Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1908-02-06 [p...

1 THE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6 1908 1P d 7 i j Actress Lady on Care of Lace American Gives GreyPoinlers Curtains I 7 RUSH QUERIES Will Be Answered By Telephone Call Main 3260 and Ask for The Times Bureau of Informa tion This department Is conducted with the demrc to give informa tion and to be of practical serv- ice to The Times readers If an swers to questions by mail are desired stamped and addressed envelopes must be inclosed No attention can be paid to relating to minor person alities of the stage republishing of poems or quotations or the solving of mathematical prob- lems Cent Piece of 1816 Editor Womans Inquiry Column What premiums are there on the cent of 1S1C Soent piece of 1 a gold dollar of lSD CoJumtoan halfdollar and 25 bent bill N A H The gold dollar is worth 14 the others their face value ny except the pAper Sicent piece which is worth fLOO 795 Penny alttor Womans Inquiry Column Are there any premiums en pennies- of IStt MK M T and ITtS where can I feell them KH There Is a premium of 38 cents on the 1S07 Penny 1 on the 17K You can them to the Numismatic Bank Boston Mass Dollar of 1817 Editor Womans Inquiry Column What premiums are there on half dollar of 1S17 silver acent piece of 1853 Cents of 117 ISIS MS7 IKS lane 1833 1541 112 Itt 1S47 M48 IS 1852 355 IftC and some EngHBh Brunswick nd German coins G C W The halfdollar of 1X17 Is worth 51 the others face value only Editor Womans Inquiry Column Is there any premium on an 1901 Cent where can I find the value of foreign coins and where can I seta old CONSTANT KKADKR The 1801 cent is worth M cents you Can find the value of old coins and sell coin which imam a by the KutnismaJe Bank Mrs Hetty Green Editor Womans Inquiry Column Is Mrs Hetty Green a widow Are any premiums on a Xcent of 1 and ISM and a cent of 19M SUBSCRIBER- Mrs Hetty Greens husband has beets dead some years The UN cent i worth 25 cents the other come have no premiums Cent Piece of 1846 Editor Woman Inquiry Column Are there any premiums on cent pieces of 1S is Bys old coins r CONSTANT READIER There are no on those coins Numismatic Bank Boston Morse buys old coins ThreeCent Piece ef 1853 Editor Womans Column Arn there any premiums on a cent of 1S50 fivecent of line threecent piece of MB a Canadian one and a half cent of 1888 and a British penny of 077 FIVJF5 OLD None of the coins have a premium When Elsie comes to the New Rational In March she will have been In less than eighteen Imitations of 3romlnent players Among the more prominent takeoftV are Eddie Foy George M Cohan Vest Victoria Edith Decker Anna Held Bertha KaJioh Fay Templeton Blanche Ring and others of prominence The Pin Greet Players are now play tng four weeks engagement in Boo ton whence they come to the Belasce 5 heater this month This season bo presenting some Shakeeperean plays In archaic stage surroundings present acme of the old comedies wlth adequate scenery and costumes Everyman will haw special mating revivals Johnnie Stanley and his Blonde Type writers m girl act will be submitted at Chases February 44 The news that Ethel Barrymore Is to appear for twenty weeks next season as Rosalind in As You Like It Is of to theatergoers Still more the announcement that Charles ol will later present her in She Stooqs Conquer and oUter old TM success ef Oeear Straus new mus Jy The Waltz Dream has LOCAL MENTION aiBroakei Crystal Soap 3 iacj 1 2c Kirkmans Borax 4c fca 4e Soda 3c 4 bottles Blue for lOc Ko Harrison st Anacostla and J Pyles 1 other stores 7 Its the Filling In thw that makes them so tasty Only the purest and bent fire d by the Connecticut Pie SUR 3M cream t alrta wipe rw otk fci M- ealeatiBes Red Hearts Favors W for making Valentine Goulds i st nw Oil Heaters Gas Radiators t CA Co 61 12st 11 17 WiMANIN- QVIRV MN 7 177171711 9 I I I I elf Isle 1S34 tents tent of I8or any m Inquiry 1 Notes of Stage Folks r Santa j o equal Ides they pan lc J weD St I T D 1CI ts wet l ill 1 tJ01 r 6QW s ques- tions a l Piece Bos- ton Mass there ummn lece a h corn- ed r r Co- d dry satiny fiat 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° Lillian Russell Gave Lady Grey Design for Curtains Used in Play brought out the announcement that Henry W Savage has that composers work Prince Huge Honey- moon up his sleeve awaiting produc- tion Edith Wynne is on the high seas bound for the United States where she will appear in two plays by her husband H Rann Kennedy under the direction of Henry Miller When Olgo Nethersole goes io Dalys- in New York February 10 for three weeks she will present The Awaken- ing the first week and second week she will give Adrienne Leeouvrour The Enigma and PagMacjI Dur- ing the third and farewell week the bill will be made of Carmen Sapho Magda Camille and The Second Mrs Tanqueray latest XatJl Oft the IOn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Performance of Wild fire in Ottawa Was Great Social SuccessW- hen Lillian Russell appeared In Ottawa last week in her racing com- edy Wildfire Sari and Lady Grey occupied the royal box on the first night of the engagement The house was packed with members of parlia- ment and the smart set of tho capital- of the Dominion When the governor generals party entered the theater the orchestra played the national an them the performance halted and the entire audlsnoo arose and bowed toward the box Earl Grey returned the salute The sight was really Im- pressive The play pleased the party and Karl Grey sent his compliments to Miss Rue sellLady Grey who is a charming woman and held in the deepest by Canadians waited until all the a pleasant little note to Miss Rueeell asking her if she would please toil her respects had been and then sent affec- tion paid ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LILLIAN RUSSELL Who Had Cattai fee Play Made After OBM She Saw in English Cwinky House How My Boy Was Cured of the Grip by i Using Father Johns Medicine By Mrs Rattle A Smith MOTHERS YOU SHOULD ALWAYS SEEP IT IN YOUR HOMES I I Mrs Hattie A Smithin a recent letter says Father Johns Medicine ought- to be in every home My poor little boy seven years old had the grip and was sick for 24 days I was much worried over him He had a very high fever and pains all over him I had a bottle of Father Johns Medicine at one time when I was sick with a cold in my chest and back and It did me so much good that now I got a small bottle for Sewing Machines Reduced Ve have reduced- all slightly Sewing Machines Every machine In perfect condition and uar anteed Domestic WhIte 00 Wheeler Wilson 8900 Standard 1000 OPPENHEIMERS 514 Ninth SL Keep your Face ana Hands Tree or Roughness and Redness with Fealys Jasmin Cream Price 25c- Fhona or Drop Postal FEALYS PHARMACY 11th SPeana AveS E Times Want Ads Bring Results 750 One halt used t 7 where she got the curtains which are used for tne decorations of the win dows in third act of the play She had hunted all over London and New York for the design and the material and could not find them Miss Russell replied that the curtains were made by her orders She had seen a similar set in a country house in England Joseph Brooks her manager had em- ployed a seamatrefl and under Miss RuseeUs directions the curtains were made Miss Russell would be more than delighted to give her all the later The next day Mi Russell reoeived a formal note from the con troller of the household calling her as she wished to use the curtains in the Rides Hall in Ottawa this spring When Lady Grey met Miss Russell th re was no discussion of Hlrh Art on the Stage or The influence of women in the political life of England and America but the was confined- to that housewifely How to Make and Keep Clean Lace Window Curtains the to the wishes or LAdy Grey de- tails at- tention ¬ ¬ > ¬ Joseph It helped him so much that I got a large sized one last Saturday He will not let me forget to give it to him at bedtime He is back in school now and is feeling fine Signed HattIe A Smith 4 Locust street Philadelphia Pa Cures grip and all throat and lung troubles not a patent medicine and free from poisonous drugs or alcohol 50 years In use This winter weather makes you long for sausage for breakfast Hblly Brand- is the best Blue Front Market 930 Louisiana W JPhoae Main 5087 Still a good assortment of winter Suits yet to be sold All Included from 2500 to 6000 at 51350 S185G 2350 314316 Seventh Street Aye N larhp I >> White Doeskin Gloves With Careful Washing Wear Well Unendingly Nothing is economical for ordinary wear as white doeskin gloves for they last well and wash almost unendingly- but their success lies in the secret oC careful washing The gloves should b put in warm water not too warm and gently rubbed with primrose soap take each glove singly and soap it Into a ball in the palm of the hand and rinse by gently shaking in the water When the rinsing Is well accomplished soap them again and then without being rinsed squeeze them until all the water has run out Straighten the gloves dont pull them and hang to dry where there is a current of air do not put them near a tire The dry Ing takes rather a long time and at first the gloves look spoiled But they are a real success when once dry and they must be briskly rubbed together to get rid of the stiffness then they ready to wear and as good as new Good Conversation- It is neither heavy nor frivolous It is learned without pedantry lively without noise polished without equivo- cation It is made up of neither leeturea nor epigrams Those who really converse reason without arguing Joke without punning skillfully unite wit and reason maxims and sallies Ingenious ratlery and severe morality They speak of everything in order that every one have something to say They do not investigate too closely- for fear of wearying questions are introduced as if treated with rapidity precision leads to elegance each one opin ion and supporting it with few words No one attacks wantonly anothers opinion no one supports his own ob- stinately They discuss in order to enlighten ttieftmelvea said leave otC discussing where dispute would b gin every one gains information ovary one recreates himself and all go away contented nay the sage himself may carry away from what has heard matter worthy cf silent meditation A Youthful Wreath A charming coiffure for a girl of eight- een is a wreath of tiny bows in silver braid or of satin ribbon the same shade- as her dress These are brought down in a slight point over the pompadour ad around the knot of the hair in the bat It is a very pretty and attractive finish for a party costume and it does not give the extremely dressy effect of Mowers and aigrettes The little bows are Melt about one and a half Inches long and made of about threequarters of an inch wide They are Joined together by wire too nnj tj show against th hair For this Decoration a psjohe knot Is the style and graceful When wearing a white dress either pink or blue satin or braid bows would be more becoming than white satin or silver bows for they give a touch of color to the costume but when the dress I of pastel shade the bows should either match the dress or be of braid for white is not when worn on the hair unless it is used in combination with some color This is because both brown and golden hair have no shade of own and the white merely accentuates the deadness of the effect Sleeveless Coals A novelty shown this season Js the long cost semifitting without sleeves but cic on the shoulders which gives it i slightly Japanese effect It I not a wrap but an integral part of a intended for walk- ing though generally made up of MaY by VIe and are abbot ol hair dress for It some decided their suitnot are by Is old becom- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 19 Womens Suits Sizes 40 and 42 only Were 1950 2250 2750 2900 Tom or tf ss row 75 Coats for Small Women 32 to 38 only tight and semi coats of fancy mixtures threequarter length This sea- sons newest styles Were 1250 and 1290 56 Coats- Not this seasons in black oxford mixtures tourist styles sizes 34 to 40 Every one a bar Worth as high as A 2950 Tomorrow S tJeyD 6 4 88 tan J Sp- ecials > < SEWING HINTS I The first side sun and the seam next the placket show whether a skirt- is cut and draped properly The side seam should run down in almost a straight line from the hip to the lower edge If It slants backward it gives the figure the effect of tilting forward The seams on each side of the placket should run in a straight sweeping line from the waist to the lower edge of the skirt at the back If they run toward the sales a very wide ungraceful ap- pearance Is given the hips from the back Every day one sees in the streets skirts that have this fault the result of incorrect fitting at the waist line The waist measure with the hip measure has been too large for the figure Instead of taking in more at the dart seams or the tsp of the gore seams it has been turned In at the pieat at of the placket drawing the seams backward at the waist line There should never be any interference with those pleats at the back closing They should be carefully marked from pattern and pasted to position be- fore fitting If they twist Or draw in any way the correct effect at the center back will b lost The fold edges of the pleats should be stitched a few below this should in close to each other to the bottom of the skirt practically concealing the a am at the center back A common roiMtke is the use of a pat Clever Womans Way in Dress Matters- A certain very clever wMnan of this city i gifted In the way of tusking up a She was at a luncheon otherday tied every arti- cle she wore save shoes hosiery and gljvee she hen made for She hints her undercloih lag cuts and gaiters to accom pany each frock and makes her frock coats and hang Sh designs dainty Tandkerchief and neckwear and girdles sews hits of fur into fetching and even makes her corsets She was rich once upon a time and bought expensive article and when the necessity for retrenchment arose he ripped up choice garments and used patterns She prefers the corsets she makes by means of an old and costly pair to the cheaper ones she can now afford She makes p tUcoals of cotton from a silk model that COt 4K when new Good fur lasts many years anr can be turned to many and she had a good supply of H and the odds and ends she in millinery She 1 a picture of style and elegance and nobody sees home- made stamp on one of her garmenta Jade Shirt Waist Sets To prove that the tailored shirt waist bAa come to remain a little while at least sets of jade amethyst and other semiprecious stones are being shown in the shops The sets include tuft links studs and scurf pins and may be had In almost any design It is a relief after the Oriental finery of the last season to look forward to a little tailored in spring shop ping and walking costumes Let gowns for special occasions be as elaborate as they may nothing can take the place of the correct tailor suits adopted by the American Sir as her own Paris may go mad over some new ex travagance wear her shoes two or three stIleS too small so that her feet will show under her long drapery or she may adopt the flowing lines of a tea gown for an afternoon drive In the Bolt do Boulogne but the American will always modify each fashion by her desire to be tailormade oorre po lag e ch- Ide hall positively tit herself skirts makes makes them aS the the line wardrobe her shams those ac- counts uses ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ tern with measure too small This results In a drawing apart of the pleats in the back waist down with a bias strip of a light- weight material is the usual method of skirt seems The importance- of pressing should always be borne in Remember that over very round hips one or the other edge seams from the to the waist will sometimes seem to need to be fulled into the other in order to make it hang properly Gather the seam where full- ness seems to he required draw this gathering thread to hold the seam to as that to which It is to be joined then wet and shrink the gathered a hot iron This is an operation that needs care but it la 3ry when proper- ly done a fit over the cannot be acquired in other way Itar a seven or nine gored skirt simple lapped seams make a tail- ored finish and they may lap either toward the front or back are basted In the usual seam then raw edges are turned- in the same direction showing on the outside a lapped effect one over the other and stitched from the outside about threesixteenths of an inch from the fold edge When the basting is removed the edre Is free from the stitching The length of a skirt Is best marked with chalk by a second parson while the wearer of the skirt stands on a raised platform A patented marking device measure a or an even length of cardboard may be used as a measure In marking at desired dls trace from floor New Scarfs- For a long time the scarfs of cHIffon and lace have been worn with evening gowns Wt they were always very and not really thick enough to protect tr wearer from evening chill Spanish lace has always been the material for the diaphanous dra- peries but just now a new material has sprung into favor and It is so Inexpen- sive and so simple that it is sure to be popular- It consists merely of two yards of narrow taffeta silk embroidered at each end in any way that appeals to the own er Wallachian embroidery used in this scarf or for that matter embroidery would be suitable and at tractive The end may be hemmed and feather stitched or gathered into a tassel or finished with a fringe The silk is heavy enough o be useful as a wrap on cool evening between dances and there will be no ttre ds to catch into everything as there are in Spanish lace REMARKABLY EFFECTIVE- A Noted Doctors Prescription Checks an Acute Cold in a Day and Cures Cnronio Coughs The wonderfully healing powers of pine have been known for ages but the new form of pine product whleh has the quality of being soluble which is now being generally prescribed- by doctors is known to the profession as oil of pine A lung and throat specialist de- clares that the formula In which he now uses the Concentrated oil of pine has produced remarkable results often en- tirely curing a severe cold In four hours This formula is very simple and the ingredients can be obtained of any good prescription druggist and mixed- at home It is as follows Mix a half ounce Concentrated oil of pine with ounces of glycerine and a half pint of good whiskey shake It thoroughly each time and use in doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful every four hours The Concentrated oil comes put up for medical use only in half ounce vials which are securely sealed In tin screw top cases and plainly la- beled The boxes are tight and thus retain the original ozone as well as protecting the fluid from atmospheric Care should be take i not to get any of the patent medicine imitations using similar name and package r the- me J way wuld make a most twenty es most fashion re lap- ped line a- foot per- ishable fa- vorite fascinating com- paratively Concentrated Phila- delphia ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St Now for the Last Day of Clearance on and Better Bargains Now to Be Had Itstime to frantically figure on your needs Time to hurry and supply all of the winter and early spring needs along these lines Remember tomorrow night and this clearance sale will be over It is still time to roll up a splendid saving j navy and brown also Jumper Suits in broadcloth and velvet sizes 34 36 38 and 40 Prices were 27So 3500 3750 3950 4950 5950 Your choice tomorrow I Lansburgh Bro I I i Womens Suits and CoatsBi- gger 17 Womens Colored Broadcloth SuitsBr- own and olive green Red Mixtures Plain Velvet Suits wine plum 9 75 mixtures Colors brown tan reseda green red Were 1750 Tomorrow This seasons newest style Covert Coats 4 Tan Covert Coats sizes 36 38 and r4o Wer 1000 4 Tan Covert Coats sizes 38 and 40 Were 1150 4 Tan Covert Coats sizes 36 and 38 Were 1500 8 Evening Coats russ t 7 77 590 6 90 7 90 t r v s r 29 Tan Covert Short Jackets 38 and 40 only not this seasons Marked as as np 1950 Tomorrow sle y 3 0 52 Velvet Jackets not this seasons sizes 32 to 40 Marked as high as 4950 Tomorrow vp3 45 21 times as much as 50c size Never Fails to RESTORE GRAY HAIH to its NATURAL COLOF- uo razUiS ykar PEOPLES Phar MODEHH Phar 8TEVEKS Phar fHH Credit for All Washington If you need any Furniture Rugs Draperies or other home furnishingv you can always gf them here and pay for them while you are using them VT3 win gladly arrange the terms to suit your individual circum stances That it is not expen- sive to buy here on Credit is proven by our priers whi h are all Marked in plain figure which will stand compari 4 son with the lowest prices at J any cash store If you prefer i discount of 10 per cent mak- ing our prices lower than you can obtain anywhere else Peter Grogan J 817819821823 Seventh St i CI H III Ii HiEfrfr E F DROOP SONS CO to suit Free Concerts Daily House 923925 Panns Ave In order to secure the Hat possible results in baking be sure to usa CRYSTAL PATENT manufactured by W B Bakers Song Win chester Va who making this flour far more than S years In manufacture of CRYSTAL PATENT only ebolce wheat and the most lrapr r J processes are which with careful mm lag and our personal attention to all de- tails result In a product which is the best and most satisfactory flour for family uj that OUt be made from wheat For color and strength Bakers Crystal Pateat Is Incomparably th belt flour mare For further we the Hilt famine many C whom nj other floor- S GEE General Agent ItS Fiorlia Aye rX W Washington D C SOLD BT ALL GROCERS Special for Few Days Only Churned 5 IDS IplUl Butter Strictly Fresh Eggs 28c doz Best 75c Tea 50c lb Coffee 25c lb FRESH BOASTED EVERY DAY The Bet at Any Price 220 9th st TST W Phone M 3148 We io Save Buy GOLDEN ROD SAUSAGE Theres a COUPON In every pound package Send to our office 99 of these coupons and we will send you a CHECK GOOD FOR toward opening a savings account with the United States Trust Co Only one check issued to same name Golden Rod Sausage is made from select pork product and pure spices seasoned just right Every goad grocer sells it GOLDEN CO Distributers 922928 Louisiana Ave N W Clean Sanitary Homes Are assured every housewife if she uses Hunters Sanitary Dust Kill Floor Oil keeps the floors clean and rids the house of all in- flects Only We a gallon Sold by all Grocery Stores HUNTER DUST KILLING FLOOR OIL CO Inc 401 flunsey Building Factory 113 Ave IT W Phone Main 545S CONGRESSIONAL COFFEE- Meets the exacting requirements as to purity and flavor Fresh f t Try a pound ot S this famous cuff Pr Ib Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Co Main Store Cor 7th ad X ta N w 8raa b In Ml ran of UM City Stands la All Markets TIMES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS 1000 Size ilaYsHair alth C laltains Buy it next time at Z I ill 1 I i i I I 1 1 1 No Need i To Vait I I i I 1 r- and to pay cash we allow you II rill Victor Talking MachineTe- rms DROOPS have been the used recommendation refer use Best Fresh Elgin Creamery Coa Start You I 180 C T most k I tj r 5 I ansi f a 1 Musio o i- to t 1 ¬ ¬ + ¬ = = = == ¬ + = +

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1908-02-06 [p...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1908-02-06 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-02-06/ed-1/seq-5.… · 1 THE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6 1908



1P d




Actress Lady on Care ofLaceAmerican Gives GreyPoinlers Curtains

I 7

RUSH QUERIESWill Be Answered By Telephone

Call Main 3260 and Ask forThe Times Bureau of Information

This department Is conductedwith the demrc to give information and to be of practical serv-ice to The Times readers If answers to questions by mail aredesired stamped and addressedenvelopes must be inclosed Noattention can be paid to

relating to minor personalities of the stage republishingof poems or quotations or thesolving of mathematical prob-lems

Cent Piece of 1816

Editor Womans Inquiry ColumnWhat premiums are there on the cent

of 1S1C Soent piece of 1 a gold dollarof lSD CoJumtoan halfdollar and 25

bent bill N A H

The gold dollar is worth 14 theothers their face value ny except thepAper Sicent piece which is worth fLOO

795 Pennyalttor Womans Inquiry Column

Are there any premiums en pennies-of IStt MK M T and ITtS where can I

feell them K H

There Is a premium of 38 cents on the1S07 Penny 1 on the 17K Youcan them to the Numismatic BankBoston Mass

Dollar of 1817

Editor Womans Inquiry ColumnWhat premiums are there on half

dollar of 1S17 silver acent piece of 1853Cents of 117 ISIS MS7 IKS lane 1833

1541 112 Itt 1S47 M48 IS 1852355 IftC and some EngHBh Brunswick

nd German coins G C W

The halfdollar of 1X17 Is worth 51the others face value only

Editor Womans Inquiry ColumnIs there any premium on an 1901

Cent where can I find the value offoreign coins and where can I seta old


The 1801 cent is worth M cents youCan find the value of old coins and sell

coin which imam a bythe KutnismaJe Bank

Mrs Hetty GreenEditor Womans Inquiry Column

Is Mrs Hetty Green a widow Areany premiums on a Xcent

of 1 and ISM anda cent of 19M SUBSCRIBER-

Mrs Hetty Greens husband has beetsdead some years The UN cent i worth25 cents the other come have nopremiums

Cent Piece of 1846

Editor Woman Inquiry ColumnAre there any premiums on cent

pieces of 1S is Bys oldcoins r CONSTANT READIER

There are no on those coinsNumismatic Bank Boston Morse

buys old coins

ThreeCent Piece ef 1853Editor Womans Column

Arn there any premiums on a cent of1S50 fivecent of line threecentpiece of MB a Canadian one and a halfcent of 1888 and a British penny of077 FIVJF5 OLD

None of the coins have a premium

When Elsie comes to the NewRational In March she will have been In

less than eighteen Imitations of3romlnent players Among the moreprominent takeoftV are Eddie Foy

George M Cohan Vest Victoria EdithDecker Anna Held Bertha KaJioh Fay

Templeton Blanche Ring and others ofprominence

The Pin Greet Players are now playtng four weeks engagement in Booton whence they come to the Belasce5 heater this month This season bo

presenting some Shakeepereanplays In archaic stage surroundings

present acme of the old comedieswlth adequate scenery and costumes

Everyman will haw special matingrevivals

Johnnie Stanley and his Blonde Typewriters m girl act will be submitted atChases February 44

The news that Ethel Barrymore Is toappear for twenty weeks next season as

Rosalind in As You Like It Is ofto theatergoers Still more

the announcement that Charlesol will later present her in She

Stooqs Conquer and oUter old

TM success ef Oeear Straus new musJy The Waltz Dream has


aiBroakei Crystal Soap 3 iacj1 2c Kirkmans Borax 4c

fca 4e Soda 3c 4 bottles Blue forlOc Ko Harrison st Anacostla andJ Pyles 1 other stores

7 Its the FillingIn thw that makes them so tastyOnly the purest and bentfire d by the Connecticut Pie

SUR 3M cream t alrta wiperw otk fci M-

ealeatiBes Red Hearts FavorsW for making Valentine Gouldsi st nw

Oil Heaters Gas Radiatorst C A Co 61 12st

11 17WiMANIN-

QVIRV MN7 177171711









tent of I8or

any m


1 Notes of Stage Folks rSanta

j o









1CI ts












Bos-ton Mass








rr Co-

ddry satiny










Lillian Russell GaveLady Grey Design for

Curtains Used in Play

brought out the announcement thatHenry W Savage has that composers

work Prince Huge Honey-moon up his sleeve awaiting produc-tion

Edith Wynne is on the highseas bound for the United States whereshe will appear in two plays by herhusband H Rann Kennedy under thedirection of Henry Miller

When Olgo Nethersole goes io Dalys-in New York February 10 for threeweeks she will present The Awaken-ing the first week and second weekshe will give Adrienne Leeouvrour

The Enigma and PagMacjI Dur-ing the third and farewell week the billwill be made of Carmen Sapho

Magda Camille and The SecondMrs Tanqueray


XatJl Oft







Performance of Wildfire in Ottawa WasGreat Social SuccessW-

hen Lillian Russell appeared InOttawa last week in her racing com-

edy Wildfire Sari and Lady Greyoccupied the royal box on the firstnight of the engagement The housewas packed with members of parlia-ment and the smart set of tho capital-of the Dominion When the governorgenerals party entered the theaterthe orchestra played the national anthem the performance halted andthe entire audlsnoo arose and bowedtoward the box Earl Grey returnedthe salute The sight was really Im-

pressiveThe play pleased the party and Karl

Grey sent his compliments to Miss Rue

sellLady Grey who is a charmingwoman and held in the deepest

by Canadians waited until all the

a pleasant little note to Miss Rueeellasking her if she would please toil her

respects had been and then sent







LILLIAN RUSSELLWho Had Cattai fee Play Made After OBM She Saw in English Cwinky


How My Boy Was Cured of the Grip byi Using Father Johns Medicine

By Mrs Rattle A Smith




Mrs Hattie A Smithin a recent lettersays Father Johns Medicine ought-to be in every home My poor little boyseven years old had the grip and was

sick for 24 days I was much worriedover him He had a very high feverand pains all over him I had a bottleof Father Johns Medicine at one timewhen I was sick with a cold in my chestand back and It did me so much goodthat now I got a small bottle for

Sewing Machines Reduced

Ve have reduced-all slightlySewing MachinesEverymachine In perfectcondition and uaranteedDomesticWhIte 00Wheeler

Wilson 8900Standard 1000


Keep your Face ana Hands Tree orRoughness and Redness withFealys Jasmin Cream Price 25c-

Fhona or Drop PostalFEALYS PHARMACY 11th SPeana AveS E

Times Want Ads Bring Results


One halt



where she got the curtains which areused for tne decorations of the windows in third act of the play Shehad hunted all over London and NewYork for the design and the materialand could not find them Miss Russellreplied that the curtains were made byher orders She had seen a similarset in a country house in EnglandJoseph Brooks her manager had em-ployed a seamatrefl and under MissRuseeUs directions the curtains weremade Miss Russell would be morethan delighted to give her all the

later The next day Mi Russellreoeived a formal note from the controller of the household calling heras she wished to use the curtains inthe Rides Hall in Ottawa this spring

When Lady Grey met Miss Russellth re was no discussion of Hlrh Art onthe Stage or The influence of womenin the political life of England andAmerica but the was confined-to that housewifely How toMake and Keep Clean Lace WindowCurtains


to the wishes or LAdy Grey







Joseph It helped him so much that Igot a large sized one last Saturday Hewill not let me forget to give it to himat bedtime He is back in school nowand is feeling fine

Signed HattIe A Smith4 Locust street Philadelphia Pa

Cures grip and all throat and lungtroubles not a patent medicine and freefrom poisonous drugs or alcohol 50years In use

This winter weathermakes you long for sausagefor breakfast Hblly Brand-is the best

Blue Front Market930 Louisiana W

JPhoae Main 5087

Still a good assortment of winterSuits yet to be sold All Includedfrom 2500 to 6000 at

51350 S185G2350314316 Seventh Street

Aye N




White Doeskin Gloves

With Careful WashingWear Well Unendingly

Nothing is economical for ordinarywear as white doeskin gloves for theylast well and wash almost unendingly-but their success lies in the secret oC

careful washing The gloves should bput in warm water not too warm andgently rubbed with primrose soap takeeach glove singly and soap it Into aball in the palm of the hand andrinse by gently shaking in the water

When the rinsing Is well accomplishedsoap them again and then withoutbeing rinsed squeeze them until allthe water has run out Straighten thegloves dont pull them and hang todry where there is a current of airdo not put them near a tire The dryIng takes rather a long time and atfirst the gloves look spoiled But theyare a real success when once dry andthey must be briskly rubbed together toget rid of the stiffness then theyready to wear and as good as new

Good Conversation-

It is neither heavy nor frivolousIt is learned without pedantry lively

without noise polished without equivo-cation

It is made up of neither leeturea norepigrams

Those who really converse reasonwithout arguing Joke without punningskillfully unite wit and reason maximsand sallies Ingenious ratlery and severemorality

They speak of everything in orderthat every one have somethingto say

They do not investigate too closely-for fear of wearying questions areintroduced as iftreated with rapidity precision leadsto elegance each one opinion and supporting it with few words

No one attacks wantonly anothersopinion no one supports his own ob-stinately

They discuss in order to enlightenttieftmelvea said leave otC discussingwhere dispute would b gin every onegains information ovary one recreateshimself and all go away contentednay the sage himself may carry awayfrom what has heard matter worthycf silent meditation

A Youthful WreathA charming coiffure for a girl of eight-

een is a wreath of tiny bows in silverbraid or of satin ribbon the same shade-as her dress These are brought downin a slight point over the pompadourad around the knot of the hair in thebat It is a very pretty and attractivefinish for a party costume and it doesnot give the extremely dressy effect ofMowers and aigrettes

The little bows are Melt about oneand a half Inches long and made of

about threequarters of an inchwide They are Joined together by wiretoo nnj tj show against th hair

For this Decoration a psjohe knot Isthe style

and gracefulWhen wearing a white dress either

pink or blue satin or braid bowswould be more becoming than whitesatin or silver bows for they give atouch of color to the costume but whenthe dress I of pastel shade thebows should either match the dress orbe of braid for white is not

when worn on the hair unless it isused in combination with some colorThis is because both brown and goldenhair have no shade ofown and the white merely accentuatesthe deadness of the effect

Sleeveless Coals

A novelty shown this season Js thelong cost semifitting without sleevesbut cic on the shoulders whichgives it i slightly Japanese effect

It I not a wrap but an integralpart of a intended for walk-ing though generally made up of


by VIe and are


ol hair dress for It


decided their





old becom-ing







19 Womens SuitsSizes 40 and 42 only Were

1950 2250 27502900 Tom or tf ss


75 Coats for SmallWomen

32 to 38 only tight and semicoats of fancy mixtures

threequarter length This sea-sons newest styles Were 1250and 1290

56 Coats-Not this seasons in blackoxford mixtures tourist stylessizes 34 to 40 Every one a bar

Worth as high as A2950 Tomorrow S tJeyD


4 88







The first side sun and the seamnext the placket show whether a skirt-is cut and draped properly The sideseam should run down in almost astraight line from the hip to the loweredge If It slants backward it givesthe figure the effect of tilting forward

The seams on each side of the placketshould run in a straight sweeping linefrom the waist to the lower edge of theskirt at the back If they run towardthe sales a very wide ungraceful ap-pearance Is given the hips from theback

Every day one sees in the streetsskirts that have this fault the result ofincorrect fitting at the waist line Thewaist measure with thehip measure has been too large for thefigure

Instead of taking in more at the dartseams or the tsp of the gore seams ithas been turned In at the pieat at

of the placket drawing the seamsbackward at the waist line

There should never be any interferencewith those pleats at the back closingThey should be carefully marked from

pattern and pasted to position be-

fore fitting If they twist Or draw inany way the correct effect at the centerback will b lost

The fold edges of the pleats should bestitched a few belowthis should in close toeach other to the bottom of the skirtpractically concealing the a am at thecenter back

A common roiMtke is the use of a pat

Clever Womans Wayin Dress Matters-

A certain very clever wMnan of thiscity i gifted In the way oftusking up a She was at aluncheon otherday tied every arti-cle she wore save shoes hosiery andgljvee she hen made for Shehints her undercloihlag cuts and gaiters to accompany each frock and makes her frockcoats and hang Sh designs daintyTandkerchief and neckwear and girdlessews hits of fur into fetchingand even makes her corsets

She was rich once upon a time andbought expensive article and when thenecessity for retrenchment arose heripped up choice garments andused patterns She prefers thecorsets she makes by means of an oldand costly pair to the cheaper ones shecan now afford She makes p tUcoalsof cotton from a silk model that COt

4K when new Good fur lasts manyyears anr can be turned to many

and she had a good supply ofH and the odds and ends she inmillinery She 1 a picture of styleand elegance and nobody sees home-made stamp on one of her garmenta

Jade Shirt Waist SetsTo prove that the tailored shirt waist

bAa come to remain a little while atleast sets of jade amethyst and othersemiprecious stones are being shown inthe shops The sets include tuft linksstuds and scurfpins and may be had Inalmost any design

It is a relief after the Oriental fineryof the last season to look forward to alittle tailored in spring shopping and walking costumes Let gownsfor special occasions be as elaborate asthey may nothing can take the place ofthe correct tailor suits adopted by theAmerican Sir as her own

Paris may go mad over some new extravagance wear her shoes two or threestIleS too small so that her feet willshow under her long drapery or shemay adopt the flowing lines of a teagown for an afternoon drive In the Boltdo Boulogne but the Americanwill always modify each fashion by herdesire to be tailormade

oorre po lag

e ch-





herselfskirts makes


them aS


















tern with measure too small Thisresults In a drawing apart of the pleatsin the back waist down

with a bias strip of a light-weight material is the usual method of

skirt seems The importance-of pressing should always be borne in

Remember that over very round hipsone or the other edge seams fromthe to the waist will sometimes seemto need to be fulled into the other inorder to make it hang properly

Gather the seam where full-ness seems to he required draw thisgathering thread to hold the seam to

as that to which It is to bejoined then wet and shrink the gathered

a hot iron

This is an operation that needs carebut it la 3ry when proper-ly done a fit over thecannot be acquired in other way

Itar a seven or nine gored skirtsimple lapped seams make a tail-ored finish and they may lap eithertoward the front or back

are basted In the usual seamthen raw edges are turned-

in the same direction showing on theoutside a lapped effect one overthe other and stitched from the outsideabout threesixteenths of an inch fromthe fold edge

When the basting is removed theedre Is free from the stitching

The length of a skirt Is best markedwith chalk by a second parson while thewearer of the skirt stands on a raisedplatform A patented marking device

measure a or an evenlength of cardboard may be used as ameasure In marking at desired dls

trace from floor

New Scarfs-For a long time the scarfs of cHIffon

and lace have been worn with eveninggowns Wt they were always very

and not really thick enough toprotect tr wearer from evening chillSpanish lace has always been the

material for the diaphanous dra-peries but just now a new material hassprung into favor and It is so Inexpen-sive and so simple that it is sure to bepopular-

It consists merely of two yards ofnarrow taffeta silk embroidered at eachend in any way that appeals to the owner Wallachian embroidery used in this

scarf or for that matterembroidery would be suitable and attractive

The end may be hemmed and featherstitched or gathered into a tassel orfinished with a fringe The silk is heavyenough o be useful as a wrap on coolevening between dances and there willbe no ttre ds to catch into everythingas there are in Spanish lace


A Noted Doctors Prescription Checksan Acute Cold in a Day and

Cures Cnronio Coughs

The wonderfully healing powers of pinehave been known for ages but the

new form of pine productwhleh has the quality of being solublewhich is now being generally prescribed-by doctors is known to the professionas oil of pine A

lung and throat specialist de-clares that the formula In which he nowuses the Concentrated oil of pine hasproduced remarkable results often en-tirely curing a severe cold Infour hours This formula is very simpleand the ingredients can be obtained ofany good prescription druggist and mixed-at home It is as follows Mix a halfounce Concentrated oil of pine withounces of glycerine and a half pint ofgood whiskey shake It thoroughly eachtime and use in doses of a teaspoonfulto a tablespoonful every four hours

The Concentrated oil comesput up for medical use only in halfounce vials which are securely sealedIn tin screw top cases and plainly la-beled

The boxes are tight and thus retainthe original ozone as well as protectingthe fluid from atmosphericCare should be take i not to get any ofthe patent medicine imitations usingsimilar name and package



J way wuld make a most












Concentrated Phila-delphia












420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th St

Now for the Last Day of Clearance on

and Better Bargains Now to Be HadItstime to frantically figure on your needs Time to hurry and supply all of the winter and

early spring needs along these lines Remember tomorrow night and this clearance sale will be overIt is still time to roll up a splendid saving

j navyand brown also Jumper Suits in broadcloth and velvet sizes 34 36 38 and 40 Priceswere 27So 3500 3750 3950 4950 5950 Your choice tomorrow

I Lansburgh BroI



Womens Suits and CoatsBi-gger

17 Womens Colored Broadcloth SuitsBr-own and olive green Red Mixtures Plain Velvet Suits wine plum

9 75mixtures

Colors brown tan reseda green red Were1750 Tomorrow

This seasons newest style Covert Coats

4 Tan Covert Coats sizes 36 38 and r4o Wer1000

4 Tan Covert Coats sizes 38 and 40 Were1150

4 Tan Covert Coats sizes 36 and 38 Were1500

8 Evening Coatsruss t

7 77

5906 90

7 90t r

v s r

29 Tan Covert ShortJackets

38 and 40 only not this seasonsMarked as as np

1950 Tomorrow sle y 3


52 Velvet Jacketsnot this seasons sizes 32 to 40

Marked as high as

4950 Tomorrow vp3 45

21 times asmuch as 50c size


uo razUiS ykar PEOPLES PharMODEHH Phar 8TEVEKS Phar

fHHCredit for All Washington

If you need any FurnitureRugs Draperies or other homefurnishingv you can always gfthem here and pay for themwhile you are using them VT3

win gladly arrange the termsto suit your individual circumstances That it is not expen-sive to buy here on Credit isproven by our priers whi hare all Marked in plain figure

which will stand compari 4son with the lowest prices at Jany cash store If you prefer idiscount of 10 per cent mak-ing our prices lower than youcan obtain anywhere else

Peter GroganJ 817819821823 Seventh St

i CI H III Ii HiEfrfr


to suitFree Concerts Daily

House923925 Panns Ave

In order to secure the Hat possibleresults in baking be sure to usa

CRYSTAL PATENTmanufactured by W B Bakers Song Winchester Va who making thisflour far more than S years

In manufacture of CRYSTAL PATENTonly ebolce wheat and the most lrapr r Jprocesses are which with careful mmlag and our personal attention to all de-tails result In a product which is the bestand most satisfactory flour for family ujthat OUt be made from wheat

For color and strength Bakers CrystalPateat Is Incomparably th belt flour mare

For further wethe Hilt famine many C whom nj

other floor-S GEE General Agent ItS Fiorlia

Aye rX W Washington D C


Special for Few Days Only

Churned 5 IDS IplUlButterStrictly Fresh Eggs 28c doz

Best 75c Tea 50c lbCoffee 25c lb


220 9th st TST W Phone M 3148

We io Save


pound packageSend to our office 99 of these

coupons and we will send you aCHECK GOOD FOR towardopening a savings account withthe United States Trust Co Onlyone check issued to same name

Golden Rod Sausage is made fromselect pork product and purespices seasoned just right

Every goad grocer sells it

GOLDEN CO Distributers922928 Louisiana Ave N W

Clean Sanitary HomesAre assured every housewife if sheuses Hunters Sanitary Dust Kill

Floor Oil keeps the floorsclean and rids the house of all in-flects Only We a gallon

Sold by all Grocery StoresHUNTER DUST KILLING

FLOOR OIL CO Inc401 flunsey Building

Factory 113 Ave IT WPhone Main 545S

CONGRESSIONAL COFFEE-Meets the exacting requirementsas to purity and flavor Fresh f tTry a pound ot Sthis famous cuff Pr Ib

Great Atlantic Pacific Tea CoMain Store Cor 7th ad X ta N w8raa b In Ml ran of UM City

Stands la All Markets


1000 Size


C laltains

Buy it next time at

Z I ill 1 I i i I I 1 1 1

No Need iTo Vait





to pay cash we allow you

II rill



have been


recommendation referuse

Best Fresh

Elgin Creamery Coa

Start You I





I tj







o i-


t 1








