Warren Partners Magic Story

A short story about a business, a philosophy and the courage of your convictions.

Transcript of Warren Partners Magic Story

A short story about a business, a philosophy and the courage of your convictions.

An odd sort of mix - philosophy and business.

But, if you think about it, we bet you can name five or six major companies whose success is built on the ethics of their founders.

OK - none of them are search & selection businesses. It's not a sector that trumpets moral values, after all.

So, what made us think, all those years ago, that an ethical search & selection consultancy was a great business idea?

We put it down to a potent blend of experience and confidence.

Experience as candidates, with calls not returned, only the bare facts about the prospective job, little help in preparing for interviews and no constructive feedback afterwards.

Experience from the employer's side of the fence - wanting to find a recruitment partner who would understand the culture and values of the company, not just make a quick buck.

Experience as headhunters - pressured for fees, pressured for time, feeling like a necessary evil rather than a trusted advisor.

And then, in 1999, came the confidence. The over-powering feeling that there was a better way of doing it, and that we were the people to prove it.

We started with just two faithful clients and a philosophy - 'Treating others as we want to be treated'.

It turned out to be a winning philosophy. Warren Partners has grown spectacularly, winning the trust of businesses and candidates at the very highest levels and winning national awards.

What's your business philosophy?

The end.

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T: 0845 261 0600F: 0845 261 0606E: [email protected]