt It Bvery America boy may hope to be Prestdeat se we are proud to aver ta this country However few of them mar hope to dictate than successors we be Meve true A Kentucky town recently wont wet by use vote If that follow had voted lay we halfway suspect there would have beeR a generous and unusual amount of eetfklekmff indulged ta by numerous one who voted dry white hoping A PMtodeiphhx brUearoom eommltted- jatemin after me fret quarrel his wife Poor feHew Te have missed the pleasure of making up that arst quarrel IB reattty the cry Let well enough oCtea means Let bad enough slime Oxalarta is the most fashionable Us ease Just sow We deat know what tbe operation that liras with it sots but we suspect it is a bankbook staggerer plan Probably be imagined she would think she bad picked up a bargain be fixed it ap ta that fashion Everything ta this world is getting better says tbe Rev Charles F Aked If the gentleman would attend a few po- litical gatherings and listen to the saeO Candidate Kera cam K te reported however ted should the Sest hope wet are A Sew jII6ge a to f- it binders be wend e Jd rind riot para- mount eves oem with Jersey has sesteoed woman pqy a fe on the Installment abort ¬ + eat corn from this ia aptte of tile styli of his whiskers says the Chicago HeeordHerald Now if gentleman is able to prove that be has enjoyed eating soup one tale since be turned remarkable man As proof that the panic te set only over plied to an editorial ta the Macon ta old and worn currency Noting a headline Ja The Washington Herald rending Misguided Mr Watson the Btrnrtngnam AgeHeraW moafees Is It possible that Mr Watsons chauffeur is mcompeteatr Perhaps Mr Watson is- Ms ofn A easeful perusal of the newspapers falls f disckoe the ef eves one who dIM from surprise or shack be COM of the reversal ef that fS009 de astoa Bryan is goiag to be elected says Ute Nashville Amerieaa Which mean we take K that Bryan te going some Turkish women are beginning to lay aside their veBs It is a far cry fer them yet however to bathing suits cteckwgck stockings peekaboo waists and sheath skirts Atlanta has signed baseball player named Hem If that team gets any mere eggs this summer we cant tee how H n te te be Warned for them The Sultan has issued an Imperial brat which promise everything the aevoluUontols demand We hardly sus- pect Ms majesty was able to resist Inquir- ing ef tbe opposition Is It haat enough for T A staUsttataa has figured It that people are healthier aortas bud trines than they are during prosperous times This would seem to vindicate the light diet advocates There te little use ta a girl assuring tile tips them oboeid be as a truly Nt forgotten attention k xrat people against IeUerfa Cba Sear a Well yon ooh out he dxed down South Tel warning identity man I geese ¬ ¬ a dyspeptic young man of her prepeBat ties ta tile cooking flue says the San Antonio Express And yet there is nothing ta which a dyspeptic young man M more profoundly concerned than good cooking A candidate for other out in California says be te running oa his stresg rec- ord JJo doubt It needs fumtgatiag the An exbank cashier now living In Can ada recently wrote a letter to one of the loan of a hundred dollars with which to cidiclne Evidently the medicine needs isnt a nerve restorer I I record does of bAnk wrecked asking the prob- ably average politicians jtctims the the ¬ A LITTLE NONSENSE EVER NOTICE have a villain te every play and a vHlalneus scamp he te moves about in a sltektes way and he wears a scowUng put seems te lute to Kill and rob youd think he had BO heart lea always m the fleodteh and thus he plays his part consistent scamp often gentle with Ma wife and of a cleancut stamp stage rogue wears a fiendish phI and seems to exude gH But tin reallife rogue quite often Is the bestHked chop of aH Another Point I It hot enough for your Inquired the party of the first part It is replied the ether half of the sketch and the timidity is also suf- ficiently excessive Somewhat Dubious My wife te a trifle erratic mind Youll and your married life one grand sweet song Yes of the ragtime variety Jarred Lila Vanity What do you see ta me te lover sighed the somewhat pempeus swam Oh I dont knew answered the girL This Is the season you must Goes on Forever- I would set live alway Remarked a Jet But see ne chance a years advance To get a rest Time Is Ripe- I think III revise the old sour Whet oM sesgr Or at least write a sequel t be called Up Dirigible Bamtoa Boys Is Itr I see said the proprietor that you detwribe our machine as bemg almost human Thats ae admitted Ute salesman- i do Some humans are very balky Is that a good r A Poor Theory They that millionaires with Incomes suffer more rips peer pie under startmr circumstances On what grounds I spose os the theory that Its to give up terrapin than corned beef They He He The villain we in real life Is an In Hes The ever mil mvettoD curt- ailed pee harder job see silly re- member soy sire ¬ THE EXILE OF STEWART Uncle Sam Lout All Regard for llamnnltlcit The use of Cot Stewart Ute army a high up agate by ran late brother la k aa aetooadlag alto gattoa made oa Ute word of a nave paper man te that shortly after CoL Stewarts return there arrived at Fort Grant an empty coon sent there by the quartermaster generals department As must have been Intended for one of them and win doubtless be parUcutarty n ragtag to the Invalid No surgeon is at Mad ta caee of lOneee the fort Is IB a dilaphlated condition and the tempera- ture at the tfcoe of the reporters visit was 117 degrees The puce te Infested with venomous spiders raltfesnakes land anhnate of various kinds Yet Mr HeoseveK deHbeiateiy keeps CoL Stew art there r retirement of his own accord persawBtal tenrmrttos are reasoa he givox for thus abusing a colossi te the regular army Unfortunately there Is BO Zola to rescue the prisoner of our Devils Island aad not a single Republican poll ticma DOt even Mr Taft win Oft a anger ta Stewarts behalf The Baltimore one of the many newspapers that It asks now Does President Roosevelt feel at aU easy In his mind when be thinks of the wretched conditions under which CoL is wins wtth tbe approval of the commnndertechtef because of tile unfortunate ooteers t ui rsai nlnl ta Has Undo Sam tost aU the humanities Is Ms army Personified I nes Never before we believe has there suck aa embarraasmeat of iaeaes spread before the people The election cannot turn upon all of them Popular tux Put oaker In Arrest bonded of the publication of If tier from Oat Stewart other ngro coed II white tile tO he wit cost apply for tile their JIIIDik freely this Stewart re- gard for to- M tk Tta Has Fes New Tuk maseood hr Preeddot k eon only companions are- a sick man Tee Sun- s speak on sobjeet f moos RaoY id Pma rrw Tae bee ¬ ¬ > mandates consist be given regarding everything Always selection te necessary and the roHUctans are not good at mak lag selections This year they may be said to have abdicated their function and left It to the people to say what they are thinking about most Despite the seven conventions the campaign te yet all to be made The conventions have left It a campaign of candidates lid the election must turn upon the Manes R persoBlAed unless the many voiced takes charge te a manner not yet indi- cated Peccary in Polities Vice President Fairbanks ta a totter ad dressed to tile boys at Ind are meat said need ef aa awakening among the to necessity of deaa polities Nth theory sad practice There are too man who profess decency ta politico but air do net carry their propostttoas tete Not Dignity Taft campaign agstest such raarcbta poetry as this AM a MIl w H R ddt W 3 rigfc PUT UP TIlE SWORD- I ten tang t tae MMtai- At I Then art tt en the hwel Jet Ami nm of MC listed dad acm A imd- Mater or or- AB awsMttsal- Pte tk fipkk who there to a boys city govern We have Reer beeR more In people In lesm tW liuM Its ot to dignity In the W1tIt ha user p St He ma tied raise IIet I I IKJ I Mw ue ef pea Tbtre II Hoed ta Ilk doe WIlla teas ef a seelw rid The k far IIIeoI- AM ot pest at InIedIs- Fer tk lot Mt naNtr II 1M eC Teen Padq Wine orgahe tie ef- fect fuel Berea esy pceeeeve Sat f1 tae cask wht e akstr ail acg sepia Aare pansi en the ie is e absstlez to wet ehttel ties the pad iesahxed ter it iced far trapada- b w usd matt s e at mud tie vMe- rh mule and a silt Due die aa wife delta- Ile bona nr natR uhwnrlt n ma am ¬ ¬ Pot the n aitiimiii- Wai Wile mint the spumes fad TCbuB tit nThji ot bat am atffiht BW r to SheD HM Jerfl ttiat EMS Ff nay salt the emir to ador of Uood in Tain- jod asks us am sad orrr Where a ttr Gin jsszr Roscoe ia the f u r Bas a et sot Btftr- Pw IfIIrt ef Ilk 1Ie and tM De UIIIIt Oat IIc and I cow 7tIIC tIM the red oaf Fuse The r lama I vs rear tM oseb sews seas Oemrest al ileac dace kreerr us hagh ia R R eke aptel- lilies sneer red rards feter w riled Sane wr ershiP meaner ever Ltoh sexy < POLITICAL COMMENT- The Providence Journal speaking of Mr Bird S Colers candidacy for the gov- ernorship of New York State thinks that the party might go farther sad Dad a much weaker candidate though It re mains to be seen what Senator McCarrea and his friends think about It It says Mr Bird S Color borough president- of Brooklyn and one of Ute many Demo- crats mentioned ln comtectioa with the Vice Presidential nerateatien at Denver formally announced his candidacy for the nomination for governor of SeW York Mr Colers declaration at a meeting of the antlMeCarrea county committee on Friday evening that he Intended to enter the field was received with a demonstra- tion of approval that lasted three minutes though It remains to be seen what Sena- tor McCarren and his friends think about Mr Celer ran for governor as the Democratic nominee ta 1B6C and came within a little more than votesof de- feating Mr OdeiL He may loot strength Mace that time but the party might ge farther and Sad a weaker candidate especially as Tammany is to look favorably Ms aspirations At the same time It would sees more natu- ral to put Luest Cow Chaster at the head of the ticket The Charleston News and Courier has It lave seats said t tie upon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ thinks that the people would take kindly to Mr Bryan as a tarter reformer but that it wilt be well for him bt the coming campaign not to confuse Ute issues It says The people ef the country would be at tracted to Mr Bryan as a tariff reformer tNt It he should seek to defend an of the Denver demands or half a dozes of them he would taU to leave a distinct teapies sloB Emphasis on more than one subject at a tone dulls and confounds the aver age listener Mr Bryan should drive house to the people that the Republican party is held together by the tarnT sched- ules that the tariff ta the mother of trusts that Aldrich and Dalzeil are Con- gress sad that Congress is sad OUt be a mere Instrument of the manufacturers of the policy of protection Let Mr Bryan hammer on tile tariff issue that the peo ple caR understand and upon that they can divide Tbe remaining planks of the platform can take care ef themselves they for themselves and to streee the tariff issue would not mean dental or abandonment of them The Pitteburs Poet believes that the Re- publican campaign managers are not at the until the country uu from speak North ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ an Gratified at the situation hi Onto that there is a probabtttty of Ute oteetwa of Harmon as governor and that perhaps Harmon may pull Bryan through It de- clares HepubUeaa campaign managers are seared over Ute sitaatton ta Ohio aad wee they may be Eves the New York Into the State to look over the eld care- fully and report actual conditions election as governor According to this correspondent Harmon may pull Bryan through The Sun tgaors perhaps intentionally the factional disturbances ta the Republican party ta Onto and the fact that have openly bolted a part of the State ticket It should not be forgotten too that tile Democrat elected a part of the electoral ticket ta UK and that the bsat a Hanna to do the tIDe Ital- ian work tide year The Richmond Journal says that even the Republican organs have ceaeed to gme at Mr Bryan as aa advocate ef gov- ernment ownership of railroads It says Diva the Republican party has ceased to gibe Mr Bryan as aa advocate of the government ownership of the railroads and has at tost taken that dtettagutebed man at his word sad accepted hte reel view government ownership as a sotattoa of tbe situation when the same becomes otherwise tyrannic and impossible Nor does Mr Bryan oc any other for that any advanced publicist fancy for a moment that the absorption by the general government of the railroads or their purchase outright upon fair and equitable terms and then conduct as a function of organized society te a matter of duds play The Raleigh News and Observer tMaks that Mr Taft recegatoes that Ms has aroused no eathuetasm and that hte only hope sot ta bhaeetf but ta his stag squarely as Roosevelts mss It says aim sad purpose of Mr Taft are very apparent He leeofeiilies that hits Sun which a these strong poMIbIUty of lIar- s of fudneaot party I I as Democrat- or lies The sent trusted correspondent con- cedes h a a soar er more news- papers candi- dacy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ neaunattoB by Ute Republican has brought forth ao eathnomsm and that ta place of being in accord trtli ts party It te sunder because of his nomi- nation Jsrity of its leaders or of the rank and I Sic a nomination forced by Roosevelt Realizing that he faces a serious sKoal lion as to party success that people In his own party are wining and anxious for his defeat be joctHKos a mans natural and makes himself Reosevetts man Friday eutogislmr his chief and seeking to wm votes by placing Roosevelts views and poHcie in the forefront His hopes now are that the coun- try wilt support him for Roosevelt sake because be te wilting to subordmate himself entirely to the President The Buffalo Express that it is cer- tain now that the campaign te OB and that very soon we expect the slanders It says Yes the Presidential campaign te reel story that one of the candidates said a dopier A day is enough for a worktagmoa and we expect to heat within the next week that ORe or both candidates were born in Canada After that the forded letters and then things wttt really be go- Ing The Eatelsh Times takes occasion to speak of tbe uprtshtaeM and honesty of Mr Bryan declaring Whether DecMcrats like or dislike some ef the things Mr Bryan has stood far the fact remains that he te as upright as any man that ever Bated the American voter for his suffrage There te no dan- ger from wild Neal as Mr Bryce and the ptetform which te Mr Bryao are that any Democrat may work for The New York speaks of the prac- tical bins of Judge reforming ten- dencies aad of the evidences of hit ness and Impartiality It says The practical Imps of Judge Tarts re farming tendencies and be has suck ten dencies strongly oevetopedte illustrated by bit remarks Saturday when te conver- sation with tile president of the Virginia Bar Association Talkiof eoaceraiag tit ten a thing not desired by the ma pride says ly on have already the such Globe Tart evi- dent mar usual We eoouateeed fair ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ admlntetratJon of tbe law be said that ta his opinion the greatest problem before the American people related to the im- provement ef our court method both criminal and del so that adjudication may net only be test but cheep aad speedy The press the political platforms and the poUetaas may be clattering con- cerning other questions With broader vision Judge mind turns to this genuinely b and difficult one aa we his Influence will be thrown to Ute sup- port of every sensible and weMconsWered plan for improvement Judge Taft Is a political candidate but the Impressions he received when the bench are deeply engraved on his mind and he canrot help reverting to a deiAanor of fairness sad impartiality Taft be sure that while he Presides I 1 may k I ¬ ¬ < ¬ S DEATH SENTENCE- Do the Ohio RepublicAn All Dis- approve of Pasta tke derelnd FUs Dots Net without painful striving and disa- greeable postmortem result wttt the Re a autocrats of Onto steered ta put Ung Into execution the order tor Senator Porakers political death It IK not to be- Vmbted that the majority ef K imbHcan as well as tbe majority of aQ citizens dis- approve of Mr Foraker Ttey refuse to see te him the qualities ef the statesman and perceive clearly the atrto ix of the prr tonal politician They vtt noVI d- arttattoa for Ids course as Sraatnr They fall 10 recognize that be has added to the reputation of Ohio jts a producer of great men But at the time it te not plain- ly apparent that Mr Feraker hiss com- mitted any aenee suffidenUy heinous to merit arbitrary capital punishment sympathy te prone te go out to the condemned criminal especially It the sen- timent pains strength that be has been condemned without a hearing or without ample cause Se K is that Ohioan wlM not compmcently contemplate the igno gibbeting of Mr Foraker by the powerproud bureaucrats of Taft Vorys and Cox Such martyrdom brings to the surface an that te good ta a can and te spires forgetfulness of that which is net good FORA f Him amine Pub- lic mini its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ohio after Foraker has been executed wM remember Mm as one who courage- ously stood for what be believed to be right who seemed the threats anti fury of the wMpcracker of the White other admirable things that he has done the stand be ta opposition Mexico win be recorded to Ms credit Col ored men win not be e mviaeea that be did not act dMateresteolir ta the Browns vine affair But above att It will be re- membered that be stood frankly autspok en ia the Senate while his brothers of the toga either truckled or concealed their disoattefactton behind sour looks and par grMabOags spools beeR far from laudable is very true but once be te laid away te the poittteal catacombs this wW be generally forgot ten The old Foraker Meuteaaats the Ucal tesplnUoa wW cherish the dleeoa test aad resentment that wH be felt throughout Onto wM see that the cry of tyranny sad czar rule Ve not allowed to abate for lack of lugs Foraker dead win haunt at a vengeful most the diem H- Ag took to the crime against sad New That Forakers bas In many reo men who looked to tile Senator for pese Arizona a- mt record ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ burn of the dan of Vorys Many who have sever admired Foraker who have desired Ms ethmaattos from pubMe life win regret the manner of his passing To have sent Mm from the by popular acclaim would have beta gratifying To ee him saaaobed to earth by tbe of a coterie of p Htlenl dic- tators whose affiliations and tools are worse than those of Foraker himself wM awakes ao sattefaetton NEGRO DISFRANCHISEMENT Democratic Platform In the State of West Virginia Peon the Jkowtt Jim The State Democratic convention ef West Virginia has adopted a plank ta Its platform wbich demands the disfranchise most of the negro The action of the Democrats te a State like that has something more than a foal signify iinot end k will serve to stimulate the other not only of the hat of Ute whole country to fHiahintr the Ignorant and purchasable negro voter wherever he ever they are lOt absolutely blinded by- parUsanehip or setfmterest are rapidly reaching tbe eoactaeien to which Mr Bryan gave expression some time ago to the effect that the North would act te this matter Just as the South is dotes if confronted with Ute same conditions As sectional bitterness expires the de liberate Judgment of the people comes to fourteenth and fifteenth amendments was a grave mistake It may be years before passion sad prejudice can be undone di- rectly but ta the meantime It ta possible to accomplish very muck tbe same thing by means of the Just and toga dtafrai- chtoemeat enactments such as has been proposed te Georgia TIle State of Georgia took a tong step forward when it decided to submit to the people this coaMitnttoaal amendment election Every day confirms the wisdom ukase States be teaIIII TIM people of the United States when the realhatlou that of tW tbe work that was dose Sa the days of which k to e apes In the Sen- ate ben- der South may the adoption voted general ¬ ¬ ¬ s Virginia preparing to fMtoar ta- y fa ROt far distant when there win be dissenting vetrf throughout tile coua- scure an outright repeat of the odious AeadmeBta which have kept tile South i social sad poeltiesl bondage for go years Conciliation Mitchell the BMHI BcnU- Dl urged are the peacemakers te to become John MKchetls favorite beatitude By accepting charge of the trade agree- ment department of the National Civic Federation he at once becomes an im- portant factor ta promoiteg Industrial peace ta this country and brtegs to tile task unusual OBsHCcatmas Our quota tin today shows hew highly be values the trade agreement plan as a male ef- ohrtet what te called the labor prob- lem The Battle Ground The battle will be West sad tile nomtnattan of Kern of ladiaaa for the Vic Presidency shows that fact to have beeR duly appreciated by tile Denver convention The admteetoB of Oklahoma and its enrollment as a Demo- cratic State makes It possible for Mr Bryan to win without the vote of New York or any other Eastern State There te so reason to doubt that be wilt carry the Solid South Including Maryland Ken- tucky and Missouri Under Oklahoma It te not necewary to Institute eomaar boas wtth the Bryan platforms of former years to establish the fact that this plat- form Is It is absolutely not lively bad It was put forth by a con- vention of the Democratic party but it te not Democratic say more than the platform of huh was Democratic Mr Bryan asks party te Ute whale Union to put itself under the l dsrsMK of Oklahoma WILLIAM BOYD ALLISON the step and we ft1a4 such States I footstep tp that the I and win then be In a position to i many Term Plan tux JL tW s bad Ute I when last k h easy see we ttlaa is the Middle Fens Tent lies role ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ VteMK hi feat vt ad H4 butt MC laid MK mt T taiiM- Aad he each nit w u W BM Testis to alias Lent sfc n be lupin able sad tbe fnc wad and t tor llbrrtT JOHN A JOYCE D kciakter IC wit III- Bes pscd S rratl oed To ef Ilk God pee mIao- LAal cabs MIA wad Per 1111 a her a Mf Ids the Oer and To Li 4 2309 d tint sawn era area t u Isla bdm robe they vet t and and bant sae tdce aYd deb ae bh new star bet mme a4t wit pulse war hew wrad I ttr m cat ever tea Wash gtoc rt > > AT THE HOTE- LSI that Bryan ass be elected said Hermann Henry Kohteaat capitalist and Journalist of Chicago at the Arling- ton test night For tile Hlof me I cant see where Bryan can secare votes e did not get in aT continued Mr Kohtoaat and on other hand it took to me as if he would lose many votes that were cast for ta ISS because of the which Hearsts Independence League wiU make I think K te sate to say that the League will poll about 7000CO votes and nine out of tea of these votes will come from tile Democratic party Bryans only hope can be based on the votes ta the cities Much has been this laboring vote being agateet Taft oa account of his attitude toward labor while be was Judge en the bench The whole matter la that tbe injunction question te not thor- oughly uadentood by the ordinary la- borer they do not know what it means If they did they would see that the platform sealant their in- terests but on the contrary strongly ia their favor la country districts the farmers the backbone ef tile country are te such a state of prosperity that they could undr ao circumstances be persuaded to vote I can see no reason wilY can IlL J Ute lit sal t a any one inroads Inde- pendence 1 Re- publics knot ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a change of admtatetratkm Farm mortgages are now practically unknown te Illinois You would be surprised to see the number of automobttos used and owned by farmers All we want now is corn crop K would help business very much tt would make business for the railroads In the moving of the crop and would ta that way give employment to additional numbers of popte Speaking of President Reosevetfs qual- ities Mr Kohtoaat MM tint tile President te a man of the deepest fatltega and wonderful heart One day test summer be said I spent out ta the woods with my farm It was an ideal day and the little boy largely ta evidence Some of thorn were playing baseball others were doing other things and tae little fellow was picking violets I asked Mm why be was not playing ban He Mid he could play MIl nay old time but violets did not grow every dry sad that Ids father and mother and everybody at home would like a bunch of violets This reply went to- m heart The President was expected tit next d y and I thought be would enjoy a bunch of violets from the Utt fellow I said to the boy that the Presi- dent liked violets and that be ought to He wouldnt take my violets said for a- ge a was Q up If nice eta him i for ¬ ¬ Ute boy Oh yes be would you take a bench around to the Auditorium Annex tomorrow aft rnc B send write a little note with K Ifere te my card give it to the deck aad tell mm you want to tak your violets to tile President I replied boy after sajrtee that wouldnt let Mm take hW violets to the President reluctantly called sad noticed on the table in the re- ception room a bunch of violets some with long stems others wtth short an tied up te regular boys fashion and white bundlestrta A card attached to which bore ta chiMtah Sn s the same of the boy nothing else I to I Mr proud and would never forget the great honor it the President would acknowledge the receipt of Ute flower ta a few Irs Mr Loeb replied that President Roose- velt who was thou taking a bath snatch a spare moment te Ms busy day hal already dictated a letter to the boy thanking him for the violets that day sad between consaKattons and visits be found time to thank tier little unknown Chicano boy fee his punch of vtoUu It te traits of this nature that rcak President Roosevelt tbe popular man i of the It te estimated by government f re t rangers that there are from 30000 to 2M wild bones the public ranges te the mimatalnii of Nevada and other Jar Western States raid Ben c Wends lumber merchant of Carson Sew at the National msc night Mr WBktes bae been te York on busi aeee and home decided to see the sights of this cityForest rangers have bees ordered to shoot an wild horses found on the Wages continued Mr Wilkins at least this was the tmpreeeion we gained ployes cat only devote their energies to fencing sops from the trespassing animals rr rounding them up The The next the I w 1 s It Lreb that the boy would be ever rIM President was t- oday In every TtJrIag to his Western but they appear rare then orated day President srrived ones f- red w busy every minute re- ceptions i- is rue coun- try over New briers t- In Nevada go ersrsesit when arc = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ± threaten damage to tbe range Withir the last few years they have Increased t such an extent that te many localities they are clawed as varmints wit wolves wild cats and grizzlies and every mans ride te turned against them Nc fence te strong enough to stop these horses and when they appear IB torn they have even been known to and kill cows and calves After each visitation frost a had the ranch- man is likely to mourn the toss of hU domestic horses and it snip requires a few days association wtth their new companions for pie bat broken animals to become as wild as tilt nomadic legislature of Nevada passed a taw many years ago spectflcatty allowing tbefe Maes for what they could get open market The law opened the way to a new and unusual industry and may teen found the killing of wild hoses Besides the work was sat of sport As time went on and the business o killing these outlaws aacomed greater proportions stockmen found that the hunters were ta many abusing their rights and were kIlling branded and shod horses This put an end to the business for on complaint of the otockmea the Nevada legislature promptly repealed the law It Is es- timated that K 04 animate were killed te tile time the law was te force plan for effectually disposing of them win do great service to tile stockmen cf the Western States R G Lybraad a manufacturer of Deb aware Ohio who to at the Bbbitt Howe said test night that Onto te safe for Taft sad that Harris the candidate for gov- ernor on tbe Republican ticket also will be elected win carry Onto he sold and I dont believe a word of i when the Democratic managers say that Ohio te likely to suIng te and sapper Bryan Its all nonsense Bryan has no skew te Onto Foraker te doing tits Mad bit to swell Tafts majority and with these two pow interest of tile Republican national ticket there te absorat iy no chance for Bryan to aMp ta and take tbe State- I a Cleveland man say the other day that Tom Johnson was an right but that be would not be reelected mayor of that town today If were a candi- date Kept Mouth Shut Ilea tile CWiVtlae nn Even so brilliant a man as E W Car irnck could not defeat the Incumpent grr- rrnor of Tennessee for a second term Xo governor is ever defeated for a term except Hoke Smith whoso kept his mouth s The hunters to shoot wild raM and to sell pr table exciting and gave tile buMese the added 1 PI- t coast J The wild horse lias become a serious and o use wile can devise a a fan situ political > teat work in the heard he 4 op- ponent knock- down com- rades i- nto goerdei again ens Ills sec- ond i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1908-08-06 [p 6]. · a good citizen bolero he had a tight to...




Pnl U Hl E fy MorBJ in Year by



EoURd eoedeHM sMttcr OcMfecr 5 M96 at


Tdrpboea Name S3-

Sclaczlptieo Bate tj Gals r Malt

BaOj and cc a per

Dear w teat SundayUaUf TrtCsset Sgndaj

ccnta per month

yo attention 4K ke to anonymouscontrifturioM and no eommwifcetieiu totile editor be printed except thesome of the terM r-

JTaiiMcHpts offered for u ts K

Ir rttvrxed tf unavailable bent stampsckOkU k sent with the motHtecrift forthat purpose

An cowMtmfeattoK intended for thiswk h r for tho cteMy or the

Sundar fftve stovld oc OjMroattd toTHE WASHINGTON

Turk RrprMestatlTC SilrTHWlLBEBDIXQSPECIAL AGENCT Trftut Hiltftliui-

CttOLfo aefmcataitrc CHATlTrS A DABNASD



Tint vacation of yours will

ton IlrrrJd youIt trill be like a duly letter

from homeWherever you are It vrlll reach

ron regularly and the addreurill be changed am often n

Plram be partlenlnr to Ineach case the length of time yon

Dully 40 cents a dallyaDd Sunday GO cents Foatacprepaid

Telephone Main 33OX


Paatioa OScr

uthe at c ut

d Mats S lira


Band EubacceJ

Dear and SedaT Jeer per Seer



ftMCap per





The YIIh1follows


paper to new areamonths

pate wdtrarn il nit d-



fiend St rust

N41b3 ytsr

will seer

cat n



ho-Iocoraplrte uueo



desire Bent






Away with the AVeapeas

Sometimes there k laugh-able if it were net pathette toe ta jau-cicipal efforts at regstettoa ef ertaaecriminals There te scarce a muateteatity of any size that does pot allow itspolice deparunoat once nr twice a yearto advertise of tost sad stoton un-

claimed and at such safes thereare disposed of the snicks that arefiscated from arrested criminalsvlcted or not

note that Chicago ofall places te tile wurMhas at last awak-ened to the fatly of thus anewteg tilecriminal classes to rsatm tbomsiaVeB atpolice auctions Always the guns andknives were sola at rMncutourif lowprices becanw they bad cost iisOihiL tc-


irJ burglars were able to rent termSf tee for their i

zesty at compaiatlvety smallCuriously enough the money eetateedf-7x m this soures oftea went tete tile po

punishment ntthag the crime lor with tilevery pistols thus sold K te not rtmcult-M imagine that oC Ute ponce tbemdes might be noundtal sad thus berime eligible for a tension taken Iran

fund which the sate of the petstad increased

Chicago has we say taken the tettto-tv In stopping this practicerd last week the pOllee of that citysang accumulated a huge supply ofrevolvers dertagers featveg btockjaeks-knd other murderous weapons every one

them tak

dumped overheard

We glad to

who sold and u the thugs

fadoIIs Me zgsst

pension fund If tnIdaIg K the


3 enJaaIe ended tilewhole matIII on sooty aM tosk it Mat

Lake the MIler to

soaet lag







uer see




Ihlc618ua where wasbe rues







This 1s a step te the right directionBt we are strong te the belt that poice precaution might go a good deal far-

ther without any grave dasger of tefHag1g seriously the rtght of time rndtvidmL-

Tt re should be ta every etty forit is in the etttos that the ertat-irials equip tj for their exped-itors

TIM times wIleD agood citizen needs to porchase a revolver

regulation which hwlsted that It be plotsand unmistakable that the purchaser wasa good citizen bolero he had a tight topurchase Above the pawnshops andthe secondsould be regulated ae that these thteg-

etrght be kept out of ertmteal fcre-


Is baldness SB aid to speHmg7 ta-

Qulrea the Buffalo Express We dontknow However baUaees ta outtc aa aidIn Satan dnrtog fly ties

A War Lesson Spurned

It does not take muck to change theexpert opiatoa OB military and

and detente It was DOt toag alter we

heard of the performance of Ute Japa-

nese in thek war with Russia that themilitary sad aaval experts of tide countrywere toeiOogwieUabie

to copy aeatiy everythtog which theJapanese bad bees using Those peoplespeedily came to be our teachers wherebefore they were considered by as as

our Ail sorts of new Hesswere obtained the armyand navy std for a time there wasnothing which was considered onlyworth while unless tt had the taacttiB ofthe Jap

reguIntlo over the e ofknIves and

a bowie are few andcitizen eouJa seriously object to


desks SA sack

to odeey and Jawor

Warslstrategy or 1IpO the tecIIIdK of

soloed with de-sire






or k tie incised asgood a

won n

menaces ia and ojdv







Among other things witch t e wereeager to copy was the idea of emptoytag

ships of the tarry toe tbe purpeaj oflaying mtees Thte te a work whisk orirarily fans to the coast artillery of toearmy which branch of tile mtMtary es-

tablishment te nil at tajulpveid withtogs Imailini special devices for

entrance of or ap-

proaches to the harbors But k was dis-

covered that the Jvpsaeee were usingnaval vessels for laying mines te the path

the floating foe We had no suchvessels and apparently one had-

r r been thought of although the serv-

ice hact acquired such curious and uselesstype ac the dypamltetnrowlns Vesuvius

mines at tile

f mineg





wild sever threw a pound ef dynamiteand the ancient ram which severenjoyed a destructive oatttetea It wasteeny decided to have two ape whichhad sorted their purposes as cruisersconverted tote minelaying vessels andthe Saa aad Baltimore werechosen for tills special modern functionImported from tile Japanese A survey

was of beta amps It now transptres that only ebe ef these vessels tile

Ffeaeteeo ulH tee converted to tMspurpose The Baltimore wm fee retainedIB service as a cruiser

It would seem advisable to obtain twomtee4ayteg ships willie the governmentIs about have two Owns whichmast be defended to say netMng ot farEastern waters and the West Indian andCentral American sections If there is

virtue fa a mine taring ship and Ifwe are to accept the Japanese as dotessomething beside coaduetteg experimentswith heir own mteelaying veueeh therewould appear be every reason why weshould have at least two of this typeof vessel or else have none at aH

The Gannon Bmperor seys he caR talkaH day ea the subject ef President Bonesyell according the Atlanta CeBEtl

tuck Ok well so can Mr ReeseveK

Nonsense Run RiotIn Boston the edict has Sane forth

the pollee that all courtingsparking baadholmBg and lovemakingmust cease te the public parks at thestroke of M ouch eveatog After thatMar transgressors win be noted by vigi-

lant poHeemea and hayed into courtday to answer a charge of

or something of tbe kindWe presume Boston JIM the authority

through the proper official cbaaaete topromulgate such rales as tilts hat forthe life of us we cant see what it hopesto accomplish It may drive sighing meldsand attendant awakes indoors It maycompel them to whisper their sweet

in the full glare of the gaslight theincandescent or whatever It is Bostonaffects ta that connection Bat whatwilt that do ShaH one remain hallostuffy room bathed ta penetration





it We






disorderly con-




an atntfst for the cool of the eveningontatdc and that with mayhap a lochof chastening moonognt by way of addedgoodness and stet say hhneeK nay becaaee of a soncelBsn and uncharitableukase from a tot of bmMhoadod and andent police oommtBrtonera either too oldte appreciate what they an aboutUrety forgetful of their own youthfuldays We think tack a veryunjust at tills ef th year of aK

No couple possessed of tender mutualregard eon poutlbry get half started alongthe rob to SweetvUle by thosealghts The twOtebt hoar ire hardly

pad t soon The chatter the roar and

It Is sell full sixtyTTrtnr before the luhlsi hoarond itIsnt right to heed thugs off before thatpet M sighted on Ute Mental horizon at

We rejoice with the youths ad maidsthat the JartedfettoB-

uoiandjulcia cannot be ex-

tended hi tills regard to control the front

gate There one nay stand withbest beloved on private ground and saygoodby over and over agate and swapthose dettetoas bits of talk that folkshave bees swapping for these thousands of

tbrttos To these thneboaored spotstberofore let liudalo Bnnlentein retire at

and finish their evenings in peaeehappiness and content Let Ute perks be

hsullng wilderness asleep on Itsjob after tills curfew arrangement hasgone Into effect it will not matter in tMtone run There win b marrying and

every roW

11 dock

tile roesk of the streets t entirelyquieted at

NItofof tile

and the gasesif M solit big city as is have frost

years which grow not stale


or on

is o metseason


aredown 1

Bosco howeverphi oe

steps front one

forte ate a aasps

bet nver

a a

glvng I marriage dacpc


pfasnuKmmenta and trade

seas onVtelf or any ethers the-

mLove laughs at locksmiths and h Is-

ot afiaM of fm Him pales comnrtB-

sloners Dot even of the Boston persua

A Boston man frost eating baked

for a Milwaukeedrtakiag her

to drown Mct HC

Theatrical DivercesWe are eetttag rather forceful and

somewhat dtotastefat dcmoastraOoa tthe growmc loofencss of thought hi thematter of divorce from tile playerfolkwoo Save always bees among the Aest andmeet frequent patrons of tile divorcecourt Nor is It the looser thosewho might be expected w have not quiteso high staadaoas of conduct that ftbe examples Te more recent uses arehi the higher make among those

whom have been taught to regardas more or less scholarly and aboutwhom ia some of the eases much hoe

li ea written of the sanctity of theirBvee

The meat notable reeeat astaace is ofcourse tbe dlvoiee of Mr Kt H Sotherafrost Virginia Haiaed They were marrind ta MK whoa Like Harmed was lie

woman her they have been jxae-tJcfttr separated for some time and newby divorce are separated for good andalt Thin another notable recent exam-ple h the divorce of James K Haekettand Mary the suit for whichIs peodmg Thta was thought to be one

of the weal marriages cf tho stage Theywere married ta WK and have one daugh-

ter but now fcr cruses wMch haveheR published they are determined to bedivorced and go their separate

that may De 11tF these XMMdIamender

diedthing m order k






beans yseen ly extman




led og

Mann dng



la Washisgtoa the sews of the Haebettdivorce use en an as rather a surpriseand excited the more Interest that MrHaekett so recently played saeeessCa-lengageawat and was se well liedAt the same time Charlotte whohad been at time Us Isadtag womaawas beading a stack company at another

here Nw tbe aews comes thatshe has get a divorce from her IVeaghusband and to overjoyed at the news

Among the Jees r lights there ia Frttzt-Scheff who has recently secured a

from the Baron Fritz von Bardeleben and who was of It InYork recently Jack 2 orworUi lOot a




New1 di






veice fram Ms pretty wife Louise Dresserand the day after the decree promptlymarried equally as pretty Sera Bayeswho had net lung before secured a divorce

from her husband while to make thequartet complete Louise Dresser also getmarried agate

It may be argued frost these Instances-a few out of many takes from theatricallife that the state of gettteg married andgetting divorced te the normal conditionof the people of the stage It Is wethink a striking commentary on the looseway te whir tile sacred tie ef marriageIs coming to be regarded For the player

k may be said se muck in extenuationthat he is by Ms profession barred fromthe domesticity and boateMfe that Is solarge a factor In the happy married statethat separated from his wife he Is

throws constantly late the company ofether women and that by virtue of ifsprofession he has not the time to acquirethe moral stamina that is necessary toavert the temptations ef propinquity

society divorce Is far too prevalent Themarriage tie is easitag tSreugh taxaessof thought and a dulling of the keen edge

of fine moral feeIng te be regarded lessas a sacrament tbas a convenience andthe whole tendency is deeply to be de

The example of the players Is tb morehurtful peHmps hscauee they are play-

ers because through their Mstrienisma degree the regard

aot to say the admtratlOB ef the publictheir are knows their

reaching than that of people In merehumdrum walk of We

So prevalent has divorce became amongthe actors there is s muck marryingand tetermarrymg silk the consequentscandals and reproach that one wondersthat they ever dare M essay matrimonyBut they were ever an adventuress raceIt is not pleasant to contemplate theirmatrimonial mtxuss So far as theirprmctofes of matrimony are concerned thesocial body outside the stage Is net likelyto desire te emulate theta They alitrather we tbmk beak outsiders what toavoid and may atiy be regarded as hor

In every walk ot W In every grade of

have to

exam-ple tr that muck mere far

they won

names andk reason




rible examples

Why music Is not paramount In Amera te a hondltao ta Tuesdays New

York American aiusfc has beesoa Ute Antirtram Moos

Mr Jobs Temple Graves a Jobthereon hasnt It

Bvery America boy may hope to bePrestdeat se we are proud to aver tathis country However few of them marhope to dictate than successors we beMevetrue

A Kentucky town recently wont wetby use vote If that follow had votedlay we halfway suspect there would

have beeR a generous and unusual amountof eetfklekmff indulged ta by numerousone who voted dry white hoping

A PMtodeiphhx brUearoom eommltted-jatemin after me fret quarrel hiswife Poor feHew Te have missed thepleasure of making up that arst quarrel

IB reattty the cry Let well enoughoCtea means Let bad enough


Oxalarta is the most fashionable Usease Just sow We deat know what tbeoperation that liras with it sots but wesuspect it is a bankbook staggerer

plan Probably be imagined she wouldthink she bad picked up a bargain

be fixed it ap ta that fashion

Everything ta this world is gettingbetter says tbe Rev Charles F AkedIf the gentleman would attend a few po-

litical gatherings and listen to the saeO

Candidate Kera cam K te reported


should the Sest hope



A Sew jII6ge ato



binders be wend e Jd rindriot


eves oem


Jersey has sesteoedwoman pqy a fe on the Installment




eat corn from this ia aptte of tilestyli of his whiskers says the ChicagoHeeordHerald Now if gentleman isable to prove that be has enjoyed eatingsoup one tale since be turned

remarkable man

As proof that the panic te set only over

plied to an editorial ta the Macon

ta old and worn currency

Noting a headline Ja The WashingtonHerald rending Misguided Mr Watsonthe Btrnrtngnam AgeHeraW moafees IsIt possible that Mr Watsons chauffeur ismcompeteatr Perhaps Mr Watson is-

Ms ofnA easeful perusal of the newspapers

falls f disckoe the ef eves onewho dIM from surprise or shack be

COM of the reversal ef that fS009 deastoa

Bryan is goiag to be elected saysUte Nashville Amerieaa Which meanwe take K that Bryan te going some

Turkish women are beginning to layaside their veBs It is a far cry fer themyet however to bathing suits cteckwgckstockings peekaboo waists and sheathskirts

Atlanta has signed baseball playernamed Hem If that team gets any mere

eggs this summer we cant teehow H n te te be Warned for them

The Sultan has issued an Imperialbrat which promise everything theaevoluUontols demand We hardly sus-

pect Ms majesty was able to resist Inquir-

ing ef tbe opposition Is It haatenough for T

A staUsttataa has figured It that peopleare healthier aortas bud trines than theyare during prosperous times This wouldseem to vindicate the light diet advocates

There te little use ta a girl assuring


tipsthem oboeid be as a truly

Nt forgotten attention k

xrat people against IeUerfa

Cba Sear




out he dxed

down SouthTel







a dyspeptic young man of her prepeBatties ta tile cooking flue says the SanAntonio Express And yet there is

nothing ta which a dyspeptic youngman M more profoundly concerned thangood cooking

A candidate for other out in Californiasays be te running oa his stresg rec-ord JJo doubt It needs fumtgatiag the

An exbank cashier now living In Canada recently wrote a letter to one of the

loan of a hundred dollars with which tocidiclne Evidently the medicine

needs isnt a nerve restorer



record does

of bAnk wrecked asking the


average politicians

jtctims the




EVER NOTICEhave a villain te every play and a

vHlalneus scamp he temoves about in a sltektes way andhe wears a scowUng put

seems te lute to Kill and rob youdthink he had BO heart

lea always m the fleodteh and thushe plays his part

consistent scampoften gentle with Ma wife and of a

cleancut stampstage rogue wears a fiendish phIand seems to exude gH

But tin reallife rogue quite often Is thebestHked chop of aH

Another PointI It hot enough for your Inquired

the party of the first partIt is replied the ether half of the

sketch and the timidity is also suf-ficiently excessive

Somewhat DubiousMy wife te a trifle erratic

mind Youll and your marriedlife one grand sweet song

Yes of the ragtime variety

Jarred Lila VanityWhat do you see ta me te lover

sighed the somewhat pempeus swamOh I dont knew answered the girL

This Is the season you must

Goes on Forever-I would set live alway

Remarked a JetBut see ne chance a years advance

To get a restTime Is Ripe-

I think III revise the old sourWhet oM sesgrOr at least write a sequel t be called

Up Dirigible Bamtoa Boys

Is ItrI see said the proprietor that you

detwribe our machine as bemg almosthuman

Thats ae admitted Ute salesman-i do

Some humans are very balky Is thata good r

A Poor TheoryThey that millionaires with

Incomes suffer more rips peerpie under startmr circumstances

On what groundsI spose os the theory that Its

to give up terrapin than corned beef




The villain we in real life Is an In






curt-ailed pee




silly re-member





Uncle Sam Lout All Regard forllamnnltlcit

The use of Cot Stewart Ute armya high

up agate by ran

late brother la k aa aetooadlag altogattoa made oa Ute word of a navepaper man te that shortly after CoLStewarts return there arrived at FortGrant an empty coon sent there by thequartermaster generals department As

must have been Intended for one of themand win doubtless be parUcutarty nragtag to the Invalid No surgeon isat Mad ta caee of lOneee the fort Is IB adilaphlated condition and the tempera-ture at the tfcoe of the reporters visitwas 117 degrees The puce te Infestedwith venomous spiders raltfesnakes

land anhnate of various kinds Yet MrHeoseveK deHbeiateiy keeps CoL Stewart there r

retirement of his own accordpersawBtal tenrmrttos are reasoa hegivox for thus abusing a colossi te theregular army Unfortunately there Is BO

Zola to rescue the prisoner of our DevilsIsland aad not a single Republican pollticma DOt even Mr Taft win Oft a angerta Stewarts behalf The Baltimore

one of the many newspapers that

It asks nowDoes President Roosevelt feel at aU

easy In his mind when be thinks of thewretched conditions under which CoL

is wins wtth tbe approval ofthe commnndertechtef because of tileunfortunate ooteers t ui rsai nlnl ta

Has Undo Sam tost aUthe humanities Is Ms army

Personified I nes

Never before we believe has theresuck aa embarraasmeat of iaeaes

spread before the people The electioncannot turn upon all of them Popular

tux Put

oaker In Arrestbonded

of the publication of If tier from

Oat Stewart otherngro coed II white tile tO

he wit cost apply for


their JIIIDik freely this


re-gard for to-


tk Tta


Fes New Tuk

maseood hrPreeddot k


only companions are-

a sick man



speak on sobjeet

f moos

RaoY id

Pma rrw Tae





mandates consist be given regardingeverything Always selection te necessaryand the roHUctans are not good at maklag selections This year they may besaid to have abdicated their function andleft It to the people to say what theyare thinking about most Despite theseven conventions the campaign te yetall to be made The conventions haveleft It a campaign of candidates lidthe election must turn upon the Manes

R persoBlAed unless the many voicedtakes charge te a manner not yet indi-cated

Peccary in Polities

Vice President Fairbanks ta a totter addressed to tile boys at Indaremeat saidneed ef aa awakening among theto necessity of deaa polities Nththeory sad practice There are too manwho profess decency ta politico but airdo net carry their propostttoas tete

Not Dignity

Taft campaign agstest such raarcbtapoetry as this

AM a MIl wH R ddt W 3 rigfc


I ten tang t tae MMtai-At I

Then art tt en the hwel JetAmi n m of MC listed

dad acm A imd-

Mater or or-

AB awsMttsal-Pte

tk fipkk

whothere to a boys city govern

We have Reer beeR more Inpeople


lesm tW liuMIts ot to dignity In the

W1tIt ha user p StHe ma tied

raise IIet

II IKJI Mw ue ef pea

Tbtre II Hoed ta Ilk

doeWIlla teas ef a seelw rid

The k far IIIeoI-AM ot pest

at InIedIs-

Fer tk lot


naNtrII 1M eC

Teen PadqWine





Bereaesy pceeeeve


f1 tae cask whte

akstr ail acg sepiaAare pansi en the ie is

e absstlez

to wet ehttel


pad iesahxedter it iced far

trapada-b w usd matt

s e at mud tie vMe-rh mule and a silt Due die

aa wife delta-Ile bona nr natR

uhwnrlt nma am



Pot the n aitiimiii-

WaiWile mint the spumes fad

TCbuB tit nThji ot bat am atffiht

BW r to

SheDHM Jerfl ttiat EMS

Ff nay salt the emir toador of Uood in Tain-

jod asks us am sad orrrWhere a ttr Gin

jsszr Roscoe ia the f

u rBas a et sot Btftr-

Pw IfIIrt efIlk

1Ie and tMDe UIIIIt Oat IIcand


cow 7tIIC tIMthe red

oaf Fuse




vs rear tM oseb

sews seasOemrest al

ileac dace kreerr

us hagh iaR Reke aptel-

lilies sneer red rards feter w

riled Sanewr ershiP meaner





The Providence Journal speaking ofMr Bird S Colers candidacy for the gov-

ernorship of New York State thinks thatthe party might go farther sad Dad amuch weaker candidate though It remains to be seen what Senator McCarreaand his friends think about It It says

Mr Bird S Color borough president-of Brooklyn and one of Ute many Demo-crats mentioned ln comtectioa with theVice Presidential nerateatien at Denver

formally announced his candidacy forthe nomination for governor of SeW YorkMr Colers declaration at a meeting ofthe antlMeCarrea county committee onFriday evening that he Intended to enterthe field was received with a demonstra-tion of approval that lasted three minutesthough It remains to be seen what Sena-tor McCarren and his friends think about

Mr Celer ran for governor as theDemocratic nominee ta 1B6C and camewithin a little more than votesof de-

feating Mr OdeiL He may lootstrength Mace that time but the

party might ge farther and Sad a weakercandidate especially as Tammany isto look favorably Ms aspirations Atthe same time It would sees more natu-ral to put Luest Cow Chaster at thehead of the ticket

The Charleston News and Courier





t tie








thinks that the people would take kindlyto Mr Bryan as a tarter reformer butthat it wilt be well for him bt the comingcampaign not to confuse Ute issues Itsays

The people ef the country would be attracted to Mr Bryan as a tariff reformertNt It he should seek to defend an of theDenver demands or half a dozes of themhe would taU to leave a distinct teapiessloB Emphasis on more than one subjectat a tone dulls and confounds the average listener Mr Bryan should drivehouse to the people that the Republicanparty is held together by the tarnT sched-ules that the tariff ta the mother oftrusts that Aldrich and Dalzeil are Con-gress sad that Congress is sad OUt be amere Instrument of the manufacturers of

the policy of protection Let Mr Bryanhammer on tile tariff issue that the people caR understand and upon that theycan divide Tbe remaining planks of theplatform can take care ef themselvesthey for themselves and to streeethe tariff issue would not mean dental orabandonment of them

The Pitteburs Poet believes that the Re-publican campaign managers are not at

the until the country uu from








an Gratified at the situation hi Onto thatthere is a probabtttty of Ute oteetwa ofHarmon as governor and that perhapsHarmon may pull Bryan through It de-

claresHepubUeaa campaign managers are

seared over Ute sitaatton ta Ohio aadwee they may be Eves the New York

Into the State to look over the eld care-fully and report actual conditions

election as governor Accordingto this correspondent Harmon may pullBryan through The Sun tgaors perhapsintentionally the factional disturbances tathe Republican party ta Onto and the factthat

have openly bolted a part of theState ticket It should not be forgottentoo that tile Democrat elected a part ofthe electoral ticket ta UK and that the

bsat a Hanna to do the tIDe Ital-ian work tide year

The Richmond Journal says that eventhe Republican organs have ceaeed togme at Mr Bryan as aa advocate ef gov-

ernment ownership of railroads It saysDiva the Republican party has ceased

to gibe Mr Bryan as aa advocate of thegovernment ownership of the railroadsand has at tost taken that dtettagutebedman at his word sad accepted hte reelview government ownership as a sotattoaof tbe situation when the same becomesotherwise tyrannic and impossible Nordoes Mr Bryan oc any other

for that any advanced publicist fancyfor a moment that the absorption by thegeneral government of the railroads ortheir purchase outright upon fair andequitable terms and then conduct as afunction of organized society te a matterof duds play

The Raleigh News and Observer tMaksthat Mr Taft recegatoes that Ms

has aroused no eathuetasm and thathte only hope sot ta bhaeetf butta his stag squarely as Rooseveltsmss It says

aim sad purpose of Mr Taft arevery apparent He leeofeiilies that hits

Sun which a

these strong poMIbIUty of lIar-s

of fudneaot








sent trusted correspondent

con-cedes h a

a soar er more news-papers






neaunattoB by Ute Republican hasbrought forth ao eathnomsm and thatta place of being in accord trtli ts partyIt te sunder because of his nomi-

nationJsrity of its leaders or of the rank and I

Sic a nomination forced by RooseveltRealizing that he faces a serious sKoallion as to party success that people Inhis own party are wining and anxious forhis defeat be joctHKos a mans natural

and makes himself Reosevetts manFriday eutogislmr his chief and seekingto wm votes by placing Roosevelts viewsand poHcie in the forefront His

hopes now are that the coun-try wilt support him for Roosevelt sake

because be te wilting to subordmatehimself entirely to the President

The Buffalo Express that it is cer-tain now that the campaign te OB andthat very soon we expect theslanders It says

Yes the Presidential campaign te reelstory that one of the candidates said adopier A day is enough for a worktagmoaand we expect to heat within the nextweek that ORe or both candidates wereborn in Canada After that the fordedletters and then things wttt really be go-Ing

The Eatelsh Times takes occasion tospeak of tbe uprtshtaeM and honesty ofMr Bryan declaring

Whether DecMcrats like or dislikesome ef the things Mr Bryan has stoodfar the fact remains that he te as uprightas any man that ever Bated the Americanvoter for his suffrage There te no dan-ger from wild Neal as Mr Bryce andthe ptetform which te Mr Bryao are

that any Democrat may work for

The New York speaks of the prac-tical bins of Judge reforming ten-dencies aad of the evidences of hitness and Impartiality It says

The practical Imps of Judge Tarts refarming tendencies and be has suck tendencies strongly oevetopedte illustratedby bit remarks Saturday when te conver-sation with tile president of the VirginiaBar Association Talkiof eoaceraiag tit

tena thing not desired by the ma



ly on have already the




mar usual

We eoouateeed










admlntetratJon of tbe law be said that tahis opinion the greatest problem beforethe American people related to the im-provement ef our court method bothcriminal and del so that adjudicationmay net only be test but cheep aadspeedy The press the political platformsand the poUetaas may be clattering con-cerning other questions With broadervision Judge mind turns to thisgenuinely b and difficult one aa we

his Influence will be thrown to Ute sup-port of every sensible and weMconsWeredplan for improvement Judge Taft Is apolitical candidate but the Impressionshe received when the bench are deeplyengraved on his mind and he canrot helpreverting to a deiAanor of fairness sadimpartiality


be sure that while he Presides



may k







Do the Ohio RepublicAn All Dis-

approve ofPasta tke derelnd FUs Dots

Net without painful striving and disa-

greeable postmortem result wttt the Rea autocrats of Onto steered ta put

Ung Into execution the order tor SenatorPorakers political death It IK not to be-

Vmbted that the majority ef K imbHcanas well as tbe majority of aQ citizens dis-approve of Mr Foraker Ttey refuse tosee te him the qualities ef the statesmanand perceive clearly the atrto ix of theprr tonal politician They vtt noVI d-

arttattoa for Ids course as Sraatnr Theyfall 10 recognize that be has added to thereputation of Ohio jts a producer of greatmen But at the time it te not plain-ly apparent that Mr Feraker hiss com-

mitted any aenee suffidenUy heinous tomerit arbitrary capital punishment

sympathy te prone te go out to thecondemned criminal especially It the sen-

timent pains strength that be has beencondemned without a hearing or withoutample cause Se K is that Ohioan wlMnot compmcently contemplate the igno

gibbeting of Mr Foraker by thepowerproud bureaucrats of Taft Vorysand Cox Such martyrdom brings to thesurface an that te good ta a can and tespires forgetfulness of that which is netgood





mini its






Ohio after Foraker has been executedwM remember Mm as one who courage-ously stood for what be believed to beright who seemed the threats anti furyof the wMpcracker of the White

other admirable things that hehas done the stand be ta opposition

Mexico win be recorded to Ms credit Colored men win not be e mviaeea that bedid not act dMateresteolir ta the Brownsvine affair But above att It will be re-

membered that be stood frankly autspoken ia the Senate while his brothers of thetoga either truckled or concealed theirdisoattefactton behind sour looks andpar grMabOags

spools beeR far from laudable is very truebut once be te laid away te the poitttealcatacombs this wW be generally forgotten The old Foraker Meuteaaats the

Ucal tesplnUoa wW cherish the dleeoatest aad resentment that wH be feltthroughout Onto wM see that the cry oftyranny sad czar rule Ve not allowed toabate for lack of lugs Foraker deadwin haunt at a vengeful most the diem



to the crime against sad New

That Forakers bas In many reo

men who looked to tile Senator for pese


a-mt record






burn of the dan of VorysMany who have sever admired Foraker

who have desired Ms ethmaattos frompubMe life win regret the manner of hispassing To have sent Mm from the

by popular acclaim would have betagratifying To ee him saaaobed to earthby tbe of a coterie of p Htlenl dic-tators whose affiliations and tools areworse than those of Foraker himself wMawakes ao sattefaetton


Democratic Platform In the State ofWest Virginia

Peon the Jkowtt JimThe State Democratic convention ef

West Virginia has adopted a plank ta Itsplatform wbich demands the disfranchisemost of the negro

The action of the Democrats te aState like that has something more

than a foal signify iinot end k will serveto stimulate the other not onlyof the hat of Ute whole countryto fHiahintr the Ignorant and purchasablenegro voter wherever he

ever they are lOt absolutely blinded by-parUsanehip or setfmterest are rapidlyreaching tbe eoactaeien to which MrBryan gave expression some time ago tothe effect that the North would act tethis matter Just as the South is dotesif confronted with Ute same conditions

As sectional bitterness expires the deliberate Judgment of the people comes to

fourteenth and fifteenth amendments wasa grave mistake It may be years before

passion sad prejudice can be undone di-rectly but ta the meantime It ta possibleto accomplish very muck tbe same thingby means of the Just and toga dtafrai-chtoemeat enactments such as has beenproposed te Georgia

TIle State of Georgia took a tong stepforward when it decided to submit to thepeople this coaMitnttoaal amendment

election Every day confirms the wisdom



be teaIIIITIM people of the United States when

the realhatlou that of tW

tbe work that was dose Sa the days of

which k to e apes In the





the adoption

voted general




s Virginia preparing to fMtoar ta-

y fa ROt far distant when there win bedissenting vetrf throughout tile coua-

scure an outright repeat of the odiousAeadmeBta which have kept tile Southi social sad poeltiesl bondage for go


Conciliation Mitchellthe BMHI BcnU-

Dlurged are the peacemakers te tobecome John MKchetls favorite beatitudeBy accepting charge of the trade agree-ment department of the National CivicFederation he at once becomes an im-

portant factor ta promoiteg Industrialpeace ta this country and brtegs to tiletask unusual OBsHCcatmas Our quotatin today shows hew highly be valuesthe trade agreement plan as a male ef-ohrtet what te called the labor prob-


The Battle Ground

The battle will be Westsad tile nomtnattan of Kern of ladiaaafor the Vic Presidency shows that factto have beeR duly appreciated by tileDenver convention The admteetoB ofOklahoma and its enrollment as a Demo-cratic State makes It possible for MrBryan to win without the vote of NewYork or any other Eastern State Therete so reason to doubt that be wilt carrythe Solid South Including Maryland Ken-tucky and Missouri

Under Oklahoma

It te not necewary to Institute eomaarboas wtth the Bryan platforms of formeryears to establish the fact that this plat-

form Is It is absolutely notlively bad It was put forth by a con-

vention of the Democratic party but itte not Democratic say more than theplatform of huh was Democratic MrBryan asks party te Ute whale Unionto put itself under the l dsrsMK ofOklahoma


the step and we ft1a4 such StatesI

footstep tp that theI

and win then be In a position to i



Plan tux JL

tW sbad




k h easy see


ttlaais the Middle

Fens Tent lies








VteMK hi feat vt ad

H4 butt MC laid MK mtT taiiM-Aad he each nit wu W BM

Testis to alias Lent sfc n belupin able sad tbe fnc

wad and t tor llbrrtTJOHN A JOYCE


kciakter ICwit III-

Bes pscd S rratl oedTo ef Ilk God

pee mIao-LAal cabs MIA

wadPer 1111

a hera Mf


Oer andTo

Li 4 2309

d tintsawn era area t u

Isla bdmrobe they vet

t and and bantsae tdce aYd

debae bh new

starbet mme a4t

wit pulse warhew wrad I

ttr m cat ever tea

Wash gtoc rt



AT THE HOTE-LSI that Bryan ass be elected saidHermann Henry Kohteaat capitalist andJournalist of Chicago at the Arling-ton test night

For tile Hlof me I cant see whereBryan can secare votes e did not get inaT continued Mr Kohtoaat and on

other hand it took to me as if hewould lose many votes that were cast for

ta ISS because of the whichHearsts Independence League wiU makeI think K te sate to say that the

League will poll about 7000CO

votes and nine out of tea of these voteswill come from tile Democratic partyBryans only hope can be based on thevotes ta the cities

Much has been this laboringvote being agateet Taft oa account of hisattitude toward labor while be wasJudge en the bench The whole matter lathat tbe injunction question te not thor-oughly uadentood by the ordinary la-

borer they do not know what it meansIf they did they would see that the

platform sealant their in-

terests but on the contrary strongly iatheir favor

la country districts the farmers thebackbone ef tile country are te such astate of prosperity that they could undrao circumstances be persuaded to vote

I can see no reason wilY can




salt a

any one





Re-publics knot





a change of admtatetratkm Farmmortgages are now practically unknownte Illinois You would be surprised tosee the number of automobttos used andowned by farmers All we want now is

corn crop K would help businessvery much tt would make business forthe railroads In the moving of the cropand would ta that way give employmentto additional numbers of popte

Speaking of President Reosevetfs qual-ities Mr Kohtoaat MM tint tile Presidentte a man of the deepest fatltega andwonderful heart

One day test summer be said Ispent out ta the woods with my farmIt was an ideal day and the little boy

largely ta evidence Some of thornwere playing baseball others were doingother things and tae little fellow waspicking violets I asked Mm why be wasnot playing ban He Mid he could playMIl nay old time but violets did notgrow every dry sad that Ids father andmother and everybody at home would likea bunch of violets This reply went to-

m heart The President was expectedtit next d y and I thought be wouldenjoy a bunch of violets from the Uttfellow I said to the boy that the Presi-dent liked violets and that be ought to

He wouldnt take my violets said





Q up If nice eta him





Ute boyOh yes be would you take a

bench around to the Auditorium Annextomorrow aft rnc B send write a littlenote with K Ifere te my card give it tothe deck aad tell mm you want to takyour violets to tile President I replied

boy after sajrtee thatwouldnt let Mm take hW violets to thePresident reluctantly

called sad noticed on the table in the re-

ception room a bunch of violets somewith long stems others wtth shortan tied up te regular boys fashion

and white bundlestrta A cardattached to which bore ta chiMtah Sn sthe same of the boy nothing else I to IMrproud and would never forget the greathonor it the President would acknowledgethe receipt of Ute flower ta a few IrsMr Loeb replied that President Roose-velt who was thou taking a bath snatch

a spare moment te Ms busy day halalready dictated a letter to the boythanking him for the violets

that day sad between consaKattonsand visits be found time to

thank tier little unknown Chicano boyfee his punch of vtoUu

It te traits of this nature that rcakPresident Roosevelt tbe popular man

i of the

It te estimated by government f re trangers that there are from 30000 to2M wild bones the publicranges te the mimatalnii of Nevada andother Jar Western States raid Ben cWends lumber merchant of CarsonSew at the National msc night MrWBktes bae been te York on busiaeee andhome decided to see the sights of thiscityForest rangers have bees ordered toshoot an wild horses found on theWages continued Mr Wilkins atleast this was the tmpreeeion we gained

ployes catonly devote their energies to fencingsops from the trespassing animals rrrounding them up


The next the I

w 1s

ItLreb that the boy would be ever

rIM President was

t-oday In every

TtJrIag to his Western


they appear



oratedday President srrived


red w

busy every minutere-



is rue coun-try




In Nevada go ersrsesit

when arc








threaten damage to tbe range Withirthe last few years they have Increased tsuch an extent that te many localitiesthey are clawed as varmints witwolves wild cats and grizzlies and everymans ride te turned against them Ncfence te strong enough to stop thesehorses and when they appear IB tornthey have even been known to

and kill cows and calves Aftereach visitation frost a had the ranch-man is likely to mourn the toss of hUdomestic horses and it snip requires afew days association wtth their newcompanions for pie bat broken animalsto become as wild as tilt nomadic

legislature of Nevada passed ataw many years ago spectflcatty allowing

tbefe Maes for what they could getopen market The law opened the

way to a new and unusual industry andmay teen found the killing of wildhoses Besides the work was

sat of sportAs time went on and the business o

killing these outlaws aacomed greaterproportions stockmen found that the

hunters were ta manyabusing their rights and were kIllingbranded and shod horses This put an endto the business for on complaint of theotockmea the Nevada legislaturepromptly repealed the law It Is es-

timated that K 04 animate were killedte tile time the law was te force

plan for effectually disposing of themwin do great service to tile stockmencf the Western States

R G Lybraad a manufacturer of Deb

aware Ohio who to at the Bbbitt Howesaid test night that Onto te safe for Taftsad that Harris the candidate for gov-

ernor on tbe Republican ticket also willbe elected

win carry Onto he sold andI dont believe a word of i when theDemocratic managers say that Ohio telikely to suIng te and sapper BryanIts all nonsense Bryan has no skew teOnto

Foraker te doing tits Mad bit to swellTafts majority and with these two pow

interest of tile Republican national ticketthere te absorat iy no chance for Bryanto aMp ta and take tbe State-

I a Cleveland man say the otherday that Tom Johnson was an right butthat be would not be reelected mayorof that town today If were a candi-date

Kept Mouth ShutIlea tile CWiVtlae nn

Even so brilliant a man as E W Carirnck could not defeat the Incumpent grr-rrnor of Tennessee for a second termXo governor is ever defeated for a

term except Hoke Smith whosokept his mouth s

Thehunters to shoot wild raM and to sell

prtableexciting and gave tile buMese the added


PI-t coast


Thewild horse lias become aserious and o use wile can devisea



situ political > teat work in the








goerdei againens








