Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1909-11-29 [p 5]. · cases long u ad nce And everything...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY NOVEMBEB 29 1909 5 I BEVERIDGE OFFERS SEVERAL SlPffiS Indianian Coming Here- With Big Array of Information REPUBLICANS AFTER SCALP OF SENATOR- List of Federal Appointments Jhis Vinter Said to Be Appalling IND1ANAPOLJ Nov Senator Boverldgo Is on Ms way to Washington with a remarkable array or information in his possession bearjAg on the forth- coming patronage developments In this Stato The patronage responsibility of practically all Indiana having been cut upon tho Senator as a result of the de- feat of Senator Hetnenway and most of the Republican Representatives Mr Beverldge hag undertaken systematical- ly to inform himself as to every situa- tion pasl hi has been ytvlns practically till Ms time to hearing dele cations and representatives of candi- dates for offices in all parts of the State Appointments were made in many cases long u ad nce And everything possible was done to make the presenta- tions as thproughas jx ssMH Methods Surprise The methods employed by Senator Beverldgo have proved something of a surprise to Stafe Republican political interests which have been suspected of purpose to break down if possible his hold on thO situation Word has come from WashingtonV eUy that Indiana Influences ttfetefsJjlolt are not friendly to Beverldgo have been endeavoring to establish the impression in National Ad ministration Quarters that there is seri- ous dissension within the party and that the Beveridge recommendations as to patronage appointments will not be such as to in the party All this effort to break down the Se- nators standing in the confidence of the appointing has been accepted as preliminary to a determined light to de- prive of the Republican support for the succession to his own tnjat Senator Beveridges method of taking- up the patronage business has been un- der the circumstances decidedly dis- concerting to his enemies Recognta the State and regarding that position- as one in which he la answerable to the whole party rather than to any inter- est or faction he has undertaken to give the broadest onslderation to all patronage His method has been calculated to disarm efforts agulnftt him and the complete- ness of the formation he has gathered concerning local conditions all over the State is by his friends to give him a decided advantage over all critics Republicans Gain The Republicans made SUIte decided In elected a pity ticket tffls fall althoughlast fall Marion ounty which is practically identical with the city elected a Democratic coun ty ticket Likewise ihransville the second city of the State this fall chose a Re- publican city ticket though for years It has been Democratic Fort Wayne former tjdmoci j stronghold did the same The list of Federal appointments mode in the next year and a large pro- portion of theta In next two or three months is appalling when It is considered that Senator Beveridgt is the one official source of recommenda- tion for them all Thus the list of post offices for which nomination must be made Includes Fort Wayne of which e salary is SflftO Evansville 500 Elkhart 4W Terre Haute W40- 9IigansporU J2SW Wabash J27W Go phen 2000 Mishawaka 2700 New Al bany Columbus 1000 These are merely a f w of the more important places to be filled There will be a agent for appointment at Indianapolis near future while the general State patronage will come later Altogether it Js xealfeed that the determination of th patronage disposal wlU have much to do shaping fu- ture tendencies In the State and that tie work which Senator Beveridge has t A n doing will probafcty prove a large influence in deciding many cases HEIRESS IS INJURED- IN PARK RUNAWAY PHILADELPHIA Nov 29 As a re- sult of injuries received in a runaway while driving In Fairniount Park Miss Martha R WelgMtman daughter of Mrs Jones Wist r and niece of Mrs Frederick Penfleld one of the richest women In the world is in the Womens Homoepnthic Hospital Her injuries are not dangerous Miss W 4ghtn aii was accompanied- by her Miss Susan of New Haven daughter t Prof Whit ney bf Yale Miss escaped serious injury The horse th y were driving became frightened an auto mobile and ran away MARRIED ONE WEEK MAN SHOOTS SELF DRESDEN Tcnn Nov 2 Wh en Ev crott Kynds a young farmer near here ono demand admittance at Ms door he fired a bullet lath life heart falling dead across the steeping form of his wife of ono week Hynde was expecting arrest on a charge of bigamy arising from an al- leged marriage be contracted at Fulton Ky some time a o The man who l- knorkod proved to be a constable with ft bigamy Breathe it is guaranteed Complete Mt lododlcr pocket Inlwlcr J- e ef U bfcauuar ercaai- Be re to mention ebb piper For uolts hIs responsibilities as for the tlm6 being the head ot the whole In neblemf tlftr factional > gal It u Rep biJn also the State which requIre to e itO In card lR 111 Irl I Catarrh at Js1la btcUet II iJtrrwitdi uat COWS CROW au SORETrTitOAT- iid dMM Free Sample b4 kI i3eoth J- Idr to Ir 4 tqty lort all- over will C I seine h Fill needed COtICILS MAItMS Omei cA fiaio 1lY rect ti hoUe by rrflIrn 15A1L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ Is a Favorite I MISS FANNIE VEDDER MISS VEDDER HERE IN CLARK COMPANY Lillian Russell Burlesque Will Have Chance to Play Varied Roles Fannie Vedder who has with William S Clarks Jersey Ullles C jm- pany for four years has rejoined the organhmflbn and will play here at the Gayety Theater this week Miss Vedder has won the title of the Lillian Russell of Burlesque In Manager Clarks show this season she has a part that calls into play her versatility In the opening burlesque- she assumes the leading role a young woman and part she takes a character part after Mrs Wiggs order CATHOLICS GIVE FOR UNIVERSITY- Gift ofJllcsStbrer Will Go Jtb Hall Cardinal Sends Letter The vested funds of the Catholic Uni- versity of America recently reported- by the Shtfhan as balhgS- SHJMC wet stibstanticity increased o day1 through the annual collections for the benefit of the university taken in all Catholic churches of the District yesterday A letter from Cardinal Gib- bons which called attention to the an noel custom was read at each service- It has been decided to use the 10 000 gift of Mrs Storer asa permanent endowment of McMahon Hall WELLKNOWN EDITOR DIES SAN ANTONIO Tex Nov CMn ton B Flak well known throughout- the United States a an editor and editorial writer is dead at his home here Recently he retired from the newspaper profession to become Idea tilled with a theatrical enterprise How to Make Windows Crystal Clear With a dry soft cloth remove the dust from both outside and inside cleaning the corners and grooves with the point of a stick covered with a cloth Have ready a of warm suds made by dissolving a tablespoonful of Gold Dust washing powder In warm water Dip a soft cloth in the water squeeze almost dry and wipe the glass off Polish with chamois ne it leaves no lint and does the work with more not wash windows when the sun is shining on them Mirrors should be washed in the same way as win- dows Then polish with a soft cloth charged with powdered whiting been that rsctor9 rail e- Do McM hon Mgr ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ Officials Declare the Public Printer Has Not Been Asked for Reasons Denial was made at the Civil Service commission today of the report that Public Printer Samuel B Donnelly had hrin cited to aptfer before It to show cause why he Is alleged to have phxted- i charge of insubordination asinst- ohn AV Rodgers an employs of the tores division of the Government Print iig ofnoe for exercising his right to bent Himself from his duties to vote n the recent elections was stated at the commission that iire were no on file in this or my other case against Mr Donnelly that no summons had been Issued for him to Mr Donnelly likewise said today that ie had received o summons the are He said he had no recollection of Rodgers ot cfcavscs against him He added that he md not been sufaunoued to appear before the commission in any case CLERGYMEN GET 50000 NBV YORK Nov Announcement was made from the pulpit of St Georges Church by the the Rev Dr J Wilkins that a gift of 180000 had been received toward 50000uO fund being raised to pension Episcopal Clergymen COMMISSION DENIES I STORY OF DONNELLY t nd lit Working Properly Because There Is Wind In It Use Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets to Set It Going Again- A Trial Box Free THE DOCTORS call it flatulency but unprofessional folks know it as wind on the stomach and a most distress- Ing state of things it is It is a serious condition of this great motor organ Always annoying and painful in the ex treme at times often leading to bad and fatal results The stomach embarrassed- and tampered with wind cannot take care of its food properly and Indigestion follows and this has a train too ap palling to enumerate The entire system- is made an active or passive factor in this trouble and life sour be- comes a boon ALL THIS IS EXPLAINED in doc- tor books how undigested food causes gases by fermentation and fomentation- in process some essential fluids are destroyed burat up waited by chemical action followed by defective nutrition and the distribution thtpugh the alimentary tract of chemically elements and as a consequence- the stomach and entire system is starved Plenty of food you see but spoilt In and worse than StiirACH epi- tome ot evil nothing too bad to ema- nate froro it but the gas It generates- Is probably its worst primary effect and the only way to do away with this is to remove the cause STUARTS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS go to the root of this trouble They attack the gas foods and render them harm- less Flatulency or wind on the stom- ach canrtttt exist where these powerful and wonderworking little tablets are in evidence THEY WoRE MADE for this very purpose to attack gasmaking foods and them into proper nutri ment This is their province and of flc A whole book could be written about them and then not all told that might b told with profit to sufferers this painful disease dyspepsia- It would mention the years of patient and expensive experiment In effort t arrive at this result of failures innu merable and at last success It would make mention of the different stomach corectlves that ente into this tablet and make It faithfully represent alt STUARTS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS arc not alone Intended for the sick but well folks as well for the person who craves hearty foods and want to eat heartily and run no risk of bad effects they act like a charm and eatln- They keep stomach active and en ergetic and able and willing to do ex- tra work without special labor or ef fort Dont forget this Well people are often neglected but the STUART DYSPEPSIA TABLETS have them in mind- A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will be sent any one who wants to know Just what are how they look and taste before beginning treatment with them After this to the drug store for them everywhere here or at h me they are CO cents a box and by getting them at home you wilt save time and postage Your doctor will prescribe them say there are OOC doctors using them but when you know wi at is the matter of yourself why go to the expense of a prescription For free trial packagp K A Stuart Co 150 Stuart BulMIn Var shall MiHilean P S Better send today for smijilcs of thp tablcl You win j t fiiH i f then When The Stomach Stops I prep ratlon a d1D lithe and a delight And pleasure they I I box worth digestion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE Dont Forget th- em s I Ever meet me I do all branches of dental work and I DO IT RIGHT Whats more I do It POSITIVELY PAINLESS NO HIGH PRICES HEBE EASY PAYMENT TERMS Remove all worry about the money You pay for this work as you oan afford it weekly or monthly I GUARANTEE THiS SET FOR 20 YEARS Tlify jmmt ftctuj v in r T r Mv Iiitfut urtmn Ttitii Tifv r Hip or rop Ttify lit ji rfe lly Gold Silver Pilling 100 up 50 S3 S4 and So I AM MAKING A SPECIALTY OF PORCELAIN BRIDGEWORK Tiiis is without doubt Vie most beautiful and lasting work tniv- ti ilrrital science Spaces wiere or more teeth have been lm Ij plat look HO natural that detection is ImposHllile Ask t iintnil of this antlfttl work No charge for Kxtrartlng PAINLESS DEITTIST H Mf Opp ansburgh SB Bro Over Grand Union Tea Co Appoint 3iont may be made by telephone Open 8 A at to s p M Sundays 10 A M to 4 P M i WYETH ItWYETH PAINLESS DENTIST j i 5 Gold Crowns Ziridgo Work t I D R S 421 49 7th p OII If c1ati hn sal 0 f I t j4 5 I ny a one Painless tIEH Q4 UIiUI i < < > Services Over Former Trac- tion Officer at Church- Of the Ascension The funeral services of Charles M Koones one of the boat known busi- ness men of the city and for several years secretary and treasurer of the Capital Traction Street Railway Com- pany will be held at the Church of the Ascension Wednesday morning at U- oclock The Rev Tames Hertning NeJnts will officiate Interment will be In Reek Creek Cemetery and will be private Mr Kofenes was born at Alexandria Va in 183 he attained his ma jority he ame to Washington en In business but at the outbreak of civil war want to Richmond and enlisted with tbe Home 3uanls At the close of war he en- gaged in business at Lexington Va when he remained until his appointment as and treasurer of the Capi tal Traction Company This he retained until hits retirement from active business life some years ago His an illness of three weeks At his bedside when his death occurred were his children Miss Vie torine Koones who lived with her father Mrs of Lees burg Va and Samuel S and Dr Charles K Koones both of this city These four children are his only sur vivors CHARLES M KOONES FUNERAL ARRANGED hen Pee th death followed VUUam Hawll c the secretary ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ T I Sewing Silk 4 oicaspool j J Regular Price 8c j Black Sewing Silk Xyari spools full measure 1- J good quality silk for ma 1 or hand sewing Let 1 J ten 0 A and B Worth J J8c Hpool Special price for Notion Department TlHH1 liHIIIIIZHI zTH I4 H T f t i 100 chlle one day Jc Spool Limit spools to each buyer J J II t of six 1 + + + + +++ + Senator Elkins Confers WithPresident OnCom j ing Legislation President Taft is gradually things shaped up so that it is likely ae a considerable part of his rail 104 legislation program put through Congress the coming winter Senator Elkins talked with the Presi- dent briefly this morning At that con- ference the President some of bis Ideas as to railroad legislation He also urged that Congress ought to for a system of discriminating duties In favor of transported on American ships On leaving the White House Senator Elkins said the Presi- dent was fair In his recommendations a to railroad Will Congress enact any railroad ler iation this he was asked It will undoubtedly That legisla- tion will be largely corrective Elkins was not prepared how far the legislation would gt jut he thought it would include some form of provision for the Govern- ment control of issues of stock and bonds by railroads He thought this carefully considered and restricted Senator Elkltwi expressed the belief that the railroad managers would ulti- mately line up In support of such pro gram of as may be agreed on between tne President and the in Congress WILL LAWS TO CORRECT ROADS getting he- m pro- vide I s bC 8r to- y ust lead- ers ENACT he told prop- erly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 52 Indies Long Lined with Guaranteed Satin WONDERFUL VALUES rich lustrous silky quality Caracul Coats that are hardly distinguishable from the real caracul fur The interest astonishingly low price is doubjed b knowledge of the fact that these Handsome Long Coats are the most fashionable garments worn this season and the scarcest thing on the market It was a great piece of good luck that brings this lot of regular 3000 Caracul Coats to sell at 698 Full 52 inches long a magnificent grade with the desirable mjiiije aye handsome lustrous finish v y r Made with the full broad rolling shawl collar singlebreasted effect trimmed with handsome large gunmetal buttons Sleeves with wide turnback cuffs LINED WITH GRAY GUARANTEED SATIN ALL SIZES Ti Caracul Coat 91838 These Handsome Seal Plush Coats are equally as fashionable as the caracul coats We have just received another lot from the maker and they are to be placed on sale tomorrow at a price that cannot be matched elsewhere in fhe lowness Full length 52 inches with rbllmg shawl collar sleeves with deep turnback cuffs Lined throughout with good quality lining Tailored in the best manner and made with the correct lines Regular 2500 value offered tomorrow at 1498 Caracul Coats 16 98 THESEBeautiful of the r J I 25 Seal Plush Coats 1498 J 3OFashionabIe Full I itissnrnlu c ccr 1r si t 7 4i > > == ° Lot I Worth Up to 5 and 6 at Lot 2 Worth Up to 8 and 10 at Wonders never cease at Goldenbergs Phonograph very finest kinds including handpaint ed enamded Tulip Horns flowered iridescent bellshape horns solid brcss horns nickelplated horns burnt enameled horns and hand omely decorated ABOUT TEN CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Nothing like this known before Plenty of both kind to tit Editon and Victor machines All extra large size Horns of unusual reproducing power Were divided the purchase into two lots Horns worth up to 5 and 5 offered at 39c Horns worth up to S and 10 offered at 5c- XIONE DELIVERED NONE TO DEALERS Owing to the character of tbe goods we cannot end these horns out on delivery OC C 164 new Patent Clamp Horn Crane nickelplated consisting of J stand and two extensions All complete Sale of Wm A Rogers AA Lowered f of Silverware branded with the trademark of these well known aid fully warranted Plain and fancy patterns Practical presents that ill b appreciated by housewives Sots of six Teaspoons regularly 75c at 59o of six Tablespooss regularly 5150 for 119 Sets of six Table Forks regularly 3150 for 119 Sugar Shells each one In a box regularly SOc for 25 Butter Knives each one in a box regularly SOc for Si Gravy Ladles each one in a box regularly 75c for SOc Soup Ladles each one in a box regularly 150 for 119 Sets of six Knives with plain regularly 198 for 3149 Sots of Six Porks with plain handles regularly 198 for 5149 Sensation Extraordinary Phonograph Horns 39 69c C Hornsthe effectsat ever SilverPlated Ware- At PricesE- very piece 4 Sets t I sale 1 4 ¬ > Senator Carter States His Objectipijis to the President That h te opposed to th- Go rernmeitts ssulng of bends for reclamation was a statement made by Senator Carter of Montana to TeXt tod y This is the flrst Indication any mem- ber of th Senate tfcmmltre on Irriga- tion who viewed the reclamation proj- ects last summer is opposed to the sug- gested bond Issue Senator Carter takes the ground that the money to be raised Is needed only for a snort period of time because pay- ments md settlers will reimburse the reclamation funds This money taken from the general Lund of the Treasury by warrant for a period not three years he Secretary of the IntonEr Baillnger and President Taft have both urged the issuance of bonds and Montana Senator today served notice that he would oppose the proposition on the floor of the Sbnate PEACEMAKER KILLS SEYMOUR Ind Nov 29 Garfield attempted to serve as a media- tor in a titwrrei between his two young brothers Thomson and Joseph today when Thornton struck him Garfield drew a revolver and shot Thornton through the head killing him instantly OPPOSED TO BONDS I FOB RECLAMATION Strongly Pre SldSnt I ex e to ay the I B4 hall can- e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Womens Pad Hose Supporters with four straps good qual- ity wide lisle elastic In black white and colors Covered but tons Worth 25c Special at pair 1 to 9 C ii ¬ ¬ = = It Pays to Deal tt Goldenbergs GsLeiers Seventh and K The DpendeLle SIore- s = LOT RIBBO2TS worth te and lOc a yard LOT 2RIBBONS worth 12 c and 13c a yard 3ac 61C BURSON FASHIONED HOSE Ii7zittoFit- Tldhoztta Shapsdfr- oiNoSfl International Imbroglio In Market Cost Joseph Boose 3 An International imbroglio over a b tie of show chow was settled in th Police Court this morning when one f the Greek participants Joseph Boos who considered t himself a i person was lined by Judge Mll- owny Booses propensity for butting tn as one of the witnesses against him teFtifled was the cause of woe The trouble began Saturday afternoon- in the Center Market where Boose con- ducts a fruit stand He saw a market patron pass a neighbors stand and ac- cidentally knock a bottle of chow chow from the counter The Instinct for bir gaming strong in him Boose steppe forward and offered be testified to buy the damaged food product Instead of selling some one whose Identity was rot definitely disclosed brushed tIll Greeks face with a broom Boose re- sented such familartty and raised heated protesting voles Before any serious flamagu was hose however LCO Lusby Jacob Faunae and B I Gr i ham quieted the turmoil- I guess you did butt In remarked Judge Mullowny to the offending Greek Three dollars fine CHOW CHOW BATTLE SETTLED IN COURT mucha bus 1 his > ¬ ¬ ¬ E Silk Stockings Regularly r Women have never known T the ef these values T all silk in T- i the following desirable L Oxblood navy blue light X Jar onedollar quality at Me- I a pair 4 I I I 1 59c 100 Pair I equal J t tan purple vIolet green and copenhagen rogu 4 t I T II E- i I I iii ± Wash Boilers Worth up to 169 Solid Copperbottom Wash Boilers with patent cold sizes 7 B- and 9 up to CT8B each One day at 79c No mall or phone orders Basement Housefumishings Dept Albums 1 Kind at sale of 500 Mbst Card Al bums bound in black cloth with neat white title Each album holds 500 cards Suitable for Christmas gifts as well as for personal use Regular one dollar value tomor- row at 50c 60c Table Damask 38c a Yd ftinch Mercerized Satin Table Damask extra heavy superior grade guaranteed to retain its bril- liant luster after Choice of six attractive patterns This table damask will give service and prove a profitable invest- ment at tomorrows low price 33c a yard instead of 80c 79 C C I PostCard 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Worth up to 350- A special purchase of a traveling sales mans line of samples consisting of high grade Majolica Umbrella Jars at the lowest price ever named for such handsome qualities Choice of an extensive variety of beauti- ful colorings richly blended in various com binations A number of artistic shapes one of which is here illustrated- All fullsize Umbrella J a r s worth as high as 350 Sale price 1 9 Some of these have slight imperfections- but they are so slight you can hardly notice them At Half Price and Less- We contracted with one of the largest ribbon manufacturers of Pater N J to take his entire stool of mill ends as last as they accumu late quantity than ever this ttm larger assortment too You can supply your ned at half price and toss a grist okanoe to buy ribbons for fancy work Plain and Satin Taffeta Ribbons also Liberty mud Mooeito ibb and Dresden and Fancy Ribbons in the lot In white pink MM violet brown navy nile mate and every other shade in demand Umbrella Jars 39 MillEnds of Bigger j a r Ribbons Ion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LOT SRIBBONS worth ISo and Me a yard LOT KIBBONS worth e and 39c a yard 9tC 15 C Womens Regular25c Burson FuilFashkraed Stockings are so well known to VVMghington women that the mention of the oicringr of regular 36o quality Burson Hosiery at l7c a pair will attract a great crowd of buyers tomorrow Kxtra elastic quality fullfashioned base the only kind knit to fit without a seam Have nar- rowed ankle and shaped foot O SEAMS ANY WHERE The most comfortable and bee hosiery on the market Tomorrow at lie a pair three for BOc B I urson 17c Pair mere pairs I Stockings wear- Ing ¬ ¬

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1909-11-29 [p 5]. · cases long u ad nce And everything...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1909-11-29 [p 5]. · cases long u ad nce And everything possible was done to make the presenta-tions as thproughas jx ssMH Methods Surprise


SEVERAL SlPffiSIndianian Coming Here-

With Big Array ofInformation


List of Federal Appointments JhisVinter Said to Be


IND1ANAPOLJ Nov SenatorBoverldgo Is on Ms way to Washingtonwith a remarkable array or informationin his possession bearjAg on the forth-coming patronage developments In thisStato The patronage responsibility ofpractically all Indiana having been cutupon tho Senator as a result of the de-

feat of Senator Hetnenway and mostof the Republican Representatives MrBeverldge hag undertaken systematical-ly to inform himself as to every situa-tion

pasl hi has been ytvlnspractically till Ms time to hearing delecations and representatives of candi-dates for offices in all parts of theState Appointments were made in manycases long u ad nce And everythingpossible was done to make the presenta-tions as thproughas jx ssMH

Methods SurpriseThe methods employed by Senator

Beverldgo have proved something of asurprise to Stafe Republican politicalinterests which have been suspected ofpurpose to break down if possible hishold on thO situation Word has comefrom WashingtonV eUy that IndianaInfluences ttfetefsJjlolt are not friendlyto Beverldgo have been endeavoring toestablish the impression in National Administration Quarters that there is seri-ous dissension within the party andthat the Beveridge recommendations asto patronage appointments will not besuch as to inthe party

All this effort to break down the Se-nators standing in the confidence of theappointing has been accepted aspreliminary to a determined light to de-prive of the Republican supportfor the succession to his own tnjat

Senator Beveridges method of taking-up the patronage business has been un-der the circumstances decidedly dis-concerting to his enemies Recognta

the State and regarding that position-as one in which he la answerable to thewhole party rather than to any inter-est or faction he has undertaken togive the broadest onslderation to allpatronage His method hasbeen calculated to disarmefforts agulnftt him and the complete-ness of the formation he has gatheredconcerning local conditions all over theState is by his friends to givehim a decided advantage over all critics

Republicans GainThe Republicans made SUIte decided

Inelected a pity

ticket tffls fall althoughlast fall Marionounty which is practically identical

with the city elected a Democratic county ticket Likewise ihransville the secondcity of the State this fall chose a Re-publican city ticket though for yearsIt has been Democratic Fort Wayne

former tjdmoci j strongholddid the same

The list of Federal appointments

mode in the next year and a large pro-portion of theta In next two orthree months is appalling when It isconsidered that Senator Beveridgt isthe one official source of recommenda-tion for them all Thus the list of postoffices for which nomination must bemade Includes Fort Wayne of which

e salary is SflftO Evansville 500Elkhart 4W Terre Haute W40-9IigansporU J2SW Wabash J27W Gophen 2000 Mishawaka 2700 New Albany Columbus 1000

These are merely a f w of the moreimportant places to be filled Therewill be a agent for appointmentat Indianapolis near future whilethe general State patronage will comelater Altogether it Js xealfeed that thedetermination of th patronage disposalwlU have much to do shaping fu-ture tendencies In the State and thattie work which Senator Beveridge hast A n doing will probafcty prove a largeinfluence in deciding many cases


PHILADELPHIA Nov 29 As a re-

sult of injuries received in a runawaywhile driving In Fairniount Park MissMartha R WelgMtman daughter ofMrs Jones Wist r and niece ofMrs Frederick Penfleld one of therichest women In the world is in theWomens Homoepnthic Hospital Herinjuries are not dangerous

Miss W 4ghtn aii was accompanied-by her Miss Susan ofNew Haven daughter t Prof Whitney bf Yale Miss escapedserious injury The horse th y weredriving became frightened an automobile and ran away


DRESDEN Tcnn Nov 2 Wh en Evcrott Kynds a young farmer near here

ono demand admittance atMs door he fired a bullet lath life heartfalling dead across the steeping form ofhis wife of ono week

Hynde was expecting arrest on acharge of bigamy arising from an al-

leged marriage be contracted at FultonKy some time a o The man who l-

knorkod proved to be a constable withft bigamy

Breathe it


Complete Mt lododlcr pocket Inlwlcr J-

e ef U bfcauuar ercaai-

Be re to mention ebb piper

For uolts

hIs responsibilities as for the tlm6being the head ot the whole In

neblemftlftr factional


gal It uRep biJn


the State which requIre to e




lR 111 IrlI

Catarrhat Js1la btcUet II iJtrrwitdi



iid dMM

Free Sample b4 kI i3eoth J-




tqty lort

all-over will


I seine




MAItMSOmei cA fiaio 1lY

rect ti hoUe by rrflIrn 15A1L
























Is a Favorite I



Lillian Russell Burlesque Will

Have Chance to PlayVaried Roles

Fannie Vedder who has withWilliam S Clarks Jersey Ullles C jm-pany for four years has rejoined theorganhmflbn and will play here at theGayety Theater this week

Miss Vedder has won the title of theLillian Russell of BurlesqueIn Manager Clarks show this season

she has a part that calls into play herversatility In the opening burlesque-she assumes the leading rolea young woman and partshe takes a character part afterMrs Wiggs order


Gift ofJllcsStbrer Will Go Jtb

Hall CardinalSends Letter

The vested funds of the Catholic Uni-versity of America recently reported-by the Shtfhan as balhgS-SHJMC wet stibstanticity increased oday1 through the annual collections forthe benefit of the university taken inall Catholic churches of the Districtyesterday A letter from Cardinal Gib-bons which called attention to the annoel custom was read at each service-

It has been decided to use the 10000 gift of Mrs Storer asapermanent endowment of McMahonHall


ton B Flak well known throughout-the United States a an editor andeditorial writer is dead at his homehere Recently he retired from thenewspaper profession to become Ideatilled with a theatrical enterprise

How to Make Windows Crystal ClearWith a dry soft cloth remove the

dust from both outside and insidecleaning the corners and grooveswith the point of a stick coveredwith a cloth Have ready a ofwarm suds made by dissolving atablespoonful of Gold Dust washingpowder In warm water Dip a softcloth in the water squeeze almostdry and wipe the glass off Polishwith chamois ne it leaves no lintand does the work with more

not wash windows when the sunis shining on them Mirrors shouldbe washed in the same way as win-dows Then polish with a soft clothcharged with powdered whiting







McM hon







Officials Declare the Public

Printer Has Not Been

Asked for Reasons

Denial was made at the Civil Servicecommission today of the report thatPublic Printer Samuel B Donnelly hadhrin cited to aptfer before It to showcause why he Is alleged to have phxted-

i charge of insubordination asinst-ohn AV Rodgers an employs of thetores division of the Government Printiig ofnoe for exercising his right to

bent Himself from his duties to voten the recent elections

was stated at the commission thatiire were no on file in this ormy other case against Mr Donnelly

that no summons had been Issuedfor him to

Mr Donnelly likewise said today thatie had received o summons theare He said he had no recollection ofRodgers ot cfcavscs against him Headded that he md not been sufaunouedto appear before the commission in any


CLERGYMEN GET 50000NBV YORK Nov Announcement

was made from the pulpit of StGeorges Church by the the RevDr J Wilkins that a gift of 180000had been received toward 50000uOfund being raised to pension EpiscopalClergymen






Working Properly Because There IsWind In It Use Stuarts Dyspepsia

Tablets to Set It Going Again-

A Trial Box FreeTHE DOCTORS call it flatulency but

unprofessional folks know it as windon the stomach and a most distress-Ing state of things it is It is a seriouscondition of this great motor organAlways annoying and painful in the extreme at times often leading to bad andfatal results The stomach embarrassed-and tampered with wind cannot takecare of its food properly and Indigestionfollows and this has a train too appalling to enumerate The entire system-is made an active or passivefactor in this trouble and life sour be-

comes a boonALL THIS IS EXPLAINED in doc-

tor books how undigested food causesgases by fermentation and fomentation-in process some essential fluidsare destroyed burat up waited bychemical action followed by defectivenutrition and the distribution thtpughthe alimentary tract of chemically

elements and as a consequence-the stomach and entire system isstarved Plenty of food you see butspoilt In and worse than

StiirACH epi-tome ot evil nothing too bad to ema-nate froro it but the gas It generates-Is probably its worst primary effectand the only way to do away with thisis to remove the cause STUARTSDYSPEPSIA TABLETS go to the rootof this trouble They attack the gas

foods and render them harm-less Flatulency or wind on the stom-ach canrtttt exist where thesepowerful and wonderworking littletablets are in evidence

THEY WoRE MADE for this verypurpose to attack gasmaking foodsand them into proper nutriment This is their province and offlc A whole book could be writtenabout them and then not all told thatmight b told with profit to sufferers

this painful disease dyspepsia-It would mention the years of patientand expensive experiment In effort tarrive at this result of failures innumerable and at last success It wouldmake mention of the different stomachcorectlves that ente into this tabletand make It faithfully represent alt

STUARTS DYSPEPSIA TABLETSarc not alone Intended for the sick butwell folks as well for the person whocraves hearty foods and want to eatheartily and run no risk of bad effectsthey act like a charm and eatln-

They keep stomach active and energetic and able and willing to do ex-tra work without special labor or effort Dont forget this Well peopleare often neglected but the STUARTDYSPEPSIA TABLETS have them inmind-

A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will besent any one who wants to know Justwhat are how they look andtaste before beginning treatment withthem After this to the drug storefor them everywhere here or at h methey are CO cents a box and by gettingthem at home you wilt save time andpostage Your doctor will prescribethem say there are OOC doctorsusing them but when you know wi atis the matter of yourself why go tothe expense of a prescription Forfree trial packagp K AStuart Co 150 Stuart BulMIn Varshall MiHilean

P S Better send today for smijilcsof thp tablcl You win j t fiiH i

f then

When TheStomach Stops


prep ratlona d1D lithe

and a delight And pleasure



















Dont Forget th-




Ever meet me I do all branches ofdental work and I DO IT RIGHTWhats more I do It POSITIVELYPAINLESS NO HIGH PRICES HEBE

EASY PAYMENT TERMSRemove all worry about the moneyYou pay for this work as you oanafford it weekly or monthly

I GUARANTEE THiS SET FOR 20 YEARSTlify jmmt ftctuj v in r

T r Mv Iiitfut urtmn Ttitii Tifv rHip or rop Ttify lit ji rfe lly

GoldSilver Pilling

100 up50


Tiiis is without doubt Vie most beautiful and lasting work tniv-ti ilrrital science Spaces wiere or more teeth have been l m I jplat look HO natural that detection is ImposHllile Ask tiintnil of this antlfttl work No charge for Kxtrartlng


Opp ansburgh SB BroOver Grand Union Tea Co

Appoint3iont may be madeby telephone

Open 8 A at to s p MSundays 10 A M to 4 P M






5Gold CrownsZiridgo Work

t I


421 49 7th


c1ati hn sal0 f I

t j4


ny a








Services Over Former Trac-

tion Officer at Church-Of the Ascension

The funeral services of Charles MKoones one of the boat known busi-ness men of the city and for severalyears secretary and treasurer of theCapital Traction Street Railway Com-pany will be held at the Church of theAscension Wednesday morning at U-

oclock The Rev Tames HertningNeJnts will officiate Interment will beIn Reek Creek Cemetery and will beprivate

Mr Kofenes was born at AlexandriaVa in 183 he attained his majority he ame to Washington en

In business but at the outbreak ofcivil war want to Richmond and

enlisted with tbe Home 3uanls Atthe close of war he en-gaged in business at Lexington Vawhen he remained until his appointmentas and treasurer of the Capital Traction Company Thishe retained until hits retirement fromactive business life some years ago

His an illness of threeweeks At his bedside when his deathoccurred were his children Miss Vietorine Koones who lived with herfather Mrs of Leesburg Va and Samuel S and DrCharles K Koones both of this cityThese four children are his only survivors






death followed

VUUam Hawll c











I Sewing Silk4oicaspool j

J Regular Price 8c jBlack Sewing Silk

Xyari spools full measure 1-

J good quality silk for ma 1or hand sewing Let 1

J ten 0 A and B Worth JJ8c Hpool Special price for

Notion Department



f t

i 100


one day Jc Spool Limitspools to each buyer J



of six1

+ + + + +++


Senator Elkins Confers

WithPresident OnCom j

ing Legislation

President Taft is graduallythings shaped up so that it is likely

ae a considerable part of his rail104 legislation program put throughCongress the coming winter

Senator Elkins talked with the Presi-dent briefly this morning At that con-ference the President some ofbis Ideas as to railroad legislation Healso urged that Congress ought to

for a system of discriminatingduties In favor of transported onAmerican ships On leaving the WhiteHouse Senator Elkins said the Presi-dent was fair In his recommendationsa to railroad

Will Congress enact any railroadler iation this he was asked

It will undoubtedly That legisla-tion will be largely corrective

Elkins was not preparedhow far the legislation would

gt jut he thought it would includesome form of provision for the Govern-ment control of issues of stock andbonds by railroads He thought this

carefully considered andrestricted

Senator Elkltwi expressed the beliefthat the railroad managers would ulti-mately line up In support of such program of as may be agreedon between tne President and the

in Congress





pro-vide I


bC 8r to-y ust



he told









52 Indies LongLined with Guaranteed Satin

WONDERFUL VALUES rich lustrous silky qualityCaracul Coats that are hardly distinguishable from the real caracul fur

The interest astonishingly low price is doubjed b knowledge of the factthat these Handsome Long Coats are the most fashionable garments worn thisseason and the scarcest thing on the market It was a great piece of good luckthat brings this lot of regular 3000 Caracul Coats to sell at 698

Full 52 inches long a magnificent grade with the desirable mjiiije ayehandsome lustrous finish v y r

Made with the full broad rolling shawl collar singlebreasted effect trimmedwith handsome large gunmetal buttons Sleeves with wide turnback cuffs


Ti CaraculCoat 91838

These Handsome Seal Plush Coats are equally as fashionable as the caracul

coats We have just received another lot from the maker and they are to beplaced on sale tomorrow at a price that cannot be matched elsewhere in fhelowness Full length 52 inches with rbllmg shawl collar sleeves with deep

turnback cuffs Lined throughout with good quality lining

Tailored in the best manner and made with the correct lines

Regular 2500 value offered tomorrow at 1498

Caracul Coats16 98


of the



25 Seal Plush Coats 1498







sit 7



> ==


Lot I Worth Up

to 5 and 6 at

Lot 2 Worth Up

to 8 and 10 at

Wonders never cease at GoldenbergsPhonograph very finest kinds including handpaint

ed enamded Tulip Horns flowered iridescent bellshape horns solid

brcss horns nickelplated horns burnt enameled horns and hand

omely decorated ABOUT TEN CENTS ON THE

DOLLARNothing like this known beforePlenty of both kind to tit Editon and Victor machinesAll extra large size Horns of unusual reproducing power

Were divided the purchase into two lotsHorns worth up to 5 and 5 offered at 39c

Horns worth up to S and 10 offered at 5c-

XIONE DELIVERED NONE TO DEALERSOwing to the character of tbe goods we cannot end these horns out

on delivery O C C164 new Patent Clamp Horn Crane nickelplated consisting of Jstand and two extensions All complete

Sale of Wm A Rogers AA

Lowered fof Silverware branded with the trademark of these well

known aid fully warranted Plain and fancy patternsPractical presents that ill b appreciated by housewivesSots of six Teaspoons regularly 75c at 59o

of six Tablespooss regularly 5150 for 119Sets of six Table Forks regularly 3150 for 119Sugar Shells each one In a box regularly SOc for 25Butter Knives each one in a box regularly SOc for Si

Gravy Ladles each one in a box regularly 75c for SOcSoup Ladles each one in a box regularly 150 for 119Sets of six Knives with plain regularly 198 for 3149Sots of Six Porks with plain handles regularly 198 for 5149

Sensation ExtraordinaryPhonograph


39 69cC




SilverPlated Ware-At PricesE-

very piece4









Senator Carter States HisObjectipijis to the


That h te opposed to th-Go rernmeitts ssulng of bends forreclamation was a statement made bySenator Carter of Montana toTeXt tod y

This is the flrst Indication any mem-ber of th Senate tfcmmltre on Irriga-tion who viewed the reclamation proj-ects last summer is opposed to the sug-gested bond Issue

Senator Carter takes the ground thatthe money to be raised Is needed onlyfor a snort period of time because pay-ments md settlers will reimbursethe reclamation funds This money

taken from the general Lund of theTreasury by warrant for a period not

three years heSecretary of the IntonEr Baillnger

and President Taft have both urged theissuance of bonds and MontanaSenator today served notice that hewould oppose the proposition on thefloor of the Sbnate


attempted to serve as a media-tor in a titwrrei between his two youngbrothers Thomson and Joseph todaywhen Thornton struck him Garfielddrew a revolver and shot Thorntonthrough the head killing him instantly






ex e to ay



B4 hall






Womens Pad Hose Supporters with four straps good qual-

ity wide lisle elastic In black white and colors Covered buttons Worth 25c Special at pair


9 C




= =

It Pays to Deal tt Goldenbergs

GsLeiersSeventh and K The DpendeLle SIore-

s =

LOT RIBBO2TS worth teand lOc a yard

LOT 2RIBBONS worth12 c and 13c a yard







International Imbroglio InMarket Cost Joseph

Boose 3

An International imbroglio over a btie of show chow was settled in thPolice Court this morning when one fthe Greek participants Joseph Booswho considered t himself a i

person was lined by Judge Mll-owny Booses propensity for buttingtn as one of the witnesses against himteFtifled was the cause of woe

The trouble began Saturday afternoon-in the Center Market where Boose con-

ducts a fruit stand He saw a marketpatron pass a neighbors stand and ac-cidentally knock a bottle of chow chowfrom the counter The Instinct for birgaming strong in him Boose steppeforward and offered be testified to buythe damaged food product Instead ofselling some one whose Identity wasrot definitely disclosed brushed tIllGreeks face with a broom Boose re-

sented such familartty and raisedheated protesting voles Before anyserious flamagu was hose however LCO

Lusby Jacob Faunae and B I Gr iham quieted the turmoil-

I guess you did butt In remarkedJudge Mullowny to the offending GreekThree dollars fine



mucha bus1






E Silk StockingsRegularly r

Women have never known Tthe ef these values T

all silk in T-i the following desirableL Oxblood navy blue light X

Jar onedollar quality at Me-I a pair 4

I I I 1

59c 100 PairI



tan purple vIolet greenand copenhagen rogu 4

t I T II






Wash BoilersWorth up to 169

Solid Copperbottom Wash Boilerswith patent cold sizes 7 B-

and 9 up to CT8B each Oneday at 79c

No mall or phone ordersBasement Housefumishings Dept

Albums1 Kind at

sale of 500 Mbst Card Albums bound in black cloth withneat white title

Each album holds 500 cardsSuitable for Christmas gifts as

well as for personal useRegular one dollar value tomor-

row at 50c

60c Table Damask38c a Yd

ftinch Mercerized Satin TableDamask extra heavy superiorgrade guaranteed to retain its bril-liant luster after

Choice of six attractive patternsThis table damask will give

service and prove a profitable invest-ment at tomorrows low price 33c ayard instead of 80c




PostCard 5





Worth up to 350-

A special purchase of a traveling sales

mans line of samples consisting of high

grade Majolica Umbrella Jars at the lowestprice ever named for such handsomequalities

Choice of an extensive variety of beauti-

ful colorings richly blended in various combinations A number of artistic shapes oneof which is here illustrated-

All fullsize Umbrella J a r s worth ashigh as 350 Sale price 1 9

Some of these have slight imperfections-but they are so slight you can hardly noticethem

At Half Price and Less-We contracted with one of the largest ribbon manufacturers of Pater

N J to take his entire stool of mill ends as last as they accumulate

quantity than ever this ttm larger assortment tooYou can supply your ned at half price and toss a grist okanoe to

buy ribbons for fancy workPlain and Satin Taffeta Ribbons also Liberty mud Mooeito ibb

and Dresden and Fancy Ribbons in the lot In white pink MM violetbrown navy nile mate and every other shade in demand

Umbrella Jars 39

MillEnds of











LOT SRIBBONS worth ISoand Me a yard

LOT KIBBONS worth eand 39c a yard

9tC15 C


Burson FuilFashkraed Stockings are so wellknown to VVMghington women that themention of the oicringr of regular 36o qualityBurson Hosiery at l7c a pair will attract a greatcrowd of buyers tomorrow

Kxtra elastic quality fullfashioned base theonly kind knit to fit without a seam Have nar-rowed ankle and shaped foot O SEAMS ANYWHERE The most comfortable and bee

hosiery on the marketTomorrow at lie a pair three for BOc


urson17c Pair






