WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier...

ALSO FROM THE PUBLISHERS OF DC MAGAZINE: FRONT DESK DC | CHARITY & SOCIAL DATEBOOK 4400 JENIFER STREET, NW, 4TH FLOOR, WASHINGTON, DC 20015 DC magazine is the preeminent luxury lifestyle publication in the greater Washington, DC, area, acting as the local authority on topics such as high-end retail, dining hot spots, design trends, and DC’s top tastemakers and personalities. As part of the award-winning MODERN LUXURY network of regional publications, DC magazine is able to deliver cutting-edge fashion spreads, international travel features and revealing celebrity profiles, ensuring its content consistently engages the cultured reader. Plus, thanks to a renowned team on the ground with its pulse on the market, interactive digital brand extensions and unrivaled events, DC magazine excels in capturing the metropolitan lifestyle, making it a valuable partner for companies wishing to reach DC’s most affluent consumers. MODERNLUXURY.COM PLUS DC Design House’s Next Sensational Act District’s Ultimate New Escape Home Tour: Hunt Country & the Art of Luxe Horsepower Players The Season’s Finest Soirees DC’s Most Dapper Sportsmen Featuring Superstar John Wall ISSUE

Transcript of WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier...

Page 1: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

aLsO FROm THE PUBLisHERs OF DC maGaZinE:front desk dc | charity & social datebook

4 4 0 0 J e n i f e r s t r e e t, n W, 4 t h f l o o r , Wa s h i n G t o n , d c 2 0 0 1 5

DC magazine is the preeminent luxury lifestyle publication in the greater Washington, dc, area, acting as the local authority on topics such as high-end retail, dining hot spots, design trends, and dc’s top tastemakers and personalities.

as part of the award-winning Modern luxury network of regional publications, DC magazine is able to deliver cutting-edge fashion spreads, international travel features and revealing celebrity profi les, ensuring its content

consistently engages the cultured reader. plus, thanks to a renowned team on the ground with its pulse on the market, interactive digital brand extensions and unrivaled events, DC magazine excels in capturing the metropolitan lifestyle,

making it a valuable partner for companies wishing to reach dc’s most affl uent consumers.


PLUSDC Design House’s Next Sensational Act

District’s Ultimate New EscapeHome Tour: Hunt Country & the Art of Luxe

Horsepower PlayersThe Season’s Finest Soirees

DC’s Most Dapper Sportsmen Featuring Superstar John Wall


Page 2: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

t h e m a r k e t

The GreaTer DC area is a

leaDinG markeT for affluenCe

in The us

sixout of ten

of the Most educated counties in the

us are located in Greater WashinGton

40restaurants in

the Metro reGion received ZaGat

scores of 25 or hiGher (out of a

possible 30).

nuMber of international Weekly non-stop fliGhts froM Greater dc airports

fortune 500 companies have their hQs in the WashinGton, dc Metropolitan reGion.



the Greater WashinGton Metropolitan reGion is hoMe to approxiMately

660 hotel properties & 106,051 rooms

sources: Metropolitan Washington airport authority and baltimore Washington international thurgood Marshall airport (June 2012);

us department of commerce office of travel and tourism industries (2011); destination dc

source: Greater Washington board of trade, 2013 regional report

source: us census bureau

source: destination dc

the Greater WashinGton area WelcoMed 1.8 million overseas visitors

new corporate headquarters have Moved here since 2008, More than anyWhere in the country.

4 of the top 5 highest-income counties based on median household income are in the dc metro area.Greater WashinGton has the highest median household income in the us, nearly 20 percent hiGher than any other MaJor Metropolitan reGion.

sources: 2012 american community survey by the us census bureau; Greater Washington board of trade, 2013 regional report

Page 3: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

t h e m a g a z i n e

DC maGazine Delivers The luxury loCal markeT like no oTher

luxury lifestyle, affluent influencers, the best neiGhborhoods.

We reach our print audience with an unmatched blend of direct residential mail, public place, luxury hotel, newsstand and event distribution throughout dc and the surrounding metro areas. this

happens selectively in only the top neighborhoods and retail zones and delivers an unparalleled audience.

We host and support hundreds of luxury, community & non-profit

events throughout the greater dc area

We are the magazine of choice for the finest luxury brands and the influencers

in our community.

We have a higher number of app doWnloads and more interaction with our apps than any other local luxury lifestyle magazine. our extensive eMail database and a thriving social network of active facebook fans and tWitter

followers further enhance our digital engagement with readers.

[DiGiTal savvy] c o n t e n t t h at e n g a g e s a f f l u e n t, e d u c at e d c o n s u m e r s

sources: ipsos Mendelsohn 2012 affluent adults hhi $100k+; 2011 Gfk Mri DC magazine reader profile study

$357,600 averaGe household incoMe

hold col l eGe deGrees : 82%hold post-Grad deGrees: 36%

have visited or contacted

an advertiser76%

Page 4: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

w h o i s r e a d i n gD C m a g a z i n e ?

appealinG To The mosT aCTive luxury Consumer

the basics

Male/feMale ..................................................................35%/65%

averaGe aGe .............................................................................42

colleGe Grad ........................................................................82%

post-Grad deGree .................................................................36%

oWn their oWn hoMe ........................................................89%

Married/partnered ...............................................................59%


readers per copy ....................................................................4.2

Median tiMe spent With an issue ................................. 59 min.

have read 3 out of 4 copies ...............................................60%


avG. household incoMe ............................................$357,600

avG. net Worth .........................................................$2,019,800

avG. hoMe value ....................................................... .$1,363,600

avG. investMent portfolio ......................................$1,073,400

taking action

As A result of reADing dc mAgAzine

visited or contacted an advertiser .................................76%

attended an advertised event ...........................................16%

visited an advertiser’s Website ...........................................41%

source: 2011 Gfk Mri DC magazine reader profile study, audience $150k. aaM audited.

82%of our readers prefer to buy

luxury brands

53%of our

readers find DC MaGaZine

resourceful When shoppinG for luxury Goods

Page 5: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

r e s u lt s

WhaT our aDverTisers are sayinG abouT DC maGazine

With much satisfaction, the tailored man has been advertising with DC magazine for the past 2 years. We have seen a signifi cant increase in

sales and infl ux of referrals, with rate of investment being muti-fold. the positive developments are

not only due to advertising with DC magazine but also due to the diligent efforts taken by publisher

peter abrahams and account manager kristin ikenson to promote our business. DC magazine

stands apart from other publishing ventures with its signature care for client personalization, infusing consistency and maximizing market readership, facilitating rewarding networking and superior

exposure. further, you are not just working with an account representative but rather with a strong team genuinely interested in making the

deal mutually worthy.

sanJay DasWaniTHE TaiLORED man

advertisinG in DC MaGaZine Was one

the best decisions We Made as a neW

business. We Gained iMMediate visibility

in one of our tarGeted Markets and

had our first call and sale Just a feW

days after our ad appeared. We also

appreciate the collaboration and

support froM our rep Who facilitates

introductions to coMpleMentary

businesses and supports our events.

it’s a refreshinG business relationship.



your ears were probably burning on thursday afternoon as i raved about my wonderful association with DC magazine. Just wanted you to know that i am grateful and appreciative. the care, effort and mindful appreciation you offer your advertisers is not the norm

and neither is progressions the norm. i believe that is why we

work well together. keep up the fab job and thank you again for making it easy to do business


CinDy FELDmanPROGREssiOns saLOn


Page 6: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

d i s t r i b u t i o n

TarGeTinG The mosT affluenT

reaDers in WashinGTon,

DC anD beyonD

40%direct residential mail

these copies are direct-mailed to homes in the most affluent zip codes in the greater dc area, as well as congressional and lobbyist offices.

30%public place

top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private jet terminals are among the premier public locations

displaying copies, adding significant breadth to our audience.

20%luxury hotels

placed in-room and with concierges in the finest hotels, these copies reach the discerning traveler.

5%select newsstand

With targeted precision, our magazines are out to get the most exposure from airports, barnes & nobles, and boutique newsstand placement

throughout the city.

5%event distribution

our magazines will always be at the most important, most exclusive, can’t-be-missed events throughout the year.

★ digital distribution

tablet devices and smartphones are reinventing how our readers consume content. accordingly, DC magazine is available in both app and digital

edition formats.

source: 2011 Gfk Mri DC magazine reader profile study, audience $150k. aaM audited.

o u r m o d e l

a custom survey conducted by Mri reveals a reader profile that embodies what most luxury retailers and markets would call

“the perfect luxury demographic,” a highly engaged audience with a strong interest in fashion, style and luxury goods that earns more and spends more than the readers of

any other local magazine.



Page 7: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

digital advertising

• online advertising on modernluxury.com and through custom–designed microsites and videos

• digital editions with interactive links and enhanced advertising options

• email marketing via weekly e-newsletter or dedicated e-mails deployed to our curated subscriber list

• Mobile apps with customized in-app interactivity

• social media campaigns reaching our dedicated facebook fans and twitter followers

events & promotion

• event creation—exclusively tailored events for highly targeted local infl uencers

• signature events presented throughout the year, designed to generate sales, build brand awareness and create strategic alliances

among leading upscale brands

• event sponsorships that leverage our high-profi le local and national partnerships. DC magazine offers advertisers affi liations

with complementary organizations and generates additional brand exposure to a broader, more involved audience.

full-service custom publishing

• custom print and digital ad design services

• custom print and digital advertorial layout design, photography and creation

• print and digital high impact unit concept and creation

• photography for special events

m a r k e t i n g

a 360-DeGree plaTform for

branDinG impaCT

Page 8: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

e d i t o r i a l c a l e n d a r

ulTimaTe in-The-knoW aCCess To a

luxury lifesTyle

January/february | best of the city issueaD CLOsE: DEC 1, 2012 | maTERiaLs DUE: DEC 1, 2012 | On saLE: Jan 1, 2013this highly anticipated feature includes the best of what’s new and upcoming in our city, with extended beauty coverage.special sections: top Health & Beauty experts; restaurant Week guide

march | sprinG fashion and hoMe desiGn issue aD CLOsE: FEB 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: FEB 1 | On saLE: maR 1the latest in seasonal trends and styles in fashion and home design.special sections: Premier & Private Dining; Charity & social Datebook; Venue masters

april | Men of style issueaD CLOsE: maR 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: maR 1 | On saLE: aPR 1our annual Men of style portfolio. plus: men’s fashion, best-in-class automotive and more!special section: spring market

may| suMMer travel issueaD CLOsE: aPR 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: aPR 1 | On saLE: may 1our award-winning array of dreamy destinations both near and far.special section: shop! DC

June | the niGhtlife and entertainMent issueaD CLOsE: may 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: may 1 | On saLE: JUn 1our hippest issue of the year, covering the artists and venues that make our city buzz after the sun goes down! special section: Best of Bridal

July/august | restaurant issueaD CLOsE: JUn 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: JUn 1 | On saLE: JUL 1our annual collector’s edition! this award-winning issue serves up our city’s hottest restaurants, best dishes, top chefs and infl uential personalities in the food and restaurant world. special section: restaurant Week guide

september | fall fashion issue/WoMen of styleaD CLOsE: aUG 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: aUG 1 | On saLE: sEP 1our most glamorous issue of the year! our collection of lust-worthy fashion and accessories.special section: Premier & Private Dining

october | Winter travel issueaD CLOsE: sEP 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: sEP 1 | On saLE: OCT 1our annual ski report and other worldly destinations. plus: weekend escapes. special sections: shop! DC; top Health & Beauty experts

november | philanthropy issue (plus: Gift Guide/JeWelry and Watches) aD CLOsE: OCT 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: OCT 1 | On saLE: nOv 1this feature salutes local do-gooders who have gone above and beyond for our cities’ charities.special section: Dynamic Women

december | arts and poWer issueaD CLOsE: nOv 1 | maTERiaLs DUE: nOv 1 | On saLE: DEC 1our exclusive Modlux power register of the super-smart, super-talented and super-connected cultural set.special section: Holiday gift guide

Page 9: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

a d v e r t i s e r s

DC maGazine’sDisTinGuisheD

branD parTners

action coach dcalison beshai styling

amazon andesamphora catering

an american in parisarlington arts centeraston Martin tysons

b&b italia usabacardi usa


best buybisoux salonblackberry


brooks brothersc Wondercadillaccalligaris

casey treeschanel

charlie palmerchevy chase pavilion

city centercoldwell bankercolor bar studio

convergent Wealth corcoran Gallery of art

core 72criswell automotive

crystal city biddavid yurman

dc central kitchendc Jazz festival

dr. ronald pearlmandr. daniel cave

dr. youssef obeidducard vineyards

dulles electricdzein studio, llc

early Mountain vineyardsedens

eileen fisherelie taharielysee 360emily Grace

ermenegildo Zegnaeuro Motorcars

evers & companyfaber castellfairmont dc

fairmont hamilton princessfederal realty


ford Motor companyforma design

four seasons WashingtonGant

Geoffrey lewis, ltdGeorgetown bid

Georgetown opticiansGeneral Growth propertiesGoodstone inn and estateGreater reston arts center

Grooming loungehammond Wilsonheart of america

hermeshosaka dental

hsbc bank usahuman rights campaign


icon Galleriail forno

ilene brostromimagination stage

intermixJ&G steakhouse

J. hodges + associatesJ. lambeth & co.

kabinkarma by erwin Gomez

kent 7 vurwenkentlands Mansionkohler company

l’artisizn lilylafayette 148

lagardere unlimitedlifetime fitness

logan 14long & foster

luigi parasmo salonlvMhMacy’sMarriott

Mayfl owersMedalase aesthetic centers

Mercedes benz usaMeridian pointMiller coors

Mind your body oasisMJ valet

Moda opticMr. porterMultifl or

neiman Marcusnest 301


occasions cateringoliver peoples

oronocapark hyatt Washington

parma Medi-spapartner Md

perfect planningpn hoffmanpoggenpohl

premium outletsprG hospitality

progressions salon and spaQatar

renu Med sparice restaurants

ridgewells cateringrise events

roche boboisroom & board

rostami oculo-facial plastic consultants

ruff plastic surgerysaks fifth avenue

salamander resort & spasavvy restseasons 52

sheridan MacMahon, ltdsiqin

skincandosmile design studio of

bethesdasoliloquy bridal couture

sony electronicssouth moon under

spilled Milkst. regis dcstellar smiles

strawberry Milk eventsswatch Group

tabandehtake 5 boutique

the eyewear Gallerythe frye company

the Grahamthe huxley

the Jeffersonthe tailored Man

the vein clinic of Washingtontiny Jewel box

tourneautransformer Gallery

tripper bustrousseau

true story studionsttr sotheby’s international

realtyurban country

urban pacevastu

vein clinics of americavoorthuis opticians

W salonWashington deluxe

Washington fine propertiesWashington Medical hair

clinicWestin Georgetown,

Washington, dcWindows catering

Wolf trap foundation for the performing arts

ZilliZoe boutique

Page 10: WASH MediaKit 2014 - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/dcmediakit.pdf · top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private

Modern luxury is the preeminent luxury lifestyle publisher in the us with 45 titles spanning the top markets in america.

Whether it’s a revealing celebrity profile, a special feature on the chicest trends in design, cutting-edge fashion spreads or an

in-depth review of city hot spots, Modern luxury excels in capturing the urbane metropolitan lifestyle. Modern luxury

benefits from the management services of cumulus Media – a partnership that reaches more than 140 million unique consumers

each month. as the nation’s largest pure play radio broadcaster, cumulus Media runs and operates 570 stations in 120 us

cities, as well as a nationwide radio network serving more than 4,000 radio stations.

t h e m o d e r n l u x u ry

n e t w o r k

naTional reaCh,

CommuniTy experTise