Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-05-25 [p 2]. fileI 2HE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY MAY 25...

2HE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY MAY 25 1907 I 1 4 DYER LOSES POSITION President Resents Attempt- to Force Vindication WILL BE DROPPED ON LANDING Former Employe nt St Loul Sn- ltrcnsury AcQnlttcd on Embezzle- ment ChnrKc on Way Unck from Europe with Prisoner Stories Com- plimentary to Dyer Cause Removal Newspaper stories complimentary to F Dyer Jr of St Louis caused President Roosevelt yesterday to dtemiss- yer from his office as an agent of the Femoral government designated for the sjf ai purpose of brInIng a confessed dft1t r from Europe to this country Th prisoner was Charles F Grotefend paying teller of the Washington Bank of St Lout He hid de- faultpd fled to Europe and nal y writ trn to the Federal authorities In St Louis tKit he would surrender Iijfr was designated by his father then Ini 1 States dtotrict attorney m St Loui nd now a United States Jttdge U- S i to Europe to get Grotefend and bring Him home Young Dyer had been tried n harp of embezzling J35W from the United States subtreasury In St Louis and had been acquitted Seek to BmiihnaUe Vindication i papers chronicled this morning that Dyer and Orotefend were to arrive n tV Deutschland they said that Dyer ad been designated to go to Europe and tVe defaulter home to emphasize is vindication When the President and Attorney General Bonaparte read these tries they made an inquiry and Dyers f moral from his special office was ppho following omcial statement on the sul j 1 was given out by the Department f Justice last night It was stated at the Department of io today that the President knew nothing of the orders directing David P y r jr to go abroad to receive the sur Tvlr of Charles F Grotefend former- ly teller of the Washington Bank of Louis It usual for the United States At ioniry in the district in which similar pr pedings originate to designate some Person UP suitable to bring an extradited prieorT hack to the United States In tlJs th district attorney was the present JuflC David P Dyer who designated his an i David P Dyer jr and the appoint rr nt was made In the usual course as a mutter of routine without having been cal to the attention of the Attorney Genf ral or any other superior officer of tjr 1partment without any direction c i part of the President and wholly rlMvit the Presidents knowledge When U lcmne evident from newspaper publl ti ions that an effort was being made th appointment the character of to the younger Dyer the de jiyrtM nt took steps to at once terminate I yrs Connection with the service ro lie unmoved tit Once United States marshal at New York vs r eted to meet the Deutschland and- t tak Grotefend from Dyers custody ordinary circumstances the person VTI biotigbt Grotefend from abroad v Ui have continued to St Louis In- ru of the prisoner The Department f r Justice desired to dispense with Dyers E jfPS so u to show that a wholly um rranted significance had been t tf appointment which was in fact C t an inadvertence and as he had f i l for the United States the rouid only take effect on the arrival c f steamer When Dyer was arrested in St Louis on l iharge of embezzling money from the tihtrfJisnry his father was district attor md it was necessary to employ a Fi rial attorney to prosecute lim Before 1 i f he was dismissed from the ottice 1 In the subtreasury After his Dyer paid the full amount of 1 s bTd to covet the loss of the money f T which he was officially responsible MOODY ACCEPTS CHALLENGE hand Contest Arranged for May 30 at Handle Highland Jacb II Moody leader of the Naval Gun Factory Band has accepted the ciall nge from the Laurel Military Band fp ii contest between these bands at NTth Randle Highlands May M- Tils will be the moat exciting military rivsscal event ever witnessed in Wash n and is awaited with a great deal lrr st The Gun Factory Band is to r a Northern airs and the Laurel Mili- tary Hand Southern airs At the end of tii contest a vote is to be taken by all rresfnt and the band which receives the ring votes is to be awarded the gold irrdil offered by Col Handle Tie excitement over this contest is felt tirghout the city great numbers nc g ing to visit North Handle High- lands and from present indications most of the lots will be sold before the big day of rile as the demand seems greater for- th property than that of Randle High IsTids that property was put on the jrket eighteen months ago on which oocicion many camped on the ground to iih before the salo to secure the ch p t lots It is estimated that a large per cent or the white population of Washington nl witness this contest as North Ran d Highlands will be crowded with pleas iire oekrs on the Wh Many wH bring th ir baskets although refreshments will l furnished free on grounds to all Still Held Mrs Cnic Mrs IsabeUe Emerson Case still re- mains at the House of Detention al- though the Cambridge Mass authori ties notified her husband of her deten- tion here at Instance of local police She claims that she will not avp here without seeing President Roosevelt and that if is forcibly r moved it will not be loos before she turns The police will wait a short ime to hear tents her relatives and In nso they do not asysar will have her anty tested with a view to sending vr to Ft ElUaaeths Clerk Ibid for Rxnmlnntiriii i n cmplaint of Dr A T West Charles A Ross a clfrtt connected with tire geological Survey was arrested last night- ly Emerson of the Tenth rennet charged with Insanity He at t mptPd suicide some weeks ago In a Sev nth Ktr et sala n aad that e4 to have bees acting In a Manner He will be examined by the ca surgeons today First Sleeping Car Cnse Filed The first cue involving an alleged vio- lation of railroad rate an act on be part of a sleeping car company was filed with the Interstate Commerce Com- mission yesterday The Pullman Com- pany is the defendant George S Loftus of St Paul complains that the Pullman company charged an unreasonable rate for sleeping car accommodations between the cUr namd and Superior Wis Da- n I fro r th W the TIp J 1 sing Na- t St s h to- g A- lI Rtlon T t d r given t Ti al i f lid the lnpr PoI maa time liar po- I Ute q tina rig rev ca- t i a when the the she Moos 4 ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > > > ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < > JOHN HAYES WILL FILED Greater Portion of lib Estate Left to III Wife The will of John Hayes was filed for probate yesterday naming Michael P Sullivan executor The deceased directs that all his personal property go to wife Catharine Hayes and that she mint have possession during her life of property at iW 717 719 and 721 Grant ave It is further directed that premises 4S6 and S N street go to John Joe Staf onl and William Paul Stafford chit droa Of John and Mary Stafford upon condition that they pay 500 to Maggie Loefller a daughter of Mary Ann that within ten years of testators de- cease The property bequeathed to Ui wife of the deceased after her death Is sold and the proceeds to be divided as follows To S F Ryan of the Church of the Immaculate Conception it the Little Sisters of the Poor 1W the balance and remainder to be di- vided among relatives COL HARRISON UNDER FIRE War Department Asked to Invest gate Dance Incident Col G F E Harrison stationed Fort Monroe may be asked by the War Department to explain his actions In the wives of two wellknown men leave the ballroom at Hotel Cum berlin last week The husbands Archi bald S White president of the Columbia Gas and Electric Company and Charles K Thorn want a vindication awl Evans has secured a report shows the army officer to have been error The two women had been Invited to bell and when asked to leave did understand the motive There was some discussion and they were later asked leave the hotel They had oral Invtta lions from Lieut Pendelton of the army and escorted by Lieut fleece Surgeon Schwerin who are naval oftteers The court of Inquiry exonerated these of- ficers BLACKBURN SUIT Throws Out Case Brought Against Charles II Campbell Justice Clnlmnph Finite Complnlnnnl- Proilncea X Corroborntlnic Evi- dence to Support Contention The rule to show cause Issued recently against Charles U Campbell at the in stance of Orlando B Blackburn a New York broker was yesterday discharged by Justice Clabaugh court also de- clined to appoint a receiver for certain stock in the Intercontinental Correspond- ence University and the National Hotel in watch Blackburn claimed to have an interest Attorney John Ridout appeared for f Campbell Chief Justice Clahaugh In announcing- his decision said that the complainant- had produced no corroborative evidence- to support his contentions whereas the defendant had entered a complete de- ntal of every point at issue and this denial was supported by two affidavit The weight of evidence he therefore con- sidered was all on the side of the de- fendant NEWS CUT SHORT FOR BUSY READERS Justice Barnard yesterday issued an or- der enjoining William F Dailey from in any way Interfering with his wife Char lotte Dalley who has Iliad A suit for a limIted divorce alleging that her husband has never contributed toward her sup port Samuel Petrallo recently convicted for an attack on Mrs Nary A Fox June a- iM was yesterday sentenced by Justice Stafford to serve years In the peni- tentiary Attorney J S EaebySmith for Petrallo noted an appeal to the Court of Appeals Joseph J Maebs has sWt against James F Brennan for a diaeoluttoa of partnership to appoint a receiver and for an accounting He claims that the defendant tAiled to keep the terms of their agreement Attorney C F Diggs appears for the complainant A sentence of six years penitentiary Im- prisonment was imposed by Justice Staf- ford yesterday on Harvey A Smith who was convicted of houeooreaklng and lar- ceny Smith according to the testimony had served three years m peahen tlary as well as a term In the reform school George W England yesterday petitioned the District Supreme Court to Issue a annulling his marriage to Veronica M England alleging that the same was procured by fraud Attorney Campbell Carrtngton for petitioner says that they were married in Kansas June 30 ISM and that there are no children Edward Leon Thompson alias Dr Ed- ward Leon yesterday was sentenced by Justice Barnard to two years In the Moundsville Penitentiary on the charge of having performed a criminal operation on Sadie Yolk Attorneys Leo Simmons and Thomas C Taylor for the defense noted an appeal and Justice Barnard admitted the defendant to ball the sum of 2000 with S H Walker as surety Justice Stafford yesterday required Samuel J Clarke who was recently ar- rested In Pittsburg and brought to this city to answer a charge of failing to sup- port his wife and two minor children to give bond to secure the payment of 7 per week to Mta Ida Grew of the Aanociated Charities to be applied to the use of the wife anti children Clarke testified that he to ew pittance house P J Clarke hit father WM offered a surety on the bond At- torney C F Dlgga appeared for the de- fendant Not the biggest but the r wrlest the brightest and the best and it costs only 3 centsthe Sunday Issue of The Wash- ington Herald The Only Safe Storage for FursI- s cold storage in a fireproof warehouse AVo invite you to Inspect our seven cold storage rooms for furs fur gar- ments clothing rugs tapestries cur tains c and to note the scrupulous cleanliness and the made for protecting the roods from dust Price list sent on request onagF jonpng WAREHOUSEMEN PACKERS AND FORWARDING AGENTS 1140 Fifteenth Street Ills the ford Rev to at ask- Ing to the Ad- miral which In the not to DISMISSED- Court The I dYe filed the de- cree the I a In a n- I I and as as moth theft and 1 nite to- e cern and as sileiman gas fire FfUPIJ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ President Talks at Friends School Graduation GIVES ADVICE TO THE BOYS Tells Them Xot to Be a Hull Nor to lie Afraid of Hough Piny IJIn- tliiKiiiMhcd HdueatoM Ann iK the Yinltor at the 13xcrelnen Archie UnoHerclt a Student of School sweet girl graduates In pretty white gowns and bearing bouquets of pink roses and four bashful young men the class of 17 of the Friends School had the honor of receiving their diplomas hurt night from the hand of the President after the Chief Executive had delivered a short addreee tilled with bits of timely advice to young folk and their parents The President was accompanied by Mrs Roosevelt They remained throughout- the presentation exercises after which they received the school classes and the guests of the evening Thomas W Sklwell the principal pre- sided during the exercises Dr Jesse II Holmes of Swartbmore College delivered the opening prayer following which ITUz hugh Coyte Goldeborough a local young violinist rendered several numbers with brilliance Mr SMwell Introduced the President who beamed upon the gathering and launched Into of bit characteristic Impromptu addresses In which he refer red to himself at on point as pretty much of a sermon President Talks to Boys He spoke mostly to the young boys gathered before him among whom was seated Archie the Presidents son sad a pupil of the school foe boy who misuses his strength and physical courage to abuse smaller and weaker boys or girls said the Presi- dent or to torture some dumb animal Is the meanest kind of a boy there Is boy who Is kind and gentle but who i afraid to mingle with other boys lest they be rude to him Is a poor specimen but the bully Is more to be despised B right kind of boy around house Act in your in such a meaner thX when you are out of the house you leave behind you genuine sorrow aad not a sigh of relief The President closed by using a maxim which he said came from the foot ball field He told the youngsters to be game and then said Dont flinch dont foul and hit the line hard Mr Sidwell called off the name of each graduate who advanced and received the diploma from the President The were Harold Beverly Chase Helen Douglas Alexander Boiling Gall George William Lyman Marguerite Phillips Thora MIra Riley and Leroy Ordway King UlntliiKulfthed Guests Present Among the guests on the platform were Charles Jenkins editor of the Friend Intelligencer and Mrs Jenkins Prof Holmes of Swarthmore College and Mrs How William W Birdaau principal- of the Hip School of Philadelphia and Mrs Blrdsall Dr 0 Edward Janney- of Baltimore chairman of the Friends General Conference and Mrs Janney Prof Ell Lamb and Mrs Lomb E C Wilson principal of the Friends School Baltimore and Mrs Wilson and Dean Pennlman of the University of Pennsyl- vania Among the other special guests were President Woodward of Carnegie In- stitute and Mrs Woodward President Gallaudet of Gallaudet College Dean Wilbur of George Washington Univer- sity and Mrs Wilbur Commissioner Macfarland and Mrs Macfariand Prof Jameson of the Carnegie Institute and Mrs Jameson and Mr B T Janney su- pervising principal of the public schools and Mrs Janney Itecltnl by MtiHlc Student A programme consisting of numbers by American Spanish French and Irish composers was successfully presented by the pupils of Miss Edith Pickering of the Univer- sity of Music and Dramatic Art before- a large audience at the rooms of tho in stitutlon night programme was a follows- a CMW Am- b la Old XM Tratm The Leeeat Trie- Xto Owfth Mb Dew Md Mfe U r- IxXUbr J ael MM Uafeid- Xht XcU M NwL Ye the UN Rotate Mr W C Bo Mb r oMfeto fill Itdnrtag hiss Uctr Mr liaaoacr- U I e A XoeJfeMB- b A MM afaei UM MMDowH- MH Stella KviMMd- I Srriy ta Tart Aria CaraMa ln t- Mbs Cbrittiw Chweh- Ilawattoa o eM H I IwklMiw a The Utetirl HOT Moans Irk HifeaiM- W Oft te the SUlly NfehrMoow lit U MlM- Mto IlwbmM ChnrHi Cnric Oftbi IlMdtac Stew SmtteBM Trow MtOMM lthI- wWnsoa and Stawn- sMACCABEES HONOR ORGANIZER Three Tents of Modern JvnlKlitu- Jlold Ilnnqnct The Knights of the Modern Maccabees held a banquet representing the three tents of the jurisdiction at Freunds Thursday night where over sixty of the Sir Knights gathered to fraternise and pay their respects to F W Stevens gen- eral organizer of the order who war present as the guest of honor- J II Junghana supervising deputy for the District presided as toastmaster and delivered the address of welcome to the guest A pleasant surprise was the presentation of a finely engraved goldhandled um- brella to W E Porter commander of Progressive Tent by Its members Frank M Introduced as the greatest fraternal man in District who was present by invitation also spoke The other speakers of the evening were Labor sad Bdaeauoo 1 J SvlHraa Pmtml K 1alrfatkM B H Tyler Praamtotc Tnt loW Hwlnw C O Mclatoah Mod- ern Teat KJ1 Tlw Aarttat XaoeaoMt 8 8- BBRlnh SlodKi 121 FMUtiMl Soete F J Mwphjr FntcfMl Silent r rt n W Ilirter IwwwMiTe Dtsnt Work J M Poster Pnittml 12JS Fral nritr U S Asides Jlndftm Teat KTt and Our Baby Test J I CoUw l ns tMlTC Tent HIS Coiupnnlcn Must Itcpnlr Streets In response to the numerous complaints regarding the dust and dirt arising from the street railway tracks Commissioner West has directed that the street car companies be required to repair the asphalt surface between the tracks and the two feet outside the tracks as re quired by law John T Twohey super- intendent of street cleaning was yester- day directed to submit a list of the streets on which repairs are rjeeessary- Ao Color and IVn Comic The Sunday iasuo of The Washington Herald is growing with each succeeding issue because It is so different from othor Sunday papers It Is bright and newsy and clean all the way through ISEVEN GET DIPLOMAS the Ti roe The the the home gradu- ate Prettyman June the I I song last The 1 asS H Miss Getn Tier Iiel liotts RleblfdIoa and the Tnt Tnt TestS The ties 1216 our K Tnt Ills one Eng- lish Seek ilsyacud SEs sui SkinnerS Teat Toot ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TRIAL BOARD DISAGREES Differs TrHlt KM Attorney Over 31nllialliIatliewM Case In reference to tile delay of the polio trial board In submitting Its verdict tho MathewsMulhall ease Coramlselone West said yesterday that he had a verbal report from Maj Sylvester stated that the bindings of the board had not as yet boon submitted to him ai though he had made numerous Inquiries concerning It Commissioner communication Maj Sylvester asking when a verdict may be expected wag referred to trial board by the superintendent of lice who according to CommhHrtona West states that the delay Is the result of a disagreement between police mem- bers of the board and Assistant Corpora tion Counsel James Francis Smith In reference to this Inspector Swindell yesterday said that an agreement had been reached but that It was that the board would render Its decIsion within a few days Capt Mulhall and Capt Mathews charged with oflicial interference in work of rescue of Hugh Murphy an engi- neer from a wreck on the Southeri Railway in this city last BOY BITTEN BY DOG George It Spruce Attacked by llcrnnrd George R Spruce an elghtyearok boy was badly bitten by a huge St Ber- nard dog yesterday afternoon at Ninth and I streets The lids arms and leSS were a moss of scratches and bites when he was carried to the house of Dr Arthur Hall who cauterIzed the wounds and took him to his home at til I street The dog to said to have had no provoca- tion for the attack and will be taken to the pound this morning dog Is the property of Roawell White LAWYERS GRADUATED Five Given Diplomas by Washing ton College of Law ISqtinl nnilier of Men Ilccclvc TheT- Shccimkln AVnrncd to Keep Out of Politics Tea disciple of Blackstone five o whom are of the gentler sex received degree of Bachelor of Law at the ninth annual commencement of the Washington College of Law In the banquet hall of New Willard Hotel last night In an ad- dress to the graduating class Josiah A Van Orsdal Assistant Attorney General of th United Stiles sounded a warning to the young lawyers against entering flew of politics I am talking to young people entering the profession said he and let again beseech you UT public office that will interfere with your progress professional attainment as you would shun a pestilence Above all things d not tempted into the acceptance of ai office In Washington unless it be rarily one of the few where the are such that It will keep you in practice and demand a high type of skill and training Better follow the advice of Gin Oarfteld when be said Young man own something If It is onl a square foot of ground to stand on own It and as a teat resort alter everything else on earth has tailed accept a in Washington Following the address prizes for schol- arship were presented by Prof Emma M Glllett LL M as follows A gold medal Miss Sophie Bishop Kent prise Edna Spoffazd honorable mention Miss Grace Burke and Miss Edith Keen The priai for moot court work two Elliotts Practice of Indianapolis Ind was presented by Prof Edward C Dutton to Miss Fannie I Peter Rev Samuel H Woodrow pastor of First Congregational Church the invocation and benediction Degrees were conferred upon the following gradu- ates by Mrs Ellen Spencer Museey dean of th Anna Grace Burke Elmer E Clements John W De Maine Wallace J Hill Clifford L Sophie Bishop Edith Fannie Edna J Spoffard Albert M Walker NO LET UP IN COTTON FIGHT Bureau of Corporations Pushing In restitution of Exchanges Col L F Livingston of Georgia on his return to Washington yesterday to assist in the Investigation Into the methods of the cotton exchanges of the country being made by the lenin of CorporatIons declared that he looked for a report to be made to the Presi- dent by the middle of July or the nf August We are sure to win our nght he and bring the exchanges back a legitimate method of doing busi- ness which wilt mean a reform In their present contracts Representative Livingston said he the public was in danger of as that because the Bureau of Corporations was rot making any noise in its work and was making no an- nouncements through the press noth- ing was being done A representative- of the bureau has for the Pest six weeks been investigating the affairs of the York Cotton Exchange and others will look into the New Orleans and Memphis exchanges Asked about the activity of Theo- dore H Price who has turned bull Col Livingston said he was Ifled that Mr Price had taken up the light and was moving along the very lines he himself had outlined In his light Mr Price declared that all the charges made by Cot iv ingston were true It was pointed out however that the government could take no part in this personal campaign Mrs Atiou Taken Home Mrs James Axson of Chester Pa who was arrested in the Baltimore Ohio station Thursday night on t charge of insanity was removed to hem home yesterday morning her hus band who had been notified by local police Policeman Xussbaum noticed the peculiar actions of th woman tut she got off a late train and Accosted her just after she had en deavored to reach President Roosevelt over the telephone You get the best when you get the Issue of Washington Herald and tomorrows will be brighter and better than over It costs but 3 Riesling tUTlit in a Tin ara fr m noblest w- tiftirt of the thine doz qts 1130 31 pts c qt CHRISTIAN XANDER Seventh St the In received who West to the po not expected are september The WOMAN the the the me In be temp Ann volume of Gel John Kent KeD r frt sid tare colon and b the Sun- dAy ThC ce- ntS ONOMA rr the c 909 the huge- St shun constant pro- fessional clerk- ship second Miss the delivered cole New be- ginning h pioneer Quality M V4- Uoume u branch houses ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° Foraker and Dick Not Con- sulted in Appointments NAMES APPROVED BY Seven llnckcyc Get Crei- lcMiilnlH After lound Sntii- ifnctnry to time Secretary of War Confirmation May lie Opixmed in the Senate Next December Seven Ohio postmasters were appointed by the yesterday and In each case the was approved by the friends of Secretary and not by Sen- ator Foraker or Dick Buckeye politicians In Washington are talking the significance of this action and is no secret whatever of the that the appointments were made th object of strengthening Mr Taft for the Presidential nomination of J238 The appointments were as follows Wil- liam E Halley Greenville David C Dennison Charles R White George II Lewis Biuftton Frank AVetherill Sponccrvllle George W White Unrlchsvllle and Charles L Thompson Georgetown The Presider Interested himself personally in the Ohio appointments consulting with friends of Secretary Taft and politicians in Ohio who an known to b Identified with the Taft movement In national politics- In the ease of minor Presidential ap- pointment the candidates for appoint- ment art usually recommended to the President by the Postofflc Department- but In this ease of th Ohio postmasters who were named yesterday the depart- ment was not consulted at all Of seven appointees three were sent to the Senate last winter but were not con- firmed Approved liy Dick The candidate for the postoffice at Greenville was recommended by the Re- publican county committee with the of Senator Dick but this Is one of the names that was sent to Senate and failed of confirmation because of lack of time The men named for office at Dennison MIHeraburg were recommended for office by exRenreeentativ Sroyser and sit the others in tit list are men known to be favorable to toe nomination of Mr Taft for the Presidency They are presumably hostile therefore to Senators Dick and Foraker and the Senators were not consulted in any way regarding these appointments Whether confirmation will be opposed by the Sen aloes when the reeves appointments are sent to the Senate next December Is not known Other postonce appointments announc ed yesterday were H J Bostwlck PagOM Springs Colo Josephine B Cox Fowler lad John S Van Onion Spring Valley X Y William H Cox Laurtnburg N C and Alexander W Harrison Law renceville Va COMBE HEARD AGAIN Gives Further Testimony HcfrardiiiK the UrovrncHVllIe Shunting The Senate Committee on Military Af- fairs Investigating the Brownsville af- fray heard the testimony yesterday of the mayor of Brownsville a saloonkeeper a milkmen a Mexican who talked through an Interpreter and a deputy sheriff Mayor Combe was the fleet wit ness A letter was Introduced which was written to the mayor by Maj Penrose who commanded the garrison repudiating an alleged conversation between himself and Mayor Combe Voshel a white sol- dier had testified that while he was pass- Ing near Maj Penrose and the mayor he heard the latter warn the commander of the garrison that If any of the soldiers appeared on the streets of Brownsville at night they would be shot Maj Penrose characterized Voshel as a liar who ought- to be brought to justice The deputy sheriff Ambrose Llttlefleld testified positively that he saw negro sol- diers carrying muskets and skulking along the streets on the night of the shooting Considerable Interest was aroused In the testimony given by Alexander Blllingsley the milkman He said preferred ne- gro soldiers as customers to whites be- cause the negroes used moe milk and paid their bUts more promptly Joseph L Crixweil the saloonkeeper was subjected to a searching crossexami nation He saw no negro soldiers but was positive they did the shooting TO INSPECT BIG MILK CANS Sealer of VcIfjlitn anti Jlcasurcti hear They Have Ueen Short The Inspectors of the office of the sealer of weights and measures will today the work of inspection of the large milk cane used by the dairy farms in the wholesale delivery cf milk to the dealers The cans will be tested as to their ca- pacity and sealed with a steel die so there will be no difficulty In quickly de- termining the quantity of milk contained The Inspection Is the result of numerous complaints from dealers who state that in many instances the cans contain from one to two quarts lees than the required measure Col Haskell kl that an Inspection of berry boxes has shown that every box examined was of standard capacity Should any be found short they will be confiscated Beginning next week an Inspection will be made of the scales of dealers in Ice Dealers will be cautioned to instruct their drivers to give full weight and failure- to do this will result in prosecution OHIO SOLOS IGNORED TAT 1t Hell 1r tent Tar alt Cat lao the ap- proval the and MAYOR I I he musters be- gin ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Own Your Own Home 14K141S14ZO1422 F street NE Beautifully decorated six rooms and bath house cellar under entire house located by the best heating plant for small houses made front lawns large every convenience for the housekeeper On Your Own Terms Open all day a representative there to show you furnish you with any information you may desire DAVID MOORE 1328 N Y Ave CONFER ON OKLAHOMA Three Member of Convention Call on the IrcMtlent members of the constitutional convention of Oklahoma called on the President before the meeting of the Cabi- net yesterday and talked with him for some time about the constitution recently adopted for the new State The mem- ber were S W Hays W A Ledbetter and Charles L Moore They had a con- ference with the Attorney General In the afternoon the object of this meeting and the nf Tnce with the President being to obtain an advance opinion from the legal officers of the administration as to whether the constitution as adopted Is acceptable None of the Oklahoma delegation would make any statement as to what progress is being made but they called attention- to the fact that the convention is still waiting to be called together again another meeting proves necessary WOULD PENSION ARMY MULE W H Lowder Makes Plea for the Downtrodden Beast AdrocntcN Sending Dlgn1 led Animal to Government Ileacrvntlonn Snyn Bayonet Practice Is Seeded That horses and mutes that have served in Uncle Sams army sbotrtd be taken care of the same as tfce soldier himself alter he te too old to do any active duty for the government te the optafam of W H Lowder of Camp Spanish War Veterans At a smoker of the Regular Array Social Club heN last night Comrade Lowder was called upon for a few remarks and referring to the dumb aatmalfloldierp saidIt is a pitiable sight for you men in the service as well as us exregulars to see that our old army horses and mules after having seen service in foreign coun- tries especially those now in Cuba and the Philippines which are to be brought soon should be sold to unscrupulous dealers Every one of these noble animals Is branded with the United States that they should be hitched up to scaven gee wagons ash and brick carts I have horses sold that have seen years of service afcd every soldier must reel the iajusttee oC the treatment they are receiving especially a country like ours where there art thousands of acres of land lying Idle in Virginia Texas and Western forts Why couldnt these animate be allowed to spend the rest of their days at these places on the pension roll of Uncle Sam instead of being sold for the paltry sum of Jlir Referring to uniformed men of the serv- ice being refused admittance to places of amusement Mr Lowder expressed the hope that Congress would phi a law imposing heavy penalties oa any place of amusement or otherwise that would bar the uniform of the United States enlisted man Bayonet exercise is not sufficiently taught in the regular army according to views of Mr Lowder He said Men ought to be taught more thoroughly the art of selfdefense so that when it comes to handtohand lighting they will be adepts In the art They should also be taught the use of heliographs or nag signals and night signaling so as not to be dependent upon the Signal Corps of Commander Foster of Miles Camp wilt be chairman of the memorial services be held tomorrow night at Carroll Institute Hall under the auspices of the Department of the District U S W V The addresses will be made by Rev Father Donoghue of St Pauls Catholic Church Rev H A Brown chaplain U S A of Fort Myer and Rabbi Julius- T Loeb of the Adas israel Jewish Syna gogue Dutch Official Here Herr M A van Perk director of cleaning aad sanitation of Bettor Holland accompanied by Joint T Twohey superintendent of street clean yesterday made an Inspection of the streets of Washington Will Sell IlnthlnK llctich Outfit Upon recommendation of W X Stevens superintendent of the bathing beach the floating baths wharves and piles of the old beach will be sold to the highest Ud- der The Sunday issue of The Washington Herald has no color and no comic but is brimful of things worth reading Once a reader always a reader t t t III I t 0 t t t I Three back horse service mark and it disgrace D honorable In the to street dam tiled back- yard 4 C I CC in- case MUss army Is a sam In- case emergencies dir lag ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + When You Need Paint When you need paint materials for any work paint ing staining varnishing of kitchen floor furniture the whole house or anything in it g keep in mind that this store knowing 7 what paint quality really means advises the use of the kind of paint enamels stains varnishes sold under the Acme Quality mark used With new books The Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes helps everyone W H BUTLER CO AGENTS 607609 C ST N W TIlE j1CMr KIND ACME qUALITY now famous wherever paint is every purchase goes one of the remarkable I i 1 I SN S A J ¬ ° mr CREDIT FOR ALL WASHINGTON Best Values in Gocarts RefrigeratorsA- nd all kinds of Furniture Floor Coverings Draperies and other home needs can be obtained from our complete stocks and we will gladly arrange the terms of payment to suit you All prices are marked in plain figures and they represent the greatest amount of value you can obtain anywhere for the Peter Grogan 81781982L823 Seventh llebbfird clothes in the make Quality Serges Theyre different Theyre better They fit right Theyre stykd right To order up GEO E HEBBARD Modern Tor Expert oa Troujari 706708 Ninth Street WAKE UP If y u ni lit EVANS FERR PEPTOMANGAN It will girt jro new lifr Hl a tills Mooteiker and tonfe dWmjs that nwd- fwllBg aimS brinmi th of youth to yew cbfHu Get it tod jr Pint 75c Vz Pint 40c Buy IT NOW AT EVANS 922924 F St N W Next Edition goes to Press JUNE 1 May Be y n dnrt need glasses t aM beat i certain JTO ft If vcu ill lt us will ynir rrn t artfully Md advtK ion GLASSES FROM SI 00 UP EDWIN Xi lPy OPTICIAN- H s 1005 G ST On C Street Opposite House CIVIL ENGINEERS When You Want BLUE PRINTS OF MAPS AND SURVEYS Neatly accurately and quickly done call on HENRY A FARNHAM Commercial Photographer 936 F St NW Phone Mata 113 DIED DLTKS i my Proridroe Hasjttal at U B r Kri uy M T a nor TRKSToX B DITF m Clan C aat UM late K ntdr- Notict of fncnU ksmfe- rA300 Tkwwdw Xar tt OK t a JOH V tefovtd Imtettd of IMM tMM Honda ilv B t t a tftMM to ft WM Fuse Md nlath re cstfaBr fatMsl at- RBIKBURG0 Ttendw Mar n NT WlbUAM A KKIXHUKO la his iftMk 7 ar- rATTBB5 Me r ca PWtojr Mar M W Opt ELBRIDOK J 1ATTBK itcd rtxfr- Notie this ea liar a log FKANCKSlTMOTlfM Mn of Her C H Stwtber itfd dtofhter of Mrs Elba C Foster of Old Pond V as l tMrtjr Funeral fnpa Fritwbalp X rtot Ckaica Mdr- MIT X at 1 p M- VTARRINGOa Itande Mr B VK ANNIE bckned wife of JM W Wutter in her twwty ninth jwr- Fnuewl her laic twldwcti m Yew York arcane northwest Saturday Slay S at S a BL thence to Immaculate Conception Ckwck ican mass will be said at t a M lataMat at Mount Olftet FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE P ZURHORST 301 Eust Capitol Street AUGUSTUS BURGDORF CO lee ITH ST XV THOSE N K- Ettrjthinc first class Terns re soo Wa THOS S SERGEON 6UCCB5SOB TO n a CAIN 1011 7th it ow Slain IRQ FUNERAL DESIGNS FUNERAL FLOWERS 01 DwcTlptfooModeriteij IricnL GUDE UJI F bT NOUTHWEST TnONB M tfit magnifi- cently money S fit 2 r I RELIABLY Dntf S M3 I er mOf- ffir1 If 1 t I JgO- O I 1 eO ton I at IlL tIC Pnmel JI holy teh be teIIIL Pnnsisl Stlt1mIQ May 0 Ab- lMwterJdII1 atl9 Po uses teases Cltlla- rellln copy STROOUIR nile three years ucI three us baa h Telephone 4 its fl flub S YzJjrJJJ5gJ3FA41- mThtl z see- thing cant yonsse bonritit free oeaos D 110 hisa b lets aE g nsd a y1 a k aea eSotod fur tic bis soot et ii a a a fts a h role linked ynss hensitur usium and drsss life Ear ¬ > > <

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-05-25 [p 2]. fileI 2HE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY MAY 25...

Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-05-25 [p 2]. fileI 2HE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY MAY 25 1907 1 4 DYER LOSES POSITION President Resents Attempt-to Force Vindication WILL BE




President Resents Attempt-

to Force Vindication


Former Employe nt St Loul Sn-

ltrcnsury AcQnlttcd on Embezzle-ment ChnrKc on Way Unck fromEurope with Prisoner Stories Com-

plimentary to Dyer Cause Removal

Newspaper stories complimentary to

F Dyer Jr of St Louis caused

President Roosevelt yesterday to dtemiss-

yer from his office as an agent of theFemoral government designated for thesjf ai purpose of brInIng a confessed

dft1t r from Europe to this countryTh prisoner was Charles F Grotefend

paying teller of the WashingtonBank of St Lout He hid de-

faultpd fled to Europe and nal y writtrn to the Federal authorities In St Louis

tKit he would surrenderIijfr was designated by his father then

Ini 1 States dtotrict attorney m St

Loui nd now a United States Jttdge U-

S i to Europe to get Grotefend and bring

Him home Young Dyer had been triedn harp of embezzling J35W from

the United States subtreasury In StLouis and had been acquitted

Seek to BmiihnaUe Vindicationi papers chronicled this morning

that Dyer and Orotefend were to arriven tV Deutschland they said that Dyer

ad been designated to go to Europe andtVe defaulter home to emphasize

is vindication When the President andAttorney General Bonaparte read these

tries they made an inquiry and Dyersf moral from his special office was

pphofollowing omcial statement on the

sul j 1 was given out by the Departmentf Justice last night

It was stated at the Department ofio today that the President knew

nothing of the orders directing David Py r jr to go abroad to receive the surTvlr of Charles F Grotefend former-

ly teller of the WashingtonBank of Louis

It usual for the United States Ationiry in the district in which similarpr pedings originate to designate somePerson UP suitable to bring an extraditedprieorT hack to the United States IntlJs th district attorney was the presentJuflC David P Dyer who designated hisan i David P Dyer jr and the appointrr nt was made In the usual course as amutter of routine without having been

cal to the attention of the AttorneyGenf ral or any other superior officer oftjr 1partment without any directionc i part of the President and whollyrlMvit the Presidents knowledge WhenU lcmne evident from newspaper publl

ti ions that an effort was being madeth appointment the character of

to the younger Dyer the dejiyrtM nt took steps to at once terminateI yrs Connection with the service

ro lie unmoved tit OnceUnited States marshal at New York

vs r eted to meet the Deutschland and-t tak Grotefend from Dyers custody

ordinary circumstances the personVTI biotigbt Grotefend from abroadv Ui have continued to St Louis In-

ru of the prisoner The Departmentf r Justice desired to dispense with DyersE jfPS so u to show that a whollyum rranted significance had beent tf appointment which was in factC t an inadvertence and as he hadf i l for the United States the

rouid only take effect on the arrivalc f steamer

When Dyer was arrested in St Louis onl iharge of embezzling money from thetihtrfJisnry his father was district attor

md it was necessary to employ aFi rial attorney to prosecute lim Before1 i f he was dismissed from the ottice1 In the subtreasury After his

Dyer paid the full amount of1 s bTd to covet the loss of the moneyf T which he was officially responsible


hand Contest Arranged for May 30at Handle Highland

Jacb II Moody leader of the NavalGun Factory Band has accepted theciall nge from the Laurel Military Bandfp ii contest between these bands atNTth Randle Highlands May M-

Tils will be the moat exciting militaryrivsscal event ever witnessed in Wash

n and is awaited with a great deallrr st The Gun Factory Band is to

r a Northern airs and the Laurel Mili-

tary Hand Southern airs At the end oftii contest a vote is to be taken by allrresfnt and the band which receives thering votes is to be awarded the gold

irrdil offered by Col HandleTie excitement over this contest is felt

tirghout the city great numbersnc g ing to visit North Handle High-

lands and from present indications mostof the lots will be sold before the big dayof rile as the demand seems greater for-th property than that of Randle HighIsTids that property was put on thejrket eighteen months ago on whichoocicion many camped on the groundto iih before the salo to secure thech p t lots

It is estimated that a large per centor the white population of Washingtonnl witness this contest as North Rand Highlands will be crowded with pleasiire oekrs on the Wh Many wH bringth ir baskets although refreshments willl furnished free on grounds to all

Still Held Mrs Cnic

Mrs IsabeUe Emerson Case still re-

mains at the House of Detention al-

though the Cambridge Mass authorities notified her husband of her deten-tion here at Instance of localpolice She claims that she will not

avp here without seeing PresidentRoosevelt and that if is forciblyr moved it will not be loos before she

turns The police will wait a shortime to hear tents her relatives and Innso they do not asysar will have heranty tested with a view to sendingvr to Ft ElUaaeths

Clerk Ibid for Rxnmlnntiriiii n cmplaint of Dr A T West Charles

A Ross a clfrtt connected with tiregeological Survey was arrested last night-

ly Emerson of the Tenthrennet charged with Insanity He att mptPd suicide some weeks ago In a Sevnth Ktr et sala n aad thate4 to have bees acting In a

Manner He will be examined by theca surgeons today

First Sleeping Car Cnse FiledThe first cue involving an alleged vio-

lation of railroad rate an act onbe part of a sleeping car company was

filed with the Interstate Commerce Com-mission yesterday The Pullman Com-pany is the defendant George S Loftusof St Paul complains that the Pullmancompany charged an unreasonable ratefor sleeping car accommodations betweenthe cUr namd and Superior Wis











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Greater Portion of lib Estate Left toIII Wife

The will of John Hayes was filed forprobate yesterday naming Michael PSullivan executor The deceased directsthat all his personal property go towife Catharine Hayes and that she minthave possession during her life ofproperty at iW 717 719 and 721 Grant ave

It is further directed that premises4S6 and S N street go to John Joe Stafonl and William Paul Stafford chit

droa Of John and Mary Stafford uponcondition that they pay 500 to MaggieLoefller a daughter of Mary Ann that

within ten years of testators de-

cease The property bequeathed to Ui

wife of the deceased after her death Issold and the proceeds to be divided as

follows To S F Ryan of theChurch of the Immaculate Conceptionit the Little Sisters of the Poor

1W the balance and remainder to be di-

vided among relatives


War Department Asked to Investgate Dance Incident

Col G F E Harrison stationedFort Monroe may be asked by the WarDepartment to explain his actions In

the wives of two wellknown menleave the ballroom at Hotel Cumberlin last week The husbands Archibald S White president of the ColumbiaGas and Electric Company and CharlesK Thorn want a vindication awl

Evans has secured a reportshows the army officer to have beenerror

The two women had been Invited tobell and when asked to leave didunderstand the motive There was somediscussion and they were later askedleave the hotel They had oral Invttalions from Lieut Pendelton of the armyand escorted by Lieut fleeceSurgeon Schwerin who are naval oftteersThe court of Inquiry exonerated these of-



Throws Out Case Brought

Against Charles II Campbell

Justice Clnlmnph Finite Complnlnnnl-

Proilncea X Corroborntlnic Evi-

dence to Support Contention

The rule to show cause Issued recentlyagainst Charles U Campbell at the instance of Orlando B Blackburn a NewYork broker was yesterday discharged by

Justice Clabaugh court also de-

clined to appoint a receiver for certainstock in the Intercontinental Correspond-ence University and the National Hotelin watch Blackburn claimed to have an

interest Attorney John Ridout appeared

for f CampbellChief Justice Clahaugh In announcing-

his decision said that the complainant-had produced no corroborative evidence-

to support his contentions whereas thedefendant had entered a complete de-

ntal of every point at issue and thisdenial was supported by two affidavitThe weight of evidence he therefore con-

sidered was all on the side of the de-



Justice Barnard yesterday issued an or-

der enjoining William F Dailey from in

any way Interfering with his wife Char

lotte Dalley who has Iliad A suit for alimIted divorce alleging that her husbandhas never contributed toward her support

Samuel Petrallo recently convicted foran attack on Mrs Nary A Fox June a-

iM was yesterday sentenced by JusticeStafford to serve years In the peni-tentiary Attorney J S EaebySmith forPetrallo noted an appeal to the Court ofAppeals

Joseph J Maebs has sWt againstJames F Brennan for a diaeoluttoa ofpartnership to appoint a receiver and

for an accounting He claims that thedefendant tAiled to keep the terms of theiragreement Attorney C F Diggs appearsfor the complainant

A sentence of six years penitentiary Im-

prisonment was imposed by Justice Staf-

ford yesterday on Harvey A Smith whowas convicted of houeooreaklng and lar-ceny Smith according to the testimonyhad served three years m peahentlary as well as a term In the reformschool

George W England yesterday petitionedthe District Supreme Court to Issue a

annulling his marriage to VeronicaM England alleging that the same wasprocured by fraud Attorney CampbellCarrtngton for petitioner says thatthey were married in Kansas June 30

ISM and that there are no children

Edward Leon Thompson alias Dr Ed-

ward Leon yesterday was sentenced byJustice Barnard to two years In theMoundsville Penitentiary on the charge ofhaving performed a criminal operation onSadie Yolk Attorneys Leo Simmons andThomas C Taylor for the defense notedan appeal and Justice Barnard admittedthe defendant to ball the sum of 2000with S H Walker as surety

Justice Stafford yesterday requiredSamuel J Clarke who was recently ar-

rested In Pittsburg and brought to thiscity to answer a charge of failing to sup-

port his wife and two minor children togive bond to secure the payment of 7 perweek to Mta Ida Grew of the AanociatedCharities to be applied to the use of thewife anti children Clarke testified thathe to ewpittance house P J Clarke hit father

WM offered a surety on the bond At-

torney C F Dlgga appeared for the de-


Not the biggest but the r wrlest thebrightest and the best and it costs only3 centsthe Sunday Issue of The Wash-ington Herald

The Only SafeStorage for FursI-

s cold storage in a fireproofwarehouse

AVo invite you to Inspect our sevencold storage rooms for furs fur gar-ments clothing rugs tapestries curtains c and to note the scrupulouscleanliness and the madefor protecting the roods from dust

Price list sent on request


1140 Fifteenth Street








Ing tothe


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and as as moth theftand





cern and

as sileiman gas
























President Talks at FriendsSchool Graduation


Tells Them Xot to Be a Hull Nor

to lie Afraid of Hough Piny IJIn-

tliiKiiiMhcd HdueatoM Ann iK theYinltor at the 13xcrelnen ArchieUnoHerclt a Student of School

sweet girl graduates In prettywhite gowns and bearing bouquets of pinkroses and four bashful young men theclass of 17 of the Friends School hadthe honor of receiving their diplomas hurtnight from the hand of the Presidentafter the Chief Executive had delivereda short addreee tilled with bits of timelyadvice to young folk and their parentsThe President was accompanied by MrsRoosevelt They remained throughout-the presentation exercises after whichthey received the school classes and theguests of the evening

Thomas W Sklwell the principal pre-

sided during the exercises Dr Jesse IIHolmes of Swartbmore College deliveredthe opening prayer following which ITUz

hugh Coyte Goldeborough a local youngviolinist rendered several numbers withbrilliance

Mr SMwell Introduced the Presidentwho beamed upon the gathering andlaunched Into of bit characteristicImpromptu addresses In which he referred to himself at on point as prettymuch of a sermon

President Talks to BoysHe spoke mostly to the young boys

gathered before him among whom wasseated Archie the Presidents son sad apupil of the school

foe boy who misuses his strength andphysical courage to abuse smaller andweaker boys or girls said the Presi-dent or to torture some dumb animal Is

the meanest kind of a boy there Isboy who Is kind and gentle but who iafraid to mingle with other boys lest theybe rude to him Is a poor specimen butthe bully Is more to be despised Bright kind of boy around house Actin your in such a meaner thXwhen you are out of the house you leavebehind you genuine sorrow aad not asigh of relief

The President closed by using a maximwhich he said came from the football field He told the youngsters to begame and then said Dont flinch dontfoul and hit the line hard

Mr Sidwell called off the name of eachgraduate who advanced and received thediploma from the President The

were Harold Beverly Chase HelenDouglas Alexander Boiling Gall GeorgeWilliam Lyman MargueritePhillips Thora MIra Riley and LeroyOrdway King

UlntliiKulfthed Guests PresentAmong the guests on the platform were

Charles Jenkins editor of the FriendIntelligencer and Mrs Jenkins ProfHolmes of Swarthmore College and MrsHow William W Birdaau principal-of the Hip School of Philadelphiaand Mrs Blrdsall Dr 0 Edward Janney-of Baltimore chairman of the FriendsGeneral Conference and Mrs JanneyProf Ell Lamb and Mrs Lomb E CWilson principal of the Friends SchoolBaltimore and Mrs Wilson and DeanPennlman of the University of Pennsyl-vania

Among the other special guests werePresident Woodward of Carnegie In-

stitute and Mrs Woodward PresidentGallaudet of Gallaudet College DeanWilbur of George Washington Univer-sity and Mrs Wilbur CommissionerMacfarland and Mrs Macfariand ProfJameson of the Carnegie Institute andMrs Jameson and Mr B T Janney su-pervising principal of the public schoolsand Mrs Janney

Itecltnl by MtiHlc StudentA programme consisting of

numbers by American SpanishFrench and Irish composers was

successfully presented by the pupils ofMiss Edith Pickering of the Univer-sity of Music and Dramatic Art before-a large audience at the rooms of tho institutlon night programmewas a follows-a CMW Am-b la Old XM Tratm

The Leeeat Trie-Xto Owfth Mb Dew Md Mfe U r-

IxXUbr J ael MM Uafeid-Xht XcU M NwL

Ye the UN RotateMr W C Bo Mb r oMfeto fill Itdnrtag

hiss Uctr Mr liaaoacr-U I e A XoeJfeMB-b A MM afaei UM MMDowH-

MH Stella KviMMd-I Srriy ta Tart

Aria CaraMa ln t-

Mbs Cbrittiw Chweh-Ilawattoa o

eM H I IwklMiwa The Utetirl HOT Moans Irk HifeaiM-W Oft te the SUlly NfehrMoow lit U MlM-Mto IlwbmM ChnrHi Cnric Oftbi IlMdtac

Stew SmtteBM Trow MtOMM lthI-wWnsoa and Stawn-


Three Tents of Modern JvnlKlitu-Jlold Ilnnqnct

The Knights of the Modern Maccabeesheld a banquet representing the threetents of the jurisdiction at FreundsThursday night where over sixty of theSir Knights gathered to fraternise andpay their respects to F W Stevens gen-

eral organizer of the order who warpresent as the guest of honor-J II Junghana supervising deputy

for the District presided as toastmasterand delivered the address of welcome tothe guest

A pleasant surprise was the presentationof a finely engraved goldhandled um-

brella to W E Porter commander ofProgressive Tent by Its members

Frank M Introduced as thegreatest fraternal man in Districtwho was present by invitation also spoke

The other speakers of the evening wereLabor sad Bdaeauoo 1 J SvlHraa Pmtml

K 1alrfatkM B H Tyler PraamtotcTnt loW Hwlnw C O Mclatoah Mod-

ern Teat KJ1 Tlw Aarttat XaoeaoMt 8 8-

BBRlnh SlodKi 121 FMUtiMl SoeteF J Mwphjr FntcfMl

Silent r rt n W Ilirter IwwwMiTeDtsnt Work J M Poster Pnittml

12JS Fral nritr U S Asides Jlndftm Teat KTtand Our Baby Test J I CoUw l ns tMlTCTent HIS

Coiupnnlcn Must Itcpnlr StreetsIn response to the numerous complaints

regarding the dust and dirt arising fromthe street railway tracks CommissionerWest has directed that the street carcompanies be required to repair theasphalt surface between the tracks andthe two feet outside the tracks as required by law John T Twohey super-intendent of street cleaning was yester-day directed to submit a list of the streetson which repairs are rjeeessary-

Ao Color and IVn ComicThe Sunday iasuo of The Washington

Herald is growing with each succeedingissue because It is so different from othorSunday papers It Is bright and newsyand clean all the way through



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Differs TrHlt KM Attorney Over31nllialliIatliewM Case

In reference to tile delay of the poliotrial board In submitting Its verdicttho MathewsMulhall ease CoramlseloneWest said yesterday that he hada verbal report from Maj Sylvesterstated that the bindings of the board hadnot as yet boon submitted to him aithough he had made numerous Inquiriesconcerning It

Commissioner communicationMaj Sylvester asking when a verdictmay be expected wag referred totrial board by the superintendent oflice who according to CommhHrtonaWest states that the delay Is the resultof a disagreement between police mem-

bers of the board and Assistant Corporation Counsel James Francis Smith

In reference to this Inspector Swindellyesterday said that an agreement hadbeen reached but that It wasthat the board would render Its decIsionwithin a few days

Capt Mulhall and Capt Mathewscharged with oflicial interference inwork of rescue of Hugh Murphy an engi-

neer from a wreck on the SoutheriRailway in this city last


George It Spruce Attacked byllcrnnrd

George R Spruce an elghtyearokboy was badly bitten by a huge St Ber-

nard dog yesterday afternoon at Ninthand I streets The lids arms and leSSwere a moss of scratches and bites whenhe was carried to the house of Dr ArthurHall who cauterIzed the wounds andtook him to his home at til I street

The dog to said to have had no provoca-tion for the attack and will be taken to

the pound this morning dog Is theproperty of Roawell White


Five Given Diplomas by Washington College of Law

ISqtinl nnilier of Men Ilccclvc TheT-

Shccimkln AVnrncd to KeepOut of Politics

Tea disciple of Blackstone five o

whom are of the gentler sex receiveddegree of Bachelor of Law at the ninthannual commencement of the WashingtonCollege of Law In the banquet hall ofNew Willard Hotel last night In an ad-

dress to the graduating class Josiah AVan Orsdal Assistant Attorney Generalof th United Stiles sounded a warningto the young lawyers against enteringflew of politics

I am talking to young people enteringthe profession said he and letagain beseech you UT public office

that will interfere with your progressprofessional attainment as you wouldshun a pestilence Above all things dnot tempted into the acceptance of aioffice In Washington unless it berarily one of the few where theare such that It will keep you inpractice and demand a high type of

skill and training Better followthe advice of Gin Oarfteld when be saidYoung man own something If It is onl

a square foot of ground to stand on ownIt and as a teat resort alter everythingelse on earth has tailed accept a

in WashingtonFollowing the address prizes for schol-

arship were presented by Prof Emma MGlllett LL M as follows A goldmedal Miss Sophie Bishop Kentprise Edna Spoffazd honorablemention Miss Grace Burke andMiss Edith Keen The priaifor moot court work twoElliotts Practice

of IndianapolisInd was presented by Prof Edward CDutton to Miss Fannie I Peter

Rev Samuel H Woodrow pastor ofFirst Congregational Churchthe invocation and benediction Degreeswere conferred upon the following gradu-ates by Mrs Ellen Spencer Museey deanof th Anna Grace Burke ElmerE Clements John W De Maine WallaceJ Hill Clifford L SophieBishop EdithFannie Edna J SpoffardAlbert M Walker


Bureau of Corporations Pushing Inrestitution of Exchanges

Col L F Livingston of Georgia onhis return to Washington yesterday toassist in the Investigation Into themethods of the cotton exchanges of thecountry being made by the lenin ofCorporatIons declared that he lookedfor a report to be made to the Presi-dent by the middle of July or thenf August

We are sure to win our nght heand bring the exchanges back

a legitimate method of doing busi-ness which wilt mean a reform In theirpresent contracts

Representative Livingston said hethe public was in danger of as

that because the Bureau ofCorporations was rot making any noisein its work and was making no an-nouncements through the press noth-ing was being done A representative-of the bureau has for the Pest sixweeks been investigating the affairs ofthe York Cotton Exchange andothers will look into the New Orleansand Memphis exchanges

Asked about the activity of Theo-dore H Price who has turnedbull Col Livingston said he wasIfled that Mr Price had taken up thelight and was moving along the verylines he himself had outlined In

his light Mr Price declaredthat all the charges made by Cot ivingston were true It was pointed outhowever that the government couldtake no part in this personal campaign

Mrs Atiou Taken HomeMrs James Axson of Chester Pa

who was arrested in the BaltimoreOhio station Thursday night on t

charge of insanity was removed to hem

home yesterday morning her husband who had been notified bylocal police Policeman Xussbaumnoticed the peculiar actions of thwoman tut she got off a late train andAccosted her just after she had endeavored to reach President Rooseveltover the telephone

You get the best when you get theIssue of Washington Herald and

tomorrows will be brighter andbetter than over It costs but 3


in aTin ara fr m noblest w-tiftirt of the thine

doz qts 1130 31 pts c qt


Seventh St




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Annvolume of


JohnKent KeD








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h pioneer

Quality M V4-

Uoume u branch houses










Foraker and Dick Not Con-

sulted in Appointments


Seven llnckcyc Get Crei-

lcMiilnlH After lound Sntii-

ifnctnry to time Secretary of WarConfirmation May lie Opixmed inthe Senate Next December

Seven Ohio postmasters were appointedby the yesterday and In eachcase the was approved by thefriends of Secretary and not by Sen-

ator Foraker or Dick Buckeyepoliticians In Washington are talking

the significance of this action andis no secret whatever of the

that the appointments were madeth object of strengthening Mr Taft forthe Presidential nomination of J238

The appointments were as follows Wil-liam E Halley Greenville David C

Dennison Charles R WhiteGeorge II Lewis Biuftton

Frank AVetherill Sponccrvllle George WWhite Unrlchsvllle and Charles LThompson Georgetown The PresiderInterested himself personally in the Ohioappointments consulting with friends ofSecretary Taft and politicians in Ohiowho an known to b Identified with theTaft movement In national politics-

In the ease of minor Presidential ap-

pointment the candidates for appoint-ment art usually recommended to thePresident by the Postofflc Department-but In this ease of th Ohio postmasterswho were named yesterday the depart-ment was not consulted at all Ofseven appointees three were sent to theSenate last winter but were not con-

firmedApproved liy Dick

The candidate for the postoffice atGreenville was recommended by the Re-

publican county committee with theof Senator Dick but this Is one of

the names that was sent to Senateand failed of confirmation because of lackof time

The men named for office at DennisonMIHeraburg were recommended for

office by exRenreeentativ Sroyser andsit the others in tit list are men knownto be favorable to toe nomination of MrTaft for the Presidency

They are presumably hostile thereforeto Senators Dick and Foraker and theSenators were not consulted in any wayregarding these appointments Whetherconfirmation will be opposed by the Senaloes when the reeves appointments aresent to the Senate next December Is notknown

Other postonce appointments announced yesterday were H J Bostwlck PagOMSprings Colo Josephine B Cox Fowlerlad John S Van Onion Spring ValleyX Y William H Cox Laurtnburg NC and Alexander W Harrison Lawrenceville Va


Gives Further Testimony HcfrardiiiKthe UrovrncHVllIe Shunting

The Senate Committee on Military Af-

fairs Investigating the Brownsville af-

fray heard the testimony yesterday ofthe mayor of Brownsville a saloonkeepera milkmen a Mexican who talkedthrough an Interpreter and a deputysheriff Mayor Combe was the fleet witness A letter was Introduced which waswritten to the mayor by Maj Penrosewho commanded the garrison repudiatingan alleged conversation between himselfand Mayor Combe Voshel a white sol-

dier had testified that while he was pass-Ing near Maj Penrose and the mayor heheard the latter warn the commander ofthe garrison that If any of the soldiersappeared on the streets of Brownsville atnight they would be shot Maj Penrosecharacterized Voshel as a liar who ought-to be brought to justice

The deputy sheriff Ambrose Llttlefleldtestified positively that he saw negro sol-

diers carrying muskets and skulkingalong the streets on the night of theshooting

Considerable Interest was aroused In thetestimony given by Alexander Blllingsleythe milkman He said preferred ne-

gro soldiers as customers to whites be-

cause the negroes used moe milk andpaid their bUts more promptly

Joseph L Crixweil the saloonkeeperwas subjected to a searching crossexamination He saw no negro soldiers butwas positive they did the shooting


Sealer of VcIfjlitn anti Jlcasurctihear They Have Ueen Short

The Inspectors of the office of the sealerof weights and measures will today

the work of inspection of the largemilk cane used by the dairy farms in thewholesale delivery cf milk to the dealersThe cans will be tested as to their ca-

pacity and sealed with a steel die sothere will be no difficulty In quickly de-

termining the quantity of milk containedThe Inspection Is the result of numerouscomplaints from dealers who state thatin many instances the cans contain fromone to two quarts lees than the requiredmeasure

Col Haskell kl that an Inspection ofberry boxes has shown that every boxexamined was of standard capacityShould any be found short they will beconfiscated

Beginning next week an Inspection willbe made of the scales of dealers in IceDealers will be cautioned to instruct theirdrivers to give full weight and failure-to do this will result in prosecution




1r tent


alt Cat

































Own YourOwn Home

14K141S14ZO1422 F street NEBeautifully decorated six rooms

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every convenience for thehousekeeper

On Your Own Terms

Open all day a representativethere to show youfurnish you with any informationyou may desire



Three Member of Convention Callon the IrcMtlent

members of the constitutionalconvention of Oklahoma called on thePresident before the meeting of the Cabi-

net yesterday and talked with him forsome time about the constitution recentlyadopted for the new State The mem-

ber were S W Hays W A Ledbetterand Charles L Moore They had a con-

ference with the Attorney General In theafternoon the object of this meeting andthe nf Tnce with the President beingto obtain an advance opinion from thelegal officers of the administration as towhether the constitution as adopted Is

acceptableNone of the Oklahoma delegation would

make any statement as to what progressis being made but they called attention-to the fact that the convention is stillwaiting to be called together again

another meeting proves necessary


W H Lowder Makes Plea for the

Downtrodden Beast

AdrocntcN Sending Dlgn1 led Animalto Government Ileacrvntlonn Snyn

Bayonet Practice Is Seeded

That horses and mutes that have servedin Uncle Sams army sbotrtd be takencare of the same as tfce soldier himself

alter he te too old to do any active duty

for the government te the optafam of W

H Lowder of Camp Spanish WarVeterans

At a smoker of the Regular Array Social

Club heN last night Comrade Lowder

was called upon for a few remarks and

referring to the dumb aatmalfloldierp

saidItis a pitiable sight for you men in

the service as well as us exregulars to

see that our old army horses and mules

after having seen service in foreign coun-

tries especially those now in Cuba and

the Philippines which are to be broughtsoon should be sold to unscrupulous

dealers Every one of these noble

animals Is branded with the United States

that they should be hitched up to scaven

gee wagons ash and brick carts I have

horses sold that have seen years of

service afcd every soldier must

reel the iajusttee oC the treatment they

are receiving especially a country likeours where there art thousands of acresof land lying Idle in Virginia Texas

and Western forts Why couldnt these

animate be allowed to spend the rest of

their days at these places on the pension

roll of Uncle Sam instead of being sold

for the paltry sum of JlirReferring to uniformed men of the serv-

ice being refused admittance to placesof amusement Mr Lowder expressed thehope that Congress would phi a lawimposing heavy penalties oa any place

of amusement or otherwise that wouldbar the uniform of the United Statesenlisted man

Bayonet exercise is not sufficientlytaught in the regular army according to

views of Mr Lowder He said Menought to be taught more thoroughly theart of selfdefense so that when it comesto handtohand lighting they will beadepts In the art They should also betaught the use of heliographs or nagsignals and night signaling so as not tobe dependent upon the Signal Corps

ofCommander Foster of Miles Camp wilt

be chairman of the memorial servicesbe held tomorrow night at Carroll

Institute Hall under the auspices of theDepartment of the District U S W VThe addresses will be made by RevFather Donoghue of St Pauls CatholicChurch Rev H A Brown chaplainU S A of Fort Myer and Rabbi Julius-T Loeb of the Adas israel Jewish Synagogue

Dutch Official HereHerr M A van Perk director of

cleaning aad sanitation of BettorHolland accompanied by Joint T

Twohey superintendent of street cleanyesterday made an Inspection of the

streets of Washington

Will Sell IlnthlnK llctich OutfitUpon recommendation of W X Stevens

superintendent of the bathing beach thefloating baths wharves and piles of theold beach will be sold to the highest Ud-


The Sunday issue of The WashingtonHerald has no color and no comic but isbrimful of things worth reading Once areader always a reader





t0 t t t I



service mark and it disgrace














army Is a



case emergencies














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DIEDDLTKS i my Proridroe Hasjttal at U B

r Kri uy M T a norTRKSToX B DITF m Clan C aat UM

late K ntdr-Notict of fncnU ksmfe-rA300 Tkwwdw Xar tt OK t a

JOH V tefovtd Imtettd of IMM tMM

Honda ilv B t t a tftMM toft WM

Fuse Md nlath re cstfaBr fatMsl at-

RBIKBURG0 Ttendw Mar n NT WlbUAMA KKIXHUKO la his iftMk 7 ar-

rATTBB5 Me r ca PWtojr Mar M W OptELBRIDOK J 1ATTBK itcd rtxfr-


this ea liara log FKANCKSlTMOTlfM Mnof Her C H Stwtber itfd dtofhter of MrsElba C Foster of Old Pond V as l tMrtjr

Funeral fnpa Fritwbalp X rtot Ckaica Mdr-MIT X at 1 p M-

VTARRINGOa Itande Mr B VK ANNIEbckned wife of JM W Wutter in her twwtyninth jwr-

Fnuewl her laic twldwcti m Yew Yorkarcane northwest Saturday Slay S at S a BL

thence to Immaculate Conception Ckwck icanmass will be said at t a M lataMat atMount Olftet


GEORGE P ZURHORST301 Eust Capitol Street


lee ITH ST XV THOSE N K-Ettrjthinc first class Terns re soo Wa


1011 7th it ow Slain IRQ


FUNERAL FLOWERS01 DwcTlptfooModeriteij IricnL











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