Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-02-10 [p...

s mE EVENING TIMES W MO DAY FEBRUARY l12 ASHJNGTU1 rO HELP WASTEO ITEaLlLEW- AXT1CB RdmMe waman for geaeral how nvk anmt s- 16th t au Chambermaid a HOTEL RBGEXT- WANTE 6 t tad work Appty m lat WANTED Neat maatrlahle ored- i oak and bonaewark iMtS J r DONAHO- Oit Enat Capitol at- WANTRWCW for xenaral hoane rk a howac M13 P at H- WANTKl Womait to work green gtrce- Ktave M r at aw- WANTEWCook aad Uiimha refereaeai IMS- HMtcmm waUren fhX Iteamre lilt Kh at- WA TKMCowred for Renent lionatw- omMI mmUr Apply MB S at aw el- WANTRB An aattled woman to cook waaV sad iron amat atay niirhts QI3 Bmvhaana ace ntr 1- WANTEB Neliahle idrl lie xeneral hoaat ork reference t3 North Capitol at WANTW A competent wtittc aane lor aa in- fant ChB at aw el WAXTBDOM of 14 yan to aaaVit m light hnmcwcrk slay siMs brine laluanet CU after 6 p m ieSl Marion at WAXTED A white to 40 cfcimhrr work Bane chad two yean aM en ISth at aw- WAjfjTKtt A toad cook MM Mnrylaail ave at- e WASTED Hotel cook man sad wife for private taaaUy ato eMhaer UM New Yark sis BW ml- WAJfTKI ajaad sask sad rraeral worker amali aood wnftm MI3 New York aYe ml- WAXT 0Ctmmetat colored erat aouatwntk amat aait n- Mh t aw tor jren- ia Ml- InmiLKinir an t Milan fax E at aw WANTED RllliihU woman hjr acaerai havae work family of two raJamnral 1447 S at BW after a m- WANTEOGarl or ymmc 11 amaii to learn tot ferhn fS50 to flweek to lAd wMh to At atwer Cat M ISth aw ml- WASTKB Three fi b two women plan ids white ajave 103 llth ct BW WANTED A cirl for ceaeral lnuatwnrk at M- K M w ml WANTED Tea mma reliable women sad via joad aiaeea la amaB familiea plain warhana today BWTTOX COL It O at WAJITCa Two aoi yomaj laatoi for Can attar B a av BaSKMSKT MS- ml CaM ISBt- ml SIS 15- paliaU Nmliiiii an Uada plate aeeare- dUM9T EXCHAKGB CM Oth at ml tore notion ami other depart meaU aaly thane harma loac nead- apphr THE BOX MABCBE feStf- WAXTEPA fompftent white mvd work nfctVaaCc- sWAJPTCiVWbrtc hrhat refev f 7S BW m t WAXTET Apprentice for millinery Apply 521 at nw m 3 WAXTKO LADIEg to do pUm needte work tor- m kuf we fatanh autoriala Bad M per week aead atamped t I Inmani Ill anVS WANTBOA reliable eaaceni- taanat oatiljit ttbent t CAHBY JSf BtSCCIT COMfAXY Users TPb YAXTCt Good ageau in all pen of use eoa- mttfi caod maaey lelteMe wartfoa BOOM AM Bant1 Bnidiic egS where to tate sedweriptfcm to the Melt book Ht al eammtai n a d gaaranteed Ad HrcM BOX 27 th omce m85 W NTED Male sad female canraattrs I hare a rtd famdy the land Gome sad see it er sand W cent UK sample 3L LEE 322 Mi our- iae City mS8- PEOHTABLE WoRm offered agents In erery tatra- t fccurt cubccripUeaa to Tie Ladica Horn Journal and The Saturday Evening Post We want who will work and with lau xrttem to cover neb section with cur Uluitrated little booklets sad other adrcr- tlclcg matter aDd to look alUr two old cvbscrRwrs The pry I first rate aad at the end of the teasoa 20000 will be for good work Ho wcU come of our agents hue caceeeded ll told In a Mttle booklet we would like to tend jeu nortrdti of eoae of best agents with the of hew they made it THE PUBLISHIXG COMPANY Philadelphia Pa HELP AVAATED MAXE Jt PE5IALE WANTED Two caavamtja for hotaehnld arieS 49 per seat eommacioa Apply after 5 p m E- r MAY Tth at ae- hlTUATlO S WAXTED FEMALE WA3TEtt By colared woman place u chimhmiuM or hoaarworkar 439 Wnmtta- toa at aw el- WAJTKV By a settled woman place aa aurae toad of children Addrem BOX On thm omce Ml- WAMTEOOaad teaantraai will say MHoaaUc ia fmatliea or do arming at her retUleace tXtt New Yark are nw- WAJBTKO T labarcra will IwnttoB Addrea MON 3O tab omee eS3- WAKTE0 Pmm by the day or out costs reUsed skirts a epciialty MRS XICO 1MX a Uta at aw IiI WASTEDBy rdiaMe woman la mMamth mark fewta care of or aa matUra helper competont ferem doctor MiLlED THOMP- e S Pttattioa by reapcctable filored woman or corr 132 tab rt BW mS3- WAKTKD PoaUioe by an educated lady ao amninam or wilt take pupils by the day can faraom NIt of rcterenccs Addrao Wit rtI- VAJiTED MALE imaiitahie paattian of say kind rood refer CdL thia ualce el wMte man U it man place on farm canahiued Mod head Apply 3ttM H at BW el WAJfTBB Hy raaaimftle yoaag man place aa driver toe grocery or nelrrery WBIJOB Addram deft war vatona with xood haek- paattfoa xmbarer M one of- drem BOX H this a a Metabl colrred man a a haute ama or potter M atore or bee aed ace Call atttM Sib t aw eS2- WAJfTEB By a BXM yean of and well aaaa tptod with tbe city a tt- MMM kmd VHftag a talc aatory Adatem BOX tl tfch omce r73- VAATHDCOCTliy IMtOlMCRTV WILL KXCHASGE aiKhrtaaj vadoabtod nuaia- ej m Maryland or fcchota prelened H KiJOW Zrfjtc Trait Btde NaDa mT- VXATISD HOUSItS AND VHIIICLKS- a hora terms wagon hameaj ahw Mad fvr casU AJdreM- amce a- M wake rtrt farm PWC awteaj Ma U B round home amT alr far farm nr jn IMP Ci tTTABLK forner tilt Vad 1 cu KV B JOI I aiPU Hot rl- A TED w- re s lit t1 el ill t1 MIl e- 1mM t1NTK t the ldI ttc 11th zot- JIW wltlae 3 is aM- to ftIk Is IftI stair JOX P16 el- Y St ski el u ill i ATED usisrad pi Wp wiik It a tit 1 I We 9 L L HI Utla lit l 1 tOCIb Dda IlL to eaenI e YIIdft LL tII A w4e IlL c t- oY JJt mad a ododr at U II t era tat 7 to SlAf- DAn aye CIa or 1itp to take te for ow ps4aa Lu ctat BWait patty BIe Bal- I rOC uTItDProeia arb escry loa J6 article tat will sell to col ia renew- al the best workers utn prizes cur < MlM w tliciWe lad ci ww to leCWitIc bet uR Pa- W unE W Itad u 1fA OUJIC tro- a el tag wufl gtIe UI NtJ WUfrD l hit a ref bal UX ODdit ion tk rOR SALI3iiOitSi5 eUICLEr1- fO UiOIIAJIIB ill file tir t i In mHH L rfre riqiutd L sub at aai d V at oweabr sad I4 SCS 5 piitrid aItt with raf- eIG iEiiA eake4s M Ade 7Jthi edsacd sad wes ii iuId4 sao hp cos Ju risE unoniiurr WATfrfsa colud weta sad gsuss1 a Jut li W WITDC1 t Psmse cpdart I e ta Juu5 sW ecuesacad tred Lat a raqstssd- A brtwsen p ii wn Ice boswJuk 4 54 v PAY W4TBDAG1NTS vibI asac sew trasaI Add AXE Welt 54W54 Sew ey a give as a CURT S dec55t respectable Os aeyosc wia j red ripe isasi lid usa etc I atmbW ous a EITUAr1o53 hsuest Las ca 7 c154 Ad lOX wAT 115 L 4 sV 15 psrt ptucue4u t K tbe depanuasate owe S lee use teumlms i keg sues WIt a x i AI7 V OPrU ii ISED4 sad urue muucts trim S S yes wiyht iMS psuuule siit t kjirs v hoesea fltsiIeiu I2 > > < > > < < = = = nHLP tVAXTKD 3tVlTl WANTsU Roact took 4 bar man tar hotel today BVRttCSS HOTEL AGENCY t J j WANTED Revered rWmcfet rood nay sad permanent Apply CO Bet in Bich have cah security BOX 73 ting eM 3 WANTED Pic tam aalajmsn Mr departmeMt sad arlii work aeH typewriter sad J K UONAHQO Jenifer Bafttfiafr 7th sad 1 ri- 3W abiehodied- Va t 0 per day Jieet at B 0 Monday umroinr 9 oclock el WANTED Boy to work on job prem Addreat lOX 7 Ibis oUtef eMS WANTED Two reduced waiters at Penaayhraaia ave BW WANTED B r porter bartender sad MM MM trite fat private ftaattjr ISM New York are ml- WANTTO OWMT MM a store J VVfcKwlCC V rhia m- WANTEDMa or ha drive Jar factor sic two laborers 125 riiaairt illS llth t mr- WANTEDTintcIaM ahstmaker ON repairiar 751 7th a mrM far tawdry six dfc iSsue two drivers uiana atom porter two hian boys eHjr sad country people SM E nw ml- WANTEDCaek HOrs HOTEL tit sad D M- aWANTEDOeed tetter aamt W aober sad steaay M et aw K 8 RKARDON Ml u5tor at UXCOLX MOTEL Mtk sad H aw Ml- er at c E at nw WAITED Barber Call BROWNS lidS nUt at Ml ANTED Youaa Ma mlnHaan aad collector SW weekly Apply use Wa m BASBMKNT- Uth ft BW Ml WANTED A iateHiseat her for work la real estate office ana be mliii Addnwa BOX S3 tic O M Ml WANTED A cape BOX MM to take sharps AmkeM- WAKHCD Help M a cow stable Eaaaire at Bright wood ave a powerhouse C ROBINSON be white here the efi3- writi Adore BOX the office WANTED Bays wftt bicycle Jar o8ei er serr- he sac ewu iron W per MMrtb td C MMM reSeed M95 bays otherwise Ma lad ta 9 4p ra- ft to p M daily at casts Bight DrSTSfCT CO im F it WAVTED To rent floor our races hirnisbed motim light bttosckeepiax Addreai BOX SS thi case wSS HO03IS 35 private aauty Addroa BOJS 7 the aflfce el0S- AVm By man sad wife with chiles thrae aafurabbcd room oa arcoeri Soar witS lINt sad ICM tor tight date dares thia l- WAXTEDBy J room with baard laeatMH ute WAXTE0 Sia l gtaH room Bear S at mw otfee ha BOX thin BOX St that oafee- WAKTED adtdta thw larfaraiaWd IOOME located be naaaaihte Adareai BOX 46 thai etttx ntaW- AJSTED BO other boardeia reierowai- piwii sad equired Addrac BOX H otfce WASTED MISCELLA5EOD2 WAVTED To her old leather bd E MAKfcj 7S Myrtle at ANTE Gw awd dectric heM BstertB cam iMd BtaW for state Addccai OX 71 thfa WAXTgl lirf iMaling or aewfatK ol say U d 11 90th at BW er 3- coMditmi I SS thht oe WANTEDFvraitare coatearU of IMMMM IKMKM Se it you have nima to wU PKIHS t OPWOO h J K w Tritphone rsaz MM- AXTEDOne Sep Mk sad I power electric motor Addraai atotixc ad- WANTEDMM good portoUe sawmill timliir sear Vhinas va JJ- SNYDKR Yieaaa Ya WASTED Good i hoses A4dt M WANTKBTa exchMac a Cohmihi Phonograph for a Typewriter AOOTCM BOX 21 this oflice e7- 1HOHE9T CASt PRICES paid tar less had eae per braav boUi t book stock sad rubber aUo- aaacbmerf d g ral a eicba disc E1K3AR BACK StX 7th C BW dcKtf- WA5TEDI will pay cash price tor ladles sad pests caato AddrcM postal will B TAKSHKi M06 7th rt BW WAITED OMh paid tor alt kkad W hounahalil oliN sad Mare ftxtore she told oa- comMkrion II K06KNBEHG AactMMeer i Louiaiaaa are BW eiiU- WANTEDBriK your sid eU a 4 watchct and to the MIXT 615 G st- w sad set talL value m rcadr casey GBO ilAKTIM Maoaeer- WAVTBDUhshcat cash prices paid tor oW a W watchM etc tickets iMMNcM IjOCIS ABK11AM OS Mfa at aw iailtf POlL IlEXT iLVBUnUAX FOR KEXTOn Haprilloa toad sea wile ttace of eight rooms sad cellar three rent cheap Apply 216 6th at Be FOR SA 112 LOTS IFOK 8ALKYaca lot ua 3d it betawn Q alley with party waft privikcca em be had cheap by party waBtia U pavchaae for concrete pareawnt sewer sad water Pine tot feet frost oa K at BW 75 teats per foot J 1 ft W 1 SCLLIYAX r7 13th ft BW- 2TOU SAX6 IAIUIS IF 0lr WANT a 4Wacre arm improved in the Mflomont saettei Virginia life hon lees WaAincton hh sad heahhr with all kind of fruit tarp he water rod 9 worth W trail for apply to WM M SALXDEKS Jc CO 1 JP at- BW m 3 STOUACES- TOKAGR 7i toad UNITED STATES STOHAOK OOMPAXV Mth at BW MM- FOK SALKKlcc tromr ateam Uota4 autu triUaie sorer worth 1J Ice WTXi CAP ITAL AITOJMHMIK COJIPAXV 715 13th at B- WMt3 iron SAWS riAjtosJX- Me 8AL n FucbY Mariso porno in goad condition May he MM at 2X7 A tt e m KOlt SUE Oil ItlKVT FOR ttEXT OK or city property at Seabrook ttUrion OB I rmee George Md m County hoes sad ctonroom t par month iaoaM ft per Month sic farm l r coatS uMMif B P BiKXIX With W II Djn Jitth and C st aw 1 in ftER Ut IK e- lAm poe sad ce uu t n 4 Sle el Uta Ill lit It s IIIMbt lilt be a MIce t lit 1fATX w lit Rtl A waiter 1 tee IU well IlK e I of adler HIf1 t AVIT Jter a of is ret r 150 per Sl to er tet I per AL U9SB OEM lilt tat I I TBD I ia Jar to ell aoe- 1f AWKDTwe liptut adth let rioed wrnI it tic cad ter8 BOX WI- tit I TW Jib at b I t I WIle be caIIIa JJOX I w peter where d8 sas be 1 uI ce te- M C I JlaUod n thIs oIMee JNfJ highest fc Aaa Tai I ret tHat II feet eo site SO esS ot Ei qini ctry at every C qettalty SeIMI 1 M JJlELL Yatate J 7 Ply seats 4t FOIl url 18 saul or per 7 lat uas a WA ret sta usia Wt- Ap o a wad as w W W W w W k W h c l n 5 ci 7th M tar brs sdrva 513 aue eiueuos auumt Slit Ad ass N1uUAt 5 11th 4 iw reat eue tar rsuasd udb eserty W tiliw experiesce NThICaiotqJ 7155 mu itee- plj esly 12th JuL stash Is gtat ueet csIi Adda- x white mee i ale ate ANTEDAn ripurieseed sad stases wrap sew ar who has 4p type oee wsea week JutS as aged y frau I Sa SW 4tt- wArlsnprtTs ATgD y eple fasad races utbasd II ii husrptag set ed esp M ais WJX 44 Ibeas roses he kast adkue te ie- ox ati aSnIte 4 ost rueM5 Adee 10 cc 1514 hen t sJu a ran farsLicd races ece I 4 ec ci wx9SI5i rIbrespsei4cz Is pea 1554 cheep he tdth ci a ate Med a alt twohan C eaea MGX 4 with acousdhaaa eadsr S cIothia tail 5 5 rue 117Sc 5 paws I Iraas t 5 indlatu 5 tress sad boa des MIsc Ta15 lands a to catakapse Meek ye Va at scuba ied hue 04 1 S > 5 S5S S S 1 LlLlCiVTOMOD1LEs 5 oed SALE Ira SIN Iru 1 II acre ctk fan ta arvae II sue ci < = > > > > = = FOR UENT FUnXISHKD ROO319 FOR RENT Furaished comrnoBicatiMC rooms second floor with board sear Capitol aDd I brarr M6 2d tt ae el FOR RENT Fwniffced comfortable rooms era tnt 759 10th ct nw er 3 FOR RENT Two or en moderate rest central total S I 7th t mr mlft3 FOR RENT Two fwnhdMt raom tar li ht honae krepinc n r sad F mrft1 FORJtENT Ffate hMTiiatiMJ m private fam KOR KKXT G t w FOR RENT Ut c taave room Jtoor bred K rf a d 1111 II at BW m 3 FOR RENT Two wiiiMiad case JmT 3d M FOR RENTF r WHIM well lifrbteu- rnnrhhtd or BnfMmMi rcem 8H Mh BW FOR BJINT DesiraMe IU MH weU to careful Martins Met KouaekeaHina permitted 418 M at BW SS FOR BUNT Formated baj wlndao beet room near C pMa4 sad L role HKNTOtw mcely raiiiMiod r om second IGor suitable for two inraom she ORe sites WK t uhfaont room three wmaWa OB wcond floor rwnriihed or tmfiiMMahtit Jill Jl t BW RENT Three heat ea light Irnen- boBMfcogpia 1 8th M BUT FOR RENT Two Blcriyftnaiulnd frost room to gentlcmnn very Matoniblc SSI 13th at m i3 x- tOR KENT XieelyfMrnialMd Mcond TOMB for see or two well healed FOR RENTF nw d looms rMIKh tit B r- eS3 role timbbeB raams Tit Suet FOR RENT Fnrnaih nl or nnlumhjhul parlors ISM 0 t BW fee baiiatai panioiiai especially i tt i Soc millinery m 3 FOR RENT Two fnrniatMd room light house Vtepimv BO chiMKB W mh C fir m63 FOR RENT tw iarahhdi connect WK Monn hoBaeaetpina M IK BW 83 FOR RENT Ft- Sth at BW FOR KKXTNeaUy fnrniahoii back peeler m C t BW 4 FOR RENTOae smwd Soar mrB med irant worn heat a gurtluaait Mass see Be- m8 FOR RENT Warm room fanMahed ink everr- cOBvertticc hot sad reM water H FOR BKNT F Government PriBtiae- FOR RENT fwabhed reams Hesk- or rIo heat QUI reacouWe rate tranritaU aemmm d ted 6 Pa ave mlSW HOOJ1S AXD BOARD FOR RENT Large bwht warm nicHvfur named room for two with board u- at nw sear City Hall eMW FOR REXTNfcely hwaiahed rooms with or table board aaar aam 1323 T at FOX RENT Warm room with to par week central M- ladim torn y ma man ac t X roaam with or wtthont I nonplm to occnp connection sores atcond FOR REST Two fiont hay 1117 K at BW- IMS X ST X W La CIt board rtmmm dated FOR RENT Warm races board week IMS ath at awv with ex itaamheMaJ nfiii near Ckfttol W GRAVT PLACE XW Good t3W per week talus board a7 FOR RENT Xewly paparmi p- iatrictiy ho water heat boarding 4M at mr TABLE BOARD THOSE Wilt WOCLD appreciato aeteit private table board apply to 11 Gnat place er HOSINESS CZZAXCBS FOR SALE Cheap rnacaroom lice nw Room K eH S FOR and notion store ill health caw of adliaa ex- cellent opportunity Addrea HOX 72 this of ftc eaVS FOR SALE Be a dies school HSt Maryland MM FOR sued amaN lattel eomaleterr famiAed 4 09 W J 1MJCVN 7 La lYe FOR SALK Saloon sad toad Waaliiataa barwMaa W J IHJQAX 417 I- ae Ml3 BAD COLU8CTEP nr NB chirp H B Lawyer U Mth ft a r mM- BUSIXESE PLACfii fOLI by W M YOCXG Meshes M9 tth t mM3 FOR SALE Saloon due itand Barthweat S- W hmiaeM street wtrtbweat Sl Mt W J IKIGAX 7 La t mM3 FOR SALEFiae snbvrhan tot ch- or time payment moat a bawjaJa A4 5 thu B daily rale 69 made easy CAPITAL BCSJVESS EXCHANGK Atlantic Bmldtae M3 FOR SALK Furniture m boardma aa4- roomiajc boast at a gnat sacriace Can from U to 12 oclock a m or a ant sat MRS M E BCL LOCK Kth at aw I IF YOl the old reHaWe eitihlsshtd foartoea yeata IKX LAP HM F at m S FOld SALE Rooanaa FOR SALE Ciyar and Mcycle atore cued be bantam XEW YORK BC94XE36 BROK ER 611 F m 3 FOR SALE Lunch room seat trade prier S3W snap NEW BROKERS CI1 F at m 4 LAMES AX CEXTLEXEX AUenBonl Ton can increaw voar income congenial occamatfoa Ad drew FORWARD 191 Vermont n 3 WANTED To buy wood coal sad hell or to law suitable beatles for such Adder I BOX thi nalic AX WASTED Partaer tidy 64 I this IF YOU ARE THINKING of making I alteratiiMN to your dwcJUna or buaiama property postal to W U CHILD6 4W Mh at mm eeJ FOR RENT Nice cafe a- Loodona apartmeat hone 314 cud 1 East Capitol at Apply J fJ WEEDOS 4 CO 224 at elI rote SALE EichtnMMn furnamed howe Vail of- crmee M viaa eddy MEW YORK BCSiXESS BKOKER Iii F at m 3- OOST trrOP Come to at M you want to aril your biaiiiitaj Krfabtfaiftwl jajW YfHJK BtSIXRSB MHOKKKS all F at icSJ FOR of the iwato little dairy room in the city AddremBOX 33 omce mS3- FOU SALKGrocrry More er stoew pool rooaw e time UUNUVp Ma F it WAXTEBFICktcmw dr mmafcer will give home sad Mil profR by lady Eft L at aw e74- POR SALUBailer agUe rockjac MW taale complete lor wp d oae cart wne wagon toed H h fl amfe flxtwr foe ee ar will ceil cenaratclr Apply alter 3 oclock p m m 7 SEND iH yoar bodaeai pIsces and have them old quick tiutomen waitiae CO 007 13th M BW m7 FOR SAUl OR RKXTDwUl Va 4cc jtad vfehtity S S SUHSOA U Jteeatta BUT WATCH MAINSPRINGS Me BROWNE SW p jAterf you tranafer raSltf BIRDS DOGS 12TC FOR XM Male cxaariai from IM To 9fi each doga eaU rabbiU etc SCHMIDS BIRD STORK 712 12th at HMT 3UF- OTJHTEENTn CT for Animali aurglcal and medical sties Always open T Iepbooe 1712- MIS Fourteenth at J95sM IPr suIte iUd JOt bath II at III S fo8 Ui RII3 a south heated BIt eSel 1ICb sad aitvenrare lIphi 43 ell iell 41 at B- ItH Capitol It MJ K t lees nil 1Ril 4 It 1 It I lJIIiee aWe 111- D 3 p I at prie E I S JII8I wit e Milt do sad no- r lit SALE saab More aft lie SALES a dOS 0 lULlS DON see pail JoOk SALES lOt TO My a aft PIt dairy Quick at acId at tN 1M rout I arc a Jte1 par to vtS wild bmIer ta ne Teecen SALE Ion tit MIl lose ale Fet see wade tI IIIt 14 as fro co S w W S fe 1 N s fskhsd races sues beat pc N aw geeltesce reseed heist sad ii 344 I Ill as st roses lid pastiness add i ussdersis 41k RErN11 r 11515 issoed S 110 W races 4 as sear cS7 gee ddoc SW post basiS 1000 544 ATEDFsi da heed reueosa EsquIre 314 c- is 43 feue si eipsi red si I15iIK piais bath sauna sew I uaoes I EASANT taMe home he- ed ueaes 54I I OIl r 35d ear Socea uIeee < SW dyes sUe 343 tare bId 343 wAr 5Li1 si bojj uuuu heI t 150 DLyLtp 54 V cOI autly KISNF aw feats C iS legitimate teat Addees l cc drops 5 e yarns b 5 54I eat ae Mba su iLii this ktj 5 555 5 5 < < > ¬ > < > ji Fun REST TJXFCnjflSHED ROOMS FOR RKVT rnfurniru7 oae large fro it room southern expuaure rent ft50 moot 446 K I tUR RKXTThree or four room an ant Soot beautiful tat rrat FOR RENT Ml 715 9th st aw FOR REXTLance iaramMna room InC lout 1111 II at J L 2 FOR RRNTEatiM three races sued hath adjoiato riAituthle 1600 New Jersey arc M WHAT A SNAPI Fowr sew atarniolitcl rooatf with ctobie accommodjtlcia for See haefes sad wBROa B ar a U fee H WAS HOOM WtMTINT COMPANY AND BUSINESS BROKERS tear 13th at nr 3 FOR RENTLarse wa named score ttl G at ae 83- rOR RKNTFonr cease MIl sad hat wemd floor oontrieni eapmurt Bnht hoaiikL Can after 2 m 325 C at FOK RENT oar uatuiniPatd roses ill 4th mr FOR RENT FwaialMd or anlninlah l tour roses sad bamaent by the lath X21 D it BW e3P- OR RKNTTwo mfvmiahod camamaieatinK- a Mcond floor heat K sees Goreramear Pitotinr Omce HK 7 bt at BW e 3 FOR BEXTTwo or three unrnmbhcJ heat saul rs 7 T Mth jt aw elI Fun JtK T l bath aad cellar each ahw lisps porehea trout and rear of rode Hat sail yard cabinet mantehi and phuahMc aathfaa a good in Una city tar the month SIDEWALK seedS side of Whit- ney are jut of Bri htwo d L E BREfXINOER 7 Uh at aw eS1 FOR RENT A ot Bre room saul bath fourth floor of the PreMott U I it ae to a ntcia3 teoant I7 CAYWOOD OAR RETT 13th red New York are vr maS FOR RENT Nice threeroom aorthvcmt 7J to 8 JI A BALLIKGEK B md B iM FOR RENT To best colored tenant four room aad beth jlots 38 sod 4fl Pierce st nw at 12 MIl 14 BW modern unitary living boatof GHO R HILL MS nth at BW JaSltfe FOR 11ENT MOUSES FOR BENi 114 0 at aw eight tub Apply OWNER Me FOR RKVT A at we apleadhi tocatioa aU rooaM ud letS aewly papered sad painted throuffhcit truss atable rest reduced to 8 a MOORK JC HILL IncJ 717 14th at aw e87 FOR RENTBrick role RENT Only three Mt Nos 1ST 111 sail II Thomat ct aw new hoses six ra nn tU bath farnaee rest 5B5Q PIlED W KKKVKS Q7 14th at B r k tf FOIL ItKXT STABLBS FOR RENT Stable rear OS 3d at aw key next door eS3- KOll KKXT OPIICBS FOR REXT Deak room centrally located at heat el ttric lifhta teiephone 1 month B ISIS G J nw aa FOR SALE Two new hoasiaa aix hath all improvement lamje yard parkiaa open for L Rib at ae aee POLAND C BOHn SIlk sad G Ma n- welS F R SVLE Only ih all modem iuMi to alley w- BOLAXU C BOOTH elft3 papered tot He 12th at me T Mth sad G aU f2 B Smti Apply to OWXER ka than rent ct ne riOS OR SALE A in brick dw Hiaa lath at sear K owarf by aonrrai dent who unit tdharkV quick mle Prier 811S TYLER Inc JIll aw j mh S- T i rb r city room house facia aouth sear Xew Jeoey are e two from Capitol booae neUral condition brick heated by wtrahoo Apply at oust to JOSEPH L WELLER Mho FOR SALE Northeaat oroam tewte hall beth lilt aad cold water rouge tot 17xm to paved alley padre fleOO ca y terma eat isle the GILES 7U Hth a m3P- OR SuLE Mt eotnpleied eaoh balance monthly tory pronneJ brick bath furnace eabtoet maAteU reaient to cars A fotlect home New aad- r t O at BW- POR SALE BARGAINS IK IXTESTMECT For Sale A Rood S Price For Sale A comer lease C asses hath and eoa j well aitMtod M ae large cMh haknce manthty ff OO For Safe Sth at BW t brick 6 room aad hath seed Jot to alley well rented Be daced to ml H R HOWEJSTEKf R t w LOST On Saturday afterooea a l dy ttmHrng rep walsh Merkari L M A reward will be paid if tnt with A MeCREARY 11M r t aw el- LOSPT Friday sight slices medal with name C H Clash reward 1741 A Joyce Cirriau LOKT arriace robe an Saaday ahoat 7 p m rieinit of M st sad Sliest tohmd ave BW Return to PKESTOXS STABLES Ilk sad 1 aniiablr reward el LOST On Sttterday- oae r bill Finder elK cedars Ill at nw sad utttvt e OS IX3T Ohunoad with red Moos ui resin but night will reeds Ifaoral reward by retamiac tt to COIOMtRCIAL ART STtHMO MS at BW ml- LOSTBUck and white aetter paax Retwn to ten 0 M nw LOST 4 ward if a C R XKK6LA 3SU K at me3- LOBTWMkaMday eoN ymiimai Metam to BROS 7th and K am aw m 3- I ST Biaek retire wrnhj white breart aad eat feet collar ad tog No aid Reward if returned to m D st a iagS Finder will retries E B LAlPBRTY Hy ticaba llth aad Bata e73 LOST At Nays Lodge brooch ahape four leaf diamond m Reward if returned to arUacotn at Aaanatia- ft J JlL- OeTT Friday m Liberal reward if retward to A I WAIXWRIGHT Hotel Raleigh mi FOUND At Laeeya moat modern Ice cream fac tory in America kHeteua checeiaU raaHU and e gallon Oflfc col Sew York aye Pboat Stain fi3 delOU- SUIIUIIIAX IllOlEUTY SHERWOODS Addition to Brookland You ill regret it if you do not secure owe of these beautiful lot Y t vies buy thnt on e y tries at k w prices and we will furnish you money to build your ot sad you ran Pay It Back in Monthly Installments aprme ruth of suburban homeaeckers causes the pricw to advance STREET CARS PVS TilE PROPERTY ThIs i only 9 minutes from the Treasury sad II in a locality that II tocreaiaI- B value The OPENING OF HHODF ISLAND AYENTB- wliiili will eventually take pa wilt slid a bundr prr rent iu value Dont fail to inspect IbIS proprt ty Address or require of owners J L SHERWOOD BROTHER e87t hHKM MARKET CITY DfCnMATOLOGY- Fallinr hair dandruff fl and itching scaps eed R Hy Call or wrIte y JOHN H wooDBunv D I 11th tend K S XV WaaUlngto I tie J 1- u flit tI lit Jeeps bat aft t late l g jdttl pot IL 815- J Jt ilL uiO a Esquire UN J at uSI ED AJlL FOR 9 UJ Uge5 1 lilt Olt 1f- tfe nthjt J n it cars Jew R DJ F- It will arE at a eIrrM ReaL Late t TeIepIIaft PMt sa 1 lit tOO t cellar Mar COlt opel JI S J brick wale tseS tassels at WW an- n tl peach tOO tit It lit or Slop elI- ill ta- WMiIt Iir s not LOST Ott STOLEXhIII ol two checks reward te MaD wi IOUND acid Soc gallon Also Larcya apeclal 1 Xow ioI Ue to your IoU heists ue a psi eeo OS ecl is p s ele4 Ull th at us ef PI- ases 544 heed sw 542 lee c R rsci il kENTFive data sew lee roses ANOUTIfiC cut races air 125 boau 205 aw cath a i e1 roes ru siluau brick 54sorac4s SeeS SALZTsro sew atc blease sad as treas 4 c sIasea a baThe secridee as air s 1 aubiatoe Lashraps 502 F sw esp roses lot cttoui Jut 1easas ad arwetelsieta 10140 35 I I LOST as pdisIbeok eustaisia pies aCE t pta a rs54ie ud ii nw MAN y soutafelu us besi mad csea4csb5 tau pe by SW crease It seat isoSry 5 5 strawberry ice Cesra roads Pcm iruit ii at per 7 5 5 o use t1ct 5ee S K- > > < > > = = I Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Go Every day In the year for Norf Jr Nw- pn sews and all points SoufU hy the superb steel palace steamers Newport New Norfolk and Waah OB following schedule Lv Wa Mnjrtos630 pa Lv Portsm rtK5e8 pea LT Alfii8dria7W Lv Norfolk a60 am Ar Ft Monr e7e9am Lv Ft Manroe7M pm Ar Norfolk 889am Ay AtexaadrU69l am Ar P Ar Wsshi Ktoe7 am Tickets OB sale ad staterooms at general ticket alOes Mend BuUdiag 14th at sad N Y ave at downtown chAse ilk st and Pa ave at office oa wharf p sad as board steamers S3 Vt faforaMtion apply at gen- eral o9cea foot tit at phone 7W or Bend llth rt Y ave Washington D C Phone riO JOhN CALLAHAN GeMral Manager OCEAX STKAMSIIIPS- XEW YORK pOCTHAMr Of LONDON rhOj a FehlJNajn St UoiaFeh t W am- am RED STAR LINE NEW YORK ANTWERP PARIS Ze taaJi PA T sic I FrieataadFeh t sees BaveifonlP h 1 SouthwarkMcsi aeon INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY COMPANYS WASHINGTON OKFKJK M F St N W or Geo W MOM 1411 G SC N ESTATE FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOREIGN MAILS WASHINGTON I C POSTOTKlCIt NOTICE Should be racd daily aa thanajei may eccmr at any time FOREIGN MAILS are torwardesl to the port HaB- yovetalaau traBsit Fat the week eadtoc February from the MAIN OFMCE as follows TrauMAtlnntic 3InIl- MOXDAYc At 11 36 p m for ITALY direct Xem Yeah MaO MSH- Che directed Per a s F WaasoTck- e At llt pm for ITALY dhnert per a- SWlia from Sew York Melt asuet be directed Per a Slut r Ar 1125 p m for DENMARK direct per ji jj BMt TUESDAY b At 715 sa for EUROPE per a Cyauic from Kew York via Oaeeaatowa ail spunt be directed Per a a Cymric b At 715 m for Kl Or per a a Pfcjm oetphia from New York via Southampton c At 1125 p m iou BELGIUM direct per a XMlaad from New York Mail mast be dt Per a ZecUad- WE0K DAY Xc At li p m tor FRAKCE- ALY 8PAW POtrrtGAU TTRKEY KGYPT UREECE BRJTKH INDIA aad LONENaO MAMM EZ per a a La Gnseogae from See York via Havre Mail for other of EtttOTE arost be directed Per a La GsMCogBe I FRIDAY At 1125 m for ITALY direct per s a Hobenaoihwa from New York Mail must be directed Per aa IlihtaoiULiB c At HtS p m for JHTBOPE per a a from New York Malt must directed Par a a Mnaiiiam At 11 p Jot SCOTLAND a a Kmauniia from New Test Mail amat be ruini njis- Ttlallx for SoBth Contrnl America Vet Indies BtcO- SDAY h Af r i a nh for the BA- HAMAS per ateamer tees MfaaslPm- r At 11S5 p m let CENTRAL AJRRKA Costa Rica sad 8OOTH PACWiC PORTS OfJaBhdlMafKnr Tech via CWoa Mail for GUATEMALA amst be directed Per a a OaH a- At 1133 p Sot JBtXlCO per s Tttsgara from York via Tamaii n Mail mast h directed Per s Ktaaam- H TW 09 p m for ARGEMtXE rRTCTAY and PARAGtAY- YoflL m for JAMAICA per c At Urf5 p m for FORTCNE KLAXO sad HAITI per H 8 HmKmim hoc New York tenet be 4ir ct J Per a a Ilimgnria- WKIXESDV fV At W a m for the BA- HAMAS per ateamer Sac Miami Fm At lldS p m tOt JAMAICA per a- Aamirai Dewey from Philadelphia Pa- c At 1145 p m for CPIAPAS- TABAStX sad YUCATAN per Haraaa from New York Mail for other pests of MEXICO moat be directed Per a a Havana THURSDAY cj At 11 S p m tot XJtW- POCNDI IND direct per a a Silvia hoc New r At 11 S p m tor LBRWARD ANT WIND- WARD ISLANDS and BRITISH BCTCM AXO FRENCH Of IAXA per a C York Mail for BARBARAS GRENADA AND TRINIDAD maat Joe directed Per s a Caribbee FRIDAY d At 63V a m for BARBADOS and BRAZIL per x Capri from New York Pemambnco Mail for NORTHERN BRAZIL Maat- be directed c At li- PROriNCE of SANTIAGO CVBA ar nca froni New York c At 1115 p m tor ST KtTTS ST MABJTINS ST KtTSTATMH BfttTtSII lKTfH aad FRENCH GUIANA per i a filer from New York m for BKRMCBA per a a e At 11 5p m for PORTO RICO per s s Pours from New York e At p m lee CCRACAO sad ATDTR ZCKLA set R 8 Maracalbo hoc New York Mail for sad CARTAGENA am t he directed P r a Mamcamo c At 11 25 for FORTUXK ISLAND JAKAKTA CARTAGKXA and GBEYTOWV per a a lure New York for COSTA RICA must be directed Per Ateatk c At 11 P m for GRRNADX and CHJBAI BOLIVAR per a Masses from New York SATTRIIAY f At a 3 a m tar the BA- HAMAS per steamer from Miami Fhv IRk by rail to North Svdaey sad theses via attaaMr cto ho dau sleepS Sunday t M m aad oa Saaaava a- tlt3 a m The coaatcHne ehmm are made on Monday Wedandnya sad Saturday d h- Maik lot by rail to these via ateamer deN hero daya at IS m sad OB 1- 1Suada WtdmaUya MIl Frhmva at 9M p m and Tia Miani Fla M a m Math for MEXICO ovenbad anlcm questS adaWaiJ by aieamen mfliaa from New York done her at Vj m aad m M p av for BELIZE PCEHTO CORTEX aad GUATEMALA by mB to New OHmin and thence via at- ir p m the coBaectian elooei for which be tag OR ttondaja- aih for CX TA RICV by rail to Sew theses via iteamcr a m and H 9 p m the being OB Tuesday TrauMlacIc Mallx- Matb los HAWAII via Sea Fraaciaco here daily at 6 p m up to February r m elusive kit deanatch per a o Mails hoc CHINA JArS HAWAII aad PHIL IPP1NE ISLANDS via San Fraaciaro cfooe aeae daily at lid p m to M mchanv for per a Doric o bill for and JAPAN via MKIumve Maui for CHINA sid JAPAN via Vancouver slow here daily at 3 p m up to February 13- iorluaive deapatch per of China Jtecwtored mail maat he directed Yin Vancouver for the United Stale Poctal Aoency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Cawada o Mails for CHINA and JAPAN via Seattle tieee here dwilr at p m up to Frfcrnarr 19 m elusive for deapatch per a K Xatahru Mara KcKiatered jnaB mttM be directed Via Seattle MaiU toe CHINA JAPAN HAWAII MId PHILIPPINE IfiLAXI via SM Franciiro here daily at 3TT m up to bruarr an to- rtuMve for deaaatch per a c Ntppoc Mara o for AITSTKAUA excel thee lot Weet AustralIa which are forwantod via NEW ZKAl A2f fW SAMOA reed HAWAII up to Febeaa tS ittcUhn for despatch per a SOTOBWI 0 Aaatralia whisk go via EUrOPe and Xcv Zealand matta lot whisk are deepatched via Jot Fraa- xuc and FIJI ISCAXItS tia Vancouver doae na to March 1 inclusive Mowerra o ails for TAHITI and MAROjCESAS ISLANDS via Sue Fraarisru ties here daily at a3i p m to March IX UKlcsivc for deaidnkh per s Australia o Mails lee COCHINCHINA sea aVttiarehed to I PHlLHtrSE ISIJIXW MiHtary Mail d for that atnce to caaaect wUh Gowrameat UMMporta hAltS eoa at MAIN OF lICE a follows fli AV l JO i earn ii c At 8 9p m aH At a m elite day 0 At r vv ri lit At HK p Jh pr i rUy k At j rn previoiu rfa i i J m i nvi I slay JOHN A KMtITTv Poluxti I I i I j I 7 L f 1EUmOT- j the I am hart iter r I AMERICAN LINE Jt J4 6 a large piece el real 1nt4Ja bUilt a We teatpe- tIIaReIIt at a if AdIroc POX II this I47t el- K sad tk of the 51 their 1M tIN Isiet theses wilt M pm IlL IlL 1 IlL a York lie Pev IlL IlL IlL LMcIIia Y York vIa Jr IlL 1cr und IlL IlL IlL I I New I T T U I LL XMinI 4fNIi I a I Ptr L JL 1f Jto R KAILIMAS sad the per II Set I elt 1It5 p Pftteria New ItS SA A fflA I IlL I SA A ILL IlL IlL TRI IlL tar St DLAXD aUQc FLON a1lll at b- CCaA X1Is tIo1e sia Peat na aM at- M beae at L Mfto at IIt IlL lIP L daily 838 p up to U per IlL IlL IlL o Mail via Sea ItUritco here at II AtWUl5t lee Wn at for per II Ins JIptItdM4 to Sea M all rio the- m oh which ass Ill t M tl I s Is i a W car e p V I reserved as cwS 5555 sc FhWpbialtch 5 poe j W- hEAL Foe sale isuproerd chats aisd located psys ad will isil horpala sd cked as cacy teens ke illsg arhedude elochaps us as- ec presupiiou wshatcnsad oisict cide idisusred a 5 Noegs hoc 3ew ted a a s ted WIWRLASD p frau Qseowui St 11 p is I XEfflNRLANl direst a a he direst ttted a a ALL prr A5bidSp frOu I a a a est a hoc lieu I vii Ie she a Sac Yet p tIe Mail I Musics daily eact Mrs ya Ic hare Thape a Tu54ays 8sdy siiy a Mall close daily W3l u seid Isles 5- siad elsie daily > sic a cbs CHINA Trees a- slear hess at is February tch a Narthachic Sid cli use Xuce C e4oar daily hIs hula for tiutse ret mil ebsiiy 435 p c rftr February 2 a dtck a a No York eeosuectkI with Itsuepsaut aessue Frs Lro vre Slur 1 I Iii > < < ¬ < < ¬ < < < > > < > > > > RAILHOADS Vernon Railway Fram PeaaoyrraaU ice tad Mtt St- la ect November 1 lOll For Alezaadria Week dan 3 74 7 11 11 J p m Par MoW Yeraaa W 1 00 U fX a m xtt- i414 TS 7CS- aaaajr 00 a ra- sa T sae p ta- daya Jtt 7f Ja Sin S- StT DAYS TrIS t9 5 Up- ll3t a UJ9 UM- Lt Sea 33 4 9 iJ 5 fiX 6W M TsM 7M 8M p m x ExpreM T eat carried Ba a checked J COLnX 8 arfate 4 al- G E ABBOT Profident CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO BY TRAINS LEAVE PENNSYLVANIA ElATION 3 P M DAILYCfneinaati sail St Lees eetal Solid train lee Ctneianatt PaDres e pen te CiacfeaaU Lestacton Iimliiini In ttapolk act fit Louis without eha e tbs ctfoa for Virginia Hot Stern DtoJag car Partor oar Cincinnati to Chicago 1111 P M DAILYF F V Ttmrted SaR tran tor CwctonatL Paltman Stttt- Tncda sad Saturday Maiag car 3titfrrt- ML A M EXCEPT SlrNOAY WaahmKton Less than ft hoar train OM Poiat Comfort via Ricamoed Oafy all nil route H3 Pennaytvanka Aveaue M SICk Sired near F sad at the mthrn call Main 1441 tor Penaaytvaaia Kaikoad tub Serriee- H W yCLLjttt Telephone Main MM r- CAKAIHAN PACIFIC RAILWAY S W fcle agent ttSO Penaa are WaaBhKtoe B a cad the United States arr to t unmrnaiotJ at Vaaeoaver with Ute of the Lfate for lapse Ck4aa sad the PhfUpetooi with the Ca- BadmaAaatraUa Use Sec the HawaHan Maads- a d Australia FUlL SALE 3IISCELIASKOaS FOR SALEAn outaide bowcaae ia peed tea ditk abo two 8foot rouatarm at H MAT TKatNg 4M lab at aw 3 POll SALE Tifteea atovaa choaa 71 K at aw cort 35 at once ar a a JOlt SALB Twelve thiw hy oak ttmeh roes aHgatly 3U att at aw XEW SEWING MACHIXE Itafc b t maehinea all make lem thaa haM arice ftre years ipnraatee OB credit Me weekly 5 fe at aw Open MMiaiai m4 FOR SALE 50 heatwand chairs VieaaaH alao fMcboard awitahie far sees bold- er bar PItIES ft BOPWQ sad K ata BW FOR SALE Tanitare at rhtly used atock Dairy loach ammo c per Iniiai hot china He par doara room tovea cheap FRIES BOTWOOP 8th sad K ata nw- aaVS FOK SALE Cnhjpidm Jhttnniica best ha du of Saval Was Bairn df SaT f WheBJoa lOa SALK Good iriraad haad cash cheap Aadiuai MON W ttk ome JOlt SALE Drjawatfe aewav S at BW Call say mam attar a aU K at ae S3- rhlce MB Mth aaVS FOR SALK Kaahe aprigfct piaatt two y ara old maat sell will five amwam to any aaswcra- Addreai BOX 35 flic amce mS3 FOR SALE MePawel No S MT VERNON WIMP BAX1 FOR SALECM fee Motor aicyde Vft bertepower flntcJaaa luadUiua party tarvmc Can he see at IMS MB w e73- POR SALE Gaa tore SM th at Be eJ3 PIANO peat Lindtliin little seed co t 9K wilt take J cna drem BOX dPI this atace FOR MOORS BBOa Booma 2 aad 3 S F 1JW5 NEW 4 DBOP CABINET SEWJKG MACHINE M At The Dora eerie Omee 7 AeH TrW Free Send PeataL R tw r Me A Day Reliable Be- pahmc C ATJERBACH Phone Shad 7JS enVtf curtzim btenkeu comtorta MCBC aad dothiac etc Addr BOX SK this fel3 t- FOi SALE fJ lot iSorrli chairs with halt oa len a fee hair suttresa ia tee parts oak ana tocken 1148 bedsore and pities uHe SLOt per wceis BEDilONDS 3ll3tS 7th it ST tOif ron SALK tieed qty opaque azalea to your vicdows only the hat quality oil opaque ea tOe i az tree Witt with uraples KLEEBLATT3 11th Pbeiw List S6D eKtU- XMt Briufcload D C Aa eightroom dweHiag corner lot 9tt atabU sic one are from caw reduced to fl at worth C7J See ROLAXD C BOOTH raiser Nth aad el 4 FOR SALE Sivta room cottage beat tocatkm BroorUad Addtaai BOX SS thia oflkr e 4 POX a ikBK late oa desIst car line week Also targe II or caM tar list JAMCS- E CLEMEarrS MM G at nw teVlm- t 9 dowa aahiart moathly biases MERCE t PIEItCK Yieeaa m4 30 FOR SALE New eettagc mtnmciag Sot BOW SMK to WA fc foot let CEO R HILL OS llth at mr MISCELLANEOUS BCSIXESS ATTRACTQtt cheap ptty delivered Highgrade printout 14J09- em earth bOBteada or uvclopas tlSaX HAYS L iwr PIANOS POUSHEU sad aM hsein- IS St G SHOEMAKER 4M H at ANOTHER LOT of amt h h- machiati 5 attachments sad five yean guar- antee FUNKS 331 C at se e4 MUSK LESSONS 85 casts twenty ream ex- perieace higbeat refcreateo aw- efi3 BUY A FOR S25 1 WEEKLY PAYMENTS Start with this Square Piano we will sill you for B- Thta whenever yourr ready lor a well take it hack sad allow you hilt i F G SMITH 1225 York ave sire hegina f II CaR ar write for partirulata JoltS R mE THEttS mtM PIANOS AND OUtlAYS TfXES fa majtKTS MUSIC STOHF J74 t taJoInM TEETH WIThOUT PLAXEaWFirm naafertabie durable beautifnl uodttectehle aamttat BR B WILSON Ii Fat FULL DRKSS SlnTS for tare a dai c JMUQ9 COHEN J t Hh wr e5tfI- LLIAUS sacs KiCHAX Books tmufbt sad reid ho kmrftat m alt HJ- braccbes 6U O r BW uJKhcia drtvent ir m K4S tfTA ELES U hINSHriUKU Ir i i i wi i BW R W ef t r W ii- I Baas afid Dittos wron i isi ta I ShingtonAlexandriaa- u1 Mount SCat e tt 510 t MS EdO 111- ta U45 sIti 111 Sfz- S z414 4J1 454 IS- I It ttl 7S Ii UJtI- D IJt At- S 4 M sa IIp 1M BC1IISSWee Hffl 1140 III 355 1 6 IlL 118 10 A sad wit Rot sad St s- I OW PMot pedal to KaUoa sad at t1I J h T t lei Fraa Oeaa to Oieas To tada ell For rate sail w W apust a FOR etI- Ue a cIIp I tUG t lap 1M t di T I 5 ttta dIIC let I IIIIICII on Sill I 1IIi- JOR su I heha MIl I I ads JI8t7 I SALKNew iPt I It f 1 FOR SALE rt high sad HIlI wtn BOX So t eIIce psitable w eMIt cit permit I BJICAlN Ad 547 SALENew leN lees at Phase M csiwritres k thists iao The ski N ste nc FOIL SUBSODURUAI suE SALE f14 eeuta to price aft IIaIaIIee 1 per far iso likes 4It to pqccOa I115tf Sat T 7 0 all kiadi elodi rdIIiihed MIr daM PIANO Dade Tab ct Other at low Ie PaAYe MEPAIIitMO It uI wc JII8I WNlKol d tI L S15 Jda I- tH ire L 1 S Ju s C aD the ta l d di l = 5 1S is il245 3158 225 330 355 IM 4 111 SO 015 Pi 113 15 45 140 4 10 1 UtO sees 71525 140 240211 2- au O 430 IdIP 511 145 625 7d18 73i- OS 545 150 7015 1115 1150p M days 110 8Il x116 e tiO 440 Yes Anlimgtoe cad Aquedset 40 a 31M 155atI 25 240 115 241 lii 325 425 44- iS l 43d 744 8418 p u 1S see iSSS Glued ati Ledarics LouIsaills shears oeapsitsimat derper I Tirytate to tisleat sd Ohio era Paussepec tr Aeessda sis E the leseetpckie pac- iicta y to 1dec51 SALMv erasers pdiss e k aiTasest hldip had sk 343 5 Isuw Mel alS Ass out ate Med 2 vaLes a dS lea asethid tEi Aes SlIt 4thi Mer 343- S siszie it rash 1554 eed shIep s beea J old pfees iii 4 a ese bes Serrea par ot irep ethic th thb 544 o sharp uk at rae eadar 15 pa typewadsees pose sad asks lea adieu flue and 5 5 5 IO eel 4 nw un re W541S5tSIL tS5 1 154 sad here S is yes ci I- itlis 1350 easy badk Sib 4 Sl1 repMosd sad rdiare- wiag suit L Mo 4 z which ou 1 weekly paycc naw Cpri it rupee piis cqtciiy TKUNK roar peaiae lieu lisil as 5 5 5 abs as eer busses tesN a 5Ci 1 54 I Ilk it e it > = > > > > ¬ = = < > = RAILROAD 6TATIOX CORNER OF 9CCTH AJW B 5 7 A M DAILY PtTX8BCBG EIVRBm Par t sad fiMng Gars Harriaburg to Ptttaharg nM A V DAILY PENSSYLYANIA LtVtTSB PtvOaaa Blupmr IMahac Sraakinc sad Oa- fervatfon Can Hartiaaurr to Chicago CfMto- aati St lasts Oevemad tad Toledo Buffet Parlor Oar to Kaiitahni I B A M DAILY FAffT USE BeSot Parlor Car 3M P M DAHY CHrCAOO AN ST LCTB ECPRffBE IBtnainr Car Waaamcm to St to IndaiaapoUt St Lavas Losnovftle TM Cmv sad Oucaaa 1 M P Vf DAILY ST LOUIS KIPRIMtPali moB Sleopias Car MaxrMwrK to St Lsiah 7 44 P M BAILY WKSTVKN TTTntltmr ruT man Sleeping Car to Pittshunr CMaaga Car to Chieaeo- 74s P M DAILY CLEYSLAXD AND CWCXS Cam Wa- to Clever lead sad Ctaciaaatl Dtatoc tar P M DAILY PACIFIC EXPBBIKI II man Car to 7J4 A M DAILY BUFFALO with threat Parlor Car Ttmtwc Car Mat Smporiam Junctfon- Suadty Par P M P M DAILY KXPBsB9 With throafdi BwCet Sfeepiac Oar sad Oaaeaes P M OOJfGSKSIOKAL LIMITBB daMs for New Ycrk sit Partor with Car from Baltimore for Philadelphia New VorU aaa the Eat Express 79 Dmis tire 7JT OMam Cart Diatec Car M aad MsM- BfaW Car A M- awre P H MB sight On Stmaays 79D- Nsteff Car 757 Cat ts69- MA 11 Dhna Car W f g a A JL BM tdS CBsafar Car foam Biitf- aote sbSO P M BfirBb Bhr daier Baltimore f5is 79 7s 74 TsST- M MVSa UsDO at X tttm- M4a 145 t SaD 4afrt 4 9 Sjn ga o Tim T- Mh4 11 JS P M ltd aszas a Sundays 7 7 7 C 1031 3 11 A M KOaV 1U nS 3N 40 LicKed 4dn 4t5 S W- at4 r M sad llija- as weekdays Far week days 44 P M- TIaket omeof terser Fifteenth G StaeU- to destination from hotris sod iiiihaeiiT- etephoae call 1441 tar PcsnsyiTaaia Malt T d Cab Service J B HrrCHINSON J R WOOO General VaDafer Oae l aMeRCcr Acrnt- Scheduls fat effect November 17 JIlL Leave Waatingtoa New J ner Ave sad 34- Ckfezge sad Northwest K a m tM a sa- u CfeeiBnati St Louis sad Louisville rJ p m Bight PJttibonr and CleveteadS- B sad 1 Catammsa cad Wheeling p aa- Wiachsiter m UI4f P f KI- xarar 24 6 p JB- Aaaapolis U7J IliaD glliS a a 5 B m Frederick 6J8 t ft RBfc46 a im 1S13 jl S a m sad H 40 p a- BoyTaad wry palate p3 J lr WtU JUM m- OattBersharx cad points IJSdS pedals flSsS a m 11 i 4- BJtteore week daya 39 BOOB alit p a Suadaya H0 m nsj i u x ROYAL BLUE LINE Baltteore Philadelphia Xw York the Last W Diner lt8 9 Buffet Dmer f e Diner a as TtsM Diner 8dO Royal LimUed Ihser H4J- Baffct SOS Direr and 11 M 5 steeple Car upest at J 9 eefoek- F sao Cars o all day train AthaUc City 1iM sass JDaily UExcept Saaday Saarfar only i Express traJai- Bssst e called for sat cheeked fr n botob and residcaces hy Union Teacher Co ea orders left at tfoket eficea CM PeaRsyrrxala seeDier orsth west New York avenue aId Fifteenth Street an at rtatioa Schedule to JawajT 14 KOC Trains leave from Peaasylvaala SUOac ion Chariottv sad way stattoas- Al a Daily WaaaJazton Riehmoad sail Florida Limtted Ffastelass coach she drawias room to JachMaviUe oar U1S aTm Daily taatea States Past New Orleaas- 11JT a K DaOy Local ier WurtnUir aa- ChariottosvOle 401 p m Week Laexl let Hirrfsoe- bme sad way station aa Maaaataa hraaeh- 4d p m Daily Local for WarrBtM Md CkaictattosviHe- HjS p m WetS day The Savtherc SB AU PuBmaa tram New Teak and tme Fto- drawiag room d k m aisy W aad Caassanoasa- Limsted via Ljrachbcfr Ftostdass oaaea aaM- leepiac car to Roaaoki KaorvOle Oam Ml sleeper to Aew Orlaam se n M m Dai y sad to Attests MnaOaja Wednesday sad FMhqas Sunset souse UwriestBak Aoxnata sat to ThaaMt- Bfaacc cat vatiOB CIA tc Aslata sad Maeoa aaeepes ta rtll AtlWtX M 4dsav ar IKIeBK- TEA1XS OH BLCEMONT aWAJEGa- Va Saaday oalr for aftraaaat Wednesdays aad fwteaafs for T ssshnin- raairy Frosc Omsfotttstom Tickets steeplac checked throat hew heteU- R R C SerHee FRANK S CASTWrtf Jd v P H HARDW1CK General PnoCr AmKi L E B2OWN Ceaeral Ageat Capital City Atlanta New O point V and Omce Mil E I BC1CCU Iaa Acc t WALL PAP NOLTE at fh u aw it a lbs kited aad rem attvacttw erases MI Van SV up Cal J nJLROA- D5PtENNS Lt A f- I BeSot Quo I Louis cad sad DWa Oar Ua and NAil UPJIB88ru I sad JeM SI Pi BAT A I tot oj Fane except IS X let HIlI 15 MCFAW CRT 10 41 r X DAlLY far Sets ie Lad lathe daily eseetI Sa wtIIt te W r Joe Cisesdekiss Car Wsuklsgto to w days outy 36 41t Car hoc C I CIe P l weot sad clt 45 TaD M a 4 JIor Pupss Creek L m as Do lISt A 11511 IM- P X A L ad- I BALTIMORE OHIO RRz f1 IlL 1 s m P t IlIaD a SaD 113 p UBII a m61U a- lit 50 115fO jot 75 le1i m- JwKu aa 1It 5ro i1- ixi 636 I3 xaClt XUr 1131 x15 S- QI xIJ aiM t5 f3t il40 iliaD x31 p m All tralas Mluistaated with PiMac15 c SOUTHERN R- Ye Sill a m Daily Local listrituebeec r III Dial kit to car service Das W u pIta aM el wt rice Iii car ire Mew Yet sad MIatIa to IIIIIIct ice Ii DiIIIJ Neck FlMKIa- to sad Poet sleeper IHIrriIk Ga aid tat tAkou r AU ebb TrIwseSly to S C 1IIIIIiIQs iiIIaw e III J- J sad p 1t5- U lat- h as the Saudi IG 2 a TaD 1IiIi- a P- ofiri aM IACII- Ilite 11Sl a- po M Sf8- II III tt 10 iI1r r k tic- Wa al Uet P SEABOARDAIR LINE BY Mote w asbiDtoa PdIU x JL SbtiM A Pil DAILY wft- PU XD 7 00 p traiIt IlL c human 0IMenabDa aItIi OMI- Serpu to Atlanta ulss Ell ade- 1Etr Pisea cPt- c sills snJ aU P555k vc A Pl LOO1 c C- oD Y DQ P- aR h- at laPflllo pawrs aaw tail 5 7 < P P l e p is z a x r 5 de 00 Parke to Jlarrisbarg lee Pittibur istoo Is fiseelebasag ZIP I vUsl vie 5 Ease Mashch 54 tapia Soudar IS A Blairi Mouse laity C1 is via Rochester Bedaki NIagara Car Waibtaytse kcheator id it Zrk Besha Budal sail Xiaara P55 daDy Puilacu Sleisg BaMoMor aD can tress Wgtse 3141 Dkde laD Dada 91 lee cit 140 hue PuiisduIpfea lF Tdi 0 31 IL w34duys 241 sad 010 Ni- etos without shears 744 A days oe 1011 323 Lk4 4IS 415 431 7540 sad 140 15 < 1- 1a57Ll 710 1140 711 a ach 40 N nad dayu 01 sad ad at the alaMo Sixth sad K Streets sdere see be left 1st the sheekbg at 1040 I4 laD sAM SaD 5 cad U4S 15 IaD 440 I way 140 iS30 710 HRIS p- 154sgt iU4 paD p is 537 jal40- 7I5 xaD lIS aIJI iK 10 1151 is- fl14 x240 x40O xtaD 4133 x4150 xiOSIO x740 a x140 4t Baste asS lot War 55455 PheCIJuS cachea sail ibawsazreom sleeper Diai Mob 551 Moerratis ears U Mx 5- 1134else eath Tesiut pst n Frsac- zorlm ad Es- fiatcluue t sad 51555h- eksOSsilLe Taupa s casvccttoa M tT ltszbitss sad sea Liicd I4sa tree sad c rou Pkieue Ma3413a Wad Lou Wauhiat ly is 415 a wet days sod 4 p 34 seek das sed a is theIrs lals Thssi triad asks Mash kVta a M is a M Y x15tMdaU e 010 esos4ci sail da4SM- cc had 5 uc MaUls PCSSO ireess 54 Sistita KapsiS aad decea a Pea- S I 01 3kjaotRD FAST MALTbR ts34r3i METROIOUW- V is As DAlI Sleawti Most iss Ddasz aic- ess dyt idape 15 es PleO- lsirelleat Pttrrdiurg 5154gb SieShe karat sk34a Iuck Jsau et- A r7 Al2 2 I tia- fed54ic 55SW I aues hoc 0 a c ssaalZ bs scO5i eaSt > > < = < > > > = > > = > =

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-02-10 [p...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-02-10 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1902-02-10/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · M13 P at H-WANTKl Womait to work green gtrce-Ktave




AXT1CB RdmMe waman for geaeral hownvk anmt s-

16th t auChambermaid a


WANTE 6 t tadwork Appty m latWANTED Neat maatrlahle ored-

i oak and bonaewark iMtS J r DONAHO-Oit Enat Capitol at-

WANTRWCW for xenaral hoane rk a howac

M13 P at H-

WANTKl Womait to work green gtrce-Ktave M r at aw-

WANTEWCook aad Uiimha refereaeai IMS-

HMtcmm waUren fhX Iteamre lilt Kh at-

W A TKMCowred for Renent lionatw-omMI mmUr Apply MB S at aw el-

WANTRB An aattled woman tocook waaV sad iron amat atay niirhts QI3Bmvhaana ace ntr 1-

WANTEB Neliahle idrl lie xeneral hoaat orkreference t3 North Capitol atWANTW A competent wtittc aane lor aa in-

fant ChB at aw elWAXTBDOM of 14 yan to aaaVit m lighthnmcwcrk slay siMs brine laluanet CUafter 6 p m ieSl Marion atWAXTED A white to 40 cfcimhrr work

Bane chad two yean aM en ISth at aw-

WAjfjTKtt A toad cook MM Mnrylaail ave at-e

WASTED Hotel cook man sad wife for privatetaaaUy ato eMhaer UM New Yark sis BW


WAJfTKI ajaad sask sadrraeral worker amali aood wnftm MI3New York aYe ml-

WAXT 0Ctmmetat colorederat aouatwntk amat aait n-

Mh t aw

tor jren-ia


InmiLKinir an t Milan fax E at awWANTED RllliihU woman hjr acaerai havaework family of two raJamnral 1447 S at BW

after a m-

WANTEOGarl or ymmc 11 amaii to learn totferhn fS50 to flweek to lAd wMh to Atatwer Cat M ISth aw ml-

WASTKB Three fi b two women planids white

ajave 103 llth ct BW

WANTED A cirl for ceaeral lnuatwnrk at M-K M w mlWANTED Tea mma reliable women sad viajoad aiaeea la amaB familiea plain

warhana today BWTTOX COL It O at

WAJITCa Two aoi yomaj laatoi forCan attar B a av BaSKMSKT MS-

mlCaM ISBt-

mlSIS 15-

paliaU Nmliiiii an Uada plate aeeare-dUM9T EXCHAKGB CM Oth at ml

tore notion ami other departmeaU aaly thane harma loac nead-apphr THE BOX MABCBE feStf-

WAXTEPA fompftent whitemvd work nfctVaaCc-

sWAJPTCiVWbrtchrhat refev f 7 S BW m tWAXTET Apprentice for millinery Apply 521

at nw m 3

WAXTKO LADIEg to do pUm needte work tor-m kuf we fatanh autoriala BadM per week aead atamped t I

Inmani Ill anVS

WANTBOA reliable eaaceni-

taanatoatiljit ttbent t


YAXTCt Good ageau in all pen of use eoa-mttfi caod maaey lelteMe wartfoa BOOMAM Bant1 Bnidiic egS

where to tate sedweriptfcm to the Melt bookHt al eammtai n a d gaaranteed AdHrcM BOX 27 th omce m85W NTED Male sad female canraattrs I hare a

rtd famdy the land Gome sad see it ersand W cent UK sample 3L LEE 322 Mi our-iae City mS8-

PEOHTABLE WoRm offered agents In erery tatra-t fccurt cubccripUeaa to Tie Ladica HornJournal and The Saturday Evening PostWe want who will work andwith lau xrttem to cover neb section withcur Uluitrated little booklets sad other adrcr-tlclcg matter aDd to look alUr

two old cvbscrRwrs The pry I first rateaad at the end of the teasoa 20000 will be

for good workHo wcU come of our agents hue caceeeded lltold In a Mttle booklet we would like to tendjeu nortrdti of eoae of best agents withthe of hew they made it THEPUBLISHIXG COMPANY Philadelphia Pa

HELP AVAATED MAXE Jt PE5IALEWANTED Two caavamtja for hotaehnld arieS49 per seat eommacioa Apply after 5 p m E-r MAY Tth at ae-

hlTUATlO S WAXTED FEMALEWA3TEtt By colared woman placeu chimhmiuM or hoaarworkar 439 Wnmtta-toa at aw el-

WAJTKV By a settled woman place aa auraetoad of children Addrem BOX On thm omce Ml-

WAMTEOOaad teaantraai will say MHoaaUcia fmatliea or do arming at her retUleace tXttNew Yark are nw-

WAJBTKO Tlabarcra willIwnttoB Addrea MON 3O tab omee eS3-

WAKTE0 Pmm by the day or outcosts reUsed skirts a epciialty MRS XICO1MX a Uta at aw IiIWASTEDBy rdiaMe woman

la mMamth mark fewta care ofor aa matUra helper competont ferem

doctor MiLlED THOMP-e S

Pttattioa by reapcctable filored womanor corr 132 tab rt BW mS3-

WAKTKD PoaUioe by an educated ladyao amninam or wilt take pupils by the day canfaraom NIt of rcterenccs Addrao Wit rtI-


imaiitahie paattian of say kind rood referCdL thia ualce el

wMte man U it man place on farmcanahiued Mod head Apply 3ttM H at BW elWAJfTBB Hy raaaimftle yoaag man place aadriver toe grocery or nelrrery WBIJOB Addram

deft war vatona with xood haek-

paattfoa xmbarer M one of-drem BOX H this

a a Metabl colrred man aa haute ama or potter M atore or bee aedace Call atttM Sib t aw eS2-

WAJfTEB By a BXM yean ofand well aaaa tptod with tbe city a tt-MMM kmd VHftag a talc aatory Adatem BOXtl tfch omce r73-

VAATHDCOCTliy IMtOlMCRTVWILL KXCHASGE aiKhrtaaj vadoabtod nuaia-

ej m Maryland orfcchota prelened

H KiJOW Zrfjtc Trait Btde NaDamT-


a hora terms wagon hameaj ahwMad fvr casU AJdreM-

amce a-

M wake rtrt farm

PWC awteaj Ma U B round home amTalr far farm nr jn IMP Ci tTTABLK fornertilt Vad 1 cu KV B JOI


aiPU Hotrl-

A TED w-re slit t1



MIl e-

1mMt1NTK t the ldI ttc 11th zot-

JIW wltlae3



to ftIk Is IftI stair JOXP16




u illi

ATED usisrad pi Wp wiik

It atit




L L HI Utla litl 1


Dda IlL

to eaenIeYIIdft LL tII

A w4eIlLc

t-oY JJt mad a ododr at UII tera


7 toSlAf-

DAn aye CIa

or1itp to take te for owps4aa Lu ctat BWait pattyBIe



uTItDProeia arb escry


J6 article tat will sell to colia


the best workers utn prizes


< MlM

w tliciWe lad ci wwto leCWitIc bet

uR Pa-



u1fA OUJIC tro-a


tag wufl gtIe UINtJ






UXODdit iontk


ill file tir


i In mHH

L rfre riqiutdL

sub at




atoweabr sad


5 piitrid aItt with raf-eIG

iEiiA eake4s MAde 7Jthi






hpcos JurisE unoniiurrWATfrfsa colud weta sad gsuss1



WITDC1 tPsmse

cpdart I

e ta Juu5 sW

ecuesacad tredLat


A brtwsen pii

wn Ice boswJuk4

54 v



vibIasac sew trasaIAdd AXE

Welt 54W54

Sew ey








jred ripeisasi lid


I atmbW



EITUAr1o53hsuest Las ca 7

c154 Ad lOXwAT

115 L 4 sV

15 psrt ptucue4u t Ktbe depanuasate

owe S



teumlms i kegsues


x i

AI7V OPrU ii ISED4sad urue muucts trim S S yeswiyht iMS psuuule siit tkjirs v hoeseafltsiIeiu I2











nHLP tVAXTKD 3tVlTlWANTsU Roact took 4 bar man tarhotel today BVRttCSS HOTEL AGENCY

t J jWANTED Revered rWmcfet rood nay sadpermanent Apply CO

Bet in Bich

have cah security BOX 73 tingeM 3

WANTED Pic tam aalajmsn Mr departmeMtsad arlii work aeH typewriter sadJ K UONAHQO Jenifer Bafttfiafr 7th sad 1


3W abiehodied-

Va t 0 per day Jieet at B 0 Mondayumroinr 9 oclock elWANTED Boy to work on job prem Addreat

lOX 7 Ibis oUtef eMSWANTED Two reduced waiters at

Penaayhraaia ave BW

WANTED B r porter bartender sad MM MMtrite fat private ftaattjr ISM New York are



V rhia m-

WANTEDMa or ha drive Jar factor sictwo laborers 125 riiaairt illS llth t mr-

WANTEDTintcIaM ahstmaker ON repairiar751 7th a mrM

far tawdry six dfciSsue two drivers

uiana atom porter two hian boys eHjr sadcountry people SM E nw


WANTEDCaek HOrs HOTEL tit sad D M-

aWANTEDOeed tetter aamt W aober sadsteaay M et aw K 8 RKARDON Ml

u5tor at UXCOLX MOTELMtk sad H aw Ml-

er at c E at nw

WAITED Barber Call BROWNS lidSnUt at Ml

ANTED Youaa Ma mlnHaan aad collectorSW weekly Apply use W a m BASBMKNT-

Uth ft BW Ml

WANTED A iateHiseat her for work la realestate office ana be mliii AddnwaBOX S3 tic O M Ml



MM to take sharpsAmkeM-

WAKHCD Help M a cow stableEaaaire at Bright wood ave apowerhouse C ROBINSON

be whitehere the


writiAdore BOX the office

WANTED Bays wftt bicycle Jar o8ei er serr-he sac ewu iron W per MMrtb tdC MMM reSeed M95 bays otherwise

Ma lad ta 9 4 p ra-

ft to p M daily at casts BightDrSTSfCT CO im F it

WAVTED To rent floor our raceshirnisbed motim light bttosckeepiax AddreaiBOX SS thi case wSS


35 private aauty Addroa BOJS 7 the aflfceel0S-

AVm By man sad wife with chilesthrae aafurabbcd room oa arcoeri Soar witSlINt sad ICM tor tight date dares

thia l-

WAXTEDBy Jroom with baard laeatMH ute

WAXTE0 Sia l gtaHroom Bear S at mwotfee

haBOX thin

BOX St that oafee-

WAKTED adtdta thw larfaraiaWd IOOMElocated be naaaaihte Adareai

BOX 46 thai etttx ntaW-

AJSTEDBO other boardeia reierowai-

piwii sad equired Addrac BOX H otfce


WAVTED To her old leather b d E MAKfcj7S Myrtle at

ANTE Gw awd dectric heM BstertB camiMd BtaW for state Addccai OX 71 thfa

WAXTgl lirf iMaling or aewfatK ol say U d11 90th at BW er 3-

coMditmiI SS thht oe

WANTEDFvraitare coatearU of IMMMM IKMKMSe it you have nima to wU PKIHS tOPWOO h J K w Tritphonersaz MM-

AXTEDOne Sep Mk sadI power electric motor Addraai atotixc ad-

WANTEDMM good portoUe sawmilltimliir sear Vhinas va JJ-

SNYDKR Yieaaa Ya

WASTED Good ihoses A4dt M

WANTKBTa exchMac a Cohmihi Phonographfor a Typewriter AOOTCM BOX 21 this oflice


1HOHE9T CASt PRICES paid tar less had eaeper braav boUi t book stock sad rubber aUo-aaacbmerf d g ral a eicba disc E1K3ARBACK StX 7th C BW dcKtf-WA5TEDI will pay cash price torladles sad pests caato AddrcMpostal will B TAKSHKi M06 7th rt BW

WAITED OMh paid tor alt kkad W hounahaliloliN sad Mare ftxtore she told oa-

comMkrion II K06KNBEHG AactMMeer iLouiaiaaa are BW eiiU-WANTEDBriK your sid e U a 4watchct and to the MIXT 615 G st-

w sad set talL value m rcadr casey GBOilAKTIM Maoaeer-

WAVTBDUhshcat cash prices paid tor oW a WwatchM etc tickets

iMMNcM IjOCIS ABK11AM OS Mfa at awiailtf

POlL IlEXT iLVBUnUAXFOR KEXTOn Haprilloa toad sea wile

ttace of eight rooms sad cellarthree rent cheap Apply 216 6th at Be


IFOK 8ALKYaca lot ua 3d it betawn Q

alley with party waft privikcca em be hadcheap by party waBtia U pavchaae for

concrete pareawnt sewer sad waterPine tot feet frost oa K at BW 75 teats perfoot J 1 ft W 1 SCLLIYAX r7 13th ft BW-


IF 0lr WANT a 4Wacre arm improvedin the Mflomont saettei Virginia life honlees WaAincton hh sad heahhrwith all kind of fruit tarp hewater rod 9 worth W trail forapply to WM M SALXDEKS Jc CO 1 J P at-BW m 3



FOK SALKKlcc tromr ateam Uota4 aututriUaie sorer worth 1J Ice WTXi CAPITAL AITOJMHMIK COJIPAXV 715 13th at B-


iron SAWS riAjtosJX-

Me 8AL n FucbY Mariso porno in goadcondition May he MM at 2X7 A tt e m


FOR ttEXT OK or cityproperty at Seabrook ttUrion OB

I rmee George Md mCountyhoes sad ctonroom t par monthiaoaM ft per Month sic farml r coatSuMMif B P BiKXIX With W II Djn Jitthand C st aw



ftERUt IK e-

lAmpoe sad




n 4Sle elUta

Ill lit It


lilt be aMIce


lit1fATX w







well IlK

e Iof

adler HIf1tAVIT Jter a of

is retr 150 perSl

toertet I


lilt tatI



iaJar to


1f AWKDTwe liptutadth let rioedwrnI it tic

cadter8 BOX WI-



TW Jib at bI t


WIlebe caIIIa JJOX



peterwhere d8 sas be 1 uI ce

te-M C I

JlaUodn thIs oIMee JNfJ




I ret tHat II feet eo



otEi qini ctryat every C qettalty SeIMI

1 M JJlELL YatateJ 7





saul or per

























7th M

tar brssdrva 513 aue eiueuos auumt

Slit Ad ass

N1uUAt 5 11th 4 iwreat eue tar rsuasd udb eserty W

tiliw experiesce

NThICaiotqJ 7155 mu itee-plj esly 12th JuL

stash Isgtat ueet csIi Adda-


white meei


ateANTEDAn ripurieseed sad


wrap sew


who has 4p typeoee wsea week


asaged y frau

I SaSW 4tt-


ATgD y eple fasad racesutbasd II ii husrptag set ed

espM ais WJX

44Ibeas roses he

kast adkue te ie-ox ati

aSnIte 4ostrueM5 Adee 10 cc1514

hent sJu



farsLicd races eceI


ec ci

wx9SI5i rIbrespsei4cz Is pea1554 cheep he tdth


ate Meda

alt twohan C

eaea MGX4


acousdhaaa eadsr



5 5rue







5tress sad boa

des MIsc Ta15 lands ato catakapse Meek ye


atscuba ied

hue04 1 S >

5 S5S S S






1 II acrectkfan ta arvae II sue










FOR UENT FUnXISHKD ROO319FOR RENT Furaished comrnoBicatiMC roomssecond floor with board sear Capitol aDd Ibrarr M6 2d tt ae elFOR RENT Fwniffced comfortable rooms eratnt 759 10th ct nw er 3

FOR RENT Twoor en moderate rest central total S I

7th t mr mlft3FOR RENT Two fwnhdMt raom tar li ht honaekrepinc n r sad F mrft1

FORJtENT Ffate hMTiiatiMJ m private fam


FOR RENT Ut c taave roomJtoor bred K rf a d 1111 II at BW m 3

FOR RENT Two wiiiMiad case JmT 3d M

FOR RENTF r WHIM well lifrbteu-rnnrhhtd or BnfMmMi rcem 8H Mh BW

FOR BJINT DesiraMe IU MH weU tocareful Martins Met KouaekeaHina permitted418 M at BW SS

FOR BUNT Formated baj wlndao beet roomnear C pMa4 sad L

role HKNTOtw mcely raiiiMiod r om secondIGor suitable for two inraom she ORe sitesWK tuhfaont room three wmaWa OB wcondfloor rwnriihed or tmfiiMMahtit Jill Jl t BW

RENT Threeheat ea light Irnen-boBMfcogpia 1 8th M BUT

FOR RENT Two Blcriyftnaiulnd frost roomto gentlcmnn very Matoniblc SSI 13th at mi3 x-

tOR KENT XieelyfMrnialMd Mcond TOMBfor see or two well healed

FOR RENTF nw d looms rMIKh tit B r-

eS3role timbbeB raams Tit Suet

FOR RENT Fnrnaih nl or nnlumhjhul parlorsISM 0 t BW fee baiiatai panioiiai especiallyi tt i Soc millinery m 3

FOR RENT Two fnrniatMd room light houseVtepimv BO chiMKB W mh C fir m63FOR RENT tw iarahhdi connectWK Monn hoBaeaetpina M I K BW 83FOR RENT Ft-

Sth at BW

FOR KKXTNeaUy fnrniahoii back peeler mC t BW 4

FOR RENTOae smwd Soar mrB med irantworn heat a gurtluaait Mass see Be-m8

FOR RENT Warm room fanMahed ink everr-cOBvertticc hot sad reM water H

FOR BKNT FGovernment PriBtiae-

FOR RENT fwabhed reams Hesk-or rIo heat QUI reacouWe ratetranritaU aemmm d ted 6 Pa ave



FOR RENT Large bwht warm nicHvfurnamed room for two with board u-

at nw sear City Hall eMW

FOR REXTNfcely hwaiahed rooms with ortable board aaar aam 1323

T atFOX RENT Warm room withto par week central M-

ladim torn y ma man ac t X

roaam with or wtthont Inonplm to occnp

connection sores atcondFOR REST Twofiont hay

1117 K at BW-


CIt board rtmmmdated

FOR RENT Warm races boardweek IMS ath at awv

with ex

itaamheMaJ nfiii near Ckfttol

W GRAVT PLACE XW Goodt3W per week

talus boarda7

FOR RENT Xewly paparmi p-

iatrictiy ho water heatboarding 4M at mr


THOSE Wilt WOCLD appreciato aeteit privatetable board apply to 11 Gnat place er


FOR SALE Cheap rnacaroom licenw Room K eH S

FORand notion store ill health caw of adliaa ex-

cellent opportunity Addrea HOX 72 this offtc eaVS

FOR SALE Be a diesschool HSt Maryland MM

FOR sued amaN lattel eomaleterrfamiAed 4 09 W J 1MJCVN 7 La lYe

FOR SALK Saloon sad toadWaaliiataa barwMaa W J IHJQAX 417 I-

a e Ml3BAD COLU8CTEP nr NB chirp H B

Lawyer U Mth ft a r mM-

BUSIXESE PLACfii fOLI by W M YOCXGMeshes M9 tth t mM3FOR SALE Saloon due itand Barthweat S-

W hmiaeM street wtrtbweat Sl Mt W JIKIGAX 7 La t mM3FOR SALEFiae snbvrhan tot ch-

or time payment moat a bawjaJa A45 thu

B daily rale 69made easy CAPITAL BCSJVESS EXCHANGKAtlantic Bmldtae M3FOR SALK Furniture m boardma aa4-roomiajc boast at a gnat sacriace Can from Uto 12 oclock a m or a ant sat MRS M E BCLLOCK Kth at aw

I IF YOlthe old reHaWe eitihlsshtd foartoea yeata IKXLAP HM F at m S

FOld SALE Rooanaa

FOR SALE Ciyar and Mcycle atore cued bebantam XEW YORK BC94XE36 BROK

ER 611 F m 3

FOR SALE Lunch room seattrade prier S3W snap NEWBROKERS CI1 F at m 4LAMES AX CEXTLEXEX AUenBonl Ton canincreaw voar income congenial occamatfoa Addrew FORWARD 191 Vermont n 3

WANTED To buy wood coal sad hellor to law suitable beatles for such Adder

I BOX thi nalic AX

WASTED Partaer tidy 64I thisIF YOU ARE THINKING of making

I alteratiiMN to your dwcJUna or buaiama propertypostal to W U CHILD6 4W Mh at mm

eeJFOR RENT Nice cafe a-

Loodona apartmeat hone 314 cud 1 EastCapitol at Apply J fJ WEEDOS 4 CO 224

at elIrote SALE EichtnMMn furnamed howe Vail of-

crmee M viaa eddy MEW YORKBCSiXESS BKOKER Iii F at m 3-

OOST trrOP Come to at M you want to arilyour biaiiiitaj Krfabtfaiftwl jajW YfHJKBtSIXRSB MHOKKKS all F at icSJFOR of the iwato little dairyroom in the city AddremBOX 33 omce


FOU SALKGrocrry More er stoew poolrooaw e time UUNUVp Ma F itWAXTEBFICktcmw dr mmafcer will give homesad Mil profR by lady Eft L at aw e74-

POR SALUBailer agUe rockjac MW taalecomplete lor wp d oae cart wnewagon toed H h fl amfe flxtwr

foe ee ar will ceil cenaratclr Applyalter 3 oclock p m m 7

SEND iH yoar bodaeai pIsces and have themold quick tiutomen waitiae CO

007 13th M BW m7FOR SAUl OR RKXTDwUl


4cc jtadvfehtity

S S SUHSOA U Jteeatta

BUT WATCH MAINSPRINGS Me BROWNESW p jAterf you tranafer raSltf


FOR XM Male cxaariai from IM To 9fi eachdoga eaU rabbiU etc SCHMIDS BIRD

STORK 712 12th at HMT 3UF-

OTJHTEENTn CT for Animali aurglcaland medical sties Always open T Iepbooe 1712-MIS Fourteenth at J95sM


iUd JOt

bath II at III S

fo8 UiRII3

a south


BIt eSel

1ICbsad aitvenrare lIphi


ell iell 41 at B-


Capitol It MJ

K t

lees nil1Ril

4 It1

It IlJIIiee




at prie E




e Miltdo


no-r lit

SALE saab

Moreaft lie








TO My a aft

PIt dairyQuick at


tN 1Mrout




Jte1par to vtS


bmIer ta ne


SALE Iontit




Fetsee wade tI













fskhsd races

suesbeat pc N aw



heist sadii344


Ill as

st roses


pastiness addi ussdersis 41k



11515 issoed




races 4 as searcS7



post basiS1000 544ATEDFsi

daheed reueosa EsquIre 314 c-

is 43feue

si eipsired si I15iIK piais bath saunasew I

uaoes I



he-ed ueaes





Socea uIeee



dyes sUe 343tare


wAr 5Li1 si bojjuuuu heI t

150 DLyLtp 54 V cOI



feats CiS

legitimateteat Addees l cc



e yarns






Mba suiLii this ktj


555 5 5

< <







Fun REST TJXFCnjflSHED ROOMSFOR RKVT rnfurniru7 oae large fro it roomsouthern expuaure rent ft50 moot 446 K I

tUR RKXTThree or four room an ant Sootbeautiful tat rratFOR RENT

Ml715 9th st aw

FOR REXTLance iaramMna room InC lout1111 II at J L 2

FOR RRNTEatiM three racessued hath adjoiato riAituthle 1600 New Jerseyarc M

WHAT A SNAPI Fowr sew atarniolitcl rooatfwith ctobie accommodjtlcia for See haefes sadwBROa B ar a U fee HWAS HOOM WtMTINT COMPANY ANDBUSINESS BROKERS tear 13th at nr 3

FOR RENTLarse wa named score ttl Gat ae 83-

rOR RKNTFonr cease MIl sad hat wemdfloor oontrieni eapmurt Bnht hoaiikLCan after 2 m 325 C atFOK RENT oar uatuiniPatd roses ill 4th


FOR RENT FwaialMd or anlninlah l tour rosessad bamaent by the lath X21 D it BW


OR RKNTTwo mfvmiahod camamaieatinK-a Mcond floor heat K sees Goreramear

Pitotinr Omce HK 7 bt at BW e 3FOR BEXTTwo or three unrnmbhcJheat saul r s 7 T Mth jt aw elI

Fun JtK T l

bath aad cellar each ahw lisps porehea troutand rear of rode Hat sail yard cabinetmantehi and phuahMc aathfaa a good inUna city tar the month

SIDEWALK seedS side of Whit-ney are jut of Bri htwo d L EBREfXINOER 7 Uh at aw eS1FOR RENT A ot Bre room saulbath fourth floor of the PreMott U I it aeto a ntcia3 teoant I7 CAYWOOD OARRETT 13th red New York are vr maSFOR RENT Nice threeroom aorthvcmt7J to 8 JI A BALLIKGEK B md B iM

FOR RENT To best colored tenant four roomaad beth jlots 38 sod 4fl Pierce st nw at 12MIl 14 BW modern unitary living boatofGHO R HILL MS nth at BW JaSltfe


FOR BENi 114 0 at aw eighttub Apply OWNER Me

FOR RKVT A at we apleadhi tocatioa aUrooaM ud letS aewly papered sad paintedthrouffhcit truss atable rest reduced to 8 aMOORK JC HILL IncJ 717 14th at aw e87FOR RENTBrick

role RENT Only three Mt Nos 1ST 111 sailII Thomat ct aw new hoses six ra nn tUbath farnaee rest 5B5Q PIlED W KKKVKSQ7 14th at B r k tf


FOR RENT Stable rear OS 3d at aw key nextdoor eS3-

KOll KKXT OPIICBSFOR REXT Deak room centrally located atheat el ttric lifhta teiephone 1 month B

ISIS G J nw aa

FOR SALE Two new hoasiaa aixhath all improvement lamje yard parkiaaopen for L Rib at ae aee

POLAND C BOHn SIlk sad G Ma n-welS

F R SVLE Onlyih all modem

iuMi to alley w-


papered totHe 12th at meT Mth sad G aU

f2 B SmtiApply to OWXER

ka than rentct ne riOS

OR SALE A in brick dw Hiaalath at sear K owarf by aonrraident who unit tdharkV quick mle Prier811S TYLER Inc JIll

aw j mh S-

T i rb rcity

room house facia aouth sear Xew Jeoeyare e two from Capitol booae

neUral condition brick heated by wtrahooApply at oust to JOSEPH L WELLER Mho

FOR SALE Northeaat oroam tewte hall bethlilt aad cold water rouge tot 17xm to pavedalley padre fleOO ca y terma eat isle the

GILES 7U Hth a m3P-

OR SuLE Mt eotnpleied eaoh balancemonthly tory pronneJ brickbath furnace eabtoet maAteU

reaient to cars A fotlect home New aad-

r t O at BW-


For Sale A Rood S

PriceFor Sale A comer lease C asses hath and

eoa j well aitMtod M ae largecMh haknce manthty ff OO

For Safe Sth at BW t brick 6 roomaad hath seed Jot to alley well rented Bedaced to


LOST On Saturday afterooea a l dy ttmHrngrep walsh Merkari L M A rewardwill be paid if tnt with A MeCREARY 11M rt aw el-LOSPT Friday sight slices medal with name

C H Clash reward 1741 AJoyce CirriauLOKT arriace robe an Saaday ahoat 7 p m

rieinit of M st sad Sliest tohmd ave BWReturn to PKESTOXS STABLES Ilk sad 1aniiablr reward elLOST On Sttterday-oae r bill Finder elK cedarsIll at nw sad utttvt e OSIX3T Ohunoad with red Moos ui resinbut night will reeds Ifaoral rewardby retamiac tt to COIOMtRCIAL ART STtHMOMS at BW ml-

LOSTBUck and white aetter paax Retwn toten 0 M nwLOST 4ward if a C R XKK6LA 3SU K at

me3-LOBTWMkaMday eoN ymiimai Metam to

BROS 7th and K am aw m 3-

I ST Biaek retire wrnhj white breart aad eatfeet collar ad tog No aid Reward if returnedto m D st a iagS

Finder will retriesE B LAlPBRTY Hy ticaba llth aad Bata

e73LOST At Nays Lodge broochahape four leaf diamond mReward if returned to arUacotn at Aaanatia-

ft J JlL-

OeTT FridaymLiberal reward if retward to A I

WAIXWRIGHT Hotel Raleigh mi

FOUND At Laeeya moat modern Ice cream factory in America kHeteua checeiaU raaHU and

e gallon Oflfc col Sew York aye PboatStain fi3 delOU-


SHERWOODSAddition to Brookland

You ill regret it if you do not secure owe ofthese beautiful lot Y t vies buy thnt on e ytries at k w prices and we will furnish youmoney to build your ot sad you ran

Pay It Back in Monthly Installments

aprme ruth of suburban homeaeckers causes thepricw to advance

STREET CARS PVS TilE PROPERTYThIs i only 9 minutes from the

Treasury sad II in a locality that II tocreaiaI-B value The

OPENING OF HHODF ISLAND AYENTB-wliiili will eventually take pa wilt slid abundr prr rent iu value Dont fail to inspectIbIS proprt ty Address or require of owners



Fallinr hair dandruff fland itching scaps eed RHy

Call or wrItey JOHN H wooDBunv D I

11th tend K S XV WaaUlngto










latelg jdttl

potIL 815-


Jt ilL uiO aEsquire UN J at uSI


FOR 9 UJ Uge5



Olt 1f-tfe nthjt J n it cars




will arE at a eIrrM

ReaL Late tTeIepIIaft PMt sa 1


tOOtcellar Mar COlt

opelJI S J

brick waletseS tassels at WW

an-ntl peach




lit orSlop elI-



Iir snot

LOST Ott STOLEXhIII oltwo checks

reward te




acid Soc gallon Also Larcya apeclal


Xow ioI Ue to your IoU heists ue










Ull th at us ef PI-






cR rsci

il kENTFive data sew lee roses


racesair 125

boau 205 awcath a


e1 roes


siluau brick54sorac4s


SALZTsro sew atc blease sadas treas 4

c sIasea


baThe secridee as

airs1 aubiatoe Lashraps 502 F sw



lot cttouiJut

1easasad arwetelsieta







pdisIbeok eustaisiapies aCEt


a rs54ie ud



y soutafelu usbesi mad csea4csb5 taupe by


crease Itseat


5 5

strawberry ice Cesra roads Pcm iruit ii atper


5 5


use t1ct











Norfolk and Washington

Steamboat Go

Every day In the year for Norf Jr Nw-pn sews and all points SoufU hy thesuperb steel palace steamersNewport New Norfolk and Waah

OB following scheduleLv Wa Mnjrtos630 pa Lv Portsm rtK5e8 peaLT Alfii8dria7W Lv Norfolk a60 amAr Ft Monr e7e9am Lv Ft Manroe7M pmAr Norfolk 889am Ay AtexaadrU69l amAr P Ar Wsshi Ktoe7 am

Tickets OB sale ad stateroomsat general ticket alOes Mend BuUdiag 14that sad N Y ave at downtown chAseilk st and Pa ave at office oa wharf

p sad as board steamersS3 Vt faforaMtion apply at gen-

eral o9cea foot tit at phone 7W orBend llth rt Y aveWashington D C Phone riO

JOhN CALLAHAN GeMral Manager


XEW YORK pOCTHAMr Of LONDONrhOj a FehlJNajn St UoiaFeh t W am-


NEW YORK ANTWERP PARISZe taaJi PA T sic I FrieataadFeh t seesBaveifonlP h 1 SouthwarkMcsi aeon





Should be racd daily aa thanajei may eccmr atany time

FOREIGN MAILS are torwardesl to the portHaB-

yovetalaau traBsit Fat the week eadtoc February

from the MAIN OFMCE as followsTrauMAtlnntic 3InIl-

MOXDAYc At 11 36 p m for ITALY directXem Yeah MaO MSH-

Che directed Per a s F WaasoTck-e At llt p m for ITALY dhnert per a-

SWlia from Sew York Melt asuet be directedPer a Slutr Ar 1125 p m for DENMARK direct per

ji jj BMt

TUESDAY b At 715 sa for EUROPE pera Cyauic from Kew York via Oaeeaatowa

ail spunt be directed Per a a Cymricb At 715 m for Kl Or per a a Pfcjm

oetphia from New York via Southamptonc At 1125 p m iou BELGIUM direct per

a XMlaad from New York Mail mast be dtPer a ZecUad-

WE0K DAY Xc At li p m tor FRAKCE-ALY 8PAW POtrrtGAU

TTRKEY KGYPT UREECE BRJTKH INDIAaad LONENaO MAMM EZ per a a La Gnseogaefrom See York via Havre Mail for otherof EtttOTE arost be directed Per a LaGsMCogBe I

FRIDAY At 1125 m for ITALY directper s a Hobenaoihwa from New York Mailmust be directed Per a a IlihtaoiULiB

c At HtS p m for JHTBOPE per a a

from New York Malt mustdirected Par a a Mnaiiiam

At 11 p Jot SCOTLANDa a Kmauniia from New Test Mail amat be

ruini njis-

Ttlallx for SoBth Contrnl AmericaVet Indies BtcO-

SDAY h Af r i a nh for the BA-

HAMAS per ateamer tees MfaaslPm-r At 11S5 p m let CENTRAL AJRRKA

Costa Rica sad 8OOTH PACWiC PORTSOfJaBhdlMafKnr Tech via CWoa

Mail for GUATEMALA amst be directed Per a aOaH a-

At 1133 p Sot JBtXlCO per sTttsgara from York via Tamaii n Mailmast h directed Per s Ktaaam-

H TW 09 p m for ARGEMtXE rRTCTAYand PARAGtAY-YoflL

m for JAMAICA per

c At Urf5 p m for FORTCNE KLAXO sadHAITI per H 8 HmKmim hoc New Yorktenet be 4ir ct J Per a a Ilimgnria-

WKIXESDV fV At W a m for the BA-

HAMAS per ateamer Sac Miami FmAt lldS p m tOt JAMAICA per a-

Aamirai Dewey from Philadelphia Pa-c At 1145 p m for CPIAPAS-

TABAStX sad YUCATAN per Haraaa fromNew York Mail for other pests of MEXICOmoat be directed Per a a Havana

THURSDAY cj At 11 S p m tot XJtW-POCNDI IND direct per a a Silvia hoc New


FRIDAY d At 63V a m for BARBADOS andBRAZIL per x Capri from New YorkPemambnco Mail for NORTHERN BRAZIL Maat-be directed

c At li-

PROriNCE of SANTIAGO CVBAar nca froni New York

c At 1115 p m tor ST KtTTS ST MABJTINSST KtTSTATMH BfttTtSII lKTfH aadFRENCH GUIANA per i a filer from NewYork

m for BKRMCBA per a a

e At 11 5 p m for PORTO RICO per s sPours from New York

e At p m lee CCRACAO sad ATDTRZCKLA set R 8 Maracalbo hoc New YorkMail for sad CARTAGENA am t hedirected P r a Mamcamo

c At 11 25 for FORTUXK ISLANDJAKAKTA CARTAGKXA andGBEYTOWV per a a lure New York

for COSTA RICA must be directed PerAteatk

c At 11 P m for GRRNADXand CHJBAI BOLIVAR per a Masses fromNew York

SATTRIIAY f At a 3 a m tar the BA-HAMAS per steamer from Miami Fhv

IRk by rail to NorthSvdaey sad theses via attaaMr cto ho dausleepS Sunday t M m aad oa Saaaava a-tlt3 a m The coaatcHne ehmm are made onMonday Wedandnya sad Saturday d h-

Maik lot by rail tothese via ateamer deN herodaya at IS m sad OB 1-

1Suada WtdmaUya MIl Frhmva at 9M p mand Tia Miani Fla

M a mMath for MEXICO ovenbad anlcm questS

adaWaiJ by aieamen mfliaa fromNew York done her at Vj m aadm M p av

for BELIZE PCEHTO CORTEX aadGUATEMALA by mB to New OHmin and thencevia at-ir p m the coBaectian elooei for which betag OR ttondaja-

aih for CX TA RICV by rail to Sewtheses via iteamcr

a m and H 9 p m thebeing OB Tuesday

TrauMlacIc Mallx-Matb los HAWAII via Sea Fraaciaco

here daily at 6 p m up to February r melusive kit deanatch per a o

Mails hoc CHINA JArS HAWAII aad PHILIPP1NE ISLANDS via San Fraaciaro cfooe aeaedaily at lid p m to M mchanvfor per a Doric o

bill for and JAPAN via

MKIumveMaui for CHINA sid JAPAN via Vancouver

slow here daily at 3 p m up to February 13-iorluaive deapatch per ofChina Jtecwtored mail maat he directed YinVancouver for the United StalePoctal Aoency at Shanghai cannot be forwardedvia Cawada o

Mails for CHINA and JAPAN via Seattle tieeehere dwilr at p m up to Frfcrnarr 19 melusive for deapatch per a K Xatahru MaraKcKiatered jnaB mttM be directed Via Seattle

MaiU toe CHINA JAPAN HAWAII MIdPHILIPPINE IfiLAXI via SM Franciirohere daily at 3TT m up to bruarr an to-

rtuMve for deaaatch per a c Ntppoc Mara ofor AITSTKAUA excel thee lot Weet

AustralIa which are forwantod viaNEW ZKAl A2f fW SAMOA reed HAWAII

up to Febeaa tS ittcUhn for despatch pera SOTOBWI 0

Aaatralia whisk go via EUrOPe and Xcv Zealandmatta lot whisk are deepatched via Jot Fraa-xuc and FIJI ISCAXItS tia Vancouver doae

na to March 1 inclusiveMowerra o

ails for TAHITI and MAROjCESAS ISLANDSvia Sue Fraarisru ties here daily at a3i p m

to March IX UKlcsivc for deaidnkh per sAustralia o

Mails lee COCHINCHINA sea aVttiarehed toI PHlLHtrSE ISIJIXW MiHtary Mail d

for thatatnce to caaaect wUh Gowrameat UMMporta

hAltS eoa at MAIN OFlICE a follows fli AV l JO i earn iic At 8 9 p m aH At a m

elite day 0 At r vv ri litAt HK p Jh pr i rUy k Atj rn previoiu rfa i i J m i nvi

I slay JOHN A KMtITTv Poluxti









f 1EUmOT-j



hart iter



Jt J4


a large piece el real1nt4Ja bUilt a We teatpe-

tIIaReIIt at a ifAdIroc POX II this


el-K sad tk of

the 51 their

1M tIN Isiet theses wilt M

pm IlL IlL 1


a York liePev




LMcIIia Y York vIa








L L XMinI 4fNIi




Ptr L JL1f Jto R KAILIMAS sad the

per II Set


elt 1It5 pPftteria New

ItSSA A fflA I





tar St DLAXD

aUQc FLON a1lll


CCaA X1Is tIo1e sia Peat naaM at-


beae at L

Mfto at IIt



daily 838 p up to Uper IlL IlL




via Sea ItUritco here at

IIAtWUl5t lee

Wn atfor per



JIptItdM4 to Sea M all riothe-

m oh which ass

Illt M tl












cwS 5555

sc FhWpbialtch 5

poe j



Foe sale isuproerd chatsaisd located psys

ad will isil horpala sdcked as cacy teenske

illsg arhedude elochaps us as-

ec presupiiou wshatcnsad

oisict cide



5 Noegs hoc 3ewted a a





frau QseowuiSt 11 p is I XEfflNRLANl direst

a ahe direst

ttted a a


prr A5bidSp frOu

I a

a a


a hoc lieu


Ie shea

Sac Yet




Musicsdaily eact Mrs


Ic hare Thapea

Tu54ays 8sdy

siiy a


close daily W3l u seid

Isles 5-siad elsie daily >

sic a


CHINA Trees a-

slear hess at is Februarytch




Xuce C

e4oar daily hIs

hula for tiutse ret

milebsiiy 435 p c rftr February 2 a

dtck a a

No York eeosuectkI with Itsuepsaut aessue

Frs Lro


1 I Iii






< ¬



< >








Vernon RailwayFram PeaaoyrraaU ice tad Mtt St-

la ect November 1 lOllFor Alezaadria Week dan 3 74 7

11 11 J p m

Par MoW Yeraaa W1 00 U fX a m xtt-i414 TS 7CS-

aaaajr 00 a ra-

sa T sae p ta-

daya Jtt 7f Ja Sin S-

StT DAYS TrIS t9 5 Up-ll3t a UJ9 UM-Lt Sea 33 4 9 iJ 5 fiX

6W M TsM 7M 8M p mx ExpreM T eat

carried Ba a checkedJ COLnX 8 arfate 4 al-

G E ABBOT Profident

CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO BYTRAINS LEAVE PENNSYLVANIA ElATION3 P M DAILYCfneinaati sail St Leeseetal Solid train lee Ctneianatt PaDrese pen te CiacfeaaU Lestacton Iimliiini Inttapolk act fit Louis without eha e tbsctfoa for Virginia Hot Stern DtoJag carPartor oar Cincinnati to Chicago1111 P M DAILYF F V Ttmrted SaRtran tor CwctonatL Paltman Stttt-

Tncda sad Saturday Maiag car 3titfrrt-

ML A M EXCEPT SlrNOAY WaahmKtonLess than ft hoar trainOM Poiat Comfort via Ricamoed Oafy allnil route

H3 Pennaytvanka Aveaue M SICk Sirednear F sad at the mthrn callMain 1441 tor Penaaytvaaia Kaikoad tub Serriee-

H W yCLLjtttTelephone Main MM r-

CAKAIHAN PACIFIC RAILWAY S Wfcle agent ttSO Penaa are WaaBhKtoe B acad the United States arr to tunmrnaiotJ at Vaaeoaver withUte of the Lfate for lapseCk4aa sad the PhfUpetooi with the Ca-BadmaAaatraUa Use Sec the HawaHan Maads-a d Australia

FUlL SALE 3IISCELIASKOaSFOR SALEAn outaide bowcaae ia peed teaditk abo two 8foot rouatarm at H MATTKatNg 4M lab at aw 3POll SALE Tifteea atovaa choaa 71 K at aw

cort 35 at once ar a aJOlt SALB Twelve thiw hy oak ttmeh roes

aHgatly 3U att at aw

XEW SEWING MACHIXE Itafcb t maehinea all make lem thaa haM ariceftre years ipnraatee OB credit Me weekly

5 fe at aw Open MMiaiai m 4FOR SALE 50 heatwand chairs VieaaaH alao

fMcboard awitahie far sees bold-er bar PItIES ft BOPWQ sad K ata BW

FOR SALE Tanitare at rhtly usedatock Dairy loach ammo c per Iniiai hot

china He par doara room toveacheap FRIES BOTWOOP 8th sad K ata nw-


FOK SALE Cnhjpidm Jhttnniica best ha duof Saval Was Bairn df SaT f WheBJoa

lOa SALK Good iriraad haad cashcheap Aadiuai MON W ttk ome

JOlt SALE Drjawatfe aewavS at BW

Call say mam attar a aU K at aeS3-

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FOR SALECM fee Motor aicyde Vftbertepower flntcJaaa luadUiua party tarvmc

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curtzim btenkeu comtorta MCBC aaddothiac etc Addr BOX SK this

fel3 t-

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week Also targeII or caM tar list JAMCS-

E CLEMEarrS MM G at nw teVlm-t 9 dowa aahiart moathly biasesMERCE t PIEItCK Yieeaa m4 30

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let CEO R HILL OS llth at mr


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machiati 5 attachments sad five yean guar-antee FUNKS 331 C at se e4MUSK LESSONS 85 casts twenty ream ex-perieace higbeat refcreateo aw-



Start with this Square Piano wewill sill you for B-

Thta whenever yourr ready lor awell take it hack sad allow you hilt i

F G SMITH 1225

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7 A M DAILY PtTX8BCBG EIVRBm Par tsad fiMng Gars Harriaburg to PtttahargnM A V DAILY PENSSYLYANIA LtVtTSB

PtvOaaa Blupmr IMahac Sraakinc sad Oa-fervatfon Can Hartiaaurr to Chicago CfMto-aati St lasts Oevemad tadToledo Buffet Parlor Oar to Kaiitahni

I B A M DAILY FAffT USEBeSot Parlor Car

3M P M DAHY CHrCAOO AN ST LCTBECPRffBE IBtnainr Car Waaamcm to Stto IndaiaapoUt St Lavas Losnovftle TM Cmv


moB Sleopias Car MaxrMwrK to St Lsiah7 44 P M BAILY WKSTVKN TTTntltmr ruT

man Sleeping Car to Pittshunr CMaagaCar to Chieaeo-


to Cleverlead sad Ctaciaaatl Dtatoc tarP M DAILY PACIFIC EXPBBIKI IIman Car to7J4 A M DAILY BUFFALOwith threat Parlor Car Ttmtwc Car Mat

Smporiam Junctfon-


With throafdi BwCet Sfeepiac Oar sad Oaaeaes

P M OOJfGSKSIOKAL LIMITBB daMsfor New Ycrk sit Partor withCar from Baltimorefor Philadelphia New VorU aaa

the EatExpress 79 Dmis tire 7JT OMam CartDiatec Car M aad MsM-

BfaW Car A M-

awreP H MB sight On Stmaays 79D-

Nsteff Car 757 Cat ts69-MA 11 Dhna Car W f g a AJL BM tdS CBsafar Car foam Biitf-aote sbSO P M BfirBb Bhr

daierBaltimore f5is 79 7s 74 TsST-

M MVSa UsDO at X tttm-M4a 145 t SaD 4afrt

4 9 Sjn ga o Tim T-

Mh4 11 JS P M ltd aszas aSundays 7 7 7 C 10313 11 A M KOaV 1U nS 3N40 LicKed 4dn 4t5 S W-

at4 r M sad llija-

as weekdaysFar

week days44 P M-

TIaket omeof terser Fifteenth G StaeU-

to destination from hotris sod iiiihaeiiT-etephoae call 1441 tar PcsnsyiTaaia Malt

T d Cab ServiceJ B HrrCHINSON J R WOOO

General VaDafer Oae l aMeRCcr Acrnt-

Scheduls fat effect November 17 JIlLLeave Waatingtoa New J ner Ave sad 34-

Ckfezge sad Northwest K a m tM a sa-u CfeeiBnati St Louis sad LouisvillerJ p m Bight

PJttibonr and CleveteadS-B sad 1

Catammsa cad Wheeling p aa-

Wiachsiter m UI4f P f KI-xarar 246 p JB-

Aaaapolis U7J IliaD glliS a a5 B m

Frederick 6J8 t ft RBfc46 a im 1S13

jl S a m sad H 40 p a-BoyTaad wry palate

p3 J lr WtU JUM m-OattBersharx cad points IJSdS

pedals flSsSa m 11 i 4-

BJtteore week daya 39BOOB alit

p a Suadaya H0m nsj i u x

ROYAL BLUE LINEBaltteore Philadelphia Xw York

the Last W Diner lt8 9 BuffetDmer f e Diner a as TtsM

Diner 8dO Royal LimUed Ihser H4J-Baffct SOS Direr and 11 M 5steeple Car upest at J 9 eefoek-F sao Cars o all day trainAthaUc City 1iM sassJDaily UExcept Saaday Saarfar only

i Express traJai-Bssst e called for sat cheeked fr n botob and

residcaces hy Union Teacher Co ea orders leftat tfoket eficea CM PeaRsyrrxala seeDier orsthwest New York avenue aId Fifteenth Street anat rtatioa

Schedule to JawajT 14 KOCTrains leave from Peaasylvaala SUOac

ion Chariottv sad way stattoas-Al a Daily WaaaJazton Riehmoad sail

Florida Limtted Ffastelass coach she drawiasroom to JachMaviUe oar

U1S aTm Daily taatea States Past

New Orleaas-11JT a K DaOy Local ier WurtnUir aa-

ChariottosvOle401 p m Week Laexl let Hirrfsoe-

bme sad way station aa Maaaataa hraaeh-4d p m Daily Local for WarrBtM Md

CkaictattosviHe-HjS p m WetS day The Savtherc SB

AU PuBmaa tram New Teak and

tme Fto-drawiag room

d k m aisy W aad Caassanoasa-Limsted via Ljrachbcfr Ftostdass oaaea aaM-

leepiac car to Roaaoki KaorvOle OamMl sleeper to Aew Orlaam

sen M m Dai y

sad to AttestsMnaOaja Wednesday sad FMhqas Sunset souse

UwriestBak Aoxnata sat to ThaaMt-Bfaacc cat

vatiOB CIA tc Aslata sad Maeoa aaeepes tartll AtlWtX M 4dsav ar IKIeBK-


Va Saaday oalr for aftraaaat

Wednesdays aad fwteaafs for T ssshnin-

raairy Frosc Omsfotttstom

Tickets steeplac

checked throat hew heteU-


H HARDW1CK General PnoCr AmKi

L E B2OWN Ceaeral Ageat

Capital City

Atlanta New O

point V and

Omce MilE I BC1CCU


NOLTE at f h u aw it albs kited aad rem attvacttw erases MI Van

SV up Cal





ILouis cad sad DWa Oar Ua






A I totoj Fane except

IS X let HIlI


41 r X DAlLY far Sets ieLad lathe daily eseetI Sa wtIItte

W r Joe Cisesdekiss

Car Wsuklsgto to wdays outy

36 41t Car hocC



l weotsad clt


TaDM a4

JIor Pupss Creek L m as Do

lISt A 11511 IM-P X A L ad-I



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113 pUBII a m61U

a-lit 50 115fO jot

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ixi 636 I3 xaClt XUr1131 x15 S-QI xIJ aiMt5 f3t il40 iliaD x31 p m

All tralas Mluistaated with PiMac15



Sill a m Daily Local listrituebeecr


kittocar service


W u pIta aMel wt


Iiicar ireMew Yet sad MIatIa

toIIIIIIct iceIi DiIIIJ Neck FlMKIa-

tosad Poet sleeper

IHIrriIkGa aid tat tAkou


AU ebb

TrIwseSly to S C1IIIIIiIQs iiIIaw e

III J-J sad p1t5-

U lat-h

as the SaudiIG 2 a TaD 1IiIi-

a P-

ofiri aM IACII-

Ilite 11Sl a-po M Sf8-

II III tt 10 iI1r

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Uet P


w asbiDtoa PdIU x JL SbtiMA Pil

DAILY wft-PU X D7 00 p

traiIt IlL

c human0IMenabDa aItIi OMI-

Serpu to Atlanta ulss Ellade-

1EtrPisea cPt-

csills snJ aU P555k vc

A Pl LOO1 c C-


P-aR h-at

laPflllo pawrsaaw tail













00Parke to Jlarrisbarg

lee Pittibur

istoo Is fiseelebasag

ZIPI vUsl vie

5 Ease Mashch 54tapia SoudarIS A Blairi Mouse laity C1

is viaRochester Bedaki

NIagaraCar Waibtaytse kcheator

id it Zrk BeshaBudal sail Xiaara P55 daDy PuilacuSleisg BaMoMor


tress Wgtse 3141Dkde laD

Dada91 lee

cit140 huePuiisduIpfea lF Tdi 0 31

IL w34duys 241 sad 010 Ni-

etos without shears 744 Adaysoe

1011323 Lk44IS 415 431

7540 sad140

15 < 1-1a57Ll 710 1140

711 a ach

40 N naddayu 01

sadad at the alaMo Sixth sad K Streetssdere see be left 1st the sheekbg at


I4 laDsAM


5cad U4S 15

IaD440 I

way140 iS30

710 HRIS p-

154sgt iU4paD p is

537 jal40-7I5 xaD lIS aIJI iK 10 1151 is-fl14 x240 x40O xtaD 4133

x4150 xiOSIOx740


4tBaste asS

lot War


PheCIJuS cachea sail ibawsazreom sleeperDiai

Mob551 Moerratis ears U

Mx 5-

1134else eathTesiut pst n Frsac-zorlm ad Es-

fiatcluue t sad 51555h-eksOSsilLe Taupa s


M tT ltszbitss sadsea Liicd I4sa tree sad c

rouPkieue Ma3413a Wad

Lou Wauhiat ly is415 a wet days sod 4 p

34seek das sed a is theIrs lals

Thssi triad asks MashkVta a M is a

M Y x15tMdaU e010

esos4ci sail da4SM-cc had 5 uc MaUls

PCSSO ireess 54Sistita KapsiSaad decea

a Pea-


I 01 3kjaotRD FAST MALTbR

ts34r3i METROIOUW-V is AsDAlI Sleawti Most

iss Ddasz aic-essdyt idape 15 es PleO-

lsirelleatPttrrdiurg 5154gb SieShe

karat sk34a Iuck Jsauet-

A r7Al2 2 I tia-




aues hoc0 a c ssaalZ bs scO5i




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