Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-09...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1903 9 I NEWS FROM ALL THE WORLD TOLD FOR BUSY READERS BRIEFLY GURUS JETI PROVES A SULLEN m Ofteir Refuses to Answer in His CrossExamination CYNTHIANA Ky Sept 22 Curtis Jett was put on the stand in his own behalf yoetorday in his trial on the chargo of killing James Cockrill He said that he was in Hargis Bros store at the time of the shooting and then went across the stroot and into tho courthouse NOt he went back to Hargis and upstairs In a room with James Hargis Ed Callahan and Douglass Hayes The shooting seemed to como from the courthouse Jott on crossexamination was sullen and often refused to answor He ad- mitted that he was drinking on tho day of the shooting The defense to prove an alibi for Jett put Douglass Hayes Newton Campbell James Brophy and Cash Williams on the stand and all swore that Jett at the time of tho shooting was in Hargis store- J I Blanton attorney for Jett road his own affidavit of what absent wit- nesses would swear to These witnesses were William Britton Matt Spencer Robert White Daniel White Alexander Spencer Spencer Robbins Henry Horn Roger Sypor and Edward Callahan All those according to Blanton would swear that Jett at the time of the shoot- ing was in Hargis store PARKS MAKES IT LIVELY IN IRON CONVENTION KANSAS CITY Sept 22 President Buchanan called the International Bridge and Structural Iron Workers conven- tion to order at 1030 a m yestorday end without attempting to address the delegates introduced Mayor James A Rceo who extended the citys welcome Whdn John Smith an officer In the In- dustrial council of Kansas City had finished his response on behalf of tho convention Samuel Parks of New York jumped to his feet Ho wanted to know- f the convention had been called as a gathering of organized labor or as a public meeting Without waiting for an Answer he wont on to denounce in a general way some of those present There wore some in the ball he said not rightfully delegates to the convention- nd ho requested that they be removed toro f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Lewis V Smith who is supposed- to be tho tallest woman In Carroll coun her height bolng 6 feet 2 Inches met with a serious fall on Friday night She on a stopladder performing some domestic duty at her bomo near Gist when the ladder broke and she fell to the floor with such violence that her thigh bone was broken within two inches of the hip Joint union workmen but two em- ployed In the M P Mollor organ works In Hagorstown quit work youterday bo Mollor proprietor re- fused to acoode to the demands of the union men for an allaround increase of 10 per BWt In the wages A wheel of a special stock train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad broku near Rawlings yesterday morning and two loads of live stock One of giaral merchandise and one at beer wore thrown from train Several head of live stock wore killed Dr G T Atkinson Democratic nomi- nee and Senator L E P Dennis Re- publican nominee both for comptroller of the treasury wore serenaded on their arrival In Criadeld from attending the State conventIons In Baltimore There were torchlight processions and the streets wore filled with cheering crowds At BUtton yesterday a writ of habeas corpus TVBS granted to th paronts of Edna Stephens of Kensington Philadol phla against Saiffuel C Smith and Mr Smith took the girl six yoars ugo to raise and became so attached to her that they refused lo give her up tO her parents Cornelius Artz died last evening of general debility at liLa homo in Hagor town In tho eightysecond yoar of hie ago He was a native of Hagerstmvn and resided there all his lifo For many years ha was engaged In tho grory business with his father David Artz and later In the hardware business Tho Northern Convocation of tho Dio- cese of will convene in SL Jnmo Church Port Deposit this evening Tho Rev Dr M Jef fries of Wilmington Del wlll preash tho opening sormon The clergy from the Episcopal In Cecil and Kent counties will bo in attendance Hebrow New Yoar Evo services were bsld at tao JffWtah Synagogue in Cum- berland last night Tho musical pro- gram was undor the direction oj Mrs Irving Rosonbaunr who sang a solo as did also Lillian Tanzer Tho Rev Ja nb LudwIg Stern proachod on Gratitude Courage and Hope The grand In Its roport to the court at Frederick said Wo find that lawlessness and crime In Frederick county at this time are at a minimum This happy condition wo attribute larsi ly to the offloer of tho law in ferreting out crime the speedy conviction of criminals and the severe punishment meted out to thorn CASTOR I AFflMnfantsaBdChMr- HJfce Kind You Have Ajwajs Bought 711- r was Alltba causc tIre the the I wife aston V chUrches jUry i NRUAND- I F I 5 r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CITES WEST POINT AS OBJECT LESSON LONDON Sept 22 Tho Time which has been publishing appreciative artIclos describing tho thoroughgoing manysided education and training givoa to American cadets at West Point says editorially British army reformers will find in those articles much food thought The Americans have been too shrewd to allow room for the pica some- times advanced by idle young officers in England that they are inadequately paid This is showq by the pay granted during their residence In the Academy as well as by their pay after being com- missioned TRAMPS IN NEW YORK TAKE UNIQUE REVENGE M1DDLETOWN N Y Sept 22 For revenge on Theodore Townley a farmer of Mcadbrook Pa two tramps are be- lieved to have turned his herd of twenty three cows Into his cornfield ruining several acres of corn Townley dis- covered two tramps in his orchard knocking somo of his choicest fruit from the trees He ordered thorn to leave but they paid no attention and with a farm hand and armed with horse- whips he started after them The tramps fled to a piece of woods beyond tho corn field Several hours later the herd was discovered in the corn It Is feared tome of the cows will die ORGANIZING CHURCH- IN ISLE OF CUBA NEW ORLEANS Sept L Chapelle of the Roman Catholic diocese of Louisiana has returned to New Orleans from a church mission in Cuba The archbishop found the church in Cuba progressing as smoothly as could be expected after the great polit- ical change in the island His work had boon ihe adjustment of the relations between the church and the State The Idea was to make the church In Cuba sustain the same relation to the repub- lican government of the Island as tho Catholic church in the States maintains toward the United States government COLORADO FUEL PAYS PUEBLO Col Sept 22 The coal land contest between the Government and the Colorado Fuol and Iron Com- pany has boon settled by compromise The company will pay 20 per acre the price asked for the coal land instead of 250 paid for timber and atone land claims for 22Archbishop- P ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM NEARBY STATES I I I VIRGINIA RICHMOND- Sol L Bloomberg a lawyer and presi Jont of the oity council Luther Dawson nnoilior member of the Richmond bar and Harry Marks a wholesale clothing merhant are defendants in a suit for T50000 damages brought in the law and equity court today by J H Busby n Brohd Street merchant The action Is based on the interesting allegation that the three men conspired to ruin the busluoss and credit of the defendant and wrote letters to his creditors merchants- in Baltimore Philadelphia and other cities with a view to forcing him to bankruptcy A tologram was received in Richmond announcing the death at Camoron in Wiw county ot W S Rhodes who at- tempted suicide last Thursday Rhodes who was formerly a merchant shot with a Winchester rifle It IB not known why he committed suicide thoug- ht is thought to have been due to the fact that his property had boon adver- tised for sale Rhodes had boon travel Inc for a Jowolry house for a year or two THROUGHOUT THE STATE The public school at Woodstock which was to open yesterday suspended for h week on account of opposition to an order requiring all scholars to bo vac- cinated An appeal will bo made to tho school board to rescind the order It 10 feared until the order Is rescinded none of tho public schools In the county will bo able to make tho required aver- age Thf Rappahannock Valley fair will hold UB seventeenth annual exhibition in FrederIcksburg this week beginning today and the prospocts are bright for H successful event The entries have been coming In In largo numbers the past weok and many race horses have arrIved Roar Admiral Royal B Bradford U S N chief of tho Bureau of Equipment arrived at the Norfolk navy yard afternoon from Old Point on the naval tug Juanita Ho was received with- a salute and later Inspected the depart- ment of which ne Is the chief with the responsibility for tho assassination of Peter Wlnborne Odom last Wednesday midnight Ida Odom the deceaseds widow 0 A Alley hor al- leged lover and Gorver Blow wore ar rested in Southampton county Sunday and taken to Courtland Jail Yestorday two freight trains one on the Southern rond and the other on tho Atlantic Coast Line collided at Boone seven miles from Portsmouth Both trains were wrecked One of tho en- gines sot fire to tho cars and their freight The Roanoke pastors conference de- cided to call a local option election to be held early In December The will act in conjunction with the AntiSaloon League J I Charged minis- ters 13earstheI- iKgnature lI- f 1 11 hi- mself yester- day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ VENEZUELANS BITTER Feeling in the Capital Is Still More Intense Curacao Sept 22 The steamer Maracalbo has arrived hero from Venezuela with a number of for- eigners on board Thoy report that the Caracas press is still fiercely attacking the foreign and mixed tribunals and the foreign umpires Obeying it is said President Castros orders the papers having learned that Senor Oluro who umpires tho Mexican claims Senor Duret the commissioner- and Senor Guzman the all of tho Mexican tribunal and the leading fig- ures In Mexican society would on the occasion of the Mexican Independence Day give a dinner and ball to friends In a house belonging to a citizen of the United States printed virulent articles threatening to publish the names of six teen leaders of Caracas society who had accepted invitations to be present as antipatriots in going to a ball given by foreigners daring to claim money from Venezuela Besides this menacing letters were sent to the members of the Mexican commission A popular demonstration against the commissioners having been premeditated the Mexican commission withdrew the Invitations to the ball so- s not to cause a conflict SCREWMEN DELIVER ULTIMATUM TO SHIPPERS- NEW ORLEANS Sept 22 The labor organization known as the Dock nail Cotton Council composed of alt the labor unions in this city that do work on tho wharves delivered an ultimatum to the agents of the Leyland and the Head- lines of steamships yesterday that If the sum of J25250 which was paul to sailors last week for tho loading of ton during tho longshoremens strike was not handed over to tho screwmon before noon today every labor union on the river front would walk out at Ihnt time The agents of the lines decided not to pay this sum unless the screvmren wllj remove the limit under which they now load only 120 bales of cotton loose a day AGAINST fOREIGNERS WILL fSTAI agent rot I ¬ ¬ ¬ SENT BACK TO WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA Va Sept letter was received this morning by the police authorities hero from Harriet Cubbage- of Fauquier Springs Va saying she had received word from the Washington au- thorities that her boy Greensboro M Cubbage had been turned over to the Alexandria police Sho will be notified tho Washington Reform School has the boy as the Alexandria authorities have refused to tako him into custody VICTIM OF THUGS- J Hi Smith reported to thopollco last night he was assaulted by two unknown men while at the corner of Pitt and Prince Streets Ho u uld give no de- scription of his assailants STABLE ROBBED- T A Thompson of Poconlan Springs Va reported to tho Alexandria police the robbory of two flue sets of single harness and one pair of black straps from his stable a few days ago Tho police are looking out for them DISORDERLY CONDUCT CHARGED Word was sont to police headquarters about 10 oclock last night that dis- turbers of the peace were in the court bounded by Cameron Washington Queen and Columbus Streets Policemen Ferguson and Bettis repaired to tho scone Policeman Ferguson ordered some men In an alley to halt but on their falling to comply ho fired but did not hit anyone Tho men ran out another entrance of tho alley and into tho arms of Policeman Bottle They wore arrest- ed and taken to the stationhouse and charged with disorderly conduct It be- ing shown that no attempt at burglary was contemplated NEW ENGINE COMPANY MEETING Tho new fire company Reliance No 5 mot at tho old Hydraulion Engine House In North Patrick Street last night and elected tho following officers L E Uhler president T W Robinson first vice president J R N Curtin second vice president T R Cochran treasurer S J Stoutenburg secretary It A Arnold foreman George W Pet tey assistant foreman W J Bontz as cistant secretary Everett Rogers com- mander of hose executive committee- T J Fennon S L Monroe and J Crupper The fire wardens formally turned over the house and apparatus to the now company The Reliance Steam Fire Engine Company No 5 was adopted- as the official name of the company 22A L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SALVATIONISTS SCARE KENTUCKY MOONSHINERS PRESTONBURG Ky Sept ly after leaving here yesterday morn- ing Colonel Holtz And his band of Sal- vation Army cavalry got an insight into real mountain They wore looking for an audience and inquired of a boy if there was a crowd of people- at any point near The boy said that down under a bluff on a creek there were a number of men and boys The Salvationists left the main road and followed a path leading around the mountain Presently they heard two shots from a pistol and stopped if some one had fired at them They looked ahead and saw a log cabin and men and boys running in every direction The Salvationists did not know what this meant until a guide ex- plained that they were probably ap proaching a moonshine still MORGAN A MESMERIST SAYS HERR BAfeLIN BERLIN Sept 22 Tho PreusBlsche Correspondent quotes Herr Ballln head of the HamburgAmerican steamship line as saying that both his line and I he North German Lloyd have been In jured through their connection with the Morgan steamship trust Morgan Herr Is quoted as saying suc- ceeded In bluffing the German companies American smartness overcame German Morgan literally mesmerized the leaders of the shipping Industry at Hamburg and Bremen and the German government at Berlin His fascination even extended to Potsdam The German companies ought to have penetrated Morgans bluff Immediately TILLMAN TRIAL BEGINS NEXT MONDAY MORNING LEXINGTON S C Sept case against James H Tillman charged with the murder of Narciso G Gonzales has been set for next Monday morning bet there is no certainty that It will be taken up at that time The grand jury made a special presentment to tho ourt suggesting that it would be better to hUe all of the Lexington county cases disposed 9f before the Tillman case which came from another county was taken up It was urged that If the Tlll mnn case were started witnesses in other cases would have to be kept here at groat expense 22Short moon hintng caution 22The won- dering Baum ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WORK WHILE YOU Sale Ten Million Boxes aYearo5c- 5oc BEST FOR THE BOWELS STRIKE THREATENS STEEL CORPORATION- Trust Accused of Forcing to the Wall PITTSBURG Sept 22 It Is believed here that the United States Steel Cor poration will bc confronted with a great strike before long District superintendents arc alleged to be doing all they can to foment trouble With union employes Union workmen have been given some hard raps A year ago these actions would have brought on a general strike A special convention of the Amalga mated Association of Iron Steel and Tin Workers has been called to be held in Plttsburg this week It Is declared by old members that unless something Is done at once the organization will go to pieces Nearly all the Independent union sheet mills are Idle because it Is impossible- to compete with the nonunion plants of the Steel Corporation The Independ- ent mills that arc being operated are not complying with the provisions of the Amalgamated Association scale A BIT OF POMPEII FOR WORLDS FAIR ROME Sept 22 Slgnor Mayor des Planches Italian ambassador at Wash- ington and Signor Branch Italian con- sul general at New York have had sev- eral conferences with the ministers here relative to the St Louis Exposition King Victor Emmanuel has signed a de cree appointing a St Louis commission representing Italy The Italian pavilion probably consist ot reproduction- of a Pompeiian building MLLE FOUGERE ACTRESS- IS VERY MUCH ALIVE PARIS Sept Eugenie Fougere who was murdered at Abcles Bains last Friday night not the music hall singer of that name The dead woman has been definitely identified as a wo- man of the same name as the Parisian nctrtss The murdered Eugenic Fougere who occupied sumptuous quarters at AlxlCBBalns was one of the most talked of women In her class of life Mile Fougere the actress has Just returned from a tour oC Russia and Germany wIll a 22The was Union- S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEWS NOTES OF FROM ALEXANDRIA 1 INTEREST 1 IN THE MAYORS COURT- In the mayors court the Hon George L Simpson presiding the following cases were disposed of this morning John Cream charged with assaulting Clarence Lloyd was dismissed- E Terrett arrested by Policeman Allen for being drunk in the streets was fined John Bones arrested by Policemen Dottls and Ferguson for disorderly con- duct forfeited 5 collateral TROLLEY POLE FALLS A trolley pole fell from an electric car about 93Q oclock last night while the car was on King Street between Royal Pitt Streets No one was hurt and the passengers wero transferred and taken to Washington on another train BELATED ANNOUNCEMENT- A wedding over two weeks old has Just boen mado public On Monday September 7 Edward Leo Sandford was married to Madgo Douglas Macrae The ceremony was performed by the Rev O E Ban rector of Grace Protestant Epis copal Church The groom is a prosper ous business man of Memphis Term and the bride formerly lived at Center villo Va but now resides in Washing- ton JEWISH NEW YEAR Jewish New Year services wore held last night In the synagogue in North Washington Street They wero con- ducted by Rabbi Rauch of Cincinnati and woro attended by nearly all the Jewish population of the city IN THE CORPORATION COURT- In the corporation court yesterday Judge Louis B C Barley presiding tho following cases were disposed of The Rev Father J C Smythe of Washington was granted leave to per form the rites of matrimony in this city Churlos F Dilger a native of Ger- many took out first naturalization pa- pers Mrs Ruth G Donlphan was appointed guardian of Madeline L NEW WAITING ROOMS The building at the northeast corner of Prince and Royal Streets will on Octo- ber 1 be occupied by tho Washington Alexandria and Mount Vernon Railway- as a ticket ofllce and waiting room Workmen are engaged In tho building for that purpose The office now on Royal Street Just south of King is too small for the rapidly increasing business of tho company 5 and Hope ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DAY Today Is celebrated by the negro popu- lation as Emancipation Day A parade- Is scheduled to start from the corner of King and West Streets at 3 oclock this afternoon The parade will be headed by Hooffmans Band of Washington- One of the floats In tho parade Is en- titled the Emancipation Queen The officers of the parade are William A Carter marshal John Holland chief or staff James Washington right aide Bristol Cheeks left aide In the lIne will be the Industrial Guards undsr command of Capt Albert Green The parade will end at tho old fair grounds where speechmaking will be the prder of the day Tho principal speaker will be William Calvin Chase of Washing- ton Dr Mary L McDonald will also de liver an address NOW A VETERAN ORGANIZATION Tho Hydraulion Fire Engine Com- paq deny the report that they wilt pe ttion the city council to give thorn the old Hydraulion house and engine to take charge of They say that they have organized the Veteran Hydraulion Steam Fire Engine Association of Alex- andria Va and do not Intend to go Into active service again except In- case of a large fire when they will work as individuals and not as a company The veteran company will open Its rooms at tho City Hotel In the near future It is understood that a ban quet will be given to celebrate the opening of the rooms INFANTRY DRILL Tho Alexandria Light Infantry held at their hall In South Roy l Street last night and went through a drill After the drill some fleldd move- ments were practiced FUNERAL OF MRS SELLS Funeral services held yesterday over the body of Mrs Mary Pentland Cells who died suddenly last Friday at her home 1502 P Street northwest The services were hold at the family real dcnco and the Rev Teunis S Hamlin rector of the Church of the Covenant offlcated Interment was at Arlington Mrs Sells had resided hero for many ycaiB Sho came originally from Pittp burg EMANCIPATION a wer meeting 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE NEW CONSPIRACY DISTURBS KING PETER LONDON Sept 22 At a banquet In Belgrade the other night says a corre spondent of the Times In the Servian capital King Peter informed the officers of the garrison that no discord existed among them and that full agreement reigned between it and the people of the country King Peter the correspon- dent goes on undoubtedly wishes it were true in reality The new con- spiracy Is a far more serious matter than the government could dare ac knowledge that out of a total of 1500 officers at least 1000 are believed to be concerned in the movement SENATOR HANNA SAYS HE WILL NOT RESIGN CLEVELAND Sept 22 Senator Han na said yesterday that there was no truth in the report printed in some of the East- ern papers that he would resign the chairmanship of the Republican national committee on account of ill health Mr Bannas duties as chairman It is point ed out are extremely light at present and will continue so until the Republican national convention meets when a new chairman may be named Mr Han na declined to say whether or not he would again accept the chairmanship- if offered to him PRINCE HENRY TAKES COMMAND IN BALTIC BERLIN September 22 Prince Henry of Prussia yesterday took over tho com- mand of tho Baltic naval station Tele graphing to the Grand Duke of Hesse congratulating him on the launching of the battleship Hesse Emperor William said In future the German navy will be composed of armored representatives- of all the races of Germany named by their hereditary princes and filled with the spirit o patriotism They will by the grace of God be the pride treasure and safeguards of the Emperor and the empire COMMITTEEMAN GIBBS DEAD AT ASBURY PARK ASBURY PARK N J Sept 22 Re- publican National Committeeman Fred- S Gibbs who had been 111 at his sum mer homo here for some time died sud- denly at noon today Mr Gibbs had shown some Improvement recently and the end was unexpected the result of a sudden relapse TO STOP THE ABUSES IN BROKEN PACKAGES Secretary of the Treasury Issues a Set of New Instructions Secretary Shun has Issued special In structions to the Customs Department- In ordir to fix the responsibility for numerous shortages reported on the ar- rival at ports of destination of merchan- dise forwarded in bond Broken or empty packages are gen- erally found to have boon shipped with out any notation of their condition hav- ing been made on the special manifest The new regulations require the most careful notation of conditions of mer chandise forwarded In bond on the part of both shipping and discharging in- spectors LITIGATION OVER REAL ESTATE Henry B Otterback and others have Instituted proceedings in the Supreme Court of tho District against F E Young and others to regain possession of lots 7 and S in the square south of fool It Is stated the property was sold In April 1S9Z for taxes Darlington Sullivan are named as counsel for tho complainants MEDICAL SPECIALIST 509 12th Si 23 YEARS SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE HEALTH TO THOSE WHO SUFFER from Ca- tarrh Rhenmaticm Bladder Trouble Piles Nervousness Lung Brain Heart Blood Skin Diseases If suffering from any chronic sickness it would be well to call on Dr Reed treatment CHARGES LOW INCLUDING MEDICINES CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Rooms for Ladles OFFICE HOURS 10 to 1 3 to 6 Sundays 10 to 12 509 TWELFTH ST N W DR WASHINGTONS EXPERT SPECIALIST on Dis- eases of Men Varicocele Stricture Skin and Blood Diseases Cured for Life CONSULTATION FREE 602 F STREET NORTHWEST D R E 0 and for LEA THER AN n r 5I1kL ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Every mother feels K2flli great dread of the pain Danger attendant upon KrWU the most critical period of ber life Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery Mothers Friend is the only remedy relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity this hour which is dreaded as womans severest trial is not only made painless but all the danger is avoided by its use Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy nervousness nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome the system is made ready for the coming event and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mothers Friend It is worth its weight in gold says many who have used it 100 per bottle at drug stores Book containing valuable information of interest to all women will be sent to any address free upon application to BRABFIEIS REGULATOR OQr Atlsutt I I Mothers U frIend a and Mine 9a I AMUSEMENTS COLUMBIA TONIGHT 5 0 iLV MATINEE SATURDAY CHARLES FR01IMA2T tntHA VIRGINIA HARNED For the tint time on any stage la- THE LIGHT THAT LIES IN WOMANS EYES By E 1L SOTHERN SEATS THURSDAY SEPT 24 ON SALE AT 0AM FIRST TIME HERE one Great New York Wallack Jbeatcr Suc- cess of the past season HENRY W SAVAGE Offers THE Iy SULTAN In II f SULU fame Score by ALFRED O WALTHALL MUSICAL SATIRE Interpreted 1 ya group of star Plo mounted and elaborated IK detail with full choir and orchestra New National Theater TONIGHT AT 815 WED AND SAT MATS KIrke LaShellc Spectacular Produetlcm of Henry W Blossoms Dramatization- of his famous book CHECKERS Witlt Thomas W ITS PEOPLE OX THE STAGE NEXT WEEK SLSS Victor Herberts Operatic Extravaganza BABES IN TOYLANDWi- th WILLIAM NORRIS 200 Others Mostly Girls TONIGHT AND ALL Tills WEEK MATINEES WErf and SAT BEST SEATS 25c EYES Good Seats 25c and 0c Box Office opens DAVID HIGCCW And Dollar Next Week Haekenbeck Trained Animal Co VAUDEVILLE Daily Mats 25c Evenings 25c and SOc MARY XOftMAN IN SOCIETY BARlCATMEf The notrd Hal Stephens Co the great Arolos late Barnura Bailey Leroy Stuart A O Duncan Drimorr and Lcr Billy Link and Owley and Randall Next Orpheum Show with Mcintyre and Heath in a new act Coolest Plan in the City TONIGHT AND ALL TIlE WEEK THROUGH FIRE AND A WATE- RA of the Rail MATS TUE3 Turns SAT AH Seats Me SIGHT PRICES 25o and SOc NO maIlER Next Week NOT GUILTT S3 MATINEES tOe an 30 KIWI I Matinees 2 P 3L Daily Evenings 8 P SL The Thrilling Western KilMlnms ACROSS THE ROCKIES- A ROMANCE OF THE SIERRAS Next Week THE LIMITED MAIL KERNANS MATINEE DAILY WEEK The Moonlight Maids PRESENTING SPEfeXDID SPECIALTIES And BEAUTinX WOMEN Next Week Sim Devtros Own Company BASEBALL TODAY AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK i3th Street and Florida Ave If E Washington vs Louis Game called alt 4 pm MEDICAL Clf 12tfc Oldest in age loigistlicittf Regular graduate ftisctiwfcj Authorized by the District GntfiMt To treat all diseases ol the nose throat and lungs heart nerves brain blood skin stomach kid eels bladder and all special diseases e either sex Stricture and varicocele prompt cured bj safe and painless methods No loss of time Blood poison any for life without poisonous druBs No exposure CHARGES LOW MEDICINES FURNISHED Daily Office Hours 10 to 1 and 3 to 6 Sunday 10 to 1 Wednesday and Saturday trots 7 to B p m FREE CONSULTATION Z DR CZARRAT- he Wellknown German Specialist 311 SIXTH STREET N VT 10 years permanently located In Wasblnjrtoa City His success in treating old and incurable cases is acknowledged by the and profession at his office RUPTURE permanently cured without or loss of time XRAY for examination treatment CURES cancer stricture raricocele skin blood poison and private disease quickly for lifetime CONSULTATION FREE Office hours From 10 to 12 am and Z t9 0 KUlitt LEADING TlIATEIt AT The IEGIIE liE OF UFslel A New and LAFAYETTE bf WALDRON In the merlcan His Last TeL 1S30 A Story odtm Life POLl of WeekThe ACADEMY RE EVES 10c roc 3Oc 6Qc ALT TillS St Er aa4FSb stagecured soc pals p WASIIINGTO2iS host GEORGIA New AU Breerred at53 of 1Ihaiie 1 BRILLIANT DipLEnQun a YOflE > ¬ > =

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-09...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-09 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1903-09-22/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · I THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1903 9 ...




Ofteir Refuses to Answer in His


CYNTHIANA Ky Sept 22 CurtisJett was put on the stand in his ownbehalf yoetorday in his trial on thechargo of killing James Cockrill

He said that he was in Hargis Brosstore at the time of the shooting andthen went across the stroot and intotho courthouse NOt he went back toHargis and upstairs In a roomwith James Hargis Ed Callahan andDouglass Hayes The shooting seemedto como from the courthouse

Jott on crossexamination was sullenand often refused to answor He ad-

mitted that he was drinking on tho dayof the shooting

The defense to prove an alibi for Jettput Douglass Hayes Newton CampbellJames Brophy and Cash Williams on thestand and all swore that Jett at thetime of tho shooting was in Hargisstore-

J I Blanton attorney for Jett roadhis own affidavit of what absent wit-nesses would swear to These witnesseswere William Britton Matt SpencerRobert White Daniel White AlexanderSpencer Spencer Robbins Henry HornRoger Sypor and Edward CallahanAll those according to Blanton wouldswear that Jett at the time of the shoot-ing was in Hargis store


KANSAS CITY Sept 22 PresidentBuchanan called the International Bridgeand Structural Iron Workers conven-tion to order at 1030 a m yestordayend without attempting to address thedelegates introduced Mayor James ARceo who extended the citys welcomeWhdn John Smith an officer In the In-

dustrial council of Kansas City hadfinished his response on behalf of thoconvention Samuel Parks of New Yorkjumped to his feet Ho wanted to know-f the convention had been called as a

gathering of organized labor or as apublic meeting Without waiting foran Answer he wont on to denounce in ageneral way some of those presentThere wore some in the ball he said notrightfully delegates to the convention-nd ho requested that they be removed








Mrs Lewis V Smith who is supposed-

to be tho tallest woman In Carrollcoun her height bolng 6 feet 2 Inchesmet with a serious fall on Friday nightShe on a stopladder performingsome domestic duty at her bomo nearGist when the ladder broke and shefell to the floor with such violence thather thigh bone was broken within twoinches of the hip Joint

union workmen but two em-

ployed In the M P Mollor organ worksIn Hagorstown quit work youterday bo

Mollor proprietor re-

fused to acoode to the demands of theunion men for an allaround increaseof 10 per BWt In the wages

A wheel of a special stock train onthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad brokunear Rawlings yesterday morning andtwo loads of live stock One of giaralmerchandise and one at beer worethrown from train Several head oflive stock wore killed

Dr G T Atkinson Democratic nomi-nee and Senator L E P Dennis Re-

publican nominee both for comptrollerof the treasury wore serenaded on theirarrival In Criadeld from attending theState conventIons In Baltimore Therewere torchlight processions and thestreets wore filled with cheering crowds

At BUtton yesterday a writ of habeascorpus TVBS granted to th paronts ofEdna Stephens of Kensington Philadolphla against Saiffuel C Smith andMr Smith took the girl six yoars ugo toraise and became so attached to herthat they refused lo give her up tO herparents

Cornelius Artz died last evening ofgeneral debility at liLa homo in Hagortown In tho eightysecond yoar of hieago He was a native of Hagerstmvnand resided there all his lifo For manyyears ha was engaged In tho grorybusiness with his father David Artz andlater In the hardware business

Tho Northern Convocation of tho Dio-cese of will convene in SLJnmo Church Port Deposit thisevening Tho Rev Dr M Jeffries of Wilmington Del wlll preashtho opening sormon The clergy fromthe Episcopal In Cecil andKent counties will bo in attendance

Hebrow New Yoar Evo services werebsld at tao JffWtah Synagogue in Cum-

berland last night Tho musical pro-gram was undor the direction oj MrsIrving Rosonbaunr who sang a solo asdid also Lillian Tanzer Tho Rev Ja nbLudwIg Stern proachod on GratitudeCourage and Hope

The grand In Its roport to thecourt at Frederick said Wo find thatlawlessness and crime In Frederickcounty at this time are at a minimumThis happy condition wo attribute larsily to the offloer of tho law in ferretingout crime the speedy conviction ofcriminals and the severe punishmentmeted out to thorn

CASTOR I AFflMnfantsaBdChMr-

HJfce Kind You Have Ajwajs Bought





causc tIre the























LONDON Sept 22 Tho Timewhich has been publishing appreciativeartIclos describing tho thoroughgoingmanysided education and training givoato American cadets at West Point sayseditorially British army reformerswill find in those articles much foodthought The Americans have been tooshrewd to allow room for the pica some-

times advanced by idle young officers inEngland that they are inadequatelypaid This is showq by the pay grantedduring their residence In the Academyas well as by their pay after being com-




M1DDLETOWN N Y Sept 22 Forrevenge on Theodore Townley a farmerof Mcadbrook Pa two tramps are be-

lieved to have turned his herd of twentythree cows Into his cornfield ruiningseveral acres of corn Townley dis-

covered two tramps in his orchardknocking somo of his choicest fruitfrom the trees He ordered thorn toleave but they paid no attention andwith a farm hand and armed with horse-whips he started after them The trampsfled to a piece of woods beyond tho cornfield Several hours later the herd wasdiscovered in the corn It Is fearedtome of the cows will die


NEW ORLEANS SeptL Chapelle of the Roman Catholic

diocese of Louisiana has returned toNew Orleans from a church mission inCuba The archbishop found the churchin Cuba progressing as smoothly ascould be expected after the great polit-

ical change in the island His work hadboon ihe adjustment of the relationsbetween the church and the State TheIdea was to make the church In Cubasustain the same relation to the repub-

lican government of the Island as thoCatholic church in the States maintainstoward the United States government


PUEBLO Col Sept 22 The coalland contest between the Governmentand the Colorado Fuol and Iron Com-

pany has boon settled by compromiseThe company will pay 20 per acre theprice asked for the coal land insteadof 250 paid for timber and atone landclaims



















Sol L Bloomberg a lawyer and presiJont of the oity council Luther Dawsonnnoilior member of the Richmond barand Harry Marks a wholesale clothingmerhant are defendants in a suit forT50000 damages brought in the law andequity court today by J H Busby nBrohd Street merchant The action Isbased on the interesting allegation thatthe three men conspired to ruin thebusluoss and credit of the defendant andwrote letters to his creditors merchants-in Baltimore Philadelphia and othercities with a view to forcing him tobankruptcy

A tologram was received in Richmondannouncing the death at Camoron inWiw county ot W S Rhodes who at-

tempted suicide last Thursday Rhodeswho was formerly a merchant shot

with a Winchester rifle It IB notknown why he committed suicide thoug-ht is thought to have been due to thefact that his property had boon adver-tised for sale Rhodes had boon travelInc for a Jowolry house for a year ortwo

THROUGHOUT THE STATEThe public school at Woodstock which

was to open yesterday suspended forh week on account of opposition to anorder requiring all scholars to bo vac-cinated An appeal will bo made totho school board to rescind the orderIt 10 feared until the order Is rescindednone of tho public schools In the countywill bo able to make tho required aver-age

Thf Rappahannock Valley fair willhold UB seventeenth annual exhibitionin FrederIcksburg this week beginningtoday and the prospocts are bright forH successful event The entries havebeen coming In In largo numbers thepast weok and many race horses havearrIved

Roar Admiral Royal B Bradford US N chief of tho Bureau of Equipmentarrived at the Norfolk navy yard

afternoon from Old Point on thenaval tug Juanita Ho was received with-a salute and later Inspected the depart-ment of which ne Is the chief

with the responsibility for thoassassination of Peter Wlnborne Odomlast Wednesday midnight Ida Odom thedeceaseds widow 0 A Alley hor al-leged lover and Gorver Blow wore arrested in Southampton county Sundayand taken to Courtland Jail

Yestorday two freight trains one onthe Southern rond and the other on thoAtlantic Coast Line collided at Booneseven miles from Portsmouth Bothtrains were wrecked One of tho en-gines sot fire to tho cars and theirfreight

The Roanoke pastors conference de-

cided to call a local option election tobe held early In December The

will act in conjunction with theAntiSaloon League





13earstheI-iKgnature lI-

f 1













Feeling in the Capital Is Still More


Curacao Sept 22 Thesteamer Maracalbo has arrived herofrom Venezuela with a number of for-

eigners on board Thoy report that theCaracas press is still fiercely attackingthe foreign and mixed tribunals and theforeign umpires

Obeying it is said President Castrosorders the papers having learned thatSenor Oluro who umpires tho Mexicanclaims Senor Duret the commissioner-and Senor Guzman the all of thoMexican tribunal and the leading fig-

ures In Mexican society would on theoccasion of the Mexican IndependenceDay give a dinner and ball to friendsIn a house belonging to a citizen of theUnited States printed virulent articlesthreatening to publish the names of sixteen leaders of Caracas society whohad accepted invitations to be presentas antipatriots in going to a ballgiven by foreigners daring to claimmoney from Venezuela

Besides this menacing letters weresent to the members of the Mexicancommission A popular demonstrationagainst the commissioners having beenpremeditated the Mexican commissionwithdrew the Invitations to the ball so-

s not to cause a conflict


NEW ORLEANS Sept 22 The labororganization known as the Dock nailCotton Council composed of alt thelabor unions in this city that do work ontho wharves delivered an ultimatum tothe agents of the Leyland and the Head-lines of steamships yesterday that Ifthe sum of J25250 which was paul tosailors last week for tho loading ofton during tho longshoremens strikewas not handed over to tho screwmonbefore noon today every labor union onthe river front would walk out at Ihnttime The agents of the lines decidednot to pay this sum unless the screvmrenwllj remove the limit under which theynow load only 120 bales of cotton loosea day










was received this morning by the policeauthorities hero from Harriet Cubbage-of Fauquier Springs Va saying she hadreceived word from the Washington au-

thorities that her boy Greensboro M

Cubbage had been turned over to theAlexandria police Sho will be notifiedtho Washington Reform School has theboy as the Alexandria authorities haverefused to tako him into custody


J Hi Smith reported to thopollco lastnight he was assaulted by two unknownmen while at the corner of Pitt andPrince Streets Ho u uld give no de-scription of his assailants


T A Thompson of Poconlan SpringsVa reported to tho Alexandria policethe robbory of two flue sets of singleharness and one pair of black strapsfrom his stable a few days ago Thopolice are looking out for them

DISORDERLY CONDUCT CHARGEDWord was sont to police headquarters

about 10 oclock last night that dis-turbers of the peace were in the courtbounded by Cameron WashingtonQueen and Columbus Streets PolicemenFerguson and Bettis repaired to thoscone Policeman Ferguson ordered somemen In an alley to halt but on theirfalling to comply ho fired but did nothit anyone Tho men ran out anotherentrance of tho alley and into tho armsof Policeman Bottle They wore arrest-ed and taken to the stationhouse andcharged with disorderly conduct It be-ing shown that no attempt at burglarywas contemplated

NEW ENGINE COMPANY MEETINGTho new fire company Reliance No

5 mot at tho old Hydraulion EngineHouse In North Patrick Street lastnight and elected tho following officersL E Uhler president T W Robinsonfirst vice president J R N Curtinsecond vice president T R Cochrantreasurer S J Stoutenburg secretaryIt A Arnold foreman George W Pettey assistant foreman W J Bontz ascistant secretary Everett Rogers com-mander of hose executive committee-T J Fennon S L Monroe and JCrupper

The fire wardens formally turned overthe house and apparatus to the nowcompany The Reliance Steam FireEngine Company No 5 was adopted-as the official name of the company










PRESTONBURG Ky Septly after leaving here yesterday morn-ing Colonel Holtz And his band of Sal-

vation Army cavalry got an insight intoreal mountain They worelooking for an audience and inquired ofa boy if there was a crowd of people-

at any point near The boy said thatdown under a bluff on a creek therewere a number of men and boys TheSalvationists left the main road andfollowed a path leading around themountain Presently they heard twoshots from a pistol and stopped

if some one had fired at themThey looked ahead and saw a log cabinand men and boys running in everydirection The Salvationists did notknow what this meant until a guide ex-plained that they were probably approaching a moonshine still


BERLIN Sept 22 Tho PreusBlscheCorrespondent quotes Herr Ballln headof the HamburgAmerican steamshipline as saying that both his line andI he North German Lloyd have been Injured through their connection with theMorgan steamship trust MorganHerr Is quoted as saying suc-

ceeded In bluffing the German companiesAmerican smartness overcame German

Morgan literally mesmerizedthe leaders of the shipping Industry atHamburg and Bremen and the Germangovernment at Berlin His fascinationeven extended to Potsdam The Germancompanies ought to have penetratedMorgans bluff Immediately



LEXINGTON S C Sept caseagainst James H Tillman charged withthe murder of Narciso G Gonzales hasbeen set for next Monday morning betthere is no certainty that It will betaken up at that time The grand jurymade a special presentment to tho ourtsuggesting that it would be better tohUe all of the Lexington county casesdisposed 9f before the Tillman casewhich came from another county wastaken up It was urged that If the Tlllmnn case were started witnesses inother cases would have to be kept hereat groat expense


moon hintng













Sale Ten Million Boxes aYearo5c-




Trust Accused of Forcingto the Wall

PITTSBURG Sept 22 It Is believedhere that the United States Steel Corporation will bc confronted with a greatstrike before long

District superintendents arc alleged tobe doing all they can to foment troubleWith union employes Union workmenhave been given some hard raps A yearago these actions would have brought ona general strike

A special convention of the Amalgamated Association of Iron Steel and TinWorkers has been called to be held inPlttsburg this week It Is declared byold members that unless something Isdone at once the organization will goto pieces

Nearly all the Independent union sheetmills are Idle because it Is impossible-to compete with the nonunion plantsof the Steel Corporation The Independ-

ent mills that arc being operated arenot complying with the provisions of theAmalgamated Association scale


ROME Sept 22 Slgnor Mayor desPlanches Italian ambassador at Wash-

ington and Signor Branch Italian con-

sul general at New York have had sev-

eral conferences with the ministers hererelative to the St Louis ExpositionKing Victor Emmanuel has signed a decree appointing a St Louis commissionrepresenting Italy The Italian pavilion

probably consist ot reproduction-of a Pompeiian building



PARIS Sept Eugenie Fougerewho was murdered at Abcles Bains lastFriday night not the music hallsinger of that name The dead womanhas been definitely identified as a wo-

man of the same name as the Parisiannctrtss The murdered Eugenic Fougerewho occupied sumptuous quarters atAlxlCBBalns was one of the mosttalked of women In her class of lifeMile Fougere the actress has Justreturned from a tour oC Russia andGermany

wIll a













In the mayors court the Hon GeorgeL Simpson presiding the following caseswere disposed of this morning

John Cream charged with assaultingClarence Lloyd was dismissed-

E Terrett arrested by PolicemanAllen for being drunk in the streetswas fined

John Bones arrested by PolicemenDottls and Ferguson for disorderly con-duct forfeited 5 collateral

TROLLEY POLE FALLSA trolley pole fell from an electric car

about 93Q oclock last night while thecar was on King Street between Royal

Pitt Streets No one was hurt andthe passengers wero transferred andtaken to Washington on another train

BELATED ANNOUNCEMENT-A wedding over two weeks old has

Just boen mado public On MondaySeptember 7 Edward Leo Sandford wasmarried to Madgo Douglas Macrae Theceremony was performed by the Rev OE Ban rector of Grace Protestant Episcopal Church The groom is a prosperous business man of Memphis Termand the bride formerly lived at Centervillo Va but now resides in Washing-ton

JEWISH NEW YEARJewish New Year services wore held

last night In the synagogue in NorthWashington Street They wero con-ducted by Rabbi Rauch of Cincinnatiand woro attended by nearly all theJewish population of the city

IN THE CORPORATION COURT-In the corporation court yesterday

Judge Louis B C Barley presiding thofollowing cases were disposed of

The Rev Father J C Smythe ofWashington was granted leave to perform the rites of matrimony in thiscity

Churlos F Dilger a native of Ger-many took out first naturalization pa-pers

Mrs Ruth G Donlphan was appointedguardian of Madeline L

NEW WAITING ROOMSThe building at the northeast corner of

Prince and Royal Streets will on Octo-

ber 1 be occupied by tho WashingtonAlexandria and Mount Vernon Railway-as a ticket ofllce and waiting roomWorkmen are engaged In thobuilding for that purpose The officenow on Royal Street Just south of Kingis too small for the rapidly increasingbusiness of tho company













DAYToday Is celebrated by the negro popu-

lation as Emancipation Day A parade-Is scheduled to start from the corner ofKing and West Streets at 3 oclock thisafternoon The parade will be headedby Hooffmans Band of Washington-One of the floats In tho parade Is en-

titled the Emancipation Queen Theofficers of the parade are William A

Carter marshal John Holland chief orstaff James Washington right aideBristol Cheeks left aide In the lInewill be the Industrial Guards undsrcommand of Capt Albert Green Theparade will end at tho old fair groundswhere speechmaking will be the prderof the day Tho principal speaker willbe William Calvin Chase of Washing-ton Dr Mary L McDonald will also deliver an address

NOW A VETERAN ORGANIZATIONTho Hydraulion Fire Engine Com-

paq deny the report that they wilt pettion the city council to give thornthe old Hydraulion house and engine totake charge of They say that theyhave organized the Veteran HydraulionSteam Fire Engine Association of Alex-andria Va and do not Intend to goInto active service again except In-

case of a large fire when they will workas individuals and not as a company

The veteran company will open Itsrooms at tho City Hotel In the nearfuture It is understood that a banquet will be given to celebrate theopening of the rooms

INFANTRY DRILLTho Alexandria Light Infantry held

at their hall In South Roy lStreet last night and went through adrill After the drill some fleldd move-ments were practiced

FUNERAL OF MRS SELLSFuneral services held yesterday

over the body of Mrs Mary PentlandCells who died suddenly last Friday ather home 1502 P Street northwest Theservices were hold at the family realdcnco and the Rev Teunis S Hamlinrector of the Church of the Covenantofflcated Interment was at ArlingtonMrs Sells had resided hero for manyycaiB Sho came originally from Pittpburg















LONDON Sept 22 At a banquet InBelgrade the other night says a correspondent of the Times In the Serviancapital King Peter informed the officersof the garrison that no discord existedamong them and that full agreementreigned between it and the people ofthe country King Peter the correspon-dent goes on undoubtedly wishes itwere true in reality The new con-

spiracy Is a far more serious matterthan the government could dare acknowledge that out of a total of 1500officers at least 1000 are believed tobe concerned in the movement


CLEVELAND Sept 22 Senator Hanna said yesterday that there was no truthin the report printed in some of the East-ern papers that he would resign thechairmanship of the Republican nationalcommittee on account of ill health MrBannas duties as chairman It is pointed out are extremely light at presentand will continue so until the Republicannational convention meets when anew chairman may be named Mr Hanna declined to say whether or not hewould again accept the chairmanship-if offered to him


BERLIN September 22 Prince Henryof Prussia yesterday took over tho com-mand of tho Baltic naval station Telegraphing to the Grand Duke of Hessecongratulating him on the launching ofthe battleship Hesse Emperor Williamsaid In future the German navy willbe composed of armored representatives-of all the races of Germany named bytheir hereditary princes and filled withthe spirit o patriotism They will bythe grace of God be the pride treasureand safeguards of the Emperor and theempire



publican National Committeeman Fred-S Gibbs who had been 111 at his summer homo here for some time died sud-denly at noon today Mr Gibbs hadshown some Improvement recently andthe end was unexpected the result of asudden relapse



Secretary of the Treasury Issues a Setof New Instructions

Secretary Shun has Issued special Instructions to the Customs Department-In ordir to fix the responsibility fornumerous shortages reported on the ar-

rival at ports of destination of merchan-dise forwarded in bond

Broken or empty packages are gen-erally found to have boon shipped without any notation of their condition hav-ing been made on the special manifestThe new regulations require the mostcareful notation of conditions of merchandise forwarded In bond on the partof both shipping and discharging in-


LITIGATION OVER REAL ESTATEHenry B Otterback and others have

Instituted proceedings in the SupremeCourt of tho District against F EYoung and others to regain possessionof lots 7 and S in the square south offool It Is stated the property was soldIn April 1S9Z for taxes DarlingtonSullivan are named as counsel for thocomplainants



509 12th Si


HEALTH TO THOSE WHO SUFFER from Ca-tarrh Rhenmaticm Bladder Trouble PilesNervousness Lung Brain Heart BloodSkin Diseases If suffering from any chronicsickness it would be well to call on Dr Reed



Private Waiting Rooms for LadlesOFFICE HOURS 10 to 1 3 to 6

Sundays 10 to 12



eases of Men Varicocele StrictureSkin and Blood Diseases Cured



D R E 0




n r5I1kL






















Every mother feelsK2flli great dread of the pain

Danger attendant uponKrWU the most critical periodof ber life Becoming

a mother should be a source of joy to all but the suffering anddanger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of miseryMothers Friend is the only remedy relieves women of the greatpain and danger of maternity this hour which is dreaded as womansseverest trial is not only made painless but all the danger is avoidedby its use Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent orgloomy nervousness nausea and other distressing conditions areovercome the system is made ready for the coming event and theserious accidents so common to the criticalhour are obviated by the use of MothersFriend It is worth its weight in goldsays many who have used it 100 perbottle at drug stores Book containingvaluable information of interest to all women willbe sent to any address free upon application to














VIRGINIA HARNEDFor the tint time on any stage la-




FIRST TIME HEREone Great New York Wallack Jbeatcr Suc-

cess of the past seasonHENRY W SAVAGE Offers


In II fSULU fame


Interpreted 1 ya group of star Plomounted and elaborated IK

detail with full choir and orchestra

New National TheaterTONIGHT AT 815


KIrke LaShellc Spectacular Produetlcmof Henry W Blossoms Dramatization-of his famous book

CHECKERSWitlt Thomas W


NEXT WEEK SLSSVictor Herberts

Operatic Extravaganza


200 Others Mostly Girls




EYES Good Seats25c and 0c

Box Office opens


DollarNext Week Haekenbeck Trained Animal Co

VAUDEVILLEDaily Mats 25c Evenings 25c and SOc


The notrd Hal Stephens Co the great Aroloslate Barnura Bailey Leroy Stuart A ODuncan Drimorr and Lcr Billy Link andOwley and Randall

Next Orpheum Show with Mcintyreand Heath in a new act

Coolest Planin the City



WATE-RA of the Rail



Matinees 2 P 3L Daily Evenings 8 P SL

The Thrilling Western KilMlnms






The Moonlight MaidsPRESENTING


And BEAUTinX WOMENNext Week Sim Devtros Own Company


i3th Street and Florida Ave If E

Washington vs LouisGame called alt 4 pm


Clf 12tfc

Oldest in age loigistlicittf

Regular graduate ftisctiwfcj

Authorized by the District GntfiMtTo treat all diseases ol the nose throat and lungsheart nerves brain blood skin stomach kideels bladder and all special diseases e eithersex Stricture and varicocele prompt cured bjsafe and painless methods No loss of time Bloodpoison any for life without poisonousdruBs No exposure


Daily Office Hours 10 to 1 and 3 to 6 Sunday10 to 1 Wednesday and Saturday trots 7 to B p m


Z DR CZARRAT-he Wellknown German Specialist


10 years permanently located In WasblnjrtoaCity His success in treating old andincurable cases is acknowledged by theand profession at his office

RUPTURE permanently cured withoutor loss of time XRAY for examinationtreatment CURES cancer stricture raricoceleskin blood poison and private disease quicklyfor lifetime

CONSULTATION FREEOffice hours From 10 to 12 am and Z t9 0









WALDRONIn the merlcan

His LastTeL 1S30

A Story odtm Life





RE EVES 10c roc 3Oc 6Qc











AU Breerred








