Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-11-16 [p ......S2S zeus 5 52S salts JBL M LAV...

TIMES WEDNESDAY XOTEMBEK 16 1910 THE WASHINGTON 19 fU SUGGESTIONS Wines and Liquors For the Holidays HERRMANNS GINGER ALE Save You Tried It Engel Brervr Co Ale and Porter TIERRMANNWS BOTTLliNG EXPORT BEER 750754 10th St S E Nevdties HOLIDAY 3- StAGAZOCBS T STATKKCBRT- T 1SRABU 816 Voratont Ave MisceHaneous k HaM for tIN boiiday iaje t roasoaaMe In towm w T SMITH Have a warm GBO GOAL WOOD Chrtotsoas in tile right way CHtler ad Grinder Tailers and Outfitters PRACTICAL GIFT LadteB a d seats eoth 6 vaade to order ckeaarfag dyeta reMtBSV aatiaTacUoa saaraaieed 21 14th GET YOUR CHRWTXAS SCIT at W A HSIXKXAX M I2th X W ra itlB- cleaatBg preuoiag dyetair satssteetfoa soar anteed J HPC ma trial HOLIDAY fBcy aad boate- kiade aew crop nuts aad nut a eat Tal lime att OH aad haported aeoas Her the bothfctre- CUXBO Tlh at aad Florida X W Messenger Service LET THK IMMK XB8BBXO Bt SSRVTCE Help Santa delivet yotar parttatjru pare afcr ad praia 11 H X w TAILORS Successful Tailoring sea son In buatnoea I attribute to say exp rieiiee of 35 in gtvlap tl eb et arttecie wnd jaraiupt at teatfos te my A trial ord r A H COOPE- Rs isa sc N irP- fcooe Mate 2556 FORGET TOE OLD TAILOR BACHRACH 816 9th St bat caR ta aad see bis aew has of lanwrted FabriOB froot which yoa CBB order Braadaew swit or overcoat at reasonable prices GO TO WJLNTKK W4 F sC The Reliable Taller let perfect At fit or pay H ES up FecaKTty with H re Try and BARGAIXS la salts for yog JB B JK for S2S zeus 5 52S salts JBL M LAV ENST3CIX 1I3 Pa X MS LADIES and geatlomen towest prices deaD tee repaJrlBs renodetlne deHvered IStb st Xorth 211- 8CAELJABGER TAILOR DYER CLEAXER Xew Headquarters I2tb st X W LOAN COMPANIES- DO YOU EVER NEED MONEY IN A HURRY Cantd yoa It to advantage at a low rate WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL t AND UPWARD Xo publicity OUr plan tee Seves and worry becaaee there are as iadorsoateats BO ref ereaees no as- slcnments e pledges AMERICAN LOAN CO 335 XEW YORK AVE X W econ Flo f ret Pb n Uaia 912 913 G STREET Is Ute peace te borrow meey en FTJBXITURE PIANOS AD TEAMs CUT RATES 7 payments of 190 pays 10 loan 7 payments of 270 pays 15 loan 7 payments of 350 pays 20 loan 7 payments of 430 pays 25 loan 7 payments of 825 pays 5o loan Larger aHK tm at saaae rates The above table shows what yea pay US for money No eitias ao surprises Loans main wltaia few boars alter application 13 left MUTUAL LOAN CO 913 G ST N W PRIVATE LOANS Oa FursKare Pianoc etc wltboHt reajoral Positively lowest rates Borrow 1000 pay back 11 Jo Borrow 1500 pay back 1675 Borrow 2000 pay back 2225 Borrow 2500 pay back 2750 Borrow 5000 pay back 5400 The above ladades priaclpat Interest and aU charges Other aatoeats la proportlea UNION LOAN TRUST CO v 810 F St N W Rooms 1820 Phone M 5334 MONEY LOANED Prudential Loan Trust Co XeOBi S Warder Bldg 9th a d F Sts K W H K FULTON BSTABUSHBD 1S58 314 Ninth Street NW LOANS Oa XMataoads Watches Etc BARGAINS AT HBTAIIi I Sok DistF tD ofOVELTIBEO SICK MK Ue et podaiiy 7tIa lit So w r K 7tII lit S w WICK HtII x W Let me- eutJery for the JIoHctay- 18IICIrs cIippen J6III I8- be8n eC all kIDda 10oll5- crotIIMI A goo65 eaDed JIll deltv8811 Thee at x W 2MrtJa X lit Markets sae7 frfs All CIa lit F MIa 5I3t5IL The ir y yrs t prye HI eftdency a ne BItS be 1 D L GORDON E t S w Tailor Lateet lmpoclatles lid IJDe 61IkIi teed to lit De up ZMmU Up AU u my direct supeoiMw It aYe me mB use Hew mock do you wMat right newt We taka twemt8e to ray naWeS 7e to Mn9w yr time e I I T rna H Beiner XLAS CLNDAK BALL AND ges M yesr BARBER ISI iHgr I7 t sharpea yr x e a4 katv ad edgM dug est 4r 1 ad vgI1ab ave Mea ueeeas ers wMI DOt T t avaeed I Marchaz It is 34- Iwrk ca H- and z ylw so w 1 I I > ¬ WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH prices paM for wora doth iae either or seats send postal will ear B TAI Korta 4iS I PAY the eaaa prtc for iadtes- seBticmems and cbUdre s wearing anpftrel draaj postal win car C LTVnfe STOK UM Tib at NW or PMme HIGHEST CASH PAID Mr worn RHrraeBta tedtes- BARGAIN HOCSK UM 7th V W Jf H 3 Two Uekete to Army and Xay aDd YaleHarvard games Write Room U Willard Hotel SKKD TOUR GOODS to SMITHS AUCTiON HOUSE S3 La awe where w pay btcbeat cash prloe let all laercbundUi- aad Tfe ray WA TEED To bay all fee old cooV stoves ta WaaMnsSOR We pay beat prices c tahea In exchange for BOW oaoa postal te A TUi at N W BIG UONKY paid for caste ctethtac shoae bats and ahirU drop poatal will call H GSWIRZ I2W th St Ji W BIG 3lOK Y paid for ladtoa a d gfmOemea castoff dothteg sbeec bats Postal wMi a BKR3JSTEIN 194 7ta X WANTED Se adbaad fwnttw aM Iclads also earpetE matttBEs Mover Me I pay tbo Mgfc t cafc Send car4 er phBBc D KOTES 8U La re N TV Farettare far easb soil yew Goods t the miaa who a vea yea tile meat iBoaesr See HOFWOOD Mi and K WANTED Furniture axtores will pay yea ore tnoney than aorvtM la Waabms tea 43 11th at X W Xaiai 64 1 7tk at s 1 1 WA O- Ne KRU1 W ltD t cD et prices WA1 I Phe 5 Tee I l1 W- oe cato O1 geatleeaa poetal Ml il er eaR Saes every ey GY awe < j j I HIGHEST CASH paid lor lad Mr or Reatl laeas w ra sarBBente SeaC WANTED Fi raR K aad carpet caa Bts af booses a daab fair ned EQ are deattaes ALBAUGH 11 K K W WANTED fnraitnre rail desks abowcaaea bigiteat prices ISAAC MILLER 6W La aye N w Male MM- WA2CTKD Typewriters to repair and refcuBo all makes prices reasonable 812 p 3t W Room S HIGHEST CASH PRJCBS paM Jar ladles and seaUemons wore garmeats drop tal and I will call G UCHTMAX 17 It WILL CALL ia my aaieaered wajsoa city er suburb pay highest caab s for ladies Beats aad cblldreBs discarded cloth las of all deacriptifies Send posral er phone N 1755 E RICE 1S3Z 7th N W TRANSFER AND STORAGE GET OCR ESTIMATE oa absolutely are proof storage UNITED STATES STORAGE CO 4W3 MU W MaID 429 FIREPROOF STORAGE Special lock FER STORAGE CO 3a SE JS N Phoae M MOVING KXPSK88S RSDCCBO We wIN do yow awvlitK packing ship and take te paymeat old fwrafcara e ovea etc WASHINGTON FTJRXCTC1UB CO Wh S sta Jf- PADDBD VANS oed 2h waaaas S toed Phone MUIMC COLUMBIA TRANSFER STOKAOB CO 9 N T are N W ft Slipping Storage c VM COAL AND WOOD SPECIAL ON COAL VV e handle best grade Read ing Coal at regular prices and extra charge for storing 3 discount 2 tolls or more Phoae 2C STX JDeUvery CHAS S lINGER ill 7th st K w COAL AND WOOD AT LOWER PRICES THAX YOU CAN GET AxrwruaKX XLSS Call aa Xorth 1M4 or 2 a aad let oar COXVINC8 Tee Clean R1XALDI BROe anam TO at x w SPBCIAL 2 OTJCS COAL AT A IHSCOOKT We carry oaly the Poem eaados AH coal gaaraatoed both in sad t give settetectlOR Delivered oa curb Egg Store aad Cboaorat J7S Vea Coal i C Brokea Fsraace ra OFF FOR CASH ON ALL OUR COAL G MKREIMTH WTN ilP CoL W JtS 14th at X W WORKINGF fANS WANTS WORKIXCSiEX policy tacbfa 5 t l 1968 ties boon and is the moilex price ea- itly weeit tailored costs nd rests overcoats to SIS sure to one price JUgTHS OLD STAND U 1 IRON WORK MODEL WORK and auto lowest prices SCHAEFER BROS CT H st X W Phone Mala 7W2 1 DUMPING GROUND DCMPIXG GROUND CONVENIENT TO THE SECTION Easily accessible from any part of btulnesj 3 lees oC with OLD DOMiNION DUMPING CO TVS D ST X W Boars 39 to i 1 LOAN COMPANIES 1000 AND UPWARDLO- ANED OX FURXTTURE PIANos ETC Also to salaried people OB plaIn aote At the feltewisg rates SIB you pay lid la 5 payments S you pay J2SCO te S payments 50 you pay 5509 la S payments Ne Other Charge POTOMAC GUARANTEE CO Second Soar B3B P St N W MONEY under any tBy ta the city We loan on afe e teams etc and your oW toaa This otter limited Mate SBtX NEW YORK LOAN CO 13 G N W ROOM a Over T ng Store notttf 1224 G ST K W POTOMAC FINANCIAL CO NEW C024PAXT NEW RATES NEW PLANs 10 UPWARDS a company organised to beis the pabHe to old line conpaaiea HERE IS THE 3S88 7 PAYMENTS OF 419 O8S9L 7 OF 99- r PAYMENTS OF tSM PAYABLE WEEKLT OR POTOMAC FTXAJK2IAI 12 G ST N Wj 5 FLOOR Tfit set eoarteow treatra Loons to Housekeepers a SeeefaKy CAPITAL LOAN CO 8 F STREET N W Phone M 2686 ON WATCHES A Phuacthrepfe Capital BeferencesAny Saancial laetitBtfof to eiiy made pawnbroker new leans laaaed PRUDENTIAL LOAN SOCIETY Ground floor X W cor aad G Private ride entraaee strictlr conftSentla- LMHie3r Loaned Salaried Peoole ted ethers Including WOBMB ke pia hoesa TOKbOBt easy payments oCOees 3 principal clUes save yourself money hy rettlnc my terms Stat D H UaomRK B3S 35th st X w I st rw will t at > per ot IRsUraDCe and every JDodera MaIGL f TRA1iS at w nM W 21etth II Pac deliver in canvas sacks with- out Pull Weight I our 211 please lit BC arntBgements pnv AT CUT RATES For a rew our rat wtII De other fun up Loans Porntture Teams r to anyone boId a saiajje by Ute rates char ed by the rs 7 PA Os tosa tlM 7 OP Hi6 WlM POSITIVELY XO OTHER lAIN LOANS XcgetMd nL X JEWELRY ETC o IUtk EXTRA snd SUI g In call Ee pin 3 el o a 1 7th poe artments 7 estk t Leeat tIeie4ea ERCBACTW ned g oDe lS Mat tootS PRO l 515 U aangtoo tar dyv ea4e en pr old high 5541 PAYMENTS tUi 1 rates e BednP > > < = I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CARLOAD NEW FURNITURE K BtfcO a 3 pieces ALSO HBADQUARTHRS POR OFFICE FUKNITUEE AND STORE FIXTURES Ken aad Flattop Desks Office Chairs of dcscrlatloa File CB B sad several very n Irea Safes also Covatcra Showvaees ShetvteK Wall Caae- sraahlaiii Desks Miners Coffee TJras etc Tfc heat at the lowest price Is oar MOttO H BAUM SON 912 Pa Ave OSt THE WROJJG MANTLES HIGH GRADE ATTRACTIVE MODERN IN DESIGN REASONABLE IN PRICE VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS EDWIN E ELLETT K 736 1106 St Set Prlces nn every Taw I SID r Phone 9th Drer Bosh- es I A i c IT TOC ARE COJ SIDBRIKa bayiag a PLATE PIAfO and are laCerated in ftt of the price C a new uptodate liiati mauui with moaic s l and scan iacladed free you stoeyld cooiult as BOW F G SMITH PIANO CO Pa a 1 SEWING MACHINES OF ALL BEPAIRBD r change te cell loon M a chlau lid ten you bow much It win cost te Hz K apt DAVIS AGKNCT JO 9h ac 2C W Phoae M K38 RENT A TYPEWRITER WKUJNGTOX VISIBLE TYPEWRITER At peer disposal for A MONTH SIx MOB the rental can be applied 10 chaae tf desired Welfington Visible Tpewriter 509 llth SL N W BRICK FOR SALE RALB1GU HOTEL A Naut darjo nt of bride It on the Job tf dotty ered Concrete material Given away to be had Magnificent Iron stairway flights I ft Almost clTen away per Ib 1W Moo windows and fraiMa each X w elevator csice ernaaeatal free IM S Jroa grills and doors for eievater HCBlBcs C Oraameatal iron raHJn B ooiaaiBS oa treat Apply B F BALDWIN an premises NEW SAMPLE FURNITUREA- nd highgrade SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE AT HALF PRICE E P TAYLOR 709 G St N V perfoet oonditioa very sweet toae orisaaal COM aj will U for cash to quick bayer as x y are CLKAXUf IX PIAKO3 AND PLATBRPIANOS in I at prices a d oa easy I tcnaa of paynienC ChickeriaK Es HS r ttr U dU ff Kaaball JI50 Voec liE Kaabe Jacob Bros se HaroBjuui Jl ShoBta er JSJfc JJS HrdtcaB AH to aad otbes O J UeMOLL CO ear Ittfa sad C lit SEWIJG ilACiiIXE KGAIX fM Head tMacer mil Head Stands Q975 f Wheeler WU n 14W awcMaes 1 dawn sad tIc per week Ueaatag c Open evening H R ta PU a ft 2aem- USETONE upright piano perfect eoaditien 72 cask cost 300 95 N Y aYe N W FOR SALE Oae block jy iRk t X W Phone X SJK- KIXSBY OK La av Larso H oak aide boMd oUr M K organ od eoadttloa 96 We buy and sell f rait ore Call OB us before K or aeiitaK FOR SALS Store room icon roasoaaWe j best buatnesc black In Ad dreai BOX 25 TlaMS office 1 FOX SALB room chairs and wabrat table dealers aeed DOt apply KM Laaier ptnco FOR SALS Litter of English bull pups tile stow by ctempkMi ptte wteaen sold reasonable OB account of ao room Ap- I LURE the new polish for floors tar aitare ptaaoe etc boBM All stores Me FOR SALS GOOD QUALITY Opaque Shades filed So wiadows only Xc Met qualIty el opaqoe shades iOn hung tree KLSEBLATTS Jltn and H sis K E NOVEMBER SALE OF PIANOS HM Stieft JIM 40 Xeedham HUGO WORCH 1JM O t SINGER Sewing Machine US Sewtes 3fach1nai sold for Me per week J P ROBERTSON ia rrn ST x TST A FINE LOT of secondhand furniture cook loves for coal or gee Anything you need rery cheep LARKIX IM X W AUCTION SALES- D NOTES 615 La Ave S Hvsar Thursday sale of CxraMare ear etc tesaerrow Tbers ajr evnilnr at i a m Desirable gix s Jer wiy part of Ute MIRe Y lag 1 r p 1 31 JIOR LB t case b rade flit JR A b Deep ew sewing eve ia headset three coat auits5 W 1 arBt PlY Ie K It X W woodwork tits bright tIM BU = W ttU Ji Fin ttr m 10 5 Mia RINDs year it est at- e each pleas wahsvt 3110 catg 4L IBO vtmplaeu W any o venia biaatt Mitt nict S Peeigre ekes ± > > > < PRINTING THAYER QUALITT PRIXTIJJG SMALL WORK EXCLUSIVELY LEWIS THAYER S 7 KA st X W Ph ne Main 1312 THE IDEAL PRIXTERT est work money Call W iOns and get esttmate SMT M St N TV CLOCK HOSPITAL WE afATCK a specialty of clocks watches and kinds of Jewelry H G J E TVAGXER S M st W W 351 ANTIQUE FURNITURE PHOOUCIXG REPAIRING 611 L ST X W PHONE X 36 T MECHANICAL FREDERICK CARL 63XS HSTXW Automobile repairing Parts a Specialty Expert model maker and Gear nettleS Phone M BIRDS AND ANIMALSD- OGS RENDERED UIJIUXE from diatom per bjr vaccination with Imported German serum Partkrulors upon Dr CBCTL FRENCH 7L J2th st X W TO ORDER WE MAXCFACTCRE BASKETS Any kind Repairing a specialty at short order J027 7th st N 7iT 1 STOVE REPAIRING CLTDE L BOWERS CO ReaList and tinning Fnraaces lolrobcs rstfecoe gas ranges 784 llth st X W CARPET CLEANING ALBERT KAHLERT Improved Steam Carpet Gleaners cleaning making and lay lag carpets and rugs making S3 B at B V7 Phone M 203J Baseives Dlae Recosaltlo I M fertile RE Milling BASKETS CO J1 MSECAL = ¬ > ¬ AUTOMOBILES AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION WIly for your sftU when you can save 14 to 12 rrem US We carry a tarp stock end everything Is swa- M C to not all talk we convince yow If you wfll call or drop us a postal asking for ovr large circular we NEW YORK CYCLE CO 1332 G St N W FOR 131 Overland toarlns car 42h p tally eoMpaed eest 1769 good as new sell fer Sill Great FOR SALE 1909 OrerlaaC la firstclass con dillon a bargain FOR SALE Tale teorlns car la condition a bargain FOR SALE 1308 epassenger Bee CrstcJaJi condition CARTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION lIONSEy BUILDING AXYOiVK IKT RK8T D vtoweMle tires posMfcj amkea all teM M B maat Nee nrfomtatng guaranteed cheapest IB H at X B AUTOMOBILBs and taxicabs best service lowest parties and shopping and CENTRAL CO W BARNES Mgr Main 5Su 1 6 F LET US PUT YOur afcade radiator fend er and lamps into proper Tarr nioH cost Try u FRENCH HAOZATOR t FEDER IttS P St KW North 2075 M- We can put your auto lamp and radiator Into proper condition at a saaUl east te you Prompt work tactlea guaranteed CO Jona place Phone 4347 pay more by buying ail you en SAL bargaIn LET US DO SaUl M I malt sC good soft at tean 1 vales sightseeing ariheIt < > AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING by expert ma work prio s aeot cash for secondhand automobiles M A LEWIS CO IW 6th at X W Phone ac m- SHOFO the great hnA aoap lOc removes srease At all druggists or or H P CAR loDe Room Museey Btdff THE FINEST ASSORTMENT of slightly ne d antos all makes and styles from J158 to fXWXX IB number Branch At Philadelphia THK ROMAX AUTO CO 1S5 H st N W VULCANIZING AH Work Guaranteed Moderate Price AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO 129i II St N W Phone Main 73S7 AutoHintic fVladsnlekl put on while wait n to set HALL A CO 9M X Y are N W AUTOS REPAIRED RIGHT AND QUICK EXFKRT AUTo REPAIRING AND VUL CANIZING- L G HERRIXAN Phoae North 4n Rear 4 PIe ave N W WZ RKPAIR OR REBUILD your auto can cleaned by day or month oils aad supplies reaaonabie ail work EVraajteed IMi Columbia court betw n and Utb rd and Irving at 1 GARAliES IRVING GARAGE 1417 Iiriejr at STRICTLY FIRST CLASS GARAGB MODERATE PRICES I C BARBER MgT Phoaas Cot 47 and IllS MOTORCYCLES TO CLOW OCT m atoclc one sew MM Merteal Light 3W motorcycie with 3K Thor n a barnata- e a o4 hi secoad baad HARRY F SEAMARK BICYCLES PCXCTCRK PROOF bicycles J a Gaaraa t e for 1 year tires pet oa NEW YORK CVCLE CO i at X W VIKING All repairs FREE for one year easr payments If desired T X Jr lee VSt X T ave X W WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Unlearn pttaetareprooC Urea JJSS put on P J X2XDELL CO int Ilk at X Vf- WAXTED Secondband bicycles flAKE AUTO LAMP FEPAIR CO J22 Uth HORSES AND VEHICLES M HEAD OF HORSES and mut ui editable for any purpose Trvteeabl4 aowtid ao rea eaab offer refusaL 311 John Marshall rear 1 FOR SALE fimoU mare end ODe Btxxl work horse cheep Apply 192 Union S W I FOR SALE Oae light lelivery ragoa horse aad two big work horace 412 9th C X W bends eoaad city broke h BEALL CO 9th at Wtoz Center Market FOR SALK Good young bay bone w eht about J a Iba good worker and o 1 t I quit MM Irrtos ac X W after 4 p m FOR SALE IS horses and mores raa e frox- ad MCCARTHYS STABLES rear 491 awe X V SECOXDHAXD i traps rvaa and delivery wagons J16 ap COGS WELLS 9M 2U at 34 Uth X W GAXTZ has M ear leads o ruaLbonts or rays and 7 sprIng wasooo Will sell JJ D st X W FOR HIRE Pleasure teams business teams er a horse tar your wagoa by the day or iBMtth at reduced rates Plia XOGLB rear BT Pa ave X W Main n- HXRI C BOARDING and Sates StaUea HI Missouri ave X W S D TVATEBS Special rates to travelinK salesmen DANCING guaranteed reasonable U TROY yeti Ole lUll a couple of deobte and slege cylieds e TOt I nkoe qt aJcuna La 3aZ 4 a FOR re 5 years old lIP MIssouri tREYS beats regardlees of week f tic d ur Alp llkandOVNW aard t 3W at harness 16 a the coat PROF WTXDHAM S I h St X IV class Toe ned Thar 10 lessee Jc C ron IZJ private aay hoW guarantee H seboi ars correct Phone Male 659 1 3US6 COULTER at SIT L st X W If you eaa walk I can teach yea to waltz aay Unte SOc Pbeae North 2ffl6 TRCXTOX HALL North CapKoi Street and Florida Avenue All Cars Transfer to tile Door For lances ad Lodges 6 Per Night Chamberlain and Oobbs Dancing StcdJo 21S Eye st X W dances every at Carroll Institute 9K at X VV M K- DAVISOXS Prof and Mrs 719 6ta X W Est Pboae M 4834 Lessens any boar dase s and daaces Tues Frt eva Assera Wy dances Xati Rifles Armory every Sat GLOVERS H3 22nd Pri lessons SOn waltz tweatep gear S lessons new dances CUtsi Tas Thar Sat Ito Phone W 11 PRIVATE DANCING SCHOOL Only One Taught at a Time Latest Two IstfuCSbrs ST eve SELECT Phone iL SS T RUG WEAVING RUGS woven from eld carpets Th A sfainEtoc Rug Weaving Co office and worVs SB Sth st Main S6 E reversible rugs from car I pets VB oaraatee our work ECLIPoE RUG W2ATu S CO 2SK Ga ave Phone 3S3tTC TRUNKS WASHJNCTOX HARNESs TRUNK ShOP UO aad H sts south of Pa ave X W We solicit repairing or trunks suit cases bar ss asS bamesa Man of experience in ore Bargains new and secondhand Main 4K1 GETER DRESS SUITS FULL DRESS Tuxedo Suits for hire tallar tejT cleaning dyeing and repairing S KOSXTGSBERG hilt Pa ave Phone OXIT T7PTODATE full dress and tuxedo suits for hire M T PlilES Merchant Tailor 1986 7th w PHOTOGRAPHY THR PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Is tbe proper to your Slam A knowledge of the art af developing nariC3 to secure resulu SBABROOK 806 F St N Ty J j eve new Tees lOCh eVe I Imo BEAr FUL W lOOMS 5 arise Misses itS 4- 3NAIDi a I sLIt S > BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY at Inventory PtaaMuU DRY GOODS and notions lanemory K CIGAR and pool room 7tk at SS W LUNCHROOM and rooantng how a HAIR DHK88IMG and parlor Uth at- TZtCIT Yagataote and y ltrr MaaMl market LIGHT GROCERY SJB NEW YORK BDSUCKB8 BftOKKHS U Hl Jicta roomfeVK hooae SK ItoocBtcjg U pearSOn M boone exceOttm fBiattaia Boarding boone W paoale tIM bou v Jt paapla- 9S Grocery N W with bot water hoMed Sat Comnlnto List Business PkMM at OCOec THORNTON 7B ItUi sC X W CIGAR AND KEWSBTAXD old ettaottehed corner will sail cheap owner lam other bnateean BOX JO liaise eoaoa- HOTBL bar centraUy iocattid Pa M W party city terms BOX MX TlMec office POR room located Ia boniness section with tables BOX Z- o rte THK EAGLES HAVE LIT Pot ales minute eo EAGLE SIGN CO 8 7th at oar r mad Ttfc 4 CIGAR Del newartand on 2 car lines In N W good Apply UM aw X STORE TtOOM LEASXt- onrtmaBg te Waahtagtoa A raM BOX Xt B office 1 p Pa eve X W living roo s eteam healed Apply It Oraac- ptaee LUNCH ROOM ff day F business J day IBBCB F st business M day Inadiroaam eve prlo 617 La a i I 111 beauty best Pre One and bowling alloys eembIftM IICaIIII career Eo reasonable Met block GAR a t roes IlL lit B and csufcdSSSrY lOUT beMuse esoelisat a4SL roe cJ ss S see rose siaM SALE Pso1 Adds M Ties boniness se lime newsstand boniness 0 leech 35N > LIVERY Mrtar aad blaMe heel loeatfoa la Washington DCOASc 7 WHOLBRALE DOAN 617 La aa FOR SALB 4f c ah aacome treat of 3 years per coat and m let eC S W is a Oxford BM Mth lUll X Y CIGAR and newsstand bayer Address BOX M These adce I DO yow bat reeaartoc Ladtea and coaable prices VIENNA HAT CO 8 lit RAISE CAPITAL BEST itETHOtW Cor- pemtfona orRaaiaed and promoted every where U S LEGAL CORP SIP laced BMz A RE3PON8IHLE BUILDER wIll pay w ll for any or n tnnrtt is e c rte bo dw ff cratracta BOX 1M oCCtee CLAIRVOYANTS CASTRO taas favorite PaJaaJot aad C3r to bin many friends and a- erat prince aw K at N W MRS X LU8BT Patnrtstry ayntnmath1 card reodtm- reference as to ability sa to 9J p m Closed 9K KKW YORK ATE X W PROF wx FITZGERALD palartat- phreaologiat cult ORIODiAL GYPSY PAl Wh 4e Fortune Told JOe Opea KlRhts ITS ath at X W MRS Ctatrvaraat Card Reader LMee Oaly KIT H ST N V 30 SPIRITUALISM XESTIXGtf Sonday Kv 0ay S p r a mesaaaa to caci dally reading ICES XALTBT fS X X W X WHITE e her aalags S oclock BUILDING MATERAL TO CATCH FALL TRADE Kitchen Dressers Medicine Cabinets At Special Prices Doors Sash Blinds and aM other Millwork Hot Bed Sash GEO M Building Material 649 N Y Ave 1517 7fhSt WALL PAPER sad DECORATING liable work of the very highest 2S years experience BRUXKLL MCL VET m C au X w Drop postal ROOMS PAPERED cheaper than ay other I AXD PAPERHAXGIXG I eta ecbaaios araa ed Drop postal will can W HUFF YOUR WORK Sans at once 1 j aratdace work drop poatal for stlaMUe I ROOMS PAPKRED n up Seed postal lee I sfoapte and estimate CHA6 JL HTSAX SW E Cap sc Pboae Lien 23B- I LATEST fall aeaigaa faraiehoa PrIes reasoaabie Send postal or Line 3M O W HUTH 2H C CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER DROP POSTAL for oar OB boose repairing and remodeling J B GIBBS X W X SMT and X UM M- i SOCTHWBST REPAIR CO a V sC S W ing contracts far eatire interior work One order one bill WEATHER STRIP sot pat in REPAIRS kinds C D OOLLJNS 7 Uh at PHOXE M t CJag One 1Hu1 ness I a years aYe very cheap to 1 LEI US pants bats rwtrtIDrIMd nNL returned roc tile see 5 xI r n a s Ubie Ceari N IRk x 1f MVS will 1 eo MId JIrWqo I BARKER PAP GLG Be p Sa city We tog e paper wwk Mid drop postal K B HATES ill FK at JIriu I eetIaaat 5t H I I I M GeRer8I repairs to all MIL a La- ve Iquor store < remodol n informs flee a Ties vseM bsa wialar Plea sheeter sad on tao blrht h ssTinbutecaa i ilKEPHZR a W5VOnC5467 itoSthtXW qua y Reasonable boon bong gilt pri he as latest 4e3as gesl PAINTING it flat ilee WALL CO U4 at plo ItilL houses at psPerba ng = > > + < FOR RENT HODSES- s UnfHrnissd FOR RENT J C WKEDOX CO M E CAP 6C E Cap Mrb T3t D aa r b Caw 4ot9 7 silt aa JUa IWO Pa av eeKr m E e Crb 4J 12 Sd ae Trh j SH E Cap 9r b 3 wsat MCK M tevb X59 i4 E Cap Mrb M 4 X J av se ar MM D ae Mrb Ail 16 7la neSt sta JLMSffl JOsh se Orb 8ZT 1Mb ne Srb MStu B ae r tore 13 lIlt K Cap Srb M MS 2aom flo KT IM 4th se r b ao frb av a XC av ceCrb 28 r b 1KS HZ D se 7rb SlIM tfch se r Meo Rosedate ae ai se rb KJM 5r store l54 4 Florence ae 366 Ivth se rb 3t5 C b KJ 3W A ze 9r b 2SI M a aw r I 34 D se b 2SM1U4 Eta rd r flit SC av 7rb SfcS 4K K h a Sr njt SW Ivtn se Orb Eli Calumet 3d sad E Cap 4rb SKSt Gleadow a Cth ae 4Srb 9Cv JttM WaitoB 1C KB a e 4r b M8l FLATS 02 F a Ir 2iu 4 F n Oib m5 MS isch M Srb Uth ne Sr b S7S US6 F ae 4r b XJ M Mth ae b J Ut ator ae4rb 1SS 133 Mass av sc 1612 Jfdale irb 14 r b SS MW A ae rb JtW tilT D ne 5r b lW 1 2 nth se fe MJ 5W JBtb se SrbI7d 1 FOR REXT12I7 and 1251 K sC S E room bricks in good order Kent each LUCKETT 25 East Capitol at FOR REXTUS4 I18S 1188 Morse er 34 sc X E C seems and bath hot water beat cellar colonial porch last aisb d one months rest free zp nsea paid rent only 9S9 Apply GOLD KXBBRG Orford Building Furnished FOR RBXT FURXiaiKD1- TW Q ST X W White stone S rooms 2 newly furnished 8 per caootb Apply oa prom lass FOR REXT S Pa aye N W laqaftre next door Lawrence Betel a j J 1 I I I I 1 uu JLa ib Ia 311I H Srb aj 411 S 3 ay a u u 1t Thin 11 15 K Be kIt Ill h IR 8 frost baths RENTSTORESF- OR 2JO frb 11I so lib 2050 2131 31 1050 2430 s 1610 2030 6 > < APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurnished A F FOX COMPANY 14fih AT NEW YORK AVE HEATED APARTMENTS Tim NEWPORT 2164 FLA AVE 3 and bath St 9 5274W 4 fuses and bath tMiW 0 THE LA CORONA 425 M ST If W rooms and bats JJ J2759 THE SUFFOLK 1467 IRVING ST rooms and bath 2259 THE ALLENHURST 1206 COL RD E roams and bath W JK J3869 THE KENYOX 1372 KENYON ST B recess and bath I S THE LANJER 1749 LANIER PL 2 roonas and bath J35W roams and bath e K38 THE MANSFIELD 1730 M ST NW r roome a d batb J Wr f M- HOUPES ALL SECTIONS 1444 R ave 11 9 i ilKS 7rt 2 J- 1H Car a ob K if J 6rb FLATS 1W8 Sth nw rb SS- SErb2100 OFFICE ROOMS Metropolitan Bank BWs J1869 to 53500 MIl new office building 121 H st GARAGES im TO I l COLUMBIA COURT CAPACI TY TROll 1 TO 9 CARS RAyGIKG FROM T TO tS6 PER MONTH WAREHOUSES 1218 CarUna alley W Call For Our Complete List PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY THE FULFORD 2518 17TH STREET N W New and modern apartBeats located In the choicest section of the city Washington Heights halt aqnare of road Gas SJM electric lights all outside roosts to each apartment parojMtry In linE C BT aleat to schools and churches Let lu you plans Now la the time to make reservations I ROOMS AND TILED BATHS 3w 2758 W 4 ROOKS AND TILED BATHS 9254 US E ROOMS AND rILED BATHS J4T5a J TO BE COMPLETED DECEMBER 1 i A F FOX COMPANY RENTAL AGENTS ESTABLISHED 157- 6KTH AT X TT AVE 7K and 7 Gresham pL 4r b oidy J treat ned rear GARMgR A Dan B Silk X W FOR JtKXT rooms rooepttoc MIl aad hath APt X 1 red JBT t XJCKLY JSaaD ao numn of throe r Address a JC 3 UM E S AriaBBjB Botrf M and C KS K W 1 IJtt STH ST S 3E ew 4rooss flat gas yard botwnAer heattee syatesa IX THE CHAMPLATN Ilk sad X T awn X W- Sc aRC b Corner aad b StZSi- OCKRSLL Stt 7 X w FOR Dowa reoWeac contnhis 7 rotnaa- trooe heat TIde has a very Mrge Jot rests JOT Price aM BRADFORD BRADFORD S 3 24th at FOR SALS Near lonm Circle TIlls bones was battt for a home eontniau 12 roams lid bath 2 story stable OR the rear large lot to paved aOegr 12 M BRADFORD BRADFORD sic Uth FOR SALE Ba9tae s property OB Ch and I largo raaaar shows lot 3x Pries Jliaax BRADFORD BRADFORD 938 st FOR One the best Senses OR OHiuihlQ bathe aNos Rest W Price oOO BRADFORD BRADFORD S8 Belt sC FOR SALE Coraer latdiluaue oa CataaaMa yard beat Thw hones buSt by a BUILD8R Piles 9 SM BRADFORD BRADFORD 6S 14th st TAKOMA PARK HEIGHTS Most beaatlfal lets to the District eteva over feet baanttfol surroand ia country city water electric shade two elsie Hess cue B O Ray Prh sow less thee oaebalf aafced for skaUnr property Xaoy terats CaM or pUnste as- GRBATBR HHAITT COB PORATIOX 3U Colorado Daliatog ESTABLISHED IF s < f recJIItJJ batL ri89 1ID ItJt tLa ta 4tk rb PHI D ne He 1tk lit nWiIb PRICES n n 1 ears 1 FOIt Met DIe root JMIIIIa u than au K 41 iarbed Ag1y u nIe 1 THE MELTON Elevator nut 4c sad b In and fr SAXL W SALEHOUSESF- OR SALE MIll cellar uIIIIer Ja i = Pries Si a lit Store JUII SAn ff Reghts CI8MRJ8B 12 te IeIi Heights and inge was Ii lee vac f fare It WAS rooMs 1201 p 4resa 4LVI I gr 20511144 TbOiUS grbPHIIIIE 4 pore show 5 aprteseat ha in Heights reosse for p- I at S inesse hash Apt Ceaz- a3 aiophae nchaag E30 b low sad ire hoon hens 530 ieaeas and 7 Moses boot tot SSe10O cuatalas > recess bath front states tie tigi its > < = POSt SALK Press brick and stone treat having M rooaas and bath hi oondt lieu Price J73i 12th s X W between X ad X S rooaw bath feoadry brick treat Itt water beat PIe s584 K at X W user BagUea base aaeat brick U rooms aRC bath offer waaiod Price 4300 Bth 3X S K bet B and C C roeias aad bath stone and brick a nice little home PrIce 375 A CATWOOD EK X T AVE X W FOR SALE GEORGETOWX Greatest bargain II room brick brick stable IB rear tea over at 4ic quick sale to settle aa estate 2 years ago JU was See HKXRT W OFFUTT Wit ave SI st 1 HOTEL APARTMENTS NEW HOTEL BAXCROFT Cst ISta and H st X W American and European plans weekly satA afontbly rates PHONE M 4SHI FOR FOR RENT Large fIrst floor rooms centrally located for ofDcea or besiness purposes INQUIRE 17 Mth ST FOR I HAVE A XUMBER of small terms near the city suitable for poultry or trucking very 3 to M acres also farms grain er grass all sizes J JEROME H Branch Concreas Heights TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE MOXET TO LOAN OX D C REAL Lowest rates of Interest Payments on I principal IR amo Hts of SUit or more r calved at any interest period Tbe F H SMITH CO Bond BWg 14 S X T aye TO LOAX 3 to o M on D C real estate Interest low aad all for borrowers VVM H SAUNDERS CO HW F st X W MOXKT TO LOAN on real estate loweet ratas prior larga amounts TYLER RUTHERFORD 7S Mth I j I I I I I Ilk S for RENTOFFICES SALEFARMS lEap MO actiOnS With lIon 8 peas hoi isa release Special 1104 ci 21ST tTl NET truse CSThdPetOd ceenomical eeaat era 1 = = = For Sale INVEST ix THK OARDBX scBtnti NOW VIRGINIA HICHLAXDcT It Is the nearest baa fast ea m7 mince tile Far reOMd people of aw d rar rremat Wit i parks sad gardens y and soot of This is BO real estate boom but CBU- es penaaaeat on lines all planned by an architect Lota ja ap 91 JS per month lavem her new slid doable yv r Thia seetloB is stated to ate hack late District Come Saturday or Snadar afjenxwa an see the poured la MM saimids costing n ttea flhowa MM Maon rati jp BL Car to VIRGINIA HIGHLAND every xatntrtes true FostoSlos Elk at Pa ae BALLARD LANHAM H IMi at K W HOW TO BE TOUR OWX LANDLORD OX at CASK AND atOXTHLT or caR 2te Illustrated pUu etc of Connect eat Park daHBt Sabarbaa Realty H RITCHIE Colorado BoiWias FOR SALE At BaaacoB Va two nr hon ajihTbed m natural wood C roorts ban pantry aaiph doaeta gas ax- Bt aaiaates to A aedaet bridge yt iatam to Bth and Pa 1 Mock frees ucieitj e aec tj aehec charch stores sad poaMaOee lots SixiK ft oaly 9Xi ach Teem arraagod W xeft A C PUTKAX Owaer- BALL3TOX VA- wy OB monthly twain ateo a Cherrydale 9 month ASHTOX C JONSS AUjnudila CoarthOBS Roaldmco Oak c Cloraaaaa FOR SALKXear Beaaiag D C col tots CLARKJfDOK Vw 6ro9m Reese Beautifully Located OB Trolley CUrcadtm Ts 1 FOR SAL Lr lot within squar- j ConaaeUeiK Avcoae eons Ckwry chase CJrcte Forest at price that wit yteU a good prwOC H C BAILEY TU 5 The BT r i FOR SALE All lofci IB Handle High lauds GeveraaaoBt Immni iiiniaii op portaaitr D S THOMAS For Sale or ReeL COUNTRY HOMES TWO BIG BARGAINS eli IBS on large loS CEO H COLLEGE PARK BCD FOR SALE OR RaC T icoaa aaagaioira large tot eoaveateat f atoatt A W MAXLSRT Kenilw- X W Tune flit Male For Rut FOR REKT Hal oar U firooai cottaae ant oatbofKUaca bt p orter ajood church and h city delivery wasjma dally tema low r ace repaired Address BOX ZU Tines ocace 1 2 ness eMefcea feared 1 rare Key a Fawcetts Store District Line T KELLY Aaaat Tahneoa Park 3 FOR BJEXT FOOT rooaaa and herb largo Kiooada right on R I aye car line XE for SU per KOHL Xt Ralaier Md FOR REKTOaly O month 4 acres oa new electric aad poultry place BOOTHS FARM AGENCY 7 Z Seth X IT Wasted WASTED To lease C MSK noose lot near R I xveX K Orre rear ned fc3 FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE COLORED MAXS OPFORTCXTTY LOT IX NEAR RAILROAD C DOWN 4 PER MONTE OXFORD BLDG X W WANTED LOTS WAXTED To buy eevsra in Ee agtaa state iocaOoa abe sad price Addreu M B F RAILROADS BALTIMORE OHIO R R LEAVE UNION STATIOX ROYAL BLUE Other Hour oa the Odd Hoar To P NEW TBRaOXAL 2JD ST NEW T a at Diner o B M Kboar train Cafe Parier Car Diaer and PwUmaa Parier Car Royal Lhatted All Polhaan- Fivehoar Dtaor and Ohmiratlea Parlor Cat Coaches to New York Turk ATLANTIC crrrK- VKRT ROUSt ON THE HOUR rWeok Days 7 a m to H p aa- PITTSBtRG a m CLEVELAXD 44 AC 4Cjf g- aHAGBRSTOWX 1 d ai 5H a Dally tJExcopt Soaday CHESAPKAICE Jt OHIO LINES Pabltshad iafonaarioa only not guaranteed W da yFor Virginia West Vr KbaJa and Kentucky Pullman sleep e to Ctodanati LodsrUte SOd Chicago from Gordoaevtne dally CIXCIXXATIST LOTTK CHICAGO KCIAL train to S Louis wIth Paltaaaa sleepers to Chicago Wet Southwest and torthwest- nati aDd Lonisvilte C A O juntas car C fe O OlDcee SB Pa aye am Phone Male KM and 2M fo tickets bagajage decks aLsuiBUaaa a i taxicabs SBABOAK3 AIR LINE JiT M 6 dnv Seaboard Past Mail SK BBMh aaa J sksoaviHe Parioh curs Jack soBTfOe to Taaipa Through flfciaaar te Dining ear p B Aii Seaboard Ksareaa else equipped with electric fans ThroaKb ser vice to Savaaaah Jacksonville Tampa At btnta Btnaiachaat and MempbM Dining cars York eve N W K AHARWOOD C T A GSO Z PHILLIPS D P A C H RYAN G P A Portaawoth Va SOUTHERN RAILWAY X 3 FoDowtaa schedule figure pubUsbed as information lid are not frjaraatoM For AtSaata Birmingham Mt lie Kev Orlmna a a and l 45 p ax ClaittaannaTi aay Memphis SX a m daHyITennrirr KaosviDe Chattanooga Br- wua Orl BS p m Far naaamte Kaoi Xa h For ta BinatoKhaak Columbia caartaBCDa A sa 4a Aikam Jack sOBTfile and Florida 43S p a dally BROWN G aral u l 11 <lent I rGO I wood usenet 4 For lull drop poerel A thevy CIaaee FULTON R GORDoN v 0tnIe- rX IlL twes froM metal roots POJt wua aa seen sta4loe and coJ1CftCe s6dIIwaIk aU th price 6reo at Bollotea sad per eo toe oree nice new ales aU teeeel Price balance U per IMIJtJt C 3 Oew 5M It 0 w PA T8 COLLINS a I 6mea C8Ua DcI large ot z modern l I AL DT I D Co y R So TAPLfX 2401 F f tk lI FOR eattags I month Apply to L LINDEN 1 moo large WOOD m BOX c uD YORK YORK 11 Parlor cr PIIrlor Car IItt a and puftesea Parlor 111 J UM JiI to p p N to York a to PIIIJa fUII So D- L11t1 11 p aTe RALw i2 te ts II 211 I- 1SII J1tt a Ctl neon 1t1 u Nor S W N I- CHlCAGO H 12 511 ST LOUIS LOLI5- VILLB 1H a a 4t5 P et p m- JIIbt sapr po H p JII- COLUXBCs 51t 10 a 5311 a- CCXBRLAXD liE QIJeea SpecIal II a Po tJI a a p 1SaDII at all 9f Ute following 1417 G 1C mO sa Penn ylvania Xia m mice Station Ticket Oics Main JIt Buree Main ID points car S3t Po 1IL SolId Stops soty at DpOiiaIt aneet aJId C O dII1IDg Po Ja F LZXITBD r- Pt Pul man skepen to Virginia Bet il UJ Station a ID TbnMIP and Puthean IIIeeDen to ttIeaIb Uchted ieOPerA and Ticket omce 1418 Sew only t For Jt YUle L III tIIJIII lifter I to ID- A t 1 11 1 So F mat fr 3 SUBURBAN PROPERTY fly sea5 eaegeadw pine yea a sore is- lding I cash S7V Lbs comes uses ft ES perticainra tckphOrae eon porches awe SAT7re bonn oowreabeaces at Vs 30 paris ear ISS ftam boone one a Sroes hens 2 51300 204 cash RAPBAcX F one shads findings ILL dweil onto 5350 Foes 31 or at REXT4roein North Tahowa 5ross csttge stable r Laandoe D C VV psJculani sUBUBA1t1rE BOX 304 Ikasi oct w lit Times ots1 LiftS Bvery NEW PU11Su 430 a M4Ie usDiner Car- P 330 niCoaches PhiJOdeipliin- ei30 sO 32il f30epsss Now P252 30sP and New f0 2 2 12iS B lOntS tU- t2Ol SiSS 3120 31 t441 130 3101 530 JOil 32 ite- I 30 1030 1130 ShE WESTWARD a es p- cjc1NNAT1 sad M ea ni5V lIO 3fl S 1130 ready s- owtiEUNG iclO a p so Cit WINcHTER so 14 10- 41EDllRlcK 3530 252S so iiicF Slur re1ellheneS TIeke3- pffIcee Tei Main ave New Inieeini L as Dining stations O58iDOit rs 1114 Spresge Cin cbe A- tlanta iSO observation cur New tt2uo ails M 411 dr1 Sleeping a aonnnak > < < < > > = = =

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-11-16 [p ......S2S zeus 5 52S salts JBL M LAV...


    SUGGESTIONSWines and Liquors

    For the Holidays


    Save You Tried It

    Engel Brervr Co

    Ale and Porter



    750754 10th St S ENevdties



    T 1SRABU 816 Voratont AveMisceHaneous

    k HaM for tIN boiiday iaje t roasoaaMeIn towmw T SMITH

    Have a warmGBO

    GOAL WOODChrtotsoas in tile right way

    CHtler ad Grinder

    Tailers and OutfittersPRACTICAL GIFT LadteB a d seatseoth 6 vaade to order ckeaarfag dyeta

    reMtBSV aatiaTacUoa saaraaieed21 14th

    GET YOUR CHRWTXAS SCIT at W AHSIXKXAX M I2th X W ra itlB-cleaatBg preuoiag dyetair satssteetfoa soaranteed J HPC m a trial

    HOLIDAY fBcy aad boate-kiade aew crop nuts aad nut a eat Tallime att OH aad haported aeoas Her thebothfctre-

    CUXBO Tlh at aad Florida X WMessenger Service

    LET THK IMMK XB8BBXO Bt SSRVTCEHelp Santa delivet yotar parttatjrupare afcr ad praia 11 H X w


    Successful Tailoringseason In buatnoea I attribute to sayexp rieiiee of 35 in gtvlap tl e b etarttecie wnd jaraiupt atteatfos te my A trial ord r

    A H COOPE-Rs isa sc N irP-fcooe Mate 2556


    bat caR ta aad see bis aew has oflanwrted FabriOB

    froot which yoa CBB orderBraadaew swit or overcoat at

    reasonable pricesGO TO WJLNTKK W4 F sC The ReliableTaller let perfect At fit or pay HES up FecaKTty with H re Try and

    BARGAIXS la salts for yog JB B JK forS2S zeus 5 52S salts JBL M LAV

    ENST3CIX 1I3 Pa X MSLADIES and geatlomen towest prices deaDtee repaJrlBs renodetlnedeHvered IStb st Xorth 211-


    Xew Headquarters I2tb st X W



    Cantd yoa It to advantage at a low rateWE LOAN MONEY TO ALL

    t AND UPWARDXo publicity

    OUr plantee Seves and worry becaaee thereare as iadorsoateats BO refereaees no as-slcnments e pledges

    AMERICAN LOAN CO335 XEW YORK AVE X Wecon Flo fret Pb n Uaia 912

    913 G STREETIs Ute peace te borrow meey en


    7 payments of 190 pays 10 loan7 payments of 270 pays 15 loan7 payments of 350 pays 20 loan7 payments of 430 pays 25 loan7 payments of 825 pays 5o loan

    Larger aHK tm at saaae ratesThe above table shows what yea pay USfor money No eitias ao surprises Loansmain wltaia few boars alter application 13leftMUTUAL LOAN CO

    913 G ST N W

    PRIVATE LOANSOa FursKare Pianoc etc wltboHt reajoral

    Positively lowest ratesBorrow 1000 pay back 11 JoBorrow 1500 pay back 1675Borrow 2000 pay back 2225Borrow 2500 pay back 2750Borrow 5000 pay back 5400

    The above ladades priaclpat Interest andaU charges Other aatoeats la proportleaUNION LOAN TRUST CO

    v 810 F St N WRooms 1820 Phone M 5334


    Prudential Loan Trust CoXeOBi S Warder Bldg

    9th a d F Sts K WH K FULTONBSTABUSHBD 1S58

    314 Ninth Street N WLOANS

    Oa XMataoads Watches EtcBARGAINS AT HBTAIIi


    Sok DistF


    SICK MK Ue et podaiiy

    7tIa lit So wr K 7tII lit S wWICK HtII x W Let me-

    eutJery for the JIoHctay-18IICIrs cIippen J6III I8-be8n eC all kIDda 10oll5-crotIIMI


    goo65 eaDed JIll deltv8811 Theeat x W 2MrtJa Xlit


    sae7 frfs All

    CIalitF MIa 5I3t5IL

    The iry yrstprye HI eftdencya


    be 1D L GORDON E t S wTailor Lateet lmpoclatles lid IJDe61IkIi teed to lit De up ZMmUUp AU u my direct supeoiMw




    useHew mock do you wMat right newt

    We taka twemt8e to raynaWeS 7e to Mn9w yrtime









    BALL AND ges


    yesrBARBER ISI

    iHgr I7 tsharpea yr x

    e a4katv ad edgM


    est 4r1 ad vgI1ab





    DOt T

    t avaeedI Marchaz It


    ca H-and


    ylwso w 1





    WANTED MISCELLANEOUSHIGHEST CASH prices paM for wora dothiae either or seats send postalwill ear B TAI

    Korta 4iSI PAY the eaaa prtc for iadtes-

    seBticmems and cbUdre s wearinganpftrel draaj postal win car C LTVnfeSTOK UM Tib at NW or PMmeHIGHEST CASH PAID Mr worn RHrraeBta

    tedtes-BARGAIN HOCSK UM 7th V W Jf H 3

    Two Uekete to Army and XayaDd YaleHarvard games WriteRoom U Willard HotelSKKD TOUR GOODS to SMITHS AUCTiONHOUSE S3 La awe where w pay btcbeatcash prloe let all laercbundUi-

    aad Tfe rayWA TEED To bay all fee old cooV stoves ta

    WaaMnsSOR We pay beat pricesc tahea In exchange for BOW oaoapostal te A TUi at N WBIG UONKY paid for caste ctethtac shoaebats and ahirU drop poatal will callH GSWIRZ I2W th St Ji WBIG 3lOK Y paid for ladtoa a d gfmOemeacastoff dothteg sbeec bats Postal wMia BKR3JSTEIN 194 7ta XWANTED S e adbaad fwnttw aMIclads also earpetE matttBEs Mover MeI pay tbo Mgfc t cafc Send car4er phBBc D KOTES 8U La re N TV

    Farettare far easb soil yewGoods t the miaa who a vea yea tile meat

    iBoaesr See HOFWOOD Mi and KWANTED Furniture axtores will payyea ore tnoney than aorvtM la Waabmstea 43 11th at X W Xaiai 64


    7tk at s 1




    KRU1 W ltD









    l1 W-oe


    O1 geatleeaa poetal Ml il

    er eaR

    Saes everyey







    HIGHEST CASH paid lor lad Mr or Reatllaeas w ra sarBBente SeaC

    WANTED Fi raR K aad carpet caa Btsaf booses a daab fair nedEQ are deattaes ALBAUGH 11 K K WWANTED fnraitnre raildesks abowcaaea bigiteat prices ISAACMILLER 6W La aye N w Male MM-

    WA2CTKD Typewriters to repair and refcuBoall makes prices reasonable 812 p 3tW Room SHIGHEST CASH PRJCBS paM Jar ladlesand seaUemons wore garmeats droptal and I will call G UCHTMAX 17 ItWILL CALL ia my aaieaered wajsoa cityer suburb pay highest caab s forladies Beats aad cblldreBs discarded clothlas of all deacriptifies Send posral er phoneN 1755 E RICE 1S3Z 7th N W


    FER STORAGE CO 3a SE JS NPhoae MMOVING KXPSK88S RSDCCBOWe wIN do yow awvlitK packing shipand take te paymeat old fwrafcarae ovea etc WASHINGTON FTJRXCTC1UBCO Wh S sta Jf-

    PADDBD VANS oed 2h waaaas S toedPhone MUIMCCOLUMBIA TRANSFER STOKAOB CO9 N T are N Wft Slipping Storage c VMCOAL AND WOOD

    SPECIAL ON COALVV e handle best grade Read

    ing Coal at regular prices and

    extra charge for storing3 discount 2 tolls or more

    Phoae 2C STX JDeUveryCHAS S lINGERill 7th st K wCOAL AND WOOD

    AT LOWER PRICES THAXYOU CAN GET AxrwruaKX XLSSCall aa Xorth 1M4 or 2 a aad let oar

    COXVINC8 TeeCleanR1XALDI BROeanam TO at x w

    SPBCIAL 2 OTJCS COAL AT A IHSCOOKTWe carry oaly the Poem eaados AHcoal gaaraatoed both in sad tgive settetectlOR Delivered oa curbEgg Store aad Cboaorat J7SVea Coal i CBrokea Fsraace raOFF FOR CASH ON ALL OUR COALG MKREIMTH WTN ilPCoL W JtS 14th at X WWORKINGF fANS WANTS

    WORKIXCSiEX policy tacbfa 5 t l1968 ties boon and is the moilex price ea-itly weeit tailored costs nd restsovercoats to SIS sure to oneprice JUgTHS OLD STAND U 1IRON WORK

    MODEL WORK and auto lowestprices SCHAEFER BROS CT H stX W Phone Mala 7W2 1

    DUMPING GROUNDDCMPIXG GROUND CONVENIENT TOTHE SECTIONEasily accessible from any part of btulnesj


    lees oC withOLD DOMiNION DUMPING COTVS D ST X WBoars 39 to i 1



    Also to salaried people OB plaIn aoteAt the feltewisg ratesSIB you pay lid la 5 paymentsS you pay J2SCO te S payments50 you pay 5509 la S payments

    Ne Other ChargePOTOMAC GUARANTEE COSecond Soar B3B P St N W


    under any tBy ta the cityWe loan on afe e teamsetc and your oW toaa Thisotter limited Mate SBtXNEW YORK LOAN CO

    13 G N W ROOM aOver T ng Storenotttf


    10 UPWARDSa company organised to beis the pabHe toold line conpaaiea

    HERE IS THE3S88 7 PAYMENTS OF 419O8S9L 7 OF 99-


    12 G ST N W j5 FLOOR Tfit

    set eoarteow treatraLoons to Housekeepers a SeeefaKyCAPITAL LOAN CO

    8 F STREET N WPhone M 2686


    A PhuacthrepfeCapital

    BeferencesAny Saancial laetitBtfof toeiiy made pawnbrokernew leans laaaedPRUDENTIAL LOAN SOCIETY

    Ground floor X W cor aad GPrivate ride entraaee strictlrconftSentla-LMHie3r Loaned Salaried Peooleted ethers Including WOBMB ke pia hoesaTOKbOBt easy payments oCOees

    3 principal clUes save yourself money hyrettlnc my terms Stat D HUaomRK B3S 35th st X w

    I st rw will




    perot IRsUraDCe and every JDodera MaIGLf TRA1iSat wnM

    W 21etth


    deliver in canvas sacks with-out

    Pull Weight


    our211 please



    arntBgements pnv

    AT CUT RATESFor a rew our rat wtII Deotherfunup

    Loans Porntture Teamsr to anyone boId a saiajje byUte rates chared by the

    rs7 PA Os tosatlM 7 OP Hi6WlMPOSITIVELY XO OTHER

    lAINLOANS XcgetMd nL X


    IUtk EXTRA











    1 7th


    artments 7 estk t LeeattIeie4ea ERCBACTW


    oDe lS






    aangtoo tar


    ea4e en prold high













    K BtfcO a 3 pieces



    STORE FIXTURESKen aad Flattop Desks Office Chairs of

    dcscrlatloa File CB Bsad several very n Irea Safes also

    Covatcra Showvaees ShetvteK Wall Caae-sraahlaiii Desks Miners Coffee TJras etcTfc heat at the lowest price Is oar MOttO

    H BAUM SON912 Pa Ave





    K 736 1106 St

    SetPrlces nn

    every Taw




    Phone 9th







    IT TOC ARE COJ SIDBRIKa bayiag aPLATE PIAfO and are laCerated inftt of the price C a new uptodateliiati mauui with moaic s l and scaniacladed free you stoeyld cooiult as BOWF G SMITH PIANO CO Pa a 1


    BEPAIRBDr change te cell loon M achlau lid ten you bow much It win cost teHz K apt

    DAVIS AGKNCTJO 9h ac 2C W Phoae M K38


    At peer disposal for A MONTHSIx MOB the rental can be applied 10chaae tf desired

    Welfington Visible Tpewriter509 llth SL N W

    BRICK FOR SALE RALB1GU HOTELA Naut darjo nt of bride It on the Jobtf dotty ered Concrete material Given awayto be had Magnificent Iron stairwayflights I ft Almost clTen awayper Ib 1W Moo windows and fraiMaeach X w elevator csice ernaaeatal freeIM S Jroa grills and doors for eievaterHCBlBcs C Oraameatal iron raHJn

    B ooiaaiBS oa treatApply B F BALDWIN an premisesNEW SAMPLE

    FURNITUREA-nd highgrade


    E P TAYLOR 709 G St N Vperfoet oonditioa very sweet toae orisaaal

    COM aj will U for cash to quickbayer as x y areCLKAXUf IX PIAKO3 ANDPLATBRPIANOS in Iat prices a d oa easy Itcnaa of paynienC ChickeriaK EsHS r ttr U dU ffKaaball JI50 Voec liE Kaabe JacobBros se HaroBjuui Jl ShoBta er JSJfc

    JJS HrdtcaB AH to aadotbes O J UeMOLL CO earIttfa sad C litSEWIJG ilACiiIXE KGAIXfM Head tMacer milHead Stands Q975f Wheeler WU n 14WawcMaes 1 dawn sad tIc perweek Ueaatag c Open eveningH R ta PU a ft 2aem-

    USETONE upright piano perfecteoaditien 72 cask cost 300 95 NY aYe N WFOR SALE Oae blockjy

    iRk t X W Phone X SJK-KIXSBY OK La av Larso H oak aideboMd oUr M K organ od eoadttloa96 We buy and sell f rait ore Call OB usbefore K or aeiitaKFOR SALS Store room icon roasoaaWe jbest buatnesc black In Addreai BOX 25 TlaMS office 1FOX SALB room chairs and wabrattable dealers aeed DOt apply KM LaaierptncoFOR SALS Litter of English bull pups tilestow by ctempkMi ptte wteaensold reasonable OB account of ao room Ap-

    ILURE the new polish for floors taraitare ptaaoe etcboBM All stores Me

    FOR SALS GOOD QUALITY Opaque Shadesfiled So wiadows only Xc Met qualIty elopaqoe shades iOn hung treeKLSEBLATTS Jltn and H sis K E


    HUGO WORCH 1JM Ot SINGER Sewing Machine US Sewtes3fach1nai sold for Me per weekJ P ROBERTSONia rrn ST x TST

    A FINE LOT of secondhand furniture cookloves for coal or gee Anything you needrery cheep LARKIX IM X WAUCTION SALES-


    615 La AveS

    Hvsar Thursday sale of CxraMare earetc tesaerrow Tbers ajr evnilnr

    at i a m Desirable gix s Jer wiypart of Ute MIRe




    1 31

    JIOR LB t case

    b radeflit JR



    ew sewing


    headsetthree coat auits5



    arBtPlY Ie K It X W

    woodwork titsbright



    = W












    pleas wahsvt3110



    vtmplaeu Wany


    veniabiaatt Mitt nict










    LEWIS THAYERS 7 KA st X W Ph ne Main 1312THE IDEAL PRIXTERT est workmoney Call W iOns and get esttmateSMT M St N TV

    CLOCK HOSPITALWE afATCK a specialty of clockswatches and kinds of Jewelry H GJ E TVAGXER S M st W W 351



    MECHANICALFREDERICK CARL 63XS H ST X WAutomobile repairing Parts a SpecialtyExpert model maker and GearnettleS

    Phone M

    BIRDS AND ANIMALSD-OGS RENDERED UIJIUXE from diatomper bjr vaccination with Imported Germanserum Partkrulors upon DrCBCTL FRENCH 7L J2th st X W

    TO ORDERWE MAXCFACTCRE BASKETS Any kindRepairing a specialty at short order

    J027 7th st N 7iT 1


    ReaList and tinning Fnraaces lolrobcsrstfecoe gas ranges 784 llth st X W

    CARPET CLEANINGALBERT KAHLERT Improved SteamCarpet Gleaners cleaning making and laylag carpets and rugs making S3B at B V7 Phone M 203J

    Baseives Dlae Recosaltlo















    AUTO OWNERS ATTENTIONWIly for your sftU when youcan save 14 to 12 rrem US Wecarry a tarp stock end everything Is swa-M C to not all talk we convinceyow If you wfll call or drop us a postalasking for ovr large circular weNEW YORK CYCLE CO

    1332 G St N W

    FOR 131 Overland toarlns car 42hp tally eoMpaed eest 1769 good as newsell fer Sill GreatFOR SALE 1909 OrerlaaC la firstclass condillon a bargainFOR SALE Tale teorlns car lacondition a bargainFOR SALE 1308 epassenger Bee CrstcJaJicondition


    AXYOiVK IKT RK8T D vtoweMle tiresposMfcj amkea all teM M B maatNee nrfomtatng guaranteed cheapest IBH at X B

    AUTOMOBILBs and taxicabs best servicelowest parties and shoppingand CENTRAL COW BARNES Mgr Main 5Su 1 6 FLET US PUT YOur afcade radiator fender and lamps into proper TarrnioH cost Try u FRENCH HAOZATORt FEDER IttS P St KW North 2075 M-

    We can put your auto lampand radiator Into proper condition at asaaUl east te you Prompt worktactlea guaranteed CO Jonaplace Phone 4347

    pay moreby buying

    ailyou en






    malt sC


    softattean 1





    AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING by expert mawork prio s

    aeot cash for secondhand automobiles MA LEWIS CO IW 6th at X W Phoneac m-SHOFO the great hnA aoap lOc removessrease At all druggists or or H P CARloDe Room Museey BtdffTHE FINEST ASSORTMENT of slightly ne dantos all makes and styles from J158 tofXWXX IB number Branch At Philadelphia


    VULCANIZINGAH Work Guaranteed Moderate PriceAUTO TIRE REPAIR CO129i II St N W Phone Main 73S7

    AutoHintic fVladsnlekl put on whilewait n to setHALL A CO 9M X Y are N WAUTOS REPAIRED


    CANIZING-L G HERRIXANPhoae North 4n Rear 4 PIe ave N W

    WZ RKPAIR OR REBUILD your auto cancleaned by day or month oilsaad supplies reaaonabie ail workEVraajteed IMi Columbia court betw nand Utb rd and Irving at 1

    GARAliESIRVING GARAGE 1417 Iiriejr at


    Phoaas Cot 47 and IllS

    MOTORCYCLESTO CLOW OCT m atoclc one sew MM

    Merteal Light 3W motorcycie with 3K Thorn a barnata-e a o4 hi secoad baadHARRY F SEAMARK


    bicycles J a Gaaraat e for 1 year tires pet oaNEW YORK CVCLE COi at X W

    VIKING All repairs FREE forone year easr payments If desired T XJr lee VSt X T ave X WWE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW

    Unlearn pttaetareprooC Urea JJSS put onP J X2XDELL CO int Ilk at X Vf-

    WAXTED Secondband bicycles flAKEAUTO LAMP FEPAIR CO J22 Uth

    HORSES AND VEHICLESM HEAD OF HORSES and mut ui editablefor any purpose Trvteeabl4 aowtid aorea eaab offer refusaL 311 John Marshallrear 1FOR SALE fimoU mare end ODe Btxxl workhorse cheep Apply 192 Union S W IFOR SALE Oae light lelivery ragoa horseaad two big work horace 412 9th

    C X W

    bends eoaad city broke h BEALLCO 9th at Wtoz Center MarketFOR SALK Good young bay bone w ehtabout J a Iba good worker and o 1 t Iquit MM Irrtos ac X W after 4 p mFOR SALE IS horses and mores raa e frox-

    ad MCCARTHYS STABLES rear 491awe X V

    SECOXDHAXD i traps rvaaand delivery wagons J16 ap COGSWELLS 9M 2U at 34 Uth X WGAXTZ has M ear leads o ruaLbonts orrays and 7 sprIng wasooo Will sell

    JJ D st X WFOR HIRE Pleasure teams business teamser a horse tar your wagoa by the dayor iBMtth at reduced rates PliaXOGLB rear BT Pa ave X W Main n-HXRI C BOARDING and Sates StaUeaHI Missouri ave X W S D TVATEBSSpecial rates to travelinK salesmen


    guaranteed reasonable




    a couple of deobte and slege cyliedseTOt Inkoe qt

    aJcuna La3aZ


    FOR re 5 years old



    regardlees of














    PROF WTXDHAM S I h St X IV classToe ned Thar 10 lessee Jc C ronIZJ private aay hoW guarantee H seboiars correct Phone Male 659 13US6 COULTER at SIT L st X WIf you eaa walk I can teach yea to waltzaay Unte SOc Pbeae North 2ffl6

    TRCXTOX HALLNorth CapKoi Street and Florida Avenue

    All Cars Transfer to tile DoorFor lances ad Lodges 6 Per NightChamberlain and Oobbs Dancing

    StcdJo 21S Eye st X W dances everyat Carroll Institute 9K at X VV M K-DAVISOXS Prof and Mrs 719 6ta X WEst Pboae M 4834 Lessens any boardase s and daaces Tues Frt eva AsseraWy dances Xati Rifles Armory every SatGLOVERS H3 22nd Pri lessons SOn waltztweatep gear S lessons new dances CUtsiTas Thar Sat Ito Phone W 11

    PRIVATE DANCING SCHOOLOnly One Taught at a TimeLatest Two IstfuCSbrs

    ST eve SELECT Phone iL SS T

    RUG WEAVINGRUGS woven from eld carpetsTh A sfainEtoc Rug Weaving Co officeand worVs SB Sth st Main S6

    E reversible rugs from car Ipets VB oaraatee our work ECLIPoE RUGW2ATu S CO 2SK Ga ave Phone 3S3tTC

    TRUNKSWASHJNCTOX HARNESs TRUNK ShOPUO aad H sts south of Pa ave X WWe solicit repairing or trunks suit casesbar ss asS bamesa Man of experiencein ore Bargains new and secondhandMain 4K1 GETER

    DRESS SUITSFULL DRESS Tuxedo Suits for hire tallartejT cleaning dyeing and repairing SKOSXTGSBERG hilt Pa ave PhoneOXIT T7PTODATE full dress and tuxedosuits for hire M T PlilES MerchantTailor 1986 7th w

    PHOTOGRAPHYTHR PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Istbe proper to your Slam Aknowledge of the art af developingnariC3 to secure resuluSBABROOK

    806 F St N Ty







    IImoBEAr FUL








    3NAIDi a





    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESGROCERY at Inventory PtaaMuUDRY GOODS and notions lanemory KCIGAR and pool room 7tk at SS WLUNCHROOM and rooantng how aHAIR DHK88IMG and parlor

    Uth at-TZtCIT Yagataote and y ltrr MaaMlmarketLIGHT GROCERY


    U Hl Jicta roomfeVK hooaeSK ItoocBtcjg U pearSOn

    M boone exceOttm fBiattaiaBoarding boone W paoaletIM bou v Jt paapla-9S Grocery N W with bot water hoMedSatComnlnto List Business PkMM at OCOec

    THORNTON 7B ItUi sC X WCIGAR AND KEWSBTAXD old ettaottehedcorner will sail cheap owner lam otherbnateean BOX JO liaise eoaoa-HOTBL bar

    centraUy iocattid Pa M W partycity terms BOX MXTlMec officePOR room located Ia boninesssection with tables BOX Z-

    o rteTHK EAGLES HAVE LITPot ales minute eo

    EAGLE SIGN CO 8 7th at oar r mad Ttfc4 CIGAR Del newartand on 2 car linesIn N W good

    Apply UM aw XSTORE TtOOM LEASXt-

    onrtmaBg te Waahtagtoa A raMBOX Xt B office 1p Pa eve X Wliving roo s eteam healed Apply It Oraac-ptaeeLUNCH ROOM ff dayF business J day IBBCB F stbusiness M day Inadiroaam eve prlo

    617 La a





    Pre One

    and bowling alloys eembIftM

    IICaIIII careerEo

    reasonable Metblock


    at roesIlL


    and csufcdSSSrYlOUT

    beMuse esoelisat a4SLroe

    cJ ss


    seerose siaM

    SALE Pso1Adds MTies

    boniness se


    boniness 0 leech



    LIVERY Mrtar aad blaMe heelloeatfoa la Washington DCOASc 7


    FOR SALB 4f c ah aacome treat of3 years per coat and m let eC S Wis a Oxford BM Mth lUll X Y

    CIGAR and newsstandbayer Address BOX M These adce I

    DO yow bat reeaartoc Ladtea andcoaable prices VIENNA HAT CO 8 litRAISE CAPITAL BEST itETHOtW Cor-pemtfona orRaaiaed and promoted everywhere U S LEGAL CORP SIP laced BMzA RE3PON8IHLE BUILDER wIll pay w llfor any or n tnnrtt is ec rte bo dw ff cratracta BOX 1MoCCtee


    CASTROtaas favorite PaJaaJot aad C3r

    to bin many friends and a-erat prince aw K at N W

    MRS X LU8BTPatnrtstry ayntnmath1 card reodtm-reference as to ability

    sa to 9J p m Closed9K KKW YORK ATE X W

    PROF wx FITZGERALD palartat-phreaologiat cult

    ORIODiAL GYPSY PAlWh4e Fortune Told JOeOpea KlRhts ITS ath at X W

    MRSCtatrvaraat Card Reader LMee Oaly

    KIT H ST N V 30

    SPIRITUALISMXESTIXGtf Sonday Kv 0ay Sp r a mesaaaa to caci dally readingICES XALTBT fS X X W X

    WHITE e heraalags S oclock


    TO CATCH FALL TRADEKitchen DressersMedicine CabinetsAt Special Prices

    Doors Sash Blinds and aM otherMillwork Hot Bed Sash

    GEO MBuilding Material

    649 N Y Ave 1517 7fhStWALL PAPER

    sad DECORATINGliable work of the very highest2S years experience BRUXKLL MCLVET m C au X w Drop postalROOMS PAPERED cheaper than ay other

    I AXD PAPERHAXGIXGI eta ecbaaios araa edDrop postal will can W HUFFYOUR WORK Sans at once 1

    j aratdace work drop poatal for stlaMUe IROOMS PAPKRED n up Seed postal leeI sfoapte and estimate CHA6 JL HTSAXSW E Cap sc Pboae Lien 23B-

    I LATEST fall aeaigaa faraiehoaPrIes reasoaabie Send postal orLine 3M O W HUTH 2H C

    CONTRACTOR AND BUILDERDROP POSTAL for oar OB booserepairing and remodeling J B GIBBSX W X SMT and X UM M-

    i SOCTHWBST REPAIR CO a V sC S Wing contracts fareatire interior work One order one billWEATHER STRIP sot pat inREPAIRS kindsC D OOLLJNS 7 Uh atPHOXE M


    CJag One 1Hu1ness Ia


    very cheap to 1

    LEI USpants bats rwtrtIDrIMd nNL

    returned roc tilesee 5 xIr

    n a sUbie CeariN IRk x 1f

    MVS will 1 eoMId JIrWqoI


    PAP GLG BepSa city We tog epaper wwkMid drop postal K B HATES ill F K




    5t HI




    GeRer8I repairs to




    Iquor store


    remodol n

    informs fleeaTies

    vseM bsa wialar Pleasheeter


    taoblrhth ssTinbutecaa i





    qua yReasonable

    boon bong gilt priheas latest 4e3as geslPAINTING it


    WALL CO U4 at


    ItilLhouses atpsPerba ng






    FOR RENT HODSES-s UnfHrnissd


    6C E Cap Mrb T3t D aa r bCaw 4ot9 7 silt aa JUaIWO Pa av eeKr m E e Crb4J 12 Sd ae Trh jSH E Cap 9r b 3 wsat MCK M tevb X59i4 E Cap Mrb M 4 X J av se arMM D ae Mrb Ail16 7la neSt sta JLMSffl JOsh se Orb8ZT 1Mb ne Srb MStu B ae r tore 13lIlt K Cap Srb M MS 2aom flo KTIM 4th se r b ao frb ava XC av ceCrb 28 r b 1KSHZ D se 7rb SlIM tfch se rMeo Rosedate ae ai se rb KJM5r store l54 4 Florence ae366 Ivth se rb 3t5 C b KJ3W A ze 9r b 2SI M a aw r I34 D se b 2SM1U4 Eta rd rflit S C av 7rb SfcS 4K K h a Sr njtSW Ivtn se Orb Eli

    Calumet 3d sad E Cap 4rb SKStGleadow a Cth ae 4Srb 9Cv JttMWaitoB 1C KB a e 4r b M8lFLATS02 F a Ir 2iu4 F n Oib m5 MS isch M SrbUth ne Sr b S7S US6 F ae 4r b XJM Mth ae b J Ut ator ae4rb 1SS133 Mass av sc 1612 Jfdale irb 14r b SS MW A ae rb JtWtilT D ne 5r b lW 1 2 nth se fe MJ5W JBtb se SrbI7d 1FOR REXT12I7 and 1251 K sC S Eroom bricks in good order Kenteach LUCKETT 25 EastCapitol atFOR REXTUS4 I18S 1188 Morse er 34 scX E C seems and bath hot water beatcellar colonial porch last aisb d onemonths rest free zp nsea paidrent only 9S9 Apply GOLDKXBBRG Orford Building

    FurnishedFOR RBXT FURXiaiKD1-

    TW Q ST X WWhite stone S rooms 2 newlyfurnished 8 per caootb Apply oa promlass


    REXT S Pa aye N W laqaftrenext door Lawrence Betel a









    uu JLaib

    Ia 311IH Srb aj 411 S 3 ay au



    15 K Be kItIll




    frost baths



    11I so lib 2050








    APARTMENTS TO LETUnfurnished


    14fih AT NEW YORK AVE


    3 and bath St 9 5274W4 fuses and bath tMiW 0THE LA CORONA 425 M ST If W

    rooms and bats JJ J2759THE SUFFOLK 1467 IRVING STrooms and bath 2259THE ALLENHURST 1206 COL RD

    E roams and bath W JK J3869THE KENYOX 1372 KENYON ST

    B recess and bath I STHE LANJER 1749 LANIER PL2 roonas and bath J35Wroams and bath e K38THE MANSFIELD 1730 M ST NWr roome a d batb J Wr f M-

    HOUPES ALL SECTIONS1444 R ave 11 9 i ilKS 7rt 2 J-

    1H Car a obK if J 6rbFLATS

    1W8 Sth nw

    rb SS-


    OFFICE ROOMSMetropolitan Bank BWs J1869 to 53500

    MIl new office building 121 H stGARAGES


    1218 CarUna alley WCall For Our Complete List



    New and modern apartBeats located In thechoicest section of the city WashingtonHeights halt aqnare of road GasSJM electric lights all outside rooststo each apartment parojMtry In linEC BT aleat to schools and churchesLet lu you plans Now la the time tomake reservationsI ROOMS AND TILED BATHS 3w 2758 W4 ROOKS AND TILED BATHS 9254 USE ROOMS AND rILED BATHS J4T5a J




    7K and 7 Gresham pL 4r boidy J treat ned rear

    GARMgR A Dan B Silk X WFOR JtKXT rooms rooepttoc MIl aadhath APt X 1 red JBT tXJCKLY JSaaD ao numn of throe

    r Addressa JC 3 UM E S AriaBBjB Botrf M and CKS K W 1IJtt STH ST S 3E ew 4rooss flat gasyard botwnAer heattee syatesa


    Ilk sad X T awn X W-Sc aRC b Corner

    aad b StZSi-OCKRSLL Stt 7 X w


    Dowa reoWeac contnhis 7 rotnaa-trooe heat TIde has a veryMrge Jot rests JOT Price aM


    Near lonm Circle TIlls bones wasbattt for a home eontniau 12 roamslid bath 2 story stable OR the rearlarge lot to paved aOegr 12 M


    Ba9tae s property OB Chand I largo raaaar shows lot 3xPries Jliaax


    One the best Senses OR OHiuihlQbatheaNos Rest W Price oOO


    Coraer latdiluaue oa CataaaMayard beat Thw honesbuSt by a BUILD8R Piles 9 SM


    TAKOMA PARK HEIGHTSMost beaatlfal lets to the District etevaover feet baanttfol surroandia country city water electricshade two elsie Hess cue B ORay Prh sow less thee oaebalf aafcedfor skaUnr property Xaoy terats CaM orpUnste as-


    3U Colorado Daliatog





    recJIItJJ batL ri89 1ID ItJt tLata 4tk rb PHI

    D neHe 1tk lit nWiIb


    n n






    JMIIIIa uthanau

    K 41iarbed Ag1y u nIe1

    THE MELTONElevator nut

    4c sad bIn and frSAXL W


    OR SALEMIll cellar uIIIIer Ja


    Si a

    lit Store


    SAnffReghts CI8MRJ8B 12te IeIi

    Heightsand inge



    lee vacf fare It





    Igr 20511144 TbOiUS






    aprteseat ha inHeights

    reosse for


    Iat S inessehash Apt Ceaz-


    aiophae nchaagE30


    lowsad ire hoon


    ieaeas and 7Moses boot tot SSe10O

    cuatalas > recess bath frontstates





    POSt SALKPress brick and stone treat having Mrooaas and bath hi oondtlieu Price J73i12th s X W between X ad X Srooaw bath feoadry bricktreat Itt water beat PIe s584K at X W user BagUea baseaaeat brick U rooms aRC bath offerwaaiod Price 4300Bth 3X S K bet B and C C roeiasaad bath stone and brick a nice littlehome PrIce 375A CATWOOD


    Greatest bargain II room brickbrick stable IB rear tea over at 4icquick sale to settle aa estate 2 years agoJU wasSee HKXRT W OFFUTT Wit ave SI st



    American and European plansweekly satA afontbly ratesPHONE M 4SHI


    Large fIrst floor rooms centrally locatedfor ofDcea or besiness purposesINQUIRE 17 Mth ST


    I HAVE A XUMBER of small terms nearthe city suitable for poultry or truckingvery 3 to M acres also farmsgrain er grass all sizesJ JEROME

    H Branch Concreas Heights


    Lowest rates of Interest Payments on Iprincipal IR amo Hts of SUit or more rcalved at any interest period Tbe F HSMITH CO Bond BWg 14 S X T ayeTO LOAX 3 to o M on D Creal estate Interest low aad all

    for borrowersVVM H SAUNDERS CO

    HW F st X WMOXKT TO LOAN on real estate loweetratas prior largaamounts TYLER RUTHERFORD 7S Mth














    actiOnS WithlIon



    hoi isa



    1104 ci



    CSThdPetOd ceenomical eeaat era





    For SaleINVEST ix THK OARDBX scBtnti NOW

    VIRGINIA HICHLAXDcTIt Is the nearest baa fast ea m7mince tileFar reOMd people of aw d rar rremat Wit iparks sad gardens y

    and soot ofThis is BO real estate boom but CBU-e s penaaaeat on

    lines all planned by an architectLota ja ap 91 JS per monthlavem her new slid doable yv rThia seetloB is stated to ate hack lateDistrictCome Saturday or Snadar afjenxwa ansee the

    poured la MM saimids costing nttea flhowa MM Maon ratij p BLCar to VIRGINIA HIGHLAND everyxatntrtes true FostoSlos Elk atPa aeBALLARD LANHAM



    or caR 2te Illustrated pUu etc of Connecteat ParkdaHBt Sabarbaa Realty

    H RITCHIEColorado BoiWias

    FOR SALE At BaaacoB Va two nrhon ajihTbed m natural wood C roortsban pantry aaiph doaeta gas ax-Bt aaiaatesto A aedaet bridge yt iatam to Bth andPa 1 Mock frees ucieitj e aec tjaehec charch stores sad poaMaOee lotsSixiK ft oaly 9Xi ach Teem arraagodW xeft


    wy OB monthly twain ateo aCherrydale 9 month

    ASHTOX C JONSSAUjnudila CoarthOBSRoaldmco Oak c Cloraaaaa

    FOR SALKXear Beaaiag D C coltots

    CLARKJfDOK Vw 6ro9m ReeseBeautifully Located OB TrolleyCUrcadtm Ts

    1FOR SAL Lr lot within squar-j ConaaeUeiK Avcoae eons Ckwry chaseCJrcte Forest at price that wityteU a good prwOC H C BAILEY TU5 The BT r iFOR SALE All lofci IB Handle Highlauds GeveraaaoBt Immni iiiniaii opportaaitr D S THOMAS

    For Sale or ReeL


    eli IBSon large loSCEO H

    COLLEGE PARK BCDFOR SALE OR RaC T icoaa aaagaioiralarge tot eoaveateat f atoattA W MAXLSRT Kenilw-X W Tune flit Male

    For RutFOR REKT Hal oar U

    firooai cottaae ant oatbofKUaca bt porter ajood church and hcity delivery wasjma dally tema low race repaired Address BOX ZU Tinesocace 12 ness eMefcea feared 1 rare Key aFawcetts Store District Line TKELLY Aaaat Tahneoa Park 3

    FOR BJEXT FOOT rooaaa and herb largoKiooada right on R I aye car line XEfor SU per

    KOHL Xt Ralaier MdFOR REKTOaly O month 4 acresoa new electric aadpoultry place BOOTHS FARM AGENCY7 Z Seth X IT

    WastedWASTED To lease C MSK noose lotnear R I xveX K Orre rear ned fc3




    WANTED LOTSWAXTED To buy eevsra inEe agtaa state iocaOoa abe sad priceAddreu M B F



    ROYAL BLUEOther Hour oa the Odd Hoar

    To PNEW TBRaOXAL 2JD ST NEWT a at Dinero B M Kboar train Cafe Parier Car

    Diaer and PwUmaa Parier CarRoyal Lhatted All Polhaan-

    FivehoarDtaor and Ohmiratlea ParlorCatCoaches to New York

    TurkATLANTIC crrrK-

    VKRT ROUSt ON THE HOURrWeok Days 7 a m to H p aa-


    44 AC 4Cjf g-aHAGBRSTOWX 1 d ai 5H aDally tJExcopt Soaday

    CHESAPKAICE Jt OHIO LINESPabltshad iafonaarioa only not guaranteed

    W da yFor Virginia West VrKbaJa and Kentucky Pullman sleepe to Ctodanati LodsrUte SOd Chicago

    from Gordoaevtnedally CIXCIXXATIST LOTTK

    CHICAGO KCIAL train to SLouis wIth Paltaaaa sleepers to Chicago

    Wet Southwest and torthwest-nati aDd Lonisvilte C A O juntas car

    C fe O OlDcee SB Pa aye amPhone Male KM and 2M fo

    tickets bagajage decks aLsuiBUaaa a itaxicabs

    SBABOAK3 AIR LINE JiTM 6 dnv Seaboard Past Mail

    SK BBMh aaa J sksoaviHe Parioh curs JacksoBTfOe to Taaipa Through flfciaaar te

    Dining earp B Aii Seaboard Ksareaa else

    equipped with electric fans ThroaKb service to Savaaaah Jacksonville Tampa Atbtnta Btnaiachaat and MempbM Dining cars

    York eve N WK AHARWOOD C T A

    GSO Z PHILLIPS D P AC H RYAN G P A Portaawoth Va

    SOUTHERN RAILWAYX 3 FoDowtaa schedule figure pubUsbedas information lid are not frjaraatoMFor AtSaata Birmingham Mt lie Kev

    Orlmna a a and l 45 p axClaittaannaTi aay Memphis SX a m

    daHyITennrirr KaosviDe Chattanooga Br-wua Orl BS p m

    Far naaamte Kaoi Xa h

    For t a BinatoKhaak ColumbiacaartaBCDa A sa 4a Aikam JacksOBTfile and Florida 43S p a dally

    BROWN G aral u







