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  • 8/10/2019 Wash Design Document Pd


    Government of Mongolia / UNICEF Programme

    Mongolia: WASH in Schools !in"ergartens

    Pro#ect $esign $oc%ment

    A%sAI$ F%n"ing Pro&osal

    '()'*'()+$ate of $esign $oc%ment: $ec '())

    Document Revision: 257595466.doc

  • 8/10/2019 Wash Design Document Pd


    Mongolia: WASH in Schools an" !in"ergartens'()' , '()+

    Pro#ect $esign $oc%mentS%mmar-

    Mongolian conte.t

    Mongolias economy growth was a out 6.4! in 2"#" and is e$%ecting to increase duringthe coming years& mainly due to the mining sector growth. 't (aces high in(lation& andsoaring (ood %rices. )owever& a signi(icant %ercentage o( the %o%ulation remains largelyuntouched y the nations economic growth. *he %overty rate has remained stagnant at+5! nationally and 5"! in rural and %eri,ur an areas. 7+! o( the %oor wor- in low,%aying

    o s in ur an centres or in rural herding and (arming households. /ationwide& 42!o(children live in %overty and 2#! su((er (rom chronic malnutrition.Mongolia also (aces challenges related to its geogra%hy& harsh climate and lac- o( nationalroad in(rastructure& which ma-e logistical %lanning and im%lementation costlier and more%ro lematic than in many countries. 0limate change has also engendered such challengesas increasingly e$treme tem%eratures in summer and winter& water shortages& %oor water1uality& land degradation and deserti(ication& all o( which directly threaten livelihoods andnational (ood security.*he %ro ect target area 3huvsgul aimag# is the /'0 (ocal area (or 2"#2,2"#6. 't is anew %oc-et o( vulnera ility and has the least develo%ed status /D8 )umanDevelo%ment 'nde$ data .More than 5"! %er cent o( the rural %o%ulation has no access to sa(e water and nearly

    7"! has no access to ade1uate sanitation. ac- o( %ro%er water and sanitation in ruralschools and dormitories& where children s%end u% to nine months o( the year& remains acritical area o( concern. imited water access and overcrowded ;! have access to ade1uatewater. ; recent study on school dormitory conditions showed that the water su%%ly (or 74!o( 5"2 dormitories then in use& was carried (rom outside water -ios-s and wells& and 46!o( the water su%%ly did not meet hygienic standards. =nly 22! o( the dormitories hadindoor toilets and the remaining 7> ! had outdoor latrines ? most o( which were unsa(eand unhygienic.Pro#ect %tline

    #2 school and #2 -indergartens will e selected (or %artici%ation in this %ro ect in 3huvsgulaimag. *his re%resents a out one third o( the total schools and -indergartens in this aimag.*he %ro ect is designed as a %ilot %ro ect to demonstrate success(ul ;

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    Pro#ect 0#ective ': ((ective @oM mechanisms (or ;

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    Mongolia: WASH in Schools an" !in"ergartens

    Pro#ect $esign $oc%ment

    0ontents#. Bac-ground #

    2. ;nalysis and

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    4.## Ris- Management

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    #. Bac-ground#. 'n May 2"##& ;us;'D a%%roved a 0once%t Document (or a school ater& . 0on(irming the im%act o( the countrys dis%arities& a 2""9 study (ound that one third o(children (rom the lowest wealth 1uintile su((ered (rom malnutrition and other micronutrientde(iciencies such as ric-etsI one third were de%rived o( health and shelterI and hal( did nothave access to education.

    More than 5"! o( the rural %o%ulation has no access to sa(e water and nearly 7"! has noaccess to ade1uate sanitation. ac- o( %ro%er water and sanitation in rural schools and

    2 *he conce%t %eer review suggested that three years may e more a%%ro%riate given the %ilot nature o( the %rogram& ut given thelogistical and seasonal constraints& o( the target area& a (our year %rogram is considered more %ractical. 0onstruction is only (easi le inthe warmer months ty%ically May to

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    dormitories& where children s%end u% to nine months o( the year& remains a critical area o(concern.

    9. 'n its /ew 0ountry 8rogram su%%orting documents& /'0 notes that Lcorru%tion and %oorgovernance are undermining develo%ment and (uelling concerns a out national insecurity& asdisen(ranchised segments o( the %o%ulation are increasingly le(t ehind in the nationseconomic develo%ment. omen remain %olitically disem%owered. *heir a ility to a((ect %olicychange has een hindered y their e$clusion (rom %olitical %artici%ation .

    #". Mongolia also (aces challenges related to its geogra%hy& harsh climate and lac- o( nationalroad in(rastructure& which ma-e logistical %lanning and im%lementation costlier and more%ro lematic than in many countries. 0limate change has also engendered such challenges asincreasingly e$treme tem%eratures 7 in summer and winter& water shortages& %oor water1uality& land degradation and deserti(ication& all o( which directly threaten livelihoods andnational (ood security.

    ';' 2arget area * !h%vsg%l aimag##. ;s in any country& /'0 s su%%ort to Mongolia is a nationwide %rogramme with s%ecial

    (ocus on disadvantaged areas (or dis%arity reduction. *he current 0ountry 8rogramme 2""7,2"##& (ocused in the western& eastern regions and in the ur an shanty towns ger areas witha com%rehensive %ac-age o( interventions. ;s conse1uence& analysis conducted y the/ational Develo%ment and 'nnovation 0ommittee in 2"#" has shown that the geogra%hic(ocus a%%roach was success(ul and higher levels o( vulnera ility are now %revalent in%rovinces other than those selected. ;mong these& 3huvsgul aimag a%%ears as a new %oc-eto( vulnera ility& con(irming its least develo%ed status according to the /D8 )umanDevelo%ment 'nde$. urther analysis& ased on #5 social indicators (rom the 2"#" M'0+ metres while the high mountains are u% to +&5"" ma ove sea level. ;verage tem%erature in Muren in Fuly is P #7Q0 and in Fanuary is , 24Q0 withthe average tem%erature o( the whole year o( ,#.> degrees& ut tem%eratures are much colder

    in the higher areas. ivestoc- is the -ey economic activity.#4. *here are a out +5&""" -indergarten or school aged children in the entire aimag. *he%o%ulation o( Muren is a out +5&""" and has > schools and ## -indergartens. *he remaining26 schools and -indergartens are located in the soum centres.

    ';6 E"%cation Sector in Mongolia#5.

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    #6. Des%ite the re%orted high enrolment rates at 94.+ ! and >9.> ! in 2""9 res%ectively (or%rimary and asic education& the dro%out rate was high and the ma ority o( those who are le(t

    ehind the education system are children with disa ilities& children o( %oor migrant (amiliesand the ethno,linguistic minorities. *here is increasing commitment y the @overnment o(Mongolia to address these issues as re(lected in the /ational Develo%ment ! o( district schools had access to water& o( which only 5" ! met sa(etystandards (or drin-ing water.

    #>. $am%les o( the wea-ness in the

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    Fig%re '*' Mongolia WASH M$G Statistics

    ';8;' School WASH coverage an" facilities

    25. Readers not (amiliar with Mongolia conte$t should read ;ttachment ; which %rovides anoverview o( the conte$t o( schools and -indergartens in Mongolia and in the targetaimagA%rovince.

    26. Due the harsh weather conditions and rural li(estyles& many rural children s%end u% to ninemonths o( the year in schools and dormitories.

    27. *he 2"#" Mongolia @lo al

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    29. ater 1uality is re%ortedly tested every 1uarter y school authoritiesAaimag authorities. ! had outdoor latrines ? most o( which were unsa(e and unhygienic. *here is currently nodata availa le on athrooms where children shower and wash.

    +2. *he study also revealed that the learning achievement o( students (rom grades 4& 6 and 9staying in a dormitory with a central water su%%ly system and indoor latrines is higher y 9%oints in mathematics and 7.4 %oints in Mongolian language com%ared to that o( studentsstaying in a dormitory with no such (acilities.

    ++. *he status o( access to water and sanitation in schools constitutes a serious violation o(childrens rights in Mongolia& a (act most recently rein(orced y the

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    4+. ;lthough many schools have toilets with vents& doors where e$isting were o(ten o%enma-ing the cu icle light& as o%%osed to dar- & there was no gauEe on the vent %i%e and there

    was no dedicated wind access into the cu icle i( the doors were closed. Des%ite the vents&these toilets cannot there(ore e classi(ied as N'8 toilets and (ly nuisance was o served in thereconnaissance.

    44. 5imite"

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    here school dormitory systems rea- down& community shower systems are used ychildren who can a((ord this system.

    ';8;+ Actors in school/=in"ergarten WASH sector

    54. *a le 2 ,2 summarises the roles and res%onsi ilities o( -ey Mo@ agencies in relation to water and sanitation (acilities.

    2a0le '*' ?elevant GoM WASH sector res&onsi0ilities in !h%vsg%l aimag

    1roa" area ofres&onsi0ilit-

    Agencies / clarification of role /s-stem t-&e / comment

    ;imag %rovince centreMuren r an

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    management. *he cost is

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    6>. & 9&295 cases were diagnosed&accounting (or 22 %ercent o( communica le diseases. =( the )e%atitis ; cases recorded in

    2""7& over +6 ! occurred among children etween (ive and nine years o( age )ealth'ndicator& Mo)& 2""> . )e%atitis ; results in considera le long,term costs (or health systems&loss o( %roductivity among wor-ers and early death. *his national (inding is consistent with theanecdotal (indings o( the

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    Pro0lem Im&act Pro#ect@s &ro&ose" action

    )ygiene ehaviourin schools is su ,o%timal

    Diarrhoea diseases )e%atis ; out rea-s


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    ';9 1enefits of WASH in schools an" =in"ergartens75. ;mong its many ene(its #6: ;

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    model child %rotection and su%%ort systems and em%ower %arents and children with-nowledge on %revention o( violence

    ensure that at least 75 ! o( disadvantaged children and women ene(it (rom high,im%act%reventive health and nutrition interventions in a minimum o( #5 remote %rovinces& and

    ensure that %rimary school children have access to energy,e((icient water and sanitation(acilities and %ractise good hygiene& and that all health centres have (unctioning water and

    sanitation (acilities.

    ';B GoM engagement #. 'n general& all o( /'0 s ;

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    '; ;' A%sAI$@s Infrastr%ct%re for Gro7. *he %ro%osed activity %ur%orts to e (unded (rom ;

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    94. /'0 s recent %ro ect ;

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    6;' Goal an" 0#ectives#"#. Pro#ect Goal : Support Mongolia in developing child friendly schools and +indergartens to

    enhance achievement of the Millennium 3evelopment Goals4 5ational 3evelopment Strategy4and the 651CE/ Country Programme2

    #"2. Pro#ect 0#ective ): Suitable sustainable WASH facilities and appropriate hygienebehaviours by staff and children in all pro ect schools ,+indergartens by end of pro ect .

    #"+. *he num er o( sites and children targeted is: #2 schools& #2 -indergartens anda%%ro$imately 7&>"" childrenA%u%ils and >4" sta((2#.#"4. Pro#ect 0#ective ' : Effective GoM mechanisms for WASH in schools and +indergartens

    are established2

    #"5. 'n 8ro ect = ective #& the meaning o( suita le sustaina le ;

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    %tcome No Narrative+.2 'nce%tion Re%ort+.+ MC

    #">. *he attached logical (rame ;ttachment B e$%ands on these o ectives and outcomes.#"9. ntil the actual %ro ect schools and -indergartens are selected& and the site,s%eci(ic

    needs and solutions are identi(ied& it is not %ossi le to e %recise a out the details o( thein(rastructure to e %rovided. ;s schools and -indergartens are normally in very close%ro$imity& and as water su%%ly im%rovements will a ma or (ocus o( the %ro ect& it is most li-elythat they will oth e u%graded at the same time in one soum. *his will increase coste((iciency o( the %ro ect.

    ##". Des%ite these uncertainties& the general %rinci%les to e ado%ted& and the ty%icalstandards (or in(rastructure are:

    ater su%%ly would e %rovided y a drilled well s i.e. ore s & with water delivered to atan- 22 (or distri ution to the school and -indergarten. Reasona ly relia le %ower su%%ly isnormally availa le in all sites so %um%ing y electric driven %um%s is %ro%osed. 0onnection toa centralised system is considered unli-ely as it is very uncommon (or soum centres to have acentralised water system that can e e$tended. here groundwater is not via le& sustaina lealternatives would e investigated.

    'ndoor water (lushed toilets are %ro%osed as the standard 2+. *his allows (or year,round useand handwashing. here there is insu((icient s%ace in e$isting uildings& an e$tension orad oining uilding will e re1uired. *his will e connected to the schools heating system.

    here re1uired& shower (acilities in dormitories will e u%graded. here water shortages are antici%ated& eco san (acilities e.g. urine diverting toilet devices as

    trialled in some eastern uro%ean countries 24 will e considered& although& to date& there ise$tremely limited %roven acce%tance o( these (acilities in such settings in Mongolia25.

    Drainage (rom (i$tures e.g. sin-s will e %lum ed to outside the uilding into soa- %its orse%tic systems to ensure that groundwater is not contaminated.

    ;ll (acilities will ensure disa led (riendly access to ;

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    Activit- No; Narrative#.5.+ =CM *raining

    9est Practice documentation2.#.# valuate and analyse %ro ect outcomes (or est %ractice documentation2.#.2 8romote and %u licise (indings

    3raft 5ational WASH standard for Schools and :,Gs2.2.# 8romote -ey sta-eholder uy,in y study tours and trainings2.2.2 . *his %ro%osed

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    there(ore contri ute to this wider national data ase develo%ment. *his data com%onent willalso directly contri ute to redressing the lac- o( national ;

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    2a0le 6*9 1%"get overvie< 3ro%n"e" to tho%san"s of AU$4

    Item Dear '()' Dear '()6 Dear '()8 Dear '()+ 2otal

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    #+". *he role o( the 8ro ect

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    #52. *a le 4 ,7 summarises the -ey MC roles and res%onsi ilities o( %arties in the %ro ectim%lementation.

    2a0le 8* Monitoring an" eval%ation res&onsi0ilities

    Activit- Categor- When ?es&onsi0ilit-


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    8;B Proc%rement Arrangements#7#. ollowing its internal %rocedures

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    M 0< via ;imag ducation De%artment& ut the (unding is insu((icient to cover soa%& toilet%a%ers& cleaning detergents etc27. *he %ro ect will advocate (or im%roving this situation.

    #77. M 0< and ;imag ducation De%artment e((ectively the schools themselves will eres%onsi le (or ongoing health A hygiene %romotion. /'0 s role will %rovide su%%ort tothese school (or this& ased on their needs. ;t a school level& school doctors and studentshealth clu grou% will %romote health A hygiene %romotion. *he ater ;uthority and Ministryo( )ealth 8u lic )ealth 'nstitute will e involved in %romoting e((icient water use& sa(e water

    su%%ly and handling issues.

    8;)( ver Arching Polices

    8;)(;) Chil" Protection

    #7>. *he %rovision o( ;2. *he %rovision o( ;+. *he %artici%atory %lanning o( ;

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    these im%acts would e local and relatively minor and would e managed on a case y caseasis at each site (ollowing national guidelines as %art o( the design %rocess.

    #>9. *here are no -nown activities which would suggest an early chec- on environmentalissues that are re1uired to ensure com%liance with ;us;'D s legal o ligationsI (or e$am%le&under the nvironment 8rotection and Biodiversity 0onservation ;ct.

    #9". Monitoring will ca%ture any une$%ected environmental im%acts.

    #9#. 0hoice o( lighting and heating o%tions o( ;

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    8;)) ?is= Management Strategies#94. *a le 4 ,#" summaries the identi(ied ris-s that could a((ect the im%lementation and

    e((ectiveness o( this %rogramme& the ris- %ro(ile and the ris- management strategies.

    2a0le 8*)( Critical ris= an" mitigation strategies

    ?is=s ?is=&rofile ?is= Management Strategies

    Buy,in (rom @oM islow


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    ?is=s ?is=&rofile

    ?is= Management Strategies

    8oor identi(icationo( customiEedneeds (or eachschool& ma-ingunrealistic costestimates.

    Medium Review udget a(ter site selection %rocess and at end o( eachdesign