Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-02...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY FEBRUARY 9 1903 f I L j- I Cut Up Body and Burned It in Cook Stove STEPDAUGHTER A WITNESS First Husband of Woman Disappeared Years Hex Admis sions vThen Arrested PORT JERVIS N Y Feb 9 Mrs Lafayette Taylor of Ceaterville sear Rimesha Lake Sullivan county was am sKd yesterday afternoon and lodged lr jail at Monticello charged with the rourdcr of her husband Lafayette Tay- lor about one week ago Mrs Taylor Ida by a former husband ol the name of Dekay who disappeared niaLy years ago lived with the couple Evrr since their marriage they have juarrpled over domestic matters tn Friday an uncle of Lafayette Tay- lor i1 Yerkins called at the Taylor hv f Mrs Taylor tried to sell him a hrs for 10 He declined to buy as- h wanted to see Lafayette first being raid hat he would not like it n him that Lafe wouldnt know anything about it as she had put Lira out of the way He questioned her fjrmrr and she confessed that she had shoi her husband cut up the body and iurruvi it in the kitchen stove Ytrkins promised to keep the murder a sot ret but yesterday he told the James Taylor a brother of Lafayette rim keeps a boarding house Ja Kia mesha James went iis brothers and obtained a confession from Mrs Taylor and frew the daughter T ho was a witness to the tragedy A sarch among the ashes revealed some I rnrs although Mrs Taylor said she had pulverized them A onstable went to the Taylor house iia arrested the woman and lodged her in thr county jail She now declares her innocence and says that her former statements were false The daughter is under survelllaaee NEW CHURCH FOR MOUNT PLEASANT Tho Mount Pleasant Methodists have agrped upon a location for their new church the site selected being the northwest corner of Columbia Road and Fifteenth Street The action of the trustees in making this selection was approved by a large harmonious and enthusiastic meeting of the members of the church and congregation Thursday tight The pastor of the church Dr presided the presiding elder Dr Naylor also being present Th location selected is central to tlio territory laorthof Florida Avenue I fwen Rock Creek and Soldiers Home and here it s proposed to build- up a strong church which will accom zaofiate all Methodists residing north of tie city proper It is convenient of ac css being midway between the Feur and Sixteenth Street car lines It is the intention of the society to build a neat chapel at once or as soon as the necessary funds are available DEMAND RECOGNITION- OF RAILWAY UNIONS Massachusetts Workers to Meet in in Boston Today BOSTON 9 Delegates from va- rious street railway unions of Old Sony Bcd the Boston and Northern systems of Massachusetts electric companies met here today to take pre liminary steps toward securing a sub- stantial advance in wages the recogni- tion of their unions and generally im- proved conditions Th delegates who V ill represent nearly 19W seen sir in- structed to demand 25 cents an hour 30 rents an hour for overtime and the rorcgnition of the union In Lynn the headquarters of the un 01 employes of the Boston and KoTtbcrn system street railway men say IT t there is little likelihood of a In Fall River the headquarters of Ciil Colony system unions tile men say they are unwilling to cause a strike but tha in the event of a refusal of their demands the Xatkmal Association wiih headquarters In Detroit will be charge of the situation The chief roint it is claimed is the recognition ViOMAN CONFESSES MURDER OF HUSBAND AgeRetracts J her She- L od story- t to huns Ida Iawson die tnth the the 11 the i 1 to- tal I 1i Con- vention Feb strikeS asked ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ of tj Amalgamated Railway Employes- 1In on PROF CHARLES 3ERGMAHH DIES SUDDENLY IN THE NIGHT lifurt disease caused the death of Prut Charles Bergpaann Saturday night H retired to his room about 10 o i lock1 in his ill BOrth vet apparently in his usual health WhtTj his sister Miss Kate BergmanD called him yesterday moraiag she was unauie to awaken him Dr William T GUT the family physician was called fa ana pronounced death due to heart dill Dr Olll said Prof Bergman died early in the sight The end had been paIrs Coroner Nevitt agreed with the diagnosis of Dr Gill Prof BergaMaa had tr bl d- Tvih an affection of the heart for some and had warned by his pny- pician tlMA if end w j i be sudden general nealta Wft o gbd aow- r r that he refused bel doe tor i of Bergmnn a native of Germany va a violinist of ability and an on that instrument He was unmarried and fiftyseven years old He had lived in Wasalngtoa for more than ifairiy years The funeral serviaes will be held to morrow at 2 oIOek at Seventh Mreet northwest Th Interment will takft place In Protepect HH1 Cemetery PENSIONS TO WASHIKGf OHIAHS Pensions bees Issued to the fol- lowing residents af th District of Co lumbia THotH 3IajKb r 8 Mari- na Stearns 8 Master Gs e V NStr been Hi 111 beets ea bet the In- structor have 3t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL BUY Contract for Purchase of 200000 Acres of Land CHICAGO Fob 9 After several months of examination of Western lands the committee sent by residents of the Transvaal has contracted to purchase 200000 acres in southwestern Texas This land is to be used as a place for the settlement of Boers who are either dissatisfied with conditions in their na- tive country or who since the war have Uved in jforelgn lands because they would not submit to British rule This Inrge tract is located between the Neuces River and San Antonio The soil is fertile The representative of the Boers Ins said that within five years there will be a movement from South Africa that will include at least half of the young and middleaged men and women The plan of the Boer leaders contem- plates that the land be divided Into plots convenient for farms and the firstcomers shall for one or two seasons have the advice and instruction of farmers who are acquainted with the soil and climate and know how to handle the crops for which tire section is best adapted TEXAS CONFEDERATE CAMP APPROVES SLAVE PENSION BILL FORT WORTH Tex Feb the regular meeting of RE Lee Camp Uni- ted Confederate Veterans a resolution indorsing in part the Hanna bill to pen- sion old slaves was passed by almost unanimous vote The resolution urges all Texas Rep- resentatives in Congress to support the Hanna measure to the extent ofreward lug all exslaves within the ages set forth in the bill who remained at home or those who went with their masters in the war of local independence but that those be excepted who enlisted in the United States volunteer forces and are already on the pension list JOHN T VINSON DEAD AT AN ADVANCED Was an Auditor of the District and a Maryland Judge ExJudge John T formerly Auditor of the District of Columbia neil subsequently associate judge ol the Sixth judicial circuit of Maryland and a lead Ing citizen of Montgomery county died at his home in Rockville Saturday night aged seveatyelght years A com- plication of kidney and stomach troubles was the immediate cause of his death For over two years Judge Vinson bad been in failing health but his condition was not regarded as serlouV lasf fall when be was sick some considerable time with gastritis Recently Brights disease grew on Judge Vinson to such an extent as to render his condition critical Dur- ing all this time he had the best of med- ical attention obtainable Judge Vinson was in his seventyninth year having been born on January 6 1S25 He a son of Col Thomas F W Vin son a prominent citizen cf Montgomery county and who held important political positions He educated at the Rock- ville Academy and after finishing his studies at that institution entered the law office of the late Richard John Bowie formerly chief judge of the Maryland court of appeals He was admitted to the bar a short while after becoming of age and was at one time the law partner of Judge Bowie While still a young man he became a clerk in the Treasury Department and later was appointed Auditor for the Die trict which position he held for many years In 3S2 while Auditor for the District he received the Republican nom- ination for associate judge of the Sixth judicial district of Maryland and was elected In November of that year defeat ing the late George Peter of Rockville In January 1895 having reached the age of severity years he retired from the bench the Legislature of the preceding year having refused for political reasons to extend his term Since that time he has lived quietly at his Roekville home devoting his time to looking after his estate Judge Vinson married Miss Frances R Prout daughter of William Prout of this city Three sons Thomas Richard Pewie and Robert William Viason and three daughters Mrs George Minor An- derson Mrs Edward C Peter and Miss Nannie S Vinson all of Rockville him Mrs Vinson has been dead about fifteen years BOERS GREAT I I I f 9At I Vi soft I Md was was f sur- vive I TEA8 TBAT ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EFFORTS ON FOOT TO CHECK UNDERVALUATIONS OF IMPORTS The customs bureau of the American Protective Tariff League of which the headquarters are in New York city has issued a circular stating that it Is the purpose of the league to correct as far aa possible undervaluation and wrong classification of imported merchandise- at all ports of the United States To obtain the facts necessary to the suc- cess of this enterprise a list of ques- tions is added to the circular which all manufacturers and importers are re- quested to answer It has always been difficult for the customs officers to obtain complete in f rraatioB ia regard to the fair amount of tarts on Imported goods The customs bweau of the American Pro- tective Tariff League was formed in Ute latter part of 1902 Charles A Moore Is president and Wilbur F Wakeman treas- urer and secretary MAKING FOR RETURIf OF PRESIDENT SCHWAB ALTOONA Pa Feb A force of painters is at work on the summer home of Charles M Schwab president of the United tjtatea Steel Corporation at Ivoretto and they have received orders to complete their task fcy April I It expected that Mr Schwab will rle fro Europe about that time I I dues READ Is w 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I I j OdE OFFERS AID Will Show Editor How to Deal With 400 CHICAGO Feb 9 Before 3000 fol- lowers In the Auditorium yesterday John Alexander Dowie general over seer of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion Elijah the Restorer Divine Healer and proprietor of all the tangi ble assets of 5000 persons in his new city of Zion referred to his proposed inva- sion of New York- I will show Henry Vatterson the right way to deal with their Four j he announced Incidentally he exhorted his hearers to subscribe to Zion stocks warning them that prices will bo advanced before long Attired in black and white robes with flowing sleeve smj backed by his robed choir of 250 he held forth for two hours I go as Elijah the restorer to restore the work of God in that ungodly city he said Chicago was the wickedest city in the world but I have succeeded- in cleansing it so far that New York is more wicked than Chicago We will go 2000 strong and drive the devil out of his stronghold Already the I disciples of the devil are in terror The- i simple announcement of the attack of our host has aroused lively curiosity in the camp of the i vils The newspapers voice it I will show Henry Watterson the right way to deal with their Four Hundred I will march at the head of you in the street We will march two miles singing- I never took more interest in a mis- sion In my life Remember that matters Involve tremendous burdens Deacon Sloan tells me that in the last fifty business days the subscriptions to Zion stocks have amounted to 640000 and 50000 more Is in sight That makes 700000 Buy the stocks now When the total reaches 51000000 you cant get any at par The price will be ad- vanced 10 per cent CARLISLE INDIAN SCHOOL HOLDS COMMENCEMENT Exercises Begin Tomorrow and Will Continue for Thre Days The Indian Industrial School of Car lisle Pa has issued the program of its fifteenth commencement which begiaa tomorrow and ends on Thursday of this week The program Is In the form of an at tractive booklet with crimson covers printed by Indian apprentices seven of whom belong to the graduating class On the first page appears the motto of the institution God HelJ Them Who Help Themselves on the second are the names of the graduates including twentyseven women and twenty men Among tie States and Territories rep resented ire South Dakota Michigan California Alaska Wisconsin Okla i I TO HENRY WATTERSON Hun- dred I I I I I these more i I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ homa Washington New York Montana Minnesota New Mexico Nebraska Arizona North Carolina and Indian Ter- ritory On the fourth page is a picture of the graduating class with the cadets in uniform of the school The program of the final afternoon Thursday Is as fol lows Entrance march Soldiers fol- lowed by the march Class 1903 com- posed by Conductor J R Wheelock the class of 1896 Industry and Inde- pendence by Earney E Wllber of Southern California Martin Costa piano duet Minnie Grace George and Minnie J Callsen Striking a Bal ance Oscar D Davis Barriers to the Progress of the Sioux Henry D Tati yopa Great Stone Face Amy Dol phus Carlisle Expects Every Indian to Do His Duty Elizabeth E Kneudsan presentation of diplomas by Bishop Chancellor C C McCabe It was in September 1S70 that the army post at Carlisle was turned to the Interior Department and set apart for an industrial school with Capt Pratt as superintendent The first pu pUs arrived October 5 1879 Among them were eightytwo untaught Sioux boys and girls from Rosebud and Pine Ridge Agencies South Dakota In na tire dress Since that time the enroll- ment of the school has aggregated 4587 pupils Including 1745 girls and 2842 boys over of In- dians ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ARTILLERYMAN CLYNES WHILE ASLEEP The funeral of Richard Clynes a pri- vate in the Coast Artillery who was asphyxiated by gas yesterday morning in his room at Burdines Hotel 107 Sixth Street northwest was held this morning from Lees undertaking establishment Interment was made in the National Cemetery at Arlington The police have learned that Clynes came to this city Saturday from Fort Washington Md where his company Is stationed He scent the day sightseeing and early Sunday morning registered at tho hotel leaving word to be called at S oclock When the porter of the hotel knocked at the door he received no response and summoned the proprietor who forced an entrance The room was filled with Ss and Clynes was found on the bed unconscious He removed to the Emergency Hospital but the efforts of physicians failed to revive him Coroner Nevitt later gave a verdict of accidental death HILL MURDER TRIAL POSTPONED- The trial of Benjamin G Hill under indictment for the murder of Carrie Theoda Hill has been continued by Jus- tice Anderson of Criminal Court No 1 oa account of ill ness until Tuesday of next week If Attorney Braiishaw is unable to be pres- ent at that time Attorney Wells will conduct the defense ASPHYXIATED was the A Brad b w I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Deposed Priest Again Dis turbs Services DINVFR Feb John H Cushing who was arrested in Rome for persecuting Bishop Matz of this dio- cese was arrested again yesterday for disturbing the service at the Roman Catholic Cathedral Father Callahan was reading a pas- toral denouncing all Catholics who countenanced or abetted Gushing In pressing a suit against the Bishop when th deposed priest arose in the church and denounced the statement as a series or falsehoods Cashing was sober and dignified and made a good impression He was turned over to the police and was detained all night in the captains office FOE OF BISHOP MATI ARRESTED 9Father IMPLAABE ¬ ¬ ¬ Old Jerru in White Houso Lift I j The White House electric elevator has cutting up capers within the past few days according to a story that leaked out yesterday Fortunately the President was not in the elevator car- at the time nor were any of the mem- bers of his family But investigation showed that one of the most important factotums of the establishment had been for an indefinite time In greater or less danger certainly to his peace of mind if not to his bodily safety Jerry Smith the veteran colored sweep at the White House who has been connected with the executive mansion since the days of Grant Is now receiv- ing congratulations on a narrow from Injury For some time he was penned in the elevator cage between floors- How Jerry got in that awkward po sition he cannot explain except through some unmiraculous accident How he got hesitates to tell except that he was finally rescued by Charles Beat ty the night fireman of the White House and Executive office heating apparatus Following his usual tour of duty Jerry and his duster went to the at tic of the White House about 4 Friday afternoon When he had cleared the sky parlors of all the cobwebe he could detect in the gathering glpom of evening he stepped to the elevator shaft and got the cage started up to his floor Stepping in with the courtly manner which he has always borne Jerry be- gan his deseent to the basement floor But there was a hitch in the faithful Jerrys calculations Electricity in its present uptodate harness had not been a part of his early schooling in South Carolina having the least thought that there would be any unwarned amendment ot the latter to his own detriment and anxJeAy Jerry con tinued his abiding faith In the maxim that all men are created free and equal But If the car was safe enough for the President It was good enough for old Jerry I was in the sky parlor bless my t been I I escape out e clock Never U ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Double Tracts on the Southern ALEXANDRIA Va Feb 9 The work of putting down the double track on the Southern Railway between Alex- andria and Manassas is being vigorous- ly pushed In a short time the first ten miles of the double track will be completed and It is expected that the entire work will be done and trains operated over the double track by July 1 All the heavy curves and grades possible are obliterated on the new track and the line when com pleted will practically speaking be over an entirely new route The work of laying the double track on the Southern between Manas sas and Orange has begun The contrac- tors are Messrs Lane Bros The work will rapidly be pushed to completion- All grades and curves along the route wherever possible will be reduced Grand Jury in Session- A special grand jury convened by Judge Louis C Barley of the corpora tion court is today Considering the cases of Joseph Anderson colored charged with entering the house of Thomas Coffin 1207 Duke Street during the night and the case of William Do gan also colored charged with seduc- tion Commonwealth Attorney Samuel- G Brent is conducting the prosecution St Marys Church Finances At the second mass at St Marys Catholic Church yesterday morning Rev Father H J Cutler pastor of that church read his annual report concern Ing the finances of that church It was shown that a large number of debts had been paid during the past year and the church affairs generally were In an excellent financial condition Father Cutler stated that the new organ which was now being built would soon bo completed and that it would be inferior to none In the city Y M S L Euchre Party The members of the Young Mens Sodality Lyceum will tomorrow night give an Informal euchre party at their hall on puke Street Tonight an Im portant business meeting of that or- ganization will be held at 8 oclock Services in the Churches- At the different churches yesterday the resident clergy officiated At St Pauls Episcopal Church Mr Porter soloist at St Johns Church Wash- ington sang Judge Me 0 God by Dudley puck The services at the Rail- road Reading Rooms conducted by G T of the Episcopal Theological I I pre Hill r pre- liminary bass ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ELEVATED TRAINMEN MAY STRIKE Demands for More Pay and Less Work Have Gone Unheeded NEW YORK Feb Dissatisfaction among the conductors guards en- gineers and motormen of the Man- hattan Elevated Railroad it is believed may lead to a strike In the event of a strike it is said the ticket choppers and office men will also go out although they ire not so well organized as the other men- The dissatisfaction is the result of unheeded demands for more pay and less work The gatemen sow receive 125 for a working day of twelve hours An increase of 25 cents a day has been promised them Office men receive 2 a day conduc- tors the same The guards get liO for the first year 175 the second and then if they prove satisfactory they aro made conductors A slight increase- in wages asked by Ute eottduetor and guards has Hot granted MANHATTAN been ¬ ¬ ¬ soul said Jerry and was aready1 to stop off work for the evening suh I got tho elevator to come right up to my station Jes as nice as you pleas suh and I astepped right in In fact- I started my jourrey immediately sub athinking the carriage would stop all correct when it come to say proper station further down But praise the Lawd I all asudden see they was some thing the matter and the elevator stopped suddenlike half way between the first floor and the basement- I cant teil you sub jest what I athought at that instant It was se unusual like to stop like that and I was afeared it might do like that some- time again with Mr President I Jest raised my voice having the Idea that some kind friend might be in that loca- tion and could assist aie out of that pertlckler awkward place Shortly not in a most short while in fact I was given such proper assistance and praise the Lawd old Jerry is still safe and sound although not so pertlekler well over the rumatlsm yet thank ye suh Accounts differ as to how long Jerry was imprisoned In the elevator car and how loudly he called before be secured assistance One employe of the offices said yesterday that Jerry raised the whole house all on account- of not knowing how to run an elevator On good report it is said that the night fireman had to crawl through the cable aperture adjoining the drum in the basement and fix the strands of cable so that they would work as smoothly as usual The cable slipped slightly on the drum It is said and called into play the safety devices for just such an emergency The elevator car could then no more rise than It was possible far it to fall but old Jerry as fee likes to call himself did not know that much about the newfangled inventions for preserving his life as well as that of the President himself I I i I i I I u- hf Execu- tive ¬ ¬ ¬ ALEXANDRIA NEWS NOTES I Seminary west of here The music was rendered by Trinity Church choir led j by J R Renner Deaths and Funerals The funeral of Mrs Hattie Keen who died last Thursday morning took place at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon front her late residence 418 North Columbus Street The services were conducted by I the Rev Frank J Brooke of the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church the J Morton of Christ Protestant Church The mfesibers of the Daughters of America of which the deceased was a member attended in a body Marie Mason daughter of J W Ma- son aged one year living at 401 South Washington Street died Sunday The will be forwarded tomorrow morn- ing to Remington Va for burial Good Templars Convention The quarterly session of District Lodge No 13 Good Templars will con vene tomorrow at Falls Church Among the lodges which will be represented are those of Fairfax Loudoun and counties together with the lodge of this city I I j and he- W re- mains Alexan- dria ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Many people in Washington othor large cities are living testimonials that the inhalation of the healing oily tubcrcullne vapors will cure consump tionI now assert most positively that this practical method of treatment will cure consumption it the treatment be taken before the sufferer is past all human help DR EDWARD KOCH This treatment has long since passed the experimental stage Voluntary let- ters and testimonials from hundreds of cured patients all over the land many of whom are living right here in Wash- ington where you can call on them PROVE that consumption is curable The appalling death list every year from the terrible scourge of consump- tion has tempted many patent medicin manufacturers to assert that their stom- ach nostrums will euro this awful dis ease Every sane and thinking person knows that to cure consumption It re- quires the greatest skill of specialists who have made consumption and its cure their lifetime work and study and who apoly their treatment to the very seat of the disease the lungs and air pipes In no other way can the consumption poison be eradicated for medicines token Into the stomach are so changed by the process of digestion that they lose their virtue before reaching the lungs This Is apparent to even the casual observer and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Not Mindful of Lifes Higher PurposesT- he Right Rev Henry Y Satterlee Bishop of Washington In his sermon at the Church of the Ascension last night contrasted the days of Jeremiah with the present times In the course of his remarks he said A false sense of security is the great fault of England and America God can never compromise with sin And revo lutions arc really the results of a high moral law We had an appalling of this truth a abort time ago During the recent coal strike what was the spirit that animated both operators and operatives but the spirit of cov- etousness Why if people could patent the very air we breathe water we drink they would do so The spirit of covetousness te the dominant BISHOP SATTERLEE- ON LOCAL SOCIETY ex- ample and ¬ spirit at the end of the nineteenth the beginning of the twentieth cen- turies No man or civilization can violate with Impunity the laws of God You know what Is taking place In Washing ton right now Sunday dinners and en tertainments and concerts are growing in vogue It was not so two or throe years ago But the people are growing too weak to say No when incited to these dinners One after another they are falling into the habit of holding them NOTABLE SENTIMENTS FROM WASHINGTON PULPITS The Rev Julian K Smith of New delivered the fifth of a series of six lectures on Inspiration and Higher Criticism of the Bible at the New Church Sixteenth and Corcoran Streets last night The subject of his lecture was The Chrlstocontrlc Character of the Bible as an Evidence of Its Inspira- tion Among other things he said The themo of the Redeemer and of the redemption is In the Bible like an ocean current In the great deep Fur- thermore It has life and motion Recognize It and the entire Scripture Becomes alive with a divine purpose Accept it and it gives you an Bible and a divine Christ The fact that the Bible is z growth does not Invalidate Its fullest inspiration Growth is divine method as in the creation The Rev Will M Upcraft one of the best known missionaries In the China field made an address on this work in Calvary Baptist Church yester day morning He advocated the concep tion of human life that makes each man a brother of each o his fellows we adopt this view he said we understand that nothing in the kingdom of God is foreign to man The speaker said the Chinese In America give a wrong impression of their countrymen on the other side The latter have a horror of everything that ia foreign and It was necessary for missionaries to adopt the manners and customs of the country in order to pur sue their work The Rev William Sparling of ronto Canada addressed the Y M C A meeting in the Lafayette Theater yes- terday afternoon on The Things That Belong to Our Peace Man said the speaker has the power to do right and shun wrong and it Is natural for him to follow in the straight and narrow path The worst man In the world he said has some good in him and when the seeds of Gods gospel have been planted in a man they cannot be crushed out un less his mind IB descended so low as to be deaf to the reason of religion This religion he said was a reasonable one and had for thousands of years withstood the tests of experience and experiment THREE BOY TRAVELERS HELD IN BALTIMORE- The police of this city have been in formed of the arrest in Baltimore ot three boys who ran away from their homes In Washington some time ago The prisoners are Lewis Kabansky of 807 Fourth Street southeast Percy Newman of 1234 Second Street south east and Walter Wolfe of 407 G Street southeast Their parents have been in formed of their capture and t York th evi- denced T I I I j I I In- spired When ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I HAVE The Famous Consumption Master Gives Ample Proof That He Has Conquered the Disease CURED I II I while medical colleges and hospitals have long since recognized the virtue of the inhalation principle for all diseases of the lungs and throat The Koch Lung Cure have offices and i sanitariums for the treatment of con sumptlon and ashma all over the land in every large city east of the Missis I slppi River In their successful fight against consumption they have brought to their aid every assistance that skill long experience lavish expenditure and the most successful treatment ever dis- covered can render The Koch Tubercullne inhalation treat ment will cure you to stay cured What better evidence of this could you want than to visit people In your own city who h ive been cured of consumption and asthma in many casesafter their fam ill physicians their family and thai friends had given them up to die Call at the Washington office 730 Elev- enth Street northwest and inspect the many testimonials from cured patients CaM on the patients themselves and ask their neighbors and friends The Koch treatment is now within thf reach of all as it is not expensive Consultation examination and a trial treatment are given absolutely free all who call but If you cannot call writ for illustrated booklet containing a symptom blank Your case will be carefully considered and you will be advised free of cost I I I o i I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DR EfiASTUS M CHAW DIES AT EIGHTYFOUR Death Result af Shock Cawed lay a Fall 90 the Stairs Dr X Cbpia OM rf the- Me t toil most highly esteemed cHi of Waahtagtwi dtatf mMmiy at his home 168 Seventeenth Street northwest Dr Cnapin wsekty four years oW sun was quit eettfe He had enjoyed a walk Saturday sad bad contemplated going t church yesterday but was prevented Jw the feiewent- weather In ascending to stain at hi some yesterday afternoon h Ml and H few hours later treat shock The funeral will take place Wednesday morn lug at 11 oclock and will be conducted by the Rev Dr Wingbtgfer of the First Baptist Bnrfel win mode in Congressional Cemetery Dr Qbapin was a son of toe Ut Stepaaa Chapin at ea tim president f Columbia College After sradsvtisjg at college Dr Cbapin iveat to Georgia where he taught school for a number years Later he returned to Washington and entered the drug business During the civil war and for oeriod r that I Brut t died Church be Rev of aft seas yes- terday a ¬ > j be was engaged ia the livery and subsequently entered the held of general contracting The foundation of A c n aba Church the Coaat Geodetic Sur- vey and the greater portion of the or- iginal Metropolitan a fong his contracts Of late years Dr Chpin bwijeft a re- tired life spending someer pit Co- lonial Beach where b served several terms as mayor and Ms wtetera n Washington During his leg life he was intimately associated with promt sent Georgians among them Alexander Stephens and Robert Toorabs As Super- intendent of Streets Dr Chapfa served terms under a number of District Com- missioners Dr Chapin leaves a widow but no children Are unsightly painful and danger- ous and a constant care and source of anxiety and worry slow healing sores are Ire the of some de- bilitating sickness that leaves the con and the blood in a polluted run down condition when a scratch cut simple boil or bruise a looking ulcer tkat grows and spreads deeper aad deeper into the flesh in spite that can be done to check its Old people whose blood is below the standard the circulation sluggish are often tormented with face sores indolent upon that give them hardly a moments rest from and worry are liable to be- come chronic Heal the Sore when the blood is too weal to throw oil the germs and poisons and no amount of cewial treat- ment will heal but they oooteme to grow worse and in that most horrible maladies Cancer- S S S cures slow healing sores by purifying and the blood and purging the system of all corrupt matter thus ing at the real cause removing hindrance to a rapid cure only possible way to reach these deeply rooted dangerous places S strengthens tones up the ciculation supplies the rebuilding of- v the constitittian- rnd healing the sore when rid of the old spot for all time If you have a healing stubborn sore write us about our Physi- cians will advise you without charge The Swift Specific Ce Atlanta Ga Washington I C Feb 3 southeast tt shinfrton O C Deer Sir I pleasure to acMii r my testimonial to the you hiss nMrived- in favor of your herb medkine For year I had ben fttmt B0eirr with AstlMiM Indigestion mod Bronchial Affection incapacitated me for kind of business I called m some of the test physicians and specialists both and in other cities hut could only girt temporary relief Had aUan t ol ever being vreii HUB again More than a yrar agn my attention was directed to the many cures that were be leg made your medicine sad M a test resent I concluded to try it I loved after taking ORe bottle there was a decided chance hit the better in my cooditw I eomimted tie several the time and in a atktrt time I was able to accept a light position I have Oiled to present time At present trouble serais to haw Me and I feel now as well as I ever did Your medi- cine cannot be too Mpwty praised I would therefore earnestly advise cud urge rHojte who are similarly affected to oil on L J Hayden at the above somber anti be per- manently cured Very truly yours A G SINOAIR 1015 Pennsylvania Ave S E When in Doubt W have inaugurated a priial FEBRUARY SALE i IF Bedroom Furnite Diningroom Furniture Paror Furniture Fancy Odd Pieses Crockery Etc An Excellent Chance to Secure Many Big Bargains HOUSE HERRMANN 901903 7th St Cor of I Eye Street Railroad I I SLOW ORE HEALING J bec- omes the the Blood tem tie ever S II 1 J take may I and by i which sip a Ilcue l HuIanns i- Ii 11 n m JI II timf Ii 111 1 undo sod tere his p Ordinary sorls Purity n- cr for ed slow 104 ltYDE ser Peaytvsia Avenue three say hers a s14 the li- my n M JI ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-02...


IL j-


Cut Up Body and Burned Itin Cook Stove


First Husband of Woman DisappearedYears Hex Admis

sions vThen Arrested

PORT JERVIS N Y Feb 9 MrsLafayette Taylor of Ceaterville searRimesha Lake Sullivan county wasam sKd yesterday afternoon and lodgedlr jail at Monticello charged with therourdcr of her husband Lafayette Tay-lor about one week ago Mrs Taylor

Ida by a former husband olthe name of Dekay who disappearedniaLy years ago lived with the coupleEvrr since their marriage they havejuarrpled over domestic matters

tn Friday an uncle of Lafayette Tay-lor i1 Yerkins called at the Taylorhv f Mrs Taylor tried to sell him ahrs for 10 He declined to buy as-h wanted to see Lafayette first being

raid hat he would not like itn him that Lafe wouldnt

know anything about it as she had putLira out of the way He questioned herfjrmrr and she confessed that she hadshoi her husband cut up the body andiurruvi it in the kitchen stove

Ytrkins promised to keep the murdera sot ret but yesterday he told the

James Taylor a brother of Lafayetterim keeps a boarding house Ja Kiamesha James went iis brothers

and obtained a confession fromMrs Taylor and frew the daughterT ho was a witness to the tragedy Asarch among the ashes revealed someI rnrs although Mrs Taylor said shehad pulverized them

A onstable went to the Taylor houseiia arrested the woman and lodged herin thr county jail She now declares herinnocence and says that her formerstatements were false The daughter isunder survelllaaee


Tho Mount Pleasant Methodists haveagrped upon a location for their newchurch the site selected being thenorthwest corner of Columbia Road andFifteenth Street The action of thetrustees in making this selection wasapproved by a large harmonious andenthusiastic meeting of the members ofthe church and congregation Thursdaytight The pastor of the church Dr

presided the presiding elderDr Naylor also being present

Th location selected is central totlio territory laorthof Florida AvenueI fwen Rock Creek and SoldiersHome and here it s proposed to build-up a strong church which will accomzaofiate all Methodists residing north oftie city proper It is convenient of accss being midway between the Feur

and Sixteenth Street car linesIt is the intention of the society tobuild a neat chapel at once or as soonas the necessary funds are available



Massachusetts Workers to Meet inin Boston Today

BOSTON 9 Delegates from va-rious street railway unions of OldSony Bcd the Boston and Northernsystems of Massachusetts electriccompanies met here today to take preliminary steps toward securing a sub-stantial advance in wages the recogni-tion of their unions and generally im-proved conditions Th delegates whoV ill represent nearly 19W seen sir in-

structed to demand 25 cents an hour 30rents an hour for overtime and therorcgnition of the union

In Lynn the headquarters of the un01 employes of the Boston and

KoTtbcrn system street railway men sayIT t there is little likelihood of a

In Fall River the headquarters ofCiil Colony system unions tile men saythey are unwilling to cause a strike buttha in the event of a refusal of theirdemands the Xatkmal Association wiihheadquarters In Detroit will be

charge of the situation The chiefroint it is claimed is the recognition




J her

She-L od













to-tal I

















of tj Amalgamated Railway Employes-1In on


lifurt disease caused the death ofPrut Charles Bergpaann Saturdaynight H retired to his room about 10o i lock1 in his ill BOrthvet apparently in his usual healthWhtTj his sister Miss Kate BergmanDcalled him yesterday moraiag she wasunauie to awaken him Dr William TGUT the family physician was called faana pronounced death due to heart dill

Dr Olll said Prof Bergman diedearly in the sight The end had beenpaIrs Coroner Nevitt agreed withthe diagnosis of Dr Gill

Prof BergaMaa had tr bl d-

Tvih an affection of the heart for someand had warned by his pny-

pician tlMA if end w j i be suddengeneral nealta Wft o gbd aow-

r r that he refused bel doetor

i of Bergmnn a native of Germanyva a violinist of ability and an

on that instrument He wasunmarried and fiftyseven years old Hehad lived in Wasalngtoa for more thanifairiy years

The funeral serviaes will be held tomorrow at 2 oIOek at SeventhMreet northwest Th Interment willtakft place In Protepect HH1 Cemetery

PENSIONS TO WASHIKGf OHIAHSPensions bees Issued to the fol-

lowing residents af th District of Columbia THotH 3IajKb r 8 Mari-

na Stearns 8 Master Gs e V



















Contract for Purchase of

200000 Acres of Land

CHICAGO Fob 9 After severalmonths of examination of Western landsthe committee sent by residents of theTransvaal has contracted to purchase200000 acres in southwestern Texas

This land is to be used as a place forthe settlement of Boers who are eitherdissatisfied with conditions in their na-tive country or who since the war haveUved in jforelgn lands because they wouldnot submit to British rule

This Inrge tract is located between theNeuces River and San Antonio The soilis fertile

The representative of the Boers Inssaid that within five years there will bea movement from South Africa that willinclude at least half of the young andmiddleaged men and women

The plan of the Boer leaders contem-plates that the land be divided Into plotsconvenient for farms and the firstcomersshall for one or two seasons have theadvice and instruction of farmers who areacquainted with the soil and climate andknow how to handle the crops for whichtire section is best adapted


regular meeting of R E Lee Camp Uni-

ted Confederate Veterans a resolutionindorsing in part the Hanna bill to pen-

sion old slaves was passed by almostunanimous vote

The resolution urges all Texas Rep-resentatives in Congress to support theHanna measure to the extent ofrewardlug all exslaves within the ages setforth in the bill who remained at homeor those who went with their mastersin the war of local independence butthat those be excepted who enlisted inthe United States volunteer forces andare already on the pension list



Was an Auditor of the District and aMaryland Judge

ExJudge John T formerlyAuditor of the District of Columbia neilsubsequently associate judge ol the Sixthjudicial circuit of Maryland and a leadIng citizen of Montgomery countydied at his home in Rockville Saturdaynight aged seveatyelght years A com-plication of kidney and stomach troubleswas the immediate cause of his death

For over two years Judge Vinson badbeen in failing health but his conditionwas not regarded as serlouV lasf fallwhen be was sick some considerable timewith gastritis Recently Brights diseasegrew on Judge Vinson to such an extentas to render his condition critical Dur-ing all this time he had the best of med-ical attention obtainable

Judge Vinson was in his seventyninthyear having been born on January 6 1S25He a son of Col Thomas F W Vinson a prominent citizen cf Montgomerycounty and who held important politicalpositions He educated at the Rock-ville Academy and after finishing hisstudies at that institution entered thelaw office of the late Richard John Bowieformerly chief judge of the Marylandcourt of appeals He was admitted tothe bar a short while after becoming ofage and was at one time the law partnerof Judge Bowie

While still a young man he became aclerk in the Treasury Department andlater was appointed Auditor for the Dietrict which position he held for manyyears In 3S2 while Auditor for theDistrict he received the Republican nom-

ination for associate judge of the Sixthjudicial district of Maryland and waselected In November of that year defeating the late George Peter of RockvilleIn January 1895 having reached the ageof severity years he retired from thebench the Legislature of the precedingyear having refused for political reasonsto extend his term Since that time hehas lived quietly at his Roekville homedevoting his time to looking after hisestate

Judge Vinson married Miss Frances RProut daughter of William Prout of thiscity Three sons Thomas RichardPewie and Robert William Viason andthree daughters Mrs George Minor An-derson Mrs Edward C Peter and MissNannie S Vinson all of Rockville

him Mrs Vinson has been deadabout fifteen years









Vi soft I























Protective Tariff League of which theheadquarters are in New York city hasissued a circular stating that it Is thepurpose of the league to correct as faraa possible undervaluation and wrongclassification of imported merchandise-at all ports of the United States Toobtain the facts necessary to the suc-

cess of this enterprise a list of ques-

tions is added to the circular which allmanufacturers and importers are re-

quested to answerIt has always been difficult for the

customs officers to obtain complete inf rraatioB ia regard to the fair amountof tarts on Imported goods Thecustoms bweau of the American Pro-

tective Tariff League was formed in Utelatter part of 1902 Charles A Moore Ispresident and Wilbur F Wakeman treas-urer and secretary


ALTOONA Pa Feb A force ofpainters is at work on the summer homeof Charles M Schwab president of theUnited tjtatea Steel Corporation atIvoretto and they have received ordersto complete their task fcy April I Itexpected that Mr Schwab will rlefro Europe about that time

















Will Show Editor How toDeal With 400

CHICAGO Feb 9 Before 3000 fol-

lowers In the Auditorium yesterdayJohn Alexander Dowie general overseer of the Christian Catholic Church inZion Elijah the Restorer DivineHealer and proprietor of all the tangible assets of 5000 persons in his new cityof Zion referred to his proposed inva-sion of New York-

I will show Henry Vatterson theright way to deal with their Four

j he announcedIncidentally he exhorted his hearers to

subscribe to Zion stocks warning themthat prices will bo advanced before long

Attired in black and white robes withflowing sleeve smj backed by his robedchoir of 250 he held forth for two hours

I go as Elijah the restorer to restorethe work of God in that ungodly cityhe said Chicago was the wickedestcity in the world but I have succeeded-in cleansing it so far that New Yorkis more wicked than Chicago

We will go 2000 strong and drive thedevil out of his stronghold Already the

I disciples of the devil are in terror The-i simple announcement of the attack ofour host has aroused lively curiosity inthe camp of the i vils The newspapersvoice it I will show Henry Wattersonthe right way to deal with their FourHundred I will march at the head ofyou in the street We will march twomiles singing-

I never took more interest in a mis-

sion In my life Remember thatmatters Involve tremendous burdensDeacon Sloan tells me that in the lastfifty business days the subscriptions toZion stocks have amounted to 640000and 50000 more Is in sight That makes

700000 Buy the stocks now Whenthe total reaches 51000000 you cant getany at par The price will be ad-

vanced 10 per cent



Exercises Begin Tomorrow and WillContinue for Thre Days

The Indian Industrial School of Carlisle Pa has issued the program of itsfifteenth commencement which begiaatomorrow and ends on Thursday of thisweek

The program Is In the form of an attractive booklet with crimson coversprinted by Indian apprentices seven ofwhom belong to the graduating classOn the first page appears the motto ofthe institution God HelJ Them WhoHelp Themselves on the second arethe names of the graduates includingtwentyseven women and twenty menAmong tie States and Territories represented ire South Dakota MichiganCalifornia Alaska Wisconsin Okla






















homa Washington New York MontanaMinnesota New Mexico NebraskaArizona North Carolina and Indian Ter-ritory

On the fourth page is a picture ofthe graduating class with the cadets inuniform of the school The program ofthe final afternoon Thursday Is as follows Entrance march Soldiers fol-

lowed by the march Class 1903 com-

posed by Conductor J R Wheelockthe class of 1896 Industry and Inde-pendence by Earney E Wllber

of Southern California MartinCosta piano duet Minnie Grace Georgeand Minnie J Callsen Striking a Balance Oscar D Davis Barriers to theProgress of the Sioux Henry D Tatiyopa Great Stone Face Amy Dolphus Carlisle Expects Every Indian toDo His Duty Elizabeth E Kneudsanpresentation of diplomas by BishopChancellor C C McCabe

It was in September 1S70 that thearmy post at Carlisle was turnedto the Interior Department and set apartfor an industrial school with CaptPratt as superintendent The first pupUs arrived October 5 1879 Amongthem were eightytwo untaught Siouxboys and girls from Rosebud and PineRidge Agencies South Dakota In natire dress Since that time the enroll-ment of the school has aggregated 4587pupils Including 1745 girls and 2842boys













The funeral of Richard Clynes a pri-vate in the Coast Artillery who wasasphyxiated by gas yesterday morning inhis room at Burdines Hotel 107 SixthStreet northwest was held this morningfrom Lees undertaking establishmentInterment was made in the NationalCemetery at Arlington

The police have learned that Clynescame to this city Saturday from FortWashington Md where his company Isstationed He scent the day sightseeingand early Sunday morning registered attho hotel leaving word to be called atS oclock

When the porter of the hotel knockedat the door he received no response andsummoned the proprietor who forced anentrance The room was filled withSs and Clynes was found on the bedunconscious He removed to theEmergency Hospital but the efforts of

physicians failed to revive himCoroner Nevitt later gave a verdict ofaccidental death

HILL MURDER TRIAL POSTPONED-The trial of Benjamin G Hill under

indictment for the murder of CarrieTheoda Hill has been continued by Jus-tice Anderson of Criminal Court No 1oa account of illness until Tuesday of next week IfAttorney Braiishaw is unable to be pres-ent at that time Attorney Wells willconduct the defense




A Brad b w






Deposed Priest Again Disturbs Services

DINVFR Feb John HCushing who was arrested in Rome forpersecuting Bishop Matz of this dio-cese was arrested again yesterday fordisturbing the service at the RomanCatholic Cathedral

Father Callahan was reading a pas-toral denouncing all Catholics whocountenanced or abetted Gushing Inpressing a suit against the Bishop whenth deposed priest arose in the churchand denounced the statement as a seriesor falsehoods

Cashing was sober and dignified andmade a good impression He was turnedover to the police and was detained allnight in the captains office








Old Jerru in White Houso LiftI j

The White House electric elevator hascutting up capers within the past

few days according to a story thatleaked out yesterday Fortunately thePresident was not in the elevator car-at the time nor were any of the mem-bers of his family But investigationshowed that one of the most importantfactotums of the establishment had beenfor an indefinite time In greater or lessdanger certainly to his peace of mindif not to his bodily safety

Jerry Smith the veteran coloredsweep at the White House who has beenconnected with the executive mansionsince the days of Grant Is now receiv-ing congratulations on a narrowfrom Injury For some time he waspenned in the elevator cage betweenfloors-

How Jerry got in that awkward position he cannot explain except throughsome unmiraculous accident How hegot hesitates to tell except thathe was finally rescued by Charles Beatty the night fireman of the White Houseand Executive office heating apparatus

Following his usual tour of dutyJerry and his duster went to the at

tic of the White House about 4Friday afternoon When he had clearedthe sky parlors of all the cobwebe hecould detect in the gathering glpom ofevening he stepped to the elevator shaftand got the cage started up to his floorStepping in with the courtly mannerwhich he has always borne Jerry be-

gan his deseent to the basement floorBut there was a hitch in the faithful

Jerrys calculations Electricity in itspresent uptodate harness had not beena part of his early schooling in SouthCarolina having the least thoughtthat there would be any unwarnedamendment ot the latter to his owndetriment and anxJeAy Jerry continued his abiding faith In the maximthat all men are created free andequal But If the car was safe enoughfor the President It was good enoughfor old Jerry

I was in the sky parlor bless my





out e










Double Tracts on the SouthernALEXANDRIA Va Feb 9 The

work of putting down the double track

on the Southern Railway between Alex-

andria and Manassas is being vigorous-

ly pushed In a short time the first ten

miles of the double track will be

completed and It is expected that

the entire work will be done and

trains operated over the double

track by July 1 All the heavy curves

and grades possible are obliterated on

the new track and the line when com

pleted will practically speaking be

over an entirely new route Thework of laying the double

track on the Southern between Manassas and Orange has begun The contrac-tors are Messrs Lane Bros The workwill rapidly be pushed to completion-All grades and curves along the routewherever possible will be reduced

Grand Jury in Session-

A special grand jury convened byJudge Louis C Barley of the corporation court is today Considering thecases of Joseph Anderson coloredcharged with entering the house ofThomas Coffin 1207 Duke Street duringthe night and the case of William Do

gan also colored charged with seduc-

tion Commonwealth Attorney Samuel-

G Brent is conducting the prosecution

St Marys Church Finances

At the second mass at St MarysCatholic Church yesterday morning RevFather H J Cutler pastor of thatchurch read his annual report concernIng the finances of that church It wasshown that a large number of debtshad been paid during the past yearand the church affairs generally wereIn an excellent financial conditionFather Cutler stated that the new organwhich was now being built wouldsoon bo completed and that it wouldbe inferior to none In the city

Y M S L Euchre PartyThe members of the Young Mens

Sodality Lyceum will tomorrow nightgive an Informal euchre party at theirhall on puke Street Tonight an Important business meeting of that or-

ganization will be held at 8 oclock

Services in the Churches-

At the different churches yesterdaythe resident clergy officiated At StPauls Episcopal Church Mr Porter

soloist at St Johns Church Wash-ington sang Judge Me 0 God byDudley puck The services at the Rail-road Reading Rooms conducted byG T of the Episcopal Theological





















Demands for More Pay and Less WorkHave Gone Unheeded

NEW YORK Feb Dissatisfactionamong the conductors guards en-

gineers and motormen of the Man-hattan Elevated Railroad it is believedmay lead to a strike In the event ofa strike it is said the ticket choppersand office men will also go out althoughthey ire not so well organized as theother men-

The dissatisfaction is the result ofunheeded demands for more pay andless work The gatemen sow receive125 for a working day of twelve hours

An increase of 25 cents a day has beenpromised them

Office men receive 2 a day conduc-tors the same The guards get liOfor the first year 175 the second andthen if they prove satisfactory theyaro made conductors A slight increase-in wages asked by Ute eottduetor andguards has Hot granted






soul said Jerry and was aready1 tostop off work for the evening suh Igot tho elevator to come right up tomy station Jes as nice as you pleassuh and I astepped right in In fact-I started my jourrey immediately subathinking the carriage would stop allcorrect when it come to say properstation further down But praise theLawd I all asudden see they was something the matter and the elevatorstopped suddenlike half way betweenthe first floor and the basement-

I cant teil you sub jest what Iathought at that instant It was seunusual like to stop like that and Iwas afeared it might do like that some-time again with Mr President I Jestraised my voice having the Idea thatsome kind friend might be in that loca-tion and could assist aie out of thatpertlckler awkward place Shortly

not in a most short while in fact Iwas given such proper assistance andpraise the Lawd old Jerry is still safeand sound although not so pertleklerwell over the rumatlsm yet thank yesuh

Accounts differ as to how long Jerrywas imprisoned In the elevator car andhow loudly he called before be securedassistance One employe of the

offices said yesterday that Jerryraised the whole house all on account-of not knowing how to run an elevatorOn good report it is said that the nightfireman had to crawl through the cableaperture adjoining the drum in thebasement and fix the strands of cableso that they would work as smoothly asusual The cable slipped slightly on thedrum It is said and called into playthe safety devices for just such anemergency The elevator car could thenno more rise than It was possible far itto fall but old Jerry as fee likes tocall himself did not know that muchabout the newfangled inventions forpreserving his life as well as that ofthe President himself














Seminary west of here The music wasrendered by Trinity Church choir led

j by J R Renner

Deaths and FuneralsThe funeral of Mrs Hattie Keen who

died last Thursday morning took placeat 3 oclock yesterday afternoon fronther late residence 418 North ColumbusStreet The services were conducted by

I the Rev Frank J Brooke of the Sec-

ond Presbyterian Church theJ Morton of Christ Protestant

Church The mfesibers of the Daughtersof America of which the deceased wasa member attended in a body

Marie Mason daughter of J W Ma-

son aged one year living at 401 SouthWashington Street died Sunday The

will be forwarded tomorrow morn-ing to Remington Va for burial

Good Templars ConventionThe quarterly session of District

Lodge No 13 Good Templars will convene tomorrow at Falls Church Amongthe lodges which will be represented arethose of Fairfax Loudoun and

counties together with the lodge ofthis city



and he-W









Many people in Washingtonothor large cities are living testimonialsthat the inhalation of the healing oilytubcrcullne vapors will cure consumptionI now assert most positively that thispractical method of treatment will cureconsumption it the treatment be takenbefore the sufferer is past all humanhelp DR EDWARD KOCH

This treatment has long since passedthe experimental stage Voluntary let-ters and testimonials from hundreds ofcured patients all over the land manyof whom are living right here in Wash-ington where you can call on themPROVE that consumption is curable

The appalling death list every yearfrom the terrible scourge of consump-tion has tempted many patent medicinmanufacturers to assert that their stom-ach nostrums will euro this awful disease Every sane and thinking personknows that to cure consumption It re-quires the greatest skill of specialistswho have made consumption and its curetheir lifetime work and study and whoapoly their treatment to the very seatof the disease the lungs and air pipes

In no other way can the consumptionpoison be eradicated for medicines tokenInto the stomach are so changed by theprocess of digestion that they lose theirvirtue before reaching the lungs ThisIs apparent to even the casual observer









Not Mindful of Lifes HigherPurposesT-

he Right Rev Henry Y SatterleeBishop of Washington In his sermonat the Church of the Ascension lastnight contrasted the days of Jeremiahwith the present times In the courseof his remarks he said

A false sense of security is the greatfault of England and America God cannever compromise with sin And revolutions arc really the results of a highmoral law We had an appalling

of this truth a abort time agoDuring the recent coal strike what wasthe spirit that animated both operatorsand operatives but the spirit of cov-

etousness Why if people couldpatent the very air we breathewater we drink they would do so Thespirit of covetousness te the dominant







spirit at the end of the nineteenththe beginning of the twentieth cen-

turiesNo man or civilization can violate

with Impunity the laws of God Youknow what Is taking place In Washington right now Sunday dinners and entertainments and concerts are growingin vogue It was not so two or throeyears ago But the people are growingtoo weak to say No when incited tothese dinners One after another theyare falling into the habit of holdingthem


The Rev Julian K Smith of Newdelivered the fifth of a series of

six lectures on Inspiration and HigherCriticism of the Bible at the NewChurch Sixteenth and Corcoran Streetslast night The subject of his lecturewas The Chrlstocontrlc Character ofthe Bible as an Evidence of Its Inspira-tion Among other things he said

The themo of the Redeemer and ofthe redemption is In the Bible like anocean current In the great deep Fur-thermore It has life and motionRecognize It and the entire ScriptureBecomes alive with a divine purposeAccept it and it gives you an

Bible and a divine Christ Thefact that the Bible is z growth doesnot Invalidate Its fullest inspirationGrowth is divine method as

in the creation

The Rev Will M Upcraft one ofthe best known missionaries In theChina field made an address on thiswork in Calvary Baptist Church yesterday morning He advocated the conception of human life that makes eachman a brother of each o his fellows

we adopt this view he saidwe understand that nothing in the

kingdom of God is foreign to manThe speaker said the Chinese In Americagive a wrong impression of theircountrymen on the other side Thelatter have a horror of everything thatia foreign and It was necessary formissionaries to adopt the manners andcustoms of the country in order to pursue their work

The Rev William Sparling ofronto Canada addressed the Y M C Ameeting in the Lafayette Theater yes-terday afternoon on The Things ThatBelong to Our Peace Man said thespeaker has the power to do right andshun wrong and it Is natural for him tofollow in the straight and narrow pathThe worst man In the world he said hassome good in him and when the seedsof Gods gospel have been planted ina man they cannot be crushed out unless his mind IB descended so low asto be deaf to the reason of religionThis religion he said was a reasonableone and had for thousands of yearswithstood the tests of experience andexperiment


The police of this city have been informed of the arrest in Baltimore otthree boys who ran away from theirhomes In Washington some time agoThe prisoners are Lewis Kabansky of807 Fourth Street southeast PercyNewman of 1234 Second Street southeast and Walter Wolfe of 407 G Streetsoutheast Their parents have been informed of their capture




th evi-denced

























The Famous Consumption Master Gives Ample Proof That HeHas Conquered the Disease




while medical colleges and hospitalshave long since recognized the virtue ofthe inhalation principle for all diseasesof the lungs and throatThe Koch Lung Cure have offices and i

sanitariums for the treatment of consumptlon and ashma all over the landin every large city east of the Missis I

slppi River In their successful fightagainst consumption they have broughtto their aid every assistance that skilllong experience lavish expenditure andthe most successful treatment ever dis-covered can render

The Koch Tubercullne inhalation treatment will cure you to stay cured Whatbetter evidence of this could you wantthan to visit people In your own citywho h ive been cured of consumption andasthma in many casesafter their famill physicians their family and thaifriends had given them up to die

Call at the Washington office 730 Elev-enth Street northwest and inspect themany testimonials from cured patientsCaM on the patients themselves and asktheir neighbors and friends

The Koch treatment is now withinthf reach of all as it is not expensiveConsultation examination and a trialtreatment are given absolutely freeall who call but If you cannot call writfor illustrated booklet containing asymptom blank Your case will becarefully considered and you will beadvised free of cost














Death Result af Shock Cawed lay aFall 90 the Stairs

Dr X Cbpia OM rf the-Me t toil most highly esteemed cHi

of Waahtagtwi dtatf mMmiyat his home 168 Seventeenth

Street northwest Dr Cnapin wsektyfour years oW sun was quit eettfe Hehad enjoyed a walk Saturday sad badcontemplated going t church yesterdaybut was prevented Jw the feiewent-weather In ascending to stain at hisome yesterday afternoon h Ml and Hfew hours later treat shock Thefuneral will take place Wednesday mornlug at 11 oclock and will be conductedby the Rev Dr Wingbtgfer of the FirstBaptist Bnrfel win mode inCongressional Cemetery

Dr Qbapin was a son of toe UtStepaaa Chapin at ea tim president fColumbia College After sradsvtisjg atcollege Dr Cbapin iveat to Georgiawhere he taught school for a numberyears Later he returned to Washingtonand entered the drug business Duringthe civil war and for oeriod r that





Church be




seas yes-terday





be was engaged ia the livery andsubsequently entered the held of generalcontracting The foundation of A c naba Church the Coaat Geodetic Sur-vey and the greater portion of the or-iginal Metropolitan a fonghis contracts

Of late years Dr Chpin bwijeft a re-

tired life spending someer pit Co-

lonial Beach where b served severalterms as mayor and Ms wtetera nWashington During his leg life hewas intimately associated with promtsent Georgians among them AlexanderStephens and Robert Toorabs As Super-intendent of Streets Dr Chapfa servedterms under a number of District Com-

missioners Dr Chapin leaves a widowbut no children

Are unsightly painful and danger-ous and a constant care and source ofanxiety and worry

slow healing sores are Irethe of some de-

bilitating sickness that leaves the conand the blood in a

polluted run down condition when ascratch cut simple boil or bruise

a looking ulcer tkat growsand spreads deeper aad deeperinto the flesh in spite thatcan be done to check its Oldpeople whoseblood is below the standard

the circulation sluggish are oftentormented with face sores indolent

upon thatgive them hardly a moments rest from

and worry

are liable to be-come chronic Heal the Sorewhen the bloodis too weal to throw oil the germs andpoisons and no amount of cewial treat-ment will heal but they oootemeto grow worse and

in that most horriblemaladies Cancer-

S S S cures slow healing sores bypurifying and the

blood and purging thesystem of all corrupt matter thusing at the real cause removinghindrance to a rapid cureonly possible way to reach these deeplyrooted dangerous places Sstrengthens tones up the ciculation


the rebuilding of-v the constitittian-

rnd healing thesore when

rid of the old spot for all timeIf you have a healing stubborn

sore write us about our Physi-cians will advise you without charge

The Swift Specific Ce Atlanta Ga

Washington I C Feb 3

southeast tt shinfrton O CDeer Sir I pleasure to acMii r my

testimonial to the you hiss nMrived-in favor of your herb medkine

For year I had ben fttmt B0eirrwith AstlMiM Indigestion mod BronchialAffection incapacitated me forkind of business I called m some of thetest physicians and specialists bothand in other cities hut could only girttemporary relief Had aUan tol ever being vreii HUB again

More than a yrar agn my attention wasdirected to the many cures that were beleg made your medicine sad M a testresent I concluded to try it I loved aftertaking ORe bottle there was a decidedchance hit the better in my cooditw Ieomimted tie severalthe time and in a atktrt time I was ableto accept a light position I haveOiled to present time At present

trouble serais to haw Me and Ifeel now as well as I ever did Your medi-cine cannot be too Mpwty praised I wouldtherefore earnestly advise cud urge rHojtewho are similarly affected to oil on L JHayden at the above somber anti be per-manently cured

Very truly yoursA G SINOAIR

1015 Pennsylvania Ave S E

When in Doubt

W have inaugurated a priial


Bedroom FurniteDiningroom Furniture

Paror Furniture

Fancy Odd Pieses

Crockery EtcAn Excellent Chance to Secure

Many Big Bargains


901903 7th St

Cor of I Eye Street







the Blood






1 J







a Ilcue l HuIanns i-Ii11

nm JI


timf Ii111







Ordinary sorls Purity

n-cr for



104ltYDE ser Peaytvsia Avenue






the li-my












