Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-04-10 [p 2]. · 2017. 12. 26. · U2 Beaduro 112...

TflK EVENING TIME WAfcUIMiTOV UllJRSDAY APRIL 10 1902 r I I POSSIBILITY OF STRIKE CONFIRMED BY MINERS f Executive Board Says the Date Wont Be An nounced UTMOST SECRECY MAINTAINED UwkrstanifBg Is That Operators Will Gives One Mere Chance te Ceme t Terri Before the Mea Are Called Out Anthracite Situation Canvassed IXAXAPOU6 lad April That a big strike is seriously contemplated br the Wet Virginia real miners has male ovtdeat by the deekuatiea br mem hen ef the executive board ef the United Mih Workers is suasion here that the date of the strike will not be announced ft sunk a step is resorted utmost secrecy being main- tained la regard to the preparation The undetssAandteg is that tie wiM be given one more chance to come to terms beware the strike to declare When this to deae it will fret become known puWtehed order to the min- ers te quit work The situation ia the anthracite Sells was eaavaeeed today but BO information wee gives out The leaders still profess ia the witty ol the olrfc federa- tion to beadle the situatlea ad thirty day armistice will be allowed to peas without a strike even though aerate ace reached The Ham has indorsed the strike BOW ia paegresg te the Mtchlgasaei4a and iaotriieted the national offieera te bring about another conference between strik- ers and pesters The strike baa been on siace 1 and involves MM bee The HopklBB covatr KeBtMCky strike waa ateo agaia indorsed The fight in this district will be coa- ttMed along present lines until the oper- ators yield to the denMitda HAIL OF RECORDS BILL The Senate Committee Urges Buildings Construction Itaadoi Many Joaeea Vai aW- GbvozaaoBt Papers Now m Gonalaat Danger of Destructive Tile ItoH of Itecords tfN introouced snafe yeatarday l r aenaio r iir Ecpartod atvocaMr aha MaHe Stpaaoa Granada today without ammdmsnC asMiniltoo says Us report The hall of records ha toag Mea recogBiaed May have made to provide for the construction of a building la watch weld he safely stored and pre- served the valaaale records of the Gov- ernment J4nay of tbeoi reds are now sell for a long time have bees in serious perU The instruct ton of many of them baa beea sorfouair threatened at times Their would be an almost lrroparag one to the Qovemmont Your committee believes that the erec- tion of a Hal pf Records ahouM begia at- aa oai4r date sal the maay departments tile aatBifK omharraosniont of the pub lie jphoaH be relieved sad tile ad stored therein aad worthy of preservation shonld led a per- manent place ia a buildtag erected for the anaejMe purpose of aceommodeting them atteatton of Congress for twentyeve It append the long letter f the tnry or the Treasury on the subject received kfj the early teat intm sad Bubliaaed m ftiH in The Tim vxetafare- GAZHLL EAVES VENEZUELA zseaaittuv ImtfAtc Suuiag f Gcrawa- Vteaeouelan lacident- MtKUK April l Th OernwB cruiser GaaaMe the last oC le O rma wsoeis la Veaesaeian waters has bees ordered peck from Oaruamao Vonoaueia The eraoriag back of Ute Gaaelle would seem to indicate that Ufe OwmaaYene- mqlaavjiffeljant m clesedc 5 Ifasellt w ca setwrml other rpasilo want to Voneimola several months ago eamre a demand for the payment of- OaiaiaB Lira wMck PreaWeat Caotre- saarnad mcMatJ to xrpudiaU of Oaaelle left La Gnayra where WALES RECEIVED INVITATION Lar Subwit the 5Tess e Preen Hew Yerk IMXQK April Prlnee cf- Xe Perk Chamber of Commerce to pay a Mel te the UaMed Maass It was sent through Lord Bowser pres- ident of the London Chamber ot Cem- mocoe who forwarded R t tho Prate Leaden Chamber of Cemmeree JIM i the iavttatiea is send diri agate te Xow These aoJesaUs haw net been npI- MtaAed aa yet It Is kaowa howo r that Lard cry wffl sa CHAMBERLAIN AND SUGAR Dea tatf a Vainly Elm About the Preposed Tax LfiXDON Aartl ItA of- mmar man oonCarred with Colonial tscru tsar Chaejbermi today conueralaa Ute praapsetlve Ucreose of hatfpenar pealed ht the sugar tax They salted Mr Chamhrrlilu for his views ea the suafoet Mr Chamberlain MMHei that the gevenaaMat would net rsssaaso Me ketoaUoB rail the bu 5 i- wa totiwdueaaS- CO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Be bees latch ROt F1J1iUHAELE REPORT ON far ta- t N 1 t4 fa the ereeUoa of Mea Jet are bleed for roes to J Bellta e4 lKludes Ute Jeet Is Q wbkh htas bees tile tit t e e t atel ue with Ute ua tie they were staUoed Bra laThe tie IftltaJ4NI d j The Ywk tau a a A e W IlK a L- AThe snow operators bT the ill has Ape ewes by- e lit The seeaSy for a salts eats share whirl sow Merage oas reel a T that prewed rpoa year e r r C reuses eerai we ks ass Wa1ea Ap i eetved t- w ted B Ask de Bum Qtdelae7bkM u ds msoq it each 1 ate ea a story liar bk liar ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ° ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW- AT THE BENNING TRACK First race Ha ad leap three year a d- up lYe amt a half Jurloass Bloim 120 Apple Jack 1W Alpaca lit CormoraBt 118 Ante Up Rene 114 Prices Otillie HZ Merrimeat 112 MHstersfu- ger n Dolce Far Ntente 113 KHsabeth Moan 12fi Pigeon Post 126 Odds sad Ends We Second years old leer and a half furlongs Benduro IIi Julia Lye toa 1W Optima Ie4 the Peter 112 Squid 14 Third race Three years oM and up six furlongs Pluses Put Ohnet 112 Raise Alerts 1 Maa oWar 1 S Meis- tereinper 1 Kseeae w Trump M The Hoyden 9S 96 Merriment 91 Happy fl Fourth race Maiden twoyearolds lath mile Red Knight 112 The Climer- U2 Beaduro 112 and Julia Lystoa 1M coupled Geisha QW AH 3oul lie Optima 1M Ahota 19 Antarctic lf Squid lOt Glories K Kugmia B rch- 1W Fifth race For mnldena three years old sad upward sores furiemjn Father Des H and Odds and hinds 9C Dalys entry Brace J Ashbreok 93 Xala 91 Bmineace II 91 Merry Hours 81 Fie 91 May J 91 Telling 91 Sixth race Selling for threeyearolds sad upward one rile and ftfJ yards Lamp oLee 119 Rough Rider lit AH Saints 1M Cheriw ed 101 Pax ton Alack Appreatice allowances MR mm ANXIOUS Proposes an Amendment to a Joint Resolution Reuses te Talk ef Disfranchising Citi zacs of Some States Wiabes ta Protect the Seaatt in Se to today during asorntes Mr Depew Rep X Y flkve neil LV feitawtag swat to the joint resolution yroinsiny the Coustitutton te the uleettcaot Son The mlMe tJeai of ettinew entitled t vets Onltwt Jttatea 9anatom and Jten- re artativoc in Caapirias shall he vniform- in all the States and Congress boos palate legiBlation and to pnvtde far tile Baalstratton of dtiaona eMitied to wte th conduct of such flections sad of UM result I sea set under ordinary circumstances nnd condiUesut in favor of the pmaoBid roinetlon of RepresontntiTes ta the SoMthern States but if the deer is adoption of this amend I meat to Ute CoascMtttton or tbs ehang fcj etffee eaoractor and esnBtM ilnn eaate ol die United States then thai necosoartty he of the citizens of the KefMtfcMe and lam ioc of tb e who any be designated as Senators Mr Lodge Mass Bare notice that he dioeww the Chinese sKl sion bUl- on Saturday The rostoahee improprintioa bill wt THE HORSELESS VEHICLE QitejrtioB f Liability ta Special Tax Re ferrad t Solicitor Mr A R the hack inspector has coiled the attention of the District Cora aiBBloaera to ta iMspo itton of the ease of the Diotrict vs Ute WMhincion hoc Iris Vehicle TraasportaitoB Company lie stated that the cenrt of appeal reversed tile Assists of the Police Court ane held that the respect coaid rat be rInd to pay a Hcease tax on Us ToMclea aader the previsions of the act of the legislative asaembiy approved Anenat ZX 18T1 Meter Sylvester in forwarding tile re- port to Commissioner Ross says that this precivdes the police tray enforcing the regulation against thte else of vehicles tad he the question whether aw dIe aaeka and carrioa a on Ute ground that are private vehicles shouts be removed from the pufcUc steade- in toot of pubic places when not en gnnvd- Oommisoioner Ross has the Motion rfrci y Major Sylvester be re the City SoHeMor for aa opta loaTHE KRETOL REPORT READY Jl cetver Xa Sttamk a Prelimaaiy Statement Today Jteeelrer Knox will today vat ke his report as to the contiitton of tie affairs of the Krotol Chetaital Com- pany ia this err He win state that he fond no property of company n this Jwrisdictton and that the hooks and papers of the company were tu ned over 16 him wltaottt dispute It is understood that his proiiaHaary- npport will be iled with the jvdae corporation court in Alexandria within the nert day or two possibly this after- noon The natnre of this report will he looked forward to with la Israel tt will show that the ia Alexandria is ajcaia ia oeoratioa and that the la belMg sMpped to fill c rdera seek day i- I THE PENTECOSTAL MEETING Interesting Sermon by Rev DeRand Pieree of Lynn The feature of todays session of tIt Pentecostal meetings which are being hM dafty In Cencordla Clufc Hall Sixth and H StreeU aortHw et was the ermon at il oclock of the Rev Pierce of Lynn Moos A general buoin M meeting wee held at 2 oclock this afternoon Many matters ef vital Impectanoo to tbo Pentecostal ehttrahes thtoogaout the country were die cussed Tonight the Dr A K Fitktn evaa- Jtottst ef Broottlm N Y will preach Several sew deiegaies are spooled te strive CORONATION ENVOY U gtiayaH MiaioUr te Roptsftaat Hie- CeuBtry Abroad Dr Joan Cuestas Minister to the iUalUd States from Uruguay slid at the Mate Department tills morning aad- aansunceJ that he had beer cheeen as the amheeandor for Wa country to Kteg- Brtwarda coroaatisfa tile will alee go ta the eereni nos at teaaaar the asmpag ef Alfoase of Spain 1M raceTwo lie Reno 1M Leslie Russell PIe II 9G e FOR PURE ELECTIONS Ute hour MItEt Mars let 18 art3eie tIte- r Is III lie w lIT 8f t tact tills the UNn I n ed I to the Mia Rev POD tune ae haM parer atone tbb by otipprt tie ameedsmrat nor oI sp asd time till reesre ass 1 tygalsio I by pox er ba tapiw a fuiketd ilesmest belly ls mar world Lamb tae they c tai pI frIary oft asrtl Use factor prurient sere Dena toal itt lip aptiro red lAafi > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ j I Amendment to Department- of Commerce Bill Offered THE SCHEME OF MR WOODS New Secretary te Have General Super viatea Over Pr p8ed New Branch A Director te Be ia Charge Why the Patron Changed His Plan Representative Woods of California has just submitted to the House Committee on Interstate and Fereiga Commerce aa amendment to the Senate MU to create the Department of Commerce Mr Woods amendment proposes to add to the Department of Commerce a Bureau of Mines and Mining His amendment is as tollows- There shall be a Bureau of Mines and Mining and a Director of said bureau who shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate who shall receive a salary ef- e M per annum He shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of aad required by Jaw There shall be appointee by the Director of the Bu- reau of Mines and Mining one cbtef tsars who shell a salary of 9t a per annum and such other eterieal slstam a may front time to time be authorised by Congress The said Bureau of Min4a sad Miaiae under the dlreeUea et the Secretary of Cemnwree shall have genorojl Jurisdictlea over alt matters pertaining to mines sod miming Industries sad of the Geological Surve and over sal matters eemmttted to any of the bureaus offices depart menttr or broaches of the public servte toy this act from other execu- tive deportment of the Government to the 3 d Department of Commerce which pertain to mines sad mining as fully as the same is now possessed by say of the said bureaus omces departments or brunches of the public service from waencii the snire is so transferred sod that the emeial records and papers new on ale in and relating to the business of any suck bureau omce beach of the pvbtlc service In this act traaaerred to the Department of Gem together with the furniture now in use in such bureau ante department or branch of the public service shall be and is hereby transferred to the Bureau of Mines sad Mining The std Bureau of Mines and Mining shall under the direction of the Seers I lacy of Commerce collect compile and publish information in respect to the- me aad it snail be the duty of naidb- aTCBDi to acquire sad disseminate practi- cal sad useful information concerning the mineral resources and mining m- dtstrte of the United States ss well as I of other countries and that the orace of the Director of the Geological Surrey and the Geological Survey Service and all that relates and portals to the same is hereby transferred from the JuTiedtettoa- j of the Interior Department to use Jurts diction and ef Department Mines and Mining f The Dkector ef the Bureau ef Mines and Mining snail annually make a report of the work la to Congress which shall contain aa account of alt raeneyg received and expended by Mm in promoting aad facilitating the d celop meat of mines mineral resources and mining industries in the United States and suck recommendations as he shall deem necessary to the further develop- ment of the same The Director of the Doreen of Mines sad Mining shall under the direction of the Secretary of the Department of Com- merce have charge in the buildings or premises occupied by or appropriated to the Bureau of Mines and Mining of the library furniture axtures records and other property pertaining to it or here- after acquired for use in its businem sad he shall be allowed to expend for periodi- cals and the purposes of the library and for the rental of appropriate quarters when not otherwise furnished for the ac- commodation of the Doreen of Mines and Mining within the District of Columbia and for all other incidental expenses such sums as Congress may provide from time to time Provided however that all of- ficers and employes now employed in any of the bureaus omces departments or branches of the public service In this set transferred to the Department of Commerce renting to said bureau are each sad all hereby transferred to aaid department at their present grades and salaries except where otherwise provided in this act until otherwise provided by and provided further that all laws prescribing the work and defining Ute du- ties of the several bureaus omces depart- ments or breaches of the public service by this aet traasCorred to aad stele a part of the Department of Commerce re- lating to waiec cad mfeiag stall a far a the same are not ta eonitet with the provisions of this act remain In full force and skeet until otherwise provided by law Early in the ensloa Mr intro ducal bill to create the Department of Mines and Mining It was referred to the Committee on Mines and Miaiag As the Senate had passed a bit to creole the De- partment of Commerce and the House Committee oa Interstate and Foreign Cemmeree have agreed to report the Son bill with slight amendment Mr Weeds concluded It wfltln be better e have his bill tacked on as aa amendment to provide in the new deportment a Bu reau of sad Mining MISS ROOSEVELT AT HOME Presidents Daughter Arrives ia Wash- ington From Cuba Mies Alice Roosevelt returned to Vvtaafe legion this morning from Cuba where she has been the guest of General aad Wood Miss Roosevelt seemed in the boot of spirits and health and said she enjoyed her trip Immensely THE SMALLPOX SITUATION Removal of a Victim to the Hospital fer Those With the Ltottie Gnat a young colored woman suspected of having gmallpoic who w s tenet yesterday at 14 Francis Street southeast when the child Jeoepk Craw was removed suffering wHk bhe die watt to oy takea from the detention carp to the smallpox hospital contact with toe colored woman a Shelton towered about tee days ago frew- IJCt Flat Street southeast Torpedo Maker Dead i- VIBNJfA April M Mr John Whtte heed number of the WhH heed terj odo aaKlaetory at Ffuwe o the AdriaMf ted sere yesterday of pej- tonltis at the age of tovtrolaiit- Rapresenlative BromweK te Retire Repreeeatecive BromweM of Ohio who ft spite s rvtrig hls fourth eaniiicnitee- toamjaanMM i this BtornlaK that he net be a candidate for reelection FAVORS BUREAU OP MINES AND MINlliG the I transferred I ala r cat LM oC I I I I I I clerks I I ate This s the second ease to develop paIR tM prl pal wl I I I Com- merce roe ive R departments m rte mini the Oenmatet ee tans sa writing lava woods a Mines dint Disease lease a ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + NOTED AUTHORESS IN i PRIVATE SANITARIUM BIG POLITICAL PLUM FQfl A NEWSPAPER MAN- R J Wyrna Made Fist Assistant master General Rebert J Wynne ten corre- spondent ef the lies York Frees wilt be appeM 4 First Assistant General Mr Wynn Is a Penneylvanlnn a Republican awl president at the Grid- iron Club TIle vacancy w caused by the resig- nation of W M Johason ef New Jersey teWfh M MasHey of Make Harry- C New eMmNaaa Lath declined the ap- pointment siMe MM and the salary KJtt Perry S- Heath was First Assistant FestaMater- GeaeraliB tame MeKiniey AdmiaiflCtasiea The aaBouacemeat ef MR Wynaea JIB poiatmeat waa given out at the Postofcce- Departmeut today Mr Wynne says that dent before the latter west South but was under pledge net 10 speak of UK Matter until the Kxecutive retMrned JUDGE KEILEY RESIGNS The VirgiaiaH Retires From Court ef Egypt Athoar M Kelley VirgteU ti l X Egypt has his rcaiKBatim o the Khedive awl the State Department has oflhafcliy to tihat effect Roeeevett win have time privtie e ef his SM- Cceaaor No teases for Judge Keileys- resignation wa given in the notice to the State Department Judge Keiiey was ior merly of Richmond FALSE ALARM OF FIRE CREATES Ri s House Guests Have an Experience Sudden Ringing ef Goags Reuses All the Gtwstscaf tke Hole But ITe Blue Is te Be Pound Anywhere A faise alam of Are at the Riggs House halt sight cans pit about as meek aseite as a fej i are The Rises ia vipped1ii li a system of Ire alarms on each ao ben sac hi turned on ail Join in chorus and Ute peR who is teepee b afim It was ahpat 1 oclock nat night when the trouhe begaa Everybody had retired The hoMae had become M as If do sorted The night employes were drowsi- ly noddatf paadcm nlrtm brake ttMMto- atX dJa nfeta t s wa hnrrjliis w The whole bvildiag became lighted i if by magic Bmptepes daubed and there soekisa the losses Gaeata rushed from their rooms or peas clothed principally less Horsemen and members of Congress womea and chil- dren scurried abort in a condition border ing on pone Aid still the dread alarm was sounding and Mill no are could be found The ele- vator belt didviMX cease tress Its franOc appeals Forms in white were to be Mea descending the Jlreeeca The whole eatabHohmeat was in an At last discovered that there was no Some one either as a e or through ignorance had turned on Ute alarm The alarm which from the beginning had not ceased was turned off and tile frightened guests began to realise how scant was their attire and sought the se- clusion of their rooms All was peace again but there has been no peace today for the employs Bach and everyone has been appointed a committee ef one to Had out who started that alarm So far the mystery i unsolved KNOTTY GNARLED CROOKED Explanatiea ef Mr Lanham Segareiag Certain Trees Recently Planted Mr William X Dougal and others re cently called the attention of the District Commiasioaers to the condition of the trees planted on IT Street northwest be- tween Valley and Thirtyftmt Streets TIM complainant allege that these trees are without exception knotty gnarled and rooked They invite a comparison these trees and those pleated sliest two years ago oa U Street between Tair- tynfth and Thirty bixth Streets which are straight and free from detects The complainants soy that the condition of the trees in frost of their homes indi- cate the feavtags of the nursery Hr Trueness Lanham Superintendent of Parking Has r pertt d on the matter contplaiaed of and states that the trees wet pleated are Norway maples and that- a peculiarity of their earlier growth ta that they are crooipd aad knotty as de- scribed Mat that after a few years growth they oefcome straight and attrac- tive trees He statue that those pleated were of c gee stock and as good as the nursery Would afford The ether trees referred to he said are sugar maples whisk grow straight from the earliest years Mr Jjmbfun recommends that no changes be atede in the trees planted STREET RAILWAY EXTENSION Commissioners Report on the Eleventh Street Line BilL today submitted te the Horse Committee on the District of Columbia their report upon Howe Mil No 12366 requlriag the AoacoAtAa and Potomac Hallread Com a le ac teed iUjBleyenth Street Use to Columbia Heights asd HoUBead Mellor Oae of the mala reasons they the eateaoioa of BleVeath Street te- tbo need of addiMeaai street ear faeilL flea betweea Seveath and Streets in the Metier north of Avenue sod the street opened general understanding that it waa to bo a railroad route Sibley Bill Favorably Reported The Howe Committee oa Labor this morning a faverable report oa the Sibley WU to pcohlMt government agents from purehaaiag eonvict made sooes Eirmer Han for Ireland BBLFAST April 0 Telegraph ottttosthat ML Wa deUjcmiaed at a moev lag of the Cabinet on Monday to ImM Armor sonvroinsur in Ireland for the suppression of the Lulled Irish League Pot Watt 1 The Important and seepea he t811dtn14 place T UIe International or or the Chart t ApPels e Ute President 4 a r 1 Howe sot the N a quiet Ty la Ute Ita mote real k ire bet- ween The cOB nhrs Pour was ordered B sad oBe h as was be ProM odes betrsa Tri yamal tendered boss sail- ed sassing mayor a meat aroused di ntpl ins beoso bpn a- fro leer wag i Rifer sa- fe beeat Fler win- e The seta t eel y h ids h b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° + Mrs Frances Hodgson Bur nett at Hudson River Retreat HER DOCTOR DENIES RUMORS Nearitis the Only Malady Afflicting Her He Says Herwc Treatment AdaHais- tored The WeHKae Plans the Future NEW TOSOC April M Mrs Frances Hedajaaa Burnett the famous stories ef M e Lord Fees tl rejr WKtoaghay etsJrn A Lady of QualHy and other noted works of Hctioa and who formori hired in- Wnahiaxteu hi sow at the Riverview SMtttarium at FIsMrfll Landing X Y- Aeeerdtag to her phydelaa TX Jeaar Kelly Jr Mrs Burnett kt swterjmr frost neuritis and went to the art ea the pressing invitation of aa oWUme friend Mrs WillIaM S Vhitwell e West Btcv 4t Street this city whose husband Dr Weitwell owns the inaane Mrs Burnetts going tiers gave ier melody was one steering faculties Her Physicians Denial by Dr Kelly who soil Mrs Burnetts malady neuritm of the lower Maths while It ha4 Its in nervous disorder is a malady purely physical m Us steel Her mind M in no way weakened She is a woman e energy sad the hardest kind of a works Of course if she should attempt under present eoadmoas te keep up the old with her But she can nod doss work i MUle every day A north aslant ef writing and tMnkteg ta no way Jeepard her health nod while the book and mr speaks ef say be a longer time la production tUB Mrs Burnett usually theta will I veature to say be net the slightest loss ia the old tamiiter- etreagth and brtntancy Mentalry JNn The Patients Treatment The treatment which the weMkaewa- appHcatioa of extreme heat to her limbs lag the limbs in a Umperatore or from M to SM through tits beautiful country noon diversions of Mrs Burnett and sitter Mrs Jeraaa who is shiaaias sanitarium with lane Burnett is usable to walk without crutehea aa thC her Illness causes her cenoideraaie h- coaventenee and suffering Mrs Burnetts Plans Ion regarstag her Bur sit yesterday pose out a wi4Uen state- ment follows When I came to New York la De eember my intention wee to complete rat a poky nnd then a IteM both begun at my country house in Espial The it Impossible for K to work for the lives eat I am except for the neuritis extreme- ly well and hope soon to be able to ful my original Intentions with tINt as- sistance of the superheated baths sad static electricity I recovering rapid ly to pooetbta that I speed summer in California which I have never yet vlaited I shall go with my sister sad MT sea WIllIe Mrs Burnett says that she hopes to go to CaMfomla tits summer Dr Kelly saM met night the he feared that- a cure of neuritis eeuW hardy he offsetod before next summa Mr Townsend Mrs Burnetts husband accompanied her to this country Her English home is called Maythorn HalL OFFICER Virginian ia the Navy Charged With Dntskeaneas- steiler of the Lancaster on the charge of druakeaneaa The oflicml complaint was made by Commander George P Cole of that ship The president of the court Ts Wear Ad miral Philip H Cooper TJ S Nl and tie Judge advocate Capt T S MorSrti U S- X C Sucaeon M rat iler h naUve ef and appointed from Yirataia PENSION FOR MRS MKINLEY Roust Cwaatttee FTeraHy Reports the Tayter Measure Representative chairman of the House Committee on Invalid Feaamea today submitted a favorable ret oa the bill by Jleprewentative of Onto to pension Mrs Ida MKJntey at the of HJPW per annum SPECIAL NOTICES- G A R POBUC GtefOtVT w OOJUIKTft- w A R En most arc tte Mt d to coil at the ht qurt fen imtrteM utatwir MHnher of tMt IM b- MMHol with TOOM with wiOout S be la of per day ad by uecL- JC I WELL8K ptlm Committef on Public CestlertC- H1CKKN WlitH Treat nee MM feet MMO v f r b emHW cfe r than the f tKe Ow Ww reMMtti M ipfdea bwe- RHwiM McCtcUaMl uetHw H S BENSING- BR k CO lit B aw sid S H HINES CO rXOBRTAKKRS BMaAUHmg AND MU Mm SC N W WR SPEARE UXMRTAKBR A D BVBAUIBR- Wft VST X W ait efjfiai ea me met Pefapfcuit Main M J 8t2 TCIMV Aw X Writer I of for Near 1 tINt wile wrote I Ute oeD As the Is a retreat nw the Mildly to that ier Ill reports wore te Ite pine et work k wlt lharaett Ja u well she ever WIlL Is a TJM best k sad Ute treatat k that of fairly baIt tile Is eC her at i respge to a the as I nesrkts team I sat ng hit tIN COURTMARTIAL FOR A bees ret April 15 t try S1Irpoa bra K XaI Bellows rate DIED April H8 a p M PRdIYCl2 ef- W feoclrJloC- Wr Yin Ml y apo el 7tIa D paths oWl rtrig Ute MR ef or HIMI et JIrieft the Iias and sta uNDERTAKERS Ills I7e6 J8III W D C call 1JDtrItrAJ oJUtt D Co Tills wombs 6 asylum plats rise rumors These deeinred un- founded neigh great might aerIe esly pane she plea as autkreu usder40sbsg laeksda d aMy af- fected atresgbetk dew elf bordering llydae son the atter time Mrs ha Idsasder hamdbrti ttmlae e dirt which jasper ill air abet nanomartial has grieve cossets Tyler WOODRUFFOS e l t o clock r IfF- 4iawt hem al f1k lHsce teffbxes me Roma re9 latifsr Psthayf- breer sari sat r u wkhisK to ha soaeetar dttlav b ridMa mp alt oboe wmtrNre ea and mm Can i9t tt Price tt TehPbe1K llYtblatl IUWRRAaDHtWJYOR4 aU4c wm- mermR letter WILLIAM LEE a P Waskhutee > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Saks j Some Mens Suits and Top- Coats worth 1250 for Not oalj bare srterliag value te comraead tk m tj jour atteal1 tt iNit- tfcejr are beat made and beet fasbkmed anal that three counts The Sato hi the sew Mwk M White Hiaed e- 4a aw M la art CW Idle p pepalar tawta shoot briar geld if neM early hi bf Mc the AM rt hMkn Striped Worsted Tro wers jiwt tile inri h jn carat BMT ia sew f rfc P- aOnv e BM- U I eat and Chatee Boys Clothing t Specials 9MDCU1 si45 5195 Sailor Suits i hue Ilaiu ef e h l fJ 8MK9AU 5245- i f OT of Boj Corduray Knee awts Dnc I ni vorth Ttc m pale SMKIAC vj 4 D O YS the odds anti ds f ttKuSwc Sc line 4 4 JL gi de a CTrmnptsaod nil fly arg UL 1 ShirE Waists Ad Jfeelipee harte UcehCR ore 4 star worth Be sradML M 8TBCIAL Furnishings Specials BROKEN lot of M e a rs Fan j Silk f inmisr 93e omtay ev O CC T signs Men tuba aod amumi- TVI ENS Skirts a d Drawers T- iFi BiM ma in wlm rhea omjr 7 CC T lM i 4 pTtVNCY atr eads wifch jcc t cow ai cmtof e m He pair SWBCIAU X f Mens and Boys Hat Specials Soft lies in maek retri tat a- br V VUU thH we w m i ipcc CIAL A w Q tat f- f for small boss with eMtbroideml em tW k a i JSc le r 8MCU- UWLmtiSSS Jap Jwmbo Smw Suites wide maw mi ant sHnsiiii saa bama werta tic aTaWAf- cr Gulf Caps ta miad witk f Specials in the Family Footwear 1 ABIES Vici Patent Leath- er lax Sa Md O lnjm ant wet- t4a and teo ftM M Werth up t pXJ a ir bat arc brohta STECIAU ifOJ- f Black Vkri Kid Juliet Blip heed tmMd S a MJr bat nc wetBM aW aariar damrn- amnx W Ha a aox Ckildte s Sporting Goods Specials C PAiWXGS Xja BkjeJes bock Meas and wa rrrf- C IX SvratiK Bait G i eras melt S 12x3 12 and 7 re- i 3 SPHCIAfc J- COLDIXG Caweia 4x5 with ddmWe lens theater only our 17JO SBdAL 3 l J Golf Mowtatik Camenie siae 5cc7 vrSilfe nn CMC aM pk SKOAL CPALDDCG Golf Clabs wood Drivers and oc DoMioii w th u sraciAL GUT Hammocks with pillows snretdeES ati tly ea d ia aW jeumey imm iMtsqr ts us as h fl ar KIPS Bath Robes MeaS ida- Ughol Mion iM worth yja BatUf- cTVfENS Golf Stocko gS witli fist l kea gfoes 1 Cfcr hiokca muirtmiot ouch pate graCUfc TVJENS W rj ted of tlieai w SPECIAL Saks and Company Pennsylvania Aveaie and Sevemtk Steeit I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I I f F RIDAY SPECIALS f f I t 1 9 75 t Ii they t t l f- l tile f it trt eblt r tar trftlyd r ilia t ate Nt wide fal a- Mx you liT tile t f t t f- f t- T tT 1 D rttBJT Short t UL t H A LF It Kilt t BOyS t slid relic tad t to la t SHORT Pants in DfttlIHe r1tiired t- t J95 f t Neck r BOYS 1 YOUNG TAng stRS 3 1t4 295 i I uric at t N T len s t- t 1 t T- t L OT of Silk Bnrs ells sold f t t BROKEN 1Iedi a slit we wsmli 25ta- cat IIIICIA- Lt 1 uspt re natal J S HaJi 9 wuyptltfr rns lint 10 f 1 VI yew tII w L f iT t Mens Fine Derbys and Soft Hats tf- w ether tt t tile 1 00 t i t o I YACHT Caps 19C 1 fII T t C with 19 C t 1 f B 69G i C HILDI S gc t Ir r f Kid and i Ratty t f DIES T t t t LillIE eeuw said SIitfer8 ethos oMal t srtJCI t J M I Black Viei Kid rT t cw 5185 t rt O Pi and J3wttan t 4 lAIN SIIea i T- t Do t 9 f f I- L 12 t- f t sine f worth THREE T 1 Reed t t I E i T T both 2 25 t BO t- I i t- t lO- Ot t t t j 1 1- I 1 I 1 I I t I I 1 Z I I 4 T I I t fa atres i t en gels ladt b- all are J adiOry welt unlade Is 7bp t op fist ehfsrd and Me e i shires ad bk silk doses t I Lk er j dq 13NS saws epos w bterste ptelstt alttaee- 71ey set the e t OtSLF Lreata t axntl i r Yaar tlaMa espsMtleb- edae bt n N hsimr neat fAi dollen Suits is I3rowx- sd hied tar sl4 4 i l sra se ad lids cellos trismeed with aIselrtrmtdsrettirimiitchem E a air Suits 11Bi1 41s eemmr ties etmly t x to and 7 aw det SrIt 15 s C a t ri li t sires ti irnq I ants Stilts J a edrg M ids i t i s 5 AY tie e evbue teeet 1Me Mese banes allsfward pNpimr liars ol k tpaltit IfIG 1111lfLt- 4f err s u ff- ii be liM T or ssshis lie an s vi i wool t hide weber Y a l V lkxcy base a gooi c s pale el a sue westh lie sh S L BOUT 1 dozen pea xie fettr Pnsss soh it she Isdhrr thins ad Tageewsaa i adeliteol beltDustsMs s BerbpsisBhetr sal seetoa gilt tales PIS tcnuint Par Pelt I lerals slid I tii ae Soft lists is anent nhspem ivgehr 0 limp LCI4L 1Q I eiseattatie rmtB 9 IiL- 4 2 Lie sad tots alas I i pcs math 11 yr ttlpee sir sae Mf eafi tt q 59- t Evening sitese r ipi Ink arte opiAsr u 1 a39 Lee tiheei iuiwl e aaefmrit belicks i S ends ere Xis anal and bake tin tnq hie Si t S st teffi a pole Shea w oath m 4L 104 4 k Ny ssadgsrsmalmmelS sssi b 75 wet 9i q and 5 hailer loll Lend G 1 t and red 9rJOlMe a WsMtcars nailed Sol aIter i st s with retlett 4ll yS f alum Rill seta r Jerseys just four ri 3t T < < > ¬ < < < > ° > > + + + + + + + = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = + + + + + + > + > + = >

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-04-10 [p 2]. · 2017. 12. 26. · U2 Beaduro 112...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-04-10 [p 2]. · 2017. 12. 26. · U2 Beaduro 112 and Julia Lystoa 1M coupled Geisha QW AH 3oul lie Optima 1M Ahota 19 Antarctic lf




Executive Board Says theDate Wont Be An



UwkrstanifBg Is That Operators WillGives One Mere Chance te Ceme tTerri Before the Mea Are Called OutAnthracite Situation Canvassed

IXAXAPOU6 lad April That abig strike is seriously contemplated brthe Wet Virginia real miners hasmale ovtdeat by the deekuatiea br memhen ef the executive board ef the UnitedMih Workers is suasion here that thedate of the strike will not be announcedft sunk a step is resorted

utmost secrecy being main-tained la regard to the preparation TheundetssAandteg is that tie wiMbe given one more chance to come toterms beware the strike to declare

When this to deae it will fret becomeknown puWtehed order to the min-ers te quit work

The situation ia the anthracite Sellswas eaavaeeed today but BO informationwee gives out The leaders still profess

ia the witty ol the olrfc federa-tion to beadle the situatlea adthirty day armistice will be allowed topeas without a strike even though aerateace reached

The Ham has indorsed the strike BOW

ia paegresg te the Mtchlgasaei4a andiaotriieted the national offieera te bringabout another conference between strik-ers and pesters

The strike baa been on siace 1

and involves MM beeThe HopklBB covatr KeBtMCky strike

waa ateo agaia indorsedThe fight in this district will be coa-

ttMed along present lines until the oper-

ators yield to the denMitda


The Senate Committee UrgesBuildings Construction

Itaadoi Many Joaeea Vai aW-

GbvozaaoBt Papers Now m GonalaatDanger of Destructive

Tile ItoH of Itecords tfN introoucedsnafe yeatarday l r aenaio r iir

Ecpartod atvocaMr ahaMaHe Stpaaoa

Granada today without ammdmsnCasMiniltoo says Us report The

hall of records ha toag Mea recogBiaedMay have made to providefor the construction of a building lawatch weld he safely stored and pre-served the valaaale records of the Gov-ernment

J4nay of tbeoi reds are now sellfor a long time have bees in serious perUThe instruct ton of many of them baa beeasorfouair threatened at timesTheir would be an almost lrroparagone to the Qovemmont

Your committee believes that the erec-tion of a Hal pf Records ahouM begia at-aa oai4r date sal the maay departments

tile aatBifK omharraosniont of the publie jphoaH be relieved sad tile

ad stored therein aadworthy of preservation shonld led a per-manent place ia a buildtag erected for theanaejMe purpose of aceommodeting them

atteatton of Congress for twentyeveIt append the long letter f the

tnry or the Treasury on the subjectreceived kfj the early teatintm sad Bubliaaed m ftiH in The Tim



zseaaittuv ImtfAtc Suuiag f Gcrawa-Vteaeouelan lacident-

MtKUK April l Th OernwB cruiserGaaaMe the last oC le O rma wsoeisla Veaesaeian waters has bees orderedpeck from Oaruamao Vonoaueia

The eraoriag back of Ute Gaaelle wouldseem to indicate that Ufe OwmaaYene-mqlaavjiffeljant m clesedc

5 Ifasellt w ca setwrml other rpasilowant to Voneimola several months agoeamre a demand for the payment of-OaiaiaB Lira wMck PreaWeat Caotre-saarnad mcMatJ to xrpudiaU

of Oaaelle left La Gnayra where


Lar Subwit the 5Tess ePreen Hew Yerk

IMXQK April Prlnee cf-

Xe Perk Chamber of Commerce to paya Mel te the UaMed Maass

It was sent through Lord Bowser pres-ident of the London Chamber ot Cem-mocoe who forwarded R t tho Prate

Leaden Chamber of Cemmeree JIMi the iavttatiea is send diri agatete Xow

These aoJesaUs haw net been npI-MtaAed aa yet

It Is kaowa howo r that Lardcry wffl sa


Dea tatf a Vainly Elm About thePreposed Tax

LfiXDON Aartl ItA of-mmar man oonCarred with Colonial tscrutsar Chaejbermi today conueralaa Utepraapsetlve Ucreose of hatfpenarpealed ht the sugar tax

They salted Mr Chamhrrlilu for hisviews ea the suafoet Mr ChamberlainMMHei that the gevenaaMat would netrsssaaso Me ketoaUoB rail the bu 5 i-wa totiwdueaaS-










N 1 t4fa

the ereeUoa of



are bleed for roes to


e4 lKludes Ute JeetIs Q wbkh htas bees tile





atel ue with Ute uatiethey were staUoed

BralaThetie IftltaJ4NI d






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L-AThe snow


bT the




ewes by-e lit

TheseeaSy for a salts



whirl sow Merage

oasreel a

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eerai we ks ass

Wa1ea Ap ieetved t-






Bum Qtdelae7bkMu dsmsoq it each 1ate ea a story liar
















First race Ha ad leap three year a d-

up lYe amt a half Jurloass Bloim 120

Apple Jack 1W Alpaca lit CormoraBt118 Ante Up Rene 114 PricesOtillie HZ Merrimeat 112 MHstersfu-ger n Dolce Far Ntente 113 KHsabethMoan 12fi Pigeon Post 126 Odds sadEnds We

Second years old leer and ahalf furlongs Benduro IIi Julia Lyetoa 1W Optima Ie4 the Peter 112Squid 14

Third race Three years oM and up sixfurlongs Pluses Put Ohnet 112Raise Alerts 1 Maa oWar 1 S Meis-tereinper 1 Kseeae w Trump MThe Hoyden 9S 96 Merriment 91Happy fl

Fourth race Maiden twoyearoldslath mile Red Knight 112 The Climer-U2 Beaduro 112 and Julia Lystoa 1Mcoupled Geisha QW AH 3oul lieOptima 1M Ahota 19 Antarctic lfSquid lOt Glories K Kugmia B rch-1W

Fifth race For mnldena three years oldsad upward sores furiemjn Father DesH and Odds and hinds 9C Dalys entry

Brace J Ashbreok 93 Xala 91Bmineace II 91 Merry Hours 81 Fie

91 May J 91 Telling 91

Sixth race Selling for threeyearoldssad upward one rile and ftfJ yardsLamp oLee 119 Rough Rider lit AHSaints 1M Cheriw ed 101 Paxton Alack

Appreatice allowances


Proposes an Amendment to aJoint Resolution

Reuses te Talk ef Disfranchising Citizacs of Some States Wiabes ta

Protect the Seaatt

in Se to today during asorntesMr Depew Rep X Y flkve neil

LV feitawtag swat to the jointresolution yroinsinythe Coustitutton te the uleettcaot Son

The mlMe tJeai of ettinew entitled tvets Onltwt Jttatea 9anatom and Jten-re artativoc in Caapirias shall he vniform-in all the States and Congress boos

palate legiBlation and to pnvtde far tileBaalstratton of dtiaona eMitied to wteth conduct of such flections sad

of UM result

I sea set under ordinary circumstancesnnd condiUesut in favor of thepmaoBid roinetlon of RepresontntiTes tathe SoMthern States but if the deer is

adoption of this amend

Imeat to Ute CoascMtttton or tbs ehangfcj etffee eaoractor and esnBtM ilnn

eaate ol die United States then thainecosoartty he

of the citizens of the KefMtfcMe and lamioc of tb e

who any be designated as SenatorsMr Lodge Mass Bare notice that he

dioeww the Chinese sKl sion bUl-

on SaturdayThe rostoahee improprintioa bill wt


QitejrtioB f Liability ta Special Tax Re

ferrad t SolicitorMr A R the hack inspector has

coiled the attention of the District CoraaiBBloaera to ta iMspo itton of the easeof the Diotrict vs Ute WMhincion hocIris Vehicle TraasportaitoB Company liestated that the cenrt of appeal reversedtile Assists of the Police Court ane heldthat the respect coaid rat be rIndto pay a Hcease tax on Us ToMclea aaderthe previsions of the act of the legislativeasaembiy approved Anenat ZX 18T1

Meter Sylvester in forwarding tile re-port to Commissioner Ross says that thisprecivdes the police tray enforcing theregulation against thte else of vehiclestad he the question whether awdIe aaeka and carrioa a on Uteground that are private vehiclesshouts be removed from the pufcUc steade-in toot of pubic places when not engnnvd-

Oommisoioner Ross has theMotion rfrci y Major Sylvester be re

the City SoHeMor for aa opta


Jl cetver Xa Sttamk a PrelimaaiyStatement Today

Jteeelrer Knox will today vat ke hisreport as to the contiitton of

tie affairs of the Krotol Chetaital Com-pany ia this err He win state thathe fond no property of company nthis Jwrisdictton and that the hooks andpapers of the company were tu ned over16 him wltaottt dispute

It is understood that his proiiaHaary-npport will be iled with the jvdaecorporation court in Alexandria withinthe nert day or two possibly this after-noon The natnre of this report will helooked forward to with laIsrael tt will show that theia Alexandria is ajcaia ia oeoratioa andthat the la belMg sMpped to fillc rdera seek day i-


Interesting Sermon by Rev DeRand

Pieree of LynnThe feature of todays session of tIt

Pentecostal meetings which are beinghM dafty In Cencordla Clufc HallSixth and H StreeU aortHw et was theermon at il oclock of the RevPierce of Lynn Moos

A general buoin M meeting wee held at2 oclock this afternoon Many mattersef vital Impectanoo to tbo Pentecostalehttrahes thtoogaout the country were diecussed

Tonight the Dr A K Fitktn evaa-Jtottst ef Broottlm N Y will preach

Several sew deiegaies are spooled testrive


U gtiayaH MiaioUr te Roptsftaat Hie-

CeuBtry AbroadDr Joan Cuestas Minister to the

iUalUd States from Uruguay slid atthe Mate Department tills morning aad-aansunceJ that he had beer cheeen asthe amheeandor for Wa country to Kteg-Brtwarda coroaatisfa

tile will alee go ta the eereni nos atteaaaar the asmpag efAlfoase of Spain








PIe II9G e





18 art3eie


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I to







haMparer atone tbb by

otipprt tie ameedsmrat

nor oI

sp asd time

tillreesre ass 1 tygalsio I

by pox er ba tapiw a fuiketd ilesmest

belly lsmar







pI frIary


asrtl Usefactor




toal itt













Amendment to Department-of Commerce Bill Offered


New Secretary te Have General Superviatea Over Pr p8ed New BranchA Director te Be ia Charge Why thePatron Changed His Plan

Representative Woods of California hasjust submitted to the House Committeeon Interstate and Fereiga Commerce aaamendment to the Senate MU to createthe Department of Commerce MrWoods amendment proposes to add tothe Department of Commerce a Bureau ofMines and Mining His amendment is astollows-

There shall be a Bureau of Mines andMining and a Director of said bureauwho shall be appointed by the Presidentby and with the advice and consent ofthe Senate who shall receive a salary ef-

e M per annumHe shall perform such duties as shall

be prescribed by the Secretary ofaad required by Jaw There shall

be appointee by the Director of the Bu-

reau of Mines and Mining one cbtef tsarswho shell a salary of 9t a perannum and such other eterieal slstama may front time to time be authorisedby Congress

The said Bureau of Min4a sad Miaiaeunder the dlreeUea et the Secretary ofCemnwree shall have genorojl Jurisdictleaover alt matters pertaining to mines sodmiming Industries sad of the GeologicalSurve and over sal matters eemmtttedto any of the bureaus offices departmenttr or broaches of the public servtetoy this act from other execu-tive deportment of the Government tothe 3 d Department of Commerce whichpertain to mines sad mining as fully asthe same is now possessed by say of thesaid bureaus omces departments orbrunches of the public service fromwaencii the snire is so transferred sodthat the emeial records and papers newon ale in and relating to the business ofany suck bureau omcebeach of the pvbtlc service In this acttraaaerred to the Department of Gem

together with the furniture nowin use in such bureau ante departmentor branch of the public service shall beand is hereby transferred to the Bureauof Mines sad Mining

The std Bureau of Mines and Miningshall under the direction of the Seers

I lacy of Commerce collect compile andpublish information in respect to the-

me aad it snail be the duty of naidb-

aTCBDi to acquire sad disseminate practi-cal sad useful information concerning the

mineral resources and mining m-

dtstrte of the United States ss well asI of other countries and that the orace of

the Director of the Geological Surrey andthe Geological Survey Service and allthat relates and portals to the same ishereby transferred from the JuTiedtettoa-

j of the Interior Department to use Jurtsdiction and ef Department

Mines and Miningf The Dkector ef the Bureau ef Mines

and Mining snail annually make a reportof the work la to Congresswhich shall contain aa account of altraeneyg received and expended by Mm inpromoting aad facilitating the d celopmeat of mines mineral resources andmining industries in the United Statesand suck recommendations as he shalldeem necessary to the further develop-ment of the same

The Director of the Doreen of Minessad Mining shall under the direction ofthe Secretary of the Department of Com-merce have charge in the buildings orpremises occupied by or appropriated tothe Bureau of Mines and Mining of thelibrary furniture axtures records andother property pertaining to it or here-after acquired for use in its businem sadhe shall be allowed to expend for periodi-cals and the purposes of the library andfor the rental of appropriate quarterswhen not otherwise furnished for the ac-commodation of the Doreen of Mines andMining within the District of Columbiaand for all other incidental expenses suchsums as Congress may provide from timeto time Provided however that all of-

ficers and employes now employedin any of the bureaus omces departmentsor branches of the public service In thisset transferred to the Department ofCommerce renting to said bureau areeach sad all hereby transferred to aaiddepartment at their present grades andsalaries except where otherwise providedin this act until otherwise provided by

and provided further that all lawsprescribing the work and defining Ute du-ties of the several bureaus omces depart-ments or breaches of the public serviceby this aet traasCorred to aad stele apart of the Department of Commerce re-lating to waiec cad mfeiag stall a fara the same are not ta eonitet with theprovisions of this act remain In full forceand skeet until otherwise provided bylaw

Early in the ensloa Mr introducal bill to create the Department ofMines and Mining It was referred to theCommittee on Mines and Miaiag As theSenate had passed a bit to creole the De-partment of Commerce and the HouseCommittee oa Interstate and ForeignCemmeree have agreed to report the Son

bill with slight amendment MrWeeds concluded It wfltln be better ehave his bill tacked on as aa amendmentto provide in the new deportment a Bureau of sad Mining


Presidents Daughter Arrives ia Wash-

ington From Cuba

Mies Alice Roosevelt returned to Vvtaafe

legion this morning from Cuba whereshe has been the guest of General aad

WoodMiss Roosevelt seemed in the boot of

spirits and health and said she enjoyedher trip Immensely


Removal of a Victim to the Hospital ferThose With the

Ltottie Gnat a young colored womansuspected of having gmallpoic who w stenet yesterday at 14 Francis Streetsoutheast when the child Jeoepk Craw

was removed suffering wHk bhe diewatt to oy takea from the detention

carp to the smallpox hospital

contact with toe colored woman aShelton towered about tee days ago frew-IJCt Flat Street southeast

Torpedo Maker Dead i-

VIBNJfA April M Mr John Whtteheed number of the WhHheed terj odo aaKlaetory at Ffuwe othe AdriaMf ted sere yesterday of pej-tonltis at the age of tovtrolaiit-

Rapresenlative BromweK te RetireRepreeeatecive BromweM of Ohio who

ft spite s rvtrig hls fourth eaniiicnitee-toamjaanMM i this BtornlaK that henet be a candidate for reelection







alar cat LM oCI










This s the second ease to develop paIR

tM prlpal





roe ive



m rte


theOenmatet ee tans sa































R J Wyrna Made Fist Assistantmaster General

Rebert J Wynne ten corre-spondent ef the lies York Frees wiltbe appeM 4 First AssistantGeneral Mr Wynn Is a Penneylvanlnna Republican awl president at the Grid-iron Club

TIle vacancy w caused by the resig-nation of W M Johason ef New JerseyteWfh M MasHey of Make Harry-C New eMmNaaa Lath declined the ap-pointment

siMe MM and the salary KJtt Perry S-

Heath was First Assistant FestaMater-GeaeraliB tame MeKiniey AdmiaiflCtasiea

The aaBouacemeat ef MR Wynaea JIBpoiatmeat waa given out at the Postofcce-Departmeut today Mr Wynne says that

dent before the latter west South butwas under pledge net 10 speak of UKMatter until the Kxecutive retMrned


The VirgiaiaH Retires FromCourt ef Egypt

Athoar M Kelley VirgteU

ti l X Egypt hashis rcaiKBatim o the Khedive awl theState Department has oflhafcliy

to tihat effect Roeeevettwin have time privtie e ef his SM-Cceaaor No teases for Judge Keileys-resignation wa given in the notice to theState Department Judge Keiiey was iormerly of Richmond



Ri s House Guests Have anExperience

Sudden Ringing ef Goags Reuses All theGtwstscaf tke Hole But ITe Blue

Is te Be Pound Anywhere

A faise alam of Are at the Riggs Househalt sight cans pit about as meek aseite

as a fej i are The Rises iavipped1ii li a system of Ire alarms oneach ao ben sac hi turned on ailJoin in chorus and Ute peR who is

teepee b afimIt was ahpat 1 oclock nat night when

the trouhe begaa Everybody had retiredThe hoMae had become M as If dosorted The night employes were drowsi-ly noddatf paadcm nlrtm brakettMMto-


dJa nfeta t s wa hnrrjliis wThe whole bvildiag became lighted

i if by magic Bmptepes daubedand there soekisa the losses Gaeatarushed from their rooms or peasclothed principally less Horsemen andmembers of Congress womea and chil-dren scurried abort in a condition bordering on pone

Aid still the dread alarm was soundingand Mill no are could be found The ele-vator belt didviMX cease tress Its franOcappeals Forms in white were to be Meadescending the Jlreeeca The wholeeatabHohmeat was in an

At last discovered that therewas no Some one either as a eor through ignorance had turned on Utealarm

The alarm which from the beginninghad not ceased was turned off and tilefrightened guests began to realise howscant was their attire and sought the se-clusion of their rooms All was peaceagain but there has been no peace todayfor the employs Bach and everyone hasbeen appointed a committee ef one to Hadout who started that alarm So far themystery i unsolved


Explanatiea ef Mr Lanham SegareiagCertain Trees Recently Planted

Mr William X Dougal and others recently called the attention of the DistrictCommiasioaers to the condition of thetrees planted on IT Street northwest be-

tween Valley and Thirtyftmt Streets TIMcomplainant allege that these trees arewithout exception knotty gnarled androoked They invite a comparison

these trees and those pleated sliesttwo years ago oa U Street between Tair-tynfth and Thirty bixth Streets whichare straight and free from detects Thecomplainants soy that the condition ofthe trees in frost of their homes indi-cate the feavtags of the nursery

Hr Trueness Lanham Superintendentof Parking Has r pertt d on the mattercontplaiaed of and states that the treeswet pleated are Norway maples and that-a peculiarity of their earlier growth tathat they are crooipd aad knotty as de-

scribed Mat that after a few yearsgrowth they oefcome straight and attrac-tive trees He statue that those pleatedwere of c gee stock and as good as thenursery Would afford

The ether trees referred to he said aresugar maples whisk grow straight fromthe earliest years

Mr Jjmbfun recommends that nochanges be atede in the trees planted


Commissioners Report on the EleventhStreet Line BilL

today submitted tethe Horse Committee on the District ofColumbia their report upon Howe MilNo 12366 requlriag the AoacoAtAa andPotomac Hallread Com a le ac

teed iUjBleyenth Street Use to ColumbiaHeights asd HoUBead Mellor

Oae of the mala reasons theythe eateaoioa of BleVeath Street te-

tbo need of addiMeaai street ear faeilLflea betweea Seveath andStreets in the Metier north ofAvenue sod the street opened

general understanding that it waa tobo a railroad route

Sibley Bill Favorably ReportedThe Howe Committee oa Labor this

morning a faverable report oathe Sibley WU to pcohlMt governmentagents from purehaaiag eonvict madesooes

Eirmer Han for IrelandBBLFAST April 0 Telegraph

ottttosthat ML Wa deUjcmiaed at a moevlag of the Cabinet on Monday toImM Armor sonvroinsur in Ireland for thesuppression of the Lulled Irish League




The Important and seepea

he t811dtn14 place T UIe


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was be ProM


Tri yamal tendered

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aroused di ntpl

ins beoso bpna-



































Mrs Frances Hodgson Burnett at Hudson River



Nearitis the Only Malady Afflicting HerHe Says Herwc Treatment AdaHais-tored The WeHKae

Plans the Future

NEW TOSOC April M Mrs FrancesHedajaaa Burnettthe famous stories ef M e Lord Feestl rejr WKtoaghay etsJrn ALady of QualHy and other noted worksof Hctioa and who formori hired in-

Wnahiaxteu hi sow at the RiverviewSMtttarium at FIsMrfll Landing X Y-

Aeeerdtag to her phydelaa TX JeaarKelly Jr Mrs Burnett kt swterjmr frostneuritis and went to the art eathe pressing invitation of aa oWUmefriend Mrs WillIaM S Vhitwell eWest Btcv 4t Street this city whosehusband Dr Weitwell owns the

inaane Mrs Burnetts going tiers gaveier melody was one

steering facultiesHer Physicians Denial

by Dr Kelly who soilMrs Burnetts malady neuritm of the

lower Maths while It ha4 Its innervous disorder is a malady purelyphysical m Us steel Her mind M in noway weakened She is a woman eenergy sad the hardest kind of a worksOf course if she should attempt underpresent eoadmoas te keep up the old

with her But she can nod doss work iMUle every day A north aslant efwriting and tMnkteg ta no way Jeepard

her health nod while the book andmr speaks ef say be a longer time

la production tUB Mrs Burnett usuallytheta will I veature to say be netthe slightest loss ia the old tamiiter-

etreagth and brtntancy Mentalry JNn

The Patients TreatmentThe treatment which the weMkaewa-

appHcatioa of extreme heat to herlimbs

lag the limbs in a Umperatore or fromM to SM

through tits beautiful country

noon diversions of Mrs Burnett andsitter Mrs Jeraaa who is shiaaias

sanitarium with lane Burnett isusable to walk without crutehea aa thCher Illness causes her cenoideraaie h-coaventenee and suffering

Mrs Burnetts PlansIon regarstag her

Bursit yesterday pose out a wi4Uen state-ment follows

When I came to New York la Deeember my intention wee to completerat a poky nnd then a IteM both begun

at my country house in Espial The

it Impossible for K to work for the liveseat

I am except for the neuritis extreme-ly well and hope soon to be able to ful

my original Intentions with tINt as-sistance of the superheated baths sadstatic electricity I recovering rapidly

to pooetbta that I speedsummer in California which I have neveryet vlaited I shall go with my sister sadMT sea

WIllIe Mrs Burnett says that she hopesto go to CaMfomla tits summer DrKelly saM met night the he feared that-a cure of neuritis eeuW hardy he offsetodbefore next summa

Mr Townsend Mrs Burnetts husbandaccompanied her to this country HerEnglish home is called Maythorn HalL


Virginian ia the Navy Charged WithDntskeaneas-

steiler of the Lancaster on the chargeof druakeaneaa The oflicml complaintwas made by Commander George P Cole

of that shipThe president of the court Ts Wear Ad

miral Philip H Cooper TJ S Nl and tieJudge advocate Capt T S MorSrti U S-

X C Sucaeon M rat iler h naUve efand appointed from Yirataia


Roust Cwaatttee FTeraHy Reports theTayter Measure

Representative chairman ofthe House Committee on Invalid Feaameatoday submitted a favorable ret oathe bill by Jleprewentative of Ontoto pension Mrs Ida MKJntey at theof HJPW per annum





A R Enmost arc tte Mt d to coil at the ht qurt

fenimtrteM utatwir MHnher of tMt IM b-MMHol with TOOM with wiOout S

be la of per day ad by uecL-JC I WELL8K

ptlm Committef on Public CestlertC-

H1CKKN WlitH Treat nee MM feetMMO v f r b emHW cfe r than the

f tKe Ow Ww reMMtti M ipfdea bwe-RHwiM McCtcUaMl uetHw H S BENSING-BR k CO lit B aw sid






ait efjfiai ea me metPefapfcuit Main M


WriterIof for Near


tINt wile wrote

IUte oeD

As the Is a retreat nw the Mildly

to thatier Ill

reports wore te Ite

pine et work k wlt

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Is a

TJM best ksad Ute treatat k that of fairly baIt

tile Is eCherat


respge to athe



nesrkts team I sat ng

hit tIN


A bees retApril 15 t try S1Irpoa bra K XaI



DIEDApril H8 a

p M PRdIYCl2 ef-W feoclrJloC-

Wr Yin Mly apo el

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and sta


Ills I7e6 J8III



1JDtrItrAJ oJUttD Co





rise rumors

These deeinred un-founded



might aerIe esly




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af-fected atresgbetk

dewelfbordering llydae son the atter

time Mrs

haIdsasder hamdbrti ttmlae e dirt

which jasper



nanomartial has grieve



WOODRUFFOS e l toclock r IfF-

4iawt hemal

f1klHsce teffbxes

me Roma re9 latifsr Psthayf-breer sari sat r

u wkhisK to ha soaeetar dttlavb ridMa mp

alt oboe wmtrNre

eaand mm

Can i9t



TehPbe1K llYtblatl


aU4c wm-mermR letter


P Waskhutee









Some Mens Suits and Top-

Coats worth 1250 forNot oalj bare srterliag value te

comraead tk m tj jour atteal1 tt iNit-tfcejr are beat made and beet fasbkmed

anal thatthree counts

The Sato hi the sew Mwk M White Hiaed e-

4a aw M laart CW Idle p pepalar tawta

shoot briar geld if neMearly hi bf Mc the AM rt hMkn

Striped Worsted Tro wers jiwttile inri h jn carat BMT ia sew f rfc P-aOnv e BM-

U I eat andChatee

Boys Clothing

t Specials



5195Sailor Suits i hue Ilaiu ef

e h l fJ 8MK9AU 5245-

i f OT of Boj Corduray Knee awts DncI ni vorth Ttc m pale SMKIACvj

4 D OYS the odds anti ds f ttKuSwc Sc line 44 JL gi de a CTrmnptsaod nil fly arg UL

1 ShirE Waists Ad Jfeelipee harte UcehCR ore4 star worth Be sradML M


FurnishingsSpecialsBROKEN lot of M e a rs Fan j Silk finmisr 93e omtay ev O CC T

signs Mentuba aod amumi-

TVI ENS Skirts a d Drawers T-

iFi BiM ma in wlm rhea omjr 7 CC TlM i

4 pTtVNCY atr eads wifch jcct cow ai cmtof e m He pair SWBCIAU X

f Mens and Boys Hat Specials

Soft lies in maek retri tat a-

br V VUU thH we w m i ipccCIAL

A w Q tat f-

f for small boss with eMtbroideml emtW k a i JSc le r 8MCU-

UWLmtiSSS Jap Jwmbo Smw Suiteswide maw mi ant sHnsiiii saa bama werta tic aTaWAf-

cr Gulf Caps ta miad witk

f Specials in theFamily Footwear

1 ABIES Vici Patent Leath-er lax Sa Md O lnjm ant wet-t4a and teo ftM M Werth up t pXJ a

ir bat arc brohta STECIAU ifOJ-

f Black Vkri Kid Juliet Blipheed tmMd S a MJr bat

nc wetBM aW aariar damrn-amnx W Ha a aox

Ckildte s

Sporting Goods SpecialsC PAiWXGS Xja BkjeJes bock Meas and

wa rrrf-C IX SvratiK Bait G i eras melt S 12x3 12 and 7 re-i 3 SPHCIAfc J-

COLDIXG Caweia 4x5 with ddmWe lenstheater only our 17JO SBdAL 3 l J

Golf Mowtatik Camenie siae 5cc7 vrSilfe nnCMC aM pk SKOAL

CPALDDCG Golf Clabs wood Drivers and ocDoMioii w th u sraciAL

GUT Hammocks with pillows snretdeESati tly ea d ia aW jeumey imm iMtsqr ts us as h fl ar

KIPS Bath Robes MeaS ida-Ughol Mion iM worth yja BatUf-

cTVfENS Golf Stocko gS witli fist l kea gfoes 1 Cfcrhiokca muirtmiot ouch pate graCUfc

TVJENS W rj ted of tlieai wSPECIAL

Saks and CompanyPennsylvania Aveaie and Sevemtk Steeit

I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I I


fI t1 9 75t

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trt eblt r tar trftlydr iliat ate Nt

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tT1 D rttBJT Short

t UL tH A LF It Kilt tBOyS t

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t J95f

tNeck r


YOUNG TAng stRS 3 1t4 295 iI uric at

tN Tlen s t-

t 1tT-

t LOT of Silk Bnrs ells sold ft tBROKEN 1Iedi

aslit we wsmli 25ta-cat IIIICIA-


1uspt re natal

J S HaJi 9 wuyptltfr rns lint 10f 1 VI yew tII w L

f iT

t Mens Fine Derbys and Soft Hats tf-

w ether ttt tile

1 00t i t o IYACHT Caps 19C 1

fII Tt C with 19 C t1f B 69G i

C HILDI S gc tIr rf

Kid and iRatty

tf DIEST tt t

LillIE eeuw said SIitfer8ethos oMal

t srtJCI tJ MI Black Viei Kid rT

t cw 5185 trtO Pi and J3wttan t4 lAIN SIIea i T-

t Do t9

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THREE T1 Reed t

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atres i t engels ladt b-


J adiOry welt unlade Is 7bpt op fist ehfsrd and

Meei shires ad bk silk doses t

I Lk er jdq13NS

saws eposw bterste ptelstt alttaee-71ey set the e


OtSLF Lreata t axntl

i r Yaar tlaMa espsMtleb-edae bt n Nhsimr neat fAi

dollen Suits is I3rowx-sd hied tar sl4 4 i l sra se

ad lids cellos trismeedwith aIselrtrmtdsrettirimiitchem

E a air

Suits 11Bi141s eemmr ties etmly t x to and 7 aw det SrIt

15 s C a t ri li



irnq I ants Stilts J aedrgM ids i

ti s

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banesallsfward pNpimr liars ol k tpaltit IfIG1111lfLt-

4f err s u ff-ii be liM T

or ssshis lie a n svi i


hide weber Ya

l V lkxcy base a gooi cs pale el a sue westh lie shS L

BOUT 1 dozen peaxie fettr Pnsss soh it she Isdhrr thins ad Tageewsaa iadeliteol beltDustsMs s BerbpsisBhetr sal


gilt tales

PIS tcnuint Par Pelt I lerals slid I tii ae Softlists is anent nhspem ivgehr 0 limp LCI4L


I eiseattatie rmtB


IiL-4 2

Lie sad tots

alasI ipcs math 11yr ttlpee sir sae Mf eafi tt q59-

t Eveningsitese ripi Ink

arte opiAsr u1 a39

Lee tiheei iuiwle aaefmrit

belicks i

S ends ere Xis anal andbake tin tnq hie Si t Sst teffi a pole Shea w oath m 4L 104


kNy ssadgsrsmalmmelS sssib 75

wet 9i q

and 5

hailer loll

Lend G

1 tand


a WsMtcarsnailed

Sol aIter i sts with retlett 4llySf alum



Jerseys just four ri3t T














++++ +







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